On subgroups of free Burnside groups of large odd exponent
Making as many Chinese friends around you as possible can _h_a_v_e_a_g_r_ea_t_i_nf_lu_e_n_c_e_o_n_y_o_u_r _sp_o_k_e_n_C_h_in_e_s_e__.
基础练习——单句语法填空 ①[2022·浙江6月卷]To my ___r_el_ie_f__ (relieve), they smiled politely
back at me when they saw my smile, and I could see their exhaustion in
their eyes. ②When I was in trouble, she did everything in her power to relieve me
基础练习——单句语法填空 ①__U__nd_e_r__ the influence of my physics teacher , I have become
increasingly interested in physics. ②The bad weather influenced them __to__fi_ni_s_h_ (finish)the task in a hurry. ③The tests show that the social environment is extremely _i_nf_lu_e_n_ti_a_l
coming-of-age ceremony to you.
Introduction to PhysiologyIntroductionPhysiology is the study of the functions of living matter. It is concerned with how an organism performs its varied activities: how it feeds, how it moves, how it adapts to changing circumstances, how it spawns new generations. The subject is vast and embraces the whole of life. The success of physiology in explaining how organisms perform their daily tasks is based on the notion that they are intricate and exquisite machines whose operation is governed by the laws of physics and chemistry.Although some processes are similar across the whole spectrum of biology—the replication of the genetic code for or example—many are specific to particular groups of organisms. For this reason it is necessary to divide the subject into various parts such as bacterial physiology, plant physiology, and animal physiology.To study how an animal works it is first necessary to know how it is built. A full appreciation of the physiology of an organism must therefore be based on a sound knowledge of its anatomy. Experiments can then be carried out to establish how particular parts perform their functions. Although there have been many important physiological investigations on human volunteers, the need for precise control over the experimental conditions has meant that much of our present physiological knowledge has been derived from studies on other animals such as frogs, rabbits, cats, and dogs. When it is clear that a specific physiological process has a common basis in a wide variety of animal species, it is reasonable to assume that the same principles will apply to humans. The knowledge gained from this approach has given us a great insight into human physiology and endowed us with a solid foundation for the effective treatment of many diseases.The building blocks of the body are the cells, which are grouped together to form tissues. The principal types of tissue are epithelial, connective, nervous, and muscular, each with its own characteristics. Many connective tissues have relatively few cells but have an extensive extracellular matrix. In contrast, smooth muscle consists of densely packed layers of muscle cells linked together via specific cell junctions. Organs such as the brain, the heart, the lungs, the intestines, and the liver are formed by the aggregation of different kinds of tissues. The organs are themselves parts of distinct physiological systems. The heart and blood vessels form the cardiovascular system; the lungs, trachea, and bronchi together with the chest wall and diaphragm form the respiratory system; the skeleton and skeletal muscles form the musculoskeletal system; the brain, spinal cord, autonomic nerves and ganglia, and peripheral somatic nerves form the nervous system, and so on.Cells differ widely in form and function but they all have certain common characteristics. Firstly, they are bounded by a limiting membrane, the plasma membrane. Secondly, they have the ability to break down large molecules to smaller ones to liberate energy for their activities.生理学简介介绍生理学是研究生物体功能的科学。
The selection consists of an unusually long simple sentence, whose backbone structure could be reduced to…human rights matters have been discussed with … as well as with … .
In the selection, parallel structures are frequently used, for example, with …, as well as with…; the Group of 7 major industrialized countries and the Non-Allied Movement; the Organization of American States, the Organization of African Unity, the Association of South-East Asian Nations, European Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States, the Rio Group; and regional and subregional.
(2) Structural complication:
The selection is structurally complicated with the two coordinate prepositional phrases at the end of the sentence.
Introducing Beyond Band
Introduction of band members
• Drummer: Beyond's drummer is a professional drummer who has extended experience in the music industry He has participated in many Albums and Concepts, and has a unique style of playing
Background and early experiences of the bank's
Early Successes
Beyond was formed in the early 1980s when the members were still in high school They started out as a cover band and gradually developed their own style of music
This song is a powerful closing track that sums up the band's journal and legacy It shows cases Beyond's musical growth and evolution over the years
• Singer: The lead singer of Beyond is a professional singer who has a unique voice and style He has written and performed many songs for the band and has a large fan base
• It has been already pointed out that the UK is now a multiracial society, Also
Britain is divided economically: it is a society with a class-structure. It is possible to exaggerate the importance of this classstructure, because of course most countries have some kind of class-system, but it is true to say that the class structure of UK society is relatively obvious. The culture of a factory worker whose father was a factory worker may be quite different from that of a stockbroker whose father was a stockbroker: they will tend to read different newspapers, watch different television programmes, speak with a different accent, do different things in their free-time, and have different expectations for their children.
若 G恰有一个极大子群,则显然有 G是循环 群,与假设矛盾。
下设 G至少有 2个极大子群,令 H1和 H2是 G 的任 2个极大子群且 H1≠H2。如果 |H1|=|H2|,因 为 H1≠H2,有 H1∩H2 <H1 和 H1∩H2 <H2。取x∈ H1\(H1∩ H2)=H1\H2 G\H2,显 然 有 o(x)| |H1|=|H2|,与题设条件矛盾。
第 34卷
心化子和正规化子给出了循环群的一个等价刻画: 设 G为 Sylow子群皆循环的有限群,则 G循环当且 仅当对每个极小子群 X均有 CG(X)=NG(X)。在 文献[6]定理 13中我们证明了:设 G是有限群,p 为 |G|的 最 小 素 因 子,若 对 G 的 每 个 非 循 环 p-子群 A均有 A=NG(A)或 A正规于 G,则 G可解。 下面给出文献[5]定理 26的一个改进,证明见第 4部分。
1 概 述
循环子群是有限群中一类非常重要的子群,它 是可以由 一 个 元 素 生 成 的 特 殊 的 交 换 子 群。文 献 [1]定理 68指出:设 G是 n阶群,如果(n,(n)) =1,则 G循环,这里 (n)是正整数 n的欧拉函 数。文献[2]习题 143有下述结论:设 G是有限 群,假设 |{x∈G|xn=1}|≤n,n∈瓔,那么 G是 循环群。作为此结论的推广,在本文中我们证明了 下述定理 1成立,证明见第 2部分。
Abstract:Wegiveacharacterizationofcyclicgroupbyusingtherelationbetweentheorderoftheelemntsoutside thecyclicsubgroupandtheorderofthecyclicsubgroup.WealsocharacterizethefinitegroupG,inwhichevery minimalsubgroupofitsderivedsubgroupG′isnormalorhascyclicnormalizer,andprovethatsuchagroupGis solvable.
非平凡循环子群共轭类类数较小的有限非可解群史江涛;张翠【摘要】本文完全刻画非平凡循环子群共轭类类数不大于2的有限群的结构,证明了非平凡循环子群共轭类类数不大于4的有限非可解群仅有 PSL2(r ),其中 r =5,7,8,9.%The structures of finite groups having at most two conjugacy classes of non-trivial cyclic sub-groups are completely characterized.It is proven that a finite non-solvable group G having at most four conjugacy classes of non-trivial cyclic subgroups must be isomorphic to PSL2(r ),where r =5,7,8,9.【期刊名称】《广西师范大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2014(000)003【总页数】5页(P52-56)【关键词】有限群;循环子群;非可解群【作者】史江涛;张翠【作者单位】烟台大学数学与信息科学学院,山东烟台 264005;烟台大学数学与信息科学学院,山东烟台 264005【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O152.1分类某些特殊子群具有较小共轭类类数的有限群是现代群论研究的一个重要课题。
有限群子群的正规化子与群的p-幂零性张新建【摘要】设G是有限群,p是素数.利用群G的Sylow正规化子和子群的弱s-半置换性质确定群G的p-幂零性.【期刊名称】《淮阴师范学院学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2017(016)004【总页数】5页(P288-291,297)【关键词】弱s-半置换子群;p-幂零性;有限群【作者】张新建【作者单位】淮阴师范学院数学科学学院,江苏淮安 223300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O152.10 引言本文中所有的群皆为有限群,G代表有限群,其他符号和术语是标准的[1].设G是群,H是G的子群,H称为在G中s-置换,如果H与G的每个Sylow 子群置换; H称为在G中c-正规,如果G有正规子群T满足G=HT且H∩T≤HG,其中HG 为H在G中的柱心;H称为在G中弱s-置换,如果G有次正规子群T满足G=HT 且H∩T≤HsG,其中HsG为包含在H中的G的极大s-置换子群;H称为在G中s-半置换,如果H与G的每个Sylow p-子群置换,其中(|H|,p)=1.Yang[2]等介绍了子群的弱s-半置换性质,其覆盖了上面的所有概念,并得到了定理1.定义1[2] 子群H称为在G中弱s-半置换,如果G有次正规子群T和包含在H中的G的s-半置换子群HssG满足G=HT且H∩T≤HssG.定理1[2] 设G为群,P为G的一个Sylowp-子群,其中p是G的阶的极小素因子.假设P有子群D满足1<|D|<|P|且P的每个阶为|D|的子群或者4阶循环群(当P非循环且|D|=2时)在G中弱s-半置换,则G是p-幂零群.令p是一个素数,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群,NG(P)的性质对群的结构有重要影响,比如,著名的Burnside定理断言如果NG(P)=CG(P),则G是p-幂零群;Frobenius 定理断言群G是p-幂零群如果对于G的所有p-子群H都有NG(H)是p-幂零群.将Frobenius 定理与弱s-半置换性质结合,得到了群G p-幂零的两个准则:定理2和定理3,这两个定理可以看成是定理1的补充.1 基本引理接下来,给出证明主要结果所需的引理.引理1[3] 设G为群,则1) 如果H≤K≤G,且H在G中s-置换,那么H在K中s-置换;2) 如果K是G的正规子群且H在G中s-置换,那么在s-置换;3) 如果P是群G的s-置换p-子群,那么NG(P)≤Op(G).引理2[2] 设G为群,H为G的s-半置换子群,则1) 如果H≤K≤G,那么H在K中s-半置换;2) 如果K是G的正规子群,H是p-子群,对某个p∈π(G),那么在中s-置换;3) 如果H≤Op(H),那么H在G中s-置换.引理3[2] 设G为群,H为G的弱s-半置换子群,K是G的正规子群,则1) 如果H≤T≤G,那么H在T中弱s-半置换;2) 设H是p-子群,对某个p∈π(G), 如果K≤H,那么在弱s-半置换;3) 设H是p-子群,对某个p∈π(G), K是p′-群,那么在弱s-半置换;引理4[4] 设P是群G的一个幂零正规子群且P∩Φ(G)=1,那么P是群G的某些极小正规子群的直积.引理5[2] 设N是群G的初等交换正规子群. 如果N有子群D满足1<|D|<|N|且N的所有阶为|D|的子群在G中弱s-半置换,则N的某个极大子群在G中正规.引理6[5] 设G为群,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群,其中p是素数. 如果P交换且NG(P)p-幂零,那么G是p-幂零群.引理7[5] 设G=PQ,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群, Q为G的一个Sylow q-子群, 其中p是奇素数,q≠p是素数. 假设NG(P)是p-幂零的. 如果Op(G)是P的极大子群且Op(G)的每个p阶循环子群在G中s-置换,那么G是p-幂零的.2 主要结论定理2 设p是整除群G的阶的奇素数,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群, 假设P有子群D满足1<|D|<|P|且P的每个阶为|D|的子群在G中弱s-半置换. 如果NG(P)是p-幂零的,那么G是p-幂零群.证明假设结论错误,G是一个极小阶反例. 现在分以下步骤进行证明.第1步: Op′(G)=1.事实上,如果Op′(G)≠1,考虑商群.由引理3的3),较容易看出满足定理的假设.由G 的极小性可知是p-幂零群,从而G是p-幂零群,矛盾.第2步: 如果M是G的包含P的真子群,则M是p-幂零群.显然,NM(P)≤NG(P),因此NM(P)是p-幂零的,由引理3 的1)可知M满足定理的假设,于是由G的极小选择可知M是p-幂零群.第3步: G=PQ,其中Q为G的一个Sylow q-子群, q≠p是素数,且CG(Op(G))≤Op(G).由假设,p是奇素数,G非p-幂零,由Glauberman-Thomposon定理,NG(Z(J(P)))是非p-幂零群,其中J(P)是P的Thomposon子群. 显然,Z(J(P))是P的特征子群,于是NG(P)≤NG(Z(J(P)))≤G. 若NG(Z(J(P)))<G, 则由第2步, NG(Z(J(P)))是p-幂零群,矛盾. 因此可以假设NG(Z(J(P)))=G,这意味着Op(G)≠1,再由 Glauberman-Thomposon 定理可知, 是p-幂零群,从而G p-可解. 现在由第1步和定理[6]可得CG(Op(G))≤Op(G).另一方面,因为G p-可解,由定理[7],对于任意的q∈π(G)且q≠p,G有Sylow q-子群Q,满足PQ=QP是G的子群. 如果PQ<G,那么由第2步,PQ是p-幂零群,因此,Q≤CG(Op(G))≤Op(G),矛盾. 因此,有G=PQ.第4步: 如果|P:D|>p,那么对于G的每个正规极大子群M有|G:M|=p且M的Sylow子群P∩M=Op(G)是P的极大子群,1<|D|<|Op(G)|且Op(G)的每个阶为|D|的子群在G中s-置换.设M为G的任一正规极大子群. 由第3步有,或者|G:M|=p或者|G:M|=q. 如果|G:M|=q,则由第2步知,M是p-幂零群,从而G是p-幂零群,矛盾. 所以|G:M|=p. 令P1=P∩M. 显然NG(P)≤NG(P1)≤G. 如果NG(P1)<G,又由第2步可得NG(P1)是p-幂零群. 如果|P:D|>p,则M满足定理的假设,于是M是p-幂零群,从而G是p-幂零群,矛盾. 因此,可以假设NG(P1)=G. 于是,P1在G中正规. 因为NG(P)是p-幂零的,而G是非p-幂零的,Op(G)<P,从而Op(G)=P∩M=P1.因为|P:D|>p,有1<|D|<|Op(G)|. 令H为Op(G)的阶是|D|的子群. 由假设,G有次正规子群K和包含在H中的群G的s-半置换子群HssG满足G=HK且H∩K≤HssG. 如果HssG≠H,则K<G. 设T是G的包含K的正规子群且|G:T|=p,类似于上一段的证明,T的Sylow p-子群P2=Op(G). 注意到G=HT,P=P∩HT=H(P∩T)=Op(G)P2=Op(G),从而G=NG(P)是p-幂零,矛盾. 因此HssG=H,这意味着Op(G)的所有阶为|D|的子群在G中的s-半置换.现在由引理2的3)有Op(G)的每个阶为|D|的子群在G中s-置换.第5步: |D|>p.如果|D|=p且|P:D|>p,则由第3步,第4步和引理7可知G是p-幂零群,矛盾. 如果|D|=p且|P:D|=p,则|P|=p2,则由引理6同样可得G是p-幂零群. 因此|D|>p.第6步:设N为G的极小正规子群,则N≤Op(G)且|N|≤|D|.由第1步和第3步知,N≤Op(G)是显然的. 假设|N|>|D|. 因为N是初等交换群,由引理5,N有极大子群在G中正规,矛盾于N的极小性. 因此|N|≤|D|.第7步: 是p-幂零群,N为G的唯一极小正规子群,更进一步的,Φ(G)=1且N=F(G)=Op(G).如果|N|<|D|,那么由引理3的2)得满足定理的假设,由G的极小选择,是p-幂零群.由第6步知,可以假设|N|=|D|.显然,是p-幂零群.如果|P:D|=p且|N|=|D|,那么||=p,由引理6得是p-幂零群. 假设|P:D|>p,可以断言的每个极小子群在中s-置换. 显然取Op(G)得子群K满足p. 由第5步,N非循环,因此所有包含N的子群非循环. 因此,K有一个极大子群L≠N满足K=NL. 显然,|N|=|D|=|L|. 由第4步,L在G中s-置换. 于是由引理1 的2)有,=在中s-置换. 因此,的每个极小子群在中s-置换. 由第4步,是的极大子群. 现在,由引理7,得到了是p-幂零群. N的唯一性和Φ(G)=1是显然的,进一步有,N=F(G)=Op(G).第8步: 最后的矛盾.如果|P:D|>p,则由第4步,有|P:N|=p,于是|N|>|D|,和第6步矛盾. 因此 |P:D|=p,即P的每个极大子群在G中弱s-半置换. 由第7步, G有极大子群M满足G=NM且N∩M=1. 因为Mp<P, 其中Mp 是M的Sylow p-子群, 可以选择P的极大子群P1包含Mp. 则由假设,G有次正规子群T满足G=P1T且P1∩T≤(P1)ssG. 由T的次正规性, 有TG≠1,于是由N的唯一极小性可知N≤TG.因为(P1)ssG与T的Sylow q-子群Tq可换,其中q≠p是素数,有(P1)ssGTq=Tq(P1)ssG,于是N∩P1=N∩P1∩T=N∩(P1)ssGTq正规于(P1)ssGTq,所以对于任意的q≠p,有Tq≤NG(N∩P1). 显然P≤NG(N∩P1),因此N∩P1正规于G.于是由N的唯一极小性可知N∩P1=1或者N∩P1=N. 如果N∩P1=1,那么N≤P1,从而P=NMp=P1,矛盾. 因此N∩P1=1,|N|=p,Aut(N)是阶为p-1的循环群. 如果p<q,显然NQ是p-幂零群,从而Q≤CG(N)=CG(Op(G)),矛盾于第3步. 如果q<p,因为CG(L)=CG(Op(G))=Op(G)=N,有=同构于Aut(N)的一个子群. 从而Q 是循环群,由Burnside定理,G是q-幂零群,即P正规于G,因此G=NG(P)是p-幂零的,最后的矛盾.推论1[8] 设p是整除群G的阶的奇素数,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群, 如果NG(P)是p-幂零群且P的每个极大子群在G中c-正规,那么G是p-幂零群.推论2[9] 设p是整除群G的阶的奇素数,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群, 如果NG(P)是p-幂零群且P的每个极大子群在G中c-正规,那么G是p-幂零群.定理3 设p是群G的阶的素因子,P为G的一个Sylow p-子群, 假设P有子群D 满足1<|D|<|P|,P的每个阶为|D|的子群H在G中弱s-半置换且NG(H)是p-幂零的,那么G是p-幂零群.证明假设结论错误,G为极小阶反例.首先断言p是奇素数. 如果p=2且|D|>2,则由定理1可知G是p-幂零的. 假设p=2, P的每个阶为2的子群H在G中弱s-半置换且NG(H)是p-幂零的. 容易看出G的每个真子群满足定理的假设,于是由归纳G是极小非p-幂零群,由文[1]有, G 是极小非幂零群,于是由定理[2]得,是的极小正规子群且Φ(P)⊂Z∞(G). 如果Φ(P)≠1,那么Φ(P)的每个阶为2的子群H在G正规,于是由假设G=NG(H)是p-幂零群,矛盾. 因此Φ(P)=1. 这意味着P是G的极小正规子群.假设H是P的阶为2的子群, 由假设,G有次正规子群K和包含在H中的群G的s-半置换子群HssG满足G=HK且H∩K≤HssG. 于是G=PK且P∩K在G中正规. 由P的极小性,或者P∩K=1或者P∩K=P. 如果前者是正确的,那么P=P∩HK=H(P∩K)=H,矛盾. 于是P∩K=P,即P≤K,于是H=H∩K=HssG. 由引理5的3)和引理1有,G=Op(G)≤NG(H)是p-幂零群,又一矛盾. 因此p是奇素数.如果NG(P)<G,由引理3 的1)可知,NG(P)满足定理的假设,由归纳,NG(P)是p-幂零群,从而由定理2可得G是p-幂零群,矛盾. 所以NG(P)=G,即P在G中正规.设N是G的包含在P中的极小正规子群. 如果|N|>|D|,则由引理5有,N的某个极大子群在G中正规,矛盾. 因此|N|≤|D|. 如果|N|=|D|,则由假设G=NG(N)是p-幂零群,矛盾. 所以|N|<|D|. 显然满足定理假设,由归纳是p-幂零群. 进一步,由引理4有P=Op(G)=N是初等交换p-群,矛盾于|N|<|D|和1<|D|<|P|. 反例不存在,结论得证. 参考文献:[1] Huppert B. 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综合英语_河南师范大学中国大学mooc课后章节答案期末考试题库2023年1.Which of the following four scenic spots does NOT belong to the naturallandscape?答案:Loch Ness monster2.The Milky Way was originally about the jealous love between ______.答案:Zeus and Hera3.National Trust is a ______ organization in charge of the special places for everand for everyone in the UK.答案:charity4.In a British pub, which of the following things is NOT allowed?答案:One can take his young boys to a pub and watch foot matches all day long.5.Dorothy’s Grasmere Journal Entry is not about ______.答案:the National Trust6.What is Mr. Boggis’ secret?答案:He invented a clever way of searching for supply for his antique furniture business.7.They bargained for half an hour, and of course in the end Mr. Boggis got thechairs and agreed to pay her something ______ a twentieth of their value.答案:less than8.Why did Mr. Boggis comb the countryside on Sundays?答案:Because in that way, it wouldn’t interfere with his work at all.9.The idea ______ Mr. Boggis’s little secret was a simple one and it had come tohim as a result of something that had happened on a certain Sundayafternoon.答案:behind10.Among the following books, which one is NOT written by Iris Chang?答案:The Good Man of Nanking11.The Rape of Nanking was about the atrocities and massacre committed by______.答案:Japanese invaders12.According to the text, China’s Schindler refers to ______.答案:John Rabe13.______ founded the Safety Zone in Nanking during the Second World War.答案:John Rabe, the local leader of Nazi party14.What is the common meaning of white color in both Chinese and westernculture in modern society?答案:purity and innocence15.The hard and pointed mouth of most birds is called ______.答案:bill16.Cats use ______ to help them navigate in a dark environment.答案:whiskers17.Fish extracts oxygen from water using ______.答案:gills18.I don’t like going to the opera. It just isn’t my ______.答案:cup of tea19.Putting all your ______ in one basket can be risky, you know?答案:eggs20.We have arranged special insurance to cover medical ______ in the event of anaccident.答案:expenses21.The ______ were told to fasten their seat belts as the plane began its descent.答案:passengers22.Mike is treated as the odd man out, the misfit, the black ______.答案:sheep23.I’m sure he is fit for the work. He’s as strong as a ______.答案:horse24.The ______ preys farthest from his hole.答案:fox25.Don’t be afraid of him. He’s nothing but a paper ______.答案:tiger26.There was nothing to ______ him with the burglary until the police found agold ring in his car.答案:link27.She had asked the government for ______ to move the books to a safe place,but they refused.答案:permission28.If you want to have a pet you must be ready to look ______ it for several years.答案:after29.It’s hard to believe how ______ people are until you see the helplessness of anewborn baby.答案:vulnerable30.In English, “green hands” refer to ______.答案:inexperienced workers31.“The man is a midget” means the man is ______.答案:very short32.Ma Yun is a business titan means Ma Yun is ______ in business field.答案:successful and influential33.As you have seen, the values of a nation’s currency is a ______ of its economy.答案:reflection34.He mumbled something and blushed as though a secret had been ______.答案:exposed35.It’s time to ______ our differences and work together for a common purpose.答案:set aside36.Thousands of people were seriously ______ in health by radioactivecontamination.答案:affected37.If I ______ where he lived, I ______ a note to him.答案:had known; would have sent38.Without your help, we ______ so much.答案:wouldn’t have achieved39.She wishes she ______ to the theatre last night.答案:had gone40.It is high time that we ______ strive to improve technology and strengthen oureconomy in the face of trade war between China and the USA.答案:should41.Though ______ of the danger, he still went skating on the thin ice.答案:warned42.______ from this point of view, the question will be of great importance.答案:Considered43.______ and ______, they ran out of the room.答案:Excited; happy44.Bill Is a man ______ is interesting to talk with, but ______ stories about himselfare so incredible that not many people believe them.答案:who / whose45.______ how hard she tries, Andy Capp’s wife cannot convince him to look for ajob.答案:No matter46.The people for ______ I work have gone on holiday, so the office has been quiterelaxed this week.答案:whom47.You haven’t read the new book that has been so highly acclaimed yet, ______?答案:have you48.The president cannot decide how to deal with the crisis, and______ hisadvisors.答案:neither can49.Both of the job offers are interesting, but the position in Izmir seems to be______ suitable for me.答案:more50.How ______ you manage to get here so quickly?答案:did。
Manifolds with nonnegative sectional curvatureorganized byKristopher Tapp and Wolfgang ZillerWorkshop SummaryIn the past few years,the study of Riemannian manifolds with nonnegative and positive curvature has been reinvigorated by breakthroughs and by new connections to other topics, including Ricciflow and Alexandrov Geometry.Our workshop brought together experts and newcomers to thefield,including5graduate students and researchers representing a diverse range of sub-specialties.Our goal was to discuss future directions for thefield and to initiate progress solving significant open problems.We had on average two talks every morning.These talks were primarily surveys em-phasizing open problems and possible future directions for continued progress.The talks were roughly divided between the following three sub-topics,which we identified as key to continued progress in thefield:(1)Riemannian submersions and group actions in nonnegative curvature(2)Alexandrov Geometry and Collapse(3)RicciflowOn Monday afternoon,all participants gathered to list and discuss open problems related to nonnegative curvature.The lively discussion lasted almost3hours,and resulted in a preliminary list of about30open problems.Many of these problems prompted interesting discussions.Participants continued to add problems to this list during subsequent days of the workshop.The list will continue to evolve,and has the potential to become a useful resource for future researchers in thefield.On Tuesday afternoon,we divided the workshop participants into three groups,cor-responding to the three sub-topics enumerated above.This subdivision remained roughly constant through the remainder of the week,with a few participants choosing tofloat be-tween the groups.The groups learned of each other’s activities informally each evening during happy hour,and more formally through group reports on Friday afternoon.Thefirst group explored Riemannian submersions and group actions.This group was the largest,and its members decided to further subdivide.They began by brainstorming pos-sible problems to attack in smaller subgroups.Before splitting up,they scheduled mini-talks to explain some recent unpublished work.These mini-talks helped participants(especially newcomers to thefield)decide which subgroup they felt best equipped to join.One sub-group formed to begin classifying the Riemannian submersions from a compact Lie group with a bi-invariant metric.This subgroup quickly discovered an interesting non-homogeneous example,which contradicts the naive conjecture that all such submersions are bi-quotient submersions.This subgroup then spent most of the remaining time considering the case of totally geodesicfibers.This collaboration will likely lead to a paper in the coming months.A second subgroup formed to bound the dimension of a torus acting freely on a manifold12with nonnegative curvature,and to consider related problems.The third(largest)subgroup investigated cohomogeneity-one manifolds with nonnegative curvature.They discussed this topic from several angles.They considered cohomogeneity one manifolds with a totally ge-odesic principle orbit,and came to believe that the classification of such spaces is within reach.A collaboration on this problem will continue and probably lead to the complete solution in the near future.They also considered obstructions to metrics of nonnegative curvature and smoothness conditions for cohomogeneity one actions.Finally,some of the members of this subgroup considered topological aspect of cohomogeneity-one manifolds,in-cluding topological invariants of known and candidate examples and the problem offinding cohomogeneity-one manifolds which are topologically interesting,and for which the prob-lem of constructing new metrics with nonnegative curvature or obstructions should thus be investigated.The second group explored Alexandrov geometry and collapse.This group began by generating a list of about20interesting open problems.They then chose three of these problems to explore in more depth.Thefirst of these problems was to extend(the dual version of)Wilking’s connectivity lemma to Alexandrov spaces.The group mapped out a proposal involving Morse functions to solve this problem.This work will hopefully lead to a collaborative solution in the near future.The second problem was to discover topological properties of an Alexandrov space which sits at the top of afinite tower offiber bundles. The third problem was the conjecture that all manifolds with almost nonnegative curvature are rationally elliptic.The group discussed a rough strategy for how a proof by induction on dimension might go.One important step in such a proof would be to show that any Alexandrov space which collapses to a point also admits nontrivial collapse.In exploring this issue,the group constructed an essentially complete proof that the torus does not collapse to an interval.The third group studied Ricciflow.Recent progress in the applications of the Ricci flow to manifolds with positive curvature operator,positive isotropic curvature and manifolds with1/4pinching were discussed in the morning survey talks.The Ricciflow subsection gave a simple proof of Tachibana’s theorem that an Einstein metric with positive curvature operator is a space form.Two of the participants generalized recent work by Boehm and Wilking on even dimensional manifolds with small Weyl tensor to the odd dimensional case and gave a simple proof of the algebraic part needed in the proof of the weakly1/4pinching theorem.Furthermore,existence and stability of singularity models and the nonexistence of noncompact3dimensional shrinkers was discussed.They also discussed the problem of ruling out noncompact gradient shrinking solitons with positive curvature operator,or more generally classify the gradient shrinking solitons with certain positivity of the curvature.The participants were almost unanimous in feeling that the workshop was successful. One participant stated that“all conferences should be structured this way”.Of course one should add that this is only possible with a narrowly focused research area.The afternoon group-work varied between brainstorming ideas for solving very difficult open problems and solving easier problems.Work at either extreme of this spectrum was felt to be productive and meaningful.Often the groups continued working past the5:00beginning of happy hour (even the most beer-loving of the groups)which demonstrates the energy that the group members felt.We expect that new collaborations will develop as a result of the workshop. Further,participants are returning home with new ideas that could shape the long term development of thefield in less tangible ways.3 We are very thankful for the generous support of the AIM.We appreciate the guidance and hard work of the AIM staffin helping us conduct a successful workshop.。
介绍巴以冲突的英语作文The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world's most enduring hostilities, with the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and the Gaza Strip reaching over half a century. At the heart of this conflict is a basic question: who gets what land and how is it controlled?The history of the conflict is deep-rooted, with both Jews and Arabs claiming the right to self-determination on the same piece of land. This has led to a complex and often violent struggle with profound implications for the people living in the region and for international peace and security.The origins of the conflict can be traced back to the late 19th century, with the rise of national movements among both Jews and Arabs. The Jewish national movement, Zionism, emerged in response to centuries of persecution in Europe and sought to establish a homeland for the Jewish people. At the same time, Arab nationalism was growing, with the aim of ending Ottoman Turkish and later British colonial rule and achieving independence in Arab countries, including Palestine.The Balfour Declaration of 1917, in which Britain expressed support for the establishment of a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine, was a turning point. It was met with opposition from Palestinian Arabs, who feared that the creation of a Jewish state would mean the loss of their own national rights.The United Nations Partition Plan of 1947 proposed dividing the land into an Arab and a Jewish state, but this was rejected by the Arab states and the Palestinian Arabs. The subsequent declaration of the state of Israel in 1948 and the first Arab-Israeli war led to the displacement of hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, an event they call the Nakba, or catastrophe.Over the decades, several wars and uprisings have occurred, including the Six-Day War in 1967, when Israel captured the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, territories that are still at the center of the dispute. The Oslo Accords of the 1990s createda framework for peace, but the process has been fraught with setbacks, and a final status agreement has yet to be reached.The conflict has taken a heavy human toll. Thousands have died, and many more have been injured or displaced. The daily lives of Palestinians are affected by Israeli military occupation, with checkpoints, a separation barrier, and restrictions on movement. Israelis live with the fear of rocket attacks and suicide bombings.Attempts to resolve the conflict have involved bilateral negotiations, as well as efforts by international mediators, including the United States, the European Union, Russia, and the United Nations. However, deep divisions remain over key issues such as the status of Jerusalem, the right of return for Palestinian refugees, Israeli settlements, security concerns, and the borders of a future Palestinian state.The conflict is not just a local issue but has broader implications. It affects regional stability in the Middle East and has become a symbol of struggle against occupation and for national identity worldwide. It also raises important questions about international law, human rights, and the role of third parties in resolving disputes.In conclusion, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict is a multifaceted and deeply entrenched struggle with historical, religious, and political dimensions. It is a conflict with no easy solutions, but one that requires a continued search for a just and lasting peace that meets the legitimate aspirations and needs of both peoples.Disclaimer: This essay is a simplified overview of the complex Israeli-Palestinian conflict and does not cover all aspects or viewpoints. It is intended for educational purposes only. The conflict is a sensitive and evolving issue, and readers are encouraged to seek out additional sources for a more comprehensive understanding.。
选择性必修第二册 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries(教师版)
Ⅰ.阅读单词——会意1.statistic n.(一项)统计数据2.comrade n.同志;朋友3.tragic adj.悲惨的,不幸的4.combat v.防止,抑制5.clinic n.诊所;门诊部6.disinfect v.为……消毒,给……杀菌7.outbreak n.爆发,突然发生8.vomit n.呕吐物9.miracle n.意外的幸运事;奇迹10.van n.小型货车11.ward n.病房12.compensate v.弥补,补偿13.collaborate v.合作,协作14.inclusive adj.包容广阔的15.culture shock文化冲击16.mutual adj.共同的,共有的17.mount v.走上,登上18.civil adj.公民的,国民的19.civil war内战20.civilian adj.平民的;百姓的21.conceive v.构想,设想22.battlefield n.战场23.portion n.一部分24.detract v.减低,破坏,损害25.communist adj.共产主义的n.共产主义者Ⅱ.重点单词——记形1.boundary n.分界线;边界2.tackle v.处理,对付(难题)3.vital adj.极其重要的,必不可少的4.twin adj.双胞胎的5.cast v.选派(角色)6.mankind n.人类7.joint adj.联合的,共同的8.liberty n.自由9.dedicate v.致力于,献身于10.endure v.持续存在11.altogether ad v.完全Ⅲ.拓展单词——悉变1.assist v.协助,帮助→assistance n.帮助→assistant n.助手adj.助理的2.relieve v t.使减轻;缓解;给(某人)换班→relief n.(痛苦或忧虑的)减轻或解除;减轻痛苦的事物→relieved adj.轻松的;解脱的3.specialist n.专家→special adj.特殊的→specially ad v.专门地→specialize v i.专门研究;专门从事4.infectious adj.传染性的→infect v t.感染,传染→infection n.感染;传染5.devotion n.奉献;挚爱;忠诚→devote v t.致力于;奉献→devoted adj.挚爱的;忠诚的6.realistic adj.(目标、希望)能够实现的;现实的,实际的→real adj.真实的→reality n.现实→realise v.领悟;了解;实现7.minority n.少数派;少数→minor adj.较小的;次要的8.harmonious adj.融洽的,和睦的→harmony n.融洽,和谐9.rewarding adj.值得做的,有意义的→reward v.& n.奖励;奖赏10.slave n.奴隶→slavery n.奴隶制11.union n.联邦→unite v.联合;团结→united adj.联合的;统一的12.division n.分开;分歧,分裂→divide v.分开13.nobly ad v.高尚地,崇高地→noble adj.崇高的,高尚的14.influential adj.有影响力的→influence n.& v.影响1..outspoken /aʊt'spəʊkən/adj.坦率的;直言不讳的2.hastily /'he I stəli/ad v.匆忙;仓促3.inevitably /I n'ev I təbli/ad v.不可避免地;必然地→inevitable /I n'ev I təbl/adj.不可避免的;必然的4.prone /prəʊn/adj.有……倾向的;易于遭受的be prone to易于发生……5.handy /'hændi/adj.方便的;有用的;手边的6.reign /re I n/n.& v i.统治;当政;盛行7.dispute /d I'spjuːt/n.争论;纠纷v t.& v i.对……表示异议;争论8.aggressively /ə'ɡres I vli/ad v.挑衅地;好斗地;有进取心地9.violate /'va Iəle I t/v t.违反;违背;侵犯10.pass oneself off as假装;装作Ⅳ.背核心短语1.bring forth 使产生,使出现2.in vain白白地,徒劳,无结果3.take any chances冒险,心存侥幸4.put...at risk使……处于危险中5.be involved in被卷入……中;参与,参加;专心于6.against all odds尽管困难重重7.not to mention更不用说8.step into one’s shoes接替某人的工作9.in memory of为了纪念10.at a great cost付出巨大代价11.suffer for为……而受苦12.dedicate to致力于13.be engaged in从事;忙于Ⅴ.悟经典句式1.It’s exactly one month since the last reported case.(It+be+一段时间+since...)距离发现上一个报告病例已经整整一个月了。
→ terrified adj.惊恐的→ terror n.惊恐;恐惧
15. infer v.推断,推定→ inference n.推理,推论
16. expose v.使暴露(于险境)→ exposure n.暴露
17. dust
n.沙土,尘土→ dusty adj.布满灰尘的
1. in one's way
1.estimate v.估计,估算 【归纳】(1)estimate sth at...估算某物的价格为……,估计某物的数为…… be estimated to do估计…… estimate that...估计…… It is estimated that...据估计…… (2)estimation n. (对水平、数量等的)估计;判断,评价 【佳句】It was difficult to estimate how many trees had been destroyed. 很难估计有多少棵树被毁。
firm's worth.
→ It is estimated that as many as 2,000 species of mammals,birds and
3.restrict v. 限制,控制 【归纳】(1)restrict...to...把……限制在…… restrict sth to sb 某物仅限于某人 restrict yourself/sb (to sth/to doing sth) 约束某人(某事/做某事) (2)restriction n. 限制,约束 (3)restricted adj.有限的;受控制的,受约束的 be restricted to 只允许……,仅限于…… (4)restrictive adj.约束的;限制性的
p3q3阶群的完全分类陈松良;黎先华【摘要】设p,q为奇素数,且p>q,G是p3 q3阶群.用有限群的局部分析方法,通过分析群G的子群之间的不同作用,对群G进行完全分类,并获得了其全部构造.【期刊名称】《吉林大学学报(理学版)》【年(卷),期】2018(056)004【总页数】6页(P793-798)【关键词】有限群;同构分类;群的构造;群在群上的作用【作者】陈松良;黎先华【作者单位】贵州师范学院数学与计算机科学学院 ,贵阳550018;苏州大学数学科学学院 ,江苏苏州215006;苏州大学数学科学学院 ,江苏苏州215006【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O152.1对给定阶数的有限群或对具有某种性质的有限群进行同构分类, 是有限群的研究热点之一. 文献[1]通过分析无三次因子阶群的结构特点, 给出了在同构意义上构造这类群的一种算法; 文献[2]对无四次因子阶群的结构信息给出了若干描述和刻画; 文献[3]讨论了无四次因子阶群的2-弧传递表示. 设p,q是不同的素数, 文献[4]确定了所有p3q阶群的构造;文献[5]确定了所有p3q2阶群的构造. 设p是奇素数, 文献[6]确定了23p3阶群的构造(p≠3,7). 设p,q是不同的奇素数且p>q, 对于p3q3阶群G的同构分类, 除当Sylow q-子群是指数为q2的非交换q-群时G的同构分类尚未完成外, 其余情形的p3q3阶群的完全分类均已得到[7-14]. 本文考虑p3q3阶群的完全分类, 主要结果如下.定理1 设p,q为奇素数, 且p>q, G是p3q3阶群. 如果G的Sylow q-子群是指数为q2的非交换q-群, 则有:1) 如果(q,(p3-1)(p+1))=1, 则G恰有5种不同构的类型;2) 如果(q,p+1)=q(此时必有(q,p3-1)=1), 则G恰有(q+3)种不同构的类型;3) 如果(q,p2+p+1)=q且q≡1(mod 3), 则 G恰有种不同构的类型;4) 如果(q,p-1)=q, 则:① 当q=3时, G有83种不同构的类型;② 当q≡1(mod 3)时, G有种不同构的类型;③ 当q≡-1(mod 3)时, G有种不同构的类型.为叙述方便, 设G的Sylow q-子群Q是指数为q2的非交换q-群, 即Q=〈x〉〈y〉, 其中|x|=q2, |y|=q, xy=x1+q. 设P是G的一个Sylow p-子群, 则P必为下列5种类型之一:(i) P1=〈a〉, |a|=p3;(ii) P2=〈a〉×〈b〉, |a|=p2, |b|=p;(iii) P3=〈a〉×〈b〉×〈c〉, |a|=|b|=|c|=p;(iv) P4=〈a〉〈b〉, |a|=p2, |b|=p, ab=a1+p;(v) P5=(〈a〉×〈c〉)〈b〉, |a|=|b|=|c|=p, ab=ac, cb=c.引理1 G的Sylow p-子群必是G的正规子群.证明:易见Q中恰有(q2-q)q个阶为q2的元和(q2-1)个阶为q的元, 又每个q2阶循环子群中恰有(q-1)个阶为q的元, 从而Q的自同构群Aut(Q)的阶是(q2-q)q((q2-1)-(q-1))=q3(q-1)2.如果G的Sylow q-子群Q是正规子群, 则G的Sylow p-子群P在Q上的作用是平凡的, 从而P◁G. 如果Q不正规, 则当1<Oq(G)<Q时, 由Sylow定理易见G/Oq(G)的Sylow p-子群POq(G)/Oq(G)是正规的, 从而POq(G)◁G. 但由于p>q, 因此P char POq(G), 于是P◁G. 如果Oq(G)=1, 则因为G是可解群, 所以Op(G)>1. 此时若P不正规, 则G/Op(G)的Sylow p-子群是不正规的. 由Sylow定理可知, G/Op(G)的Sylow p-子群的个数为q3个, 从而P/Op(G)是自正规的交换p-群, 再由Burnside定理知, G/Op(G)的Sylow q-子群QOp(G)/Op(G)是正规的. 又QOp(G)/Op(G)≅Q, 而p不整除Aut(Q)的阶, 所以P/Op(G)平凡作用在Q上, 表明P/Op(G)◁G/Op(G), 从而P◁G, 矛盾. 证毕.引理2 设G是p3q3阶群, 其Sylow q-子群为指数是q2的非交换群Q, 而Sylow p-子群是循环群P1. 设σ是模p3的一个原根, 若(q,p-1)=q, 则令r=σp2(p-1)/q, 从而有:1) 当(q,p-1)=1时, G恰有1种不同构的类型G=P1×Q;2) 当(q,p-1)=q时, G有(q+1)种不同构的类型, 即除了构造G=P1×Q外, 还有下列形如G=〈a〉(〈x〉〈y〉), ax=ar, ay=a, xy=x1+q(1)的1种构造及形如G(i)=(〈a〉×〈x〉)〈y〉, ay=ari, xy=x1+q, 0<i<q(2)的(q-1)种构造.证明:由文献[7]中的引理4即得.引理3 设G是p3q3阶群, 其Sylow q-子群为指数是q2的非交换群Q, 而Sylow p-子群是交换群P2. 设σ是模p2与模p的一个公共原根, 若(q,p-1)=q, 则令s=σp(p-1)/q, t=σ(p-1)/q,从而有:1) 当(q,p-1)=1时, G恰有1种不同构的类型P2×Q;2) 当(q,p-1)=q时, G有(2q2+q)种不同构的类型, 其中除了构造P2×Q外, 还有如下构造:其中形如式(4),(6)的构造各1种, 形如式(3),(5),(7),(8),(10)的构造各(q-1)种, 形如式(9),(11)的构造各(q-1)2种.证明:因为G的Sylow p-子群是正规子群, 此时不难证明G是超可解的, 而且可设〈a〉与〈b〉都是Q-不变的. 因为Aut(〈a〉)与Aut(〈b〉)分别是p(p-1),(p-1)阶循环群.1) 当(q,p-1)=1时, G必有构造P2×Q.2) 当(q,p-1)=q时, G除构造P2×Q外还有其他构造. 而由于Q/CQ(a)Aut(〈a〉), Q/CQ(b)Aut(〈b〉),所以CQ(a)与CQ(b)或为Q或为Q的q2阶正规子群. 又易见Q的q2阶正规子群中有一个初等交换群〈xq,y〉与q个循环群〈xyk〉, 0≤k≤q-1, 所以有:① 当CQ(a)=Q而CQ(b)≠Q时, 如果CQ(b)是q2阶循环子群, 则不妨设CQ(b)=〈x〉, 于是ax=ay=a, bx=b, 且可设by=bti(0<i<q), 因此得G的(q-1)种形如式(3)的构造. 若CQ(b)是q2阶初等交换子群, 则必有CQ(b)=〈xq,y〉, 于是ax=ay=a, by=b, 且可设bx=bt(否则只要用x的适当方幂代替x即可), 故得构造形如式(4).② 当CQ(b)=Q而CQ(a)≠Q时, 如果CQ(a)是q2阶循环子群, 则不妨设CQ(a)=〈x〉, 于是ax=a, bx=by=b, 且可设ay=asi(0<i<q), 因此得G的(q-1)种形如式(5)的构造. 如果CQ(a)是q2阶初等交换子群, 则必有CQ(a)=〈xq,y〉, 于是ay=a,bx=by=b, 且可设ax=as(否则只要用x的适当方幂代替x即可), 因此得G的构造形如式(6).③ 当CQ(a)与CQ(b)都不是Q且CQ(a)≠CQ(b)时, 由于Q中只有一个q2阶初等交换子群〈xq,y〉, 但有q个不同的q2阶循环子群〈xyk〉(k=0,1,…,q-1), 所以如果CQ(a)=〈xq,y〉而CQ(b)=〈xyk〉, 则必有ay=a且可设ax=as,by=bti(0<i<q), 再由bxyk=b可得bx=btj, 其中j是ik+j≡0(mod q)的唯一解(0<j<q). 又由于〈x〉〈y〉≅〈xyk〉〈y〉,所以当把xyk换回为x时可得G的(q-1)种形如式(7)的构造. 如果CQ(a)=〈xyk〉而CQ(b)=〈xq,y〉, 则必有by=b且可设bx=bt, ay=asi(0<i<q), 再由axyk=a可得ax=asj, 其中0<j<q是ik+j≡0(mod q)的唯一解. 当把xyk换回为x时, 可得G的(q-1)种形如式(8)的构造. 如果CQ(a)与CQ(b)是Q中两个不同的q2阶循环子群, 则不妨设CQ(a)=〈x〉而CQ(b)=〈xyk〉(k=1,2,…,q-1), 则必有ax=a且可设ay=asi(0<i<q), bx=bt, by=btj, 这里jk≡-1(mod q), 从而得G的(q-1)2种形如式(9)的构造.④ 当CQ(a)=CQ(b)≠Q, CQ(a)=CQ(b)=〈xq,y〉时, 有ay=a, by=b, 且可设ax=as(否则, 只要用x的适当方幂代替x即可), bx=bti, 其中0<i<q, 可得G的(q-1)种形如式(10)的构造. 当CQ(a)=CQ(b)是循环子群时, 不妨设为〈x〉, 即有ax=a, bx=b, 且可设ay=asi, by=btj, 其中0<i,j<q, 于是可得G的(q-1)2种形如式(11)的构造. 证毕.引理4 设G是p3q3阶群, 其Sylow p-子群为p3阶初等交换群P3, 而Sylow q-子群为指数是q2的非交换群Q. 令σ是模p的一个原根, 若(q,p-1)=q, 则令t=σ(p-1)/q, 从而有:1) 当(q,(p3-1)(p+1))=1时, G只有1种不同构的类型, 即P3×Q;2) 当(q,p-1)=q时, 有:① 如果q=3, 则G有39种不同构的类型;② 如果q≡1(mod 3), 则G有种不同构的类型;③ 如果q≡-1(mod 3), 则G有种不同构的类型;3) 当(q,p+1)=q时, G有种不同构的类型.4) 当q≡1(mod 3)且(q,p2+p+1)=q时, G有种不同构的类型.证明: 参见文献[8]中定理1.引理5 设G是p3q3阶群, 其Sylow p-子群为指数是p2的非交换群P4, 而Sylow q-子群为指数是q2的非交换群Q. 令σ是模p2与模p的一个公共原根,若q|(p-1), 则令s=σp(p-1)/q, t=σ(p-1)/q, 从而有:1) 当(p-1,q)=1时, G仅有构造G≅P4×Q;2) 当(p-1,q)=q时, G有(q+1)种互不同构的构造, 除P4×Q外, 还有形如G=〈a〉(〈b〉×(〈x〉〈y〉)), ab=ap+1, ax=as, ay=a, xy=x1+q(12)的1种构造及形如G(i)=〈a〉(〈b〉×(〈x〉〈y〉)), ab=ap+1, ax=a, ay=asi, xy=x1+q, 0<i<q (13)的(q-1)种构造.证明:由引理1知G的Sylow p-子群是正规的, 且G是超可解群, 并可设〈a〉和〈b〉都是Q-不变的. 当(q,p-1)=1时, 必有G≅P4×Q. 当(q,p-1)=q时, G除构造P4×Q外, 还有其他构造. 令H=〈b〉Q, 显然H/CH(a)同构于Aut(〈a〉)的一个子群, 于是H/CH(a)是循环群. 又b∉CH(a), 所以如果CQ(a)=〈xq,y〉, 则可设ax=as(否则, 只要用x的适当方幂代替x即可), 从而必有bx=b, 其中s=σp(p-1)/q, 而σ是模p2与p的一个公共原根. 注意到ay=a, 所以将y作用在[a,b]=ap的两边后得[a,bti]=ap, 于是pt i≡p(mod p2), 从而必有ti≡1(mod p), 由此得i≡0(mod q), 故by=b. 因此G有形如式(12)的构造. 如果CQ(a)=〈x〉, 类似上述分析, 可得G的形如式(13)的构造.如果CQ(a)=Q, 则将x,y依次作用在[a,b]=ap的两边后, 必有CQ(b)=Q, 从而得G≅P4×Q. 证毕.引理6 设G是p3q3阶群, 其Sylow p-子群为指数是p的非交换群P5=〈a,b,c〉, 而Sylow q-子群为指数是q2的非交换群Q. 令σ是模p的一个原根, 若q|(p-1), 则令t=σ(p-1)/q, 从而有:1) 当(p2-1,q)=1时, G只有1种构造, 即P5×Q;2) 当(p-1,q)=q时, G有种互不同构的构造, 除P5×Q外, 还有如下构造:(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)其中形如式(14),(16)的构造各(q-1)种, 形如式(15)的构造1种, 形如式(17)的构造(q-1)2种, 形如式(18)的构造种, 形如式(19)的构造种.3) 当(p+1,q)=q时, G有种互不同构的构造, 除构造P5×Q外, 还有如下构造:(20)其中β∈Zp使得λ2-βλ+1是p-元域Zp上多项式的一个2次不可约因式;(21)其中β∈Zp使得λ2-βλ+1是p-元域Zp上多项式的一个2次不可约因式, 形如式(21)的有种不同构的构造.证明:由引理1知G的Sylow p-子群是正规的. 因为Φ(P5)=Z(P5)=〈c〉,于是〈c〉◁G, 从而P5/〈c〉是Q-不变的p2阶初等交换p-群. 当(p2-1,q)=1时, Q在P5上的作用是平凡的, 从而G的构造必是P5×Q. 当(p-1,q)=q时, G的构造除P5×Q外, 还有其他构造. 此时G是超可解的, 且可设〈a〉,〈b〉都是Q-不变的. 此时CQ(a),CQ(b)中至少有一个为Q的q2阶子群. 当只有一个为Q的q2阶子群时, 不妨设其为CQ(a). 如果CQ(a)=〈x〉, CQ(b)=Q, 则G应有构造形如式(14). 如果CQ(a)=〈xq,y〉, CQ(b)=Q, 则G应有构造形如式(15). 当CQ(a),CQ(b)均为Q的q2阶子群时, 若CQ(a)≠CQ(b), 且其中只有一个是循环群, 则不妨设CQ(a)=〈x〉, CQ(b)=〈xq,y〉, 从而可设ay=ati(0<i<q), bx=bt. 再由[a,b]=c得cx=ct, cy=cti, 从而G有构造形如式(16). 如果CQ(a)≠CQ(b), 但它们都是循环群, 不妨设CQ(a)=〈x〉, 则ax=a, 且可设ay=ati(0<i<q). 又显然x∉CQ(b), 于是可设bx=bt(否则, 只要用x的适当方幂代替x即可). 另一方面, y∉CQ(b), 所以by=btj, 其中0<j<q. 从而CQ(b)=〈xyk〉, 其中jk≡-1(mod q), 进而可得G的形如式(17)的(q-1)2种构造. 当CQ(a)=CQ(b)=〈x〉时, 可设ay=ati, by=btj, 其中0<i,j<q. 将y作用在[a,b]=c的两边后, 得cy=cti+j, 因此G有形如式(18)的构造.由于式(18)中a,b是对称的, 所以式(18)共包含种互不同构的p3q3阶群.当CQ(a)=CQ(b)=〈xq,y〉时, 可设ax=at, bx=bti, 其中0<i<q. 类似上述分析, 可知G有形如式(19)的构造. 在式(19)中, 对于1<i<q, 存在唯一的使得ij≡1(mod q). 当用xj代替x, 用c-1代替c, 再将a,b对调时, G(i)即变为G(j). 从而证明了G(i)≅G(j)当且仅当ij≡1(mod q). 因此式(19)共包含种互不同构的p3q3阶群. 当(p+1,q)=q时, G除构造P5×Q外, 还有其他构造. 此时G不是超可解的, 从而G/〈c〉是非超可解的, 且易见[Q,c]=1. 当CQ(P)=〈xq,y〉时, G有构造形如式(20). 当CQ(P)=〈x〉时, G有构造形如式(21).在式(21)中β∈Zp, 使得λ2-βλ+1是p-元域Zp上多项式的一个2次不可约因式. 由于这样的多项式有个, 所以式(21)共表示个互不同构的p3q3阶群. 证毕.综合引理2~引理6的结果, 可知定理1成立. 由定理1及文献[7-14]的结果, 可知p3q3阶群的完全分类得以完成.参考文献【相关文献】[1] Dietrich H, Eick B. 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2025届高中英语一轮复习:必修第二册 Unit 4 Breaking boundaries
速记 词汇句型背诵
3 specialist →special →specially →specialize
n.专家 adj.特殊的 adv.专门地 vi.专门研究;专门从事
速记 词汇句型背诵
4 infectious →infect →infection
adj.传染性的 vt.感染,传染 n.感染;传染
2 My mission was to relieve Emma,a Canadian specialist in infectious diseases at the end of her posting.(不定式作表语)
vt.& vi.对……表示异议;争论
8 aggressively /ə'ɡresɪvli/ adv.挑衅地;好斗地;有进取心地
9 violate /'vaɪəleɪt/
10 pass oneself off as
速记 词汇句型背诵
1 bring forth 2 in vain 3 take any chances 4 put...at risk 5 be involved in 6 against all odds
默写 词汇句型巩固
1. boundary 2. tackle 3._v_it_a_l 4._c_a_st_ 5. dedicate
n.分界线;边界 v.处理,对付(难题) adj.极其重要的,必不可少的 v.选派(角色) v.致力于,献身于
In the tapestry of life, respect is the golden thread that weaves together the diverse threads of our society. It is the cornerstone of any healthy relationship, be it between friends, family, or even strangers. My journey through high school has been a testament to the importance of mutual respect, and it has shaped my understanding of how it can foster a positive and inclusive environment.Growing up, I was always taught to treat others the way I would like to be treated. This principle, known as the Golden Rule, seemed simple enough. However, it wasnt until I entered the diverse and dynamic environment of high school that I truly grasped the depth of its meaning. I was surrounded by individuals from various backgrounds, each with their unique perspectives and experiences. It was here that I realized the power of respect in bridging the gaps between us.One incident that stands out in my memory was during a group project in my sophomore year. Our team was comprised of students with different learning styles, interests, and cultural backgrounds. Initially, there was friction as we struggled to find common ground. Some team members were more vocal and assertive, while others were quieter and more reserved. It was easy to overlook the contributions of those who didnt speak up as much, and tensions began to rise.However, our teacher, Mrs. Johnson, intervened and reminded us of the importance of respecting each others input. She encouraged us to listen actively, value different perspectives, and ensure that everyone had a chance to contribute. This was a turning point for our group. We began toappreciate the unique insights each member brought to the table, and our project flourished as a result.This experience taught me that respect is not just about being polite or avoiding conflict. Its about recognizing and valuing the inherent worth of every individual, regardless of their background or beliefs. Its about creating a space where everyone feels heard and valued.Another lesson in respect came from a school debate competition. The topic was controversial, and emotions ran high as we argued our respective sides. Despite our differences, we maintained a level of respect for one another that allowed for a healthy exchange of ideas. We disagreed, but we did so with respect for each others viewpoints. This experience underscored the idea that respect is the foundation of productive dialogue and understanding.In a world that often seems divided, its easy to focus on our differences and overlook our common humanity. But my high school experiences have shown me that mutual respect can be a powerful force for unity and understanding. It allows us to appreciate the diversity of thought and experience that enriches our lives.Moreover, respect is not just about what we say or do its also about how we listen. In my interactions with my peers, Ive learned that active listening is a form of respect. It shows that we value the other persons perspective and are willing to take the time to understand their point of view. This has been particularly important in my friendships, where mutual respect hasbeen the bedrock of our bond.In conclusion, the lessons Ive learned about respect during my high school years have been invaluable. Theyve taught me that respect is a twoway street, requiring effort from everyone involved. Its about recognizing the worth of others and treating them with dignity. As I move forward into the next chapter of my life, I carry with me the understanding that respect is not just a nicety its a necessity for building strong relationships and fostering a sense of community. Its a lesson that I will continue to apply and advocate for, in the hope of creating a world where everyone is respected and valued for who they are.。
敢死队1经典英文单词Expendables:Adrenaline-Fueled Adventure with Explosive VocabularyArsenal of Action VerbsThe Expendables unleashes a torrent of action verbsthat ignite the screen with unbridled intensity. From the explosive "detonate" and "obliterate" to the swift "infiltrate" and "assassinate," these verbs paint a vivid tableau of pulse-pounding combat. The characters' unwavering determination echoes in the resolute "annihilate" and "eliminate," while their unwavering resilience shines through in the indomitable "endure" and "survive."Substantive Nouns: A Lexicon of Bravado and CourageBehind the relentless action lies a rich lexicon of nouns that embody the mercenaries' bravado and unwaveringresolve. "Commandos," "mercenaries," and "operatives" evoke images of elite warriors, while "mission" and "objective" underscore their unwavering commitment. The film's tapestry is further adorned with nouns that evoke danger and chaos, such as "explosives," "assault rifles," and "grenades," imbuing every scene with an air of impending peril.Adjectives: A Symphony of IntensityExpendables' adrenaline-soaked scenes are punctuated by a symphony of intense adjectives that amplify the film's explosive energy. "Exploding" and "devastating" vividly depict the sheer magnitude of the action, while "ruthless" and "unyielding" capture the characters' relentless determination. The film's emotional depth is further explored through adjectives such as "loyal," "devoted," and "courageous," showcasing the bonds that unite these hardened warriors in the face of adversity.Adverbs: Modifiers of MayhemThe relentless pace of Expendables is further amplifiedby a barrage of adverbs that modify the mayhem with precision. "Expertly" and "deftly" highlight thecharacters' unmatched skills, while "explosively" and "fiercely" evoke the intensity of the combat. "Cunningly" and "strategically" hint at the mercenaries' tactical brilliance, while "defiantly" and "resolutely" showcasetheir unwavering determination to overcome any obstacle.Expletives: Raw Expressions of DesperationAmidst the chaos and bloodshed, the Expendables eruptin a torrent of expletives, raw expressions of desperation and frustration that mirror the film's relentless intensity. "Damn" and "shit" serve as guttural exclamations, adding an element of authenticity to the characters' plight. "Fuck" and its various iterations underscore the frustrations and challenges these mercenaries face in the unforgiving realmof combat.Metaphors: The Language of Action and SacrificeBeneath the surface of its explosive action,Expendables weaves a tapestry of metaphors that reveal the characters' motivations and inner conflicts. "A bullet to the head" represents the ultimate sacrifice, while "walking into a storm" symbolizes the perils and uncertainties of their mission. "A bridge too far" suggests the limits of their abilities, and "hell on earth" captures the sheer chaos and destruction they encounter. These metaphors infuse the film with a layer of emotional complexity, exploring the human toll of war and the sacrifices made by those who risk their lives for duty.Slang: A Raw and Authentic DialogueThe Expendables' cast employs a raw and authentic slang that mirrors the camaraderie and shared experiences of the characters. "Brother" and "mate" reflect the deep bonds between these hardened warriors, while "balls" and "guts" celebrate their unwavering courage. "Headshot" and "takedown" inject a dose of gritty realism into the film's dialogue, capturing the brutal reality of their profession.Symbolism: A Deeper Meaning Behind the MayhemBeyond its surface-level action, Expendables is imbued with a layer of symbolism that adds depth to its narrative. The "Expendables" themselves symbolize the expendability of those who fight in the shadows, often forgotten and undervalued. The "Knife" represents loyalty and unwavering commitment, a bond that transcends the battlefield. The "Mission" signifies the purpose and meaning these mercenaries find in their dangerous profession, despite the risks and sacrifices it entails.Themes: A Moral Compass in the ChaosAmidst the chaos and violence, Expendables explores profound themes that resonate beyond its action-packed facade. The theme of "loyalty" is a central thread, highlighting the unwavering bonds between the mercenaries and their commitment to their mission. The theme of "sacrifice" is also explored, as the characters face the harsh reality that their lives may be expendable in the pursuit of their goals. And finally, the theme of "redemption" suggests that even in the darkest of times,there is hope for atonement and a chance for a better path. Conclusion: An Epic Vocabulary to Match the ActionExpendables' explosive vocabulary serves as a symphony of action, emotion, and symbolism, perfectly complementing the film's adrenaline-fueled narrative. Its arsenal of verbs, nouns, adjectives, adverbs, and expletives paints a vivid tapestry of combat and camaraderie, while its metaphors, slang, and themes add depth and resonance to the characters and their journey. The film's vocabulary is a testament to the power of language to ignite action, elicit emotions, and explore profound themes, making Expendables a cinematic experience that leaves an indelible mark on the viewer.。
2016年雅思词汇每日学:Collective Nouns
2016 年雅思词汇每日学:Collective Nouns A collective noun is a word that refers to a set or group of people, animals or things.集体名词是一个词,可以指很多人、动物或事物。
Collective Nouns 有时也称为 Group Nouns。
集体名词后通常跟 OF + PLURAL NOUN例如:a bunch of flowers, a flock of seagulls, a set of tools.Groups of people working together 在一起工作的一群人Staff: the people who work in a company or place of work.员工:在公司或工作单位工作的人Cast: the actors in a certain movie or play.全体演员:一部电影或戏剧里的所有演员Company: a group of actors that usually perform together in different plays.剧团:在不同的戏剧中表演的演员Crew: all the working members on a ship or plane.全体船员; 全体机务人员:船上或飞机上的所有工作人员Team: a group of individuals playing on the same side generally with the same objectives.团队:有着共同的目标,一起工作的人Platoon: a group of soldiers being commanded by a lieutenant.排:听从中尉命令的一群士兵Groups of people in general 一群人Gang: a group of organized criminals团伙:一群有组织的罪犯Crowd: a group of people, gathered together人群:一群聚集在一起的人Throng: a busy group of people一大群人:一群忙绿的人Mob: A large disorderly crowd暴民:混乱的人群Movement: a group of (generally young) people with similar tendencies for political/musical/social factors affecting them.For example The Punk Movement信徒:一群有着相同政治/音乐/社会信仰的人们。
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a rX iv:mat h /21191v1[mat h.GR]13O ct22ON SUBGROUPS OF FREE BURNSIDE GROUPS OF LARGE ODD EXPONENT S.V.IVANOV Abstract.We prove that every noncyclic subgroup of a free m -generator Burnside group B (m,n )of odd exponent n ≫1contains a subgroup H iso-morphic to a free Burnside group B (∞,n )of exponent n and countably in-finite rank such that for every normal subgroup K of H the normal closure K B (m,n )of K in B (m,n )meets H in K .This implies that every noncyclic subgroup of B (m,n )is SQ-universal in the class of groups of exponent n .A group G is called SQ -universal if every countable group is isomorphic to a sub-group of a quotient of G .One of classical embedding theorems proved by Higman,B.Neumann,H.Neumann in [HNN49]states that every countable group G embeds in a 2-generator group or,equivalently,a free group F 2of rank 2is SQ-universal.Recall that the proof of this theorem makes use of the following natural definition.A subgroup H of a group G is called a Q -subgroup if for every normal subgroup K of H the normal closure K G of K in G meets H in K ,i.e., K G ∩H =K .For example,factors G 1,G 2of the free product G 1∗G 2or the direct product G 1×G 2are Q -subgroups of G 1∗G 2or G 1×G 2,respectively.In particular,a free group F m of rank m >1,where m =∞means countably infinite rank,contains a Q -subgroup isomorphic to F k for every k ≤m .On the other hand,it is proved in [HNN49]that the subgroup a −1b −1ab −i ab −1a −1b i a −1bab −i aba −1b i |i =1,2,... of F 2=F 2(a,b )is a Q -subgroup of F 2isomorphic to F ∞and freely generated by indicated elements.In [NN59]B.Neumann and H.Neumann found simpler gener-ators and proved that [b −2i +1ab 2i −1,a ]|i =1,2,... ,where [x,y ]=xyx −1y −1is the commutator of x and y ,is a Q -subgroup of F 2isomorphic to F ∞and freely gen-erated by indicated elements.It is obvious that the property of being a Q -subgroup is transitive.Therefore,a group G contains a Q -subgroup isomorphic to F ∞if and only if G contains a Q -subgroup isomorphic to F m ,where m ≥2.Ol’shanskii [O95]proved that any nonelementary subgroup of a hyperbolic group G (in particular,G =F m )contains a Q -subgroup isomorphic to F 2.In particular,if G is a nonelementary hyperbolic group then G is SQ-universal.It follows from an embedding theorem of Obraztsov (see Theorem 35.1in [O89])that any countable group of odd exponent n ≫1embeds in a 2-generator group of exponent n and so a free 2-generator Burnside group B (2,n )=F 2/F n 2of exponent n is SQ-universal in the class of groups of exponent n .Interestingly,the proof of this theorem has nothing to do with free Q -subgroups of the Burnside group B (2,n )and does not imply the existence of such subgroups in B (2,n ).Ol’shanskii and Sapir proved in [OS02](among many other things)that for odd n ≫1the group B (m,n )with some m =m (n )does contain Q -subgroups2S.V.IV ANOVisomorphic to B (∞,n )=F ∞/F n ∞.Sonkin [S02]further refined correspondingarguments of [OS02]to show that for odd n ≫1the group B (2,n )contains a Q -subgroup isomorphic to B (∞,n )which also implies that B (2,n )is SQ-universal in the class of groups of exponent n .Recall that an embedding B (∞,n )→B (2,n )for odd n ≥665,without the property of being Q -subgroup,was first proved by Shirvanian [Sh76].Atabekian[A86],[A87]showed for odd n ≫1(e.g.,n >1078)that every noncyclic subgroup of B (m,n )contains a subgroup isomorphic to B (2,n )(and so,by Shirvanian’s result,contains a subgroup isomorphic to B (∞,n )).A short proof of this Atabekian’s theorem due to the author was incorporated in [O89](Theorem 39.1).It turns out that the same idea of ”fake”letters and using relations of Tarski monsters yields not only embeddings but also embeddings as Q -subgroups and significantly shortens corresponding arguments of [OS02],[S02].The aim of this note is to elaborate on this idea and to strengthen Atabekian’s theorem as follows.Theorem.Let n be odd,n ≫1(e.g.,n >1078),and B (m,n )be a free m -generator Burnside group of exponent n .Then every noncyclic subgroup of B (m,n )contains a Q -subgroup of B (m,n )isomorphic to B (∞,n ).In particular,every noncyclic subgroup of B (m,n )is SQ -universal in the class of groups of exponent n .Proof of Theorem.To be consistent with the notation of [O89],rename the exponent n by n 0.Consider an alphabet A ={a 1,...,a m }with m ≥2.Let G (∞)be a presentation for the free Burnside group B (A ,n 0)of exponent n 0in the alphabet A constructed as in Sect.18.1[O89]and H be a noncyclic subgroup of B (A ,n 0).Conjugating if necessary,by Lemma 39.1[O89],we can suppose that there are words F,T ∈H such that F is a period of some rank |F |(with respect to the presentation G (∞)of B (A ,n 0)),|T |<3|F |and F T =T F in B (A ,n 0).Consider a presentationK = b 1,b 2 R =1,R ∈¯R 0 (1)for a 2-generator group K of exponent n 0(perhaps,K is trivial).Set ¯A=A ∪{b 1,b 2}and define ¯G (0)= ¯A R =1,R ∈¯R 0 .Clearly,¯G (0)is the free product of the free group G (0)=F (A )in A and K .If W is a word in ¯A±1=A ∪A −1then its length |W |=|W |A is defined to be the number of letters a ±1k ,a k ∈A ,in W .In particular,|b 1|=|b 2|=ing this new length,we construct groups ¯G (i )= ¯A R =1,R ∈¯R i by induction on i ≥1exactly as in Sect.39.1[O89],that is,the set ¯Si =¯R i \¯R i −1of defining words of rank i consists of all relators of the first type A n 0,A ∈¯Xi ,if i <|F |.As before,we observe that the set ¯X|F |of periods of rank i =|F |can be chosen so that F ∈¯X |F |.For i =|F |the set ¯Si =¯R i \¯R i −1consists of all relators of the first type A n 0,A ∈¯X i ,and two relators of the second type which are words of the formb 1F n T F n +2...T F n +2h −2,b 2F n +1T F n +3...T F n +2h −1.(2)For i >|F |the set ¯Si =¯R i \¯R i −1again consists of all relators A n 0of the first type only,A ∈¯Xi .Thus,the groups ¯G (i )= ¯A R =1,R ∈¯R i ,¯G (∞)= ¯A R =1,R ∈∪∞j =0¯R j are constructed.Consider a modification of condition R (Sect.25.2[O89]),that will be called condition R ′,in which property R 4is replaced by the following.ON SUBGROUPS OF FREE BURNSIDE GROUPS3 R4′The words T k are not contained in the subgroup A of the group¯G(i−1), i≥1,except for the case when k=1,|T1|=0and the integers n1,n k have the same sign.Let¯∆be a diagram over the graded presentation¯G(i),i≥0.According to the new definition of the word length,we define the length|p|of a path p so that|p|=|ϕ(p)|.In particular,if e is an edge of¯∆withϕ(e)=b±1k ,k=1,2,then|e|=0.Hence,such an edge e is regarded to be a0-edge of¯∆of type2.Recall that ifϕ(e)=1then e is called in[O89]a0-edge(we will specify that such e is a 0-edge of type1).All faces labelled by relators of¯G(0)are also called0-faces(or faces of rank0)of¯∆.A0-faceΠof¯∆has type1if it is a0-face in the sense of [O89].Otherwise,i.e.,when∂Πhas a nontrivial label R∈¯R±10,a0-faceΠhas type 2.Note that the new definition of length and the existence of0-edges of type2imply a number of straightforward corrections in analogues of definitions and lemmas of Sects.18,25of[O89]on group presentations with condition R′(these corrections are quite analogous to what is done in similar situations of papers[I02a],[I02b]). For example,in the definition of a simple in rank i word A(Sect.18.1[O89])it is in addition required that|A|>0.Lemma25.1now claims that every reduced diagram¯∆on a sphere or torus has rank0.Corollary25.1is stated for¯R i\¯R0 and Corollary25.2is now missing.In Lemma25.2we additionally allow that X is conjugate to a word of length0.Lemmas25.12–25.15are left out.Repeating the proof of Lemma27.2[O89](and increasing the number of short sections in Lemma27.1[O89]from2to3),we can show that presentations¯G(i),¯G(∞)satisfy condition R′.Furthermore,it is straightforward to check that proofs ofLemmas26.1–26.5for a graded presentation with condition R′are retained(minor changes in arguments of proofs of Lemmas26.1–26.2caused by the possibility|T1|= 0are evident).Thus,by Lemma26.5[O89],any reduced diagram over¯G(i)(or ¯G(∞))is a B-map.By definitions and the analogue of Lemma25.2[O89],the group¯G(∞)has exponent n0.Suppose U is a word in{b±11,b±12}and U=1in the group¯G(∞).Let ¯∆be a reduced diagram over¯G(∞)withϕ(∂¯∆)≡U.Since|∂¯∆|=0,it follows from Theorem22.4[O89]that r(¯∆)=0,hence U=1in the group K given by(1). This means that K naturally embeds in¯G(∞).Let V1=(F n T F n+2...T F n+2h−2)−1,V2=(F n+1T F n+3...T F n+2h−1)−1. Observe that,in view of relators(2),the group¯G(∞)is naturally isomorphic to the quotient B K(A,n0)= B(A,n0) R(V1,V2)=1,R(b1,b2)∈¯R0 of B(A,n0). Hence,the subgroup V1,V2 of B K(A,n0)is isomorphic to the group K given by (1)under the map V1→b1,V2→b2.Since K is an arbitrary2-generator group of exponent n0,it follows that V1,V2 is a Q-subgroup of B(A,n0)isomorphic to B(2,n0).Now we will show that B(∞,n0)embeds in B(2,n0)as a Q-subgroup.To do this we will repeat the above arguments with some changes.Now we let A={a1,a2}, i.e.,m=2,and B={b1,b2,...}be a countably infinite alphabet.LetK= B R=1,R∈¯R0 (3)be a presentation of afinite or countable group of exponent n0,¯A=A∪B,and ¯G(0)= ¯A R=1,R∈¯R0 .4S.V.IV ANOVAs before,constructing groups¯G(i)by induction on i≥1,wefirst define the set¯X i of periods of rank i≥1.It is easy to show that each¯X i,i≥1,contains a word A i in the alphabet{a1,a2}such that A i is not in the cyclic subgroup a1 of ¯G(i−1).Then for every F∈¯Xiwe define the relator F n0and for the distinguished period A i∈¯X i we introduce the second relatorb i A n i a1A n+2i ...a1A n+2h−2i.These relators over all F∈¯X i form the set¯S i=¯R i\¯R i−1.As above,we set ¯G(i)= ¯A R=1,R∈¯Ri,¯G(∞)= ¯A R=1,R∈∪∞j=0¯R jand show that these presentations satisfy condition R′.Similarly,we establish analogues of corresponding claims of Sects.18,25–27[O89].Suppose U=U(B)is a word in B±1and U=1in the group¯G(∞).Let¯∆be a reduced disk diagram over¯G(∞)withϕ(∂¯∆)≡U.It follows from Lemma 26.5,Theorem22.4[O89]and equality|∂¯∆|=0that r(¯∆)=0.Hence U=1 in the group K given by(3)and so K naturally embeds in¯G(∞).As above,by definitions and Lemma25.2[O89],the group¯G(∞)has exponent n0and we can see that¯G(∞)is naturally isomorphic to the quotientB K(A,n0)= B(A,n0) R(V1,V2,...)=1,R(b1,b2,...)∈¯R0of B(A,n0),where V i=(A n i a1A n+2i ...a1A n+2h−2i)−1,i=1,2,....Hence,thesubgroup V1,V2,... of B K(A,n0)is isomorphic to the group K under the map V i→b i,i=1,2,....Since K is an arbitraryfinite or countable group of exponent n0,it follows that V1,V2,... is a Q-subgroup of B(A,n0)=B(2,n0)isomorphic to B(∞,n0).The specific estimate n=n0>1078of Theorem can be obtained by using lemmas and specific estimates of articles[O82]and[AI87](see also[O85])instead of those of[O89].The proof of Theorem is complete.In conclusion,we remark that it is not difficult to show that B(∞,n)embeds in B(2,n)for n=2k≫1(see[IO97],[I94])but it is not clear how to embed B(∞,n) in B(2,n)as a Q-subgroup and it would be interesting to do so.It would also be of interest tofind out whether B(∞,n)embeds(as a Q-subgroup)in every nonlocally finite subgroup of B(m,n)for n=2k≫1.References[A86]V.S.Atabekian,On simple infinite groups with identity,#5381-B86,VINITI,Moscow, 1986(this is kept in the Depot of VINITI,Moscow,and is available upon request). 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