H009 AHKC-BS系列20A-500A闭口式霍尔电流传感器参数说明书V1.0
CTB系列 高精度电流探头说明书
深圳市知用电子有限公司AC/DC 高精度电流探头CTB500(500A/100kHz) CTB1000(1000A/20kHz)深圳市知用电子有限公司CY BE R TE K前 言首先,感谢您购买该产品。
◆ 请在相对于电路电压具有适当绝缘性的绝缘电线位置上进行测量。
◆ 机器潮湿,或用湿手测定的话,会发生触电事故,请注意。
◆ 最大测量电流因频率而异,作为降低额定值的措施,限制可连续测量的电流。
BE R TE K◆ 请勿使钳口顶端部分夹入异物,否则可能会导致传感器特性降低或者开关动作不良。
◆ 在切断连接仪器电源的情况下,请勿向本设备输入电流,否则可能会导致本仪器损坏。
◆ 为了不损坏电线的外皮,请不要踩踏或者夹住电线。
◆ 请勿在打开钳口部分的状态下触摸芯体部分,如果芯体部分静电放电,则可能会损坏本设备。
◆ 不使用时请关闭钳口,如果长期打开,钳口接触面会附着灰尘,可能会造成测量误差。
◆ 要拔出输出连接器时,请务必在解除锁定后拔出,如果强行拔拉电线,则会造成连接器损坏。
◆ 在0℃以下的环境下使用,电缆会变硬。
自动检测技术及应用ppt课件第8章 霍尔传感器
若控制电流值固定,则: VH=KBB
KB——磁场灵敏度,通常以额定电流为标准。磁场灵敏 度等于霍耳元件通以额定电流时每单位磁感应强度对应 的霍耳电势值。常用于磁场测量等情况。 若磁场值固定,则:
KI——电流灵敏度,电流灵敏度等于霍耳元件在单位磁 感应强度下电流对应的霍耳电势值。
VH/mV 80 60
λ=∞ λ=7.0 λ=3.0 λ=1.5
理论值 实际值
40 20
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 B/T 0.8 1.0
6、温度特性:指霍耳电势或灵敏度的温度特性,以及 输入阻抗和输出阻抗的温度特性。它们可归结为霍耳 系数和电阻率(或电导率)与温度的关系。 双重影响:元件电阻,采用恒流供电;载流子迁移率, 影响灵敏度。二者相反。
霍耳开关集成传感器的技术参数: 工作电压 、磁感应强度、输出截止电压、 输出导通电流、工作温度、工作点。
磁场与传感器输出电平 的关系。当外加磁感强 度高于BOP时,输出电 平由高变低,传感器处 于开状态。当外加磁感 强度低于BRP时,输出 电平由低变高,传感器 处于关状态。
5.4 2.7
+-M G
+G M G
霍尔传感器样本手册——安科瑞 华楠
1.霍尔传感器霍尔电流传感器主要适用于交流、直流、脉冲等复杂信号的隔离转换,通过霍尔效应原理使变换后的信号能够直接被AD 、DSP 、PLC 、二次仪表等各种采集装置直接采集,广泛应用于电流监控及电池应用、逆变电源及太阳能电源管理系统、直流屏及直流马达驱动、电镀、焊接应用、变频器,UPS 伺服控制等系统电流信号采集和反馈控制,具有响应时间快,电流测量范围宽精度高,过载能力强,线性好,抗干扰能力强等优点。
1.1开环霍尔电流传感器1.1.1型号说明1.1.2技术指标技术参数指标霍尔开口式/闭口式开环霍尔(真有效值)输出标称值电压:±5V/±4V 电流:4~20mA 零点失调电压(电流)电压:±20mV电流:±0.05mA失调电压(电流)漂移电压:≤±1.0mV/℃电流:±0.04mA/℃线性度≤0.2%FS电源电压DC ±15V DC 24V频宽0~20kHz 响应时间≤5us≤1ms耐压强度输入与输出及电源之间允许AC2500V 工频耐压精度等级1.0环境温度工作:-25℃~+70℃;储存:-40℃~+85℃湿度≤95%RH,不结露,无腐蚀性气体场所海拔≤3500m注:开口式、闭口式为传感器产品外观不同,原理都为开环原理。
1.1.3开口式开环霍尔电流传感器1.1.3.1规格尺寸(单位:mm)图1图21.1.3.2规格参数对照表型号额定电流供电电源额定输出测量孔径(mm)准确度AHKC-EKA 0~(50-500)A ±15V 5V /4V φ201级AHKC-EKAADC 0~(50-500)A12V/24V4~20mAφ201级尺寸规格外形尺寸穿孔尺寸安装尺寸图形W H D a e ΦM N AHKC-EKA 606416//2047/图1AHKC-EKAA 606416//2047/图1AHKC-EKDA 606416//2047/图1AHKC-EKB 10010224//4080/图1AHKC-EKBA 10010224//4080/图1AHKC-EKBDA 10010224//4080/图1AHKC-EKC 11511027//6095.5/图1AHKC-EKCA 11511027//6095.5/图1AHKC-EKCDA 11511027//6095.5/图1AHKC-K 12763256416//30图2AHKC-KAA 12763256416//30图2AHKC-KDA 12763256416//30图2AHKC-H 14979258232//46图2AHKC-KA 17695.52910436//60图2AHKC-HB 204111.52913252//48×2图2AHKC-HBAA 204111.52913252//48×2图2AHKC-HBDA204111.52913252//48×2图2AHKC-EKDA AC 0~(50-500)A 12V/24V 4~20mA φ201级AHKC-EKB 0~(200-1000)A±15V 5V /4V φ401级AHKC-EKBADC 0~(200-1000)A 12V/24V4~20mAφ401级AHKC-EKBDA AC 0~(200~1000)A 12V/24V 4~20mA φ401级AHKC-EKC 0~(500-1500)A±15V 5V /4V φ551级AHKC-EKCADC 0~(500-1500)A 12V/24V4~20mAφ551级AHKC-EKCDA AC 0~(500-1500)A 12V/24V 4~20mA φ551级AHKC-K 0~(400-2000)A±15V 5V /4V 64×161级AHKC-KAA DC 0~(400-2000)A 12V/24V4~20mA64×161级AHKC-KDAAC 0~(400-2000)A12V/24V 4~20mA 64×161级AHKC-H 0~(500-3000)A ±15V 5V /4V 82×321级AHKC-KA 0~(500-5000)A±15V 5V /4V 104×361级AHKC-HB0~(2000-20000)A±15V5V /4V132×521级AHKC-HBAA DC 0~(2000-20000)A12V/24V 4~20mA 132×521级AHKC-HBDA AC 0~(2000-20000)A12V/24V 4~20mA 132×521级注:额定电流未标注表示输入电流交直流均可测量,订货时请注明。
霍尔电流传感器原理图模块名称:闭环霍尔电流传感器模块参数:测量频率: 0~100KHz测量范围: 1A~40,000A精度: 0.2%~1%相应时间: <1uS线性度: 0.1%无测量插入损耗测量AC,DC及脉冲电流原边电流与副边输出信号高度隔离模块原理图:工作原理:被测电流In流过导体产生的磁场,由通过霍尔元件输出信号控制的补偿电流Im流过次级线圈产生的磁场补偿,当原边与副边的磁场到达平衡时,其补偿电流Im即可准确反映原边电流In值。
信息, 对于用户由于未遵守下列条款而造成的 人身安全和财产损失, 本公司仪器将不承担任 何责任。
仪器接地 不可在爆炸性气体 环境使用仪器
为防止电击危险,请连接好电源地线。 不可在易燃易爆气体、 蒸汽或多灰尘的环境下 使用仪器。 在此类环境使用任何电子设备, 都 是对人身安全的冒险。 非专业维护人员不可打开仪器外壳, 以试图维 修仪器。 仪器在关机后一段时间内仍存在未释 放干净的电荷,这可能对人身造成电击危险。
8.SCPI 命令参考................................................................................ 26
8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 8.8 8.9 8.10 8.11 8.12 8.13 命令串解析 ............................................................................................................................. 26 命令和参数 ............................................................................................................................. 27 命令参考 ................................................................................................................................. 29 DISPLAY 显示子系统 ............................................................................................................... 29 FUNCTION 子系统 .................................................................................................................... 30 COMPARATOR 子系统 .............................................................................................................. 31 TRIGGER 子系统....................................................................................................................... 33 FETCH? 子系统 ........................................................................................................................ 34 CORRECTION 子系统 ................................................................................................................. 34 SYSTEM 子系统 ........................................................................................................................ 34 IDN? 子系统............................................................................................................................ 35 ERROR 子系统 ......................................................................................................................... 35 SAV 子系统 ............................................................................................................................. 35
直流漏电流传感器-霍尔电流传感器 产品说明书
技术指标直流漏电流传感器辅助电源±15V(±13V~±17V)响应时间≤300mS失调电压40mV准确级1级工作温度-25~70℃温度系数400ppm输出负载≥10k输入过载能力输入量程最大值10倍/3S;输入量程最大值3倍/2h工作电流≤15mA耐压 2.5kV执行标准JB/T11205-2011直流漏电流传感器外观结构及选型说明:霍尔(闭环)电流传感器根据外形分为三种类型:AHLC-LTA、AHLC-EA、AHLC-EB,外观如下:直流漏电流传感器安装方式环境要求:1、工作场所:无雨雪直接侵袭、无腐蚀性气体和剧烈震动的场所;2、工作环境温度:-25℃~+70℃;贮存环境温度:-40℃~+80℃;3、工作环境相对湿度:<95%RH,不结露;4、海拔高度:≤2000m;5、采用螺丝固定安装;6、接线端子采用绿色可插拔端子范例型号:AHLC-LTA辅助电源:DC ±15V输入:200mA输出:5V作者简介:戴金花,女,本科,江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司,主要研究方向为电量传感器设计,Email:2880157871@ 手机:188********QQ:2880157871分类AHLC-LTAAHLC-EA AHLC-EB输入信号1010~~1000mA 1010~~1000mA 1010~~1000mA 输出信号5V 5V 5V。
要注意单相供电的传感器,其供电电压vamin 是双相供电电压vamin的2倍,所以其测量范围要相供高于双电的传感器。
C O N T E N T SATR 0, 1 & 2 SeriesTrue RMSAC Current Transducers2–3AT 0, 1 & 2 SeriesAC Current Transducers4–5ATR 3 & 4 SeriesHigh Current Transducers6–7DT 1, 2, 3 & 4 SeriesDC Current Transducers8–9AS1 Series Current Operated Switches 10–11ASM Series Self CalibratingCurrent Switches12–13AS3 Series Current Operated Switches 14–15AS3M Series Multi-poleCurrent Operated Switches16AG 1, 2 & 3 SeriesGround Fault Sensors17–19DS3 Series DC Current Switches 20–21Accessories s PBR SeriesPowerBASE™ Relays 22s Power Supply23s DIN Universal Rail Clips 23s Instrument Tags23For expert technical help, contact your localAuthorized Representative or Authorized Distributork now your power . . .because with knowledge comes control.PAGEContact us for:s Product Guide s Application Guides Power Transducers, CTs and PTs s Current Transducers and Transmitters s Current Switches sCurrent Fault SensorsDo you have other needs?Industrial Current SensorsA pplicationsVFD Controlled LoadsVFD output indicates how the motor and attached load are operating.SCR Controlled LoadsAccurate measurement of phase angle fired or burst fired (time proportioned)SCRs. Current measurement gives faster response than temperature measurement.Switching Power Supplies and Electronic BallastsTrue RMS sensing is the most accurate way to measure power supply or ballastF eaturessTrue RMS OutputTrue RMS technology is accurate on distorted waveforms like VFD or SCR outputs.s Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.s Isolation— Output is magnetically isolated from the input for safety.— Eliminates insertion loss (voltage drop).s UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.L I N ETrue RMS AC Current TransducersSelecting the right transducer:VFD and SCR output waveforms are rough approximations of a sine wave.There are numerous spikes and dips in each cycle. ATR transducers use a mathematical algorithm called “True RMS,” which integrates the actual waveform over time. The output is the amperage component of the true power (heating value) of the AC currentwaveform. True RMS is the only way toaccurately measure distorted ACwaveforms. Select ATR transducers for nonlinear loads or in “noisy” power environments.The current waveform of a typical linear load is a pure sine wave. AT transducers measure the peaks of these sine waves,then calculate the average amperage.This works well on constant speed linear loads in a “clean” powerenvironment. Select AT transducers for strictly linear loads on “clean” power.‘ATR’ transducers from NK Technologies combine a currenttransformer and a True RMS signal conditioner into a single package.The ATR Series provides True RMS output on distorted waveforms found on VFD or SCR outputs and on linear loads in “noisy” power environments. Available in a solid or split core case.Instrument Tags allow users to individually identify each NK Technologies sensor in their system. IT Tags are permanent and non conductive. Traditional stamped stainless steel tags present a safety hazard and are not recommended for electrical sensors. Please provide a list of tag numbers with your Purchase Order.Dimensions 0.5" x 1.125"Characters2 lines of 18 characters (8 point).Spaces and dashes count as characters.Power SupplyS pecificationsInput 85–264VAC, 47-400Hz DC Output 24VDC, 25W (1.05A)DC Regulation +/–0.2% (0.048VDC)Dimensions 5.1" x 3.85" x 1.5", 1.5 lb.(13 x 9.8 x 3.8 cm, 700 gm)Environmental 14 to 140°F (–10 to +60°C), 20–90% RH PS series switching power supplies provide highlyregulated 24VDC for NK Technologiestransmitters and switches.Sensor and DIN rail not included in DIN-2 kit.ATR SeriesAccessoriesA pplicationsTotal Loop Impedance (Ohms)Notes:s Pressure plate screw terminals.s 12–22 AWG solid or stranded.s Field adjustable setpoint.Example: DS1-SDT-24UDS current switch, low range with SPDT relay contacts and 24VAC/DC power supply.O rdering InformationPower Supply Isolated Relay Output Isolated Solid State Output 34–20, 10–50 and 15–100A, Jumper Select C Custom (consult factory)SDT SPDT Relay (Form C)NOU Solid State N.O. AC/DC DS24U +24VAC/DC0%utput Operation‘AT’ Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine a current transformer and signal conditioner into a singlepackage. The AT Series has jumper selected currentinput ranges and industry standard4–20mA, 0–5VDC or 0-10VDC outputs. The AT Series is designed for application on ‘linear’ or sinusoidal AC loads.Available in a split core case or two types of solid core cases.A pplicationsAutomation SystemsAnalog current reading for remote monitoring and software alarms.Data LoggersSelf-powered transducer does not drain data logger batteries.Panel MetersSimple connection displays power consumption.L I N EAC Current TransducersAT SeriesAT Current TransducersF eaturessAccurateFactory matched and calibrated single piece transducer is more accurate than traditional two-piece field installed solutions.s Average Responding“Average Responding” algorithm gives a RMS output on pure sine waves. Perfect for constant speed (linear) loads.s Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.s Isolation— Output is magnetically isolated from the input for safety.— Eliminates insertion loss (voltage drop).s UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.I nput RangesMAXIMUM Model Range Continuous 6 Sec. 1 Sec. AT02A80A 60A 100A 5A100A 124A 250A AT110A80A 125A 250A 20A 110A 150A 300A 50A175A 215A 400A AT2100A200A 300A 600A 150A 300A 450A 800A 200A400A500A 1,000A1m Ω Recommended 100k Ω AcceptableC AC Current TransducersA pplicationsElectric Heating ElementsInstant indication of heater status.Power SuppliesSignals over-current before equipment fails.Machine OperationInstant status of motors, lamps and other loads.Telecom SitesMonitors battery output.‘DS3’ Current Switches from NK Technologies Hall effect sensor, signal conditioner and a limit alarm into a single package. The DS3 Series has three jumper selected current input ranges and frequency response from DC to 400Hz. Available in a top terminal solid core case with either a relay output or a universal solid state output.F eaturessCompact, One-piece DesignFits in crowded motor starters, power supplies and control panels.s Input IsolationMuch safer than shunt/relay combinations.s Output InstallationIsolated output greatly simplifies wiring.s ToughDesigned to handle harsh industrial environments.s Adaptive Hysteresis— Hysteresis is 5% of setpoint.— Allows closer control than fixed hysteresis.s ReliableSolid state design.s Built-in Mounting BracketSolid, secure mounting that inspectors want to see.DC Current SwitchesDS3 Seriess –FT Case : 0.75" (19mm) dia.s –SP Case: 0.85" (21.5mm) sq.CaseUL 94V-0 flammability ratedEnvironmental –4 to 122°F (–20 to 50°C), 0–95% RH, non-condensing ListingsUL 508 Industrial Control Equipment (USA & Canada), CErdering InformationExample: AT1-005-000-SPAC current transducer, 10/20/50A range, self-powered with a 0–5VDC output in a split core case.Ranges 02 & 5A 110, 20, 50A 2100, 150, 200A 4204–20mA 0050-5VDC 0100-10VDC 24L 24VDC Loop-powered (4–20mA output ONLY)000 Self-powered (0–5/0–10VDC output ONLY)ATFF Fixed Core,Front Term.FT Fixed Core,Top Term.SP Split CoreP L o o p P o w e r (V D C )Normally Energized Models (–FS Option)Protection from faultsand loss ofcontrol power.No Power No Fault Fault N.C. Normally Closed Closed OPEN Closed N.O. Normally OpenOpenCLOSEDOpenNormally Deenergized Models (–NF Option)Protection from faultsonly when control poweris applied.No Power No Fault Fault N.C. Normally Closed Closed CLOSED Open N.O. Normally OpenOpenOPENClosedLatching (–LA Option)Latching models initially power up in the Reset position.If there is a fault or the test button is pressed, the output switches and is latched. The output will remain latched after the fault is cleared, even if control power is removed. To reset the output, apply a momentary contact across the “Reset” terminals (6–7).O utput TableControl Power Applied Control Power Applied S pecificationsSetpoint Ranges “Single-Set” Models Factory adjusted and sealed(field adjustment possible)s AG1: 5–100mA, specify when ordering s AG2: 80–950mA, specify when orderings “Tri-Set” Models 5, 10 & 30mA jumper select Output Isolated dry contact (solid state or relay,see Ordering Information)Output Ratings Solid State AC Switch: 1A @ 240VAC s Solid State DC Switch: 0.15A 30VDC s Relay: 0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @VDCOff State Leakage NoneResponse Times 200mS @ 5% above setpoint s 60mS @ 50% above setpoint s 15mS @ 500% above setpointIsolation Voltage Up to 1,250VAC (monitored circuit)Frequency Range 50–400Hz (monitored circuit)Sensing Aperture 0.75" (19mm) dia., up to 4" (100mm) dia.available, consult factory.Power Supplys 120, 200, 208, 220, 240VAC, 50-400Hz, operates from 55–110% of nominal voltage s 24VAC & 24VDC, operates +/–10%s Green LED = power (all models)Case UL 94V-O Flammability rated Environmental 5 to 158°F (–15 to 70°C),0-95% RH, non-condensing‘AT/ATR 3 & 4’ transducers from NK Technologies combine a high capacity current transformer and a signal conditioner into a single package. The AT version is Average Responding for use on linear(sinusoidal) loads. The ATR version is True RMS for use on distorted waveforms found in VFD or SCR outputs.Available in a solid or split core case.A pplicationsLarge PumpsDetect dry run electronically.GenerationMeasure the output of generators.Electric Heating Elements — Monitors heater load.— Faster response than temperature sensors.F eaturessLarge ApertureAccommodates large conductors or wire bundles.sSelect the Right OutputTrue RMS technology is accurate on distorted waveforms like VFD or SCR outputs.Average Responding—for linear,sinusoidal waveformss Three Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.IsolationMagnetic isolation protects installers and systems.Easy InstallationSingle piece with integral mounting brackets makes for a simple, solid installation.UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.Selecting the right transducer:The current waveform of a typical linear load is a pure sine wave. AT transducers measure the peaks of these sine waves,then calculate the average amperage.This works well on constant speed linear loads in a “clean” powerenvironment. Select AT transducers for strictly linear loads on “clean” power.VFD and SCR output waveforms are rough approximations of a sine wave.There are numerous spikes and dips in each cycle. ATR Transducers use a mathematical algorithm called “True RMS,” which integrates the actual waveform over time. The output is the amperage component of the true power (heating value) of the AC currentwaveform. True RMS is the only way to accurately measure distorted ACwaveforms. Select ATR transducers for nonlinear loads on “noisy” power.LI NEAT/ATR 3 & 4 SeriesShown withsolid core case.Example: AG1-NOAC-120-005-FSGround fault sensor with normally open solid state output, 120VAC power supply, 5mA setpoint, fail safe version.24U 24VAC/DC 120120VAC 200200VAC208208VAC 240240VAC NCAC Normally Closed 1A @ 240VACNOAC Normally Open 1 A @ 240VACNCDC Normally Closed 0.15A @ 30VDC NODC Normally Open 0.15A @ 30VDCNCR1Normally Closed Relay,0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @ 30VDC NOR1 Normally Open Relay,0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @ 30VDCCR1Form C Relay (SPDT) 0.5A @ 125VAC, 2A @ 30VDC(available only with LA Latching Option)TR3Tri-Set Models 005Factory AdjustedSetpoint in mA 950AGO rdering Information15–100mA, Adjustable 280–950mA, Adjustable35, 10 & 30mA, Jumper SelectFS Normally Energized NF Normally Deenergized LA Latching (available only with CR1 Output Option)k now your power . . .because with knowledge comes control.Specifications Output Signal 4–20mA, Loop-powered Output Limit 23mAAccuracy1.0% FS accuracy, True RMS Measurement True RMS or Average Responding (see Ordering Information)Response Time 500mS (to 90% of step change)Frequency Range s ATR: 10–400HzsAT: 50–60Hz, SinusoidalPower Supply 24VDC Nominal; 40VDC Maximum Isolation Voltage 600VACInput Ranges s AT/ATR3: 375, 500, 750A s AT/ATR4: 1000, 1333, 2000A Sensing Aperture 3.0" (76mm) dia.CaseUL 94 Flammability rated Environmental –4 to 122°F (–20 to 50°C),0–95% RH, non-condensingListingsUL 508 Industrial Control Equipment s Observe polarity.Example: ATR4-420-24L-FLTrue RMS AC current transducer, 24VDC powered with a 4–20mA output, 375, 500 and 750 amp range in a fixed core case.*R True RMS—Average Responding (Blank)420 4–20mAFL Fixed Core ATO rdering Information24L 24VDC Loop-poweredC onnectionsTypical of Latching VersionTypical of Auto-reset VersionTotal Loop Impedance (Ohms)L o o p P o w e r (V D C )P Ranges 3375, 500,750A41000, 1333,2000A*Split core version available in the Spring of 2000.for Tri-Set ModelsTypical of Latching VersionTypical of Auto-reset Version Notes:s Dead front terminals.s Connections are not polarity sensitive.AG Series Latching version shown.A pplicationsBattery Banks— Monitors load current.— Monitors charging current.— Verifies operation.TransportationMeasures traction power orauxiliary loads.Electric Heating Elements Faster response than temperature sensors.ToDC Current TransducersDT SeriesA pplicationsPersonnel Protection (typically 5mA)Senses low fault currents and alarms to shut power before injury occurs.Equipment Protection (typically 30mA)When personal protection is not an issue, select a higher setpoint to protect equipment or product Regulatory ApprovalMeet requirements by industry groups and governments for Ground Fault Protection.Operating Principal: Under normal conditions, the current in the hot leg of a two-wire load is equal in strength but opposite in sign to the current in the neutral leg. These two currents create magnetic fields that are also equal but opposite. When the wires are next to each other, the fields cancel,producing a “Zero Sum Current”. If any current leaks to ground from one wire (Ground Fault), the two currentsbecome imbalanced and the result is a net magnetic flux or field. AG Series ground fault sensors monitor this field and alarm when leakage rises above setpoint. This concept applies togrounded 3-phase delta and wye systems.Ground Fault SensorsF eaturessOperation to Match Your Application:Latching—For controlling contactors.Auto-Reset—For controlling shunt trip breakers.s Setpoint Options to Match Your Needs:Tri-Set —Field select 5, 10 or 30mA.Fast and convenient. (AG3 only)Single-Set —Factory adjustedsetpoint. Specify 5–100mA (AG1) or 80–950mA (AG2) when ordering.s Compatible with Standard EquipmentWorks on 1φ or 3φ power. Controls standard shunt trip breakers or contactors. Tie into Emergency Circuits (EMO/EPO).s IsolatedMagnetically isolated from themonitored circuit and control power s UL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.L I N EEasy to Apply on 1φ or 3φ AG Series‘AG’ Series sensors from NK Technologies protect people, products and processes from ground faults by monitoring all current-carrying wires in grounded single or 3-phase systems.DC Current Transducers‘DT’ Current Transducers from NK Technologies combine aHall effect sensor and signal conditioner into a single package. The DT Series has jumper selectable current input ranges and industry standard 0–20mA, 4–20mA, 0–3VDC, 0–5VDC or 0–10VDC outputs.Available in a split core package.F eaturessThree Jumper Selectable Ranges — Reduces inventory.— Eliminates zero and span pots.sIsolation— Output is magnetically isolated from the input for safety.— Eliminates insertion loss (voltage drop).s Internal Power Regulation— Works well, even with unregulated power.— Cuts installation costs.s Easy InstallationSplit core design with built-inmounting brackets makes installation a snap.Auto-reset version shown.A pplicationsPump ControlIndividually adjustable indication of overload (jam) and underload (suction loss).Dual AlarmEasy setup for dual level alarms.F eaturessMulti-pole OutputMonitor two setpoints with one sensor.s Self-poweredCuts installation and operating costs.s Easily Adjustable Setpoint Speeds startup.s Solid or Split Core CaseChoose the right version for each installation.s Built-in Mounting Bracket Provides the solid installation inspectors want.s UL, CUL and CE Approval Accepted worldwide.I Over/Under Current Alarm Over/Under Current Alarm with One Input (JumperIExample: AS3M-CCDC-FFAdjustable multipole current switch, “Super”Form C output, fixed core with front terminals.Output Rating AADC Dual Normally Open,Individually Adjustable,0.15A @ 30VDC CCDC “Super” Form C SPDT,Individually Adjustable,0.15A @ 30VDCCase Style FF Fixed Core,Front Term.AS3MO rdering InformationAS3M Series‘AS3M’ Current Switches are a multi-pole version of the popular AS3 Series. The AS3M Series combines a current transformer, signal conditioner and two limit alarms into a single package. The AS3Series has three jumper-selected current input ranges, solid-state DC output and a wide frequency range. Available in a front terminal solid core case.S pecificationsSee page 15, “AS3 Series” specifications and dimensional drawings.Multi-pole Current Operated SwitchesO utput PolarityDC Current Transducers0–95% RH, non-condensing10050020–50 VDC or Output loop is powered byDT Transducer. No loop power supply required.Notes:s Deadfront captive screw terminals.s 12–22 AWG solid or stranded.s Observe polarity.U UnipolarExample: DT2-420-24U-USplit core DC/DC current switch, mid range, 24VAC/DC powered with a 4–20mA output that is unipolar.O rdering Information1 50, 75, 100A2 100, 150, 200A3 150, 225, 300A4 200, 300, 400A C Custom Range0200–20mA 4204–20mA 0030–3VDC 0050–5VDC 0100–10VDCDT24U +24VAC/DC *Bipolar version available in mid 2000.AS1 Series‘AS1’ Current Switches fromNK Technologiescurrent transformer, signalconditioner and limit alarm intoa single package. The AS1 serieshas an extended current inputrange, universal solid-stateoutputs and a wide frequencyresponse. Available in a splitCurrent Operated Switchess Terminals are #6 screws.s DC contacts are polarity sensitive.Current Operated SwitchesA pplicationsElectronic Proof of Flow— No need for pipe or duct penetrations.— More reliable than electro-mechanical pressure or flow switches.Conveyors— Detects jams and overloads.— Interlocks multiple conveyor sections.Lighting CircuitsEasier to install and more accurate than photocells.Electric HeatersFaster response than temperature sensors.selected current input ranges,solid-state AC output and a widefrequency range. Available in asplit core or front terminal solidcore case.LINEF eaturess Choice of Outputs— Solid state switch N.C. or N.O.— 1A @ 240VAC.— 15A @ 120VAC.s Self-poweredCuts installation and operating costs.s Adjustable SetpointSpeeds startup.s Solid or Split Core CaseChoose the right version for eachinstallation.s Built-in Mounting BracketProvides the solid installationinspectors want.s UL, CUL and CE ApprovalAccepted worldwide.Example: AS1-NOU-SPNOU NormallyOpenNCU NormallyClosedFF Fixed Core, Front Term.FT Fixed Core, Top Term.SP Split CoreAS1O rdering InformationNotes:s Terminals are #6 screws.s Normally open contacts shown (NOU).s Normally closed contacts similar (NCU).Typical ofModels with LEDTypical ofGo/No-Go ModelsResponse Time0.120 SecondSetpoint Range s Fixed Core: 1–150As Split Core: 1.5–150AHysteresis5% of SetpointOverload MODEL CONTINUOUS 6 SEC 1 SECs–GO250A500A1,000A (NOU)s–GO150A400A1,000A (NCU)s All Other150A400A1,000AIsolation Voltage UL Listed to 1,270VAC, tested to 5,000VACFrequency Range6–100HzSensing Aperture s–FF Case: 0.55" (14mm) dia.s–FT Case: 0.75" (19mm) dia.s–SP Case: 0.85" (21.5mm) sq.Case UL 94V-O Flammability ratedEnvironmental–58 to 149°F (–50 to 65°C),0–95% RH, non-condensingListings UL 508 Industrial Control EquipmentGO Go/No-Go Version(Fixed Setpoint)NL No LED—With LED (Blank)ASM SeriesSelf-Calibrating Current Switches。
尔零磁通直流大电流传感器[点击数:3192 更新时间:2006年06月06日]一、概述HLZ系列测量仪是一种先进的工业用直流大电流测量仪。
二、产品技术指标及性能产品型号:HLZ系列测量范围:6-360KA测量原理:霍尔零磁通比较式原理出厂检测精度:±0.1%现场使用精度:±0.2%线形误差:±0.05%响应时间:±5.5ms功耗:1VA/KA外磁场影响:100高斯误差小于0.1%电源电压:220V(50H Z-60H Z)输出方式:1、电流输出1A/5000A 0-26mA2、电压输出0-1V 0-5V 0-10V使用条件:环境温度-450C-550C地震烈度小于9度户外使用防腐防水结构特点:开口方式,安装方便,安装时不必停电。
·按 ENT 登陆。
·按 ON/OFF 切断电源。
·按 ON/OFF 接入电源。 ·用距离调整环将测量距离调妥。 ·从观察口观察内部显示器来回旋转视度调整标度盘。以自己眼睛能最清楚的看清瞄准标记
光侧。(IR-AHS,IR-AHU 的场合)
● 有关光路 请留意,不要将水滴、灰尘、烟、水蒸气等进入测定对象与仪表对 物面之间。
● 使指示偏高的干扰 请注意,在被侧物与本仪表对物面上不要有直射目光,白炽灯光, 火炎等热辐射照射。
● 周围温度急骤变化 IR-AHT 使用热电元件检出元件,当周围温度急骤变化,到指示稳定 要化费时间。故当携入温差大的场所时,请放置一小时后,再进行 测量。
固定本仪表,也可在同一场所长时间进行有效的连续测量。 要进行连续测量,边按 MEASURE,边按 ON/OFF 投入电源。 按 MEASURE,开始测量。 从开始连续测量,到再度按 MEASURE 键之间进行连续测量。
连续测量电池消耗很大。建议使用零购的组件 AC 电源转换器 (IR-VHR)进行测量。
功能 下限温度报警时灯亮 上限温度报警时灯亮 温度测定状态灯亮 参数设定时,系统设定时亮 存储关联设定/显示时亮 存储功能有效时亮 间隔存储方式设定时亮 温度数据保存用存储器满时亮 检出表内温度异常时亮 电池耗尽时亮 用摄氏显示时亮 用华氏显示时亮
3015-9005 电流传感器使用说明书
Instruction ManualP/N: 3015-9005Revision 2November 2017 Product Leadership ∙ Training ∙ Service ∙ ReliabilityNOTICE Specifications and information contained in this document may change without notice due to product improvements and enhancements.Bacharach, Inc. shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this material.No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, or translated to another language without the prior written consent of Bacharach, Inc.!WARNING: This product is considered to be Group 1 Class A equipment as defined by EN 55011 standards and is suitable for use in industrial environments. There may be potential difficulties in ensuring electromagnetic compatibility in other environments (e.g., domestic environments) due to conducted as well as radiated disturbances.Register your warranty by visitingCopyright © 2017, Bacharach, Inc.,all rights reserved. BACHARACH is a registered trademark of Bacharach, Inc. All other trademarks, trade names, service marks and logos referenced herein belong to their respective companies.Section 1. Overview1.1. IntroductionThe H-10 Pro is the most versatile, high performance leak detector available in the industry today. It detects refrigerants to pinpoint small, medium, and large leaks quickly and efficiently. Review this manual carefully and completely to assure satisfactory product performance and a long service life.1.2. Safety Warnings! WARNING: For your safety, DO NOT use this device to detect for leaks of refrigerants which are rated as combustible/flammable gases (e.g., ASHRAE A2- or A3-rated refrigerants).!HAZARDOUS AREA WARNING: This instrument has not been designed to be intrinsically safe for use in areas classified as hazardous locations. For your safety, DO NOT use it in hazardous (classified) locations.1.3. General Warnings!WARNING: This device is not to be used in any application that is beyond its intended purpose or beyond the scope of its specifications. For details on appropriate use, refer to the rest of this manual. Before risking equipment damage or personal injury, contact Bacharach if you are unsure of the validity of a particular application.!IMPORTANT:This analyzer is not intended to be used on a continuous basis.!WARNING:Except for replacement of consumables such as sensors, filters, and battery, this analyzer should only be opened and/or serviced by authorizedBacharach personnel. Failure to comply may void the warranty.!WARNING: Do not store instrument or its sensors with solvents or products that contain solvents.!IMPORTANT:Equipment Damage HazardsA.Submerging the probe in liquid willdamage the pump.B.Exposing the probe to pure refrigerantwill severely reduce the life or destroy the sensor. Life of the sensor is directly proportional to the amount of refrigerant that it is exposed to.C.Exposure to high concentrations ofrefrigerant may require adjustment of sensor heat. Refer to section Specifications[1]Based on normal use. Consistent and/orconstant exposure to high levels of refrigerantwill deteriorate the sensor life more quickly.Increasing the sensor heater will also impactsensor life.[2]DO NOT use this device to detect for leaks ofrefrigerants which are rated as combustible/flammable gases (e.g., ASHRAE A2- or A3-ratedrefrigerants).[3]Sensitivity for R12, R22, R134a, R410a, R404a andR507 when unit is set to small leak setting,manual mode.[4]This warranty does not cover sensors, referenceleaks, filters, airflow balls, lamps, batteries, orprobe tips. This warranty does not coverdamages caused by the user.∇∇∇Section 2. Operation2.1. OverviewThe H-10 Pro sensor uses positive ion emission technology, commonly known as a heated diode. It is very sensitive to only halon substances (refrigerants) making this product highly resistive to false alarming, while retaining superior sensitivity for pinpointing the most difficult to find refrigerant leaks.A pump inside the unit draws air through the probe to the sensor. The presence of refrigerant(s) causes the H-10 Pro to sound a speaker and illuminate an LED in the probe. Sensitivity to pinpoint small, medium, and large leaks can be controlled by setting the Leak Size switch (see Section 2.2).2.2. Panel Controls2.3. Before First Use…Before you use the unit the first time: 1.Remove the sticky-label disc from thecap of the calibration reference bottle.This disc can be reused to help seal the vial when the leak detector is not in use, or it can be discarded. DO NOT attempt to unscrew the cap, you may damage the bottle. The calibration reference bottle should last approximately six months.2.With the Power switch in the OFFposition, charge the battery using the wall adapter. Charge time is 3-4 hours or until the Full Charge LED turns green.2.4. Adjusting the SensitivitySet the Leak Size switch as follows.SMALL switch position is the highest sensitivity. The unit will indicate leak rates of 0.006 oz/yr or greater and is used for fluorine-based (HFC) gases like R134a. This position also assures highest repeatability for locating 0.1 oz/yr (or greater) leaks per SAE J2791 moving probe test conditions. It must always be used to verify performance and calibration when using the calibration reference bottle.When using the small leak range position, a leak of HFC causing an audible signal equal to that produced by the leak vialhas a leak rate of approximately 0.5 oz/year.MEDIUM switch position is used for chlorine-based (CFC and HCFC) gases like R12 and R22. The medium setting will indicate approximately a 0.1 oz/yr (or greater) leak rate. This position supports finding leaks of approximately 0.5 oz/yr (per SAE J2791) or greater. It is also useful for locating larger HFC leaks.When using the medium leak range position on a CFC or HCFC system, this leak rate would also be approximately 0.5 oz/year.LARGE switch position is used to zero in on large leaks of any refrigerant. The large leak setting should be used in conjunction with manual mode.2.5. Auto Mode vs. Manual ModeAuto mode enables the H-10 Pro to block out background levels of refrigerants. This greatly reduces and/or eliminates false alarms while retaining sensitivity to quickly locate small or medium size leaks. Pinpointing leaks in this mode requires continuous probe movement.If the probe is held stationary over a leak, the unit will zero out the leak, going into the idle 1 tick/second condition. Briefly moving the probe away from the leak (1-2 seconds) permits the unit to re-establish sensitivity. Returning to the leak site, the unit will alarm again. Continuing thisprocedure will reliably and repeatedly pinpoint the leak with each pass over the leak site.If a large leak is present, the auto zero circuit may reduce sensitivity to an unacceptable level to find small and medium sized leaks. If this condition exists, use the manual mode to pinpoint a large leak. The manual mode is also an effective means to determine if a large leak of any refrigerant exists prior to searching for leaks (see Section 2.4).In Manual Mode the auto-zero circuit is disabled. The unit will not zero the leak if the probe is held over the leak site. This mode may require frequent readjustment of the Manual Balance control to maintain the required 1 tick per second that indicates proper adjustment and calibration for all three sensitivity switch positions. Manual mode provides greater sensitivity than auto mode.2.6. Setup1.Turn the unit on.2.Slide mode switch to AUTO position.3.Slide the sensitivity switch to theSMALL position.4.Check Low Battery LED. If it glows red,the battery needs charging, or youmay operate the unit using the supplied wall adapter.!NOTE: The sensor does not operate when the low battery LED is on.5.Check for sufficient airflow by pointingthe probe tip toward the floor, covering it with your finger, then releasing your finger. If proper flow exists, the red ball should noticeably rise up into the probe when you uncover the probe tip. Note that the actual height and final resting position of the red ball are not important. If the airflow ball does not rise:a.Tap the probe lightly to ensure theball is not sticking.b.Check the filter in the probe tip,per Section 4.1. If the flow is stillinsufficient, then the unit shouldbe sent for repair to the nearestAuthorized Service Center.6.Allow two minutes for the sensor towarm up, after which the flashing probe light and sound indicator will idle at approximately 1 click per second.7.Test operation by quickly touching theprobe tip to the top of the calibration reference bottle (make sure sticky label is removed). The unit should respond with a rapid flash rate and sound verifying correct operation and optimum sensitivity. If the unit does not respond correctly, see Section Checking for Leaks! SAFETY WARNING: For your safety, DO NOT use this device to detect for leaks of refrigerants which are rated as combustible/flammable gases (e.g., ASHRAE A2- or A3-rated refrigerants). 1.Set the range switch to theappropriate range to ensuremaximum sensor life. If the leak sizeis unknown, start at the Large leaksetting. This protects the sensor if alarge amount of gas is present.!IMPORTANT:Exposing the sensorto large amounts of refrigerant orholding the probe over a leak for along period of time will significantlyshorten sensor life.2.Check for leaks in a logicalprogression through the entiresystem.3.If surfaces are dirty or wet, wipethem off with a clean, dry cloth toreduce filter clogging and extendsensor life. DO NOT allow the unit todraw in moisture. Use of the suppliedrubber probe tip helps preventmoisture from being drawn into theunit. Check for moisture beforeinserting the probe into areas to bechecked for leaks.4.If leaks have not been detected usingthe large leak setting: Try using themedium or small setting asappropriate.If leaks have been detected using thelarge leak setting: After locating andrepairing any leaks requiring the useof the LARGE switch setting, switchto the MEDIUM setting and verify thesystem is free of leaks. For HFCrefrigerants (such as R134a), verifythe system is leak free using theSMALL setting. For CFC and HCFCsystems (such as R12 and R22), theMEDIUM setting is typically sufficientto verify that the system is free ofleaks that require repairing.After a leak is located and repaired,clear the area with shop air, set theunit on the small leak sensitivity, anddouble check equipment for smallleaks.∇∇∇Section 3. Calibration andPerformance3.1. Heater AdjustmentsThe sensor heater circuit can be adjusted to control the sensitivity of the unit. A heat setting that is too high causes instability due to excessive sensitivity and shortens sensor life. A heat setting that is too low causes decreased sensitivity. The heater adjustment LEDs, heater adjustment, and calibration reference bottle is a unique system for setting the correct sensor heat (sensitivity) for optimum performance and long sensor life. To check the heater setting:1.Slide the mode switch to AUTO, slidethe leak switch to SMALL, turn ONthe unit and allow it to stabilize(approximately 2 minutes).2.When stabilized (at approximately 1click per second), briefly touch theprobe tip to the calibration referencebottle with the probe (ensure thesticky label disc is removed from thetop of the bottle.3.If adjusted properly, the red LOWLED will go out and the green OK LEDwill briefly glow. This indicates thesensor’s heat/sensitivity is adjustedfor optimum performance.If the red LOW LED remains on whenyou briefly touch the bottle, thesensor heat is set too low and theHeater Adjustment must be turnedslightly clockwise using a smallscrewdriver. Allow unit to stabilizeabout one minute and retest. Repeatthis procedure until the green OK LEDbriefly glows.If the red HIGH LED glows, the heat isset too high and the heateradjustment should be turned slightlycounterclockwise using a smallscrewdriver. Allow the unit tostabilize for about 1 minute and thenrepeat the test. Repeat thisprocedure until the proper green OKLED is indicated.!NOTE:After initial check for correct heater adjustment, disregard the calibration LEDs. Their indication is meaningless during subsequent leak testing activity.!NOTE:Check for proper heat adjustment on a daily basis. This assures the H-10 Pro is calibrated for the correct sensitivity for your daily test activity.!NOTE:Frequency of sensor heat adjustment is a function of how much exposure the sensor has to refrigerant. Adjustment may be required every couple of weeks for heavy duty service and once every few months for light duty service. !NOTE:Over the usable sensor life, when heater adjustment is fully clockwise and the green OK LED will not come on, it is time to replace the sensor. (See Section 4.3.)∇∇∇Section 4. Maintenance4.1. Replacing the FilterTo protect the pump from damage due to foreign particles and moisture, replace the filter as it becomes dirty. With moderate use (15 to 30 minutes a day), it is recommended that the filter be replaced once per month. In dirty environments or with heavy use, replace the filter more frequently. Always replace the filter when it is visibly dirty or wet. To replace the filter, follow the steps below.1.Remove the black rubber probe tip.2.Pick out the filter with a pin ortweezers. A fine screen will remain in the tip of the probe nozzle (behind where the filter sits).3.Insert the new filter in the probe tip.Make sure that the filter is firmly seated against the screen.4.Replace the rubber probe tip.4.2. Replacing the Airflow Indicator1.Remove the clear plastic section of theprobe tip by gently pulling and twisting.2.Turn the probe tip upside-down andtap on it to remove the old airflow indicator ball.3.Insert the new airflow indicator ballinto the tip.4.Reattach the probe tip to the probeassembly.4.3. Replacing the SensorThe sensor needs to be replaced when the H-10 Pro no longer responds to the calibration reference bottle, even with the heater adjustment turned fully clockwise (make sure the reference bottle contains some refrigerant).1.Turn the leak detector OFF.2.Turn the heater adjustment to itsfull counterclockwise position.3.Unplug the power cord and openthe sensor cover.4.Allow the sensor to cool beforetouching it.!WARNING: Sensor temperaturemay cause a burn if not allowed tocool.5.Unplug and discard the sensor.6.Insert a new sensor and close thesensor cover.7.Adjust the heater per Section 3.1.∇∇∇Section 5. Troubleshooting 5.1. Diagnosing IssuesP=Problem C/S=Cause/Solution(s) P No response to calibration reference bottle.C/S Heat Adjustment is set too low or bottle is empty. Readjust heater (see“Heater Adjustment” section) orreplace bottle (3015-0864).No air flow (indicator ball in probedoesn’t float). Replace filter in probetip (3015-0784). Check for properpump operation.Sensor exposed to excessive amountsof halogen gas. Move probe to cleanatmosphere for several minuteswhile sensor purges itself.Water is in the probe. Turn unit offand disconnect probe from chassis.Remove screws and take out chassis.Look at the underside of the leakdetector and follow the probe to thepump. Remove this hose from thepump. Blow clean air (5 psi) into theprobe tip for one or two minutes.Reassemble unit and replace thefilter (3015-0784).P Erratic response occurs in all leak positions.C/S Filter is clogged. Replace the filter (3015-0784).Dirt is in the sensor. Remove sensorand blow it out with clean air (notover 10 psi). If unsuccessful, replacethe sensor (3015-0486). Replace thefilter (3015-0784).Sensor has a short circuit. Replacesensor (3015-0486).Atmosphere is contaminated withexcessive refrigerant gas. Ventilatethe area.P Response is continuous (especially in SMALL leak switch position).C/S Detector sensitivity is excessive.Readjust heater (see “HeaterAdjustment” section).5.2. Limited WarrantyThe purchaser is warranted that this leak detector will be free of defects in material and workmanship for 3 years from date of purchase. This warranty does not cover sensors, reference leaks, filters, airflow balls, lamps, batteries, or probe tips. Damages caused by the user will not be covered.If any defects are discovered during the warranty period, an Authorized Service Center will repair or replace the unit at their option. The foregoing limited warranty is exclusive and in lieu of all other warranties, whether written or implied, and no warranty of merchantability or fitness for purpose will apply.5.3. Repair InformationShould it become necessary to repair your H-10 Pro, please contact an authorized service center. Units should be carefully packed to prevent shipping damage and shipped prepaid.5.4. Spare Parts5.5. Authorized Service Centers Replacement parts and service can be obtained by contacting one of the following Bacharach Service Centers.United StatesBacharach, Inc.621 Hunt Valley CircleNew Kensington, PA 15068Phone: 724-334-5051Fax: 724-334-5723Email: ******************** CanadaBacharach, Inc.10 West Pearce Street, Unit 4 Richmond Hill, Ontario L4B 1B6CanadaPhone: 905-470-8985Fax: 905-470-8963Email: ******************∇∇∇Bacharach, Inc.621 Hunt Valley CircleNew Kensington, PA 15068 USA Phone: 724-334-5000 • Fax: 724-334-5001 Toll Free: 1-800-736-4666Website: E-mail:********************。
型号:AHKC-K 辅助电源:DC ±15V 输入:±400A 输出:±5V
如需了解产品详情,请联系: 张奇峰,男,本科,任职江苏安科瑞电器制造有限公司,电话:18860995106 QQ:2880263324 E-mail:2880263324@
输出方式:5.08-4Pin 接线端子
+15V 电源+15V
-15V 电源-15V
M 信号输出端正极
G 电源 COM 与信号输出端负极
安装方式及环Leabharlann 要求:工作场所:无雨雪直接侵袭、无腐蚀性气体和剧烈震动的场所; 工作环境温度:-25℃~+70℃;贮存环境温度:-40℃~+80℃; 工作环境相对湿度:<95%RH,不结露; 海拔高度:≤2000m; 采用螺丝固定安装。
AHKC-K 系列霍尔可拆卸电流传感器
霍尔电流传感器开环(直放式)原理:当原边电流 IP 流过一根长导线时,在导线周围 将产生磁场,磁场的大小与流过导线的电流成正比,产生的磁场聚集在磁环内,通过磁环气 隙中霍尔元件进行测量并放大输出,其输出电压 VS 精确的反映原边电流 IP。一般的额定输 出标定为 4V/5V。 AHKC 系 列 开 环 霍 尔 电 流 传 感 器 是 江 苏 安 科 瑞 电 器 制 造 有 限 公 司 自 主 研 发 生 产 的产品。霍尔电流传感器适用于交流 、直流、脉冲等复杂信号的隔离转换 ,通过霍尔 效应原理使变换后的信号能够直接被 AD 、 DSP 、 PLC 、二次仪表( PZ 系列直流表 ) 等各种采集装置直接采集和接受 ,广泛应用于电流监控及电池应用 、逆变电源及太阳 能 电源管理系统、直流屏及直流马达驱动、电镀、焊接应用、变频器, UPS 伺 服控 制等系统电流信号采集和反馈控制 ,结构牢固体积小,寿命长,安装方便,响应时间 快,频带宽一般 0-20kHz ,电流测量范围宽精度高 ,过载能力强,线性好,抗干扰能 力强等优点。
0-500A电流传感器应用霍尔闭环原理,可隔离测量DC,AC,脉冲电流!输入电流:50A/100A/200A/300A/400A/500A输出方式:±4V或±5V供电:±12…15V (±5%)精度:±0.5mm穿孔孔径:¢40mm1、直放式(开环)电流传感器(CS系列)当原边电流I P流过一根长导线时,在导线周围将产生一磁场,这一磁场的大小与流过导线的电流成正比,产生的磁场聚集在磁环内,通过磁环气隙中霍尔元件进行测量并放大输出,其输出电压V S精确的反映原边电流I P。
HM5002-20A直流电阻测试仪说明书武汉国电华美电气有限公司电话:84663808邮箱:官网: 地址:武汉市汉南区华顶工业园A25-1统一热线:4000-935-230目录一、概述 (2)二、安全措施 (2)三、性能特点 (2)四、技术指标 (3)五、系统介绍 (3)六、测试与操作方法 (4)七、注意事项 (6)八、仪器成套性 (7)一、概述直流电阻是变压器制造中半成品、成品出厂试验、安装、大修、改变分接开关后、交接试验及电力部门预防性试验的必测项目。
BTR01080 BLFK-500A霍尔传感器用户手册
Ø Ø Ø 为两线制扫描型霍尔传感器 属精密型直流电流传感器,是专为直流电流定制; 经可溯源标准检验,精度高,输出稳定性高;
Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø 供电电源: 24VDC 20%;
失调电流:小于 0.2mA;
测量范围: 500A 输出形式: 12mA 8 mA 精 度:<2%;
工作环境:-10 ~ 60℃;
Hale Waihona Puke 电流表2 4 v D C 正
增益 GIN
4 1
零点 OFS
1.因为各地的地磁场不同,所以在固定好位置和方向后要重调零点,即在不输入电流的情况下, 调零点电位器 OFS,使输出为 12mA(采集实际值为 0) 。 2.被测电流母线的温度不宜超过 60℃,上下半圈的固定螺丝要拧紧。 3.当电流母线填满原边穿线孔时,可获得最佳的测量精度。 4.测直流电流时,电流方向应与产品外壳上所示的箭头方向一致,才能得到正向输出。
H009 AHKC-BS系列20A-500A闭口式霍尔电流传感器参数说明书V1.0
2.技术参数及外形尺寸参数指标额定输入电流±50~±500A额定输出电压±5V/±4V准确级 1.0电源电压DC±15V(允许波动±20%)零点失调电压±20mV失调电压漂移≤±1.0mV/℃线性度≤0.2%FS响应时间≤5us频宽0~20kHz绝缘电压 2.5kV/50Hz/1min工作温度-40℃~85℃储存温度-40℃~85℃功耗≤0.5W3.安装方式4.接线方式+15V——电源+15V-15V——电源-15V(注意电源正极与负极不可接反)M——信号输出端正极G ——电源地与信号输出端负极注:具体接线按实物外壳上的端子编号为准。
另外,原边馈线温度不应超过80℃;3、霍尔电流传感器正常工作时的辅助电源不应超过标定值的±20%;底板螺钉M4(垫片)安装+15V -15V M G+15V GND -15V 辅助电源信号输出AO GND4、霍尔电流传感器在安装使用过程中严禁从高处摔落(≥1m);5、不能调节零点、满度调节电位器;6、辅助电源需要自行配置;7、电源正负极不能接反。
电参数: CSM100FA CSM200FA CSM300FA CSM600FA
IPN 原边额定输入电流100 200 300 600 A
IP 原边电流测量范围 200 400 450 700 A
VSN 副边额定输出电压 4 V
- 匝数比1:1000 1:2000 1:3000 1:4000
VC 电源电压±12~±15DC V
IC 电流消耗20+IS mA
Vd 绝缘电压 2.5 KV AC/50Hz/1min 动态性能参数:Εl 线性度<
0.2 %FS
V0 失调电压±30
VOM 磁失调电压±20
vOT 失调温漂±0.5mV /℃
Tr 响应时间 2
一般参数:T A 工作环境温度-25~+70 ℃TS 贮存环境温度-40~+85 ℃外形结构参数:1:+15V 2:-15V 3:V0 4:地 OFS:零点调节 GIN:幅度调节
、开关电源 不间断电源
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准确级 1.0
绝缘电压 2.5kV/50Hz/1min
——信号输出端正极G ——电源地与信号输出端负极
底板螺钉M4(垫片)安装+15V -15V M G
+15V GND -15V 辅助电源信号输出