
2.常用词语汇编1公共警示用语爱护公共财物Protect (or: Take Care of) Public Property 办公时间:上午8时——下午4时Office Hours: 8: 00 a.m. —4: 00 p.m.保持干燥Keep Dry报纸阅后请放回原处Replace the Newspapers After Reading 本地区内放置有老鼠药Rats Bane Has Been Placed in This Area 本店不收信用券(卡) We Accept No Credit Card本票有效期为三天This Ticket Is Valid for Three Days本校教职工专用Reserved for Faculty便后冲洗便池Flush the Toilet Bowl After Using It不得触摸,后果自负Handle at your Own Risk不得入内Keep out不得随地吐痰Don’t Spit on (upon) the Floor不许在门口通道处堆放任何障碍物Keep This Doorway Free of Obstruction 不准采摘花果Don’t Pick flowers and Fruit不准抽烟No Smoking (Smoking Not Allowed)不准调头No U-Turn不准砍伐树木Don’t Fe ll Trees /Felling Trees Forbidden 不准乱扔烟头No Cigarette Disposal不准小贩叫卖No Hawkers不准携带食物和饮料入内No Food or Drinks to Be Brought in不准携犬入内No Dogs不准在此停留No Standing不准在此涂写No Scribbling不准在此招贴违者罚款Post No Bills, Stickers Will Be Fined不准招贴No Bills (Circulars)只准从左边超车Pass (on the ) Left Only中速行驶,安全礼让Drive at Moderate Speed, Yield Right of Way for Safety’s Sake 不准停车No Parking不准超车No Overtaking车辆未经批准不得入内No Entry for Unauthorized Vehicles红灯亮时请停车Stop on Red (Signal)不准违章行车No Driving Against Traffic Regulations 超车道Overtake Line单(双)行道One-Way (or: Two-Way) Traffic紧急停车道Emergency Parking Strip减速行驶Reduce Speed Now禁止无照行车Driving Without License Is Forbidden特大车辆从右边出Oversize Vehicles Exit Right(车、船等)开往武汉For Wuhan此路通往长沙To Changsha此处不能出去No Way Out此端向上This Side Up此房出租House to Let此路不通Blocks (Blocked)此门不通Closed1选自温秀颖等编著的《英语翻译教程》附录二(有增减),南开大学出版社,2001当心触电Ware Live Wire电梯待修Elevator Out of Service陡坡上爬Steep climb陡坡下降Steep Descent厕所由此去This Way to the Toilet厕所暂停使用W. C. Closed对号入座Seat by Number免票入场Admittance Free凭柬入场Admission by Invitation Card Alone凭票入场Admission by Ticket Only演出(放映)时请勿谈话No Talking During the Show演出进行时不得入场Late Comers Will Not Be Ushered in Until the Interval演出延期举行,入场券继续有效Show Postponed, Tickets Remain Valid请注意以上影片上映时间Watch Out for the Showing Times of These Pictures非公莫入No Admittance Except on Business游客止步Crew Only本店(处)人员专用Employees (or: Staff) Only地面湿滑,敬请小心!Wet Floor!办公设备专营公司Office Systems Pty. ( Pty. = propriatery,专有的,专卖的) 专利商品名propriatery term专利技术propriatery technology非卖品Not for Sale一年保修one year warranty妇幼免费入场Children and Women Admitted Free妇幼优先(入场,上车等) Children and Women First概不出借Not for Loan购物请先按铃Ring Bell for Service顾客止步Customers Please Refrain from Entering This Area欢迎(谢绝)参观Inspections Welcome (Declined)欢迎参观,可不购物Feel Free to Browse Around, You Are Under No Obligation to Buy欢迎批评建议Criticisms and Suggestions Welcome即修即取Instant Repairs假日休息(重要会议),停止营业Closed for Holiday (Important Meeting)检查武器后方许人内Check All Weapons Before Entering节约用电Save (on) Power节约用水Economize on Water今天不营业No Business Today仅供参观For Inspection Only谨防恶犬Be Aware of Furious Dogs自行车出租Bikes for Rent禁止并行骑车 A Breast Cycling Prohibited此地不准骑车No Bike Riding骑自行车出入请下车Cyclists Please Dismount at the Gate人行通道不准骑自行车Footpath Only, No Cycling Allowed前面连续转弯Consecutive Curves Ahead禁止入内Off Limits禁止损坏花木Forbidden to Injure Flowers and Trees禁止通行Closed to Traffic禁止通行No Thoroughfare禁止在此小便Commit No Nuisance静Quiet来客请登记Please Sign the Guest Register残疾人士专用Reserved for the disabled满座(客满) Full (or: All Full, Full House, Full Up)门往外(内)开Door Swings Out (In)灭火箱Fire Hydrant Box灭火专用For Use Only in Case of Fire鸣笛Sound Horn莫触高压电缆Don’t Touch High-Tension Wire内有空调,关好门窗Air Conditioned Areas, Please Keep the Doors and Windows Closed内有照片Photos Enclosed票(证)仅当日有效Ticket Good Only on the Day of Issue票售出后,不退不换Tickets Cannot Be Exchanged, nor Money Refunded 凭票入场(上车) Ticket Holders Only前面施工Workmen (Construction) Ahead钱款请当面点清,出门后本店概不负责Please Check and See if the Money Is Right,We are not Responsible After You Leave the Store切勿近火(受热、受潮) Keep Away from Fire (Heat, Moisture)轻拿轻放Handle Gently请保留招贴Please Save (Leave) the Bill请备零钱购票Please Pay Exact Fare请出示证件Please Show Your Papers (or: Credentials)请等候安排入座Please Wait to Be Seated请付现金(人民币) Please Pay in Cash (in RMB)请靠左走Keep (to the ) Left请莫触摸展品Please Do Not Touch the Exhibits请排队购票Line (Queue) Up for Tickets请随手关门Please Shut the Door After You请脱鞋(Take) Off (Your) Shoes, No Shoes, Off Shoes请往后站Stand Back请勿把物品堆放在此通道处(交叉路口) Keep This Passageway (Intersection) Clear请勿把纸丢入马桶Please Don’t Throw Paper Towel into Toilet请勿打扰(喂食给)动物Don’t Tease (Feed) the Animal请勿倒置Keep Top Side Up请勿靠近Keep Away请勿用手摸展品Hands Off the Exhibits请勿越过栏杆Do Not Proceed Beyond Rail请先擦去鞋上的泥尘后进来Wipe Your Shoes and Boots Before Entering请先敲门Knock请向后拉Pull请向前推Push请用皮带牵住狗Dogs Must Be Kept On the Leash (Lead)请在此处付款Please Pay Here全部书籍均作参考用,不得拿出室外All Books for Reference Not to beTaken Out of the Room人走关灯Turn Off the Light Before (or: As) You Leave如遇火警,请按电铃In Case of Fire Ring the Alarm Bell商品按价打九折Ten Per Cent Discount off the Prices of Goods商品退换须有完整包装和出售发票No Refunds or Exchanges Without CompleteFactory Packing and Sales Slip上面施工注意安全Danger, Men Working Overhead上下楼梯时请小心Watch Your Step on Stairs身高一米以下的儿童免费入场Children Under One Meter Admitted Free收费站Toll Bar (or: Gate)私室Private死胡同Dead End (Lane)速度限制:30公里/小时Speed Limit: 30km/h损坏公物要赔Pay for Public Property You Damage提早收市Early Closing Day吐痰入盂Spit Into the Spittoon外出Out外国人无特殊许可证请止步Out of Bounds for Foreigners Without Special Permits外人止步Staff Members Only危险,有电缆通过Danger, Cable Cross未经护士许可不得入内Check(ing) With Nurse Before Entering未经准许,不准拍照No Unauthorized Photography无出入证不许入内No Admittance Without a pass无人占用Vacant勿踩草地Don’t Trample on Grass勿乱扔脏物Take Your Litter With You勿让儿童靠近此地Keep Out of Reach of Children勿踏草地Keep off the Grass (Lawn)勿用挂钩Use No Hooks物件破损须赔偿Any Damages or Breakages Must be Paid for物件自理,如有遗失,概不负责We Accept No Responsibility for the Loss of Anything 物品损坏照价赔偿Pay Full Price for Anything Damaged下班时间Off Duty闲人免入,违者法办Trespassers Will Be Prosecuted小心玻璃Glass, Attention小心火车Stop, Look and Listen小心轻放Handle With Care小心有毒Poison, With Care小心着火See to (or: Guard Against, Beware of) Fire谢绝参观Not Open to Visitors谢绝参观Visitors Declined (Not Admitted)行车道Drive Line修理店面,暂停营业Closed During (or: for) Repairs修理东西,随修随取Repairs Done While You Wait学校附近禁止鸣笛School About, No Honking (or: No Horn)严禁(不准)在此打枪(洗澡、游泳、打猎、捕鱼、钓鱼、打柴) Shooting (Bathing, Swimming,Hunting, Fishing, Angling,Firewood Collecting) Forbidden(Prohibited, Not Allowed)严禁拍照Cameras Forbidden严禁吸烟,违者罚款5美元Smoking Prohibited Under a Penalty of 5 Yuan for Any offence 夜间有事,请按此铃Night Bell一慢、二看、三通过Slow Down, Look Around, Cross医院附近,保持安静Silence, Hospital About已经预订(约) Reserved易燃物品请勿近火Inflammables—Keep Away From Fire用毕放回架上Please Return to Rack After Use油漆未干Wet Paint有人占用Engaged (or Taken)暂停营业Business Temporarily Suspended展品For Display (Show)展品暂缺Exhibits Temporarily Off (Empty)招贴即撕Posters Will Be Torn Down照常营业Business as Usual昼夜营业Round-the-Clock Business注意不要丢失东西Take Care Not to Leave Things Behind 注意车辆转弯Caution, Buses Turning注意儿童,车辆缓行Watch Children About注意公共卫生Pay Attention to Public Hygiene注意前面急转弯Attention, Sharp Turn Ahead抓住扶手Hold on Handrail自行车不得带人No Cycling Double公共场所名称(Names of Public Places)餐厅Dinner Hall厕所W. C. (or: Lavatory)车库Garage太平门Emergency Door入口Entrance (Or: Entry, Way In)出口Exit (or: Way Out)出口由此去To Exit传达室Gate House倒垃圾处Dump服务台Room Service候车(机、船)室Waiting Room接待室(处) Reception Office酒吧Bar旅客(顾客)留言Visitors’ (or: Customers’) Book失物招领处Lost and Found Department收发室Dispatchers’ Office售票处Ticket (or: Booking) Office体育馆Gymnasium (Gym)停车场Parking Place问讯处Inquiries (or: Inquiry Office)问讯台Information Desk吸烟区Smoking Section小卖部Shop行李存放处Luggage Declaration行李领取处Luggage Claim行李申报处Luggage Declaration休息处(室) Lounge夜间服务窗Night-Service Window衣帽(存放)间Cloak (or: Check) Room意见箱Complaint Box游艺厅(室) Recreation Room (House)自行车存放处Bike Park国务院所属各部、委、局的名称(Names of the Ministries, Commissions and Bureaus Under theState Council)财政部Ministry of Finance公安部Ministry of Public Security广播电影电视部Ministry of Radio, Film and Television国防部Ministry of National Defense国家安全部Ministry of State Security国家标准总局State Bureau of Standardization国家测量制图局State Bureau of Surveying and Cartography国家档案局State Archives Bureau国家地震局State Bureau of Seismology国家发展计划委员会State Development Planning Commission国家海洋局State Oceanic Bureau国家计划生育委员会The State Family Planning Commission国家计划委员会The State Planning Commission国家计量总局State Bureau of Metrology国家教育委员会the State Commission of Education国家经济体制改革委员会the State Commission for Restructuring Economic System 国家经济委员会the State Economic Commission国家科学技术委员会the State Science and Technology Commission国家民族事务委员会the State Nationalities Affairs Commission国家商品检验局State Commodity Inspection Bureau国家税务局State Taxation Administration国家体育运动委员会the State Physical Culture and Sports Commission国家统计局State Statistical Bureau国家新闻出版署State Press and Publications Bureau国土资源部Ministry of Land and Natural Resources国务院港澳办公室Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Office Under the State Council 国务院侨务办公室Overseas Chinese Affairs Office Under the State Council海关总署General Administration Industry华侨事务委员会Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission监察部Ministry of Supervision建设部Ministry of Construction教育部Ministry of Education社会劳动保障部Ministry of Labour and Social Security劳动人事部Ministry of Labour and Personnel林业部Ministry of Forestry民政部Ministry of Civil Affairs审计署Auditing Administration司法部Ministry of Justice铁道部Ministry of Railways外国专家局Bureau of Foreign Experts Administration外交部Ministry of Foreign Affairs卫生部Ministry of Public health文化部Ministry of Culture新华社Xinhua News Agency信息产业部Ministry of Information Technology and Telecom Industries邮电部Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications中国国际旅行社China International Travel Service中国旅行社China travel Service中国民用航空总局General Administration of Civil Aviation of China中国人民银行the People’s Bank of China中国文字改革委员·Committee for Reforming the Chinese Written Language 中国中央电视台China Central Television Station (CCTV)中央历史档案馆Central Historical Archives中央气象局Central Bureau of Meteorology中央人民广播电台the Central People’s Broadcasting Station中央文史研究馆Central Research Institute of Culture and History宗教事务局Bureau of Religious Affairs中国节假日名称(Names of Holidays)元旦N ew Year’s Day国际劳动妇女节International Working Women’s Day国际劳动节International Labour Day五一节May Day中国青年节Chinese Youth Day国际儿童节International Children’s Day党的诞生日P arty’s Birthday建军节Army Day国庆节National Day春节Spring Festival元宵节(灯节) Lantern Festival清明节Pure Brightness Day扫墓节Graveyard-Sweeping Day端午节Dragon-Boat Festival中秋节Mid-Autumn Festival重阳节Double Ninth Festival (the 9th day of the 9th lunar month)中国二十四节气(The Twenty-Four Solar Term of China)立春the Beginning of Spring雨水Rain Water惊蛰the Waking of Insects春分the Spring Equinox清明Pure Brightness谷雨Grain Rain立夏the Beginning of Summer小满Grain Full芒种Grain in Ear夏至the Summer Solstice小暑Slight Heat大暑great Heat立秋the Beginning of Autumn处暑the Limit of Heat白露White Dew秋分the Autumn Equinox寒露Cold Dew霜降Frost’s Descent立冬the Beginning of Winter小雪Slight Snow大雪Great Snow冬至the Winter Solstice小寒Slight Cold大寒Great Cold中国古典名著(Titles of Well-Known Chinese Literary Works)《长生殿》“Palace of Eternal Youth”《封神演义》The Canonization of The Gods《镜花缘》Flowers in the Mirror《牡丹亭》The Peony Pavilion《桃花扇》Peach Blossom Fan《西厢记》The Western Chamber《孽海花》 A flower in an Ocean of Sin《老残游记》The Travels of Lao Can《聊斋志异》Strange Stories from a Chinese Studio/ Chinese Ghost and Love Stories 《金瓶梅》Jin Ping Mei, golden Lotus《儒林外史》The Schoilars/The Informal History of the Literati《水浒传》Water Margin, Outlaws of the Marsh《西游记》Journey to the West, Pilgrimage to the West, Monkey《三国演义》Romance of the Three Kingdoms《红楼梦》 A Dream of Red Mansions, Dream of the Red Chamber, The Story of a Stone 《诗经》The Book of Songs, The Book of Odes, The Book of Poetry《楚辞》Poetry of the South《春秋》The Spring and Autumn Annals《汉书》History of the Former Han Dynasty《史记》Historical Records, Records of the Historian《书经》(《尚书》) the Book of History《大学》The Great Learning《四书》The Four Books《五经》The Five Classics《礼记》The Book of Rites《孟子》Mencius《论语》The Analects of Confucius《道德经》The Classic of the Virtue of the Tao (the Book of Lao Zi, Dao De Jing)《易经》(《周易》) The Book of Changes《战国策》Strategies of the Warring States Period《中庸》The doctrine of the Mean《左传》(《吕氏春秋》) Autumn and Spring of Mr. Lu《文心雕龙》Dragon Carving and the Literary Mind汉译英经济词语选补发拖欠的养老金clear up pension payments in arrears不动产real estate; immovable property不良贷款non-performing loan/ bad loans财产权property right财产税property tax财政赤字financial deficits差价price difference差价关税variable import levy承包责任制contract and responsibility system; system of contracted responsibility承包商contractor层层转包和违法分包multi-level contracting and illegal subcontracting城乡信用社credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas城镇居民最低生活保障 a minimum standard of living for city residents城镇职工医疗保险制度the system of medical insurance for urban workers吃回扣get commission出口信贷export credit初级阶段primary stage大款tycoon; moneybags贷款质量loan quality贷款质量五级分类办法the five-category assets classification for bank loans 担保人guarantor; guarantee担保物collateral倒爷profiteer第二产业secondary industry第三产业tertiary industry第一产业primary industry董事director; trustee董事长chairman (or president) of the board of directors董事会board of directors; board of trustee对外开放opening to the outside world; opening up对外贸易foreign trade多种经营diversified economy防范和化解金融take precautions against and reduce financial risks防洪工程flood-prevention project非法外汇交易illegal foreign exchange transaction非贸易收汇foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels非银行金融机构non-bank financial institutions费改税transform administrative fees into taxes分红draw dividends岗位责任制system of personal responsibility跟踪审计follow-up auditing工程监理制度the monitoring system for projects公积金accumulation fund股份公司joint-stock company; stock company股份有限公司company limited股票交易所stock exchange股票经纪人stockbroker股票市场stock market官倒official-speculator国库券State treasury bond; treasure bill国债national debt过渡开垦excess reclamation退耕还林reforestation石油换食品oil-for-food经济制裁economic sanction合同管理制度the contract system for governing projects回扣sales commission积极的财政政策pro-active fiscal policy基本生活费basic allowances结售汇制度the system of exchange settlement and sales解除劳动关系sever labor relations金融监管责任制the responsibility system for financial supervision经济技术开发区economic and technological development zone经济实体economic entity经济体制economic structure控股公司holding company扩大国内需求the expansion of domestic demand拉动经济增长fuel economic growth捞外快make an extra money劣质工程shoddy engineering乱收费、乱摊派、乱罚款arbitrary charges, find-raising, quotas and fines市场疲软 a slump market美元疲软weak dollar骗汇、逃汇、套汇obtain foreign currency under false pretense, not turn over foreign currency owed to the government and illegal arbitrage偷税、逃税tax evasion平均主义equalitarianism期汇forward exchange期货合同forward contract期货价格forward price企业集团enterprise group人才外流brain drain融资渠道financing channels偷税、骗税、逃税、抗税tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes外汇收支foreign exchange revenue and spending信托公司trust company。

Chinese-English Dictionary of Public Signs公示语规范汉英辞典大全深圳市人民政府外事办公室、深圳市翻译协会编制警示牌信息篇英语翻译一禁止未成年人进入Adults Only小心磕碰/当心碰撞Beware of Collisions紧急情况击碎玻璃/ 紧急时击碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency小心玻璃Caution: Glass! / Caution! Glass / Beware of Glass系好安全带Fasten Safety Belt请系好安全带Buckle Up / Fasten Your Seat Belt系好安全带,防止车祸发生Fasten seat belts to prevent injuries请您注意交通安全Drive Safely请注意交通信号灯Please Watch for Traffic Lights注意安全,请勿靠近Keep Away for Safety注意安全CAUTION! / Caution!禁止携带腐蚀性物品乘扶梯Carrying corrosive articles in the elevator / lift prohibited上下楼梯、走楼道靠右行Keep Right勿将物品放入扶梯间隙处Don’t put anything on the escalator gap禁止用扶梯运送货物Transporting cargo by escalator prohibited勿运货物No Cargo不要站在扶梯边缘Don’t stand on the edge of the escalator遇有火灾请勿用电梯Don't Use Elevator in Case of Fire电梯故障停运正在维修,请原谅Escalator under repair. Sorry for the inconvenience 禁止在电扶梯上追逐嬉闹No Running on Escalator小心烫伤Caution! Hot小心有毒Caution! Poisonous Material小心地滑/小心滑倒Caution! Slippery / Caution! Wet Floor / Watch out. Floor Slippery雷雨天禁止拨打手机Cellphones Prohibited during Thunderstorms驾车时禁用手机Don't Use Cellphones When Driving请将手机静音Please Mute Cell phones请关闭通讯工具Please Turn off Cellphones请爱护公共财产/设施Cherish Public Facilities爱护公共财物Protect Public Property/ Take Care of Public Property / Public Property, Please Respect损坏公物要赔Pay for public property you damage/ Damage to the public property will be penalized1 米以下儿童须家长陪同乘坐Children under 1 meter must be accompanied by an adult老人孩子须有成人陪同The elderly & children must be accompanied by an adult老人、儿童乘电梯请由家人陪同The elderly and children must be accompanied when taking the escalator老、幼乘梯需家人陪同The elderly and children must be accompanied请到检票处换硬币Coin Change at Ticket Check/Office骑自行车出入请下车Cyclists please dismount at the gate / Please get off your bicycle when passing through人行通道不准骑自行车No Cycling on Sidewalk / No bicycle riding on the footpath 请绕行/车辆绕行Detour / Vehicle By-pass行人绕行No Through Route for Pedestrians/ Pedestrians Detour施工请绕行Detour. Construction Ahead正在检修,请绕行Detour. Maintenance in Progress红灯停、绿灯行Red Light, Stop; Green Light, Go急转弯请慢行Drive Slowly on Sharp Turns / Sharp Turn, Drive Slowly!慢行/车辆慢行Slow Down出口请慢行Slow Down at Exit雨雪天气请慢行Drive slowly in rain or snow前方弯路慢行Bend Ahead. Slow Down!前方斜坡请慢行Slope Ahead, Drive Slowly!减速慢行,避让行人Slow Down. Give Way to Pedestrians注意行人Watch Out for Pedestrians不要超速行驶No Speeding禁止通行/禁止通过No Admittance严禁通行/禁止入洞No Entry / No Admittance禁止驶入No Entry危险Danger危险,请勿靠近Danger! Keep Away当心触电Danger!High Voltage止步,高压危险Danger! High Voltage有电危险Danger! High Voltage危险路段Dangerous Section/ Area请勿打扰Do Not Disturb请勿蹬踏Don’t Step On禁止触摸Don’t Touch请勿触摸Don’t Touch / No Touch油漆未干,请勿触摸Wet Paint. Do Not Touch勿踩草地Don’t Trample on Grass勿踏草地Keep off the Grass/ Please Walk around the Lawn请勿践踏草坪Keep off the Grass请节约用纸Don’t Waste Paper请节约用水Please Save Water / Don't Waste Water用后请关紧水龙头Please Leave the Tap off/ Turn off the tap after use通道禁止停留Don't Block Access消防通道,禁止停车Emergency Vehicle Access. Keep Clear消防通道,请勿占用Fire Engine Access. Don't Block!消防通道,禁止停车Fire Engine Access. No Parking防洪通道,请勿占用Flood Control Channel. Keep Clear! / Floodgates. Keep请勿把物品堆放在此通道Keep Passageway Clear/ Keep Clear禁止酒后驾车/严禁酒后开车Don't Drink & Drive/ Drink & Drive Banned严禁酒后驾车Drunk Driving is Forbidden严禁中途下车No Drop off between Stops请勿疲劳驾驶Don't Drive when Tired禁止停车/禁止停放车辆No Parking高血压、心脏病患者以及晕车、晕船、酗酒请勿乘坐Drunks, sufferers of hypertension, heart disease and motion sickness not allowed on board请勿将手臂伸出车外Keep Arms inside Carriage请勿挤靠车门,以免发生危险For your safety, please keep clear of the door请勿挤靠Keep Clear of the Door请勿挤靠在XXX 上Please don't push or lean on XXX禁止倚靠No Leaning严禁倚靠No Leaning禁止手扶门Keep Hands off the Door请勿手扶Keep Hands Off/ Don't Touch/ Please Keep off禁止开窗Keep Windows Closed / Don't Open Windows请您不要随意移动隔离墩Don't Move Barriers请您不要坐在护栏上边Don't Sit on the Guardrail注意防火Fire Hazard Area小心着火Guard against Fire/ Beware of Fire/ Be Ware of Fire注意防火,请勿乱扔烟蒂No Cigarette Butt Littering/ Fire Hazard Zone. Don’t Litter Cigarette Butts严禁明火/防止火灾No Open Flame易燃物品Inflammable Materials易燃物品请勿近火Inflammables! Keep Away from Fire禁止携带易燃易爆物品Inflammables & Explosives Strictly Prohibited禁止放易燃物No Inflammable Materials小心轻放Handle with Care危险物品Hazardous Materials有毒Poison剧毒物品Poisonous Materials请勿靠近Keep Away请随手关门Keep Door Closed/ Please close door behind you小心夹手Mind Your Hand当心夹手Watch Your Hand小心空隙Mind the Gap小心台阶Watch Your Step/ Mind the Step小心脚下/注意台阶/ 当心踏空Mind the Step/ Watch Your Step小心扶稳,注意防滑Watch your step!小心Watch out/ Be Careful请您注意上方/小心碰头Watch Your Head当心碰头/小心碰头Watch Your Head/ Mind Your Head/ Watch out, Low Ceiling/非机动车禁止入内Motor Vehicles Only机房重地,乘客止步Machine Room. No Admittance请勿入内No Admittance谢绝参观/游客止步No Admittance禁止入内/严禁入内No Admittance/ No Entry非游览区,请勿进入No Admittance/ No Visitors谢绝参观No Visitors / No Admittance / Staff Only禁止靠近No Approaching禁止携带气球No Balloons严禁攀登No Climbing禁止跨越No Crossing/ No Climbing禁止翻越No Crossing/ No Surmounting/ Climbing Over is Prohibited请勿外带食品No Food from Outside请勿饮食No Eating or Drinking请勿摄像/请勿摄影No Filming/ No Video请勿使用闪光灯No Flash请勿打电话No Phone Call请勿抚摸/请勿触摸/ 请勿手扶Hands Off禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks Allowed/ Fireworks Prohibited禁止钓鱼No Fishing禁止鸣笛/禁鸣喇叭No Honking/ No Horn禁止狩猎No Hunting禁止抛物No Littering勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物/勿乱扔杂物No Littering请勿扔垃圾/请勿乱扔废弃物/勿乱扔杂物No Littering/ Don’t Litter禁止停留No Stopping禁止吸烟、饮食、逗留No Smoking, Eating, Drinking or Loitering请勿坐卧停留No Loitering禁止(人)停留No Lingering/ No Loitering请勿在自动门前停留Please don’t stand i n front of the automatic door楼梯上下道切勿停留Do Not Stand in Stairway请勿带宠物入内/严禁携带宠物No Pets Allowed/ No Pets请勿摄影/请勿拍照No Photography/ No Photos未经允许,不得拍照No Photos Allowed / Unauthorized Photo- graphy Forbidden 严禁拍照Photo Taking Forbidden/ No Photo- graphy严禁攀折No Picking请勿录音No Recording禁止喧哗No Shouting禁坐栏杆No Sitting on the Handrail严禁滑冰No Skating禁止吸烟/请勿吸烟No Smoking请勿随地吐痰No Spitting禁止游泳No Swimming禁止排放污水No Waste Water Discharge请勿乱动开关Please Don’t Touch the Switch/ Keep off the Switch请您自觉接受行包安检Please Have Your Baggage Checked请保持场内清洁Please Keep the Area Clean/ Don’t Litter请自觉维护场内卫生环境Please Keep the Area Clean/ Please Don't Litter请遵守场内秩序Please Keep/Maintain Order请按顺序出入Please Line Up请顺序出站Please Exit in Order请排队Queue up here, Please!/ Please Queue Here/ Please Line up Here请排队等候Please Line Up请排队等候入场Please Line Up请按顺序排队/请排队等候Please Line Up/ Please queue here请在此排队Please Queue Here请在黄线外排队Please Wait Behind Yellow Line黄线内候车Wait Behind Yellow Line请在此等候Please Wait Here请在台阶下等候Please Stand Clear of the Steps请在黄线外等候Wait Beyond Yellow Line请在此等候Wait Here请放下护栏Please Lower the Guardrail请抬起护栏Please Raise the Guardrail请爱请护林木Please Protect the Trees请爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities爱护公共设施Please Protect Public Facilities/ Take Care of Public Facilities 请尊重少数民族习俗Please Respect Ethnic Customs请您穿好救生衣Please Wear Life Vest禁令标志Prohibition Sign警告标志Warning Sign肃静Quiet Please/ Keep Silent请勿大声喧哗Please Keep Quiet请保持安静/禁止喧哗Quiet Please/ Please Keep Quiet保持安静/禁止喧哗Quiet Please/ SILENCE小心路滑Slippery When Wet乘客止步Staff Only外人止步Staff Only严禁非本部门人员入内Staff Only非公莫入Staff Only/ No Entry except on Business请出示证件Please Show Your ID无出入证不许入内No Admittance without a Pass禁止跳下(轨道)Stay Clear from Tracks/ Stay Behind the Line/ Stay Away from Tracks禁止无照经营No Unlicensed Vendors禁止摆卖Vendors Prohibited /No Vendors二、提示信息欢迎光临Welcome欢迎您再来We are always here to serve you!谢谢合作Thanks for Your Cooperation祝您旅途愉快Have a Good Trip照常营业Business as Usual/ In Business营业时间/服务时间Business/ Open/ Working/ Office Hours办公时间Office Hours办公区域Administrative Area周一至周五From Monday to Friday周一至周六,08:30 – 16:30 08:30 – 16:30 Monday to Saturday二十四小时营业24-Hour Service星期六、日休息Saturday & Sunday Closed/ Close on Saturday & Sunday节假日照常营业Open for Public Holiday节假日营业时间Open Hours on Weekends & Public Holidays/ Business Hours for Public Holidays现在营业Open Now昼夜营业Round-clock Business开店时间Opening Time停止服务Out of Service节假日不营业Closed on Weekends & Public Holidays/ Not Open for Public Holidays闭店时间Closing Time旺季时间High Season/ Peak Season淡季时间Low Season/ Off Season设施服务时间Service Hours来客请登记Please Sign the Guest Register员工通道Staff Only关闭整修Closed for Renovation临时关闭Temporarily Closed暂停服务/临时关闭Temporarily Closed暂停使用Temporarily Closed暂停收款Temporarily Closed暂停售票Temporarily Closed暂停运营Temporarily Closed暂停服务请谅解Temporarily closed. Sorry for the inconvenience暂停服务Temporarily Closed/ Service Temporarily Suspended暂停服务,请稍候Out of Service/ Temporarily Closed Please Wait设备维修暂停使用Equipment under Repair. Temporarily Out of Service电梯维修,暂停使用Escalator Out of Service电梯故障停运正在维修Escalator under Repair正在检修,请您稍候Maintenance in Progress/ Maintenance in Progress. We apologyize for your waiting施工(检修)给您带来不便,请原谅Under construction (repair). Sorry for the inconvenience正在维修Under Repair平稳驾驶注意安全Drive Safely前方学校School Zone/ School Ahead道路或车道变窄Narrow Roads/ Lanes事故多发点Accident Area/ Black Spot危险路段Dangerous Area此路不通Dead End指路标志Guide Sign指示标志Mandatory Sign深圳城区Shenzhen City Proper机场方向→ → To Airport→ →由此至地铁站To Metro Station通往XXX To XXX进站Arrival出站Departure入口方向Way In出口方向Way Out入口ENTRANCE/ Entrance团队入口Group Tour Entrance轮椅入口Wheelchair Entrance Only单号入口Odd Numbers Entrance双号入口Even Numbers Entrance缆车入口Cable Car Entrance超市入口ENTRANCE/ Entrance超市出口EXIT/ Exit停车场入口ENTRANCE/ Entrance停车场出口EXIT/ Exit地下停车场入口Entrance to Basement Parking旅客进站口Passenger Entrance旅客出站口Passenger Exit安全通道Emergency Access /Exit安全出口EXIT/ Exit出口/安全出口/安全门/太平门/安全通道EXIT/ Exit 紧急出口/应急疏散出口Emergency Exit火警出口Fire Exit步行出站Pedestrian Only步行进站Pedestrian Only东、西、南、北East, West, South, North东北口North-East Exit东南口South-East Exit西南口South-West Exit西北口North-West Exit在X 层此位置Located at this place on level/ floor X 您在此You Are Here乘此梯至地下停车场Elevator to Basement Parking由此上楼/下楼Upstairs/ Downstairs退离使用楼梯Use Stairway for Exit紧急停梯Emergency Stop Button无人占用Vacant优先通道Priority Passage观众通道For Spectators贵宾通道VIP Only道路交通信息Traffic Information火车换乘Train Transfer机场换乘Flight Transit公交换乘Public Transport Transfer出租车换乘Taxi Transfer换乘出租车/公交/地铁Transfer换乘(机场、火车站) Transit公交换乘信息Bus Transfer Information车站服务设施位置图Map of Station Service Facilities图例Legend运营线路Lines in Operation机场问讯电话XXX Airport Info - Dial XXX时刻表Schedule/ Timetable留言板Message Board失物招领Lost & Found走失儿童认领Lost Children报警(指示牌)Police Alarm紧急情况请拨打XXX Call XXX in Emergency危难时请速报110 Emergency Call 110有困难找警察Please Dial 110 if you need help/ Call the police in Emergency 消防指示牌Fire Alarm火警电话119 Fire Call 119/ Fire Alarm 119报警按钮(火灾)(Fire) Alarm Button紧急救护电话120 First Aid Call 120客户服务热线Customer Service Line24 小时服务热线24-hour Hotline服务监督电话Service Complaints Hotline意见箱/意见簿Suggestions & Complaints公告Notice公告栏Notice Board。

NoParkingorWaiting.PaengerPick-upandDrop-offOnly.19布告栏;公告栏BulletinBoard或NoticeBoardC20参观通道ForViitor21残障专用ForDiabledOnly22厕所;公共厕所;卫生间;洗手间;厕所;盥洗室Toilet或Wahroom或Retroom --男厕所、卫生间等--Men或Gent"或Gentlemen--女厕所、卫生间等--Women或Ladie"或Ladie--收费厕所--PayToilet--无人;未使用--Vacant--有人;使用中--Occupied--便后请冲洗--FluhAfterUe--踏板放水--PedalOperatedTap--非水冲座便器,无需冲水--No-FluhToilet--自动冲洗--AutoFluh23茶饮Tea24车位已满Full25撤离路线、疏散通道EcapeRoute或EvacuationRoute26乘此梯至地下停车场ElevatortoUndergroundParking27宠犬便后请打扫干净PleaeCleanUpAfterYourDog28出口;安全门;安全出口;安全通道;太平门…E某it--东(南/西/北)出口--Eat(South/Wet/North)E某it--东南出口--SoutheatE某it--东北出口--NortheatE某it--西南出口--SouthwetE某it--西北出口--NorthwetE某it--紧急出口;应急出口;安全出口;安全通道--EmergencyE某it29出口往前(由此出站)WayOut30出门按钮E某itButton31出租车Ta某i32出租车计价器Ta某iMeter33出租车扬招点Ta某iStand34出租汽车专用发票Ta某iReceipt35此处不准遛狗NoDog36此路不通DeadEnd或NoThroughRoad37此路封闭RoadCloedD--基本话费--BaicCharge--扶梯/自动扶梯--Ecalator--贵宾电梯--VIPElevator62对不起,此票不能使用〈检票机上提示信息〉Sorry.TicketInvalid63多功能厅MultipurpoeHall或MultifunctionHallE64二十四小时营业24-HourServiceF65访客禁停NoViitorParking66非火警时请勿挪用FireEmergencyOnly67非紧急情况不得停留EmergencyStopOnly68废物箱;垃圾桶RubbihBin或GarbageCan69风量调节FanControl75干手机HandDryer76更换尿布处BabyChange或DiaperChange77更衣室LockerRoom--男更衣室--Men"LockerRoom(入口处可写Men")--女更衣室--Women"LockerRoom(入口处可写Women")78工作时间OfficeHour或BuineHour--营业时间--OpenHour或BuineHour--闭店时间--CloingTime79故障停用;机器故障;电梯维修,暂停使用OutofService80顾客服务中心;客服中心CutomerServiceCenter81顾客止步;乘客止步;员工通道;闲人免进;闲人莫入;员工专用StaffOnly或AuthorizedPeronnelOnly82观光梯SighteeingElevator83广播室BroadcatingRoom84广播寻人寻物PagingService85贵宾VIP或VeryImportantPeron86贵宾休息室VIPLounge87贵重物品,随身携带;贵重物品请自行妥善保管〈常用于行李寄存处〉PleaeKeepValuablewithYouH101机场Airport102机场巴士AirportBu103机票AirTicket或AirlineTicket104急救室EmergencyRoom(医院内专用)FirtAidRoom(其他场合用)105急救中心EmergencyCenter106计时停车MeteredParking107加油站PetrolStation108价格Price--价目表--PriceLit--标示价格--LitPriceEmergency126紧急情况下,旋转把手开启TurntheHandleinEmergency127紧急时击碎玻璃BreakGlainEmergency128紧急时请按按钮;发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警PreButtoninEmergency129紧急疏散地EvacuationArea130紧急疏散指示图EvacuationGuide131紧急停车道HardShoulder或EmergencyLane132紧握扶手PleaeHoldHandrail133进口;入口Entrance--东(南/西/北)进口--Eat(South/Wet/North)Entrance--东南进口--SoutheatEntrance--东北进口--NortheatEntrance--西南进口--SouthwetEntrance153开水间HotWaterRoom154可回收垃圾箱RecyclingBin155可回收物Recyclable156快餐FatFood或SnackL157拉〈门把手〉Pull158垃圾车;清洁车GarbageTruck159垃圾房GabbageRoom160老弱病残专席CourteySeat161老幼乘梯需家人陪同--上行楼梯--StairUp--下行楼梯--StairDown170轮椅通道WheelchairAcceM181内部停车场;员工专用停车场StaffParking182您所在的位置〈用于导向指示图〉YouAreHereP183票价TicketPrice--老人票价--Senior--成人票价--Adult--儿童票价--Children--学生票价--Student184票务服务;售票(处)TicketService--团体票--GroupTicket--退票--TicketRefund--取票--TakeYourTicket185票务热线BookingHotlineQ186棋牌室CheandCardRoom187钱款当面点清,离柜概不负责PleaeCountYourChangeBeforeLeaving188清洁车SanitationCart189清洁中CleaninginProgre190请按顺序排队;请按顺序出入PleaeLineUp或PleaeProceedinOrder--请排队等候入场--PleaeLineupforAdmiion--请排队上车--PleaeLineupforBu191切勿倒置〈指货物、行李的摆放〉ThiSideUp192切勿挤压〈指货物、行李的摆放〉Fragile193切勿倾倒〈指货物、行李的摆放〉KeepUpright194请保持场内清洁PleaeKeeptheAreaClean195请保持整洁PleaeKeepClean196请保管好私人物品;请保管好自己财物〈常用于更衣室〉PleaeTakeCareofYourBelonging197请补足差额PleaePaytheDifference198请出示证件PleaeShowYourID199请关闭通讯设备PleaeTurnOffMobilePhone200请将您的车辆锁好PleaeLockYourBike201请将手机静音PleaeMuteMobilePhone202请节约用水PleaeSaveWater或PleaeDoNotWateWater203请节约用纸PleaeDoNotWateToiletPaper204请靠右站立PleaeStandontheRight205请您购票PleaeBuyYourTicket或PleaeBuyTicket206请绕行Detour 或PleaeDoNotBlocktheEntrance212请勿践踏草坪KeepofftheGra213请勿将烟头扔进容器DoNotThrowCigaretteButtintoContainer214请勿将杂物扔进容器DoNotThrowRubbihintoContainer215请勿跨踏边缘〈自动扶梯入口处〉PleaeDoNotStandontheEdge216请勿跨越NoCroingOver217请勿留弃食品或食品包装PleaeDoNotLeaveFoodorFoodWrapperBehind218请勿录音NoRecording219请勿录影录像;请勿摄像NoVideoRecording 229请勿倚靠车门DoNotLeanonDoor或NoLeaningonDoor230请系好安全带FatenSeatBelt231请下车推行PleaeWalkYourBicycle.232请依规定整齐停放PleaeParkBicycleProperly233请在此等候PleaeWaitHere234请在黄线外排队;请站在黄线后PleaeStandBehindtheYellowLine或PleaeWaitBehindtheYellowLine235请找工作人员协助PleaeSeeStaffforAitance或PleaeAkOurStaffforAitance236请照看好你的小孩PleaeDoNotLeaveYourChildrenUnattended237请照看好您的行李和物品〈常用于候车、船、机大厅等〉DoNotLeaveValuableUnattended 或TakeCareofYourBelonging238请走转门PleaeUetheRevolvingDoor239请遵守场内秩序PleaeKeepOrderR 240热线;服务热线HotlineS241洒水车Sprinkler242扫地车StreetSweeper243商务中心BuineCenter244上面施工,请注意安全Warning!MenWorkingAbove 或SafetyFirt!MenWorkingAbove245设备间EquipmentRoom--强电间--HighVoltage(HV)Room--弱电间--LowVoltage(LV)Room--配电柜--PowerDitributionCabinet--配电室--SwitchgearRoom--配电箱--PowerDitributionBo某--水泵房--PumpRoom--水阀间--ValveRoom--新风机房--VentilationRoom--冷冻机房--RefrigerationRoom246失物招领LotandFound247施工给您带来很多不便,感谢您的理解和支持SorryfortheInconvenienceCauedbyContruction248时间Time --标准时间--StandardTime--当地时间--LocalTime--格林尼治时间--GreenwichMeanTime249时刻表Timetable250试衣间FittingRoom251收费标准Rate252收费项目PayItem253收银台;收款台;结帐;收费处Cahier254手机充电处MobilePhoneRecharging255售票处TicketOffice256售完SoldOut257书报亭NewStand或NewKiok258疏散通道EmergencyEvacuationRoute259送货上门DeliverytoYourDoor260随手关门PleaeCloeDoorBehindYouT 261天气预报WeatherForecat262天桥Overpa263停车场Parking--收费停车场--PayParking277外部车辆请勿进入AuthorizedVehicleOnly278外卖店TakeOut 或TakeAway279网上订票取票处OnlineTicketReervation280危急时请速报110Dial110inCaeofEmergency281危险,请勿靠近Danger!KeepAway282危险物品HazardouMaterial283为了您和他人的安全请自觉遵守乘车秩序。

- Notice: 通知
- Announcement: 告示
- Warning: 警示
- Reminder: 提醒
- Important Information: 重要信息
- Attention: 注意
- Request: 请求
- Opening Hours: 营业时间
- Maintenance Notice: 维护通知
- Emergency Exit: 紧急出口
- No Smoking: 禁止吸烟
- Keep Clean: 保持清洁
- Lost and Found: 失物招领
- Closed for Renovation: 关闭装修
- Pardon Our Dust: 不便之处,敬请谅解
- Parking Lot Full: 停车场已满
- Meeting Announcement: 会议通知
- In Case of Emergency: 紧急情况下

英文警示语及意思篇一:常见警示语英文.No admission 禁止入内Children under five years no admittance 五岁以下儿童,禁止入内Admission by invitation only 非请莫入No admittance except on business 非公莫入Inspection declined 谢绝参观Hands off 请勿触摸Queue here for tickets在此排队购票Tickets cannot be changed or money refunded 票经售出,概不退换Admission free 免费入场Ticket holders only 凭票入场Seat by number 对号入座W ay in 由此入内W ay out 由此外出Visitors not admitted 游客止步Cameras are forbidden 禁止拍照No passing 禁止通行Full house 客满The way to ……..此路通往…..No thoroughfare 此路不通Keep to the path 请走人行道No pass , no passage 无通行证者,不得通过 Toll free 免费通行Road ahead closed 前方施工,禁止通行Road up detour 前方施工,请绕行Caution :road up 注意:翻修马路One way traffic 单行道No turn 严禁转弯Consecutive curves 连续转弯Keep right 靠右行驶Reduced speed now 减速行驶Keep space 保持车距No overtaking 严禁超车No honking 禁止鸣喇叭Dogs not allowed 禁止携犬入内Keep off the grass 勿踏草地No nuisance 禁止倒垃圾No scribbling 禁止涂写Post no bills 禁止招贴Bathing and fishing prohibited 禁止游泳钓鱼W et paint 油漆未干Keep it dry 切勿受潮Guard against damp 防潮Keep cool 保持冷藏No hooking 禁止用手钩Keep upright 切勿倒置Do not turn upside down 切勿倾倒Stand on end 竖立放置This side up 此端向上Light cargo on top 轻货放在上面Handle with care 小心轻放Compensation for damage 损害赔偿Danger ,high voltage 高压危险Danger ,keep out 切勿入内Beware of dangers 提防危险Beware of pickpockets 小心扒手Replace the newspaper after reading 报纸阅后,放回原处 Shut the door behind you 随手关门Lost and found 失物招领Luggage depository 行李存放处Business hours 营业时间Office hours 办公时间I.Road and Traffic 公路和交通??Approaching end of motorway 即将驶出高速。
公示语集锦 中英互译、翻译权威词汇

公示语集锦——2005年夏英国伦敦实地采集译协编辑1. 为了公众利益和环境保护机动车停驶时请关闭引擎 IN THE INTEREST OF THE PUBLIC AND THEENVIRONMENT PLEASE SWITCH OFF YOUR ENGINE WHILST STATIONARY2. 请沿站台过往 Pass along the platform please3. 门票在检票处免费索取如需帮助,请找工作人员。
Tickets are FREE from the admissionsdesk Please ask a member of staff if you require assistance. Last Admission 5:304. 请注意此门开关费力 Please be aware that the door is difficult to open and close.5. 请在乘车前购买好车票 Please buy your ticket before you board the train6. 乘车前请购票违规者必罚款(至少20镑) Please buy your ticket before you travel, otherwise you may have to pay a Penalty Fare (at least £20).7. 狗便后请清理 PLEASE CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG8. 请随手关门谢 PLEASE CLOSE BEHIND YOU.THANK YOU.9. 出入请将门关严 Please close this gate securely on entry and exit10. 找寻自行车支架请查阅站区图或请教车站工作人员 Please consult the station map or a member of staff for location of cycle racks.11. 请勿将设备或垃圾置留区内 PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE EQUIPMENT OR RUBBISH WITHIN THIS AREA12.请勿在此停车PLEASE DO NOT PARKHERE.13. 请勿将其它类别的塑料投入此筒/箱 Please DO NOT put other types of plastics in the bin.14. 请勿移动任何可疑物品 PLEASE DO NOT REMOVE ANY SUSPICIOUS DEVICES.15. 请从另端进入 Please enter at other end.16. 请按门票所示线路参观 PLEASE FOLLOW THE VISITOR ROUTE INDICATED ON YOUR GUIDE TICKET17. 请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检 Please have your ticket or boarding card ready for inspection.18. 请协助确保列车准点运行 Please help to run trains on time19. 请协助我们保持站区清洁。

公示语翻译公示语翻译一、文化细则(一)警示提示语(1)剧院序号中文名称英文名称1 请勿摄像No Filming/No Video2 请勿录音No Recording3 请勿拍照No Photography4 请勿吸烟No Smoking5 请勿蹬踏Don't Step On6 请勿触摸Don't T ouch7 请勿入内No Admittance8 保持安静/请勿大声喧哗Quiet Please9 请勿乱动开关Please Don't T ouch the Switch10 请勿将软包装的饮料带入场内No Drinks from Outside11 请随手关门Keep Door Closed /Please close the door behind you.12 请节约用水Please Save Water/Don't Waste Water13 请节约用纸Please Save Paper/Don't Waste Paper14 请出示证件Please Show Your ID15 请排队等候入场Please Line Up16 请保持场内清洁Please Keep the Area Clean/ Don't Litter17 请关闭通讯设备Please Turn Off Cellphones & Beepers18 请将手机和寻呼机静音Please Mute Cellphones & Beepers19 小心烫伤Caution! Hot20 小心地滑Caution! Slippery/Caution! Wet Floor21 小心玻璃Caution! Glass22 道路湿滑请小心Caution! Slippery When Wet23 下台阶时请您小心Watch Your Step/ Mind the Step24 观众止步No Admittance25 非公莫入Staff Only26 禁止通行No Admittance/No Entry27 谢绝参观No Admittance28 谨防扒窃Beware of Pickpockets29 严禁使用明火No Open Flame30 场内禁止吸烟No Smoking31 非演职人员请勿入内Staff Only32 演出人员请到此止步No Admittance for Performers33 一米以下儿童谢绝入内No Admittance for Children Under 1m.34 贵宾专用通道VIP Only35 办公区域,观众止步Staff Only36 舞台重地、观众止步Staff Only37 贵重物品请随身保管Please Don't Leave Your Valuables Unattended38 易碎品,请轻拿轻放Fragile! Handle with Care39 商品展示柜,此产品不参加活动Display Only40 请保管好您随身携带的物品Take Care of Your Belongings41 离开时请您带上您的包Please Take Your Belongings When Leaving44 请准时入场,对号入座,迟到的观众请在场外等候,待幕间安静时,入场就近入座Please arrive punctually and takeyour numbered seat. Latecomersplease wait outside, and take aseat nearby during an interval.45 谢谢合作!Thanks for your cooperation!46 机房重地,非公莫入Machine Room. Staff Only.47 自动门Automatic Door48 应急疏散出口Emergency Exit49 紧急出口Emergency Exit50 禁止出入Please Remain Seated During Performance51 电源Power Supply52 消防通道禁止停车Fire Engine Access. No Parking.(2)书店序号中文名称英文名称1 找零请当面点清Please check your change before leaving2 本柜结帐请稍候T emporarily Closed3 本层图书请在本层购买Please Pay at This Floor4 乘梯须知:乘梯请注意安全,站在黄线以内,下梯时及时抬脚,儿童老人应有人领乘。

常见的公共场合警示语.No admission禁止入内Children under five years no admittance五岁以下儿童,禁止入内Admission by invitation only非请莫入No admittance except on business非公莫入Inspection declined谢绝参观Hands off请勿触摸Que here for tickets在此排队购票Tickets cannot be changed or money refunded票经售出,概不退换Admission free免费入场Ticket holders only凭票入场Seat by number对号入座Way in由此入内Way out由此外出Visitors not admitted游客止步Cameras are forbidden禁止拍照No passing禁止通行Full house客满The way to……..此路通往…..No thoroughfare此路不通Keep to the path请走人行道No pass , no passage无通行证者,不得通过Toll free免费通行Road ahead closed前方施工,禁止通行Road up detour前方施工,请绕行Caution :road up注意:翻修马路One way traffic单行道No turn严禁转弯Consecutive curves连续转弯Keep right靠右行驶Reduced speed now减速行驶Keep space保持车距No overtaking严禁超车No honking禁止鸣喇叭Dogs not allowed禁止携犬入内Keep off the grass勿踏草地No nuisance禁止倒垃圾No scribbling禁止涂写Post no bills禁止招贴Bathing and fishing prohibited禁止游泳钓鱼Wet paint油漆未干Keep it dry切勿受潮Guard against damp防潮Keep cool保持冷藏No hooking禁止用手钩Keep upright切勿倒置Do not turn upside down切勿倾倒Stand on end竖立放置This side up此端向上Light cargo on top轻货放在上面Handle with care小心轻放Compensation for damage损害赔偿Danger ,high voltage高压危险Danger ,keep out切勿入内Beware of dangers提防危险Beware of pickpockets小心扒手Replace the newspaper after reading报纸阅后,放回原处Shut the door behind you随手关门Lost and found失物招领Luggage depository行李存放处Business hours营业时间Office hours办公时间。
3 商务翻译实务_第三单元_公示语翻译

第二单元公示语翻译1. 指示性公示语(Directive Public Signs)急救(First Aid)、旅游服务(Travel Service)、售票处(Ticket Office)等。
2. 提示性公示语(Informatory Public Signs)油漆未干(Wet Paint)、此货暂缺(Out of Stock)、正在维修(Under Repair)、保留车位(Reserved)等。
3. 警示性公示语(Cautionary Public Signs)小心轻放(Handle With Care)、小心地滑(Caution! Wet Floor!)、前方有学校(School Ahead)、当心滚石(Falling Rocks)等。
4. 限制性公示语(Restrictive Public Signs)残疾人设施(Disabled Only)、限高3米(Restricted Height 3M)、限速60—80公里(Speed Limit 80 Minimum 60 kilometers)等。
5. 强制性公示语(Mandatory Public Signs)禁止摆卖(Vendors Prohibited)、严禁超车(Overtaking Prohibited)、禁扔废弃物(No Littering)等。
6. 宣传性公示语(Public Slogans)新北京,新奥运(New Beijing, Great Olympics)、激情盛会,和谐亚洲(Thrilling Games, Harmonious Asia)以及上海申办世界博览会的申报口号“城市,让生活更美好(Better City, Better Life)”,2004年雅典奥运会的宣传口号“Welcome Home(欢迎回家)”,这是因为1896年首届现代奥运会就是在希腊举行的。
1. Staff Only A. 消防通道2. No Parking B. 非公莫入/员工通道3. Bicycle Parking C. 疏散通道4. Cargo Lift D. 加油站5. Sightseeting Elevator/Lift E. 货梯6. Filling/Gas Station F. 禁止停车7. Escape Route G. 观光梯8. Fire Engine Access H. 自行车停放处1. Detour. Maintenance in Progress. 正在检修,请绕行2. Wait. Maintenance in Progress. 正在检修,请您稍候3. Escalator Out of Service 电梯维修,暂停使用4. Horn Prohibited 禁止鸣笛5. Service Area 服务区6. Service & Complaint Hotline 服务监督电话7. Ticket Check 检票处8. Ticket Office/Tickets 售票处1. Conference Center(会议中心),Registration(注册登记),Information(咨询服务)2. No Stopping(请勿停留),Resting Place(休息区),No Spitting(禁止吐痰)3. Keep Silence(保持安静),Slow Down(减速慢行),Sold Out(售完)4. F&B(Food and Beverage,餐饮服务),VIP Suite(Very Important Person Suite,贵宾室),ENT Department(Ear, Nose, Throat Department耳鼻喉科)BRT(Bus Rapid Transit,快速公交系统)5. Don’t Drive When Tired. (严禁疲劳驾驶。

公示语集锦请为了公众利益和环境保护机动车停驶时请关闭引擎IN THE INTERES T OF THE PUBLICAND THE ENVIRON MENT PLEASESWITCHOFF YOUR ENGINEWHILSTSTATION ARY出租车站请在此排队等候TAXI RARK PLEASEQUEUE THIS SIDE请沿站台过往Pass along the platfor m please此门停用请走旁门Out of usePleaseuse other doors.楼梯附近,请勿停留,以防堵塞。
To avoid congest ionpleasedo not stand near the stairs门票在检票处免费索取如需帮助,请找工作人员。
Tickets are FREE from the admissi ons deskPleaseask a memberof staff if you require assista nce.Last Admissi on 5:30地方当局要求所有长途车只能在玛丽勒浜路沿线公共汽车站载客、停车,不得驶入格蓝特沃斯路。
Pleasebe advised that all coach drivers are to pick up or drop off passeng ers at the bus stop along MARYLEB ONE ROAD and not to enter Glenwor th Streetas require d by the local authori ty.请注意此门开关费力Pleasebe aware that the door is difficu lt to open and close.请当心Pleasebe careful!请在乘车前购买好车票Pleasebuy your ticketbeforeyou board the train乘车前请购票违规者必罚款(至少20镑)Pleasebuy your ticketbeforeyou travel, otherwi se you may have to pay a Penalty Fare (at least 20).狗便后请清理PLEASECLEAN UP AFTER YOUR DOG请随手关门谢PLEASECLOSEBEHINDYOU.THANK YOU.出入请将门关严Pleaseclose this gate securel y on entry and exit找寻自行车支架请查阅站区图或请教车站工作人员Pleaseconsult the station map or a memberof staff for locatio n of cycle racks.请勿将设备或垃圾置留区内PLEASEDO NOT LEAVE EQUIPME NT OR RUBBISH WITHINTHIS AREA请勿在此停车PLEASEDO NOT PARK HERE.请勿将自行车停靠此处Pleasedo not park your bicycle here.请勿将其它类别的塑料投入此筒/箱PleaseDO NOT put other types of plastic s in the bin.请勿移动任何可疑物品PLEASEDO NOT REMOVEANY SUSPICI OUS DEVICES.请从另端进入Pleaseenter at other end.请按门票所示线路参观PLEASEFOLLOWTHE VISITOR ROUTEINDICAT ED ON YOURGUIDE TICKET请将机票或登机牌准备好接受安检Pleasehave your ticketor boardin g card ready for inspect ion.请协助确保列车准点运行Pleasehelp to run trainson time请协助我们保持站区清洁。

mistranslations暂停收款×stop cashier √ closed 注意安全×notice safety√danger”天天低价,每天都省钱×low prices everyday, today and any day payless√all sale every day. we save money for you”不要进入绿地× no entrance to greenland√ keep off the lawn.司机一滴酒, 亲人两行泪× one drink of alcohol on the part of the driver can result in two lines of tears forhis family√ drink and drive cost your lifetone:残疾人电梯lift for the disabled√ lift for the under privileged禁止喧哗×don’ t make noise√ quiet, please×don’t pick the flowers√ take care of the flowers, pleasestrategies:程式化翻译汉语:“禁止 /请勿 +动词”;英语:“no +动名词”的形式。
禁止钓鱼 no fishing勿在此处倾倒垃圾 no dumping禁止跑动 no running allowed桥上禁止超车 no overtaking onbridge昼夜禁止停车 no parking day ornightno+ 名词(+介词短语)禁止吸食摇头丸“no drugs”禁止摆卖。
no venders.珍惜文物古迹,勿乱刻乱涂。
no graffiti!禁止左/右转 no left/right turn禁止掉头 no u-turn谢绝入内 no admittance卡车禁止通行 no trucks此路不通 no through road非公误入 no admittance except on business请勿走此门 no entry by this door禁止携带食物、饮料进入商店no food or drink to be brought in shop / no drinks from outside 门票售出,恕不退款。

• • • • • • • • 1,严禁烟火 , Watchful fair Be careful and firing (小心火 别烫着) 小心火,别烫着 小心火 别烫着) No smoking and firing (请勿吸烟,生火) 请勿吸烟, 请勿吸烟 生火) No Burning (禁止燃烧 禁止燃烧) 禁止燃烧 Mind the fires(注意火灾 注意火灾) 注意火灾 Keep from the fire (远离火灾 远离火灾) 远离火灾 No firework (禁止放烟花 禁止放烟花) 禁止放烟花
• Caution, fire (小心烟火 小心烟火) 小心烟火 • Smoking and lighting fires strictly forbidden (prohibited) • No open flames (禁止明火) 禁止明火) 禁止明火
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
• • • • • • • • • • • Passengers, stop here! Guest, go no further tourist stop! The visitors stops No moving No visitors Keep out No visitors No Admittance Out Of Bounds Staff only
• • • •
Slippery floor Please slip carefully Caution, slippery Road, slippery
• • • • • • • • Road is slide Caution for sliding Look out, Slip attention Slip, watch out Slippery, when wet Slip and fall down carefully Caution, slip Xiao xin di hua

37请勿乱弃Please don’t litter
For your security, please pay attention behind you while putting your secret number!
29夏季新款半价销售HALF PRICE Summer Styles Reduced
31美容化妆品Beauty Products, Fashion Accessories,露营装备Camping Equipment,旅游纪念品souvenirs,
32进门赢大奖COME IN AND WIN厂家特价直销
23请勿践踏草坪Please Keep Off the Grass
24施工现场禁止入内Construction SiteKeep Out
26出售Sample Sale
27开业纪念特卖Anniversary Sale
28最后机会Last Chance to buy
Management not responsible for articles lost or stolen.7
Complete Transaction Before Leaving the Counter.
We care! We want your comments!

Science &Technology Vision 科技视界公示语在日常生活中应用非常广泛,旅游者所到之处,凡涉及食、宿、行、游、娱、购的处所都可以见到公示语。
“Caution”的本意是“Taking care”,但是在警示性公示语中多见“Caution”,而罕见“Taking care”。
原因是“Taking care”和“Caution”使用的时机和地点都有差别,语气轻重亦不同。

警示性公示语的英文翻译多带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”等字样。
常用的警示性公示语多带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”等字样,配合黄色几何图形标志出现在公共场合,以提醒公众及早预防潜在危险,避免不必要的财产或生命损失。
以下笔者将对带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”字样的常用警示性公示语的英语翻译通过举例的方式作一番分析归纳。

警示性语言标准译法 [转贴 2010-1-27 12:18:32]字号:大中小编号中文英文A1 安全保卫;保安Security2 安全检查Security Check3 安全提示;安全须知Safety Instructions4 按〈按钮〉Press5 按月付款;每月付款Monthly PaymentB6 办公区域Administrative Area7 保持安静;请勿大声喧哗Keep Quiet8 保持平放〈指货物、行李的摆放〉Keep Flat 或 Lay Flat9 报告厅Conference Hall10 本柜恕不接受VIP卡VIP Cards Not Accepted11 本柜暂停服务,请至其他台席办理Temporarily Out of Service. Please Go to Another Counter.12 本柜(台)只接受现金缴费Cash Only at This Counter13 闭馆整修Closed for Renovation14 别让您的烟头留下火患Dispose of Cigarette Butts Properly15 别遗忘随身物品〈用于提醒乘客、顾客〉Do Not Leave Your Belongings Behind16不准带入食品、饮料或口香糖No Food, Drinks or Gum Inside——食品及饮料请勿带入——No Food or Drinks Inside17 不准乱停自行车No Bicycle Parking18 不准停车或候客,只可上下旅客。
No Parking or Waiting. Passengers Pick-up and Drop-off Only.19 布告栏;公告栏Bulletin Board 或 Notice BoardC20 参观通道For Visitors21 残障专用For Disabled Only22 厕所;公共厕所;卫生间;洗手间;厕所;盥洗室Toilet 或 Washroom 或 Restroom ——男厕所、卫生间等——Men 或 Gents' 或 Gentlemen ——女厕所、卫生间等——Women 或 Ladies' 或 Ladies ——收费厕所——Pay Toilet——无人;未使用——Vacant——有人;使用中——Occupied——便后请冲洗——Flush After Use——踏板放水——Pedal Operated Tap——非水冲座便器,无需冲水——No-Flush Toilet——自动冲洗——Auto Flush23 茶饮Tea24 车位已满Full25 撤离路线、疏散通道Escape Route 或 Evacuation Route26 乘此梯至地下停车场Elevator to Underground Parking27 宠犬便后请打扫干凈Please Clean Up After Your Dog28 出口;安全门;安全出口;安全通道;太平门 (xi)——东(南/西/北)出口——East (South/West/North) Exit ——东南出口——Southeast Exit——东北出口——Northeast Exit——西南出口——Southwest Exit——西北出口——Northwest Exit——紧急出口;应急出口;安全出口;安全通道——Emergency Exit29 出口往前(由此出站)Way Out30 出门按钮Exit Button31 出租车Taxi32 出租车计价器Taxi Meter33 出租车扬招点Taxi Stand34 出租汽车专用发票Taxi Receipt35 此处不准遛狗No Dogs36 此路不通Dead End 或 No Through Road37 此路封闭Road ClosedD38 代售电话卡、地图Phone Cards and Maps39单号Odd Number——双号——Even Number40 单价Unit Price41 当日有效Valid Only on Day of Issue42 道路交通信息Traffic Information43 登记处Registration 或 Registry44 等候区Waiting Area45 地面湿滑,小心滑倒Caution: Wet Floor46 地铁Metro47 地铁车站Metro Station48 地下室Basement49 地下停车场Underground Parking50 地下通道Underpass51 地下一层/二层/三层B1/B2/B352 电话Telephone——公用电话——Telephone 或 Pay Telephone ——公用IC卡电话——IC Card Phone——插卡式公用电话;磁卡电话——M-Card Phone——投币电话——Coin Phone——基本话费——Basic Charges——内部电话——Internal Telephone——外拨电话——Outgoing Call——外线电话——External Telephone——应急电话——Emergency Telephone53 电话查号台Telephone Directory Service54 电话亭(间)Public Telephone Booth55 电话每分钟计费标准Per Minute Charge56 电话区号Area Code57 电话收费Call Rates58 电话停机Telephone Disconnected59 电话预订Telephone Reservation60 电梯Elevator 或 Lift ——扶梯/自动扶梯——Escalator——贵宾电梯——VIP Elevator ——货梯——Freight Elevator61 电讯服务Telecommunications (Service)62 对不起,此票不能使用〈检票机上提示信息〉Sorry. Ticket Invalid63 多功能厅Multipurpose Hall 或 Multifunction HallE64 二十四小时营业24-Hour ServiceF65 访客禁停No Visitor Parking66 非火警时请勿挪用Fire Emergency Only67 非紧急情况不得停留Emergency Stop Only68 废物箱;垃圾桶Rubbish Bin 或 Garbage Can69风量调节Fan Control——温度调节——Temperature Control70 服务处Service Center71 服务监督电话Service and Complaint Hotline72 服务区域Service Area73 服务台Service Desk74 复印室Photocopy RoomG75 干手机Hand Dryer76 更换尿布处Baby Change 或Diaper Change77 更衣室Locker Room——男更衣室——Men’s Locker Room(在入口处可写Men’s)——女更衣室——Women’s Locker Room(在入口处可写Women’s)78 工作时间Office Hours 或 Business Hours ——营业时间——Open Hours 或 Business Hours ——闭店时间——Closing Time79 故障停用;机器故障;电梯维修,暂停使用Out of Service80 顾客服务中心;客服中心Customer Service Center81 顾客止步;乘客止步;员工通道;闲人免进;闲人莫入;员工专用S taff Only或Authorized Personnel Only82 观光梯Sightseeing Elevator83 广播室Broadcasting Room84 广播寻人寻物Paging Service85 贵宾VIP 或Very Important Person86 贵宾休息室VIP Lounge87 贵重物品,随身携带;贵重物品请自行妥善保管〈常用于行李寄存处〉Please Keep Valuables with You H88 欢迎多提宝贵意见Your Comments Are Welcome89 欢迎惠顾;欢迎光临Welcome90 会议进行中Meeting in Session 或 Meeting in Progress91 会议室Conference Room 或 Meeting Room92 会议中心Convention Center 或 Conference Center93 火车站Railway Station94 火警 119 Dial 119 in Case of Fire95 火警出口Fire Escape96 火警电话请拨Fire Emergency Number97 火警通讯电话Fire Emergency Phone98 火警压下;火警时压下Press in Case of Fire99 火情警报设施Fire Alarm100 货币兑换;外币兑换处Currency ExchangeJ101 机场Airport102 机场巴士Airport Bus103 机票Air Ticket 或 Airline Ticket104 急救室Emergency Room(医院内专用)First Aid Room(其他场合用)105 急救中心Emergency Center106 计时停车Metered Parking107 加油站Petrol Station108 价格Price——价目表——Price List ——标示价格——List Price ——优惠价格——Discount Price109 检票处Ticket Check110 健身房Gymnasium (Gym) 或 Health Club 111 健身中心Fitness Center112 缴费Payment113 阶梯教室Lecture Theater114 接待Reception115 接待室;会客室;接待室Reception Room116 接待中心Reception Center117 节假日不办理Closed on Public Holidays118 节假日照常营业Open on Public Holidays119 紧急报警器Emergency Alarm120 紧急出口,保持通畅Keep Clear of Emergency Exit121 紧急电话号码Emergency Call Number122 紧急呼救电话Emergency Phone123 紧急呼救设施Emergency Signal124 紧急救护电话120 Dial 120 for Ambulance125 紧急情况请拨打xxx Call XXX in Emergency126 紧急情况下,旋转把手开启Turn the Handle in Emergency 127 紧急时击碎玻璃Break Glass in Emergency128 紧急时请按按钮;发生紧急情况时,请按按钮报警Press Button in Emergency129 紧急疏散地Evacuation Area130 紧急疏散指示图Evacuation Guide131 紧急停车道Hard Shoulder 或 Emergency Lane 132 紧握扶手Please Hold Handrails133 进口;入口Entrance——东(南/西/北)进口——East (South/West/North) Entrance ——东南进口——Southeast Entrance——东北进口——Northeast Entrance——西南进口——Southwest Entrance——西北进口——Northwest Entrance134 进口(入口)往前(由此进站)Way In135 禁带宠物;请勿带宠物入内No Pets Allowed136 禁鸣喇叭;禁止鸣笛No Horns 或 No Horn Blowing137 禁烟车(火车;汽车)Non-Smoking Car (Train;Bus)138 禁烟位(无烟区)Non-Smoking Section 或 Non-Smoking Area139 禁用手机;请勿使用手机Please Do Not Use Mobile Phones 或 No Mobile Phones 140 禁止摆卖No Vendors141 禁止丢弃杂物;勿扔垃圾;请勿乱扔废弃物;勿乱扔杂物No Littering142 禁止翻越;禁止攀爬No Climbing143 禁止明火;严禁明火Open Flame Prohibited 或 No Open Flame144 禁止燃放烟花爆竹No Fireworks or Firecrackers Allowed 或 Fireworks and Firecrackers Prohibited145 禁止入内;禁止驶入;请勿入内;严禁入内;谢绝参观;游客止步N o Entry 或 No Admittance或Staff Only 146 禁止跳下No Jumping onto Tracks147 禁止停车No Parking148 禁止停留No Stopping149 禁止通过;严禁通行No Through Traffic150 禁止吸烟No Smoking151 禁止吸烟、饮食、逗留No Smoking, Eating, Drinking or Loitering 152 敬请谅解(因维修、施工等带来不便)Sorry for the Inconvenience K153 开水间Hot Water Room154 可回收垃圾箱Recycling Bin155 可回收物Recyclable156 快餐Fast Food 或 SnacksL157 拉〈门把手〉Pull158 垃圾车;清洁车Garbage Truck159 垃圾房Gabbage Room160 老弱病残专席Courtesy Seat161 老幼乘梯需家人陪同Seniors and Children Must Be Accompanied 162 礼堂Auditorium163 临时关闭;暂停服务;暂停收款Closed Temporarily164 临时施工,观众止步Under Construction. Closed to the Public 165 临时停车(处)Temporary Parking166 留言板Message Board167 楼层Floor 或 Level168 楼层一/二/三/四/五层1F/2F/3F/4F/5F169 楼梯;步行梯Stairs——上行楼梯——Stairs Up ——下行楼梯——Stairs Down170 轮椅通道Wheelchair Access M171 门卫Security Room172 免费寄包Free Locker173 免费使用〈用于宾馆客房内免费饮料、食品等〉Complimentary174 免费送货;免费送餐Free Delivery175 免费停车场Free Parking176 免费项目Free Items177 免费饮水Free Drinking Water 178 灭火器Fire Extinguisher 179 灭火器箱Fire Extinguisher Box 180 母婴(哺乳)室Baby Care Room N181 内部停车场;员工专用停车场Staff Parking182 您所在的位置〈用于导向指示图〉You Are Here P183 票价Ticket Prices ——老人票价——Seniors ——成人票价——Adults ——儿童票价——Children ——学生票价——Students184 票务服务;售票(处)Ticket Service ——团体票——Group Tickets ——退票——Ticket Refund ——取票——Take Your Ticket185 票务热线Booking Hotline Q186 棋牌室Chess and Card Room187 钱款当面点清,离柜概不负责Please Count Your Change Before Leaving 188 清洁车Sanitation Cart189 清洁中Cleaning in Progress190 请按顺序排队;请按顺序出入Please Line Up 或 Please Proceed in Order ——请排队等候入场——Please Line up for Admission——请排队上车——Please Line up for Bus191 切勿倒置〈指货物、行李的摆放〉This Side Up192 切勿挤压〈指货物、行李的摆放〉Fragile193 切勿倾倒〈指货物、行李的摆放〉Keep Upright194 请保持场内清洁Please Keep the Area Clean195 请保持整洁Please Keep Clean196 请保管好私人物品;请保管好自己财物〈常用于更衣室〉Please Take Care of Your Belongings197 请补足差额Please Pay the Difference198 请出示证件Please Show Your ID199 请关闭通讯设备Please Turn Off Mobile Phones200 请将您的车辆锁好Please Lock Your Bike201 请将手机静音Please Mute Mobile Phones202 请节约用水Please Save Water 或 Please Do Not Waste Water 203 请节约用纸Please Do Not Waste Toilet Paper204 请靠右站立Please Stand on the Right205 请您购票Please Buy Your Ticket或Please Buy Tickets206请绕行Detour——前面施工,请绕行——Construction Ahead – Detour207 请维护好车厢的清洁卫生,谢谢Thank You for Keeping the Bus Clean208 请勿触摸;请勿抚摸;请勿手扶Please Do Not Touch209 请勿打电话No Phone Calls210 请勿打扰Please Do Not Disturb211 请勿堵塞Please Do Not Block the Passageway或 Please Do Not Block the Entrance212 请勿践踏草坪Keep off the Grass213 请勿将烟头扔进容器Do Not Throw Cigarette Butts into Container214 请勿将杂物扔进容器Do Not Throw Rubbish into Container215 请勿跨踏边缘〈自动扶梯入口处〉Please Do Not Stand on the Edge216 请勿跨越No Crossing Over217 请勿留弃食品或食品包装Please Do Not Leave Food or Food Wrappers Behind 218 请勿录音No Recording219 请勿录像;请勿摄像No Video Recording或 Use of Video Equipment Prohibited220 请勿拍照;请勿摄影No Photography 或 Use of Cameras Prohibited221 请勿让孩子独自搭乘电梯;小孩乘电梯须有大人陪伴Children Must Be Accompanied by an Adult222 请勿使用闪光灯No Flash223 请勿手扶;严禁手扶Keep Hands Off 或 No Holding224 请勿随地吐痰No Spitting225 请勿躺卧Do Not Lie Down226 请勿吸烟Thank You for Not Smoking227 请勿向窗外扔东西Do Not Throw Rubbish Out of Window228 请勿倚靠;严禁倚靠Stand Clear 或 No Leaning229 请勿倚靠车门Do Not Lean on Door 或 No Leaning on Door 230 请系好安全带Fasten Seat Belt231 请下车推行Please Walk Your Bicycle.232 请依规定整齐停放Please Park Bicycles Properly233 请在此等候Please Wait Here234 请在黄线外排队;请站在黄线后Please Stand Behind the Yellow Line或Please Wait Behind the Yellow Line235 请找工作人员协助Please See Staff for Assistance或Please Ask Our Staff for Assistance236 请照看好你的小孩Please Do Not Leave Your Children Unattended 237 请照看好您的行李和物品〈常用于候车、船、机大厅等〉Do Not Leave Valuables Unattended或 Take Care of Your Belongings238 请走转门Please Use the Revolving Door239 请遵守场内秩序Please Keep OrderR240 热线;服务热线HotlineS241 洒水车Sprinkler242 扫地车Street Sweeper243 商务中心Business Center244 上面施工,请注意安全Warning! Men Working Above或 Safety First! Men Working Above245 设备间Equipment Room——强电间——High Voltage (HV) Room ——弱电间——Low Voltage (LV) Room ——配电柜——Power Distribution Cabinet ——配电室——Switchgear Room——配电箱——Power Distribution Box ——水泵房——Pump Room——水阀间——Valve Room——新风机房——Ventilation Room——冷冻机房——Refrigeration Room246 失物招领Lost and Found247 施工给您带来很多不便,感谢您的理解和支持Sorry for the Inconvenience Caused by Construction248 时间Time——标准时间——Standard Time ——当地时间——Local Time——格林尼治时间——Greenwich Mean Time249 时刻表Timetable250 试衣间Fitting Room251 收费标准Rates252 收费项目Pay Items253 收银台;收款台;结账;收费处Cashier254 手机充电处Mobile Phone Recharging255 售票处Ticket Office256 售完Sold Out257 书报亭News Stand 或 News Kiosk258 疏散通道Emergency Evacuation Route 259 送货上门Delivery to Your Door260 随手关门Please Close Door Behind You T261 天气预报Weather Forecast262 天桥Overpass263 停车场Parking——收费停车场——Pay Parking ——全日(昼夜)停车场——24-Hour Parking264 停车场入口Parking Entrance265 停车场须知Parking Notice266 停车车位Parking Space267 停车费Parking Fees 或 Parking Charges268 停车时限Parking Time Limit269 停车收费系统Parking Payment System270 通道Passage271 通话时间Call Duration272 投币口Coin Slot273 投入硬币Insert Coin274 投诉Complaints275 投诉电话;投诉热线;监督电话Complaints Hotline276 推〈门把手〉PushW277 外部车辆请勿进入Authorized Vehicles Only278 外卖店Take Out 或 Take Away279 网上订票取票处Online Ticket Reservation280 危急时请速报110 Dial 110 in Case of Emergency281 危险,请勿靠近Danger! Keep Away282 危险物品Hazardous Materials283 为了您和他人的安全请自觉遵守乘车秩序。

--《汉英公⽰语词典》商务印书馆 2002A board or other notice giving information, warning, direction, and etc. --Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English (1978) A board, notice, and etc. that directs somebody towards something, gives a warning, advertises a business. --Oxford Advanced Learner’s English-Chinese Dictionary (1997)A notice that is publicly displayed giving information or instruction in a written or symbolic form.-- New Oxford Dictionary of English (2001).A board, poster, or placard displayed in a public place toadvertise or to convey information or a direction. --The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language(2003)⼆、公⽰语的语⾔风格1、⼤量实⽤名词售票机Ticket Machines注意⾏⼈Caution Pedestrians2、动词、动名词的使⽤保持通畅KEEP CLEAR请⼩⼼台阶PLEASE MIND YOUR STEPS3、词组、短语的使⽤因故停⽤Out of Order短时停车Short stay4、缩略语的使⽤停车场P厕所WC5、严禁使⽤⽣僻词汇留学⽣公寓INTERNATIONAL STUDETNS HOUSE全⾃动门Automatic Door6、⽂字图形并⽤7、简洁语汇精确措辞送客⽌步Passengers Only边道封闭Footpath Closed三、公⽰语的种类1、Shopping SignsUnder Construction Temporarily Closed.内部施⼯暂停开放No Refund, No Exchange票已售出概不退换Souvenir Shop 旅游纪念品商店Deal Direct with Manufacturer at Special Price⼚家特价直销20% off⼋折优惠2、Traveling SignsThree Pool Mirroring the Moon三潭印⽉World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site世界⾃然与⽂化遗产Green Treasury and Natural Zoo天然动植物标本园Underground Passage 地下通道Dead End 禁⽌通⾏3、Traffic SignsBend Ahead. Slow Down! 前⽅弯路慢⾏Slow down, Look around, and Cross ⼀慢⼆看三通过Speed Limit, 30 km/h 限速每⼩时30公⾥ 4、Institution Names Ministry of Land and Resource 国⼟资源部Department of Justice司法厅Commission of Limitative Affairs 法制⼯作委员会Chinese Academy of Social Science 中国社会科学院5、Names of Places锦江乐园Jinjiang Amusement Park静安新城Jing’an New City南京东路East Nangjing Road北三环North Third Ring⽟佛寺Jade Buddha Temple三元桥Sanyuan Overpass6、Public SlogansPower to the people ⼀切权⼒归⼈民Say No to Drug and Protect Your Life 拒绝毒品珍爱⽣命One World One Dream 同⼀个世界同⼀个梦想四、公⽰语翻译实例e.g. 1 Misguiding2 Misunderstanding3、Word for word rendering4、Incomprehensible⼀次性⽤品A TIME SEX THING乘梯须知MULTIPLY BY STEPS BEARD KNOW红眼病监测站Disease of jealousy inspection station5、Mixed use of Chinese and English6、Word order7、Misspelled English Words8、Misunderstanding the Source orTarget Language城门四⾯开丝路今胜昔With city gate wide open, the Silk Road ismuch better than old days.Open to the outside world every way, Xi’an is becoming better前⽅修路谨慎驾驶Road Work Ahead9、Omitting患⼼脏病、⾼⾎压、酗酒者忌座”.Anyone who with heart disease, high blood, please don’t get on.No recommendation for people suffering from heart diseases, high blood pressure or the effects of over drinking.肇庆市公安局报警中⼼Zhaoqing City Center of Reporting to the PolicePolice Report Center (of Zhaoqing City)10、Failures on Principles ofPoliteness旅客登记时须凭⾜以证明本⼈⾝份的有效证件并说明住宿原因。
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警示性公示语的英文翻译多带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”等字样。
常用的警示性公示语多带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”等字样,配合黄色几何图形标志出现在公共场合,以提醒公众及早预防潜在危险,避免不必要的财产或生命损失。
以下笔者将对带有“Caution”、“Warning”、“Emergency” 、“Danger” 和“Beware”字样的常用警示性公示语的英语翻译通过举例的方式作一番分析归纳。
1 以“Caution”开头,表“当心、注意”的警示性公示语“Caution”的使用意在引起特定公众对这条信息的足够关注。
“Caution”的本意是“Taking care”,但是在警示性公示语中多见“Caution”,而罕见“Taking care”。
原因是“Taking care”和“Caution”使用的时机和地点都有差别,语气轻重亦不同。
使用“Caution”提示公众和旅游者“注意”的警示语一般采用Caution + Mind……的句式结构。
常见的有,“注意:小心脚下Caution Mind your step” 、“Caution Mind your head”。
使用“注意Caution” 的警示性公示语有时也可直接采用Caution + Noun/Target的结构,该结构的特点是更为简洁明了。
例如,“小心电缆Caution Overhead cables”、“小心地滑Caution Wet Floor”、“油漆未干Caution Wet Paint”、“注意:施工区域Caution Work Area”等。
使用“注意Caution” 的警示性公示语的第二种句式结构是采用Caution+Action,提示公众和旅游者这些“行动”正在进行之中,不予重视可能导致严重后果。
常见的用法有,“注意:高空作业Caution Men Working Overhead”、“注意:正在保洁Caution Cleaning in progress”“注意:正在维修Caution Maintenance in progress”等。
使用“Caution”提示公众和旅游者“注意”的警示性公示语还有在Caution后面直接接完整句子的结构,例如,“注意:此门朝外开启Door Opens Outwards”、“注意:擅自停车一律锁定Caution Una uthorized Vehicles Will Be Clamped”等。
“小心地滑Caution Wet Floor”,“当心碰头Caution Mind Your Head”,“小心:此门向外开启Caution Door Opens Outward”,“小心绊脚Caution Trip Hazard” 这些警示性公示语大家在公共场所经常能看到,已经为广大英语学习者所熟悉。
有时为使警示性公示语显得更礼貌、周到,更有亲和力,在保留关键词Caution后可选用以Please为开头的祈使句的组合方式,如:“小心脚下Caution Please Mind Your Step”、“当心热饮Caution Please Take Care With Hot Drinks”等,加上一个Please马上让人消除冷冰冰之感,而显得更有人文关怀。
2 以“Warning”开头,表“警告、注意”的警示性公示语使用“Warning”提示公众和旅游者特别“注意”的警示性公示语最常见的语句结构就是Warning+Noun/Target,例如,“注意:危险区域Warnin g Hazardous area”、“注意:划船区Warning Rowing area”、“注意:铁丝网Warning Barbed wire”等。
使用“Warning”的警示语所表示的内容要比使用“Caution”的例子应用情景更为危险,因此警示的意思也要比“Caution” 更为强烈。
使用“Warning”提示公众和旅游者特别“注意”的警示语的另一常见的语句结构就是Warning+Sentence,例如,“注意:切勿设法强行破门而入 Warning Do Not Attempt a Forced Entry To This Door”、“注意:本工地24小时在闭路电视监控范围内 Warning This Site Is Under 24 Hour Surveillance”、“注意:横穿马路者将受罚 Warning Trespassers On the Railway Are For Prosecution”。
使用“Warning”提示公众和旅游者特别“注意”的警示语的语句结构还有Warning+Noun/Target+ 限制性公示语组合应用的情况,例如,注意:屋顶薄弱必须使用垫板或梯子Warning Fragile Roof Crawling Boards Or Ladders Must Be Used。
3 以“Emergency”开头,表“情况紧急”的警示性公示语使用“Emergency”提示公众和旅游者特别“紧急”的警示性公示语常用语句结构是Emergency+Noun构成的“紧急设施”,此后间或加上使用方式或方法的提示,例如,紧急出口Emergency Exit、紧(应)急洗眼处 Emergency Eye Wash、紧急报警铃拉下把手报告司机Emergency Alarm Pull Handle To Speak To Driver、紧急出口打开盖门下压把柄 Emergency Exit Open Flap and Depress Handle。
使用“Emergency”提示公众和旅游者特别“紧急”的警示语的另一常用句子结构是使用介词短语,In Emergency+应当采取的行动或行为,例如,紧急情况拉动把手推开车门In Emergency Pull Handle & Push Door To Open、紧急情况电告信号工程师、调度和路轨控制员In Emergency Telephone Signal Engineers, Report Centre & Line Controller、紧急情况撤离建筑In the Event Of Emergency Keep Clear Of Building等。
此类使用“Emergency”提示公众和旅游者特别“紧急”的警示性公示语的常用语句结构还有Emergency+Noun+Only突出关键功能或要求,这些功能或要求仅限在紧急情况下使用,例如,禁止出入限紧急情况出入 No Exit Emergency Exit Only等。
4 以“Danger”开头,表“注意危险”的警示性公示语使用“Danger”提示公众和旅游者特别“危险”的警示性公示语常用构成方式为Danger+Sentence,所衔接的句子多为祈使句和否定句,例如,“危险!不要在悬吊物下停留Danger Stand Clear Of Suspended Load”、“危险!路轨带电切勿接触 Danger Do not touch the live rail”等。
使用“Danger”提示公众和旅游者特别“危险”的警示语的另一构成方式为Danger+adj/Noun,形容词的使用突出、强调了事态严重程度,例如,“危险!高度易燃物品Danger Highly flammable material”、“危险!高温Danger Hot”、“危险!深水区 Danger Deep Water”、“危险!薄冰Danger Thin Ice”等。
5 以“Beware” 开头,表“当心”的警示性公示语具有警示意义的公示语还包括使用“Beware”构成的短语、语句,例如,当心有蛇 Beware Of Snakes、当心有狗 Beware Of the Dog、当心低飞飞机 Beware Of Low Flying Aircraft。
“Beware”同样可以与“Caution”、“Warning”一同使用,自然是“局势”相当严重时,例如,注意当心行进车辆 Caution Beware Of Moving Vehicles。
“Beware”还可以与“Caution”、“Warning”、“Danger”一样单独使用,后接需要当心的对象或目标,例如,“当心!儿童在玩耍 Beware!Children At Play”、“当心!本区域有行凶抢劫者出没 Beware!Muggings Occur In This Area”。