航空气象期末考试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. 航空气象中,风速的单位通常是什么?A. 米/秒B. 千米/小时C. 节D. 英里/小时答案:C2. 下列哪项不是影响飞行安全的气象因素?A. 云层B. 风速C. 气压D. 飞机重量答案:D3. 什么是航空气象中的“积雨云”?A. 一种云的形态B. 一种天气现象C. 一种气象设备D. 一种飞行技巧答案:B4. 在航空气象中,能见度低于多少米时,通常被认为是低能见度?A. 1000米B. 800米C. 500米D. 300米答案:D5. 什么是“雷暴”?A. 一种气象现象B. 一种天气预测方法C. 一种飞行模式D. 一种航空法规答案:A...(此处省略其他选择题)二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. 航空气象预报中,______表示风向,______表示风速。
答案:风向标;节2. 飞行中,遇到______天气时,应采取相应措施以确保飞行安全。
答案:雷暴3. 航空气象中,______是影响飞行高度和速度的关键因素之一。
答案:气压...(此处省略其他填空题)三、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. 请简述航空气象中对飞行安全影响最大的几种气象因素,并说明原因。
2. 解释什么是“航空气象学”及其在航空领域的重要性。
3. 描述在飞行前,飞行员如何获取和使用航空气象信息。
习题 Chapter 1ATMOSPHERE AND TEMPERATURE1.Which feature is associated with the tropopauseA.Absence of wind and turbulence.B.Absolute upper limit of cloud formation.C.Abrupt change of temperature lapse rate.2.What is a characteristic of the troposphereA.It contains all the moisture of the atmosphere.B.There is an overall decrease of temperature with an increase of altitude.C.The average altitude of the top of the troposphere is about 6 miles.3.The average height of the troposphere in the middle latitudes isA. 20,000feet.B. 25,000feet.C. 37,000feet.4. The primary cause of all changes in the Earth her is’ s weatA. variation of solar energy received by the Earth’ s regions.B. changes in air pressure over the Earth’ s surface.C. movement of the air masses.5. If the air temperature is +8 ℃ at an elevation of 1,350 feet and a standard (average) temperature lapse rate exists, what will be the approximate freezing levelA. 3,350 feet MSL(Mean Sea Level)B. 5,350 feet MSLC. 9,350 feet MSL6.The most frequent type of ground or surface based temperature inversion is that producedby A. ground radiation on a clear, cool night, when the wind is light.B. warm air being lifted rapidly aloft in the vicinity of mountainous terrain.C. the movement of colder air under warm air, or the movement of warm air over cold air.7.What feature is associated with a temperature inversionA. A stable layer of air.B. An unstable layer of air.C. Air mass thunderstorms.8.What are the characterizes of a ground-based inversionA. Convection currents at the surface.B. Cold temperatures.visibility.9.Where is a common location for an inversion of the atmosphereA. At the tropopause.B. In the stratosphere.C. At the base of cumulus clouds.10. Which weather conditions should be expected beneath a low-level temperature inversion layer when the relative humidity is highA. Smooth air and poor visibility due to fog, haze, or low clouds.B. Light wind shear and poor visibility due to haze and light rain.C. Turbulent air and poor visibility due to fog, low stratus-type clouds, and showery precipitation11.对流层中,对天气变化影响较大的气体是:A.氮气和氧气B.氧气和二氧化碳C.二氧化碳和水汽D.水汽和臭氧12.对流层顶是一个强盛的稳固层,由于:A.它的上边是平流层B.空气干洁,能见度好C. 气流安稳,没有对流运动 D 该处气温直减率小13.在对流层顶以上飞翔,经常是:A. 气流安稳,能见度好B. 有尘粒、烟粒等杂质积聚C. 会碰到高云,或积雨云、浓积云顶D. 有使飞机产生颠簸的扰动气流14.局地气温的最低点往常出此刻:A. 后子夜B. 天亮时C. 清晨D. 日出时15.能造成较大气温日较差的有益天气和地理条件分别是:A.晴日,陆地B.晴日,大海C.阴天,陆地D.阴天,大海16.局地气温的非周期变化受以下那一个要素的影响最显着A.太阳辐射强度B.海陆散布C.季节D.冷暖空气的水平运动17.标准大气的海平面气温等于:A.0℃B.10℃C. KD. K18.气压相等时,较温暖较湿的空气密度分别比较冷和较干的空气密度要A. 小,小B. 大,大C. 小,大D. 大,小Answers:习题 Chapter 2ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND ALTIMETRY1.Which pressure is defined as station pressureA. Altimeter setting.B. Actual pressure at field elevation.C. Station barometric pressure reduced to sea level.2.What term describes an elongated area of low pressureA. Trough.B. Ridge.C. Hurricane or typhoon.3.If the ambient temperature is colder than standard at FL 310, what is the relationship between true altitude and pressure altitudeA.They are both the same, 31,000 feet.B.True altitude is lower than 31,000 feet.C.Pressure altitude is lower than true altitude.4.Where is the usual location of a thermal lowA. Over the arctic region.B. Over the eye of a hurricane.C. Over the surface of a dry, sunny region.☆5. En route at FL 270, the altimeter is set correctly. On descent, a pilot fails to set the local altimeter setting of . If the field elevation is 650 feet, and the altimeter is functioning properly, what will it indicate upon landingA. 585 feet.B. 1,300 feet.C. Sea level.6.What is corrected altitude (approximate true altitude)A.Pressure altitude corrected for instrument error.B.indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard.C.Density altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard.7.常用于研究水平气压场的气压是:A. 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压8.飞机起降时,用于调整高度表的气压往常是:A 本站气压 B. 场面气压 C. 修正海平面气压 D. 标准海平面气压9.航线飞翔时,用来调整高度表的气压是:A. 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压10.飞机进入较强降落气流和上涨气流区时,高度指示会分别比实质高度:A. 偏高,偏低B. 偏高,偏高C. 偏低,偏高D. 偏低,偏低11.当飞机按气压式高度表保持必定高度飞向低压区时,其实质高度的变化是:A. 渐渐变低B. 渐渐变高C. 先变低,后变高D. 先变高,后变低12.当空气密度低于标准大气时,对飞机的腾飞载重量或腾飞和着陆滑跑距离的影响分别是:A. 减少,加长B. 减少,缩短C. 增大,加长D. 增大,缩短13.飞机所处地点的密度高度,在冷天和热天往常分别为:A. 低密度高度,高密度高度B. 高密度高度,低密度高度C. 低密度高度,低密度高度D. 高密度高度,高密度高度Answers:习题 Chapter 3 WIND1.At lower levels of the atmosphere, friction causes the wind to flow across isobars into a low becausethe frictionA.decreases windspeed and Coriolis force.B.decreases pressure gradient force.C.creates air turbulence and raises atmospheric pressure.2.What causes surface winds to flow across the isobars at an angle rather than parallel to the isobars3.What is a feature of air movement in a high pressure areaA.Ascending from the surface high to lower pressure at higher altitudes.B.Descending to the surface and then outward.C.Moving outward from the high at high altitudes and into the high at the surface.4.What is indicated by close spacing of isobars on a weather mapA.Weak pressure gradient and weak windsB.Weak pressure gradient and strong windsC.Strong pressure gradient and strong winds5.Which type wind flows downslope becoming warmer and dryerA. Land breeze.B. Valley wind.C. Katabatic wind.6. At which location does Coriolis force have the least effect on wind directionA. At the poles.B. Middle latitudes (30 to 60 )°.°C. At the Equator.7.How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the Southern HemisphereA.Causes clockwise rotation around a low.B.Causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high.C.Has exactly the same effect as in the Northern Hemisphere.8.Which force, in the Northern Hemisphere, acts at a right angle to the wind and deflects it to the right until parallel to the isobarsA. CentrifugalB. Pressure gradient.C. Coriolis9. Which weather condition is defined as an anticycloneA. Calm.B. High pressure area.C. COL.10. Winds at 5,000 feet AGL on a particular flight are southwesterly while most of the surface winds are southerly. This difference in direction is primarily due to11. What relationship exists between the winds at 2,000 feet above the surface and the surface windsA. The winds at 2,000 feet and the surface winds flow in the same direction, but the surface winds areweaker due to friction.B. The winds at 2,000 feet tend to parallel the isobars while the surface winds cross the isobars at anangle toward lower pressure and are weaker.C. The surface winds tend to veer to the right of the winds at 2,000 feet and are usually weaker.12. A jet stream is defined as wind ofA. 30 knots or greater.B. 40 knots or greater.C. 50 knots or greater.13. Jet stream winds occur at which locationA. South of highsB. Parallel to troughsC. Breaks in the tropopause14.西寒风可表示为:A. 135 或° SEB. 300或°NWC. 315 或°NWD. 340或° WN15.海上风与陆地风对比,主要差别是:A. 海上风速大,风向与等压线交角大B. 陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角小C. 陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角大D. 海上风速大,风向与等压线交角小16.海风和山风分别出此刻:A. 白日,夜晚B. 夜晚,白日C. 白日,白日D. 夜晚,夜晚17.在北半球 9000米高度,由低压区飞向高压区,则航线上吹:A. 右边风B. 左边风C. 顶风D. 顺风18.在北半球自由大气中,假如航线是左边风,则高压区在航线的:A. 右边B. 左边C. 后方D. 前面19.自由大气中风随高度变化的主要原由是:A. 气温的水平差别C. 气压的水平差别B. 气温随高度的变化D. 气压随高度的变化20.对流层自由大气中,高度增添,风的一般变化规律是:A. 风向趋近于东风,风速增大B. 风向趋近于西风,风速减小C. 风向趋近于东风,风速减小D. 风向趋近于西风,风速增大21.地面风的阵性表现较显然的时间和季节分别是:A. 清晨,冬天B. 清晨,夏天C. 午后,冬天D. 午后,夏天22.地面风的阵性表现较显然的地域特色是:A. 地表粗拙,性质差别大C. 地表粗拙,性质差别小B. 地表平展,性质差别小D. 地表平展,性质差别大Answers:习题 Chapter 4CLOUD AND PRECIPITATION1.To which meteorological conditioned does the term "dew point "referA.The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated.B.The temperature at which condensation and evaporation are equal.C.The temperature at which dew will always form.2.The amount of water vapor which air can hold largely depends onA. relative humidity.B. air temperature.C. stability of air3.Clouds, fog, or dew will always form whenA.water vapor condenses.B.water vapor is present.C.the temperature and dew point are equal.4.What weather condition occurs at the altitude where the dewpoint lapse rate and the dry adiabaticlapse rate convergeA. Cloud bases form.B. Precipitation starts.C. Stable air changes to unstable air.5.What are the four families of cloudsA.Stratus, cumulus, nimbus, and cirrus.B.Clouds formed by updrafts, fronts, cooling layers of air, and precipitation into warm air.C.High ,middle, low, and those with extensive vertical development.6.The suffix“ nimbus” , used in naming clouds, means aA.cloud with extensive vertical development.B.rain cloud.C.dark massive, towering cloud.7.A high cloud is composed mostly ofA. ozone.B. condensation nuclei.C. ice crystals.8. Stability can be determined from which measurement of the atmosphereA. Low-level windsB. ambient lapse rateC. atmospheric pressure9.What determines the structure or type of clouds which form as a result of air being forced to ascendA.the method by which the air is lifted.B.the stability of the air before lifting occurs.C.the amount of condensation nuclei present after lifting occurs.10. Unsaturated air flowing up slope will cool at the rate of approximately (dry adiabatic lapse rate)A. 3℃ per 1000 feet.B. 2℃ per 1000 feet.C. ℃ per 1000 feet.11. What type of clouds will be formed if very stable moist air is forced up slopeA. First stratified clouds and then vertical clouds.B. Vertical clouds with increasing height.C. Stratified clouds with little vertical development.12. What type clouds can be expected when an unstable air mass is forced to ascend a mountain slopeA. Layered clouds with little vertical development.B. Stratified clouds with considerable associated turbulence,C. Clouds with extensive vertical development.13. Which of the following combinations of weather producing variables would likely result in cumuliform-type clouds good visibility rain showers and possible clear —type icing in cloudsA. Unstable moist air and no lifting mechanism.B. Stable dry air and orographic lifting.C. Unstable moist air and orographic lifting,14. Which family of clouds is least likely to contribute to structural icing on an aircraftA. Low clouds.B. High clouds. with extensive vertical development.15. Which clouds have the greatest turbulenceA. Towering cumulusB. cumulonimbusC. Altocumulus castellanus16. The presence of standing lenticular altocumulus clouds is a good indication ofA. A jet stream .B. Very strong turbulence.C. Heavy icing conditions.17. Fair weather cumulus clouds often indicateA. Turbulence at and below the cloud level.B. Poor visibilityC. Smooth flying conditions18. A ceiling is defined as the height of theA. highest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that covers over 6 /10 of the sky.B. lowest layer of clouds that contributed to the over all overcastC. lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that is reported as broken or overcast19. What enhance the growth rate of precipitationA. advective actionB. upward currentsC. cyclonic movement20. The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence thatA. these are thunderstorms in the areaB. a cold front has passedC. there is freezing rain at a higher altitude.21. What temperature condition is indicated if wet snow is encountered at your flight altitudeA. The temperature is above freezing at you altitudeB. The temperature is below freezing at your altitude.C. You are flying from a warm air mass into a cold air mass22. Which precipitation type normally indicates freezing rain at higher altitudesA. SnowB. HailC. Ice pellets23.Select the characteristic (s) associated with the Cumulonimbus Clouds. More than one characteristic may apply.A. HailB. DrizzleC. LightningD. Stable airE. TurbulenceF. Restricted visibility for long periods24.云体高大,底部灰暗,云顶呈园弧形重叠的云是:A. CuB. TCuC. CbD. Sc25.决定大气稳固度的主要要素是:A. r 值B. rd 值C. P值D. T 值26.一般状况下,大气最不稳固的时间和季节分别是:A. 正午,冬天B. 清晨,夏天C. 清晨,冬天D. 午后,夏天27.一般状况下,大气最稳固的时间和季节分别是:A. 正午,冬天B. 清晨,夏天C. 清晨,冬天D. 午后,夏天28.速度最大的垂直运动是:A. 对流B. 系统性起落运动C. 乱流D. 大气颠簸29.对流运动的水平范围一般为:A. 几公里B. 几十公里C. 几到几十公里D. 几百公里30.对流上涨运动形成:A. 积状云B. 层状云C. 波状云D. 堡状云31.大气不稳准时,常产生的垂直运动是:A. 对流和系统性起落运动B. 系统性起落运动和颠簸C. 颠簸和乱流D. 乱流和对流32.地球表面热力性质差别大的地域简单产生的垂直运动是:A. 对流和系统性起落运动B. 系统性起落运动和颠簸C. 颠簸和乱流D. 乱流和对流33.形成层状云的运动是:A. 对流B. 系统性运动C. 颠簸D. 乱流34.层状云包含:A. Ns Sc As StB. Sc As Cs FsC. Ci Cs As NsD. Fs Ns As St35.积状云包含:A. Cu TCu Cb FcB. TCu Fc Cc ScC. Cb Sc Ac CuD. Fc Cu Cb Cc36.严重影响飞机起降的低碎云主假如:A. Ns Fc StB. St Fs CuC. Fn St FsD. Fs Ns Fn37.国家气象部门和民航总局规定的计量云量的方法分别是:A. 十分制,八分制B. 八分制,十分制C. 十分制,十分制D. 八分制,八分制38.中云的云底高度往惯例定为:A. 1500-4000 米B. 2500- 5000 米C. 3000- 6000 米D. 2500- 6000 米Answers:习题 Chapter 5AIR MASSES AND FRONTS1.An air mass is a body of air thatA.has similar cloud formations associated with itB.creates a wind shift as it moves across the Earth's surface .C.covers an extensive area and has fairly uniform properties of temperature and moisture2.What is indicated about an air mass if the temperature remains unchanged or decreases slightly as altitude is increasedA. The air is unstable.B. A temperature inversion exists.C. The air is stable.3. Which weather condition is an example of a nonfrontal instability bandline. B. Advective fog..4. The general characteristics of unstable air areA. good visibility, showery precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds.B. good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratiform-type clouds.C. poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds..5.What are some characteristics of unstable airA.Nimbostratus clouds and good Surface visibilityB.Turbulence and poor surface visibility .C.Turbulence and good surface visibility6.What are the characteristics of stable air7. Which are characteristics of an unstable cold air mass moving over a warm surfaceA. Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and poor visibility.B. Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and good visibilityC. Stratiform clouds, smooth air, and poor visibility.8.Which atmospheric factor causes rapid movement of surface frontsA.Upper winds blowing across the front.B.Upper low located directly over the surface low.C.The cold front overtaking and lifting the warm front.9.What weather difference is found on each side of a "dry line"A.Extreme temperature difference.10.True/ False. When an air mass is warmed from below , it becomes more stable11.True/ False. Passage of a fast-moving cold front creates a narrow frontal zone with less severe weather than the passage of a slow moving cold front.12.Steady precipitation with little turbulence precedes what type of frontA. Cold frontB. Warm frontC. Occluded front13. What is the most reliable indication that you have flown through a frontA. Change in pressureB. Change in temperatureC. Change in wind direction14.What conditions favor the formation of a frontal waveA.A fast-moving warm front overtaking a cold frontB.A deep low pressure are allocated northeast of a ridgeC. A stationary front or slow moving cold front with a strong temperature gradient15. Steady precipitation, in contrast to showers, preceding a front is an indication ofA. Stratiform clouds with moderate turbulence.B. Cumuliform clouds with little or no turbulence.C. Stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence.16.飞机由冷气团一侧垂直穿过稳固的慢行冷锋,第一看到的云是:A. 卷云B. 雨层云C. 高层云D. 高积云17.不稳固的急行冷锋经过机场时,往常会出现的天气现象是:A 明朗细风的天气 B. 毛毛雨和雾C. 层状云和低能见度D. 积状云、地面狂风、阵性降水18.以下在我国能产生地面狂风的天气局势是:A. 冷锋后的偏北狂风B. 冷锋前的偏北狂风C. 冷锋前的偏南狂风D. 冷锋后的偏南狂风Answers:习题 Chapter 6TURBULENCE1.A pilot reporting turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and /orattitude should report it as2. If you fly into severe turbulence, which flight condition should you attempt to maintainC. Constantan altitude and constant airspeed.☆ 3. If severe turbulence is encountered during your IFR flight ,the airplane should be slowed to the design maneuvering speed because theA. maneuverability of the airplane will be increased.B. amount of excess load that can be imposed on the wing will be decreased.C. airplane will stall at a lower angle of rang of attack, giving an increased margin of safety4.(Refer to Microburst figure below.) If involved in a microburst encounter, in which aircraft positions willthe most severe downdraft occurA. 4 and 5.B. 2 and 3.C. 3 and 4.Figure–Microburst5.(Refer to figure above.) When penetrating a microburst, which aircraft will experience an increase in performance without a change in pitch or power6. (Refer to figure above.) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 37. (Refer to figure above.) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 48.(Refer to figure above.) How will the aircraft in position 4 be affected by a microburst encounterA.Performance increasing with a tailwind and updraft.B.Performance decreasing with a tailwind and downdraft.C.Performance decreasing with a headwind and downdraft.9.What is an important characteristic of wind shearA. It is an atmospheric condition that is associated exclusively with zones of convergence.B. The Coriolis phenomenon in both high- and low-level air masses is the principal generating force.C. It is an atmospheric condition that may be associated with a low-level temperature inversion, a jetStream, or a frontal zone.10. Which wind-shear condition results in a loss of airspeedA. Decreasing headwind or tailwind.B. Decreasing headwind and increasing tailwind.C. Increasing headwind and decreasing tailwind.11Which is a characteristic of low-level wind shear as it relates to frontal activityA.With a warm front, the most critical period is before the front passes the airport.B.With a cold front, the most critical period is just before the front passes the airport.C.Turbulence will always exits in wind-shear conditions .12. Hazardous wind shear is commonly encountered near the groundA. during periods when the wind velocity is stronger than 35 knots.B. during periods when the wind velocity is stronger than 35 knots and near mountain valleys.C. during periods of strong temperature inversion and near thunderstorms13.The strength and location of the jet stream is normallyA stronger and farther north in the winterB weaker and farther north in the summer Cstronger and farther north in the summer14. Which is a necessary condition for the occurrence of a low-level temperature inversion wind shearA. The temperature differential between the cold and warm layers must be at least 10 degrees C.B. A calm or light wind near the surface and a relatively strong wind just above the inversion.C. A wind direction difference of at least 30 degrees between the wind near the surface and thewind just above the inversion.15. What is the lowest cloud in the stationary group associated with a mountain waveA. Rotor cloud.B. Standing lenticular.C. Low stratus.16. Possible mountain wave turbulence could be anticipate when winds of 40 knots or greater blowA. across a mountain ridge, and the air is stable.B. down a mountain valley, and the air id unstable.C. parallel to a mountain peak, and the air is stable.17. Where are jetstreams normally locatedA. In areas of strong low pressure systems in the stratosphere.B. At the tropopause where intensified temperature gradients are located.C. In a single continuous band, encircling the Earth, where there is a break between the equatorialand polar tropopause.18.Which type clouds may be associated with the jetstreamA.Cumulonimbus cloud line where the jetstream crosses the cold front.B.Cirrus clouds on the equatorial side of the jetstream.C.Cirrostratus cloud band on the polar side and under the jetstream.☆19. What action is appropriate when encountering the first ripple of reported clear air turbulence (CAT)A.Extend flaps to decrease wind loading.B.Extend gear to provide more drag and increase stability.C.Adjust airspeed to that recommended for rough air.20. Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strengthA. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up.B. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down.C. Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down.21. Hazardous vortex turbulence that might be encountered behind large aircraft is created only when that aircraft isA. developing lift.B. operating at high airspeeds.C. using high power settings. 22. Wingtipvortices created by large aircraft tend toA. sink below the aircraft generating the turbulence.B. rise from the surface to traffic pattern altitude.C. accumulate and remain for a period of time at the point where the takeoff roll began.23. To avoid the wingtip vortices of a departing jet airplane during takeoff, the pilot shouldA. lift off at a point well past the jet airplane's flight path.B. climb above and stay upwind of the jet airplane's flight path.C. remain below the flight path of the jet airplane.24. If you take off behind a heavy jet that has just landed, you should plan to lift offA. prior to the point where the jet touched down.B. beyond the point where the jet touched down.C. at the point where the jet touched down and on the upwind edge of the runway.25.Discuss the in-flight Visual indications of possible Wind Shear.26.云中飞翔颠簸特别激烈的云主假如:A. Tcu, ScB. Sc, AcC. Ac,CbD. Cb,Tcu27.以下何种地域最简单出现山地背风波:A. 丘陵地域B. 山谷风流行地域C. 孤立山岳的后边D. 高大山脉的背风面上空28.在山地背风波的降落气流中飞翔时,除造成飞机掉高度外,还可造成的严重危害是:A. 气压式高度表读数高于实质高度B. 空速表偏差增大C. 地速减小D. 实质空速减小29.在机场四周存在以下何种地表时,简单产生飞机颠簸A. 湖泊与丛林B. 沟渠与河流C. 河流与山丘D. 草地与庄稼30.在以下何种天气系统中最简单碰到飞机颠簸A. 急行冷锋B. 气旋C. 地形造成的静止锋D. 锢囚锋31.同一种飞机在低速飞翔时,飞翔速度越大,飞机颠簸的:A. 范围越小B. 强度越弱C. 强度变化不显然D. 强度越大32.我国青藏高原上空常有较强的飞机颠簸,其原由主假如:A. 高原上空气稀疏,飞机升力小B. 高原上简单形成地形波C. 高原上冷暖空气活跃,常有锋面活动D. 高原上地形起伏,风力大,日照强33.小型飞机跟随大型飞机起降时简单发惹祸故,其原由是:A. 大型飞机后有较强的尾涡湍流B. 大型飞机排出的废气严重地影响了能见度C. 大型飞机起降时造成了严重的低空风切变D. 大型飞机后有较强的下冲气流34.同一种飞机,机翼载荷越大,飞机颠簸:A. 次数越屡次B. 强度越弱C. 强度越强D. 强度无变化35.高空急流形成的原由是:A. 大气中有大的水平温度梯度B. 冷锋后有大的水平气压梯度C. 越到高处,风速越大,最后形成急流D. 高空槽和高压脊的影响36.晴空乱流出现的一般高度是:A. 距地面 1500 米至 6000 米高度范围内C. 距地面 9000 米至 12000 米高度范围内37.在 300 百帕等压面图上,等高线密集区即为:A. 高空锋区B. 高空槽区D.B. 距地面 6000 米以上高度距地面 12000 米以上高空C. 切变线区D. 高空急流区38.对流层顶有断裂现象或坡度较陡时,会出现何种影响飞翔的天气现象:A. 大气颠簸B. 晴空乱流C. 西风急流D. 下冲气流39.我国规定低空风切变的出现高度是:A. 场面高度 600 米以下B. 场面高度300 米以下C. 海平面高度 600 米以下D. 场面高度1000 米以下40.下边那种状况可能惹起低空风切变A. 气旋事后C. 飞翔中穿过切变线时B. 地面有细风且风向不准时D. 低空有逆温层,且在其上边有强风时41.下述何种地域最简单出现低空风切变A. 在气压和温度急剧降落的地域C. 有雷暴活动的锋面邻近B. 海陆交界地域D. 空中冷平流较强的地域42.飞机从顶风进入顺风时所碰到的风切变称为:A. 顺风切变B. 顶风切变C. 侧风切变D. 逆顺风切变Answers:humid climates where the bases of convective clouds tend to be low,microbursts are associated with a visible rainshaft . In drier climates, the higher thunderstorm cloud bases result in the evaporation of the rainshaft. The only visible indications under these conditions may be virga at the cloud base and a dust ring on the ground .习题 Chapter7ICING1.What is a feature of supercooled waterA.The water drop sublimates to an ice particle upon impact.B.The unstable water drop freezes upon striking an exposed object.C. The temperature of the water drop remains at 0 C until it impacts° a part of the airframe, then clearice accumulates.2.Which conditions result in the formation of frostA.The temperature of the collecting surface is at or below freezing and small droplets of moistureare fallingB.When dew forms and the temperature is below freezingC.Temperature of the collecting surface is below the dew point of surrounding air and the dew point iscolder than freezing.3.When will frost most likely form on aircraft surfacesA.On clear nights with stable air and light winds.B.On overcast nights with freezing drizzle precipitation.C.On clear nights with convective action and a small temperature/dewpoint spread.4.What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flightA. Supercooled water drops.B. Water vapor.C. Visible water.5.Which type precipitation is an indication that supercooled water is presentA. Wet snow.B. Freezing rain.C. Ice pellets.6.Which type of icing is associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low-level stratus cloudsA. Clear ice.B. Frost ice.C. Rime ice.7.Why is frost considered hazardous to flight operationA.Frost changes the basic aerodynamic shape of the airfoilB.Frost decreases control effectivenessC.Frost causes early airflow separation resulting in a loss of lift8.In which meteorological environment is aircraft structural icing most likely to have the highest rateof accumulationA.Cumulonimbus clouds.9.What is an operational consideration if you fly into rain which freezes on impactA.You have flown into an area of thunderstorms .B.Temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitude.C.You have flown through a cold front.10.Test data indicate that ice, Snow, or frost having a thickness and roughness similar to medium or coarse sandpaper on the leading edge and upper surface of an airfoilA.reduce lift by as much as 50 percent and increase drag by as much as 50 percentB.increase drag and reduce lift by as much as 25 percent .C.reduce lift by as much as 30 percent and increase drag by 40 percent11. What condition is indicated when ice pellets are encountered during flightA. Thunderstorms at higher levels.B. Freezing rain at higher levels.C. Snow at higher levels.。
一 •选择题(每题2分共40分)
A.15C.1000hPaB.0C.760mmHg C.15C.1013.25hPa
4.简述什么是气团•暖锋.冷锋?冷锋和暖锋的相同点和不同点是什么? (15分)
1、在对流层中,下列各组气体中对大气温度变化影响最大的是 A、氮气和臭氧 B、水汽和二氧化碳 C、二氧化碳和氧气 2、对流层大气热量的来源主要是 A、空气吸收地面热辐射 B、空气吸收太阳辐射 C、臭氧吸收太阳光中的紫外线 2、 4 、平流层对航空活动有利的方面是 A 、气流平稳,无恶劣天气发动机推力增大 B 、气温低,飞机载重量增加飞行真空速增大 C 、气流平稳,能见度好,空气阻力小 5 、每一种天气变化的物理过程都伴随着或起因于 A 、气压的变化 B 、热量的传递或交换 C 、水汽的相变 6 、在海拔 200 米处气温是 6 ℃ ,气温直减率等于标准大气气温递减率那么结 冰层的高度大约在 A 、平均海平面高度 800 米 B 、平均海平面高度 900 米 C 、平均海拔平面高度 1100 米 7 、如果在 400 米 MSL 高度上空气的温度为 8 ℃ .气温直减率等于标准大气 的直减率,那么结冰层的高度大约是多少 A 、1500 米 MSL B 、1200 米 MSL C 、1000 米 MSL 8 、中纬度地区的对流层,其平均厚度大约是
A 、1350 米 MSL B 、1150 米 MSL C 、1000 米 MSL 57 、关于高压和低压系统下列那种说法正确 A 、一个高压区或高压背是一个上升气流区 B 、北半球的高压区有下降气流,南半球的高压区有上升气流 C 、一个低压区或一个低压槽是一个上升气流区 58 、对流发展的条件是 A 、稳定的大气和上升气流 B 、暖湿气流和热力乱流 C 、上升气流和不稳定的大气 59 、关于逆温层,下述哪种说法是正确的 A 、逆温层中空气密度小,有利于大型飞机飞行 B 、逆温层是稳定气层,其不能见度通常较差 C 、逆温层中,温度随高度的升高而降低 60 、风吹来时,那种局地风向不断改变,风速一阵大一阵小的现象称为 A 、风的阵性 B 、风切变 C 、风向不定 61、在下面各种情况中,能最快形成近地面逆温层的是 A 、晴朗而相对平静的夜晚的地面辐射冷却 B 、在山区附近暖空气快速上升 C 、锋面下的冷空气迅速下沉而增温 62 、当暖空气移动到一个冷的湖面上,在湖的下风边将会产生什么样的天气现 象 A 、雾 B 、阵雨 C 、积状云 63 、在低空逆温层下,当相对湿度较高时,常会出现什么样的天气
北航飞行学院 气象习题集
8.中纬度地区的对流层,其平均厚度大约是A.17一18千米B.8—9千米C.12千米9.中高纬度地区上空的对流层顶,其高度随季节的变化是A.相对稳定B.冬季较低C.夏季较低10.对流层顶的高度随纬度的变化是A.随纬度的增大而降低B.随纬度的增大而升高C.在中纬度地区最高11.气象上把气温垂直递减率等于零即(Y=0)气层称为A.逆温层B.等温层C.不稳定气层12.与逆温层相联系的大气特征是A.稳定的空气层B.不稳定的空气层C.有气团雷暴13.下列关于等温层和逆温层的说法哪个正确A.逆温层是稳定气层,等温层是不稳定的气层B.逆温层和等温层都是稳定气层,它们都能阻挡对流的发展c.等温层各处气温相等逆温层就是平流层14.在标准大气中,海平面上的气温和气压值是A.15℃,1000Hpa B.0℃,‘760mmHgC.15℃,1013.25 hPa15.关于空气的相对湿度和温度露点差的关系,下列说法哪个正确A.当相对湿度增加时,温度露点差减小B.当相对湿度下降时.温度露点差减小C.当相对湿度增加时,温度露点差减小16.气压一定时,露点的高低表示A.空气距离饱和的程度B.空气含水汽的能力C.空气中的水汽含量17.下列关于露点温度的说法哪个正确A.温度下降到使空气中的水汽达到饱和时称露点温度B.每日的最低温度称露点温度C.温度下降到出现露珠时称露点温度18.在下面何种条件下能形成霜A.聚集层的温度在冰点或低于冰点,并有小水滴落下B.聚集层的温度低于周围空气的露点,且露点温度低于冰点C.聚集层有露水,且温度低于冰点19.水汽含量相同,气温不同,则露点温度A.不同B.较小C.相同20.决定饱和水气压的主要因索是A.空气的干燥潮湿程度B.空气中水气的多少C.气温的高低21.气温升高常会首先引起A.水汽含量增加B.相对湿度增大C.相对湿度减小22.在下列何种情况下能形成云,雾或露A.水汽凝结时B.水汽出现时C.气温露点差较小时23.气温露点差可以表示A.空气的饱和程度B.空气含水汽的能力C.空气中的水汽含量24.在一定的温度条件下,空气中的实际水汽含量与其能容纳的最大水汽含量的比率A.露点B.饱和点C.相对湿度25.关于飞机升限,下列何种叙述是正确的A.气温升高,大型飞机的升限要升高B.气温变化对喷气式飞机的升限有裁C.气温升高,所有飞机的升限都要河26.当气温高于标准大气温度时,飞机的载重量要A.增加B.减小C.保持不!27.场面气压是用来A.绘制天气图B.推算海平面气压C.调整气压式高度表28.飞机按气压式高度表指示的一定高度,在飞向低压区时,飞机的实际高度将A.保持不变B.逐渐升高C.逐渐降低29.为了使飞机在航线上保持规定的高度,必须按照__来拨定气压高度表A.海平面气压B.标准海平面气压C.场面气压30.飞机在比标准大气压冷的空气中飞行时,气压高度表所表示高度将——实际飞行高度A.等于B.低于C.高于31.气象上的风向是指A.风的去向B.风的来向C.气压梯度力的方向32.机场上常用风向袋来估计风速,当风向袋吹平时,风速已达A.5-6米/秒B.6-10米/秒C.10-12米/秒33.机场上吹东风时,起飞着陆的最好方向是A.自西向东B.自东向西C.由北向南34.下面何种情况可以反映水平气压梯度力的大小A.空气的温度B.等压线的疏密程度C.等压线的弯曲程度35.空气在运动时,是什么力阻止了空气直接从高压流向低压区A.水平气压梯度力B.地转偏向力C.地面摩擦力36.在赤道地区1000米高空作水平直线运动的空气质点所受的水平作用力主要有A.水平气压梯度力和惯性离心力B.水平气压梯度力和地转偏向力C.水平气压梯度力和摩擦力37.为什么摩擦层以上的大范围空气运动具有平行于等压线流动的趋势A.因为地转偏向力垂直作用在高低压中心的B.因为地转偏向力有与水平气压梯度力相平衡的趋势C.因为空气与地表的摩擦力使得空气的运动向垂直于水平气压梯度力的方向偏转38.根据风和气压场的关系确定,在北半球面三角形自由大气中背风而立则A.高压在右,低压在左B.低压在右,高压在左C.低压在右后方,高压在左前方39.在北半球离地3000米上空飞行,如果航线上是逆风,则高压区的位置是A.在航线的左边B.在航线的右边C.在航线的右前方40.在摩擦层,引起风斜穿等压线吹的原因是A.惯性离心力的作用B.地转偏向力的作用C.摩擦力的作用41.在北半球离地而900米高度处的风与地面风的关系如何A.900米高度的风与地面风的风向一致,但由于摩擦作用,地面风风速要小些B.900米高压的风与等压线平行而地面风偏向900米高压风的右边并常常要弱些C.地面风由高压朝低压方向斜穿等压线,900米高度的风从地面风的方向上朝顺时顺方向偏转并倾向于与等压线平行,且风速要大些42、地面风具有明显的变化的主要原因是A.气压的变化B.摩擦力的变化C.乱流强度的变化43.在北半球,近地层风从早上到中午的日变化规律是A.风向向顺时针方向偏转,风速增大B.风向向逆时针方向偏转,风速增大C.风向顺时针方向偏转,风速减小44.形成海陆风的对流性环流的原因是因为A.从水面吹向陆地的空气较暖,密度小,导致空气上升B.陆地吸收和散发热量比海面快C.从水面吹向陆地的空气冷,密度在,便空气上升45.关于山谷风,正确的说法是A.山谷风是由于海陆差异而形成的热力环流B.沿着山谷吹的风称为山谷风C.白天风由山谷吹向山坡46.在北半球,飞机穿过切变线飞行时,风向的方向变化为A.风向不变B.由右侧风变成左侧风C.由左侧风变成右侧风47.在北半球由高压区飞向低压区,航线上一定会碰上A.顺风B.右侧风C.左侧风48.大气中的波动常出现在A.锋面活动区和地表粗早地区B.等温层或逆温层的界面上和山脉背风面上空C.高空槽或高空急流附近49.关于对流性环流的发展,下述那种情况是正确的A.因冷空气下沉而促使暖空气上升B.暖空气密度小,自动上升C.对流性环流周围的冷空气比较大的速度下降,因而迫使较暖的空气上升50.由于海陆风原理,白天在海岛地区形成的对流云,常A.出现在海岛四周的海面上B.出现在海岛的中部地区上空C.沿海岸线排列51.在北半球,与低压区有关的空气环流是:A.向内,向上和沿反时针方向B.向外,向下和沿顺时针方向C.向外,向上和沿反时针方向52在某一次飞行中发现,在离地1500米高度上是西南风,然而地面风是南风这一风向不同的主要原因是由于A.当地地形影响气压B.地面有较强的地转偏向力C.风和地面之间的摩擦作用53.在北半球,一个飞行员作一次由东向西的长途飞行,在下面何种情况下,他将很有可能碰到因高压和低压系统形成的逆风A.高压系统北侧和低压系统南侧B.高压系统南侧和低压系统北侧C.高压系统或低压系统北侧54.自由大气中随高度变化的主要原因是:A.大气温度水平分布不均匀B.大气温度垂直分布不均匀C.气压梯度力随高度升高而减小55.北半球摩擦层中,在没有强烈天气系统影响的情况下,随高度升高,风向和风速将会A.形成西风,风速增大B.风向向顺时针方向偏转,风速增大C.风向向逆时针方向偏转,风速增大56.设机场标高为530米平均海平面高度,地面气温是26℃,露点温度为21℃而积状云的底高将大约是A.1350米MSLB.1150米MSLC.1000米MSL57.关于高压和低压系统下列那种说法正确A.一个高压区或高压背是一个上升气流区B.北半球的高压区有下降气流,南半球的高压区有上升气流C·一个低压区或一个低压槽是一个上升气流区58.对流发展的条件是A.稳定的大气和上升气流B.暖湿气流和热力乱流C.上升气流和不稳定的大气59.关于逆温层,下述哪种说法是正确的A.逆温层中空气密度小,有利于大型飞机飞行B.逆温层是稳定气层,其能见度通常较差C.逆温层中,温度随高度的升高而降低60.风吹来时,那种局地风向不断改变,风速一阵大一阵小的现象称为A.风的阵性B.风切变C.风向不定61.在下面各种情况中,能最快形成近地面逆温层的是A.晴朗而相对平静的夜晚的地面辐射冷却B.在山区附近暖空气快速上升C.锋面下的冷空气迅速下沉而增温62.当暖空气移动到一个冷的湖面上,在湖的下风边将会产生什么样的天气现象A.雾B.阵雨C.积状云63.在低空逆温层下,当相对湿度较高时,常会出现什么样的天气A·弱风切变和因下雨而造成的低能见度大气B.平稳的气流和因为有雾,霾或低云而造成的低能见度C.颠簸气流和因有雾,低的层云和阵雨而造成的低能见度64.形成雾的必要条件之一是A.静止的空气B.较强的乱流C.相对湿度大65.在下列何种情况下最有可能形成辐射A.微风推动暖潮湿的空气沿山坡上升,使空气冷却,水汽凝结B.傍晚湿度大,凉爽,晴朗和有微风的夜晚,并有合适的地形环境C.气温露点嗟小,静风,有气溶胶粒子,满天低云和合适的地形环境66.平流雾的形成是因为A.温暖,潮湿的空气移动到较冷的地表上B.是一团冷空气移动到一个水域上方,因而又额外增加了水汽C.在晴朗,无风的夜晚,地面使近地层空气冷却到露点温度时67.在飞行中,霾对观察飞机活动或地形特征的影响有哪些:l霾中飞行时玻璃窗常变得模糊不清,能见度常小于2千米:2在霾中飞行使眼睛工作负荷过大,地形特征很难看清:3霾能产生比离实际跑道距离高的感觉,使得飞行员进近偏低;4霾层常与层状云相连,其下常有风沙天气;5迎着太阳飞行时,霾层顶强烈反射太阳光,使飞行员看不清前方的目标。
习题Chapter 1 ATMOSPHERE AND TEMPERATURE1. Which feature is associated with the tropopause?A. Absence of wind and turbulence.B. Absolute upper limit of cloud formation.C. Abrupt change of temperature lapse rate.2. What is a characteristic of the troposphere?A. It contains all the moisture of the atmosphere.B. There is an overall decrease of temperature with an increase of altitude.C. The average altitude of the top of the troposphere is about 6 miles.3. The average height of the troposphere in the middle latitudes isA. 20,000feet.B. 25,000feet.C. 37,000feet.4. The primary cause of all changes in the Earth’s we ather isA. variation of solar energy received by the Earth’s regions.B. changes in air pressure over the Earth’s surface.C. movement of the air masses.5. If the air temperature is +8 ℃ at an elevation of 1,350 feet and a standard (average) temperature lapse rate exists, what will be the approximate freezing level?A. 3,350 feet MSL(Mean Sea Level)B. 5,350 feet MSLC. 9,350 feet MSL6. The most frequent type of ground or surface based temperature inversion is that produced byA. ground radiation on a clear, cool night, when the wind is light.B. warm air being lifted rapidly aloft in the vicinity of mountainous terrain.C. the movement of colder air under warm air, or the movement of warm air over cold air.7. What feature is associated with a temperature inversion?A. A stable layer of air.B. An unstable layer of air.C. Air mass thunderstorms.8. What are the characterizes of a ground-based inversion?A. Convection currents at the surface.B. Cold temperatures. visibility.9. Where is a common location for an inversion of the atmosphere?A. At the tropopause.B. In the stratosphere.C. At the base of cumulus clouds.10. Which weather conditions should be expected beneath a low-level temperature inversion layer when the relative humidity is high?A. Smooth air and poor visibility due to fog, haze, or low clouds.B. Light wind shear and poor visibility due to haze and light rain.C. Turbulent air and poor visibility due to fog, low stratus-type clouds, and showeryprecipitation11.对流层中,对天气变化影响较大的气体是:A.氮气和氧气B.氧气和二氧化碳C.二氧化碳和水汽D.水汽和臭氧12.对流层顶是一个强大的稳定层,因为:A. 它的上面是平流层B. 空气干洁,能见度好C. 气流平稳,没有对流运动 D 该处气温直减率小13.在对流层顶以上飞行,常常是:A. 气流平稳,能见度好B. 有尘粒、烟粒等杂质聚积C. 会遇到高云,或积雨云、浓积云顶D. 有使飞机产生颠簸的扰动气流14.局地气温的最低点通常出现在:A. 后半夜B. 天亮时C. 早晨D. 日出时15.能造成较大气温日较差的有利天气和地理条件分别是:A.晴天,陆地B.晴天,海洋C.阴天,陆地D.阴天,海洋16.局地气温的非周期变化受下列那一个因素的影响最显著?A.太阳辐射强度B.海陆分布C.季节D.冷暖空气的水平运动17.标准大气的海平面气温等于:A. 0℃B. 10℃C. KD. K18.气压相等时,较暖和较湿的空气密度分别比较冷和较干的空气密度要A. 小,小B. 大,大C. 小,大D. 大,小Answers:习题Chapter 2 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND ALTIMETRY1. Which pressure is defined as station pressure?A. Altimeter setting.B. Actual pressure at field elevation.C. Station barometric pressure reduced to sea level.2. What term describes an elongated area of low pressure?A. Trough.B. Ridge.C. Hurricane or typhoon.3. If the ambient temperature is colder than standard at FL 310, what is the relationship between true altitude and pressure altitude?A. They are both the same, 31,000 feet.B. True altitude is lower than 31,000 feet.C. Pressure altitude is lower than true altitude.4. Where is the usual location of a thermal low?A. Over the arctic region.B. Over the eye of a hurricane.C. Over the surface of a dry, sunny region.☆5. En route at FL 270, the altimeter is set correctly. On descent, a pilot fails to set the local altimeter setting of . If the field elevation is 650 feet, and the altimeter is functioning properly, what will it indicate upon landing?A. 585 feet.B. 1,300 feet.C. Sea level.6. What is corrected altitude (approximate true altitude)?A. Pressure altitude corrected for instrument error.B. indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard.C. Density altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard.7.常用于研究水平气压场的气压是:A. 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压8.飞机起降时,用于调整高度表的气压通常是:A 本站气压 B. 场面气压 C. 修正海平面气压 D. 标准海平面气压9.航线飞行时,用来调整高度表的气压是:A. 本站气压B. 场面气压C. 修正海平面气压D. 标准海平面气压10.飞机进入较强下降气流和上升气流区时,高度指示会分别比实际高度:A. 偏高,偏低B. 偏高,偏高C. 偏低,偏高D. 偏低,偏低11.当飞机按气压式高度表保持一定高度飞向低压区时,其实际高度的变化是:A. 逐渐变低B. 逐渐变高C. 先变低,后变高D. 先变高,后变低12.当空气密度低于标准大气时,对飞机的起飞载重量或起飞和着陆滑跑距离的影响分别是:A. 减少,加长B. 减少,缩短C. 增大,加长D. 增大,缩短13.飞机所处位置的密度高度,在冷天和热天通常分别为:A. 低密度高度,高密度高度B. 高密度高度,低密度高度C. 低密度高度,低密度高度D. 高密度高度,高密度高度Answers:习题Chapter 3 WIND1. At lower levels of the atmosphere, friction causes the wind to flow across isobars intoa low because the frictionA. decreases windspeed and Coriolis force.B. decreases pressure gradient force.C. creates air turbulence and raises atmospheric pressure.2. What causes surface winds to flow across the isobars at an angle rather than parallel to the isobars?A. Coriolis force.B. Surface frictionC. The greater density of the air at the Surface.3. What is a feature of air movement in a high pressure area?A. Ascending from the surface high to lower pressure at higher altitudes.B. Descending to the surface and then outward.C. Moving outward from the high at high altitudes and into the high at the surface.4. What is indicated by close spacing of isobars on a weather map?A. Weak pressure gradient and weak windsB. Weak pressure gradient and strong windsC. Strong pressure gradient and strong winds5. Which type wind flows downslope becoming warmer and dryer?A. Land breeze.B. Valley wind.C. Katabatic wind.6. At which location does Coriolis force have the least effect on wind direction?A. At the poles.B. Middle latitudes (30° to 60°).C. At the Equator.7. How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the Southern Hemisphere?A. Causes clockwise rotation around a low.B. Causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high.C. Has exactly the same effect as in the Northern Hemisphere.8. Which force, in the Northern Hemisphere, acts at a right angle to the wind and deflects it to the right until parallel to the isobars?A. CentrifugalB. Pressure gradient.C. Coriolis9. Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone?A. Calm.B. High pressure area.C. COL.10. Winds at 5,000 feet AGL on a particular flight are southwesterly while most of the surface winds are southerly. This difference in direction is primarily due toA. a stronger pressure gradient at higher altitudes.B. friction between the wind and the surface.C. stronger Coriolis force at the surface.11. What relationship exists between the winds at 2,000 feet above the surface and the surface winds?A. The winds at 2,000 feet and the surface winds flow in the same direction, but the surfacewinds are weaker due to friction.B. The winds at 2,000 feet tend to parallel the isobars while the surface winds crossthe isobars at an angle toward lower pressure and are weaker.C. The surface winds tend to veer to the right of the winds at 2,000 feet and are usuallyweaker.12. A jet stream is defined as wind ofA. 30 knots or greater.B. 40 knots or greater.C. 50 knots or greater.13. Jet stream winds occur at which location?A. South of highsB. Parallel to troughsC. Breaks in the tropopause14.西北风可表示为:A. 135°或SEB. 300°或NWC. 315°或NWD. 340°或WN15.海上风与陆地风相比,主要区别是:A. 海上风速大,风向与等压线交角大B. 陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角小C. 陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角大D. 海上风速大,风向与等压线交角小16.海风和山风分别出现在:A. 白天,晚上B. 晚上,白天C. 白天,白天D. 晚上,晚上17.在北半球9000米高度,由低压区飞向高压区,则航线上吹:A. 右侧风B. 左侧风C. 逆风D. 顺风18.在北半球自由大气中,如果航线是左侧风,则高压区在航线的:A. 右侧B. 左侧C. 后方D. 前方19.自由大气中风随高度变化的主要原因是:A. 气温的水平差异B. 气温随高度的变化C. 气压的水平差异D. 气压随高度的变化20.对流层自由大气中,高度增加,风的一般变化规律是:A. 风向趋近于东风,风速增大B. 风向趋近于西风,风速减小C. 风向趋近于东风,风速减小D. 风向趋近于西风,风速增大21.地面风的阵性表现较明显的时间和季节分别是:A. 早晨,冬季B. 早晨,夏季C. 午后,冬季D. 午后,夏季22.地面风的阵性表现较明显的地区特点是:A. 地表粗糙,性质差异大B. 地表平坦,性质差异小C. 地表粗糙,性质差异小D. 地表平坦,性质差异大Answers:习题Chapter 4 CLOUD AND PRECIPITATION1. To which meteorological conditioned does the term "dew point "refer?A. The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated.B. The temperature at which condensation and evaporation are equal.C. The temperature at which dew will always form.2. The amount of water vapor which air can hold largely depends onA. relative humidity.B. air temperature.C. stability of air3. Clouds, fog, or dew will always form whenA. water vapor condenses.B. water vapor is present.C. the temperature and dew point are equal.4. What weather condition occurs at the altitude where the dewpoint lapse rate and the dry adiabatic lapse rate converge?A. Cloud bases form.B. Precipitation starts.C. Stable air changes to unstable air.5. What are the four families of clouds?A. Stratus, cumulus, nimbus, and cirrus.B. Clouds formed by updrafts, fronts, cooling layers of air, and precipitation into warmair.C. High ,middle, low, and those with extensive vertical development.6. The suffix “nimbus”, used in naming clouds, means aA. cloud with extensive vertical development.B. rain cloud.C. dark massive, towering cloud.7. A high cloud is composed mostly ofA. ozone.B. condensation nuclei.C. ice crystals.8. Stability can be determined from which measurement of the atmosphere?A. Low-level windsB. ambient lapse rateC. atmospheric pressure9. What determines the structure or type of clouds which form as a result of air being forced to ascend?A. the method by which the air is lifted.B. the stability of the air before lifting occurs.C. the amount of condensation nuclei present after lifting occurs.10. Unsaturated air flowing up slope will cool at the rate of approximately (dry adiabatic lapse rate)A. 3℃ per 1000 feet.B. 2℃ per 1000 feet.C. ℃ per 1000 feet.11. What type of clouds will be formed if very stable moist air is forced up slope?A. First stratified clouds and then vertical clouds.B. Vertical clouds with increasing height.C. Stratified clouds with little vertical development.12. What type clouds can be expected when an unstable air mass is forced to ascend a mountain slope?A. Layered clouds with little vertical development.B. Stratified clouds with considerable associated turbulence,C. Clouds with extensive vertical development.13. Which of the following combinations of weather producing variables would likely result in cumuliform-type clouds good visibility rain showers and possible clear—type icing in clouds?A. Unstable moist air and no lifting mechanism.B. Stable dry air and orographic lifting.C. Unstable moist air and orographic lifting,14. Which family of clouds is least likely to contribute to structural icing on an aircraft?A. Low clouds.B. High clouds. with extensive vertical development.15. Which clouds have the greatest turbulence?A. Towering cumulusB. cumulonimbusC. Altocumulus castellanus16. The presence of standing lenticular altocumulus clouds is a good indication ofA. A jet stream.B. Very strong turbulence.C. Heavy icing conditions.17. Fair weather cumulus clouds often indicateA. Turbulence at and below the cloud level.B. Poor visibilityC. Smooth flying conditions18. A ceiling is defined as the height of theA. highest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that covers over 6/10 of the sky.B. lowest layer of clouds that contributed to the over all overcastC. lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that is reported as broken orovercast19. What enhance the growth rate of precipitation?A. advective actionB. upward currentsC. cyclonic movement20. The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence thatA. these are thunderstorms in the areaB. a cold front has passedC. there is freezing rain at a higher altitude.21. What temperature condition is indicated if wet snow is encountered at your flight altitude?A. The temperature is above freezing at you altitudeB. The temperature is below freezing at your altitude.C. You are flying from a warm air mass into a cold air mass22. Which precipitation type normally indicates freezing rain at higher altitudes?A. SnowB. HailC. Ice pellets23. Select the characteristic (s) associated with the Cumulonimbus Clouds. More than one characteristic may apply.A. HailB. DrizzleC. LightningD. Stable airE. TurbulenceF. Restricted visibility for long periods24.云体高大,底部阴暗,云顶呈园弧形重叠的云是:A. CuB. TCuC. CbD. Sc25.决定大气稳定度的主要因素是:A. r值B. rd 值C. P值D. T值26.一般情况下,大气最不稳定的时间和季节分别是:A. 中午,冬季B. 早上,夏季C. 早上,冬季D. 午后,夏季27.一般情况下,大气最稳定的时间和季节分别是:A. 中午,冬季B. 早上,夏季C. 早上,冬季D. 午后,夏季28.速度最大的垂直运动是:A. 对流B. 系统性升降运动C. 乱流D. 大气波动29.对流运动的水平范围一般为:A. 几公里B. 几十公里C. 几到几十公里D. 几百公里30.对流上升运动形成:A. 积状云B. 层状云C. 波状云D. 堡状云31.大气不稳定时,常产生的垂直运动是:A. 对流和系统性升降运动B. 系统性升降运动和波动C. 波动和乱流D. 乱流和对流32.地球表面热力性质差异大的地区容易产生的垂直运动是:A. 对流和系统性升降运动B. 系统性升降运动和波动C. 波动和乱流D. 乱流和对流33.形成层状云的运动是:A. 对流B. 系统性运动C. 波动D. 乱流34.层状云包括:A. Ns Sc As StB. Sc As Cs FsC. Ci Cs As NsD. Fs Ns As St35.积状云包括:A. Cu TCu Cb FcB. TCu Fc Cc ScC. Cb Sc Ac CuD. Fc Cu Cb Cc36.严重影响飞机起降的低碎云主要是:A. Ns Fc StB. St Fs CuC. Fn St FsD. Fs Ns Fn37.国家气象部门和民航总局规定的计量云量的方法分别是:A. 十分制,八分制B. 八分制,十分制C. 十分制,十分制D. 八分制,八分制38.中云的云底高度通常规定为:A. 1500-4000米B. 2500-5000米C. 3000-6000米D. 2500-6000米Answers:习题Chapter 5 AIR MASSES AND FRONTS1. An air mass is a body of air thatA. has similar cloud formations associated with itB. creates a wind shift as it moves across the Earth's surface.C. covers an extensive area and has fairly uniform properties of temperature and moisture2. What is indicated about an air mass if the temperature remains unchanged or decreases slightly as altitude is increased?A. The air is unstable.B. A temperature inversion exists.C. The air is stable.3. Which weather condition is an example of a nonfrontal instability band?line. B. Advective fog. .4. The general characteristics of unstable air areA. good visibility, showery precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds.B. good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratiform-type clouds.C. poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds..5. What are some characteristics of unstable air?A. Nimbostratus clouds and good Surface visibilityB. Turbulence and poor surface visibility.C. Turbulence and good surface visibility6. What are the characteristics of stable air?A. Good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratus-type clouds.B. Poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and Cumulus-type clouds.C. Poor visibility,Steady precipitation, and Stratus-type clouds7. Which are characteristics of an unstable cold air mass moving over a warm surface?A. Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and poor visibility.B. Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and good visibilityC. Stratiform clouds, smooth air, and poor visibility.8. Which atmospheric factor causes rapid movement of surface fronts?A. Upper winds blowing across the front.B. Upper low located directly over the surface low.C. The cold front overtaking and lifting the warm front.9. What weather difference is found on each side of a "dry line"?A. Extreme temperature difference.B. Dewpoint difference.C. Stratus versus cumulus clouds.10. True/False.When an air mass is warmed from below,it becomes more stable11.True/False.Passage of a fast-moving cold front creates a narrow frontal zone with less severe weather than the passage of a slow moving cold front.12. Steady precipitation with little turbulence precedes what type of front?A. Cold frontB. Warm frontC. Occluded front13. What is the most reliable indication that you have flown through a front?A. Change in pressureB. Change in temperatureC. Change in wind direction14. What conditions favor the formation of a frontal wave?A. A fast-moving warm front overtaking a cold frontB. A deep low pressure are allocated northeast of a ridgeC. A stationary front or slow moving cold front with a strong temperature gradient15. Steady precipitation, in contrast to showers, preceding a front is an indication ofA. Stratiform clouds with moderate turbulence.B. Cumuliform clouds with little or no turbulence.C. Stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence.16.飞机由冷气团一侧垂直穿过稳定的缓行冷锋,首先看到的云是:A. 卷云B. 雨层云C. 高层云D. 高积云17.不稳定的急行冷锋经过机场时,通常会出现的天气现象是:A 晴朗微风的天气 B. 小雨和雾C. 层状云和低能见度D. 积状云、地面大风、阵性降水18.下列在我国能产生地面大风的天气形势是:A. 冷锋后的偏北大风B. 冷锋前的偏北大风C. 冷锋前的偏南大风D. 冷锋后的偏南大风Answers:习题Chapter 6 TURBULENCE1. A pilot reporting turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and /or attitude should report it asA. light turbulence.B. moderate turbulenceC. light chop2. If you fly into severe turbulence, which flight condition should you attempt to maintain?A. Constant airspeed (VA)B. Level flight attitude.C. Constantan altitude and constant airspeed.☆3. If severe turbulence is encountered during your IFR flight,the airplane should be slowed to the design maneuvering speed because theA. maneuverability of the airplane will be increased.B. amount of excess load that can be imposed on the wing will be decreased.C. airplane will stall at a lower angle of rang of attack, giving an increased margin of safety4. (Refer to Microburst figure below.) If involved in a microburst encounter, in which aircraft positions will the most severe downdraft occur?A. 4 and 5.B. 2 and 3.C. 3 and 4.Figure– Microburst5. (Refer to figure above.) When penetrating a microburst, which aircraft will experience an increase in performance without a change in pitch or power?A. 3.B. 2.C. 1.6. (Refer to figure above.) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 3?A. Decreasing headwind.B. Increasing tailwind.C. Strong downdraft.7. (Refer to figure above.) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 4?A. Strong tailwind.B. Strong updraft.C. Significant performance increase.8. (Refer to figure above.) How will the aircraft in position 4 be affected by a microburst encounter?A. Performance increasing with a tailwind and updraft.B. Performance decreasing with a tailwind and downdraft.C. Performance decreasing with a headwind and downdraft.9. What is an important characteristic of wind shear?A. It is an atmospheric condition that is associated exclusively with zones of convergence.B. The Coriolis phenomenon in both high- and low-level air masses is the principalgenerating force.C. It is an atmospheric condition that may be associated with a low-level temperatureinversion, a jet Stream, or a frontal zone.10. Which wind-shear condition results in a loss of airspeed?A. Decreasing headwind or tailwind.B. Decreasing headwind and increasing tailwind.C. Increasing headwind and decreasing tailwind.11 Which is a characteristic of low-level wind shear as it relates to frontal activity?A. With a warm front, the most critical period is before the front passes the airport.B. With a cold front, the most critical period is just before the front passes the airport.C. Turbulence will always exits in wind-shear conditions.12. Hazardous wind shear is commonly encountered near the groundA. during periods when the wind velocity is stronger than 35 knots.B. during periods when the wind velocity is stronger than 35 knots and near mountainvalleys.C. during periods of strong temperature inversion and near thunderstorms13. The strength and location of the jet stream is normallyA stronger and farther north in the winterB weaker and farther north in the summerC stronger and farther north in the summer14. Which is a necessary condition for the occurrence of a low-level temperature inversion wind shear?A. The temperature differential between the cold and warm layers must be at least 10 degreesC.B. A calm or light wind near the surface and a relatively strong wind just above theinversion.C. A wind direction difference of at least 30 degrees between the wind near the surfaceand the wind just above the inversion.15. What is the lowest cloud in the stationary group associated with a mountain wave?A. Rotor cloud.B. Standing lenticular.C. Low stratus.16. Possible mountain wave turbulence could be anticipate when winds of 40 knots or greater blowA. across a mountain ridge, and the air is stable.B. down a mountain valley, and the air id unstable.C. parallel to a mountain peak, and the air is stable.17. Where are jetstreams normally located?A. In areas of strong low pressure systems in the stratosphere.B. At the tropopause where intensified temperature gradients are located.C. In a single continuous band, encircling the Earth, where there is a break between theequatorial and polar tropopause.18. Which type clouds may be associated with the jetstream?A. Cumulonimbus cloud line where the jetstream crosses the cold front.B. Cirrus clouds on the equatorial side of the jetstream.C. Cirrostratus cloud band on the polar side and under the jetstream.☆19. What action is appropriate when encountering the first ripple of reported clear air turbulence (CAT)?A. Extend flaps to decrease wind loading.B. Extend gear to provide more drag and increase stability.C. Adjust airspeed to that recommended for rough air.20. Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength?A. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up.B. Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down.C. Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down.21. Hazardous vortex turbulence that might be encountered behind large aircraft is created only when that aircraft isA. developing lift.B. operating at high airspeeds.C. using high power settings.22. Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend toA. sink below the aircraft generating the turbulence.B. rise from the surface to traffic pattern altitude.C. accumulate and remain for a period of time at the point where the takeoff roll began.23. To avoid the wingtip vortices of a departing jet airplane during takeoff, the pilot shouldA. lift off at a point well past the jet airplane's flight path.B. climb above and stay upwind of the jet airplane's flight path.C. remain below the flight path of the jet airplane.24. If you take off behind a heavy jet that has just landed, you should plan to lift offA. prior to the point where the jet touched down.B. beyond the point where the jet touched down.C. at the point where the jet touched down and on the upwind edge of the runway.25. Discuss the in-flight Visual indications of possible Wind Shear.26.云中飞行颠簸非常强烈的云主要是:A. Tcu, ScB. Sc, AcC. Ac,CbD. Cb,Tcu27.下列何种地区最容易出现山地背风波:A. 丘陵地区B. 山谷风盛行地区C. 孤立山峰的后面D. 高大山脉的背风面上空28.在山地背风波的下降气流中飞行时,除造成飞机掉高度外,还可造成的严重危害是:A. 气压式高度表读数高于实际高度B. 空速表误差增大C. 地速减小D. 实际空速减小29.在机场周围存在下列何种地表时,容易产生飞机颠簸?A. 湖泊与森林B. 水渠与河流C. 河流与山丘D. 草地与庄稼30.在下列何种天气系统中最容易遇到飞机颠簸?A. 急行冷锋B. 气旋C. 地形造成的静止锋D. 锢囚锋31.同一种飞机在低速飞行时,飞行速度越大,飞机颠簸的:A. 范围越小B. 强度越弱C. 强度变化不明显D. 强度越大32.我国青藏高原上空常有较强的飞机颠簸,其原因主要是:A. 高原上空气稀薄,飞机升力小B. 高原上容易形成地形波C. 高原上冷暖空气活跃,常有锋面活动D. 高原上地形起伏,风力大,日照强33.小型飞机尾随大型飞机起降时容易发生事故,其原因是:A. 大型飞机后有较强的尾涡湍流B. 大型飞机排出的废气严重地影响了能见度C. 大型飞机起降时造成了严重的低空风切变D. 大型飞机后有较强的下冲气流34.同一种飞机,机翼载荷越大,飞机颠簸:A. 次数越频繁B. 强度越弱C. 强度越强D. 强度无变化35.高空急流形成的原因是:A. 大气中有大的水平温度梯度B. 冷锋后有大的水平气压梯度C. 越到高处,风速越大,最后形成急流D. 高空槽和高压脊的影响36.晴空乱流出现的一般高度是:A. 距地面1500米至6000米高度范围内B. 距地面6000米以上高度C. 距地面9000米至12000米高度范围内D. 距地面12000米以上高空37.在300百帕等压面图上,等高线密集区即为:A. 高空锋区B. 高空槽区C. 切变线区D. 高空急流区38.对流层顶有断裂现象或坡度较陡时,会出现何种影响飞行的天气现象:A. 大气波动B. 晴空乱流C. 西风急流D. 下冲气流39.我国规定低空风切变的出现高度是:A. 场面高度600米以下B. 场面高度300米以下C. 海平面高度600米以下D. 场面高度1000米以下40.下面那种情况可能引起低空风切变?A. 气旋过后B. 地面有微风且风向不定时C. 飞行中穿过切变线时D. 低空有逆温层,且在其上面有强风时41.下述何种地区最容易出现低空风切变?A. 在气压和温度急剧下降的地区B. 海陆交界地区C. 有雷暴活动的锋面附近D. 空中冷平流较强的地区42.飞机从逆风进入顺风时所遇到的风切变称为:A. 顺风切变B. 逆风切变C. 侧风切变D. 逆顺风切变Answers:humid climates where the bases of convective clouds tend to be low,microbursts are associated with a visible rainshaft. In drier climates, the higher thunderstorm cloud bases result in the evaporation of the rainshaft. The only visible indications under these conditions may be virga at the cloud base and a dust ring on the ground.习题Chapter7 ICING1. What is a feature of supercooled water?A. The water drop sublimates to an ice particle upon impact.B. The unstable water drop freezes upon striking an exposed object.C. The temperature of the water drop remains at 0°C until it impacts a part of the airframe,then clear ice accumulates.2. Which conditions result in the formation of frost?A. The temperature of the collecting surface is at or below freezing and small dropletsof moisture are fallingB. When dew forms and the temperature is below freezingC. Temperature of the collecting surface is below the dew point of surrounding air andthe dew point is colder than freezing.3. When will frost most likely form on aircraft surfaces?A. On clear nights with stable air and light winds.B. On overcast nights with freezing drizzle precipitation.C. On clear nights with convective action and a small temperature/dewpoint spread.4. What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flight?A. Supercooled water drops.B. Water vapor.C. Visible water.5. Which type precipitation is an indication that supercooled water is present?A. Wet snow.B. Freezing rain.C. Ice pellets.6. Which type of icing is associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low-level stratus clouds?A. Clear ice.B. Frost ice.C. Rime ice.7. Why is frost considered hazardous to flight operation?A. Frost changes the basic aerodynamic shape of the airfoilB. Frost decreases control effectivenessC. Frost causes early airflow separation resulting in a loss of lift8. In which meteorological environment is aircraft structural icing most likely to have the highest rate of accumulation?A. Cumulonimbus clouds.B. High humidity and freezing temperature.C. Freezing rain9. What is an operational consideration if you fly into rain which freezes on impact?A. You have flown into an area of thunderstorms.B. Temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitude.C. You have flown through a cold front.10. Test data indicate that ice, Snow, or frost having a thickness and roughness similar to medium or coarse sandpaper on the leading edge and upper surface of an airfoilA. reduce lift by as much as 50 percent and increase drag by as much as 50 percentB. increase drag and reduce lift by as much as 25 percent.C. reduce lift by as much as 30 percent and increase drag by 40 percent11. What condition is indicated when ice pellets are encountered during flight?A. Thunderstorms at higher levels.B. Freezing rain at higher levels.C. Snow at higher levels.。
航空气象试题Document serial number【NL89WT-NY98YT-NC8CB-NNUUT-NUT108】《航空气象》试题一、单选题(每小题2分,共20分)1、下列哪种气体能够强烈吸收太阳紫外线( C )。
A、氧气B、二氧化碳C、臭氧D、氖气2、气温通常用三种温标来度量,其中,华氏温度是将纯水的冰点定为(A )。
A、32 ℉B、212℉C、℉=(9/5) ℃+32D、0℃3、大气处于标准状态下的海平面气压称为标准海平面气压,其值为( C )。
A、 B、760mmHgC、或760mmHgD、以上都不是4、在山口、河谷地区常产生风速较大的风,称为( A )。
A、山谷风B、峡谷风C、海陆风D、热成风5、云块底部平坦而灰暗,顶部凸起而明亮,圆弧形轮廓一个个互相重叠,像花菜或鸡冠花顶的低云称为( A)。
A、浓积云B、碎积云C、淡积云D、层积云6、雷暴是由强烈发展的积雨云产生的,下列不属于形成强烈积雨云条件的是(B )。
A、深厚而明显的不稳定气层B、浅谈的稳定气层C、充沛的水汽D、足够的冲击7、气象上把大气中风突然急剧变化的现象称为( A )。
A、飑B、冰雹C、龙卷D、暴雨8、积冰对飞行的影响下列说法不正确的是( D )。
A、西南和华南地区B、华东和华南地区C、华南和青藏高原D、西北和东北地区10、水平能见度是指视力正常的人,在当时天气条件下,能够从天空背景中看到和辨认出目标物的( B )。
民航气象考试题库及答案1. 民航气象服务的主要目的是什么?答案:民航气象服务的主要目的是为航空飞行提供准确的气象信息,确保飞行安全,提高飞行效率。
2. 什么是航空气象学?答案:航空气象学是研究与航空活动相关的气象现象、过程及其对航空器运行影响的科学。
3. 请列举至少三种影响飞行安全的气象因素。
4. 什么是风切变?答案:风切变指的是风速或风向在短时间内发生急剧变化的现象,对飞行安全构成威胁。
5. 什么是积雨云?答案:积雨云是一种发展迅速、顶部呈塔状的云,通常与雷暴、强降水和冰雹等强烈天气现象有关。
6. 什么是航空气象预报?答案:航空气象预报是对未来一段时间内特定区域的气象状况进行预测,以供航空器运行参考。
7. 什么是气象雷达?答案:气象雷达是一种利用无线电波探测大气中降水、云层等气象现象的设备。
8. 什么是航空气象观测?答案:航空气象观测是通过各种仪器和设备,对大气中的气象要素进行测量和记录的过程。
9. 什么是航空气象服务的“三要素”?答案:航空气象服务的“三要素”是预报、观测和信息传递。
10. 什么是飞行气象条件?答案:飞行气象条件是指对飞行安全和效率有影响的气象因素,包括能见度、云高、风向风速等。
11. 什么是航空气象服务的“四阶段”?答案:航空气象服务的“四阶段”包括飞行前准备、飞行中监控、飞行后评估和飞行安全分析。
12. 什么是航空气象服务的“五要素”?答案:航空气象服务的“五要素”包括温度、湿度、气压、风和降水。
13. 什么是航空气象服务的“六保障”?答案:航空气象服务的“六保障”包括保障飞行安全、保障飞行效率、保障飞行经济、保障飞行舒适、保障飞行环保和保障飞行信息服务。
14. 什么是气象卫星?答案:气象卫星是专门用于获取地球大气层和地表气象信息的人造卫星。
15. 什么是航空气象服务的“七原则”?答案:航空气象服务的“七原则”包括准确性、及时性、连续性、系统性、针对性、可靠性和经济性。
习题Chapter 1 ATMOSPHERE AND TEMPERATURE1、Which feature is associated with the tropopause?A、Absence of wind and turbulence、B、Absolute upper limit of cloud formation、C、Abrupt change of temperature lapse rate、2、What is a characteristic of the troposphere?A、It contains all the moisture of the atmosphere、B、There is an overall decrease of temperature with an increase of altitude、C、The average altitude of the top of the troposphere is about 6 miles、3、The average height of the troposphere in the middle latitudes isA、20,000feet、B、25,000feet、C、37,000feet、4、The primary cause of all changes in the Earth’s weather isA、varia tion of solar energy received by the Earth’s regions、B、changes in air pressure over the Earth’s surface、C、movement of the air masses、5、If the air temperature is +8 ℃ at an elevation of 1,350 feet and a standard (average) temperaturelapse rate exists, what will be the approximate freezing level?A、3,350 feet MSL(Mean Sea Level)B、5,350 feet MSLC、9,350 feet MSL6、The most frequent type of ground or surface based temperature inversion is that produced byA、ground radiation on a clear, cool night, when the wind is light、B、warm air being lifted rapidly aloft in the vicinity of mountainous terrain.C、the movement of colder air under warm air, or the movement of warm air over cold air、7、What feature is associated with a temperature inversion?A、A stable layer of air、B、An unstable layer of air、C、Air mass thunderstorms、8、What are the characterizes of a ground-based inversion?A、Convection currents at the surface、B、Cold temperatures、C、Poor visibility、9、Where is a common location for an inversion of the atmosphere?A、At the tropopause、B、In the stratosphere、C、At the base of cumulus clouds、10、Which weather conditions should be expected beneath a low-level temperature inversion layer when the relative humidity is high?A、Smooth air and poor visibility due to fog, haze, or low clouds、B、Light wind shear and poor visibility due to haze and light rain、C、Turbulent air and poor visibility due to fog, low stratus-type clouds, and showery precipitation11、对流层中,对天气变化影响较大的气体就是:A、氮气与氧气B、氧气与二氧化碳C、二氧化碳与水汽D、水汽与臭氧12、对流层顶就是一个强大的稳定层,因为:A、它的上面就是平流层B、空气干洁,能见度好C、气流平稳,没有对流运动 D 该处气温直减率小13、在对流层顶以上飞行,常常就是:A、气流平稳,能见度好B、有尘粒、烟粒等杂质聚积C、会遇到高云,或积雨云、浓积云顶D、有使飞机产生颠簸的扰动气流14、局地气温的最低点通常出现在:A、后半夜B、天亮时C、早晨D、日出时15、能造成较大气温日较差的有利天气与地理条件分别就是:A、晴天,陆地B、晴天,海洋C、阴天,陆地D、阴天,海洋16、局地气温的非周期变化受下列那一个因素的影响最显著?A、太阳辐射强度B、海陆分布C、季节D、冷暖空气的水平运动17、标准大气的海平面气温等于:A、0℃B、10℃C、273、16KD、288、16K18、气压相等时,较暖与较湿的空气密度分别比较冷与较干的空气密度要A、小,小B、大,大C、小,大D、大,小Answers:1、C2、B3、C4、A5、B6、A7、A8、C9、B 10、A 11、C 12、D 13、A 14、D 15、A 16、D 17、D 18、A习题Chapter 2 ATMOSPHERIC PRESSURE AND ALTIMETRY1、Which pressure is defined as station pressure?A、Altimeter setting、B、Actual pressure at field elevation、C、Station barometric pressure reduced to sea level、2、What term describes an elongated area of low pressure?A、Trough、B、Ridge、C、Hurricane or typhoon、3、If the ambient temperature is colder than standard at FL 310, what is the relationship between true altitude and pressure altitude?A、They are both the same, 31,000 feet、B、True altitude is lower than 31,000 feet、C、Pressure altitude is lower than true altitude、4、Where is the usual location of a thermal low?A、Over the arctic region、B、Over the eye of a hurricane、C、Over the surface of a dry, sunny region、☆5、En route at FL 270, the altimeter is set correctly、On descent, a pilot fails to set the local altimeter setting of 30、57、If the field elevation is 650 feet, and the altimeter is functioning properly, what will it indicate upon landing?A、585 feet、B、1,300 feet、C、Sea level、6、What is corrected altitude (approximate true altitude)?A、Pressure altitude corrected for instrument error、B、indicated altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard、C、Density altitude corrected for temperature variation from standard、7、常用于研究水平气压场的气压就是:A、本站气压B、场面气压C、修正海平面气压D、标准海平面气压8、飞机起降时,用于调整高度表的气压通常就是:A 本站气压B、场面气压C、修正海平面气压D、标准海平面气压9、航线飞行时,用来调整高度表的气压就是:A、本站气压B、场面气压C、修正海平面气压D、标准海平面气压10、飞机进入较强下降气流与上升气流区时,高度指示会分别比实际高度:A、偏高,偏低B、偏高,偏高C、偏低,偏高D、偏低,偏低11、当飞机按气压式高度表保持一定高度飞向低压区时,其实际高度的变化就是:A、逐渐变低B、逐渐变高C、先变低,后变高D、先变高,后变低12、当空气密度低于标准大气时,对飞机的起飞载重量或起飞与着陆滑跑距离的影响分别就是:A、减少,加长B、减少,缩短C、增大,加长D、增大,缩短13、飞机所处位置的密度高度,在冷天与热天通常分别为:A、低密度高度,高密度高度B、高密度高度,低密度高度C、低密度高度,低密度高度D、高密度高度,高密度高度Answers:1、B2、A3、B4、C5、C6、B7、C8、C9、D 10、A11、A 12、A 13、A习题Chapter 3 WIND1、At lower levels of the atmosphere, friction causes the wind to flow across isobars into a low because the frictionA、decreases windspeed and Coriolis force、B、decreases pressure gradient force、C、creates air turbulence and raises atmospheric pressure、2、What causes surface winds to flow across the isobars at an angle rather than parallel to the isobars?A、Coriolis force、B、Surface frictionC、The greater density of the air at the Surface、3、What is a feature of air movement in a high pressure area?A、Ascending from the surface high to lower pressure at higher altitudes、B、Descending to the surface and then outward、C、Moving outward from the high at high altitudes and into the high at the surface、4、What is indicated by close spacing of isobars on a weather map?A、Weak pressure gradient and weak windsB、Weak pressure gradient and strong windsC、Strong pressure gradient and strong winds5、Which type wind flows downslope becoming warmer and dryer?A、Land breeze、B、Valley wind、C、Katabatic wind、6、At which location does Coriolis force have the least effect on wind direction?A、At the poles、B、Middle latitudes (30° to 60°)、C、At the Equator、7、How does Coriolis force affect wind direction in the Southern Hemisphere?A、Causes clockwise rotation around a low、B、Causes wind to flow out of a low toward a high、C、Has exactly the same effect as in the Northern Hemisphere、8、Which force, in the Northern Hemisphere, acts at a right angle to the wind and deflects it to the right until parallel to the isobars?A、CentrifugalB、Pressure gradient、C、Coriolis9、Which weather condition is defined as an anticyclone?A、Calm、B、High pressure area、C、COL、10、Winds at 5,000 feet AGL on a particular flight are southwesterly while most of the surface winds are southerly、This difference in direction is primarily due toA、a stronger pressure gradient at higher altitudes、B、friction between the wind and the surface、C、stronger Coriolis force at the surface、11、What relationship exists between the winds at 2,000 feet above the surface and the surface winds?A、The winds at 2,000 feet and the surface winds flow in the same direction, but the surfacewinds are weaker due to friction、B、The winds at 2,000 feet tend to parallel the isobars while the surface winds cross the isobarsat an angle toward lower pressure and are weaker、C、The surface winds tend to veer to the right of the winds at 2,000 feet and are usuallyweaker、12、A jet stream is defined as wind ofA、30 knots or greater、B、40 knots or greater、C、50 knots or greater、13、Jet stream winds occur at which location?A、South of highsB、Parallel to troughsC、Breaks in the tropopause14、西北风可表示为:A、135°或SEB、300°或NWC、315°或NWD、340°或WN15、海上风与陆地风相比,主要区别就是:A、海上风速大,风向与等压线交角大B、陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角小C、陆地上风速大,风向与等压线交角大D、海上风速大,风向与等压线交角小16、海风与山风分别出现在:A、白天,晚上B、晚上,白天C、白天,白天D、晚上,晚上17、在北半球9000米高度,由低压区飞向高压区,则航线上吹:A、右侧风B、左侧风C、逆风D、顺风18、在北半球自由大气中,如果航线就是左侧风,则高压区在航线的:A、右侧B、左侧C、后方D、前方19、自由大气中风随高度变化的主要原因就是:A、气温的水平差异B、气温随高度的变化C、气压的水平差异D、气压随高度的变化20、对流层自由大气中,高度增加,风的一般变化规律就是:A、风向趋近于东风,风速增大B、风向趋近于西风,风速减小C、风向趋近于东风,风速减小D、风向趋近于西风,风速增大21、地面风的阵性表现较明显的时间与季节分别就是:A、早晨,冬季B、早晨,夏季C、午后,冬季D、午后,夏季22、地面风的阵性表现较明显的地区特点就是:A、地表粗糙,性质差异大B、地表平坦,性质差异小C、地表粗糙,性质差异小D、地表平坦,性质差异大Answers:1、A2、B3、B4、C5、C6、C7、A8、C9、B 10、B11、B 12、C 13、C 14、C 15、D 16、A 17、A 18、C 19、A 20、D21、D 22、A习题Chapter 4 CLOUD AND PRECIPITATION1、To which meteorological conditioned does the term "dew point "refer?A、The temperature to which air must be cooled to become saturated、B、The temperature at which condensation and evaporation are equal、C、The temperature at which dew will always form、2、The amount of water vapor which air can hold largely depends onA、relative humidity、B、air temperature、C、stability of air3、Clouds, fog, or dew will always form whenA、water vapor condenses、B、water vapor is present、C、the temperature and dew point are equal、4、What weather condition occurs at the altitude where the dewpoint lapse rate and the dry adiabatic lapse rate converge?A、Cloud bases form、B、Precipitation starts、C、Stable air changes to unstable air、5、What are the four families of clouds?A、Stratus, cumulus, nimbus, and cirrus、B、Clouds formed by updrafts, fronts, cooling layers of air, and precipitation into warm air、C、High ,middle, low, and those with extensive vertical development、6、T he suffix “nimbus”, used in naming clouds, means aA、cloud with extensive vertical development、B、rain cloud、C、dark massive, towering cloud、7、A high cloud is composed mostly ofA、ozone、B、condensation nuclei、C、ice crystals、8、Stability can be determined from which measurement of the atmosphere?A、Low-level windsB、ambient lapse rateC、atmospheric pressure9、What determines the structure or type of clouds which form as a result of air being forced to ascend?A、the method by which the air is lifted、B、the stability of the air before lifting occurs、C、the amount of condensation nuclei present after lifting occurs、10、Unsaturated air flowing up slope will cool at the rate of approximately (dry adiabatic lapse rate)A、3℃ per 1000 feet、B、2℃ per 1000 feet、C、2、5℃ per 1000 feet、11、What type of clouds will be formed if very stable moist air is forced up slope?A、First stratified clouds and then vertical clouds、B、Vertical clouds with increasing height、C、Stratified clouds with little vertical development、12、What type clouds can be expected when an unstable air mass is forced to ascend a mountain slope?A、Layered clouds with little vertical development、B、Stratified clouds with considerable associated turbulence,C、Clouds with extensive vertical development、13、Which of the following combinations of weather producing variables would likely result in cumuliform-type clouds good visibility rain showers and possible clear—type icing in clouds?A、Unstable moist air and no lifting mechanism、B、Stable dry air and orographic lifting、C、Unstable moist air and orographic lifting,14、Which family of clouds is least likely to contribute to structural icing on an aircraft?A、Low clouds、B、High clouds、C、Clouds with extensive vertical development、15、Which clouds have the greatest turbulence?A、Towering cumulusB、cumulonimbusC、Altocumulus castellanus16、The presence of standing lenticular altocumulus clouds is a good indication ofA、A jet stream.B、Very strong turbulence、C、Heavy icing conditions、17、Fair weather cumulus clouds often indicateA、Turbulence at and below the cloud level、B、Poor visibilityC、Smooth flying conditions18、A ceiling is defined as the height of theA、highest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that covers over 6/10 of the sky、B、lowest layer of clouds that contributed to the over all overcastC、lowest layer of clouds or obscuring phenomena aloft that is reported as broken or overcast19、What enhance the growth rate of precipitation?A、advective actionB、upward currentsC、cyclonic movement20、The presence of ice pellets at the surface is evidence thatA、these are thunderstorms in the areaB、a cold front has passedC、there is freezing rain at a higher altitude、21、What temperature condition is indicated if wet snow is encountered at your flight altitude?A、The temperature is above freezing at you altitudeB、The temperature is below freezing at your altitude、C、You are flying from a warm air mass into a cold air mass22、Which precipitation type normally indicates freezing rain at higher altitudes?A、SnowB、HailC、Ice pellets23、Select the characteristic (s) associated with the Cumulonimbus Clouds、More than one characteristic may apply、A、HailB、DrizzleC、LightningD、Stable airE、TurbulenceF、Restricted visibility for long periods24、云体高大,底部阴暗,云顶呈园弧形重叠的云就是:A、CuB、TCuC、CbD、Sc25、决定大气稳定度的主要因素就是:A、r值B、rd 值C、P值D、T值26、一般情况下,大气最不稳定的时间与季节分别就是:A、中午,冬季B、早上,夏季C、早上,冬季D、午后,夏季27、一般情况下,大气最稳定的时间与季节分别就是:A、中午,冬季B、早上,夏季C、早上,冬季D、午后,夏季28、速度最大的垂直运动就是:A、对流B、系统性升降运动C、乱流D、大气波动29、对流运动的水平范围一般为:A、几公里B、几十公里C、几到几十公里D、几百公里30、对流上升运动形成:A、积状云B、层状云C、波状云D、堡状云31、大气不稳定时,常产生的垂直运动就是:A、对流与系统性升降运动B、系统性升降运动与波动C、波动与乱流D、乱流与对流32、地球表面热力性质差异大的地区容易产生的垂直运动就是:A、对流与系统性升降运动B、系统性升降运动与波动C、波动与乱流D、乱流与对流33、形成层状云的运动就是:A、对流B、系统性运动C、波动D、乱流34、层状云包括:A、Ns Sc As StB、Sc As Cs FsC、Ci Cs As NsD、Fs Ns As St35、积状云包括:A、Cu TCu Cb FcB、TCu Fc Cc ScC、Cb Sc Ac CuD、Fc Cu Cb Cc36、严重影响飞机起降的低碎云主要就是:A、Ns Fc StB、St Fs CuC、Fn St FsD、Fs Ns Fn37、国家气象部门与民航总局规定的计量云量的方法分别就是:A、十分制,八分制B、八分制,十分制C、十分制,十分制D、八分制,八分制38、中云的云底高度通常规定为:A、1500-4000米B、2500-5000米C、3000-6000米D、2500-6000米Answers:1、A2、B3、A4、A5、C6、B7、C8、B9、B 10、A11、C 12、C 13、C 14、B 15、B 16、B 17、A 18、C 19、B 20、C21、A 22、C 23、ACE 24、B 25、A 26、D 27、C 28、A 29、C 30、A31、D 32、D 33、B 34、C 35、A 36、C 37、A 38、D习题Chapter 5 AIR MASSES AND FRONTS1、An air mass is a body of air thatA、has similar cloud formations associated with itB、creates a wind shift as it moves across the Earth's surface.C、covers an extensive area and has fairly uniform properties of temperature and moisture2、What is indicated about an air mass if the temperature remains unchanged or decreases slightly as altitude is increased?A、The air is unstable、B、A temperature inversion exists、C、The air is stable、3、Which weather condition is an example of a nonfrontal instability band?A、Squall line、B、Advective fog、C、Frontogenesis、4、The general characteristics of unstable air areA、good visibility, showery precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds、B、good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratiform-type clouds.C、poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and cumuliform-typed clouds、.5、What are some characteristics of unstable air?A、Nimbostratus clouds and good Surface visibilityB、Turbulence and poor surface visibility.C、Turbulence and good surface visibility6、What are the characteristics of stable air?A、Good visibility, steady precipitation, and stratus-type clouds.B、Poor visibility, intermittent precipitation, and Cumulus-type clouds.C、Poor visibility,Steady precipitation, and Stratus-type clouds7、Which are characteristics of an unstable cold air mass moving over a warm surface?A、Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and poor visibility.B、Cumuliform clouds, turbulence, and good visibilityC、Stratiform clouds, smooth air, and poor visibility.8、Which atmospheric factor causes rapid movement of surface fronts?A、Upper winds blowing across the front、B、Upper low located directly over the surface low、C、The cold front overtaking and lifting the warm front、9、What weather difference is found on each side of a "dry line"?A、Extreme temperature difference、B、Dewpoint difference、C、Stratus versus cumulus clouds、10、True/False.When an air mass is warmed from below,it becomes more stable11、True/False.Passage of a fast-moving cold front creates a narrow frontal zone with less severe weather than the passage of a slow moving cold front、12、Steady precipitation with little turbulence precedes what type of front?A、Cold frontB、Warm frontC、Occluded front13、What is the most reliable indication that you have flown through a front?A、Change in pressureB、Change in temperatureC、Change in wind direction14、What conditions favor the formation of a frontal wave?A、A fast-moving warm front overtaking a cold frontB、A deep low pressure are allocated northeast of a ridgeC、A stationary front or slow moving cold front with a strong temperature gradient15、Steady precipitation, in contrast to showers, preceding a front is an indication ofA、Stratiform clouds with moderate turbulence、B、Cumuliform clouds with little or no turbulence、C、Stratiform clouds with little or no turbulence、16、飞机由冷气团一侧垂直穿过稳定的缓行冷锋,首先瞧到的云就是:A、卷云B、雨层云C、高层云D、高积云17、不稳定的急行冷锋经过机场时,通常会出现的天气现象就是:A 晴朗微风的天气B、小雨与雾C、层状云与低能见度D、积状云、地面大风、阵性降水18、下列在我国能产生地面大风的天气形势就是:A、冷锋后的偏北大风B、冷锋前的偏北大风C、冷锋前的偏南大风D、冷锋后的偏南大风Answers:1、C2、C3、A4、A5、C6、C7、B8、A9、B 10、F11、F 12、B 13、C 14、C 15、C 16、A 17、D 18、A习题Chapter 6 TURBULENCE1、A pilot reporting turbulence that momentarily causes slight, erratic changes in altitude and /or attitude should report it asA、light turbulence、B、moderate turbulenceC、light chop2、If you fly into severe turbulence, which flight condition should you attempt to maintain?A、Constant airspeed (VA)B、Level flight attitude、C、Constantan altitude and constant airspeed、☆3、If severe turbulence is encountered during your IFR flight,the airplane should be slowed to the design maneuvering speed because theA、maneuverability of the airplane will be increased、B、amount of excess load that can be imposed on the wing will be decreased、C、airplane will stall at a lower angle of rang of attack, giving an increased margin of safety4、(Refer to Microburst figure below、) If involved in a microburst encounter, in which aircraft positions will the most severe downdraft occur?A、4 and 5、B、2 and 3、C、3 and 4、Figure– Microburst5、(Refer to figure above、) When penetrating a microburst, which aircraft will experience an increase in performance without a change in pitch or power?A、3、B、2、C、1、6、(Refer to figure above、) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 3?A、Decreasing headwind、B、Increasing tailwind、C、Strong downdraft、7、(Refer to figure above、) What effect will a microburst encounter have upon the aircraft in position 4?A、Strong tailwind、B、Strong updraft、C、Significant performance increase、8、(Refer to figure above、) How will the aircraft in position 4 be affected by a microburst encounter?A、Performance increasing with a tailwind and updraft、B、Performance decreasing with a tailwind and downdraft、C、Performance decreasing with a headwind and downdraft、9、What is an important characteristic of wind shear?A、It is an atmospheric condition that is associated exclusively with zones of convergence、B、The Coriolis phenomenon in both high- and low-level air masses is the principal generatingforce、C、It is an atmospheric condition that may be associated with a low-level temperature inversion,a jet Stream, or a frontal zone、10、Which wind-shear condition results in a loss of airspeed?A、Decreasing headwind or tailwind、B、Decreasing headwind and increasing tailwind、C、Increasing headwind and decreasing tailwind、11 Which is a characteristic of low-level wind shear as it relates to frontal activity?A、With a warm front, the most critical period is before the front passes the airport、B、With a cold front, the most critical period is just before the front passes the airport、C、Turbulence will always exits in wind-shear conditions.12、Hazardous wind shear is commonly encountered near the groundA、during periods when the wind velocity is stronger than 35 knots.B、during periods when the wind velocity is stronger than 35 knots and near mountain valleys、C、during periods of strong temperature inversion and near thunderstorms13、The strength and location of the jet stream is normallyA stronger and farther north in the winterB weaker and farther north in the summerC stronger and farther north in the summer14、Which is a necessary condition for the occurrence of a low-level temperature inversion wind shear?A、The temperature differential between the cold and warm layers must be at least 10 degreesC、B、A calm or light wind near the surface and a relatively strong wind just above the inversion、C、A wind direction difference of at least 30 degrees between the wind near the surface and thewind just above the inversion、15、What is the lowest cloud in the stationary group associated with a mountain wave?A、Rotor cloud、B、Standing lenticular、C、Low stratus、16、Possible mountain wave turbulence could be anticipate when winds of 40 knots or greater blowA、across a mountain ridge, and the air is stable、B、down a mountain valley, and the air id unstable、C、parallel to a mountain peak, and the air is stable、17、Where are jetstreams normally located?A、In areas of strong low pressure systems in the stratosphere、B、At the tropopause where intensified temperature gradients are located、C、In a single continuous band, encircling the Earth, where there is a break between theequatorial and polar tropopause、18、Which type clouds may be associated with the jetstream?A、Cumulonimbus cloud line where the jetstream crosses the cold front、B、Cirrus clouds on the equatorial side of the jetstream、C、Cirrostratus cloud band on the polar side and under the jetstream、☆19、What action is appropriate when encountering the first ripple of reported clear air turbulence (CAT)?A、Extend flaps to decrease wind loading、B、Extend gear to provide more drag and increase stability、C、Adjust airspeed to that recommended for rough air、20、Which flight conditions of a large jet airplane create the most severe flight hazard by generating wingtip vortices of the greatest strength?A、Heavy, slow, gear and flaps up、B、Heavy, slow, gear and flaps down、C、Heavy, fast, gear and flaps down、21、Hazardous vortex turbulence that might be encountered behind large aircraft is created only when that aircraft isA、developing lift、B、operating at high airspeeds、C、using high power settings、22、Wingtip vortices created by large aircraft tend toA、sink below the aircraft generating the turbulence、B、rise from the surface to traffic pattern altitude、C、accumulate and remain for a period of time at the point where the takeoff roll began、23、To avoid the wingtip vortices of a departing jet airplane during takeoff, the pilot shouldA、lift off at a point well past the jet airplane's flight path、B、climb above and stay upwind of the jet airplane's flight path、C、remain below the flight path of the jet airplane、24、If you take off behind a heavy jet that has just landed, you should plan to lift offA、prior to the point where the jet touched down、B、beyond the point where the jet touched down、C、at the point where the jet touched down and on the upwind edge of the runway、25、Discuss the in-flight Visual indications of possible Wind Shear、26、云中飞行颠簸非常强烈的云主要就是:A、Tcu, ScB、Sc, AcC、Ac,CbD、Cb,Tcu27、下列何种地区最容易出现山地背风波:A、丘陵地区B、山谷风盛行地区C、孤立山峰的后面D、高大山脉的背风面上空28、在山地背风波的下降气流中飞行时,除造成飞机掉高度外,还可造成的严重危害就是:A、气压式高度表读数高于实际高度B、空速表误差增大C、地速减小D、实际空速减小29、在机场周围存在下列何种地表时,容易产生飞机颠簸?A、湖泊与森林B、水渠与河流C、河流与山丘D、草地与庄稼30、在下列何种天气系统中最容易遇到飞机颠簸?A、急行冷锋B、气旋C、地形造成的静止锋D、锢囚锋31、同一种飞机在低速飞行时,飞行速度越大,飞机颠簸的:A、范围越小B、强度越弱C、强度变化不明显D、强度越大32、我国青藏高原上空常有较强的飞机颠簸,其原因主要就是:A、高原上空气稀薄,飞机升力小B、高原上容易形成地形波C、高原上冷暖空气活跃,常有锋面活动D、高原上地形起伏,风力大,日照强33、小型飞机尾随大型飞机起降时容易发生事故,其原因就是:A、大型飞机后有较强的尾涡湍流B、大型飞机排出的废气严重地影响了能见度C、大型飞机起降时造成了严重的低空风切变D、大型飞机后有较强的下冲气流34、同一种飞机,机翼载荷越大,飞机颠簸:A、次数越频繁B、强度越弱C、强度越强D、强度无变化35、高空急流形成的原因就是:A、大气中有大的水平温度梯度B、冷锋后有大的水平气压梯度C、越到高处,风速越大,最后形成急流D、高空槽与高压脊的影响36、晴空乱流出现的一般高度就是:A、距地面1500米至6000米高度范围内B、距地面6000米以上高度C、距地面9000米至12000米高度范围内D、距地面12000米以上高空37、在300百帕等压面图上,等高线密集区即为:A、高空锋区B、高空槽区C、切变线区D、高空急流区38、对流层顶有断裂现象或坡度较陡时,会出现何种影响飞行的天气现象:A、大气波动B、晴空乱流C、西风急流D、下冲气流39、我国规定低空风切变的出现高度就是:A、场面高度600米以下B、场面高度300米以下C、海平面高度600米以下D、场面高度1000米以下40、下面那种情况可能引起低空风切变?A、气旋过后B、地面有微风且风向不定时C、飞行中穿过切变线时D、低空有逆温层,且在其上面有强风时41、下述何种地区最容易出现低空风切变?A、在气压与温度急剧下降的地区B、海陆交界地区C、有雷暴活动的锋面附近D、空中冷平流较强的地区42、飞机从逆风进入顺风时所遇到的风切变称为:A、顺风切变B、逆风切变C、侧风切变D、逆顺风切变Answers:1、A2、B3、B4、C5、C6、C7、A8、B9、C 10、B11、A 12、C 13、B 14、B 15、A 16、A 17、B 18、C 19、C 20、A21、A 22、A 23、B 24、B 25、In humid climates where the bases of convective clouds tend to be low,microbursts are associated with a visible rainshaft、In drier climates, the higher thunderstorm cloud bases result in the evaporation of the rainshaft、The only visible indications under these conditions may be virga at the cloud base and a dust ring on the ground、26、D 27、D 28、A 29、C 30、A 31、D 32、D 33、A 34、B 35、A 36、B 37、D 38、B 39、A 40、D 41、C 42、A习题Chapter7 ICING1、What is a feature of supercooled water?A、The water drop sublimates to an ice particle upon impact、B、The unstable water drop freezes upon striking an exposed object、C、The temperature of the water drop remains at 0°C until it impacts a part of the airframe, thenclear ice accumulates、2、Which conditions result in the formation of frost?A、The temperature of the collecting surface is at or below freezing and small droplets ofmoisture are fallingB、When dew forms and the temperature is below freezingC、Temperature of the collecting surface is below the dew point of surrounding air and the dewpoint is colder than freezing、3、When will frost most likely form on aircraft surfaces?A、On clear nights with stable air and light winds、B、On overcast nights with freezing drizzle precipitation、C、On clear nights with convective action and a small temperature/dewpoint spread、4、What condition is necessary for the formation of structural icing in flight?A、Supercooled water drops、B、Water vapor、C、Visible water、5、Which type precipitation is an indication that supercooled water is present?A、Wet snow、B、Freezing rain、C、Ice pellets、6、Which type of icing is associated with the smallest size of water droplet similar to that found in low-level stratus clouds?A、Clear ice、B、Frost ice、C、Rime ice、7、Why is frost considered hazardous to flight operation?A、Frost changes the basic aerodynamic shape of the airfoilB、Frost decreases control effectivenessC、Frost causes early airflow separation resulting in a loss of lift8、In which meteorological environment is aircraft structural icing most likely to have the highest rate of accumulation?A、Cumulonimbus clouds、B、High humidity and freezing temperature、C、Freezing rain9、What is an operational consideration if you fly into rain which freezes on impact?A、You have flown into an area of thunderstorms.B、Temperatures are above freezing at some higher altitude、C、You have flown through a cold front、10、Test data indicate that ice, Snow, or frost having a thickness and roughness similar to medium or coarse sandpaper on the leading edge and upper surface of an airfoilA、reduce lift by as much as 50 percent and increase drag by as much as 50 percentB、increase drag and reduce lift by as much as 25 percent.C、reduce lift by as much as 30 percent and increase drag by 40 percent11、What condition is indicated when ice pellets are encountered during flight?。
110001 日常航空天气报告是( C )。
A:TAFB:ROFORC:METARD:SPECI110002 在日常航空天气报告中发布CAVOK时,对能见度的要求是( B )。
A:大于5千米,小于10千米B:大于等于10千米C:大于3千米,小于5千米D:小于1千米110003 单个微下冲气流的估计维持时间是( D )。
A:从下冲气流撞击地面到消散需5小时B:从下冲气流撞击地面到消散需10小时C:从下冲气流撞击地面到消散需15小时D:从下冲气流撞击地面到消散很少超过15分钟110004 在微下冲气流遭遇中,最大下降气流可能强达( C )。
A:3米/秒(28千米/小时)B:5米/秒(82千米/小时)C:30米/秒(108千米/小时)D:4米/秒(14千米/小时)110005 TAF天气预报所覆盖的范围以跑道中点为圆心半径是( B )海里的圆。
A:10B:5C:15D:20110006 VOLMET的含义是( C )。
A:传真图B:重要天气预告图C:对空天气广播D:对流预计图110007 在TAF报文中,缩写OCNL表示紧跟其后的天气现象发生的概率( C )。
A:大于80%B:小于30%C:大于50%D:小于50%110008 在日常航空天气报告报文中,SCT表示云量的范围在( B )之间。
A:1/8至5/8B:1/8至4/8C:5/8至7/8D:2/8至6/8110009 在TAF报文中,BR表示的天气现象是( C )。
A:烟B:霾C:轻雾D:毛毛雨110010 ( B )的风切变情况会导致空速的损失。
A:垂直气流引起B:逆风减小和顺风增大C:增大逆风D:减小顺风110011 ( C )的风切变情况导致空速增大。
A:增大垂直风速B:增大顺风C:增大逆风D:减小逆风110012 航空天气预报中的云底高度是指相对于( B )的高度。
A:实际海平面B:地表面C:标准海平面D:下一层云110013 对于固定翼的航空器,在起飞期间遇到强度增加的顺风切变时( A )。
6、标准等压面高度的对应数字?850Hpa? 700Hpa? 500pa? 300Hpa? 200Hpa? 400pa?答:850Hpa~1500m左右 700Hpa~3000m左右 500pa~5500m左右300Hpa~9000m左右200Hpa~12000m左右 400pa~7000m左右7、下列符号代表的含义?--大范围浓雾 --热带气旋 --重要天气压或云区-- 准静止锋暧锋 -中度结冰 -严重颠簸 P -雷暴--晴空颠簸区 CAT晴空颠簸8、在日常航空天气报告中,CAVOK、SKC、VCTS、NSC 分别代表什么意思?答:CAVOK:能见度大于等于10km,1500m以下无云,且无降水和积雨云VCTS:机场附近有雷暴,但机场上无雷暴NSC:没有重要的云。
答:10公里 20公里禁止绕飞。
预报岗见习预报员放单考核姓名分数一、选择题1、大范围的烟或雾致使能见度达到( )时,应在低层重要天气预告图上标注其存在。
A、小于10公里B、小于5公里C、小于6公里2、雾(FG)是指能见度( )。
A、< 800米B、> 1000米C、< 1000米3、24小时的机场预报FT,发布时间不迟于预报有效起始时间前( ),不早于预报有效起始时间前( ),昀好不早于预报有效起始时间前( )。
其形成的有利条件是( )。
A、晴朗的夜间,有强烈的地面有效辐射B、近地面气层水汽含量充沛,有稳定的温度层结C、低层有微风和一定强度的湍流D、以上全对10、11、夜间有时地面存在辐射逆温,层云或雾的顶部温度反而比周围无云的地表要暖,在红外云图上,云区比周围无云区的地表显得( )。
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《航空气象》练习题第一章大气的状态及其运动1. 构成大气的基本成分有哪些?二氧化碳和臭氧有什么作用?2. 什么叫气温垂直递减率,什么是等温层和逆温层?3. 大气分层的主要依据是什么,大气可分为哪几层?4. 对流层和平流层有哪些基本特征,它们对飞行有什么影响?5. 什么是标准大气?标准大气有什么作用?6. 引起大气温度变化的原因是什么,什么叫气温的绝热变化?7. 气压随高度是怎样变化的,影响气压随高度变化的因子是什么?8. 什么是本站气压、场面气压、标准海平面气压和修正海平面气压?各有什么用处?9. 气压水平分布的基本形式有哪些?如何根据等压线的分布来判断水平气压梯度的大小?10. 空气湿度指什么?常用的表示空气湿度的物理量有哪些?11. 基本气象要素如何影响飞机性能和仪表指示?12. 在其他条件相同时,含水汽量多的气块与含水汽量少的气块哪个重些?13. 解释“下雪不冷化雪寒”这句谚语。
14. 说明γ、γ、dγ、mγ的物理含意。
15. 地面气温为18℃,一空气块干绝热上升到2 000 m高度时,其温度是多少?再下降到800m高度,其温度又是多少?16. 地面气温为t0,一架飞机上升到离地Z m高,同时地面一未饱和空气块也上升到此高度,求:飞机温度表示度和气块温度的差值。
17. 飞机按气压式高度表指示的一定高度飞行,在飞向高压区时,其实际高度如何变化?飞向低压区时情况又如何?18. 试比较下面两块体积相同的空气块,哪块水汽含量多,哪块饱和程度大?习题18图19. 地面一空气块温度为25︒C,露点17︒C,该空气块需上升多少高度才会饱和?20. 解释:冬季夜间停放在地面的飞机,有时机体表面会结霜;停放在地面过夜的飞机,如油箱未加满油,可能会引起油箱积水。
21. 什么叫风,气象风的风向、风速是如何表示的?22. 形成风的力有哪些,北半球地转偏向力的方向如何?23. 自由大气和摩擦层中的风压定理是如何表述的,区别在哪里?24. 摩擦层中风的变化方式有哪些,变化原因是什么?25. 自由大气中风的变化原因是什么?什么是热成风?26. 山谷风和海陆风是如何形成的?27. 什么是焚风?它会带来什么样的天气?28. 风是如何影响飞行的?29. 空气垂直运动的形式有哪些?30. 什么是对流,对流的发展需要什么条件?31. 什么是对流冲击力,可分为哪两类?32. 什么是大气稳定度,如何判断大气稳定度?33. 画图说明在北半球自由大气中,航线通过低压槽和高压脊时的风向变化情况。
34. 根据下面平面图中温压场的配置情况,说明风随高度是如何变化的(虚线为等温线,实线为等压线,北半球自由大气中)。
习题34图35. 解释:夏季晴天午后,在机场经常见到地面风由草地吹向跑道的现象。
36. 为什么等温层、逆温层又叫稳定层和阻挡层,它们对飞行有何影响?37. 试分析下图中各种情况下的大气稳定度。
习题37图38. 大气中的乱流和波动是如何产生的?第二章云和降水1. 什么是高云、中云和低云?它们各有哪几种云?2. 浓积云的外貌特征如何?对飞行有什么影响?3. 积雨云的外貌特征如何?对飞行有什么影响?4. 雨层云的外貌特征如何?对飞行有什么影响?5. 形成云的基本条件是什么?6. 根据云的形成原理解释:早晨江面上容易出现低云(常为碎积云或碎层云)。
7. 积状云有何共同特征?与天气演变有何关系?8. 层状云有什么基本特征?其中对飞行影响较大的云有哪些?9. 堡状云、絮状云的出现预示什么样的天气?10. 什么是总云量、可见分云量和累积分云量?11. 根据上升运动的不同可将云分为几类?各类云中有什么样的降水?12. 不同形态的降水是怎样形成的?13. 冰雹为什么产生在强烈发展的积雨云中?14. 降水对飞行有哪些影响?15. 什么叫云高,如何测量云高?16. 某地上空有高度较低的层状云,当时该地气温为25︒C,露点23︒C,层状云云高大致为多少?17. 某地上空有高度较低的积状云,当时该地气温为35︒C,露点30︒C,积状云云高大致为多少?第三章能见度与视程障碍1. 能见度的定义是什么?2. 影响能见度的因子有哪些?3. 地面能见度分为哪几种?4. 空中能见度有何特点,在地面如何估计空中能见度?5.什么是跑道视程?它有什么用处?6. 什么是辐射雾?它的形成条件如何?7. 什么是平流雾?它有什么特点?对飞行有什么影响?8. 烟幕形成与逆温层有什么关系?9. 霾是怎样形成的?它对飞行有什么影响?10. 风沙天气是怎样形成的?11. 默写形成视程障碍的九种天气现象的符号。
第四章常规天气分析1. 翻译下图中各站的气象要素,并说明对本场飞行的影响。
题1图2. 地面天气图有哪些分析项目?天气区是怎样表示的?3. 起飞前,飞行人员可以从地面天气图上获得哪些有用的信息?4. 常用的等压面图有哪些?它们对应的海拔高度是多少?5. 起飞前,飞行人员可以从空中等压面图上获得哪些有用的信息?6. 说明温度—对数压力图上的层结曲线、露点曲线和状态曲线的意义和作用。
7. 怎样利用温度—对数压力图来判断大气的稳定性?8. 锋面两侧的温度和风的分布有何特征?9. 决定锋面天气的基本因素有哪些?10. 准静止锋的天气与暖锋有何异同?对飞行有何影响?11. 影响我国的气团主要有哪些?它们会造成什么天气?12. 东北气旋和江淮气旋的一般天气如何?13. 西南涡是怎样形成的?它的天气怎样?14. 北太平洋副热带高压有什么季节性变化?对我国的天气有何影响?15. 什么是槽线?切变线?两者有何异同点?16. 什么是热带辐合带?它有什么季节性变化?其一般天气如何?17. 什么是热带锋?它有什么样的天气?18. 什么是热带云团?它的主要类型有哪些?19. 热带气旋分为哪几个等级?各级的最大风速如何?20. 形成热带风暴的条件是什么?它是怎样形成的?21. 西太平洋台风主要生成地区及移动路径有哪些?对我国的影响怎样?22. 台风内部气流形成是怎样的?其云系分布如何?23. 台风有哪些危害?24. 什么叫天气形势预报?天气形势预报主要有哪几种方法?各有何优缺点?25. 做气象要素预报的思路是什么?26. 在等压面图上,如何根据冷暖平流来判断槽、脊强度的变化?27. 什么叫引导气流规则?28. 如果地面有一浅薄气旋,其上空700 hPa等压面上的风向为西北风,风速为12 m/s,引导系数为90%,求该气旋未来的移动方向和12 h内移动的距离。
29. 我国产生地面大风的天气形势主要有哪些?30. 我国产生雾和低云的天气形势主要有哪几种?第五章雷暴及其他对流天气1. 什么叫雷暴?形成雷暴的基本条件是什么?这些条件在雷暴形成过程中有什么作用?2. 我国夏天为什么多雷暴?3.什么是雷暴单体?其发展有哪三个阶段?各阶段的主要特征是什么?4. 普通雷暴过境时,地面气象要素有何变化?5. 强烈雷暴为什么会维持稳定强大达几个小时?6. 强雷暴可分为几种,它们各有什么特点?7. 什么是热雷暴?它有什么特点?8. 什么是地形雷暴?它有什么特点?9. 冷锋雷暴是怎样形成的?有什么特点?10. 冷涡雷暴是怎样形成的?有什么特点?11. 为什么说“雷暴不过河”?12. 雷暴对飞行有何影响?13.什么是下击暴流?它对飞行有何影响?14. 在飞行中怎样根据外貌特征来区别强烈雷暴和普通雷暴?15. 在云中飞行时怎样判断是雷暴云?16. 怎样用机载气象雷达来判明雷暴?17. 在气象雷达上,雷暴云回波有何特点?18. 在飞过雷暴区时,应注意哪些问题?19. 对流性天气容易出现在哪些地方?20. 形成山地背风波的条件是什么?21. 背风波与对流有什么关系?22. 背风波对飞行有何影响?23. 什么是下坡风?它是怎样形成的?对飞行有什么影响?24. 海风锋和陆风锋是怎样形成的?它们的天气怎样?25. 什么叫城市热岛效应?它有什么特征?第六章中低空飞行的大气环境1. 什么是低空风切变?根据风场的空间结构,风切变可以分为几类?2. 根据飞机的运动相对于风矢量之间的各种不同情况,风切变可分为哪几种形式,对飞行有什么影响?3. 产生低空风切变的气象条件有哪几种?4. 低空辐射逆温是怎样形成风切变的?5. 由下冲气流造成的风切变有什么特点?6. 低空风切变中的飞行事故有什么特征?7. 顺风切变和逆风切变对着陆有什么影响?8. 低空风切变的目视征兆有哪些?9. 怎样根据座舱仪表来判定风切变的存在?10. 什么是飞机颠簸?它是怎样形成的?11. 大气乱流产生的原因是什么?12. 什么叫尾涡乱流?它有什么特点?13. 什么叫飞机乱流?它的尺度是多大?14. 影响飞机颠簸强度的因子有哪些?15. 飞机颠簸层随纬度和高度的分布有什么特征?16. 我国青藏高原为什么多颠簸?17. 容易产生飞机颠簸的天气系统有哪些?18. 在哪些地区容易出现颠簸?19. 颠簸对飞行有何影响?20. 在遭遇飞机颠簸时应怎样正确处置?21. 什么叫飞机积冰?形成飞机积冰的基本条件是什么?22. 飞机积冰有哪几种?它们是怎样形成的?23. 影响飞机积冰强度的因素有哪些?24. 产生飞机积冰的气象条件如何?25. 我国最易发生飞机积冰的地区是哪里?26. 积冰对飞行有什么影响?27. 在寒冷地区飞行,起飞前应注意什么?28. 山地气流有何特点?29. 当风垂直于山谷吹时,在山谷中飞行应注意什么?为什么?30. 山地的云有什么特征?31. 山地的降水有什么特征?32. 山区飞行时应注意什么?33. 高原的气温有什么特点?34. 在高原机场飞行时,为什么要采用假定零点高度?35. 高原的气流有何特点?36. 高原的云有何特点?37. 高原降水有何特点?38. 沙漠地区的气温和风有何特征?39. 冬春季节内蒙古一带常有什么天气影响飞行?40. 沙漠和荒漠地区飞行应注意什么?41. 海上和陆地气象特点不同的原因是什么?42. 海上气流有什么特点?43. 海上常出现什么雾?它是怎样形成的?44. 海雾有什么特征?45. 海上的云有何特征?46. 海上飞行要注意什么?47. 海陆气象差异的主要表现是什么?第七章高空飞行大气环境1.什么是对流层顶?对流层顶的高度和气温如何变化?它对飞行有什么影响?2. 高空和平流层内气温的分布有何特点?3. 高空和平流层内气压和风分布的特点是什么?4. 平流层中臭氧对飞行有何影响?5. 高空、平流层中目视条件有何特点?6. 火山灰云对飞行有何影响?对付火山灰云应采取什么措施?7. 什么是高空急流?它的主要特征是什么?8. 高空急流是怎样形成的?它一般容易出现在什么地方?9. 我国有哪些高空急流?它们对飞行有什么影响?10. 什么是晴空乱流?它的主要特征是什么?11. 在高空和平流层飞行时怎样判断高空急流?12. 高空急流对飞行有何影响?飞行中应注意哪些问题?13. 晴空乱流对飞行有何影响?飞行中应采取什么安全措施?第八章航空气候概况1.什么叫大气环流?形成大气环流的主要原因是什么?2. 全球海平面气温分布有何规律?3. 为什么西伯利亚冬季是北半球最寒冷的地区?4. 南、北半球海平面气温分布的特点有何区别?5. 近地面气层的“三个风带,四个气压带”指的是什么?6. 信风环流圈是由哪几支气流构成的?7. 什么是季风?季风是怎样形成的?8. 亚洲东部季风与亚洲南部季风有什么区别?9. 我国季风气候主要特征是什么?10. 我国总云量分布情况怎样?我国出现最多的三种云是什么?11. 我国出现的低云以什么云状居多?12. 积雨云在我国分布情况怎样?13. 我国冬、夏季大部分地区盛行风向如何?我国境内平均风速较大的地区有哪些?14. 我国能见度分布特征是什么?具有什么样的年变化规律?15. 我国年雷暴日数最多的区域在什么地方?16. 我国初雷日期分布规律怎样?初雷日期最早在什么地方?17. 我国终雷日期分布规律怎样?终雷日期最晚在什么地方?18. 简述东北区及主要机场的气候特征?19. 简述华北区及主要机场的气候特征?20. 简述江淮地区及主要机场的气候特征?21. 简述江南区及主要机场的气候特征?22. 简述四川盆地区及主要机场的气候特征?23. 简述云南区及主要机场的气候特征?24. 简述内蒙区及主要机场的气候特征?25. 简述新疆区及主要机场的气候特征?26. 简述高原区及主要机场的气候特征?第九章卫星云图及其应用1. 什么是近极地太阳同步轨道气象卫星,采用这种轨道卫星有什么优缺点?2. 什么是地球同步轨道气象卫星,采用这种轨道卫星有什么优缺点?3. 什么是可见光云图?影响可见光云图上辐射强弱的因素有哪些?4. 可见光云图有什么特点?5. 红外云图有什么特点?6. 为什么在红外云图上不容易识别低云?7. 薄的卷云在两种云图上有什么不同?8. 在卫星云图上怎样识别积雨云?9. 在卫星云图上如何区别云和高山积雪?10. 在卫星云图上,水面与陆面有什么区别?11. 在卫星云图上,层状云和积状云的纹理有什么不同?12. 积云浓积云与积雨云在卫星云图上有什么区别?13. 雨层云在两种云图上的表现有什么不同?14. 在卫星云图上,怎样识别层云和雾?15. 强烈的雷暴系统和不强烈的雷暴系统两种云图上有什么不同?16. 在卫星云图上锋面云系有什么特点?17. 西南低涡在云图上的表现怎样?18. 在卫星云图上,高空急流云系有什么特征?19. 在出现横向波动云系的航线上飞行,会碰上哪些影响飞行的天气?20. 闭合的细胞状云系和未闭合的细胞状云系各由什么样的云构成?第十章气象雷达1. 雷达探测的原理是什么?2. 气象雷达为什么能够探测出气象目标?3. 哪种云和降水不能被气象雷达有效地探测?4. 层状云降水回波和对流云降水回波各有什么特点?5. 雹云回波有什么特征?6. 云和雾的回波各有什么特征?7. 与地面天气雷达相比,机载气象雷达有何特性?8. 机载气象雷达有哪几种基本工作方式?9. 为什么说利用机载气象雷达并不能保证避开所有危险天气区?10. 在雷达回波的边缘上飞,能否保证避开危险天气?为什么?11.不同强度的降水在彩色气象雷达上是怎样显示的?12. 怎样从屏幕上识别冰雹云?13. 机载气象雷达怎样识别地形?14. 利用机载气象雷达进行气象回避应注意些什么?15. 为什么会出现气象“盲谷”?应怎样避免?第十一章常用航空气象资料1. 翻译图11-3的航空天气报告,并判断天气的变化趋势。