



Lesson 11. We're elevated 23 feet.We're 23 feet above sea level.2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it.The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems had been killed by water.The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. Get us through this mess, will you?Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely.9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis had just one delayed reaction.Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.Lesson 21. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on whicha building was going to be put up.2. All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact.All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings).3. They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard.They are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name.4. A carpenter sits crosslegged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lighting speed.Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making.5. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews. Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited.6. …every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury. Every one of these poor Jews looked on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.7. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.However, a white -skinned European is always quite noticeable.8. In a tropical landscape one’s eye takes in everything except the human beings.If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.9. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas.No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas (for these trips would not be interesting).10. …for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless, back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil.life is very hard for ninety percent of the people.With hard backbreaking toil they can produce a little food on the poor soil.11.She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community,that she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal.12. People with brown skins are next door to invisible.People with brown skins are almost invisible.13.Their splendid bodies were hidden in reach-me-down khaki uniforms,…The Senegalese soldiers were wearing ready-made khaki uniforms which hid their beautiful well-built bodies.14. How long before they turn their guns in the other direction?How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack us? 15.Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind. Every white man,the onlookers,the officers on their horses and the white N.C.Os. marching with the black soldiers,had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind.Lesson 31.And it is an activity only of human.And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.2.Conversation is not for making a point.Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.3.In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.4.Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives.People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other's lives.5. …it could still go ignorantly on…The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.6.There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef (boeuf).These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields;but when we sit down at the table to eat.we call their meat beef.7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language.The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers.8.English had come royally into its own.The English language received proper recognition and was used by the King once more.9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes.The phrase,the King's English,has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes.The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there.There still exists in the working people,as in the early Saxon peasants,a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.11. There is always a great danger that “words will harden into things for us.”There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.For example,the word “dog” is a symbol representing a kind of animal.We mustn't regard the word “dog” as being the animal itself.12. Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King’s English slips and slides in conversation.Even the most educated and literate people do not use standard,formal English all the time in their conversation.Lesson 41. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe...Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been decided in many countries around the world.2. This much we pledge—and more.This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.3. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.United and working together we can accomplish a lot of things in a great number of joint undertakings.4. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution which brings hope of progress to all our countries.5. …our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace…The United Nations is our last and best hope of survival in an age where the instruments of war have far surpassed the instruments of peace.6. …to enlarge the area in which its writ may run…We pledge to help the United Nations enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force.7. …before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction…Before the terrible forces of destruction, which science can now release, overwhelm mankind; before this self-destruction, which may be planned or brought about by an accident, takes place8. …yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war…Yet both groups of nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power which restrains each group from launching mankind's final war.9. So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness,…So let us start once again (to discuss and negotiate) and let us remember that being polite is not a sign of weakness. 10. Let both sides try to call forth the wonderful things that science can do for mankind instead of the frightful things it can do.11. …each generation of Americans has been summon ed to give testimony to its national loyalty.Americans of every generation have been called upon to prove their loyalty to their country .12. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of ourdeeds, let us go forth to lea d the land we love,…Let history finally judge whether we have done our task welt or not, but our sure reward will be a good con-science for we will have worked sincerely and to the best of our ability.Lesson61.Science is committed to the universal.Science is engaged in the task of making its basic concepts understood and accepted by scientists all over the world.2.The Fiesta appears to have sunk without a trace.The car model, called Fiesta, seems to have disappeared completely.3.It was the automotive equivalent of the International Style.The idea of a world car is similar to the idea of having a world style for architecture.4.As in architecture, so in automaking.Things that are happening in auto making are similar to those happening in architecture.5.No longer quite an individual, no longer quite the product of a unique geography and culture.The modern man no longer has very distinct individual traits shaped by a special environment and culture.6.The price he pays is that he no longer has a home in the traditional sense of the word.The disadvantage of being a cosmopolitan is that he loses a home in the old sense of the world.7.The benefit is that he begins to suspect home in the traditional sense in another name for limitations.The benefit of being a cosmopolitan is that he begins to think the old kind of home probably restricts his development and activities.8.The universalizing imperative of technology is irresistable.The compelling force of technology to universalize cannot be resisted.9....when every artist thought he owed it to himself to turn his back on the Eiffel Tower, as a protest against the architectural blasphemy,When every artist thought it was his duty to show his contempt for and objection to the Eiffel Tower which they considered an irreverent architectural structure.10....a mobile, extra human plasticity which was absolutely new.a flexible and pliable quality that was beyond human powers and absolutely new.11.It has thus undermined an article of faith: the thingliness of things.People used to firmly believe that the things they saw around them were real solid substances but this has now been thrown into doubt by science,12.That, perhaps,establishes the logical limit of the modern aesthetic.This is perhaps the furthest limit of how solid objective things may be disappearing.lesson 101.The slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged…At the very mention of this post-war period, middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly.2. The rejection of Victorian gentility was,in any case, inevitable.In any case, an American could not avoid casting aside its middle-class respectability and affected refinement.3.The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdown of the Victorian social structure….The war only helped to speed up the breakdown of the Victorian social structure.4. …it was tempted,in America at least,to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an air of naughty alcoholic sophistication..In America at least, the young people were strongly inclined to shirk their responsibilities. They pretended to be worldly-wise, drinking and behaving naughtily.5.Prohibition afforded the young the additional opportunity of making their pleasuresillicit,...The young people found greater pleasure in their drinking because Prohibition, by making drinking unlawful added a sense of adventure.6….our young men began to enlist under foreign flags.Our young men joined the armies of foreign countries to fight in the war.7. …they‖wanted to get into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up‖The young people wanted to take part in the glorious ad-venture before the whole war ended.8.…they had outgrown towns and families….These young people could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their home towns or their families.9.…the returning veteran also had to face…the hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition,…The returning veteran also had to face Prohibition which the lawmakers hypocritically assumed would do good to the people.10. Something in the tension-ridden youth of America had to “give”…(Under all this force and pressure) something in the youth of America, who were already very tense, had to break down.11….it was only natural that hopeful young writers,their minds and pens inflamed against war,Babbittry,and ―Puritanical‖gentility,should flock to the traditional artistic center…It was only natural that hopeful young Writers whose minds and writings extremely opposed war, Babbittry and "Puritanical" gentility, should come in great numbers to live in Greenwich Village, the traditional artistic center.12.Each town had its ―fast‖set which prided itself on its unconventionality,…Each town was proud that it had a group of wild, reckless people, who lived unconventional lives.。



综合英语考研张汉熙《高级英语2》考研复习资料词汇语法一、一、词汇短语1. intricate [5intrikit] adj. complex; solvable or comprehensible only with painstaking effort错综复杂的;难懂的,难以解决的:an intricate design难懂的设计2. indulge [in5dQldV] vt. to yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree沉迷,放纵,纵情享受:indulge oneself in eating and drinking纵情于吃喝。

与其构成的短语有:indulge in沉溺于;饱享3. meander [mi5AndE] vi. to move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction漫游,闲逛:We usually meander down to the pub after the dinner.晚饭之后,我们常常漫步去酒吧。

4. conversationalist [7kCnvE5seiFEnElist] n. one given to or skilled at conversation健谈者:He is even-tempered, easy-going and an excellent conversationalist.他处事不惊,待人随和,同时也是个非常健谈的人。

5. anecdote [5AnikdEut] n. a short account of an interesting or humorous incident轶事,奇闻:He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.他讲述了一两桩他当警察时的趣事。

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Loons)【圣才出品】

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Loons)【圣才出品】

Lesson 9 The Loons一、词汇短语1. pebble [] n. a small smooth stone found especially on a beach or onthe bottom of a river鹅卵石2. scrub [] v. to rub something hard, especially with a stiff brush, in orderto clean it用力擦洗,刷洗:She was on her hands and knees scrubbing the floor.她趴在地上刷洗地板。

3. loon [lu:n] n. any of an order of fish-eating, diving birds, with a sharp bill andwebbed feet, found mainly in subarctic regions, noted for its weird cry潜鸟4. chokecherry [] n. a North American tree that producessmall sour fruit美国稠李5. shack [] n. a small building that has not been built very well小屋,简陋的小屋6. chink [] vt. to fill narrow openings in堵塞……的狭窄裂口7. thigh [] n. the portion of the human leg between the hip and the knee大腿8. lean-to [] n. a small roughly-made building that is built againstthe side of a larger building披屋9. wrap [] v. bend, curve, or twist out of shape; distort使弯曲,弄弯:wrappedlumber翘弯的木材10. ramshackle []adj. so poorly constructed or kept up thatdisintegration is likely; rickety倒塌似的,摇摇欲坠的:a ramshackle cabin一间要倒塌的棚屋11. strand [] n. a single thin piece of thread, wire, hair etc绳、线之一股:a strand of hair一缕头发12. barb wire [] n. strands of wire twisted together, with barbs atregular, close intervals, used for fencing or military barriers带刺铁丝网13. patois []n. a regional dialect, especially one without a literary tradition方言,行话14. obscenity []n. indecency, lewdness, or offensiveness inbehavior, expression, or appearance猥亵,淫猥:The spread ofpornography and obscenity is a very crucial issue in the modernsociety.色情淫秽内容的传播是现代社会所面临的一个重要问题。



[精华版]张汉熙高级英语课文详解第2册1-5课Lesson OnePart One: paragraph 1 --- paragraph 6sh: v. to move quickly or violently 猛烈冲击、猛打(1) 暴风雨袭击了海岸的那片树林。

Rainstorm lashed the forest on the coast.(2) 冰雹无情地打下来。

Hail lashed down mercilessly.(3) The waves are lashing the shore.(4) A rising wind was lashing the rain against the window.2.pummel/ pommel: n.v. to beat or hit with repeated blows, esp. with the fist 用拳头连续敲打(1) The thief was pushed and pummeled by an angry crowd.(2) 他诱骗那人到角落狠狠揍了他30秒钟。

He trapped the man in a corner and pummeled him ferociously for thirty seconds.3. Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama4. California, Las Vegas5. consult: go to a person or book for informationconsult sb.: ask sb. for special information, adviceconsult with sb.: to exchange opinions of sb.6. Hurricane Betsy:a powerful Hurricane of the 1965 Atlantic Hurricane season which caused enormous damage inthe Bahamas, Florida, and Louisiana.7. A good: at least, full(1) 我们足足等了三个小时. We waited for a good three hours.(2) 昨晚Bill在酒馆里喝得烂醉. Bill had a good drink at the pub last night.(3) It is a good five hours to drive to the railway station.(4) His parents gave him a good beating.8. We can batten down and ride it out.A metaphor: compare the house in a hurricane to a ship fighting a storm at seaWe can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.9. Batten: to fasten with battens 用压条钉住(或固定)10. Ride it out: to stay afloat during a storm without much damage.11. Scud: (of clouds or ships) to move swiftly, glide or skim along easily 疾行、飞驰、掠过(1) The ship scuds before the wind.(2) White clouds scudded across the sky.12. Vietnam(1) A country of southeast Asia (2) Capital: Hanoi (3) The largest city: Ho Chi Minh City (4)Population: 84,400,000 (5) the Red River (6) the Mekong River Delta 13. Sit out:(1) It’s hot indoors. Let’s sit out in the garden.sit sth. out: a. to stay to the end of a performanceb. take no part in (esp. a particular dance) (2) The play was boring, but we sat it out.(3) I think I will sit out the next dance.Part Two: paragraph 7 --- paragraph 271. French door: two adjoining doors that have glass panes from topto bottom and they open inthe middleto throw away; (fig.) to do sth. with a lot of enthusiasm and energy.2. Fling: to throw violently ;(1) She flung her shoe at the cat.(2) The youth got him by the front of his shirt and flung him to the ground. (3) How can you fling your wife away?(4) He has flung up studies.(5) She flung herself into her career.3. shove: push with quick, violent movement. 猛推(1)人们推推搡搡挤向火车。



1.We’re elevated 23 feet. =our house has been raised by 23 feet in comparison with the past.2.The place (house) has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered (caused any damage to it)3.We can batten down and ride it out. =we can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane withoutmuch damage.4.The generator was doused, and the lights went out. =water got into the generator and put it out. It stoppedproducing electricity, so the light also went out.5.John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt. =as john watched the water inch its way up thesteps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.6.Janis had just one delayed reaction.=Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervoustension caused by the hurricane.1.and it is an activity only of humans =and conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings2.conversation is not for making a point = conversation is not for persuading others to accept our ideas3.in fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose = in fact, a person who really enjoys and isskilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his viewpoint4.bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’ lives = people who meet each others for a drink in a bar are notintimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed in each others’ life5.it could still go ignorantly on = the conversation could go without anybody knowing who was right or wrong6.there are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef =these animals are called cattle when they are alive andfeeding in the fields; but when we sit down at table to eat we called their meat beef7.the new ruling class had built a cultural barrier him by building their French against his own lg. = the newruling class by using French instead of eg made it difficult for the eg to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers8.eg had come royally into its own =the eg lg received proper recognition and was used by the king once more9.the phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes = the phrase, theking’s eg, has always disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes. The working people very often made fun of the proper and formal lg of the educational people10.the rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there =there still exists in the working people, as in the earlySaxon peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class11.there is always a great danger that” words will harden into things for us”= there is always a great danger thatwe might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent12.even with the most educated and the most literate, the King’s eg slips and slides in conversation = even themost educated and liberated people use non-standard, informal, rather than standard, formal eg in their conversation 13.And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe. =buttoday this issue has not been decided in many countries around the world.14.United, there is little we cannot do in host of cooperative ventures. =bound together we can accomplish a lot ofthings in the variety of joint ventures.15.But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers. =we will not allow any enemycountry to subvert this peaceful revolution which brings hope of progress to all our countries.16.Our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace.=theUS is our last and best hope of survival in an age where the instruments of war have far surpassed the instruments of peace.17.Before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidentalself-destruction. = before the terrible forces of destruction which science can now release, overwhelm mankind;before this self-destruction, which may be planned or brought about by an accident, takes place.18.Yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war. =yet bothgroups of nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power which restrains each group from an launching mankind’s final war.19.So let us begin anew (once begin), remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness. = andremember that being polite is not a sign of weakness.20.With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of our deeds, let us go forth to leadthe land we love. = our sure reward will be a good conscience and the history finally will judge whether we have done our task well or not. Let us start leading the country we love.21.By the very of production, he has risen above the animal kingdom. = because of the fact itself that man produces,he has developed to a much higher level than or the other animals22.Work is also his liberator from nature, his creator as a social and independent being. =work also frees man andmakes him into a social being independent of nature23.All are expressions of the creative transformation of nature by man’s reason and skill. =no matter when it wasdone or who did it, provides an example of man applying his intelligence and his skill to change nature creatively 24.There is no spilt of work and play, or work and culture. =the worker finds pleasure in his work and through workhe also develops his mind. Therefore, pleasure and work go together and so does the cultural development of the worker and his work.25.Work became the chief factor in a system of “innerwordly asceticism,” an answer to man’s sense of alonenessand isolation.=work became the chief element in a system that preached an austere and self-denying way of life.Work was the only thing that soothed those who felt alone and isolated because of his ascetic life.26.Work has become alienated from the working person. =work has been separated from the worker and the workeris not interested in it at all. Instead, he feels estranged from it or hostile to it.27.Work is a means of getting money, not in itself a meaningful human activity. =work helps the worker to earnmoney; except this it is not an activity with much significance28. a pay check is not enough to base one’s self-respect on = just earning some money is not enough for a worker toestablish his self-respect29.most industrial psychologists are mainly concerned with the manipulation of the worker’s psyche= mostindustrial psychologists are mainly trying to manage and control the workers’ mind30.it is going to pay off in cold dollars and cents to management=better relations with the public will yield largeprofits to management31.But this usefulness often serves only as a rationalization for the appeal to complete passivity and receptivity=the fact that gadgets are indeed useful is often used by advertisers as a mere “high-minded” cover for the real, vulgar appeal to idleness and submissiveness.32.He has a feeling of fraudulency about his product and a secret contempt for it=the businessman gets theknowledge that the quality of his product doesn’t match what it should be. Conscious of the deception involved, he despises the goods he produces33.the slighted mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged.=at very mention of theTwenties, middle-aged people began to recall it longingly and young people curious and began to ask questions about it34.the rejection of Victorian gentility was, in any case, inevitable= anyway, it was inevitable for America to discardVictorian gentility which upheld the middle-class respectability and affected refinement characteristics of Victorian eg35.The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdown of the Victorian social structure=the war onlyhelped to speed up the collapse of the Victorian social structure.36.it was tempted, in America at least, to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an air of naughtyalcoholic sophistication =in America ,at least, the young people are strongly disposed to escape their responsibilities. They pretend to be wordly-wise and disregard conventional standards of behavior, drinking and breaking the traditional morality naughtily.37.Prohibition afforded the young the additional opportunity of making their pleasures illicit=the young peoplefound more pleasure in drinking because Prohibition made it a kind of adventure.38.our young men began to enlist under foreign flags=our young men joined the foreign armies to fight in the war.39.They “wanted to get up into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up= they wanted to take part in theadventure of war before it ended.40.they had outgrown towns and families=they couldn’t adapt themselves to life in their hometowns and familiesanymore41.The returning veteran also had to face the hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition=the returning veterans alsohad to face the stupid cynicism shown by the Victorious allies in Versailles who acted just like Napoleon once did.42.sth in the tension-ridden youth of America had to “give”=under this pressure sth in the young people, who werealready very tense, had to break down.43.it was only natural that hopeful young writers, their minds and pens inflamed against war, Babbittry, and“Puritanical” gentility, should flock to the traditional artistic center=it was only natural the promising young writers whose thoughts extremely opposed war, Babbittry and “Puritanical” gentility, should come in great numbers to live in the Greenwich Village, the traditional culture44.each town had its “fast” set which prided itself on its unconventionality=each town was proud that it has groupof wild unconventional people45.it is a complex fate to be an American=the fate of American is complicated and full of changes and possibilities46.They were no more at home in Europe than I was=all of us felt uneasy in Europe.47.we were both searching for our separate identities= Each of us was trying to find his own set of personalcharacteristics by which his recognizable as a member of some group48.I do not think that I could have made this reconciliation here=I don’t think I could have accepted my status ofbeing a Negro willingly in America49.Europe can be very crippling too=sometimes things in Europe can also be very frustrating50.it is easier to cut across social and occupational lines there than it is here=it is easier to contact with people ofdifferent social status and occupations in Europe than in American51. a man can be as proud of being a good waiter as of being a good actor, and in neither case feel threatened= inEurope a good waiter and actor is equally proud of their social status and jobs. Neither of them envies the other and is not afraid of losing their position52.I was born in New York, but have lived only in pockets of it=I was born in NY, but have lived only in some smallareas of it53.on this acceptance, literally, the life of a writer depends=the life of a writer wholly depends upon whether or nothe accepts he will always carry the marks of the origins54.American writers do no have a fixed society to describe=American writers do not live in the society wherenothing is changed .instead, everything is unchangeable in their society so they do not have a fixed society to write about55.every society is really governed by hidden laws, by unspoken but profound assumptions on the part of thepeople= actually, every society is ruled and influence by hidden laws, and by many people deeply felt and taken for granted by its people, though not openly expressed56.this reassessment, which can be very painful, is also very valuable= the reconsideration of many things that onehad always taken for granted in the past can be very painful, though very valuable57.nowadays New York is out of phase with American taste=nowadays NY is often in disagreement with taste of theAmerican people58.New York even prides itself on being a holdout from prevailing American trends=NY even indulged itself infeeling of satisfaction for it can resist the prevailing trends of America59.sitcoms cloned and canned in Hollywood, and the Johnny Carson show live, pre-empt the airwaves fromCalifornia =situation comedy which are similar in content and style are produced in large amounts in Hollywood and the live broadcasting of JC’s talk show dominated the radio and the TV channels of California60.it is making sth of a comeback as a tourist attraction= it is regaining somewhat its status as a tourist attraction61.to win in New York is to be uneasy= to a person who succeeds in NY is disturbed by constant worries that hemight fail someday in the fierce competition62.nature’s pleasures are much qualified in New York =the chances to enjoy the pleasures of nature are very limitedin NY63.the city’s bright glow arrogantly obscures the heavens= the city’s bright lights seem haughtily to make the skydim64.but the purity of a bohemian dedication can be exaggerated=but a wholehearted dedication to art, which isbohemian style can be overstated65.in both these roles it ratifies more than it creates=in these two roles of banking and communications headquarters,NY originates very few things but gives its approval a lot to many things created by other cities66.the television generation grew up in the insistent presence of hype=the generation who grew up watching andenjoying TV was constantly and strongly influenced by exaggerated ads67.those who are writing ambitious novels sustain themselves on the magazines=writers who are creatingchallenging novels make their living in the same time by writing articles for popular magazines68.Broadway, which seemed to be succumbing to the tawdriness of its environment, is astir again.=Broadway,which seemed to give in to the flashy shows put on in the surrounding areas, become active again69.he prefers the unhealthy hassle and the vitality of urban life=he likes the unhealthy turmoil and livelyatmosphere of a city more70.the defeated are not hidden away somewhere else on the wrong side of town=the people who failed in thestruggle of life are not hidden away in slums where other people can not see them71.The place constantly exasperates, at times exhilarates.= NY constantly irritates the people living here butoccasionally it stimulates them。

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(Four Laws of Ecology (Part I

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(Four Laws of Ecology (Part I

Lesson 12 Four Laws of Ecology (Part II)一、词汇短语1. pervasive [] adj. existing everywhere到处存在的,到处弥漫着的:The fact that so many people have posted comments on this topicshows how pervasive and complicated it is.事实上这么多人公开谈论这个话题,就已经表明这是多么普遍多么复杂的事情。

2. detrimental [] adj. causing harm or damage有害的,不利的:The policy will be detrimental to the peace process.这项政策不利于和平进程。

3. analogy []n. something that seems similar between twosituations, processes, etc.类似处,相似处4. finite [] adj. having an end or a limit 有限的,有限度的:Humanknowledge is finite, ie there are things we do not know. 人类的认识是有限的。

5. improbable [] adj. not likely to happen or to be true 不大可能发生的,未必确切的:As improbable as this sounds, it really works.听起来有点不可思议,但这是真的。

6. self-evident [] adj. clearly true and needing no moreproof不证自明的,显而易见的:It seems to me self-evident that policesearches of newspaper offices burden the freedom of the press.警察对报社的搜查给新闻自由造成压力,这在我看来是不言而喻的。



3.So much of well-to-do America now lives antiseptically in enclaves, tranquil and luxurious, that shut out the world.
Metonymy (转喻;借代) Definition: A figure of speech that consists in using the name of one thing for that of something else with which it is associated; or, a figure of speech which consists in substituting for the name of a thing the name of an attribute of it or of something closely related.
2.The glow of the conversation burst into flames.
3.And if a beachhead of cooperation may push back the jungle of suspicion...
Personification : The personification or embodiment of some quality or abstraction; the attribution of human qualities to inanimate objects. (DLT)
明抑暗扬的Understatement (低调陈述) Definition: a figure of speech which contains an understatement of emphasis, and therefore the opposite of hyperbole. Often used in everyday speech and usually with laconic or ironic intentions. Understatement: a statement that is not strong enough to express facts or feelings with full force.

高级英语张汉熙第三版第二册第三课Inaugural Address 中英对照 多知识点

高级英语张汉熙第三版第二册第三课Inaugural Address 中英对照 多知识点

Inaugural Address(January 20, 1961)John F. Kennedy1 We observe today not a victory of party but a celebration of freedom, symbolizing an end as well as a beginning, signifying renewal as well as change. For I have sworn before you and Almighty God the same solemn oath our forebears prescribed nearly a century and three-quarters ago.我们今天举行的不是一个政党的祝捷大会,而是一次自由的庆典。



inaugural (adj.) : of an inauguration就职(典礼)的signify (v.) : be a sign or indication of;mean表明;意味almighty (adj.) : having unlimited power;all-powerful有无限权力的;全能的forebear (n.) : an ancester 祖先,祖宗prescribe (v.) : set down as a rule or direction;order;ordain;direct命令;指示;规定,订立2 The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe, the belief that the rights of man come not from the generosity of the state but from the hand of God.当今的世界已与往昔大不相同了。



张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(修订本...Unit6一、词汇短语1.skyline[]n.a window in a roof or ceiling天窗2.thermodynamics[]n.physics that deals withthe relationships between heat and other forms of energy热力学3.genetics[]n.the study of how the qualities of living things are passed on in their genes遗传学4.mutation[]n.an alteration or change,as in nature,form,or quality(本质、形式上的)变化:genetic mutation基因突变5.discredit[]vt.a)to refuse to believe不相信,怀疑:discreditall rumors不相信所有谣传;b)to damage in reputation;disgrace败坏……声誉,使受辱:an attempt to discredit the government给政府抹黑的可笑企图6.corollary[]n.a deduction or an inference推理,推论:Anotherevident corollary is that the end is the final cause of the effect and not ofthe efficient cause.另外一个明显的推论即:目的是结果的终极因,但不是直接原因。

7.homogeneous[]adj.of the same or similarnature or kind同种的,同类的:They are homogeneous people.他们是同类人。



Unit 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English 人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。

























综合英语考研张汉熙《高级英语2》考研复习资料词汇语法一、一、词汇短语1. intricate [5intrikit] adj. complex; solvable or comprehensible only with painstaking effort错综复杂的;难懂的,难以解决的:an intricate design难懂的设计2. indulge [in5dQldV] vt. to yield to the desires and whims of, especially to an excessive degree沉迷,放纵,纵情享受:indulge oneself in eating and drinking纵情于吃喝。

与其构成的短语有:indulge in沉溺于;饱享3. meander [mi5AndE] vi. to move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction漫游,闲逛:We usually meander down to the pub after the dinner.晚饭之后,我们常常漫步去酒吧。

4. conversationalist [7kCnvE5seiFEnElist] n. one given to or skilled at conversation健谈者:He is even-tempered, easy-going and an excellent conversationalist.他处事不惊,待人随和,同时也是个非常健谈的人。

5. anecdote [5AnikdEut] n. a short account of an interesting or humorous incident轶事,奇闻:He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.他讲述了一两桩他当警察时的趣事。



Lesson1Pub Talk and the King’s English一、词汇短语1.intricate[]plex;solvable or comprehensible only withpainstaking effort错综复杂的;难懂的,难以解决的:an intricate design难懂的设计2.indulge[]vt.to yield to the desires and whims of,especially to an excessivedegree沉迷,放纵,纵情享受:indulge oneself in eating and drinking纵情于吃喝。

与其构成的短语有:indulge in沉溺于;饱享3.meander[]vi.to move aimlessly and idly without fixed direction漫游,闲逛:We usually meander down to the pub after the dinner.晚饭之后,我们常常漫步去酒吧。

4.conversationalist[]n.one given to or skilled atconversation健谈者:He is even-tempered,easy-going and an excellentconversationalist.他是处事不惊的,待人随和,同时也是个非常健谈的人。

5.anecdote[]n.a short account of an interesting or humorous incident轶事,奇闻:He told one or two amusing anecdotes about his years as a policeman.他讲述了一两桩他当警察时的趣事。

6.intimate[]n.a close friend or confidant密友,知己7.on the rocks in or into a condition of ruin or catastrophe(婚姻)破坏的,失败的:Did she havea hunch that my business is going on the rocks?她是不是预感到我的生意要垮台?8.musketeer[]n.a soldier armed with a musket火枪手9.delve[]v.to search deeply and laboriously钻研,调查:He delved into lots of oldbook and papers for the fact.他钻研许多古书和文章,以寻找事实。



Lesson 11. We're elevated 23 feet.We're 23 feet above sea level.2. The place has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever bothered it.The house has been here since 1915, and no hurricane has ever caused any damage to it.3. We can batten down and ride it out.We can make the necessary preparations and survive the hurricane without much damage.4. The generator was doused, and the lights went out.Water got into the generator and put it out. It stopped producing electricity, so the lights also went out.5. Everybody out the back door to the cars!Everybody go out through the back door and run to the cars.6. The electrical systems had been killed by water.The electrical systems in the car had been put out by water.7. John watched the water lap at the steps, and felt a crushing guilt.As John watched the water inch its way up the steps, he felt a strong sense of guilt because he blamed himself for endangering the whole family by deciding not to flee inland.8. Get us through this mess, will you?Oh God, please help us to get through this storm safely.9. She carried on alone for a few bars; then her voice trailed away.Grandmother Koshak sang a few words alone and then her voice gradually grew dimmer and stopped.10. Janis had just one delayed reaction.Janis displayed rather late the exhaustion brought about by the nervous tension caused by the hurricane.Lesson 21. The burying-ground is merely a huge waste of hummocky earth, like a derelict building-lot.The burying-ground is nothing more than a huge piece of wasteland full of mounds of earth looking like a deserted and abandoned piece of land on whicha building was going to be put up.2. All colonial empires are in reality founded upon that fact.All the imperialists build up their empires by treating the people in the colonies like animals (by not treating the people in the colonies as human beings).3. They rise out of the earth, they sweat and starve for a few years, and then they sink back into the nameless mounds of the graveyard.They are born. Then for a few years they work, toil and starve. Finally they die and are buried in graves without a name.4. A carpenter sits crosslegged at a prehistoric lathe, turning chair-legs at lighting speed.Sitting with his legs crossed and using a very old-fashioned lathe, a carpenter quickly gives a round shape to the chair-legs he is making.5. Instantly, from the dark holes all round, there was a frenzied rush of Jews. Immediately from their dark hole-like cells everywhere a great number of Jews rushed out wildly excited.6. …every one of them looks on a cigarette as a more or less impossible luxury. Every one of these poor Jews looked on the cigarette as a piece of luxury which they could not possibly afford.7. Still, a white skin is always fairly conspicuous.However, a white -skinned European is always quite noticeable.8. In a tropical landscape one’s eye takes in everything except the human beings.If you take a look at the natural scenery in a tropical region, you see everything but the human beings.9. No one would think of running cheap trips to the Distressed Areas.No one would think of organizing cheap trips for the tourists to visit the poor slum areas (for these trips would not be interesting).10. …for nine-tenths of the people the reality of life is an endless, back-breaking struggle to wring a little food out of an eroded soil.life is very hard for ninety percent of the people.With hard backbreaking toil they can produce a little food on the poor soil.11.She accepted her status as an old woman, that is to say as a beast of burden.She took it for granted that as an old woman she was the lowest in the community,that she was only fit for doing heavy work like an animal.12. People with brown skins are next door to invisible.People with brown skins are almost invisible.13.Their splendid bodies were hidden in reach-me-down khaki uniforms,…The Senegalese soldiers were wearing ready-made khaki uniforms which hid their beautiful well-built bodies.14. How long before they turn their guns in the other direction?How much longer before they turn their guns around and attack us? 15.Every white man there had this thought stowed somewhere or other in his mind. Every white man,the onlookers,the officers on their horses and the white N.C.Os. marching with the black soldiers,had this thought hidden somewhere or other in his mind.Lesson 31.And it is an activity only of human.And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.2.Conversation is not for making a point.Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.3.In fact, the best conversationalists are those who are prepared to lose.In fact a person who really enjoys and is skilled at conversation will not argue to win or force others to accept his point of view.4.Bar friends are not deeply involved in each other’s lives.People who meet each other for a drink in the bar of a pub are not intimate friends for they are not deeply absorbed or engrossed in each other's lives.5. …it could still go ignorantly on…The conversation could go on without anybody knowing who was right or wrong.6.There are cattle in the fields, but we sit down to beef (boeuf).These animals are called cattle when they are alive and feeding in the fields;but when we sit down at the table to eat.we call their meat beef.7. The new ruling class had built a cultural barrier against him by building their French against his own language.The new ruling class by using French instead of English made it difficult for the English to accept or absorb the culture of the rulers.8.English had come royally into its own.The English language received proper recognition and was used by the King once more.9. The phrase has always been used a little pejoratively and even facetiously by the lower classes.The phrase,the King's English,has always been used disrespectfully and jokingly by the lower classes.The working people very often make fun of the proper and formal language of the educated people.10. The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there.There still exists in the working people,as in the early Saxon peasants,a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.11. There is always a great danger that “words will harden into things for us.”There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.For example,the word “dog” is a symbol representing a kind of animal.We mustn't regard the word “dog” as being the animal itself.12. Even with the most educated and the most literate, the King’s English slips and slides in conversation.Even the most educated and literate people do not use standard,formal English all the time in their conversation.Lesson 41. And yet the same revolutionary belief for which our forebears fought is still at issue around the globe...Our ancestors fought a revolutionary war to maintain that all men were created equal and God had given them certain unalienable rights which no state or ruler could take away from them. But today this issue has not yet been decided in many countries around the world.2. This much we pledge—and more.This much we promise to do and we promise to do more.3. United, there is little we cannot do in a host of cooperative ventures.United and working together we can accomplish a lot of things in a great number of joint undertakings.4. But this peaceful revolution of hope cannot become the prey of hostile powers.We will not allow any enemy country to subvert this peaceful revolution which brings hope of progress to all our countries.5. …our last best hope in an age where the instruments of war have far outpaced the instruments of peace…The United Nations is our last and best hope of survival in an age where the instruments of war have far surpassed the instruments of peace.6. …to enlarge the area in which its writ may run…We pledge to help the United Nations enlarge the area in which its authority and mandate would continue to be in effect or in force.7. …before the dark powers of destruction unleashed by science engulf all humanity in planned or accidental self-destruction…Before the terrible forces of destruction, which science can now release, overwhelm mankind; before this self-destruction, which may be planned or brought about by an accident, takes place8. …yet both racing to alter that uncertain balance of terror that stays the hand of mankind’s final war…Yet both groups of nations are trying to change as quickly as possible this uncertain balance of terrible military power which restrains each group from launching mankind's final war.9. So let us begin anew, remembering on both sides that civility is not a sign of weakness,…So let us start once again (to discuss and negotiate) and let us remember that being polite is not a sign of weakness. 10. Let both sides try to call forth the wonderful things that science can do for mankind instead of the frightful things it can do.11. …each generation of Americans has been summon ed to give testimony to its national loyalty.Americans of every generation have been called upon to prove their loyalty to their country .12. With a good conscience our only sure reward, with history the final judge of ourdeeds, let us go forth to lea d the land we love,…Let history finally judge whether we have done our task welt or not, but our sure reward will be a good con-science for we will have worked sincerely and to the best of our ability.Lesson61.Science is committed to the universal.Science is engaged in the task of making its basic concepts understood and accepted by scientists all over the world.2.The Fiesta appears to have sunk without a trace.The car model, called Fiesta, seems to have disappeared completely.3.It was the automotive equivalent of the International Style.The idea of a world car is similar to the idea of having a world style for architecture.4.As in architecture, so in automaking.Things that are happening in auto making are similar to those happening in architecture.5.No longer quite an individual, no longer quite the product of a unique geography and culture.The modern man no longer has very distinct individual traits shaped by a special environment and culture.6.The price he pays is that he no longer has a home in the traditional sense of the word.The disadvantage of being a cosmopolitan is that he loses a home in the old sense of the world.7.The benefit is that he begins to suspect home in the traditional sense in another name for limitations.The benefit of being a cosmopolitan is that he begins to think the old kind of home probably restricts his development and activities.8.The universalizing imperative of technology is irresistable.The compelling force of technology to universalize cannot be resisted.9....when every artist thought he owed it to himself to turn his back on the Eiffel Tower, as a protest against the architectural blasphemy,When every artist thought it was his duty to show his contempt for and objection to the Eiffel Tower which they considered an irreverent architectural structure.10....a mobile, extra human plasticity which was absolutely new.a flexible and pliable quality that was beyond human powers and absolutely new.11.It has thus undermined an article of faith: the thingliness of things.People used to firmly believe that the things they saw around them were real solid substances but this has now been thrown into doubt by science,12.That, perhaps,establishes the logical limit of the modern aesthetic.This is perhaps the furthest limit of how solid objective things may be disappearing.lesson 101.The slightest mention of the decade brings nostalgic recollections to the middle-aged…At the very mention of this post-war period, middle-aged people begin to think about it longingly.2. The rejection of Victorian gentility was,in any case, inevitable.In any case, an American could not avoid casting aside its middle-class respectability and affected refinement.3.The war acted merely as a catalytic agent in this breakdown of the Victorian social structure….The war only helped to speed up the breakdown of the Victorian social structure.4. …it was tempted,in America at least,to escape its responsibilities and retreat behind an air of naughty alcoholic sophistication..In America at least, the young people were strongly inclined to shirk their responsibilities. They pretended to be worldly-wise, drinking and behaving naughtily.5.Prohibition afforded the young the additional opportunity of making their pleasures illicit,...The young people found greater pleasure in their drinking because Prohibition, by making drinking unlawful added a sense of adventure.6….our young men began to enlist under foreign flags.Our young men joined the armies of foreign countries to fight in the war.7. …they‖wanted to get into the fun before the whole thing turned belly up‖The young people wanted to take part in the glorious ad-venture before the whole war ended.8.…they had outgrown towns and families….These young people could no longer adapt themselves to lives in their home towns or their families.9.…the returning veteran also had to face…the hypocritical do-goodism of Prohibition,…The returning veteran also had to face Prohibition which the lawmakers hypocritically assumed would do good to the people.10. Something in the tension-ridden youth of America had to “give”…(Under all this force and pressure) something in the youth of America, who were already very tense, had to break down.11….it was only natural that hopeful young writers,their minds and pens inflamed against war,Babbittry,and ―Puritanical‖gentility,should flock to the traditional artistic center…It was only natural that hopeful young Writers whose minds and writings extremely opposed war, Babbittry and "Puritanical" gentility, should come in great numbers to live in Greenwich Village, the traditional artistic center.12.Each town had its ―fast‖set which prided itself on its unconventionality,…Each town was proud that it had a group of wild, reckless people, who lived unconventional lives.。

张汉熙版《高级英语》第二册 补充练习总结

张汉熙版《高级英语》第二册 补充练习总结

Lesson One Face to Face with Hurricane Camille词汇(Vocabulary)hurricane (n.): a violent tropical cyclone with winds moving at 73 or more miles per hour,often accompanied by torrential rains,and originating usually in the West Indian region飓风lash (v.): move quickly or violently猛烈冲击;拍打pummel (n.): beat or hit with repeated blows,esp.with the fist(尤指用拳头)连续地打course (n.): a way of behaving;mode of conduct行为;品行;做法demolish (v.): pull down.tear down,or smash to pieces (a building,etc.),destroy:ruin拉倒;打碎;拆毁;破坏;毁灭motel (n.):a hotel intended primarily for those traveling by car, usually with direct access from each room to an area for cars汽车游客旅馆gruff (adj.): rough or surly in manner or speech;harsh and throaty;hoarse粗暴的,粗鲁的;粗哑的。

嘶哑的batten (n.): fasten with battens用压条钉住(或固定)methodically (adv.): [英] [mɪˈθɔdɪkəlɪ] [美] [mɪˈθɑdɪkəlɪ] orderly,systematically有秩序地;有条理地main (n.): a principal pipe, or line in a distributing system for water, gas, electricity, etc(自来水,煤气,电等的)总管bathtub (n.): a tub,now usually a bathroom fixture,in which to take a bath浴盆,浴缸generator (n.): a machine for changing mechanical energy into electrical energy;dynamo发电机,发动机scud (v.): run or move swiftly;glide or skim along easily疾行,飞驰;掠过mattress (n.): a casing of strong cloth or other fabric filled with cotton,hair,foam rubber,etc.床垫;褥子pane (n.):a single division of a window,etc.,consisting of a sheet of glass in a frame;such a sheet of glass窗格;窗格玻璃disintegrate (v.): separate into parts or fragments; break up;disunite分裂,分解,裂成碎块blast (n.): a strong rush of(air or wind)一股(气流);一阵(风)douse (n.): plunge or thrust suddenly into liquid;drench; pour liquid over把…浸入液体里;使浸透;泼液体在…上brigade (n.): a group of people organized to function。



Unit 1 Pub Talk and the King’s English人类的一切活动中,只有闲谈最宜于增进友谊,而且是人类特有的一种活动。























张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Discovery of What It Mea

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Discovery of What It Mea

Lesson 10 The Discovery of What It Means to Be an American一、词汇短语1. controversial [] adj. causing a lot of disagreement,because many people have strong opinions about the subject beingdiscussed有争议的,争论的:He is a controversial politician.他是位有争议的政治家。

其名词形式为controversy(//争论,辩论)2. motley []adj. having elements of great variety or incongruity;heterogeneous五颜六色的,混杂的:a motley tunic迷彩服3. fury [] n. extreme, often uncontrolled anger狂怒,暴怒:He waswhite with fury.他气得脸色发白。

b)violent, uncontrolled action; turbulence 骚乱,狂暴,混乱4. identity []n. the distinct personality of an individualregarded as a persisting entity; individuality个性,特性:The plannersdecided to preserve their distinct identities.设计者们决定保留他们各自的特色。

5. inheritance [] n. a)something inherited or to be inherited继承,遗产:inheritance tax遗产税,继承税;b)the process of genetictransmission of characteristics from parents to offspring遗传:maternalinheritance母体遗传6. prop [] n. that serves as a support or stay支撑,支柱:Truth will standwithout a prop.真理不需支撑。

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Future of the English)【圣

张汉熙《高级英语(2)》(第3版)学习指南(The Future of the English)【圣

Lesson 8 The Future of the English一、词汇短语1. cosmopolitan []adj. pertinent or common to thewhole world全世界的,国际的:a cosmopolitan city国际都市2. Fascist [] n. an advocate or adherent of fascism法西斯主义者3. rally [] n. a large public meeting, especially one that is held outdoors tosupport a political idea, protest etc集合,集会:a political rally一次政治集会4. scuffle [] n. a short fight that is not very violent扭打,混战:Scufflebroke out among the players during the football match.足球赛中运动员们扭打起来。

5. fanatical [] adj. possessed with or motivated by excessive,irrational zeal狂热的,过分热衷的:He is a fanatical hunter.他是个着了迷的猎手。

6. snarl [] vi. to speak angrily or threateningly怒吼,咆哮:“Shut up,” hesnarled.“住嘴!”他大叫道。

7. shop steward []n. a person chosen by his fellow tradeunionist in an industrial establishment to speak for them to themanagement and to watch over their interest工厂的个人代表8. accelerate [] v. a)to cause to develop or progress morequickly促进,增加(数量):He decided to accelerate his advertising.他决定增加广告的数量。

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高级英语第二册词汇短语Lesson Two Marrakech词汇:t hread (v.) : pass through by twisting,turning,or weaving in and out穿过,通过p omegranate (n.) : a round fruit with a red,leathery rind and many seeds covered with red,juicy,edible flesh;the bushor small tree that bears it石榴;石榴树c hant (n.) : a simple liturgical song in which a string of syllables or words is sung to each tune(仪式唱的)单调的歌b ier (n.) : a platform or portable framework on which a coffin or corpse is placed棺材架;尸体架h ack (v.) : break up(1and)with a hoe,mattock,etc.(用锄等)翻地,挖(土)o blong (adj.) : longer than broad;elongated长方形的l umpy (adj.) : full of lumps;covered with lumps多块状物的;凹凸不平的h ummocky (a.) : full of or looking like low,rounded hills布满小丘的;似小圆丘的d erelict (adj.) : deserted by the owner;abandoned;forsaken无主的;被遗弃的l ot (n.) : a plot of ground一块地u ndifferentiated (adj.) : without clear qualities or distinctive characteristics无区别的;无显著特点的m ound (n.) : a heap or bank of earth,sand,etc.built over a grave,in a fortification,etc.土堆;堤;坟堆p rickly (adj.) : full of prickles多刺的p rickly pear : any of a genus of cactus plants having cylindrical or large,flat,oval stem joints and edible fruits仙人掌b umpy (adj.) : full of bumps;rough;jolting崎岖不平的;颠簸的;震摇的g azelle (n.) : any of various small,swift,graceful antelopes瞪羚h indquarter (n.) : either of the two hind legs and the adjoining loin of a carcass of veal,beef,lamb,etc.;[p1.]the hindpart of a four—legged animal(牛、羊、猪等的)后腿肉;[复](四肢动物的)后躯n ibble (v.) : take small,cautious,or gentle bites小口地咬;谨慎地咬(啃)b utt (v.) : strike or push with the head or horns:ram with the head(用头或角)撞击;顶撞m id—air (n.) : any point in space,not in contact with the ground or other surface空中;上空n avvy (n.) : n unskilled laborer,as on canals,roads,etc.劳工;无特殊技术的工人s idle (v.) : move sideways,esp.in a shy or stealthy manner(羞怯或偷偷地)侧身行走s tow(v.) : pack or store away;fill by packing in an orderly way装载;装进;收藏municipality n.a city,town.etc.having its own incorporated government for local affairs自治市(或镇)g hetto (n.) : (in certain European cities)a section to which Jews were formerly restricted(某些欧洲城市中从前的)犹太人居住区s ore (adj.) : giving or feeling physical pain;painful疼痛的;感到疼痛的s kull—cap (n.) : a light,closefitting,brimless cap,usually worn indoors(室内戴的)无沿便帽i nfest (v.) : overrun or inhabit in large numbers,usually so as to be harmful or bothersome;swarm in or over(虫害等)侵扰;骚扰;蔓延b ooth (n.) : a stall for the sale of goods,as at markets or fairs(市场或集市上的)货摊;摊店,摊棚p rehistoric (adj.) : pertaining to ancient times,very old-fashioned老式的;古旧的w arp (v.) : become bent or twisted out of shape变弯曲;变歪f renzied (adj.) : full of uncontrolled excitement疯狂的,狂乱的c lamour (v.) : make a loud confused noise or shout;cry out喧嚷,喧嚣,吵闹g rope (v.) : feel or search about blindly,hesitantly,or uncertainly摸索;探索s elf-contained (adj.) : having within oneself or itself all that is necessary;self-sufficient,as a community自给自足的w itchcraft (n.) : the power or practices of witches: black magic;sorcery巫术;魔法s quare (adj.[colloq.]) : satisfying;solid;substantial[口]令人满意的;充实的c onspicuous (adj.) : attracting attention by being unexpected,unusual,outstanding惹人注目的,显眼的g rove (n.) : orchard果园l egionnaire (n.) : a member of a legion军团的成员b ack—breaking (adj.) : requiring great physical exertion;very tiring费劲的;辛苦的,累人的d esolate (adj.) : uninhabited;deserted荒无人烟的,荒凉的l ucerne (n.):a type of plant whose leaves grow in groups of three and which is used for feeding farm animals紫苜蓿f odder (n.) : gorse food for cattle,horses,sheep,etc. as cornstalks,hay and straw(牛、马、羊的)粗饲料;饲草y oke (v.) : put a yoke on;join together;link用轭连起;连合;连结h arrow (n.) : a heavy frame with spikes or sharp—edged disks,drawn by a horse 0r tractor and used for breaking upand leveling plowed ground,covering seeds,rooting up weeds,etc.耙f urrow (n.) : a narrow groove made in the ground by a plow沟,畦;犁沟t rickle (n.) : the act of trickling;a slow,small flow滴,淌;细流;s ubsoil (n.) : the layer of soil beneath the surface soil底土,下层土,m ummify (v.) : shrivel or dry up干瘪;枯干;成木乃伊状h obble (v.) : go unsteadily,haltingly,etc.蹒跚l eathery (adj.) : 1ike leather in appearance or texture. tough and flexible(外观或质地)似皮革的;坚韧的,粗硬的i nfuriate (v.) : cause to become very angry;enrage(使)发怒,激怒d amnably (adv.) : execrably该诅咒地;极坏地p acksaddle (n.) : a saddle with fastenings to secure and balance the load carried by a pack animal驮鞍b ridle (n.) : a head harness for guiding a horse马勒h alter (n.) : a rope,cord,strap,etc.,usually with a headstall,for tying or leading an animal;a bitless headstall,with orwithout a lead rope缰绳;(马)笼头g ut (n.[usu.in p1.]) : the bowels;entrails[常用复]内脏p light (n.) : condition or state of affairs;esp,now, an awkward.sad,or dangerous situation情况;状态,苦境;险境g all (v.) : injure or make sore by rubbing;chafe擦伤,擦痛;磨s tork (n.) : any of a family of large,long—legged,mostly old—world wading birds.having a long neck and bill,andrelated to the herons鹳r each-me—down (adj.[colloq.]) : second—hand or ready—made(衣服)用旧的;别人用过的;现成的k haki (adj.) : made of khaki(cloth)卡其(布)制的s quash (v.) : force one’s way;squeeze挤进,挤入s lump (v.) : have a drooping posture or gait低头弯腰(而行);消沉i nquisitive (adj.) : inclined to ask many questions or seek information;eager to learn好询问的;好奇的s yphilis (n.) : an infectious venereal disease,caused by a spirochete and usually transmitted by sexual intercourse oracquired congenitally梅毒g arrison (n.) : troops stationed in a fort or fortified place驻军;卫戍部队c harger (n.) : a horse ridden in battle or on parade战马, 军马短语:square meal: a complete and satisfying meal美餐丰盛的、令人满足in a cloud: a large number of small things moving through the air as amass一团例: a cloud of locusts一群蝗虫get at: to approach or reach到达,得到例: You have to use a little ladder to get at the jars on the top shelves.你得使用小梯才可以拿到架子上面的坛子。
