测试软件操作手册版本:v1.0目录1.测试软件的安装 (4)1.1.配置要求 (4)1.2.安装 (4)1.3.启动 (4)1.4.卸载 (4)2.测试软件操作说明 (5)2.1.主窗口 (5)2.2.打开主站卡 (6)2.3.添加从站 (7)2.4.功能选择 (8)2.4.1.一类主站功能 (8)下装主站参数集 (8)保存参数 (8)进入数据交换 (9)读从站输入数据 (9)写从站输出数据 (9)读从站诊断 (10)设置主站操作模式 (10)读取主站状态表 (10)读数据交换列表 (10)读诊断列表 (11) (11)全局控制 (11)停止数据交换 (12)写寄存器值 (12)读寄存器值 (12)读统计计数器 (12)清统计计数器 (12)删除从站 (13)复位 (13)读取总线参数 (13)读活动站表 (13)2.4.2.二类主站功能 (13)二类主站读主站诊断 (13)上载参数到二类主站 (14)下载参数到一类主站 (14)激活总线参数 (16)激活/解除激活从站参数 (16)二类主站检查组态 (17)二类主站读从站诊断 (17)二类主站读输入数据 (17)二类主站读输出数据 (17)二类主站读组态数据 (18)二类主站修改从站地址 (18)二类主站数据交换 (18)二类主站设置从站参数数据 (19)二类主站全局控制 (19)获取状态机状态 (19)获取固定代码 (20)2.5.关闭主站卡 (20)1.测试软件的安装1.1.配置要求操作系统:Microsoft Windows 98/2000/XP最低配置:CPU:奔腾II 400Mhz;内存:64MB;显示卡:标准VGA,增强色显示模式以上;硬盘:300M安装空间,剩余空间200M以上;CD-ROM驱动器:倍速以上;其它设备:键盘、鼠标。
基于测试软件详细操作说明书指南本公司发展此套软件时,便以功能完整及使用简单两方向为出发点作研发,希望能以最少的操作程序完成所有的测试动作,因此我们运用大量数据库记录所有测试的条件,并包装成模块使得使用者在测试过程中不须输入大量的测试条件,此点将可达成三项优点 :降低测试者所须具备的测试知识,一但使用者设定完成测试资料后,往后的测试只须叫用,不必重新输入。
Chapter 2 如何安装、删除程序执行\,安装程序便会自动引导使用者完成所有安装动作.以下就各画面做一说明:自动安装相关信息到系统.步骤二:程序开始安装,当此画面出现后则程序安装完成,按下[]键,便完成所有安装动作。
程序删除:重启电脑进入盘直接删除:\ 无须进控制面板卸载Chapter 3 如何完成测试如何进入测试程序在桌面上将鼠标移至右图上连续点击两次(双击)进入程序。
汇顶 测试工具使用说明书
量产测试工具使用说明文档版本修改说明修改日期V0.1初建2011-5-9 V0.2更新2011-6-3 V0.3更新2011-7-1 V0.4完善参数配置说明2011-8-8 V1.0完善文档2012-3-20 V1.1增加9系说明2012-12-12 V1.2修改自动配屏说明2013-01-17 V1.3增加自动配置测试参数说明2014-02-10深圳市汇顶科技有限公司Copyright©2012GoodIX Tech Co.,Ltd.All rights reserved.目录1测试系统简介 (3)1.1测试环境要求 (3)1.2DBG-03测试板 (3)1.3悬浮测试板 (5)2功能介绍 (7)2.1主界面及使用 (7)2.2数据(TP)分析 (9)2.3导入\导出配置 (12)2.4测试系统基本设置 (12)2.5测试板固件升级功能 (13)2.5.1升级步骤 (13)2.5.2注意事项 (14)2.6GT芯片升级功能 (14)2.7调试配置参数 (15)2.8设定芯片配置参数 (15)2.9手动设定测试参数 (17)2.9.1手动设定节点测试参数 (18)2.9.2手动获取&设定测试参数 (18)3调试配置参数 (20)3.1参数手动微调 (20)3.2参数自动配置 (20)3.3自动获取&设定测试参数 (22)4测试说明 (23)4.1模组测试 (23)4.1.1I2C接口 (23)4.1.2USB接口方案 (24)4.2Sensor测试 (24)4.2.1基于GT9的Sensor测试 (25)4.2.2基于GT818Sensor Daughter Board (27)4.3COF\FPC测试 (27)4.4测试结果 (30)4.5NG分析 (31)4.5.1NG产生的原因 (31)4.5.2NG分析步骤 (32)4.5.3调整测试参数 (35)5INI文件说明 (36)5.1生成Ini文件 (36)5.2产线模式设置 (36)6常见问题及处理方法 (38)1测试系统简介量产测试系统(GuitarTestPlatform)包含测试板以及运行于Windows的软件,分别为:DBG-03测试板,Daughter Board,以及GuitarTestPlatform(GTP)软件,GTP软件支持所有芯片的测试。
压力测试软件用户使用说明书系统运行环境:本软件适用于运行在Windows 98 操作系统下,且系统的分辨率必须设为1024 * 768 模式。
(在窗口上单击鼠标右键,选择“属性”,再选择“设置”,把屏幕区域设为1024 * 768 即可)。
系统介绍:一、双击“压力测试.exe ”文件后,就进入本软件的友好用户界面,单击“确定”按钮后,弹出口令输入对话框,在您正确输入密码(默认初始密码为111)后就进入到本软件的使用界面中。
如何使用TestStand进行测试结果分析与报告生成使用TestStand进行测试结果分析与报告生成TestStand是由National Instruments(NI)开发的一款用于自动化测试的软件平台。
以下是使用TestStand进行测试结果分析的步骤:1. 打开TestStand软件并加载测试序列。
2. 选择要分析的测试结果,并将其导入到TestStand的结果查看器中。
3. 在结果查看器中,可以对测试结果进行筛选、排序、过滤、标记等操作,以便更好地分析测试数据。
TestStand提供了丰富的报告生成功能,以下是使用TestStand生成测试报告的步骤:1. 在TestStand中选择要生成报告的测试序列。
2. 配置报告生成的格式和样式,包括报告的封面、页眉、页脚、表格格式、图表样式等。
3. 导入需要包含在报告中的测试结果和数据。
4. 运行报告生成器,即可生成测试报告。
以下是几个示例:1. 脚本和插件:TestStand支持用户编写自定义的脚本和插件,以实现特定的数据分析和处理功能。
一、测试工具的分类测试工具按照功能和用途的不同可以分为以下几类:1. 缺陷管理工具:用于记录和跟踪软件缺陷的工具,例如JIRA、Bugzilla等。
2. 自动化测试工具:用于自动执行测试脚本和生成测试报告的工具,例如Selenium、Appium等。
3. 性能测试工具:用于模拟大量用户并测试系统性能的工具,例如JMeter、LoadRunner等。
4. 安全测试工具:用于检测软件安全漏洞和弱点的工具,例如Nessus、Metasploit等。
5. 静态代码分析工具:用于对源代码进行静态检查和分析的工具,例如SonarQube、CodeSonar等。
前言RES2DINV 是一个能够自动反演2D电性拟断面的电脑程序。
使用方法:一、File→ data file说明:读数据文件二、. Edit→1.exterminate bad datum points说明:去除坏数据点三、change settings→1.Damping factors说明:阻尼系数。
数据噪声大选大点的值2.Limit range of model resistivity说明:限制模型电阻率范围3.Vertical/horizontal flatness filter ratio说明:垂直/水平平坦滤波比。
4.Reduce variations near borehole说明:减小钻孔附近的变异。
第2 个框按据钻孔的距离压缩,数值越小,钻孔附近异常压缩越厉害。
5.Finite mesh grid size说明:有限网格大小。
(一般的拟断面可以选4)6.Use finite-element method说明,选择有限元法或者有限差法。
()7.Mesh refinement说明:网格细化,第一行:如果电阻率变化在1-50之间,用normal mesh。
如果电阻率变化在1-500之间,用finer mesh。
如果电阻率变化超过1-500,用finest mesh。
(耗时间)第二行:有限网格大小,(每连个电极之间的节点数)如果第一行选择finer mesh 或者finest mesh ,则选4。
连接设备,开始记录 可以打点或者不打点,如果打点的话就需要划个 “田”字图导进去作为地图(和1X一致)
1.连接华为EC360,通过Mobile Partner观察确保连接正常; 注意问题:如果没有发现DO信号,依次选择:工具——选项— —网络设置——仅EVDO——确定; 2.打开DINGLI前台测试软件,设置DEVICE: 新建工程——OK——OK,出现以下界面:
拖动导航栏工程面板Sites下的CDMA或CDMA下的某个站到地图窗口即可 显示;
配置完设备和测试模板后,即可开始测试; 选择主菜单“记录连接”或点击工具栏 选择主菜单“记录开始”或点击工具栏 按钮,连接设备; 按钮,指定测试数据名称后
测试数据名称默认 采用 “日期-时分秒” 格式 ,用户可重新指定。
(注:如果是DT就设置一下GPS, 设置和1x一致)
打开DINGLI前台测试软件,设置TEMPLATE: 选Configration——Template——NEW——ftp up——new ftp, 设置如下:
• 使用WinRunner进行自动化测试的好处
• 以WinRunner执行测试,就与人工测试一样,WinRunner 会仿真鼠标的动作与键盘的输入。当在软件操作中点击 GUI(图形用户界面)对象时,WR会使用一种类C的测试 脚本语言 (TSL) 生成一个测试脚本。测试人员可以用手工 编程的方法编辑这个脚本。
• 模拟模式对于那些需要追踪鼠标运动的测试非常有用, 例如画图软件。
• WinRunner 的测试流程
– 创建GUI map – 建立测试脚本 – 对测试脚本除错(debug) – 在新版应用程序执行测试脚本 – 检视测试结果 – 回报缺陷(defect)
1 创建GUI map
• 了解WinRunner是如何识别GUI对象的 • 掌握如何使用GUI spy查看GUI对象的属性 • 掌握两种GUI map模式
插入检查点后,脚本中将加入obj_check_gui 语句或win_check_gui语句。
3.3 位图检查点
• 位图检查点是做一个窗体或区域的截图, 并把这张图片和以前的版本进行比较,检 查是否存在差异。
• Winrunner提供三种方式建立图像检查点:
– 屏幕区域:以鼠标拖拉方式决定图像检查点的 区域
1.1 WR如何识别GUI对象
• 一般的Windows应用程序,通常是由窗口、按钮、 菜单等组成,这些在WinRunner中通称为GUI对 象。WR会通过学习这些GUI对象的属性来识别 GUI对象。
• WR把学来的这些GUI对象的属性保存在GUI Map 文件中(GUI Map是一个或多个GUI Map文件的总 和) 。当执行测试时,WR使用GUI Map定位对象: 先从GUI map读取有关对象的描述,然后寻找有 相同属性的对象。
1 概述.................................................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2 操作说明.......................................................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
2.1 软件的安装 (1)2.1.1 配置与环境 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。 运行环境........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。 配置文件 (1)2.1.2 安装及运行 ................................................................................................. 错误!未定义书签。
2.2 主界面窗口 (1)2.2.1 菜单和键盘操作 (1)2.2.2 主界面介绍 (2)2.3 系统功能窗口界面 (6)2.3.1 文件 (6) 读取数据 (6) 存储数据 (7) 数据另存为 (7) 测试方法读取 (7) 测试方法存储 (8) 试验过程数据导出到Excel (9) 打印设置........................................................................................ 错误!未定义书签。
⒉1024×768分辨率显示器32位彩色监视器二、操作说明(一). 系统界面介绍该界面主要由二部分组成,左部为图形显示去及手动选择工作区。
测试工具的使用说明1. atopatop是一个高级的Linux系统全屏性能监视器,会定期的显示CPU、内存、磁盘、网络的负载信息。
在终端输入./atop会出现如下界面:在界面中键入‘m’,就会显示每个进程的内存情况,如下图:在界面中键入‘s’, 就会显示与调度有关的进程信息,如下图:在界面中键入‘v’,就会显示每个进程的全部信息,如下图:在界面中键入‘c’,就会显示每个进程的命令行,如下图:2.bonnie++1.使用说明-d:在测试时会生成一些文件,并读或更改这些文件。
-g 测试文件的组,默认是执行bonnie++的当前用组。
-b 在每次写文件时调用fsync()函数,对于测试邮件服务器或者数据库服务器这种通常需要同步操作的情况比较适合,而不使用该参数则比较适合测试copy文件或者编译等操作的效率。
依次解读一下,从Writing with putc()开始到Delete files in random orde…结束,这是bonnie++作的12项测试,这12项测试依次对应12项结果,而这12项结果又被分为了5大类,分别是Sequential Output(写测试),Sequential Input(读测试),Random Seeks(读写测试),Sequential Create(顺序读写文件测试)和Random Create(随意读写文件测试)。
那么测试步骤和测试结果依次对应的顺序就是:Writing with putc() -> Sequential Output的Per ChrWriting intelligently -> Sequential Output的BlockRewriting -> Sequential Output的RewriteReading with getc() -> Sequential Input的Per ChrReading intelligently -> Sequential Input的Blockstart 'em -> Random SeeksCreate files in sequential order -> Sequential Create的Create Stat files in sequential order -> Sequential Create的ReadDelete files in sequential order -> Sequential Create的Delete Create files in random order -> Random Create的CreateStat files in random order -> Random Create的ReadDelete files in random order -> Random Create的Delete每个结果中又包括了2项数值,一个是K字节数或者文件数,另一个是%CP,就是执行这项测试时CPU的平均占用率。
Zwick 软件操作说明一启动testXpertII程序二设置机器参数三设置测试参数——向导四 ZWICK万能材料试验机操作步骤(拉伸测试)五安全措施说明六修整七维护保养说明一、启动testXpertII程序1、打开计算机及控制箱上的电源2、双击图标3、单击“打开”将会出现如下图所示,显示所有程序4、双击所选程序5、单击“确定”,进入测试界面打开控制面板上的电源on二、设置机器参数1、单击“试验机”图标,将出现“标准仪器设置”框。
如图所示:上软限位(在程序控制下,横梁所能到达的最高位置,可根据实际情况设定)下软限位(在程序控制下,横梁所能到达的最低位置,可根据实际情况设定)当前工具间距/当前夹具间距(每次更换夹具时,都要将实测的夹具间距离值输入这里)载荷上限(设置载荷的上限位保护,一般为满负荷的120%)载荷下限(设置载荷的下限位保护,一般为满负荷的-120%)标准引伸计(当采用横梁做为位移测量时,选择横梁WN:******,当采用引伸计传感器做为位移测量时,请选择长量程引伸计WN:******)2、点击“扩展”如图所示:2.5N1S WN:170862 (机器编号)和试验机(机器)相连横梁 WN :170862(横梁编号)和横梁相连长量程引伸计(引伸计的名称)和标准引伸计相连当不使用长量程引伸计时,请将标准引伸计和横梁相连,如下图所示力传感器0.5KN(传感器的负荷)和标准传感器相连。
在参数前口里打x 的为选择所需的测试参数,参数前口里没有打 x的未选。
3)当所有worker选定目标文件系统F后,点击按钮,填写of Outstanding I/Os的数值为32(表示进程数)。
4)点击“Acess Specifications”,选择“New”,然后出现设置读写方式(顺序或是随机),数据块大小设置的界面,如下图所示:5)设置完成后,返回上一页点击“Add”按钮,如下图所示6)点击“Result Display”,将“Update Frequency(senconds)向左移动到1s(表示每一秒更新一次)”,然后点击“”按钮,开始写入文件,如下图所示:7)当你进入文件系统中查看,写入的文件大小大于服务器内存大小之后,可以单击“”按钮,停止数据写入。
8)右键“”按钮,选择“Refresh Target Lists”,然后你就会发现文件系统F前段的斜杠消失,表示文件系统F可以进行性能的测试,如下所示:9)然后按照上述步骤2)的操作,将每一个worker选定文件系统F。
10)如果想测试文件系统写或是读性能,就在“Access Specification”菜单下将刚才创建的“Untitled”进行编辑修改。
RAM Stress Test(RST)内存测试软件Data Bus 数据总线工厂检测内存条质量的软件Ram Stress Test,只要有一丁点问题,都能检查出来,推荐大家使用,各位一定都碰到过,提示内存不能为 READ,或者WRITTEN的情况,很多时候都是软件问题,要解决他首先检查内存条的质量,然后再从软件去找问题。
这个软件是最专业的,比那个 MEMREST还好,只需要检查一边,好就是好,坏的就是坏的。
Ram Stress Test是美国Ultra-X公司旗下的一个专业记忆体测试程式,是专门给系统生产厂商出机前用的测试程式,他其实是从其他的产品独立出来的一项测试,该公司专作系统测试的软硬体,方便生产厂商将产品做详细测试,至于R.S.T.在目前记忆体生产业使用非常普遍,因为经过他的测试几乎就能应付大部分的记忆体问题,所以是非常好用的一个测试工具!!使用非常简易,只要设定为软碟开机就行了,他是一个独立开发的系统,没有依附任何作业系统,相容于x86系列,只要BIOS 认的到的容量他都能测!!发现ATS 选项错误,在BIOS中,记忆体选项设成Auto时,记忆体的CL=2,改成Manual,自设CL=2.5时,上述选项才能通过。
程序执行后,第一选项是测试物理内存中基本内存地址(<640K),第二项是扩展内存地址,第三项是测试你CPU的L2 cache。
☆闪动数字——0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF 0123456789ABCDEF0123456789ABCDEF依次代表内存条的8颗颗粒。
1 使用MapInfo插件sitesee制作基站扇区图和站点图1.1测试小区信息(工参)一般系统侧人整理一个全网工参表,制作图可以有两种操作方法。
文件类型选择“带字符格式的TXT”点击打开3、选择如下图:4、注意打勾,点击OK5、出现如下图6、制作站点图:点击table菜单中Greate points选项,如下图点击上图圆圈,选择站点的形状、大小、颜色,选择圆圈的经纬度,点OK,站点图制作完成。
下图是标准EXCELL表格,可以借用E:\软件使用说明\MapInfo使用\扇区图形(1)用MapInfo打开标准EXCELL表格,如图(2)选择“other”出现右边对话框,将A1该为A2,点OK,左图圆圈打勾,出现下面对话框,点OK(3)出现如下的图(4)与上面制作站点图和扇区图操作一样2. MapInfo中TAB格式制作和MIF格式文件的转化1、新建一个TAB文件这样一个新的TAB文件就建立成功2、新TAB文件,是为了画测试路线、BSC分组区域、话务载频区域,还有测试分组图画测试路线,双击线条,出现对话框,可以在TAB上输出字体3、TAB文件转化成mif文件格式,鼎立6.3支持mif格式的测试路线图点击table菜单中Import选项mif格式文件完成3.创建主题地图1、首先打开全网扇区图或者站点图,点击table菜单中Greate Thematic Map 选项2、点击Nest根据不同的条件设置区分地图,可以BSC、话务载频、割接开通批次等3、根据如下话务载频情况设置不同的颜色4、点OK,得到如下图我们画BSC区域、话务载频区域都是依照上面的不同颜色区分而画。
DieHarder随机数生成器测试套件 R 接口说明书
RDieHarder:An R interface to the Die Harder suite of RandomNumber Generator TestsDirk EddelbuettelDebian**************Robert G.Brown Physics,Duke University ************.eduInitial Version as of May2007Rebuilt on January12,2023using RDieHarder0.2.51IntroductionRandom number generators are critically important for computational statistics.Simulation methods are becoming ever more common for estimation;Monte Carlo Markov Chain is but one approach.Also,simu-lation methods such as the Bootstrap have long been used in inference and are becoming a standard part of a rigorous analysis.As random number generators are at the heart of the simulation-based methods used throughout statistical computing,`good'random numbers are therefore a crucial aspect of a statistical,or quantitative,computing environment.However,there are very few tools that allow us to separate`good' from`bad'random number generators.Based on work that started with the random package(Eddelbuettel,2007)(which provides functions that access a non-deterministic random number generator(NDRNG)based on a physical source of randomness), we wanted to compare the particular NDRNG to the RNGs implemented in GNU R(R Development Core Team,2007)itself,as well as to several RNGs from the GNU GSL(Galassi et al.,2007),a general-purpose scienti c computing library.Such a comparison is possible with the Die Harder test suite by Brown(2007) which extends the DieHard test suite by Marsaglia.From this work,we became interested in making Die Harder directly accessible from GNU R.The RDieHarder package presented here allows such access.This paper is organized as follows.Section2describes the history and design of the Die Harder suite. Section3describes the RDieHarder package facilities,and section4shows some examples.Section5discusses current limitations and possible extensions before section6concludes.2Die HarderDie Harder is described at length in Brown(2006).Due to space limitations,this section cannot provide as much detail and will cover only a few key aspects of the DieHarder suite.2.1DieHardDie Harder reimplements and extends George Marsaglia's Diehard Battery of Tests of Randomness(Marsaglia, 1996).Due to both its robust performance over a wide variety of RNGs,as well as an ability to discern numerous RNGs as weak,DieHard has become something close to a`gold standard'for assessing RNGs.However,there are a number of drawbacks with the existing DieHard test battery code and implementa-tion.First,Marsaglia undertook a large amount of the original work a number of years ago when computing resources were,compared to today's standards,moderately limited.Second,neither the Fortran nor the (translated)C sources are particularly well documented,or commented.Third,the library design is not1modular in a way that encourages good software engineering.Fourth,and last but not least,no licensing statement is provided with the sources or on the support website.This led one of the authors of this paper (rgb)to a multi-year e ort of rewriting the existing tests from DieHard in a)standard C in a modular and extensible format,along with extensive comments,and to b)relicense it under the common and understood GNU GPL license (that is also used for GSL,R,the Linux kernel,and numerous other projects)allowing for wider use.Moreover,new tests from NIST were added (see next subsection)and some genuinely new tests were developed (see below).2.2STSThe National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)has developed its own test suite,the 'Statistical Test Suite'(STS).These tests are focussed on bit-level tests of randomness and bit sequences.Currently,three tests based on the STS suite are provided by Die Harder :STS Monobit ,STS Runs and STS Block .2.3RGB extensionsThree new tests have been developed by rgb.A fourth 'test'is a timing function:for many contexts,not only do the mathematical properties of a generator matter,but so does computational cost measured in computing time that is required for a number of draws.2.4Basic methodologyLet us suppose a random number generator can provides a sequence of N uniform draws from the range [0,1).As the number of draws increases,the mean of the sum of all these values should,under the null hypothesis of a proper generator,converge closer and closer to µ=N/2.Each of these N draws forms one experiment.If N is su ciently large,then the means of all experiments should be normally distributed with a standard deviation of σ= N/12.1Given this asymptotic result,we can,for any given experiment i ∈1,...,M transform the given sum x i of N draws into a probability value p i using the inverse normal distribution.2The key insight is that,under the null hypothesis of a perfect generator,these p i values should be uni-formly ing our set of M probability values,we can compute one 'meta-test'of whether we can reject the null of a perfect generator by rejecting that our M probability values are not uniformly distributed.One suitable test is for example the non-parametric Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS)3statistic.Die Harder uses the Kuiper 4variant of the KS test which uses the combination D ++D −of the maximum and minimum distance to the alternative distribution,instead of using just one of these as in the case of the KS test.This renders the test more sensitive across the entire test region.2.5GSL frameworkDie Harder is primarily focussed on tests for RNGs.Re-implementing RNGs in order to supply input to the tests is therefore not an objective of the library.The GNU Scienti c Library (GSL),on the other hand,provides over 1000mathematical functions,including a large number of random number ing the GSL 1.9.0release,the following generators are de ned 5:1Thisis known as the Irwin-Hall distribution,see /wiki/Irwin-Hall_distribution .2Running print(quantile(pnorm(replicate(M,(sum(runif(N))-N/2)/sqrt(N/12))),seq(0,1,by=0.1))*100,digits=2)performs a Monte Carlo simulation of M experiments using N uniform deviates to illustrate this.Suitable values are e.g.N <-1000;M <-500.3C.f.the Wikipedia entry /wiki/Kolmogorov-Smirnov_test .4C.f.the Wikipedia entry /wiki/Kuiper%27s_test .5This is based on the trailing term in each identi er de ned in /usr/include/gsl/gsl_rng.h .2borosh13coveyou cmrg fishman18fishman20fishman2x gfsr4knuthran knuthran2knuthran2002lecuyer21minstd mrg mt19937mt19937_1999mt19937_1998r250ran0ran1ran2ran3rand rand48random128_bsd random128_glibc2random128_libc5random256_bsd random256_glibc2random256_libc5random32_bsd random32_glibc2random32_libc5random64_bsd random64_glibc2random64_libc5random8_bsd random8_glibc2random8_libc5random_bsd random_glibc2random_libc5randu ranf ranlux ranlux389 ranlxd1ranlxd2ranlxs0ranlxs1ranlxs2ranmar slatec taus taus2taus113transputer tt800uni uni32vax waterman14zufThe GNU GSL,a well-known and readily available library of high quality,therefore provides a natural tfor Die Harder.All of these generators are available in Die Harder via a standardized interface in which a generator is selected,parameterized as needed and the called via the external GSL library against which Die Harder is linked.Beyond these GSL generators,Die Harder also provides two generators based on the`devices'/dev/random and/dev/urandom that are commonly available on Unix.They provide non-deterministic random-numbers based on entropy generated by the operating system.Die Harder also o ers a text and a raw le input stly,a new algorithmic generator named'ca'that is based on cellular automata has recently been added as well.2.6R random number generatorsTo assess the quality of the non-deterministic RNG provided in the GNU R add-on package random,bench-mark comparisons with the generators provided by the R language and environment have been a natural choice.To this end,one of the authors(edd)ported the R generator code(taken from R2.4.0)to the GNU GSL random number generator framework used by Die Harder.This allows a direct comparison of the random generator with those it complements in R.It then follows somewhat naturally that the other generators available in Die Harder,as well as the Die Harder tests,should also be available in R.This provided the motivation for the R package presented here.2.7Source code and building Die HarderRecent versions of Die Harder use the GNU autotools.On Unix system,the steps required to build and install Die Harder should only be the familiar steps configure;make;sudo make install.For Debian,initial packages have been provided and are currently available at http://dirk.eddelbuettel. com/code/tmp.Within due course,these packages should be uploaded to Debian,and thus become part ofthe next Debian(and Ubuntu)releases.Die Harder is also expected to be part of future Fedora Core(and other RPM-based distribution)releases.On Windows computers and other systems,manual builds should also be possible given that the source code is written in standard C.3RDieHarderThe RDieHarder package provides one key function:dieharder.It can be called with several arguments. The rst one is the name of the random number generator,and the second one is the name of the test to be applied.For both options,the textual arguments are matched against internal vectors to obtain a numeric argument index;alternatively the index could be supplied directly.The remaining arguments(currently) permit to set the number of samples(i.e.the number of experiments run,and thus the sample size for thenal Kolmogorov-Smirnov test),the random number generator seed and whether or not verbose operationis desired.The returned object is of class dieharder,inheriting from the standard class htest common for all hypothesis tests.The standard print method for htest is used;however not all possible slots are being lled (as there is for example no choice of alternative hypothesis).3A custom summary method is provided that also computes the Kolmogorov-Smirnov and Wilcoxon tests in R and displays a simple stem-and-leaf stly,a custom plot method shows both a histogram and kernel density estimate,as well as the empirical cumulative distribution function.4ExamplesThe possibly simplest usage of RDieHarder is provided in the examples section of the help page.The code dh <-dieharder;summary(dh);plot(dh)simply calls the dieharder function using the default arguments,invokes a summary and then calls plot on the object.6A more interesting example follows below.We select the 2dsphere test for the generators ran0and mt19937with a given seed.The results based on both the Kuiper KS test and the KS test suggest that we would reject ran0but not mt19937,which is in accordance with common knowledge about the latter (the Mersenne Twister)being a decent RNG.It is worth nothing that the Wilcoxon test centered on µ=0.5would not reject the null at conventional levels for ran0.Histogram and Density estimated e n s i t y0. Minimum Distance (2d Circle) TestCreated by RNG ‘ran0' with seed=2, sample of size 100T est p−values: 0.0099 (Kuiper−K−S), 0.0056 (K−S), 0.3506 (Wilcoxon)Histogram and Density estimated e n s i t y0. Minimum Distance (2d Circle) TestCreated by RNG ‘mt19937' with seed=2, sample of size 100T est p−values: 0.2449 (Kuiper−K−S), 0.199 (K−S), 0.1696 (Wilcoxon)Figure 1:Comparison of ran0and mt19937under test 2dsphereA programmatic example follows.We de ne a short character vector containing the names of the six R RNGs,apply the Die Harder function to each of these,and then visualize the resulting p -values in simple qqplot.All six generators provide p -value plots that are close to the ideal theoretical outcome (shown in gray).Unsurprisingly,p -values for the Kuiper KS test also show no support for rejecting these generators.5Current Limitations and Future ResearchThe implementation of RDieHarder presented here leaves a number of avenues for future improvement and research.Some of these pertain to Die Harder itself adding new,more sophisticated,more systematic tests including those from the STS suite and tests that probe bitlevel randomness in unique new ways.Others pertain more to the integration of Die Harder with R,which is the topic of this work.6Weomit the output here due to space constraints.4>rngs <-c("R_wichmann_hill","R_marsaglia_multic",+"R_super_duper","R_mersenne_twister",+"R_knuth_taocp","R_knuth_taocp2")>if (!exists("rl"))rl <-lapply(rngs,function(rng)dieharder(rng,"diehard_runs",seed=12345))>oldpar <-par(mfrow=c(2,3),mar=c(2,3,3,1))>invisible(lapply(rl,function(res){+qqplot(res$data,seq(0,1,length.out=length(res$data)),+main=paste(res$generator,":",round(res$p.value,digits=3)),+ylab="",type="S")+abline(0,1,col='gray ')+}))>par(oldpar)#reset graph defaults> : 0.1420. : 0.8460. : 0.8680. : 0.8690. : 0.7150. : 0.715Figure 2:Comparing six GNU R generators under the runs test5Not all of Die Harder's features are yet supported in this initial port.In the near future we expect to add code to deal with tests that support extra parameters,or that return more than one p-value per instance of a test.Ultimately,RDieHarder should support the full set of options of the the command-line version of Die Harder.There is no direct interface from the R generators to the RDieHarder module for evaluation;rather, the'ported'R generators are called from the libdieharder library.This could introduce coding/porting errors,and also prevents the direct use of user-added generators that R supports.It would be worthwhile to overcome this by directly letting RDieHarder call back into R to generate draws.On the other hand,the current setup corresponds more closely to the command-line version of Die Harder.Next,the R generators in Die Harder may need to be updated to the2.5.0code.The GSL RNGs provided by libdieharder may as well be exported to R via RDieHarder given that the GSL library is already linked in.Indeed,it would be worthwhile to integrate the two projects and both avoid needless code duplication and ensure even more eyes checking both the quality and accuracy of the code in both.It could be useful to also build RDieHarder with an`embedded'libdieharder rather than relying on an externally installed libdieharder.This may make it easier to build RDieHarder for systems without libdieharder(and on Windows).Likewise,it is possible to reorganize the Die Harder front-end code into a common library to avoid duplication of code with RDieHarder.Lastly,on the statistical side,an empirical analysis of size/power between KS,Wilcoxon and other alternatives for generating a nal p-value from the vector of p-values returned from Die Harder tests suggests itself.Similarly,empirical comparisons between the resolving power of the various tests(some of which may not actually be terribly useful in the sense that they yield new information about the failure modes of any given RNG)could be stly,there is always room for new generators,new tests,and new visualizations.One thing that one should remember while experimenting with Die Harder is that there really is no such thing as a random number generator.It is therefore likely that all RNGs will fail any given(valid)test if one cranks up the resolution up high enough by accumulating enough samples per p-value,enough p-values per run.It is also true that a number of Marsaglia's tests have target distributions that were computed empirically by simulation(with the best RNGs and computers available at the time).Here one has to similarly remember that one can do in a few hours of work what it would have taken him months if not years of simulation to equal back when the target statistics were evaluated.It is by no means unlikely that a problem that Die Harder eventually resolves is not not the quality of the RNG but rather the accuracy of the target statistics.These are some of the things that are a matter for future research to decide.A major motivation for writing Die Harder and making it open source,and integrating it with R,is to facilitate precisely this sort of research in an easy to use,consistent testing framework.We welcome the critical eyes and constructive suggestions of the statstical community and invite their participation in examining the code and algorithms used in Die Harder.6ConclusionThe RDieHarder package presented here introduces several new features.First,it makes the Die Harder suite (Brown,2007)available for interactive use from the GNU R environment.Second,it also exports Die Harder results directly to R for further analysis and visualization.Third,it adds adds additional RNGs from GNU R to those from GNU GSL that were already testable in Die Harder.Fourth,it provides a re-distribution of the Die Harder`test engine'via GNU R.ReferencesRobert G.Brown.Die Harder:A Gnu public licensed random number tester.Draft paper included as le manual/dieharder.tex in the dieharder st version dated20Feb2006.,2006.6Robert G.Brown.dieharder:A Random Number Test Suite,2007.URL / ~rgb/General/dieharder.php.C program archive dieharder,version2.24.3.Dirk Eddelbuettel.random:True random numbers using ,2007.URL http://cran.r-project. org/src/contrib/Descriptions/random.html.R package random,current version0.1.2.Mark Galassi,Brian Gough,Gerald Jungman,James Theiler,Jim Davies,Michael Booth,and Fabrice Rossi. The GNU Scienti c Library Reference Manual,2007.URL /software/gsl.ISBN 0954161734;C program archive gsl,current version1.9.0.George Marsaglia.The Marsaglia random number CDROM including the diehard battery of tests of ran-domness.Also at /pub/diehard.,1996.R Development Core Team.R:A Language and Environment for Statistical Computing.R Foundation for Statistical Computing,Vienna,Austria,2007.URL .ISBN3-900051-07-0.7。
Package‘testthis’October14,2022Type PackageTitle Utils and'RStudio'Addins to Make Testing Even More FunVersion1.1.1Maintainer Stefan Fleck<************************>Description Utility functions and'RStudio'addins for writing,running and organizing automated tests.Integrates tightly with thepackages'testthat','devtools'and'usethis'.Hotkeys can beassigned to the'RStudio'addins for running tests in a singlefile orto switch between a sourcefile and the associated testfile.Inaddition,testthis provides function to manage and run tests insubdirectories of the test/testthat directory.License MIT+file LICENSEURL https:///s-fleck/testthis/issuesImports assertthat,devtools,fs,magrittr,pkgload,rprojroot,stats,stringi,testthat,tools,usethis(>=0.1.0),utilsSuggests covr,crayon,knitr,rmarkdown,roxygen2(>=5.0.0),rstudioapiEncoding UTF-8RoxygenNote7.1.0NeedsCompilation noAuthor Stefan Fleck[aut,cre](<https:///0000-0003-3344-9851>)Repository CRANDate/Publication2020-04-1206:30:02UTCR topics documented:get_test_coverage (2)open_testfile (2)testthis (3)12open_testfile test_coverage (4)test_index (5)test_skeleton (5)test_subdir (6)test_this (7)use_testdata (8)use_tester (9)use_test_subdir (10)Index12get_test_coverage Get Test CoverageDescriptionDeprecated in favor of test_coverage()Usageget_test_coverage(from_tags=TRUE,from_desc=TRUE)Argumentsfrom_tags,from_descsee test_coverage()open_testfile Open associated testfileDescriptionIf the currently openfile in the RStudio editor is called‘myfun.R’this opens‘tests/testthat/test_myfun.R’in a new tab.This function can also be used to jump back and forth between a script and the associ-ated testfile.You can modify this behaviour by putting the comment#*@testfile anotherfileanywhere in‘myfun.R’.Usageopen_testfile()testthis3testthis Testthis-packageDescriptionRStudio addins for several common testing-related tasks during package development,such asswitching between a sourcefile and an associated testfile,or running unit tests in a single testfile(hotkeyable in RStudio!).testthis also provides utility function to manage tests in subdirectories ofthe test/testthis directory.DetailsFor details please refer to the READMESetting the project pathTestthis uses usethis::proj_get()to detect project root of the current working directory.Youcan override the project root with usethis::proj_set().Package optionsPackage options can be set with options().You can add options()to your‘.Rprofile’to makethem permanent across sessions.testthis.sep Default separator to use when creating testfiles with test_skeleton().Defaults to_,must be either_or-;i.e whether you want yourfiles to be named test_foofunction.Ror test-foofunction.Rtestthis.integration_tests_path,testthis.acceptance_tests_path,testthis.manual_tests_path Default paths used by the functions testthis::use_integration_tests(),testthis::test_integration(), etc...Testthis Tagstest_this tags are special comments that modify the behaviour of the functions supplied by thispackage.They are of the form#*@tag<value>.Please not that only some test_this tags reallyrequire a<value>.Valid tags for scriptfiles in the/R/dir(pkg/R/*.R)•@testfile<filename>:manually specify associated testfile.Should usually start withtest_.This is used by test_this(),lest_this()and open_testfile().Valid tags or testfiles(pkg/tests/testthat/test_*.R)•@testing<functionname>:mark functionname as tested.Should usually go next theassociated test_that()call.This is used by test_coverage().Author(s)Maintainer:Stefan Fleck<************************>(ORCID)4test_coverageSee Alsousethis::edit_r_profile()test_coverage Test coverage of packageDescriptionThis determines the test coverage of the target package based on the desc argument of test_that() calls.If you require a more comprehensive analysis of test coverage,try the package covr instead. Usagetest_coverage(from_tags=TRUE,from_desc=TRUE)Argumentsfrom_tags logical scalar.Checks thefiles if your test directory for testthis tags.Specif-ically,if you have the comment#*@testing myfunction in any of your testfiles,myfunction will be marked as tested.from_desc logical scalar.Checks the desc argument test_that(...)of the tests in your test directory for functions names. E.g.if you have a testfile that con-tains test_that("myfunction works",{...}),myfunction will be marked astested.Detailstest_coverage looks in.covrignore for functions that should be ignored for coverage analysis (see usethis::use_covr_ignore())ValueA Test_coverage object.This is a data.frame containing the following columns:•fun:Name of the function•exp:Is function is exported?•s3:Is function an S3method?•tested:Do unit tests exist for function?•ignore:Is function listed in‘tests/testthat/_testignore’?Examples##Not run:x<-test_coverage() run)test_index5test_index Generate an index of all test_that callsDescriptionGenerates an index the desc arguments of all test_that()calls in the tests/testthat directoryof a package.Usagetest_index(markers=interactive()&&requireNamespace("rstudioapi",quietly=TRUE))##S3method for class test_indexprint(x,...)Argumentsmarkers logical scalar.If TRUE,new markers are created in the RStudio markers pane.If FALSE,the index is printed to the console instead.x a data.frame of subclass"test_index"...currently ignoredValueA test_index data.frame(invisibly if markers==TRUE)test_skeleton Create a test skeletonfile for the currently open.RfileDescriptionIf thefile currently open in the RStudio editor is called my_function.R,this creates thefile‘/tests/testthat/test_my_fun andfills it with a basic test skeleton.Usagetest_skeleton(fname=NULL,open=TRUE,sep=options("testthis.sep"))Argumentsfname character scalar.Target R scriptfile to open.If empty thefile currently openin the editor will be logical scalar.Should the testfile be opened after it is created?sep character scalar.Separator between‘test’and‘fname’when constructing thetestfile name.Should either be"_"or"-"for compatibility with testthat.6test_subdir ValueNULL(invisibly)Side effectsCreates an R scriptfile in thefile system.See Alsousethis::use_test()test_subdir Run tests in subdirectoriesDescriptionThis is a simple wrapper for devtools::test(),but rather than running the tests in‘inst/tests/’or‘tests/testthat/’,it runs the tests in a subdirectory of that folder.For creating such subdirec-tories,please also see use_test_subdir().Usagetest_subdir(subdir,...)test_integration(...)test_acceptance(...)test_manual(...)test_all(...)Argumentssubdir character scalar.subdir of inst/tests/or tests/testthat that contains the tests...passed on to devtools::test()ValueA testthat::testthat_results object(invisibly)test_this7Test subdirectory presetsThree preset test subdirs are defined at the moment:test_integration()Integration tests,also called component tests.Put tests here that test if sev-eral functions/parts of your program work together as expected.You can create the relevantsubdir‘testthat/integration_tests/’with use_integration_tests().test_acceptance()Acceptance tests.This is the highest levels of tests.Put tests here that ver-ifies if your package fulfills the goals/requirements you set out to achieve with your pack-age were met.You can create the relevant subdir‘testthat/acceptance_tests/’withuse_acceptance_tests().test_manual()Manual tests.Put tests here that produce output that has to be manually ver-ified,such as:console output,pdffiles,plots.It is recommended you collect the outputfiles of such tests in‘tests/testthat/testout’.You can create the relevant subdir with‘testthat/manual_tests/’with use_manual_tests().You can modify the default paths for manual,acceptance and integration tests by setting the respec-tive options(),but it is recommended to create your own test subdirs instead.See Alsouse_test_subdir()test_this Test thisfileDescriptionRuns testthat tests in a single.Rfile.If thefile currently open in the RStudio editor is calledmy_function.R,test_this()calls testthat::test_file()on‘tests/testthat/test_my_function.R’.If thefilename of the currently openfile with starts with test_it will call testthat::test_file()on the currentfile.Usagetest_this(...)Arguments...passed on to testthat::test_file()DetailsThis is useful in cases where you don’t want to run all tests in a package via devtools::test()(CTRL+SHIFT+T in RStudio).ValueNULL(invisibly)8use_testdata use_testdata Create testdata folder.DescriptionSave R objects to separatefiles‘tests/testthat/testdata’in the.rds format.Usageuse_testdata(...,subdir=NULL,overwrite=FALSE,ignore=FALSE,compress=TRUE,refhook=NULL,version=NULL)use_testdata_raw(name=NULL)has_testdata()read_testdata(infile,subdir=NULL)find_testdata(...,path=".",must_exist=FALSE)Arguments...R objects to save to the‘testdata’dir.If empty,an empty directory is created.subdir character scalar.Subdirectory of‘testdata’to save to/read from.overwrite Logical scalar.Should existingfiles be overwritten?ignore Should the newly createdfile be added to.Rbuildignore?compress a logical specifying whether saving to a namedfile is to use"gzip"compres-sion,or one of"gzip","bzip2"or"xz"to indicate the type of compression tobe used.Ignored if file is a connection.refhook a hook function for handling reference objects.version the workspace format version to use.NULL specifies the current default version(3).The only other supported value is2,the default from R1.4.0to a character scalar or of the dataset for which to create a scriptfile in‘testthat/testdata-raw’.If NULL an empty‘testthat/testdata-raw’directory is created(if it does not exist already).infile rdsfile to read(must end in.rds,otherwise.rds ending is automatically added) path Path of the directory to create,relative to the project.must_exist logical scalar.Assert that path specified in...existsuse_tester9Valueuse_testdata()returns TRUE if object was successfully saved.has_testdata()returns TRUE if package has a‘tests/testthat/testdata’folder.read_testdata()returns a single R objectfind_testdata()returns the normalized path to afile in a in the testdata directorySide effectsuse_testdata()saves an R object to a‘testdata’dir in the current package.See Alsobase::readRDS()Other infrastructure:use_test_subdir(),use_tester()Examples##Not run:use_testdata(letters,LETTERS)##End(Not run)use_tester Use a tester functionDescriptionQuickly create an R script that contains a function for running all tests in a predefined directory.This function powers the make_tester option of use_test_subdir()and you will likely not need to run it manually.Usageuse_tester(path,ignore=TRUE,tester_path=file.path("R","testthis-testers.R"))Argumentspath character of the subdirectory of‘tests/testthat/’for which to create a tester function.ignore logical scalar.Add tester_path to‘.Rbuildignore’?tester_path logical scalar.Path to the R scriptfile in which to store the tester functions10use_test_subdir ValueTRUE on success(invisibly).See AlsoOther infrastructure:use_test_subdir(),use_testdata()use_test_subdir Use test subdirectoriesDescriptionCreate a subdir in‘tests/testthat/’and optionally an R script containing a helper function to run all tests in that eful for separating long-running tests from your unit tests,or storing tests that you do not want to run on CRAN or during R CMD Check.For running tests in ‘tests/testthat/’subdirectories see test_subdir().Usageuse_test_subdir(path,make_tester=TRUE,ignore_tester=TRUE)use_integration_tests()use_acceptance_tests()use_manual_tests()Argumentspath character scalar.Will be processed with base::s()to make a syn-tactically valid name.make_tester logical or character scalar.Create an R script with a test helper function.If TRUE an R scriptfile will be placed into the‘R/’directory of the current package,containing a function definition for running the tests in path.Thefile will benamed‘testthis-testers.R’,but you can specify your own name by passinga character scalar to make_tester().See use_tester()for details.ignore_tester logical scalar‘.Add‘tester’file to‘.Rbuildignore’?ValueTRUE on success(invisibly).use_test_subdir11Test subdirectory presetsThree preset test subdirs are defined at the moment:test_integration()Integration tests,also called component tests.Put tests here that test if sev-eral functions/parts of your program work together as expected.You can create the relevant subdir‘testthat/integration_tests/’with use_integration_tests().test_acceptance()Acceptance tests.This is the highest levels of tests.Put tests here that ver-ifies if your package fulfills the goals/requirements you set out to achieve with your pack-age were met.You can create the relevant subdir‘testthat/acceptance_tests/’with use_acceptance_tests().test_manual()Manual tests.Put tests here that produce output that has to be manually ver-ified,such as:console output,pdffiles,plots.It is recommended you collect the output files of such tests in‘tests/testthat/testout’.You can create the relevant subdir with ‘testthat/manual_tests/’with use_manual_tests().You can modify the default paths for manual,acceptance and integration tests by setting the respec-tive options(),but it is recommended to create your own test subdirs instead.See Alsotest_subdir()Other infrastructure:use_testdata(),use_tester()Examples##Not run:use_test_subdir("special_tests",make_tester=TRUE)##Reload the Package manually...##Create some tests in tests/testthat/test_special_tests/test_special_tests()##End(Not run)Index∗infrastructureuse_test_subdir,10use_testdata,8use_tester,9base::s(),10base::readRDS(),9devtools::test(),6find_testdata(use_testdata),8get_test_coverage,2has_testdata(use_testdata),8open_testfile,2options(),3print.test_index(test_index),5read_testdata(use_testdata),8test_acceptance(test_subdir),6test_all(test_subdir),6test_coverage,4test_coverage(),2test_index,5test_integration(test_subdir),6test_manual(test_subdir),6test_skeleton,5test_subdir,6test_subdir(),10,11test_this,7testthat::test_file(),7 testthat::testthat_results,6 testthis,3testthis-package(testthis),3use_acceptance_tests(use_test_subdir), 10use_integration_tests(use_test_subdir),10use_manual_tests(use_test_subdir),10use_test_subdir,9,10,10use_test_subdir(),6,7,9use_testdata,8,10,11use_testdata_raw(use_testdata),8use_tester,9,9,11use_tester(),10usethis::edit_r_profile(),4usethis::proj_get(),3usethis::proj_set(),3usethis::use_covr_ignore(),4usethis::use_test(),612。
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hwinfo主要可以显示出处理器、主板及芯片组、PCMCIA接口、BIOS 版本、内存等信息,另外还提供了对处理器、内存、硬盘(WIN9X里不可用)以及CD-ROM的性能测试功能。
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然后点击“生成文件”,就会在“输出文件路径”目录中生成macsview.dbf和variable.dbf 表。