Cata2K3K Switch update_Channe
Cisco认证知识:Switch命令大全(一)1.在基于IOS的交换机上设置主机名/系统名:switch(config)# hostname hostname在基于CLI的交换机上设置主机名/系统名:switch(enable) set system name name-string2.在基于IOS的交换机上设置登录口令:switch(config)# enable password level 1 password在基于CLI的交换机上设置登录口令:switch(enable) set passwordswitch(enable) set enalbepass3.在基于IOS的交换机上设置远程访问:switch(config)# interface vlan 1switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address netmaskswitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway ip-address在基于CLI的交换机上设置远程访问:switch(enable) set interface sc0 ip-address netmask broadcast-address switch(enable) set interface sc0 vlanswitch(enable) set ip route default gateway4.在基于IOS的交换机上启用和浏览CDP信息:switch(config-if)# cdp enableswitch(config-if)# no cdp enable为了查看Cisco邻接设备的CDP通告信息:switch# show cdp interface [type modle/port]switch# show cdp neighbors [type module/port] [detail]在基于CLI的交换机上启用和浏览CDP信息:switch(enable) set cdp {enable|disable} module/port为了查看Cisco邻接设备的CDP通告信息:switch(enable) show cdp neighbors[module/port] [vlan|duplex|capabilities|detail] 5.基于IOS的交换机的端口描述:switch(config-if)# description description-string基于CLI的交换机的端口描述:switch(enable)set port name module/number description-string6.在基于IOS的交换机上设置端口速度:switch(config-if)# speed{10|100|auto}在基于CLI的交换机上设置端口速度:switch(enable) set port speed moudle/number {10|100|auto}switch(enable) set port speed moudle/number {4|16|auto}7.在基于IOS的交换机上设置以太网的链路模式:switch(config-if)# duplex {auto|full|half}在基于CLI的交换机上设置以太网的链路模式:switch(enable) set port duplex module/number {full|half}8.在基于IOS的交换机上配置静态VLAN:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# exitswitch# configure teriminalswitch(config)# interface interface module/numberswitch(config-if)# switchport mode accessswitch(config-if)# switchport access vlan vlan-numswitch(config-if)# end在基于CLI的交换机上配置静态VLAN:switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num [name name]switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num mod-num/port-listCisco认证知识:Switch命令大全(二)9. 在基于IOS的交换机上配置VLAN中继线:switch(config)# interface interface mod/portswitch(config-if)# switchport mode trunkswitch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation {isl|dotlq}switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove vlan-list switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list在基于CLI的交换机上配置VLAN中继线:switch(enable) set trunk module/port [on|off|desirable|auto|nonegotiate] Vlan-range [isl|dotlq|dotl0|lane|negotiate]10.在基于IOS的交换机上配置VTP管理域:switch# vlan database在基于CLI的交换机上配置VTP管理域:switch(enable) set vtp [domain domain-name]11.在基于IOS的交换机上配置VTP 模式:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# vtp domain domain-nameswitch(vlan)# vtp {sever|cilent|transparent}switch(vlan)# vtp password password在基于CLI的交换机上配置VTP 模式:switch(enable) set vtp [domain domain-name] [mode{ sever|cilent|transparent }][password password]12. 在基于IOS的交换机上配置VTP版本:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# vtp v2-mode在基于CLI的交换机上配置VTP版本:switch(enable) set vtp v2 enable13. 在基于IOS的交换机上启动VTP剪裁:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# vtp pruning在基于CL I 的交换机上启动VTP剪裁:switch(enable) set vtp pruning enable14.在基于IOS的交换机上配置以太信道:switch(config-if)# port group group-number [distribution {source|destination}] 在基于CLI的交换机上配置以太信道:switch(enable) set port channel moudle/port-range mode{on|off|desirable|auto} 15.在基于IOS的交换机上调整根路径成本:switch(config-if)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] cost cost在基于CLI的交换机上调整根路径成本:switch(enable) set spantree portcost moudle/port costswitch(enable) set spantree portvlancost moudle/port [cost cost][vlan-list] 16.在基于IOS的交换机上调整端口ID:switch(config-if)# spanning-tree[vlan vlan-list]port-priority port-priority在基于CLI的交换机上调整端口ID:switch(enable) set spantree portpri {mldule/port}priorityswitch(enable) set spantree portvlanpri {module/port}priority [vlans]17. 在基于IOS的交换机上修改STP时钟:switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] hello-time secondsswitch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] forward-time secondsswitch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] max-age seconds在基于CLI的交换机上修改STP时钟:switch(enable) set spantree hello interval[vlan]switch(enable) set spantree fwddelay delay [vlan]switch(enable) set spantree maxage agingtiame[vlan]18. 在基于IOS的交换机端口上启用或禁用Port Fast 特征:switch(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast在基于CLI的交换机端口上启用或禁用Port Fast 特征:switch(enable) set spantree portfast {module/port}{enable|disable}19. 在基于IOS的交换机端口上启用或禁用UplinkFast 特征:switch(config)# spanning-tree uplinkfast [max-update-rate pkts-per-second]在基于CLI的交换机端口上启用或禁用UplinkFast 特征:switch(enable) set spantree uplinkfast {enable|disable}[rate update-rate][all-protocols off|on]20. 为了将交换机配置成一个集群的命令交换机,首先要给管理接口分配一个IP地址,然后使用下列命令: switch(config)# cluster enable cluster-name cv21. 为了从一条中继链路上删除VLAN,可使用下列命令:switch(enable) clear trunk module/port vlan-range22. 用show vtp domain 显示管理域的VTP参数.23. 用show vtp statistics显示管理域的VTP参数.24. 在Catalyst交换机上定义TrBRF的命令如下:switch(enable) set vlan vlan-name [name name] type trbrf bridge bridge-num[stp {ieee|ibm}]25. 在Catalyst交换机上定义TrCRF的命令如下:switch (enable) set vlan vlan-num [name name] type trcrf{ring hex-ring-num|decring decimal-ring-num} parent vlan-num26. 在创建好TrBRF VLAN之后,就可以给它分配交换机端口.对于以太网交换,可以采用如下命令给VLAN分配端口:switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num mod-num/port-num27. 命令show spantree显示一个交换机端口的STP状态.28. 配置一个ELAN的LES和BUS,可以使用下列命令:ATM (config)# interface atm number.subint multiointATM(config-subif)# lane serber-bus ethernet elan-name29. 配置LECS:ATM(config)# lane database database-nameATM(lane-config-databade)# name elan1-name server-atm-address les1-nsap-addressATM(lane-config-databade)# name elan2-name server-atm-address les2-nsap-addressATM(lane-config-databade)# name …30. 创建完数据库后,必须在主接口上启动LECS.命令如下:ATM(config)# interface atm numberATM(config-if)# lane config database database-nameATM(config-if)# lane config auto-config-atm-address31. 将每个LEC配置到一个不同的ATM子接口上.命令如下:ATM(config)# interface atm number.subint multipointATM(config)# lane client ethernet vlan-num elan-num32. 用show lane server 显示LES的状态.33. 用show lane bus显示bus的状态.34. 用show lane database显示LECS数据库可内容.35. 用show lane client显示LEC的状态.36. 用show module显示已安装的模块列表.来源:37. 用物理接口建立与VLAN的连接:router(config)# interface media module/portrouter(config-if)# description description-stringrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-addr subnet-maskrouter(config-if)# no shutdown38. 用中继链路来建立与VLAN的连接:router(config)# interface module/port.subinterfacerouter(config-ig)# encapsulation[isl|dotlq] vlan-numberrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask39. 用LANE 来建立与VLAN的连接:router(config)# interface atm module/portrouter(config-if)# no ip addressrouter(config-if)# atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaalrouter(config-if)# atm pvc 2 0 16 ilnirouter(config-if)# interface atm module/port.subinterface multipointrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-maskrouter(config-if)# lane client ethernet elan-numrouter(config-if)# interface atm module/port.subinterface multipointrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-namerouter(config-if)# lane client ethernet elan-namerouter(config-if)# …40. 为了在路由处理器上进行动态路由配置,可以用下列IOS命令来进行:router(config)# router ip-routing-protocolrouter(config-router)# network ip-network-numberrouter(config-router)# network ip-network-number41. 配置默认路由:switch(enable) set ip route default gateway42. 为一个路由处理器分配VLANID,可在接口模式下使用下列命令:router(config)# interface interface numberrouter(config-if)# mls rp vlan-id vlan-id-num43. 在路由处理器启用MLSP:router(config)# mls rp ip44. 为了把一个外置的路由处理器接口和交换机安置在同一个VTP域中:router(config)# interface interface numberrouter(config-if)# mls rp vtp-domain domain-name45. 查看指定的VTP域的信息:router# show mls rp vtp-domain vtp domain name46. 要确定RSM或路由器上的管理接口,可以在接口模式下输入下列命令:router(config-if)#mls rp management-interface47. 要检验MLS-RP的配置情况:router# show mls rp48. 检验特定接口上的MLS配置:router# show mls rp interface interface number49. 为了在MLS-SE上设置流掩码而又不想在任一个路由处理器接口上设置访问列表:set mls flow [destination|destination-source|full]50. 为使MLS和输入访问列表可以兼容,可以在全局模式下使用下列命令:router(config)# mls rp ip input-acl51. 当某个交换机的第3层交换失效时,可在交换机的特权模式下输入下列命令:switch(enable) set mls enable52. 若想改变老化时间的值,可在特权模式下输入以下命令:switch(enable) set mls agingtime agingtime53. 设置快速老化:switch(enable) set mls agingtime fast fastagingtime pkt_threshold54. 确定那些MLS-RP和MLS-SE参与了MLS,可先显示交换机引用列表中的内容再确定:switch(enable) show mls include55. 显示MLS高速缓存记录:switch(enable) show mls entry56. 用命令show in arp显示ARP高速缓存区的内容。
网络互联技术实验手册-2011-2012学年第二学期 -目录一、交换机基本命令-------------------------------------------03二、交换机的访问控制----------------------------------------05三、交换机系统文件的备份和还原-------------------------08四、交换机VLAN的划分--------------------------------------11五、跨交换机相同VLAN之间通信--------------------------14六、MAC 地址功能扩展-------------------------------------17七、交换机的DHCP功能------------------------------------20八、生成树实验-------------------------------------------------22九、交换机链路聚合-------------------------------------------25十、三层交换机的路由功能----------------------------------28十一、私有VLAN----------------------------------------------32 十二、动态vlan-------------------------------------------------36一、交换机基本命令一、快捷键的使用Tab制表:用于补齐命令上光标:显示上一个命令下光标:显示下一个命令Ctrl+P :相当于上光标Ctrl+n :相当于下光标Ctrl+z :从其他配制模式(除一般用户配制模式)直接退出到特权配制模式Ctrl+c :打断交换机的ping 进程二、检查输入错误原因Unrecognized command or illegal parameter! 命令不存在,或者参数的范围,类型,格式有错误。
cisco switch 配置命令大全switch(config)# hostname hostname在基于CLI的交换机上设置主机名/系统名:switch(enable) set system name name-string2.在基于IOS的交换机上设置登录口令:switch(config)# enable password level 1 password在基于CLI的交换机上设置登录口令:switch(enable) set passwordswitch(enable) set enalbepass3.在基于IOS的交换机上设置远程访问:switch(config)# interface vlan 1switch(config-if)# ip address ip-address netmaskswitch(config-if)# ip default-gateway ip-address在基于CLI的交换机上设置远程访问:switch(enable) set interface sc0 ip-address netmask broadcast-address switch(enable) set interface sc0 vlanswitch(enable) set ip route default gateway4.在基于IOS的交换机上启用和浏览CDP信息:switch(config-if)# cdp enableswitch(config-if)# no cdp enable为了查看Cisco邻接设备的CDP通告信息:switch# show cdp interface [type modle/port]switch# show cdp neighbors [type module/port] [detail]在基于CLI的交换机上启用和浏览CDP信息:switch(enable) set cdp {enable|disable} module/port为了查看Cisco邻接设备的CDP通告信息:switch(enable) show cdp neighbors[module/port] [vlan|duplex|capabilities|detail] 5.基于IOS的交换机的端口描述:switch(config-if)# description description-string基于CLI的交换机的端口描述:switch(enable)set port name module/number description-string6.在基于IOS的交换机上设置端口速度:switch(config-if)# speed{10|100|auto}在基于CLI的交换机上设置端口速度:switch(enable) set port speed moudle/number {10|100|auto}switch(enable) set port speed moudle/number {4|16|auto}7.在基于IOS的交换机上设置以太网的链路模式:switch(config-if)# duplex {auto|full|half}在基于CLI的交换机上设置以太网的链路模式:switch(enable) set port duplex module/number {full|half}8.在基于IOS的交换机上配置静态VLAN:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# vlan vlan-num name vlaswitch(vlan)# exitswitch# configure teriminalswitch(config)# interface interface module/numberswitch(config-if)# switchport mode accessswitch(config-if)# switchport access vlan vlan-numswitch(config-if)# end在基于CLI的交换机上配置静态VLAN:switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num [name name]switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num mod-num/port-list9.在基于IOS的交换机上配置VLAN中继线:switch(config)# interface interface mod/portswitch(config-if)# switchport mode trunkswitch(config-if)# switchport trunk encapsulation {isl|dotlq}switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan remove vlan-list switch(config-if)# switchport trunk allowed vlan add vlan-list在基于CLI的交换机上配置VLAN中继线:switch(enable) set trunk module/port [on|off|desirable|auto|nonegotiate] Vlan-range [isl|dotlq|dotl0|lane|negotiate]10.在基于IOS的交换机上配置VTP管理域:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# vtp domain domain-name在基于CLI的交换机上配置VTP管理域:switch(enable) set vtp [domain domain-name]11.在基于IOS的交换机上配置VTP 模式:switch# vlan databaseswitch(vlan)# vtp domain domain-nameswitch(vlan)# vtp {sever|cilent|transparent}switch(vlan)# vtp password password16.在基于IOS的交换机上调整端口ID:switch(config-if)# spanning-tree[vlan vlan-list]port-priority port-priority 在基于CLI的交换机上调整端口ID:switch(enable) set spantree portpri {mldule/port}priorityswitch(enable) set spantree portvlanpri {module/port}priority [vlans] 17.在基于IOS的交换机上修改STP时钟:switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] hello-time seconds switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] forward-time seconds` switch(config)# spanning-tree [vlan vlan-list] max-age seconds在基于CLI的交换机上修改STP时钟:switch(enable) set spantree hello interval[vlan]switch(enable) set spantree fwddelay delay [vlan]switch(enable) set spantree maxage agingtiame[vlan]18.在基于IOS的交换机端口上启用或禁用Port Fast 特征:switch(config-if)#spanning-tree portfast在基于CLI的交换机端口上启用或禁用Port Fast 特征:switch(enable) set spantree portfast {module/port}{enable|disable}19.在基于IOS的交换机端口上启用或禁用UplinkFast 特征:switch(config)# spanning-tree uplinkfast [max-update-rate pkts-per-second]在基于CLI的交换机端口上启用或禁用UplinkFast 特征:switch(enable) set spantree uplinkfast {enable|disable}[rate update-rate] [all-protocols off|on]20.为了将交换机配置成一个集群的命令交换机,首先要给管理接口分配一个IP地址,然后使用下列命令: switch(config)# cluster enable cluster-name21.为了从一条中继链路上删除VLAN,可使用下列命令:switch(enable) clear trunk module/port vlan-range22.用show vtp domain 显示管理域的VTP参数.23.用show vtp statistics显示管理域的VTP参数.24.在Catalyst交换机上定义TrBRF的命令如下:switch(enable) set vlan vlan-name [name name] type trbrf bridge bridge-num[stp {ieee|ibm}]25.在Catalyst交换机上定义TrCRF的命令如下:switch (enable) set vlan vlan-num [name name] type trcrf{ring hex-ring-num|decring decimal-ring-num} parent vlan-num26.在创建好TrBRF VLAN之后,就可以给它分配交换机端口.对于以太网交换,可以采用如下命令给VLAN分配端口:switch(enable) set vlan vlan-num mod-num/port-num27.命令show spantree显示一个交换机端口的STP状态.28.配置一个ELAN的LES和BUS,可以使用下列命令:ATM (config)# interface atm number.subint multiointATM(config-subif)# lane serber-bus ethernet elan-name29.配置LECS:ATM(config)# lane database database-nameATM(lane-config-databade)# name elan1-name server-atm-address les1-nsap-address ATM(lane-config-databade)# name elan2-name server-atm-address les2-nsap-address ATM(lane-config-databade)# name …30.创建完数据库后,必须在主接口上启动LECS.命令如下:ATM(config)# interface atm numberATM(config-if)# lane config database database-nameATM(config-if)# lane config auto-config-atm-address31.将每个LEC配置到一个不同的ATM子接口上.命令如下:ATM(config)# interface atm number.subint multipointATM(config)# lane client ethernet vlan-num elan-num32.用show lane server 显示LES的状态.33.用show lane bus显示bus的状态.34.用show lane database显示LECS数据库可内容.35.用show lane client显示LEC的状态.36.用show module显示已安装的模块列表.37.用物理接口建立与VLAN的连接:router# configure terminalrouter(config)# interface media module/portrouter(config-if)# description description-stringrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-addr subnet-maskrouter(config-if)# no shutdown38.用中继链路来建立与VLAN的连接:router(config)# interface module/port.subinterfacerouter(config-ig)# encapsulation[isl|dotlq] vlan-numberrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-mask39.用LANE 来建立与VLAN的连接:router(config)# interface atm module/portrouter(config-if)# no ip addressrouter(config-if)# atm pvc 1 0 5 qsaalrouter(config-if)# atm pvc 2 0 16 ilnirouter(config-if)# interface atm module/port.subinterface multipointrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-maskrouter(config-if)# lane client ethernet elan-numrouter(config-if)# interface atm module/port.subinterface multipointrouter(config-if)# ip address ip-address subnet-namerouter(config-if)# lane client ethernet elan-namerouter(config-if)# …40.为了在路由处理器上进行动态路由配置,可以用下列IOS命令来进行: router(config)# ip routingrouter(config)# router ip-routing-protocolrouter(config-router)# network ip-network-numberrouter(config-router)# network ip-network-number41.配置默认路由:switch(enable) set ip route default gateway42.为一个路由处理器分配VLANID,可在接口模式下使用下列命令:router(config)# interface interface numberrouter(config-if)# mls rp vlan-id vlan-id-num43.在路由处理器启用MLSP:router(config)# mls rp ip44.为了把一个外置的路由处理器接口和交换机安置在同一个VTP域中:router(config)# interface interface numberrouter(config-if)# mls rp vtp-domain domain-name45.查看指定的VTP域的信息:router# show mls rp vtp-domain vtp domain name46.要确定RSM或路由器上的管理接口,可以在接口模式下输入下列命令:router(config-if)#mls rp management-interface47.要检验MLS-RP的配置情况:router# show mls rp48.检验特定接口上的MLS配置:router# show mls rp interface interface number49.为了在MLS-SE上设置流掩码而又不想在任一个路由处理器接口上设置访问列表:set mls flow [destination|destination-source|full]50.为使MLS和输入访问列表可以兼容,可以在全局模式下使用下列命令:router(config)# mls rp ip input-acl51.当某个交换机的第3层交换失效时,可在交换机的特权模式下输入下列命令:switch(enable) set mls enable52.若想改变老化时间的值,可在特权模式下输入以下命令:switch(enable) set mls agingtime agingtime53.设置快速老化:switch(enable) set mls agingtime fast fastagingtime pkt_threshold54.确定那些MLS-RP和MLS-SE参与了MLS,可先显示交换机引用列表中的内容再确定:switch(enable) show mls include55.显示MLS高速缓存记录:switch(enable) show mls entry56.用命令show in arp显示ARP高速缓存区的内容。
©2020 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.†For illustration only. Actual products may vary.Mellanox provides the world’s smartest switch, enabling in-network computing through the Co-Design Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™ technology. QM8790 has the highest fabric performance available in the market with up to 16Tb/s of non-blocking bandwidth with sub-130ns port-to-port latency.SCALING-OUT DATA CENTERS WITH HDR 200G INFINIBANDFaster servers, combined with high-performance storage and applications that use increasingly complex computations are causing data bandwidth requirements to spiral upward. As servers are deployed with next generation processors, High-Performance Computing (HPC) environments and Enterprise Data Centers (EDC) will need every last bit of bandwidth delivered with Mellanox’s next generation of HDR InfiniBand, high-speed, smart switches.WORLD’S SMARTEST SWITCHBuilt with the Mellanox Quantum InfiniBand switch device, the QM8790 provides up to forty 200Gb/s ports, with full bi-directional bandwidth per port. These stand-alone switches are an ideal choice for top-of-rack leaf connectivity or for building small to extremely large sized clusters.QM8790 is the world’s smartest network switch, designed to enable in-network computing through the Co-Design Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP)™ technology. The Co-Design architecture enables the usage of all active data center devices to accelerate thecommunications frameworks using embedded hardware, resulting in an order of magnitude application performance improvements.QM8790 enables efficient computing with features such as static routing, adaptive routing, congestion control and enhanced VL mapping to enable modern topologies (SlimFly, Dragonfly+, 6DT). These ensure the maximum effective fabric bandwidth by eliminating congestion hot spots.The QM8790 switch has best-in-class design to support low power consumption. Power is further reduced upon partial port utilization.COLLECTIVE COMMUNICATION ACCELERATIONCollective communication describes communication patterns in which all members of a group ofcommunication endpoints participate. Collective communications are commonly used in HPC protocols such as MPI and SHMEM.40-port Non-blocking Externally Managed HDR 200Gb/s InfiniBand Smart SwitchQM8790Mellanox Quantum ™HDR Edge SwitchPRODUCT BRIEFSWITCH SYSTEM †350 Oakmead Parkway, Suite 100, Sunnyvale, CA 94085Tel: 408-970-3400 • Fax: © Copyright 2020. Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.Mellanox, Mellanox logo, and Connect-X are registered trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. Mellanox Quantum and Scalable Hierarchical Aggregation and Reduction Protocol (SHARP) are trademarks of Mellanox Technologies, Ltd. All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.Mellanox QM8790 InfiniBand Switchpage 2The Mellanox Quantum switch improves the performance of selected collective operations by processing the data as it traverses the network, eliminating the need to send data multiple times between endpoints.It also supports the aggregation of large data vectors at wire speed to enable MPI large vector reduction operations, which are crucial for machine learning applications.HDR100QM8790 together with the Mellanox ConnectX ®-6 adapter card support HDR100. By utilizing two pairs of two lanes per port, the QM8790 can support up to 80 ports of 100G to create the densest TOR switchavailable in the market. This is a perfect solution for double dense racks with more than 40 servers per rack and also helps small-medium deployments with the need to scale to 3-level fat-tree, to lower power, latency and space.BUILDING EFFICIENT CLUSTERSQM8790 is the industry’s most cost-effective building block for deploying high performance clusters and data centers. Whether looking at price-to-performance or energy-to-performance, QM8790 offers superior performance, low power and scale, reducing capital and operating expenses, and providing the best return-on-investment.Mellanox QM8790–19’’ rack mountable 1U chassis –40 QSFP56 non-blocking ports with aggregate data throughput up to 16Tb/s (HDR)Switch Specifications–Compliant with IBTA 1.21 and 1.3 –9 virtual lanes:8 data + 1 management –256 to 4Kbyte MTU–Adaptive Routing –Congestion control –Port Mirroring –VL2VL mapping–4X48K entry linear forwarding databaseManagement Ports–I 2C (RJ45)–System reset buttonConnectors and Cabling–QSFP56 connectors–Passive copper or active fiber cables –Optical modulesIndicators–Per port status LED Link, Activity –System LEDs: System, fans, power supplies –Unit ID LEDPower Consumption–Contact Mellanox SalesPower Supply–Dual redundant slots –Hot plug operation –Input range:100-127VAC, 200-240VAC–Frequency: 50-60Hz, single phase AC, 4.5A, 2.9ACooling–Front-to-rear or rear-to-front cooling option–Hot-swappable fan unitFEATURESSafety–CB –cTUVus –CE –CUEMC (Emissions)–CE –FCC –VCCI –ICES –RCMOperating Conditions–Temperature:–Operating 0ºC to 40ºC–Non-Operating -40ºC to 70ºC –Humidity:–Operating 10% to 85% non-condensing–Non-Operating 10% to 90% non-condensing–Altitude: Up to 3200mAcoustic–ISO 7779 –ETS 300 753Others–RoHS compliant –Rack-mountable, 1U –1-year warrantyCOMPLIANCETable 1 - Part Numbers and Descriptions53778PB Rev 2.1。
User Guide© Copyright 2013 Hewlett-Packard Development Company, L.P.Bluetooth is a trademark owned by its proprietor and used by Hewlett-Packard Company under license. Google is a trademark of Google Inc. Windows is a U.S. registered trademark of Microsoft Corporation.The information contained herein is subject to change without notice. The only warranties for HP products and services are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. HP shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein.First Edition: September 2013Document Part Number: 743472-001Product noticeThis guide describes features that arecommon to most models. Some featuresmay not be available on your tablet.Software termsBy installing, copying, downloading, orotherwise using any software productpreinstalled on this tablet, you agree to bebound by the terms of the HP End UserLicense Agreement (EULA). If you do notaccept these license terms, your soleremedy is to return the entire unusedproduct (hardware and software) within 14days for a refund subject to the refundpolicy of your place of purchase.For any further information or to request afull refund of the tablet, please contact yourlocal point of sale (the seller).Table of contents1 The basics (1)Lock and unlock the screen (1)2 Using the Home screen (2)3 Using apps and widgets (3)Using the on-screen keyboard (3)Using Gmail (3)Using the calendar (4)Using Google Now (4)Using the clock (4)Downloading apps (4)Uninstalling apps (4)4 Using the cameras (5)Taking your own photo (5)Recording a video (5)Taking a screenshot (5)Viewing photos or videos (5)Printing photos (5)5 Connecting to networks (7)Connect to a wireless network (7)Connect to Bluetooth (select models only) (7)Connect to a mobile network (select models only) (8)Activate data transfer (8)Activate tethering or a portable hotspot (select models only) (8)Connect to a Miracast-compatible wireless display (select models only) (8)Connect to a Windows computer (select models only) (9)6 Using Settings (10)WIRELESS & NETWORKS (10)DEVICE (10)PERSONAL (10)ACCOUNTS (11)iiiSYSTEM (11)7 Securing your tablet (12)8 Backing up and recovering your data (13)Updating apps, widgets, and the operating system (13)Back up and reset (13)Factory data reset (13)9 More HP resources (14)Index (15)iv1The basicsBefore using the tablet for the first time, connect it to external power, and thenTo start using your tablet, follow these instructions:1.After charging the battery, and while the battery image is displayed on the screen, turn on thetablet by pressing and holding the power button about 5 seconds until the HP logo is displayed.The first time you turn on the tablet, you will see a Welcome screen.displayed.2.Follow the on-screen instructions to select a language, connect to a wireless network, and signinto your Google™ account.synchronized with your tablet. If you have additional Google accounts, you can add them later. Lock and unlock the screenLock—Press the power button.Unlock—Press the power button to turn on the tablet, then place your finger on the lock icon andslide the icon to the unlock position.Lock and unlock the screen12Using the Home screenThe Home screen provides a central location where you can access information and email, browsethe Web, stream videos, view photos, and access social media websites.●Swipe down from the top to display notifications.●Swipe up from the bottom to display Google Now cards.●Touch an icon to perform the action described in the table.Icon DescriptionSearch—Allows you to type one or more keywords to search with Google.Voice search—Allows you to touch , and then speak one or more keywords to search withGoogle.Back—Opens the previous screen.Home—Opens the central Home screen.●To see a left or right Home screen, swipe to the left or right.●To quickly return to the Home screen, touch .Recent apps—Opens a list of apps that you have used recently.●Touch an app to open it.●To remove an app from the list, swipe it to the left or right.All apps—Displays a list of all apps.To see all widgets, touch the Widgets tab.2Chapter 2 Using the Home screen3Using apps and widgetsApps are shortcuts placed on the Home screen and used to open applications installed on yourtablet.Widgets are apps with special functionality that displays content that is updated frequently. You canview the updated content without opening the widget.To see all apps, touch .●To open an app, touch the icon. To return to the Home screen, touch .●To add an app to the Home screen, touch and hold the app icon until the Home screen appears,and then slide it to the location where you want it to be.●To remove an app from the Home screen, touch and hold the app icon, and then drag it to theicon at the top of the screen.To see all widgets, touch , and then touch the Widgets tab.●To open a widget, touch the icon. To return to the Home screen, touch .●To add a widget to the Home screen, touch and hold the widget icon until the Home screenappears, and then slide it to the location where you want it to be.●To remove a widget from the Home screen, touch and hold the widget icon, and then drag it tothe icon at the top of the screen.Using the on-screen keyboard●To open the on-screen keyboard, touch the text field at the top of the screen, type one or morekeywords, and then touch or .●To use voice search, touch at the top of the screen, and then speak one or more keywords.Using Gmail1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under ACCOUNTS, touch Add account.3.Touch Google, and then follow the on-screen instructions.4.To access your Gmail account, touch the Gmail icon.Using the on-screen keyboard3Using the calendar●Touch the Calendar icon, and then follow the on-screen instructions.●To add the Calendar to the Home screen, touch and hold the Calendar icon until it appears onthe Home screen.Using Google NowGoogle Now uses time of day, your current location, and your location history to display informationon your commute. Information from other Google products, such as your Web history or yourcalendar, is used to display appointment reminders, maps, sports scores, and flight status.●To opt into Google Now, swipe up from the bottom of the screen, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.●To display Google Now cards, swipe up from the bottom of the screen.Using the clock●Touch , and then touch the Clock icon.●To add the Clock to the Home screen, touch and hold the Clock icon until it appears on theHome screen.●To add an alarm, touch the Clock icon, touch Set alarm, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.Downloading appsDownload apps, music, books, games, and more from the Google Play Store.●Touch , and then touch a category.– or –Touch , and then type a keyword in the search field.●To download and install an app, follow the on-screen instructions.Uninstalling apps1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under DEVICE, touch Storage, and then touch Apps.3.Touch the app that you want to uninstall, and then touch Uninstall.4.Touch OK, and then touch OK again.4Chapter 3 Using apps and widgets4Using the camerasTake your own photo or take screenshots with the front camera.Taking your own photo●Touch , and then touch .●To take a photo, touch the rotating camera icon above the blue circle, and then touch the bluecircle.The photo is saved in the Gallery.Recording a video●Touch , and then touch .●To record a video, touch the video camera icon.The blue circle turns red.●To begin recording, touch the red circle.●To stop recording, touch and hold the red circle.The video is saved in the Gallery.Taking a screenshotPress the power button and the volume down button at the same time for about 1 second.A message is displayed when the screenshot is saved in the Gallery.Viewing photos or videos●To view the photos or videos in your Gallery, touch , and then touch the Gallery icon.●To delete a photo or video, touch the photo or video, and then touch in the upper-right cornerof the screen.Printing photos1.Touch , and then touch the Gallery icon.2.Touch the photo to select it.3.Touch in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then touch Print.4.The first time that you use the printing function, follow the on-screen instructions to select aprinter.Taking your own photo55.Select the number of copies.6.To select options, touch the down arrow, and then follow the on-screen instructions.7.Touch Print.A message is displayed to indicate the print status.– or –Activate HP ePrint (select models only), which allows you to print directly to an HP ePrint-enabledprinter. For more information, go to /go/2eprint.1.Touch , and then touch the HP ePrint icon.2.Follow the on-screen instructions, and then touch Activate Now.3.Enter your email address, and then touch Activate.An activation code is sent to the email address that you entered.4.Touch, and then touch the HP ePrint icon.5.Enter the activation code, and then touch Activate.6Chapter 4 Using the cameras5Connecting to networksYou can connect the tablet to a wireless network, Bluetooth® devices (select models only), a mobilenetwork (select models only), a Miracast-compatible wireless display (select models only), or aWindows® computer.Connect to a wireless networkBrowse the Web, read your email, or perform other online activities.To connect to a wireless network:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, be sure that Wi-Fi is turned on.3.Touch Wi-Fi, and then touch one of the available networks that is displayed.4.Type the security key if required, and then touch Connect.Connect to Bluetooth (select models only)Pair a Bluetooth device, such as a headset, keyboard, or mouse with your tablet.To connect to a Bluetooth device:1.Turn on the Bluetooth device.2.Touch , and then touch .3.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, turn on Bluetooth, and then touch Bluetooth.4.Touch your device name to make it Visible to all nearby Bluetooth devices.5.To find available Bluetooth devices, touch SEARCH FOR DEVICES.6.When the device name appears, touch it to pair the device to your tablet.Connect to a wireless network7Connect to a mobile network (select models only)If a SIM card is not preinstalled, a SIM card can be purchased from a mobile carrier. To insert the SIMcard, see the Quick Start guide included with your product.1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Mobile Networks, and then touch Access PointNames.3.Touch the , touch Select New APN, and then follow the on-screen instructions.Activate data transferTo enable data transfer over a mobile network:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Mobile Networks, and then touch Mobile data. Activate tethering or a portable hotspot (select models only)To share your product's mobile data connection via USB or as a portable Wi-Fi hotspot:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Mobile Networks, and then touch Tethering andportable hotspot.3.To set up a portable Wi-Fi hotspot, touch Mobile Hotspot.4.To share your product's mobile data connection, touch USB tethering.USB tethering works with Windows 7, Vista, or Linux.Connect to a Miracast-compatible wireless display (select models only)To connect to a Miracast-compatible wireless display:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under WIRELESS & NETWORKS, touch Miracast, and then touch Miracast wireless display.3.Follow the on-screen instructions.8Chapter 5 Connecting to networksConnect to a Windows computer (select models only)1.Connect the micro USB cable to your tablet and to a Windows computer.The USB storage appears as a drive on the computer. You can copy files back and forth as youwould with any other external device.2.When you are finished, disconnect the USB cable.Connect to a Windows computer (select models only)96Using SettingsUse Settings for connecting to networks, setting preferences, and finding information about yourtablet.●Touch , and then touch .– or –●Swipe down from the top, and then touch .WIRELESS & NETWORKS●Wi-Fi—Enable or disable Wi-Fi, and connect to a wireless network so that you check email,search the Web, or access social media websites.●Bluetooth—Enable or disable Bluetooth, and pair a Bluetooth device, such as a headset orkeyboard, with your tablet.●Data usage—View a graph of the data used during the selected period. The data usage by eachinstalled app is also displayed.●More...—Enable or disable Airplane mode or VPN.DEVICE●Sound—Select Volumes, Default notification, and enable or disable Touch sounds andScreen lock sound.●Display—Select Brightness, Wallpaper, Sleep, and Font size.●Storage—View available space in tablet memory and SD™ card memory (if installed).●Battery—View battery charge percentage and battery usage by various features.●Apps—View downloaded apps and running apps. To view information or uninstall an app, touchthe app.PERSONAL●Location access—Enable or disable Access to my location and Wi-Fi network location.●Security—Set preferences for SCREEN SECURITY, PASSWORDS, DEVICEADMINISTRATION, and CREDENTIAL STORAGE.●Language & input—Set preferences for Language, KEYBOARD & INPUT METHODS,SPEECH, and MOUSE/TRACKPAD.●Backup & reset—Set preferences for BACKUP & RESTORE, and PERSONAL DATA.10Chapter 6 Using SettingsACCOUNTSExisting accounts are displayed.●Add an email account or another type of account—Under ACCOUNTS, touch + Addaccount, and then follow the on-screen instructions.●Sync an account—Under ACCOUNTS, touch the name of the account. Touch the name of theaccount again, touch in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then touch Sync now.●Remove an account—Under ACCOUNTS, touch the name of the account. Touch the name ofthe account again, touch in the upper-right corner of the screen, and then touch Removeaccount.SYSTEM●Date & time—Enable or disable Automatic date & time, and select preferences for time zone,time format, and date format.●Accessibility—Enable or disable TalkBack, Large text, Auto-rotate screen, Speakpasswords, Text-to-speech output, Touch & hold delay, and Enhance web accessibility.●Developer options—Enable or disable various Developer options.●About tablet—Display the software version and legal information for your tablet.You can also check for software updates.ACCOUNTS117Securing your tabletTo prevent others from accessing the data on your tablet, select a screen lock method.Set a screen lock1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under PERSONAL, touch Security, and then under SCREEN SECURITY, touch Screen lock.3.Under Choose screen lock, select one of the following types of screen locks, and then followthe on-screen instructions.●Slide—Unlock the screen by swiping to the right.●Face Unlock (select models only)—Unlock the screen by looking at the screen.●Pattern—Draw a simple pattern to unlock the screen.●Pin—Enter four or more numbers to unlock the screen.●Password—Enter four or more letters or numbers. This option provides the mostprotection, if a strong password is selected.12Chapter 7 Securing your tablet8Backing up and recovering your dataUpdating apps, widgets, and the operating system HP recommends that you update your apps, widgets, and the operating system on a regular basis tothe latest versions. Updates can resolve issues and bring new features and options to your tablet.Technology is always changing, and updating apps, widgets, and the operating system allows yourtablet to run the latest technology available. For example, older apps and widgets might not work wellwith the most recent operating system.Go to the Google Play store to download the latest versions of HP and third-party apps and widgets.The operating system will download system updates automatically and notify you when it is ready toinstall these updates. If you want to update the operating system manually, go to /support.Back up and resetYou can set preferences for backing up and restoring your data in case of loss.1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under PERSONAL, touch Back up & reset.3.Under BACKUP & RESTORE, select one or more of the following:●Back up my data—Select the check box to enable backing up app data, Wi-Fi passwords,and other settings to Google servers.●Backup account—Select a Google account for backing up data.●Automatic restore—Select the check box to enable backed up settings and data to berestored when an app is reinstalled.Factory data resetTo reset all settings and delete all data on the device:1.Touch , and then touch .2.Under PERSONAL, touch Back up & reset.3.Under PERSONAL DATA, select Factory data reset, and then follow the on-screeninstructions.Updating apps, widgets, and the operating system139More HP resourcesTo locate product details, how-to information, and more, use this table.Resource ContentsHP supportFor U.S. support, go to /go/ contactHP.For worldwide support, go to / country/us/en/.html.●Online chat with an HP technician.●Email support.●Find telephone numbers.●Locate HP service center locations.GoogleFor Google support, go to /mobile/android.●Access Google online help and support.Quick StartThe Quick Start document is located in the documentfolder of the tablet box.●Important regulatory notices.Product NoticesThe Product Notices document is located in thedocument folder of the tablet box.●Important regulatory notices.Limited WarrantyThe warranty is located in the document folder of thetablet box. You can also go to /go/orderdocuments.●Warranty information about this tablet. 14Chapter 9 More HP resourcesIndexAaccounts10all apps icon2apps3Bback icon2backup and recovery13 battery10Beats Audio10 Bluetooth7, 10Ccalendar3camera5clock3computer7Ddate & time10display10download3FFace Unlock12factory data reset13GGmail3Hhome icon2Iicons2Llanguage10Nnetwork7Ppassword12photos5PIN12printing5Product Notices14QQuick Start14Rrecent apps icon2Sscreen lock12screenshot5search icon2settings10sound10storage10Vvoice search icon2Wwarranty14wi-fi7, 10widgets3Windows7Index15。
2、选择AP配置模式通过用户名密码之后,进入设备命令行:如下:/ #/ # cst_cli_sh输入cst_cli_sh ,进入AP CLI模式:/ # cst_cli_shAP>在AP>模式下,输入enable,进入用户视图:AP>enableAP#help 查看enable模式下可执行命令configure terminal 进入配置模式date date [MMDDhhmm[YYYY][.ss]] 配置AP时间debug 开启或者关闭debugexit 退出当前模式进入上一模式factory 恢复出差设置help 帮助提示nms 配置nms ip/port.reboot 设备重启save 保存运行的配置文件show 查看信息snmp-service 使能SNMP配置systemname 配置系统AP的名称timezone 配置时区,中国+83、指定NMS管理服务器nms ip x.x.x.x 配置NMS地址nms port 9876 配置NMS端口,必须和服务器保持一致nms interval 60 时间间隔在AP#模式下,输入configure terminal ,进入配置视图:AP#configure terminalAP(configure)#4、配置AP的管理地址①、DHCP自动获取:AP在出厂默认时为DHCP自动获取方式,联入有线网络,即可分配到地址,通过show running config,可以看出分配得到的地址:AP(configure)#show running configmanagement-vlan 1 AP的管理vlannative-vlan 1 端口默认vlanip dhcp enable LAN地址使能DHCP获取ip address 可手动配置IP地址ip gateway 无线AP 网关如上述,可以看到获取的IP地址为192.168.20.3 掩码为255.255.255.0 网关为192.168.20.1;②、手动静态配置管理地址:在AP的配置模式下,输入ip address X.X.X.X X.X.X.X;ip gateway X.X.X.X,完成IP和网关的配置:AP(configure)#ip address gateway此时完成IP地址的静态修改之后,AP的DHCP状态为disable。
INTERNET UPDATE VIA FRONT PANEL DISPLAY1 Power up M33. Ensure wire or wired network connection is established.2 Front panel display will illuminate and show default display as below.3 Wait for a few minutes and an upgrade prompt advice will appear in the front panel display.Select “I want it now ” to initiate upgrade procedure.IMPORTANT!If the pop-up upgrade notice does not appear within 10 minutes, yourM33 has the latest firmware version already and does not need anyupgrade. Proceed to use and enjoy your M33.4 Internet update will proceed automatically. No further action is required.Internet update is completed when your unit is rebooted and default front panel display is shown again.SETUP REQUIREMENT• Go to the M33 product page at and download the corresponding owner’s manual.• Refer to the “QUICK SETUP GUIDE” section in the owner’s manual for wired or wireless setup connection.IMPORTANT!• For wired or wireless connection to be established, ensure that a broadband router that supports Ethernet and/or Wi-Fi standard is setup and available.• During upgrade process, the front panel display will appear inactive or have no display - this is normal. Do not interfere and let the upgrade process run its course.• Firmware version details shown are for reference only.• This M33 Internet Update Guideline is subject to change without notice. Check the M33 product page for the latest Internet Update Guideline.INTERNET UPDATEYour M33 must be updated to the latest firmware right out of the box. For outright firmware update, connect your M33 wired or wirelessly to your home network.Initiate internet update via either Front Panel Display or BluOS App.INTERNET UPDATE VIA BluOS APP1Download BluOS App. 2Ensure that BluOS App and your M33 are connected to the same network. 3Open BluOS App and look for your M33 (“M33-D7B5” in this example) from the Player Selection drawer (right side of the BluOS App).4 A “NEEDS SETUP” prompt is shown. Select “M33-D7B5” to start setup. If you are setting up your M33 for wireless connection, the process willalso include wireless connection setup.$©2020 NAD ELECTRONICS INTERNATIONAL, A DIVISION OF LENBROOK INDUSTRIES LIMITED All rights reserved. NAD and the NAD logo are trademarks of NAD Electronics International, a division of Lenbrook Industries Limited.No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form without the written permission of NAD Electronics International.M33 INTERNET UPDATE GUIDELINES V02 - 06/2056 Internet update will proceed automatically. No further action is required. Internet update is completed when your unit is rebooted, default front panel display isshown and BluOS App shows “Setup Complete” or “All done!”.。
Switch 3870(24端口、Managed 10 100 1000和48端口、Managed
Displays detailed information on a client’s public key.
security device ssh userauth userkey download Downloads a client’s public key from a TFTP server.
security network access acl summary
Lists Access Control Lists.
security network access detail
Displays summary information on port users.
security network access portSecurity
security network access acl portbindings unbind Unbinds a port from an Access Control List.
security network access acl remove
Removes an Access Control List rule.
security radius summary
Displays summary information on RADIUS.
system backupConfig restore
Restores the configuration of the Switch from a backup file.
Command (Continued) system backupConfig save system console speed system control initialize system control reboot system control renumber system control softwareUpgrade system control swapSoftware system inventory system management contact system management location system management name system management password system management snmp community system management snmp engineId system management snmp linkTraps system management snmp notify create system management snmp notify delete system management snmp notify modify system management snmp notify summary system management snmp trap create system management snmp trap delete system management snmp trap modify system management snmp trap summary system summary trafficManagement cos setup trafficManagement cos summary trafficManagement qos trafficQueue serviceMode trafficManagement qos trafficQueue summary trafficManagement rateLimiting setup trafficManagement rateLimiting summary
channel select用法
Channel select是一种在电子设备中常见的功能,它可以用来选择不同的信号源或频道。
无论是电视、收音机、无线电或者其它类型的设备,都可能会有channel select功能。
下面将介绍channel select的基本用法和注意事项。
一、基本用法1.1 找到channel select按钮或菜单在大部分电子设备上,channel select通常都有专门的按钮,可以直接通过按压按钮切换频道。
另外,还有一些设备可能需要在设置菜单中手动选择channel select功能。
1.2 切换频道或信源一旦找到了channel select按钮或菜单,接下来就可以根据需要切换频道或信源。
1.3 调整参数在一些更高级的设备上,channel select还可以用来调整更多的参数。
比如在一些电视机上,可以通过channel select来选择不同的显示模式或音频模式。
二、注意事项2.1 不同设备可能有不同的操作方式需要注意的是,不同的设备可能对应的操作方式会有所不同。
一些较新的电子设备可能会采用触摸屏或者语音控制来实现channel select功能。
2.2 注意信号稳定性在进行channel select时,需要注意信号的稳定性。
2.3 避免频繁切换频繁切换频道或信源可能会对电子设备产生一定的压力,也会增加设备的功耗。
总结:通过上述介绍,大家应该对channel select的基本用法和注意事项有了一定的了解。
Examining help in the switch CLI
The command-line interface (CLI) for Cisco switches is very similar to the CLI for Cisco routers.
Switch command modes
The enable command is used to change from User EXEC mode to Privileged EXEC mode. Privileged EXEC mode is also recognized by its prompt, which ends in a pound-sign character (#).
Switch LED indicators: Port Status LED
Port LEDs during switch POST – System LED
• • •
Once the power cable is connected, the switch initiates a series of tests called the power-on self test (POST). If the System LED is green, then POST was successful. If the System LED is amber, then POST failed. POST failure is considered to be a fatal error.
Viewing initial bootup output from the switch
• •
The switch may be configured manually with or without the assistance of the System Configuration dialog. The System Configuration dialog on the switch is simpler than that on a router.
第 5 章 LLDP 功能命令 ................................................. 21
5.1 lldp enable ....................................................................................... 21 5.2 lldp enable(端口) ......................................................................... 21 5.3 lldp mode ......................................................................................... 21 5.4 lldp tx-interval.................................................................................. 22 5.5 lldp msgTxHold ............................................................................... 22 5.6 lldp transmit delay .......................................................................... 23 5.7 lldp notification interval.................................................................. 23 5.8 lldp trap............................................................................................ 23 5.9 lldp transmit optional tlv................................................................. 24 5.10 lldp neighbors max-num............................................................... 24 5.11 lldp tooManyNeighbors................................................................. 24 5.12 show lldp........................................................................................ 25 2
https:///doc/1ac4b8b8c381e53a580216fc700abb68a882ad6a.html /2.下载你⾃⼰需要的switch系统国外地址;https:///doc/1ac4b8b8c381e53a580216fc700abb68a882ad6a.html /index.php/switch-firmwares/3.91wii下载地址:https:///doc/1ac4b8b8c381e53a580216fc700abb68a882ad6a.html /thread-111236-1-1.html4.群⽂件也有提供系统包下载!5.将ChoiDujourNX.nro复制到你的TF卡内的“switch”⽂件夹。
(群⽂件⼤⽓层整合包⾃带⼤⽩兔刷机软件)4. 将下载好的系统压缩包解压后复制到tf卡的根⽬录。
6. 进⼊相册,找到ChoiDujourNX并打开(图中的⼤⽩兔图标)。
1.1.4 switchport pvid .................................................................................................................................3
1.1.5 switchport mode ...............................................................................................................................4
下面的命令将添加 ID 为 2 的 VLAN。
Switch_config# Switch_config#vlan 2 Switch_config_vlan2#exit
1.1.2 name
[no] name str 给 VLAN 命名。
VLAN 配置命令
参数 str
参数说明 定义VLAN的名称。取值范围:长度为1–32的字符串
1.1.7 switchport dot1q-translating-tunnel ..................................................................................................5
1.1.8 mac-vlan mac-address.....................................................................................................................6
Brook Gamecube to Switch converter - Firmware Upda
STEP 2 Hold down the button on the converter, and connect it to the computer.
This document describes how to update the firmware of Brook Gamecube to Switch converter. NOTE : The update must be done on a PC; it cannot be done on a console. NOTE : Make sure your PC is connected to the internet. NOTE : Disable antivirus before executing the program. NOTE : The ONLINE version firmware just needs to be downloaded once. The following firmware updates will be executed online with this program.
STEP 5 The following screen will be shown once update has successfully finished.
STEP 6 In case the firmware update fails, the following screen will show. Failure could have the following cause: wrong file.
© Brook All Rights Reserved. February 2020 1
2900系列交换机配置命令●查看交换机的信息Switch# show run 全部配置信息Switch# show version 版本信息Switch# show interface vlan 1 IP地址信息Switch# show int 端口信息Switch# show flash 闪存目录信息●删除配置信息到出厂配置Switch#delete flash:vlan.dat先删除VLAN配置文件Switch#erase start 再删除全部配置Erasing the nvram filesystem will remove all files! Continue? [confirm] [OK]Erase of nvram: completeSwitch#reload 重新启动Proceed with reload? [confirm]●保存配置方法1: Switch#write方法2: Switch#copy run start●设置主机名Switch#conf tSwitch(config)#hostname XXX●密码设置1、设置进入控制台(用户模式)的密码Switch(config)#line console 0Switch(config-line)#pass ciscoSwitch(config-line)#login2、设置远程登录VTY线路密码Switch(config-line)#line vty 0 4(或15)Switch(config-line)#pass ciscoSwitch(config-line)#login3、设置进入ENABLE特权模式的密码Switch(config)#enable pass feng 明文密码Switch(config)#enable secret cisco 加密密码●设置IP地址和缺省网关Switch(config)#int vlan1Switch(config-if)#ip address shutdownSwitch(config-if)#exitSwitch(config)#ip default-gateway●设置端口双工模式和速率Switch(config)int f0/1Switch(config-if)#duplex full|half|autoSwitch(config-if)#speed 100|10|auto●启动HTTP服务Switch(config) ip http serverSwitch(config) ip http port 80●查看MAC地址表信息Switch# show mac●配置端口安全性Switch(config) int f0/101.启动端口安全Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security2.设置端口最大可容纳的MAC地址个数Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security max-mac-count 13.设置地址违反时的处理方式Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security violation shutdown|protect|restrict 4.设置端口上绑定的MAC地址Switch(config-if)#switchport port-security mac-address 1111.1111.1111●查看端口安全性配置Switch# sh port-security address 查看绑定的安全地址Switch# sh port-security int f0/1 查看安全端口●配置信息的保存Switch#copy run startDestination filename [startup-config]?Building configuration...Switch#copy run tftp●配置信息的恢复Switch#copy tftp run●IOS文件的保存Switch#copy flash tftp●IOS文件的恢复Switch#copy tftp flash●设置VLANSwitch#conf tSwitch(config)#vlan 3Switch(config-vlan)#name vlan3VLAN 3 added:Name: vlan3Switch(config-vlan)#exitAPPLY completed.Exiting....将端口加入到VLAN中Switch(config)#int f0/4Switch(config-if)#switchport mode accessSwitch(config-if)#switchport access vlan 3显示VLAN信息Switch#show vlanSwitch#show vlan briefSwitch#sh flashDirectory of flash:/2 -rwx 1645810 Jul 18 2000 01:26:29 c2900XL-c3h2s-mz-120.5.2-XU.bin3 -rwx 105970 Jul 18 2000 01:26:29 c2900XL-diag-mz-120.5.2-XU4 drwx 6784 Jul 18 2000 01:26:30 html111 -rwx 720 Mar 01 1993 00:17:12 vlan.dat112 -rwx 286 Jan 01 1970 00:00:24 env_vars113 -rwx 1130 Mar 05 1993 16:56:45 config.sl114 -rwx 0 Mar 01 1993 00:00:49 config.text3612672 bytes total (833024 bytes free)●删除VLANSwitch#conf tSwitch(config)#no vlan 2Deleting VLAN 2...Switch(config)#no vlan 3Deleting VLAN 3...Switch#delete flash:vlan.datDelete filename [vlan.dat]?Delete flash:vlan.dat? [confirm]●配置TRUNKSwitch(config)# int f0/5Switch(config-if)#switchport mode trunk●验证TRUNK配置Switch#show int f0/1 switchport●启动VTPSwitch#conf tSwitch(config)#vtp domain ciscoSwitch(config)#vtp password ciscoSwitch(config)#vtp serverSwitch(config #vtp pruning●验证VTP配置Switch#show vtp statusSwitch#show vtp counters●STP生成树协议配置sl#sh spanVLAN0001Spanning tree enabled protocol ieeeRoot ID Priority 24577Address 0002.179A.87B9Cost 19Port 10(FastEthernet0/10)Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 secBridge ID Priority 32769 (priority 32768 sys-id-ext 1)Address 0002.1705.C1C7Hello Time 2 sec Max Age 20 sec Forward Delay 15 secAging Time 20Interface Role Sts Cost Prio.Nbr Type---------------- ---- --- --------- -------- --------------------------------Fa0/1 Desg FWD 19 128.1 P2pFa0/5 Altn BLK 19 128.5 P2pFa0/10 Root FWD 19 112.10 P2p改变生成树协议类型sl(config)#spanning-tree mode pvst设置交换机为根桥sl(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 root primary改变交换机的优先级sl(config)#spanning-tree vlan 1 priority 4096改变端口的优先级值sl(config)#int f0/2sl(config-if)#spanning-tree vlan 1 port-priority 112sl#sh span datailVLAN0001 is executing the ieee compatible Spanning Tree Protocol Bridge Identifier has priority of 32768, sysid 1, 0002.1705.C1C7 Configured hello time 2, max age 20, forward delay 15Current root has priority 24577Root port is 10 (FastEthernet0/10), cost of root path is 19 Topology change flag not set, detected flag not setNumber of topology changes 0 last change occurred 00:00:00 ago from FastEthernet0/1Times: hold 1, topology change 35, notification 2hello 2, max age 20, forward delay 15Timers: hello 0, topology change 0, notification 0, aging 300Port 5 (FastEthernet0/5) of VLAN0001 is designated blockingPort path cost 19, Port priority 128, Port Identifier 128.5 Designated root has priority 112, address 000B.BEDC.400A Designated bridge has priority 24577, address 0002.179A.87B9 Designated port id is 128.5, designated path cost 19Timers: message age 16, forward delay 0, hold 0Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1Link type is point-to-point by defaultPort 10 (FastEthernet0/10) of VLAN0001 is designated forwarding Port path cost 19, Port priority 112, Port Identifier 112.10 Designated root has priority 112, address 000B.BEDC.400A Designated bridge has priority 24577, address 0002.179A.87B9 Designated port id is 112.10, designated path cost 19Timers: message age 16, forward delay 0, hold 0Number of transitions to forwarding state: 1Link type is point-to-point交换机密码恢复关闭交换机电源后,按着交换机Mode按钮再次打开电源The system has been interrupted prior to initializing theflash filesystem. The following commands will initializethe flash filesystem, and finish loading the operatingsystem software:flash_initload_helperbootswitch: flash_initInitializing Flash...flashfs[0]: 167 files, 2 directoriesflashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[0]: Total bytes: 3612672flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 3591680flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 20992flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 8 seconds....done Initializing Flash.Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3Parameter Block Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4switch: flash_initswitch: load_helperswitch: dir flash:Directory of flash:/2 drwx 704 <date> html5 -rwx 1751867 <date> c3500XL-c3h2s-mz.120-5.WC3b.bin17 -rwx 94375 <date> c3500XL-hdiag-mz-120.5.3.WC.119 -rwx 804 <date> vlan.dat21 -rwx 1253 <date> config.textswitch: rename flash:config.text flash:config.oldswitch: boot交换机重启后,出现提示:Continue with configuration dialog? [yes/no]:Nswitch>enableSwitch#rename flash:config.old flash:config.textDestination filename [config.text]?YSwitch#copy flash:config.text system:running-configDestination filename [running-config]? YSwitch#configure terminalSwitch(config)#no enable secretSwitch(config)#enable secret 新口令Switch(config)#^ZSwitch#Switch#copy running-config startup-config交换机ios恢复全过程关闭交换机电源后,按着交换机Mode按钮再次打开电源The system has been interrupted prior to initializing theflash filesystem. The following commands will initializethe flash filesystem, and finish loading the operatingsystem software:flash_initload_helperbootswitch: flash_initInitializing Flash...flashfs[0]: 167 files, 2 directoriesflashfs[0]: 0 orphaned files, 0 orphaned directoriesflashfs[0]: Total bytes: 3612672flashfs[0]: Bytes used: 3591680flashfs[0]: Bytes available: 20992flashfs[0]: flashfs fsck took 8 seconds....done Initializing Flash.Boot Sector Filesystem (bs:) installed, fsid: 3Parameter Block Filesystem (pb:) installed, fsid: 4switch: flash_initswitch: load_helper输入后无提示输入拷贝指令:switch: copy xmodem: flash:c3500xl-c3h2s-mz.120-5.wc5.bin 出现如下提示:Begin the Xmodem or Xmodem-1K transfer now...系统提示不断出现C这个字母就可以开始传文件了点击超级终端菜单:传送---发送文件,在协议选项中选择Xmodem或者Xmodem-1K 协议,然后选择ios的影像文件(*.bin),开始传送。
升级Brocade SAN Switch固件
升级Brocade SAN Switch固件
∙FTP Server 或者能实现同样功能的软件
2.通过SSH、Telnet的方式登录到SAN Switch(留意当前OS版本)
6.升级Fabric OS
7.确认Fabric OS版本
再次登录到SAN Switch,用’firmwareshow‘命令查看固件是否升级完成。
需要注意的是,SAN Switch有两个固件,第二个固件需要等到重启完成之后再同步,所以刚启动起来之后会看到下面第一个图的状态,此时不需要做任何操作,等交换机自动同步。
MCU视频会议操作手册1视频会议开局调试内容 01.1系统组网图 01.2预备会议参数 01.2.1规划IP地址 01.2.2规划通信参数 (1)1.3配置MCU8650 (2)1.3.1配置8650与RM的相关参数 (3)1.3.2配置8650与SC〔GK〕相关参数 (3)1.4配置RM数据 (4)1.4.1添加区号 (4)1.4.2添加服务区 (4)1.4.3添加MCU 8650 (6)1.4.4添加会场 (7)1.5配置SM数据 (8)1.5.1登陆SM (8)1.5.2添加SC (9)1.5.3添加MCU节点 (10)1.6召开会议 (12)1.6.1定义会议 (12)1.6.2调度会议 (15)1.6.3终止会议 (16)2安装RMCC多点资源治理中心软件 (17)2.1安装RM (17)2.2配置RMCC.INI中的数据库参数 (18)2.3安装后检查 (18)2.4启动系统服务 (19)2.5刷新L ICENSE (19)3安装SC&SM多点操纵治理中心软件 (20)3.1安装S WITCH C ENTRE (20)3.2安装S WITCH M ANAGER (20)3.3配置系统参数 (21)3.3.1配置SwitchCentre系统参数 (21)3.3.2配置SwitchManager系统参数 (22)3.4启动系统服务 (22)3.5刷新L ICENSE (22)4MCU VIEWPOINT 8650爱护指南 (24)4.1登录V IEWPOINT 8650 (24)4.2V IEWPOINT 8650内部命令 (24)4.2.1系统设置命令 (25)4.2.2系统查询类命令 (27)4.2.3系统升级类命令 (29)4.2.4网络调测命令 (30)4.3常见故障处理分析 (30)4.3.18650不能注册到SwitchCentre (30)4.3.28650不能连接到RM (31)5VIEWPOINT 9000系列视频终端 (32)5.1典型的终端设备安装 (32)5.2终端输出端口要点分析 (34)5.3高清终端遥控器介绍 (35)5.4视频终端初始化配置 (35)5.5会场呼叫操作方法 (38)5.5.1点对点呼叫 (38)5.5.2多点呼叫 (39)5.6会场挂断操作方法 (42)5.7会议操纵操作方法 (42)5.7.1申请主席 (42)5.7.2呼叫会场 (42)5.7.3广播会场 (43)5.7.4观看会场 (44)5.7.5点名发言 (44)5.7.6会场静音/闭音 (45)5.7.7申请发言 (45)5.7.8字幕发送 (45)5.8终端诊断和爱护 (46)5.8.1终端诊断方法 (46)5.8.2网络诊断 (47)5.8.3终端软件升级爱护 (47)5.8.4常见案例分析 (48)6设备安装连接图 (49)6.1操纵中心设备连接图 (49)6.2视频会议会场设备连接图 (50)6.3系统组网连接图 (51)1视频会议开局调试内容1.1系统组网图系统要紧包括RMCC、SC、MCU8650、TE40等参数设置。
博科光纤交换机san switch升级微码firmware顺序
此处以Brocade 5040交换机为例,此方法也适用于其他博科光纤交换机。
将Brocade 5040交换机现有微码版本5.2.1升级至,具体操作步骤如下:
1、资源准备:网线一根,,控制台(PC或笔记本),要安装Java JRE 1.5版本以上
2、设备连接:用网线将控制台(PC 或笔记本)的网卡连接到交换机的管理口上。
This to
This but will rest
Do you want to continue [Y]: y
Firmware is being downloaded to standby CP. This step may take up to 30
Firmware has been downloaded successfully to Standby CP.
Standby CP is going to reboot with new firmware.
Standby CP booted successfully with new firmware.
Connection closed.
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自动化 投资保护 增强的有限终生维保
全球最受欢迎的堆 叠交换机
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© 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
FlexStack 所有48端口同时支持POE PoE+ 支持 万兆上联可选 低能耗
Catalyst 2960
Catalyst 2960-S/SF 1G 上联 部分PoE/PoE+ E-LLW
Catalyst 2960 1G 上联 部分PoE LLW
Catalyst 2960-S/SF 10G/1G 上联 FlexStack Full PoE, 部分 PoE+ E-LLW
1G 上联 部分PoE LLW
Thank you.
最大限 度减少 计划停 机时间
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Catalyst 3850
Catalyst 3750X-S
Catalyst 3750X-L Catalyst 3560X-S Catalyst 3560X-L
Cisco Confidential 9
Catalyst 3K-X
安全 视频
Catalyst 4K
以太网供电 领导者
Catalyst 2960-S
• 竞争性的价格和特性 集 • 通过智能运维降低 TCO
3560-C IP Base 系列
2960-C LAN Base 系列
3560-C Portfolio
IP Base 8 and 12 port FE Data or PoE+ 2 x 1G Uplinks E- LLW IP Base 8 port GE Data or PoE+ 2 x 1G Uplinks E- LLW
从 2011 年到 2016 年,业务视频会议流量预计将增长 6 倍
您是否正在计划部署基于云的应用程序(例如 VDI 或 SaaS)?
Gartner 表示云计算市场将从 2010 年的 683 亿美元增长到 2014 年的 1488 亿美元
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
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具备恢复能力的网络电源超越了 PoE+ (30W) 和 Cisco UPOE (60W)
Cisco UPOE 用于 Catalyst 4500E
具备恢复力的 网络电源
交换机堆叠中 电源池的恢复能力
StackPower 用于 Catalyst 3K-X
零切换 RPS
服务中软件升级用于 Catalyst 4500E
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能够通过PoE(+) 或者 UPoE供电 对终端设备支持PoE透传 上行或下行数据加密 12种型号可选
零接触部署 自动智能端口 增强有限终生维保
8 & 12 口型号
适用于零售收银台, 教室, 会议室, 酒店套房, 等等
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体验: 应用可视化,媒体感知, 安全可信 IT生产力-- 降低TCO(智能运维 绿色节能)
SaaS | DC / V
行业友商 – Good Enough 传统的网络
性能/Performance 数据 语音
连通性 低价/Low Price /Connectivity
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Cisco UPOE – 60W PoE 为 VDI 终端、金融交易IP turret、紧凑型交换机、护士呼叫系统等供电
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Catalyst 3K-X 和 4500E
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您是否正在计划启用 BYOD?
Gartner 表示到 2014 年,将有 90% 的组织允许员工在工作中使用个人 设备
3 4
Catalyst 2960S Catalyst 3750V2 Catalyst 2960SF Catalyst 3560V2
Catalyst 2960 Catalyst 2918
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Market Transition Drive Innovation
无处不在的 视频
绿色 CLOUD 桌面虚拟化
How about the Network?
Bring Your Own Devices 桌面计算机
增强有限终身维保 自动智能端口
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基本二层系列(LAN Lite)
高级二层系列(LAN Base)
使用 Cisco ISE – 为接入、身份验证等定义策略
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© 2011 Cisco and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.
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• Catalyst 3KX/4K交换机支持哪些下一代网络应用?
• 答:BYOD,VIDEO,CLOUD • Catalyst 系列交换机的POE+功能可支持每端口高达_W的电力?
Catalyst 2K/3K Switch Update
GC BN R&S team
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• 市场趋势
• 思科交换机的定位和优势
• 思科交换机产品家族 • 有奖问答
• 答:30w
• 支持StackPower功能的交换机系列是? • 答:3750x • Catalyst2960S系列交换机所支持的FlexStack功能,可支持堆叠_
• 答:4台 • 世界上最先将无线和有线功能融合于单个平台内的交换机是_? • 答:3850
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Catalyst 3750-X Data / PoE(+) StackWise Plus StackPower 模块化 1G/10G 上联 双电源 E-LLW 千兆
WS-C3750X-12S-S WS-C3750X-24S-S WS-C3750X-12S-E WS-C3750X-24S-E