Nelumbo nucifera using nuclear ribosomal ITS, ISSR RAPD markers




光谱法研究吡嗪酰胺与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用张霞;倪永年【期刊名称】《化学研究与应用》【年(卷),期】2007(019)011【摘要】用光谱法研究了抗结核药吡嗪酰胺(Pyrazinamide, PZA)与牛血清白蛋白(bovine serum albumin, BSA)的相互作用,初步探讨了PZA对BSA的猝灭机理为静态猝灭,并用荧光猝灭法测定了作用的位点数n和结合常数K.根据不同温度下的热力学常数确定了PZA与BSA之间的作用力主要是氢键和范德华力作用.根据Forster非辐射能量转移原理,测定了实验条件下PZA与BSA相互结合时,能量授体-受体的结合距离.并用同步荧光和紫外光谱法研究了PZA对BSA构象的影响.【总页数】4页(P1211-1214)【作者】张霞;倪永年【作者单位】南昌大学化学系,江西,南昌,330047;南昌大学化学系,江西,南昌,330047;南昌大学食品科学教育部重点实验室,江西,南昌,330047【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.3【相关文献】1.多光谱法和分子对接模拟法研究美满霉素与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用 [J], 王晓霞; 聂智华; 马力通; 崔金龙; 赛华征; 赵文渊2.光谱法研究高效氯氰菊酯与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用 [J], 孙丽莉;张朝;陈刚;彭晓萌;谢映松;胡立中;葛少林3.光谱法与计算机模拟法研究六溴环十二烷与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用 [J], 庹浔;宋继敏;付豪;吕小兰4.多光谱法和分子对接模拟法研究黄腐植酸和牛血清白蛋白的相互作用 [J], 王晓霞;吴昊;聂智华;马力通;崔金龙;赛华征;成建国5.光谱法研究甲苯达唑与牛血清白蛋白的相互作用 [J], 顾佳丽;王思宇;杨丹;黄曦瑶;何茜;秦洪伟因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。


海 和 日本 的 很 多 地 方 一 样 属 于 胃 癌 发
关 注 和 重 视 。 “ 自钱 永 健 实 验 室 的 科 来
学 家 也 用 我 们 的 荧 光 肿 瘤 模 型 和 成 像 系
疗 效 往 往 较 化 学 制 药 更 高 。根据 卫 生
部 公 布 , 国 癌 症 死 亡 率 持 续 提 升 ,目 中
Bl iI ltI I i l
医药 公司 所 垄 断 , 临 床 前 药 物 筛 选 而
过 程 成 为 阻 碍这 一产 业 发展 的瓶 颈 。
安 泰 康 生物 技 术 ( 京 ) 限公 司 ( 北 有 以 下 简称安 泰康 ) 引进 了 世 界 领 先 的 在 完 整 的 生 物 体 内实 时 监 测 基 因 表 达 的 荧 光 成 像 技 术 , 我 国抗 癌 药 物 的研 发 为
带 来了曙光 。
利 用 荧 光 蛋 白进 行 癌 症 生 物 学 研 究 的先 驱
2 0 年 , 括美 籍 华裔 科 学 家 钱 08 包
永 健 在 内 的 3 美 国 科 学 家 由 于对 绿 色 名
安泰 康 生 物 技 术 ( 京 ) 限公 司 总 经 理 杨 萌博 士 北 有
利 用 绿 色 荧 光 蛋 白
荧 光 蛋 白研 究 所 做 出 的 贡 献 获 得 诺 贝
尔化 学 奖 。 典 皇 家 科 学 院 新 闻 公报 瑞
将 绿 色 荧 光 蛋 白的发 现 和 改 造 与显微 镜 的发 明 相 提 并 论 :“ 色 荧 光 蛋 白在 绿 过 去 的 l 年 中成 为 生 物 化 学 家 、 物 学 0 生
口 1 .% , 为 中 国 最 主 要 的 疾 病 , 65 成 这
蛋 白监 测 完整 的 生 物 体 内基 因表 达 的 荧 光 成 像 法 已被 各 国的研 究 者 广 泛 采 用。 杨 萌博 士 无疑 是 应 用绿 色荧光 蛋 白进















RPMI 1640培养基和胎牛血清购自Gibco公司。







让藻类植物为民所用作者:张静怡来源:《科学中国人·下旬刊》2020年第06期2019年是胡章立团队丰收的一年:1月,团队与合作者在环境生物学领域顶级刊物Environmental Science & Technology上发表了CNR10调控植物重金属转运机制的研究论文;3月,团队在生物能源Top刊物Biotechnology for Biofuels上发表了转录因子DOF调控衣藻脂代谢的研究成果;4月,团队与合作者在环境科学Top期刊Journal of Hazardous Materials上公布了植物镉抗性蛋白PCR调控的分子机制;7月,团队与合作者在Nature正刊上公布了科学界寻找了30多年的植物盐感受器及其作用机制;8月,他们受特邀在生物技术领域Top期刊Bioresource Biotechnology上发表了微藻生物制氢研究的综述论文……虽然捷报频传,但埋首藻类与植物分子生物学研究近30年,胡章立早已在风雨中练就了荣辱不惊的品性和心态。












PErepartionandnAplicationgof2-Aroyl-3o,-bis(alkylsoulfanyl)acryrladehydes R. Anabha, Chittoorthekkathil V. Asokan*
School of Chemical Sciences, Mahatma Gandhi University, Priyadarshini Hills P. O., Kottayam 686 560, India Fax +91(481)2731009; E-mail: asokancv@ Received 2 April 2005; revised 4 July 2005
二硫缩烯酮 convenientpreparation 5-aroyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-2-pyridinecarbonitriles preparation 2-aroyl-3,3-bis(alkylsulfanyl)acrylaldehydesengoor anabha,chittoorthekkathil asokan*school chemicalsciences, mahatma gandhi university, priyadarshini hills kottayam686 560, india fax +91(481)2731009; e-mail: asokancv @ received april2005; revised july2005 erally, a-formyl derivatives ketenedithioacetals obtainedindirectly from correspondingbis(methylsul- fanyl)ethylene carboxylates via process.rudorf et al. reported fromaroylacetaldehydes treatingthem carbondisulfide abstract: aroylketenedithioacetals vilsmei-er–haack reagent, prepared from pocl undermild con- ditionsgave 2-aroyl-3,3-bis(alkylsulfanyl)acrylaldehydes excellentyields. cyclization 2-[2-aroyl-3,3-bis(methylsulfanyl)-2-propylidene]malononitriles derivedfrom concentratedhydrochloric acid tertiarybutanol afforded 2-pyridone derivatives base,followed alkylation.most havekey words: ketene dithioacetals, knoevenagel condensations, cy- already been reporte


o FK m A f -B RN .Meh d 6 ma Drt w r rn o l id dit cn o gop moe gop a dl 一2 s k ) md l・5 N to s 0f l S s ee adm ydv e o ot l ru , d lru , n w (5m g , ide( 0 e e a i n r o / m k ) hg 一10m k )rsea o—et ru , ea ta0e 3m k )t a dgop R t umoayf rs a erd cdb / s g ,i (0 s g evrt lrae gop dxme sn( s g - t ru . a l nr boiw s po ue y h / r t d h / e r e p i s r a t t celnet no l m cn U igtem to f ssnt osretef rs n su h nig adR —C a sd li r r ha ijco f e yi. s eh o ln a a i bo n h d Ma o bev boi i l gtseca g , n T P Rw s e o hi snu i n u
【 bt c】 O jcv T sr e fco rvrr n l m c — dcdploa b s ea adt xr sn A s at r b t e o be eh f t fe e tl e yi i ue u nrf r io t tn e p so ei o v t ee s a o b o n n o m y o s fh r h e e i i
t e e t e e p si n o K mRNA n l n is e o d tc x r so fNF— B h t e i g t u .Re ul 1 Th o l g n f e i h d la d l w r s e a rlte td go p wa u s s t s . ec l e b  ̄ n t emo e n o e v r t -r ae r u s a i e sg i c n l n r a e i r g e s d,t e mi d e a d h【 e v r to ・ a e r u n h e a t a o e te t d g o p h v h in f a t i c s d a tme p o r s e i y e s h d l n i h r s e ar lt td g o p a d t e d x meh n - a e r u a e t e s e r s r s l e te d t h d lgo p a d t e l w r s e ar lte t d,ls a h m tt e s me tme an r n swi t e mo e r u h o e v r to — a e h n r e st n t e a h a i .2. h x r s in o — B mRNA n h T e e p e s fNF K o i



摘要:2,3-二氮杂萘酮类衍生物及其旋光异构体用作 抗心律失常、止痛及突破多药抗性的药物。




第42 卷第 9 期2023 年9 月Vol.42 No.91151~1156分析测试学报FENXI CESHI XUEBAO(Journal of Instrumental Analysis)吲哚结构的荧光探针在粘度检测及细胞成像中的应用余 强1,李祥1,马素芳2*(1.山西医科大学医学影像学院,山西太原030001;2.山西医科大学基础医学院,山西太原030001)摘要:该文以1,2,3,3-四甲基-3H-吲哚鎓碘化物为电子受体,吲哚为电子供体,通过一步反应合成了一种D-π-A结构的新型荧光探针(1),并用于药物诱导的细胞中粘度变化的检测。

采用核磁氢谱(1H NMR)、核磁碳谱(13C NMR)、高分辨质谱(ESI-MS)和红外光谱(IR)对探针进行表征,通过荧光光谱考察了探针光学性质及响应粘度(η)的可行性。


Förster-Hoffmann方程分析结果显示,lg I与lgη具有较好的线性关系(r2 = 0.998 0),探针对粘度的检出限为1.167 cP。


将探针与经鱼藤酮或羰基氰化氯苯腙(CCCP)刺激的HeLa细胞共孵育30 min,细胞荧光亮度明显增强,表明探针具有较好的生物相容性,可以对细胞微环境中粘度的变化进行有效响应。


关键词:粘度响应;吲哚;荧光探针;细胞成像中图分类号:O657.3;Q334文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004-4957(2023)09-1151-06Application of Fluorescence Probe Based on Indole in ViscosityDetection and Cell ImagingYU Qiang1,LI Xiang1,MA Su-fang2*(1.Medical Imaging Department,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China;2.School of BasicMedical Science,Shanxi Medical University,Taiyuan 030001,China)Abstract:In this paper,a novel fluorescent probe with D-π-A structure(1) was synthesized by a one-step reaction using 1,2,3,3-tetramethyl-3H-indolium iodide as an electron acceptor and in⁃dole as an electron donor for the detection of drug-induced viscosity changes in cells. The structure of the fluorescent probe was characterized by nuclear magnetic hydrogen spectroscopy(1H NMR),nu⁃clear magnetic carbon spectroscopy(13C NMR)and electrospray ionization mass spectrometry(ESI-MS). The optical properties of the probe and the feasibility of response viscosity(η) were measured by fluorescence spectroscopy. The probe was added to different ratios of water-glycerol system,the fluorescence intensity(I) of probe increased gradually with the increasing ratio of glycerol. When the ratio of glycerol was 90%,the fluorescence intensity of the probe was enhanced by about 100 times compared with the pure water system.The analysis using the Förster-Hoffmann equation showed a good linear relationship between lg I and lgη(r2= 0.998 0),and the lowest detection limit of the probe for viscosity was 1.167 cP,indicating the probe has good sensitivity to viscosity response and has the potential for quantitative viscosity detection. The probe did not respond to other active mole⁃cules,and the fluorescence intensity was little affected by organic solvents with small viscosity,and only had a better response to glycerol with large viscosity,which fully indicates that the probe degree has an excellent specificity to viscosity. The fluorescence of the probe both in the aqueous solution and the water-glycerol(90%) solution did not change significantly after 60 min keeping at room tem⁃perature.The fluorescence intensities of the probe both in aqueous solution and the water-glycerol (90%) solution were almost unchanged in the pH range of 4.0-9.0,which indicated that the probe has good photostability and pH stability. The probe had a low effect on cell viability within the experi⁃收稿日期:2023-03-21;修回日期:2023-06-02基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(82202289,82071969)∗通讯作者:马素芳,博士,讲师,研究方向:小分子荧光探针的构建及应用,E-mail:masufang@doi:10.19969/j.fxcsxb.230321021152分析测试学报第 42 卷mental range,indicating that the probe has good biocompatibility. In addition,only weak fluores⁃cence was observed after HeLa cells were co-incubated with the probe solution for 30 min. In con⁃trast,after the probe solution was co-incubated with HeLa cells which were stimulated with rotenone and carbonyl cyanide chlorophenylhydrazone(CCCP) for 30 min,a significant increase in cell fluo⁃rescence brightness could be observed,indicating that the probe can effectively detect changes in vis⁃cosity in the cell microenvironment. All the above results indicate that the probe has the advantages of good stability,specificity and biocompatibility as a viscosity-responsive probe,and has excellent potential for biological applications.Key words:viscosity response;indole;fluorescent probe;cell imaging粘度作为细胞微环境的重要参数之一,不仅对细胞内信号转导和新陈代谢具有重要意义,而且能够通过影响活细胞内生物分子和化学信号的相互作用直接或间接影响细胞的各种生理功能,如自噬等[1-5]。




1.灵芝孢子和破壁孢子多糖对体外培养的小鼠脾淋巴细胞及腹腔巨噬细胞免疫调节活性的比较 [J], 王鹏云;王赛贞;林树钱;林志彬
2.纳米级灵芝子实体粉末和破壁灵芝孢子粉体外抗肿瘤活性研究 [J], 高歌;包海鹰;图力古尔
3.灵芝孢子油抗肿瘤活性机制研究进展 [J], 郭原;周亚杰;冯鹏;冯敏;
4.灵芝孢子油体外抗肿瘤活性比较研究 [J], 彭学翰;谢文敏;李霁;于锋



镰形棘豆黄酮苷元对免疫抑制小鼠细胞因子的影响胡君茹;姜华【摘要】Objective: To explore the influence of flavonoid glycosides extracted from Tibetan medicine LianXing JiDou (Oxytropis falcata Bunge) on the cytokines of the immunosuppressive mice. Methods: Sixty mice were randomized into six groups: the blank group, the model group, high, moderate and low dose groups of flavonoid glycosides extracted from LianXing JiDou (336, 168, 84 mg/kg) as well as levamisole hydrochloride group (25 mg/kg), ten mice each group. High, moderate and low dose groups of flavonoid glycosides extracted from LianXing JiDou accepted intragastric administration of flavonoid glycosides in different doses respectively; the blank group and the model group were drenched with the same amount of 5% tween-80 solutions, for ten days. The immunosuppressive mice models were prepared by injecting cyclophosphamide since the eighth day, except the blank group received peritoneal injection of physiological saline, other groups accepted peritoneal injection of cyclophosphamide for three days. The contents of IL-1, IL-2, IL-4, IL-8, IL-10, TNF-α and IFN-γ in the serum and the contents of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, TNF-α and IFN-γ in the supernatant of cultured splenic lymphocytes were detected by using ELISA method, to observe the influence of flavonoid glycosides extracted from Tibetan medicine LianXing JiDou on the cytokines of the immunosuppressive mice. Results: Compared with the model group, different doses groups of flavonoid glycosidesextracted from LianXing JiDou could effectively raise the contents of cytokines in blood serum and the supernatant of cultured splenic lymphocytes of the immunosuppressive mice, and the difference had statistical meaning (P<0.05). Conclusion: Flavonoid glycosides extracted from LianXing JiDou could resist cyclophosphamide-induced immunosuppressive action of the mice, and improve the immunologic function of the mice.%目的:研究藏药镰形棘豆黄酮苷元对免疫抑制小鼠细胞因子的影响.方法:将60只昆明种小鼠随机分为6组:空白组,模型组,镰形棘豆黄酮苷元高、中、低剂量组(336、168、84 mg/kg)和盐酸左旋咪唑组(25 mg/kg),每组10只.镰形棘豆黄酮苷元高、中、低剂量组分别灌胃不同剂量的黄酮苷元;盐酸左旋咪唑组灌胃左旋咪唑25 mg/kg;空白组和模型组灌服等体积5%吐温-80溶液,共10天.第8天开始注射环磷酰胺制备免疫低下小鼠模型,除空白组腹腔注射生理盐水外,其他各组分别腹腔注射环磷酰胺,共3天.采用酶免仪分别测定血清中白细胞介素1、2、4、8、10(IL-1、IL-2、IL-4、IL-8、IL-10),肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α),干扰素γ(IFN-γ)的含量及脾淋巴细胞培养上清液中IL-2、IL-4、IL-10、TNF-α、IFN-γ的含量,观察镰形棘豆黄酮苷元对免疫抑制小鼠细胞因子的影响.结果:与模型组比较,镰形棘豆黄酮苷元各剂量组能有效升高免疫抑制小鼠血清和脾淋巴细胞培养液中各细胞因子的含量,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05).结论:镰形棘豆黄酮苷元能够拮抗环磷酰胺所致小鼠的免疫抑制作用,增强小鼠的免疫功能.【期刊名称】《西部中医药》【年(卷),期】2017(030)011【总页数】3页(P12-14)【关键词】镰形棘豆黄酮苷元;细胞因子;免疫抑制;环磷酰胺【作者】胡君茹;姜华【作者单位】甘肃省中医药研究院,甘肃兰州 730050;甘肃省中医药研究院,甘肃兰州 730050【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R285.5镰形棘豆(Oxytropis falcata Bunge)为豆科棘豆属植物,主要产于青海、甘肃南部、四川西部等[1]。



基金项目:国家自然科学基金(81760782);内蒙古自治区草原英才工程青年创新创业人才一层次项目(Q2017046);包头医学院博士科研基金项目BSJJ201809)通讯作者:常 虹,石松利【基础医学】蒙古扁桃石油醚提取物对博来霉素诱导大鼠肺纤维化的治疗作用王艳国1,周红兵1,郝海梅1,吴 桐1,常 虹1,石松利1,2(1.内蒙古科技大学包头医学院,内蒙古包头014060;2.内蒙古科技大学包头医学院蒙中药活性物质与功能研究所)[摘 要] 目的:探究蒙古扁桃石油醚提取物对博莱霉素诱导的大鼠肺纤维化的影响。








阿诺宁两活性成分在大鼠肝微粒体中的酶动力学研究杨宗涛1,2,3,林立东1,戴仁科2 (1.中国科学院华南植物园,广东广州510650;2.中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院,广东广州510663;3.中国科学院研究生院,北京100037)摘要 [目的]建立番荔枝内酯类化合物squamocin 和bullatacin 的液相色谱串联质谱(LC 2MS/MS )检测方法,并测定其在大鼠肝微粒体中的酶动力学参数。

[方法]建立微粒体孵育体系,启动反应后测定不同时间孵育体系内剩余的squamocin 和bullatacin 的浓度,用底物消除法计算其酶动力学参数。

[结果]在大鼠肝微粒体中,squamocin 和bullatacin 的表观米氏常数K M 值分别为(1.6±0.5)和(2.0±0.4)μmol/L 。

[结论]该方法适用于squamocin 和bullatacin 的酶动力学常数的测定。

关键词 阿诺宁;底物消除法;酶动力学;LC 2MS/MS中图分类号 S865.1+2 文献标识码 A 文章编号 0517-6611(2008)21-09076-03EnzymeKineticStudyofTwoActiveComponentsofAnnonininRatLiverMicrosomeYANGZong 2taoetal (SouthChinaBotanicalGarden,CAS,Guangzhou,Guangdong510650)Abstract [Objective]ThisstudyestablishedaLC 2MS/MSmethodforthedeterminationofsquamocinandbullatacin,andcalculatedtheirenzymekinet 2icsinratmicrosome.[Method]Establishedmicrosomeincubationsystem,determinedtheremainingconcentrationofsubstrateatdifferenttimepointsafter startingthereaction,andcalculatedenzymekineticparameterswithsubstratedepletionmethod.[Result]Inratmicrosome,theapparent K M ofsquamocin andbullatacinwere (1.6±0.5)μmol/Land (2.0±0.4)μmol/L.[Conclusion]Thismethodwassuitablefortheenzymekineticstudyofsquamocinand bullatacin.Keywords Annonin;Substratedepletionmethod;Enzymekinetics;LC 2MS/MS基金项目 国家自然科学基金资助项目(30572253)。



生物技术进展 2023 年 第 13 卷 第 5 期 785 ~ 797Current Biotechnology ISSN 2095‑2341研究论文Articles烯壳铁氮磁珠介导Survivin ASO 对肿瘤细胞的转染和抑制作用张晓旭1 , 肖向茜1,2 , 潘逸群1 , 顾烨翔1 , 董礼1 , 党浩然1 , 康茜1 , 王明连1,2 *1.北京工业大学环境与生命学部,北京 100124;2.抗病毒药物北京市国际科技合作基地,北京 100124摘 要:基于石墨烯的生物相容性和对单链核酸的吸附性,研究烯壳铁氮磁珠(graphene -shelled ferro -nitride magnetic beads, GFeNMB)运载靶向Survivin 的反义寡核苷酸(antisense oligonucleotide, ASO)及其对肿瘤细胞的抑制作用。

首先用RNA Draw 针对Survivin mRNA 的二级结构设计ASO ,合成FAM 标记和未标记的ASO ;基于石墨烯对单链核酸的吸附性和对荧光团的淬灭性,采用酶标仪检测荧光强度方法检测GFeNMB 对ASO 的吸附能力,并对GFeNMB 和GFeNMB -ASO 表征;磁极作用下将Survivin ASO 磁转染至人非小细胞肺癌细胞A549中,荧光显微镜观察GFeNMB 将ASO 载入细胞的能力;ASO 转染后,采用Western blot 检测Survivinr 的表达,活性氧(reactive oxygen species, ROS )试剂盒、流式细胞仪检测细胞凋亡,CCK -8和划痕实验检测细胞增殖和迁移能力。

结果表明,GFeNMB 对ASO 具有良好的吸附性,GFeNMB 与ASO 混合20 min 达最大吸附量(0.44 µg ·mg -1);FAM -ASO 经磁性载入细胞内呈绿色荧光且集中于细胞核,GFeNMB 介导的核转染能力显著优于脂质体;ASO 经磁转染至细胞后,Survivin 蛋白的降低水平优于未处理组和脂质体转染组;磁转染Survivin ASO 后,肿瘤细胞凋亡比例增大,细胞内ROS 升高,细胞增殖和迁移能力受到抑制。



Alternative Medicine Review Monographs Page 249C o p y r i g h t © 2002 T h o r n e R e s e a r c h , I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A l t e r n a t i v e M e d i c i n e R e v i e w M o n o g r a p h sLigusticum wallichiiDescriptionA member of the Umbelliferae family, Ligusticum wallichii is used in Chinese medicine for a variety of hematological disorders, including ischemia and thrombosis. When combined with Astragalus, Ligusticum has demonstrated a notable immunopotentiating effect. Included in many classic Chinese formulations, it is also part of the Japanese and Korean herbal formu-laries. Classically, it is prescribed for headaches, abdominal pain, arthralgias, and menstrual disorders due to blood stasis.1 Ligusticum’s active ingredients include tetramethylpyrazine, ferulic acid, chrysophanol, sedanoic acid, and 1-2 percent essential oils.Clinical Indications IschemiaOne-hundred-and-fifty-eight subjects with transient ischemic attacks were randomly divided into a Ligusticum group (111 cases) and an aspirin group (47 cases). The total effec-tive rate in the Ligusticum group was 89.2 percent, compared to 61.7 percent in the aspirin group (P<0.01). Ligusticum increased cerebral blood flow, accelerated the velocity of blood flow, dilated the spastic artery, and decreased peripheral arterial resistance.2 In another study, Ligusticum was evaluated in the treatment of ischemic stroke. Injectable preparations were shown to improve brain microcirculation through inhibiting thrombus formation, decreasing platelet aggregation, and improving blood viscosity. The effect of Ligusticum was the same or better than controls using papaverine, dextran, and aspirin-persantin.3Antibacterial/AntifungalLigusticum has demonstrated in vitro antibacterial activity against several strains of pathogenic bacteria including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Shigella sonnei, Salmonella typhi and Vibrio cholera , as well as many dermatomycoses .4InflammationWhen given to guinea pigs with histamine/acetylcholine-induced bronchospasm, Ligusti-cum decreased plasma levels of thromboxane B2, relaxed tracheal muscle, increased the forced expiratory volume, and inhibited synthesis and release of thromboxane A2, with no adverse side effects. The total effective rate was 92 percent, compared with 62 percent in the control group (p <0.01).5 In a Japanese study, the active ingredients in Ligusticum, tetramethylpyrazine and ferulic acid, were found to have both significant anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects.6Page 250 Alternative Medicine Review MonographsC o p y r i g h t © 2002 T h o r n e R e s e a r c h , I n c . A l l r i g h t s r e s e r v e d . A l t e r n a t i v e M e d i c i n e R e v i e w M o n o g r a p h sDosage and ToxicityLigusticum is prescribed in traditional Chinese decoctions at dosages up to 9 grams, administered over several days. Overdose symptoms may include vomiting and dizziness.1References1. Hong YH. Oriental Materia Medica: A Concise Guide. Long Beach, CA: Oriental Healing Arts Institute; 1986.2. Chen DR. Clinical and experimental study of Ligusticum wallichii and aspirin in the treatment of transient ischemic attack. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1992;12:672-674. [article in Chinese]3. Chen KJ, Chen K. Ischemic stroke treated with Ligusticum chuanxiong . Chin Med J (Engl) 1992;105:870-873.4. Bensky D, Gamble A. Chinese Herbal Medicine : Materia Medica, Revised Edition. Seattle, WA: Eastland Press; 1993.5. Shao CR, Chen FM, Tang YX. Clinical and experimental study on Ligusticum wallichi mixture in prevent-ing and treating bronchial asthma. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi 1994;14:465-468. [article in Chinese]6.Ozaki Y . Anti-inflammatory effect of tetramethylpyrazine and ferulic acid. Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo) 1992;40:954-956.。

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Analyses of genetic relationships in Nelumbo nucifera using nuclearribosomal ITS sequence data,ISSR and RAPD markersYan-Chuang Han a ,Cai-Zhu Teng c ,Fu-Haosen Chang a ,Gituru W.Robert d ,Ming-Quan Zhou b ,*,Zhong-Li Hu a ,b ,**,Yun-Chun Song aaKey Lab of the Ministry of Education for Plant Developmental Biology,College of Life Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,ChinabLotus Center,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,ChinacCollege of Life Science,Guangxi Normal University,Guilin 541004,ChinadBotany Department,Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology,Nairobi 63000-00200,KenyaReceived 24June 2006;received in revised form 22March 2007;accepted 16April 2007Available online 20April 2007AbstractDespite the economic importance of Nelumbo nucifera ,there have been no molecular studies on genetic relationships among cultivars in the species.In the present study 38accessions were sampled including 37accessions of N.nucifera or hybrids between N.nucifera and Nelumbo lutea and a single accession of N.lutea .In the ITS analyses,Chinese and Japanese lotus comprise a single cluster with a moderate bootstrap support 68%indicating there is very high similarity between them.Moreover,these ISSR and RAPD results also indicate that there is very close genetic relationship between Chinese and Japanese lotus.In the ISSR and RAPD analyses,although 38accessions all are distinctly separately into two groups,viz.N.nucifera and N.lutea ,there is a high Jaccard similarity coefficient (0.785and 0.656)between the two species.In N.nucifera the two different groups of the species,viz.flower lotus and rhizome lotus accessions show clear genetic variations.Seed lotus accessions do not form a distinct cluster but are interspersed among the flower accessions indicating that seed lotus is phylogenetically close to flower lotus and they might originate from close wild lotus in genetic relationship.In flower lotus,big-flower type accessions and medium-small type accessions have obvious genetic variation,indicating height is an important criterion in the classification system of flower lotus.#2007Published by Elsevier B.V .Keywords:Genetic relationship;ISSR;ITS;Nelumbo lutea ;Nelumbo nucifera ;RAPD1.IntroductionThe Nelumbonaceae also known as the lotus family is a small family of perennial,aquatic angiosperms which traditionarily consists of the two species Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn.and Nelumbo lutea (Willd.)Pers.based on the morphological characters.The family is characterized by simple,peltate leaves which lack stipules and are borne on the surface of the water.N.nucifera ,also called the Indian or sacred lotus including wild lotus and a number of cultivars,is found throughout Asia and Australia,whereas N.lutea ,also known as the American lotus or water chinquapin occurs in eastern andsouthern North America.The lotus is an important aquatic economic plant,not only as a dainty and ornamental flower but also as a source of herbal medicine with strong antipyretic,cooling,astringent,and demulcent properties (Mukherjee et al.,1997;Sinha et al.,2000;Qian,2002).More recently,evidences from reproductive biology studies,pollen and anther studies,cytogenetics and rbc L sequence studies,suggest that there is very high similarity between the two Nelumbo species,thus N.lutea has been considered to be a subspecies of N.nucifera (Les et al.,1991;Huang et al.,1992;Borsch and Barthlott,1994;Wang et al.,1997;Sarah and Jeffrey,1999;Diao et al.,2005).To date no molecular analysis has been performed to test genetic relationships of accessions in the species N.nucifera .ITS has been widely used in phylogenetic and phylogeo-graphical studies on a variety of organisms (Baldwin et al.,1995),and it possesses features that allow addressing phylogenetic questions at interspecific level within a genus (Baldwin,1993;Ritland et al.,1993;Soltis and Kuzoff,1993).ISSR and RAPD markers have been successfully used for DNA/locate/aquabotAquatic Botany 87(2007)141–146*Corresponding author at:Lotus Center,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China.Tel.:+862768753606;fax:+862787862967.**Corresponding author at:Key Lab of the Ministry of Education for Plant Developmental Biology,College of Life Science,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430072,China.Tel.:+862768753606;fax:+862787862967.E-mail addresses:loyjzx@ (M.-Q.Zhou),huzhongli@ (Z.-L.Hu).fingerprinting (Moreno et al.,1998;Blair et al.,1999;Divaret et al.,1999;Gilbert et al.,1999),for population genetic studies (Wolfe et al.,1998;Nebauer et al.,1999;Li et al.,2005)and phylogenetic studies (Hess et al.,2000;Mattioni et al.,2002).So far,only two studies have been made to characterize the genetic relationships between ancient and modern lotus and genetic diversity in wild lotus in the species by using RAPD and ISSR (Zou et al.,1998;Han et al.,2007).The present study was conducted to determine the genetic variability in N.nucifera using ITS,ISSR and RAPD markers.Our aims were to:(1)assess genetic relationships among accessions in N.nucifera ;(2)obtain genetic relationships between Chinese and Japanese lotus.2.Materials and methods 2.1.Plant materialsThirty-eight accessions of Nelumbo were used in the genetic analyses.Among them,there are 33accessions of N.nucifera ,1accession of N.lutea as an out-group and 4accessions of their hybrids.Accessions codes,types,sources and origins are provided in Table 1.About 5g of young leaves from each accession were obtained and placed in a ziplock plastic bag containing about 50g of silica gel which speeded up the drying process.The samples were stored at room temperature in the laboratory.In order to further test the genetic differentiations between Chinese and Japanese accessions,six typical accessions were sampled.Among them,there are two Chinese accessions,N.nucifera cv.‘Taikong’and N.nucifera cv.‘Chinese Antique Lotus’;three Japanese accessions,N.nucifera cv.‘Ohga Lotus’,N.nucifera cv.‘Sunyatsen Lotus’and one hybrid of the two species—N.nucifera cv.‘Wufeilian’;one accession of N.lutea .Six ITS sequences were sequenced.All sequences were submitted to GenBank,whose GenBank accession numbers are DQ 105981to DQ 105985and AY 858639,respectively.Ceratophyllum demersum is used as the out-group.Table 1Thirty-eight Nelumbo accessions used in the present study (LCWU:Lotus Center,Wuhan University;NHFG:Nanjing Horticulture Flower Garden;WVSGS:Wuhan Vegetable Scientific Graduate School)Codes Accesions nameType Sources Origins 1Nelumbo nucifera cv.‘Taikong’Seed lotus WVSGS China 2N.nucifera cv.‘Hubei-20Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 3N.nucifera cv.‘Hubei-30Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 4N.nucifera cv.‘Hubei-40Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 5N.nucifera cv.‘Hubei-50Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 6N.nucifera cv.‘Eouza’Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 7N.nucifera cv.‘New One’Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 8N.nucifera cv.‘92170Rhizome lotus WVSGS China 9N.nucifera cv.‘Chinese Antique Lotus’Flower lotus LCWU China 10N.nucifera cv.‘Ohga Lotus’Flower lotus LCWU Japan 11Nelumbo lutea (Willd.)Pers.Flower lotus LCWU America 12N.nucifera cv.‘Huangwufei’Flower lotus NHFG China 13N.nucifera cv.‘Wufeilian’Flower lotus LCWU Japan 14N.nucifera cv.‘Wecoming Guests’Flower lotus LCWU China 15N.nucifera cv.‘White Cherry’Flower lotus LCWU China 16N.nucifera cv.‘Sunyatsen Lotus’Flower lotus LCWU Japan 17N.nucifera cv.‘Gongxunlian’Flower lotus LCWU China 18N.nucifera cv.‘Ziyihongshang’Flower lotus LCWU China 19N.nucifera cv.‘Taohongsuyu’Flower lotus LCWU China 20N.nucifera cv.‘Yanhongzhuang’Flower lotus LCWU China 21N.nucifera cv.‘Chutianxiaoxia’Flower lotus LCWU China 22N.nucifera cv.‘Jingzhi-10Flower lotus LCWU China 23N.nucifera cv.‘Jingzhi-20Flower lotus LCWU China 24N.nucifera cv.‘Hunan’Seed lotus LCWU China 25N.nucifera cv.‘Yinhongqianye’Flower lotus LCWU China 26N.nucifera cv.‘Meizhise’Flower lotus LCWU China 27N.nucifera cv.‘Pink Lotus’Flower lotus LCWU China 28N.nucifera cv.‘Xuanwuhu Red’Flower lotus NHFG China 29N.nucifera cv.‘Birthday’s Peach’Flower lotus NHFG China 30N.nucifera cv.‘Hongxituozhu’Flower lotus NHFG China 31N.nucifera cv.‘Changing Face’Flower lotus NHFG China 32N.nucifera cv.‘Big Versicolor’Flower lotus NHFG China 33N.nucifera cv.‘Pink Double Palace’Flower lotus NHFG China 34N.nucifera cv.‘Shaoxing Pink’Flower lotus LCWU China 35N.nucifera cv.‘Sino-Japanese Friendship’Flower lotus LCWU China 36N.nucifera cv.‘Taibailian’Flower lotus LCWU Japan Y.-C.Han et al./Aquatic Botany 87(2007)141–1461422.2.DNA extractionGenomic DNA of every sample was isolated according to the CTAB protocol of Doyle and Doyle(Doyle and Doyle,1987).2.3.ITS PCR amplification,cloning,and sequencingThe ITS region,including ITS1,the5.8S rRNA gene,and ITS2,was amplified by PCR using the universal primer pair ITS5(50-CGAAGTAAAAGTCGTAACAAGG-30)and ITS4 (50-TCCTCCGCTTATTGATATGC-30).Each25m L PCR mix-ture contained:50ng of total genomic DNA,400mM each dNTP,1U Taq polymerase(Promega,Madison,USA), 1ÂTriton-X PCR buffer, 2.0mM MgCl2,and0.4mM of each primer.PCR amplifications on a PÂ2Thermal Cycler (Thermo Electron Corporation,Madison,USA)followed a given protocol:5min at948C;40cycles of1min at948C, 1min508C and2min728C;7min at728C andfinal cooling to48C.The interesting bands were excised from a2%agarose gel in 0.5ÂTBE buffer and purified using a gel extraction kit (TakaRa Biotechnology Co.Ltd.,Dalian,China).PCR products were cloned using a pGEMT-easy vector system(Promega,Madison,USA).A total of500ng of purified plasmid DNA was then sequenced in both directions on an ABI3730XL sequencer (Sunbiotech Co.Ltd.,Beijing,China).All sequences were submitted to GenBank.2.4.Evaluation of primersA total of60ISSR primers(AuGCT Co.Ltd.,Beijing, China)were screened initially screened infive selected samples from the38accessions.After assessing the effects of Mg2+ concentration,template DNA concentration,and temperature during the annealing stage of amplification,we selected13 primers that produced clear and reproducible fragments for further analyses(Table2).Because RAPD is sensitive to PCR reaction parameters,85 primers(AuGCT Co.Ltd.,Beijing,China)were screened with all the accessions.The effects of Mg2+and template DNA concentrations were examined.Under the optimized condition,54out of85primers generated strong amplified products.Thereafter a subset of19primers which produced clear and reproducible bands was selected for further analyses (Table2).Table2Primers used in RAPD and ISSR amplifications(B,C/G/T;D,A/G/T;H,A/C/T;V,A/C/G;Y,C/G)Primer type Sequence(50-30)Annealing temperature(8C)No.of recorded bands No.of polymorphism bands RAPD primersOPL02TGGGCGTCAA35109OPM02ACAACGCCTC351311SBS A11CAATCGCCGT351210SBS A13CAGCACCCAC351310SBS A14TCTGTGCTGG3597SBS A15TTCCGAACCC351411SBS A18AGGTGACCGT35108SBS B01GTTTCGCTCC3554SBS B03CATCCCCCTG35108SBS B04GGACTGGAGT351312SBS B06TGCTCTGCCC3597SBS C08TGGACCGGTG351311SBS C09CTCACCGTCC351212SBS C12TGTCATCCCC351311SBS C13AAGCCTCGTC351010SBS C14TGCGTGCTTG351211SBS D11AGCGCCATTG351312SBS D13GGGGTGACGA351210SBS D14CTTCCCCAAG3597ISSR primersUBC810(GA)8T55119UBC811(GA)8C551510UBC823(TC)8C551211UBC834(AG)8YT52109UBC861(ACC)55865UBC862(AGC)5581412UBC864(ATG)558149UBC866(CTC)558105UBC873(GACA)4562116UBC880(GGAGA)358106UBC889DBD(AC)7551412Y.-C.Han et al./Aquatic Botany87(2007)141–1461432.5.ISSR amplificationISSR amplification was performed according to the protocol of Han et al.(2007).PCR products were analyzed on 2.0%agarose gels in 0.5ÂTBE buffer at a constant voltage of 100V approximately 4h,then stained with ethidium bromide,visualized with ultraviolet light and photographed.2.6.RAPD amplificationRAPD amplification with nineteen primers was repeated two times.The amplification was performed according to the protocol of Li et al.(2005).PCR products were analyzed on 1.5%agarose gels at a constant voltage of 100Vapproximately 3h,then visualized with ultraviolet light and photographed.2.7.Data analysesSequences were aligned using CLUSTALW (Thormann et al.,1994).Phylogenetic analyses of the complete data set of sequences were conducted using the test version of PAUP4.0b10(Swofford,2001),and heuristic searches were done with COLLAPSE,MULPARS and TBR branch-swapping options to save all of the equally most parsimonious trees.All characters were of the type ‘‘unordered’’and had equal weight.Gaps were treated as ‘‘missing’’.Bootstrap analyses of 1000replications were performed to show relative support for individual clades.Both ISSR and RAPD are dominant markers.Their amplified fragments were scored for band presence (1)or absence (0)and two binary qualitative data matrices were constructed.Data analyses were performed by using the NTSYS-pc version 2.1computer program package (Rohlf,2000).Pair-wise comparisons were calculated using the Jaccard similarity coefficient (Kosman and Leonard,2005).The similarity values were used to generate a dendrogram via the un-weighted pair group method with arithmetic average (UPGMA).3.ResultsITS1and ITS2sequences with an aligned length of 505base pairs were obtained for the six accessions.Of these 505base pairs,226(27%)were constant characters;266(53%)were parsimony-uninformative variable characters;13(2%)were parsimony-informative characters across all the six accessions.Parsimony analyses of the data yielded the strict consensus of seven most parsimonious trees with a consistency index (CI)of 0.967,retention index (RI)of 0.412,homoplasy index (HI)of 0.033,and rescaled consistency index (RC)of 0.398.Chinese and Japanese lotus comprise a single group (68%bootstrap support),and N.lutea and N.nucifera cv.‘Wufeilian’cluster together (72%bootstrap support).Thirteen selected ISSR primers generated a total of 164fragments including 126polymorphic bands (76.83%),on average of 12.62bands per primer (Table 2).Amplification of genomic DNA of38Y.-C.Han et al./Aquatic Botany 87(2007)141–146144accessions using 19RAPD primers yielded 212fragments including 181polymorphic bands (85.38%),on average of 11.16bands per primer (Table 2).In the ISSR generated dendrogram (Fig.1),38accessions are distinctly separated into two major groups,N.lutea (group I)and N.nucifera (group II),at the Jaccard similarity coefficient level of 0.785.The Jaccard similarity coefficient ranges from 0.785to 0.968.In the group II,group IIA includes the hybrids of the two species and group IIB includes the rest of these accessions.In the IIB,it shows four distinct groups at the similarity coefficient level of 0.877,flower lotus accessions cluster in group IIB1,IIB2and IIB3,rhizome lotus accessions cluster in IIB4,and seed lotus accessions (samples 1and 24)are interspersed among the flower lotus.In the flower lotus accessions,wild flower lotus accessions cluster in the group IIB1,Chinese antique lotus (sample 9)and Japanese antique lotus (sample 10)cluster together at 0.915;big-flower type accessions (samples 25,26,27,28,30,31,32,33,35,36,37)cluster in the group IIB2with the exception of sample 31;medium-small type accessions (samples 14,15,16,19,20,21)cluster in the group IIB3with the exception of sample 17.Rhizome lotus accessions (samples 2,3,4,5,7,8)cluster in the IIB4with the exception of sample 6.According to the RAPD data,the dendrogram (Fig.2)indicates that the 38accessions are also distinctly separated into two major groups,N.lutea (group I)and N.nucifera (group II)at 0.654.The Jaccard similarity coefficient between all the accessions ranges from 0.654to 0.956.In the group II,group IIA includes the hybrids of the two species and group IIB includes the rest of these accessions with the exception ofsample 10.In the group IIB,it shows a more-complicated genetic relationship,rhizome lotus accessions cluster together and there are not obvious confines in flower lotus accessions.4.DiscussionIn N.nucifera ,the hybrids of the two species and the rest of these accessions have obvious genetic variation.This is in agreement with the classical morphological identification.Via traditional artificial selection three big groups,viz.flower lotus,seed lotus and rhizome lotus have been formed in N.nucifera .In our study,flower lotus and rhizome lotus have show dissimilar characteristics,which is indicative of their distinct genetic differentiations.Seed lotus accessions do not form a distinct group but are interspersed among the flower lotus.This indicates that seed lotus is close to flower lotus and they might have originated from close wild lotus in genetic relationship.In the flower lotus group,big-flower type accessions and medium-small type accessions display clear genetic variation,indicating that height is an important criterion in the classification system of flower lotus.In our ITS analysis,Chinese and Japanese lotus comprise a single group with a moderate bootstrap support,which indicates there is very high similarity between them.Moreover,according to the ISSR dendrogram,in N.nucifera ,there is no distinct borderline between Chinese and Japanese lotus.Additionally,Chinese antique lotus (N.nucifera cv.‘Chinese Antique Lotus’)and Japanese antique lotus (N.nucifera cv.‘Ohga Lotus’)cluster together.These results indicate thatthereY.-C.Han et al./Aquatic Botany 87(2007)141–146145is very close genetic relationship between Japanese and Chinese lotus.This is an agreement with available historical evidence that the lotus was introduced into Japan by way of Korea from China about500AD.AcknowledgementsWe thank Prof.Qingfeng Wang and Dr.Jinming Chen(of the School of Life Sciences,Wuhan University)for their help with data analysis.We are especially appreciative of the editor-in-chief George Bowes and the reviewers for their helpful comments and detailed suggestions.This work was supported by the Key Technologies R&D Programme of China(No. 2002BA546C).ReferencesBaldwin,B.G.,Sanderson,M.J.,Wojciechowski,M.F.,Campbell,C.S.,Dono-ghue,M.J.,1995.The ITS region of nuclear ribosomal DNA:a valuable source of evidence on angiosperm 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