考研英语长难句 DAY 70

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考研英语长难句 DAY 70


Day 70


①Half a million Americans are held inpretrial1 detention2 at any given time, most of them for nonviolent crimes, many of them innocent3. ②For too long, one of the reasons so many have been locked up awaiting their day in court has been money—or the lack thereof4—as defendants5’ capability to post bail6 has determined whether theylanguish7 behind bars8 before their guilt or innocence is judged.③People can lose their jobs, homes and families. ④The temptation9 is strong to admit guilt simply to escape the misery10 ofrotting11 in a lockup12 while the rest of one’s life crumbles13. ⑤Charged with identical14 crimes, the wealthy need not face that choice.




pretrial[ˌpriːˈtraɪəl] adj. 审判前的

detention[dɪˈtenʃn] n. 拘留,监禁

innocent[ˈɪnəsnt] adj. 无罪的,清白的

thereof[ˌðeərˈɒv] adv. 在其中

defendant[dɪˈfendənt] n. 被告人

post bail 交付保释金

languish[ˈlæŋɡwɪʃ] v. 长期受苦,受煎熬

behind bars在狱中,在牢里

temptation[tempˈteɪʃn] n. 引诱,诱惑

misery[ˈmɪzəri] n. 痛苦,悲惨

rot[rɒt] v. (使)腐烂,腐败

lockup[ˈlɒkʌp] n. 拘留所;监狱

crumble[ˈkrʌmbl] v. (开始渐渐)衰退;崩溃

identical[aɪˈdentɪkl] adj. 完全同样的,相同的


For too long, one of the reasons so many have been locked up awaiting their day in court has been money—or the lack thereof—as defendants’ capability to

post bail has determined whether they languish behind bars before their guilt or innocence is judged.




1. ①有谓语动词has been,且这部分开头没有连词,故为句子的主干

2. ②相当于省略了连词that或why的定语从句,修饰先行词one of the reasons。

3. ③为as引导的原因状语从句。

4. ④为whether引导的宾语从句,作动词has determined的宾语。

5. ⑤为before引导的时间状语从句。
