Session 4 &5 Transportation


session 翻译

session 翻译

session 翻译session:n. 一段活动、会议或研讨会;学期;立法期Session的用法:session用作名词,意思是一段活动,会议或研讨会,也可指学期或政府立法期。

例句:1. He attended a session of the United Nations. 他参加了一次联合国会议。

2. We had a session on global warming. 我们就全球变暖进行了一次研讨会。

3. It's the end of the summer session. 暑假学期结束了。

4. This is the sixth session of the 14th National People's Congress.这是十四届全国人民代表大会第六次会议。

5. The fifty-fourth session of the General Assembly was held in New York City. 第54届联合国大会在纽约举行。

6. He is starting a new session this semester. 他这学期开始一个新课程。

7. This is the penultimate session of the Third Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist Party. 这是第十九届中央第三次全体会议的前倒数第二次会议。

8. We have a company training session once a month. 我们每个月有一次公司培训课程。

9. This legislative session concludes on October 31st. 该立法期将于10月31日结束。

10. The Power Point session lasted for two hours. PowerPoint研讨会持续了两个小时。



JOB INSTRUCTIONInstructors GuideSession 4SESSION 4 -INSTRUCTIONSIt is important to read this manual and have a clear understanding of the contents, prior to the start of training.Before the session starts...Be there 15 minutes ahead of time.Have the following materials ready:∙Flip chart and “If the employee hasn’t learned” chart∙Three blank Job Breakdown Sheets for each trainee∙Four Observation Checksheets∙Special tools for demonstrationSet up the training site:∙So it does not look like the typical classroom∙Arrange the seats in a horseshoe∙Stand Flipchart at front of room∙Have “If the employee hasn’t learned” chart hanging up∙Whiteboard∙ A whiteboard eraser∙Two different colors of markers (red and black)Remember: As the instructor, it is your responsibility:a)To provide the right tools, equipment, and materialsb)To set up the training site, making it ready for the trainees.c)Check that the next volunteers are also properly prepared.A NOTE TO TRAINERSThis manual contains a complete outline for these training sessions. It is your guide on what to say, what to write, techniques you should demonstrate, and even important things that you should keep in mind throughout the training activities. The following will help you identify the various types of materials.TITLE Each section and subsection is labeled with a title, in CAPITALS, foryour reference.TEXT The material should be presented in the order given to aid comprehensionand speed progress. You may change the wording to suit the teachingsituation -as long as you maintain the same general meaning.[ ]Instructions inside square brackets are for you, the instructor. There arefour kinds of instructions:1.Areas where you should use your own words,2.Gestures that aid comprehension,3.Background factors for you to keep in mind, and4.The order of presentation.This icon indicates to write on the flipchart.This icon indicates to use transparencies on overhead projector.MATERIALSMATERIALS TO MATERIALS TOBE DISTRIBUTED HAVE ON HAND1.Checksheets for demonstration 1.Checksheets for demonstration2.Job Breakdown Sheets 2.Job Breakdown Sheets(3 per person) 3.Flip chart4.“If the employee hasn’t learned”chartGENERAL OUTLINEActivity Time Allotted Introduction Sub Total10 minutesReview of third sessionReview of How to Instruct” CardsJob Instruction Planning Timetable Sub Total 10 minutes Discussion of Trainee TimetableDemonstration by Volunteer Sub Total 25 minutes Demonstration with CritiquePractice Analyzing Job Sub Total 10 minutes Practice breaking down Volunteer’s JobDemonstration by Volunteer Sub Total25 minutes Demonstration with CritiquePractice Analyzing Job Sub Total10 minutes Practice breaking down Volunteer’s JobWrap Up Sub Total 5 minutes Review of session 4 and preview of session 5Total 120 MinutesLEARNING OBJECTIVESAfter this session, the trainees will be able to:e the four-step approach.2.Analyze jobs effectively.3.Prepare Planning Timetables unaided.TABLE OF CONTENTSITEM CONTENTS4-1Opening a. Review of third sessionb. Review of How to Instruct” Cards4-2Job Instruction Planning Timetable Discussion of Planning Timetable4-3Demonstration by Volunteer Demonstration with Critique4-4Practice Analyzing Job Practice breaking down Volunteer’s Job 4-5Demonstration by Volunteer Demonstration with Critique4-6Practice Analyzing Job Practice breaking down Volunteer’s Job 4-7Wrap-up Review of session and preview of next4-1 OPENING NOTES Note[Thank all for assembling at the specified time.Check that everyone has brought all thematerials distributed so far.][Put the learners at ease].ReadThis is the fourth session in our program. It isgreat to see everyone participating and howeager you are to improve your teaching ability.AskQuestion: Has anybody had theopportunity to apply what they havelearned?Discuss[Discuss briefly.]ReviewReview Session 3 on TP 4-1Review the Job Instruction card. Include thesubheadings under the first two steps. Ask theclass to place the JI card in pocket and recitethe items; provide clues if necessary.]4-2 JOB INSTRUCTION PLANNING TIMETABLE NOTES Note[Ask the trainees to place the Job InstructionPlanning Timetables which they have createdyesterday in front of them.Ask someone to write his/her on the board toshow the others.Have a blank form already on the board, or atransparency and markers to fill in names, jobnames, and production/personnel/performanceneeds.While he/she is writing, circulate and help theothers with their planning timetables.When he/she has finished, have him/her brieflydescribe the contents.]4-3 DEMONSTRATION BY VOLUNTEERNote[Build in time for 2-3volunteers -15 minutesplus 10 minutes discussion each.Prepare in the usual fashion. After thedemonstration, thank the volunteer and havehim/her return to their seat.Have thevolunteer instructor sit at the front beside thetrainer for discussion.]Discuss[Start off easy and gradually build up yourreview of the session covering the pointsbelow:NOTES ∙Give a discussion subject such as: e.g., “Instep 1, the volunteer skipped one importantpoint…”∙Get the facts. Involve the volunteer and othertrainees. Ask which one was skipped.∙Confirm the facts of each subject. Wrapup/summarize.∙Discuss cause and effect. Don’t blame theindividuals; rather, focus on why it wasskipped and the affect on the worksite.∙Provide guidance. Explain what/how they canovercome problems.NoteAfterwards, thank the volunteer and send themback to their seat.Repeat above procedure for second jobdemonstration.]4-4 PRACTICE AN ALYZING VOLUNTEER’S JOBNote[Use the method outlined in previous sessionsto analyze the job presented to improve the jobbreakdown (e.g. the major steps, key points,and reasons why.]4-5 DEMONSTRATION BY NEXT VOLUNTEERSNote[Use the same as 4-3.]4-6 PRACTICE ANALYZIN G VOLUNTEER’S JOB Note[Use the method outlined in previous sessionto analyze the job presented to improve the jobbreakdown (e.g. the major steps, key points,and reasons why.]4-7WRAP UPReadThis concludes today’s session. It is great tosee how you have improved your teaching andhow good your presentations have become.In a previous session, I mentioned that makingyourself a better leader in this area will bringgreat benefits to the people you work with. Ihave already seen it happen in many places.The plant becomes a brighter place to work,and you earn more respect as a leader.Production results improve and allstakeholders benefit. There is nothing butgood to be gained.Keep this in mind as you apply this method toyour own teaching. Remember, the finesttools will do no good if you do not put themto actual use. Neither will they do you anygood if you use them incorrectly. You will,therefore, also have to learn to correctly applythe four-step approach which you have learnedhere.At work, you already have work standards.Add the four-step approach to teaching andyou cannot fail to produce the correct results.We can lecture and demonstrate all we like,but it will be to no avail unless we are able toNOTES reach the employee. Teaching is only effectivewhen it has:1.Changed employees behavior, or2.Enhanced the performance of employees.Remember:Point to:“If the employee hasn’t learned, theinstructor hasn’t taught.”[In closing, remind those that have yet to givetheir demonstrations that it will be their turn inthe last session.]JOB BREAKDOWN SHEETOPERATION:PARTS:TOOLS & MATERIALS: SAFETY EQUIPMENT:MAJOR STEP Go through the task or subject. Select suitable portions for the trainee to master.KEY POINT Anything in a major step which might: Affect Quality, Cause Injury,Make the work easier, &any special information。


2. 可以适当使用一些有感情色彩的积极意味的词来进行自 我推销。 注意要有依据。 3. 在进行要求或者自我标榜时,情态动词的使用显得有礼 貌,尊重读者,也可以中和具有感情色彩的词产生的不好效果。
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
上个session,我们发现,范文大部分的用词都是积极意义的词, 而且,所有句子都是陈述句。 范文中还有带有感情色彩的词 和 情态动词 Dear Hiring Manager, I would like to express my interest in a position as editorial assistant for your publishing company.As a recent graduate with writing, editing, and administrative experience, I believe I am a strong candidate for a position at the 123 Publishing Company. You specify that you are looking for someone with strong writing skills. As an English major, a writing tutor, and an editorial intern for both a government magazine and a college marketing office, I have become a skilled writer with a variety of experience. Although I am a recent college graduate, my maturity, practical experience, and eagerness to enter the publishing business will make me an excellent editorial assistant. I would love to begin my publishing career with your company, and am confident that I would be a beneficial addition to the 123 Publishing

Session 4 examples

Session 4 examples
Example 1来自中美两国在世界上 具有很大的影响, 两国人民都希望保 持和发展健康、稳 定的关系。这种关 系有利于亚太地区, 乃至世界其他地区 的和平、稳定和繁 荣。
Example 2

中美贸易之所以能迅速 发展,根本原因在于两 国经济具有极大的互补 性。这种互补性,很大 程度上来自两国经济资 源条件、经济结构以及 消费水平存在着很大的 差异。中国是最大的发 展中国家,市场广阔, 发展迅速,劳动力成本 低,但资金短缺、科技 和管理相对落后。
Example 3

另一方面,美国是最大 的发达国家,经济总量 大,资本充足,科技发 达,但劳动力成本高。 这种差异性和互补性, 将在今后长期存在,在 经济全球化的大背景下 显得更加突出。这就是 中美贸易能够持续发展 的客观基础。
Example 4

Mr. Premier, member of the delegation, it is my honor to welcome you to the White House. Your visit reflects the increasing ties of cooperation and commerce between our two nations.
Example 5

Two-way trade has risen sharply in a few short years. The United States is now China’s third largest trading partner. Our bilateral trade and economic cooperation show great promise for the future.

CFA中文精读(Level Ⅰ)2(经济学)-Session 4 经济学:微观分析-LOS 14 需

CFA中文精读(Level Ⅰ)2(经济学)-Session 4 经济学:微观分析-LOS 14 需

Session 4 经济学:微观分析LOS 14 需求和供给分析:消费者需求考试重点在本章节,将介绍效用理论,即模型化了的消费者选择。




另一方面,考察由于价格变动带来的收入替代效应,吉芬品和凡勃伦商品是非常好的例子LOS 14.a:描述消费者选择理论和效用理论。




效用函数的表示形式为效用=U(Q A,Q B,……,Q N),变量是商品A到N的消费数量。









LOS 14.b:描述在决策制定中无差异曲线、机会组合和预算约束的用途。






一、Session的概述1.1 什么是Session?Session是一种在Web应用程序中管理用户状态的机制。



1.2 Session的作用Session主要用于以下几个方面:(1)跟踪用户状态:通过Session,网站可以跟踪用户在网站上的活动,并为每个用户提供个性化的服务。



二、使用Session2.1 Session的配置使用Session之前,需要先配置相关参数。

具体步骤如下:(1)打开php.ini文件,并确保以下参数已启用:session.save_handler = filessession.save_path = "/tmp"(2)在每个需要使用Session的页面中添加以下代码:session_start();2.2 Session的基本操作Session的基本操作包括以下几个方面:(1)设置Session变量可以使用$_SESSION数组来设置Session变量。

例如,以下代码将设置一个名为“username”的Session变量,并将其值设置为“John”:$_SESSION['username'] = 'John';(2)获取Session变量可以使用$_SESSION数组来获取Session变量。

Session 4单词

Session 4单词
Jogging will confer striking benefits.慢跑会带来明显益处。
商议, 协商, 谈判
She withdrew to confer with her advisers before announcing a decision.
Session 4/1
infer [in?f?:]
(inferred; inferring)
推论出; 推断出; 推测
猜想; 臆测
意味着; 暗示; 指明
Ragged clothing infers poverty.
Men have observed and inferred in all sorts of ways.
give free [full] scope to sth. (=give sth. free [full] scope)
have scope (for) 有施展的...余地; 有发挥的...机会
of wide scope 广泛的, 广大的
incentive wage(增产)奖励工资
impetus [?impit?s]
推动, 促进, 刺激
The treaty gave a fresh impetus to trade.
This is the primary impetus behind the economic recovery.

session 4(翻译的多样性)

session 4(翻译的多样性)


她不得不与前夫分手,他一发脾气,就大声骂人, 还砸东西打人,他却丝毫意识不到自己的所作 所为的严重性,实在不可思议。

她的 话夹子一打开,就止不住了,滔滔不绝 地说了下去,最后她说,“我实在不想干模 特这一行了。”

为解除她的戒心,我冲她笑了一下。可一向 直言快语的她还是默默地冷淡着。过了一会 儿她脱口而出:“为这次度假置东西花了我 不少钱”。
On Virtues

Virtue is like a rich stone, best plain set; and surely virtue is best in a body that is comely, though not of delicate features; and that hath rather dignity of presence than beauty of aspect. 德行犹如宝石,朴素最美;其于人也;则有德者但须形体悦 目,不必面貌俊秀,与其貌美,不若气度恢宏。 美德好比宝石,它在朴素背景的衬托下反而更华丽。同一样, 一个打扮并不华贵却端庄严肃而有美德的人是令人肃然起敬 的。 美犹如宝石,镶嵌自然为美,而善附于美者无疑最美,不过 这美者倒不必相貌俊美,只须气度端庄仪态宜人。
As to Miss Bennet, he could not conceive an angel more beautiful. 张经浩:至于贝特家大小姐,在他眼里美若天仙 /西施。 孙致礼: 至于谈到贝特小姐,他无法想象还有 比她更美丽的天使。

“He wrote some verses on her, and pretty they were.” 孙:“他为简写了几首诗,写得真动人!” 张:“他为珍妮写了一些诗,一些优美隽永的 诗。”






当用户通过表单提交请求到服务器时,服务器会为当前用户创建一个唯一的Session ID,并将该ID存储在Cookie中发送回客户端。


服务器根据Session ID来查找并加载相应的Session数据。

Session的工作过程可以分为以下几个步骤:1. 创建Session:当用户首次访问服务器时,服务器会为该用户创建一个唯一的Session ID,并将相关的用户数据保存在服务器端。

2. 发送Session ID:服务器将Session ID存储在Cookie中,并将其发送给客户端。

3. 客户端保存Cookie:客户端的浏览器会保存这个Cookie,并在后续的请求中将其发送给服务器。

4. 加载Session数据:服务器根据Session ID来查找并加载相应的Session数据。


5. 更新Session数据:服务器可以在用户请求的处理过程中更新Session数据,以保持最新的状态。

6. 销毁Session:当用户关闭浏览器或长时间不操作时,服务器可以销毁对应的Session数据。

Session的使用场景很广泛,下面列举了一些常见的应用场景:1. 用户认证:在用户登录认证过程中,可以使用Session来保存用户的登录状态和相关信息,以便在后续的请求中进行验证。

2. 购物车功能:在电商网站中,用户可以将商品添加到购物车中,并在结算时候使用Session保存购物车的信息。

3. 在线支付:在用户进行在线支付时,可以使用Session来保存订单相关的数据,在支付完成后清除相关数据,确保数据的安全性。

旅游英语Session 4 Transportation

旅游英语Session 4  Transportation

Announcement (3) Pan American Airlines regrets to announce that flight 10 to Rome, scheduled to depart at 7:30 , has been delayed. The flight will now depart at 8:05 . Passengers with connecting flights please contact a Pan American agent to arrange new connecting flights. Announcement (4) bound for Welcome to Subway Line 13. This train is ____________ Xizhimen. The next station is Huilongguan. Please get arrival ready for your _________________ and make __________ sure you have all your ___________________ with you. The belongings door on the left side will open. Please keep clear of the door. We are arriving at Huilongguan.
直达航班 经停航班 转机
头等舱 商务舱 经济舱
• • • •
Airfare includes: airfare airport construction fee (child and infant free) fuel tax
• Air ticket sorts: • one-way ticket / single ticket • return ticket / round trip ticket



英语四次课体验安排计划English Language Immersion Experience: Four-Session Program.Embarking on a journey to learn a new language is an exciting adventure. Our four-session English language immersion experience aims to provide a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the language, focusing on fundamental skills like vocabulary, grammar, listening comprehension, speaking, reading, and writing.Session 1: Foundations of English Language.In the first session, we will establish the basic building blocks of the English language. We will introduce essential vocabulary and common expressions, covering a range of topics from daily life to basic conversations. Grammar rules will be introduced gradually, focusing on sentence structure, verb tenses, and basic syntax. Through interactive activities and role-plays, participants willhave the opportunity to practice their newfound language skills in a fun and supportive environment.Session 2: Listening and Speaking Skills.In the second session, we will focus on developing listening and speaking skills. Participants will engage in listening exercises designed to improve comprehension of spoken English. This will include listening to native speakers, understanding different accents, and practicing active listening techniques. Speaking activities willinvolve pair work and group discussions, encouraging participants to speak confidently and fluently.Session 3: Reading and Writing Skills.The third session will focus on reading and writing skills. Participants will be introduced to a range of reading materials, including newspapers, novels, and online articles, to develop their understanding of written English. We will also cover basic writing techniques, such as essay structure, paragraph development, and effective use ofvocabulary. Through guided writing exercises and peer reviews, participants will have the opportunity to practice their writing skills and receive feedback on their progress.Session 4: Immersion and Cultural Understanding.In the final session, we will take a deeper dive intothe cultural aspects of English. Participants will explore the history and evolution of the language, understandinghow it has been influenced by different cultures and countries. We will also cover aspects of English etiquette and social norms, preparing participants for real-world interactions. Through immersive activities like watching English movies, listening to English music, and trying traditional English dishes, participants will gain a deeper understanding of the language and its cultural context.Throughout the four-session program, we will emphasize the importance of practice and repetition. Participantswill have regular opportunities to use their newfound language skills in real-world scenarios, supported by our experienced teachers and fellow learners. We believe thatthis immersive experience will not only improveparticipants' language skills but also enhance their cultural understanding and appreciation of the English language.The program will be conducted in a friendly and inclusive learning environment, fostering a sense of community and mutual support. Participants are encouraged to actively participate, ask questions, and share their own experiences and insights. We believe that thiscollaborative learning approach will help participants achieve their language learning goals and make meaningful progress towards fluency in English.In conclusion, our four-session English language immersion experience offers a comprehensive and engaging introduction to the language. Through a combination of focused learning, interactive activities, and cultural immersion, participants will gain a solid foundation in English language skills and a deeper understanding of its cultural context. We look forward to welcoming you on thisexciting journey of language discovery and cultural exploration.。



ssion结尾的英语单词摘要:I.简介- 介绍session结尾的英语单词II.session的含义和用法- 解释session的含义- 描述session在不同场景下的用法III.session结尾的英语单词举例- 列举一些以session结尾的英语单词IV.结论- 总结session结尾的英语单词的特点和用法正文:I.简介在英语中,session这个单词结尾的单词有很多,它们通常与会议、会话、课程等概念有关。




例如:- 在会议场景中,session可以表示一次会议或一系列会议中的一个环节。

例如:a conference session(会议环节)。

- 在教育场景中,session可以表示一节课或一个教学阶段。

例如:alecture session(一堂课)。

- 在计算机科学领域,session可以表示用户与服务器之间的一次会话。

例如:a web session(网络会话)。

III.session结尾的英语单词举例以下是一些以session结尾的英语单词:1.sessionism(会议主义)2.conversationship(交谈关系)3.lectureship(教职)4.sessions court(会议法庭)5.sessionable(可参加会议的)6.sessionless(没有会议的)IV.结论总之,session结尾的英语单词主要与会议、会话、课程等概念有关。


session 隔离级别

session 隔离级别

session 隔离级别



1. 未提交读(Read uncommitted):允许一个事务读取另一个事务尚未提交的数据,可能会导致脏读。

2. 已提交读(Read committed):保证一个事务提交后才能被其他事务读取,避免了脏读的问题。

3. 可重复读(Repeatable read):保证一个事务在执行过程中多次读取同样的数据时,其读取结果和第一次读取的结果是一致的。

4. 序列化(Serializable):完全隔离事务,确保每个事务在修改数据时都是独占的,避免了幻读的问题。




- 1 -。

Session 4 Reading for Writing 教学设计 高一新教材英语必修第一册

Session 4 Reading for Writing 教学设计 高一新教材英语必修第一册

Session 4 Reading for Writing:Write a page in a wellness book教学设计主题语境:人与自我,人与社会(主题是“为健康簿编写一页内容”)语篇类型:记叙文授课时长:一课时(45 分钟)一、文本分析该文本是一篇描述主人公健身前后变化的文章,收录在国外高中班级里的健康簿(wellness book)中。


因此本文语言随意、轻松, 文本结构简单、清晰,三个段落分别描述过去的担忧和饮食问题,观念和饮食上的改变以及现在的行动。



学生在学习这一部分之前已经完成了主题语境下体育赛事(Listening and Speaking: Invite a friend to a sports event; Discovering Useful Structures: Make small conversations) 体育人物(Reading and Thinking: Living Legends) 和体育精神(Listening and Talking: Voice your opinion on sportsmanship; Reading and Writing: Cool Cold Sports)的学习。




三、教学流程图示四、教学过程:Activity 1To-do List1.Study a case in point: Kayla’s story in a wellness book.2.Figure out the organization and language features of Kayla’s story.3.Write your stories of “goi ng positive”.4.Polish your stories and put them in the wellness book.【设计意图】利用“逆向设计”,展示任务清单的同时,使学生清晰本节课要完成的任务。








这一类的例子有“一个TCP session”或者者“一个POP3 session”③。






✧ If you are employed, and haven't had
be time for an update: info update and photo update ...
✧ Perhaps set a goal of handing out 5 cards a day.
Over the long years, the English language has borrowed a great number of French
words or expressions. Some of them have been so absorbed in English that speakers
3. Introduce people to each other 4. Meet people at the airport 5. Say goodbye to others 6. Say hello in different languages 7. Write a business card
What You Should Know About
4 ✧ Ask your network to network with and for you also by handing out a few! Back
Work smarter, not necessarily harder!
Unit | One
Language Points
1 Explanation of Difficult Sentences
Unit | One
“Never leave home without it ...” There are so many things we often have to remember



FINANCIALA category of risks related to unexpected changes in external markets, prices, rates, and liquidity supply and demand. See also market risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk.FINANCIAL MARKET Unexpected changes in external markets (such as stock markets), prices (such as commodity prices), or rates (such as interest rates), related to (a) general market movements (although the source for this is often economic risk) or (b) a specific asset on the company’s balance sheet. Some examples include equity market risk, interest rate risk, and currency risk.FINANCIAL CREDIT Unexpected changes in credit markets (availability), prices (credit spreads), or credit‐worthiness of issuers, related to (a) general credit market movements (although the source for this is often economic risk) or (b) a specific issuer of a fixed‐income security on the company’s balance sheet or (c) a counterparty to whom the company has extended credit.FINANCIAL LIQUIDITYUnexpected changes in liquidity supply or demand, related to threedifferent levels of impact on the company: (a) untimely asset sales;(b) inability to meet contractual demands; or (c) default. A change inliquidity supply involves an unexpected change in the ability to sellassets as expected in the market, in terms of price, volume, ortimeliness. A change in liquidity demand involves an unexpectedchange in demand for liquidity by option holders, such asbondholders exercising early put options or ‘‘run‐onthe‐bank’’situations for financial services companies, where account holderssuddenly request the withdrawal of funds from their accounts, enmasse.STRATEGICA category of risks related to unexpected changes in key elements of strategy formulation or execution. This is highly variable by company and must be customized.STRATEGIC STRATEGY Viability of strategy—such as choice of products, distribution channels, markets, or value proposition— does not match expectations. This is highly variable by company and must be customized.STRATEGIC EXECUTION Strategy is not implemented as expected. Note: Execution risk is highly variable by company and must be customized.STRATEGIC GOVERNANCE Governance is not functioning as expectedSTRATEGICSTRATEGICRELATIONSHIPSUnexpected change in strategic relationships (e.g., parent companyor joint venture partner)STRATEGIC COMPETITOR Unexpected change in competitive landscape, such as new entrants, aggressive competitor actions against the company, price wars, and so forth.STRATEGIC SUPPLIER Unexpected changes in supplier environment, such as supplier capacity, supplier failure, or change in the cost of goods or services. This also includes unexpected changes in rating agency ratings or regulatory licenses.STRATEGIC ECONOMIC Unexpected changes in the economy. This is often the source of risk that triggers multiple simultaneous unexpected changes in other items, such as consumer disposable income (impacting demand for the company’s products or services), employment markets (impacting the company’s fixed expenses), inflation/deflation (impacting the company’s variable costs), items related to market risk, and items related to credit risk.STRATEGIC EXTERNALRELATIONSUnexpected changes in the company’s relationship with externalstakeholders with public voices, such as the media, consumeradvocates, equity analysts, rating agencies, regulators, andpoliticians.STRATEGIC LEGISLATIVE/REGULATORYUnexpected changes in laws or regulationsSTRATEGIC INTERNATIONAL Unexpected changes in the business environment of foreign countries in which the company operates, such as unexpected changes in the government’s stability, attitude toward foreign companies, and tariffs.OPERATIONALA category of risks related to unexpected changes in elements related to operations, such as human resources, technology, processes, and disasters.OPERATIONALHUMANRESOURCESHuman resources (i.e., people) are not performing as expected, suchas unexpected changes in talent management, performance,productivity, and conduct.OPERATIONAL TECHNOLOGY Technology not performing as expected. Some examples include data security, data privacy, data integrity, capacity, and reliabilityOPERATIONAL LITIGATION Unexpected civil suits or judgments against companyOPERATIONAL COMPLIANCE Level of compliance not matching expectations (e.g., fines for noncompliance are higher than expected)OPERATIONAL EXTERNALFRAUDUnexpected change in the amount of fraud by external parties.OPERATIONAL DISASTERS Unexpected natural or man‐made disasters, such as weather‐related (such as hurricane, flood, tornado, earthquake, and drought), health‐related (such as pandemic), accidental (such as fire), general acts of destruction (such as war, terrorism, and rioting), and specific acts of destruction against the company (such as product tampering, attack on employees, and sabotage). This also includes unexpected man‐made disasters caused by company employees or agents, such as environment damage.OPERATIONAL PROCESSES Processes are not functioning as expected (e.g., processes are too convoluted)。



ps ( 1 ps ) ps Za / 2 n
ps Za / 2
ps (1 ps ) n
Session 4 Confidence Interval Estimation
Example: Estimating Proportion 估计比例举例
Session 4 Confidence Interval Estimation
Estimation Process 估计过程
均值, m, 未知 样本
均值 X = 50 我有 95% 的置 信度认为 m 在 40和60之间.
Session 4 Confidence Interval Estimation 置信区间估计
Session 4 Confidence Interval Estimation 置信区间估计
The End of Session 4
S X ta / 2 ,n1 n
50 2 . 0639 8 25
46 . 69
£ m £ 53 . 30
Session 4 Confidence Interval Estimation 置信区间估计
Confidence Interval Estimates 置信区间估计
均值的样本 分布 区间形式
1-a mX m
s_ x
(1 - a) % 的 概率区间包 含了 m. a % 不包含.
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• • • • • • • • • • • • • •
国内机场 domestic airport 国际机场 international airport 机场航站楼 airport terminal 出港、离开 departures 进港、到达 arrivals 过境 transit 登机手续办理 check-in 登机牌 boarding pass (card) 托运的行李 checked baggage 随身行李 carry-on baggage 行李牌 baggage tag 行李推车 luggage cart 行李领取处 baggage claim; luggage claim 安全检查 security check
New Words & Expressions announce v. 预告;宣布 announcement n. 通知 departure n. 起程,离开 depart v. 起程,离开 flight n. 班机;航班 proceed v. 继续进行 board v. 登机 approach v. 接近 fasten v. 栓紧 seatbelt n. 安全带 extinguish v. 熄灭 refrain v. 抑制;戒除 non-stop adj. & adv. 直达 delay v. 耽搁,延迟 security n. 治安防卫;安全 keep clear of 不靠近,躲开
Announcement (3) Pan American Airlines regrets to announce that flight 10 to Rome, scheduled to depart at 7:30 , has been delayed. The flight will now depart at 8:05 . Passengers with connecting flights please contact a Pan American agent to arrange new connecting flights. Announcement (4) bound for Welcome to Subway Line 13. This train is ____________ Xizhimen. The next station is Huilongguan. Please get arrival ready for your _________________ and make __________ sure you have all your ___________________ with you. The belongings door on the left side will open. Please keep clear of the door. We are arriving at Huilongguan.
T: O.K. I’ve booked you one seat on EA flight _____departing 593 6:30 P.M. 9:20 P.M. Boston at __________, arriving National at ___________. And 255 I’ve waitlisted you on US Air _____, departing at 7 o’clock, 8:21 arriving National at _______. Is there a return? H:No, I just need a one-way ticket. I’ll be driving back with a friend __________________________. last name T: O.K. What’s your ____________? H:Willoughby. That’s W-I-L-L-O-U-G-H-B-Y. T: First initial? H: H. T: Would you like a seat assignment, Miss Willoughby? can I get one now H:Oh, ________________________________? T: Sure. H: I’d like ________________ if I can get one. a window seat available T: There aren’t any window seats ________________. I can give you an aisle seat. H: O.K. seat B10 T: O.K., that’s ________________. Now, can you give me your area code daytime telephone number, _____________ first? (617) 295-3840 H:Sure, that’s ____________________________.
T: Well... uh... there’s an Eastern flight __________Boston at departing 6:30 9:20 _______, arriving Washington National at ______. H:Is that a direct flight? make one stop T: Yes, but it does _______________ in New York. H:Oh. I’d really rather have a non-stop flight if I can. T: O-o-o-h. Well, there’s a non-stop flight at 7 o’clock, but sold out in first class economy is ___________. I can book you ___________, or I can waitlist you in economy and book you on ____________. the 6:30 flight H:Hmmm. Well, how much would that be? T: Let’s see. Economy class is ______ and first class is _______. $179 $233 H:Well, let’s see. That’s ______ difference, isn’t it? (T: Mm$54 hmm) Let me think. What do I want to do? I think it’s too go economy class at 6:30 much. Let me ________________________________. T: All right. Will that be just for yourself? Just one ticket for me H:Yeah. ____________________________.
Session 4&5 Transportation
sea land air
1. Useful Vocabulary
2. Listening: Announcements
3. Booking a Plane Ticket & Useful Expressions
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
国内航班出港 domestic departure 国际航班出港 international departure 候机室 airport lounge /departure lounge 登机口 boarding gate/ departure gate 中转 transfers 中转旅客 transfer passengers 中转柜台 transfer correspondence/connecting flights counter 通知 announcement 航班号 FLT No. (flight number) 来自...... arriving from 前往...... departure to 起飞时间 departure time 预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED) 延误 delayed 已降落 landed
Task 2 (Homework) Listen to the announcements again and discuss the following questions. (1) What information should you listen for while you are waiting for your flight? (2) What do passengers need to get on the plane? (3) How do you think passengers going to Rome will feel when they hear the announcement about their flight? Why? (4) How many pieces of information can you get from the last announcement? Please explain.
4. Reading: Transportation
5. Assignments
• Type of Flight • scheduled (regular) flight 定期航班;正常航班 • charter flight 包机 • • • • • • • direct (non-stop) flight stop flight connection flight Flight Class first class business class economy class