
全国2012年7月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1. Words can be classified into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.( )A. use frequencyB. notionC. originD. grammar2. In formal use, “pot” means “cooking utensil”. Whereas, when it means“marijuana”, it is a ______. ( )A. jargonB. terminologyC. slangD. argot3. Translation-loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modelled on the patterns taken from another language. For example, the English expression “long time no see” is from ______. ( )A. LatinB. ChineseC. GreekD. French4. The Germanic family consists of the four Northern European Languages:Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish and Swedish, which are generally known as ______ languages. ( )A. HellenicB. AlbanianC. CelticD. Scandinavian5. Which of the following is NOT the main source of new words? ( )A. The rapid development of modern science and technology.B. Social, economic and political changes.C. Environmental protection.D. The influence of other cultures and languages.页脚内容16. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )A. In modern times,borrowing brings less than ten percent of modern English vocabulary.B. Old English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.C. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is creation of new words by means of word-formation.D. In early Middle English period,English,Latin,and Celtic existed side by side.7. There are ______ free morphemic words in the following words:worker, car, impossible,anger, politely. ( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 58. There is/are ______ stem(s)in the word“internationalists” ( )A 1 B. 2C. 3D. 49. The past tense marker“-ed”is pronounced as/t/in the following words EXCEPT ______.( )A. enabledB. workedC. jumpedD. helped10. The most productive ways of word-formation in modern English are thefollowing EXCEPT ______.( )A. affixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. blending11. The formation of new words by joining two or more stems is called ______. ( )A. clippingB. compoundingC. acronymyD. back-formation12. The word “pop” belongs to ______ clipping. ( )页脚内容2A. frontB. backC. front and backD. phrase13. The ______ meaning of words usually shows the attitude of approval of the speaker. ( )A. affectiveB. appreciativeC. pejorativeD. connotative14. Which of the following is NOT one of the associative meaning of a word? ( )A. Grammatical meaning.B. Stylistic meaning.C. Collocative meaning.D. Connotative meaning.15. ______ motivation explains the connection between the literal sense andfigurative sense of the word.( )A. MorphologicalB. OnomatopoeicC. SemanticD. Etymological16. Antonyms are classified on the basis of ______ opposition. ( )A. semanticB. euphemisticC. idiomaticD. grammatical17. Lion,elephant,tiger, turtle,sheep and snake are ______ of animal. ( )A. hyponymsB. synonymsC. collocationD. denomination18. As far as denotation is concerned,relative synonyms may differ ______.( )A. in the diachronic approachB. in the stylistic and emotive colouring of wordsC. in usage in simple termsD. in the range and intensity of meaning19. Borrowing has caused word-meaning changes,as indicated in“______formerly meant animal,and later animal from Latin and beast from French found their way into English ______.”( )A. deerB. cattleC. sheepD. bird页脚内容320. There are generally two major factors that cause changes in meaning,extra-linguistic factors and ______ factors within the language system. ( )A. functionalB. externalC. meaningfulD. internal21. ______ is a process by which a word of wider meaning acquires a specializedsense. For example,the original meaning of the word“meat” was food and the modern meaning is edible flesh. ( )A. ConversionB. ElevatingC. NarrowingD. Formation22. Which of the following is NOT a context clue? ( )A. Relevant details.B. Sentence structure.C. Synonymy.D. Antonymy.23. The sentence “I like Mary be tt er than John’’is ambiguous due to ______. ( )A. grammatical contextB. polysemyC. antonymyD. hyponymy24. In the sentence“Copernicus believed in a heliocentric universe,ratherthan in the geocentric theory”,the meaning of heliocentric call be inferred from the clue of ______.( )A. relevant detailsB. word structureC. antonymyD. hyponymy25. “Tooth and nail” is all idiom ______ in nature. ( )A. verbalB. nominalC. adjectivalD. adverbial26. Which of the following rhetorical features c an be seen in the idiom “wear and tear”? ( )A. Rhyme.B. Alliteration.C. Juxtaposition.D. Synecdoche.27. The idiom “play fair” was created probably by______. ( )A. seamenB. housewives页脚内容4C. sportsmenD. hunters28. Encyclopaedic dictionaries can be further divided into encyclopaedia and ______dictionaries. ( )A. 1inguisticB. encyclopaedicC. specializedD. unabridged29. LDCE is distinctive for the following features EXCEPT ______. ( )A. clear grammar codesB. usage notesC. 1anguage notesD. extra column30. Which of the following is NOT true for a Chinese-English Dictionary(revised Edition) (CED) (1995)? ( )A. It is a bilingual dictionary.B. It is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated.C. It cuts off the previous alphabetical order of entries.D. It boasts of the quality of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items.Ⅱ. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15%)31. Content words are changing all the time whereas functional words are ______.32. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings, Middle Englishwas one of ______ endings.33. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and ______.34. “Motel” is a word formed through ______.35. Words like “bang, pingpong, miaow” are examples of ______ motivation.36. Contradictory terms do not show ______, as far as antonyms are concerned.37. Increased scientific knowledge and discovery are also important factors that account for thechange of word ______.38. Based on the ______ context, we can determine the meaning of “Sarcasm页脚内容5doesn’t become you” as “Sarcasm doesn’t suit you”.39. “Sing a different tune” is an idiom ______ in nature.40. British dictionaries gene rally use International Phonetic Alphabet to mark the ______.Ⅲ. Define the following terms. (15%)41. creation42. conversion43. homonymy44. lexical context45. deletion of idiomsⅣ. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short.Write your answers in the space given below. (20%)46. Please illustrate the logical relationships of the following terms: freemorphemes, bound root, derivational affixes, affixes, morphemes, inflectional affixes, bound morphemes.47. Prefixation and suffixation are two subclasses of affixation. Please defineprefixation and suffixation and explain the difference between them. Use “polite—impolite”, “happy—happiness” to illustrate your point.48. What are the four main sources of English synonyms?49. What are contextual clues? Guess the meaning of the words underlined inthe following sentences and tell what contextual clues have helped you in arriving at the meaning.(a) Their greatest fear was of a conflagration, since fire would destroy theirflimsy wooden settlement before help could arrive.(b) As the fighting on all fronts reached its peak, the economy neared its nadir.V. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)50. Comment on the following groups of words to illustrate types of meaning of页脚内容6words and their relationship.Group 1: “took, taught, became”Group 2: “have, has, had, had, having”51. Analyze and comment on three adjectives used in the following sentencesbased on synonym difference in connotation.[A] Look at that little boy.[B] Look at that small boy.[C] Look at that tiny boy.页脚内容7。

(英语词汇学)00832自考重点试卷(一)pletethefollowingstatementorpassagewithproperexpressions.〔每题1分,共10分〕1.Archaismsarewordsnolongerin_________useor_______inuse.2.Awordwhosemeaningwasborrowedfromanotherlanguageiscalled_________.3.TheIndo-Europeanlanguageismadeupofmostofthelanguagesof_____;_______;_____.4.Aboundrootisthatpartofthewordthatcarriesthe_______meaningjustlikea________.InEnglish,boundrootsareeither_______or_________.5.Affixesareformsthatare________towordsorwordelementstomodifymeaningorfunction.Wecanputthemintotw ogroups:________and________.6.TheexpansionofvocabularyinmodernEnglishdependschieflyon______.Themostproductiveare_________,________and________.7.Acompoundisaunitconsistingofmorethanonestemandfunctioningboth________and______asasingleword.8.Whenawordisfirstcoined,itisalways______.Butinthecourseofdevelopment,thesamesymbolmustbeusedtoexpressmoremeanings,theresultis________.9.SynonymscanbedefinedasoneoftwoormorewordsintheEnglishlanguagewhichhavethesameorverynearlythesam e_______meaning.10.Synonymscanbeclassifiedintotwomajorgroups:________and_________.II.Decidewhetherthefollowingstatementsaretrueorfalse.〔每题1分,共10分〕1.OldEnglishwasahighlyinflectedlanguage.〔〕2.ModernEnglishisconsideredtobeananalyticlanguage.〔〕3.Themostimportantmodeofvocabularydevelopmentinpresent-dayEnglishiscreationofnewwordsbymeansofwor dformation.〔〕4.MiddleEnglishabsorbedatremendousnumberofforeignwordsbutwithlittlechangeinwordendings.〔〕5.Themeaningofacompoundisusuallythecombinationofthestems.〔〕6.Acompoundfunctionsasasinglegrammaticalunit,sotheinternalstructurecannotbechanged.〔〕7.Suchwordsasthepoorer,thedeparted,aRepublicanareallexamplesofpartialconversion.〔〕8.Wordsmainlyinvolvedinconversionarenouns,verbsandadverbs.〔〕9.Semanticunityandstructuralstabilityaregeneralfeaturesofidioms,buttherearemanyexceptions.〔〕10.Idiomsarecharacterizedbyterseness,expressivenessandvividness.〔〕III.Fillineachblandwithawordcontraryinmeaningtothewordgiveninthebracket.〔每题2分,共20分〕1.Beadsandshellsare________formsofmoney.〔modern〕2.Ihavefinishedalltheexercises,Iam______done.〔partly〕3.Onahumidday,thereisalotof________intheair.〔dryness〕4.Mosquitoeswon'tbitejustanyone.Theylookforsomeone________.〔ordinary〕5.Ifyouwanttodrive,itis______tohaveadriver'slicense.〔unnecessary〕6.Thereisagreat_____inourpoliticalbeliefs.Weagreeonmostthings.〔difference〕7.Themansaid,“Iam________.Ididn'tdoit!”〔guilty〕8.Thesoldierstoodina______positionwhilethegeneralwalkedpasthim.〔relaxed〕9.Youwillhaveto______thestringinordertoopenthebox.〔tighten〕10.Noonelivesinthat______house.〔inhabited〕IV.Explainthefollowingterms:〔每题5分,共20分〕1.word2.affixes3.concept4.hyponymyV.Fillintheblankswiththefollowingverbalphrasesintheirsuitableforms:〔每题1分,共20分〕takeon;breakinto;biteinto;goabout;letout;drawup;setdown;holdonto;bringup;makeout;dryup;putout;livethrough;setoff;callfor;tearapart;buyoff;buildin;counton;sinkin1.1848wasayearofrevolutioninEurope;KarlMarxandFrederickEngelspublishedtheCommunistManifesto,andpoliticaldemonstration______thegreatcitiesofParis,Vienna,NaplesandBerlin.2.Withliberaldosesofcalomel,rhubarbandcastoroil,heslowlyimproved,andafterthreeweeks,he______histrousersandwaseagertoescapefromhisbed.3.Hetravelledtofoundlinghomes,prisonsandlunaticasylumsinhissearchforpeople.4.We________attopspeedthroughthenarrowstreetsofHiroshima.5.Iwasjustabouttomakemylittlebowofassent,whenthemeaningoftheselastwords_______,joltingmeoutofmysadreverie.6.Noonetalksaboutitanymore,andnoonewantsto,especially,thepeoplewhowerebornhereorwho______it.7.DuringdinnerMr.ChurchillsaidthataGermanattackonRussiawasnowcertain,andhethoughtthatHitlerwas______enlistingcapitalistandRightWingsympathiesinthiscountryandtheU.S.A.8.MyhusbandandIfindstrongsmokeoffensive.Wouldyoukindly_______that_______?9.Assumingthehotelmanwas______,theironlychance-aslimone-layinremovingthecarquickly.10.Whenrailroadsbegan______thedemandforsteamboatpilotsandtheCivilWarhaltedcommerce,MarkTwainleftthecountry.11.BythetimethetrialbeganonJuly10,ourtownof1500peoplehad_______acircus.12.AmongthemwasJohnButler,whohad_______theanti-evolutionlaw.13.Thenthecourt______astormofapplausethatsurpassedthatforBryan.14.Thefirst-andessential-stepinthestudyofanylanguageisobservingand______preciselywhathappenswhenn ativespeakersspeakit.15.By1976,theslumphadbegunto_______thebulk-carriertrade.16.Thekeytacticbehinditsstrategyof_______therichestsliceofthetradehasbeentomoveup-market-togowher etheThirdWorldcannotfollowintohigh-technologyinvestment.17.Sailorsandofficers______theirchoresasusualontheseships,amidpipingandloudspeakersquawks.18.Mr.Hopkinshas_______yourname.Heappearsimpressed,andthePresidenttoo,byyourexpertiseonlandingcraftandsoforth.19.He_________aSouthernwarwhoop.Inaflash,John,MckeanandFranklincrowdedaroundhim.20.Mr.Jefferson,Ican'tquite________whatitisyou'retalkingabout.VI.Questionsandanswers:〔每题10分,共20分〕1.Whatisextra-linguisticcontext?2.Whatisback-formation?本资料由广州自考网收集整理,更多自考资料请登录下载考试必看:自考一次通过的秘诀!。

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)1。
English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures,relations,historical development,formation and usages。
2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学),semantics(语义学),etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论)and lexicography(词典学)Chapter 1—-Basic concepts of words and vocabulary1.Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。
Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary,“no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself"3。

历年全国自考英语词汇学试题及参考答案历年全国自考英语词汇学试题及参考答案4月全国自学考试--英语词汇学试卷及答案第一部分选择题Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.In Old English there was _______ agreement between sound form.()A. moreB. littleC. lessD. gradual2.Both LDCE and CCELD are _______.()A. general dictionariesB. monolingual dictionariesC. both A and BD. neither A and B3.The word "MINISKIRT" is _______.()A. morphologically motivatedB. etymologically motivatedC. semantically motivatedD. none of the above4.The most important way of vocabulary development in present-day English is _______.()A. borrowingB. semantic changeC. creation of new wordsD. all the above5.Beneralization is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become ________.()A. generalizedB. expandedC. elevatedD. degraded6.Some morphemes have _______ as they are realized by more than one morph according to their position in word.()A. alternative morphsB. single morphsC. abstract unitsD. discrete units7.Old English vocabulary was essentially_______ with a number of borrowings from Latin and Scandinavian.()A. ItalicB. GermanicC. CelticD. Hellenic/doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763 2301274c9.html pounds are different from free phrases in all the following ways EXCEPT _______.()A. semanticsB. grammarC. phoneticsD. lexicology9.If two main constituents of an idiom share the same initial sound, it is called _______.()A. repetitionB. alliterationC. rhymeD. none of the above10.Which of the following words is a functional word?()A. OftenB. NeverC. AlthoughD. Desk11.Rhetorical features are shown in such respects of phonetic and lexical manipulation as well as _______.()A. semantic unityB. structural stabilityC. idiomatic variationD. figure of speech12.The advantage of classifying idioms according to grammatical functions is to _______.()A. use idioms correctly and appropriatelyB. understand idioms correctlyC. remember idioms quicklyD. try a new method of classification13.Borrowing as a source of homonymy in English can be illustrated by _______.()A. long(not short)B. ball(a dancing party)C. rock(rock'n'roll)D. ad(advertisement)14.The change of word meaning is brought about by the following internal factors EXCEPT _______.()A. the influx of borrowingB. repetitionC. analogyD. shortening15.Which of the following is NOT a component of linguistic context?()A. Words and phrases.B. SentencesC. Text or passageD. Time and place第二部分非选择题Ⅱ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)16.Word-meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation and ___________________.17.The language used in England between 450 and 1150is called _________________./doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763 2301274c9.html ELD is a ________________ dictionary.19.In the phrase "the mouth of the river",the word "mouth" is _________________ motivated.20.Physical situation or environment relating to the use of words is ________________ context. Ⅲ.Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to1)types of meaning changes;2)types of meaning;3)language branches and 4)meaning and context.(10%)A B21.Scandinavian()/doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763230 1274c9.html l(place where things are made)22.Germanic()B.grammatical23.extension()C.double meaning24.narrowing()D.Swedish25.linguistic()/doc/92c7bcbe1611cc7931b765ce0508763230 1274c9.html prehend/understand26.ambiguity()F.Dutch27.participants()G.degermined28.difference in denotation()H.pigheaded29.appreciative()I.non-linguistic30.pejorative()J.iron(a device for smoothing clothes)Ⅳ.Study the following words or expressions and identify 1)types of bound morphemes underlined, and 2)types of word formation or prefixes.(10%)31.predict()32.motel()33.potatoes()34.blueprint()35.preliminaries()36.Southward()37.demilitarize()38.hypersensityve()39.retell()40.multi-purposes()Ⅴ.Define the following terms.(10%)41.acronymy42.native words43.elevation44.stylistic meaning45.monolingral dictionaryⅥ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should the clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(12%)46.How many types of motivation are there in English? Give ONE example for each type.47.What are the major sources of English synonyms? Illustrate your points.48.What are the clues generally provided in verbal context?Ⅶ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(18%)49.analyze the morphological structures of following words and point out the types of the morphemes.Recollection, nationalist, unearthly 50.Pick out the idioms in the following extract and explain its origin and the effect of using this form."Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time," he said.答案4月份高等教育自学考试全国统一命题考试英语词汇学试题参考答案Ⅰ.(30%)1.A2.C3.A4.C5.A6.A7.B8.D9.B 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.DⅡ.(10%)16.transfer17.OLD English18.monolingual19.semantically20.extralinguistic/non-linguisticⅢ.(10%)21.D22.F23.A24.J25.B26.C27.I28.E29.G30.HⅣ.(10%)31.bound root32.(head+tail)blinding33.inflectional affix/morpheme34.a+n35.full conversion36.suffix37.reversativ38.prefix of degree39.prefix40.number prefixⅤ.(10%)41.The process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.42.Native words, also known as Anglo-Saxon words, are words brought to Britian in the 5thcentury by the Germanic tribes.43.The process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance. 44.The distinctive stylistic features of words which make them appropriate for different context.45.A dictionary written in one language, or a dictionary in which entries are defined in the same language.Ⅵ.(12%)46.There are four types of motivation:1)Onomatopoeic motivation, e.g. cuckoo, squeak, quack, etc.2)Morphological motivation, e.g. airmail, reading-lamp, etc.3)Semantic motivation, e.g. the mouth of the river, the foot of the mountain, etc.4)Etymological motivation, e.g. pen, laconic, etc.47.Key points:borrowing; dialects and regional English; figurative and euphemistic use of words; coincidence with idiomatic expressions.48.Key points:definition; explanation; example; synonymy; antonymy; hyponymy; relevant details and word structure.Ⅶ.(18%)49.1)Each of the three words consists of three morphemes, recollection (re+collect+ion),nationalist (nation+al+ist),unearthly(un+earth+ly). 2)Of the nine morphemes, only "collect","nation" and "earth" are free morphemes as they can exist by themselves.3)All the rest re-,-ion,-al,-ist,un- and -ly are bound as none of them can stand alone as words.50.1)the stitch in time ----- a stitch in time saves nine(3分)2)proverbs are concise, forcible and thought-provoking(1分)3)using an old saying is more persuasive(2分)4)the short form saves time, more colloquial(2分)5)indicates intimacy or close relationship(1分)4月份全国高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题及答案英语(本科)专业第一部分选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers Choose the one that would best complete the statement and put the letter in the bracket(30%)1. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example[ ]A. lewd → ignorantB. silly → foolishC. last → pleasureD. knave → boy2. Homophones are often employed to create puns for desired effects of: [ ]A. humourB. sarcasmC. ridiculeD. all the above3. The four major modes of semantic change are _____. [ ]A. extension, narrowing, elevation and degradationB. extension, generalization, elevation and degradationC. extension, narrowing, specialization and degradationD. extension, elevation, amelioration and degradation4. The use of one name for that of another associated with it is rhetorically called _____. [ ]A. synecdocheB. metonymyC. substitutionD. metaphor5. Idioms adjectival in nature function as _____. [ ]A. adjectivesB. attributesC. modifiersD. words6. Grammatical context refers to _____ in whicha word is used. [ ]A. vocabularyB. grammarC. semantic patternD. syntactic structure7. In the idiom 'in good feather', we change 'good' into 'high, full' without changing meaning.This change of constituent is known as _____ . [ ]A. additionB. replacementC. position-shiftingD. variation8. The word "laconic" is _____. [ ]A. onomatopoeically motivatedB. morphologically motivatedC. semantically motivatedD. etymologically motivated9. CCELD is distinctive for its _____. [ ]A. clear grammar codesB. language notesC. usage notesD. extra columns10.Which of the following words is NOT formed through clipping? [ ]A. DormB. motelC. GentD. Zoo11.Old English has a vocabulary of about _____ words. [ ]A. 30,000 to 40,000B. 50,000 to 60,000C. 70,000 to 80,000D. 80,000 to 90,00012. _____ are bound morphemes because they cannot be used as separate words. [ ]A. RootsB. StemsC. AffixesD. Compounds13. Besides French words, English also absorbed as many as 2,500 words of _____ in the Middle English period. [ ]A. Dutch originB. Danish originC. Latin originD. Greek origin14. A word is a symbol that _____ . [ ]A. is used by the same speech communityB. represents something else in the worldC. is both simple and complex in natureD.shows different ideas in different sounds15.Some words in the basic word stock are said to be stable because they _____. [ ]A. are complex words.B. are technical wordsC. refer to the commonest things in life.D. denote the most important concepts.第二部分非选择题II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book(10%)16. The same idiom may show _____ differences when it is used in different meanings including affective meaning.17. LDCE is a _____ dictionary.18. Antonyms are classified on the basis of _____.19. The opposite of semantic elevation in meaning change is called _____.20. Pronouns and numerals enjoy nation-wide use and stability, but have limited _____.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1)types of meaning changes;2)types ofmeaning;3)language branches and 4)features of idioms (10%)A B21. grammatical meaning ( ) A. Scottish22. reading-lamp ( ) B. neither fish, flesh, nor fowl23. pen ( ) C. morphologically motivated24. alliteration ( ) D. head of a state25. difference in connotation ( ) E. answer/。

《英语词汇学》00832自考模拟试卷(一)I. Complete the following statement or passage with proper expressions.(每题1分,共10分)1. Archaisms are words no longer in _________ use or _______ in use.2. A word whose meaning was borrowed from another language is called _________.3. The Indo - European language is made up of most of the languages of _____; _______; _____.4. A bound root is that part of the word that carries the _______ meaning just like a ________. In English, bound roots are either _______ or _________.5. Affixes are forms that are ________ to words or word elements to modify meaning or function. We can put them into two groups: ________ and ________.6. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on ______. The most productive are _________, ________ and ________.7. A compound is a unit consisting of more than one stem and functioning both ________ and ______ as a single word.8. When a word is first coined, it is always ______. But in the course of development, the same symbol must be used to express more meanings, the result is ________.9. Synonyms can be defined as one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or very nearly the same _______ meaning.10. Synonyms can be classified into two major groups: ________ and _________.II. Decide whether the following statements are true or false.(每题1分,共10分)1. Old English was a highly inflected language. ()2. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language. ()3. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present - day English is creation of new words by means of word formation. ()4. Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings. ()5. The meaning of a compound is usually the combination of the stems. ()6. A compound functions as a single grammatical unit, so the internal structure can not be changed. ()7. Such words as the poorer, the departed, a Republican are all examples of partial conversion. ()8. Words mainly involved in conversion are nouns, verbs and adverbs. ()9. Semantic unity and structural stability are general features of idioms, but there are many exceptions. ()10. Idioms are characterized by terseness, expressiveness and vividness. ()III. Fill in each bland with a word contrary in meaning to the word given in the bracket.(每题2分,共20分)1. Beads and shells are ________ forms of money. (modern)2. I have finished all the exercises, I am ______ done. (partly)3. On a humid day, there is a lot of ________ in the air. (dryness)4. Mosquitoes won't bite just anyone. They look for someone ________. (ordinary)5. If you want to drive, it is ______ to have a driver's license. (unnecessary)6. There is a great _____ in our political beliefs. We agree on most things. (difference)7. The man said, "I am ________. I didn't do it!" (guilty)8. The soldier stood in a ______ position while the general walked past him. (relaxed)9. You will have to ______ the string in order to open the box. (tighten)10. No one lives in that ______ house. (inhabited)IV. Explain the following terms:(每题5分,共20分)1. word2. affixes3. concept4. hyponymyV. Fill in the blanks with the following verbal phrases in their suitable forms:(每题1分,共20分)take on; break into; bite into ; go about; let out; draw up; set down; hold on to; bring up; make out; dry up; put out; live through; set off; call for; tear apart; buy off; build in; count on; sink in1. 1848 was a year of revolution in Europe; Karl Marx and Frederick Engels published the Communist Manifesto, and political demonstration ______ the great cities of Paris, Vienna, Naples and Berlin.2. With liberal doses of calomel, rhubarb and castor oil, he slowly improved, and after three weeks, he ______ his trousers and was eager to escape from his bed.3. He travelled to foundling homes, prisons and lunatic asylums in his search for people.4. We ________ at top speed through the narrow streets of Hiroshima.5. I was just about to make my little bow of assent, when the meaning of these last words _______,jolting me out of my sad reverie.6. No one talks about it any more, and no one wants to, especially, the people who were born here or who ______ it.7. During dinner Mr. Churchill said that a German attack on Russia was now certain, and he thought that Hitler was ______ enlisting capitalist and Right Wing sympathies in this country and the U. S.A.8. My husband and I find strong smoke offensive. Would you kindly _______ that _______?9. Assuming the hotel man was ______, their only chance - a slim one - lay in removing the car quickly.10. When railroads began ______ the demand for steamboat pilots and the Civil War halted commerce,Mark Twain left the country.11. By the time the trial began on July 10, our town of 1500 people had _______ a circus.12. Among them was John Butler, who had _______ the anti - evolution law.13. Then the court ______ a storm of applause that surpassed that for Bryan.14. The first - and essential - step in the study of any language is observing and ______ precisely what happens when native speakers speak it.15. By 1976, the slump had begun to _______ the bulk - carrier trade.16. The key tactic behind its strategy of _______ the richest slice of the trade has been to move up - market - to go where the Third World cannot follow into high - technology investment.17. Sailors and officers ______ their chores as usual on these ships, amid piping and loudspeaker squawks.18. Mr. Hopkins has _______ your name. He appears impressed, and the President too, by your expertise on landing craft and so forth.19. He _________ a Southern war whoop. In a flash, John, Mckean and Franklin crowded around him.20. Mr. Jefferson, I can't quite ________ what it is you're talking about.VI. Questions and answers:(每题10分,共20分)1. What is extra - linguistic context?2. What is back - formation?本资料由广州自考网收集整理,更多自考资料请登录下载考试必看:自考一次通过的秘诀!。

自考英语词汇学00832重点及大题目录Chapter 1 (1)课文重点 (1)名词解释 (4)简答题 (4)Chapter 2 (5)课文重点 (5)名词解释 (6)简答题 (7)分析题 (7)Chapter 3 (7)课文重点 (7)名词解释 (8)简答题 (9)分析题 (9)Chapter 4 (9)课文重点 (9)名词解释 (12)简答题 (12)分析题 (13)Chapter 5 (13)课文重点 (13)名称解释 (15)简答题 (15)分析题 (16)Chapter 6 (16)课文重点 (16)名词解释 (19)简答题 (20)分析题 (21)Chapter 7 (22)课文重点 (22)名词解释 (23)简答题 (23)分析题 (23)Chapter 8 (24)课文重点 (24)名词解释 (24)简答题 (25)分析题 (25)Chapter 9 (26)课文重点 (26)名词解释 (28)简答题 (28)分析题................................................................................... 29Chapter 10 .. (29)课文重点 (29)名词解释 (30)简答题 (30)部分试卷中的大题 (31)2016-10 (31)2009-04 (32)Chapter 1课文重点1 - The definition of a word comprises the following points: (1) a minimal free form of a language; (2) a sound unity; (3) a unit of meaning; (4) a form that can function alone in a sentence.A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.1 词定义包括以下几点:(1 )一门语言中最小的自由形式;(2 )一个声音的统一体(3 )一个意义单位;(4 )在一个句子中独立起作用的一个形式。

自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!自考00832《英语词汇学》模拟试题(一)一、Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%) 1. The criteria of words include________. A :The criteria of words include. B :all national character C :a cluster of letters D :sound unity2. If we classify English words by use frequency,the two types of words are________. A :the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary B :content words and functional words C :native words and borrowed words D :functional words and notional words3. Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels:_______. A :creation,conversion and borrowing B :creation,borrowing and backformation C :creation,semantic change and borrowingD :semantic change,borrowing and backformation 4. Basic words are characterized with________. A :polysemy B :collocability C :productivity D :all the above5. More often than not,functional words mainly have________. A :lexical meaning B :associative meaning C :collocative meaning D :grammatical meaning6. The suffixes in words "clockwise","homeward" are_________. A :noun suffixes B :verb suffixes C :adverb suffixes D :adjective suffixes7. In English there are________types of motivation as far as the relationship between the sign and meaning is concerned. A :2 B :6 C :4 D :58. Which of the following about extralinguistic context is true?自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!A :It can be subdivided into extralinguistic context and nonlinguistic context.B :It only refers to the physical situation or environment relating to the use of words.C :It embraces the people,time,size and place.D :It may extend to embrace the entire cultural background. 9. 9.The idiom "wide of the mark"is________. A :adjectival in nature B :verbal in nature C :nominal in nature D :adverbial in nature10. Idioms like "black sheep","new broom","a wet blanket"and"sit on the fence"are examples of________. A :transfer B :metonymy C :metaphor D :simile11. The idiom "might and main" uses________as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned. A :alliteration B :metaphor C :metonymy D :rhyme12. Which of the following prefixes can NOT be used to indicate time and order?A :AB :BC :CD :D13. Which of the following is NOT from backformation? A :To mass produce. B :To lip read. C :To nickname. D :To chain smoke.14. Which kind of meaning is the meaning that is given in the dictionary and that forms the core of word meaning ?A :Conceptual meaning.B :Grammatical meaning.C :Lexical meaning.自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!D :Associative meaning.15. By "structural stability" of idioms,which of the following is right? A :Many idioms are grammatically analyzable.B :The constituents of idioms can not be replaced at random.C :The constituents of idioms can be deleted.D :More constituents can be added to idioms without changing their meanings. 16. Bilingual dictionaries involve________language(s). A :one B :two C :three D :four17. "Trumpet" is a(n)________motivated word. A :morphologically B :semanticallyC :onomatopoeicallyD :etymologically18. The meaning of the word "fond" changed from "foolish" to "affectionate" by mode of________. A :extension B :narrowing C :elevation D :degradation19. ________are those which cannot occur as separate words without being added to other morphemes. A :Free rootsB :Free morphemesC :Bound morphemesD :Meaningful units20. Words which have opposite meanings are called________. A :synonyms B :antonyms C :homonyms D :hyponyms21. The pair of words "respectable" and "respectful" has thesense of transfer respectively. A :subjective,objective B :objective,subjective C :objective,objective D :none of the above22. "Hopeless" is a________motivated word. A :morphologically B :onomatopoeically C :semantically自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!D :etymologically23. Extension is a process by which a word that originally had a specialized meaning has now become________. A :generalized B :expanded C :elevated D :degraded24. Of the following wordformation processes,________is the most productive. A :clipping B :blending C :initialism D :derivation25. The following are userfriendly features of Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English EXCEPT________. A :extra columnB :clear grammar codesC :usage notesD :language notes26. For beginners and lowerintermediate learners,a dictionary is essential as they do not know enough________of the target language. A :monolingual B :bilingual C :unabridged D :specialized27. Readers cant find pronunciation or meaning in________. A :Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English B :The Encyclopedia AmericanaC :Chambers Encyclopedic English DictionaryD :Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary 28. The main body of a dictionary is________of words. A :spellingsB :pronunciationsC :definitionsD :grammar29. In the idiom "in good feather",we change "good" into "high"or "full" without changing meaning.This change ofconstituent is known as________. A :addition B :replacement C :positionshifting D :variation30. Degradation can be illustrated by the following example_________. A :lewd → ignorant自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!B :silly → foolishC :last → pleasureD :knave → boy二、Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(15%)1. 31.From the diachronic point of view,when the word was created,it was endowed with only one meaning .The firstmeaning is called .2. British dictionaries generally use to mark the pronunciation.3. 33.The antonyms "big" and "small" are .4. Websters New World Dictionary is a(n) dictionary.5. Prefixes are those affixes that are added to the head of words and they primarily change the meaning of the.6. 36. is a process by which a word denoting one thing changes to refer to a different but related thing.7. Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and . 8. The order of meanings in CCELD indicates the of words.9. A common way of making a word is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using whatremains instead.This is called .10. "From cradle to grave" is an example of . 三、Define the following terms.(15%) 1. creation2. backformation3. radiation4. grammatical context5. desk dictionaries四、Answer the following questions.Your answers should be clear and short.Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)1. How do you account for the role of native words in English in relation to loanwords?2. How do you understand semantic motivation?3. What are the linguistic factors of meaning changes?4. How do you understand"the structure of an idiom is to a large extent unchangeable"?五、Analyze and comment on the following.Write your answers in the space given below.(20%) 1. Analyze and comment on the meanings of the following sentences and then find out the right antonyms for each "dull" respectively.[A ]The story in this book is dull.[B ]He became dull and silent when the class began. [C ]I'm tired of such dull weather! (10 分) 2. The "pen" is mightier than the "sword".Explain what "pen" and "sword"mean respectively using the theory of motivation.自考易考题库软件课件集免费下载地址:/自考备考三件宝:自考笔记、真题及答案、题库软件、录音!!考试课件网:examebook.cm 出品!一、Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%) 1: 参考答案: C(P7)总体来讲,单词的标准包含以下几点:词是语言中最小的自由形式;是一个声音统一 体;是意义单位;是一个能在句子中起到独立作用的形式。

全国高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.()A.meaning B.SoundC.combination of sounds D.Group2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.()A.more slowly than B.As quickly asC.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notionC.origin D.sound4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.()A.green revolution B.fast foodC.moon walk D.space shuttle5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need.()A.form B.meaningC.look D.pronunciation6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall” means ______ in British English.()A.four B.fellC.for D.autumn7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT ______.()A./t/ B./g/C./p/ D./k/英语词汇学试卷第 1 页共9 页8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.()A.one B.twoC.three D.four9.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT ______.()A.works B.prewarC.postwar D.bloody10.30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through ______.()A.compounding B.affixationC.conversion D.shortening11.The word “motel” is created by ______.()A.compounding B.clippingC.blending D.suffixation12.“BBC” is formed in the way of ______.()A.acronymy B.clippingC.back-formation D.prefixation13.The types of meanings include the following EXCEPT ______.()A.grammatical meaning B.conceptual meaningC.associative meaning D.literal meaning14.By ______ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.()A.onomatopoeic B.morphologicalC.semantic D.etymological15.______ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.()A.Reference B.ConceptC.Sense D.Motivation16.Semantic field, according to the course book, is also considered an integral part of ______.()A.word formation B.word meaningC.meaning change D.Sense relations英语词汇学试卷第 2 页共9 页17.When a word is first coined, it is always ______.()A.semantic B.onomatopoeicC.monosemic D.polysemic18.The following are all synonymous pairs, but in each the second is standard in usage whereas the first is archaic, EXCEPT ______.()A.ire/anger B.rich/wealthyC.forlorn/distressed D.bliss/happiness19.Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.()A.senses B.FormsC.dialects D.Terms20.The mode of ______ is well reflected in the word “picture”, which originally denoted mere “painting”, but now has come to include “drawings” and even “photographs”()A.extension B.elevationC.narrowing D.degradation21.In the sentence “The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman.”, the word “respectable” is used in the ______ sense of transfer.()A.subjective B.objectiveC.sensational D.physical22.Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of context?()A.Elimination of ambiguity.B.Indication of referents.C.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.D.Provision of culture background for inferring word-meaning.23.The sentence “I lost Betty’s picture.” is ambiguous due to ______.()A.grammatical context B.polysemyC.antonymy D.hyponymy24.In the sentence “An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou’Wester usually brings rain.”, the meaning of “sou’wester” can be inferred from the clue of ______.()英语词汇学试卷第 3 页共9 页A.relevant details B.synonymyC.antonymy D.hyponymy25.The idiom “toss and turn” is a(n) ______ as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.()A.alliteration B.metaphorC.metonymy D.rhyme26.Which of the following is NOT one of the types of idioms?()A.Sentence idioms. B.Idioms adverbial in nature.C.Clausal idioms. D.Idioms nominal in nature.27.The following are all variations of idioms, EXCEPT ______.()A.replacement B.additionC.shortening D.repetition28.Generally speaking, a dictionary will cover the following content EXCEPT ______.()A.spelling B.syntactical usageC.pronunciation D.definition29.As a general Chinese-English dictionary, ______ is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated one()A.A Chinese-English Dictionary (1995)B.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese TranslationC.A New English-Chinese DictionaryD.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation30.Collins COBUILD English Usage (1992), is a(n) ______ dictionary.()A.unabridged B.deskC.specialized D.encyclopedicⅡ.Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B according to 1) types of transfer; 2) rhetorical features of idioms; 3) types of vocabulary by notion; and 4) the function of affixes. (10%)A B( c )31.She burst into passionate sobbing. A.juxtaposition(I )32.He drops off to sleep, the lamb. B.notional word英语词汇学试卷第 4 页共9 页(g )33.and C.transfer of sensations(h )34.the man’s coat D.abstract to concrete( a )35.here and there E.derivational affix( b )36.moon F.alliteration( f )37.rough and ready G.functional word( e )38.ex-prisoner H.inflectional affix(j )39.fair and square I.associated transfer( d )40.Helen looks a fright in that old black dress. J.rhymeⅢ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)41.When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ________ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper.42.Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ________, semantic change and borrowing.43.We might say that free morphemes are free root.44.The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called ________. 45.Semantic ________ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning ofa word.46.Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully ________ with regard to spelling and pronunciation.47.V ocabulary is the most ________ element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.48.Ambiguity often arises due to ________ and homonymy.49.Idioms consist of set ________ and short sentences.50.Monolingual dictionaries are written in ________ language.Ⅳ.Define the following terms.(10%)51.morpheme52.homonym53.connotation54.elevation55.idiom英语词汇学试卷第 5 页共9 页Ⅴ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)56.As far as growth of present-day English vocabulary is concerned, what are the three main sources of new words?57.What are the semantic features of compounds? Give an example to illustrate your point. 58.Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the characteristics of antonyms. State your reason with one example.Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate members in between.59.How do you account for the context function as indication of referents?Ⅵ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)60.Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.—“You’re not eating your fish,” a waitress said to a customer. “Anything wrong with it?”—“Long time no sea.” the customer replied.61.Analyze the three causes of meaning change within the scope of the linguistic factors, based on the given words below.(1)gold, bulb;(2)deer, beast, animals;(3)fortuitous, fruition.英语词汇学试卷第 6 页共9 页英语词汇学试卷第7 页共9 页英语词汇学试卷第8 页共9 页英语词汇学试卷第9 页共9 页。

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)1.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents,their semantic structures,relations,historical development, formation and usages。
2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学),etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicography(词典学) Chapter 1—-Basic concepts of words and vocabulary1.Word(词的定义):A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function。
(1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。
2.Sound and meaning(声音与意义):almost arbitrary,“no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”3。

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)1.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。
2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论)and lexicography(词典学) Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary1.Word(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。
2.Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”3.Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary (5)printing、standardization、dictionary—Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. 古代英语中的口语比今天更忠实的代表书面语—The written form of English is an imperfect representation of the spoken form。

lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。
Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicography(词典学)Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。
and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relat ionship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself” and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary(5)printing、standardization、dictionary—Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. 古代英语中的口语比今天更忠实的代表书面语—The written form of English is an imperfect representation of the spoken form。

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)1。
English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents,their semantic structures, relations,historical development,formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。
2.English Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学),etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论)and lexicography(词典学)Chapter 1-—Basic concepts of words and vocabulary1.Word(词的定义):A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用.2。
Sound and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary,“no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself"3.Sound and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary (5)printing、standardization、dictionary-Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today。

全国高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832Ⅰ.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket.(30%)1.According to semanticists, a word is a unit of ______.()A.meaning B.SoundC.combination of sounds D.Group2.The pronunciation has changed ______ spelling over the years.()A.more slowly than B.As quickly asC.more rapidly than D.Not so quickly as3.Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.()A.use frequency B.notionC.origin D.sound4.Rapid growth of science and technology breeds such new words as the following EXCEPT______.()A.green revolution B.fast foodC.moon walk D.space shuttle5.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new ______ to meet the new need.()A.form B.meaningC.look D.pronunciation6.Reviving archaic words also contribute to the growth of English vocabulary. For instance, in American English “fall”means ______ in British English.()A.four B.fellC.for D.autumn7.The plural morpheme “-s” is realized by /s/after the following sounds EXCEPT______.()A./t/ B./g/C./p/ D./k/8.There are ______ free morphemic words in the following: bird, man, red, collection.()A.one B.twoC.three D.four9.The following words have derivational affixes EXCEPT ______.()A.works B.prewarC.postwar D.bloody10.30% to 40% of the total number of new words in English are produced through ______.()A.compounding B.affixationC.conversion D.shortening11.The word “motel” is created by ______.()A.compounding B.clippingC.blending D.suffixation12.“BBC” is formed in the way of ______.()A.acronymy B.clippingC.back-formation D.prefixation13.The types of meanings include the following EXCEPT ______.()A.grammatical meaning B.conceptual meaningC.associative meaning D.literal meaning14.By ______ motivation, we mean that the meaning of a word is related to its origin.()A.onomatopoeic B.morphologicalC.semantic D.etymological15.______ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in thehuman mind.()A.Reference B.ConceptC.Sense D.Motivation16.Semantic field, according to the course book, is also considered an integral part of ______.()A.word formation B.word meaningC.meaning change D.Sense relations17.When a word is first coined, it is always ______.()A.semantic B.onomatopoeicC.monosemic D.polysemic18.The following are all synonymous pairs, but in each the second is standard in usage whereas the first is archaic, EXCEPT ______.()A.ire/anger B.rich/wealthyC.forlorn/distressed D.bliss/happiness19.Shakespeare is difficult to understand than contemporary writings because many of his words were used in different ______ from what they have now in dictionaries.()A.senses B.FormsC.dialects D.Terms20.The mode of ______ is well reflected in the word “picture”, which originally denoted mere “painting”, but now has come to include “drawings” and even “photographs”()A.extension B.elevationC.narrowing D.degradation21.In the sentence “The old man, though poor, is a respectable gentleman.”, the word “respectable” is used in the ______ sense of transfer.()A.subjective B.objectiveC.sensational D.physical22.Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of context?()A.Elimination of ambiguity.B.Indication of referents.C.Provision of clues for inferring word-meaning.D.Provision of culture background for inferring word-meaning.23.The sentence “I lost Betty’s picture.”is ambiguous due to ______.()A.grammatical context B.polysemyC.antonymy D.hyponymy24.In the sentence “An east or north-east wind brings cold dry weather to England, but a sou’Wester usually brings rain.”, the meaning of “sou’wester” can be inferred from the clue of ______.()A.relevant details B.synonymyC.antonymy D.hyponymy25.The idiom “toss and turn” is a(n) ______ as far as rhetorical features of idioms are concerned.()A.alliteration B.metaphorC.metonymy D.rhyme26.Which of the following is NOT one of the types of idioms?()A.Sentence idioms. B.Idioms adverbial in nature. C.Clausal idioms. D.Idioms nominal in nature.27.The following are all variations of idioms, EXCEPT ______.()A.replacement B.additionC.shortening D.repetition28.Generally speaking, a dictionary will cover the following content EXCEPT ______.()A.spelling B.syntactical usageC.pronunciation D.definition29.As a general Chinese-English dictionary, ______ is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated one()A.A Chinese-English Dictionary (1995)B.Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation C.A New English-Chinese DictionaryD.Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English with Chinese Translation 30.Collins COBUILD English Usage (1992), is a(n) ______ dictionary.()A.unabridged B.deskC.specialized D.encyclopedicⅡ.Match the words in Column A with the words in Column B according to 1) types of transfer; 2) rhetorical features of idioms; 3) types of vocabulary by notion;and 4) the function of affixes. (10%)A B( c )31.She burst into passionate sobbing. A.juxtaposition( I )32.He drops off to sleep, the lamb. B.notional word( g )33.and C.transfer of sensations ( h )34.the man’s coat D.abstract to concrete ( a )35.here and there E.derivational affix( b )36.moon F.alliteration( f )37.rough and ready G.functional word( e )38.ex-prisoner H.inflectional affix( j )39.fair and square I.associated transfer( d )40.Helen looks a fright in that old black dress. J.rhyme Ⅲ.Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.(10%)41.When we talk about a word in visual terms, a word can be defined as a ________ group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. 42.Modern English vocabulary develops through three channels: ________, semantic change and borrowing.43.We might say that free morphemes are free root.44.The formation of words by adding word-forming affixes to stems is called ________.45.Semantic ________ refers to the mental associations suggested by the conceptual meaning of a word.46.Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully ________ with regard to spelling and pronunciation.47.Vocabulary is the most ________ element of a language as it is undergoing constant changes both in form and content.48.Ambiguity often arises due to ________ and homonymy.49.Idioms consist of set ________ and short sentences.50.Monolingual dictionaries are written in ________ language.Ⅳ.Define the following terms.(10%)51.morpheme52.homonym53.connotation54.elevation55.idiomⅤ.Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)56.As far as growth of present-day English vocabulary is concerned, what are the three main sources of new words?57.What are the semantic features of compounds? Give an example to illustrate your point.58.Decide whether the following statement is true or false, based on your understanding of the characteristics of antonyms. State your reason with one example.Contrary terms are non-gradable and allow intermediate members in between. 59.How do you account for the context function as indication of referents?Ⅵ.Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%)60.Analyze the following dialogue and comment on the rhetoric use of homonym in italicized font.—“You’re not eating your fish,” a waitress said to a customer. “Anything wrong with it?”—“Long time no sea.” the customer replied.61.Analyze the three causes of meaning change within the scope of the linguistic factors, based on the given words below.(1)gold, bulb;(2)deer, beast, animals;(3)fortuitous, fruition.。

¥English Lexicology(英语词汇学)lexicology aims at investigating and studying the morphological structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantic structures, relations, historical development, formation and usages.英语词汇学旨在调查和研究英语单词和单词的等价物的形态结构,其语义结构、关系、历史发展、形成和用法。
Lexicology is correlated with such linguistic disciplines as morphology(形态学), semantics(语义学), etymology(词源学),stylistics(文体论) and lexicography(词典学)Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabulary(词的定义): A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentence词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用。
and meaning(声音与意义): almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself” and form(读音和形式):不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans,which does not have a separate letter to represent each other (2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were created by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary`(5)printing、standardization、dictionary—Old English,The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. 古代英语中的口语比今天更忠实的代表书面语—The written form of English is an imperfect representation of the spoken form。

00832⾃考英语词汇学⾃考试卷(答案全⾯)⾃考综合测验英语词汇学试卷(课程代码 00832 )⼀、选择题I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers.You are to make the best choice and write the corresponding letter A, B, C or D on the blank. (1%×30=30%) 1.Which of the following CANNOT be defined as a word? ____A. forB. fortuneC. ibleD. misfortune2.Words or forms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use are____ . A. slangB. argotC. neologismsD. archaisms3. Words like foot or dog can each be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes, e.g. footage and dogfight. This shows that the basic word stock has the characteristics of_____ . A. productivity B. polysemy C. collocability D. stability4. After the Romans, the Germanic tribes called Angles, Saxons, and Jutes came and dominated the British Isles. Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as ____English.A. oldB. NewC. MiddleD. Modern 5.Which of the following is NOT true?A. English is more closely related to German than French.B. Old English was a highly inflected language.C. Modern English is considered to be an analytic language.D. In early Middle English period, English, Latin and Celtic existed side by side.6.In the early Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known in history as ____.A. IndustrializationB. Elizabethan AgeC. RenaissanceD. Victorian Age7.Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to their position in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as ____.A. stemsB. allomorphsC. free morphemesD. bound morphemes 8.Among the following words, ____ does NOT have inflectional affixes. A. liked B. children's C. Happier D. it's9.The basic form of a word which can't be further analyzed without total loss of identity is a ____ . A. Morph B. allomorph C. root D. stem 10.The following words have number prefixes EXCEPT ____.A. BilingualB. multi-purposeC. tricycleD. post-election 11.The following words are the results from blending EXCEPT ____ . A. Bicycle B. motel C. smog D. hamburger12.The process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms is called ____.A. PrefixationB. acronymyC. blendingD. conversion13.The ____of an expression is its place in a system of semantic relationship with other expressions in the language. A. Reference B. concept C. sense D. motivation 14.Which of the following statements is NOT true? A. Collocation can affect the meaning of words.B. Motivation explains why a particular form has a particular meaning.C. By etymological motivation, we mean that the meaning of a particular word is related to its origin.D. The connotative meaning is also known as connotations, which are generallyfound in the dictionary.15.In the phrase "the tongues of fire", the word tongues is ____motivated.A. OnomatopoeicallyB. morphologicallyC. semanticallyD. etymologically16.Words like dear that means a loved person and deer that means a kind of animal are called ____. A. Synonyms B. homographs C. homophones D. antonyms 17.Which of the following deals with the relationship of semantic opposition? A. Synonymy. B. Antonymy. C. Polysemy. D. Hyponymy.18.Which of the following groups of words shows difference of synonyms in connotation? A. increase-expand B. unlike-dissimilar C. work-toil D. empty-vacant19. The word disease once meant discomfort, but now means illness. This is an example of ____of word-meaning. A. generalization B. degradation C. elevation D. specialization20. The word silly used to mean happy, but now means foolish. This serves as an example of ____of word-meaning. A. Extension B. narrowing C. elevation D. degradation21. The associated transfer of meaning is often due to ____factors, as is shown in such words as angel, martyr and paradise, whose meanings are elevated because of the influence of Christianity. A. Class B. scientific C. historical D. psychological22.Grammatical context refers to the context where the meanings of a word may be influenced by the ____in which it occurs.A. meaning groupB. structureC. conversationD. culture23.That trade union means differently in western countries and in China shows that ____context has some effect on the meaning of words.A. GrammaticalB. lexicalC. linguisticD. extra-linguistic 24. Ambiguity of ten arises due to ___, as is shown in the sentence “He is a hard business”. A. PolysemyB. SynonymyC. antonymyD. homonomy25.The idiom Jack of all trades means the same as Jack of all trades and master of none. This example shows idioms may vary by means of ____.A. shorteningB. additionC. replacementD. position-shifting26.The noun phrase pepper and salt in "His hair is pepper and salt" functions as an idiom ____ in nature. A. Nominal B. verbal C. adverbial D. adjectival27. The rhetorical feature of idioms, ____, is used in such idioms as "chop and change", "bag and baggage". A. Rhyme B. alliteration C. reiteration D. juxtaposition28. Dictionaries that are medium-sized ones containing words ranging from 50,000 to 150,000 are ____. A. unabridged dictionaries B. desk dictionaries C. pocket dictionaries D. specialized dictionaries29.The definitions in ____are all in full sentences and the definition itself throws light on the grammatical use of the word in question.A. Collins COBUILD English Language Dictionary (1987)B. Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, New Edition (1987)C. Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary, 3rd Edition (1980)D. Webster's New World Dictionary, 2rd Collage Edition (1980)30.One can only find the English equivalents for its Chinese items such as 黄梁美梦,吃软不吃硬in ____. A. CCELD B.CEDC.LDCED.NECD 第⼆部分⾮选择题Ⅱ. Complete the following statements with proper words according to the course book. You are to fill each blank with ONE appropriate word on the blank. (1.5%×10=15%)31.A word is a ________ that stands for something else in the world, and there is no logical relationship between the sound and the meaning.32.The introduction of ________into England marked the beginning of Modern English period. 33.The morpheme is the________functioning unit in the composition of words.34.To shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead is called ________. 35.________, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.36.A ________field is a meaning area where words share the same concept.年级班级准考证号姓名37. Extension of meaning is found in many ________terms, as is shown in the word feedback, which originally is a term in computer science, but now is generalized to mean "response".38. The word paper has a number of meanings in the dictionary, but it means differently in "a white pap er" and "today’s paper". This example shows that ________ context affects the meaning of word.39. Many idioms are grammatically _________, as is shown in the idiom "diamond cut diamond", which is grammatically incorrect.40.The main body of a dictionary is its ________ of words.Ⅲ.Define the following terms in the blank space. (3%×5=15%)41.semantic change42.affixation43.concatenation44. context (in a broad sense)45. sentence idiomsⅣ.Answer the following questions in the blank space. Your answers should be clear and short. (5%×4=20%)46.What is the difference between a free root and a bound root?47.Give the acronyms of the following phrases:1) V oice of America ____2) unidentified flying object ____3) teaching English as a foreign language ____4) Victory Day ____5) tuberculosis ____48.How do you understand the statement "true synonymy is non-existent"?49.Explain how context clues are used in the sentence "Perhaps the most startling theory to come out of kinesics, the study of body movement, was suggested by Professor Bird Whistell".V.Analyze and comment on the following on the ANSWER SHEET. (10%×2=20%)50. Use the following groups of phrases to illustrate the definition and the overlapping feature of collocative meaning.a) pretty girl, pretty flower, handsome boy, handsome carb) pretty woman, handsome woman51. Comment on the following two groups to illustrate the use of antonyms.(a) give and take, high and low(b) More haste, less speed./Easy come, easy go.答案:。

全国2012年7月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%)1. Words can be classified into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______.( )A. use frequencyB. notionC. originD. grammar2. In formal use, “pot” means “cooking utensil”. Whereas, when it means “marijuana”, it is a ______. ( )A. jargonB. terminologyC. slangD. argot3. Translation-loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modelled on the patterns taken from another language. For example, the English expression “long time no see” is from ______. ( )A. LatinB. ChineseC. GreekD. French4. The Germanic family consists of the four Northern European Languages: Norwegian, Icelandic, Danish andSwedish, which are generally known as ______ languages. ( )A. HellenicB. AlbanianC. CelticD. Scandinavian页脚内容15. Which of the following is NOT the main source of new words? ( )A. The rapid development of modern science and technology.B. Social, economic and political changes.C. Environmental protection.D. The influence of other cultures and languages.6. Which of the following statements is NOT true? ( )A. In modern times,borrowing brings less than ten percent of modern English vocabulary.B. Old English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.C. The most important mode of vocabulary development in present-day English is creation of new words by means of word-formation.D. In early Middle English period,English,Latin,and Celtic existed side by side.7. There are ______ free morphemic words in the following words:worker, car, impossible,anger, politely. ( )A. 2B. 3C. 4D. 58. There is/are ______ stem(s)in the word“internationalists”( )A 1 B. 2页脚内容2C. 3D. 49. The past tense marker“-ed”is pronounced as/t/in the following words EXCEPT ______.( ) A. enabled B. workedC. jumpedD. helped10. The most productive ways of word-formation in modern English are the following EXCEPT ______.( )A. affixationB. compoundingC. conversionD. blending11. The formation of new words by joining two or more stems is called ______. ( )A. clippingB. compoundingC. acronymyD. back-formation12. The word “pop” belongs to ______ clipping. ( )A. frontB. backC. front and backD. phrase13. The ______ meaning of words usually shows the attitude of approval of the speaker. ( )A. affectiveB. appreciative页脚内容3C. pejorativeD. connotative14. Which of the following is NOT one of the associative meaning of a word? ( )A. Grammatical meaning.B. Stylistic meaning.C. Collocative meaning.D. Connotative meaning.15. ______ motivation explains the connection between the literal sense and figurative sense of theword.( )A. MorphologicalB. OnomatopoeicC. SemanticD. Etymological16. Antonyms are classified on the basis of ______ opposition. ( )A. semanticB. euphemisticC. idiomaticD. grammatical17. Lion,elephant,tiger, turtle,sheep and snake are ______ of animal. ( )A. hyponymsB. synonymsC. collocationD. denomination18. As far as denotation is concerned,relative synonyms may differ ______.( )A. in the diachronic approachB. in the stylistic and emotive colouring of words页脚内容4C. in usage in simple termsD. in the range and intensity of meaning19. Borrowing has caused word-meaning changes,as indicated in“______ formerly meant animal,and lateranimal from Latin and beast from French found their way into English ______.”( )A. deerB. cattleC. sheepD. bird20. There are generally two major factors that cause changes in meaning,extra-linguistic factors and ______factors within the language system. ( )A. functionalB. externalC. meaningfulD. internal21. ______ is a process by which a word of wider meaning acquires a specialized sense. For example,theoriginal meaning of the word“meat”was food and the modern meaning is edible flesh. ( )A. ConversionB. ElevatingC. NarrowingD. Formation22. Which of the following is NOT a context clue? ( )A. Relevant details.B. Sentence structure.C. Synonymy.D. Antonymy.23. The sentence “I like Mary be tt er than John’’ is ambiguous due to ______. ( )页脚内容5A. grammatical contextB. polysemyC. antonymyD. hyponymy24. In the sentence“Copernicus believed in a heliocentric universe,rather than in the geocentric theory”,themeaning of heliocentric call be inferred from the clue of ______.( )A. relevant detailsB. word structureC. antonymyD. hyponymy25. “Tooth and nail” is all idiom ______ in nature. ( )A. verbalB. nominalC. adjectivalD. adverbial26. Which of the following rhetorical features c an be seen in the idiom “wear and tear”? ( )A. Rhyme.B. Alliteration.C. Juxtaposition.D. Synecdoche.27. The idiom “play fair” was created probably by______. ( )A. seamenB. housewivesC. sportsmenD. hunters28. Encyclopaedic dictionaries can be further divided into encyclopaedia and ______页脚内容6dictionaries. ( )A. 1inguisticB. encyclopaedicC. specializedD. unabridged29. LDCE is distinctive for the following features EXCEPT ______. ( )A. clear grammar codesB. usage notesC. 1anguage notesD. extra column30. Which of the following is NOT true for a Chinese-English Dictionary (revised Edition) (CED) (1995)? ( )A. It is a bilingual dictionary.B. It is the most complete and up-to-date, most elaborately treated.C. It cuts off the previous alphabetical order of entries.D. It boasts of the quality of the English equivalents it provides for its Chinese items.Ⅱ. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15%)31. Content words are changing all the time whereas functional words are ______.32. If we say that Old English was a language of full endings, Middle English was one of ______ endings.33. Derivational affixes can be further divided into prefixes and ______.页脚内容734. “Motel” is a word formed through ______.35. Words like “bang, pingpong, miaow” are examples of ______ motivation.36. Contradictory terms do not show ______, as far as antonyms are concerned.37. Increased scientific knowledge and discovery are also important factors that account for thechange of word ______.38. Based on the ______ context, we can determine the meaning of “Sarcasm doesn’t become you” as “Sarcasmdoesn’t suit you”.39. “Sing a different tune” is an idiom ______ in nature.40. British dictionaries gene rally use International Phonetic Alphabet to mark the ______.Ⅲ. Define the following terms. (15%)41. creation42. conversion43. homonymy44. lexical context45. deletion of idiomsⅣ. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space页脚内容8given below. (20%)46. Please illustrate the logical relationships of the following terms: free morphemes, bound root, derivationalaffixes, affixes, morphemes, inflectional affixes, bound morphemes.47. Prefixation and suffixation are two subclasses of affixation. Please define prefixation and suffixation and explainthe difference between them. Use “polite—impolite”, “happy—happiness” to illustrate your point.48. What are the four main sources of English synonyms?49. What are contextual clues? Guess the meaning of the words underlined in the following sentences and tellwhat contextual clues have helped you in arriving at the meaning.(a) Their greatest fear was of a conflagration, since fire would destroy their flimsy wooden settlement beforehelp could arrive.(b) As the fighting on all fronts reached its peak, the economy neared its nadir.V. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below.(20%) 50. Comment on the following groups of words to illustrate types of meaning of words and their relationship. Group 1: “took, taught, became”Group 2: “have, has, had, had, having”页脚内容951. Analyze and comment on three adjectives used in the following sentences based on synonym difference inconnotation.[A] Look at that little boy.[B] Look at that small boy.[C] Look at that tiny boy.页脚内容10。

全国2012年7月高等教育自学考试英语词汇学试题课程代码:00832I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers。
Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket。
Words can be classified into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by ______。
() A. use frequency B。
origin D。
grammar2. In formal use,“pot” means “cooking utensil". Whereas,when it means “marijuana”,it is a______。
( )A。
jargon B. terminologyC。
slang D。
Translation-loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modelled on the patterns taken from another language. For example, the English expression “long time no see" is from ______。
( )A。
Latin B。
Greek D. French4。
The Germanic family consists of the four Northern European Languages:Norwegian, Icelandic,Danish and Swedish,which are generally known as ______languages。
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2012年4月全国自考《英语词汇学:00832》试题和答案全国2012年4月高等教育自学考试《英语词汇学》试题和答案课程代码:00832I. Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that best completes the statement and put the letter in the bracket. (30%) 1. Words of the basic word stock denote the most common things and phenomena of the world around us. Which of the following words is related to the natural phenomena?A. FatherB. FireC. EvilD. Old2. The differences between sound and form are due to the following EXCEPT .A. the fact of more phonemes than letters in EnglishB. stabilization of spelling by printingC. influence of the work of scribesD. innovations made by linguists3. There are functional words in the following sentence: It is fun to play with children.A. 3B. 4C. 5D. 64. The surviving language fall into eight principal groups. Blato-Slavic, Indo-Iranian, Armenian and Albanian belong to the-------- set.A. EasternB. SouthernC. WesternD. Northern5. With the growth of------, British tentacles began stretching out to every corner of the globe, thus enabling English to absorb words from all major language of the world.A. civilizationB. revolutionC. colonizationD. industrialization6. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. English is more closely related to German than FrenchB. Scandinavian languages refer to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.C. Old English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from latin and Scandinavian.D. Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings.7. The word “ recollection” comprises----------- morphem s(s)A. 1B. 2C. 3D. 48. The following words have inflectional affixes EXCEPT---------------A. happierB. workerC. harderD. taller9. Which of the following words is a root?A. InternationalB. NationC. NationalD. Internationalists10. The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on----------A. borrowingB. sematic changeC. word-formationD. reviving archaic words11. The word” brainstorming” belongs to------------A. adjective compoundsB. noun compoundsC. verb compoundsD. adverb compounds12. ---------- does not generally change the word-class of the stem but only modifies its meaning.A. PrefixationB. SuffixationC. AffixationD. Derivation13. A word is the combination of form and ---------.A. spellingB. pronunciationC. meaningD. sound14. ------------ is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objective world in the human mind.A. ReferenceB. ConceptC. SenseD. Motivation15. The meaning given in the dictionary and forming the core of word-meaning is-------.A. grammatical meaningB. lexical meaningC. conceptual meaningD. associative meaning16. The opposite of semantic elevation in meaning change is called-----------A. derivationB. deteriorationC. purificationD. pejoration17. One of the interesting features about a language is that there are a great many more----------than--------- in it.A. hyponyms… homonymsB. homonyms…. hyponymsC. synonyms… antonymsD. antonyms……… synonyms18. Relative synonyms also called----------- are similar or nearly the same in denotation, but embrace different degree of a given quality.A. close- synonymsB. respondent- synonymsC. near- synonymsD. dependent- synonyms19. Angel, martyr and paradise have their meaning---------- because of the influence of Christianity.A. elevatedB. degradedC. narrowedD. extended20. Word- meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation and --------A. senseB. referenceC. associationD. transfer21. The well- known semanticist Ullmann notes, “ language is more----than civilization, material as well as moral.”A. creative B conservativeC. radicalD. constructive22. Which of the following is NOT one of the types of context?A. Linguistic contextB. Non- linguistic contextC. Extra- linguistic context C. Intra- linguistic context23. Which of the following may NOT lead to ambiguity?A. Grammatical structureB. PolysemyC. AntonymyD. Hyponymy24. Which of the following is NOT true about linguistic context?A. It can be subdivided into grammatical context and lexical contextB. It embraces the people, time and placeC. It refers to the words, clauses, sentence in which a word appearsD. It may cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book25. The idiom” live by one’ s pen” is a ------------- as far as figures of speech are concerned.A. simileB. metaphorC. metonymyD. personification26.” Cut and dried” is an idiom------ in nature.A. verbalB. nominalC. adjectivalD. adverbial27. The change of idiom” A round peg in the squarest of holes” from the original form is---------.A. dismemberingB. position- shiftingC. additionD. shortening28. According to the textbook , the best-known unabridged dictionary is-----------.A. The Word Book DictionaryB. The Encyclopedia AmericanaC. Webster’s New World DictionaryD. Webster’s Third New International Dictionary29. Which of the following dictionaries is NOT a bilingual dictionary?A Oxford Advanced Learner’ s Dictionary of Current English with Chinese Translation.B. A New English- Chinese Dictionary.C. Longman Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs.D. A Chinese- English Dictionary(1995).30. Which of the following is true about an American Dictionary?A. It is always better than a British dictionary.B. It contains more encyclopedic information in the main body.C. One can never expect to find British usages in it.D. It includes more grammatical information.II. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book. (15 % )31. A world is a-------form of a language that has a given sound and syntactic function.32. In the Middle English period, the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of----------Words into English.33. The basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed without total loss of identity is a called a -----------.34. The method of creation words by removing the supposed suffixes is called-------------.35. Words such as “ vicious, tyrant, determined, famous, notorious” usuallyindicate the speaker’s attitude towards the person or thing in question. They have---------- meaning in themselves.36. A word which is related to other words is related to them in----------.37. Car which used to be a “ two- wheel cart drawn by horses and used in------------- “ has taken on the meaning “ automobile” with the development of modern car industry.38. In the sentence “ Copernicus believed in a heliocentric universe, rather than in the geocentric theory. “ , the word “ heliocentric “ is explained by the clue of ------------ structure.39. Due to structural ---------- of idioms, the word order of the idiom “ by twos and threes” cannot be turned into “ by threes and twos”.40. Against the traditional practice of lexicography, --------- creates an extra column arranged alongside the definitions.III. Define the following terms. (15%)41. archaisms42. stem43. grammatical meaning44.amelioration45. rhetoric characteristics of idiomsIV. Answer the following questions. Your answers should be clear and short. Write your answers in the space given below. (20 % )46. What are the three periods in view of the development of English vocabulary?47. What is the difference between partial and full conversion? Explain them with examples.48. The word “ happy” has two different types of antonyms at the same time, one being negative and the other opposite. What are they?49. Can you determine the meanings of the following sentences? Explain and make some alterations in the context so as to pin down the meaning.(a) The fish is ready to eat.(b) I like Mary better than Jean.V. Analyze and comment on the following. Write your answers in the space given below. (20 % )50. Comment on the following groups of words to illustrate semantic features and grammatical features of compounds.Group 1 : ” a green hand”, “ flowerpot”Group 2: “ bad- mouth”, “ new- borns”51. Analyze and comment on the following sentences based on the concept that antonyms differ in semantic inclusion.[ A ] How tall is his sister?[ B ] How short is his sister?2012年4月全国自考英语词汇学答案一01-05:B D A A C06-10:D C B B C11-15:B A C B C16-20:D C C A D21-25:B D C B C26-30:C A D C C B二31 minimal free 32 French 33 root 34 back- formation 35 affective36 sense 37 war 38 word 39 stability 40 CCELD三41 Archaisms are words or forms that were once in common use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use.42 A stem can be defined as a from to which affixes of any kind can be added.43 Grammatical meaning refers to that part of the meaning of the word which indicates grammatical concept or relationships such as part of speech of words, singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms.44 Elevation or amelioration refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to positions of importance.45 Apart from the stylistic features, idioms manifest apparent rhetorical colouring in such respects as of phonetic manipulation, lexical manipulation and figures of speech.四46 The three periods of the development of English are 1) Old English, which is the language used between 450and 1150 and which has a vocabulary of 50000-60000 words; 2) Middle English, which refers to the language spoken from 1150-1500;3) Modern English, which is divided by early modern English(1500-1700) and late modern English (1700 up to now).47 When adjectives are concerted into the nouns, some are completely changed,thus known as full conversion, and other are partially changed, thus known as partial conversion. Adjective which are fully converted can achieve a full noun status, e.g. , having all the characteristics of nouns,, that is , they can take” a/an” or “-s/-es” to indicate singular or plural forms: a native, a Republican, a pair of shoes, finals. Adjectives which are partially converted can still keep adjective features. They should always be used with” the”, and they cannot take”-s/-es” to show plural forms. Moreover, the words can have comparative or superlative degrees: the poorer, the poorer, the young, the very unfortunate.48 Of the two antonyms of the word “ happy”, the negative one is “ unhappy”, the opposite one is “ sad”.49 Yes. On a grammatical basis, both sentence can have two interpretations. The first sentence may mean “ The fish is cooked or served, so ready for people to eat” or “The fish is ready to eat things”. However, in the context of” What a nice smell! The fish is ready to eat “,”fish” definitely means the former. To achieve clarity, we can say “ The fish is ready to be eaten”. The second sentence can be regarded as an elliptical one, which gives rise to ambiguity:” I like Marry better than I like Jean” or “I like Mary better than Jean like Mary”. To achieve clarity , we can either say “ I like Mary better than Jean dose” or “ I like Mary better than I do Jean” or “ I like Mary better as Jean is untidy”, etc.五Compounds are different from free phrases in semantic unity. Every compound should express a single idea just as one word. For instance,” a green hand” is an” inexperienced person”, not a hand that is green in colour. The meaning of such example cannot be easily inferred from the two components of the compound. Nevertheless, a lot of compounds are transparent, that is, the meaning can inferred from the separate elements of compound. The compound ” flowerpot” can be an example. But the two elements are inseparable and the change of element will result in the loss of original identity.A compound tends to play a single grammatical role in a sentence, for example, a verb, a noun, or an adjective. “ Bad-mouth” used as a verb can take the third person singular”-s” and the past tense marker”-ed”,e.g., “He bad-mouthed me.” Compounds can show their plural forms by takinginflectional”-s” at the end,e.g., “ new-borns”. Of course, there are exceptions such as brothers-in-law, lookers-on. In spite of this their single grammatical role is apparent.51 Pairs of antonyms are seen as marked and unmarked terms respectively. In many pairs, we find that one member is more specific than the other and themeaning of the specific is included in that of the general. So far as the meaning is concerned, sentence A includes the meaning of B. The use of “ tall” does not exclude the possibility of “ his sister being very short”. But sentence B is much more restricted in sense and is considered semantically abnormal unless the speaker is particularly interested in how short his sister is.。