《GT Sport》三月升级将为游戏增加五款全新赛车-华为GT升级



1.2 1.3
1.4 1.5 1.6 127 日 2013 年 4 月 23 日
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2013 年 12 月 12 日 2014 年 3 月 17 日 2014 年 7 月 13 日 2015 年 2 月 27 日 2015 年 4 月 27 日 2015 年 6 月 10 日 2015 年 6 月 11 日 2015 年 7 月 10 日
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Change or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to operate the equipment.
Affidavit Requirements for Connection to Digital Services • An affidavit is required to be given to the telephone company whenever digital terminal equipment
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Huntsville, AL 35814-4000 (256) 963-8000
© 2000 ADTRAN, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Prinns require that in this manual the following information be provided to the customer:
6. This unit contains no user-serviceable parts. 7. The following information may be required when applying to your local telephone company for
leased line facilities.
without encoded analog content and billing protection is used to transmit digital signals containing encoded analog content which are intended for eventual conversion into voiceband analog signals and transmitted on the network. • The affidavit shall affirm that either no encoded analog content or billing information is being transmitted or that the output of the device meets Part 68 encoded analog content or billing protection specifications. • End user/customer will be responsible for filing an affidavit with the local exchange carrier when connecting unprotected customer premise equipment (CPE) to 1.544 Mbps or subrate digital services. • Until such time as subrate digital terminal equipment is registered for voice applications, the affidavit requirement for subrate services is waived.



Formula Student China Chinese Rules(2012 Version)The Society of Automotive Engineers, China中国大学生方程式汽车大赛规则委员会主任:李理光副主任:(按姓氏笔画排序)丁康牛向春陈刚闫建来宋晓琳张代胜杨波胡纪滨高峰高振海夏群生谢辉委员:(按姓氏笔画排序)丁康王为人王国权王国林王震坡牛向春邓俊毕凤荣刘献栋朱刚闫建来李理光宋晓琳吴列吴志军吴彤峰陈刚张代胜张建文季学武杨波杨振林杨博杨靖周汽一胡纪滨姜武华高峰高振海夏怀成夏群生黄妙华董红义谢辉熊坚秘书长:吴志军秘书:邓俊序言本版规则由中国大学生方程式大赛规则委员会(以下简称“规则委员会”)根据国际(美国)汽车工程学会大学生方程式赛事规则,并参考其他国家相关规则编译撰写。










Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书

Fitbit Inspire 3手冊版本1.3说明书

使用手冊版本 1.3目錄開始 (6)包裝盒內物品 (6)為智慧手環充電 (6)設定 Inspire 3 (8)在 Fitbit 應用程式中查看您的資料 (9)解鎖 Fitbit Premium (10)佩戴 Inspire 3 (11)整日佩戴和運動時的佩戴方式 (11)慣用手 (12)將 Inspire 3 佩戴在夾扣上 (12)夾扣位置 (13)佩戴與保養技巧 (14)更換錶帶 (14)移除錶帶 (14)安裝錶帶 (15)基本資訊 (16)導覽 Inspire 3 (16)基本導覽 (16)快速設定 (17)調整設定 (19)顯示設定 (19)靜音模式 (20)其他設定 (20)查看電池電量 (21)調整「螢幕常亮」 (21)關閉螢幕 (22)錶面和應用程式 (23)變更錶面 (23)開啟應用程式 (23)尋找手機 (24)2手機通知 (25)設定通知 (25)查看傳入通知 (25)管理通知 (26)關閉通知 (26)接聽或拒接來電 (27)回覆訊息 (Android 手機) (28)計時 (29)設定鬧鐘 (29)解除或休眠鬧鐘 (29)使用計時器和碼錶 (30)活動與健康 (31)查看統計資料 (31)追蹤每日活動目標 (31)選擇目標 (32)追蹤每小時的活動 (32)追蹤您的睡眠 (32)設定睡眠目標 (33)深入瞭解長期睡眠行為 (33)瞭解您的睡眠習慣 (33)管理壓力 (33)練習引導式呼吸 (33)查看壓力管理分數 (34)進階的健康指標 (34)運動和心臟健康 (35)自動追蹤您的運動 (35)使用運動應用程式追蹤與分析運動 (35)GPS 要求 (35)自訂運動設定 (37)查看您的運動摘要 (38)查看您的心率 (38)預設心率區間 (39)自訂心率區間 (40)賺取活動區間分鐘數 (40)3接收心率過高通知 (41)檢視您的日常準備分數 (42)檢視心肺健康分數 (42)分享您的活動 (42)更新、重新啟動和清除 (43)更新 Inspire 3 (43)重新啟動 Inspire 3 (43)清除 Inspire 3 (44)疑難排解 (45)找不到心率訊號 (45)沒有 GPS 訊號 (46)其他問題 (46)一般資訊和規格 (47)感應器與元件 (47)材質 (47)無線技術 (47)觸覺反饋 (47)電池 (47)記憶體 (47)顯示幕 (48)錶帶大小 (48)環境條件 (48)瞭解詳情 (48)退貨政策和保固 (48)Regulatory and Safety Notices (49)USA: Federal Communications Commission (FCC) statement (49)Canada: Industry Canada (IC) atement (50)European Union (EU) (51)Argentina (53)Australia and New Zealand (53)Ghana (53)Indonesia (53)Israel (53)Japan (54)Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (54)4Malaysia (54)Mexico (54)Morocco (55)Nigeria (55)Oman (55)Paraguay (55)Philippines (56)Serbia (56)Singapore (56)South Korea (56)Taiwan (57)Thailand (60)United Arab Emirates (60)United Kingdom (61)About the Battery (61)IP Rating (62)Safety Statement (62)Regulatory Markings (62)56開始瞭解 Inspire 3—這款智慧手環能幫助您找到動力,做您喜歡的事,展現最好的自己。



正常现象。 当长时间拍摄或观 看图像时, 请使用 AC 电源适配 器。
2 照相机使用的是 AA 碱性
电池、锂电池或可充电镍 氢(镍金属氢化物)电池
* 有关您可使用的电池的详细信 息, 请参阅相机的用户手册。
■ 使用电池的注意事项
• 请勿加热电池或将电池扔进火 中。 • 请勿将电池触碰金属物体, 如 项链或发夹。 • 请勿将电池浸入水中, 弄湿电 池或将电池存放在潮湿场所。 • 请勿拆卸或改装电池, 包括电 池的外壳。 • 请勿让电池受到强烈冲击。 • 请勿使用有泄漏、变形、变色 现象的电池。 • 请勿将电池存放在高温或潮湿 的地方。 • 请将电池存放在婴儿和儿童够 不着的地方。 • 确认电池按照极性标志 (C 和 D) 正确安装。 • 请勿混用新旧电池。 请勿混用 已充电电池和未充电的电池。 • 请勿混用不同型号或品牌的电

表示该有毒有害物质在该部件所有均质材料中的含量均在 SJ/ T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求以下。 备注 ○: ×: 表示该有毒有害物质至少在该部件的某一均质材料中的含量超出 SJ/T11363-2006 标准规定的限量要求。 “X (铅) 属欧盟 RoHS 指令的豁免范围之列。“X (Pb)” exempted from the application of EU RoHS. ” / is
下述标识表示误操作或忽略标识的警告信息可能造成的严重后 果。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成死亡或严重伤 害。 该标识表示若忽略该信息, 将会造成人身伤害或物质 损失。
请勿在浴室 中使用相机。
警告 注意
请勿触摸内 部部件。
下述图标表示必须遵守的信息性质。 三角标志表示此信息需要注意 “重要” 。 ( ) 圆形标志加一斜线表示禁止行为 “禁止” 。 ( ) 实心圆形加一惊叹号表示用户必须执行的操作 “必 ( 须操作” 。 )

Top Gear 第11季每集内容(并附有截图)其他季内容正在编辑中

Top Gear 第11季每集内容(并附有截图)其他季内容正在编辑中

E1:1.本季精彩内容浏览2.只用一加仑(gallon)汽油让五辆超跑比赛, Ferrari599第一个停下,接下来分别是Aston Martin DBS,Mclaren SLS,Lamborghini Murcielago,Audi R8。

3.同速测试Toyota Prius(1.5liter L4)和BMW M3(4liter V8 414horsepower) 10圈Prius 17.2 mile / gallon M3 19.3mile/gallon4.测试Ferrari F430 Scuderia(17.2万镑)4.3literV8 510horsepowerStig驾驶一圈时间1`19``75.本季新增加了Top Gear “stuntman”要用倒车的方式冲击飞车世界纪录。




6.Reasonably priced car嘉宾:贾斯汀·李·科林斯Justin·Lee·Collins成绩1`51``8艾伦·卡尔(Alan·Carr <gay>)成绩1`51``2阀5缸涡轮增压);James May选择Lexus Ls400;Richard Hammond选择94年铃木·维特拉(Suzuki Vitara fourwhell driver 1.6liter)E2:1.对比测试三菱(Mitsubishi)EVO Ⅹ和斯巴鲁翼豹(Subaru Impreza)结果:翼豹 1`28``2;EVO 肯定比翼豹慢2.RichardHammond试驾Audi RS6旅行车。

5liter V10 engine 572horsepower two turbocharges。

CG1763 SSTS R10.1

CG1763 SSTS R10.1

General Motors80.06.01 Power and Signal Distribution SystemAppendix CGlobal Subsystem Technical SpecificationApproved: Gary McGee, GSSLT ChairDecision Notice Number: 171Effective Date: March 13, 2008(This Page To Be Removed When Creating Program-Specific Document)GSSTS 861 REVISION # 10.1POWER AND SIGNAL DISTRIBUTION SUBSYSTEM TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION FOR GLOBAL VEHICLE PLATFORMSAugust 2010PREPARED BYGTE ENGINEERINGWIRING LEADERSHIPGSSLT Chairman Gary McGee586-575-6417This document and the information contained in it is considered sensitive to General Motors Company. It is recognized that cases will exist where organizations outside of GM will require use of this document. The personnel in outside organizations are expected to treat this document and its contents in the same general manner as they treat their own company sensitive material. Under no circumstances shall any organization outside of the General Motors Company disclose this document, its contents, or any sensitive information derived from the document to any third party. Transmittal of this document outside of General Motors shall only be accomplished by contacting GM World Wide Purchasing. Any organization that feels it cannot honor the above commitment is expected to return this document and all copies immediately.Vehicle Engineering Center30200 Mound RoadP. O. Box 9010Warren, MI 48090-9010Approvals:Project Engineer (Name)GSSLT Chair (Gary McGee) GTE Director (Chris Thibodeau) GM do Brazil (Pascoal Scinocca) GMDAT (Sanghyup Lee)SGM (Zunan Du)GME (Martin Burghardt)GM Holden (Shane Kimball) Date Date Date Date Date Date Date DateREVISION HISTORYDate RevisionNumber ParagraphNumberChange ReferenceChg Form05-30-96 Release Initial Release08-21-96 none none Password protection added to file05-09-97 1 Subsection “c” revised SSTS 001G1 Subsection “f” added SSTS 001G1 Subsection “d” added SSTS 001F1 Subsection “f” added SSTS 001A1 Subsections “e” & “i” revised SSTS 001A1 Subsection “g” added SSTS 001D1 Manufacturing Subsystem Tech Spec reference removed SSTS 001B1 Subsection “a” revised SSTS 001H1 Subsection “i” revised SSTS 001D 12-05-972 none Industry Documents List revised SSTS 002D2 Multiple Revised all “should” requirements to “shall”SSTS 002F2 Multiple Defined or removed all “TBDs” SSTS 002G2 Multiple Added Appendix A & removed connector requirements frommain document ( Includes change SSTS 002C )SSTS 002H2 Subsection “c” revised SSTS 002E2 Subsection “c” revised SSTS 002B2 Subsections “g”& “h” added SSTS 002A 10/15/983 Title Changed contact Bob Nadzan3 1.1 Added reference to Appendix B3 2.3 Revised document list.3 Revised temperature requirements3 Revised subsection “d”3 Added subsection “e”3 Revised battery voltage in subsection “a”3 Added subsection “e”3 Revised document reference in subsection “b”3 Revised subsection “b”3 Revised subsection “c”3 Added subsection “d”3 Revised subsection “e”3 Added generator circuit protection requirement3 Added “lower current rated device shall open before highercurrent rated device”3 Revised subsection “c”3 Added subsections “d”, “e”, “f”, “g”3 Revised subsection “c”3 Revised section to include GMLAN serial data links3 Added “stranded” to subsection “a”3 Added “bulk” to subsection “c”3 Changed guidelines to requirements in subsection “a”3 Revised subsection “f”3 Added “ 60 Amps” to subsection “b”3 Revised subsection “c” to match Ergonomic Requirements3 Added subsection “g”Date RevisionNumber ParagraphNumberChange ReferenceChg Form3 Revised subsection “h” to accommodate harness manufacturingrequirements.3 Added subsections “c” and “d”3 Revised subsection “a”. Grommet sealing requirement movedto environmental section.3 Added sections “j”, “k”, “l”, and “m”3 Revised section.3 3.3.3 Revised subsection “b” to require GM Standard Circuit List3 3.4 Revised subsection “b”3 4.1 Revised section to reflect supplier integration.3 4.1.1 Changed “and” to “or” in first paragraph, last sentence.3 Deleted section.3 Deleted section.3 4.1.3 Revised first paragraph3 4.2 Revised Table 4.2-I3 4.3.1 Deleted subsection “e”3 A1.3.1 Added “for the device” to first sentence3 A1.4.2.1 Added “USCAR family” to first sentence3 A1. Added “device”3 A1.4.2.2 Revised definition of “new connectors”3 A1.4.2.2 Deleted subsection “d”3 A1. Revised definition of “new connectors”3 A1. Revised terminal crimp requirements3 A1. Revised format3 Appendix B Added section.3 Multiple Removed references to “NAO”.4 Title Page Updated Title, revision level & owner4 Approvals Updated Approvals to reflect appropriate individuals4 1.4.1 Changed Global to GMNA Wiring Leadership Team4 2.3 Updated GM documentation section4 2.4 Updated Industry documentation section4 Incorporated visibility requirements into section Deleted power outlet from physical content section4 Reworded function content section for readability4 Add fuses as an exception to the humidity environment4 The word Dew replaced by Condensation4 Shock/Drop section the word “if” replaced with “when”4 Vibration table replaced with GMW 3172 specification.4 Contaminants table replaced with GMW3172 spec.4 External Subsystems delete cigarette lighter wording.4 3.1.5 Deleted section in ref to power outlet service requirements4 3.2 Revised Product Characteristics wording to subsystem4 Power Supply section updated with GMW3145 & 31734 Signal Transfer section update with Architecture Engineer4 Circuit Completion sections c, d, e & g revised4 Environmental Protection sections a, c, f, g, j & k revised4 Dimensions and Capacities section d revised4 Target Life revised4 Reliability Requirements for electrical center revisedDate RevisionNumber ParagraphNumberChange ReferenceChg Form4 3.2.4 Serviceability Design Best Practices GM3640 added4 New Essential Tools section added4 Repair section revised from vehicle to just repair4 System Diagnosis sections a, b, c, & e revised4 Electrical Center section f, g, h, i, j revised4 Design of Production Parts for Service sections d, e, & f4 Materials Guidelines added GMW3059 specification4 Parts Guidelines sections c, d & e revised4 Guidelines for Relay Use added section e fuel pump relay4 Design Guidelines sections h, i, l, n & p revised4 Guidelines for Harness Coverings sections d, e, & f4 Squeak and Rattle sections revised4 3.3.3 Added Operator Part Identification System (OPIS)4 Electrical Centers section updated with future expansion4 Retainers section added location control4 Terminals and Connectors section revised4 Relays added solid state relay usage4 Contact Plungers and Plates note to minimize usage4 Insulation and Conduits definition updated4 Retainers section revised attachments description4 Contact Plungers and Plates note to minimize usage4 4.0 Validation wording updated4 4.1 Vehicle Validation conducted by supplier4 4.1.1 Subsystem Validation conducted by supplier4 Functional Performance Tests conducted by supplier4 5.1 Packaging definition updated for vehicle assembly4 Appendix A Sections 1.0,, & 2.1, revised5 Title Page Updated BOM row from 80 to 8615 Appendix A Replaced Appendix A by section 6.3 which references aConnector CTS 862.25 Appendix B Replaced Appendix B by section 6.4 which references ProgramSpecific Requirements5 Radial tolerance added in note “e” & “f” .5 Added note f. total horn circuit resistance less than 0.1 Ohms.5 Updated Table IDSR Typical Vehicle ZoneTemperatures5 Add Corporate label requirements5 Added note “c” to Circuit Splice section requiring a weldedsplice.5 Added note “g” to Environmental Protection section to includeNOA57 grommet requirements.5 Revised note “e” in Guidelines for relays to include NOA57 fuelpump relay requirements.6 Interior Driveline / Powertrain Induced Noise for pass-throughs6 Dimensions and Capacities revised notes d & e to include 2D &3D.Oct. 2007 7 2.4 Added & corrected USCAR references.Date RevisionNumber ParagraphNumberChange ReferenceChg FormOct. 2007 7 Note “c” updated sealing requirementOct. 2007 7 3.1.1 Note “e” added J2192 requirementOct. 2007 7 Note “b” updated with isolation requirementsMar. 2008 8 3.1.1 Note g” updated with isolation requirementsMar. 2008 8 Updated component corrosionMar. 2008 8 Note “c” updated with isolation requirementsMar. 2008 8 Updated graph for minimum, average and high performance Mar. 2008 8 Note “j” updated with isolation requirementsOct. 2008 9 2.3.1 General Motors Documents (GMW’s in red added.)Oct. 2008 9 2.4 Added & SAE J2736, J2741, USCAR30 & ISO 16750Oct. 2008 9 3.1.1. N ote “e & g” conduit referenceOct. 2008 9 Contaminants table updated with P80 & Urea ISO spec. Oct. 2008 9 Note “c” GMW 3191 reference test for ring terminal sealing Oct. 2008 9 Note “c” GMW 3191 reference test for service spliceOct. 2008 9 Added GMW documents for cable referencesOct. 2008 9 4.1.3 Added a verification templateMar. 2009 10 & 2 Updated N & V section per Stephanie Ernster email.Apr. 2009 10.1 2.3.1 GMW15923 replaces eSoR GMN11039.Aug 2010 5.5(GDM) Header, TitlePage references from General Motors Corporation toGeneral Motors Company per GM Legal Staff request.PrefaceThe vehicle and subsystem product characteristics described in this document are intended to assist in providing quality management of the product and to maintain its image and integrity in the marketplace. The engineering requirements describe elements of performance and design for a vehicle or item of equipment:•that are deemed necessary to assure compliance with applicable laws or regulations; or•that are deemed necessary to enhance manufacturability and buildability; or•that are advisable to provide satisfactory performance, durability, reliability, safety and service to the customer under intended or expected use; or•to further other corporate vehicle requirements.This GM Engineering document is to be used as an aid in developing specific, new product technical specifications. Also, due to the uniqueness of each program, technological advances, etc. additional considerations that are not listed in the document may be included in the program specific specifications. The attainment of a specific performance level, except those that require compliance with applicable laws, regulations and standard paragraphs may involve trade-offs when design alternatives are considered. In those instances, the decision-making process must be adequately peer reviewed and documented.Note: The vehicle technical specifications set forth herein are not intended to supersede the requirements applicable to specific vehicle programs.Table of Content1.1Scope of Document (11)1.2Mission/Theme (11)2Applicable documents (11)2.1Order of Precedence (11)2.2Government Documents (12)2.2.1Sweden (12)2.2.2United States (12)2.2.3Canada (12)2.2.4European Community (EC) (12)2.2.5China (12)2.3General Motors Documents (13)2.3.1 GM Global Standards/Specifications (13) Specifications (13)2.4Industry documents (15)2.4.1External Standards/Specifications (15)3Requirements (16)3.1Subsystem Definition (16)3.1.1Appearance / Exposed Wires (16)3.1.2Content (16) Content (16) Content (17)3.1.3Ambient Environment (18) (18) Exposure (19) (19) (19) (19) resistance (include salt, spray, fog) (19) (20) (20) (20) (22) (22) (electrical) (22) (22)3.1.4Interfaces (22)3.2Product Characteristics (23)3.2.1Performance (23) supply (23) Transfer (24) Nodes (24) splices (24) terminals (24) Completion (24) Protection (26) Protection (26) Performance Requirements (28) System Pass-Through (28) Interface Requirements (29) Overlap Requirements (29)3.2.2Physical Characteristics (29) and Capacities (29) Properties (29) Repair (29) (30) Access and Removal (30) (30) and Fuse Boxes (30) (30) and Relays (31)3.2.3Dependability (31) Life. (31) 1-and 2-Type Problems. (31) Requirements (31) Assurance. (32)3.2.4Serviceability (32) Essential Tools (32) Service (32) Diagnosis (33) Data Link (33) of Production Parts for Service (34)3.3Design and Construction (34)3.3.1Materials Guidelines (34)3.3.2Design Guidelines and Constraints (35) and recommendation for supporting GMW 3091 Requirements (35) for Relay Use (36) for Connector Choice (36) requirements (36) for carry over electric or electronic components (36) included in other subsystem sourcing (36) Guidelines (36) Connection (36) (37) harness routing (37) (38) gage size/ Insulation (38) Coverings and fixings (38) Connection (39) and Fuse Boxes (39) (39) hoses (39) control guidelines (39) and Rattle (40)3.3.3Identification and marking (40) vehicles (40) (40) (40) Parts (40) vehicles (40)3.3.4Assignment of Requirements to Components. (40)4Validation. (41)4.1General. (42)4.1.1Subsystem Validation. (42) Tests (42) and Signal Interfaces Tests. (42) Performance Tests. (42)4.1.2Component Validation. (43) Environmental Stresses. (43)4.1.3Design Reviews (43)4.2Validation Cross Reference Index Requirements (44)4.3Supporting Paragraphs. (45)4.3.1Squeak and Rattle Validation. (45)5SHIPPING. (45)5.1Packaging. (45)5.2Shipping Destination. (45)6NOTES. (45)6.1Glossary/Definitions. (45)6.2Acronyms, Abbreviations, and Symbols. (46)6.3CONNECTOR SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS. (47)6.3.1Connector Validation. (47)1 IntroductionThis section briefly describes the document and its subject.1.1 Scope of DocumentThis document establishes the performance, design, test, manufacture, and validation requirements for the Power and Signal Distribution (hereafter referred to as PSDS) Subsystem.It describes the Power Distribution architecture, the harness partitioning of the wiring and the following components:a)Wiring harness included in the economical offerb)Interfaces to wiring harness included in other subsystem and not included in the economical offerc)Electrical centers1.2 Mission/ThemeThe PSDS subsystem transmits electrical power from the battery and/or charging system to electrical loads throughout the vehicle, and transmits electrical signals between devices and subsystems throughout the vehicle.2 Applicable documents2.1 Order of PrecedenceIn the event of a conflict between the text of this specification and the documents cited herein,a)the specifications within this document shall take precedence.b)responsible project engineer take the decision which text that shall take precedence, an approveddecision needs signature from buyer and responsible project engineers.Nothing in this specification, however, supersedes applicable laws and regulations unless a specific exemption has been obtained.Discrepancies or deviations within this specification or between this specification and country-specific regulations in the customer countries are to be indicated without delay by the supplier; possible solutions have to be discussed directly with the responsible project engineer.Deviations from this specification are permissible only with the authorization of the responsible project engineer and buyer.2.2 Government DocumentsAlthough there are government documents that apply to other subsystems supported by the PSDS subsystem, there are no Government Documents that apply directly to the PSDS subsystem. EOBB 70/220/EEC*98/69/ECOn Board Diagnostics (OBDII) 40 CFR Part 86On Board Diagnostics (OBDII) Code of regulation Title 132.2.1 SwedenSFS 1997:788 Producer responsibility for vehiclesTSVFS 1985:11 Wiring Harness Regulations2.2.2 United StatesFMVSS 302 Flammability2.2.3 CanadaCMVSS 302 Flammability2.2.4 European Community (EC)Directive 2000/53/EC End of Life VehiclesDirective 95/54/EC Electromagnetic Compatibility2.2.5 ChinaGB 7258-2004 Safety Specifications for Power Driver Vehicles Operation on Roads2.3 General Motors Documents2.3.1 GM Global Standards/SpecificationsGMW 3059 Restricted and reportable substances for partsGMW 3089 GMLAN Single Wire CAN Physical and Data Link Layers SpecificationGMW 3091 General Specification for Vehicles, Electromagnetic CompatibilityGMW 3097 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Components and Subsystem EMCGMW 3103 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Components and Subsystem EMCGMW 3116 Recyclability/Recoverability GuidelinesGMW 3119 Platform-Powertrain Electrical Interface (PPEI)GMW 3122 GMLAN Dual Wire CAN Physical LayerGMW 3172 General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Components – Environmental and Durability GMW 3173 R3 Wire Specification For Protocol Data TransmissionGMW 3176 R2 Circuit List for ISO Parameter assignmentGMW 3232 Test Method for Determining the Flammability of Interior Trim MaterialsGMW 3145 Requirements for Cranking Motors Requirement PartGMW 3191 Connector Test and Validation SpecificationGMW 14082 General Hardware Interface Requirements and GuidelinesGMW 8762Platform to Powertrain Electrical Interface Specification, General InformationGMW 8772 Platform to Powertrain Electrical Interface Specification, Serial Data ArchitectureGMW 14178 Sound Transmission Loss (STL) Pass-Through Evaluation Test ProcedureGMW 15626 Single Core Stranded ISO CableGMW 15272 Corrosion Performance SpecificationGMW 15839 Shielded and unshielded sheathed ISO cableGMW 15841 Electrical Connectors, Design SpecificationGMW 15925 Flexible Flat WiringGMW 15926 Convoluted Conduit for Wiring HarnessGMW 15267 General Specification for Electromechanical Plug-in, Printed Circuit Board,& SS Relays GMW15923 Replaces eSoR GMN11039.GMW Documents can be ordered online: /collections/abstracts/gm-standards.htmGMI Test SpecificationsGMI 12557 R General Specification for Electrical/Electronic Subsystems and ComponentsGMI 12528 Blade Type Electric Fuse2.3.1.1 Regional SpecificationsGME 12502-R, V General Specification for Electromechanical RelaysGME 14010 European Wire Specification for CAN Protocol Data Transmission in Motor VehiclesGME 14020 Convoluted Conduit for Wiring HarnessGME 14022 Single Core CableGME 4221 Flexible Flat WiringGME 60269 Test Method for Abrasion Resistance of Plated, Painted, & Printed Plastic PartsGME 15337 Wiring Harness, RequirementsGME 15338 Wiring Harness DocumentationGME 15339 Wiring Harness, Work InstructionGME 14090 Part identificationGME 15490 Smooth hosesGME 15492 Antenna Coaxial CablesGM 1927 GM Global APQPCM20200 SIR Connector and Wiring RequirementsGM-J1962-006 SAE Diagnostic Connector Status and Pin UsageGM3640 Serviceability Design Best PracticesGM6090M Flammability of MaterialsGM 6121M Label RequirementsGM9103P Standard for Automotive RelaysGM9110P Procedure for Testing SwitchesGM9111P Standard Reliability Program for RelaysGM9117P Immunity to Jump Start VoltagesGM R-6M3-1 Air Induction System - Water IngestionGM Vehicle Electrical Mechanization DrawingsGM Vehicle Packaging DrawingsGM Vehicle Layout DrawingGM Engine Block Heater Subsystem SpecificationGM Operator Part Identification System (OPIS)GM Knowledge Set 1006 for Peer ReviewsGM Routing Wire Harness Assessment (WHA) Best PracticeGM Bill of Process (BOP)GM Vehicle - Accommodation Interface Electrical Interface StandardGM Mechanical Stress Testing of Chassis Mounted ProductsGM Serviceability Design Best Practices ManualGM Standard Circuit ListDesign Guidline 4304-01 Wiring Harness RoutingSTD 3583 Shrink tube with adhesiveSTD 3585 Shrink tube without adhesiveSTD 5021 Shrink tube, req. characteristics & testingSTD 3757 Tape, requirements characteristics & testingSTD 518844 Tape, anti-noiseSTD 518843 Tape, HeadlineSTD 518845 Tape, 100︒ C PVCSTD 518853 Tape, 100︒ C ClothSTD 518846 Tape, 125︒ C ClothSTD 518847 Tape, 150︒ C ClothSTD 3823 Screened and multicore cable, testSTD 3822, 5013 Shielded CableSTD 3812 Twisted Cables with PUR insulationSTD 2276, 3709, 5144 FusesTLE-050046 Electrical Technical Specification for Global A Electrical Architecture Vehicle Platforms TLFE-TM-20000201 Plastic optical fibreGME_EE-20040101 Engine compartment high pressusre washability testTIFE-TM-97000502 Analyse after durability/corrosion testGME_EE_98000102 Analysing Wiring harness routingTIFE-TM-98000402 Fusing/Short circuit testTIFE-TM-97000702 Exposed wiring analyseTLFE-TM-20000401 Car temperature testTIFE-TM-97000202 Analyse after car temperature testTLFE-TM-20000101 Voltage drop & power supply testTLFE-TM-97000901 Analyse of polymeric materialTIFE-TM-97000802 Flexibility testTIFE-TM-97000602 Chemical resistanceGME_EE_97000102 Wiring harness vibration test2.4 Industry documents2.4.1 External Standards/SpecificationsSAE J163 Low Tension Wiring and Cable Terminals and Splice ClipsSAE J538a Grounding of Storage BatteriesSAE J541a Voltage Drop for Starting Motor CircuitsSAE J553 Circuit BreakersSAE J1127 Battery CableSAE J1128 Low Tension Primary CableSAE J1211 Recommended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment Design SAE J1284 Auto FusesSAE J2284 High Speed CAN (HSC) for Vehicle Applications at 500 KBPSSAE J2736 Blade Type FusingSAE J2741 Female Type FusingSAE J1292 Automobile, Truck, Truck-Tractor, Trailer, and Motor Coach WiringSAE J1560 Low Tension Thin Wall Primary CableSAE J1850 Class B Data Communications Network InterfaceSAE J1888 High Current Lag for Electrical FusesSAE J1962 Diagnostic ConnectorSAE J2192 Protection of Wire HarnessesSAE/USCAR-2 (Revision #3) Standard for Automotive Electrical Connector SystemsSAE/USCAR-3 (Revision #2) Standard for Testing Automotive Miniature BulbsSAE/USCAR-4 Standard for Cigar Lighters and Power OutletsSAE/USCAR-12 (Revision #2) Design Guidelines for Automotive Electrical Connector Systems SAE/USCAR-14 (Revision #1) Standard for Testing Automotive Halogen Light SourcesSAE/USCAR-17 Performance Specification for Automotive RF Connector SystemsSAE/USCAR-18 FAKRA/SMB RF Connector SupplementSAE/USCAR-19 Coaxial Cable Connector Interface Square Outer ConductorSAE/USCAR-20 Field Correlated Life TestSAE/USCAR-21 Performance Specification for Cable-To-Terminal Electrical CrimpsSAE/USCAR-25 Connector Ergo GuidelinesSAE/USCAR 30 USB cablesQS 9000 Quality SystemISO 8820 Fuses….ISO 14572 Multi Core CâblesISO 11446 Trailer Electrical ConnectionsISO 16750-5 AdBlueThatcham The British Insurance Industry Criteria For Vehicle Security issue 43 RequirementsThis is the Requirements section.3.1 Subsystem DefinitionThe PSDS subsystem provides the capability to supply electrical power and transfer electrical signals for the operation and control of vehicle functions. This section defines the subsystem general appearance and content from which the more specific product characteristics (3.2) are derived. Additionally the subsystem shall operate in the environment and with the external interfaces and user definition that is described in the following paragraphs. The PSDS subsystem design and operation must be in accordance with applicable regulations and conform to the overall context depicted in Figure 3.1-1, PSDS subsystem Functional Context Diagram. _Figure 3.1-1 PSDS subsystem Functional Context DiagramThe Electric Power & Ground Distribution shall distribute the specified electrical current from the electrical power source to the consumers while maintaining the operating voltage, supply voltage drop and ground voltage drop within the specified range under all relevant conditions.3.1.1 Appearance / Exposed Wiresa) Wiring harnesses shall be neatly routed, protected, as required, by covering and, wherever possible,covering shall be black in color to enhance appearance.b) Wiring harness covering shall extend to within 25 mm of the back of connectors, except on single leads.c) In visible areas no wires shall be exposed. Connectors shall be capable of attaching to convoluted conduitor grommets.d) If slotted convoluted conduit is used, the supplier has to ensure that no wires (single or bundle) come outof the convoluted conduit.e) For use of convoluted conduit refer to GMW15926.f) For use of tapes STD 3757, 518844, 518845, 518853, 518846, 518847 have to be met.g) Conduit applications shall avoid crush (i.e. over cinched tie strap) resulting in edge cut on wires.3.1.2 Content3.1.2.1 Physical ContentThe physical contents are:a) Fuses。


必须符合图 n° 257A-1,且由金属制成。 配重块必须由 5 颗 m12 螺丝固定,且连接器必须有一个透明盖子。
4.4 比赛中加重 在比赛中加注任何固体物质,或更换任何材质更重的部件都是违规的。 4.5 液体 在比赛中任何时间都可以检查车重,不论油箱内液体残留多少。赛后赛车可清空油箱后再称重。
7 润滑系统 7.1 透气壶 透气壶必须拥有 3 升容量,并且有一个可见容量的剂量计。
8 电气设备 8.1 雨刮器 不做限制,但至少有一个雨刮器可以工作。 玻璃清洁液容量可变。 8.2 启动机 一个启动机必须安装在车上,且比赛中随时可以启动。 车手必须在就坐状态时可以操作。 8.3 照明系统 8.3.1 所有照明系统在整场比赛中必须可正常使用。 8.3.2 外部照明系统必须保证以下功能:
2017 年中国超级跑车锦标赛
2.10 驾驶辅助 任何电子车身平衡控制系统都被禁止。
3 车身 3.1 车身 任何不可移动的部件都必须使用工具安装。所有涉及到加油接头的部件必须设计成可以防止加油时泄露到发动机舱与驾 驶舱。 3.1.1 发动机仓盖,行李箱盖 至少要有两个安全锁,都必须要用红色(或醒目颜色)箭头指示出。必须在不使用工具的前提下可以打开。 3.1.2 车门 自 2016 年 1 月 1 日注册车型: 车门扣必须设计成快拆结构,可将整个车门移除。 3.2 挡风玻璃以及玻璃 为保护挡风玻璃,额外最多 4 片透明保护膜可以贴在挡风玻璃外层。 额外的固定器可用于固定挡风玻璃。 自 2016 年 1 月 1 日注册车型: 车门玻璃必须从车外通过 4mm 的六角扳手(Allen Key)可以移除。 3.2.1 驾驶舱通风

Garmin SD卡数据卡指南说明书

Garmin SD卡数据卡指南说明书
SD Card SD Card
Data Card Guide
© 2017 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries. All rights reserved.
This guide reflects information typically encountered when performing the indicated procedures. Some differences in operation may be observed when compared to information in this guide.
AC-U-KWIK and its related organizations (hereafter collectively “AC-U-KWIK Organizations”) expressly disclaim all warranties with respect to the AC-U-KWIK information included in this data, express or implied, including, but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The information is provided “as is” and AC-U-KWIK Organizations do not warrant or make any representations regarding its accuracy, reliability, or otherwise. Licensee agrees not to sue AC-U-KWIK Organizations and, to the maximum extent allowed by law, to release and hold harmless AC-U-KWIK Organizations from any cause of action, claims or losses related to any actual or alleged inaccuracies in the information arising out of Garmin’s use of the information in the datasets. Some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation or exclusion of implied warranties or liability for incidental or consequential damages so the above limitations or exclusions may not apply to licensee.



A detailed study on offshore floating wind turbines and the working principle of various floater concepts and the conceptual designs for floating platforms used for floating wind turbines are presented. In the case of fixed wind turbine, the influence of the environmental conditions on wind turbine design loads for a monopole foundation is studied by analyzing the bending moment at the tower base and tower root for various values of water depth, tower height, pile diameter and turbulence model. The analysis is done using FAST code for 5MW wind turbine with a monopile foundation. In the study of offshore floating wind turbine, a numerical time-domain model is used for the fully coupled dynamic analysis of deep water offshore floating wind turbines such as spar-type, barge-type and semi-submersible-type floating wind turbine. The hydrodynamic behaviour of the floaters is analysed using panel method. Hydrodynamic added mass, damping and exiting force are obtained in frequency domain and are validated with the available results. The hydrodynamic study of the floater is combined with and aerodynamic model to obtain a coupled aero-servo-hydro-elastic model. The performance of spar-type and barge-type floating wind turbine designed by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and semi-submersible type floating wind turbine designed by Principle Power are analyzed in detail. The mooring system attached to WindFloat semi-submersible floating wind turbine is also examined for six and eight mooring lines and the platform rotations along with motions results obtained are also compared. Keywords: Renewable energy; Monopile wind turbine; Offshore floating wind turbine; Added mass; Damping coefficient; Mooring system.

Porsche 911 GT3 RS 技术数据发布说明书

Porsche 911 GT3 RS 技术数据发布说明书

Press Release 16 July 2020911 GT3 RS: Fuel consumption combined 13.2 l/100 km; CO2 emissions combined 303 g/kmPreview, IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship, Round 3, Sebring (USA)Porsche aims to top the leaderboard at round three of the seasonStuttgart. After a successful restart to the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Champion-ship, Porsche is eager to take the lead of the manufacturers’ classification at round three in Sebring (USA). After yielding two podium results in the GTLM class from the first two races held at America’s motor racing stronghold, Daytona, the factory squad of the sports car manufacturer is just one point off the lead with the ca. 515 hp Porsche 911 RSR. At the second race in Florida within two weeks, two works-run RSR from Weissach as well as a customer vehicle will be fielded. In the GTD class, Wright Motorsports campaigns a 911 GT3 R.The raceThe Sebring International Raceway throws major challenges at man and machine. About one third of the 6.02-kilometre racetrack consists of old concrete slabs, which were previously part of the runway at the former Hendricks Army Airfield. These wash-board-like sections of the track cause hefty vibrations. Due to this special feature, the racetrack about 100 kilometres south of Orlando is often mentioned on social media with the hashtag #RespectTheBumps. For the engineers of the works team, the emphasis is on finding a suitable setup for the kinematics of the 911 RSR. Porsche is the most successful manufacturer on the storied circuit, which has regularly hosted endurance races since 1950. So far, the Stuttgart marque has netted 18 outright wins and 72 class victories at Sebring. In the last two years, the Porsche 911 RSR has dominated the GTLM class at the twelve-hour race. The “Sebring 240” on 18 July is contested over just two hours and 40 minutes. The long-distance classic over twelvehours, originally scheduled for March, has been pushed to 14 November at the same venue as a season finale.The Porsche GT Team driversWorks drivers Earl Bamber (New Zealand) and Laurens Vanthoor (Belgium) share driving duties in the No. 912 Porsche 911 RSR. The reigning GTLM-class champions have scored second place at the first two rounds of the season in Daytona and cur-rently lead the drivers’ championship. Briton Nick Tandy and Frédéric Makowiecki from France are keen to claim their first win of the season with the No. 911 sister car. The pair concluded the 24-hour race at the end of January and the race over 2:40 hours in Daytona on 4 July in third place. In the manufacturers’ classification, Porsche currently ranks third, just one point behind the joint leaders BMW and Corvette. At round three in Sebring, the North American factory squad now aims to bring home the first IMSA win with the new Porsche 911 RSR.The customer teamIn the GTD class, the seasoned customer team Wright Motorsports again fields a 500+hp Porsche 911 GT3 R at the third round of the North American sports car series. The squad from the U.S. state of Ohio entrust the cockpit to works driver Patrick Long and his compatriot Ryan Hardwick. The team currently ranks fourth in the class for vehicles compliant with the GT3 regulations.Live streaming of the raceRound three of the IMSA WeatherTech SportsCar Championship at Sebring takes off on Saturday, 18 July, at 5:35 p.m. local time (11:35 p.m. CEST). The race over 2:40 hours can be viewed outside the USA and Canada on .The schedule (local time, CEST: -6 hours)Friday, 17 July6.00 - 7:00 p.m. – Free practiceSaturday, 18 July10:00 - 11:15 a.m. – Free practice1:55 - 2:10 p.m. – Qualifying GTD2:20 - 2:35 p.m. – Qualifying GTLM2:45 - 3:00 p.m. – Qualifying DPi/LMP25:35 - 8:15 p.m. – RaceThe Porsche 911 RSRThe new Porsche 911 RSR (2019 model year) celebrated its debut in the IMSA SportsCar Championship at the 24 Hours of Daytona. The vehicle from Weissach, which produces around 515 hp depending on the air restrictor, is based on the high-performance 911 GT3 RS* road-going sports car. Compared to its extremely success-ful predecessor model, the car received improvements, most notably to areas such as driveability, efficiency, ergonomics and serviceability. About 95 percent of all compo-nents are new. The 911 RSR is powered by a 4.2-litre, six-cylinder boxer engine.This is the IMSA SportsCar ChampionshipThe IMSA SportsCar Championship was founded in the USA and Canada in 2013 after the merger of the American Le Mans Series and the Grand-Am Series. A year later the new sports car race series, which is organised by the International Motor Sports Asso-ciation (IMSA), was contested for the first time. Sports prototypes and sports cars start in four different classes: GTLM (GT Le Mans), GTD (GT Daytona), Dpi (Daytona Pro-totype international) and LMP2 (Le Mans Prototype 2). The new Porsche 911 RSR is fielded in the GTLM class, and the Porsche 911 GT3 R contests the GTD class. The Porsche GT Team tackles the 2020 season in North America as the title defenders in the manufacturers’, drivers’ and team classifications.Comments prior to the racePascal Zurlinden (Director Factory Motorsport):“We claimed podium spots at the first two races in Daytona and by now we’re the only manufacturer to finish on the podium at all races. The 2020 season has started very well. Now there’s just one thingmissing: We want to achieve the first win in the USA for the 2019-spec Porsche 911 RSR. Our factory squad in North America did an exceptional job under difficult condi-tions recently. I’m sure that our team will put in another strong performance at Sebring. I’m particularly pleased that the IMSA management and the local authorities have man-aged to make real motor racing possible again with a well thought-out health-protection concept. A huge thank you to all involved.”Steffen Höllwarth (Head of Operations IMSA Championship):“The IMSA races now come in quick succession. After the successful Daytona events, we’re travelling to our next mission in Sebring feeling very good. We’ve won the twelve-hour race on this track in the past two years. However, the weather conditions were different be-cause the long-distance classic was contested in the cooler month of March. Like at Daytona recently, we have to be prepared for heat and thunderstorms at the Sebring Sebring International Raceway. Due to the compact weekend programme, it’ll be im-portant to sort ourselves out in the first free practice. There’s barely any time for de-tailed analyses or extensive setup changes. If you’re fast from the get-go, you have the best chance of beating the tough competition in the GTLM class.”Nick Tandy (Porsche 911 RSR #911):“We’re coming to Sebring as the winners of the last two twelve-hour events. That feels great. We’re extremely motivated. Sebring is one of my all-time favourites. We want to continue our good run on this ‘mogul terrain’ as seamlessly as possible. Our new 2019-spec Porsche 911 RSR is sure to cope very well with the special Sebring conditions. We aim to score the first win of the season.”Frédéric Makowiecki (Porsche 911 RSR #911):“At the last two races in Daytona, we were a bit off with our strategy, and that impacted the result. But, there is no doubt that our Porsche 911 RSR has everything it needs to succeed in the cutthroat GTLM-class competition. We aim to prove this at the next race by continuing our winning streak there and taking the lead with the latest version of the RSR for the first time in the 2020 season. Sebring is our track!”Earl Bamber (Porsche 911 RSR #912):“After two double podium results fo r the Por-sche 911 RSR at the first two rounds of the season, our goal is clear: we want to clinch the first win. The signs look good. Our car is definitely competitive. Porsche has won the Sebring 12 Hours in recent years, and our tests there with the new vehicle ran well. The heat will certainly be difficult to cope with. The name of the game on this extremely challenging and bumpy racetrack is to maintain full concentration at all times. That’ll be a key factor to a possible success.”Laurens Vanthoor (Porsche 911 RSR #912):“In view of the heat forecast for Sebring, it’ll be extremely exhausting. At Daytona recently, it was very warm, but there were more opportunities there for us drivers to catch our breath. That is certainly not the case at Sebring. Because of these conditions, the teams might opt for an additional driver change. On the other hand, we’re now in the lead after two second places. If we keep finishing second and defend the title, I could easily live with that.”Further information, film and photo material in the Porsche Newsroom: . The Twitter channel @PorscheRaces provides live updates from Porsche Motorsport with the latest infor-mation and photos from racetracks around the world.The consumption and CO2 emission values were determined in accordance with the new Worldwide Harmonized Light Vehicle Test Procedure (WLTP). The NEDC values derived from this should continue to be specified for the time being. These values cannot be compared to the values determined in ac-cordance with the NEDC measuring procedure used up to now.Further information on the official fuel consumption and official, specific CO2 emissions of new passen-ger cars is avai lable in the publication entitled “Guide on the fuel economy, CO2 emissions and power consumption of all new passenger car models offered for sale on the German market”, which is available free of charge from all sales outlets and from Deutsche Automobil Treuhand GmbH (DAT).。

KTM X-BOW GT4 竞技汽车说明书

KTM X-BOW GT4 竞技汽车说明书

THE KTM X-BOW… AS THE BASIS FOR THE KTM X-BOW GT4CARBON MONOCOQUE TECHNOLOGY… IN GT MOTOR RACINGT hat the KTM X-BOW GT4 is the racing car for the 21st century demonstratesthe unique nature of the technical solutions and innovations, which arenaturally standard for this vehicle.»SAFETYT he unique carbon monocoque was specially developed for motorsport and is drawn directly froma Dallara Formula 3 chassis. The high side flanks are much more effective in the event of a side-wayscollision than any other technical solution. The front crash box is connected to the monocoque and fulfillsFormula 3 and sports car standards. The carbon monocoque itself has a four-layer, double-walled construction,which, from the position of the driver is fitted with a DMSB-homologated roll bar. It is also possible to mounta headrest, which is according to sportscar regulations, or even equivalent to those of the LMP. The KTM X-BOW GT4sets new standards in GT racing safety standards with this unique combination of elements.of all respective racing series. On the one hand, the high-tech solutions provideefficient cost savings, and on the other, the fact that the fuel consumption is lowerthan any comparable racing car in the class, is another plus point for the concept ofthe KTM X-BOW GT4.»WEIGHTT he KTM X-BOW GT4, thanks to the excessive use of carbon and smart technological solutions, is lighterthan any competitor car on the market. On the one hand, this allows for an efficient, driving dynamic,and a favorable placement of the “Balance of Performance” additional weight, while on the other, it dramaticallyreduces wear - and also running costs. Tires, brake linings, and discs need to be changed much less frequently,while tires start to degrade much later during races. The lower weight also ensures enormous corner speed,which translates into later braking. There is also less stress on moving parts and reduced load on the enginewith the same output.Only highly specialist companies were engaged in the development of the KTM X-BOW GT4. Inaddition to the monocoque, which was penned by the Italian racing specialists Dallara, it was the German racing car constructor Reiter Engineering, and engineering service provider KTM Technologies, which played a major role in the development of the vehicle. KISKA was once again responsible for the car’s unique design. This incomparable GT racing car was created in the closest cooperation - from the initial sketches to the first roll-out of the finished vehicle and today it sets the standard in efficien-cy, price-performance ratio, running costs, design, and above all racing performance. For CEO Hans Rei-ter, the KTM X-BOW GT4 is Reiter Engineering’s most exciting, attractive, and indeed the seminal racing car in the 20-year history of the company. “Together with KISKA, KTM Technologies and the KTM Sport -car GmbH we have created a racing car that already meets the requirements of future international circuit motor racing. The car is unrivaled in its efficiency, it is economical and safe, can be deployed all over the world, and above all, is exactly designed for the future-oriented GT4 class. Added to this, it is much cheaper than any rival car on the market, and it has no additional hidden costs!”»THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE … KTM X-BOW GT4SCHROTH 6-POINT SEAT BELTThe FIA-homologated 6-point belt is specially adapted and optimized for the usage in the KTM X-BOW. Thanks to the new lap belt adjustment- and fastener-system a quick and easy belt fastening resp. -tighteningis possible. The shoulder strap is readyfor HANS® System. FIRE EXTINGUISHER SYSTEMThe OMP fire extinguisher system is electronically activated and consists, amongst other things, of a 4,25 ltr. container, tubing, nozzles, a control box and an external push button. The system is homologated due to FIA 2000 standard.The vehicle comes with a headrest that complies withLMP2 regulations and is designed according to DMSBspecifications for the use of the KTM X-BOW GT4 onthe Nürburgring Nordschleife.70-LITER SAFETY TANK (FT3) WITH QUICK REFUELING SYSTEMThe safety tank of the KTM X-BOW GT4 has a fuel tank homologatedby the FIA and is designed according to the FT3 standard. It is alsoequipped with a quick refueling system. The basis is the 70-liter versionof the safety tank, which was specially developed for sprint races.ROLL BARThe KTM X-BOW GT4 comes with a DMSB-certified roll-over cage, supported at the same roll hoop positional points as those on the open top models – at the front up to the A-column, and at the rear as far as the rear suspension geometry.RACING ABSThe racing ABS is especially configured for use in the KTM X-BOWand results in a huge improvement in the braking performance. Theactual wheel speed is evaluated during the braking operation andin case of deviation of the calculated value the ABS intervenes andcorrects the braking force at each wheel. This automatic control ofthe brake distance is ideally optimized and the vehicle stability andmaneuverability are enormously improved during braking in variousweather conditions. The intervention can be adjusted by using a10-stage regulator to suit the weather conditions, race tracks, drivingstyle or it can also be completely deactivated.MOTEC C125 DASHBOARDSEQUENTIAL TRANSMISSIONPure GT3 technology for use in GT4 races: The sequential 6-gear Holinger transmission not only allows gear changes in the area of a millisecond range, but also offers an automatic change-up and double-declutching when changing down. Gear changes are carried out via the paddles attached to the steering wheel. Despite this sophisticated technology, the Holinger transmission weighs 35 kg less than a standard gearbox.ENGINEA 2-liter TFSI engine from the premium manufacturer Audi is fitted in the rear of the KTM X-BOW GT4. This state-of-the-art engine features direct fuel injection and combines the dynamics of turbocharging with highly efficient intercooling. The four-cylinder engine has surprising minimal fuel consumption and excellent reliability in addition to its outstanding performance and torque characteristics.DRIVESHAFTSThe KTM X-BOW GT4 comes with two different versions of the drive shaft. The standard drive shafts are designed for sprint races, while the“HD“ drive shafts have been specially developed for endurance racing, or for races from a standing start.WHEELBASE & REAR FRAMEThe wheelbase of the KTM X-BOW GT4 has been extended by as much as 17 cm to suit the requirements of international customer racing. The significant change achieved by extending the rear frame means the vehicle is faster in the corners, and has improved rear axle driving stability. This, in turn, is now constructed of tubular steel instead of aluminum, which increases the torsional rigidity.AIR-JACK SYSTEMWhether you’re changing wheels or replacing shock absorbers – all work requiring the vehicle to be raised can be performed simply and swiftly with the air-jack system. Jobs on the vehicle that would have taken much longer can be completed quickly. The system is operated with compressed air and designed specifically for use at racetracks.MAGNESIUM RACING RIMSThe O.Z magnesium rims are not only extremely light, they are also very resistant, which is a definite advantage after making contact with other competitors during a race.PRICE AND… KTM POWERPARTSS tarting at EUR 169,900.- (excl. VAT)No hidden extra costs – READY TO RACE!»LONG DISTANCE SAFETY TANK (120 LTR.)POWER STEERINGBOP READYT he VLN (“Veranstaltergemeinschaft Langstreckenmeisterschaft Nürburgring” – Event Community of the Nürburgring Endurance Championship) is a broad-based racing series held on the Nürburgring Nordschleife since 1977. Both amateur and professional drivers compete together in different classes in vehicles ranging from series models and touring cars to pure prototype racing cars. The races are from between four and six hours and take place on the Nordschleife, which, when combined with the sprint section of the Grand Prix circuit, covers a lap distance of 24.433 kilometers. With the announcement of the …KTM X-BOW CUP powered by MICHELIN”, the KTM Sportcar GmbH introduces,supported by tire partner Michelin, a very visible dash of orange to the Eifel. After asuccessful debut season the battle for victories and points will continue in 2018between the participating teams. There are various classes on offer and attractive prizesto be won. These prizes will be handed over at the end of the season for the followingcategories: …Young Drivers“ (up to 25 years), …Gentleman“ (from 40 years) and for theoverall winners of this nine race series.»T he GT4 European Series, divided into the “Northern Cup” and “Southern Cup”,is Europe’s biggest GT4 racing series. The SRO Motorsports Group is the biggestGT Racing event organizer in the world. SRO has already established the GT3 classworldwide, and has developed into the most successful global motor sport franchisesystem. Using the BOP (“Balance of Performance”) System, vehicles from around15 manufacturers have been brought to a similar performance level to ensurebalanced racing and equal chances of winning. Since it began competing in theyear 2015, the KTM X-BOW GT4 can look back on a championship title victory, a vicechampionship title and numerous pole positions and race victories. »MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION AT:MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION AT: /x-bow-vln-cupE urope’s biggest and most successful ‘one make’ racing series has broughttogether KTM X-BOW owners at racing circuits since 2008. They are united in their desire to get together, and compete against each other in competition, driving the world’s most spectacular and fastest lightweight super sports car. Meanwhile, this competition now includes an own “GT4” class, for (the name says it all) the KTM X-BOW GT4, and the “Rookies Challenge”, the entry level competition. Driverscompete at Central Europe’s most beautiful racing circuits in a total of six X-BOWBATTLE events where up to 60 vehicles in the various classes are on the startinggrid each race weekend.»T he …Creventic 24HSeries“ emerged from the very successful 24-hour race ofDubai. The endurance series, now taking place on different racing circuits world-wide, but mostly concentrated in Europe, stages races over 12 or 24 hours. Thereare many different competing classes, from TCR Touring Cars to GT3, and thereMORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION AT: www.x-bow-battle.atwith the SRO, but also organizes its own GT4 racing competition, which features the GTS class. Races are conducted according to the SRO Motorsports Group rules (and the BOP) and drivers contest two races each race weekend. The first season in which the KTM X-BOW GT4 was eligible to race saw the Mantella Autosport and ANSAMotorsports take numerous podium places and even victories. At the end of theseason, ANSA driver Brett Sandberg even drove his KTM X-BOW GT4 to victory to takethe “Pirelli World Challenge” championship title.»T he “China GT” is “the new kid on the block” amongst the booming GT3 and GT4racing series. This Chinese offshoot competition has enormous significance forthe successful racing formula in this emerging market. Motorsport, other thanFormula 1, is just beginning to get interesting, even if it is still only a dreamMORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION AT:N orth America’s biggest and most popular GT racing series not only cooperatesRegardless of whether it is the DMV-GTC in Germany, the ESET V4 CUP inCentral Europe, the VdV in France or the Supercar Challenge in the Netherlands, the KTM X-BOW GT4 is now an attractive, cost-effective option for motorsport in national competition or cross border amateur championships. Thanks to it’sinternational GT4 homologation, the KTM racing car can start almost anywhere, and with upgrades from the comprehensive PowerParts program, the KTM X-BOW GT4 is certainly able to take on its stronger opponents.»Quite apart from the Australian ‘national treasure’ of a competition for“V8 Supercars” the land Down Under has, in recent years, seen the emergence of an extremely popular and well-marketed GT racing series. There has been anadditional GT4 class since 2017, and GT4 racing cars, including the KTM X-BOW GT4, were welcome guests at the legendary 12-hour race at Bathurst.»MORE INFORMATION AND REGISTRATION AT:.au/xbowdepending on BOP, starting at 360 hpdepending on BOP, up to 500 Nm4,112 × 1,933 × 1,140 mm Wheeltrack front / rear1,670 / 1,670 mmWeight excl. fuel from 975 kg (depending on BOP) Static weight distribution (front / rear)45 / 55 %Fuel tank capacity70 or 120 liter (FT3 safety fuel cell)P h o t o s : H . M i t t e r b a u e r , J . K e r n a s e n k o , M . W o l f , C r o c e & W i r , M i c h e l i n , K T MThe driving scenes shown in this folder were shot on closed roads and performed by professional drivers. We expressly warn against any attempt to imitate these manoeuvres. The warnings and hazard notices in the owner’s manuals must be observed without fail when purchasing this vehicle. All technical data represent non-binding information, believed to be correct at the time of printing. This information is subject to change without notice.Some illustrations feature optional equipment and motorsports components that are not homologated for road use.Version December 2018ContactKTM Sportcar GmbH Stallhofnerstrasse 35230 MattighofenAre you looking for your own driving experience with the KTM X-BOW?All the national contact data for KTM and KTM partners can be found on the KTM X-BOW website:/xbow® KTM Sportcar GmbH, 5230 Mattighofen, Austria /xbow。



36自2009年伊始,经典时计的缔造者、瑞士顶级腕表品牌Blancpain宝珀成为传奇跑车制造商兰博基尼的合作伙伴,荣耀冠名顶级赛事Super Trofeo超级挑战赛,并自此逐步在世界范围内展开对诸项赛车运动的热诚投入,展现了这位“经典时计的缔造者”追求速度与卓越的澎湃激情。


Blancpain宝珀的赛车世界极速先锋L-Evolution系列宝珀鼎力赞助赛车盛事2009年起,宝珀成为传奇跑车制造商兰博基尼的合作伙伴,并成为“宝珀-兰博基尼Super Trofeo超级挑战赛”的冠名赞助商。





宝珀-兰博基尼Super Trofeo超级挑战赛自2010年起,宝珀成为FIA GT1世界锦标赛的独家官方时计,这一弥足珍贵的合作关系,见证了品牌在国际顶级赛车界所占据的重要地位。

FIA GT1世界锦标赛是受国际汽联认可的“国际四大系列赛事”之一,汇聚了如阿斯顿马丁、雪佛兰、福特、兰博基尼、马莎拉蒂和日产等知名跑车,在遍布三大洲的十个赛道上一逐高下。


在2011年赛季中,宝珀作为Swiss Racing Team车队合作伙伴共同参与赛事。

FIA GT1世界锦标赛宝珀是“宝珀耐力赛”的冠名赞助商与官方独家时计,这一全新欧洲锦标赛是GT3和GT4级跑车的重要赛事,由SRO Motorsports Group组织举办,以Total 24 Heures de Spa耐力赛为主,而其余四场历时三个小时的比赛,则将在欧洲的不同赛道上进行。

GTR Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet Manual

GTR Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet Manual

GTR Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet ManualFor Version Evolution (Race 07) G15 Applet Manual (1)Introduction (2)Installation and start (2)Requirements (2)Configuration (3)G‐Max Warning (x axis) (3)G‐Max Warning (z axis) (3)LCD Refresh Rate (3)Check for Game Interval (3)LCD [x] alternative Hot Button (4)Alternative MOTEC Provider (4)Speed Measurement (4)Temp Measurement (4)Debug‐Screens (5)Additional information (5)This applet is an application for the Logitech G15 LCD keyboard. It allows you to display the revolutions per minute, lap times, thankful, speed, tire temperatures, fuel and oil pressure, water and oil temperatures and such. A special gimmick is a G‐Force meter and different debug screens.The applet works with GTR Evolution and with Race 07. It has been tested with the off‐ and online version in 32‐ and 64‐bit environments.Installation and startThis applet doesn’t need an installation. With the start of gtrevo.exe there will be an icon in your system tray which you can use to close or configure this application (right click).RequirementsYou should run the application with Administrator rights (especially in Windows Vista). The Application checks in user‐configurable intervals if Race07.exe, Race_Steam.exe or another definable Application is running. As soon as you’re in a race, the GTR Evolution logo hides and you can see the MOTEC data.If this doesn’t happen, or you are getting errors right from the start, you should assure that the application really runs with Administrator rights and all DLL files are stored within the same directory in which gtrevo.exe is placed.Updates of the application may help, too, if available.You can configure the applet in two ways. The first one is the recommended way for normal users. It can be reached by right‐clicking on the system tray icon and clicking on Configuration. Professional users may change the settings direct within the gtrevo.ini file which is delivered with English comments.G­Max Warning (x axis)Raises a G‐Max warning in the G‐Force display if forces from the side exceed this value (like heavy steering). Values have to be entered in Milli‐G’s. 1000 Milli‐G’s are equal to 1 G.G­Max Warning (z axis)Raises a G‐Max warning in the G‐Force display if forces from behind or in front of you exceed this value (like accelerating and breaking). Values have to be entered in Milli‐G’s. 1000 Milli‐G’s are equal to 1 G.LCD Refresh RateDefines the time interval which is used to update the LCD. Your entered time will be shown in a FPS format, too. If this FPS value is larger than your average game FPS, you should think about raising the refresh rate interval as too high speeds may eat up resources. Input is in milliseconds.Check for Game IntervalDefines the time interval in which the application checks if GTR Evolution or Race 07 is running. This value can be pretty high. Values up to 30 seconds (30000 ms) may be suitable. Standard value is 3 seconds (3000 ms).LCD [x] alternative Hot ButtonAllows you to define other hot keys to change the LCD modes in addition to the LCD buttons. This can be handy if you find it hard to reach the LCD buttons or if you want to access them through a gamepad or steering wheel.Alternative MOTEC ProviderModders may have their own start files for GTR Evo or Race 07. This application can’t work with those files because it does not accept them as a MOTEC data provider by default. You may enter your application file name here (or search it with a file open dialog) to tell my applet that your application provides normal MOTEC data with the help of the standard shared memory area.Speed MeasurementAllows you to choose between kilometers per hour (KM/H) or miles per hour (MPH) for the display of speed.Temp MeasurementAllows you to choose between Celsius and Fahrenheit for the display of temperatures.Debug­ScreensDebug screens contain additional information. Like the maximum G‐Values you experienced within a race, your highest speed (and current speed in mach) or current map position. It also features highest tire, oil and watertemperature.How precisely these information are depends on your LCD Refresh Rate configuration. A crash, for example, extremely high G‐Values happen just for a very short time. If you want them to be exactly recorded, you should use a LCD Refresh Rate that is higher than your average game FPS.To use the debug screens, just right‐click on the tray icon and click on Use Debug Screens. You can now switch between the debug screens like they were the normal ones.To reset the measured maxima within a race (without leaving it), press the middle LCD buttons together.Additional informationNewest version of the software and the manual can be found at http://www.vrisom.de.This application is freeware. You my reproduce it without any restrictions. If this application is combined with another application, you decide to host it yourself or write an article about it (no matter if printed or line) or if it is shipped on a commercial CD/DVD etc. I like to be noticed – just to know how my applet spreads.。



Clontech Laboratories, Inc.SMARTer® RACE 5’/3’Kit User ManualCat. No(s). 634858, 634859(022714)Clontech Laboratories, Inc.A Takara Bio Company1290 Terra Bella Avenue, Mountain View, CA 94043, USAU.S. Technical Support: tech@United Asia Pacific Europe Japan Page 1 of 30I. Introduction (4)II. List of Components (7)III. Additional Materials Required (8)IV. Primer Design (9)A. Primer Sequence (9)B. Additional Considerations for Design (10)C. Location of Primer Sequences within Genes (10)D. Nested Primers (10)V. Generating RACE-Ready cDNA (11)A. General Considerations (11)B. Preparation and Handling of Total and Poly A+ RNA (11)C. Assessing RNA Template Quality (12)D. Protocol: First-Strand cDNA Synthesis (13)VI. Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) (15)A. Things You Should Know Before Starting RACE PCR Reactions (15)B. Protocol: Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE) (15)VII. Characterization of RACE Products (17)A. Protocol: Gel Extraction with the NuceloSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up Kit (17)B. Protocol: In-Fusion Cloning of RACE Products (18)C. Sequencing RACE Products (19)VIII. References (20)Appendix A. Troubleshooting Guide (21)A. Troubleshooting Touchdown PCR (21)B. Multiple Band RACE Products (23)C. Other Specific Problems (25)Ap pendix B. Detailed Flow Chart of 5’ RACE (27)Appendix C. Detailed Flow Chart of 3’ RACE (28)Appendix D. 5’-RACE cDNA Amplification with Random Primers (29)A. Protocol: First-Strand cDNA Synthesis with Random Priming (29)Figure 1. Mechanism of SMARTer cDNA synthesis (4)Figure 2. Overview of the SMARTer RACE procedure.. (6)Figure 3. The relationship of gene-specific primers to the cDNA template. (9)Figure 4. 5'- and 3'-RACE sample results (22)Figure 5. Detailed mechanism of the 5'-RACE reactions. (27)Figure 6. Detailed mechanism of the 3'-RACE reactions. (28)Table of TablesTable 1. Additional 5'-RACE Sequence Obtained with SMART Technology (5)Table 2. Setting up 5'- and 3'-RACE PCR Reactions (15)Table 3. Troubleshooting Guide: Other Specific Problems (25)I. IntroductionThe SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit provides a method for performing both 5’- and 3’-rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). The SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit includes our SMARTer II A Oligonucleotide and SMARTScribe™Reverse Transcriptase, which provides better sensitivity, less background and higher specificity than previouskits. This powerful system allows you to amplify the complete 5’ sequence of your target transcript from as little as 10 ng of total RNA. The cornerstone of SMARTer RACE cDNA synthesis is SMART™ technology, which eliminates the need for problematic adaptor ligation and lets you use first-strand cDNA directly in RACE PCR, a benefit that makes RACE far less complex and much faster (Chenchik et al., 1998). Additionally, the SMARTer RACE Kit exploits Clontech’s technology for suppression PCR & step-out PCR to increase the sensitivity andreduce the background of the RACE reactions. You can use either poly A+ or total RNA as starting material for constructing full-length cDNAs, even of very rare transcripts.The SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit is an improved version of our original SMARTer RACE cDNA Amplification Kit, designed to accommodate larger RNA input volumes and perform more efficiently on challenging targets(e.g., those that are long, GC-rich, etc.). RACE PCR products are amplified with our highly robust SeqAmp™DNA Polymerase, and cloned into the linearized pRACE vector with In-Fusion® HD Cloning. The In-Fusion HD Cloning Kit, NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up Kit, and Stellar™ Competent Cel ls are included for yourconvenience in cloning RACE products.SMART technology provides a mechanism for generating full-length cDNAs in reverse transcription reactions (Zhu et al., 2001). This is made possible by the joint action of the SMARTer II A Oligonucleotide andSMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase. When the SMARTScribe RT reaches the 5’ end of the RNA, its terminal transferase activity adds a few additional nucleotides to the 3’ end of the first-strand cDNA (Figure 1).Figure 1. Mechanism of SMARTer cDNA synthesis.First-strand cDNA synthesis is primed using a modified oligo (dT) primer. After SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase (RT) reaches the end of the mRNA template, it adds several nontemplated residues. The SMARTer IIA Oligonucleotide anneals to the tail of the cDNA and serves as an extended template for SMARTScribe RT.The SMARTer II A Oligonucleotide contains a terminal stretch of modified bases that anneal to the extended cDNA tail, allowing the oligo to serve as a template for the RT. SMARTScribe RT switches templates from the mRNA molecule to the SMARTer oligo, generating a complete cDNA copy of the original RNA with the additional SMARTer sequence at the end. Since the template switching activity of the RT occurs only when the enzyme reaches the end of the RNA template, the SMARTer sequence is typically only incorporated into full-length, first-strand cDNAs. This process guarantees that the use of high quality RNA will result in the formation of a set of cDNAs that have a maximum amount of 5’ sequence (Table I).Table 1. Additional 5'-RACE Sequence Obtained with SMART TechnologyHuman gene Size of mRNA(kb)Additional sequence(bp)*Matches genomicsequencesPiccolo presynaptic cytomatrix protein 20.29 +59 yesDynein, cytoplasmic 1, heavy chain 1 14.36 +36 yesPolycystic kidney disease 1 14.14 +21 yesSolute carrier family 1 12.02 +73 yes Microtubule-associated protein 1A 10.54 +13 yesSpectrin, beta, non-erythrocytic 10.24 +32 yesTransferrin receptor 5.0 +25 yesInterferon-α receptor 2.75 +17 yesSmooth muscle g-actin 1.28 +31 yesFollowing reverse transcription, SMART technology allows first-strand cDNA to be used directly in 5’- and3’-RACE PCR reactions. Incorporation of universal primer binding sites in a single-step during first-strand cDNA synthesis eliminates the need for tedious second-strand synthesis and adaptor ligation. This simple and highly efficient SMARTer cDNA synthesis method ensures higher specificity in amplifying your target cDNA. Suppression PCR & step-out PCR techniques are used in combination with SMARTer technology to decrease background amplification in RACE PCR.Requirements for SMARTer RACE cDNA AmplificationThe only requirement for SMARTer RACE cDNA amplification is that you know at least 23–28 nucleotides (nt) of sequence information in order to design gene-specific primers (GSPs) for the 5’- and 3’-RACE reactions. (Additional sequence information will facilitate analysis of your RACE products.) This limited requirement makes SMARTer RACE ideal for characterizing genes identified through diverse methods, including cDNA subtraction, differential display, RNA fingerprinting, ESTs, library screening, and more.Uses of SMARTer RACE cDNA AmplificationSMARTer RACE cDNA amplification is a flexible tool—many researchers use this kit in place of conventional kits to amplify just the 5’ or 3’ end of a particular cDNA. Others perform both 5’- and 3’-RACE, and many then go on to clone full-length cDNAs using one of the two methods described in the latter part of this protocol. In many cases, researchers obtain full-length cDNAs without ever constructing or screening a cDNA library.Figure 2. Overview of the SMARTer RACE procedure.Detailed flow charts of the SMARTer RACE mechanisms can be found in Appendices B & C. Alternatively, you can obtain the sequences of the extreme ends of the transcript by sequencing the 5’ end of the 5’ product and the 3’ end of the 3’ product. Using this information, you can design 5’ and 3’ gene-specific primers to use in LD PCR with the 5’-RACE-Ready cDNA as template to generate the full-length cDNA.Note that with the cloned RACE fragments you can use a restriction site in an overlapping region to construct a full-length cDNA by subcloning, or design new GSPs to generate PCR products compatible with In-Fusion cloning.II. List of ComponentsThis section lists the components for Cat. No. 634858, a 10 reaction kit. The larger, 20 reaction kit (Cat. No.634859) contains two of every item listed below.SMARTer RACE 5’/3’ Kit Components (Cat. No. 634860) (Not sold separately)Store SMARTer II A Oligonucleotide and Control Mouse Heart Total RNA at –70°C. Store all other components at –20°C.∙First-Strand cDNA Synthesiso10 µl SMARTer II A Oligonucleotide (24 μM)o10 µl 3' RACE CDS Primer A (12 μM)o10 µl 5' RACE CDS Primer A (12 μM)o10 µl 10X Random Primer Mix (20 μM)o40 µl 5X First-Strand Buffer (RNAse-Free)o 5 µl Dithiothreitol (DTT) (100 mM)o 1 ml Deionized H2Oo10 µl RNase Inhibitor (40 U/µl)o20 µl SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase (100 U/µl)o10 µl dNTP mix (20 mM)∙5’- and 3’-RACE PCRo400 µl 10X Universal Primer A Mix (UPM)o50 µl Universal Primer Short (10 µM)o 5 µl Control Mouse Heart Total RNA (1 µg/µl)o25 µl Control 5'-RACE TFR Primer (10 µM; designed for compatibility with In-Fusion cloning)o25 µl Control 3'-RACE TFR Primer (10 µM; designed for compatibility with In-Fusion cloning) ∙In-Fusion Cloningo10 µl Linearized pRACE (50 ng/µl)∙General Reagentso 2 tubes Tricine-EDTA Buffer (1 ml each)SeqAmp DNA Polymerase (Cat. No. 638504)Store all components at –20°C.∙50 μl SeqAmp DNA Polymerase∙ 1.25 ml SeqAmp PCR Buffer (2X)In-Fusion HD Cloning Kit (Cat. No. 639648) (Not sold separately)Store all components at –20°C.∙20 μl 5X In-Fusion HD Enzyme Premix∙ 5 μl pUC19 Control Vector, linearized (50 ng/μl)∙10 μl 2 kb Control Insert (40 ng/μl)NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up Kit (Cat. No. 740609.10) (Not sold separately)Store all components at room temperature∙10 ml Binding Buffer NTI∙ 6 ml Wash Buffer NT3 (concentrate)∙ 5 ml Elution Buffer NE (5 mM Tris/HCl, pH 8.5)∙10 NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up Columns (yellow rings)∙10 Collection Tubes (2 ml)Stellar Competent Cells (Cat. No. 636763)Store Stellar Competent Cells at –70°C. Store all other components at –20°C.∙10 tubes Stellar Competent Cells (100 µl/tube)∙10 tubes SOC Medium (1 ml/tube)∙10 µl pUC19 Vector (0.1 ng/µl)III. Additional Materials RequiredIf your RNA template is from a non-eukaryotic organism and lacks a polyadenylated tail, you can add one prior to first-strand 3’-cDNA synthesis using the following enzyme:∙Poly(A) Polymerase (Takara Bio Cat. No. 2180A)The following materials are required for In-Fusion cloning and transformation, but not supplied: ∙Ampicillin (100 mg/ml stock) or other antibiotic required for plating the In-Fusion reaction∙LB (Luria-Bertani) medium (pH 7.0)∙LB/antibiotic plates∙SOC mediumThe following material is required for the NucleoSpin Gel and PCR Clean-Up Kit, but not supplied: ∙96–100% ethanolIV. Primer DesignA. Primer SequenceGene-Specific Primers (GSPs) should:∙be 23–28 nt to ensure specific annealing∙be 50–70% GC∙have a T m≥65°C; best results are obtained if T m >70°C, which enables the use of touchdown PCR.(T m should be calculated based upon the 3’ (gene-specific) end of the primer, NOT the entire primer.) ∙not be complementary to the 3’-end of the Universal Primer MixLong primer = 5’–TAATACGACTCACTATAGGGCAAGCAGTGGTATCAACGCAGAGT–3'Short primer = 5’–CTAATACGACTCACTATAGGGC–3’∙be specific to your gene of interest∙both have 15 bp overlaps with the vector at their 5’ end s (i.e., add the sequenceGATTACGCCAAGCTT to the 5’ end s of both GSPs’ sequences; see details below) The relationship of the primers used in the SMARTer RACE reactions to the template and resultingRACE products are shown in detail in Figure 3.For the complete SMARTer RACE protocol, you will need at least two GSPs: an antisense primer for the5’-RACE PCR and a sense primer for the 3’-RACE PCR. If you are performi ng only 5’- or 3’-RACE,you will only need one GSP. In our experience, longer GSPs with annealing temperatures above 70°Cgive more robust amplification in RACE, particularly from difficult samples; however, there is generallyno advantage to using primers with gene-specific sequence longer than 30 nt.Successful In-Fusion cloning requires a 15 bp overlap with the linearized vector. Given this, you will needto add the sequence GATTACGCCAAGCTT to the 5’-end of your 5’ and 3’ GSPs to facilitate In-Fusioncloning of your RACE PCR products. This specific sequence is in addition to the 22 nt gene-specificsequence described above. The provided linearized pRACE vector already contains this overlap with theUniversal Primer A Mix included for PCR, and adding this sequence to the 5’-end of your GSPs willcomplete the necessary overlap for the cloning reaction. Please note that the In-Fusion User Manualcontains only general primer recommendations that should not be used for this particular protocol.Figure 3. The relationship of gene-specific primers to the cDNA template.This diagram shows a generalized first-strandcDNA template. This RNA/DNA hybrid does not precisely represent either the 5’- or 3’-RACE-Ready cDNAs. For a detailedlook at those structures, see Appendices B & C. Note that the gene-specific primers designed here contain tails with In-Fusionhomology, and also produce overlapping RACE products. This overlap permits the use of the primers together in a control PCRreaction. Additionally, if a suitable restriction site is located within this region, it will be possible to construct the full-lengthcDNA by subcloning.B. Additional Considerations for DesignThe primers shown in Figure 3 will create overlapping 5’- and 3’-RACE products. If a suitable restriction site is located in the region of overlap, the fragments can subsequently be joined by restriction digestion and ligation to create the full-length cDNA. If no suitable restriction sites are available, you canalternately design new GSPs suitable for multi-fragment In-Fusion cloning. By designing primers thatgive a 100–200-bp overlap in the RACE products, you will also be able to use the primers together as an internal positive control for the PCR reactions. However, it is not absolutely necessary to use primers that give overlapping fragments. In the case of large and/or rare cDNAs, it may be better to use primers that are closer to the ends of the cDNA and therefore do not create overlapping fragments. The primersthemselves can overlap (i.e., be complementary).C. Location of Primer Sequences within GenesWe have had good success using the SMARTer RACE Kit to amplify 5’ and 3’ cDNA fragments thatextend up to 6.5 kb from the GSP binding sites. Nevertheless, for optimum results, we recommendchoosing your primers so that the 5’- and 3’-RACE products will range from 1–3 kb in length. If you are working with an annotated genome, we suggest using NCBI’s Primer-BLAST to aid in your design for each transcript.D. Nested PrimersWe recommend that you do not use nested PCR in your initial experiments. The UPM Primer and a GSP will usually generate a good RACE product with a low level of nonspecific background. However, nested PCR may be necessary in some cases where the level of background or nonspecific amplification in the 5’- or 3’-RACE reaction is too high with a single GSP. In nested PCR, a primary amplification isperformed with the outer primers and, if a smear is produced, an aliquot of the primary PCR product is re-amplified using the inner primers. The SMARTer RACE protocols include optional steps indicatingwhere nested primers can be used. The Universal Primer Short (provided with the kit) can be used forbo th 5’- and 3’-RACE with nested primers.Nested gene specific primers (NGSP) should be designed according to the same guidelines discussedabove. If possible, nested primers should not overlap with the outer gene-specific primers; if they mustoverlap due to limited sequence information, the 3’ end of the inner primer should have as much unique sequence as possible. Additionally, your nested primers should also contain the 15 bp overlap required for In-Fusion cloning.V. Generating RACE-Ready cDNAPLEASE READ THE ENTIRE PROTOCOL BEFORE STARTINGA. General Considerations∙We recommend using the Tricine-EDTA Buffer provided in the kit to resuspend and dilute your cDNA samples throughout the protocols in this user manual, because Tricine buffers maintain theirpH at high temperature better than Tris-based buffers. Tris-based buffers can lead to low pHconditions that degrade DNA.∙Resuspend pellets and mix reactions by gently pipetting the solution up and down or by flicking the bottom of the tube. Always spin tubes briefly prior to opening to collect the contents at the bottom ofthe tubes.∙Perform all reactions on ice unless otherwise indicated.∙Add enzymes to reaction mixtures last.∙Ethidium bromide (EtBr) is a carcinogen. Use appropriate precautions when handling and disposing of this reagent. For more information, see Molecular Cloning: A Laboratory Manual by Sambrook &Russell (2001).B. Preparation and Handling of Total and Poly A+ RNA1. General PrecautionsThe integrity and purity of your total or poly A+ RNA starting material is an important element inhigh-quality cDNA synthesis. The following precautions will help you avoid contamination anddegradation of your RNA:∙Have a separate bench and/or pipette set dedicated to RNA work, free of RNasecontamination.∙Wear gloves throughout to protect your RNA samples from nucleases.∙Use freshly deionized (e.g., MilliQ-grade) H2O directly, without treatment with DEPC(diethyl pyrocarbonate). Takara Bio also offers RNase-Free Water (Cat. No. 9012).∙Use only single-use plastic pipettes and pipette tips. Filter tips are recommended.2. RNA IsolationClontech® offers several kits for isolating total or poly A+ RNA from a variety of sources:Purified Product Starting Material Product Cat. #Total RNA Plant or fungal samples NucleoSpin RNA Plant 740949.50mRNA Total RNA derived fromcultured cells or animal tissuesMagnosphere UltraPuremRNA Purification Kit9186Many procedures are available for the isolation of poly A+ RNA (Farrell, 1993; Sambrook et al., 2001).3. RNA PurityThe purity of RNA is the key factor for successful cDNA synthesis and SMARTer RACE. Thepresence of residual organics, metal ions, salt or nucleases in your RNA sample can have a largeimpact on downstream enzymatic applications by inhibiting enzymatic activity or degrading theRNA. We strongly recommend checking the stability of your RNA to ensure that it is free ofcontaminants. Impurities such as salt or organic contaminants can be removed by repeatedethanol precipitation, subsequent washing with 80% ethanol and the complete removal of allremaining ethanol.Since RNA stability is a good indicator of RNA purity, we strongly recommend checking thestability of your RNA to ensure that it is free of contaminants.Incubate a small portion of your RNA at 37°C for 2 hours, then compare the sample to a duplicatecontrol stored at –70°C. If the sample incubated at 37°C shows a lower 28S:18S ratio than thecontrol or a significant downward shift on a formaldehyde agarose gel, the RNA may havenuclease contaminants (see Section V.C., below, for methods for assessing RNA quality).If your RNA template is from a plant or some other species with high pigment levels, pleasepay special attention to polysaccharide/pigment contamination. Polysaccharides/pigments arehard to remove and can’t be detected on the agarose gel. These glycoproteins might interfere withprimer binding sites of RNA during the first-strand cDNA synthesis leading to reduced cDNAyield.C. Assessing RNA Template Quality1. Methods for Assessing Total RNA Integrity∙Detection with the Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer (Agilent Technologies, CA):This microfluidics-based technology, which provides an alternative to traditional gel-based analysis, requires only 2–7 ng of RNA per analysis. We recommend using RNAsamples with an RNA Integrity Number (RIN) of 7 or higher. In addition to assessingRNA quality, this automated system provides a good estimate of RNA concentration.∙If you do not have access to an Agilent 2100 BioAnalyzer, you can visualize your RNA on a denaturing formaldehyde agarose gel under UV light. The theoretical 28S:18S ratiofor eukaryotic RNA is approximately 2:1. If the 28S:18S ratio of your RNA is less than 1,your RNA template is not suitable for SMARTer RACE. When visualizing RNA usingEtBr, you need at least 0.5–1 µg of total RNA. Alternatively, SYBR® Green II or SYBRGold dyes (Molecular Probes; Eugene OR), allow you to detect as little as 1 or 2 ng ofRNA on your gel, respectively.2. Methods for Assessing mRNA IntegrityAll of the methods mentioned above can be used to assess the quality of your mRNA. However,because mRNA does not contain strong ribosomal bands, the assessment of its quality will besomewhat subjective. Typically, mRNA appears as a smear between 0.5 kb to 6 kb, with an areaof higher intensity around 1.5 and 2 kb. This size distribution may be tissue or species-specific. Ifthe average size of your mRNA is less than 1.5 kb, it could be an indication of degradation.D. Protocol: First-Strand cDNA SynthesisThe two 20 µl reactions described in the protocol convert 10 ng–1 µg of total or poly A+ RNA intoRACE-Ready first-strand cDNAWe recommend that you use poly A+ RNA whenever possible. However, if you have less than 50 µg of total RNA we do not recommend purification of poly A+ RNA because the final yield will be too small to effectively analyze the RNA quantity and quality.We strongly recommend that you perform a positive control cDNA synthesis using the includedMouse Heart Total RNA in addition to your experimental reactions.NOTE: If your RNA template is from a non-eukaryotic organism and/or lacks a polyadenylated tail,follow the protocol for 5’-first-strand cDNA synthesis with random primers in Appendix D.For 3’-first-strand cDNA synthesis, add a poly(A) tail using Poly(A) Polymerase (Takara Cat. No.2180A), and proceed with the following protocol.IMPORTANT:∙Prior to cDNA synthesis, please make sure that your RNA is intact and free of contaminants (see Section V.C. Assessing the Quality of the RNA Template).∙Do not change the volume of any of the reactions. All components have been optimized for the volumes specified.1.Prepare enough of the following Buffer Mix for all of the 5’- and 3’-RACE-Ready cDNA synthesisreactions plus 1 extra reaction to ensure sufficient volume. Mix the following reagents and spinbriefly in a microcentrifuge, then set aside at room temperature until Step 6:4.0 µl 5X First-Strand Buffer0.5 µl DTT (100 mM)1.0 µl dNTPs (20 mM)5.5 µl Total Volumebine the following reagents in separate microcentrifuge tubes:For preparation of 5’-RACE-Ready cDNA For preparation of 3’-RACE-Ready cDNA1.0–10 µl RNA* 1.0–11 µl RNA*1.0 µl 5’-CDS Primer A 1.0 µl 3’-CDS Primer A0–9 µl Sterile H2O 0–10 µl Sterile H2O11 µl Total Volume 12 µl Total Volume*For the control reactions, use 1 µl of Control Mouse Heart Total RNA (1 µg/µl).3.Mix contents and spin the tubes briefly in a microcentrifuge.4.Incubate tubes at 72°C for 3 minutes, then cool the tubes to 42°C for 2 minutes. After cooling, spinthe tubes briefly for 10 seconds at 14,000 x g to collect the contents at the bottom.NOTE: This step can be performed in a thermal cycler. While the tubes are incubating, you can prepare the Master Mix in Step 6.5.To just the 5’-RACE cDNA synthesis reaction(s), add 1 µl of the SMARTer II A Oligonucleotideper reaction.6.Prepare enough of the following Master Mix for all 5’- and 3’-RACE-Ready cDNA synthesisreactions. Mix these reagents at room temperatures in the following order:5.5 µl Buffer Mix from Step 10.5 µl RNase Inhibitor (40 U/µl)2.0 µl SMARTScribe Reverse Transcriptase (100 U)8.0 µl Total Volume7.Add 8 µl of the Master Mix from Step 6 to the denatured RNA from Step 4 (3’-RACE cDNA) andStep 5 (5’-RACE cDNA), for a total volume of 20 µl per cDNA synthesis reaction.8.Mix the contents of the tubes by gently pipetting, and spin the tubes briefly to collect the contents atthe bottom.9.Incubate the tubes at 42°C for 90 minutes in an air incubator or a hot-lid thermal cycler.NOTE: Using a water bath for this incubation may reduce the volume of the reaction mixture (due to evaporation), and therefore reduce the efficiency of first-strand cDNA synthesis.10.Heat tubes at 70°C for 10 minutes.11.Dilute the first-strand cDNA synthesis reaction product with Tricine-EDTA Buffer:∙Add 10 µl if you started with <200 ng of total RNA.*∙Add 90 µl if you started with >200 ng of total RNA.*∙Add 240 µl if you started with poly A+ RNA.*The copy number of your gene of interest should be the determining factor for diluting your sample.If you have 200 ng of total RNA but your gene of interest has low abundance, dilute with 10 µl. If you have 200 ng of total RNA and the gene of interest is highly abundant, dilute with 90 µl.12.You now have 3’- and 5’-RACE-Ready cDNA samples. Samples can be stored at –20°C for up tothree months.VI. Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE)PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE PROTOCOL BEFORE STARTING.At this point, you have 3’- and 5’-RACE-Ready cDNA samples. The RACE reactions in this section use only a fraction of this material for each RNA of interest. There is sufficient single-stranded cDNA for PCR amplification of multiple genes.A. Things You Should Know Before Starting RACE PCR ReactionsIf you intend to use LD PCR to construct your full-length cDNA after completing 5’- and 3’-RACE, besure to set aside an aliquot of the 5’-RACE-Ready cDNA to use as a template in the PCR reaction.Please note that the efficiency of RACE PCR depends on the abundance of the mRNA of interest in yourRNA sample. Additionally, different primers will have different optimal annealing/extensiontemperatures. Refer to the Troubleshooting Guide (Appendix A) for suggestions on optimizing PCRconditions.NOTE: This is a RACE-specific protocol. It differs from the general SeqAmp protocol in many regards.B. Protocol: Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (RACE)This procedure describes the 5’-RACE and 3’-RACE PCR reactions that generate the 5’ and 3’ cDNAfragments. We recommend that you also perform positive control 5’- and 3’-RACE using the TFRprimers and UPM. Although the Universal Primer Short (UPM short) is provided, nested PCR isgenerally not necessary in SMARTer RACE reactions.1.Prepare enough PCR Master Mix for all of the PCR reactions plus one extra reaction to ensuresufficient volume. The same Master Mix can be used for both 5’- and 3’-RACE reactions. For each50 µl PCR reaction, mix the following reagents:15.5 µl PCR-Grade H2O25.0 µl 2X SeqAmp Buffer1.0 µl SeqAmp DNA Polymerase41.5 µl Total Volume2.Prepare PCR reactions as shown below in Table 2. Add the components to 0.5 ml PCR tubes in theorder shown and mix gently.Table 2. Setting up 5'- and 3'-RACE PCR ReactionsComponent 5’- or 3’-RACESampleUPM only(– control)GSP only(– control)5’- or 3’-RACE-Ready cDNA(experimental)2.5 µl 2.5 µl 2.5 µl 10X UPM 5 µl 5 µl —5’ or 3’ GSP (10 µM) 1 µl — 1 µl H2O — 1 µl 5 µl Master Mix (Step 1) 41.5 µl 41.5 µl 41.5 µl Total Volume 50 µl 50 µl 50 µl。



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马自达福美来323 (10)13.马自达6 Mazda6 (10)14.福美来 (10)15.宝马BMW (11)16。

梅塞德斯——奔驰Mercedes-Benz (12)17。

沃尔沃VOLVO (13)18.日产汽车NISSAN (13)19.丰田汽车TOYOTA (14)20。

吉普anywhere i can reach__jeep (15)21.绅宝SAAB (15)22.福特 (15)23.雪佛兰CHEVROLET (16)24。

现代汽车HYUNDAI (16)25.威乐VELA (17)26.本田 (18)27。

东风雪铁龙 (19)28.中华轿车Brilliance Auto (20)29。

奇瑞 (20)30。

菲亚特 (21)31.三菱欧蓝德OUTLANDER (21)32。

红旗 (22)33.吉利 (22)34.华普汽车MAPLE AUTOMOBILE (22)35.江淮瑞风REFINE (22)36.Sovereign (23)37。

凯迪拉克 (23)38.荣威 (27)39.MG (28)40.奔腾 (29)41.长安汽车: (29)42.比亚迪 (30)43.东风风神 (30)44.长城汽车 (31)汽车品牌口号收集日系丰田——车到山前必有路,有路就有丰田车丰田新口号——更远、更新。

--TOYOTO以先进技术挑战汽车梦想本田——The Power of Dreams-梦想的力量三菱——Drive@earth:“驰骋地球,关爱地球”日产-shift the future超越未来。

德系梅赛德斯-奔驰——领导时代,驾驭未来宝马——驾乘乐趣,创新极限奥迪——突破科技、启迪未来大众——汽车价值典范大众新口号——处于对企业的爱奔驰戴姆勒——“精益求精,永远领先”和“追求卓越”斯柯达——简单、聪明其他福特——你的世界,从此无界雪铁龙——想在你之前起亚——用心全为你雷诺——让汽车称为一个小家迷你(mini)--她可爱吗?(ISITLOVE?)沃尔沃——For Life 关爱生命,享受生活现代——Drive your way 驾驭你的路标致——Engine to be enjoyed 享受引擎的力量具体车型口号上海别克——当代精神,当代车东风——买我东风车,还你一条龙大众甲壳虫——想想还是小的好桑塔纳——拥有桑塔纳,走遍天下都不怕双龙汽车——世上无难路,只要有双龙南京菲亚特—世界家轿王五十铃汽车—让我们充分掌握能多快好省的运输货物的拖车头吧。

越疆 AiStarter 机器人用户手册说明书

越疆 AiStarter 机器人用户手册说明书











危险警告注意说明1. 注意事项 (1)1.1使用安全 (1)1.2售后条款 (1)1.2.1质保细则 (1)2. 产品简介 (3)2.1产品特性 (3)2.2零件清单 (3)2.3技术规格 (4)2.3.1技术参数 (4)3. 特性说明 (6)3.1AiStarter控制器 (6)3.1.1概述 (6)3.1.2A T Mega2560处理器 (6)3.1.3按键 (6)3.1.4LED (7)3.1.5USB (7)3.1.6接口说明 (8)3.2红外巡线传感器 (10)3.3超声波传感器 (10)3.4颜色传感器 (10)4. 安装指南 (11)4.1Mixly软件安装 (11)4.2Arduino IDE (11)5. 使用指南 (12)5.1Mixly使用说明 (12)5.2Arduino IDE使用说明 (12)5.3Blockly使用说明 (13)5.3.1设置小车运动方向和速度 (13)5.3.2设置小车运动方向\速度\时间 (14)5.3.3设置小车电机转速 (14)5.3.4启动小车超声波 (14)5.3.5探测障碍物 (15)5.3.6获取超声波探测距离 (15)5.3.7检测巡线路线 (15)5.3.8获取巡线传感器数据 (16)5.3.9获取地磁角度 (16)5.3.10设置颜色传感器白平衡 (17)5.3.11设置颜色传感器启停 (17)5.3.12获取RGB色值 (17)5.3.13检测颜色 (18)5.3.14获取按键状态 (18)5.3.15检测按键 (18)5.3.16获取光敏数值 (18)6. AI-Starter Demo (20)6.1自动巡线Demo (20)6.1.1介绍 (20)6.1.2操作步骤 (20)6.1.3关键代码说明 (20)6.2自动避障Demo (22)6.2.1介绍 (22)6.2.2操作步骤 (22)6.2.3关键代码说明 (22)6.3白平衡校准Demo (24)6.3.1介绍 (24)6.3.2操作步骤 (25)6.3.3关键代码说明 (25)6.4颜色识别与自动巡线Demo (25)6.4.1介绍 (25)6.4.2操作步骤 (25)6.4.3关键代码说明 (25)6.5机械臂协作Demo (26)6.5.1介绍 (26)6.5.2操作步骤 (27)6.5.3关键代码说明 (27)7. API接口 (30)7.1初始化 (30)7.2设置小车速度 (30)7.3设置小车运动方向/速度/时间 (30)7.4设置电机转速 (31)7.5设置电机参数 (31)7.6获取电机位置 (31)7.7初始化超声波传感器 (32)7.8获取超声波探测距离 (32)7.9探测障碍物 (32)7.10获取巡线数据 (33)7.11获取地磁角度 (33)7.12地磁校准 (33)7.13设置颜色白平衡 (34)7.14启停颜色传感器 (34)7.15检测颜色 (34)7.16获取RGB色值 (35)7.17初始化按键 (35)7.18获取按键状态 (36)7.19设置灯光状态 (36)7.20获取光敏数值 (36)7.21设置超声波传感器检测距离 (37)1.注意事项1.1 使用安全•安装电池时请根据电池盒里的正负极提示进行安装,以防电池装反。



GT的名词解释GT,全称为“Gran Turismo”,是一款由日本索尼公司开发的赛车模拟游戏。

该游戏首次发布于1997年,至今已经推出了多个版本,包括《GT Sport》、《GT 6》、《GT 5》等。

作为一款赛车模拟游戏,GT 中涉及了许多专业术语和概念。


1. 赛车类型GT中的赛车类型分为多种,包括道路赛车、原型赛车、轻型赛车、卡丁车等。





2. 车辆调校GT中的车辆调校是指对赛车的各项参数进行调整,以提高赛车的性能和操控性。



3. 车辆分类在GT中,车辆根据其性能和车型进行分类。




4. 赛车模式GT中的赛车模式包括单人模式和多人模式。



5. 赛道GT中的赛道包括世界各地的多种赛道,包括F1赛道、山路赛道、城市赛道等。


6. 赛车技术在GT中,赛车技术是玩家必须掌握的重要技能。



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《GT Sport》三月升级将为游戏增加五款全新赛车:华为GT升级
从2017年发行之后起,知名赛车游戏GT系列的新作《》就获得了一系列的升级和更新,开发商Polyphony Digital现在也在继续为其制作更新。



虽然图片没有详细展示出清晰的车辆外观,从其轮廓可以看出,上面有迈凯伦SLR 以及全新2020丰田GR Supra,《GTSport》也是首款加入这辆赛车的视频游戏。

《GT Sport》在发行之处受到了一系列的批评,主要在于单人游戏特性和相关内容的缺失,不过Polyphony Digital之后也做了一系列的弥补工作。

《GT Sport》现在依然为PS4独占游戏。

