

“展现个人风采,打造高效课堂”教学比武活动总结(Summary of the teaching contest of "Showing personal style and

creating an efficient classroom")

感动于所有老师热情的参与、认真的学习精神,大家辛苦了!认同立冬的备课就是把教师自己的感受用适当的方法传达给学生的观点;喜欢迎春有深度、有味道的语文课堂;欣赏迎新培养学生良好学习习惯的独具匠心;佩服小明主任高屋建瓴的专业指导。总之我觉得这次活动时成功的!(Moved by the enthusiastic participation and earnest learning spirit of all teachers, everyone has worked hard! I agree with Lidong’s lesson preparation to convey the teacher’s own feelings to the students in an appropriate way;

I like the in-depth and tasteful Chinese classes in the Spring Festival; appreciate the originality of welcoming the new year to cultivate students’ good study habits; admire the professional guidance of the director of Xiaoming Gao Wu Jianling. In short, I think this event was a success!)



分钟之外所付出的努力,在这不再一一的表杨肯定,谨代表全体评委组对老师们在活动中所表现出来的认真的态度、不懈的努力,表示衷心的感谢!(With the joint efforts of all participating teachers, the one-month teaching contest "Showing personal style and creating an efficient classroom" has come to an end. In this event, we presented 28 elegant Chinese lessons. Involving each stage of the low school and high school, from the perspective of classroom effects, every participating teacher has paid great attention to it, carefully prepared, and strived to show his highest level and teaching characteristics; along the way, it has been colorful and exciting. Therefore, the teachers are able to improve on their original level, especially the teachers like Wang xx, Gong xx, Li xx and Liu xx have made great progress. Let us see the hard work that everyone has put in 40 minutes. I will no longer express Yang affirmation one by one. On behalf of all the judges, I would like to express the serious attitude and unremitting efforts of the teachers in the activity. Heartfelt thanks!)


并详细解读了以及在备课的过程中是如何深挖文本,设计教学的,裴主任也结合学科特点进行了指导,比较细致,站位也很高,希望老师回去之后认真反思,找差距,不断提升自己的教学艺术水平。专业领域的东西我不再多说,借这个机会向老师们提四点要求:(Just now, two teachers, Wu xx and Li xx, presented us with two demonstration lessons for the low and high stages, and explained in detail how to dig into the text and design the teaching in the process of preparing the lesson. Director Pei also combined the characteristics of the subject The guidance was more meticulous and the position was high. I hope that the teacher will reflect on it seriously after returning, find gaps, and continuously improve his teaching art level. I will not say more about the professional field. I will take this opportunity to ask the teachers four requirements:)

1. 作为一名语文教师,首先要具备四项功夫:对文本深刻透彻的解

读功夫;字正腔圆、声情并茂的诵读功夫;准确生动、引人入胜的表达功夫;规范美观的板书功夫。这是作为一名语文教师自身应具备的基本素养,只有自己功夫硬,才能引领学生把我们的语文课堂上得扎实、饱满、有根基。(1. As a Chinese teacher, you must first have four skills: a profound and thorough interpretation of the text;

a well-rounded and full-blown recitation skills; accurate, vivid and fascinating expression skills; standard and

beautiful blackboard writing skills. This is the basic quality that a Chinese teacher should possess. Only by one's own hard work can we lead students to make our Chinese class solid, full and rooted.)

2.对于课堂教学设计的出发点和立足点送给大家一句话:“放手就是爱,等待就是爱。”希望大家能够真正的把孩子当做学习的主体,知道孩子的需要,理解孩子的感受,还给孩子更多的自主的学习空间。(2. For the starting point and foothold of classroom teaching design, I would like to give everyone a sentence: "Let go is love, waiting is love." I hope everyone can truly regard children as the main body of learning, know their needs, understand their feelings, and return Give children more independent learning space.)


课堂,在中高年级所听的几节课中,他们的学生参与度和开口度是最高的,全班学生基本上都能做到和老师一起来完成教学任务,而不是老师和一部分学生唱独角戏。(3. In future teaching and research activities, to evaluate the level of a class, in addition to

the depth of the teacher's understanding of the text and the rationality of the design of the teaching link, it also depends on whether the student's learning status is high and the student's participation What is the degree of opening? The classroom is for students. If students do not participate, students do not speak, so how can an efficient class be achieved? How good the teachers are, and how wonderful are the students who don’t participate in the classroom? What impressed me the most was the class of Mr. Guo Yingxin. Among the few lessons that the middle and high grad es listened to, their students’ participation and openness were the highest. All students in the class can basically complete the teaching with the teacher. The task, not the teacher and some students singing a one-man show.)

4. 今天由于时间关系我们仅仅展示了两节课,但是我们不光要看单

独这一节课展示出来的内容,还要善于思考课例背后的东西,是如何承载到课堂中的,只有老师平时下足了功夫,才有了课堂上的水到渠成。(4. Today, due to time constraints, we only showed two lessons, but we should not only look at the content displayed in this single lesson, but also be good at thinking about the things behind the lesson examples and how they are carried into the classroom. Only the teacher usually After a lot of effort,

the class will be a matter of course.)

最后我代表评委组宣布一下此次比武的结果,经过评委组全体成员的共同商议,“展现个人风采,打造高效课堂教学比武语文学科”结果如下:一等奖:李xx(Finally, on behalf of the judges, I announce the results of this competition. After all the members of the judges discussed together, "Showing personal style and creating efficient classroom teaching competitions in Chinese" The results are as follows: First prize: Li xx)

二等奖:郭xx(Second prize: Guo xx)

当然获奖的课也并不是完美的,没获奖的课也同样有精彩之处,希望大家辩证的看待,在以后的教学工作中,继续放大和保持自己的特长,使二小的课堂充满生机。(Of course, the award-winning class is not perfect, and the class that did not win the award is also wonderful. I hope you will treat it dialectically. In the future teaching work, you will continue to enlarge and maintain your own expertise to make the second elementary classroom full of vitality.)


动时成功的!(Moved by the enthusiastic participation and earnest learning spirit of all teachers, everyone has worked hard! I agree with Lidong’s lesson preparation to convey the teacher’s own feelings to the students’ point of view in an appropriate way; I like the in-depth and tasteful language classes in the Spring Festival; appreciate the unique ingenuity of welcoming the new year to cultivate students’ good study habits; admire the professional guidance of Director Xiao Ming, Gao Wu Jianling. In short, I think this event was a success!)为期一个月的“展现个人风采,打造高效课堂”教学比武活动,在全体参赛教师的共同努力下,已经落下了帷幕。在这次活动中为我们呈现出了28节各具风采的语文课。涉及到低中高每个学段,从课堂效


分钟之外所付出的努力,在这不再一一的表杨肯定,谨代表全体评委组对老师们在活动中所表现出来的认真的态度、不懈的努力,表示衷心的感谢!(With the joint efforts of all participating teachers, the one-month teaching contest "Showing personal style and creating an efficient classroom" has come to an end. In this event, we presented 28 Chinese lessons with various styles.

Involving each stage of the low school and high school, from the perspective of classroom effects, every participating teacher has paid great attention to it, carefully prepared, and strived to show his highest level and teaching characteristics; along the way, it has been colorful and exciting. Therefore, the teachers are able to improve on their original level, especially the teachers like Wang xx, Gong xx, Li xx and Liu xx have made great progress. Let us see everyone’s effort s beyond 40 minutes. We will no longer express Yang’s affirmation one by one. On behalf of all the judges, I would like to express the serious attitude and unremitting efforts of the teachers in the activities. Heartfelt thanks!)

刚才吴xx、李xx两位老师为我们呈现了低段和高段两节示范引路课,并详细解读了以及在备课的过程中是如何深挖文本,设计教学的,裴主任也结合学科特点进行了指导,比较细致,站位也很高,希望老师回去之后认真反思,找差距,不断提升自己的教学艺术水平。专业领域的东西我不再多说,借这个机会向老师们提四点要求:(Just now, two teachers, Wu xx and Li xx, presented us with two demonstration lessons for the low and high stages, and explained in detail how to dig into the text and design the teaching in the process of preparing the lesson. Director Pei also combined the characteristics of the subject The guidance

was more meticulous and the position was high. I hope the teacher will reflect on it seriously after returning, find the gap, and continuously improve his teaching art level. I will not say more about the professional field. I will take this opportunity to ask the teachers four requirements:)

1. 作为一名语文教师,首先要具备四项功夫:对文本深刻透彻的解

读功夫;字正腔圆、声情并茂的诵读功夫;准确生动、引人入胜的表达功夫;规范美观的板书功夫。这是作为一名语文教师自身应具备的基本素养,只有自己功夫硬,才能引领学生把我们的语文课堂上得扎实、饱满、有根基。(1. As a Chinese teacher, you must first have four skills: a profound and thorough interpretation of the text;

a well-rounded and full-blown recitation skills; accurate, vivid and fascinating expression skills; standard and beautiful blackboard writing skills. This is the basic quality that a Chinese teacher should possess. Only by one's own hard work can we lead students to make our Chinese class solid, full and rooted.)

2.对于课堂教学设计的出发点和立足点送给大家一句话:“放手就是爱,等待就是爱。”希望大家能够真正的把孩子当做学习的主体,知道孩子的需要,理解孩子的感受,还给孩子更多的自主的学习空间。(2. For the starting point and foothold of classroom teaching design, I would like to give everyone a sentence: "Let go is

love, waiting is love." I hope everyone can truly regard children as the main body of learning, know their needs, understand their feelings, and return Give children more independent learning space.)


课堂,在中高年级所听的几节课中,他们的学生参与度和开口度是最高的,全班学生基本上都能做到和老师一起来完成教学任务,而不是老师和一部分学生唱独角戏。(3. In future teaching and research activities, to evaluate the level of a class, in addition to the depth of the teacher's understanding of the text and the rationality of the design of the teaching link, it also depends on whether the student's learning status is high and the student's participation What is the degree of opening? The classroom is for students. If students do not participate, students do not speak, so how can an efficient class be achieved? How good the teachers are, and how wonderful are the students who don’t participate in the classroom? What impressed me the most was the class of Mr. Guo Yingxin. Among the few lessons

t hat the middle and high grades listened to, their students’ participation and openness were the highest. All students in the class can basically complete the teaching with the teacher. Task, not a one-man show between the teacher and some students.)4. 今天由于时间关系我们仅仅展示了两节课,但是我们不光要看单独这一节课展示出来的内容,还要善于思考课例背后的东西,是如何承载到课堂中的,只有老师平时下足了功夫,才有了课堂上的水到渠成。(4. Today, due to time constraints, we only showed two lessons, but we should not only look at the content displayed in this single lesson, but also be good at thinking about the things behind the lesson examples and how they are carried into the classroom. Only the teacher usually After a lot of effort, the class will be a matter of course.)

最后我代表评委组宣布一下此次比武的结果,经过评委组全体成员的共同商议,“展现个人风采,打造高效课堂教学比武语文学科”结果如下:一等奖:李xx(Finally, on behalf of the judges, I will announce the results of this competition. After all the members of the judges have discussed together, "Showing personal style and creating an efficient classroom teaching competition in Chinese" The results are as follows: First prize: Li xx)

二等奖:郭xx(Second prize: Guo xx)


大家辩证的看待,在以后的教学工作中,继续放大和保持自己的特长,使二小的课堂充满生机。(Of course, the award-winning class is not perfect, and the class that did not win the award is also wonderful. I hope you will treat it dialectically. In the future teaching work, you will continue to enlarge and maintain your own expertise to make the second elementary classroom full of vitality.)

感动于所有老师热情的参与、认真的学习精神,大家辛苦了!认同立冬的备课就是把教师自己的感受用适当的方法传达给学生的观点;喜欢迎春有深度、有味道的语文课堂;欣赏迎新培养学生良好学习习惯的独具匠心;佩服小明主任高屋建瓴的专业指导。总之我觉得这次活动时成功的!(Moved by the enthusiastic participation and earnest learning spirit of all teachers, everyone has worked hard! I agree with Lidong’s lesson preparation to convey the teacher’s own feelings to the students’ point of v iew in an appropriate way; I like the in-depth and tasteful language classes in the Spring Festival; appreciate the unique ingenuity of welcoming the new year to cultivate students’ good study habits; admire the professional guidance of Director Xiao Ming, Gao Wu Jianling. In short, I think this event was a success!)为期一个月的“展现个人风采,打造高效课堂”教学比武活动,在全



分钟之外所付出的努力,在这不再一一的表杨肯定,谨代表全体评委组对老师们在活动中所表现出来的认真的态度、不懈的努力,表示衷心的感谢!(With the joint efforts of all participating teachers, the one-month teaching contest "Showing personal style and creating an efficient classroom" has come to an end. In this event, we presented 28 Chinese lessons with various styles. Involving each stage of the low school and high school, from the perspective of classroom effects, every participating teacher has paid great attention to it, carefully prepared, and strived to show his highest level and teaching characteristics; along the way, it has been colorful and exciting. Therefore, the teachers are able to improve on their original level, especially the teachers like Wang xx, Gong xx, Li xx and Liu xx have made great pr ogress. Let us see everyone’s efforts beyond 40 minutes. We will no longer express Yang’s affirmation one by one. On behalf of all the judges, I would

like to express the serious attitude and unremitting efforts of the teachers in the activities. Heartfelt thanks!)

刚才吴xx、李xx两位老师为我们呈现了低段和高段两节示范引路课,并详细解读了以及在备课的过程中是如何深挖文本,设计教学的,裴主任也结合学科特点进行了指导,比较细致,站位也很高,希望老师回去之后认真反思,找差距,不断提升自己的教学艺术水平。专业领域的东西我不再多说,借这个机会向老师们提四点要求:(Just now, two teachers, Wu xx and Li xx, presented us with two demonstration lessons for the low and high stages, and explained in detail how to dig into the text and design the teaching in the process of preparing the lesson. Director Pei also combined the characteristics of the subject The guidance was more meticulous and the position was high. I hope that the teacher will reflect on it seriously after returning, find gaps, and continuously improve his teaching art level. I will not say more about the professional field. I will take this opportunity to ask the teachers four requirements:)

1. 作为一名语文教师,首先要具备四项功夫:对文本深刻透彻的解

读功夫;字正腔圆、声情并茂的诵读功夫;准确生动、引人入胜的表达功夫;规范美观的板书功夫。这是作为一名语文教师自身应具备的基本素养,只有自己功夫硬,才能引领学生把我们的语文课堂上得扎实、饱满、有根基。(1. As a Chinese teacher, you must first have

four skills: a profound and thorough interpretation of the text;

a reciting skill with round words and a strong voice; an accurate, vivid and fascinating expression skill; a standard and beautiful blackboard writing skill. This is the basic quality that a Chinese teacher should possess. Only by one's own hard work can we lead students to make our Chinese class solid, full and rooted.)

2.对于课堂教学设计的出发点和立足点送给大家一句话:“放手就是爱,等待就是爱。”希望大家能够真正的把孩子当做学习的主体,知道孩子的需要,理解孩子的感受,还给孩子更多的自主的学习空间。(2. For the starting point and foothold of classroom teaching design, I would like to give you a sentence: "Let go is love, waiting is love." I hope everyone can truly regard children as the subject of learning, know their needs, understand their feelings, and return Give children more independent learning space.)



高的,全班学生基本上都能做到和老师一起来完成教学任务,而不是老师和一部分学生唱独角戏。(3. In future teaching and research activities, to evaluate the level of a class, in addition to the depth of the teacher's understanding of the text and the rationality of the design of the teaching link, it also depends on whether the student's learning status is high and the student's participation What is the degree of opening? The classroom is for students. If students do not participate, students do not speak, so how can an efficient class be achieved? How good the teachers are, and how wonderful are the students who don’t participate in the classroom? What impressed me the most was the class of Mr. Guo Yingxin. Among the few lessons that the middle and high grades listened to, their students’ participation and openness were the highest. All students in the class can basically complete the teaching with the teacher. The task, not the teacher and some students singing a one-man show.)

4. 今天由于时间关系我们仅仅展示了两节课,但是我们不光要看单

独这一节课展示出来的内容,还要善于思考课例背后的东西,是如何承载到课堂中的,只有老师平时下足了功夫,才有了课堂上的水到渠成。(4. Today, due to time constraints, we only showed two lessons, but we should not only look at the content displayed

in this single lesson, but also be good at thinking about the things behind the lesson examples and how they are carried into the classroom. Only the teacher usually After a lot of effort, the class will be a matter of course.)

最后我代表评委组宣布一下此次比武的结果,经过评委组全体成员的共同商议,“展现个人风采,打造高效课堂教学比武语文学科”结果如下:一等奖:李xx(Finally, on behalf of the judges, I will announce the results of this competition. After all the members of the judges have discussed together, "Showing personal style and creating an efficient classroom teaching competition in Chinese" The results are as follows: First prize: Li xx)

二等奖:郭xx(Second prize: Guo xx)

当然获奖的课也并不是完美的,没获奖的课也同样有精彩之处,希望大家辩证的看待,在以后的教学工作中,继续放大和保持自己的特长,使二小的课堂充满生机。(Of course, the award-winning class is not perfect, and the class that did not win the award is also wonderful. I hope you will treat it dialectically. In the future teaching work, you will continue to enlarge and maintain your own expertise to make the second elementary classroom full of vitality.)


冬的备课就是把教师自己的感受用适当的方法传达给学生的观点;喜欢迎春有深度、有味道的语文课堂;欣赏迎新培养学生良好学习习惯的独具匠心;佩服小明主任高屋建瓴的专业指导。总之我觉得这次活动时成功的!(Moved by the enthusiastic participation and earnest learning spirit of all teachers, everyone has worked hard! I agree with Lidong’s lesson preparation to convey the teacher’s own feelings to the students in an appropriate way;

I like the in-depth and tasteful Chinese classes in the Spring Festival; appreciate the originality of welcoming the new year to cultivate students’ good study habits; admire the professional guidance of the director of Xiaoming Gao Wu Jianling. In short, I think this event was a success!)



分钟之外所付出的努力,在这不再一一的表杨肯定,谨代表全体评委组对老师们在活动中所表现出来的认真的态度、不懈的努力,表示衷心的感谢!(With the joint efforts of all participating teachers,

the one-month teaching contest "Showing personal style and creating an efficient classroom" has come to an end. In this event, we presented 28 Chinese lessons with various styles. Involving each stage of low school and high school, from the perspective of classroom effects, every participating teacher has paid great attention to it, carefully prepared, and strived to show his highest level and teaching characteristics; along the way, it has been colorful and exciting. Therefore, the teachers are able to improve on their original level, especially the teachers like Wang xx, Gong xx, Li xx and Liu xx have made great progress. Let us see everyone’s efforts beyond 40 minutes. We will no longer express Yang’s affirmation one by one. On behalf of all the judges, I would like to express the serious attitude and unremitting efforts of the teachers in the activities. Heartfelt thanks!)

刚才吴xx、李xx两位老师为我们呈现了低段和高段两节示范引路课,并详细解读了以及在备课的过程中是如何深挖文本,设计教学的,裴主任也结合学科特点进行了指导,比较细致,站位也很高,希望老师回去之后认真反思,找差距,不断提升自己的教学艺术水平。专业领域的东西我不再多说,借这个机会向老师们提四点要求:(Just now, two teachers, Wu xx and Li xx, presented us with two demonstration lessons in the low and high sections, and

explained in detail how to dig deep into the text and design the teaching in the process of preparing lessons. Director Pei also combined the characteristics of the subject The guidance was more meticulous and the position was high. I hope the teacher will reflect on it seriously after returning, find the gap, and continuously improve his teaching art level. I will not say more about the professional field. I will take this opportunity to ask the teachers four requirements:)

1. 作为一名语文教师,首先要具备四项功夫:对文本深刻透彻的解

读功夫;字正腔圆、声情并茂的诵读功夫;准确生动、引人入胜的表达功夫;规范美观的板书功夫。这是作为一名语文教师自身应具备的基本素养,只有自己功夫硬,才能引领学生把我们的语文课堂上得扎实、饱满、有根基。(1. As a Chinese teacher, you must first have four skills: a profound and thorough interpretation of the text;

a well-rounded and full-blown recitation skills; accurate, vivid and fascinating expression skills; standard and beautiful blackboard writing skills. This is the basic quality that a Chinese teacher should possess. Only by one's own hard work can we lead students to make our Chinese class solid, full and rooted.)

