最美 首英文诗 译文也神美

最美十首英文诗中英对照1Poetry has always been a profound form of artistic expression, capable of evoking intense emotions and offering profound insights. In this essay, we shall embark on an in-depth exploration and appreciation of ten of the most beautiful English poems.Take Wordsworth's "I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud" for instance. The natural imagery, such as the clouds and the daffodils, conveys a sense of tranquility and beauty. It makes us feel the harmony between human beings and nature, as if we are also wandering in that peaceful scene.Shelley's "Ode to the West Wind" is another masterpiece. The passionate emotions it conveys and the ingenious use of symbolic techniques are truly remarkable. The west wind symbolizes both destruction and creation, representing the power of change and renewal.Another poem, "To His Coy Mistress" by Andrew Marvell, showcases the poet's artful use of language and rhythm to express the theme of love and the passage of time.These poems, each in its unique way, employ vivid imagery, harmonious rhymes, and profound themes to touch our hearts and souls. They make us reflect on life, love, nature, and the human condition. The poets' masterful manipulation of words and emotions enables us toexperience a wide range of feelings, from serenity to excitement, from melancholy to hope.In conclusion, these ten beautiful English poems are not only literary treasures but also windows into the depth of human emotions and thoughts. They continue to inspire and move us, transcending time and space.2Poetry has always been a mirror that reflects the essence of human emotions, culture, and the spirit of different eras. The ten most beautiful English poems are not only linguistic artworks but also profound carriers of historical and cultural connotations.Take Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale" for instance. It vividly embodies the romanticist ideology, with its rich imagination and intense emotions. The poet's longing for the freedom and beauty of the nightingale's world reveals a pursuit of escape from the mundane and an exploration of the unknown. This poem is a reflection of the Romantic movement, emphasizing individual feelings and the beauty of nature.Another remarkable poem is Yeats' "When You Are Old". It delicately analyses the theme of love in different times. The lines express a profound and lasting love that transcends the passage of time. It makes us ponder over the true meaning of love and its endurance through the ages.The ten beautiful poems each have their unique charm and value. They touch our souls, inspire our thoughts, and connect us with the pastand present. They allow us to experience the diversity of human emotions and the depth of cultural heritage. Through the appreciation of these poems, we gain a deeper understanding of the world and ourselves.3When it comes to the most beautiful ten English poems, their artistic charm lies in various aspects. Take Tennyson's "In Memoriam" for instance. Its strict meter and the repeated usage of certain techniques create a solemn and profound atmosphere, evoking a deep sense of mourning. The regularity of the rhythm not only adds a sense of order but also enhances the emotional expression, making the readers feel the intensity of the poet's feelings.Then there is Browning's "Sonnets from the Portuguese". The unique charm of its sonnet form lies in its precise structure and rich emotional layers. The fourteen lines are delicately arranged, with a well-defined rhyme scheme and rhythm, presenting a perfect balance of form and content.Another example could be Wordsworth's poems, where his vivid description of nature and the use of simple yet evocative language bring the beauty of the natural world to life. The imagery employed allows readers to envision the scenes clearly in their minds.The beauty of these poems also lies in the diversity of themes. Some explore love, some reflect on life and death, and some celebrate themagnificence of nature. The poets' masterful use of language and various rhetorical devices, such as metaphor, simile, and personification, enriches the expression and makes the poems more appealing.In conclusion, these ten beautiful English poems are like precious jewels in the treasure chest of literature. They shine with the brilliance of artistic creation and touch the hearts of readers with their profound meaning and exquisite form.4When it comes to the most beautiful ten English poems, they have the power to touch our souls and stir our thoughts in profound ways. Take Frost's "The Road Not Taken" for instance. It makes me ponder over the choices we make in life. Every decision we make leads us down a particular path, and the unchosen roads always remain a mystery, evoking a sense of wonder and perhaps a tinge of regret. This poem reminds me that each choice is significant and shapes our destiny.Another remarkable poem is Dickinson's "Because I Could Not Stop for Death". It offers a fresh perspective on the theme of death. Rather than being a terrifying end, death is presented as a gentle companion. It makes me realize that death is not something to be feared but a natural part of life's journey.Poetry has this magical ability to express complex emotions and ideas in a concise yet powerful manner. The beauty lies in the rhythm, theimagery, and the hidden meanings that lie beneath the surface. Poems like "Ode to a Nightingale" by Keats transport us to a world of beauty and melancholy. And Shelley's "Ozymandias" makes us reflect on the transience of power and the impermanence of human achievements.The charm of these ten poems lies in their ability to make us feel, to think, and to see the world from different perspectives. They are like precious jewels that shine with the light of wisdom and emotion, enriching our inner world and making us more sensitive and perceptive. They have the power to soothe our hearts during difficult times and inspire us to reach for the stars when we are filled with hope.5When it comes to the appreciation of the ten most beautiful English poems, a profound exploration into their commonalities and individualities is truly captivating. Take the sonnets of Shakespeare and the excerpts from Milton's "Paradise Lost" for instance. The language styles of these two differ significantly. Shakespeare's sonnets are known for their elegance and delicacy, with rich imagery and elaborate rhymes that convey emotions with a gentle touch. On the contrary, Milton's "Paradise Lost" features a grand and majestic language, filled with powerful expressions and epic overtones, presenting themes of morality and the fall of humanity on a much larger scale.Another aspect worth noting is the comparison between modernistpoetry and traditional poetry in terms of their forms of expression. Traditional poetry often adheres to strict rhyme and meter patterns, while modernist poetry breaks free from these constraints, emphasizing personal experiences and inner thoughts through fragmented and experimental structures.Common among these beautiful poems is the power to evoke emotions and thoughts within the readers. Whether it's the love and longing expressed in the traditional works or the exploration of the unknown and unconventional in modern ones, they all offer us a window into the diverse world of human feelings and experiences.However, their differences also lie in the specific themes and the ways they approach these themes. Some poems focus on nature and its beauty, while others delve into the complexity of human relationships or the mysteries of the universe.In conclusion, the ten most beautiful English poems, each with its unique charm and value, contribute to the rich tapestry of English poetry, inviting us to constantly explore and reflect.。

Before my bed a pool of light,I wonder if it's frost aground.Looking up, I find the moon bright,Bowing,in homesickness I'm drowned.登幽州台歌陈子昂前不见古人,后不见来者。
Where the sages of the past,And those of future years?Sky and earth forever last,Lonely,I shed sad tears.天净沙·秋思马致远枯藤老树昏鸦,小桥流水人家。
Over old trees wreathed with rotten vines fly evening crows;Under a small bridge near a cottage a stream flows;One ancient road in the west wind a lean horse goes.Westward declines the sun;Far,far from home is the heartbroken one.寻隐者不遇贾岛松下问童子,言师采药去。
I ask your lad neath a pine-tree,“My master’s gone for herbs,” says he.You hide amid the mountains proud,I know not where deep in the cloud.江雪柳宗元千山鸟飞绝,万径人踪灭。

优美的英语诗歌带翻译3篇英语诗歌是值得我们平时闲暇时候读读的,小编今天就给大家分享一下英语诗歌,仅供参考英语诗歌一我不去想是否能够成功既然选择了远方便只顾风雨兼程我不去想能否赢得爱情既然钟情于玫瑰就勇敢地吐露真诚 I care not whether I can succeed.Since in choice of the distance,I simply travel in wind and rain.I care not whether I can win love.Since in deep love with a rose,I just unbosom myself bravely.我不去想身后会不会袭来寒风冷雨既然目标是地平线留给世界的只能是背影我不去想未来是平坦还是泥泞只要热爱生命一切,都在意料之中 I care not whether hit by wind and rain.Since my goal is to reach the horizon,Only my back is in face of the world.I care not whether future is smooth or muddy,If only I have passion for life,Everything will go as expected.英语诗歌二Faith begins by believing in your heart that what is right has a chance.信念始于内心对机缘深信不疑。
Faith is knowing in your heart that good can overcome evil, that the sun can shine in a rainstrom.信念是心底深信善良能战胜邪恶,太阳会在暴风雨中升起。
Faith is peaceful and comforting, because it comes from within where no one can invade your private dreams.信念平静而给人慰藉,它源于心灵深处,在那里,无人能窥探只属于你的秘密。

ppt课件,可编辑Fra bibliotek文艺版: 你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望; 后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香; 后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量; 后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘; 我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。
“I'm afraid” ——William Shakespeare
You say that you love rain, but you open your umbrella when it rains... You say that you love the sun, but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines... You say that you love the wind, But you close your windows when wind blows... This is why I am afraid; You say that you love me too...
七言绝句版: 恋雨却怕绣衣湿, 喜日偏向树下倚。 欲风总把绮窗关, 叫奴如何心付伊。
七律压轴版: 江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。 夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。 霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。 怜卿一片相思意,犹恐流年拆鸳鸯。
当英语遇上汉语,就知道汉语有多强大了! 不知道这世界上是否还有第二种语言能像 汉语这样,拥有如此美的旋律。

一首英文诗被翻成中文后,震撼,中文之美[复制链接]idontcare31主题271帖子威望百废待兴UID159497积分663金钱391注册时间2014-6-15•发消息电梯直达楼主发表于昨天22:29 |只看该作者不知道这世界上是否还有第二种语言能像中文这样,产生出如此极具美者众人疯狂地学习英语的时候,是否能偶尔停下脚步,回过头来欣赏一原文:龙腾网 You say that you love rain, 龙腾网 but you open your umbrella when it rains. 龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines.You say that you love the wind,but you close your windows when wind blows.This is why I am afraid, you say that you love me too.(普通版):你说你爱雨,但当细雨飘洒时你却撑开了伞;你说你爱太阳,但当它当空时你却看见了阳光下的暗影;你说你爱风,但当它轻拂时你却紧紧地关上了自己的窗子;你说你也爱我,而我却为此烦忧。

最唯美的英文诗篇一Insufficiency 自愧弗如伊丽莎白•芭雷特•布朗宁There is no one beside thee and no one above thee,Thou standest alone as the nightingale sings!And my words that would praise thee are impotent things,For none can express thee though all should approve thee.I love thee so, dear, that I only can love thee.世界上没有人同你并列,也没人高于你;你形单影只地站在夜莺啼唱的时分!而我想称颂你的那些话都显得无能,因为虽人人该赞你,却没人能描绘你。
Say, what can I do for thee? weary thee, grieve thee?Lean on thy shoulder, new burdens to add?Weep my tears over thee, making thee sad?Oh, hold me not--love me not! let me retrieve thee.I love thee so, dear, that I only can leave thee.你说我能为你做什么?使你厌倦忧戚?倚在你肩头上,把新的负担给你添上?把我的泪滴在你脸上,使你感到悲伤?哦,别抱我也别爱我!让我来救出你。
最唯美的英文诗篇二The Golden SunsetThe golden sea its mirror spreads金色大海明镜展,Beneath the golden skies,横在彤红长天边,And but a narrow strip between大陆与影卧中间,Of land and shadow lies.只剩狭长线一段。

你知道一首英文诗翻译成中文以后有多美吗?来源:这里是美国公众号在这个人人学英语的时代,大家似乎都快忘了,中文有多美多强大!这里有一段英文的诗歌,有人用中文翻译了一下,结果所有人都惊呆了You say that you love rain,but you open your umbrella when it rains...You say that you love the sun,but you find a shadow spot when the sun shines...You say that you love the wind,But you close your windows when wind blows...This is why I am afraid;You say that you love me too...普通翻译版:你说你喜欢雨,但是下雨的时候你却撑开了伞;你说你喜欢阳光,但当阳光播撒的时候,你却躲在阴凉之地;你说你喜欢风,但清风扑面的时候,你却关上了窗户。

下面是店铺带来的唯美英文诗歌带翻译阅读,欢迎阅读!唯美英文诗歌带翻译阅读篇一Following a dream追逐梦想When I was a younger, I used to dream about becoming a fireman.当我还年轻的时候,我曾梦想要成为一名消防队员。
I thought wow, wouldn’t it be great to ride around,我想哇,到处跑会很好,and help people put out fires.还可以帮助人们扑灭大火。
As I got older, I want to be like my father.而随着我逐渐长大,我想成为像我父亲那样。
He taught in a university, and I always look up him.他在大学里教书,我总是非常尊敬他。
So that's what I became a teacher.那就是我成了一名教师的原因。
My father and I have different styles, as do all teachers.尽管都是教师,但我的父亲和我风格迥异。
And we're both teachers and I'm happy.我们都是教师,我很高兴。
In many ways, I feel that I'm living my dream, I am luck.在许多方面,我觉得自己梦想成真,我感到很幸运。
Sometimes the dreams we've when we're younger,有时候当我们年轻的时候会拥有梦想,well, life may push it in another direction.嗯,人生有可能会朝着另一个方向发展。

Annable LeeIt was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea,That a maiden there lived whom you may knowBy the name of ANNABEL LEE;And this maiden she lived with no other thoughtThan to love and be loved by me.She was a child and I was a child,In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than loveI and my Annabel Lee;With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me.And this was the reason that, long ago,In this kingdom by the sea,A wind blew out of a cloud by night chilling my Annabel Lee;So that her highborn kinsman cameAnd bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulchreIn this kindom by the sea.The angels ,not half so happy in the heaven,Went evnying her and meYes!That was the reason(as all men know, in this kingdom by the sea)That the wind came out of the cloud,Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.But our love it was stronger by far than the loveOf those who were older than weOf many far wiser than weAnd neither the angels in heaven above,Nor the demons down under the sea,Can ever dissever my soulfrom the soulOf the beautiful Annabel Lee.For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annalbel Lee;And the stars never rise but I see the bright eyesOf the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so,all the night-tide , I lie down by the sideOf my darling , my darling , my life and my bride,In the sepulchre there by the sea,In her tomb by the side of the sea很久很久以前,在一个滨海的国度里,住着一位少女你或许认得,她的芳名叫安娜贝尔.李;这少女活着没有别的愿望,只为和我俩情相许。

小编精心收集了优美的英文诗歌带翻译,供大家欣赏学习!优美的英文诗歌带翻译篇1今夜我要亲吻你I have been sleeping all alone,You have been staring in my dreams.I want to kiss you, my baby,I want to kiss you tonight.我一直孤独入眠,睡梦中你出现在我的眼前,我要亲吻你,我的爱人,今夜我就要亲吻你。
优美的英文诗歌带翻译篇2四季歌春来碧绿青翠夏天阳光明媚秋季遍地金黄冬雪亮白祥瑞我们努力奋斗送别年年岁岁只为新的世界红日闪耀光辉SeasonsAnonymousSpring is green,Summer is bright,Autumn is gold,Winter is white.Year in year out,We work and fight,For a new world,Of red sunlight.优美的英文诗歌带翻译篇3I Loved YouAlexander PushkinI loved you; and perhaps I love you still,The flame, perhaps, is not extinguished; yetIt burns so quietly within my soul,No longer should you feel distressed by it.Silently and hopelessly I loved you,At times too jealous and at times too shy.God grant you find another who will love you As tenderly and truthfully as I.-- Alexander Pushkin. I Loved You.Translation: Babette Deutsch.我曾经爱过你爱情,也许在我的心灵里还没有完全消亡;但愿它不会再打扰你;我也不想再使你难过悲伤。

英语优美诗歌带翻译Title: "The Beauty of Nature" A Poetic Journey Through the Wonders of Our World。
Nature is a work of art, a masterpiece of creation that never ceases to amaze us. From the majestic mountains to the tranquil lakes, from the lush forests to the barren deserts, nature's beauty is all around us. In this article, we will take a poetic journey through the wonders of our world, exploring the beauty of nature in all its glory.The mountains rise up to the sky,。
A sight that takes our breath away.Their peaks are shrouded in mist and cloud,。
And their beauty is here to stay.The rivers flow through the land,。
A never-ending journey to the sea.Their gentle currents and raging rapids,。
Are a sight to behold, for you and me.The forests are a haven of peace,。
A place where nature reigns supreme.The rustling of leaves and chirping of birds,。

Seven-character-ancient-verseLiu ZongyuanAN OLD FISHERMANAn old fisherman spent the night here, under the western cliff;He dipped up water from the pure Hsiang and made a bamboo fire;And then, at sunrise, he went his way through the cloven mist, With only the creak of his paddle left, in the greenness of mountain and river.I turn and see the waves moving as from heaven,And clouds above the cliffs coming idly, one by one.翻译成英文的唯美古诗篇二李颀古从军行白日登山望烽火,黄昏饮马傍交河。
Folk-song-styled-verseLi QiAN OLD WAR-SONGThrough the bright day up the mountain, we scan the sky for a war-torch;At yellow dusk we water our horses in the boundaryriver;And when the throb of watch-drums hangs in the sandy wind, We hear the guitar of the Chinese Princess telling her endless woe....Three thousand miles without a town, nothing but camps,Till the heavy sky joins the wide desert in snow.With their plaintive calls, barbarian wildgeese fly from night to night,And children of the Tartars have many tears to shed;But we hear that the Jade Pass is still under siege,And soon we stake our lives upon our light warchariots.Each year we bury in the desert bones unnumbered,Yet we only watch for grape-vines coming into China.翻译成英文的唯美古诗篇三乐府王维洛阳女儿行洛阳女儿对门居,才可容颜十五余;良人玉勒乘骢马,侍女金盘脍鲤鱼。

店铺分享唯美英语诗歌带翻译,希望可以帮助大家!唯美英语诗歌带翻译:The Furthest Distance in the World 世界上最遥远的距离Rabindranath Tagore罗宾德拉纳特泰戈尔The furthest distance in the world is世界上最遥远的距离not between life and death不是生与死But when I stand in front of you而是我就站在你的面前Yet you don 't know that I love you你却不知道我爱你The furthest distance in the world is世界上最遥远的距离not when I stand in front of you不是我站在你面前Yet you can't see my love你却不知道我爱你But when undoubtedly knowing the love from both而是明明知道彼此相爱Yet cannot be together却不能在一起The furthest distance in the world is世界上最遥远的距离not being apart while being in love不是明明知道彼此相爱Yet cannot be together却不能在一起But when plainly can not resist the yearning而是明明无法抵挡这股想念Yet pretending you have never been in my heart却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里The furthest distance in the world is世界上最遥远的距离not when plainly can not resist the yearning不是明明无法抵挡这股想念Yet pretending you have never been in my heart却还得故意装作丝毫没有把你放在心里But using one's indifferent heart而是用己冷漠的心to dig an uncrossable river for the one who loves you 为爱你的人挖掘了一条无法跨越的沟渠唯美英语诗歌带翻译:Ode to the Oak致橡树Shu Ting舒婷If I fall in love with you我如果爱你I will never resemble clambering trumpet creeper,绝不像攀缘的凌霄花,To flaunt myself by your high branches.借你的高枝炫耀自己;If I fall in love with you-我如果爱你I will never imitate spoony birds,绝不学痴情的鸟儿,To repeat simple songs for green shade.为绿荫重复单调的歌曲;I will not only resemble a wellspring,也不止像泉源,To bring you cool consolation perennially:常年送来清凉的慰藉:I will not only resemble steepy mountains,也不止像险峰,To increase your altitude or set off your dignified manner. 增加你的高度,衬托你的威仪。

今天店铺为大家带来了经典唯美的英文诗句欣赏,希望大家喜欢这些英文诗歌!经典唯美的英文诗句篇一慈母颂》Mother MachreeThere’s a spot in my heartwhich no colleen may own;There’s a depth in my soulnever sounded or known;There’s a place in my memorymy life that you fill;No other can take itno one ever will;Every sorrow or carein the dear days gone by;Was made bright by the lightof the smile in your eye;Like a candle that’s setin a window at night;Your fond love has cheered meand guided me right;Sure I love the dear silverthat shines in your hair;And the brow that’s all furrowedand wrinkled with care;I kiss the dear fingersso toil warm for me;Oh! God bless you andkeep you, mother machree!外文诗:歌颂伟大的母亲《慈母颂》在我的心灵之中有个地方,深不可测其境从未与闻哪个少女也难问津;在我的记忆之中我的生命充满你的身影谁也不能取代永远无人有此真情;珍贵时光悠悠逝去辛劳烦扰却永不消停你眼中的微笑,其光彩使烦劳转为光明;宛如点燃的烛光深夜透窗棂你深情的爱激励我引领我一直前进;是的,我爱你如银的发丝闪烁着深情的光芒我爱你额上道道皱纹岁月刻满沧桑我吻你勤劳的手指双手柔情温暖我心房;啊,慈母在我心苍天保佑,福寿永绵长!经典唯美的英文诗句篇二你将会成为我的挚爱You Will be My Ain True LoveYou'll walk unscathed through musket fire,No ploughman's blade will cut thee down, No cutler's horn will mark thy face,And you will be my ain true love,And you will be my ain true love.And as you walk through death's dark veil, The cannon's thunder can't prevail,And those who hunt thee down will fail, And you will be my ain true love,And you will be my ain true love. Asleep inside the cannon's mouth,The captain cries, “Here comes the rout,”They'll seek to find me north and south, I've gone to find my ain true love.The field is cut and bleeds to red,The cannon balls fly round my head,The infirmary man may count me dead, When I've gone to find my ain true love, I've gone to find my ain true love.你穿过枪林弹雨毫无损伤,什么武器都不能让你倒下,什么武器都不能在你的脸上留痕,你会成为我的挚爱,你会成为我的挚爱。

离骚版: 君乐雨兮启伞枝, 君乐昼兮林蔽日, 君乐风兮栏帐起, 君乐吾兮吾心噬。
五言诗版: 恋雨偏打伞,爱阳却遮凉。 风来掩窗扉,叶公惊龙王。 片言只语短,相思缱倦长。 郎君说爱我,不敢细思量。
七言绝句版: 恋雨却怕绣衣湿, 喜日偏向树下倚。 欲风总把绮窗关, 叫奴如何心付伊。
七律压轴版: 江南三月雨微茫,罗伞叠烟湿幽香。 夏日微醺正可人,却傍佳木趁荫凉。 霜风清和更初霁,轻蹙蛾眉锁朱窗。 怜卿一片相思意,犹恐流年拆鸳鸯。
当英语遇上汉语,就知道汉语有多强大了! 不知道这世界上是否还有第二种语言能像 汉语这样,拥有如此美的旋律。
文艺版: 你说烟雨微芒,兰亭远望; 后来轻揽婆娑,深遮霓裳。 你说春光烂漫,绿袖红香; 后来内掩西楼,静立卿旁。 你说软风轻拂,醉卧思量; 后来紧掩门窗,漫帐成殇。 你说情丝柔肠,如何相忘; 我却眼波微转,兀自成霜。
诗经版: 子言慕雨,启伞避之。 子言好阳,寻荫拒之。 子言喜风,阖户离之。 子言偕老,吾所畏之。

最唯美的英文诗篇一Insufficiency 自愧弗如伊丽莎白?芭雷特?布朗宁There is no one beside thee and no one above thee,Thou standest alone as the nightingale sings!And my words that would praise thee are impotent things,For none can express thee though all should approve thee.I love thee so, dear, that I only can love thee.世界上没有人同你并列,也没人高于你;你形单影只地站在夜莺啼唱的时分!而我想称颂你的那些话都显得无能,因为虽人人该赞你,却没人能描绘你。
Say, what can I do for thee? weary thee, grieve thee?Lean on thy shoulder, new burdens to add?Weep my tears over thee, making thee sad?Oh, hold me not--love me not! let me retrieve thee.I love thee so, dear, that I only can leave thee.你说我能为你做什么?使你厌倦忧戚?倚在你肩头上,把新的负担给你添上?把我的泪滴在你脸上,使你感到悲伤?哦,别抱我也别爱我!让我来救出你。
最唯美的英文诗篇二The Golden SunsetThe golden sea its mirror spreads金色大海明镜展,Beneath the golden skies,横在彤红长天边,And but a narrow strip between大陆与影卧中间,Of land and shadow lies.只剩狭长线一段。
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Spring goeth all in white
spring goeth all in white,crowned with milk-white may;in fleecy flocks of light,o'er heaven the white clouds stray;white butterflies in the air;white daisies prank the ground;the cherry and hoary pear,scatter their snow around.春之女神着素装
To daffodils
fair daffodils,we weep to seeyou haste away so soon;as yet the early-rising sunhas not attain'd his noon.stay,stay,until the hasting dayhas runbut to the even-song;and,having pray'd together, wewill go with you along.
we have short time to stay, as you;we have as short a spring;as quick a growth to meet decay,as you,or anything.we die,as your hours do,and dryawaylike to the summer's rain,or as the pearls of morning's dew,ne'er
to be found again.咏黄水仙花
He that loves a rosy cheek
he that loves a rosy cheekor a coral lip admires,or from star-like eyes doth seekfuel to maintain his fires;as old time makes these decay,so his flames must waste away.
but a smooth and steadfast mind,gentle thoughts,and calm desires,hearts with equal love combined,kindle never-dying fires;——where these are not,i despiselovely cheek or lips or eyes.真的美
心平气亦和,宁静而谦抑,一视能同仁,爱之永不灭;世若无斯人,颊唇眼何益?The rose in the wind
dip and swing,lift and sway;dream a life,in a dream,away.
like a dreamin a sleepis the rosein the wind;
and a fishin the deep;and a manin the mind;
dreaming to lackall that is his;dreaming to gainall that he is. dreaming a life,in a dream,awaydip and swing,lift and sway.风中蔷薇花颤颤巍巍,颉之顽之;睡梦生涯,抑之扬之。
i think that i shall never seea poem lovely as a tree.
a tree whose hungry mouth is prestagainsr the earth's sweet flowing breast;
a tree that looks at god all day,and lifts her leafy arms to pry;
a tree that may in summer weara nest of robins in her hair;
upon whose bosom snow has lain;who intimately lives with rain.
poems are made by fools like me,but only god can make a tree.
The shepherdess
she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.her flocks are thoughts.she keep them white;she guards them from the steep.she feeds them on the fragrant heightand folds them in for sleep.
she roams maternal hills and bright,dark valleys safe and deep.into that tender breast at nightthe chastest stars may peep.she walks——the lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.
she holds her little thoughts in sight,though gay they run and leap.she is so circumspect and right;she has her soul to keep.she walks——the
lady of my delight——a shepherdess of sheep.牧羊的女儿
Winter moon
a little white thistle moonblown over the cold crags and fens:a little white thistle moonblown across the frozen heather.冬月
thy beauty haunts me heart and soul,o thou fair moon,so close and bright;thy beauty makes me like the childthat cries aloud to own thy light:the little child that lifts each armto press thee to her bosom warm.
though there are birds that sing this nightwith thy white beams across
their throats,let my deep silence speak for memore than for them their sweetest notes:who worships thee till music failsis greater than nightingales.月