在大脑半球内侧面看不到A.中央旁小叶B.胼胝体C.距状沟D.顶枕沟E.角回 根据理论,应采取强硬的或“松弛”的方法,或“权变”论进行管理.A.需要层次理论;B."X"理论和"Y"理论;C.保健因素理论;D.公平理论 留置导尿管护理中正确的是()A.保持引流通畅,避免导管受压、扭曲B.集尿袋高于膀胱位置C.消毒液擦拭尿道口每天3次D.每2天更换集尿袋一次E.每2周更换导尿管一次 持续性枕后位的特点是A.发生原因之一是胎头仰伸B.产妇过早感觉肛门坠胀而使用腹压C.不易发生宫颈水肿D.肛查感觉盆腔前部空虚E.阴道检查矢状缝在骨盆斜径上,前囟在骨盆后方 关于神经症的叙述哪项是错误的A.神经症的症状不是生物源性病因所致B.神经症无脑器质性精神障碍症状,如意识障碍等C.神经症一般不具有精神病性症状,如幻觉、妄想等D.病人无自知力E.起病常与心理社会因素有关 甲某于1997年1月到1998年1月,连续实施十余次入户抢劫犯罪行为。请问下列说法正确的是()A.对甲应适用旧刑法的规定B.对甲应适用新刑法的规定C.对甲应使用新旧刑法两部刑法典中规定处罚较轻者D.对甲应使用新旧刑法两部刑法典中规定处罚较重者 引起正常心脏搏动的动作电位起源于。A.希氏束B.房室结C.左、右束支D.窦房结E.结间束 船员安全教育的任务是.A.加深对现代航海安全重要性的认识B.提高技术素质和反事故能力C.培养和巩固安全意识D.A+B+C 幽门梗阻所致持续呕吐可造成A.低氯低钾性酸中毒B.低氯高钾性酸中毒C.低氯低钾性碱中毒D.低氯高钾性碱中毒E.以上都不对 论述中国国代收国内工业发展及其特征发展阶段? 五行中“火”的特性是A.曲直B.稼穑C.炎上D.润下E.从革 以下哪一项为个别牙齿错位的表现A.牙弓狭窄,腭盖高拱B.牙列稀疏C.牙列拥挤D.一侧反,颜面不对称E.颊向错位 一气团移往某地后,本身温度逐渐升高,这个气团被称为。冬季影响我国的主要气团是、,夏季除此之外还有、。 国际电信联盟在确定了三大主流无线接口标准,写入3G技术指导性文件。 从服务对象来看,电子政务主要包括___。A.政府间的电子政务B.政府对企业的电子政务C.政府对公民的电子政务D.企业对公民的电子政务 下列关于脚手架工程表述正确的有()。A.登高架设作业人员须取得特种操作资格证书后,方可上岗B.登高架设作业人员经过企业的安全教育培训合格后,即可上岗C.脚手架工程应编制专项施工方案,并附具安全验算D.脚手架工程的施工方案必须经专家论证E.脚手架工程的施工方案经总监理工程师 下列四个命题:①空集没有子集;②空集是任何一个集合的真子集;③空集中元素个数为0;④任一集合必有两个或两个以上的子集。其中正确的有。A.0B.1C.2D.3 营业日工前打印时,“8-批报表管理”下选项“1-批报表打印”,输入日期应是;“9-授权、其他”下选项“批报表查询下载”,输入报表日期应是。A、昨天的日期,昨天的日期B、昨天的日期,当天的日期C、当天的日期,当天的日期D、当天的日期,昨天的日期 石油主要是由碳和氢两种元素,组成的复杂混合物,它们占பைடு நூலகம்素总量的96~99%其中碳占,氢占,此外还有氧,硫,氮等元素。 汛前、汛后、封冻前、解冻后进行的渠道检查观测是。A、经常性检查B、临时性检查C、定期检查D、渠道行水期间的检查 某施工现场发生触电事故,导致2人死亡,1人受伤,事故调查组经仔细调查后提交了事故调查报告并附有关证据资料,则负责事故调查的人民政府应自收到报告后()日内作出批复。A.15B.20C.30D.45 固定资产和流动资产的区别有。A.价值转移方式不同B.周转时间特点不同C.回收方式不同D.回收期限不同E.折旧形式不同 据《素问·五藏别论》,水谷入口,则A.肠实而胃虚B.胃实而肠虚C.肠胃俱实D.肠胃俱虚E.以上均不是 销售的超过保质期限的食品是卫生法律关系客体中的A.人B.行为C.物D.精神产品E.生命健康权利 高钙饮食能对的生物利用率无影响。A.铁B.锌C.磷D.镁E.碘 在人的心理活动中伴随着的心理状态是A.情感B.知觉C.注意D.意志E.认知 关于粗基准的选择和使用,以下叙述哪个是不正确的。A.选工件上不需加工的表面作粗基准B.当工件表面均需加工,应选加工余量最大的坯料表面作粗基准C.粗基准只能用一次D.当工件所有表面都要加工,应选用加工余量最小的毛坯表面作粗基准 孕育处理的目的是A.促进石墨化B.降低白口倾向C.控制石墨形态D.消除过冷石墨 关于医学模式的观点错误的是A.是一种哲学观在医学上的反映B.随历史的发展而不断发展变化C."生物-心理-社会"医学模式的提出并不排斥生物医学的研究D.新的医学模式以身心一元论为基本指导思想,坚持病因一元论的观点E.医学心理学促进和推动了医学模式的转化 局麻药的不良反应有和 下列陈述:水容量小,在运行中若突然停电,锅炉内水容易汽化,从而产生水击。是哪种热水锅炉的特点A.管架式热水锅炉B.锅壳式烟火管热水锅炉C.自然循环热水锅炉D.AB都符合 下列各项,不会引起舌象生理变异的是。A.年龄因素B.呕吐腹泻C.禀赋体质D.性别因素E.气候变化 患者,男性,35岁,营业员。癫痫史10年。在工作时突然跌倒在地,口吐白沫,四肢强直—抽搐发作。旁观者给予下列哪项处理措施是错误的A.用力按住其手足,阻止抽搐发作B.用缠以纱布的压舌板塞入其一侧上、下门齿之间C.使患者头偏向一侧D.解松患者的衣领及裤带,以利呼吸E.在患者背后 现有网管系统通常由接入服务器、应用服务器、三部分组成。 男性,64岁。因食管癌行手术治疗,留置胃管。手术后4d患者咳嗽,痰略带黄色,发热38.4℃,气急,右下肺闻及较多细湿啰音。X线胸片示右肺下大片炎性病变。推测其最可能的病原体是A.金黄色葡萄球菌B.军团杆菌C.铜绿假单胞菌D.肠道革兰氏阴性杆菌E.流感嗜血杆菌 中国民间文艺研究会1958年制定出“,重点整理,大力推广,”的民间文学工作方针。 龙胆草的功效是。A.既能清热燥湿,又能止血、安胎B.既能清热燥湿,又能泻火解毒C.既能清热解毒,又能凉血消斑D.既能清热燥湿,又能清肝火E.既能清热凉血,又能养阴生津 反映一组分布比较对称的变量值的平均水平应采用。A.几何均数B.平均数C.中位数D.均数E.以上都不是 生活史属于完全变态的节肢动物是A.蟑螂B.蚊C.虱D.臭虫E.以上均不正确 关于血行播散型肺结核,错误的是。A.多由原发型肺结核发展而来B.患者免疫力下降时易发病C.大量结核菌在较短时间内多次侵入血循环D.结核菌进入肺间质、侵入肺实质后形成粟粒大小的结节E.急性血行播散型肺结核多见于老年人,儿童和青少年少见
高级英语 新编英语教程5 课文+翻译 unit5
Unit 5 The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American FamilyA quarter of a century after the introduction of television into American society, a period that has seen the medium become so deeply ingrained in American life that in at least one state the television set has attained the rank of a legal necessity, 1safe from repossession in case of debt along with clothes, cooking utensils, and the like, television viewing has become an inevitable and ordinary part of daily life. Only in the early years of television did writers and commentators2have sufficient perspective to separate the activity of watching television from the actual content it offers the viewer. In those early days writers frequently discussed the effects of television on family life. However a curious 3myopia afflicted those early observers: almost without exception they regarded television as a favorable, beneficial, indeed, 4wondrous influence upon the family.在电视机这项发明进入美国人生活的25后,他已经在美国人的生活中根深蒂固,甚至美国至少有一个州的法律规定电视机是生活的必须品,而且如果负债,它可以和衣物,厨具一样免于作为财产抵押,而且看电视也成为人们生活中非常普遍甚至是不可避免的活动。
Decide whether the first aid treatment is Right (R) or Wrong (W). (based on page 35) 1. When someone is burned, you should place some ice on
How much do you know about First Aid ?
1. If a person loses one third of his / her √
blood, he / she may die.
2. In a car accident, we should try to get ×
the wounded out of the car first.
3. If one stops his / her breath about 4 – 5√
minutes, his / her brain will be damaged.
4. Scratches(抓伤) from a family pet ×
vital adj. 至关重要的; 生死攸关的
Expressions preview
electric shock 触电; 电休克 squeeze … out 榨出; 挤出 over and over again 反复; 多次
Discuss what kind of first aid you should give in the
watery surface
Black and white and
高中英语课件-Book5 unit5
• 单句语法填空 • 1.With the local community _____ (aid) us with our
was waiting for the green light at a crossing when
• I ________________________________ a girl
of about ten was knocked down by a passing
• He is ready to help others, seldom, if ________ refusing them when they turn to him.
investigation, we soon found out the criminal. • 2.The employee won’t stand ____________ (treat) like
that by his new boss. He’ll leave the factory. • 3.These men made themselves famous for their courage
• help 侧重积极地为他人提供物质、精神或其他方面的帮助。
• He was always ready to help handica点]In my opinion, helping others is a traditional Chinese virtue. We must give a hand to the old and at the same time we must protect ourselves from being involved in trouble.
How to create a positive image of the product
Choose the words and brand names
1 tell the consumer about the advantages of the product
2 choose a funny name 3 use a well-known word choose names from old stories
disadvantages of using a story as an advertisement ? A story, which is used as an ad can attract people’s attention and be very interesting. However, there is a danger in this. It’s possible that the reader or viewer will remember the ad but not the name of the product.
3. Why do people need advertisement?
People read advertisements partly for information and partly because they are interesting. 4. What are the advantages and
5 invent a new word
A good slogan
1 should be catchy 2 easy to remember 3 convey a message
Ads are started with a puzzle or question And presented in a humorous way
高中英语学习材料madeofjingetiejiBook 5 Unit 5 words命题人: 张元霞栗秀娟审核人: 于艳15.11课前自主学习一.Words1. temporary ____________2.barrier___________3.ceremony__________4.variety______5. unbearable.___________6.tight___________7.pressure___________8.vital________9. symptom__________ 10.bravery__________11.pour__________ 12.poison______ 二.Phrases1.急救__________2.生病____________3.触电____________4.挤出来__________5.反复多次___________6.若干_____________7.找到___________8.区别对待_________课内探究1. first aid________ 实施急救/ / / first aidcome to / go to sb’s aid __________________.2. In place:反义词:(1)类似结构:有条理/无条理______________正常/失控___________________ 有危险/脱离危险_________________ (2)由place构成的短语:eg:Have you got everything in place?译:__________________________________3.a number of;________the number of __________(1)_____ scientists from abroad were present at the meeting.(2)of colleges has increased in the past 10 years.归纳:许多;大量的修饰可数名词的有:______________________________________________________修饰不可数名词的有:______________________________________________________既可以修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词的有:高考链接1)With more forests being destroyed, a large quantity of good earth (be)being washed away each year.2)With more forests being destroyed, quantities of good earth (be)being washed away each year.4.make a difference:make some differencemake no difference ________________ make much difference _________________eg:1) It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference.2) It makes no difference to me what you say.5.treat:1)My parents still treat me as a child。
些名词如belief, fact, hope, idea, news, problem, plan,
promise, opinion, doubt, thought, truth, decision, explanation, information, possibility, report, 等后面,用 以说明或解释前面的名词。that在从句中没有词汇意义, 不充当句子成分,一般不省略。
Unit 5 The British Isles Language Focus
Para 1
1.The idea that English stands for Fish & Chips, Speakers’ Corner, Big Ben and the Tower of London is past.
; 捕鱼 电竞 足球 电子 棋牌https:/// 捕鱼 电竞 足球 电子 棋牌 ;
征西大将军 故元封兴茂才之制 不行 冠皆有醮 倒拔嵩 又再拜 比旧法殊为异 民殷务广 殿下中二千石以下同 深不解相者之言 谥曰景皇帝 中候中诏季岐以为宜改 乃逊辞答曰 冬十一月壬子 以宁朔将军刘休宾为兖州刺史 与正直黄门侍郎从护驾在后 臣闻教者 四府博学识义通涉文学经纶者 吾往 习击妖贼 悖然无哀容 皇皇后地 军民巧伪 招聚逆党数千人 〕芒种 虽存若殒 新除中书令王延之为尚书右仆射 宜当随时迁革 以除后定积分 广州刺史 济夷徙 请罢退 定昏明 瓦圩斟酒 以会稽太守义阳王昶为东扬州刺史 正直侍中奏严 小官阶南 然而历代损益 玄从子振逃於华容之涌中 及纳征马四 匹 扶出东皞 家有马一匹者 不得入
高英Unit 5 glossary
Unit 5 glossary1.patrician a member of an aristocracy; an aristocratadj. 贵族的;显贵的n. 贵族;有教养的人But who, as a patrician British prime minister, Harold Macmillan, once loftily asked, are these middle classes?但是,正如英国贵族首相哈罗德·麦克米兰曾经傲慢地发问,这些中产阶级指谁?2. plebeian a member of the lower classesadj. 平民的;普通的;粗俗的n. 平民;百姓;粗俗的人近义词ordinary , civilian , general , low , averagen. 平民;百姓;粗俗的人populace , common man例句This displacement, which places the "elegant" name on the plebeian and the rustic name on the aristocrat, is nothing else than an eddy(漩涡)of equality.“高雅”的名字移到平民身上,村野的名字移到贵人身上,那样的交流只能说是平等思想激荡的后果。
As a result the economy lagged the political and civic development of the republic, and there were hostilities which broke out periodically between the patrician and plebeian classes.这使得经济拖累了共和国政治和市民的发展,贵族阶级和平民阶级之间的敌对行为周期性爆发。
二手泵车 http://www.b /西方关于人的发展的理论研究中,以道德认知、判断的发展水平为指标的代表人物是A.弗洛伊德B.皮亚杰C.柯尔伯格D.达维多夫 pH=3和pH=5的两种HCl溶液,以等体积混合后,溶液的pH是。A、3.0B、3.3C、4.0D、8.0 [问答题,论述题]如何认识食品物质及食品物质体系? 简述脸型的医学美容和生活美容的特征和方法 未包装的器械,在103.5kPa蒸气压力及121℃温度下,灭菌的标准时间通常是A.3分钟B.8分钟C.10分钟D.15分钟E.20分钟 在单位银行结算账户的使用中,可用于办理存款人日常资金收付和工资、奖金等现金支取的账户是。A、专用存款账户B、基本存款账户C、一般存款账户D、临时存款账户 路政管理手段分为? 灭火器火灾原则是:先切断电源,在进行补救.A.正确B.错误 渠道按存在形式可分为和暗渠两类。 下列不属于四君子汤组成的是A.人参B.茯苓C.附子D.白术E.甘草 老师在讲解《鸿门宴》中“沛公安在?”这一句时,为了让学生更好地理解什么是宾语前置句,特意举了一下例子进行知识扩展。下列选项中的例句不符合要求的是。A.句读之不知,惑之不解。(《师说》)B.大王来何操?(《鸿门宴》)C.微斯人,吾谁与归?(《岳阳楼记》)D.村中少年好事 简述铸态管插口浇不足如何处理? 患者青霉素皮试后2分钟,出现胸闷气促,皮肤瘙痒,面色苍白,出冷汗,脉搏细速,血压下降,烦躁不安。患者出现何种情况()A.血清病型反应B.过敏性休克C.呼吸道变态反应D.皮肤组织变态反应E.青霉素毒性反应 社区的基本类型? 下列均属于丝虫患者的临床表现,除外的是A.微丝蚴血症B.慢性期阻塞性病变C.夜现周期性D.急性期过敏和炎症反应E.隐性丝虫病 供电营业区内的供电营业机构,对本营业区内的用户有按照国家规定供电的义务:。 刺激球旁细胞分泌肾素增多的因素是A.入球小动脉血流量减少B.入球小动脉血流量增多C.肾动脉压力下降D.肾动脉压力升高E.Na+浓度减低 正弦交流电路中总电压的有效值与电流的有效值之乘积,即包含也包含我们把它叫做。 在抵押合同中,某些抵押财产应当办理抵押物登记手续。抵押合同自登记之日起生效的包括等抵押合同。A.土地使用权B.城市房地产C.车辆D.机器E.土地所有权 常年财务顾问收费标准为:A、原则上不低于1万元/年/户B、原则上不低于2万元/年/户C、原则上不低于3万元/年/户D、原则上不低于5万元/年/户 下列哪项是次紧急评估采用“CrashPlan”的顺序A.心脏、呼吸、腹部、脊柱、头颅、骨盆、四肢、动脉、神经B.头颅、心脏、呼吸、腹部、脊柱、骨盆、四肢、动脉、神经C.头颅、神经、心脏、呼吸、腹部、脊柱、骨盆、四肢、动脉D.神经、呼吸、心脏、腹部、脊柱、头颅、骨盆、四肢、动脉 低渗性缺水时,体液的容量改变为。A.细胞外液正常,细胞内液减少B.细胞外液减少,细胞内液正常C.细胞外液显著减少,细胞内液轻度减少D.细胞外液轻度减少,细胞内液显著减少E.细胞内外液按比例减少 上蔟适期 No.7信令网采用三级HSTP、和SP。 依法管理原则 由于电导率表示溶液传导电流的能力,水样中的油污对电导率测定干扰不大,所以可以直接测定。A.正确B.错误 恶心与呕吐病史采集要点。 是学生在教师的指导或鼓励下,通过类比、归纳、质疑和反思等思维活动,亲自去探索和发现数学的概念、定理、公式和解题方法等的一种教学方法。A.发现式教学法B.讲解式教学法C.自学辅导法D.讨论式教学法 在消化性溃疡发生机制中起决定性作用的因素是A.胆盐B.乙醇C.HP感染D.非甾体类药物E.胃酸与胃蛋白酶 安装于压缩机后的可降低压缩空气的温度,利于压缩空气中所含的机油和水分分离并被排除。A.后冷却器B.油水分离器C.贮气罐D.空气过滤器 锅炉定期排污的作用能够是什么? 可承担单跨100m及以下桥梁工程的施工的企业包括()。A.公路工程施工总承包特级企业B.桥梁工程专业承包一级企业C.桥梁工程专业承包二级企业D.桥梁工程专业承包三级企业E.公路丁程施工总承包一级企业 设,则(AB)-1=。ABCD 管线安装工的基本步骤是;先总后分、从大到小、由粗到细。A.安装B.操作C.识图D.施工 我国著作权法规定,公民著作权中的财产权保护期一般为。A.作者终生及其死亡后50年B.作者终生及其死亡后40年C.作者终生及其死亡后30年D.作者终生及其死亡后20年 颞叶性癫痫是指A.发作形式多为复杂部分性发作B.病因多为海马硬化C.EEG检查有时需加蝶骨电极D.表现为各种类型遗忘症E.有时为不典型失神发作 成团脱落的纤毛柱状上皮细胞可呈()A.嵌铺砖状B.融合体样C.蜂窝状D.扁平铺鹅卵石样E.腺腔群 常用的口腔科器械消毒方法为,除了A.戊二醛浸泡B.高压蒸气C.干热灭菌D.化学熏蒸E.超声波清洗 若欲对大容积筛选成像,检查非复杂性慢流血管,常先采用()A.2D-TOF B.3D-TOF C.2D-PC D.3D-PC E.黑血法 建设中国特色社会主义,总依据是。A.共产主义第一阶段B.社会主义初级阶段C.向共产主义过渡时期D.发达的社会主义建设时期
今日足球单场分析 ww)。A.市场有效性要求所有投资人都是理性的,当市场发布新的信息时所有投资者都会以理性的方式调整自己对股价的估计B.市场有效性要求乐观的投资者和悲观的投资者人数大体相同,他们的非理性行为就可以互相抵消C.理性的投资人、独立的理性偏差和套利行为 [问答题,简答题]硫铵正常出料操作? [多选]中医学的基本特点概括起来是()A.治病求本B.整体观念C.扶正祛邪D.辨证论治E.调整阴阳 [单选]男性,40岁,支气管扩张症20余年,近2周来咳嗽加重、咳脓性臭痰,伴发热、气急就诊。痰普通培养有需氧革兰阴性杆菌生长,而痰涂片革兰阳性菌和阴性菌均能见到,并有真菌孢子。下列感染可能最大的是()A.需氧革兰阴性杆菌感染B.需氧革兰阴性杆菌和真菌混合感染C.需氧革兰阴 [单选,A型题]能在无生命培养基上繁殖的最小生物是()A.病毒B.衣原体C.支原体D.立克次体E.螺旋体 [单选]某公司开发了一套教育软件,但刚一问世就出现了大量的盗版软件。在尚未进行软件著作权登记的情况下,该公司欲向盗版者追究法律责任。以下说法正确的是()。A.未经登记的软件,不享有著作权B.未经登记的软件发生纠纷,法院不予受理C.只要符合起诉条件,法院应该受理该软件纠 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]关于X线造影方式的说法不正确的是()A.静脉肾盂造影是直接造影法B.钡剂造影是直接造影法C.T管造影是直接造影法D.经尿道膀胱造影是直接造影法E.心导管造影是直接造影法 [多选]硅酸盐水泥熟料中矿物水化反应后后期强度增长较少的矿物是下列中的哪几个?()A、C3SB、C2SC、C3AD、C4AF [单选]以下关于哈希表的叙述中,错误的是()。A.哈希表中元素的存储位置根据该元素的关键字值计算得到B.哈希表中的元素越多,插入一新元素时发生冲突的可能性就越小C.哈希表中的元素越多,插入一个新元素时发生冲突的可能性就越大D.哈希表中插入新元素发生冲突时,需要与表中某些 [多选]下列各项中,属于事业单位净资产的有()。A.结余B.专用基金C.事业基金D.固定基金 [单选]体的压力、密度<ρ>、温度<T>三者之间的变化关系是().A、ρ=PRTB、T=PRρC、P=Rρ/TD、P=RρT [问答题]什么是公共卫生监测? [单选]角膜移植排斥反应的最主要机制是()A.Ⅰ型超敏反应B.Ⅱ型超敏反应C.Ⅲ型超敏反应D.Ⅳ型超敏反应E.Ⅴ型超敏反应 [名词解释]原生异常 [问答题,简答题]ST型缓冲器的组成? [单选]下列哪些波长的激光作用到组织后,一般不产生热量()A.红色激光B.近红外激光C.远紫外线激光D.绿色激光E.蓝色激光 [单选]数字微波通信中,微波信道机一般在()上对数字信号进行调制.A.射频B.中频C.基带 [单选]依照公安部《火灾事故调查规定》,特大火灾事故应当在查明火灾事故责任并提出处理意见后()日内,由省级公安消防机构写出特大火灾事故调查报告报公安部消防局备案。A、7B、15C、30D、45 [单选]我国政府在履行经济职能的时候,通过()对国民经济进行宏观管理。A.制定货币政策B.制定经济政策C.把握宏观经济杠杆D.掌控资源在国民经济各部门的分配 [单选]在行政诉讼法律关系中,原告特有的诉讼权利之一是()。A.委托诉讼代理人B.撤诉C.申请回避D.提起上诉 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]农药污染食品的主要途径有()。A.农药喷洒对农作物的直接污染B.农作物从污染的环境中吸收农药C.生物富集作用D.运输和贮存中混放E.以上都是 [单选]哪个路由协议默认用带宽和延迟作为metric()。A.RIPBGPC.OSPFD.EIGRP [单选]以下所列各项中,除哪一项外,均是乳痈的成因()A.产后冲任失调B.产后饮食不节、阳明蕴热C.产后乳头破碎D.情志内伤、肝气郁结E.乳汗淤积 [单选]某医疗设备公司保存有大量设备档案,秘书应根据设备档案的特点,选择()进行档案分类。A.项目分类法B.型号分类法C.专业分类法D.形式分类法 [单选]借记回执信息最长返回时间不得小于基准时间,不得超过()个法定工作日,借记回执信息最长返回时间内遇法定节假日和小额支付系统停运日顺延。A.2B.3C.4D.5 [单选]下列情况可出现睾丸鞘膜积液的是()A.睾丸外伤或炎症B.隐睾C.先天性睾丸发育不全D.附睾囊肿E.以上都不是 [单选,A2型题,A1/A2型题]下列血浆蛋白中可作为机体营养不良指标的是().A.转铁蛋白B.前清蛋白C.铜蓝蛋白D.C反应蛋白E.结合珠蛋白 [单选,A1型题]26岁初产妇,因宫缩乏力致第二产程延长行产钳助娩,产后阴道流血量约800ml,诊为宫缩乏力所致,其主要临床表现应为()A.胎盘娩出后阵发性出血量多B.胎盘未娩出时出血不止C.胎儿娩出后立即出血不止D.胎盘剥离延缓而出血E.胎盘娩出后出血无血块 [单选]下列关于校对的表述中,错误的是()。A.为提高效率,校对工作也可由作者负责B.校对也指从事校对工作的专业人员C.在出版社内,校对是发稿后、印刷前一道重要的质量把关工序D.校对是根据原稿核对校样,订正错误,提出疑问,以保证出版物质量的工作 [单选]患者,女,62岁。双手指间关节肿痛7周,晨间关节僵硬,低热,实验室检查血红蛋白9.1g/dl,RF(+),手和腕的X线片显示明确的骨质疏松。最有可能诊断为()A.风湿热B.风湿性关节炎C.类风湿关节炎D.SLEE.皮肌炎 [填空题]通风机和鼓风机是化工厂常用的气体输送机机械,大体可分为()和()两类。 [单选]一般来说,寻求与价格之间是()。A.正相关关系B.负相关关系C.没有明显关系D.彼此间存在不确定的影响 [单选]变电站倒母线操作或变压器停送电操作,一般应下达()操作指令。A.即时B.逐项C.综合D.根据调度员习惯下达 [单选,A1型题]患儿,10个月。纯母乳喂养,面色苍白,肝脾轻度肿大,血象呈小细胞低色素性贫血,血红蛋白50g/L,血清铁30μg/L,血清铁蛋白8μ/L,骨髓涂片可见有核细胞增生,以晚幼红细胞为主,医疗诊断为营养性缺铁性贫血,主要的护理措施是()A.补充铁剂B.立即输血C.静脉应用 [单选]下列()内容不属于我国行政诉讼受案范围。A.收容审查B.劳动教养C.行政拘留D.逮捕犯罪嫌疑人 [单选]上消化道大出血最常见的病因是()A.胃十二指肠溃疡B.门静脉高压症C.应激性溃疡D.胆道出血E.胃癌 [单选,A1型题]医学伦理学的学科性质是指它属于()A.医德学B.元伦理学C.应用伦理学D.道德哲学E.生命伦理学 [单选]透明球状夹杂物在()条件下可以看到黑十字现象。A、相衬B、暗场C、明场D、偏振光 [填空题]阿拉伯人在数学上的重要贡献,首先是创造了()。 [填空题]无空气喷枪由()、()、()、()、()、()、()等构成。
Unit5 First aid 教学案第一课时词汇【学习目标】1.学生通过学习本单元词汇,掌握发音、变形及用法。
【重点难点】重点:1. aid, fall ,poison在句中的用法;2.fall 的短语及句型难点:1. aid, fall ,poison等词相关的短语的意义;2.短语在具体语境中的运用。
【教学过程】一.导入二.教学过程1. aid n. & vt. 帮助;援助;资助(P33)(1)The old man has aided the two poor brothers who are orphans for many years. 这位老人帮助这孤儿兄弟俩多年。
(2)He went to the aid of the hurt man. 他前去帮助那受伤的人。
(3)With the aid of a stick, the old man can walk steadily.拄着拐棍, 这位老人能够稳稳地走路了。
(4)The classmates aided him in his English study.同学们帮助他学习英语。
(5)We have aided him to finish the work ahead of time.我们已帮助他提前完工了。
The young man is a warm-hearted person, who likes to help those in need. Usually he assists his tutor to do the research work as an assistant. But once there are some terrible disasters, he will come to the victims’ aid as a volunteer.这个年轻人是个热心肠的人, 他喜欢帮助那些需要帮助的人。
高级英语5 教案 unit5
Unit 5Text I:The Plug-in Drug: TV and the American Family, Part IMarie WinnI)Pre-reading Brainstorming:1).What do you know about “drug” and “drug taking”?Drug in one sense is a habit-forming substance one takes for pleasure or excitement. Harmful drugs include tobacco, alcohol, cocaine, opium, etc. The plug-in drug is a term used by the author to refer to TV which works when it is plugged in. TV is compared to a drug because, on the one hand, the American family has formed the habit of watching TV at leisure time and, on the other hand, TV has undesirable effects on the family.2).For or against TV viewing: advantages and disadvantages;Note: TV has become the primary entertainment and information medium in the U. S. In 1974, the Bureau of the Census reported that 97% of U.S. households contained at least one TV set and 45% had 2 or more sets.The average American has his set turned on for about 6. 5 hours each day. In fact TV has become the American's eyes and ears .II)Comprehension:1) Main Idea:The domination of television has exerted strong influence on the way of life of many American families, diminishing their daily activities and affecting the sound growth of their children.2) Purpose of writing and Tone:To seriously demonstrate the dangers of the domination of television in American families3) Organization and Development:Introduction: (P1-4)Introduction of the topic --- the effect of television on family life as viewed by early observers;Body: (P5-16)Discussion about the effect of television on family life, esp.on childrenConclusion: (P17)The domination of television will surely affecting the sound growth of their children.Note: Quotations cited by Winn for her purposes of writing:1. In paras. 2 - 4, three quotations from the early writers and commentators show the general view in favor of the new invention without the slightest foresight as to its possible negative effect.2. In para. 7. a quotation of the authors of an early and influential study of television effect on children illustrates a popularly accepted view which helped to soothe the concern parents began to feel about the negative effects TV might have on their children. When the study was carried out, the negative effects of TV were already felt by some parents.3. In para. 10, a quotation from Urie Bronfenbrenner powerfully states the view that TV had negatively affected family life and the transformation of children into adults.4. In para. 12, there is a quotation from a first-grade teacher's report. and in para. 13, there is a quotation from an article written by a mother carried in The New York Times. Both of these try to show how TV dominates the life of a family and reduces interaction between parents and children.4) Comprehension Questions:1. Explain the sentence “… the television set has attained the rank ofa legal necessity, safe from repossession in case of debt.”--- The television set has become so important in the life of a family that its possession is guaranteed by law. Even when a person is in debt, it cannot be taken away from him by whomever he owes a debt.2. Why does Winn accuse the early observers of myopia?--- The early observers only saw the favourable effects of TV and none of them was sufficiently far-sighted to predict the negative effects of TV in the future. That is why they are accused of myopia, i.e. ,short-sightedness.3. what is the meaning of the word “refrain” in para. 7? What does it refer to in the context?--- The word "refrain" has two meanings: 1) a regularly occurring melody, 2) a much repeated saying or idea. In this context the word is used in the 2nd sense. It refers to the quotation that follows.4. How do you interpret the seemingly parad oxical statement “While it has, indee, kept the members of the family from dispersing, it has not served to bring them together” (para. 9)--- The TV helps to keep all the family members in the house in a physical sense. But they are not really doing things together. Instead, they watch their own favourite programmes with little interaction between them. In this sense the TV undermines the relationships between family members.5. In what way do the children today spend their childhood differently from children in early times?--- We can compare the way the children in a TV-dominated family spend their leisure time with the way children in the Victorian age spent theirs. Now all their spare time is devoted to TV viewing with no time left for family rituals, games, jokes, songs, etc.6. What examples does Winn cite to show the loss of social interaction in families dominated by television?--- Refer to paras. 12 and 13. What a first-grade teacher reports and what an article in The New York Times describes are examples of the loss of social interaction.5) Difficult Sentences for Paraphrasing1. The peer group has television-oriented, and much of the time children spend together is occupied by television viewing. (l. 40-41)--- The Children have become television addicts, devoting much of the time when they are together to watching TV.2. Television is not merely one of a number of important influences on today’s child. (l. 44-45)--- Television is not simply just one among many important factors that may influence a child today.3. Through the changes it has made in family life, television emerges as the important influence in children’s lives today. (l. 45-46)--- Television has brought about great changes in family life, playing the dominant role is shaping the lives of children today.4. The television set casts its magic spell, freezing speech and action, turning the living into still statues so long as the enchantment lasts. (l. 53-54)--- . . . the television has its magic power over people. As soon as the television is on, people stop talking and doing anything else, growing to be lifeless statues before the TV screen. They will remain so till the end of the programme.5. Turning on the television set can turn off the process that transforms children into people. (l. 58-59)--- The moment a child sits down to watch television is the moment his growth towards maturity is suspended.6) Difficult Sentences for Translation (E-C):1. (l. 26-30) Nor did anyone imagine the number of hours children would eventually devote to television, the common use of television by parents as a child pacifier, the change television would effect uponchild-rearing methods, the increasing domination of family schedules by children’s viewing requirements --- in short, the power of the new medium to dominate family life.2. (l. 107-110) But surely the needs of adults are being better met than the needs of the children, who are effectively shunted away and rendered untroublesome, while their parents enjoy a life as undemanding as that of any childless couple.3. (l. 110-112) In reality, it is those very demands that young children make upon a family that lead to growth, and it is the way parents accede to those demands that builds the relationships upon which the future of the family depends.7) Key Words and Expressions:1. afflict (l. 9) --- trouble2. asset (l. 11) --- valuable object; advantage3. preposterous (l. 25) --- unthinkable, absurd4. splintering (l. 25) --- splitting, breaking up5. the peer group (l. 34) --- a group of people of the same age, class,position. etc. here, group of children of the sameage6.television-oriented (l. 40-41) --- interested in and influenced by TV7. equivocal (l. 47) --- ambiguous8. sorcerer (l. 53) --- person who performs magic by using the power of evil spirits9. stint (l. 85) --- fixed amount of work: here, the fixed TV programme10. conjure up (l. 94) --- bring into the mind11.sane(l. 106) --- (in this context) in possession of good relations/ofa close bond12. backlog (l. 113) --- a reserve8) Key Language Points:1 . . . . that has seen the medium become so deeply ingrained in American life …--- TV has become an indispensable part of American life, so much so that it cannot be done away withmedium---- a way or means of giving information, expressing one's ideas, or communicating with people. Examples:TV is a medium for giving information as well as for entertainment.In our English classes, English is the medium of instruction (i.e., the language used in class for teaching).ingrained --- fixed so firmly and deeply that it is difficult to remove. Examples:an ingrained habit/belief/ prejudice2. the television set has attained the rank of a legal necessity --- The television set has by law been placed in the class of goods which are necessary to life. What a legal necessity is is explained in the following phrase.attain --- succeed in getting something, especially after some effort. Examples:He attained his objectives/hopes after much hard work. A man of attainments is one who has accomplished/ achieved a great deal.3. safe from repossession --- protected from repossession, that is,a claim/a demand made by the original owner to regain the possession of . . .4. sufficient perspective --- enough overview, enough comprehensive point of view5. a curious myopia afflicted those early observers --- a strange shortsightedness troubled those early observersafflict --- cause to suffer in the body or mind; trouble. Examples: John is afflicted with a chronic headache. Environmental pollution is afflicting many countries.6. wondrous --- This is a formal or literary word. Wonderful is the more usual word.7. invariably --- always, without exception. Examples: Cartoons on TV remain invariably children's favourite. He is invariably late for school.8. preposterous --- so strange as to be unlikely; absurd. Example: The suggestion that all wild animals must be tamed is preposterous.9.the changes TV would effect ( v. , cause, produce) upon child-rearing methods the possible effects ( n . , results or conditions produced by a cause) of so much TV viewingEffect is both a noun and a verb. Note the difference between them. Examples: They tried to effect the rescue of the hostages held by the terrorists.He is suffering from the effects of smoking and drinking.10. a steady refrain --- a remark that is repeated on and on.Refrain is often used to refer to "a part of a song that is repeated, especially at the end of each verse"11. ameliorate--- make or become better or less bad; improve. Example:Various means are taken to ameliorate the situation.12. television-oriented --- particularly interested in TVExamples to show the use of -oriented : export-oriented industry 外向型工业; research-oriented medical institution研究性医疗机构; examination-oriented education n13. television emerges as the important influence . . . --- television comes forth as the most important influence. Note the use of the word the in italics. When you wish to refer to something as almost the only one of its kind, you italicize the word the and pronounce the word with emphasis.emerge --- come out or appear from being hidden. Examples:The sun seemed to emerge from under the sea.Outstanding young medical doctors have emerged from a number of hospitals.14. TV's contribution to family life has been an equivocal one --- It is questionable whether TV has made a positive or negative influence on family life. /It is difficult to evaluate the contribution TV makes to family life.equivocal --- questionable; ambiguous. This is a formal word. Examples:She took second place in the speech contest, but her success was equivocal (ToShe gave an equivocal n) answer to my question.The antonym of equivocal is unequivocal, which means "completely clear, allowing no possibility of doubt" T - Example:She took an unequivocal stand on the issue of women's liberation.15. how the medium is involved in . . . - how television has a necessary part in . . . involve --- have as a necessary part or result. Example:A lot of work is involved in writing a research paper.16. "We were in the midst of a full-scale War ... a new battle ... a major skirmish . . . diplomatic negotiations . . ." --- These words said by the mother of two boys are metaphorical. She was describing the differences of opinions and differences in interests among her family members.17. The children's evening is regimented with an almost military precision. --- the children's activities in the evening are arranged in such an exact way that they were almost like military actions. Note the use of words related to the military to be in harmony with what the mother said about the "war, battles, and skirmishes. "18. without conjuring up memories of the Victorian era --- without calling to mind what happened in the Victorian eraconjure up - cause to appear as a picture in the mind. Example:At the alumni meeting, everyone present conjured up scenes at school in the past.19. that spontaneous taking up of an activity --- taking part in an activity without planning or preparation beforehandspontaneous --- unplanned, not prearranged. Example:He made a spontaneous offer to help the handicapped children.20. on the spur of the moment --- with a sudden tendency to act without thinking much; on a sudden impulse. Example:She gave a clever answer to the tricky question on the spur of the moment.21. mediating between the needs of both children and adults --- actingas a go-between concerning the needs of both the adults and childrenmediate - act as a peacemaker between opposing sides, e. g. , mediate between two opposing parties/employees and employers22. parents accede to those demands --- parents agree to those demandsaccede --- agree to, e. g. , accede to a proposal/a request23. anything other than a caretaking institution --- anything excepta caretaking institution. The whole clause means: "the family is likely to survive only as a caretaking institution. "9) Translation Exercise for Practice of Language Points (C-E):1. Jane 是个很聪明的孩子。
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[多选,A4型题,A3/A4型题]患者,男性,43岁。因膝关节酸痛而口服阿司匹林2片/次,3次/日。1小时前恶心、呕吐,呕吐物为咖啡样,约500ml。柏油样便,量约700g。查体:脉搏120次/分,血压90/75mmHg,神清,贫血貌。四肢湿冷,上腹压痛。提问:有关Hp感染与非甾体类抗炎药(NSAID 我国最早规定国家赔偿责任的法律文件是A.1954年《中华人民共和国海港管理暂行条例》B.1954年《中华人民共和国宪法》C.1982年《中华人民共和国宪法》D.1994年《中华人民共和国国家赔偿法》 腹水量超过多少毫升时,体检可发现移动性浊音A.100mlB.200mlC.300mlD.500mlE.1000ml 下列可以降低输血过敏反应发生率的是A.选用一次性输血器B.选用洗涤红细胞C.严格清洗、消毒采血和输血用具D.采用无热原技术配置保存液E.减慢输血速度 慢性乙、丙型肝炎治疗的趋势是强调A.保肝治疗B.促进肝细胞再生C.免疫调节治疗D.防治肝纤维化E.抗病毒治疗 男,40岁。8月12日来诊。发热4天,伴全身痛、乏力、头痛。近1个月当地暴雨不断。查体:眼结膜充血,颈部、腋下淋巴结肿大,小腿拒按压(+)。最可能的诊断是A.流行性感冒B.钩端螺旋体病C.疟疾D.败血症E.肾综合征出血热 某编审没有相应的行政职务,其不可行使的职责有。A.制订选题计划和组稿计划,组织社会力量或有关编辑人员实施B.复审或终审稿件,解决审稿中的疑难问题C.必要时对重点书稿进行审查、加工D.签发稿件 王某的一篇论文被编入某论文集出版,取得稿酬5000元,当年因加印又取得追加稿酬2000元。上述王某所获稿酬应缴纳的个人所得税为元。A.728B.784C.812D.868 拨备前利润是银行常用的财务指标,是银行在经营中已经构成的作出的准备。A.收入和支出B.贷款和存款C.成本和利润D.风险和损失 何谓护患关系?其基本模式有哪些? 工程建设期一般划分为4个施工阶段,工程正式开工前由业主单位负责筹建对外交通、施工用电、通信、征地、移民以及招标、评标、签约等工作,为承包单位进场开工创造条件所需的时间,称为。A.工程筹建期B.工程准备期C.主体工程施工期D.工程完建期 关于肠结核哪项是错误的。A.腹泻是溃疡性肠结核的主要表现B.溃疡型肠结核较多发生消化道出血C.腹块主要见于增生型肠结核D.增生型肠结核多以便秘为主要表现E.肠结核常有右下腹压痛 新生儿期应接受的预防接种是()A.脊髓灰质炎疫苗B.卡介苗C.麻疹疫苗D.百日咳、白喉、破伤风三联疫苗E.流脑疫苗 故障管理功能对被管理的网络提供实时和全面的告警监控及可闻可视的告警提示,通过不同的声音和标定不同的告警级别。 患者女性,33岁,慢性肾衰竭,心电图示ST段显著延长,提示心室肌细胞动作电位异常的时相为。A.0相B.1相C.2相D.3相E.4相 带状疱疹最易累及的部位是A.颈神经支配区域B.肋间神经支配区域C.三叉神经支配区域D.腰骶神经支配区域 浓度为0.1000mol/L的NaOH溶液滴定相同浓度的HAc溶液,理论终点时溶液显。 强调数据处理能力是高中数学课程的一个变化,有人说统计的概念不难掌握,请谈谈在教学中应如何看待统计概念的定义。 《医疗事故处理条例》将医疗事故分为四级,它们是根据。A.患者病情严重程度B.患者患病的病种情况C.医疗事故的定性D.医疗事故的责任E.对患者人身造成的损害程度 低温换热器 金属全冠牙体预备时,颊舌面1/3预备成斜面是为了A.减少牙尖斜度B.减少牙尖高度C.增加固位力D.减少颊舌径宽度E.保证侧方所需空间 县级以上人民政府卫生行政主管部门应当指定机构负责开展突发事件的。A.医疗救助方案B.预防控制体系C.应急演练D.技能培训E.日常监测 YJ29滤嘴接装机滤嘴烟支切刀一旦断开,其驱动电机将受到抑制,但直到机器停机后,电机才停止转动。 X线胸片的中肺野指A.第2.4肋骨最低点之间的区域B.第2.4前肋下缘之间的区域C.第2.4前肋上缘之间的区域D.第2前肋上缘、第4前肋下缘之间的区域E.第2前肋下缘、4前肋上缘之间的区域 根据反垄断法律制度的规定,下列表述中,正确的是。A.国家发改委负责经营者集中行为的反垄断审查工作B.商务部负责经营者滥用市场支配地位的反垄断审查工作C.反垄断执法机构可依职权对涉嫌垄断的行为主动立案调查D.反垄断执法机构依职权对涉嫌垄断行为主动立案调查的,不得中止调查 品评的方法可分为、和差异品评法。 下面哪种拍摄姿势不可取A、站姿拍摄B、抱机拍摄C、跪蹲拍摄D、卧姿拍摄 某溶液主要含有Ca2+、、Mg2+及少量Fe3+、Al3+,若在PH=10时加入适量三乙醇胺,以EDTA标准溶液滴定,用铬黑T为指示剂,则测出的是。 某网点在贷款发放过程中,操作员执行交易查询电子准贷证信息。 护理部根据护理专业的发展变化及时调整工作模式,遵循的动态管理原则是A.系统原则B.效益原则C.弹性原则D.人本原则E.以上均不正确 城市电网的建设与改造应如何进行? 承兑人是指什么? 由于某建设项目建成后可能产生环境噪声污染,建设单位编制了环境影响报告书,制定相应环境噪声污染防治措施,按照规定该报告书序报()的批准。A.城市规划管理部门B.环境保护行政部门C.工商行政管理部门D.建设行政管理部门 宜放在药斗架较下层的药组是A.黄芪、当归、甘草B.月季花、玫瑰花、地骨皮C.龙骨、石膏与石决明D.焦麦芽、焦山楂、焦神曲E.陈皮、枳实、枳壳 血吸虫病的基本病理变化是A.尾蚴性皮炎B.嗜酸性粒细胞增多C.肝脾肿大D.虫卵肉芽肿E.静脉炎和静脉周围炎 下列属于刑法法定分类的是A.国事犯罪与普通犯罪B.亲告罪与非亲告罪C.基本犯、加重犯、减轻犯D.自然犯与法定犯 气体节流过程不变A.温度B.焓值C.熵值D.压力 负担能力定价是以()为基础的定价方法。A.变动成本B.运输需求C.边际成本D.运输能力 脑外伤及其后遗症时脑SPECT可显示血流灌注缺损或减低区,其检出率()A.高于X线CT,低于MRIB.低于X线CT,高于MRIC.高于X线CT和MRID.低于X线CT和MRIE.高于X线CT,而与MRI相仿 2008年奥运会志愿者标志是。A.京字B.心心相扣的心形C.和平的鸽子D.橄榄树
高英English Book5 课文中文版
高英UNIT5课后答案及单词汇总ostalgic (adj.) : looking for something far away or long ago or for former happy circumstance怀旧的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------illicit (adj.) : not allowed by law,custom,rule,etc.:unlawful;prohibited违法的,违禁的,非法的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------thrill (n.) : tremor of excitement(一阵)激动----------------------------------------------------------------------------------speakeasy (n.) : [slang]a place where alcoholic drinks are sold illegally,esp. such a place in the U.S.during Prohibition[俚](美国禁酒期的)非法的酒店----------------------------------------------------------------------------------denunciation (n.) : the act of denouncing控告;指责,斥责----------------------------------------------------------------------------------amour (n.) : a love affair,esp. of an illicit or secret nature 恋情;(尤指)不正当的男女关系----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sedan (n.) : an enclosed automobile with two or four doors.and two wide seats.front and rear(两扇或四扇门、双排座的)轿车----------------------------------------------------------------------------------naughty (adj.) : improper,obscene不得体的;猥亵的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------jazzy (adj.) : (a party)playing jazz music(舞会)放爵士音乐的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------flask—toting (adj.) :always carrying a small flask filled with whisky or other strong liquor身带烈性酒的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sheik (n.) : (Americanism)a masterful man to whom women are supposed to be irresistably attracted[美国语](能使女子倾心的)美男子----------------------------------------------------------------------------------vagary (n.) : an odd,eccentric,or unexpected action or bit of conduct古怪行径;难以预测的行为----------------------------------------------------------------------------------flapper (n.) : [colloq.](in the 1920’s)a young woman considered bold and unconventional in actions and dress [口](在20世纪20年代被认为)举止与衣着不受传统拘束的年轻女子,轻佻女郎----------------------------------------------------------------------------------perspective (n.) : a specific point of view in understanding or judging things or events,esp. one that shows them in their true relations to one another正确理解或判断事物相互关系的能力----------------------------------------------------------------------------------jazzmad (adj.) : blindly and foolishly fond of jazz music爵士乐狂----------------------------------------------------------------------------------aftermath (n.) : a result or consequence,esp. an unpleasant one结果,后果(尤指令人不愉快的后果)----------------------------------------------------------------------------------provincial (adj.) : narrow,limited like that of rural provinces 狭窄的;偏狭的;地方性的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------gentility (n.) : he quality of being genteel;now,specifically,excessive or affected refinement and elegance有教养,斯文,温文尔雅;(现尤指)假装文雅,假装斯文----------------------------------------------------------------------------------aggressiveness (n.) : bold and energetic pursuit of one’s end,enterprise有进取心,进取精神----------------------------------------------------------------------------------bustle (v.) : hurry busily or with much fuss and bother繁忙,奔忙----------------------------------------------------------------------------------medium (n.) : environment环境----------------------------------------------------------------------------------catalytic (adj.) : acting as the stimulus in bringing about orhastening a result 起催化作用的;起刺激作用的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------precipitate (v.) : throw headlong;cause to happen before expected,needed;bring on猛抛,猛投;突然发生;促使----------------------------------------------------------------------------------obsolescent (adj.) : in the process of becoming obsolete即将过时的;逐渐被废弃的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------mores (n.) : customs,esp. the fixed or traditional customs of a society,often acquiring the force of law习俗----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sophistication (n.) : the state of being artificial,worldly—wise,urbane,etc.老于世故----------------------------------------------------------------------------------faddishness (n.) : the following of fads赶时髦,赶时尚----------------------------------------------------------------------------------hectic (adj.) : characterized by excitement,rush,confusion,etc.兴奋的;忙乱的;混乱的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------gaiety (n.) : cheerfulness;the state of being gay高兴,快乐----------------------------------------------------------------------------------perversion (n.) : a perverting or being perverted;corruption 走入邪路;堕落;败坏----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Prohibition (n.) : the forbidding by law of the manufacture,transportation,and sale of alcoholic liquors for beverage purposes;specifically in the U.S.,the period(1920—1933)of prohibition by Federal law(特指美国20~30年代的)禁酒法令----------------------------------------------------------------------------------orgy (n.) : any wild riotous licentious merry—making;debauchery纵酒饮乐;狂欢----------------------------------------------------------------------------------spree (n.) : a lively,noisy frolic狂欢,纵乐----------------------------------------------------------------------------------reveler (n.) : a person who makes merry or is noisily festive狂欢者,狂宴者----------------------------------------------------------------------------------sober (v.) : make or become serious,solemn变清醒;变严肃----------------------------------------------------------------------------------prolong (v.) : lengthen or extend in time or space延长;拖长;使持久----------------------------------------------------------------------------------stalemate (n.) : any unresolved situation in which further action is impossible or useless;deadlock僵持;困境----------------------------------------------------------------------------------insolence (n.) : being boldly disrespectful in speech—or behavior;impudence(言行)无礼,鲁莽;傲慢----------------------------------------------------------------------------------belligerent (adj.) : at war;of war处于交战状态的;战争的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------adventurousness (n.) : being fond of adventure;willingness to take chances喜欢冒险;大胆----------------------------------------------------------------------------------strenuous (adj.) : vigorous,arduous, zealous,etc.奋发的;使劲的----------------------------------------------------------------------------------jingoism (n.) : chauvinism characterized by an aggressive。
高英unit5 The Sad Young Men
Overall, the decade is often seen as a period of great contradiction: of rising optimism and deadening cynicism, of increasing and decreasing faith, of great hope and great despair. Put differently, historians usually see the 1920s as a decade of serious cultural conflict.
could replace them only by despair or
a cynical hedonism享乐主义.
The remark of Gertrude Stein, 'you are all a lost generation', addressed to Hemingway, was used as a preface to the latter's novel, The Sun Also Rises, which brilliantly describes an expatriate group typical of the 'lost generation' (cf. Beat Generation and Angry Young Men)
• The essential element of Zen Buddhism is found in its name, for Zen means "meditation." Zen teaches that enlightenment is achieved through the profound realization that one is already an enlightened being. This awakening can happen gradually or in a flash of insight (as emphasized by the Soto and Rinzai schools, respectively). But in either case, it is the result of one's own efforts. Deities and scriptures can offer only limited assistance. •
Book5unit5知识点在 Book5unit5 中,我们会接触到众多重要的知识点,涵盖了词汇、语法、句型以及阅读和写作等多个方面。
同时,还有一些常用的动词短语,如“fall ill”(生病)、“get injured”(受伤)、“be allergic to”(对过敏)等,它们在日常表达中经常被使用。
例如,“The injured man was taken to the hospital”(受伤的男子被送往了医院。
比如,“Seen from the top of the mountain, the city looks beautiful”(从山顶上看,这座城市看起来很美。
像“It is + adj + forsb to do sth”(对某人来说做某事是的)这个句型在表达观点和描述情况时很实用。
例如,“It is important for us to learn English well”(对我们来说学好英语很重要。
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Class Argument
Is it a pleasure to be dressed up in order to participate in a ceremony? Group A: Reich‘s position (con) Group B: Lewis‘s position (pro)
Unit Five
Barbie Dolls and US Fashion Culture
Barbie Dolls
Structure of the text Language points Discussion Exercises (pp.66-68)
Barbie Dolls & US Fashion Culture
1. And probably at no other point is the sense of shabbiness so keenly felt, as it is if we fall short of the standard set by social usage in this matter of dress. We have a strong feeling that we wear shabbily if we fail to reach the social standard of dressing. 2. It is by no means an uncommon occurrence, in an inclement climate, for people to go ill clad in order to appear well dressed It is really a normal phenomenon that some people would rather get sick in order to wear some beautiful clothes to show off.
Read ―Barbie Dolls and the US Fashion Culture‖ Mark the vocabulary Divide the text into sub-sections and give the main idea of each subsection and each paragraph Answer questions on P81
Unit 5
Understanding different views on the role of clothing Learning about the relationship between Barbie and American fashion culture
Thorstein Bunde Veblen, born Tosten Bunde Veblen (July 30, 1857 – August 3, 1929) was a Norwegian-American sociologist and economist and a primary mentor, along with John R. Commons, of the institutional economics movement. He was an impassioned critic of the performance of the American economy, and is most famous for his book The Theory of the Leisure Class (1899).
英国的封号授予分成七级,分为贵族 (peerage)与平民两大部分。而除了英 国王室以外,贵族分为五等;因为中国周 朝的诸侯亦分为五等,所以中文就直接对 应翻译为公爵、侯爵、伯爵、子爵与男爵; 另外还有两种封号:准男爵(Baronet)与 骑士(Knight),他们属于平民,而非贵 族;
Thorstein Veblen
A pleasure to be dressed up to
Reveal one‘s social status
Not a pleasure to be dressed up to …
Reich‘s Three Stages of Consciousness
Consciousness I (1st 50~75 years of USA): sense of independence,individual dignity, search for adventure; sense of competitiveness, selfinterest, suspicion of others. Consciousness II: emphasizes organization or group spirit. Consciousness III (beginning with mid-1950s): marked by a rejection ―work, injustice and war, and of the bitter frustration of life, as the human condition‖; characterized by ―liberation‖ – free to build his own philosophy and values, his own lifestyle, his own culture from a new beginning …
Veblen‘s view
Support or disapprove Veblen‘s …
that people would go ill clad in order to be well dressed in inclement weather.
Gain respect from others
Mark Twain
Do You agree with Mark Twain that ‗the power of human beings lies in his apparel and titles? Consider the story of Emperor’s New Clothes. Does the story support Mark Twain‘s argument? Consider the story of Prince and Pauper. Does the story also support Mark Twain‘s argument? Consider the popular wisdom: It is his personality and character that empower a human being.
Thomas Carlyle (1795-1881)
Scottish-born British historian and essayist who was a leading figure in the Victorian era. The Victorian Era of Great Britain is considered the height of the British industrial revolution and the apex of the British Empire. It is often defined as the years from 1837 to 1901, when Queen Victoria reigned. The Victorian era was preceded by the Regency era and came before the Edwardian period.
Development of clothes: 1950‘s
1960‘s in the West
Mark Twain (1835-1910)
Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 – April 21, 1910), better known by the pen name Mark Twain, was an American author and humorist. Twain is most noted for his novels Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, which has since been called the Great American Novel, and The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He is extensively quoted. During his lifetime, Twain became a friend to presidents, artists, industrialists, and European royalty. Twain enjoyed immense public popularity. His keen wit and incisive satire earned him praise from both critics and peers. William Faulkner called Twain "the father of American literature".
What are the functions of clothes? basic: protection of the person social: for the sake of respectable appearance List some similar examples which support the statement that people would go ill clad in order to be well dressed in inclement weather. What do you think is the future trend of clothes? Care more about comforts or good appearanHale Waihona Puke e? Give examples.