Ascochlorin Derivatives as Ligands for Nuclear Hormone Receptors





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特产研究163Special Wild Economic Animal and Plant ResearchDOI:10.16720/ki.tcyj.2023.093人参皂苷治疗骨性关节炎的研究进展郭校妍1,张伟东1,张扬1※(吉林大学药学院,吉林长春130021)摘要:人参在防治关节软骨损伤退变及参与体外培养软骨细胞修复关节软骨缺损中具有较好治疗前景。




关键词:骨性关节炎;人参皂苷;信号通路中图分类号:R285文献标识码:A文章编号:1001-4721(2023)03-0163-06Research Progress of Ginsenosides in the Treatment of OsteoarthritisGUO Xiaoyan1,ZHANG Weidong1,ZHANG Yang1※(School of Pharmaceutical Sciences,Jilin University,Changchun130021,China)Abstract:Ginseng has pharmacological effects such as anti-inflammatory,antioxidant,antidepressant,anti-Alzheimer's and anti-athero-sclerosis.Current studies have found that it has good therapeutic prospects in preventing degeneration of articular cartilage damage and parti-cipating in in vitro culture of chondrocytes to repair articular cartilage defects.Ginsenosides,as the main pharmacological active component of ginseng,also play an important role in the process of treating osteoarthritis.Ginsenosides can be classified into different types because of their different structures,and each type contains a variety of ginsenoside monomer components with different mechanisms for the treatment of osteoarthritis.In this paper,we review the research progress of different ginsenoside monomers in the treatment of osteoarthritis,and ex-plore their potential possibilities and mechanisms for the treatment of osteoarthritis,so as to provide a basis for later clinical application. Key words:osteoarthritis;ginsenosides;signaling pathway骨性关节炎(Osteoarthritis,OA)是一种退行性病变,系由于增龄、肥胖、遗传、劳损、创伤、关节先天性异常和关节畸形等诸多因素引起的关节软骨退化损伤、关节边缘和软骨下骨反应性增生。

一种新颖的杀真菌药物绿原酸拟肽的发现 外文翻译

一种新颖的杀真菌药物绿原酸拟肽的发现 外文翻译

一种新颖的杀真菌药物绿原酸拟肽的发现Mohsen Daneshtalab加拿大,圣约翰,纽芬兰纪念大学,药学院。










脂多糖,如papulacandins ,(包括白色念珠菌和非白色)已侵入的主要病原体(2,5,6)。






唑类抗真菌药物包括氟康唑,伊曲康唑,和最近提出的posaconazole ,完全是人工合成的化合物,广泛的抑菌活性对大多数酵母菌和丝状真菌。










[19]中华人民共和国国家知识产权局[12]发明专利申请公开说明书[11]公开号CN 1763074A[43]公开日2006年4月26日[21]申请号200510017145.3[22]申请日2005.09.19[21]申请号200510017145.3[71]申请人刘芯辰地址132001吉林省吉林市丰满区兴隆大街万隆三区1号楼2单元4层18号[72]发明人刘良 刘芯辰 崔淑华[74]专利代理机构吉林市达利专利事务所代理人杨天休[51]Int.CI.C07J 71/00 (2006.01)A61K 31/58 (2006.01)A61P 35/00 (2006.01)A61P 11/06 (2006.01)权利要求书 2 页 说明书 11 页 附图 3 页[54]发明名称澳洲茄胺氢氟酸盐及其制备方法和在医药上的应用[57]摘要本发明提供一种具有显著抗癌、平喘作用,毒副作用小,性质稳定,溶解性好的新的化合物澳洲茄胺氢氟酸盐,分子结构为右式,本发明还涉及澳洲茄胺氢氟酸盐的制备方法,该方法以龙葵、澳洲茄或黄果茄为原料,来源丰富价廉,总碱的提取采用酸浸取碱沉淀法,所用试剂成本低、无环境污染、工艺及设备简便通用、生产周期短、药效活性强、产品纯度≥96%。



200510017145.3权 利 要 求 书第1/2页 1、一种下述通式(I)的澳洲茄胺氢氟酸盐:2、权利要求1的化合物的制备方法,其特征在于该方法包括以下步骤: (1)原料处理及粗总生物碱的提取将龙葵、澳州茄或黄果茄的生果或全草经筛选、粉碎压汁、固液分离得药汁、药渣,用酸性水溶液浸取药渣,固液比1∶1,浸取2-3次,固液分离得浸液,合并药汁及浸液,放置沉降,取上清液过滤,加热滤液至80-90℃时,加碱性水溶液至PH 7-7.5后,再向热滤液中加铵盐或氨水至PH 8-9,冷却沉降除上清液,对下浊液离心,固液分离,得膏状粗总生物碱;(2)总生物碱的精制用酸性水溶液溶解粗总生物碱,固液比1∶10-30,加热至沸,除上浮物,冷却过滤,加热滤液至80-90℃时加碱性水溶液至PH 7-7.5后,再向热滤液中加铵盐或氨水至PH 8-9,冷却沉降除上清液,对下浊液离心,固液分离干燥,得总生物碱;(3)澳洲茄胺氢氟酸盐的制备将总生物碱溶解于2-10%盐酸的水溶液或乙醇溶液中,固液比1∶20-30,加热至沸1-3小时冷却结晶,过滤水洗至中性干燥,得结晶I,用2-10%NaOH 的95%乙醇溶解结晶I,加热至沸40-120分钟后热过滤,冷却结晶,过滤水洗至中性干燥,得结晶II,用90-100%乙醇溶解结晶II,固液比1∶20-30,加热至沸,热过滤,向热滤液中加氢氟酸至PH>1,加热至沸20-60分钟后,用水调节至过饱和,冷却至结晶完全折出,过滤水洗至中性干燥,得澳洲茄胺200510017145.3权 利 要 求 书 第2/2页氢氟酸盐。








1. 实验材料与方法
采用不同浓度的胡椒酸钾处理黑色素瘤细胞,通过MTT法检测细胞活力,流式细胞术检测细胞凋亡情况,以及Western blot 等方法检测相关蛋白表达水平。

2. 实验结果


(3)蛋白表达检测:Western blot结果显示,胡椒酸钾处理后,与凋亡相关的蛋白(如Caspase-3、Bax等)表达水平上升,而抗凋亡蛋白(如Bcl-2)表达水平下降。

3. 结论。


WU Qi u - p i n g , T AN Z e n g , F U We i - we i , F ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ NG H a i
( C o l l e g e o fP h a r m a c e u t i c a l S c i e n c e , Z h e j i a n g
ma n c e i n d e x e s we r e f o r mu l a t e d b y i n- s i t u p o l y me iz r a t i o n u s i n g p o w d e r u r e a f o r ma l d e h y d e r e s i n a s c a p s u l e wa l l ma t e ia r 1 .T h e s i n g l e - f a c t o r t e s t wa s d e s i g n e d t o s t u d y t h e t y p e a n d d o s a g e o f e mu l s i f i e r , t h e d o s a g e o f
p o wd e r u r e a — f o ma r l d e h y d e r e s i n, t h e t i me o f a d d i n g a c i d ,t h e c u r i n g t i me a n d t e mp e r a t u r e . Th e o r t h o g o n a l
【 6 】 汪多仁. 粉末脲醛树脂 的合成与应用 [ J ] . 热固性树脂 ,
2 0 01 .1 6 ( 6) : 4 2 — 4 4 .
S t u d y o n Pr e p a r a t i o n o f Ch l o r p y r i f o s - l o a d e d Mi e r o c a p s u l e S u s p e n d i n g f o r S e e d Co a t i n g














WHO Model Formulary for ChildrenBased on the Second Model List of Essential Medicines for Children 2009世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准目录WHO Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data:WHO model formulary for children 2010.Based on the second model list of essential medicines for children 2009.1.Essential drugs.2.Formularies.3.Pharmaceutical preparations.4.Child.5.Drug utilization. I.World Health Organization.ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (NLM classification: QV 55)世界卫生组织实验室出版数据目录:世界卫生组织儿童标准处方集基于2009年儿童基本用药的第二个标准处方集1.基本药物 2.处方一览表 3.药品制备 4儿童 5.药物ISBN 978 92 4 159932 0 (美国国立医学图书馆分类:QV55)World Health Organization 2010All rights reserved. Publications of the World Health Organization can be obtained fromWHO Press, World Health Organization, 20 Avenue Appia, 1211 Geneva 27, Switzerland (tel.: +41 22 791 3264; fax: +41 22 791 4857; e-mail: ******************). Requests for permission to reproduce or translate WHO publications – whether for sale or for noncommercial distribution – should be addressed to WHO Press, at the aboveaddress(fax:+41227914806;e-mail:*******************).世界卫生组织2010版权所有。





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Ascochlorin Derivatives as Ligands for Nuclear Hormone ReceptorsMarie Togashi,†,‡,§Satoshi Ozawa,†,‡Shoko Abe,|Tomoyuki Nishimura,|Mie Tsuruga,†Kunio Ando,⊥Gakuzo Tamura,⊥Shigefumi Kuwahara,|Makoto Ubukata,#and Junji Magae*,†Department of Biotechnology,Institute of Research and Innovation,1201Takada,Kashiwa277-0861,Japan, Graduate School of Agricultural Science,Tohoku University,Aoba-ku,Sendai981-8555,Japan,Nuclear Research Institute,KSP,3-2-1Sakada,Takatsu-ku,Kawasaki213-0012,Japan,andBiotechnology Research Center,Toyama Prefectural University,Kosugi,Toyama9390398,JapanReceived December17,2002Nuclear receptor family proteins are structurally related transcription factors activated by specific lipophilic compounds.Because they are activated by a variety of hormonal molecules, including retinoic acid,vitamin D,and steroid hormones,they are assumed to be promising targets for clinical drugs.We previously found that one ascochlorin(1)derivative,4-O-carboxymethyl-ascochlorin(2),is a potent agonist of peroxisome proliferator activated receptor γ(PPARγ).Here,we synthesized derivatives of1,designated as a lead compound,to create new modulators of nuclear hormone receptors.Two derivatives,4-O-carboxymethyl-2-O-methylascochlorin(9)and4-O-isonicotinoyl-2-O-methylascochlorin(10),showed improved agonistic activity for PPARγand induced differentiation of a progenitor cell line,C3H10T1/2.We also found that1,dehydroascofuranon(29),and a2,4-O-diacetyl-1-carboxylic acid derivative of1(5)specifically activated estrogen receptors,PPAR R,and an androgen receptor.All of the derivatives(1-29)activated the pregnane X receptor.These results suggest that the chemical structure of1is useful in designing novel modulators of nuclear receptors.IntroductionAscochlorin(1)and ascofuranone(20)that were originally isolated as antiviral and antifungal com-pounds are antibiotics possessing a unique prenyl-phenol moiety.1In addition to their antimicrobial ac-tivities,these molecules modulate various physiological events in animals,including hypolipidemic activity,2-6 improvement of type I and type II diabetes,7-11sup-pression of hypertension,12tumor supression,13,14and immunological modulation.15,16They also induce dif-ferentiation of human and mouse myeloid cell lines.17 Recently,we found that4-O-carboxymethyl ascochlorin (2)transcriptionally activated and directly interacted with peroxisome proliferator activated receptorγ(PPARγ),18a nuclear hormone receptor involved in the development of diabetes.19,20Nuclear hormone receptors are a family of transcrip-tion factors that induce the transcription of target genes when activated by their specific lipophilic ligand,in-cluding steroid hormones,retinoic acid,and lipid me-tabolites.These proteins exhibit strong structural simi-larities,and all contain separable domains for DNA binding and ligand binding.21-25Currently,70nuclear receptors are known,but specific endogenous ligands have been identified for only half of them.Because nuclear hormone receptors have been implicated in many biochemical pathways,any number of human diseases can result from defects in these proteins.Therefore,drugs that specifically modulate the tran-scription activity of nuclear receptors are expected to have a promising therapeutic potential to treat disease. In the present study,we synthesized new derivatives of1and20in order to improve the agonistic activity of 2on PPARγand succeeded in obtaining new,more po-tent agonists for PPARγ.We also found several agonists for other nuclear hormone receptors.The results suggest that the chemical structure of1is useful in designing nuclear hormone receptor modulators(Figure1). ResultsPrediction of Three-Dimensional Structure of2 in PPARγ.The rationale for designing new derivatives was based on the hypothesis that the molecular struc-ture of2mimics the three-dimensional structure of the antidiabetic ligand rosiglitazone(Figure2).X-ray crys-tallography has revealed that rosiglitazone forms a ternary complex containing the PPARγligand-binding domain(LBD)and amino acids of human steroid recep-tor coactivating factor-1.26,27We searched the pharma-cophore model of2using CONFLEX calculations and discovered a resemblance among stable derivatives of 2and rosiglitazone with respect to molecular size and shape.This analysis led us to predict that the aromatic portion of2can act as a bioisosteric replacement for the thiazolidine part of rosiglitazone,maintaining high affinity binding and receptor activation.We predict that the carboxylic acid of2could interact with H449and the oxygen atom of the C-1aldehyde interacts with H323of PPARγLBD.The other hydrophobic parts of2 would be free to interact in a relatively nonspecific manner with the large ligand-binding pocket as men-tioned by Nolte et al.26Therefore,we synthesized derivatives of1and20,focusing mainly on the aromatic ring.*To whom correspondence should be†Institute of Research and Innovation.‡These authors contributed equally to this work.§Present address:Diabetes Center,University of California at San Francisco,San Francisco,CA94143.|Tohoku University.⊥Nuclear Research Institute.#Toyama Prefectural University.4113J.Med.Chem.2003,46,4113-412310.1021/jm0205649CCC:$25.00©2003American Chemical SocietyPublished on Web08/19/2003Synthesis of Ascochlorin-Related Compounds.The synthetic routes for the derivatives of 1are sum-marized in Figure 3,and the structures of the deriva-tives are shown in Figure 1.Regioselective modification to the C-4phenolic alcohol of 1was achieved by taking advantage of the difference in reactivities between it and the C-2phenolic alcohol,which forms an intramolecular hydrogen bond with the C-1aldehyde.Acetylation of 1with acetic anhydride in pyridine gave 4-O -acetylasco-chlorin (30)in an 89%yield.Methylation of the C-2phenolic alcohol of 30afforded the methyl ether product,which was hydrolyzed to produce a key compound,2-O -methylascochlorin (7).4-O -Isonicotinoyl-2-O -methylas-cochlorin (10)and 4-O -carboxymethyl-2-O -methylasco-chlorin (9)were prepared by isonicotynoylation of 7and introduction of a carboxymethyl group into 7via the intermediate 8(4-O -(ethoxycarbonyl)methyl-2-O -meth-ylascochlorin),respectively.Methylation of 1with ex-cess methyl iodide afforded the dimethyl derivative 3,which was treated with m -CPBA to give the mono-epoxide (2,4-di-O -methylascochlorin oxide,16).The al-dehyde of 3was converted to the acid derivative (2,4-di-O -methylascochlorinic acid,6)by oxidation with sodium chlorite.Treatment of 1with concentrated sulfuric acid gave a mixture of cyclic products,18and 19,in yields of 20and 30%,respectively.4-O -Nicotinoylascochlorin (4)and 4-O -isonicotinoylascochlorin (12)were prepared from 1by selective acylation with nicotinoyl chloride and isonicotinoyl chloride in pyridine,respectively.The 4-O -glutarate derivative (4-O -(4-carboxybutanoyl)ascochlo-rin,11)was obtained by acylation of 1with glutaric anhydride in pyridine in the presence of a catalytic amount of 4-(dimethylamino)pyridine.Although acetylation of the C-2alcohol in 1with acetic anhydride hardly proceeded,2,4-di-O -acetylasco-chlorin (31)was obtained by treatment with acetyl chloride in pyridine.The 1-carboxylic acid derivative (2,4-di-O -acetylascochlorinic acid,5)was prepared from 31in the same manner as 6.A cyclic derivative (17)was unintentionally obtained from 31.Synthesis of Ascofuranone-Related Compounds.Procedures similar to those used to synthesize asco-chlorin derivatives were applicable to preparation of the ascofuranone derivatives,4-O -methylascofuranone (21),4-O -acetylascofuranone (22),4-O-carboxylmethylasco-Figure 1.Chemical structures ofderivatives.Figure 2.Stable conformations of compound 2and rosigli-tazone.4114Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2003,Vol.46,No.19Togashi et al.furanone (23),4-O -(4-carboxybutanoyl)ascofuranone (24),4-O -nicotinoylascofuranone (25),4-O -isonicotinoyl-2-O -methylascofuranone (26),2-O -methylascofuranone (27),and 4-O -acetyl-2-methylascofuranone (28).The struc-tures of these derivatives appear in Figure 1.Dehy-droascofuranone (29)was obtained by oxidative treat-ment of 20with silver oxide in the presence of sodium hydroxide.Modulation of PPAR γActivity.Twelve deriva-tives,4,5,7-15,and 27,activated the transcriptional activity of PPAR γ,as indicated in Table 1and Figure 4.The presence of an oxidized aldehyde group (com-pounds 5and 6)failed to induce agonistic activity for PPAR γ.On the contrary,a methylated C-2alcohol in 1(7)resulted in PPAR γactivation to the same degree as for 2.Introduction of both 2-O -methyl and 4-O -car-boxymethyl groups (9)resulted in additive PPAR γactivation.The ethyl ester derivative of 9(compound 8)showed a decreased additive effect.Modification of the side chain (compound 16)or bonding between a phenolic alcohol and a double bond of the side chain (compounds 17-19)produced compounds that did not induce PPAR γactivation.Acylation of the C-4alcohol with a longer carboxylic acid unit (compound 11)failed to improve the agonistic activity of 2.Isomers of 4(12and 4-O -picolinoylascochlorin,15)comparably activated PPAR γ.Methylation of the C-2hydroxyl group in 12and 15,as in the case of 9,improved agonistic activity of the corresponding derivatives,10and 2-O -methyl-4-O -picolinoylascochlorin (13),while methylation of 4(2-O -methyl-4-O -nicotinoylascochlorin,14)did not.For derivatives of 20,methylation of the C-2hydroxyl group (compound 27)induced slight activation of PPAR γ.None of the derivatives (1-29)synthesized showed antago-nistic activity against PPAR γactivated by 1µM of the agonist pioglitazone.Agonistic activity of 2,12,13,and 15decreased at the highest concentration,because of the nonspecific toxicity of the compound as shown in proliferation inhibition by these compounds (Table 1).Activation of Other Nuclear Receptors by As-cochlorin-Related Compounds.Through a vast screening for ligands of nuclear hormone receptors based on reporter assays,we found that all of the derivatives activated pregnane X receptor (PXR)(Table 1).One of the most potent derivatives,12,activated PXR as effectively as clotrimazole.In contrast,only 1acti-vated estrogen receptors (ER)R and (Figure 5A,B).Compounds 29and 5specifically activated PPAR RandFigure 3.Synthetic schemes for derivatives.Key:(a)Ac 2O,Py,89%.(b)(i)MeI,K 2CO 3,acetone,87%;(ii)1%aqueous NaOH,MeOH,55%.(c)Isonicotinoyl chloride hydrochloride,Py,90%.(d)Ethyl bromoacetate,NaH,DMF,77%.(e)K 2CO 3(20%),MeOH,63%.(f)Picolinoyl chloride hydrochloride,Et 2N,Py,50%.(g)MeI,K 2CO 3,acetone,97%for 13,95%for 14.(h)Excess MeI,K 2CO 3,acetone,89%.(i)MCPBA,NaHCO 3,CH 2Cl 2,16%.(j)NaClO 2,t -BuOH,2-methyl-2-butene,NaH 2PO 4/H 2O,87%.(k)Concentrated H 2SO 4,20%for 18and 33%for 19.(l)Nicotinoyl chloride hydrochloride,Py,39%.(m)Isonicotinoyl chloride hydrochloride,Py,79%.(n)Glutaric anhydride DMAP,Py,42%.(o)AcCl,Py,88%.(p)NaClO 2,t -BuOH,2-methyl-2-butene,NaH 2PO 4/H 2O,64%.(q)(i)(TMSOCH 2)2,TMSOTf,CH 2Cl 2,33%;(ii)MCPBA,NaHCO 3,CH 2Cl 2;(iii)MeOK,18-crown-6,hexamethyldisilane,THF,56%.Table 1.Summary of Biological Activity of Ascochlorin and Ascofuranone Derivatives aminimum effective concentration (µM)compds growth inhibitionIC 50(µM)PPAR γPPAR R PXR ER R ER AR 1 1.0ND ND 111ND 25630ND 30ND ND ND 3 1.8ND ND 1ND ND ND 4 4.710ND 3ND ND ND 532ND ND 1ND ND 1656ND ND 1ND ND ND 7 5.610ND 1ND ND ND 8 3.23ND 1ND ND ND 9563ND 3ND ND ND 10 5.60.3ND 3ND ND ND 110.610ND 1ND ND ND 121010ND 1ND ND ND 133830ND 1ND ND ND 1437100ND 10ND ND ND 15 5.63ND 1ND ND ND 1610ND ND 1ND ND ND 1718ND ND 3ND ND ND 1856ND ND 3ND ND ND 1918ND ND 1ND ND ND 20 3.2ND ND 3ND ND ND 21 5.6ND ND 1ND ND ND 2210ND ND 1ND ND ND 2332ND ND 30ND ND ND 24 3.2ND ND 10ND ND ND 2510ND ND 10ND ND ND 2610ND ND 10ND ND ND 271830ND 1ND ND ND 2810ND ND 1ND ND ND 2956ND 101ND ND NDaND indicates not detected.Ascochlorin Derivatives as Ligands for Receptors Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2003,Vol.46,No.194115an androgen receptor (AR),respectively (Figure 5C,D).None of the derivatives (1-29)activated other nuclear hormone receptors,which included retinoic acid recep-tor,retinoid X receptor (RXR),glucocorticoid receptor,mineralocorticoid receptor,PPAR δ,thyroid hormone receptor,liver X receptor,and farnesoid X receptor (data not shown).Effects on Cell Function of Ascochlorin-Related Compounds.It is known that activators of PPAR γinduce differentiation of adipocytes.19,20As expected,derivatives that were potent activators of PPAR γalso induced differentiation of C3H10T1/2progenitor cells into adipocytes,as judged by induction of glycerol phosphate dehydrogenase (GPDH),a marker enzyme of mature adipocytes.Correlated to agonistic activity on PPAR γ,compound 9more effectively induced differen-tiation than did 2or 7,while compound 10,which has comparable PPAR γagonistic activity,was less effective than 9,probably because of its pounds 14and 15did not induce adipocyte differentiation,whereas 13,which had a more potent PPAR γagonistic activity,did (Figure 6).Inhibition of cell proliferation was decreased in most derivatives except 11(Table 1).Toxicities of 6,9,18,and 29were decreased to the same level as 2.DiscussionBecause the calculated partial negative charge on the C-1carbonyl oxygen atom of 2is lower than that of 1(-0.322vs -0.334au),we were interested in synthesiz-ing derivative 7,which has a much lower partial negative charge at the C-1oxygen atom (-0.280au).As expected,7activated PPAR γ;we therefore synthe-sized 9,a hybrid compound of 2and pound 9,which has the lowest partial negative charge (-0.272au)on the C-1oxygen atom among these three com-pounds,demonstrated improved agonistic activity on PPAR γ.Methylation at the C-2alcohol of 12(com-pound 10)improved agonistic activity in the same manner as 9.Therefore,we next synthesized 13(-0.265au)and 14(-0.274au),hybrid compounds of 15(-0.323au)and 4(-0.323au),respectively,with 7.Although we ob-served improved maximum agonistic activity for com-pound 13,the activity of 14was not as obvious (Figure 4A).These data suggest that the moderate partial charge on the oxygen atom of the C-1aldehyde is one of the important parameters in establishing the ago-nistic activity on PPAR γof these derivatives.Molecular shape and size are also important as evidenced by the behavior of the compound 7type cyclic derivatives,17-19,which did not show any PPAR γagonistic activity.Among the derivatives synthesized in this study,two compounds,9and 10,had the most potent agonistic activity,and 9effectively induced adipocyte differentia-tion.The inhibitory concentration for cell proliferation by 9decreased as it did for pound 10activated PPAR γand induced adipocyte differentiation atlowerFigure 4.Agonistic activity for PPAR γof derivatives.U2OS cells transfected with expression plasmids for nuclear receptor,together with the corresponding reporter plasmids and pCMV- -galactosidase as an internal control.The cells were incubated with each ascochlorin derivative for 24h,as described in the Experimental Section.Agonistic activity of the reagents is expressed as stimulation index.Values are the means of triplicate cultures.Bars represent standard deviation.*,Statistically significant as compared to control (P <0.05,t -test).4116Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2003,Vol.46,No.19Togashi et al.concentrations than did 2and 9;this compound acti-vated the PPAR γat 1µM.The toxicity of 10was also improved relative to the original compound,1.Although compounds with the thiazolidinedione structure,includ-ing rosiglitazone,troglitazone,and pioglitazone,activate PPAR γand induce adipocyte differentiation more ef-fectively than do 9and 10,they sometimes exhibit severe hepatotoxicity.For this reason,troglitazone has been withdrawn from clinical pounds 9and 10are promising candidates for clinical study as nonthia-zolidinedione antidiabetic drugs.Although PPAR γactivation and adipocyte differentia-tion induced by the ascochlorin derivatives were mostly correlated,several exceptions were observed.For ex-ample,10did not show improved activity to induce adipocyte differentiation,although it did activate PPAR γmore potently than did 4.Moreover,20and 29signifi-cantly induced differentiation of adipocytes (data not shown),whereas they had little or no activity for activation of PPAR γ.Troglitazone acts as a partial agonist of PPAR γin muscle and kidney cells,while it behaves as its full agonist in 3T3L1adipocytes.28FMOC-L -leucine,a chemically distinct PPAR γligand,induces a particular allosteric configuration of PPAR γ,resulting in differential cofactor recruitment.29This compound improves insulin sensitivity;yet,it has a lower adipogenic activity.It is also reported that coac-tivator interactions induced by a natural ligand,15-deoxy-∆12,14-prostaglandin J 2,could not be observed with troglitazone.30Differences in chemical structure among the ascochlorin derivatives might affect the set of cofactors recruited to PPAR γand the set of target genes induced in different cell types,resulting in distinct pharmacological properties.Alternatively,it is also possible that these derivatives induce adipocyte dif-ferentiation through cellular factors other than PPAR γ.We found that all of the derivatives of 1and 20activated PXR as strongly as clotrimazole.PXR is a nuclear receptor involving detoxification of hydrophobic substances including xenobiotics and bile acids.31-35PXR binds as a heterodimer with RXR to DNA binding elements in the regulatory regions of cytochrome P4503A monooxygenase and a number of other genes in-volved in the metabolism and elimination of these toxins from the body.The PXR LBD has a large spherical ligand-binding cavity that allows it to interact with a wide range of hydrophobic chemicals,36explaining why all of the derivatives of 1and 20activated PXR.Although PXR protects the body by facilitating the rapid clearance of the drug,it may potentially give rise to the harmful drug -drug interactions.Thus,modulation of PXR activity will be important for the clinical use of derivatives in future.In addition,activation of PXR might contribute to modulation of cholesterol metabolism of ascochlorin derivatives,because 3and 20have hypocholesterolemic activity despite the lack of PPAR γactivation.2-6We also found that 1,6,and 29activated ER R and ,AR,and PPAR R ,respectively.Sex steroids slow the rate of bone remodeling,protect against bone loss,and elongate the life span of mature bone cells.37They also have neuro-modulatory and neuroprotective roles.38The inhibitory effect of estrogens on atherogenesis is well-documented in numerous animal models.39Dietary consumption of weak agonists of ER improves insulin resistance 40and is associated with a decreased breast cancer risk.41PPAR R is considered a major regulator of intra-and extracellular lipid metabolism.42AR and PPAR R also modulate immunological responses.43,44These observa-tions suggest the therapeutic potential of the present derivatives in the treatment of osteoporosis,neural injuries,metabolic diseases,cardiovascular diseases,immune diseases such as inflammation and autoim-mune diseases,and cancers.ConclusionsWe synthesized new derivatives of 1and 20in order to improve the agonistic activity of 2on PPAR γandFigure 5.Activation of nuclear receptors by derivatives.U2OS cells were transfected with expression vectors for Gal4-PXR (A),ER (B),Gal4-PPAR R (C),or AR (D),together with the corresponding reporter plasmids and pCMV- -galactosi-dase as an internal control.The cells were incubated with ascochlorin derivatives for 24h,as described in the Experi-mental Section.Agonistic activity of the reagents is expressed as stimulation index.The representative result in more than three experiments is shown.Values are the means of triplicate cultures.Bars represent standard deviation.Ascochlorin Derivatives as Ligands for Receptors Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2003,Vol.46,No.194117succeeded to obtain more new potent agonists for PPAR γthrough the modification of the aromatic ring.We also found that all of the derivatives activated PXR,29activated PPAR R ,and 1and 5were specific ligands for ERs and AR.These results demonstrate that the chemical structures of 1and 20are useful for discover-ing new ligands of nuclear receptors,which could be used in the treatment of human diseases including diabetes,arteriosclerosis,and chronic inflammation.Experimental SectionPrediction of Three-Dimensional Structure.CON-FLEX and MOPAC calculations as well as quantitative structure -activity relationship analyses were executed using the CAChe Work System on a Power Macintosh G3.Calcula-tions of partial charge for 1,2,7,9,and others were done with 3-methyl model compounds instead of real side chain com-pounds.The three-dimensional structure of PPAR γfrom the Protein Data Bank was displayed using MolScript on an SGI Indy computer.Synthesis of pound 30.2-Chloro-4-formyl-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-6-[(2E ,4E )-3-methyl-5-((1R ,2R ,6R )-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxocyclohexyl)-2,4-penta-dienyl]phenyl Acetate.Acetic anhydride (2mL,21.2mmol)was added to a solution of 1(400mg,0.989mmol)in pyridine (2mL).The mixture was stirred overnight at room tempera-ture and then poured into ice water and extracted with ethyl ether.The extract was washed with brine,dried (MgSO 4),and evaporated.The residue was purified by silica gel column chromatography (hexane -acetone,95:5)to give an oil,which was crystallized to a pure compound 30(350mg,89%);mp 144°C.IR (film):1775,1715,1645cm -1.1H NMR (CDCl 3,500MHz):0.70(3H,s),0.81(3H,d,J )7.0Hz),0.84(3H,d,J )7.0Hz),1.57-1.67(1H,m),1.89(3H,s),1.90-1.97(2H,m),2.36-2.44(3H,m),2.37(3H,s),2.65(3H,s),3.44(2H,d,J )7.0Hz),5.37(1H,t,J )7.0Hz),5.39(1H,d,J )16.0Hz),5.87(1H,d,J )16.0Hz),10.30(1H,s),12.55(1H,s).Anal.(C 25H 31ClO 5)C,H.4-O -Acetyl-2-O -methylascochlorin (33).2-Chloro-4-formyl-5-methoxy-3-methyl-6-[(2E ,4E )-3-methyl-5-((1R ,2R ,6R )-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxocyclohexyl)-2,4-penta-dienyl]phenyl Acetate.A solution of 30(500mg, 1.12mmol)in acetone (30mL)was heated at reflux for 2h with methyl iodide (2mL,32.1mmol)and potassium carbonate (190mg,1.37mmol).The resultant mixture was filtered,and evaporation of the filtrate gave 33(450mg,87%)after crystallization from hexane -acetone (95:5);mp 114°C.IR (film):1780,1715cm -1.1H NMR (CDCl 3,500MHz):0.71(3H,s),0.81(3H,d,J )7.0Hz),0.84(3H,d,J )7.0Hz),1.58-1.68(1H,m), 1.90(3H,br s), 1.91-1.97(2H,m),2.32(3H,s),2.35-2.44(2H,m),2.63(3H,s),3.46(2H,d,J )7.0Hz),3.83(3H,s),5.35(1H,t,J )7.0Hz),5.42(1H,d,J )16.0Hz),5.89(1H,d,J )16.0Hz),10.44(1H,s).Anal.(C 26H 33ClO 5)C,H.Compound 7.3-Chloro-4-hydroxy-6-methoxy-2-meth-yl-5-[(2E ,4E )-3-methyl-5-((1R ,2R ,6R )-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-cyclohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]benzaldehyde.A 1%aqueous NaOH solution (20mL)was added to a stirred solution of 33(300mg,0.717mmol)in methanol,and the mixture was heated at reflux for 2h.The resultant mixture was acidified with dilute hydrochloric acid,and MeOH was then removed in vacuo.The aqueous residue was extracted with EtOAc.The organic solution was washed with water and brine,dried (MgSO 4),and concentrated in vacuo.The residue was purified by silica gel column chromatography (hexane -acetone,95:5)to give 7(150mg,55%);mp 126°C.IR (film):1715,1665cm -1.1H NMR (CDCl 3,500MHz):0.70(3H,s),0.81(3H,d,J )7.0Hz),0.84(3H,d,J )7.0Hz),1.57-1.67(1H,m),1.89-1.96(2H,m),1.93(3H,br s),2.34-2.46(3H,m),2.66(3H,s),3.56(2H,d,J )7.0Hz),3.84(3H,s),5.40(1H,d,J )16.0Hz),5.50(1H,t,J )7.0Hz),5.90(1H,d,J )16.0Hz),6.29(1H,s),10.37(1H,s).Anal.(C 24H 31ClO 4)C,H;C:calcd,68.81;found,69.25.Compound 8.Ethyl {2-Chloro-4-formyl-5-methoxy-3-methyl-6-[(2E ,4E )-3-methyl-5-((1R ,2R ,6R )-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxocyclohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]phenoxy }acetate.So-dium hydride (60%,dispersion in mineral oil,23.1mg,0.578mmol)was washed with dry pentane and suspended in dimethylformamide (DMF;1mL).To the above suspension was dropped 7(0.22g,0.525mmol)in DMF (2mL).The mixture was stirred at room temperature for 30min,and ethyl bromoacetate (0.0641mL,0.578mmol)was added.The result-ing solution was stirred for 4h at 50°C,poured into a saturated NH 4Cl solution,and extracted with ether.The extract was washed with water and brine successively,dried,and concentrated in vacuo.The residue was subjected to silica gel column chromatography (hexanes -EtOAc)to give 8as a colorless gum (0.204g,77%).IR (film):1765,1713,1694cm -1.1H NMR (CDCl 3,500MHz):0.70(3H,s),0.80(3H,d,J )6.7Hz),0.83(3H,d,J )6.9Hz),1.31(3H,t,J )7.0Hz),1.58-1.67(1H,m),1.90(3H,br s),1.90-1.96(2H,m),2.34-2.44(3H,m),2.63(3H,s),3.65(2H,d,J )7.0Hz),3.88(3H,s),4.29(2H,q,J )7.0Hz),4.61(2H,s),5.39(1H,d,J )16.0Figure 6.Adipocyte differentiation of C3H10T1/2cells induced by derivatives.C3H10T1/2cells were induced to differentiate into mature adipocytes in the presence of ascochlorin derivatives,as described in the Experimental Section.Adipocyte differentiation was evaluated through the induction of GPDH activity.Values are the means of triplicate cultures.Bars represent standard deviation.*,Statistically significant as compared to control (p <0.05,t -test).4118Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2003,Vol.46,No.19Togashi et al.Hz),5.46(1H,t,J)7.0Hz),5.89(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),10.42 (1H,s).Anal.(C28H37Cl O6)C,H.Compound9.{2-Chloro-4-formyl-5-methoxy-3-methyl-6-[(2E,4E)-3-methyl-5-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-cyclohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]phenoxy}acetic Acid.A20% aqueous potassium carbonate solution(1mL,1.45mmol)was added to a solution of8(0.207g,0.409mmol)in methanol, and the mixture was stirred for2h at room temperature.The reaction mixture was acidified to pH2with a3N aqueous HCl solution and extracted with ether.The extract was washed with water and brine,dried(MgSO4),and evaporated in vacuo. The residue was purified by silica gel column chromatography (CH2Cl2-MeOH)to give9as a colorless gum(0.122g,63%). IR(film):1715,1696cm-1.1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz):0.70 (3H,s),0.81(3H,d,J)6.8Hz),0.83(3H,d,J)6.8Hz),1.62 (1H,qd,J)13.5,6.0Hz),1.91(3H,br s),1.91-1.97(2H,m), 2.34-2.45(3H,m),2.63(3H,s),3.62(2H,d,J)6.9Hz),3.84 (3H,s),4.65(2H,s),5.42(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.43(1H,t,J )6.9Hz),5.89(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),10.42(1H,s).Anal. (C26H33ClO6)C,H.Compound10.2-Chloro-4-formyl-5-methoxy-3-methyl-6-[(2E,4E)-3-methyl-5-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-cyclohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]phenyl Pyridine-4-carbox-ylate.Isonicotinoyl chloride hydrochloride(71.7mg,0.403 mmol)was added to a solution of7(61.3mg,0.146mmol)in dry pyridine(1mL).The reaction mixture was stirred for3h at room temperature,water was added,and the solution was stirred for an additional30min.The resulting mixture was extracted with EtOAc,and the extract was washed with aqueous CuSO4solution,water,saturated aqueous NaHCO3 solution,and brine successively,dried(MgSO4),and concen-trated in vacuo.The residue was subjected to silica gel column chromatography(hexanes-EtOAc)to produce10(69.3mg, 90%)as a colorless gum.IR(film):1760,1710,1700cm-1.1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz):0.69(3H,s),0.76-0.83(6H,br),1.59-1.64(1H,m),1.65(3H,br s),1.85-1.96(2H,m),2.32-2.45(3H,m),2.67(3H,s),3.39-3.50(1H,br),3.50-3.63(1H, br),3.88(3H,s),5.29(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.34(1H,t,J)7.0 Hz),5.82(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),7.79-7.99(2H,m),8.87(2H, m),10.49(1H,s).Anal.(C30H34ClNO5)C,H,N.2,4-Di-O-methylascochlorin(32).3-Chloro-4,6-dimethoxy-2-methyl-5-[(2E,4E)-3-methyl-5-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxocyclohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]benzaldehyde.MeI(2 mL,32.1mmol)and potassium carbonate(2g,14.5mmol)were added to a solution of1(400mg,0.989mmol)in acetone(20 mL).The mixture was heated at reflux for3h and filtered. The filtrate was concentrated in vacuo and crystallized from hexane to afford32(380mg,89%);mp101°C.IR(film):1732, 1690cm-1.1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz):0.70(3H,s),0.81(3H, d,J)7.0Hz),0.83(3H,d,J)7.0Hz),1.57-1.67(1H,m), 1.93(3H,br s),1.91-1.97(2H,m),2.34-2.46(3H,m),2.64 (3H,s),3.55(2H,d,J)7.0Hz),3.83(3H,s),3.88(3H,s), 5.41(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.47(1H,t,J)7.0Hz),5.89(1H, d,J)16.0Hz),10.42(1H,s).Anal.(C25H33ClO4)C,H.Compound16.3-Chloro-4,6-dimethoxy-2-methyl-5-[(E)-2,3-epoxy-3-methyl-5-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-cyclohexyl)-4-pentenyl]benzaldehyde.NaHCO3(0.111mg) and m-chloroperbenzoic acid(70%,157mg,0.637mmol)were added to a solution of32(229mg,0.530mmol)in CH2Cl2(7 mL).The mixture was stirred for3h in an ice bath,diluted with water,and extracted with ether.The organic layer was washed with10%sodium thiosulfate aqueous solution,satu-rated NaHCO3aqueous solution,and brine,dried over Na2SO4,and concentrated in vacuo.The residue was subjected to silica gel column chromatography(hexanes-EtOAc,5:1)to give16(39mg,16%).IR(film):1715,1696,1553,1458,1379, 1309,1228,1100cm-1.1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz):0.67(3H, s),0.78(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.804(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.806 (1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.83(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),1.557(1.5H, s),1.562(1.5H,s),1.56-1.65(1H,m),1.87-1.95(2H,m),2.32-2.44(3H,m),2.65(3H,s),2.97-3.00(2H,m),3.00-3.05(1H, m),3.87(3H,s),3.93(3H,s),5.24(0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.25 (0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.53(0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.5.54(0.5H, d,J)16.0Hz),10.42(1H,s).Anal.(C25H33ClO5)C,H.Compound 6.3-Chloro-4,6-dimethoxy-2-methyl-5-[(2E,4E)-3-methyl-5-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxocy-clohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]benzoic Acid.NaH2PO4‚2H2O(0.155g,0.993mmol)and water(2.6mL)were added to32(0.428g,0.989mmol).tert-Butyl alcohol(10.4mL),2-methyl-2-butene(0.460mL,4.34mmol),and90%sodium chlorite(0.305,3.04mmol)were added to the mixture,which was thenstirred for15min at room temperature.The reaction mixturewas diluted with water and extracted with CH2Cl2.The organiclayer was washed with brine,dried(MgSO4),and evaporatedin vacuo to give0.396g of crude product.The product waspurified by silica gel column chromatography(CH2Cl2-MeOH)to give6(0.384g,87%)as a colorless gum.IR(KBr disk):3440,1712cm-1.NMR(CD3OD,500MHz):0.70(3H,s),0.79(3H,d,J)6.8Hz),0.82(3H,d,J)6.8Hz),1.61(1H,qd,J )13.4,4.7Hz),1.92(3H,s),1.92-2.10(2H,m),2.24-2.29 (1H,m),2.33(3H,s),2.50-2.62(2H,m),3.53(2H,d,J)7.0Hz),3.80(3H,s),3.81(3H,s),5.46(1H,t,J)7.0Hz),5.48(1H,d,J)15.8Hz),5.93(1H,d,J)15.8Hz).Anal.(C25H33Cl O5)C,H.Compounds18and19.6-Chloro-5-hydroxy-2,7-di-methyl-2-[2-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxocyclohex-yl)vinyl]chroman-8-carbaldehyde and8-Chloro-5-hy-droxy-2,7-dimethyl-2-[2-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-cyclohexyl)vinyl]pound1(400mg,0.989mmol)was dissolved in concentrated H2SO4(16mL)and was left standing for30min at room temperature.The reaction mixture was poured into ice water and extractedwith EtOAc.The organic layer was washed with water andbrine successively,dried(MgSO4),and concentrated in vacuo.The residue was subjected to silica gel column chromatography(hexane-acetone,95:5-9:1)to give18and19,which werecrystallized to18(80mg,20%)from hexane-acetone(9:1)andto19(130mg,33%)from hexane-acetone(95:5),respectively.Compound18:mp65°C.IR(film):1710,1635cm-1.1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz):0.55(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.59(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.66(3H,s),0.79(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.82(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),1.49(3H,s),1.54-1.63(1H,m),1.69-1.76(0.5H,m),1.82-1.95(2.5H,m),1.96-2.02(1H,m),2.19(0.5H,q,J)7.0Hz),2.30-2.41(2.5H,m),2.50-2.57(1H,m),2.66(1.5H,s),2.67(1.5H,s),2.76(0.5H,t,J)5.0Hz),2.79(0.5H,t,J)5.0Hz),5.316(0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.323(0.5H,d,J )16.0Hz),5.364(0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.370(0.5H,d,J) 16.0Hz),6.183(0.5H,s),6.185(0.5H,s),10.592(0.5H,s), 10.595(0.5H,s).Anal.(C23H29ClO4)C,pound19:mp 99°C.IR(film):1710,1635cm-1.1H NMR(CDCl3,500 MHz):0.52(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.57(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz), 0.66(3H,s),0.80(1.5H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.83(1.5H,d,J)7.0 Hz),1.53(3H,s),1.54-1.63(1H,m),1.68-1.76(0.5H,m), 1.79-1.96(2.5H,m), 1.97-2.03(1H,m), 2.20(0.5H,q, J)7.0Hz),2.30-2.40(2.5H,m),2.40-2.50(1H,m),2.61 (1.5H,s),2.63(1.5H,s),2.74(0.5H,t,J)5.0Hz),2.78(0.5H, t,J)5.0Hz),5.304(0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.311(0.5H,d,J )16.0Hz),5.346(0.5H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.359(0.5H,d,J) 16.0Hz),10.13(0.5H,s),10.14(0.5H,s),12.75(1H,s).Anal. (C23H29ClO4)C,H;C:calcd,68.22;found,68.70.Compound4.2-Chloro-4-formyl-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-6-[(2E,4E)-3-methyl-5-((1R,2R,6R)-1,2,6-trimethyl-3-oxo-cyclohexyl)-2,4-pentadienyl]phenyl Pyridine-3-carbox-ylate.Nicotinoyl chloride hydrochloride(242mg,1.42mmol)was added to a solution of1(0.150g,0.358mmol)in drypyridine(1.5mL).The reaction mixture was stirred for2h atroom temperature,after which time water was added and thesolution was stirred for an additional30min.The resultingmixture was extracted with ether.The extract was washedwith aqueous CuSO4solution,water,saturated aqueousNaHCO3solution,and brine successively,dried(MgSO4),andconcentrated in vacuo.The residue was subjected to silica gelcolumn chromatography(hexanes-EtOAc,3:1)to give4(242mg,39%).1H NMR(CDCl3,500MHz):0.68(3H,s),0.79(3H,d,J)7.0Hz),0.81(3H,d,J)7.0Hz),1.56-1.66(1H,m),1.71(3H,s),1.86-1.95(2H,m),2.30-2.44(3H,m),2.69(3H,s),3.33-3.48(1H,br),3.48-3.63(1H,br),5.30(1H,d,J)16.0Hz),5.39(1H,t,J)7.0Hz),5.83(1H,d,Ascochlorin Derivatives as Ligands for Receptors Journal of Medicinal Chemistry,2003,Vol.46,No.194119。
