中西绘画差异 英文版

《花卉图卷》徐渭 (明)
Do you know other differences?
石 工
Light and shadow
Other Differenc Wesቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱern Painting Chinese Painting e
The Difference Between The Western Painting And The Chinese Painting
Gustave Courbet居斯塔夫·库尔贝 (法国)
Q: When we enjoy the paintings, you'll see an obvious difference in these paintings. What is the difference? A: Preface and postscript often appear on the Chinese paintings but this phenomenon doesn’t appear in Western paintings.
Main object: landscape Color: black and white freehand写意 写意 figure人物 人物 variety reality
Chinese Painting There is a poetry in a painting and a painting in a poetry. And the ancient Chinese artists always emphasized that:“The painting, the : pole ”(画者,文之极也). The preface and 画者, postscript can express or deepen artistic conception of paintings, also can express artists’ philosophy and aesthetic conceptions .

Introductions Of Chinese Paintings
Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world. Painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guó huà, as opposed to Western styles of art which became popular in China in the 20th century.
Western paintings
In the mid-19th century, Western painting was primarily concerned with representational and Classical modes of production, after which time more modern, abstract and conceptual forms gained favor.Initially serving imperial, private, civic, and religious patronage, Western painting found audiences in the aristocracy and the middle class. From the Middle Ages through the Renaissance painters worked for the church and a wealthy aristocracy.

Western painting
• It is totally different for Western painting.It perfectly apply perspective skill,making some still life painting just like real things.
Western painting
• However,for Western painters,they are supposed to fullly use every space on the paper.Because it is advocated to be full on the paper.
• painter:Van Gogh
Chinese painting
• For Chinese painting,perspective has no sense ,thus ,minority of Chinese painting use perspective.Then,it can explain why portraits have no light and shade contrast.
Dynasty :明 Painter:仇英 Painting : 《汉宫春晓图》
Chinese painting
• Chinese painting uses lines as main modeling means.Also it mainly has two colours--white and black,just because it only uses writing bru异英文版ppt
Chinese painting
• emphasizes 'empty' and 'no',performs for 'virtual', in other words,it centers on heart.

Western painting
Always apply perspective skill, make some life painting just like real things.
-- 精品--
《Tai bai xing yin tu》 Painter Liang Kai
Mona Lisa by Vinci
-- 精品--
final part
Chinese painting
Leave a large empty space on paper . Reason:give viewers sufficient space to imagine.
Western painting
-- 精品--
Western Landscape paiting
-- 精品--
Chinese painting
• Lines as main modeling means. • Two colours--white and black • Reason:use writing brush and Chinese ink.
The comparison between Chinese painting and Western painting
-- 精品--
Chinese painting
• Stress 'empty' and 'no', • perform for ‘virtual’ • Advocate freehand brushwork • Pursuit likeness
The basic mode of thinking is the harmony between man and nature Focu on subjective feelings, not to force the objective things

Eastern painting techniques and techniques
Cross cultural influence
Artists from different cultures of borrowed ideas and techniques from each other, creating new styles that combine elements of both Eastern and Western arts
Eastern painting of favorites simplicity and minimalism, using sparse composition and subtitled colors to create a sense of harmony and balance
The Concept and Value of Eastern Painting
Narrative Focus
Western painting often tells a story or contains a message, which is a relative scene, historical event, or a portrait of a person
Western painting themes and styles
Western art often reflects the individualism of the artist, their personal interpretation of the world and their emotions

Painting style
Traditional Chinese painting style focus on artistic concept, abstract(抽象) (wash painting).But westen painting is realistic painting(oil painting)
work is then mounted on scrolls, which .can be hung or
rolled up.Traditional painting also is done in albums and
on walls
and other media.
Western paintings
Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous
artistic traditions in the world. Painting in the traditional
style is known today in Chinese as guó huà, as
And western painting is just painting.
Chinese painting uses lines as the main painting method while western painting represents the object mainly by the use of light and color according to the physics.
dipped in black or colored ink; Oils are not used. As with

Do you like Chinese painting or Western painting?教育技术专业胡明明刘璐Introductions Of Chinese Paintings中国画的介绍Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous artistic traditions in the world.Painting in the traditional style is known today in Chinese as guó huà, as opposed to Western styles of art which became popular in China in 20th century.中国画是世界上最古老的ques as calliin black or colcalligraphy,which paintingsfinished work.Four Gentleman of Chinese Painting国画四君子Plum blossom梅花Orchid兰花Bamboo竹子Chrysanthemum菊花Types of Chinese Painting ◇figures◇landscape◇birds andflowers•Figure paintingmakes characters asthe main body of thepainting.☆Mountains and natural scenery is the main body of the landscape painting.•Bird and flower painting is to describe flowers.Western paintingsIn the mid-19th century, Western painting was primarily concerned with representational and Classical modes of production, after which time more modern, abstract and conceptual forms gained favor.Initially serving imperial, private, civic, and religious patronage, Western painting found audiences in the aristocracy and the middle class. From the Middle Ages through the Renaissance painters worked for the church and a wealthy aristocracy.1、Painting style Traditional Chinese paintingstyle focus on artistic concept,abstract(抽象)(washpainting).But westen painting isrealistic painting(oil painting)2、Theme Chinese painting gives priority(优先权)to nature scenery. But western painting gives priority to religion, figure and so on.3、ColorChinese painting’s color using is usually onefold, Western painting ‘s color using is abundant(丰富的) and bright-colored4、Composition & Lineaspects Chinesepaintingwestern paintingcomposition of apicturesimple richline simple complicated5、Dyestuff(染料)As everyone knows,Chinese painting uses Chinese ink and western artists use watercolor、greasepaint (youcai) to accomplish their painting6、FormChinese painting always combine Painting with calligraphy(书法).And western painting is just painting.ConclusionChinese painting uses lines as the main painting method while western painting represents the object mainly by the use of light and color according to the physics. Chinese painting doesn’t pay much attention to details or background, while western painting pays much attention to that.Western painting is a Three dimensional pattern while Chinese painting is between two dimensional and Three dimensional pattern Chinese painting is not confined by time and space while western painting strictly abides by the rule.Some famous painters and theirpaintingsQi baishi齐白石XuBeihong徐悲鸿Xu Beihong was born in Yixing,China. He was primarily known forhis shuimohua of horses and birdsand one of the first Chineseartists to articulate the needfor artistic expressions thatreflected a new modernFamous PaintingsZhengBanqiao郑板桥ZhangDaqian张大千Leonardo da Vinci •Leonardo da Vinci(April15,1452-May2,1519)was an Italian Renaissance architect,mus ician,anatomist,inventor,engineer,sculptor,geometer,a nd painter.He has been described as the archetype of th e"Renaissance man"and as a•universal genius.Leonardo is famous for his masterly pai ntings,such as•The Last Supper and Mona Lisa.毕加索(印象派)梵高。

Chinese painting uses lines as main modeling means
Western painting' s lines are not significant
The Difference in Perspective
❖ Chinese painting do not pay attention to perspective
❖ Western painting pay attention to perspective
❖ Look at the streets of Western painting, housing, furniture, utensils, etc., are correct form, are the same withreal thing. If the corridor of the circumstances described, competing in a few inches of the distance to the local . If the scan positive (standing view of the Central Railway) railway, competing in a few inches of the number of local Expressed in the distance. Chinese painting to otherwise, does not like painting streets, houses, furniture, utensils and other three-dimensional phase very significant things, and happy to write clouds, mountains, trees, waterfalls and other graphic materials such as natural things.Chinese people, like painting with poetry,
中国画与西洋画(英文版) 16页PPT文档

Painting style
Traditional Chinese painting style focus on artistic concept, abstract(抽象) (wash painting).But westen painting is realistic painting(oil painting)
conjunction with the refinement of drawing, use of perspective, ambitious architecture, tapestry, stained glass, sculpture, and the period before and after the advent of the printing press. And the rich heritage of Western painting (from the Baroque to Contemporary art) continues into the 21st century.
Chinese painting is one of the oldest continuous
artistic traditions in the world. Painting in the traditional
style is known today in Chinese as guó huà, as
Composition & Line
composition of a picture line
Chinese painting simple
western painting rich complicated

Western painting
• Light and colour to perform images. • Various kinds of colours. • Painting tools are diverse: pens ,oil color medium,charcoal
The comparison between Chinese painting and Western painting
Chinese painting
• Stress 'empty' and 'no', • perform for ‘virtual’ • Advocate freehand brushwork • Pursuit likeness
Mona Lisa by Vinci
final part
Chinese painting
Leave a large empty space on paper . Reason:give viewers sufficient space to imagine.
Western painting
Fullly use every space on the paper. Reason:it is advocated to be full on the paper.
Western painting
Stress “does” and “has” Perform for “real” Pursuit resemble Center on entity
中西方绘画的不同 英文版

西方绘画以油色烘染出的立体感、 明暗透视等有巨大差异
西方绘画艺术,整体上则是倾向 于光学意义上的,更加富于几何 精神和理性的思考。
二、中西绘画审美在空间表现上 的差异
在空间的表现上,中西两方也存在着分歧。国画主 要用分散的视点来塑造画面空间,没有过分强调某 个个体,而是着重去强调群体带来的视觉效果 。
《 步 辇 图 》 阎 立 本
西方绘画拿集中的眼光看事物,他们有明确的焦点,他 们会合理的安排光线来自何方,画面事物有主次之分。 西画研究焦点有让事物更为清晰更为真实可信的目的
中西方绘画的不同 英文 版
东西方文化传统、 思维模式不同、 它导致了各自的绘画在审美观 念上必然会出现差异。
在西方,人与自然的关系是天人对立、天人相 分的。
中国画重在“立意”,历来偏重表现作者的情, 注重抒写主观感受,不过分强客观,画家所画常 在“似与不似之间”,不受拘束。
西方画的趣味在于“写实” ,体现为强调客观 地表现现实对象,即画家所画一定要与他所看见 的保持一致。
一、中西绘画审美的观念及表现形 式的差异
中国画偏重“写意”, 中国画把意境作为第一 位,画面上呈现的不是 一部分物质而是整个人 性化的意境。中国画着 重于把结构形态和神韵 合而为一 。
西方的趣味在于“写实”。 一幅好的西画首先具备的 是“真理”,更偏重于对 内在结构的描绘强调客观 现象。他们看重素描关系, 立体效果,明暗调子,注 重用点,线,面相结合的原理 来描对象和营造气氛
《 牧 羊 女 》
米 勒