SA8000-2014标准I.目的与范围II. 规范性原则及其解释III. 定义1.公司定义2.员工定义3.工人定义4.供应商/分包商定义5.下级供应商定义6.纠正和预防行动定义7.利益相关方定义8.儿童定义9.青少年定义10.童工定义11.强迫和强制劳动12.非法雇用定义13.救济儿童定义14.家庭工人定义15.SA8000工人代表定义16.管理代表定义17.工人组织定义18.集体谈判定义IV.社会责任要求1.童工2.强迫和强制性劳动3.健康与安全4.结社自由及集体谈判权利5.歧视6.惩戒性措施7.工作时间8.报酬9.管理系统I. 目的与范围本标准规定公司应该遵守的社会责任,以帮助公司:a) 发展、维持和加强公司的政策和程序,在公司可以控制或影响的范围内,管理有关社会责任的议题;b) 向利益团体证明公司政策、程序和措施符合本标准的规定。
II. 规范网要与诠释公司应该遵守国家和其它适用的法律、公司签署的其它规章和本标准。
公司也应该尊重下列国际协议的原则:国际劳工组织公约第29和105条(强迫性和奴役性劳动)国际劳工组织公约第87条(组织工会的自由)国际劳工组织公约第98条规(集体谈判的权利)国际劳工组织公约第100和111条规(男女同工同酬;歧视)国际劳工组织公约第135条规(工人代表公约)国际劳工组织公约第138条和建议款第146条规(最低年龄和建议)国际劳工组织公约第155条和建议条款第164条(职业安全和健康)国际劳工组织公约第159条(职业训练与雇用/伤残人士)国际劳工组织公约第177条规(家庭工作)全球人权宣言联合国儿童权利公约III. 定义1. 公司的定义:任何负责实施本标准中各项规定组织或企业的整体,包括公司所有的员工(即董事、决策阶层、经理、监督和非管理人员,不论是直接雇用、合约性质或以其它方式代表公司的人)。
《中文版SolidWorks 2014案例教程》(第九章)
9.2 结构构件
【大小】下拉列表框 用于选择结构构件轮廓的大小。
【新组】按钮 单击此按钮后可新增加一组草图线作 为结构构件的路径线段。
【缝隙距离】编辑框 用于选择一组草图线作为结构构件 的路径线段。
【路径线段】列表框 此列表框显示选择好的路径线段。
9.2.1 创建结构构件
9.2 结构构件
使用结构构件 功能可以设计 出各种焊件框 架。
使用剪裁/延伸 功能可以对结 构构件进行剪 裁和延伸。
创建角撑板和 顶端盖。
能够设计出相 应的焊缝,真 实地体现了焊 件的焊接方式。
设计好焊件后 生成焊件工程 图,在工程图 中生成焊件零 件的切割清单。
9.1.1 焊件设计概述
9.1 焊件概述
使用SolidWorks 2014创建焊件的一般过程如下:
中文版 SolidWorks 2014
01 焊件概述
05 圆角焊缝
02 结构构件
06 焊件切割清单
03 角撑板
07 子焊件
04 顶端盖
9.1 焊件概述
9.2 结构构件
SolidWorks中的结构构件库中提供的结构构件轮廓的种类和大小是有限的,这时就需 要用户下载结构构件轮廓或自定义结构构件轮廓。 自定义结构构件轮廓就是自己绘制结构构件的轮廓草图,然后通过文件转换将绘制的轮 廓草图保存为能够被【结构构件】命令所调用的结构构件轮廓。下面通过一个创建自定 义轮廓的结构构件的实例,来学习自定义结构构件轮廓的方法。
生产区共有一幢写字楼和六幢厂房,建筑面积约33000平方米,生产设备及相关安全配套设施齐全,如有31台注塑机, 18条装配生产线;场地宽敞,区域划分清晰,功能齐全;生活区共有建筑面积7000平方米,设有员工食堂与宿舍,以及蓝球场、卡拉OK厅等相关康乐设施,完全能满足公司生产、员工生活需求。
page 02
page 03
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
上海阿美泰克公司引进了AMETECH的先进设计、制造生产工艺,以用户使用的 可靠性与最佳运行性能为核心,最大限度提高换热效率,降低能耗损失。
Plate heat exchanger
Plate heat exchanger
等截面板式换热器型号及意义 A M 20–MPM /6000 - 100
换热量(kw)- 换热面积(m2)
PL:1.0 MPa PM:1.6MPa PG:1.6~2.5MPa
M:深波纹 B:浅波纹
HK ASD standard_drawing_dec2014
CS2 : 1995 CS2 : 2012
4¢ BUT 2 50mm 6¢ BUT 2 60mm 5¢ BUT 2 50mm 6¢ BUT 2 60mm
~1 ~
M.K. WONG / -
• DEC., 2014
DEC., 2014
u· ~·
(1YPE B) (1YPE E)
(1YPE C)
S: A\ ,_
FIG. 1
dn;1wing title
Social Accountability 80002014版SA8000 国际标准(最新英中文本)International Standard by Social Accountability InternationalJune 2014SA8000®: 2014Supersedes previous versions: 2001, 2004 and 2008The official language of this Standard and supporting documents is English. In the case of inconsistency between versions, reference shall default to the English version.Contents 容I. INTRODUCTION 前言1. Intent and Scope 目的与围2. Management System 管理体系II. NORMATIVE ELEMENTS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION 规性原则及其解释III. DEFINITIONS 定义IV. SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS 社会责任规1. Child Labour 童工2. Forced or Compulsory Labour强迫或强制性劳动3. Health and Safety 健康与安全4. Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining 自由结社及集体谈判权利5. Discrimination 歧视6. Disciplinary Practices 惩戒性措施7. Working Hours 工作时间8. Remuneration 工资9. Management System 管理体系I.INTRODUCTION 前言1. Intent and Scope 目的与围Intent: The intent of SA8000 is to provide an auditable, voluntary standard, based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, ILO and other international human rights and labour norms and national labour laws, to empower and protect all personnel within an organisation’s control and influence who provide products or services for that organisation, including personnel employed by the organisation itself and by its suppliers, sub-contractors, sub-suppliers and home workers. It is intended that an organisation shall comply with this Standard through an appropriate and effective Management System.目的:本标准目的在于提供一个基于联合国人权宣言,国际劳工组织(ILO)和其他国际人权惯例,劳动定额标准以及国家法律的标准,授权并保护所有在公司控制和影响围的生产或服务人员,包括公司自己及其供应商,分包商,分包方雇用的员工和家庭工人。
部分分立元件库元件名称及中英对照AND ------------------------------------与门ANTENNA --------------------------------天线BA TTERY --------------------------------直流电源BELL -----------------------------------铃,钟BVC ------------------------------------同轴电缆接插件BRIDEG 1 -------------------------------整流桥(二极管) BRIDEG 2 -------------------------------整流桥(集成块) BUFFER--------------------------------- 缓冲器BUZZER----------------------------------蜂鸣器CAP ------------------------------------电容CAPACITOR ------------------------------电容CAPACITOR POL --------------------------有极性电容CAPV AR ---------------------------------可调电容CIRCUIT BREAKER ------------------------熔断丝COAX -----------------------------------同轴电缆CON ------------------------------------插口CRYSTAL --------------------------------晶体整荡器DB --------------------------------------并行插口DIODE ---------------------------------二极管DIODE SCHOTTKY ------------------------稳压二极管DIODE V ARACTOR ------------------------变容二极管DPY_3-SEG---------------------------- 3段LEDDPY_7-SEG---------------------------- 7段LEDDPY_7-SEG_DP -------------------------7段LED(带小数点) ELECTRO ------------------------------电解电容FUSE ----------------------------------熔断器INDUCTOR -----------------------------电感INDUCTOR IRON -------------------------带铁芯电感INDUCTOR3 -----------------------------可调电感JFET N -------------------------------N沟道场效应管JFET P --------------------------------P沟道场效应管LAMP ----------------------------------灯泡LAMP NEDN -----------------------------起辉器LED -----------------------------------发光二极管METER ---------------------------------仪表MICROPHONE ----------------------------麦克风MOSFET --------------------------------MOS管MOTOR AC -----------------------------交流电机MOTOR SERVO --------------------------伺服电机NAND ----------------------------------与非门NOR ----------------------------------或非门NOT -----------------------------------非门NPN -----------------------------------NPN----三极管NPN-PHOTO ------------------------------感光三极管OPAMP ----------------------------------运放OR ------------------------------------或门PHOTO ---------------------------------感光二极管PNP -----------------------------------三极管NPN DAR ----------------------------NPN三极管PNP DAR ----------------------------PNP三极管POT ----------------------------滑线变阻器PELAY-DPDT---------------------------- 双刀双掷继电器RES1.2 ----------------------------电阻RES3.4 ----------------------------可变电阻RESISTOR BRIDGE ? ----------------------------桥式电阻RESPACK ? ----------------------------电阻SCR ----------------------------晶闸管PLUG ?---------------------------- 插头PLUG AC FEMALE---------------------------- 三相交流插头SOCKET ? ----------------------------插座SOURCE CURRENT---------------------------- 电流源SOURCE VOLTAGE ----------------------------电压源SPEAKER ----------------------------扬声器SW ? ----------------------------开关SW-DPDY ?---------------------------- 双刀双掷开关SW-SPST ? ----------------------------单刀单掷开关SW-PB ----------------------------按钮THERMISTOR ----------------------------电热调节器TRANS1 ----------------------------变压器TRANS2 ----------------------------可调变压器TRIAC ?---------------------------- 三端双向可控硅TRIODE ? ----------------------------三极真空管V ARISTOR ----------------------------变阻器ZENER ? ----------------------------齐纳二极管DPY_7-SEG_D---------------------------- 数码管SW-PB ---------------------------- 开关7805----------------------------------LM7805CT。
• 阅读:正确个数减去错误个数乘以四分之一后,四舍五入到整数,得到 原始分。再由原始分值通过换算表(根据考试难易度每次调整)换算 为200~800分的最终成绩。
• 数学:选择题正确个数减去错误个数乘以四分之一后加上填空题正确 个数,算法和阅读相似。
• 写作:选择题正确个数减去错误个数乘以四分之一后,四舍五入到,整 数得到选择题原始分,再配合作文(0-12分)分值,通过换算表( 根据考试难易度每次调整)换算为200~800分的最终成绩。
• Section 1(25分钟):作文[注:每次考试,第一个区肯定是25分钟作文] • Section 10(10分钟):14道 语法题[注:每次考试,第十个区也就是最后一
个区肯定是语法] • 作文 • 在25分钟内,按照给出的题目作文。若想拿到高分,词数一般要在400以上。
作文会由两个评审批阅,除空白和跑题外,每个评审的赋分范围是1-6分, 作文总分为2-12分。 • 语法选择题 • 全部是挑错改错,中国学生经过培训或自学后提高应当很快。
பைடு நூலகம்
SAT Examination Introduction
• SAT考试总时长3小时45分钟(225分钟)。每一次的SAT考试分为10个 区(Section),时间分配如下:
• Section 1到Section 7-各25分钟 • Section 8和Section 9-各20分钟 • Section 10-10分钟
• SAT,全称Scholastic Assessment Test,中文名称为学术能力评估测试。由 美国大学委员会(College Board)主办,SAT成绩是世界各国高中生申请美 国名校学习及奖学金的重要参考。
组织不得使用或支持使用第29号国际劳工组织公约中规定的包括监狱劳工在内的强迫或强制劳动,也不可保留员的个人 身份证明原件,且不能要求员工在受雇之时交纳“押金”
任何组织或向组织提供的劳工实体都不可以为了强迫员工继续为组织工作而扣留这些员工的任何工资、福利、财产或文 件。
组织应建立、记录、保持旨在拯救童工的书面政策和程序,并将其向员工及利益相关方有效传达。组织应该给这些儿童 提供足够的经济和其他支持以使其接受学校教育直到超过定义的儿童年龄。
公司可以聘用未成年工,但如果法规要求未成年工必须接受义务教育,他们只可以在上课时间以外的时间工作,在任何 情况下未成年工的上课,工作和交通的累计时间不能超过每天十个小时,并且未成年工也不可以上晚班或是夜班。
组织应评估包括工作活动中存在的所有对孕妇及哺乳期妇女有害的风险,并确保采取了所有合理的措施消除或减少任何 危害其健康安全的风险。 当有效地减少或消除工作场所所有危害的原因后危害还存在时,组织应该免费向员工提供适当的个人防护设备。如有人 发生工伤时,公司应提供紧急救护并协助工人获得后续治疗; 组织应任命一位高层管理代表,来负责确保所有员工提供一个健康与安全的工作环境,并且负责执行本标准中健康与安 全方面的要求。 应建立并保持一个健康安全委员会,其中应包括由管理代表们和工人们组成的且平衡小组;除非法律另有规定,该委员 会里至少要有一名工人成员(们)且来自认可的工会代表(们),如果他们选择服务的话;万一工会不指定或组织没有 加入工会,工人们应指定他们人为合适的代表(们);其决定应有效地和所有人沟通;应定期培训或再培训该委员会以 便他们能胜任从事持续提高工作场所的健康安全条件的工作。其应执行正式的、定期的职业健康安全风险评估以识别并 提出目前和潜在的健康安全危害。应保留这些评估和纠正措施记录;
MIDAS/Gen 中各国及地区设计规范一. 钢结构(共17个)1. AIK-ASD83Architectural Institute of Korea, Allowable Stress Design, 19832. AIJ-ASD02Architectural Institute of Japan, Allowable Stress Design, 20023. AISC-ASD89American Institute of Steel Construction, Allowable Stress Design:Part 5. Specifications and Codes, 19894. KSCE-ASD96Korean society of Civil Engineers, Allowable Stress Design, 19965. AIK-LSD97Architectural Institute of Korea, Limit States Design, 19976. AISC-LRFD93American Institute of Steel Construction, Load & Resistance Factor Design Part 6. Specifications and Codes, 19937. AISC-LRFD2KAmerican Institute of Steel Construction, Load & Resistance Factor Design Part 6. Specifications and Codes, 20008. BS5950-90British Standard, Structural use of steelwork in building:Part 1. Code of practice for design in simple and continuous construction9. Eurocode3ENV 1993-1-1 Eurocode3, Design of steel structures:Part 1.1 General Rules and Rules for Building10. AIK-CFSD98Architectural Institute of Korea, Cold-Formed Steel Design, 199811. AISI-CFSD86American Iron and Steel Institute, Cold-Formed Steel Design, 198612. KEPCO97-1111Korea Electric Power COmpany, Allowable Stress Design, 199713. GBJ17-88Guo jia Biao zhun (National standard of the people’s republic of China),Code for design of steel structures, 198814. CSA-S16-01Canadian Standards Association, Limit States Design of Steel Structures, 200115. IS:800-1984Indian Standard, Code of Practice for General Construction in Steel (Second Revision), 198416. TWN-ASD90Taiwan, 鋼構造建築物鋼結構設計技術規範(二) 鋼結構極限設計法規範及解說, 199017. TWN-LSD90Taiwan, 鋼構造建築物鋼結構設計技術規範(一) 鋼結構容許應力設計法規範及解說, 199018. GB50017-03Guo jia Biao zhun (National standard of the people’s republic of China),Code for design of steel structures, 2003二. 钢筋混凝土(共16个)1. ACI318-89American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete(318-89) and Commentary(318R-89), 1989Reported by ACI Committee 3182. ACI318-95American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete(318-95) and Commentary(318R-95), 1995Reported by ACI Committee 3183. ACI318-99American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete(318-99) and Commentary(318R-99), 1999Reported by ACI Committee 3184. ACI318-02American Concrete Institute, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete(318-02) and Commentary(318R-02), 2002Reported by ACI Committee 3185. AIK-USD94Architectural Institute of Korea, Ultimate Strength Design, 19946. KSCE-USD96Korean society of Civil Engineers, Ultimate Strength Design, 19967. KCI-USD99Korean Concrete Institute, Ultimate Strength Design, 19998. AIK-WSD2KArchitectural Institute of Korea, Working Stress Design, 20009. AIJ-WSD99Architectural Institute of Japan, Working Stress Design, 199910. BS8110-97British Standard, Structural use of concrete:Part 1. Code of practice for design and construction11. Eurocode2ENV 1992-1-1 Eurocode2, Design of concrete structures:Part 1. General Rules and Rules for Building12. GB50010-02Guo jia Biao zhun (National standard of the people’s republic of China),Code for design of concrete structures, 200213. CSA-A23.3-94Canadian Standards Association, Design of Concrete Structures, 199414. IS456:2000Indian Standard, Plain and Reinforced Concrete – Code of Practice (Fourth Revision), 200015. TWN-USD92Taiwan, 結構混疑土設計規範, 199216. KCI-USD03Korean Concrete Institute, Ultimate Strength Design, 2003钢骨混凝土(共7个)1. AIK-SRC2KArchitectural Institute of Korea, Allowable Stress Design, 20002. KSSC-CFT2KKorean Society of Steel Construction, Concrete Filled Tube, 20003. SSRC79Structural Stability Research Council, A Specification for the Design of Steel-Concrete Composite Columns, 19794. AIJ-SRC01Architectural Institute of Japan, Allowable Stress Design, 20015. JGJ138-01Jian zhu Gong ye Jian zhu biao zhun,Technical specification for steel reinforced concrete composite structures, 20016. CECS28-90China association for Engineering Construction Standardization,Specification for design and construction of concrete-filled steel tubular structures, 19907. TWN-SRC92Taiwan, 鋼骨鋼筋混疑土構造設計參考規範與解說, 1992。
如何设置模拟量输入模板 SM 431-7KF00的温度补偿? 如何解决 SIMATIC BATCH 的 IL43基本设备上 hotfix 安装的问题? 如果通过 PCS7 V6.1 SP1 DVD 单独安装 SIMATIC BATCH Report 需要注意哪些设置? 为什么冗余模拟量输出模块的每个通道只有一半电流输出? 使用WinCC/Web Navigator V6.1 SP1需要什么样的操作系统和软件? 是否 COM PROFIBUS 可以使用所有版本的 GSD 文件? 如何在 WinCC flexible 中组态与S7 控制器的 Profinet 连接? 如何在操作面板上设定定时器时间, 同时如何输出定时器的剩余时间? 数据块初始值与实际值的含义 如何通过窗口对象滚动条步进调节过程值参数? 使用 SINAUT ST7 向电子邮箱接受方发送文本信息 SMS 需要做何设置? 可以使用CPU317-2PN/DP替代在iMap中组态的CPU315-2PN/DP吗? 什么情况下插入C-PLUG卡或者C-PLUG有什么作用? 通过一台PC,可以使用哪种方式访问与IWLAN/PB link PNIO或IE/PB link PNIO连接的PROFIBUS设备? 当在SINAUT网络中使用4线变压器应该注意哪些设置? 在 SINAUT 网络中,使用MD3拨号调制解调器作为专线调制解调器时,要进行哪些设置? 如何安装 DCF77 天线, 当选择 DCF77 天线时需要注意什么? 使用SINAUT ST7向传真机发送文本信息时,需要进行哪些设置? 在 SINAUT 项目中发送短消息必须进行哪些特殊服务的设置? 如何在S7-300 PN CPU和CP343-1之间建立一个open TCP 通讯连接,以及如何进行数据交换? 如何在两个S7-300 PN CPU之间建立一个open TCP 通讯连接,以及如何进行数据交换? 哪些控制系统可以成功与SINAUT ST7一起使用? 使用“零-Modem”电缆连接 TIM 模块应该注意什么? 当用 SINAUT 诊断工具的ST1协议进行诊断时,为什么TIM的状态不能显示? TIM 3V-IE 和 TIM 3V-IE Advanced 模块在以太网上通信时使用哪个端口号? 如何对没有接入网络的S7-200CPU编程? 掉电后,LOGO!的程序会丢失吗? 从 PCS7 V6.1 起,为什么没有分配任何 hierarchy (PH) 的 测量点(变量)通过编译不能在OS中自动创建相应的变量? 在SFC中,如何实现从一个 Sequencer 跳出后回到另一个 Sequencer 的某个固定位置并继续执行? 如何实现过程变量的平均值归档? 存储文件的目标路径和备份可选路径有何作用? WinCC变量归档中如何实现采集周期小于500ms的变量归档? 为什么在 OS 上会显示如下信息“时间跳变通知-永久切换为从站模式”? 在西门子A&D产品支持网站是否可以下载关于ET200M的手册? 在S7-400上怎样安装冗余电源? UDT改变后怎样更新使用UDT产生的数据块。 为什么在FB块中使用OUT变量赋值被调用FB块的IN变量时出现错误信息34:4469? 如何查看4-mation导入-导出错误 不能正确引导8212-1QU IBM/Lenovo M52 ThinkCentre 实时趋势更新缓慢的原因 如何保存变量名字典CSV文件的格式
Created by Jeff,2014/3/15
Front panel components............................................................................. 23 Disk drive bay numbers .............................................................................. 24 Rear panel view – controller module .......................................................... 24 Rear panel components.............................................................................. 25 P2000 6Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure .............................................................. 25 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure ......................................................... 26 P2000G3 iSCSI .................................................................................................................27 Front panel components............................................................................. 27 Disk drive bay numbers .............................................................................. 28 Rear panel views – controller modules ....................................................... 28 Rear panel components.............................................................................. 29 P2000 6Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure .............................................................. 30 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure ......................................................... 30 P2000G3 SAS...................................................................................................................31 Front panel components............................................................................. 31 Disk drive bay numbers .............................................................................. 32 Rear panel view – controller module .......................................................... 32 Rear panel components.............................................................................. 33 P2000 6Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure .............................................................. 33 MSA2000 3Gb 3.5 12-drive enclosure ......................................................... 34 2. MSA2000 管理方式............................................................................................................35
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多种方案制作成模型泵进行试验遴选%近年来, 随着计算流体力学(CFD)的发展,通过数值计算 分析,对泵全性能进行 和性能预测%
1设计参数 介质PP +丙烯、密度420〜560 k/温度20〜
90 °C;进口压力(表压)3.4 MPa;流量(7 000 ±560) m3/h;扬程(33 ± 1.15) m;转速 # 二 1 480 r/min%
:2]关醒凡•现代泵理论与设计:M] •北京:中国宇航岀 版社,2011.
:3 ]张德胜•轴流泵叶轮非线性环量分布理论及实验研 究&D].镇江:江苏大学,2010.
:4 ]秦武•固液两相流离心泵内部流场的数值模拟研究 :D] •长沙:长沙理工大学,2009-
:5 ]王福军•计算流体动力学分析-CFD软件原理与应 用& M] •北京:清华大学岀版社,2004-
计算分析,内容主要包括轴承动特性分析,系统临 界转速和不平衡响应计算,各种激励下的瞬态响 应计算以及系统稳定性分析%掌握了转子系统的 这些动力学特性,就可以在设计过程中选择合理 参数,如轴径、轴承、质量分布、轴承特性等。
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12.2 4 408
1.2 22.36
11.0 4 408 0.0 17.28
8.5 4 408 -0.8 13.72
1. 1
通过Fluent完成整个模型的求解,使用Phass Coupled SIMPLE算法进行压力速度耦合,采用 MRF模型对主轴流泵转动进行模拟,在转动的叶 片区使用旋转坐标系,其它区域使用静止坐标系,
REVIEW OF AS5100.2 – DESIGN LOADSNigel Powers, VicRoads, AustraliaABSTRACTAS5100, the Australian Bridge Design Code, is currently under review. AS5100.2, Design Loads, sets out the minimum design loads, forces and load effect for road, railway, pedestrian and bicycle bridges and other associated structures.The review of AS5100 and Part 2 commenced in late 2011. As part of the review, Part 2 has been updated to reflect current technology and philosophy and to address any recent feedback from industry. The more significant changes include the increase in collision loads, the expansion of the section of earthquake loading and improved provision and detail for flood and debris loading following recent flooding across Australia.This paper provides an overview of the changes to the Standard, discussing in greater detail the more significant changes.INTRODUCTIONAS5100-2004 has 7 parts with AS5100.2 being Part 2: Design Loads. AS5100.2 sets out the minimum design loads, forces and load effect for road, railway, pedestrian and bicycle bridges and other associated structures (Standards Australia 2004).The review of AS5100-2004 – Bridge Design Code was originally proposed by Transport and Main Roads, Queensland in mid 2011. The scope of this proposal was to generally update the Standard with emphasis on concrete and aligning with the recently reviewed AS3600, earthquake loading and design, new products and materials for bearings and expansion joints, provisions for pedestrians and climate change.This was subsequently approved by Standards Australia in late 2011 and the review of theAS5100 commenced. Once approved, Standards Australia called a meeting of the AS5100 main committee – BD-090. This committee consists of industry representatives that have been nominated by Nominating Organisations such as Austroads and Engineers Australia. At the initial meeting the committee decided on the scope of the review which was confirmed to be the scope of the proposal. The committee then agreed on how the review would proceed. Working groups were set up to undertake the reviews with one working group to review Parts 1, 2 & 7. The working group tasked with reviewing AS5100.2 is chaired by Nigel Powers, VicRoads and Austroads, and consisted of members from the road and rail industries, public organisations and private companies. Work started on the review in early 2012 with the initial scope including the updating to current technology and methodologies as well as aligning with the Earthquake Loading Standard, AS1170.4-2007. During the review the scope developed to include feedback from industry and developing within and outside of Australia.The intent of this paper is to inform industry of the changes to AS5100.2 and highlight the more significant changes while also facilitating discussion at the Austroads Bridge Conference 2014. MINOR CHANGESOverall there were numerous changes made in AS5100.2. At the same time many sections were left largely untouched such as the sections on dead loads and live load cases. Some of the more general changes are as follows:•Grammar and general errors from the past version,•Several definitions added such as crash wall and deflection wall for greater clarity and to update for new content,•Clause references have been removed from Section 4 – Notation to enable easy revision and future updates,•The load factor for pedestrian, cycleway and maintenance loads has been reduced to 1.5 for ultimate to align with AS1170,•The inclusion of greater requirements for shared use bridges as they are becoming common, •Load factors for construction forces and effects have been now included within the section for ease of use,•Load effects and load factors have now been summarised in the appendices for the convenience of the designer.MAJOR CHANGESA number of significant changes were made to AS5100.2 in the process of the review. These include the revision of collision loads, earthquake loading, lighting and sign structure provisions, and the inclusion of a design procedure for barriers. The following section of this paper highlights and discusses these changes.Collision LoadsOver the past decade vehicles on the road network have increased in size and mass and their centre of gravity is also higher. At the time of the creation of AS5100.2-2004 most passenger vehicles were standard sedan or wagon type and semi-trailers were very common and 68t B-doubles were becoming more common. In 2014 it is becoming very common for passenger vehicles to be vans or Special Utility Vehicles which are heavier and have a higher centre of gravity than the sedans and wagons of a decade ago. Also, the freight industry are introducing and lobbying to introduce larger vehicles onto the network with road trains and other similar vehicles becoming more common. These have a much greater mass and higher centre of gravity than those in 2004.In acknowledgement of these changes to vehicle characteristics the AS5100.2 working group referred to international Standards, Codes and Guidelines for international best practice to address this trend. The Federal Highways Agency in the United States of America published in 2009 the AASHTO Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware (MASH) (FHWA 2009) which replaced NCHRP Report 350, Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features. As a result of changing vehicle characteristics MASH 2009 increased the collision loads of the various barrier test levels and the minimum effective height which was seen by the committee to be more closely reflecting the vehicles currently on the network and those anticipated to be on the network during the life of the barrier. Accordingly, the working group adopted the requirements of MASH 2009. The impact of the adoption of the requirements of MASH 2009 is shown in Table 1 which compares between the AS5100 – 2004 requirements and those adopted in the draft.Table 1: Comparison between AS5100.2-2004 and DRAS5100.2 – Collision LoadsBarrier performancelevelUltimatetransverseoutward load(F T)kNUltimatelongitudinalor transverseinward load(F L)kNVehiclecontactlength fortransverseload (L T) andlongitudinalload (L L)mUltimateverticaldownwardload(F V)kNVehiclecontactlength forvertical load(L V)m 2004 Draft 2004 Draft 2004 Draft 2004 Draft 2004 DraftLow 125 150 40 50 1.1 1.1 20 22 5.5 5.5 Regular 250 300 80 100 1.1 1.2 80 100 5.5 6 Medium 500 600 170 200 2.4 2.4 350 300 12 12It is acknowledged by the working group that a significant change such as this will cause debate within the broader industry. The changes would result in higher moments and thus larger barriers and stronger decks which would cost more than designs done to AS5100.2-2004. Also, one topic of regular debate was that there were no documented breaches of barriers designed to AS5100.2 and thus there may not be the justification for the change. The working group decided that the best way to gauge the industry’s views on this was by releasing the draft ofAS5100.2 with the MASH 2009 loads and height and seeing what issues were raised during public comment.At the time of writing this paper the public comment on AS5100.2 had just closed and the working group had not considered the comments made.Earthquake LoadingIn 2012 Austroads published a report titled Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes (Austroads 2012). The purpose of the report was to “investigate current Australian and international seismic design practices and formulate new force-based and displacement-based code provisions for the design of bridges to earthquake loads suitable for inclusion in current Australian design codes”. It was also important to ensure “that bridge design standards in Australia are kept up to date and reflect world best practice”.The report acknowledged that while earthquakes in Australia are rare compared to other countries such as New Zealand, the consequences can still be fatal and costly. Thus it is still very important that bridges are designed appropriately to ensure they are functional post event and are able to assist in the critical recovery process after such major events.The two keys outcomes of the report were:“1. Recommended changes, with specific clause wordings to AS 5100.2:2004 Bridge design – Part 2. Design loads, to ensure compatibility with AS 1170.4:2007 Minimum design loads on structures – Part 4: Earthquake loads.2. Development of an alternative displacement-based design method suitable for inclusion in AS 5100.2, presented in the form of recommended code clauses. Design examples illustrating the use of this method are provided for typical bridge configurations.”The AS5100.2 adopted the changes proposed in the report.Forces Resulting From Water FlowIn the last 5 years Australia has experienced significant flood events in Queensland and Victoria in particular. The flood events in Queensland brought about significant flows in terms of volume and velocity and debris such as pontoons, shipping containers and various vehicles. The loads experienced on bridges were far greater than the provisions of AS5100.2-2004 which essentially address log impact and other natural vegetation. An example of the debris experienced in Queensland is shown in Figure 1. The working group agreed that the forces from debris must be amended to reflect the now more common urban debris.Figure 1: Example of debris from recent Queensland floods.Lighting and Sign StructuresOver the past decade a number of major sign structures have failed while in service across the road network. The subsequent investigations of these incidents raised concerns over design deficiencies, construction practices and maintenance and inspection regimes. Overall, fatigue of the base plate and connections a common issue. AS5100.2-2004 guidance and requirements were seen as brief and required substantial improvement to ensure similar failures were avoided in the future.In 2010, VicRoads released the Bridge Technical Note BTN2010/001 - Design of Steel Cantilever and Portal Sign Structures and High-Mast Light Poles (VicRoads 2010) to address the above. The document addressed the fatigue issues by adopting the fatigue requirements of AASHTO Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signs (AASHTO 2004). The working group adopted the guidance in the document to address the issue in the new version of AS5100.2.CONCLUSIONThe working group reviewing AS5100.2 have taken on feedback from industry and adopted or improved on advancements within and outside of Australia ensuring the progression of the Standard and the industry as a whole. The changes made to items like collision loads and earthquake loading will ensure that the bridges we design now will conform to increasing technical standards and provided a higher level of safety for all road users for the 100 year life of the bridge or structure. While the changes may cause short term turbulence as there will be increased costs and the need for changes to current practices and methodologies, overall the changes will ensure our bridge designs are efficient, effective and safe. There will always be the need to undertake further review, refinement and development but this version of AS5100.2 has taken significant steps forward from the 2004 version.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTI would sincerely like to thank the AS5100.2 working group for the significant time and effort they have put in over the past 3 years. The review of a Standard can be a quite difficult task often with a significant workload, frequent travel, complex issues and conflicting views and opinions. Many members volunteer their time and all members will often work on the Standard on their own time which is an incredible effort considering significant work and family commitments.REFERENCESAASHTO 2004, Standard Specifications for Structural Supports for Highway Signs, Luminaries and Traffic Signs, 4th Edition, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, USAAustroads 2012, Bridge Design Guidelines for Earthquakes, Austroads, NSW, AustraliaFHWA 2009, Manual for Assessing Safety Hardware, AASHTO, USANCHRP Report 350 1993, Recommended Procedures for the Safety Performance Evaluation of Highway Features, Transportation Research Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press, Washington, D.C.Standards Australia 2004, Bridge Design Part 2: Design Loads AS5100.2004, Standards Australia, NSW, AustraliaStandards Australia 2014, Draft Bridge Design Part 2: Design Loads DR AS5100.2, Standards Australia, NSW, AustraliaVicRoads 2010, BTN2010/001 - Design of Steel Cantilever and Portal Sign Structures and High-Mast Light Poles, VicRoads, Victoria, AustraliaAUTHOR BIOGRAPHIESNigel Powers has been working with VicRoads since graduating from RMIT University in 2000. At VicRoads he has successfully fulfilled roles in numerous areas related to bridges including design, construction, maintenance, inspection and management. Currently Nigel is the Manager Technology and Assets in the Structures Group where he is responsible for standards, policy and guidelines for the design, construction, maintenance and management of structures across VicRoads. Nigel is the VicRoads representative on the Austroads Bridge Task Force, the Austroads representative on the Standards Australia committee BD-090 and the chair of the working group reviewing Parts 1, 2 & 7 of AS5100.Copyright Licence AgreementThe Author allows ARRB Group Ltd to publish the work/s submitted for the 9th Austroads Bridge Conference, granting ARRB the non-exclusive right to:• publish the work in printed format• publish the work in electronic format• publish the work online.The Author retains the right to use their work, illustrations (line art, photographs, figures, plates) and research data in their own future worksThe Author warrants that they are entitled to deal with the Intellectual Property Rights in the works submitted, including clearing all third party intellectual property rights and obtaining formal permission from their respective institutions or employers before submission, where necessary.。
《中文版SolidWorks 2014案例教程》(第六章)
【由Delta XYZ】 选择要移动的零部件,然后在【旋转】选项组中显示的 、 、 编辑框中输入X 、Y、Z的增量值,并单击该选项组中显示的【应用】按钮,则零部件将按指定的角 度增量分别绕X轴、Y轴和Z轴旋转。
6.3.3 旋转零部件
6.3 定位零部件
通过添加配合关系可以对导入的零部件施加约束,从而确定零部件在装配中的相对 位置。下面通过为已插入的合页各零部件添加配合关系,来介绍为零部件添加配合 关系的一般操作方法。
打开本书配套素材中的“ch06\素 材\合页\合页装配.SLDASM”文 件,如右图所示。
6.3.4 添加配合关系
6.3 定位零部件
利用【旋转零部件】命令,旋转素 材中的零部件“合页02”,如右 图所示。
6.3.4 添加配合关系
6.3 定位零部件
6.3.2 移动零部件
6.3 定位零部件
沿装配体的X、Y或Z方向拖动所选 的零部件。选择此选后,图形区 域中会显示坐标系以帮助确定方向 。 【由Delta XYZ】 选择要移动的零部件,然后在【移动】 选项组中显示的 、 、 编辑框中 输入X、Y、Z的增量值,并单击该选项 组中显示的【应用】按钮,可按指定的 坐标增量移动零部件。
的【浏览】按钮,弹出【打开】对 话框。
6.2.2 插入零部件
6.2 建立装配体
在【打开】对话框中选择用于装配的第1个零 件,在此选择本书配套素材中的“ch06\素材 \合页\合页01.SLDPRT”文件,然后单击【 打开】按钮,显示随光标移动的零件。
AS-International AssociationActuator Sensor Interface(AS-Interface®)Test Requirements MasterVersion 1.2, Revision 1.1Apr. 05, 2002ConfidentialFor internal use of the members only or for companies which have bought the documentation from the AssociationTest Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1AcceptanceThese test requirements have been accepted by the Technical Commission of the AS International Association in its meeting on April 10, 2002 and by the Management Committee in its meeting on May 14, 2002.File date: August 8th, 2002Test Requirements for AS-Interface MasterContents:A. General (1)1. Basic tests (4)2. Simplified test (4)3. Additional tests (4)4. Precedence (4)B. Test instructions (4)1. Test instruction: Current consumption (5)2. Test instruction: Noise emission AS-i master (8)3. Test instructions: Impedance and symmetry measurement (11)4. Test instruction: Power-on behaviour (21)5. Test instruction: Burst test (25)6. Test instruction: Analogue part (31)7. Test instruction: Voltage cutoff (34)8. Test instruction: Logical start-up behaviour (37)9. Test instruction: Logical behaviour in normal operation (40)10. Test instruction: Analogue profile (43)11. Test instruction: Functions in accordance with PICS (45)12. Test instruction: Time response (49)13. Test instruction: Security of data (52)C. Forms for technical reports (56)Annex: (77)Test Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1A. General1. Basic testsThese test requirements for the AS-Interface master describe the minimum extent of a basic test to be carried out on the AS-i master to section 4.4 (2) of the Certification Guidelines (ZRL) for AS-i products.AS-i masters forming a part of a higher-level system, e.g. couplers (gateways) to higher-level bus systems or masters with integrated host functions (AS-i control) are also tested in accordance with these test requirements if applicable. Host functions shall be accessible or realised in the higher-level system in accordance with these test requirements.If an AS-i power supply is integrated in the AS-i master, the master is additionally subject to the test requirements for AS-i power supplies.If the AS-i master contains components already tested and approved by the AS-i Association these components will not be tested again (section 4.4 (3) of the ZRL).All standard AS-i components used for testing purposes shall be AS-i certified.2. Simplified testSimplified tests to section 4.5 ZRL shall use parts of these test requirements if applicable.3. Additional testsIn special cases the test laboratory is entitled to execute additional tests beyond these test requirements in accordance with the valid specification or shall demand them from the manufacturer.4. PrecedenceIn the case of discrepancies between these test requirements and the AS-i specifications the complete specification takes precedence.instructionsB. TestAll tests described in these test requirements shall have an accuracy of 1% unless stated otherwise, and shall be documented accordingly in the test protocols.For test purposes, the connection between the master and the AS-i shall be made by means of a split plug.All logical tests shall be recorded via AS-i bus monitor. All recordings of the monitor are saved as a file on a diskette which shall be part of the test report. In the case of errors in the logical tests a printout of the monitor recordings shall be made additionally. To protect the files from corruption, a check sum shall be put on the contents of the files. The directory listing contents and check sum shall be enclosed with the test report.1. Test instruction: Current consumptionReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),Master profiles,Test requirements for AS-i power supplies1.1 GeneralThe test requirements allow measurement of the current consumption of an AS-i master. These test requirements become obsolete if the master has an integrated AS-i power supply. In that case, however, all tests of the test requirements for AS-i power supplies have to be additionally fulfilled by the master.The manufacturer shall provide the following information:1. current data sheet,used2. profile1.2 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the required test circuit.Figure 1: Test circuit for current consumption test1.3 Measuring and test equipment·AS-i reference network·AS-i data decoupling network· ammeter· oscilloscope·test circuit to figure 1·variable power supply1.4 Test procedure1. Set up test circuit to figure 12. Operate the master to be tested in normal operation3. Check the master functions at the following DC voltages on the AS-i-line: 31.6V,26.5V, 23.5V, 21.5V and again at 23.5V4. Check the maximum current consumption1.5 EvaluationThe maximum current consumption as stated by the manufacturer shall not be greater than the value stated in the data sheet or than the requirements of the specification.The function test at the operating voltage limits shall correspond to the data stated in the data sheets and the applicable specifications, i.e. at DC voltages on the AS-i line of 31.6V, 26.5Vmaster activity is detected by means of an oscilloscope directly on the AS-i line.Test recordingsDate:Tested by:Test laboratory:Test report no.:ofPage:Current consumptionTest piece code: ___________________Network configurationMaster: __________________________Power supply: __________________________ Data decoupling: ___________________ Slaves: __________________________Measured values:Voltage U /(V) 31.6 26.5 23.5 21.5 23.5Current I / (mA)Communication yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/no yes/nomax. current consumption: ______mA < current stated in data sheet:yes/noResult:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________Test Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1 2. Test instruction: Noise emission AS-i masterReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),2.1 GeneralThis test instruction allows the measurement of the noise emission of an AS-i master in a power-fail state on the AS-i network.2.2 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the required test circuit.Figure 1: Test circuit noise emission AS-i masterThe change in current consumption in a master should only cause a noise voltage £ 50mVss on the AS-i line in the frequency range between 10kHz and 500kHz. The voltage on the AS-i line is measured by means of an oscilloscope via a bandpass (see figure 2, see spice simulation in the appendix to the test requirements for impedance and symmetry measurement). The oscilloscope is to be operated in the mode Envelope, Peak Detection on at a cut-off frequency > 10 MHz. The FET probe is to be terminated with an impedance of 50 Ohm. The test circuit is to be screened from noise so that the measured maximum noise voltage without the master is smaller than 15 mV. For this purpose, the cable length between master and AS-i equivalent line (see figure 3) is to be limited to max. 20 cm. The master is to be operated in the power-fail state (direct voltage on the AS-i line of 21 V).50 Ohm or AS-i 10 … 1MOhm 10 … 30 pFFigure 2: bandpass 10kHz ... 500kHzR = 0,125O hmL = 1,25 µHC=700 p FFigure 3: equivalent circuit of the 10m AS-i equivalent line2.3. Measuring and test equipment·AS-i power supply·oscilloscope with FET probe (50 Ohm output impedance)· bandpass·test circuit to figure 12.4 Test procedure1. Apply a voltage of 21 V to the AS-i line2. Measure the noise voltage without the master by means of the oscilloscope over 60seconds3. Connect the master4. Check the power-fail state of the master5. Measure the noise voltage with the master on the AS-i line by means of an oscilloscopeover 60 secondsThe measurements shall have an accuracy of 5%.2.5 EvaluationThe noise voltage on the AS-i line must not be increased by more than 50 mVss by the master in the power-fail state.Test Requirements Master 1.2 Rev. 1.1 Test recordingsDate:by:TestedTest laboratory:Test report no.:Page:of Noise emission AS-i masterTest piece code: ___________________Network configurationMaster: __________________________Power supply: _________________________Measured values:Noise voltage:without master: _______mVsswith master: _______mVss difference: ______ £ 50mVss : yes / noTest criteria: In the power-fail state the noise voltage of the master on the AS-i line must not exceed 50 mVss!Result:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________3. Test instructions: Impedance and symmetry measurementReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),3.1. Impedance measurement3.1.1 GeneralThe impedance measurement of the master is to be performed in the "ready state" under laboratory conditions.An AC signal U~ with Ri £20 Ohm is to be superimposed on the AS-i DC voltage. This AC voltage and the resulting AC current I~ of the master are to be measured3.1.2 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the test circuit for the impedance measurement. The operation of the master in switch position "test" has been purposefully selected as asymmetrical, i.e. metal parts of the master must not be grounded. Switch S1 allows a switching of AC ground (switch position shown: AS-i- = GND).The AC input current I~ is measured by means of the current probe. The input impedance is calculated as follows:| Z | = | U~ | / | I~ |The distance to the AS-i master shall be 20 cm.The DC voltage is to be set to 21V to put the master in the offline state.3.1.3 Measuring and test equipment·power supply (universal)· signal generator· current probe·test circuit (IMP_SYM) to figure 1for point 3.2 (symmetry measurement)· FET probe· HF voltmeter· bandpassFigure 1: Test circuit impedance measurement (IMP_SYM)3.1.4 Test procedure·Switch S1: position "AS-i- = GND"·Determine the AC current I~ at U~ = 6 Vss·The measurement is to be carried out as described in chapter of the Complete Specification.The accuracy of the measurements shall be within 3%.3.1.5 EvaluationThe evaluation is to be carried out as described in chapter of the Complete Specification and must not exceed the limit values stated there.3.1.6 DC resistanceThe DC resistance between ASI+, ASI- and all metallic parts of the master with the exception of outer connections shall be ³ 250 kOhm.3.2. Symmetry measurement:3.2.1 General:Figure 2: Master connection for symmetry measurementThe partial impedances Z1 and Z2 respectively form a voltage divider at measurement point M. This measurement point may be the metallic housing or a metallic mounting plate. The measurement point shall be connected to the external supplies of the master or the host respectively.In the off-load state the currents through Z1 and Z2 are identical.For an asymmetry of 10% this means10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r r .r U 1r: voltage between M and ASI+ for ASI+ = GNDU 2: voltage between M and ASI- for ASI- = GND3.2.3 Test circuit:Figure 3: Test circuit symmetry measurement of the AS-i master50 Ohm or AS-i10 … 1MOhm 10 … 30 pFFigure 4: bandpass 10 kHz ... 500 kHzThe test circuit corresponds to the one of the impedance measurement (compare figures 1 and 2). With the test circuit in figure 3 the voltage drops U1 of ASI+ to M and U2 of ASI- to M are determined by means of a FET probe (Ri=1MOhm//2pF) with AC coupling Ck ³1nF at an output impedance of 50 Ohm and an HF voltmeter (frequency range up to 300 kHz, Ri=10MOhm//30pF). The capacitance Ckomp=Cfet is to be taken into account in the circuit to compensate for the probe capacitance.By means of calibrating C 3, |U1| = |U2| = UE/2 can be achieved and the capacitances of C 1 and C 2 can be determined independent of Z.A possible measurement error of the HF voltmeter in higher frequency ranges is eliminated by means of the ratio |U1| / |U2|.The appendix shows the frequency response of the bandpass from a SPICE simulation with different combinations of the terminating resistor.3.2.4 Test procedure· Set a measurement voltage Ue of 2.0 Veff displayed on the evaluation meter at afrequency of 160 kHz· Determine |U1| and |U2| at a frequency of 300 kHz without C 3 · Check the condition10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r r .· If this condition is met, determine at frequencies of 50kHz, 100kHz, 125kHz, 160kHz,200kHz, 300kHz and check if this condition is met.· for ASI+ = GND determine the frequency response of |U1| · for ASI- = GND determine the frequency response of |U2| · define the ratio |U1| / |U2| as stated in point 2.1 (General)·If the condition10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r ris not met:· Add C3 between ASI+ and M or ASI- and M respectively, depending on the voltage testand calibrate until you reach |U1| = |U2| = UE/2 at a measurement frequency of 300kHz · Determine C3The accuracy of the measurements shall be within 3%.3.2.5 Evaluation / symmetry criteriaOne of the following conditions shall be met:1. 10.190.02121£=£Z Z U U r r or2.90.080.021££U U r r or 20.110.21££U U r 1r with C 3 £ 15 pF or3. 80.021£U U r r or 2120.1U U r r £ with C 3 £ 30 pFTest recordingsDate: Tested by: Test laboratory: Test report no.: Page: ofImpedance and symmetry measurementNetwork configurationMaster: _________________________ Test circuit: IMP_SYMImpedance measurement:R min L min C maxlimits5k W3mH 400pF measurementsTest criteria: R meas > R min ; L meas > L min ; C meas < C maxDC resistance (R ³ 250 kOhm): ASI+ - M: _______ ASI- - M: _______Symmetry measurement:f / (kHz) 50 100 125 160 200 300 |U1| / (V)|U2| / (V)|U1 / |U2||U1| / |U2| = ________ , C3=______ pFOne of the following conditions shall be met:£=£Z Z U U r r2.90.080.021££U U r r or 20.110.21££U U r 1r withC 3 £ 15 pF or 3.80.021£U U r r or 2120.1U U r r £ with C 3 £ 30 pFSymmetry sufficient? yes/noResult:_________________ Yes/No Signature:passed:TestAppendix: Frequency responses bandpass with different terminating impedances4. Test instruction: Power-On behaviourReference: Specification ASI master (Chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),4.1 GeneralBy testing the Power-ON behaviour, the switch-on delay time t E of the ASI master and its current consumption shall be tested. The settings of the oscilloscope can be seen on the oscillograms.AS-i masters with integrated AS-i power supply must have an internal voltage supply which is accessible and can be interrupted for this test so that the external AS-i supply can be connected.4.2 Measuring and test equipment· power supply with AS-i data decoupling network· oscilloscope· constant current source (KONST_I)4.3 On-delay4.3.1 GeneralThe offline flag of the master is reset (normal operation). In the initial state the master is not connected with the AS-i line (switch S is open). The master shall communicate with the slaves for min. one second after switch S has been closed. The oscilloscope shall be triggered by the rising edge of the supply voltage on the AS-i line. The start of communication is shown on the oscilloscope via peak detection on and DC coupling.4.3.2 Test circuitFigure 1: Test circuit: On-delayFigure 2: Oscillogram on-delay (example)4.3.3 EvaluationThe time t E is to be determined from the oscillogram. It shall be longer than 1.00s. The accuracy of the measurements shall be within 3%.4.4 Current consumption4.4.1 GeneralIf the master is supplied (see circuit figure 4) with a current corresponding to the total current consumption as stated in the data sheet + 12.5mA (to be set with an accuracy of ± 2.5 mA), the master shall have reached an operating voltage of 26.5V within one second after closing switch S in figure 4. The final operating voltage value to be reached shall be 30V at the output of the circuit with a set constant current.4.4.2 Test circuitFigure 3: Block circuit diagram current consumption measurement of the AS-i master++--Trigger output30V in the stationary state Figure 4: Constant current source with trigger output (KONST_I)Figure 5: Oscillogram current consumption (example)4.4.3 EvaluationThe time t shall be determined from the oscillogram to figure 5. It shall be smaller than 1s. The accuracy of the measurement shall be within 3%.Test recordingsDate:by:TestedTest laboratory:Test report no.:ofPage:Power-On behaviourTest piece code: __________________Network configurationMaster: _________________________Power supply: ______________________ Data decoupling: _____________________Test circuit: KONST_IMeasured values:On-delay t E: ______ s > 1s: yes / noCurrent consumption t : __________ s < 1s: yes / noThe oscillograms are to be added to the appendix.Result:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________5. Test instruction: Burst testReference: Specification AS-i master (Chapters 7 and 8 of the Complete Specification),5.1 GeneralThe test shall be performed with fast transient bursts in form of pulse groups. The interferences are injected on the AS-i line by means of a capacitive coupling clamp. The test shall be made with the following data:·level 3 for data lines·test voltage 1 kV·pulse rate 5 kHz·burst length 15 ms·burst period 300 ms.The following requirements are to be met to minimise the environmental influence on the test results:·ambient temperature: 15° C to 35° C·relative humidity: 45% to 75%·air pressure: 680 hPa to 1060 hPaFigure 1 shows the curve of the transient interferences.Figure 1: Overall curve of the transient interference5.2 Test circuit (principle)Figure 2 shows the test circuit (principle) for the burst test of the AS-i master. Figure 3 shows the circuit diagram of the filter to be used to protect the slaves from burst pulses.K a p . 5.2.2Figure 3: Test installation burst tester (BURST_T)The master operates an AS-i network (see figure 2, consisting of the first 90m of the reference network, see test instruction "Operation on the reference network" from the test requirements for AS-i-slaves and and a burst tester at measurement point 1 of the reference network, see figure 3) in the cyclic normal operation with active data exchange. The burst tester includes 2 AS-i slaves (addresses 1 and 2) and a data strobe evaluation for these two slaves, i.e. all data strobe pulses of slaves 1 and 2 are recorded, the timing is defined for the undisturbed case and the timing violation in the case of bursts is recorded. If the time defined in undisturbed operation is exceeded by more than 100 µs, this indicates an error. In the case of double pulses at slave 1 the time measurement refers to the first pulse.The reference measurements (no faults in the case of burst) require ferrite cores (define number and position) for decoupling (filter).Burst pulses of the burst generator are injected via a capacitive coupling clamp.Measurements are taken over a longer period of time (e.g. 2 min, but for a minimum of 100,000 cycles).5.3 Test installationFigure 4 shows the test installation for the burst test.10 cm above the grounded metal plateFigure 4: Test installation burst test5.4 Measuring and test equipment· burst generator·capacitive coupling clamp·20 m AS-i line (burst setup)· filter·part of the AS-i reference network (90m)·burst tester (BURST_T)·AS-i power supply5.5 Test procedure·The AS-i slaves shall be protected from the effects of burst pulses by means of filters. ·The master shall be grounded according to IEC 801 part 4. The master shall be mounted as described in the data sheet. Supplied mounting material shall be used. Measurements shall be carried out at a distance of 10cm from the metal plate for all designs.·10m AS-i line shall be mounted s-shaped at 10cm above the grounded metal plate; the remaining 10m shall be used to connect the AS-i slaves of the reference network protected by filters and the burst tester.· A test voltage of 1kV shall be set at the burst generator.·The tests shall be made with both burst polarities.·The test period shall be 2 min.5.6 EvaluationThe errors caused by the master to be tested shall be evaluated.To calculate the error rate caused by the system without the master, a test with insensitive reference master (symmetrical design) is performed.5.6.1 Calculation of the maximum error rateBased on the assumption that each AS-i message is disturbed during the burst period of 15 ms each we get a maximum percentage of disturbed messages of (see figure 1):15 ms / 300 ms = 5% = Nmax .5.6.2 Measurement of the actual error rate using a reference masterThe reference master is set up with the lowest possible stray capacitance to mass. It is assumed that no error in the network will occur during operation without burst.5.7 TestThe master shall be installed ready for operation (see data sheet) and – if applicable – connected to mass (ground).Under the influence of the burst pulses the number of exceeded timings of the data strobe pulses between slaves 1 and 2 is measured5.8 EvaluationThe limit value according to specification defines: "Max. every 30th message shall be distorted".This means that:Nmess £ Nmax ·1 30Nmess £16 %has to be met.Test criteria: The number of exceeded timings must not exceed 1 %. 65.9 Enhanced test5.9.1 Test voltage 2kVThe test master shall be installed ready for operation and – if applicable – connected to mass (ground). Refer to the installation notes in the data sheet or the instructions in the box.A test voltage of 2kV shall be set at the burst generator. The test period shall be 2 min.For this test one of the AS-i line shall be grounded at the power supply (protective earth). The functional earth of the power supply shall be removed.5.9.2 EvaluationAt a voltage of 2kV it has to be ensured that no errors occur, in particular:· no RESET,·no destruction of the master during the test.Test recordingsDate: Tested by: Test laboratory: Test report no.: Page: ofBurst test to IEC 801, part 4Test piece code: __________________________ Test piece type: ____________________________ Switching state: ___________________________ Burst generator type: _______________________ Coupling clamp type: ________________________ Mass reference surface: ______________________ Ambient temperature: _______________ Relative humidity: ________________ Air pressure: ________________Network configurationSlaves: __________________Power supply: ___________________ Test level: 3 (1kV)Burst duration: 15ms, burst period 300ms, spike frequency 5kHz Test duration (> 1min): ______________ Test condition: Nmess £ 1/6 % + Nref Test circuit: BURST_TTest results:Test at 1kV:Polarity Nref 1/6 % + Nref Nmess at a distance of 10 cmTest passed:positive yes / no negativeyes / noTest at 2kV:positive polarity negative polarity yes no yes no RESET destructionResult:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________6. Test instruction: Analogue partReference Specification AS-i master (Chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),profiles,Master6.1 GeneralThis test instruction will assess the analogue part of the master.A manufacturer declaration is to guarantee a bit time of the master transmitter of 6µs ±0.1% .6.2 Measuring and test equipment· AS-i master·AS-i power supply· 2 pcs. 4O modules as slaves 1 and 2·AS-i monitor (e.g. SINEC S1 – PC card (CP 2413) with monitor program SCOPE S1, version 1.0), with a capacitive load on the AS-i line of C monitor≤ 0.4 nF·equivalent network (29 slaves, 300 Ohm||(3 nF-C monitor))·data decoupling with HF ground6.3 Test circuit1m (+/-0,1m)99m (+/- 1m)Laboratorypower supply39 OhmFigure 2: Data decoupling and HF groundThe AS-i line (99m) shall be mounted s-shaped (length: 2.50m, distance 0.1m). The data decoupling network shall be made up of a core EF 25 consisting of 2 parts, material N27(Siemens, order nos.: B 66 317-G-X127 and B 66 317-G-X127, see data sheet) with 1mm total air gap, equipped with a bifilar winding of 16.5 windings, wire diameter 0.8mm, wound parallel and the parallel resistor of 39R 1%. The equivalent circuit Zn (copy of an impedance of 29 slaves) is to consist of the parallel wiring of 10 pcs. 3.3kOhm 1% metal film resistors and a capacitance of 3nF 2% (The equivalent circuit Zn includes the impedance of the AS-i monitor, i.e. Zn = 330W || (3nF-C monitor) || monitor).6.4 Test procedureTest 1:1. Set up the test installation as shown in figure 1,2. Set slave 1 on address 21 and slave 2 on address 13. Slave 1 shall be polled by the master with data message ("0xA"), slave 2 with datamessage ("0x0")4. After the error rate has been measured via the monitor, the positions of slaves 1 and2 shall be changed and test shall be repeatedTest 2:1. The test installation shall be changed by removing the 99m AS-i line between slaves 1and 2 and the equivalent network Zn, i.e. slave 2, the AS-i monitor and slave 1 shall be connected at a distance of 1m from the master2. Set slave 1 on address 21 and slave 2 on address 13. Slave 1 shall be polled by the master with data message ("0xA"), slave 2 with datamessage ("0x0")4. The error rate shall be measured via monitor6.5 EvaluationThe monitor shall show an error rate of £ 0.5% for all tests.The error rate shall be defined as the number of master request /slave response combinations for slave 1 not correctly detected by the master, referred to a total number of master requests to slave 1.Test recordingsDate:by:TestedTest laboratory:Test report no.:ofPage:Analogue partTest piece code: ___________________AS-i master: ______________________Power supply: _________________________Test results:Test 1:correct? yes/no Error rate measurement 1: _____% £0.5%correct? yes/no Error rate measurement 2: _____% £0.5%Test 2:correct? yes/no Error rate measurement: _____% £0.5%Result:Test passed: Yes / No Signature: _________________7. Test instruction: Voltage cutoffReference: Specification AS-i master (chapter 7 of the Complete Specification),profiles,Master7.1 GeneralThe reaction of the master to voltage cutoff on the AS-i line of 1ms and a reduced voltage on the AS-i line from approx. 23.5V to 14.5V shall be tested.7.2 Measuring and test equipment· AS-i master·AS-i power supply·AS-i bus monitor· generator· oscilloscope7.3 Test circuitFigure 1 shows the basic principle of the test installation to check the reaction of the master to voltage cutoffs as well as the reduction of the DC voltage on the AS-i line. The connectedslave puts the master in the normal operation mode.7.4 Test procedure:1. Interrupt the voltage on the AS-i line for 0.6 ms with a repetition frequency of < 1Hzand check the AS-i messages by means of the bus monitor.2. Interrupt the voltage on the AS-i line for 2.1ms with a repetition frequency of <1Hz andcheck the AS-i messages by means of the bus monitor.3. Check the transmitting amplitude of the master at an AS-i-DC voltage of 23.5V4. Reduce the DC voltage on the AS-i line from 23.5V to 14.5V.Check AS-i message sequence "RESET_Slave" to all slaves by the master by means of a bus monitor and check their transmitting amplitude and subsequent offline operation of the master.7.5 Evaluation。
8.Dimensional Requirements8.1The castings shall conform to the dimensions or draw-ings furnished by the purchaser,or,if there are no drawings,tothe dimensions predicted by the pattern equipment supplied bythe purchaser.9.Workmanship and Finish9.1The surface of the casting shall be free of adhering sand,scale,cracks,and hot tears,as determined by visual examina-tion.9.2No repairing by plugging or welding of any kind shall be permitted unless written permission is granted by the purchaser.10.Sampling 10.1A lot shall consist of one of the following:10.1.1All the metal poured from a single heating in a batch type melting furnace.10.1.2All the metal from two or more batch type melting furnaces poured into a single ladle or a single casting.10.1.3All the metal poured from a continuous melting furnace for a given period of time between changes in charge,processing conditions,or aim-for chemistry or 4h,whichever is the shorter period. purchaser may agree to extend the 4-h time period to 8h if the manufacturer can demonstrate sufficient process control to warrant such an extension.11.Cast Test Bars 11.1Test bars shall be separate castings poured from the same lot as the castings they represent and shall have dimen-sions as shown in Table 3.Allowance may be made for reasonable pattern draft within the tolerances shown in Table 3.Test bars A,B,and C are all standard test bars in the form of simple cylinders.Test bar S is special and is intended for use where the standard bars are not satisfactory.11.2The test bars shall be cast in dried,baked,or chemi-cally bonded molds made mainly of an aggregate of siliceous sand with appropriate binders.The average grain size of the sand shall approximate that of the sand in which the castings are poured.Molds for the test bars shall be approximately at room temperature when poured.More than one test bar may be cast in a single mold,but each bar in the mold shall be surrounded by a thickness of sand which is not less than the diameter of the bar.A suitable design for a mold is shown in Fig.2.N OTE 2—The intent of these provisions is as follows:to prohibit the casting of test bars in molds of metal,graphite,zircon,light-weight aggregates,or other materials which would significantly affect the tensile strength of the iron;to prohibit control of tensile strength of the test bars by manipulation of the grain size of the sand;and to prohibit the casting of test bars in molds preheated substantially above room temperature.11.3Test bars that are intended to represent castings that are cooled in the mold to less than 900°F (480°C),before shakeout,shall be cooled in their molds to a temperature less than 900°F (480°C).They then may be cooled in still air to room temperature.11.4Test bars that are intended to represent castings that are hotter than 900°F (480°C),when shaken out of their molds,shall be cooled as described in 11.3or (by agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser)may be shaken out of their molds at approximately the same temperature as the castings they represent.11.5When castings are stress-relieved,annealed,or other-wise heat-treated,test bars shall receive the same thermal treatment and shall be treated adjacent to the castings they represent.TABLE 1Requirements for Tensile Strength of Gray Cast Ironsin Separately Cast Test Bars Class Tensile Strength,min,ksi (MPa)Nominal Test BarDiameter,in.(mm)No.20A 20(138)0.88(22.4)No.20B 1.2(30.5)No.20C 2.0(50.8)No.20S Bars S ANo.25A 25(172)0.88(22.4)No.25B 1.2(30.5)No.25C 2.0(50.8)No.25S Bars S ANo.30A 30(207)0.88(22.4)No.30B 1.2(30.5)No.30C 2.0(50.8)No.30S Bars S ANo.35A 35(241)0.88(22.4)No.35B 1.2(30.5)No.35C 2.0(50.8)No.35S Bars S ANo.40A 40(276)0.88(22.4)No.40B 1.2(30.5)No.40C 2.0(50.8)No.40S Bars S ANo.45A 45(310)0.88(22.4)No.45B 1.2(30.5)No.45C 2.0(50.8)No.45S Bars S ANo.50A 50(345)0.88(22.4)No.50B 1.2(30.5)No.50C 2.0(50.8)No.50S Bars S ANo.55A 55(379)0.88(22.4)No.55B 1.2(30.5)No.55C 2.0(50.8)No.55S Bars S ANo.60A 60(414)0.88(22.4)No.60B 1.2(30.5)No.60C 2.0(50.8)No.60S Bars S AA All dimensions of test bar S shall be as agreed upon between the manufacturerand the purchaser.TABLE 2Separately Cast Test Bars for Use When a SpecificCorrelation Has Not Been Established Between the Test Bar andthe Casting Thickness of the Wall of the ControllingSection of the Casting,in.(mm)Test BarUnder 0.25(6)S0.25to 0.50(6to 12)A0.51to1.00(13to 25)B1.01to 2(26to 50)COver 2(50)S12.Number of Tests and Retests12.1The tension test shall be conducted in accordance withTest Method E 8.12.2One tension test shall be performed on each lot andshall conform to the tensile requirements specified.12.3If the results of a valid test fail to conform to therequirements of this specification,two retests shall be made.Ifeither retest fails to meet the specification requirements,thecastings represented by these test specimens shall be rejected.A valid test is one wherein the specimen has been properlyprepared and appears to be sound and on which the approvedtest procedure has been followed.12.4If sufficient separately cast test pieces are not available,the manufacturer shall have the option of removing a testspecimen from a location of representative casting,as agreedupon between the manufacturer and purchaser.12.5If the first test results indicate that a heat treatment isneeded to meet the test requirements,the entire lot of castingsand the representative test specimens shall be heat treatedtogether.Testing shall proceed in accordance with 12.1-,after testing,a test specimen shows evidence of a defect,the results of the test may be invalidated and another made on a specimen from the same lot.13.Tension Test Specimens 13.1For test Bar A,the tension-test specimen A,as shown in Fig.1,shall be machined concentric with the axis of the test bar.13.2For test Bar B,the tension test specimen B,as shown in Fig.1,shall be machined concentric with the axis of the test bar.13.3For test Bar C,tension test specimens B or C,as shown in Fig.1,shall be machined concentric with the axis of the test bar.Unless the size of the tension test specimen to be machined from test bar C is specified in writing by the purchaser,the decision whether to use tension test specimen B or C shall be made by the manufacturer of the castings.13.4For test bar S,the nature and dimensions of the tension test specimen shall be determined by agreement between the manufacturer and purchaser.TABLE 3Diameters and Lengths of Cast Test Bars Test BarAs-Cast Diameter,in.(mm)Length,in.(mm)Nominal (Mid-Length)Minimum (Bottom)Maximum (Top)Minimum (Specified)Maximum (Recommended)A0.88(22.4)0.85(21.6)0.96(24.4) 5.0(125) 6.0(150)B1.20(30.5) 1.14(29.0) 1.32(33.5) 6.0(150)9.0(230)C2.00(50.8) 1.90(48.3) 2.10(53.3)7.0(175)10.0(255)S A...............A All dimensions of test bar S shall be as agreed upon by the manufacturer and the purchaser.Dimensions,in.(mm)Tension TestSpecimen ATension Test Specimen B Tension Test Specimen C G —Length of parallel,min 0.50(13)0.75(19) 1.25(32)D —Diameter 0.50060.0100.75060.015 1.2560.025(12.760.25)(19.160.4)(31.760.050)R —Radius of fillet,min 1(25)1(25)2(50)A —Length of reduced section,min 11⁄4(32)11⁄2(38)21⁄4(57)L —Over-all length,min 33⁄4(95)4(100)63⁄8(160)C —Diameter of end section,approx 7⁄8(22.2)11⁄4(31.8)17⁄8(47)E —Length of shoulder,min 1⁄4(6)1⁄4(6)5⁄16(8)F —Diameter of shoulder 5⁄861⁄6415⁄1661⁄6417⁄1661⁄64(1660.5)(2560.5)(3660.5)B —Length of end sectionA A A A Optional to fitholders on testing machine.If threaded,root diameter shall not be less than dimension F .FIG.1Tension-Test Specimens14.Tension Test14.1Tension test specimens shall fit the holders of thetesting machine in such a way that the load shall be axial.14.2The elapsed time from the beginning of loading in thetension test to the instant of fracture shall be not less than 15s for test specimen A and not less than 20s for specimens B andC.15.Inspection15.1Unless otherwise specified in the contract or purchaseorder,the manufacturer shall be responsible for carrying out allthe tests and inspections required by this specification,usinghis own or other reliable facilities,and he shall maintaincomplete records of all such tests and inspections.Such recordsshall be available for review by the purchaser.15.1.1When agreed upon between the manufacturer andpurchaser,tested specimens or unbroken test bars from thesame lot shall be saved for a period of three months after thedate of the test report.15.2The purchaser reserves the right to perform any of theinspections set forth in the specification where such inspectionsare deemed necessary to ensure that supplies and servicesconform to the prescribed requirements.16.Rejection and Resubmission16.1Any castings or lot of castings failing to comply withthe requirements of this specification may,where possible,bereprocessed,retested,and reinspected.If the tests and inspec-tions on the reprocessed casting(s)show compliance with thisspecification,the castings shall be acceptable;if they do not,they shall be rejected.16.2If the purchaser should find that a casting or lot ofcastings fails to comply with this specification subsequent toreceipt at his facility,he shall so notify the manufacturerpromptly and in no case later than six weeks after receipt of theshipment,stating clearly the basis for rejection.17.Certification 17.1When specified by the purchaser’s order or contract,a manufacturer’s certification or compliance statement that the casting or lot of castings was made,sampled,tested,and inspected in accordance with this specification,including a report of test results shall be furnished at the time of shipment,and such certification or compliance statement shall be the basis for acceptance of the casting or lot of castings.17.2A signature is not required on the certification or test report.However,the document shall clearly identify the organization submitting the certification and the authorized agent of the manufacturer who certified the test results.Notwithstanding the absence of a signature,the organization submitting the certification is responsible for its content.18.Product Marking 18.1When the size of the casting permits,each casting shall bear the identifying mark of the manufacturer and the part or pattern number at a location shown on the covering drawing or,if not shown on the drawing,at a location at the discretion of the producer.19.Preparation for Delivery 19.1Unless otherwise stated in the contract or order,the cleaning,preservation and packing of castings for shipment shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s commercial practice.Packaging and marking shall also be adequate to identify the contents and to ensure acceptance and safe delivery by the carrier for the mode of transportation ernment Procurement —When specified in the contract or purchase order,marking for shipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of Fed.Std.No.123for civil agencies and MIL-STD-129for military activities.20.Keywords 20.1gray ironcastingsRequired Features:Optional Features:1.Material—Aggregate of dry siliceous sand. 1.Number of test bars in a single mold—Two suggested.2.Position—Bars vertical. 2.Design of pouring cup.3.L —See Table 3. 3.P —2in.(50mm),suggested.4.D —See Table 3. 4.N —5⁄16in.(8mm)in diameter,suggested.5.W —Not less than diameter D .f5.M 51.5N ,suggested.FIG.2Suitable Design and Dimensions for Mold for Separately Cast Cylindrical Test Bars for GrayIronAPPENDIX(Nonmandatory Information)X1.MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF CASTINGSX1.1The mechanical properties of iron castings are influ-enced by the cooling rate during and after solidification,bychemical composition (particularly carbon equivalent),by thedesign of the casting,by the design and nature of the mold,bythe location and effectiveness of gates and risers,and by certainother factors.X1.2The cooling rate in the mold and,hence,the proper-ties developed in any particular section are influenced by thepresence of cores;chills and chaplets;changes in sectionthickness;and the existence of bosses,projections,and inter-sections,such as junctions of ribs and bosses.Because of thecomplexity of the interactions of these factors,no precisequantitative relationship can be stated between the propertiesof the iron in various locations of the same casting or betweenthe properties of a casting and those of a test specimen castfrom the same iron.When such a relationship is important andmust be known for a specification application,it may bedetermined by appropriate experimentation.X1.3Gray iron castings in Classes 20,25,30and 35are characterized by excellent machinability,high damping capac-ity,low modulus of elasticity,and comparative ease of manu-facture.X1.3.1Castings in Classes 40,45,50,55and 60are usually more difficult to machine,have lower damping capacity and a higher modulus of elasticity,and are more difficult to manu-facture.X1.4When reliable information is unavailable on the relationship between properties in a casting and those in a separately cast test specimen,and where experimentation would be unfeasible,the size of the test casting should be so selected as to approximate the thickness of the main or controlling section of the casting.X1.5If iron castings are welded (see 9.2),the microstruc-ture of the iron is usually altered,particularly in the vicinity of the weldment.Therefore,the properties of the casting may be adversely affected by welding.Where practical,appropriate post weld heat treatment may reduce this effect of welding.The American Society for Testing and Materials takes no position respecting the validity of any patent rights asserted in connection with any item mentioned in this ers of this standard are expressly advised that determination of the validity of any such patent rights,and the risk of infringement of such rights,are entirely their own responsibility.This standard is subject to revision at any time by the responsible technical committee and must be reviewed every five years and if not revised,either reapproved or withdrawn.Your comments are invited either for revision of this standard or for additional standards and should be addressed to ASTM Headquarters.Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the responsible technical committee,which you may attend.If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards,100Barr Harbor Drive,West Conshohocken,PA19428.。
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is found repeatedly in practice is a package of design decisions has known properties that permit reuse describes a class of architectures
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Architectural Patterns
These are broadly-scoped solutions to previously encountered problems. An architectural pattern
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Availability Tactics
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Architectural Patterns
These are widely known and include many familiar design approaches:
Layered Pipe-and-filter Client-server
Thin client Thick client Asynchronous Synchronous N-tier client-server
Buschmann, F., R. Meunier, H. Rohnert, P. Sommerlad, and M. Stal. 1996. Pattern-Oriented Software Architecture, Volume 1: A System of Patterns. Wiley.
Styles, patterns, and tactics(战术、策略) represent conceptual tools in the architect’s “tool bag/box” Professional architects always keep their tool bag up to date.
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Patterns and Styles
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Styles to Patterns
Then, the design patterns community arrived. Architectural styles were clearly just patterns, whose scope of design was the whole system – that is, whose scope was the architecture. Now, architectural patterns is the term in use. There are books of architectural patterns, e.g.,
Victorian (multi-story, lots of frilly wood decorations, tall windows, basically square footprint…) Colonial (brick front, pillars or columns, usually symmetrical front…) Ranch (single-story, sprawling, not very decorated…)
Availability Tactics
keep faults from becoming failures or at least bound the effects of the fault and make repair possible. 可用性战术阻止错误发展成为故障或者把错误的影响限制 在一定范围内,从而使修复成为可能。
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
An architectural tactic is a fine-grained design approach used to achieve a quality attribute response. Tactics are the “building blocks” of design from which architectural patterns are created.
Peer-to-peer Agent-based systems Service-oriented architectures
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Architectural Patterns
These are widely known and include many familiar design approaches:
5. Designing Architecture
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
初步的需 求分析 交付最终 ຫໍສະໝຸດ 本架构和系 统核心的 设计
开发一 个版本 交付该 版本 获取客户 反馈
汇总客 户反馈
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
A tactic is a design decision(设计决策) that influences the control of a quality attribute response. We call a collection of tactics an architectural strategy.
fault recovery(错误恢复)
fault prevention(错误阻止)
Removal from service, Transactions, Process monitor
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Fault Detection
Creating the Architecture
How does the architect create an architecture? (Multiple choice):
a. By re-using approaches from other architectures b. By inventing new approaches out of thin air c. By magic
Layered Pipe-and-filter Client-server
Thin client Thick client Asynchronous Synchronous N-tier client-server
Peer-to-peer Agent-based systems Service-oriented architectures
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
Availability Tactics
fault detection(错误检测)
Ping/echo(命令/响应), Heartbeat(心跳), Exceptions Fault recovery consists of preparing for recovery and making the system repair. Voting(表决), Active redundancy(主动冗余), Passive redundancy(被动冗余), Spare(备件), Shadow operation, State resynchronization(状态再同步), Checkpoint/rollback
Xidian University, Xi’an, China © 2014
What is it that imparts portability(可移植性) to one design, high performance to another, and integrability(集 成性) to a third? The achievement of these qualities relies on fundamental design decisions.
One component issues a ping and expects to receive back an echo, within a predefined time, from the component under scrutiny. used within a group of components mutually(互相地) responsible for one task. used by clients to ensure that a server object and the communication path to the server are operating within the expected performance bounds. “Ping/echo” fault detectors can be organized in a hierarchy(层 次), in which a lowest-level detector pings the software processes with which it shares a processor, and the higher-level fault detectors ping lower-level ones. This uses less communications bandwidth than a remote fault detector that pings all processes.