生物学专业英语:The Life of a Plant
兰州大学生物学专业英语考试--- 词汇强化版之汉译英

(包围植物细胞液泡的)液泡膜tonoplast n.(跛子用的) 拐杖, 支撑, 帮助 crutch n.(产于非洲刚果河以南的)倭黑猩猩[源自非洲当地语]bonobo n.(法语中的) 英语外来语Franglais n.(俚语)脑袋 block n.(生) 进化枝,分化枝clade n.(生物)群体colony n.(时间) 短暂, (讲话, 文章等) 简短brevity n.(使)异化, (使)发生分解代谢catabolize v.(谈话, 写作等的) 题目, 主题 theme n.(学位)论文, 专题, 论述, 学术演讲dissertation n.(一种使用广泛的药物设计方法) 定量构效方法(quantitative structure-activity relationship ) QSAR n. (遗传)倒位 inversion n.(遗传)多倍体化 polyploidization n.[用作单或复](尤指生物体的) 形态测定,形态特征 morphometrics n.n. 启动子分析 promoter analysissmooth endoplasmic reticulum光滑内质网x-射线晶体学 x-ray crystallography n.X-射线衍射 X-ray diffraction阿尔茨海默病(即老年痴呆)Alzheimer's disease n.艾德曼降解法 Edman degradation n.把...作成公式, 用公式表示formulate vt.百科全书encyclopedia n.半科普的 semi-popular adj.胞嘧啶 cytosine n.比较的, 相当的 n.比较级comparative adj.编制目录 catalogue vt.扁囊,池,封闭的膜系统及其围成的腔构成网状膜结构cistena n.表达cDNA序列标签expressed cDNA sequence tag (EST) n.表面等离谐振。
生物科学 专业英语教学大纲.doc

《生物专业英语》教学大纲课程编号B08000081 学时36学时学分2学分一、课程的性质和任务生物专业英语是面向生物科学、技术高年级本科生开设的限选课程,本课程教学内容主要涉及普通生物、微生物学、遗传学、分子生物学、生态学等领域的专业基础知识。
五、建议学时分配讲授内容学时Inside the Living Cell: Structure and Function of Internal Cell Parts 2 Photosynthesis 2Cellular Reproduction: Mitosis and Meiosis 2 Foundations of Genetics 2 Discovering the Chemical Nature of the Gene 2The Origin and Diversity of Life 2Fungi: The Great Decomposers 2Animal Development 2The Origin of Species 2The ecology of population 2 Abstracts in Biological Abstracts 2The ISI web of knowledge platform 2The Handing of Plant Chromosomes 2Plant Tissue Culture Techniques 2 Introduction of biology 2专业英语电影和多媒体 2复习考试 2六、课程考核总成绩满分一百分,包括平时成绩占20% +期末考试成绩80% o七、教材及主要参考书指定教材蒋悟生主编,生物专业英语(第二版),高等教育出版社,2000年。

生物学专业英语期末考试知识点总结一、化学元素符号(31个)HHydrogen ['haɪdrədʒ(ə)n] 氢 B Boron ['bɔːrɒn]硼Be Beryllium [bə'rɪlɪəm] 铍 C Carbon ['kɑːb(ə)n]碳N Nitrogen ['naɪtrədʒ(ə)n] 氮OOxygen ['ɒksɪdʒ(ə)n] 氧F Fluorine ['flʊəriːn]氟Na Sodium ['səʊdɪəm] 钠Mg Magnesium[mæg'niːzɪəm] 镁Al Aluminum [əˈluːmɪnəm] 铝Si Silicon ['sɪlɪk(ə)n] 硅P Phosphorus['fɒsf(ə)rəs] 磷S Sulphur['sʌlfə] 硫Cl Chlorine['klɔːriːn]氯K Potassium [pə'tæsɪəm]钾Ca Calcium ['kælsɪəm]钙Cr Chromium['krəʊmɪəm]铬Mn Manganese['mæŋgəniːz]锰Fe Iron ['aɪən]铁Co Cobalt['kəʊbɔːlt]钴Ni Nickel['nɪk(ə)l] 镍Cu Copper['kɒpə] 铜Zn Zinc[zɪŋk]锌As Arsenic ['ɑːs(ə)nɪk]砷Se Selenium[sɪ'liːnɪəm]硒Mo Molybdenum[mə'lɪbdənəm]钼Ag Silver['sɪlvə]银Cd Cadmium ['kædmɪəm]镉Au Gold[gəʊld] 金Hg Mercury ['mɜːkjərɪ] 汞Pb Lead [liːd] 铅二、数学符号a2a square or a squaredb3 b cube or b cubed[kjuːb]立方c4 c (raised) to the fourth (power) f-1 f to the minus one 0.4 zero (or nought) point four[nɔːt]零0.01point (or decimal) nought one['desɪm(ə)l]小数10.34ten point three fourμ micron ['maɪkrɒn] 微米mm millimeter ['mili,mi:tə]毫米mm2 square millimetermm3cubic millime ter ['kjuːbɪk]立方的cm centimeter [ˈsentɪmiːtə(r)] 厘米cm2square centimetercm3cubic centimeter dm decimeter ['desɪ,miːtə]分米dm2square decimeterdm3 cubic decimeterm meterm2 square meterm3cubic meterkm kilometerkm2 square kilometermL milliliter['mili,li:tə]毫升L liter ['li:tə] 升a acre ['eɪkə] 英亩ha hectare ['hekteə]公顷g gramme [ɡræm] 克mg milligramme ['miligræm]毫克kg kilogramme ['kiləuɡræm]千克t tonne [tʌn]吨三、期刊杂志全称与简写英文全称英文缩写中文全称Annual Review of Biochemistry Annu Rev Biochem 生物化学年刊Cell Cell 细胞Annual Review of Cell Biology Annu Rev Cell Biol 细胞生物学年刊The Journal of the Federation of AmericanSociety for Experimental BiologyFASEB Journal (FASEB J )美国实验生物学联合会刊European Molecular Biology Organization EMBO Journal (EMBO J)欧洲分子生物学杂志Trends in Biochemical Sciences Trends Biochem Sci 生物化学科学进展Molecular and Cellular Biology MolCell Biol 分子与细胞生物学杂志Journal of Biological Chemistry J Biol Chem 生物化学期刊Plant Cell Plant Cell 植物细胞Molecular Pharmacology Mol Pharmacol 分子药理学DNA Cell Biology DNA Cell Biol DNA细胞生物学Journal of Molecular Biology J Mol Biol 分子生物学期刊Biochemistry Biochemistry 生物化学Cell Growth and Differentiation CellGrowthDiffer 细胞生长与分化Methods in Enzymology Method Enzymol 酶学方法Molecular Microbiology Mol Microbiol 分子微生物学Journal of Neurochemistry J Neurochem 神经化学杂志Progress in Biophysics & MolecularBiologyProgBiophysMolBiol 生物物理和分子生物学进展Advances in Microbial Physiology Adv Microb Physiol 微生物生理学进展Molecular Biology and Evolution MolBioEvol 分子生物学与进化Journal of Cellular Biochemistry J Cell Biochem 细胞生物化学杂志Molecular Biology and Medicine Mol BiolMed 分子生物学与药学Federation of European BiochemistrySociety FEBS Letters ( FEBS Lett)欧洲生物化学学会联合会杂志Plant Molecular Biology Plant Mol Biol 植物分子生物学Journal of Molecular Evolution J Mol Evol 分子进化杂志Analytical Biochemistry Anal Biochem 分析生物化学Molecular Immunology MolImmunol 分子免疫学Neurochemical Research NeurochemRes 神经化学研究Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry MolCellBiochem 分子与细胞生物化学Molecular Biology Report Mol Biol Rep 分子生物学报告Proceedings of National Academy ofsciences USA PROC NATL ACADSCI USA美国国家科学院院刊四、作文1. Topic or title or head.2. Authors and their institutes.3. Abstract4. Introduction5. Materials and Methods6. Results7. Discussion8. References or literatures cited.How to write a report or paperA paperconsists of 8partsEnglish description英文叙述Chinese narrative中文叙述Part1.Topic or titleor head.(主题/标题/头)Concise and informative 简洁而信息量丰富Part2.Authors and their institutes. (作者及其所在研究机构)The name(s) of the auther(s)The affiliation(s) and address(es) of the auther(s)The e-mail address,telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding auther作者姓名作者的隶属机构和地址通讯作者的电子邮件地址,电话号码以及传真号。
生物专业英语第六课The origin and diversity of life词汇

生物专业英语第六课:The origin and diversity of lifecosmic['kɔzmik]adj. 宇宙的(等于cosmical)explosion英[ik'spləʊʒ(ə)n; ek-] 美[ik'sploʒən]bang英[bæŋ]美[bæŋ] n.重击;突然巨响adv. 直接地;砰然地;突然巨响地condensed [kən'denst]adj. 浓缩的;扼要的vt. 浓缩(condense的过去分词)primordial [prai'mɔ:diəl]adj. 原始的;根本的;原生的原始的| 本初的| 最初的roughly ['rʌfli]adv. 粗糙地;概略地layers ['leiəz]n. 图层面板,图层集合(layer复数形式);层面板solid ['sɔlid]adj. 固体的;可靠的;立体的;结实的;一致的n. 固体;立方体crust [krʌst]n. 地壳;外壳;面包皮;坚硬外皮vi. 结硬皮;结成外壳mantle ['mænt(ə)l]n. 地幔;斗篷;覆盖物vi. 覆盖;脸红vt. 覆盖molten ['məult(ə)n]adj. 熔化的;铸造的;炽热的v. 换毛;脱毛(molt过去分词)composition [kɔmpə'ziʃ(ə)n]n. 作文,作曲,作品;[材] 构成;合成物;组成nonliving [nɒn'liviŋ]adj. 无生命的;非生物的prelife ['pri:laif]n. 前世,前生pioneering [paiə'niəriŋ]adj. 首创的;先驱的miller ['milə]n.人名;(西、葡)米列尔;米勒Urey ['juəri]尤里(美国化学家,曾获1934年诺贝尔化学奖)monomer ['mɒnəmə]n. 单体;单元结构;单体;单分子物体;单基体amino [ə'mi:nəʊ; ə'mainəʊ]adj. 氨基的;胺基nucleic [nju:'kli:ik]核的;核酸polymers ['pɔliməs]n. [高分子] 聚合物;[高分子] 高分子(polymer的复数)proteinoid ['prəʊti:nɔid]类蛋白质;类蛋白nuclei ['nju:kliai]n. 核心,核子;原子核(nucleus的复数形式)polymerization [,pɔlimərai'zeiʃn]n. 聚合;[高分子] 聚合作用clay [klei]n. [土壤] 粘土;泥土;肉体;似黏土的东西aggregates ['ægrigət]n. 总量;合体(aggregate的复数);聚合物polymer ['pɒlimə]n. [高分子] 聚合物;聚合体droplets ['drɒplit]n. [流] 液滴(droplet的复数);飞沫liposome ['lipəusəum, 'lai-]脂质体| 微脂粒| 微脂囊microsphere ['maikrə(ʊ)sfiə(r)]微球| 微球体| 中心体lipid ['lipid]n. [生化] 脂质;油脂bilayer ['baileiə]n. 双分子层(膜)phospholipid [,fɒsfə(ʊ)'lipid]n. [生化] 磷脂precursor [pri'kɜ:sə]n. 先驱,前导mimic ['mimik]vt. 模仿,摹拟adj. 模仿的,模拟的;假装的动名词mimicking ribozyme ['raibəzaim]n. 酶性核酸;核糖酶catalyst ['kæt(ə)list]n. [物化] 催化剂;刺激因素catalytic [,kætə'litik]adj. 接触反应的;起催化作用的n. 催化剂;刺激因素metabolic [,metə'bɔlik]adj. 变化的;新陈代谢的fossil ['fɔs(ə)l; -sil]化石;地壳中包存的属于古地质年代的动物或植物的遗体anaerobic [[,æneə'rəubik]]厌氧法| 厌氧的| 无氧的heterotroph ['hetərəutrɔf]n. [生物] 异养生物autotrophs [ɔtə,trɔfs]n. [生物] 自养生物(autotroph的复数)ozone ['əuzəun]n. [化学] 臭氧;新鲜的空气penetration [peni'treiʃ(ə)n]n. 渗透;突破;侵入;洞察力ultraviolet [ʌltrə'vaiələt]adj. 紫外的;紫外线的n. 紫外线辐射,紫外光shallow ['ʃæləʊ]n. [地理] 浅滩adj. 浅的;肤浅的aerobic [[eə'rəʊbik]]有氧的;需氧的;好气inner [inə]adj. 内部的;内心的;精神的partially ['pɑ:ʃ(ə)li]adv. 部分地;局部地segment ['segm(ə)nt]n. 段;部分continental [kɒnti'nent(ə)l]adj. 大陆的;大陆性的drift [drift]n. 漂流,漂移;趋势;漂流物sculpt [skʌlpt]vt. vi. 造型;雕刻accompany [ə'kʌmpəni]vt. 陪伴,伴随;伴奏过去式accompanied occasional [ə'keiʒ(ə)n(ə)l]adj. 偶然的;临时的;特殊场合的extinction [ik'stiŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n; ek-]n. 消失;消灭;废止;灭绝glaciation ['glesi'eʃən]冰川作用;冰蚀现象;冻结成冰orbit ['ɔ:bit]n. 轨道;vt. 绕轨道而行taxonomy [tæk'sɒnəmi]n. 分类学;分类法binomial [bai'nəʊmiəl]n. [数] 二项式;二种名称adj. 二项式的;二种名称的nomenclature [nə(ʊ)'meŋklətʃə; 'nəʊmən,kleitʃə]n. 命名法;术语Linnaeus [li'ni(:)əs]n. 林奈(瑞典博物学家,建立了植物等级)categorize ['kætəgəraiz]vt. 分类genus ['dʒi:nəs; 'dʒenəs]n. 类,种;[生物] 属phylum ['failəm]n. 门(分类);动物门kingdom ['kiŋdəm]n. 王国;界(分类);领域division [di'viʒ(ə)n]n. [数] 除法;部门;分割;师(军队);赛区subfield ['sʌbfi:ld]n. [数] 子域;分区anatomy [ə'nætəmi]n. 解剖;解剖学;剖析;骨骼comparative [kəm'pærətiv]adj. 比较的;相当的define [di'fain]vt. 定义;使明确;规定taxon ['tæksɒn]n. [生物] 分类单元;分类学复数taxamorphological [,mɔ:fə'lɒdʒikəl]adj. 形态学的criterion [krai'tiəriən]n. (批评判断的)标准;准则;规范;准据clade [kleid]n. 分化枝;进化枝ancestor ['ænsestə]n. 始祖,祖先;被继承人phylogenetic [,failədʒi'netik]adj. [生物] 系统发生的;动植物种类史的graphic ['græfik]adj. 形象的;图表的;绘画似的;图像representation [,reprizen'teiʃ(ə)n]n. 代表;表现;表示法;陈述graphic representation 图示法| 图形表示法kingdoms monera [məu'ni:rə]原核生物界protista ['prəutistə]n. 原生生物;真核原生生物界plantae ['plæn,ti:]n. 植物界animalia [,æni'meiliə]n. 动物类;动物界organizational [,ɔ:ɡənai'zeiʃənl]adj. 组织的;编制的。

Inside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell PartsCytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory细胞质:动力工厂Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,细胞核对染色体组有保护作用(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。
生物科学 专业英语

Chromosome 染色体
A DNA-histone thread residing in the nucleus of a cell. Each chromosome possesses two telomeres and a centromere, and some contain a nucleous organizer. RNA proteins are invariably associated with the chromosome.
Inside the Living Cell
Structure and Function of Internal Cell parts
Cytoplasm 细胞质
The living contents of a cell bounded externally by the plasmalemma, including an aqueous ground substance (hyaloplasm, 透明质,cell sap, or cell matrix) containing organelles and various inclusions but excluding the nucleus and visible vacuoles.
Stroma 子座,基质
Region within a chloroplast that has no chlorophyll.
Plastid 质体
An organelle present in all plants except bacteria, blue-green algae, and fungi; it is enclosed by two membranes (the envelope) and has various functions

生物学英语中英对照1. 遗传学 Genetics基因 Gene染色体 Chromosome遗传变异 Genetic variation2. 细胞生物学 Cell Biology细胞 Cell细胞核 Nucleus细胞膜 Cell membrane3. 生态学 Ecology生态系统 Ecosystem生物多样性 Biodiversity生物群落 Biome4. 分子生物学 Molecular Biology蛋白质 Protein核酸 Nucleic acid酶 Enzyme5. 发育生物学 Developmental Biology胚胎发育 Embryonic development细胞分化 Cell differentiation形态发生 Morphogenesis6. 植物学 Botany叶绿体 Chloroplast光合作用 Photosynthesis根系 Root system7. 动物学 Zoology器官 Organ组织 Tissue神经系统 Nervous system8. 微生物学 Microbiology细菌 Bacteria病毒 Virus真菌 Fungus9. 生物化学 Biochemistry代谢 MetabolismATP(三磷酸腺苷) ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate)酶促反应 Enzymatic reaction10. 生理学 Physiology心脏 Heart肺 Lung肝脏 Liver生物学英语中英对照(续)11. 进化生物学 Evolutionary Biology自然选择 Natural selection物种形成 Speciation进化树 Evolutionary tree12. 行为生物学 Behavioral Biology繁殖行为 Reproductive behavior领域行为 Territorial behavior社会行为 Social behavior13. 神经生物学 Neurobiology神经元 Neuron突触 Synapse神经递质 Neurotransmitter14. 免疫学 Immunology抗体 Antibody免疫系统 Immune system炎症 Inflammation15. 营养学 Nutrition蛋白质 Protein碳水化合物 Carbohydrate脂肪 Fat16. 遗传工程 Genetic Engineering基因克隆 Gene cloning基因编辑 Gene editing转基因技术 Genetic modification 17. 生态遗传学 Ecological Genetics种群 Population环境适应性 Environmental adaptation遗传漂变 Genetic drift18. 生物信息学 Bioinformatics基因组学 Genomics蛋白质组学 Proteomics生物数据挖掘 Bioinformatics data mining19. 生物统计学 Biostatistics实验设计 Experimental design数据分析 Data analysis显著性检验 Significance test20. 环境生物学 Environmental Biology环境污染 Environmental pollution生态修复 Ecological restoration生物降解 Biodegradation这份生物学英语中英对照文档旨在帮助您更全面地了解生物学领域的专业术语。

Course Syllabus for Plant Biology (Department of Plant Science, College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University)( Revised: March 2007)Course Code:15010074Course type:Major-Specific Required Course (MSR)Total Hours:60 hoursCredits:3.5Ⅰ. Course Nature, Description, Goals and RequirementsCourse Nature:Plant Biology is a Major-Specific Required Course for students in National Base of Life and Technology Education.Course Description and Goals:This course addresses structure and function of plant organs and plant diversity, focusing on basic concepts, theory, and research methods of plant biology. The course aims to help students (1) understand the relationships among morphology and anatomy of a plant, its functions and the ecological environment, (2) apprehend symbioses and co-evolutionary relationships between or among different kinds of plants, and with other groups of organisms, and (3) comprehend the relationships among variation, adaptation, evolution, and diversity in the plant kingdom. The course is also designed to foster students’ desire and ability to find, analyze and solve scientific problems in plant science. In addition, the course will improve students in reading English literatures of biology, writing and communicating with people in English.Requirements:All students must attend classes and actively participate in class discussion and other activities, and are required to preview the textbook.II. Course Schedule and T opicsTopics Hours 1. The plant cell 2(1) The cell wall(2) Plastids(3) The vacuole2. Tissues 23. Stems 4(1) Primary structure of stems(2) Secondary structure of stems4. Roots 25. Leaves 26. Flowers, Fruits, and Seeds 8(1) The flower structure (2)(2) The inflorescences (1)(3) Pollination (2)(4) The fruits (2)(5) The seeds (1)7. Water in Plant 48. Plant Metabolism 89. Growth 410. Plant Names and Classification 211. Protista (Algi) 212. Fungi 213. Bryophytes 114. Ferns 115. Gymnosperms 416. Angiosperms 1217. Ecology outside class reading18. Biomes outside class readingⅢ. Teaching Methods1. Bilingual Teaching: Use original English textbook, and do the lectures mainly in English.2. Use the multimedia courseware made by ourselves.3. Apply case teaching and heuristic teaching.4. This course is also student-centered, which values and encourages students’ involvement and English expression. Students are asked to do a lot of class activities such as class discussion, observing plant materials, and so on.IV. Course Grading:Final exam: (1) Close-book, written exam; (2) English test paper; (3) Students have to answer questions on test paper in English.Grading:Homework:10% :Class discussions:10%Mid-term exam:30%Final exam: 50%V. Textbook :Kingsley R. Stern. 2004. Introductory Plant Biology (9th ed.). Beijing: China Higher Education Press.VI. References:1. Lack A. J., Evans D. E.. 2002. Plant Biology. Beijing: Science Press.2. Zhou Y. L. (周云龙). 1999. Plant Biology. Beijing: China Higher Education Press.3. Ynag S.J. ( 杨世杰). 2000. Plant Biology. Beijing: Science Press.4. Pan R.Z. (潘瑞帜). 2004. Plant Physiology (5th ed.). Beijing: China HigherEducation Press.5. Liu S. X. (刘胜祥), LI W. P. (黎维平). 2007. Botany. Beijing: Science Press.6. Li W. P. (黎维平). 1997. Learning Guide for Botany. Wuhan: Hubei Science andTechnology Press.7. Lu W. S.( 陆时万), et al.. 1991. Botany. Beijing: China Higher Education Press.附:教材更新前的大纲:Course Syllabus for Plant Biology (Department of Plant Science, College of Life Sciences, Hunan Normal University)(September 2004)Course Code:15010074Course type:Major-Specific Required Course (MSR)Total Hours:50 hoursCredits:3.5Ⅰ. Course Nature, Description, Goals and RequirementsCourse Nature:Plant Biology is a Major-Specific Required Course for students in National Base of Life and Technology Education.Course Description and Goals:This course addresses structure and function of plant organs and plant diversity, focusing on basic concepts, theory, and research methods of plant biology. The course aims to help students (1) understand the relationships among morphology and anatomy of a plant, its functions and the ecological environment, (2) apprehend symbioses and co-evolutionary relationships between or among different kinds of plants, and with other groups of organisms, and (3) comprehend the relationships among variation, adaptation, evolution, and diversity in the plant kingdom. The course is also designed to foster students’ desire and ability to find, analyze and solve scientific problems in plant science. In addition, the course will improve students in reading English literatures of biology, writing and communicating with people in English.Requirements:All students must attend classes and actively participate in class discussion and other activities, and are required to preview the textbook.II. Course Schedule and T opicsTopics Hours Section A The plant cell 2A1 PlastidsA2 The cell wallA3 The vacuoleSection B Vegetative anatomy 8B1 RootsB2 StemsB2-1 Primary structure of stemsB2-2 Secondary structure of stemsB3 LeavesSection C Reproductive morphology and anatomy 8C1 The flowerC2 The inflorescencesC3 The seedsC4 The fruitsSection D Pollination 2Section E The life history 2 Section F Plant diversity 1 Section G The alagae 1 Section H The Fungi 1 Section I The bryophytes 1 Section J The ferns 1Section K Seed plants 11K1 GymnospermK1-1 Cycads and GingkoK1-2 Conifers and GnetalesK2 AngiospermK2-1 Primitive dicotyledons: MagnoliaceaeK2-2 Eudicotyledons: Rosaceae,AsteraceaeK2-3 Monocotyledons: Poaceae, Liliaceae, OrchidaceaeSection L Plant and water 3 L1 Properties of waterL2 Water movementL3 TranspirationL4 Water transport in rootsL5 Stomatal action and regulationSection M Mineral nutrients 2 M1 Movement of nutrients ions across membranesM2 Uptake of mineral nutrients by plantsM3 Functions of mineral nutrientsSection N Photosynthesis 6 N1 Photosynthetic pigmentsN2 Major reactions of photosynthesisN3 C3 and C4 plants and CAMSection O Regulation of growth and development 3O1 AurinsO2 EthyleneO3 GibberellinsO4 CytokininsO5 Abscisic acidO6 Molecular action of hormonesSection P Phytochrome, photoperiodism and photomorphogenesis 2P1 PhotomorphogenesisP2 PhotoperiodismP3 PhytochromesP4 Phytochrome responesP5 Phylochrome mechanismsⅢ. Teaching Methods1. Bilingual Teaching: Use original English textbook, and do the lectures mainly in English.2. Use the multimedia courseware made by ourselves.3. Apply case teaching and heuristic teaching.4. This course is also student-centered, w hich values and encourages students’ involvement and English expression. Students are asked to do a lot of class activities such as class discussion, observing plant materials, and so on.IV. Course Grading:Final exam: (1) Close-book, written exam; (2) English test paper; (3) Students have to answer questions on test paper in English.Grading:Homework:10% :Class discussions:10%Mid-term exam:30%Final exam: 50%V. Textbook :Lack A. J., Evans D. E.. 2002. Plant Biology. Beijing: Science Press. VI. References:1. Kingsley R. Stern. 2004. Introductory Plant Biology (9th ed.). Beijing: China Higher EducationPress.2. Zhou Y. L. (周云龙). 1999. Plant Biology. Beijing: China Higher Education Press.3. Ynag S.J. ( 杨世杰). 2000. Plant Biology. Beijing: Science Press.4. Pan R.Z. (潘瑞帜). 2004. Plant Physiology (5th ed.). Beijing: China HigherEducation Press.5. Li W. P. (黎维平). 1997. Learning Guide for Botany. Wuhan: HUbei Science andTechnology Press.6. Lu W. S.( 陆时万), et al.. 1991. Botany. Beijing: China Higher Education Press.。

中考英语植物知识单选题50题1. The leaves of the rose are _____.A. green and smallB. big and redC. yellow and longD. blue and short答案:A。
B选项“big and red”( 大且红)不符合玫瑰叶子的特征;C选项“yellow and long”(黄色且长)也不符合;D 选项“blue and short” 蓝色且短)更不符合常理。
2. Which of the following is a kind of tree?A. LilyB. GrassC. BambooD. Oak答案:D。
Lily( 百合花)是花卉,不是树;Grass 草)是草本植物;Bamboo 竹子)虽然高大,但通常不被视为树;Oak 橡树)是一种树,D选项正确。
3. The flower of the sunflower is _____.A. whiteB. purpleC. yellowD. black答案:C。
A选项“white” 白色)、B选项“purple”( 紫色)、D选项“black”( 黑色)都不符合向日葵花的常见颜色。
4. The stem of the lotus is _____.A. short and thickB. long and thinC. short and thinD. long and thick答案:B。
A选项“short and thick” 短且粗)、C选项“short and thin” 短且细)、D选项“long and thick” 长且粗)均不符合荷花茎的特征。
5. The fruit of the apple tree is _____.A. round and redB. square and greenC. triangle and yellowD. oval and black答案:A。

2.4 dinitrophenol 2.4 二硝基苯酚3 hydroxyanthranilic acid 3 羟基 2 氨基苯甲酸5 bromouracil 5 溴尿嘧啶a horizon a 层a v node 房室结abasia 步行不能abaxial 背轴的abaxial surface of the leaf 叶侧表面abbreviation 短缩abdomen 腹abdominal aorta 腹织脉abdominal appendage 腹肢abdominal cavity 腹腔abdominal fin 腹abdominal ganglion 腹神经节abdominal leg 腹肢abdominal pleopod 腹足abdominal pregnancy 腹腔妊娠abdominal reflex 腹壁反射abdominal respiration 腹呼吸abdominal segment 腹部环节abdominal wall 腹壁abdonimal 腹的abducens nerve 外展神经abducent muscle 外展肌abducent nerve 外展神经abductor 外展肌aberrant 异常的aberrant type 异常型aberration 异常aberration rate 畸变率abesity 多脂abietic acid 松脂酸ability 力ability for tillering 分蘖力abiogenesis 偶发abiogenetic 自然发生的abiological 非生物的abiosis 无生命abiotic 无生命的abiotic environment 无生命环境abiotic factor 非生物因素abiotic synthesis 非生物合成ablactation 断乳ablastin 抑菌抗体ablation 消融abnormal 不正常的abnormal haemoglobin 异常血红蛋白abnormal segregation 异常分离abnormality 异常性abo antigen abo 抗原abo blood group abo 血型abomasum 皱胃aboral pole 反口极aborigine 土著居民abortin 龙素abortion 龙abortive 龙的abortive infection 顿挫性感染abortive lysogenization 龙溶源化abortive pollen 败育花粉abortive transduction 龙转导above ground 地面上的abranchiata 无鳃类abrine 红豆碱abscess 脓肿abscessus 脓肿abscisic acid 脱落酸absciss layer 离层abscission 脱离abscission layer 离层abscission zone 离层带absence 缺乏absolute alcohol 绝对酒精absolute configuration 绝对构型absolute deviation 绝对偏差absolute humidity 绝对湿度absolute specificity 绝对特异性absolute temperature 绝对温度absorbent 吸收的absorbentl 吸收剂absorbing 吸收的absorbing material 吸收剂absorption 吸收absorption band 吸收带absorption capacity 吸收力absorption cross 替换回交absorption curve 吸收曲线absorption intensity 吸收强度absorption spectrum 吸收光谱absorptive 吸收的absorptive capacity 吸收力absorptive capacity of the coil 土壤吸取力absorptive cell 吸收细胞absorptive epithelium 吸收上皮absorptive hair 吸收毛absorptive power 吸收力absorptive tissue 吸收组织absorptivity 消光系数abstergent 清洁剂abstract community 抽象群落abstriction 溢断abterminal 离末端的abula cral foot 管足abundance 多度;丰富abundance of species 种丰度abyssal fauna 深海动物相abyssal zone 深海底带abzyme 抗体酶acacia 阿剌伯橡acanthin 棘质acanthocarpous 具刺果的acanthocephalans 棘头类acanthoid 刺状的acardia 无心脏acariasis 螨病acarid 螨acarinosis 螨病acariosis 螨病acarology 蜱螨学acarophily 螨植共生acarpous 无果实的acaulescent 无茎的acaulescent plant 无茎植物acauline 无茎的acaulose 无茎的acaulous 无茎的acceleration 加速accelerator 加速剂accelerator nerve 加速神经accelerator protein 促进朊accelerin 促凝血球蛋白acceptor 接受体acceptor control 受体第acceptor molecule 受体分子accessory adrenal 副肾上腺accessory axis 副轴accessory bud 副芽accessory chromosome 副染色体accessory glands 附腺accessory pigment 辅色素accessory placenta 副胎盘accessory pulsation organ 辅助搏动器accessory pulsatory organ 辅助搏动器accidental 偶然的accidental degeneracy 偶然退化accidental error 偶然误差accidental hermaphroditism 假雌雄同体现象accidental host 偶见寄主accidental regeneration 偶然再生accidental species 偶见种acclimatation 风土顺化acclimation 风土顺化acclimatization 风土顺化accommodation 蝶accommodation coefficient 适应系数accompanying species 伴生种accrescent 花后增大的accretion 增加accumbent 依伏的accumulated error 累积误差accumulated temperature 温度总和accumulation 累积accumulation of fat 脂肪累积accumulator organism 积蓄生物accuracy 准确acellular organism 非细胞生物acentric chromosome 无着丝粒染色体acentric dicentric translocation 无着丝粒二着丝粒移位acentric inversion 无着丝粒倒位acephalous larva 无头幼虫acerate 针状的acerose 针状的acerous 针状的acervate 聚生的acervuloma 沙瘤acervulus 分生孢子盘acetabulum 臼acetaldehyde 乙醛acetate 乙酸盐acetic acid 醋酸acetic acid bacterium 醋细菌acetic acid fermentation 醋酸发酵acetic anhydride 醋酐acetic fermentation 醋酸发酵acetification 乙酸化aceto carmine 乙酸洋红acetoacetic acid 乙酰醋酸acetobacter 醋细菌acetoin 3 羟基丁酮acetone 丙酮acetone body 酮体acetone butanol fermentation 丁基丙酮发酵acetone ethanol fermentation 乙基丙酮发酵acetone powder 酮粉acetyl coa 乙酰辅酶 aacetyl phosphate 乙酰磷酸acetylation 乙酰化acetylcellulose 乙酰纤维素acetylcholine 乙酰胆碱acetylcholine receptor 乙酰胆碱受体acetylcholinesterase 乙酰胆碱酯酶acetylcoenzyme a 乙酰辅酶 a acetylization 乙酰化ache 痛acheb 短生植被区achene 瘦果achenium 瘦果achenocarp 瘦果achlamydate 无被的achlamydeous 无被的achromacyte 无色红血球achromasie 核中染色质排出achromatic 非染色质的achromatic figure 非染色质象achromatic spindle 非染色质纺锤体achromatin 非染色质achromatocyte 无色红血球achromatophilia 不染色性achromatopsia 色盲achromatosis 色素缺乏achromycin 无色酶素acicle 针acicula 针acicular 针状的acicular leaf 针状叶acicular leaved tree 针叶树aciculum 足刺acid 酸acid base catalysator 酸碱催化剂acid base equilibrium 酸碱平衡acid base phosphorylation 酸碱磷酸化acid base titration 酸碱滴定acid decomposition 酸分解acid dye 酸性染料acid fast 耐酸的acid fast bacteria 耐酸菌acid fast staining 抗酸性染色acid fermentation 酸性发酵acid fuchsin 酸性品红acid fuchsine 酸性品红acid gland 酸腺acid mucopolysaccharide 酸性粘多糖acid neutralization capacity 酸中和能力acid nonfast 不耐酸的acid nonresistant 不耐酸的acid phosphatase 酸性磷酸酶acid plants 适酸植物acid proof 耐酸的acid protease 酸性蛋白酶acid rain 酸雨acid resistance 酸抗性acid resistant 耐酸的acid soil 酸性土壤acid solution 酸性溶液acid stainer 酸性染料acid treatment 酸处理acid value 酸值acidic agglutination 酸性凝集acidic amino acid 酸性氨基酸acidic dye 酸性染料acidification 酸化acidimeter 酸定量器acidimetry 酸量法acidity 酸度acidity indicator 酸性指示植物acidity indicator plant 酸性指示植物acidocyte 嗜酸性白血球acidolysis 酸解acidophil 适酸的acidophilia 嗜酸性acidophilic 嗜酸的acidophilous 嗜酸的acidophilous plant 嗜酸植物acidophyte 酸性植物类acidophytes 适酸植物acidosis 酸中毒acidotrophic 酸营养的acidotrophic lake 酸性湖acidulous 弱酸性的acinose 粒状的acinous 粒状的acinous gland 泡状腺acme 极盛期aconitase 乌头酸酶aconite 乌头aconitic acid 乌头酸aconitin 乌头碱aconitine 乌头碱acontium 枪丝acorn 槲果acotyledon 无子叶植物acotyledonous 无子叶的acoustic 听觉的acoustic cell 听细胞acoustic nerve 听神经acoustic vesicle 听囊acoustical 听觉的acoustical signal 音信号acquired antibody 获得抗体acquired character 获得特征acquired immune deficiency syndrome 获得性免疫缺陷综合征艾滋病acquired immunity 获得性免疫缺陷综合征后天免疫acquired resistance 获得抵抗性acquired tolerance 获得耐受性acquisition 获得acrania 无头类acrasin 聚集素acridine 吖啶acriflavine 吖啶黄素acritochromacy 色盲acritochromatocy 色盲acroblast 原顶体acrocarpic 顶果的acrocarpous 顶果的acrocentric 具近端着丝点的acrogamy 顶端受精acrolein 丙烯醛acromegaly 肢端肥大症acromicria 短肢acromion 肩峰acropetal 向顶的acrosome 顶体acrospore 顶生孢子acrosyndese 端部联会acrosyndesis 端部联会acrylamide gel 丙烯酰胺凝胶acrylic acid 丙烯酸act 行动actin 肌动蛋白actin filament 朊纤蛋白丝actin rehulatory protein 肌动蛋白第蛋白actinobacillus 放线杆菌actinobiology 放射生物学actinometer 日射计actinometry 感光测定actinomorforous 辐射对称的actinomorphic 放射型的actinomorphic flower 辐射对称花actinomorphous 放射型的actinomycetes 放线菌类actinomycin 放线菌素actinomycosis 放线菌病actinophage 放线菌噬菌体actinopodium 放线伪足actinopterygian fishes 辐亚纲鱼类actinostele 星状中柱actinotherapy 光疗法actinotrocha 辐轮幼虫actinotropism 向日性actinozoans 珊烘类actinula 辐射幼虫action 反应规范action current 动诅流action mechanism 酌机制action potential 动诅位action spectrum 活动光谱action system 酌系activated alumina 活性矾土activated molecule 活化分子activated sludge 活性淤泥activated sludge organism 活性淤泥生物activating enzyme 激活酶activation 活化activation centre 激动中心activation energy 活化能activation heat 激活热activation of amino acids 氨基酸活化activator 活化剂active 活性的active acetate 活性醋酸active anaphylaxis 能动过敏症active carbon 活性炭active center 活性中心active immunity 自动免疫active oxygen 活性氧active precursor 活性前体active principle 有效物质active site 活性中心active state 活动状态active substance 有效物质active transfer 织运输active transport 织运输activity 活度activity metabolism 活动代谢activity rhythm 活动节律activity unit 活性单位actomyosin 肌动球蛋白actomyosin thread 肌动球蛋白纤维actynomyces 放线菌类aculeate 有剌的acupuncture 针术acute 急尖的acutiflorous 尖花的acutifoliate 尖叶的acyclic 非轮生的acyclic flower 非轮生花acyclic phyllotaxis 非轮生叶序acyl adenylate 酰基腺苷酸acyl coa synthetase 酰 coa 合成酶acyl enzyme 酰基酶acyl phosphate 酰基的磷酸酯acylase 酰化酶acylation 酰化酌;酰化adamantoblast 成釉细胞adaotative topography 适应地形图adaptability 适应性adaptation 适应adaptation disease 适应病adaptation to light 光适应adaptative control 适应控制adaptative hormone 适应激素adapter 活配器连接物adaptive character 适应特性adaptive colour 适应色adaptive convergence 适应乾adaptive enzyme 诱导酶adaptive hormone 适应激素adaptive phase 适应期adaptive radiation 适应辐射adaptive reaction 适应反应adaptive response 适应响应adaptive significance 适应值adaptive value 适应值adaptometer 适应计adaptor 活配器连接物adaptor molecule 衔接分子adaxial 向轴的adaxial surface of the leaf 叶下面adder 蝮蛇addison's disease 艾迪生氏病addition reaction 加成反应additional fertilizer 追肥additive effect 加性效应additive factor 加性因素additive genetic variance 加性遗传方差additive species 加性种additive variance 加性方差additives 附加剂adductor impression 收肌痕adductor muscle 内收肌adelphogamy 姊妹交配adenase 腺嘌呤酶adenine 腺嘌呤adenine deaminase 腺嘌呤脱氨酶adenocarcinoma 腺癌adenocyte 腺细胞adenofibroma 腺纤维瘤adenohypophysis 腺垂体adenoid 腺样的adenoid tissue 腺样组织adenoma 腺瘤adenomatous carcinoma 腺癌adenophyllous 腺叶的adenosarcoma 腺肉瘤adenose 腺的adenosinase 腺甙酶adenosine 腺苷adenosine diphosphate 腺苷二磷酸adenosine monophosphate 腺苷一磷酸adenosine triphosphatase 腺苷三磷酸酶adenosine triphosphate 腺苷三磷酸adenosylcobalamine 腺甙钴胺生素adenovirus 腺病毒;腙样病毒adenylate 腙甙酸盐adenylate cyclase 腺苷酸环化酶adenylate kinase 腺苷酸激酶adenylic acid 腺苷酸adenylic deaminase 腺苷酸脱氨酶adeps lanae 羊毛脂adequate stimulus 适宜刺激adermin 抗皮炎素adherence 附着adhesion 附着adhesive 粘着性物质adhesive culture 附着培养adhesive disc 吸盘adhesive organ 附着瀑adhesive power 粘着力adhesiveness 粘着性adipic acid 巳二酸adipocellulose 脂纤维素adipochrome 脂肪色素adipogenesis 脂肪生成adipopexis 脂肪沉着adipose 脂肪的adipose cell 脂细胞adipose fin 脂adipose tissue 脂肪组织adiposis hepatica 脂肪肝adipositas 多脂adiposity 肥胖adjoining 并列adjustment 蝶adjustor 蝶器adjuvant 辅助剂administration 投药admissible error 容许误差adnate 联生的adolescaria 后囊蚴adolescarin 后囊蚴adolescence 青年期adonit 侧金蓝醇adonitol 侧金蓝醇adoptive immunity 继承性免疫adoral 口侧的adp 腺苷二磷酸adradial canal 副辐射管adradius 纵辐adrenal body 肾上腺adrenal cortex 肾上腺皮质adrenal cortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adrenal ferredoxin 肾上腺铁氧还蛋白adrenal gland 肾上腺adrenal hormone 肾上腺激素adrenal medulla 肾上腺髓质adrenal medullary hormone 肾上腺髓质激素adrenalin 肾上腺素adrenalin dxidase 肾上腺激素氧化酶adrenaline 肾上腺素adrenalinemia 肾上腺素血adrenergic 肾上腺素性的adrenergic nerve 肾上腺素激导性神经adrenin 肾上腺素adrenochrome 肾上腺素红adrenocortical hormone 肾上腺皮质激素adrenocorticotropic hormone 促肾上腺皮质激素adrenodoxin 皮质铁氧还蛋白adrenosterone 肾上腺甾酮adrenotoxin 肾上腺毒素adrenotropic 泅上腺性的adsorbate 吸附物adsorbent 吸着剂adsorption 吸附adsorption capacity 吸附力adsorption chromatography 吸附色谱分析法adsorption equilibrium 吸附平衡adsorption isotherm 吸附等温线adsorption theory 吸附论adsorption water 吸附水adult 已成熟的adult haemoglobin 成人血红蛋白adult moult 羽化advancement of ripening 成熟加速adventitious 不定的adventitious bud 不定芽adventitious embryo 不定胚adventitious plant 偶然产生植物adventitious root 不定根adventitive bud 不定芽adventive 不定的adventive embryo 不定胚adventive root 不定根adventive species 外来种adverse effect 副酌adynamia 无力aecheocyte 原始生殖细胞aecidiospore 锈孢子aecidium 锈孢子器aeciospore 春孢子aeciostage 锈孢子期aedaeagus 阳茎aedeagus 阳茎aedoeology 生殖僻aerated culture 通气培养aerating root 呼吸根aerating tissue 通气组织aeration 通气aerenchyma 通气组织aerial 气生的aerial animal 大气动物aerial hypha 气生菌丝aerial infection 空气传染aerial leaf 气生叶aerial mycelium 气生菌丝体aerial photography 航空摄影aerial respiration 空气呼吸aerial root 气生根aerobacteriological 航空细菌学的aerobe 需气生物aerobic 需氧的aerobic bacteria 好气性细菌aerobic culture 好气培养aerobic fermentation 需氧发酵aerobic glycolysis 有氧糖分解aerobic metabolism 需氧代谢aerobic microorganism 需氧微生物aerobiology 空气生物学aerobiont 需气生物aerobiosis 需气生活aerobiotic 需氧的aeroembolism 气栓aerogenic bacterium 产气细菌aeromycology 大气真菌学aeropalynology 大气孢粉学aeroperitoneum 气腹aeroperitonia 气腹aerophilic 气生的aerophilous 气生的aerophotography 航空摄影aerophyte 气生植物aeroplankton 大气浮游生物aeropleura 气胸aerosol 气溶胶aerotaxis 区性aerothorax 气胸aerotropism 向氧性aesthematology 感觉学aesthesiometry 感觉测量法aesthete 枝状感觉器aestival 夏季的aestival annual plant 一年生植物aestivation 夏眠aetiology 病原学afferent 传入的afferent branchial vessel 入鳃血管afferent canal 输入管afferent duct 输入管afferent nerve 传入神经affinity 亲和性affinity chromatography 亲和层析法affinity labeling 亲和标记affinity of antibody 抗体亲和力afforestation 造林afforesting 造林aflagellar 无鞭毛的aflatoxin 黄曲霉素after discharge 后放after potential 后电位after ripening 后熟after schaft 副羽after sensation 后感觉after swarm 二次分蜂afterbirth 后产afterbrain 后脑afterimage 后象aftershoot 新芽ag complex ag 复合体agalactia 泌乳缺乏agamete 非配子;无性生殖体agamic 无性的agamobium 无性世代agamogenesis 无性生殖agamogony 无配生殖agamont 无融个体agamospecies 无性种agamospermy 无融结籽agamous 无性的agar 琼脂agar block 琼脂片agar culture 琼脂培养agar diffusion method 杯法agar gel 琼脂agar plate 琼脂平面agarics 伞菌类agaropectin 琼脂胶agarose 琼脂糖agarose gel electrophoresis 琼脂糖凝胶电泳age 年龄age at first insemination 头一次受种年龄age at weaning 离乳期age class 龄级age composition 年龄分布age determination 年龄测定age distribution 年龄分布age group 年龄群age structure 年龄分布ageing 衰老agenesia 无生殖力agent 剂ageotropism 非向地性agglomeration 集块agglutinable 可凝集的agglutination 凝集agglutination reaction 凝集反应agglutinin 凝集素agglutinogen 凝集原aggregate 聚集体aggregate fruit 聚合果aggregation 聚集aggregation pheromone 聚集信息素aggregometer 血小板凝集计aggression 攻击袭击aging 老化agitation 激励aglucon 配质aglycon 配质agmatoploid 假多倍性的agmatoploidy 假多倍性agnatha 无颌鱼类agon 辅基agonist 织肌agonistic behavior 反发行为agonistic muscle 织肌agranulocyte 无粒白细胞agressiveness 竞争能力agricultural geography 农业地理学agricultural meteoro 农业气象学agricultural microbiology 农业微生物学agricultural science 农学agriculture 农学agrobacterium 土壤杆菌agrobiology 农业生物学agroe cotype 农业生态型agrology 农业土壤学agrometeorology 农业气象学agronomy 农学agrophytocenosis 农业植物群落agrostography 草本学ague 疟aids 获得性免疫缺陷综合征艾滋病air bladder 浮air borne infection 空气传染air breathing 空气呼吸air cell 肺泡air chamber 气室air conditioning 空气第air current 气流air duct 气道air embolism 气栓air humidity 大气湿度air microorganism 气生微生物air passage 呼吸道air plant 气生植物air pollution 大气污染air pores 气孔air pressure 大气压air sac 气囊air survey 航空摄影airbath 空气浴airing 换气akene 瘦果akinesia 运动不能akinesis 运动不能akinete 厚壁孢子akinetic 无着丝粒的alanine 丙氨酸alar 腋生的alarm call 警报信号alarm pheromone 警报信息素alarm signal 警报信号alarm substance 警报物质alarming colouration 警戒色alary 翼状的alary muscle 翼肌alate 有翼的albiflorous 白花的albinism 白化albino 白化体albino rat 白化鼠albomycin 白霉素albrunum 边材albumen 精蛋白albumen index 卵清指标albumen sac 卵清囊albumin 清蛋白albuminate 清蛋白盐albuminimeter 白蛋白定量器albuminoid 类似蛋白albuminometer 白蛋白定量器albuminometry 蛋白测定法albuminous 蛋白质的albuminous cell 蛋白细胞albuminous gland 蛋白腺albuminous seed 胚乳种子albuminuria 蛋白尿alcalophilic microorganism 适碱性微生物alcaptonuria 尿黑酸尿症alcohlic steroid 醇的类固醇alcohol 醇alcohol dehydrogenase 醇脱氢酶alcohol precipitation 酒精沉淀法alcohol yeast 醇酵母alcoholase 醇酶alcoholic 醇的alcoholic extract 酒精提出物alcoholic fermentation 酒精发酵alcoholism 醇中毒alcoholization 酒精饱和aldehyde 醛aldehyde mutase 醛变位酶alder 桤木aldohexose 己醛糖aldolase 醛缩酶aldopentose 戊醛糖aldose 醛糖aldosterone 醛基甾酮aldotetrose 丁醛糖aldotriose 丙醛糖alecithal 无黄的alecithal egg 无黄卵aletocyte 游走细胞aleuron 糊粉aleurone 糊粉aleurone grain 糊粉粒aleurone layer 糊粉层aleurospore 粉末孢子alexin 补体alfalfa 苜蓿algae 藻类algal fungi 藻状菌algicide 杀藻剂algin 藻胶alginic acid 藻朊酸algology 藻类学aliment 食物alimentary canal 消化道alimentary cycle 食物环alimentary tube 消化道alimentation 营养吸收alimeter 高度计alizarin 茜素alkali 碱alkali labile 碱不稳定的alkali metal 碱金属alkali resistance 耐碱性alkalimetry 碱量滴定法alkaline phosphatase 碱性磷酸酶alkaline plant 适碱性植物alkaline soil 碱性土壤alkalinity 碱性alkalitrophic lake 碱营养湖alkaloid 生物碱alkalosis 碱中毒alkaptonuria 尿黑酸尿症all or none law 全或无定律all or nothing law 全或无定律allantochorion 尿囊绒膜allantoic sac 尿囊allantoic stalk 尿囊茎allantoin 尿囊素allantoin llantoin 尿囊素allantois 尿膜allele 等位基因allele frequency 等位基因频率allelic sequence 等位序列allelism 等位性allelomorph 等位基因allelomorphic series 等位基因系列allelomorphism 等位性allelopathy 远隔酌allelotaxis 异源发生allelotaxy 异源发生allelotype 等位型allergen 过敏原allergic 变应性的allergy 变态反应alliance 群团allin 大蒜素原allium test 葱根试法alloantibody 同族抗体alloantigen 同族抗原allobiosis 反应性异常allocarpy 杂交果allochroic 变色的allochroism 变色allochthonous 外生的allochthonous species 外来种allocycly 异色周期性allodiploid 异源二倍体allodiploidy 异源二倍性allogamous 异体受精的allogamy 异体受精allogene 异基因allogenetic 异源的allogenic 他生的allogenic succession 异发演替allogenous 他生的allohaploid 异源单倍体allohaploidy 异源单倍性alloheteroploid 异源异倍体alloheteroploidy 异源异倍性alloiobiogenesis 世代交替alloiogenesis 世代交替allolysogenic 异溶原性的allometaboly 异变态allometry 相对生长allomone 异种信息素allomorphism 同质异晶allopatric 异域的allopatric hybridization 异地物杂交allopatric speciation 分区物种形成allopatric species 分布区不重叠种allopatry 分布区不重叠alloplasia 组织异生alloplasm 异质alloplasmic strain 异质株alloploidy 异源多倍性allopolyploid 异源多倍体allopolyploidy 异源多倍性allose 阿洛糖allosome 异染色体allosteric effect 变构效应allosteric effector 变构效应因子allosteric enzyme 变构酶allosteric inhibitor 变构抑制剂allosteric ligand 变构配体allosteric site 变构部位allosterism 变构现象allostery 变构现象allosynapsis 异源联合allosyndesis 异源联合allosyndetic 异源联合的allotetraploid 异源四倍体allotetraploidy 异源四倍性allotransplantation 同种异体移植allotriophagy 异食癖allotriploid 异源三倍体allotropy 同素异形allotype 异性模式标本allowble error 容许误差alloxan 阿脲alloxazine 咯唪allozygote 异合子alluring colouration 诱惑色alluring gland 诱惑腺alluvial 冲积的alluvial plain 冲积平原alluvial soil 冲积土alluvium 冲积世almond 扁桃aloin 芦荟茁alpestrine 亚高山的alpha amylase 液化淀粉酶alpha decay 衰变alpha disintegration 衰变alpine animal 高山动物alpine belt 高山带alpine meadow 高山草甸alpine pasture 高山牧场alpine plant 高山植物alpine region 高山带alpine tundra 高山冻原alpine vegetation 高山植被alpine zone 高山带alter bran 末脑alternate 互生的alternate bearing 隔年结实alternate conversion 交替转换alternate leaf 互生叶alternate phyllotaxis 互生叶序alternate variation 交互变异alternate year bearing 隔年结实alternately pinnate 互生羽状的alternating cleavage 旋裂alternating dominance 交替显性alternation 交替alternation of generations 世代交替alternation of nucleus 核交替alternative host 交替寄主alternative inheritance 交替遗传altimeter 高度表altitude 海拔altricial bird 留巢鸟altrose 阿卓糖altruism 利他现象altruist 利他个体altruistic behavior 利他行为alum 茂alumina 矾土aluminium oxide 矾土alveola 蜂窝状小窝alveolar 牙糟的alveolar air 肺泡气alveolar gland 泡状腺alveolar hypothesis 泡状学说alveolar layer 泡层alveolar structure 蜂窝结构alveolar theory 泡状学说alveole 蜂窝状小窝alveolus 肺泡alveolus of lung 肺泡amacrine cell 无长突细胞amandin 苦杏仁球蛋白amanitin 鹅膏蕈碱amber 琥珀amber mutation 琥珀突变amber suppressor 琥珀抑制基因ambergris 龙涎香ambient pressure 环境压力ambient temperature 环境温度ambisexual 两性的ambivalent behavior 双重行为amblyophyllous 钝叶的amboceptor 双受体ambosexual 两性的ambulacral 步带的ambulacral groove 步带沟ambulacral plate 步带板ambulacral ring canal 步带环管ambulacral system 步带系ambulacral zone 步带区ambulacrum 管足ambulatory 步行的ambulatory funnel 漏斗ambulatory leg 步足ameba 变形虫amebiasis 阿米巴病amebic 变形虫的amebic dysentery 阿米巴痢疾amebocyte 变形细胞ameboid 变形虫样的ameboid cell 变形细胞ameboid movement 变形运动ameiosis 非减数分裂ameiotic 非减数分裂的amelioration 土地改良ameloblast 成釉细胞amensalism 偏害共栖ament 柔荑花序amentum 柔荑花序amerosporous 单胞孢子的ametabolion 无变态昆虫ametabolism 无变态性ametaboly 无变态ametoecious 单帜生的amicron 超微子amictic female 孤雌生殖雌虫amidase 酰胺酶amide 酰胺amide bond 酰胺结合amide linkage 酰胺结合amide plant 酰胺植物amide transferase 酰胺基转移酶amidine 脒amination 胺化amine 胺amine oxidase 胺氧化酶amino acid 氨基酸amino acid code 氨基酸密码amino acid fermentation 氨基酸发酵amino acid metabolism 氨基酸代谢amino acid oxidase 氨基酸氧化酶amino acid pattern 氨基酸图amino acid replacement 氨基酸替代amino acid residue 氨基酸残基amino acid sequence 氨基酸序列amino acid starvation 氨基酸禁食法amino group 氨基amino terminal analysis 氨基末端分析aminoacetic acid 氨基醋酸aminoacyl trna 氨酰 trna aminopeptidase 氨基肽酶aminophosphorylase 淀粉磷酸化酶aminosugar 氨基糖amitosis 无丝分裂amitotic 无丝分裂的amixia 交配不能ammonia fixation 氨固定ammonia nitrogen 氨型氮ammoniated 氨的ammonites 菊石类ammonium 铵ammonium chloride 氯化铵ammonotelic animal 排氨动物ammophilous 喜砂的amnesia 健忘症amnion 羊膜amniota 羊膜类amniotic 羊膜的amniotic cavity 羊膜腔amniotic fluid 羊水amniotic fold 羊膜褶amniotic pouch 羊膜囊amniotic sac 羊膜囊amoeba 变形虫amoebic 变形虫的amoebocyte 变形细胞amoeboid 变形虫样的amoeboid movement 变形运动amorph 无效等位基因amorphic 无定形的amorphic gene 无效等位基因amorphism 无定形amorphous 无定形的amount of evaporation 蒸发量amount of radiation 辐射量amp 腺苷一磷酸ampelography 葡萄品种志amphiarthrosis 微动关节amphiaster 双星体amphiastral mitosis 双星有丝分裂amphibia 两栖类amphibians 两栖类amphibious 两栖的amphibious layer 沼生植物层amphibious plant 两栖植物amphiblastula 两囊幼虫amphibolic pathway 无定向代谢途径amphicaryon 双组核amphicyte 套细胞amphidiploid 双二倍体amphidiploidy 异源四倍性amphidisc 双盘体amphigaster 腹叶amphigastrium 腹叶amphigenesis 有性生殖amphigony 两性生殖amphikaryon 双组核amphimictic population 两性融合群体amphimixia 两性融合amphimixis 两性融合amphinucleus 双组核amphion 两性离子amphiphilic compound 两性分子化合物amphiphyte 两栖植物amphiploid 双倍体amphipneustic 两端气门式的amphipoda 端足类amphistyl 两头圆形骨针amphitene 偶线期amphithecium 周层amphitoky 雌雄单性生殖amphitropal 横生的amphitropous 横生的ampho ion 两性离子ampholyte 两性电解物amphoteric 两性的amphoteric ion 两性离子amphoteric solvent 两性溶剂amphotericin 两性霉素amphotony 交感迷走神经过敏amplexicaul 抱茎的amplexicaul leaf 抱茎叶amplexicaular 抱茎的amplexus 抱合amplification 增强酌amplitude 幅度ampulla 壶状体amputation 切断术amrtabolous 无变态的amygdala 腭扁桃体amygdalin 扁桃苷amygdaline 扁桃腺的amylase 淀粉酶amylase inhibitor 淀粉酶抑制剂amylocellulose 淀粉纤维素amylodextrin 淀粉糊精amyloid 淀粉状蛋白amylolysis 淀粉分解amylopectin 支链淀粉amylophyll 淀粉叶amyloplast 淀粉体amylopsin 胰淀粉酶amylose 直链淀粉amynology 免疫学anabasine 新烟碱anabios 回生anabiosis 回生anabolic 合成代谢的anabolism 组成代谢anaboly 后加演化anachromasis 前期核变anadromous 溯河的anadromous fish 溯河鱼anaemia 贫血anaemic 贫血的anaerobe 厌氧生物anaerobic 嫌气的anaerobic bacterium 厌氧细菌anaerobic culture 厌氧培养anaerobic fermentation 厌氧发酵anaerobic glycolysis 无氧酵解anaerobic respiration 厌氧呼吸anaerobiosis 厌氧生活anaesthetic 麻碎剂anagenesis 前进演化anal 肛门的anal fin 臀anal gland 肛腺anal membrane 肛膜anal papilla 肛乳头anal pit 肛道anal region 肛门区anal respiration 肛门呼吸anal tube 肛管anal vein 臀脉analgesic 镇痛剂analog 相似体analogous 同功的analogous organ 同功瀑analogue 相似体analogy 相似analyser 分析器analysis 分析analysis of tetrad 四分体分析analysis of variance 方差分析法analytical 分解的analytical balance 分析天平analytical chemistry 分析化学analytical ultracentrifuge 分析超离心机analyzer 分析器anamniotes 无羊膜类anamorphosis 增节变态ananas 风梨anandrous 无雄的ananthous 无花的anaphase 后期anaphase movement 后期运动anaphasis 后期anaphorese 汗腺机能减退anaphoresis 汗腺机能减退anaphylactogen 过敏原anaphylatoxin 过敏毒素anaphylaxin 过敏素anaphylaxis 过敏症anaphylaxy 过敏症anaphylotoxin 过敏毒素anaplasia 退行性变化anaplasmosis 边虫病anastomosis 吻合anastral mitosis 无星有丝分裂anatomical 解剖的anatomist 解剖学家anatomy 解剖学anatonosis 增渗anatoxin 变性毒素anatriaene 锚形三叉体anatropic 倒生的anatropous 倒生的anatropous ovule 倒生胚珠anaxial 无轴的ancestor 祖先ancestral form 祖先形ancestral series 祖先系列anchor 锚形体anchoring root 锚形根anchylosis 关节强硬anchylostomes 钩虫androclinium 雄花托androconium 香鳞androcyte 精细胞androdioecism 雄性两性异体androdioecy 雄性两性异体androeceum 雄蕊群androecium 雄蕊群androgamone 雄配素androgen 雄激素androgenesis 雄核发育;单雄生殖androgenic 产雄的androgenic hormone 雄激素androgenous 产雄的androgynism 雌雄同体androgyny 雌雄同体andromerogony 雄核卵片发育andromonoecy 雄性两性同株androsome 限雄染色体androsporogenesis 雄孢子生殖androstane 雄甾androsterone 雄酮anelectrotonus 阳极紧张anemia 贫血anemic 贫血的anemochorous 风播的anemochory 风播anemogamy 风媒anemometer 风力计anemophilous 风媒的anemophilous flower 风媒花anemophilous plant 风媒植物anemophily 风媒anemotaxis 晴性anergy 无反应性aneroid barometer 无液气压计anesthesia 麻醉anesthetic 麻碎剂;麻碎的anestrus 不动情期aneugamy 非整倍性生殖aneuploid 非整倍的aneuploidy 异倍性aneurin 硫胺素aneurinase 硫胺分解酶aneurism 动脉瘤aneurysm 动脉瘤aneurysma 动脉瘤aneusomaty 同体异数性angina 咽峡炎angioblast 成血管细胞angioblastoma 成血管细胞瘤angiocarp 有被果性植物angiocarpous 有被果实的angioconidium 分生孢子囊angiography 血管造影术angiology 血管学angioscope 毛细管显微镜angiospermous 被子的angiosperms 被子植物类angiotensin 血管紧张素angiotonase 血管紧张素酶angiotonin 高血压蛋白angle of divergence 发散角angle of rotation 旋转角度angustifoliate 狭叶的angustifolius 狭叶的anhydrase 脱水酶anhydride 酐anhydrobiosis 低湿休眠anhydroglucose 脱水葡萄糖anhydrous 无水的aniline 苯胺aniline blue 苯胺蓝aniline oil 苯胺油aniline salt 苯胺盐animal 动物animal anatomy 动物解剖animal behavior 动物行为animal behavior research 行为学animal biochemistry 动物生化学animal breeding 动物育种animal breeding science 动物育种学animal charcoal 骨炭animal community 动物群落animal ecology 动物生态学animal farm 畜牧场animal fat 动物脂animal fibre 动物纤维animal function 动物性机能animal genetics 动物遗传学animal host 动物寄主animal husbandry 畜牧业animal hygiene 动物卫生学animal kingdom 动物界animal migration 动物的迁移animal neurosis 动物神经症animal oil 动物油animal organ 动物性瀑animal parasite 寄生动物animal physiology 动物生理学animal pole 动物极animal pollinated plant 动物媒植物animal psychology 动物心理学animal saponin 动物性皂甙animal society 动物社会animal sociology 动物社会学animal starch 动物淀粉animal systematics 动物分类学animal taxonomy 动物分类学animal toxin 动物毒素animal virus 动物病毒animalcule 小动物animalculist 精源论者animality 动物界animalization 动物化animism 灵气论anion 负离子anisogamete 异形配子anisogametism 异形配子配合anisogamety 异形配子配合anisogamous conjugation 异形配子接合anisogamy 异配生殖anisogeny 雌雄异型遗传anisolecithal 端黄的anisolecithal egg 端黄卵anisomeric 非异构的anisophyllous 不等叶的anisophylly 不等叶性anisoploidy 奇倍性anisopterous 不等翼的anisospore 异形孢子anisotropy 蛤异性anisozygote 异形接合体ankylosis 关节强硬anlage 原基annelids 环节动物类annual 一年生的annual growth 一年生长annual herb 一年生草本annual periodicity 年周期性annual plant 一年生植物annual precipitation 年间降水量annual ring 年轮annual variation 年变化annular 环状的annular lipid 环状脂类annular protuberance 脑桥annular tracheid 环纹管胞annular vessel 环纹导管annulate 环状的annulus 菌环anode 阳极anodic rays 阳极射线anoestrum 无发情期anoestrus 不动情期anomalous 异常的anomaly 反常anonymous 无名的anopheles 按蚊anopheline mosquito 按蚊anorexia 食欲缺乏anorthogenesis 绞花进化anosogametism 异形配子配合anospinal center 排粪中枢anoxia 缺氧anoxy 嫌气的anoxybiosis 厌氧生活anserine 鹅肌肽ant hill 蚁土冢ant plants 蚁植物antagonisitic muscle 拮抗肌antagonism 对抗酌antagonist 对抗体antagonistic inhibition 对抗抑制antagonistic reflex 对抗反射antarctic 南极区antarctic kingdom 南极区antarctic region 南极区antedating 前发antenna 大触角antennal 触角的antennal gland 触角腺antennary 触角的antennule 小触角anterior leg 前肢anterior lobe 垂体前叶anterior lobe of pituitary 胸垂体前叶anterior pituitary 胸垂体前叶anterior pituitary hormone 垂体前叶激素anterior root 运动根anterior stomach 前胃anterior sucker 前吸盘anterior wing 前翅antero posterior axis 前后轴anthecology 花虫生态学anthela 长侧枝聚伞花序anthelix 对耳轮anthelmintic 蠕虫药anther 药anther culture 药培养antherid 精子囊antheridial receptacle 雄菩antheridium 精子囊antherless 无花药的antherozoid 游动精子anthesis 开花anthill 蚁冢垤anthochlor 花黄素anthocyan 花青素anthocyanidin 花青盐anthocyanin 花青甙。

Lesson OneInside the Living Cell: Structure andFunction of Internal Cell Parts细胞的内部结构及其功能Cytoplasm: The Dynamic, Mobile Factory(细胞质:动力工厂)Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semi-fluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by the filamentous network of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved in the cytoplasmic fluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
The Nucleus: Information Central(细胞核:信息中心)The eu-karyotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In pro-karyotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,在细胞核内的染色体上储存着遗传物质DNA(原核细胞的遗传物质存在于拟核中)。
The Life Cycle of a Plant - 植物的生命周期

定义:植物通 过叶片上的气 孔释放水分的
作用:调节温 度、促进水分 吸收和运输、 促进矿物质吸
与环境的关系: 影响植物的生 长和分布,对 气候和生态环 境有重要影响
实验研究:通 过实验探究蒸 腾作用的影响 因素和作用机
植物通过根部吸收水分和矿物质 叶片中的气孔吸收二氧化碳 吸收作用是植物进行光合作用的基础 吸收作用对植物的生长和发育至关重要
植物多样性的价值:植物多样性对于生 态系统的稳定和健康至关重要,它提供 了食物、栖息地和生态服务,如空气净 化、水源涵养等。
植物多样性的保护措施:通过建立自然 保护区、开展植物资源调查和编目、加 强植物引种驯化和遗传资源保护等措施, 可以有效地保护植物多样性。
植物含有丰富 的药用成分, 可用于治疗各
中草药是植物 的重要应用之 一,具有悠久 的历史和广泛
植物还可以用 于制作草药和 保健品,具有 很高的药用价
植物的药用价 值不断被发现 和挖掘,为人 类的健康做出
蔬菜:提供多种维生素和矿物质,如菠菜、胡萝卜等。 水果:富含维生素C和纤维素,如苹果、香蕉等。 坚果:富含蛋白质和健康脂肪,如核桃、杏仁等。 药用植物:具有药用价值,如人参、灵芝等。
意义:演替是植物群落动态发展的重要过程,对生态系统的稳定性和生物多样性的维持具有重 要意义
植物多样性的定义:指不同种类的植物在 自然界中的存在和分布,以及它们之间的 相互关系。

生物学专业英语词汇(I)i band 蛤同性带ibis 朱鹭ice 冰ice age 冰川时代ichthyography 鱼类志ichthyology 鱼类学ichthyopsids 鱼形类ichthyosaur 鱼龙类ichthyotoxicology 鱼毒学ichthyotoxin 鱼毒icosahedral virion 二十面体病毒粒子icsh 黄体生成素icterus 黄疸id 遗子idant 遗子因identical twins 单卵双生identification 鉴定identification key 检隧idioadaptation 个别适应idiobiology 个体生物学idioblast 异细胞idioblastic 异细胞的idiochromatin 性染色质idiochromosome 性染色体idioecology 个体生态学idiogenetics 个体遗传idiogram 染色体组型idiomer 染色体泡idioplasm 生殖质idiosome 异状体idiosyncrasy 特异体质idiotype 个体基因型idiovariation 个体突变idiozome 异状体ig 免疫球蛋白igneous rock 火成岩ileum 回肠iliac bone 肠骨iliac vein 肠骨静脉iliodelphus 部联胎iliopagus 部联胎ilium 肠骨illumination 照明illusion 错觉illuvial horizon b层ilness 疾病image forming technique 画像编修技术imaginal bud 成虫盘imaginal disc 成虫盘imaginal moult 羽化imago 成虫imbibition 吸胀imbibition pressure 吸胀压imidazole 味唑imino acid 亚氨基酸imitation 模拟immarginate 无边缘的immature cell 未成熟细胞immaturity 未成熟immersion 浸液immersion lens 油浸物镜immersion objective 油浸物镜immigration 迁移immiscible 咪唑immission damage 注射害immission injury 注射害immobilization 固定化immovable joint 不动关节immune 免疫的immune antibody 免疫抗体immune body 免疫体immune complex 免疫复合物immune cytolysis 免疫细胞溶解immune serum 免疫血清immune surveillance 免疫监视immunity 免疫immunity breeding 免疫种育种immunity substance 免疫性物质immunization 免疫酌immunizator 免疫体immuno engineering 免疫工程immunobiology 免疫生物学immunochemistry 免疫化学immunochromatography 免疫色谱法thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计immunoelectrophoresis 免疫电泳immunogen 免疫原immunoglobulin 免疫球蛋白immunological memory 免疫记忆immunological reaction 免疫反应immunological torelance 免疫耐受性immunology 免疫学immunoprotein 免疫蛋白质immunoreaction 免疫反应immunosensor 免疫感受器immunosuppression 免疫抑制immunotherapy 免疫疗法immunotolerance 免疫耐受性imperfect flower 不完全花imperfect fungi 半知菌类impermeability 不透性impermeable 不透的impermeable soil 不渗透性土壤impervious 不透的impervious soil 不渗透性土壤imperviousness 不透性implant 植入物implantation 移植implantation of the fallopian tube 子宫输卵管移植implements 工具impondment lake 贮水池imposed rest 促成休眠impregnation 受孕impression preparation 印象标本imprinting 印痕improved variety 改良品种improvement 改良improvement of breed 动物育种improving of environment 环境改良impulse 脉冲impure substance 不纯物质impurity 不纯物质impurity of seed 种子不纯度imputrescible 不腐败的in situ hybridization 原位混合法in situ synthesis 原位合成in vitro 离体in vitro culture 活体外培养in vivo 活体inactivation 失活inactive precursor 无活性前体inanimate 无生命的inanimate object 无生物inanition 饥饿inarching 靠接inarticulate 无结节的inbred lines 近交系inbreeding 近亲交配inbreeding coefficient 近交系数inbreeding depression 近交衰退inbreeding population 近交群体incentive 诱惑力incidental species 偶见种incineration 烧灰incipient plasmolysis 初始质壁分离incipient species 端始种incision 缺刻incision enzyme 切断酶incisor 门齿incisor tooth 门齿inclement winter 严冬inclusion body 内含体inclusive fitness 包括适应度incompatibility 不亲和性incompatibility factor 不相合因子incompatible 不亲和的incomplete antibody 不完全抗体incomplete dominance 半显性incomplete flower 不完全花incomplete mesentery 不完全隔膜incomplete metamorphosis 半变态incongruent crossing 不适宜交配incongruent hybridization 不适宜交配incorporation 掺合incrassate 增厚的increase 增加increase in diameter 加厚生长increase in population 人口增加increment 增加increta 内分泌物incretion 内分泌incretology 内分泌学incretory 内分泌的incretory gland 内分泌腺incrustation 皮层incrusted seed 有外皮种子incubation 孵卵incubation behavior 孵化行为incubation drive 孵化驱动incubation mixture 保温混合物incubation patch 抱卵点incubation period 孵化时间incubation time 培养时间incubator 孵卵器恒温箱incurrent canal 廉沟incurvation 内弯incus 砧骨indefinite bud 不定芽indefinite inflorescence 无限花序indehiscent fruit 闭果independent assortment of genes 基因自由组合independent character 独立分配特征independent culling 独立选择independent differentiation 织分化independent mutation 独立突变indeterminate inflorescence 无限花序indeterminate plants 中间性植物类index fossil 指示化石index number 指标index of discrimination 辨别指数index of similarity 相似系数index selection 指标选择index species 特罩indian corn 玉蜀黍indican 尿蓝母indication 指示indicator 指示剂indicator enzyme 指示酶indicator plant 指示植物indicator species 指示种indigene 土生动植物indigenous plant 本地生植物indigenous species 土著种indigestibility 不消化indigestion 不消化indigo 青定蓝indirect development 间接发育indirect division 间接分裂indirect nuclear division 间接核分裂indispensable amino acid 必需氨基酸individium 个体individual 个体individual distance 个体间距individual nest 个体巢individual recognition 个体识别individual selection 个体选择individual variation 个体变异individuality 个体性individualization 个体化individuation 个体化indole 3 acetic acid 吲哚 3 乙酸indole 氮节induced mutation 诱发突变inducer 诱导剂inducibility 诱导性inducible enzyme 诱导酶inducible phage 诱导噬菌体inducing substance 诱导物质induction 感应induction of flowering 开花诱导induction of mutation 诱发突变induction period 诱导期inductive agent 诱导剂inductive capacity 诱导力inductive infection 诱导感染inductive phase 诱导期inductive statistics 随机学inductive substance 诱导物质inductor 诱导剂indusium 囊群盖industrial melanism 工业黑化现象industrial microbiology 工业微生物学industrial plant 工业植物industrial waste 工业废物inequal cleavage 不等裂inert gene 惰性基因inexcitability 无兴奋性infarct 梗塞infauna 海底潜底性动物infect agent 病原体infection 触染infection pressure 感染压infectious abortion 传染性龙infectious disease 传染病infectious nucleic acid 感染性核酸infectious titer 感染效价infective center 感染中心infectivity 传染性infecundity 不育inferent 传入的inferior maxilla 下颌骨inferior ovary 下位子房inferior palea 外稃infertility 不育infestation 侵扰infiltration 浸润inflammation 炎症inflated 溶胀的inflation 膨胀inflorescence 花序列inflorescence axis 花序轴inflow 岭influence 影响influenza 列性感冒influenza virus 列性感冒病毒information biology 生物信息学information content 信息容量information processing 信息加工information theory 信息论informational macromolecule 信息大分子informosome 信息体infrared heater 红外线加热器infrared rays 红外线infrared spectrum 红外线吸收光谱infrascapular 肩胛下的infrasound 超低音波infructescence 果序列infundibular leaf 漏斗形叶infundibular organ 漏斗瀑infundibulum 漏斗infusion 注入infusion solution 输液infusoria 纤毛类infusorial earth 硅藻土infusorians 纤毛类ingestion 摄食ingestion of food 食物摄取ingestion of nutritive substance 营养素摄取ingredient 成分ingression 内移inguinal gland 腹股沟腺inguinal region 腹股沟inhalation 吸入inhalent canal 廉沟inhalent siphon 入水管inherent 固有的inheritable 可遗传的inheritable variation 遗传性变异inheritance 遗传inheritance of acquired characters 获得性状遗传inherited character 遗传性状inherited immunity 遗传免疫inhibiting antibody 抑制抗体inhibiting gene 抑制基因inhibiting nerve 抑制性神经inhibiting substance 抑制物质inhibition 抑制inhibition of germination 发芽抑制inhibitor 抑制因子inhibitory action 抑制酌inhibitory effect 抑制酌inhibitory nerve 抑制性神经inhibitory postsynaptic potential 抑制性突触后电势inhibitory reaction 抑制性反应inhibitory substance 抑制物质inhibitory synapse 抑制性突触inhomogeneity 异质性inisine acid 肌甙酸initial cell 原始细胞initial community 先锋群落initial growth index 初生长指数initial infection 一次侵入initial population 原始群体initial velocity 初速度initiating cell 原始细胞initiation codon 起始密码子initiator 起动器起动装置injection 注射injector 注射器injurious insect 害虫injury 损伤ink gland 墨腺ink sac 墨囊innate 先天的innate capacity for increase 内僭然增长率innate releasing mechanism 先天释放机制inner capsule 内荚膜inner ear 内耳inner integument 内珠inner longitudinal layer 内纵层inner seed coat 内种皮innervation 神经支配innocent tumour 良性肿瘤innocuousness 无害性innominate bone 骨innovation shoot 更新芽inoculated tumour 接种肿瘤inoculation 接种inoculum 接种体inorganic environment 无机环境inorganic fertilizer 无机肥料inorganic phosphorus 无机磷inorganic respiration 无机呼吸inosine 肌甙inosine triphosphate 次黄苷三磷酸inosinic acid 肌甙酸inosite 肌醇inquiline 寄食inquilinism 寄食现象insect 昆虫insect catching leaf 食虫叶insect gall 虫瘿insect injury 虫害insect pollination 虫媒insect pollinator 花粉媒虫insect resistance 耐虫性insect society 昆虫社会insect state 昆虫社会insect transmission 昆虫传染insect vector 昆虫媒介insecta 昆虫类insectarium 昆虫饲养室insecticide 杀虫剂insecticide resistance 抗杀虫性insectivores 食虫类insectivorous 食虫的insectivorous leaf 食虫叶insectivorous plant 食虫植物insectology 昆虫学insects 昆虫类insemination 授精insemination reaction 授精反应insensibility 无感觉insertion 插入insertion breakage 插入断裂insertion sequence 插入序列insertion vector 插入运载体insertional translocation 插入移位insight 识别力insight behavior 洞察行为insolation 日射insolubility 不溶性insoluble fibrin 不溶性血纤维蛋白inspection system 检查体系inspiration 吸气inspiratory reserve volume 补吸气量inspired air 吸气instability 不稳定性instar 龄instictive action 本能的动作instinct 本能instinct hierarchy 本能等级结构instinct of self preservation 自存本能instinctive behavior 本能行为instinctive movement 本能运动insufficiency 机能不全insulation 隔离insulin 胰岛素insulin receptor 胰岛素受体intact dna 完整 dnaintake 摄取integer programming 整数规划化integrase 统合酶integrated genome 整合基因组integration 整合酌integrifolious 全缘叶的integument 珠被intelligence 智力intelligence quotient 智力系数intemperate phage 毒性噬菌体intensifying factors 加强基因intensifying genes 加强基因intensity of infestation 侵扰度intensive agriculture 集约农业intensive farming 集约农业intensive rearing 集约饲育intention movement 意向运动inter brain 间脑inter oestrual period 发情间隔inter varietal crossing 变种间交配interaction 相互酌interallelic complementation 等位基因内互补interallelic recombination 等位基因内重组interambulacral zone 间步带interarm pairing 臂间配对interband 间带interbrachial membrane 腕间膜interbrain 间脑interbranchial septum 鳃隔膜intercalary deletion 中间缺失intercalary growth 居间生长intercalary meristem 居间分生组织intercalary translocation 插入易位intercalation 插入intercellar layer 中层intercellular fluid 胞间液intercellular space 细胞间隙intercellular substance 胞间质interchange 置换interchangea 相互易位interchromosomal recombination 染色体间重组intercistronic recombination 顺反子间重组intercostal 肋间的intercropping 间作intercross 互交intercrossing 互交interfascicular cambium 束间形成层interference 干涉interference distance 干涉距离interference microscopy 干涉显微镜检术interferon 干扰素intergeneric hybrid 属间杂种intergeneric hybridization 属间杂交intergenic complementation 基因间互补interglacial period 间冰期intergrana lamella 基粒间薄片interkinesis 分裂间期interleukin 白细胞间介素interlinear cross 品系间杂交interlocking 互锁intermediary metabolism 中间代谢intermediate form 中间类型intermediate host 中间宿主中间寄主intermediate hybrid 中间杂种intermediate lobe of hypophysis 脑垂体中叶intermediate product 中间产物intermicellar space 微胞间隙intermittent fever 间歇热internal capsule 内囊internal clock 生物钟internal environment 内环境internal fertilization 体内受精internal gill 内鳃internal ligament 内韧带internal marginal zone 内缘带internal membrane system 内膜系internal milieu 内环境internal parsite 体内寄生物internal respiration 内呼吸internal secretion 内分泌internal skeleton 内骨international rules of nomenclature 国际命名法规international unit 国际单位interneurone 中间神经元internodal cell 节间细胞internodal growth 节间生长internode 节间internodium 节间interoceptor 内感受器interoreceptor 内感受器interosseous 骨间的interpetiolar 叶柄间的interphase 分裂间期interphase nucleus 间期核interphasic nucleus 间期核interplantation 内植interpolation 内插法interradial canal 间辐管interrupted gene 断裂基因intersegmental membrane 节间膜intersex 间性intersexuality 雌雄间性interspace 间隙interspecies competition 种间竞争interspecific competition 种间竞争interspecific hybrid 种间杂种intersterility 杂交不育性interstice 间隙interstitial cell 间质细胞interstitial cell stimulating hormone 黄体生成素interstitial chiasma 中间交叉interstitial fauna 间隙动物相interstitial fluid 胞间液interstitial lamella 间介板interstitial tissue 间质组织intertidal zone 潮间带interval 中间intervarietal hybrid 品种间杂种intervertebral disc 椎间盘intestinal bacterium 肠内细菌intestinal canal 肠道intestinal gland 肠腺intestinal juice 肠液intestinal parasite 肠寄生虫intestinal peristalsis 肠蠕动intestinal portal 肠门intestinal respiration 肠呼吸intestinal villus 肠绒毛intestinal wall 肠壁intestine 肠intima 内膜intine 内壁intolerant tree 阳生树intoxication 中毒intra arterial 动脉内的intracellular digestion 胞内消化intracellular electrode 细胞内电极intracellular enzyme 胞内酶intracellular freezing 细胞内冻结intrachromosomal aberration 染色体内畸变intrachromosomal recombination 染色体内重组intracoelomic graft 体腔内移植intraembryonic coelom 胚体腔intrafascicular cambium 束中形成层intragenic recombination 基因内重组intragenic suppression 基因内抑制intramolecular bond 分子内键合intramolecular respiration 分子内呼吸intranuclear mitosis 核内有丝分裂intraspecies competition 种内竞争intraspecific competition 种内竞争intraspecific cross 种内杂交intraspecific mimicry 种内拟态intrauterine 子宫内的intravascular 血管内的intravital staining 活体染色intrazonal soil 隐域土壤intrinsic factor 内因intrinsic rate of natural increase 内僭然增长率introduction 引种introgression 渐渗现象introgressive hybridization 渐渗杂交intussusception 侵入生长inulase 菊糖酶inulin 菊糖inulinase 菊糖酶inundation 洪水invader species 侵入种invaders 侵入种invagination 内陷inversion 倒位inversion duplication 倒位重复inversion heterozygote 倒位杂合子invert sugar 转化糖invertase 蔗糖酶invertebrates 无脊椎动物inverted microscope 倒置显微镜investigation 研究inviability 生存不能invisible mutation 不可见突变involucel 小总苞involucellum 小总苞involucral bract 总苞叶involucre 总苞involuntary muscle 不随意肌involuntary nervous system 不随意神经系统involution 退化iodation 碘化酌iodide 碘化物iodiferous 有碘的iodine 碘iodine number 碘值iodine solution 碘溶液iodine value 碘值iodo acetic acid 碘醋酸iodometry 碘量滴定法iodopsin 视紫蓝质ion 离子ion antagonismus 离子对抗酌ion current 离子流ion exchange chromatography 离子交换色谱法ion exchange resin 离子交换尸ion flow 离子流ion transport 离子传输ionic pump 离子泵ionic regulation 离子第ioning exchange 离子交换ionization 电离ionized water 离子水ionizing ray 电离线ionophore 离子载体iridophore 虹细胞iris 虹彩iron 铁iron bacteria 铁细菌iron deficiency 铁缺乏iron induced chlorosis 铁诱导萎黄病irradiation 扩散;辐射irradiation dose 照射剂量thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计irregular crossingover 不规则交叉irreversibility 非可逆性irreversibility of evolution 进化的不可逆性irreversible process 不可逆过程irrigable culture 灌水栽培irrigated land 灌溉地irrigation 灌溉irrigation water 灌溉水irritability 应激性irritation 刺激isatin 靛红ischiopodite 坐肢节ischium 坐骨isidium 珊嚎island 岛isle 岛islet 岛islets of langerhans 郎格罕氏岛iso osmotic solution 等渗溶液isoagglutinin 同族凝集素isoagglutinogen 同种凝集原isoallele 同等位基因isoamylase 异淀粉酶isoantibody 同族抗体isoantigen 同族抗原isobar 等压线isobody 同族抗体isobrachial chromosome 等臂染色体isochromatid break 等位染色单体断裂isocitric acid 异柠檬酸isocytotoxin 同种细胞毒素isoelectric point 等电点isoenzyme 同功酶isogamete 同形配子isogamy 同配生殖isogenic line 等基因系isogenome 同形染色体组isogeny 同源isohemagglutination 同族血细胞凝集素isohemoagglutination 同族血细胞凝集素isohemolysin 同族溶血素isohormone 同族激素isohyet 等雨量线isoimmunity 同种免疫isoimmunization 同族免疫isoiony 等离子性isolate 分离物isolation 分离isolation gene 隔离基因isolation index 隔离指数isolation mechanism 隔离机制isolecithal egg 均黄卵isoleucine 异亮氨酸isomar 等物候线isomer 异构体isomerase 异构酶isomerism 异构现象isomerized sugar 异构化糖isomery 异构现象isometric contraction 等长收缩isomorphism 同形性isophane 等物候线isophene 等物候线isophenogamy 同表型配合isoploidy 同倍性isopolyploid 同多倍体的isopolyploidy 同倍性isoprene 异戊二烯isoprenoid 类异戊二烯isospore 同形孢子isospory 孢子同型isotherm 等温线isotonia 等张性isotonic coefficient 等张系数isotonic contraction 等张力性收缩isotonic solution 等渗溶液isotope 同位素isotope dilution analysis 同位素稀释分析isotope tracer technique 同位素示踪法isotopic tracer 放射性示踪剂isotropic band 蛤同性带isotype 同号模式标本isotypy 均一型isozygosity 遗传同一性isozygoty 遗传同一性isozyme 同功酶isthmus 峡itaconic acid 衣康酸itch mite 疥癣虫ivory 象牙ixodology 蜱螨学。

Most of the properties we associate with life are properties of the cytoplasm. Much of the mass of a cell consists of this semifluid substance, which is bounded on the outside by the plasma membrane. Organelles are suspended within it, supported by t.. of the cytoskeleton. Dissolved inluid are nutrients, ions, soluble proteins, and other materials needed for cell functioning.生命的大部分特征表现在细胞质的特征上。
The eukaryotic cell nucleus is the largest organelle and houses the genetic material (DNA) on chromosomes. (In prokaryotes the hereditary material is found in the nucleoid.) The nucleus also contains one or two organelles-the nucleoli-that play a role in cell division. A pore-perforated sac called the nuclear envelope separates the nucleus and its contents from the cytoplasm. Small molecules can pass through the nuclear envelope, but larger molecules such as mRNA and ribosomes must enter and exit via the pores.真核细胞的细胞核是最大的细胞器,为染色体上遗传物质(DNA)提供空间(原核生物遗传物质存在于拟核中)。

1. Plant Parts(植物部位)Roots(根系)- responsible for anchoring the plant in the ground and absorbing water and nutrients.Stems(茎)- provide support to the plant and transport water, nutrients, and sugars between the roots and leaves.Leaves(叶子)- the main site of photosynthesis, where sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water are used to produce glucose and oxygen.Flowers(花朵)- reproductive structures of the plant, attracting pollinators and producing fruits and seeds.Fruits(果实)- contain seeds and are the result of a fertilized flower.Seeds(种子)- contain embryonic plants that can develop into new plants under favorable conditions.2. Plant Life Cycle(植物生命周期)Germination(发芽)- the process in which a seed sprouts and starts to grow into a seedling.Vegetative Stage(营养生长期)- the period of the plant's life cycle when it focuses on growing leaves, stems, and roots.Reproductive Stage(生殖期)- the phase during which flowers are produced, and reproduction takes place.Pollination(传粉)- the transfer of pollen from the male reproductive parts of a flower to the female reproductive parts.Fertilization(受精)- the fusion of the pollen and egg, leading to the formation of seeds.Seed Dispersal(种子传播)- the process by which plants spread their seeds away from the parent plant, increasing their chances of survival.3. Plant Growth and Development(植物生长发育)Photosynthesis(光合作用)- the process by which plants convert sunlight, water, and carbon dioxide into glucose and oxygen, using chlorophyll in their leaves.Transpiration(蒸腾作用)- the loss of water vapor from the plant through tiny openings, called stomata, in the leaves.Respiration(呼吸作用)- the process by which plants convert glucose and oxygen into energy, releasing carbon dioxide and water.Tropism(向性运动)- the growth or movement of a plant in response to an external stimulus, such as light (phototropism) or gravity (gravitropism).Senescence(衰老)- the process of aging in a plant, leading to the death of cells, tissues, and eventually the whole plant.4. Plant Anatomy(植物解剖学)Cell(细胞)- the basic unit of structure and function in plants.Cell Wall(细胞壁)- a rigid layer outside the cell membrane, providing support and protection to plant cells.Chloroplast(叶绿体)- the organelle where photosynthesis takes place, containing chlorophyll.Xylem(木质部)- vascular tissue responsible for transporting water and minerals from the roots to the rest of the plant.Phloem(韧皮部)- vascular tissue responsible for transporting sugars produced during photosynthesis to other parts of the plant.5. Plant Classification(植物分类)Kingdom Plantae(植物界)- one of the five kingdoms of living organisms, including all plants.Division(门)- a taxonomic rank below kingdom, grouping plants based on specific characteristics.Family(科)- a taxonomic rank below order, grouping plants with similar characteristics.Genus(属)- a taxonomic rank below family, grouping closely related plants.Species(种)- the most specific taxonomic rank, identifying individual types of plants.以上只是植物英语词汇大全的一部分,如果你对植物学有兴趣,可以通过学习这些词汇和术语来更好地了解植物世界的奥秘。

生物学专业英语词汇(L)label 标志labelled atom 示踪原子labelled probe 标记探测剂labelled protein 标记蛋白labelling 示踪labellum 唇瓣labial gland 唇腺labial palp 唇瓣labial palpus 唇瓣labile determination 不稳定决定labile gene 易变基因labile phosphate group 不稳定磷酸基lability 不稳定性labipalp 下唇须labipalpus 下唇须labium 下唇laboratory culture 实验室培养laboratory population 实验室群体labrocyte 肥大细胞labrum 上唇labyrinth 迷路lac operon 乳糖操纵子laccase 漆酶laceration 断裂lacinia 内颚叶lack 缺少lack of air 空气不足lacque tree 漆树lacrimal bone 泪骨lacrimal gland 泪腺lacrimal sac 泪囊lacrimonasal duct 鼻泪管lactalbumin 乳清蛋白lactase 乳糖酶lactating animal 授乳动物lactation 泌乳lactation curve 泌乳曲线lactation period 泌乳期lacteal duct 乳糜管lacteal gland 乳腺lacteal vein 乳静脉lactic acid 乳酸lactic acid bacteria 乳酸细菌lactic acid fermentation 乳酸发酵lactic acidosis 乳酸酸中毒lactic dehydrogenase 乳酸脱氢酶lactifer 产乳菌丝lactiferous duct 输乳管lactiferous vessel 乳管lactobacillin 乳酸菌素lactobutyrometer 乳脂计lactochrome 核黄素lactodensimeter 乳比重计lactoflavin 核黄素lactogenic hormone 催乳激素lactoglobulin 乳球蛋白lactomdter 乳比重计lactometer 乳浮计lactone 内酯lactoperoxidase 乳过氧化物酶lactose 乳糖lactose operon 乳糖操纵子lactose synthetase 乳糖合成酶lacuna 细胞间空隙lacunar system 血窦系lacustrine 湖泊的lacustrine deposit 湖水沉积物ladder like nervous system 梯形神经系lag 迟延lag period 停滞期lag phase 停滞期lagena 壶lagenate 瓶状的lageniform 瓶状的lagging ion 滞后离子lagon 咸水湖lake 湖lake doposit 湖水沉积物lake type 湖沼型lamarckism 拉马克皱lamb 小羊lambda phage 噬菌体lambert's law 朗伯定律lamella 薄片;薄叶lamellar structure 片层结构lamellibranches 瓣鳃类lamina 叶片laminarin 昆布多糖laminated epithelium 复层上皮laminated structure 片层结构lamination 群丛层lamp shells 腕足类lampbrush chromosome 灯刷染色体lampreys 七鳃类lamprophyllous 亮叶的lanate 具绵状毛的lance leaved 披针叶的lance shaped 披针形的lanceolate 披针形的land animals 陆栖动物land dwelling 陆生的land form 陆生型land improvement 土地改良land improvement scheme 土地改良计划land invasion 土地侵蚀land living 陆生的land living animal 陆栖动物land plant 陆生植物land race 本地品种land surveying 土地测绘lands 平原landscape 景观landscape conservation 景观管理landship 山崩landslide 山崩lanoline 羊毛脂lanose 具绵状毛的lanosterol 羊毛脂甾醇lanthionine 硫化双丙氨酸lanugo 胎毛laque tree 漆树larch 落叶松larch forest 落叶松林large exhalent aperture 出水孔large fruited 大果实的large intestine 大肠large scale experiment 大规模实验large sudoriferous gland 大汗腺lariat 套索larva 动蛹larva of bee 蜂幼虫larval diapause 幼虫滞育larval form 幼虫形larval moult 幼虫蜕皮larval organ 幼虫器幼体瀑larval skeleton 幼虫骨larval stage 幼虫期laryngal 喉的laryngeal 喉的larynx 喉lassa virus 拉沙病毒late effect 晚效应late gene 后期基因late protein 后期蛋白质late wood 晚材latency 潜伏期latent bud 休眠芽latent egg 潜伏卵latent enzyme 潜伏酶latent heat 潜热latent infection 潜伏性传染latent learning 潜伏学习latent period 潜伏期latent state 潜伏状态latent virus 潜伏性病毒lateral branch 侧枝lateral branching 侧分枝lateral bud 腋芽lateral bud inhibition 侧芽抑制lateral conjugation 侧面接合lateral eye 侧眼lateral genicular body 外侧膝状体lateral geotropism 横向地性lateral line 侧线lateral line canal 侧线管thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计lateral mesoderm 侧中胚层lateral nerve 侧脉lateral ocellus 侧单眼lateral plate 侧板lateral ramification 侧分枝lateral root 侧根lateral vein 侧静脉lateral ventricle 侧脑室lateriflorous 侧生花的laterit soil 砖红壤laterite 砖红壤laterization 红土化latex 乳汁latex duct 乳管laticifer 产乳菌丝laticiferous cell 乳细胞laticiferous tube 乳管laticiferous vessel 乳管latifoliate 阔叶的latitude 纬度latitudinal cleavage 横卵裂lattice fiber 格子纤维laurel 月桂树lauric acid 月桂酸law 定律law of contraction 收缩定律law of dominance 显性定律law of homologous series 同源系列律law of independent assortment 孟德尔第三定律law of inheritance 遗传定律law of mass action 质量酌定律law of minimum 最低量定律law of polar excitation 极兴奋定律law of segregation 孟德尔第二定律law of stimulus quantity 刺激量定律law of uniformity 孟德尔第一定律lawn 草坪layer 层layer of floating plants 漂浮植物层layer of swimming plants 漂浮植物层layer thickness 层厚度layered 成层的layering 成层laying hen 产卵鸡laying nest 产卵巢laying performance 产卵能力leaching 滤灰lead 铅leader 领先者leader peptide 前导肽leader sequence 前导排列leading fossil 指示化石leading off 衍生leading shoot 挚leaf 叶leaf abscission 叶离现象leaf apex 叶端leaf area 叶面leaf area index 叶身指标leaf arrangement 叶序leaf axil 叶腋leaf base 叶基leaf blade 叶片leaf bud 叶芽leaf cushion 叶枕leaf cutting 叶插leaf cutting ant 切叶蚁leaf dressing 叶面施肥leaf edge 叶缘边leaf lamina 叶身leaf mosaic 叶镶嵌leaf mustard 芥菜leaf primordium 叶原基leaf roller 卷叶虫leaf roller moth 卷叶虫leaf scar 叶痕leaf sheath 托叶鞘leaf spine 叶针leaf stalk 叶柄leaf succulent 肉叶植物leaf tendrils 叶卷须leaf tip 叶端leaf trace 叶迹leaf vein 叶脉leaf venation 叶脉系leafage 叶leafing 发叶leaflet 小叶leak 漏leakage 漏leaky gene 渗漏基因leaky mutant 渗漏突变体learning 学习learning ability 学习能力learning capacity 学习能力learning curve 学习曲线least squares method 最小二乘法lebedev juice 列别捷夫汁lecithin 卵磷脂lecithinase 卵磷脂酶lectin 植物凝血素lectotype 选型lecture 报告lecular 等分子的leeches 蛭类leek 似蒜葱left handedness 左利leg 脚legband avicolas 家禽足环子leghaemoglobin 豆血红蛋白legume 荚legumelin 豆清蛋白legumin 豆蛋白leguminosae 豆科植物类leguminous bacterium 根瘤菌lemma 外稃lemon 柠檬length constant 长度常数length of life 生活幅度length tension curve 长度张力曲线lens 晶状体lens placode 晶状体基板lens regeneration 晶状体再生lenticell 皮孔leopard 豹lepidopterans 鳞翅类leprosy bacillus 麻风菌leptone 细线期leptonema stage 细线期leptotene stage 细线期lesion 损伤lesion potential 损伤电位lesser circulation 肺循环lesser epiploon 小网膜lesser lip of pudendum 小阴唇lesser omentum 小网膜lethal action 致死酌lethal alleles 致死等位基因lethal dose 致死量lethal factor 致死因子lethal gene 致死因子lethal mutation 致死突变lethality 致死率leucemia 白血病leucine 白氨酸leucine aminopeptidase 白氨酸氨基肽酶leucoagglutinin 白血球凝素leucoblast 成白细胞leucocyte 白细胞leucocytolysin 白细胞溶素leucocytolysis 白细胞溶解leucocytopoiesis 白细胞生成leucon type 留康型leuconoid type 留康型leucoplast 白色体leucosin 麦白朊麦请朊leucotoxin 白细胞毒素leukaemia 白血病leukemia 白血病leukemia virus 白血病病毒leukoplast 白色体leukosis virus 白血病病毒leukotoxin 白细胞毒素levan 果聚糖levator 提肌levator muscle 提肌level of organization 组织层次levulose 左旋糖lh 黄体生成素lianas 藤本植物类lias 里阿斯liber 韧皮部liberation 释放lichen 地衣植物lichen starch 地衣淀粉lichenase 苔聚糖酶lichenic acid 地衣酸lichenine 地衣淀粉lichenology 地衣学lichenous 地衣的licorice 甘草lid 厣liebig's laur 最低量定律lien 脾脏lienal 脾的life 生命life cycle 生活环life form 生活型life history 生活史life phase 生活相life span 生活幅度life table 命表life zone 生命带lifeless 无生命的lifeless matter 无生物ligament 韧带ligament area 韧带面ligament fossa 韧带槽ligand 向心配合体ligand exchange chromatography 配位交换层析法ligase 连接酶ligature 结札ligature experiment 结扎实验light 光light adaptation 光适应light break 光间歇light chain 轻链light factor 光因子light induced potential 光诱导电位light intensity 光度light microscope 光学显微镜light quantum 光子light radiation 光放射light reaction 光反应light regime 光管理light scattering 光散射light sense 光感觉light sensitive 感光的light stand 开放林light summation 总光量light transmission 光传递light trap 诱蛾灯lighting 照明lighting programme 照锰序lignase 木质酶ligneous plants 枢lignificaton 木化lignified fiber 木质纤维lignin 木素lignin decomposing fungi 木质分解菌类ligninase 木质酶lignocellulose 木质纤维素ligula 叶舌ligulate flower 舌状花ligule 叶舌liithocholic acid 石胆酸lilac 丁香limb 大枝limb basis 基肢limb bud 肢芽limb girdle 肢带limbic system 边缘系统limbs 肢lime 石灰lime plant 适钙植物lime soil 石灰质土壤lime tree 椴limestone 石灰岩liminal stimulus 阈刺激liming 石灰施肥limit dextrin 有限糊精limit of distribution 分布界限limit of error 误差范围limitation 限定limited growth 有限生长limiting factor 限制因子limiting sulcus 界沟limivorous 食泥的limnetic zone 湖沼带limnion 湖沼带limnology 湖沼学limnophyte 湖沼植物limnoplankton 湖沼浮游生物linden 椴line 系line breeding 品系繁育line fungi 粘菌类line of breeding 繁殖系line of descent 血统系line of growth 生长线line transect 线状横断面linear arrangement of genes 基因直线排列linear density gradient 线性密度梯度linear dna 线性 dnalinear energy transfer 线性能量传递linear inheritance 线性遗传linear polymer 线性聚合物linear regression 线性退化lingua 舌lingual gland 舌腺lingual papilla 舌乳头lingual radix 舌根lingual teeth 齿舌linin 核丝linkage 结合linkage group 连锁群linkage inheritance 连锁遗传linkage map 连锁图谱linkage value 连锁值linked gene 连锁基因linked reaction 偶联反应linked transduction 同转导linker dna 连结 dnalinneon 林奈种linoleic acid 亚油酸linolenic acid 亚麻酸linolic acid 亚油酸linseed 亚麻子lion 狮子lip 唇lip of pudendum 阴唇lipase 脂酶lipid 脂类lipid bilayer 脂质二重层lipid mobilization 脂肪动员lipid reserve 脂肪储备lipid soluble vitamin 脂溶性维生素lipoblast 成脂细胞lipochrome 脂肪色素lipocyte 脂细胞lipogenesis 脂肪生成lipoic acid 硫辛酸lipoid 类脂物lipolysis 脂解lipometabolism 脂肪代谢lipopolysaccharide 脂多糖类lipoproteid 脂蛋白lipoprotein 脂蛋白lipoprotein lipase 脂朊脂酶liposome 脂质体lipotropic hormone 向脂激素lipotropin 向脂激素lipovitellin 脂卵黄酶蛋白lipoxidase 脂氧化酶lipoxygenase 脂加氧酶liquation 液化liquefaction 液化liquefying amylase 液化淀粉酶liquid 液体liquid chromatography 液体层析法liquid crystal 液晶liquid culture 液体培养liquid fertilizer 液状肥料liquid medium 液体培养基liquid nutrient medium 液体培养基liquid phase method 液相法liquorice extract 甘草抽出物lisogenicity 溶原性listerellosis 回旋病listeriosis 回旋病liter 升lithocholic acid 后胆酸lithopedion 胎儿石化lithophyte 石生植物lithosere 石生演替系列lithosphere 岩石圈lithotroph 无机生物litmus 石濡litmus paper 石濡试纸litre 升litter 枯枝落叶litter layer 枯枝落叶层littoral 沿岸的littoral belt 海岸带littoral community 海岸群落littoral zone 海岸带live weight 生物量liver 肝liver biopsy 肝活组织检查liver cell 肝细胞liver fluke 肝吸虫类liver function test 肝机能检验liver lobule 肝小叶liver parenchyma 肝实质liver slice 肝切片liverworts 苔类livestock 家畜livestock breeding 畜牧业living being 有机体living fossil 活化石living matter 生活物质living organism 活体living space 生存空间living thing 生物living weight 生物量lizard 蜥蜴load test 负荷试验loading 加荷loam 壤土lobe 裂片lobopodium 叶状假足lobule 小叶lobulus 小叶local action 局部酌local climate 局部气候local excitation 局部兴奋local infection 局部感染local lesion 局部病local race 地方种local variety 地方品种locality 产地localization 局部化localization of genes 基因局部化localized vital staining 局部活体染色location 位置lociation 超亚植物群丛locies 演替系小社会locke's solution 罗克氏液locomotion 移转locomotion center 运动中枢locomotor organ 运动瀑locomotory appendage 运动肢locomotory movement 迁移运动locule 室locus 基因座位locust 蝗虫lodicule 浆片loess 黄土logarithmic phase 对数生长期logging area 采伐地logistic curve 逻辑曲线loin 腰lomatocarpous 有缘果的loment 节荚lomentum 节荚long bone 长骨long day plant 长日植物long petaled 长辫的long pistillate 长花柱的long short day plant 长日照和短日照植物long term field experiment 长期野外试验long terminal repeat 长末端重复long thorned 长剌的longeval 长命的longevity 长寿longhorned beetle 天牛longicorn beetle 天牛longitude 经度longitudinal axis 纵轴longitudinal division 纵分裂longitudinal fibre 纵纡维longitudinal growth 纵生长longitudinal muscle 纵肌longitudinal plane 纵断面longlived 长命的loop 环loop univalent 环状一价染色体loose callus 松软愈伤组织loose connective tissue 疏松结缔组织loose structure 疏松结构lophophore 总担lorate 带状的lordosis 脊柱前凸lorica 兜甲loss mutation 丧失突变loss of activity 活性损失losses 损耗lot 批lotic community 小河群落lotus 莲love apple 番茄love dart 射器low atmospheric pressure 低气压low density lipoprotein 低密度脂肪蛋白low molecular compound 低分子化合物low moor 低位沼泽low temperature 低温lower eyelid 下眼睑lower fungi 低等真菌lower jaw bone 下颌骨lower lip 下唇lower moor 低位沼泽lower palea 外稃lower plant 低等植物lower valve 下贝壳lowland meadow 低地草地lucerne 苜蓿lucid 有光泽的luciferase 萤光酶luciferin 萤光素lumbar region 腰区lumbar vertebra 腰椎lumbriciform 蠕虫状的lumen 内腔lumiflavin 光黄素luminal 鲁米那luminescence 发光luminescence microscope 萤光显微镜luminescent bacteria 发光细菌luminescent cell 发光细胞luminescent organ 发光器luminosity 亮度luminous animal 发光动物luminous animals 发光动物luminous bacteria 发光细菌luminous fungi 发光菌类luminous influence 光效应luminous plant 发光植物lumisterin 光甾醇lumisterol 光甾醇lumphy structure 块状结构lunar periodicity 月周期性lunate 新月形的lung 肺lung sac 书肺lungworm 肺线虫luteal hormone 黄体激素lutein 黄体素lutein cell 黄体素细胞thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计luteinization 黄体素化luteinizing hormone 黄体生成素luteotrophic hormone 催乳激素lyase 裂合酶lycophore 十钩幼虫lycopin 番茄红素lycopods 石松类lycopsida 石松类lye 灰汁lymph 淋巴lymph circulation 淋巴循环lymph gland 淋巴腺lymph heart 淋巴心lymph nodule 淋巴小结lymphagogue 催淋巴剂lymphatic circulation 淋巴循环lymphatic node 淋巴节lymphatic system 淋巴系lymphoblast 成淋巴细胞lymphocyte 淋巴细胞lymphocyte transformation 淋巴细胞转换lymphocytoblast 成淋巴细胞lymphocytotoxin 淋巴细胞毒素lymphoid cell 淋巴样细胞lymphoid tissue 淋巴系组织lymphoidocyte 淋巴样细胞lymphokine 淋巴因子lymphopoiesis 淋巴形成lynx 山猫lyoenzyme 可溶性酶lyophilic colloid 亲液胶体lyophilizate 冷冻干产物lyophilization 冷冻干法lyophobic bond 疏液结合lyophobic colloid 疏液胶体lyotropic series 感胶离子序列lysate 溶菌产物lysigenous intercellular space 溶生细胞间隙lysigenous secretory tissue 溶生分泌组织lysimeter 渗漏测定计lysine 赖氨酸lysine decarboxylase 赖氨酸脱羧酶lysis 溶菌lysogen 细胞溶素原lysogenic bacterium 溶原细菌lysogenic conversion 溶原转变lysogenic cycle 溶原化循环lysogenic phage 温和性噬菌体lysogenization 溶原化lysogeny 溶原性lysolecithin 溶血卵磷脂lysophospholipase 溶血磷脂酶lysosomal enzyme 溶酶体酶lysosomal phosphatase 溶酶体磷酸酶lysosome 溶酶体lysotype 溶菌型lysozyme 胞壁酸酶lytic cycle 溶菌性循环lytic enzyme 分解酶lytic pathway 溶菌途经lytic phage 溶菌噬菌体lyxose 来苏糖。
大学生物专业英语lesson six

Hubei Normal University
spontaneous linking of such monomers into polymers such as proteinoids and nuclei acids. 这些单体自发的连接成多聚体,如类蛋白和核酸, 这些单体自发的连接成多聚体,如类蛋白和核酸,使 进入生命状态成为可能。(使进入生命状态成为可能的下 进入生命状态成为可能。 一个步骤) 一个步骤) Current research suggests that likely sites for this polymerization were clay or rock surfaces. 目前的研究认为这些聚合作用可能发生在泥土或岩石 表面。 表面。
2011-9-13 College of Life Sciences
4பைடு நூலகம்
Hubei Normal University
Basic physical features of Earth that may have made the emergence of life possible include the planet’s size, temperature, composition, and distance from the sun. 地球的基本物理特征(使生命起源成为可能 , 地球的基本物理特征 使生命起源成为可能), 使生命起源成为可能 包括行星的大小, 温度, 包括行星的大小 , 温度 , 组成以及离太阳的距离 。