
20-30 分种的演讲
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积极心理学的任何话题 Written text (10-15 pages double spaced) Slides (word or powerpoints)
Reference to research Optional: stories, film clips, exercises, etc
写东西 谈话 思考
分析与回放的对比 (研究 3)
感激之心,也就是我们的内心以一种全然的方式,对这个被给予 的生命作出的一种简单回应。”
Brother David SteindlRast
“如果在活着或死去时没有其它的美德,至少抱着感激之心而生、 而死。” Galway Kinnel
Ludwig van Beethoven
纠正错误的观念: 艺术
纠正错误的观念: 艺术
David Knowles
Sandra J. Shaw
纠正错误的观念: 研究
人类是变化的探测者 在遇到危险的时候,探测到变化很有用 适应能帮助克服困难 视事物为当然 熊掌和鱼可以兼得吗?
“对于每一个有价值的危机,我们都不要放之流失而浪 费掉。” Anne Harbison “发生在我们身上的事情,不一定对我们都是最好的, 但有些人,的确能够最好地利用发生在他们身上的事情 。”
“悲观主义者在每一 个机会中都看到困难 ,而乐观主义者在每 一个困难中都看到机 会.”
1504-04-Focus哈佛大学最受欢迎 幸福学 课件

Ed Diener
Emotions determined by external and internal Choice of focus
“To the different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
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Affleck et al. (1987) Bower (1988) King & Miner (2000)
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)
Only positive feelings predicted longevity
We Co-Create Our Reality CoIsn’t it strange how princes and kings, and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, and common people, like you and me, are builders for eternity? Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone. James D. Sutton
Stavros and Torres
Two Archetypes
The Fault Finder
“The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise” Henry David Thoreau – Could lead to resignation
Emotions determined by external and internal Choice of focus
“To the different minds, the same world is a hell, and a heaven.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
– – –
Affleck et al. (1987) Bower (1988) King & Miner (2000)
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)
Only positive feelings predicted longevity
We Co-Create Our Reality CoIsn’t it strange how princes and kings, and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, and common people, like you and me, are builders for eternity? Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone. James D. Sutton
Stavros and Torres
Two Archetypes
The Fault Finder
“The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise” Henry David Thoreau – Could lead to resignation

Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.
R. L. Sharp
William James
We Co-Create Our Reality
Isn’t it strange how princes and kings, and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, and common people, like you and me, are builders for eternity?
Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
– Affleck et al. (1987) – Bower (2019) – King & Miner (2000)
“The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.” Ecclesiastes
We Co-Create Our Reality
“Now however fixed these elements of reality may be, we still have a certain freedom in our dealings with them. Take our sensations. That they are is undoubtedly beyond our control; but which we attend to, note, and make emphatic in our conclusions depends on our own interests; and, according as we lay the emphasis here or there, quite different formulations of truth result. We read the same facts differently. ‘Waterloo,’ with the same fixed details, spells a ‘victory’ for an englishman; for a frenchman it spells a ‘defeat.’ So, for an optimist philosopher the universe spells victory, for a pessimist, defeat. What we say about reality thus depends on the perspective into which we throw it.”
R. L. Sharp
William James
We Co-Create Our Reality
Isn’t it strange how princes and kings, and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, and common people, like you and me, are builders for eternity?
Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
– Affleck et al. (1987) – Bower (2019) – King & Miner (2000)
“The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.” Ecclesiastes
We Co-Create Our Reality
“Now however fixed these elements of reality may be, we still have a certain freedom in our dealings with them. Take our sensations. That they are is undoubtedly beyond our control; but which we attend to, note, and make emphatic in our conclusions depends on our own interests; and, according as we lay the emphasis here or there, quite different formulations of truth result. We read the same facts differently. ‘Waterloo,’ with the same fixed details, spells a ‘victory’ for an englishman; for a frenchman it spells a ‘defeat.’ So, for an optimist philosopher the universe spells victory, for a pessimist, defeat. What we say about reality thus depends on the perspective into which we throw it.”

Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
– Affleck et al. (1987) – Bower (1998) – King & Miner (2000)
“The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.” Ecclesiastes
Who is really detached? Focusing on the 90% full part of the glass Focus creates reality
Appreciating Appreciation
Ap-pre’ci-ate v., 1. Valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us, affirming past and present strengths and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems. 2. To increase in value, e.g., the economy has appreciated in value.
A Matter of Interpretation
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)
– Affleck et al. (1987) – Bower (1998) – King & Miner (2000)
“The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.” Ecclesiastes
Who is really detached? Focusing on the 90% full part of the glass Focus creates reality
Appreciating Appreciation
Ap-pre’ci-ate v., 1. Valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us, affirming past and present strengths and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems. 2. To increase in value, e.g., the economy has appreciated in value.
A Matter of Interpretation
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)

Abraham Maslow
• Peak experience as ‘positive trauma’
Post Peak Experience Order (PPEO)
“Peak experiences often have consequences... They can do the same there as psychotherapy, if one keeps his goals right, and if one knows just what he is about, and if one is conscious of what he is going toward. We can certainly talk, on the one hand, of the breaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, of anxieties, or the like; or on the other hand, we can talk about the development of spontaneity, and of courage, and of Olympian or Godlike humor and suchness, sensory awareness, body awareness, and the like.”
and reply to everything with a dismal voice, and your
melancholy lingers... Smooth the brow, brighten the eye,
contract the dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the
• Peak experience as ‘positive trauma’
Post Peak Experience Order (PPEO)
“Peak experiences often have consequences... They can do the same there as psychotherapy, if one keeps his goals right, and if one knows just what he is about, and if one is conscious of what he is going toward. We can certainly talk, on the one hand, of the breaking up of symptoms, like the breaking up of cliches, of anxieties, or the like; or on the other hand, we can talk about the development of spontaneity, and of courage, and of Olympian or Godlike humor and suchness, sensory awareness, body awareness, and the like.”
and reply to everything with a dismal voice, and your
melancholy lingers... Smooth the brow, brighten the eye,
contract the dorsal rather than the ventral aspect of the

课程内容:涵盖了心理学、哲学、社会学等多个领域的知识 教学方式:采用互动式教学,注重实践和应用 评价:受到学生和教师的广泛好评,被认为是一门非常有价值的课程 影响:推动了积极心理学的发展,提高了人们对幸福的认识和追求
课程内容:将 继续深入探讨 幸福心理学的
教学方法:将 采用更加多样 化的教学方式, 如案例分析、
课程影响:将 继续扩大影响 力,吸引更多 学生和学者参
社会影响:将 继续推动幸福 心理学在社会 各个领域的应
教育领域:启 发了更多关于 幸福和积极心 理学的研究和 教育实践
心理学领域: 推动了积极心 理学的发展和 应用,提高了 人们对心理健 康的关注
哈佛幸福课的实践 应用
设定目标:明确自己的长期和短期目标,并制定实现目标的计划 培养积极心态:保持乐观、积极的心态,面对困难和挑战 建立良好的人际关系:与家人、朋友和同事保持良好的关系,互相支持和帮助 保持健康的生活方式:合理饮食、适量运动、充足睡眠,保持身心健康
总结设计: 总结课程要 点,便于学 生复习和回
反馈设计: 设置反馈问 卷,收集学 生对课程的 意见和建议
视觉元素:选择与主题相关的图片、图表、动画等 素材来源:从哈佛幸福课官网、相关书籍、网络资源等获取 素材质量:确保素材的清晰度、分辨率和色彩搭配 素材创意:结合课程内容,创新性地使用视觉元素和素材,增加课件的吸引力和趣味性
积极情绪可以提升我们的幸福感和生活质量 积极情绪可以帮助我们更好地应对压力和挑战 积极情绪可以促进我们的人际关系和社交互动 积极情绪可以激发我们的创造力和想象力

“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
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Could lead to detachment The need to respect reality
We Co-Create Our Reality
A Question of Focus
“It appears that the way people perceive the world is much more important to happiness than objective circumstances.”
Ed Diener
Emotions determined by external and internal Choice of focus
A Matter of Interpretation
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Anne Harbison
“Things don‟t necessarily happen for the best, but some people are able to make the best of things that happen.”
Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.
R. L. Sharp

Affect: Our Emotions
Gradual Change: Mindfulness Meditation
“Cultivating mindfulness can lead to the discovery of deep realms of relaxation, calmness, and insight within yourself... The path to it in any moment lies no farther than your own body and mind and your own breathing.”
Jon Kabatt-Zin
“All of us have the capacity to be mindful. All it involves is cultivating our ability to pay attention in the present moment.”
Jon Kabatt-Zin
Is there a positive equivalent to trauma?
Can a single positive experience create a positive
channel that will lead to a permanent increase in
well-being, calm, and positive memories?
Learning (and applying) Your ABC’s
• Affect • Behavior • Cognition
• Need all three
Happiness =

Abraham Maslow
Psychology Needs Help
• 21/1 ratio is unhealthy… • … but it reflects reality
哈佛《幸福课》 ppt课件 psychology1504 positive psychology bridgingivory tower mainstreet positivepsychology academicresearch self-helpmovement. housekeeping we'lltake activenote-taking regulartime-ins solemedium learning—we educate well.silence gives us whatwe have said authenticeducation, silence trustworthymatrix innerwork students must do, deepestsort.‖ positivepsychology humanisticpsychology (50's) thirdforce behaviorism(first force) psychoanalysis(second force) lackedrigorous methodology abrahammaslow (1908-1970) karen horney (1885-1952) meet grandparentsaaron antonovsky (1923-1994) parentsmartin seligman ellen langer philip stone meet1504 merelyabout information alsoabout transformation coveringless; uncovering more knowledge,every day something wisdom,every day something dropped.‖lao tzu soulgrows addition.‖thoreau makingcommon sense more common 12information enough―what greatdiscoveries science—information alwaysbetter than ignorance, matterwhat information whatignorance. what beliefbehind won't.‖archibald mac
Psychology Needs Help
• 21/1 ratio is unhealthy… • … but it reflects reality
哈佛《幸福课》 ppt课件 psychology1504 positive psychology bridgingivory tower mainstreet positivepsychology academicresearch self-helpmovement. housekeeping we'lltake activenote-taking regulartime-ins solemedium learning—we educate well.silence gives us whatwe have said authenticeducation, silence trustworthymatrix innerwork students must do, deepestsort.‖ positivepsychology humanisticpsychology (50's) thirdforce behaviorism(first force) psychoanalysis(second force) lackedrigorous methodology abrahammaslow (1908-1970) karen horney (1885-1952) meet grandparentsaaron antonovsky (1923-1994) parentsmartin seligman ellen langer philip stone meet1504 merelyabout information alsoabout transformation coveringless; uncovering more knowledge,every day something wisdom,every day something dropped.‖lao tzu soulgrows addition.‖thoreau makingcommon sense more common 12information enough―what greatdiscoveries science—information alwaysbetter than ignorance, matterwhat information whatignorance. what beliefbehind won't.‖archibald mac

Two Archetypes
The Fault-Finder
“The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise” Henry David Thoreau
– Could lead to resignation
The Benefit-Finder (Bower, 2019)
Well-being (Thompson, 1985) Health
– Affleck et al. (1987) – Bower (2019) – King & Miner (2000)
“The joyfulness of a man prolongeth his days.” Ecclesiastes
Oprah Winfrey
Correcting the False Schema: News
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Jan Vermeer
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Ludwig van Beethoven
Correcting the False Schema: Art
Creating a growth spiral Genuine appreciation! There is always something to appreciate
“What you focus on expands, and when you focus on the goodness in your life, you create more of it. Opportunities, relationships, even money flowed my way when I learned to be grateful no matter what happened in my life.”
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“The invariable mark of wisdom is to see the miraculous in the common.” Ralph Waldo Emerson
– –
Could lead to detachment The need to respect reality
We Co-Create Our Reality
Two Archetypes
The Fault-Finder
“The fault-finder will find faults even in paradise” Henry David Thoreau – Could lead to resignation
The Benefit-Finder (Bower, 2007)
A Question of Focus
“It appears that the way people perceive the world is much more important to happiness than objective circumstances.”
Ed Diener
Emotions determined by external and internal Choice of focus
“Now however fixed these elements of reality may be, we still have a certain freedom in our dealings with them. Take our sensations. That they are is undoubtedly beyond our control; but which we attend to, note, and make emphatic in our conclusions depends on our own interests; and, according as we lay the emphasis here or there, quite different formulations of truth result. We read the same facts differently. „Waterloo,‟ with the same fixed details, spells a „victory‟ for an englishman; for a frenchman it spells a „defeat.‟ So, for an optimist philosopher the universe spells victory, for a pessimist, defeat. What we say about reality thus depends on the perspective into which we throw it.” William James
Who is really detached? Focusing on the 90% full part of the glass Focus creates reality
Appreciating Appreciation
Ap-pre’ci-ate v., 1. Valuing; the act of recognizing the best in people or the world around us, affirming past and present strengths and potentials; to perceive those things that give life (health, vitality, excellence) to living systems. 2. To increase in value, e.g., the economy has appreciated in value.
பைடு நூலகம் Get Real!
The world according to the media Media bias
– –
magnifying glass rather than looking glass accentuating the negative under-representing the positive
A Matter of Interpretation
“Never let a good crisis go to waste.”
Anne Harbison
“Things don‟t necessarily happen for the best, but some people are able to make the best of things that happen.”
Each is given a list of rules; a shapeless mass; a bag of tools. And each must fashion, ere life is flown, A stumbling block, or a Stepping-Stone.
R. L. Sharp
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)
Only positive feelings predicted longevity
“God started my life off well by bestowing upon me grace of inestimable value... The past year which I spent as a candidate studying at Notre Dame has been a very happy one. Now I look forward with eager joy to receiving the Holy Habit of Our Lady and to a life of union with Love Divine.”
A Question of Interpretation
The world according to the fault-finder The (same) world according to the benefit-finder
The Benefits of Being a Benefit Finder
Must something external and extraordinary happen before we learn to appreciate the ordinary?
Get Real!
The world according to the media
Get Real!
The world according to the media Media bias
– –
magnifying glass rather than looking glass accentuating the negative (magnifying) under-representing the positive (minimizing)
Correcting the False Schema: Art
David Knowles
Sandra J. Shaw
Correcting the False Schema: Studies
We are change detectors Change detection helpful in case of danger Adaptation helps to overcome difficulties Taking things for granted Eating the cake and leaving it whole?
We Co-Create Our Reality
Isn‟t it strange how princes and kings, and clowns that caper in sawdust rings, and common people, like you and me, are builders for eternity?
A Matter of Interpretation
“A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”
Winston Churchill
Celia O‟Payne
“I was born on September 26, 1909, the eldest of seven children, five girls and two boys... My candidate year was spent in the mother-house, teaching chemistry and second year Latin at Notre Dame Institute. With God‟s grace, I intend to do my best for our Order, for the spread of religion and for my personal sanctification.”
Marguerite Donnelly
The Nun Study (Danner et al., 2001)
Only positive feelings predicted longevity
Age 85: 90% of most cheerful quartile alive; 34% of least cheerful quartile alive. Age 94: 54% of most cheerful quartile alive; 11% of least cheerful quartile alive