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1. agree with 相符, 适合

Our action must agree with our words. 我们必须言行一致.

Rich food doesn’t agree with me. 他不易吃油腻的食物.

2. belong to 属于

The future belongs to the younger generation. 未来属于年轻人.

As a writer, he really belongs to the 18th century.

3. break out 爆发,突然开始

The Iraqi War broke out in March 2003. 伊拉克战争爆发于2003年2月.

A quarrel broke out between them.

4. come about 发生, 产生, 实现

It came about in this way. 他是这样发生的.

How much has come about from the consultation?

5. come across 偶然遇到, 留下印象

I came across him first in Beijing. 我是在北京第一次遇见他的.

6. come into being 形成, 产生

About 200 companies come into being every year. 每年大约有200家公司成立. New ways of thinking have come into being. 新的思想方法形成了.

7. come out 出版, 出来

The book will come out in September. 该书将于9月份出版.

My tooth has just come out. 我的牙齿刚长出来.

8. come true 实现

His dream has come true. 他的愿望实现了.

9. come up 被提出, 发芽

The question came up at the meeting. 会议上提到了那个问题.

The seeds haven’t come up yet. 种子还没有发芽.

10. consist of 由…组成

Man consists of soul and body. 人由灵魂和肉体组成.

11. date from 始于

The idea of floating continents dates from 1910. 大陆漂游学说始于1910年. This custom dates from the 16th century. 该风俗始于16世纪.

12. do with 忍受

We can’t do with such carelessness.我们不能忍受这种粗枝大叶的作风.

13. give out 用完, 耗尽

He plans to stay there until his money gives out. 他计划在那里呆到钱花完为止.

14. go against 不利, 相反

The situation is going against them. 情势越来越对他们不利.

Events went against them.情况发展与他们的意愿相反.

15. go down 被接受, 被记录在案

The idea went down badly. 这个想法不受欢迎.

That remark will go down in history. 那番评论将载入史册.

16. go down 发生, 消失

That sort of thing goes on all the time. 那类事一直都在发生.

I got more depressed, as time goes on. 我的郁闷情绪与日俱增.

17. go out 熄灭, 被淘汰

The lights flickered, then went out. 灯光闪烁不定, 然后就熄灭了.

That team went out in the third round. 那个队在第三轮比赛中被淘汰了.

18. go up 被烧毁, 拔地而起

The tall building went up in fames. 大楼在熊熊烈火中烧毁了.

How many houses have gone up this year? 今年新建了多少住房?

19. happen to 发生在…

What has happened to your left eye? 你的左眼怎么了?

20. keep after 跟踪追击, 责备

Why do you keep after me the whole time? 你为何老责备我?

We decided to keep after the thief. 我们决定跟踪追击盗贼.

21. live on 继续存在

These traditions will live on for centuries. 这些传统将世代相传.

22. occur to 发生, 想到, 想起

I hope no accident has occurred to him. 我希望他没出什么事.

23. point to/ at 暗示

Everything points to a bright future for us all. 种种迹象表明我们有光明的前途.

24. run out 用完, 耗尽

His money soon ran out. 他的钱快花光了.

25. stick to 坚持做, 忠于; 贴在…上

Her translation sticks closely to the original. 她的翻译非常忠实于原文.

26. take place 发生,举行

When did this conversation take place? 这次会谈是何时举行的?

27. throw out 产生(人才), 提出(主意)

Our country has thrown up a number of great writers. 我们国家出了许多大作家.

28. turn out 结果是, 证明是

Everything turned out satisfactory. 结果一切令人满意.

29. turn up 到达, 出现

He didn’t turn up until half an hour later. 半小时后他才出现.

30. work out 产生结果, (情况)发展

Everything has worked out according to plan. 一切都按计划发展.
