¡ 1.国际货运代理企业的含义 ¡ 国际货物运输代理企业(简称国际货运代理
企业)是指接受进出口货物发货人、收货人 或承运人的委托,以委托人的名义或者以自 己的名义,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相 关业务并收取服务报酬的法人企业。 ¡ 国际货运代理企业可以作为进出口货物收货 人、发货人的代理人,也可以作为独立经营 人,从事国际货运代理业务。
①直接代理:货代以委托人的名义,为委托人办理 国际货物运输及相关业务。 各当事方法律关系如下图所示:
国际货代 以委托人的名义 (代理人)
当国际货运代理人以委托人(客户)的名义开展业 务时,处于代理人的法律地位。其只能在委托人的授 权范围内实施法律行为,其后果直接归属于委托人。
¡ 代理分为委托代理,法定代理和指定代理。
¡ 委托代理是指由被代理人委托、 授权而产生代理权的代理行为。
¡ 代理制度的核心是——为被代理人进行的民 事法律行为,后果直接归属于被代理人。
¡ 大陆法系代理法
¡ 我国的代理制度既有直接代理 也有间接代理的规定。
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第一章国际货运代理业 务综述
国际货代 介入的区域 ----“履行 外贸合同”
第一章 国际货运代理业务综述
(吴正:客服人员)货代公司经营的产品是什么?怎样才能做好国际 货代的工作?
面对这些关键性问题,我们应 该怎样分析和解答,才能获得 最佳印象呢?
打基础:后续的 [知识与技能]
商务部《国际货运代理业管理规定》: 国际货物运输代理,是指接受进出口货 物收货人、发货人的委托,以委托人的 名义或以自己的名义,为委托人办理国 际货物运输及相关业务并收取服务费用 的行业。
----签发运输单证、履行国际运输合同等 有关业务,而且可以根据这些条件,从 事与运输合同有关的活动。
(FIATA):货运代理是根据客户的指示,并为客户的利益 而揽取货物运输的人,其本人并不是承运人。货运代理可 以依这些条件,从事与运送合同有关的活动,如储存、报 关、验收、收款。
所有和货物运输相关的服务,及货物拼箱、储存、处理、 包装、配送等相关的服务,以及与上述服务相关的辅助性 与咨询服务,比如海关和财政事务、货物官方申报、安排 货物保险、代收代付货物相关款项和单证等服务。还包括 物流服务,即将现代信息通讯技术应用于货物运输、处理、 储存及实质上的整体供应链管理之中。所有这些服务,均 可根据客户要求和具体服务内容而量身订做、灵活运用。
可见,货代企业几乎可以经营运输过程 中的所有日常服务和一揽子服务。
----具有国际货运代理资质的企业,接受进出口 货物的收货人、发货人或其代理人的委托, 以委托人名义或货代公司自己的名义,办理 签发运输单证,履行运输合同等有关业务, 收取代理费或佣金的行为。
-- “民法上的代
(任荣明,侯兴政 2004)大陆法从代理权产生的原因出发,将代理分为:委托代理和法定代理。
2. 狭义上的国际货运代理国际货运代理是指接受进出口货物收货人、发货人的委托,以居间人、代理人的身份,为委托人办理国际货物运输及相关业务,并收取劳务报酬的人。
Abstract: International freight forwarding is a developing industry. On a global scale, international freight forwarders have been hundreds of years of history, but nearly half a century has been rapid development of youthful vitality. In China, international freight forwarding is a very young industry, especially over the past decade has been rapid development. Third-party logistics is supply-side and demand-side other than the provision of logistics services logistics business model, in fact, in the third-party logistics is a specific international logistics network. That in the logistics channel to provide services by the intermediaries. This paper attempts to the status quo of the development of international freight forwarding, discuss it with third-party logistics, relationships, and future trends.【关键词】国际货代第三方物流关系趋势Keyword:International Freight Forwarder Third Party Logistics relation(一)国际货运代理与第三方物流的定义目前,在全世界范围内对于国际货运代理并没有统一的界定。
国际货运代理风险英文文献International Freight Forwarding Risk: A Review of English Literature.International freight forwarding is a complex and dynamic industry that involves the transportation of goods across borders, often through multiple modes of transportation. As such, it is subject to various risksthat can impact the efficiency and reliability of the supply chain. In this review, we will explore the existing English literature on the risks associated with international freight forwarding.One of the primary risks in international freight forwarding is the potential for delays and disruptions in the transportation process. This can be due to a variety of factors, including adverse weather conditions, political instability, or logistical challenges. These delays can have significant implications for both the freight forwarder and the client, leading to increased costs andpotential damage to the reputation of the involved parties.Another key risk in international freight forwarding is the potential for damage or loss of goods during transportation. This can occur as a result of accidents, theft, or improper handling of the cargo. The financial implications of such incidents can be substantial, particularly if the goods are of high value or are perishable in nature.Additionally, there are regulatory and compliance risks associated with international freight forwarding, as the industry is subject to a complex web of international trade regulations and customs procedures. Non-compliance with these regulations can result in fines, delays, and reputational damage for the freight forwarder and their clients.Furthermore, the fluctuating nature of currency exchange rates and fuel prices can introduce financialrisks for international freight forwarders. Sudden changes in these economic factors can impact the profitability offreight forwarding operations and require careful risk management strategies to mitigate their impact.In conclusion, international freight forwarding is fraught with a variety of risks that can impact the efficiency, reliability, and financial stability of the supply chain. Understanding and effectively managing these risks is crucial for the success of freight forwarding operations in the global marketplace. The existing English literature provides valuable insights into these risks and the strategies for mitigating them, offering guidance for industry practitioners and researchers alike.。
国外的Tuan Nguyen Trong、Phuong Phan Thi Khanh(2012)判断在剧烈的市场中慢慢消失了的大多数跨境电商公司,在其快速蓬勃发展前期中忽视了物流配送的重要意义,他们相信物流业发展水平在电子商务企业开发中占有着至关重要的战略地位,跨境电商和跨国物流配送的关系也就是这样。
Ewa Płaczek(2013)指出,互联网电子商务与物流业需要通过信息资源重构,在解决需求的基石上考虑服务实现的时机,因而在跨国物流配送业务的分配环节,需要有适当灵活性的运送体系,从而适应多样化的供给需求。
毕业论文2015届题目我国国际货运代理业现状研究专业物流管理学生姓名虞巍学号11012610指导教师刘剑论文字数11175完成日期2015年4月湖州师范学院教务处印制目录中英文题目摘要关键词 (2)一、国际货运代理基础理论概述 (3)(一)国际货运代理的定义 (3)(二)国际货运代理的业务范围和运输方式 (4)二、我国国际货运代理的发展现状 (5)三、我国国际货运代理发展存在的问题 (7)(一)业务范围窄,服务水平低 (8)(二)基础设施落后,专业人才缺失 (8)(三)政府管理无序,法律不够完善 (8)(四)市场秩序不够规范,合法货代企业压力大 (9)四、对策研究 (9)(一)合理配置基础设施以及物流资源 (9)(二)加强企业信息化建设,增强核心竞争力 (10)(三)加强物流专业性人才培养,营造有利的环境来吸引人才 (10)(四)制定相应的有效的竞争策略 (10)五、我国国际货运代理业的未来展望 (11)六、总结 (12)参考文献 (13)致谢辞 (14)我国国际货运代理业现状研究11012610 虞巍摘要:近些年,我国国际货运代理行业取得了长足进步,选择从事国际货运代理的人也越来越多,不得不说,国际货代已经成为推动我国经济贸易发展的一支重要力量,同时,它在繁荣运输经济、满足货物运输关系人服务需求等方面也贡献着自己独有的一份作用。
关键词: 我国国际货运代理;发展现状;存在问题;对策Research on the Development Status of China's International FreightForwarding IndustryAbstract:In recent years, the international freight forwarding industry in China has made great progress,international freight agent team is growing, has become the promotion of economic and trade development and prosperity of China’s economy, transportation service to meet a freight transportation demand relationship between people's indispensable power. But China's international freight forwarding industry still has many problems, informatization level is not high,poor infrastructure, lack of professional talents, imperfect laws and regulations,these problems have restricted the development of international freight agency in china。
2.关于国际货运代理的国内外研究现状2.1 国际货运代理概述2.1.1国际货运代理的概念国际货运代理协会联合会(FIATA)给国际货运代理所下的定义是:货运代理是根据客户的指示,为客户的利益而揽取货物运输的人,其本人并不是承运人。
毕业设计(论文)开题报告(含文献综述、外文翻译)题 目 先达国际货运有限公司客户满意度分析姓 名 张萍萍学 号 3080125064专业班级 08物流管理(2)班指导教师 叶婷婷(讲师)学 院 管理学院开题日期 2011年12月18日宁波理工学院评价:全文特别是文献综述部分,看到的都是摘抄自别的文章的内容,没有经过自己的理解、加工和梳理。
本份文档包含该专题的:外文文献、文献综述一、外文文献Transport, Logistics, and Fulfillment OptionsLaurel J. DelaneyAir TransportShipping by air used to be an emergency strategy, used only when a customer needed a product immediately, but with the proliferation of international air delivery services such as Federal Express, DHL, UPS, and Airborne Express, it is now easy and economical to move your product around the world, even overnight. You’ll generally pay a higher price per kilo than you will for ocean shipment, but in some expense categories you’ll actually rack up some savings. For example, packing costs tend to run less for air transport. One major consideration is the weight of your cargo. Are you exporting feathers? If so, air transport would be cheaper, provided you don’t use cartons that take up a lot of space. Tractors, on the other hand, should be transported via ocean.If exporting highly perishable items is your business, you’ll want to familiarize yourself with carriers that offer affordable worldwide express shipments of chilled, frozen, and fresh foods, such as seafood, meats, and produce. You will see more and more demand for this service as the market for organic, fresh, and convenience foods expands. I suggest you call the US Department of Agriculture’s interna tional marketing office for additional help. It usually has directories, workbooks, and guides to assist exporters of highly perishable products.The International Air Transport Association represents 240 airlines worldwide. When these members reach agreement on a fixed rate, they file a tariff with the US Department of Transportation. Tariffs define the rate, rules, and regulations governing air cargo deliveries for a given carrier or conference. Only when an exporter is charged by a shipper a cost that is beyond the maximum amount specified in the tariff (unless it is under a service contract) will she need to notify a regulatory agency to complain.There are two major types of equipment used in air transport:1.Air cargo containers: These types of containers are loaded by hand or forklift. They come in more than a dozen different styles and sizes.2.Air cargo pallets made of wood or plastic (corrugated plastic is used but not recommended) with netting: These are also loaded by hand or forklift.Which type of equipment you use depends on the type and quantity of the cargo you are shipping. To determine the absolute best way to ship your cargo, always discuss your situation with your transportation company. And don’t forget to find out the distance from your cust omer’s door to the closest seaport or airport. If one delivery destination is closer than the other, you’ll save your customer time but not necessarily money in the case of shipping to the nearest airport, because air cargo can be expensive.The top two considerations when choosing air vs. sea freight are transit time and the cargo itself. It usually takes a product a couple of days to arrive by air, whereas sea freight takes anywhere from twelve to fourteen days. The cargo itself, whether delicate in nature (fine art, for example) or large in size (as is heavy equipment), forces you to make the best decision for your cargo shipment.CautionAlways check with your shipping specialist to verify the pallet requirements for yourdestination country. Some countries, for example, require certain types of wood packaging to be treated with chemicals or heat before being allowed into their country.Ocean TransportShipping by ocean takes much longer than shipping by air, but it is nearly always much less expensive. T hat is why it will generally be your overseas customers’ preferred method of transport. Whereas with air shipment, the greater the volume of your shipment, the more expensive it becomes, with ocean shipment a greater volume of shipment actually decreases the cost. Ocean transport is less simple, though, because it involves many more choices that you may know very little about. These include the choice between terminals, vessel types, container loading options, and so forth. You’ll have to rely on your trans port company to give you advice.When choosing a transport company, you’ll want to find out the following:1.The frequency that the vessels sail2.The transit times3.The reliability measures4.The ports served by steamship line5.The company’s safety record6.The computerization for cargo managementThe last point, computerized cargo management, is vital these days. You want to be able to track your cargo at any given point. If it gets lost, you want to know that the transport company can find it. Cargo management is an important part of the package you offer your customers— so anytime you find a new and better way to serve them in terms of cargo, jump on it.Shopping for an Economical Transport PackageShipping lines—whose vessels are still commonly referred to as “steamships” although the days of steam-powered shipping are long gone— can be classified as either independent or conference. Independent lines tend not to have as many ports of call, which can cause shipping delays. Sometimes, while comparison shopping, you will find an independent line that quotes you a rate that is cheaper than what the conference lines are offering. Howe ver, when using an independent line you can’t be sure of your shipper’s timeliness or reliability. Conference lines, on the other hand, guarantee similar standards and rates. If you can contract with a conference line on an exclusive basis, rates are usually cheaper than, or at least competitive with, those offered by an independent line. The guarantee on rates during a specified period of time is a savings that you can then pass on to your customer or use to pad your own profit margin. Other types of ocean transport companies that have evolved over the years are NVOCCs, or non-vessel-operating common carriers, and shipper’s associations. NVOCCs book space on vessels and then sell the space to shippers with smaller cargoes in smaller-volume units. They consolidate these smaller shipments into container-loads under one bill of lading, and as a result can pass on more favorable rates to the small cargo shipper. You can also take advantage of a larger shipper’s economies of scale to move your smaller loads more cheaply. Shipper’s associations, similarly, were formed to pull together several different shippers’ cargoes to achieve greater volum e and hence lower rates.Don’t forget that ocean and air shipping itself is only part of the transport package you’ll need to assemble. To get your product to an ocean-going vessel for loading, you must also transport your cargo overland by truck or rail. How do you do this without spending an arm and a leg?The most advanced and efficient transport mode currently available to exporters to handle this problem is intermodal transportation. This is a start-to-finish transport package that takes your cargo fro m its point of origin to its point of destination (commonly described as “door -to-door”) under a single bill of lading. It involves the use of at least two different transportation modes— rail and ocean, for example— to cover the overland and overseas movement of the cargo. The company that offers the package is liable for getting the cargo from the point of origin to the final destination, and it will charge you a “through rate” to do so. The rate represents a substantial savings over what it would cost you to engage separate carriers for each leg of the trip. An added bonus: The company can issue a computer-generated bill of lading within hours of the cargo’s receipt at an inland terminal or immediately after the vessel has left port. This means faster turnaround time in collecting payment from your customer. Some intermodal service packages also offer container freight stations, which save you time and drayage (local transportation) costs by bringing their service closer to your door.TipWith the Internet and the advent of e-commerce sales transactions for B-to-C transactions, most international carriers and third-party logistics providers now offer all-inclusive door-to-door landed costs (meaning they include the price of the product, the delivery charge, taxes, duties, customs, and in a currency your shoppers understand) on single-product shipments delivered to a consumer. In 2009, this was unheard of. What a difference five years makes! If you are an exporter of refrigerated commodities, most sophisticated transportation companies can offer cost-efficient transport via refrigerated vehicles. For example, there are railcars equipped with individual generators to ensure the preservation of perishable products during transit. Some companies offer what is ca lled a “motorbridge” (trucking) service to exporters of frozen meat and other perishables, which entails a through transportation rate from the producer’s door to the customer’s door. Other companies offer multipurpose vessels for more cost-effective shipment of noncontainerized cargo, such as tin, tea, equipment, and grain. These vessels are usually smaller in size than those found in a regular containerized ship, allowing them to travel safely through rough seas and narrow channels. They also make the difficult portside dockings at newly industrialized countries easier.It’s imperative to shop around and compare rates to get the best-possible transportation package for your customer. Don’t be shy about questioning a transportation company or freight forwarder at length and in great detail about its service and rates. That is what it is there for, and you don’t owe them anything until after you’ve hired them. Always inquire about the latest and most advanced methods for moving goods overseas. Even as you read this, improvements are underway. Keeping current with the transportation industry will help you offer your customers the most innovative and cost-effective service and equipment options. Break-Bulk and Container LoadingWhat kind of vessel you choose to ship your cargo, and what special handling, loading or storage apparatus, if any, should be used, will depend on the type and quantity of your goods. Here are a variety of common options and techniques for loading your shipment.Break-BulkBetter known as less than container-load, or LTL shipment, break-bulk shipment is the most likely option to be used by new exporters, whose first orders are likely to be small. It allows your customer to test the product in his market before committing to a large quantity, such asa full container-load or more. The shipper can still load the goods into a container, but the container will be delivered to a consolidation point (port of exit) where other shippers’ goods will also be stowed in the container. The advantage of this method is that it allows smaller, low-volume exporters to have their cargo containerized, although it is not as desirable as a sealed door-to-door container, as I will discuss.To control the expense of small-quantity shipment, find a transport company that specializes in break-bulk. Naturally, when you are shipping a small trial order and hoping for repeat business, it will be to your advantage to control your customer’s costs by offering them the best rate possible. When shipping LT L, you’ll need to take extra care in packing and marking your cartons. (I’ll discuss carton marking in greater detail later.) Break-bulk shipments are commonly packed using the following materials:Pallets: Wood pallets must be strong enough to be stacked on racks and reused numerous times.Never let your cartons overhang a pallet. Your whole load might collapse! As previously mentioned, some countries require certain types of wood pallets to be treated with chemicals or heat before allowing the shipment to cross its borders. Check with your transportation specialist.Slipsheets: Used to pull your cargo to the point of loading, these sheets are usually made of fiberboard or plastic. They must be strong enough for the forklift operator to clamp onto and pull. Slipsheets cost less than pallets and eliminate the expense of transporting pallets back to the shipper for reuse. Cartons placed on slipsheets must be cross stacked, shrink-wrapped, or secured with extra-strength strapping.Crates: Wood crates are still popular with some shippers due to their strength and resistance to humidity, at any temperature and at any point in transit.All onboard packing aids should be recyclable or reusable. Use the minimum amount of material necessary to protect your product. Pallets, slipsheets, and crates are loaded using the following methods:Bulk loading by machine or hand (for bulk commodities, for example)Hand loading using individual shipping containers, with or without pallets Unit loading using palleted or slipsheet stacks into containers with forkliftsContainer LoadingShipment by container-load continues to be the preferred method for exporting goods because each container is sealed (allowing it to stay closed from the factory door to the customer’s door), strong, theft resistant, and stackable. Containers are also easy to load and unload; transport by truck, rail, or ship; and store. The only time the container may be opened while in transit is for the customer’s inspection, so the transport of the goods becomes nearly bulletproof concerning safety and pilferage issues.NoteExporting by container continues to grow. According to trade data produced by PIERS, “U.S. containerized exports were up 5 percent in February 2013 compared to February 2012, reaching 1,011,874 20-foot-equivalent units.” PIERS, a database of US waterborne trade activity, says this is the largest year-over-year increase since June 2012, when exports jumped nearly 10 percent.Containers are available in various volumes and in a number of specialized constructions to accommodate various cargo types. Typically, shipping companies provide containers, but youcan also rent or buy them new or used. If you want to do so, try eBay, contact a local shipping company to inquire about used shipping containers, or contact the Container Alliance, a network of portable storage and shipping container providers.A container can cost anywhere from $1,500 (used) to $8,000 (new). Rental costs range from $75 to $295 per month. You can also expect to pay delivery and pickup charges on any of these scenarios. The twenty-foot container, the most popular volume, works well for starting up with exports. The forty-foot container is the second-most popular choice. It’s important to resist the temptation to overload this larger container or you won’t be able to move your cargo over land! For large loads, a forty-five-foot container is an attractive bargain because it gives you a 27 percent increase in interior capacity over the forty-foot unit for the same handling costs. Containers come as large as forty-eight feet, but these are comparatively rare.Just as you conducted market research on where the best market is for your product using a variety of sources, keeping track of where all your exports are going provides a good basis for asking yourself, “Should we be looking at these markets since there are so many containers going to that part of the world?” Take The Journal of Commerce s annual ranking of the top fifty world container ports for 2012). 5Here is a snapshot of the top ten container ports, which shows heavy concentration in China (Asia):The port of Shanghai handled 32.5 million twenty-foot-equivalent container units, considered the busiest container port in the world in 2012.High-cube containers (referred to as HQ; they include twenty-foot, forty-foot, and other measurements) are oftentimes shipped at the same rate as a standard container but offer more cargo space and are typically one foot taller. Garment containers have a movable track system, so that prepressed and prelabeled garments can be shipped on their individual hangers, unloaded, moved right into a showroom, and racked for sale. Open-top containers, designed for awkward, oversize goods, such as heavy equipment, can be loaded from the top by crane. This reduces handling costs. Refrigerated containers come in high-cube and wide-body dimensions and offer temperature-controlled environments that can be monitored by means of an exterior temperature recorder, a central shipboard control, or even satellite transmission. Bulk-hatch containers, used for commodities such as corn and grains, can be loaded from the top or the rear for easy access and minimal handling. Vented containers allow for appropriate ventilation and thus eliminate potential condensation, preventing damage to moisture-sensitive goods like tobacco, spices, and coffee. Flat-rack containers, designed for moving huge goods, such as heavy equipment, lumber, and pipes, can be loaded from the top or the side, thus reducing handling costs. An expandable chassis accommodates a variety of box sizes and allows for easy offloading from ship, to train, to truck.TipIf you are interested in learning more about shipping containers and who invented containerized cargo (hint: an American by the name of Malcolm P. McLean), read the article “The Truck Driver Who Reinvented Shipping,” and try The Box: How the Shipping Container Made the World Smaller and the World Economy Bigger, by Marc Levinson. Both are fascinating reads!Having shown you what’s entailed in getting your shipment underway, I’d like to introduce you to one of my favorite solutions for the shipping phase: the freight forwarder.The Global Freight Forwarder: Your One-Stop Transport ProGlobal freight forwarders serve as all-around transport agents for moving export cargo, typically transporting it from a factory door to your customer’s warehouse or storage facility. Their service saves you lots of time, effort, and anxiety and is available for a very reasonable fee, usually under US$200 per transaction—an e xpense that you’ll include in your price quotation to your customer and recoup when you collect payment. These are just some of the things a freight forwarder will do for you:Handle all shipping arrangements on the basis of your specificationsTake legal responsibility for the shipmentPay up-front costs to move the productArrange for a carrier to arrive at your factory door at a specified date and timeBook space with transportation carriersHandle all documentation and see that it is properly processedArrange insurance, if requestedPresent documents to your bank in a timely fashion to meet your payment terms Suggest or make on-the-spot packing adjustments, if neededMove the product from the factory door to the port of exit, either by common carrier or rail Take responsibility for getting the cargo on the vessel in time to sail on schedule, thus enabling you to meet all the terms and conditions of your payment agreement Monitor the shipment from beginning to end and keep you informed throughout See to it that the shipment arrives safely at the foreign port of entry and proceeds from there, depending on the delivery terms that you quoted to your customerIf you were to undertake the transit of goods yourself, you would probably be overwhelmed by all these logistics, and you would certainly not achieve the savings that forwarders can, given the networks of service providers that they have in place and the volume and frequency of shipping that they do. You can find freight forwarders by conducting a web search using the keywords “Freight forwarders, international transportation” or you can check for listings in trade magazines or other international directories. You should find hundreds of them. In some instances, they will be categorized by the geographic area they serve, the type of commodity in which they specialize, or the transport modes they offer, such as air or ocean—most forwarders offer both. Pick two or three that seem like a good fit for your product and shipping destination. Some may be located near your office or by an airport or port facility that you expect to use often.The Kings and Queens of International Shipping: UPS, FedEx, DHL, and TNT Logistic experts UPS, FedEx, DHL, and TNT have long been considered the best in international shipping. Check with each of these companies in regard to their areas of expertise, including whether they not only ship worldwide but also handle fulfillment needs and collecting payments from customers worldwide.The electronic filing of export information, formerly do ne with the Shipper’s Export Declaration (SED) form, is the system used by US companies to electronically declare exports with the US Census Bureau. The process, now called electronic export information (EEI), is done through AES Direct the filing is required for items valued over $2,500 or on products requiring an export license. Most sophisticated carriers can take care of the electronic filing on your behalf for a small fee and provide options for you to self-file or provide your own company’s completed EEI. Check with each international carrier. Refer for more information.Third-Party Logistics and Fulfillment CentersExporting represents a significant opportunity for online small business retailers. Setting up an e-commerce site automatically puts you in front of a potential 2.4 billion online customers. To service even a fraction of those customers, you’ve got to get up to speed on how to package and ship your products internationally.A third-party logistics company (abbreviated 3PL) provides logistics services for part or all of your supply-chain-management functions. They can warehouse, pack, and ship your products to customers all over the world, for example. Some will even produce or procure goods for you. Many of these services can be scaled and customized to your needs. Further, 3PLs allow you to leverage their industry expertise, achieve volume discounts, and realize other benefits (better carrier rates, for instance). To get up and running, many service providers require you to have a good technology program developer on board to install appropriate applications. Prepare accordingly.NoteTypically with a 3PL, you’ll need to integrate your e-commerce platform closely with that of the 3PL’s provider. Major carriers like UPS and FedEx, for exa mple, offer tools or even application programming interfaces (APIs) that make it possible to calculate the landed cost and integrate shipping tools into your e-commerce platform. Consult with them on how to incorporate their APIs within your existing e-commerce platform.Ask whether your provider can not only calculate the international shipping costs on transactions but handle the fulfillment part on B-to-C transactions as well. Decisions must be made on who will put your product in a box, label it, insert the appropriate commercial invoice (used as a customs declaration form), calculate shipping charges (including tariffs, duties, and taxes), and ensure the product arrives to a customer’s final destination timely, economically, and safely. These are things a 3PL will do for you. It may be worth investigating one or more from the list we will look at to make the fulfillment part of e-commerce easier on yourself and your customers as well. Third-Party SuppliersHere is a short list of third-party suppliers (3PLs) who specialize in helping businesses ship internationally and deal with the customs, tariffs, and currency conversions worldwide. The whole point of using 3PLs is to enable you to reach customers globally and take on new customers by using existing technology systems— all without hiring extra employees.TipSome people shy away from putting all their eggs in one basket. In the case of selling, distributing, and marketing your products worldwide, you might want to consider a master logistics provider that does it all. That way, you develop a strong relationship and achieve efficient distribution with fewer touch points (meaning less people handling your product), letting you focus on perfecting your sales and marketing methods.Simple Methods to Improve Logistics and Boost SalesThere are a few other factors to consider before getting started with international carriers or 3PLs. Here are some steps you can take to improve your international e-commerce results Comparison shop between carriers and the various carrier-shipping-fulfillment options. Saving even pennies on each package you ship internationally can save you big bucks later on, and those savings can boost your bottom line. Use various online calculators (USPS, UPS, orFedEx, for instance) to get an idea of what it might cost to send your package to China as an example of the costs.Audit your shipping and fulfillments costs quarterly. See if you are making or losing money. If you are losing money, switch carriers or take an entirely new approach toward the product you are exporting, the market you are entering, and the carrier you are using.Scrutinize the rates of different carriers to decide whether to opt for a flat-rate price on each package or go by weight or measurement (whichever is greater) on the calculation.To ship free or not to ship free? That is the key question. Free shipping is a growing trend in e-commerce. The most popular offer is free shipping in exchange for a minimum order in dollars. Second to that is free shipping for a limited time only, such as three weeks prior to a Valentine’s Day shipping deadline. I’ve always fallen for the free shipping offers, especially when I need a product and it’s coming from overseas, showing that it does have a positive psychological influence on consumers, resulting in increased sales. If you offer free shipping, make sure you don’t lose money on those sales!SummaryYou now have some guidelines telling you what transport and fulfillment methods are available to get your product to your customer and how to make a cost-effective choice. As you move on to put together a price quotation for your customer, including price per unit, total transport, and incidental charges, you’ll see exactly how valuable working with a good global freight forwarder, logistics expert, or fulfillment company can be in making the sale and delivering the goods. 二、文献综述快递业研究文献综述摘要:近年来,中国快递产业发展迅速,目前已经在中国东部地区形成了以沿海大城市群为中心的区域性快运速递圈。
模块一 国际货运代理综述
• 我国的国际贸易航空货运线和机场 • 在我国,目前主要在北京,上海,天津, 沈阳,大连,哈尔滨,青岛,广州,南宁, 昆明和乌鲁木齐等机场接办国际航空货运 任务。新增点郑州,主要针对欧美国家
3.空运航线 (2)航区惯例
一区(TC1):包括北美、中美、南美、格陵兰、百慕大和夏威夷 群岛。 二区(TC2):由整个欧洲大陆(包括俄罗斯的欧洲部分)及毗邻岛 屿,冰岛、亚速尔群岛,非洲大陆和毗邻岛屿,亚洲的伊朗及伊朗 以西地区组成。本区也是和我们所熟知的政治地理区划差异最多的 一个区,它主要有三个亚区:非洲区;欧洲区;中东区。
分为最适宜货物、适宜货物、临界货物、不 适宜货物四类。 (1)最适宜货物 (2)适宜货物 (3)临界货物 (4)不适宜货物
危险货物是指具有爆炸、易燃、毒害、感染、 腐蚀、放射性等危险特性,在运输、储存、生产、 经营、使用和处置中,容易造成人身伤亡、财产损 毁或环境污染而需要特别防护的物质和物品。共分 为9大类,分别为:第1类爆炸品;第2类气体;第3 类易燃液体;第4类易燃固体、易于自燃的物质、遇 水放出易燃气体的物质;第5类氧化性物质和有机过 氧化物;第6类毒害物质和感染性物质;第7类放射 性物质;第8类腐蚀性物质;第9类杂项危险物质和 物品,包括危害环境物质。
• 远东/欧洲二线 (AE2)
全长10900公里,辐射世界30多个国家和地区。 它比北线大陆桥减少行程3000公里,比走海路费用 节约20%,时间减少一半。比绕道印度洋和苏伊士运 河的水运距离缩短了1万公里。
一、国际货运代理的概念国际货运代理(简称货代)来源于“The Freight Forwarder”一词,近年来,随着国际贸易和国际运输的发展,国际货运代理服务的范围不断的扩大,其在国际贸易和国际运输中的地位也越来越重要。
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2.关于国际货运代理的国内外研究现状2.1 国际货运代理概述2.1.1国际货运代理的概念国际货运代理协会联合会(FIATA)给国际货运代理所下的定义是:货运代理是根据客户的指示,为客户的利益而揽取货物运输的人,其本人并不是承运人。
(任荣明,侯兴政 2004)大陆法从代理权产生的原因出发,将代理分为:委托代理和法定代理。
(张红梅,2007)2.3 关于国际货运代理的国内外实证研究2.3.1 关于世界国际货运代理的实证研究二次世界大战以后,在加速前进的世界经济、贸易、科学技术的推动下,国际货运代理呈现出蓬勃发展的态势。
(宏伟,2001)2.3.2 关于中国国际货运代理的实证研究2.3.2.1 中国国际货运代理的发展现状中国国际货运代理行业起步较晚,历史较短,但是由于国家重视,政策鼓励,规范发展,发展十分迅速。
(罗开富,2006) 中国国际货运代理存在的问题我国国际货运代理业在物流系统、服务质量等方面与国外企业相比差距很大,国际货运代理市场不规范、法规不健全,缺乏政策扶持,市场主体过多,运力大于运量,无序竞争严重。
从宏观上看,国际货运代理法律建设明显滞后,有关市场准人、企业经营监管、专业技术关系等的法律法规尚未完全建立起来, 有不少企业难以在“入世”后适应激烈的国际市场竞争环境。
货代业发展并不平衡;货代专业人才缺乏。 中国国际货运代理的发展对策罗开富(2006)指出中国货代企业发展方向应定位于规模化、专业化、网络化、物流化。