Abstract 1 Modification of the Integral Kinetic Model for the Fast Burst Reactor with Subcr
2-Generated Cores in Groups of Finite Morley Rank of Odd TypeAlexandre V.Borovik Department of Mathematics UMIST PO Box88Manchester M601QDUnited Kingdom alexandre.borovik@Ali Nesin∗Mathematics Department Istanbul Bilgi UniversityKu¸s tepe S¸i¸s liIstanbul Turkeyanesin@.tr14July2002AbstractWe prove afinal identification theorem for the“generic”K*-groups of finite Morley rank and odd type.This gives a positive answer to one ofthe important special cases of the Cherlin-Zilber Conjecture.1IntroductionAccording to a long-standing conjecture in model theory,due to Gregory Cherlin and Boris Zilber,simple groups offinite Morley rank should be algebraic.The present paper belongs to a series of results aimed at proving the following: Odd Type Conjecture.Let G be a simple group offinite Morley rank of odd type,with no infinite definable simple section of degenerate type.Then G is a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closedfield of characteristic=2.See[9]for a brief informal introduction to the subject,[8]for background results on groups of odd type and[10]for further technical details on groups of finite Morley rank.An infinite simple group G offinite Morley rank is said to be of odd type if its Sylow2-subgroups are infinite and abelian divisible-by-finite.It is of degenerate type if its Sylow2-subgroups arefinite.Those who are skeptical about the Cherlin-Zilber Conjecture should expect degenerate type groups to exist.Indeed,the Odd Type Conjecture suggests that groups of degenerate type form the heart of the matter.∗Partially supported by the London Mathematical Society grant4523.0Mathematics Classification Numbers03C60,20G991We work with a counterexample G of minimal Morley rank to the general Cherlin-Zilber Conjecture.This allows us to assume that every proper simple definable connected section of G is a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closedfield.We adopt the terminology of the classification offinite simple groups and say that G is a K*-group.Although we work with algebraic groups,we ignore their underlying alge-braic geometry and their Zariski topology;therefore it is convenient for us to refer to simple algebraic groups as Chevalley groups,that is,groups given by certain generators and relations associated with simple complex Lie algebras [13];the classification of simple algebraic groups over an algebraically closed field amounts to saying that such groups are Chevalley groups.1.1The Main ResultWe start with the ingredients of our main theorem.If E is an elementary abelian2-group,its2-rank m(E)is its minimal number of generators.If H is an arbitrary group,its2-rank m(H)is defined as the maximum of the2-ranks of elementary abelian subgroups of H.If S is a Sylow 2-subgroup of H(i.e.a maximal2-subgroup of H),then the normal2-rank n(H) is the maximum of the2-ranks of elementary abelian normal subgroups in S.Let G be a group offinite Morley rank and of odd type.Let S be a Sylow2-subgroup of G.The definable closure of the subgroup N G(V)|V≤S,V is elementary abelian and m(V)≥2is called the2-generated core of G(associated with S)and is denoted byΓS,2(G).It can be easily seen that there are no simple algebraic groups over alge-braically closedfields of characteristic not2with proper2-generated cores. (Here we understand“simple”in the sense of abstract group theory,not the theory of simple algebraic groups,where a“simple algebraic group”is allowed to have afinite center.In that wider meaning of“simple”,the only simple algebraic groups with proper2-generated cores are the groups SL2(K);how-ever,these groups have centers of order2.)Thus the result that we will soon state removes an important technical obstruction from a proof of Odd Type Conjecture.The divisible abelian part of a Sylow2-subgroup of G is a direct sum of finitely many-say n-copies of the Pr¨u fer2-group Z2∞.This number n is called the Pr¨u fer2-rank of G and is denoted by pr2(G).A minimal group is a group offinite Morley rank whose proper definable subgroups are soluble-by-finite.Theorem1A simple K*-group of odd type and of Pr¨u fer2-rank≥3with a proper2-generated core is a minimal group.1.2A Corollary for Tame GroupsWhen applied to the narrower class of tame groups,Theorem1leads to a char-acterisation of“almost all”Chevalley groups in the class of groups offinite2Morley rank:Theorem2A simple K∗and tame group of odd type either has Pr¨u fer2-rank ≤2or is a Chevalley group over an algebraically closedfield of characteristic =2.Notice that the only Chevalley groups not covered by this theorem are the groups PSL2,PSL3,PSp4and G2.Here,a tame group is a group offinite Morley rank that has no simple definable sections of degenerate type and that does not interpret a badfield.And the latter is a ranked structure of the form K,+,·,A where K,+,· is an algebraically closedfield and A is a(predicate for a)proper infinite multiplicative subgroup of K∗.It is not known whether or not badfields exist;however,the existence of badfields of positive characteristic has been recently put in serious doubt by an unexpected result of Frank Wagner[20]:The existence of a bad field of characteristic p>0implies thefiniteness of p-Mersenne prime numbers (that is,prime numbers of the form(p k−1)/(p−1)for natural numbers k).Theorem2follows from a more technical result,from Theorem3below,and from a recent theorem of Cherlin and Jaligot[14]on minimal tame groups. Theorem3A simple K∗-group of odd type either is a Chevalley group over an algebraically closedfield of characteristic=2,or has Pr¨u fer2-rank≤2,or is a minimal group.In its turn,Theorem3is based on Theorem1and the“generic identification theorem”for groups offinite Morley rank[6].Its another crucial ingredient is JeffBurdges’theorem on signaliser functors[12].Theorem3replaces the“Trichotomy Theorem”[8,Theorem6.19]as the main case subdivision in the Odd Type Conjecture.2Definitions and FactsFrom now on G stands for a group offinite Morley rank.For x∈G,we let C x denote C G(x)◦.2.1Sylow TheoryA p⊥-group is a group without elements of order p.Fact2.1(Exercise11,p.93of[10])Let p be a prime and H G a normal definable p⊥-subgroup.Then any element of order p of G/H lifts to an element of order p of G.A Sylow2-subgroup is a maximal subgroup of G consisting of2-elements. The group G is said to be of odd type if its Sylow2-subgroups are infinite and are divisible abelian-by-finite.Thus the divisible abelian part S◦of a Sylow2-subgroup S of such a group G is a nontrivial direct sum offinitely many copies3(say n)of the Pr¨u fer2-group Z2∞;the group S◦is called a Sylow◦2-subgroup or a maximal2-torus of G.The integer n is called the Pr¨u fer2-rank of G;it does not depend on choice of the Sylow2-subgroup since the Sylow2-subgroups of a group offinite Morley rank are conjugate to each other[11](see also[10, Section10.3]).Wefinish this subsection with two technical results on Sylow2-subgroups. Fact2.2(Lemma10.22of[10])Let S◦be a Sylow◦2-subgroup of G.Then N G(S◦)controls fusion in S◦,i.e.two subsets of S◦which are G-conjugate are in fact N G(S◦)-conjugate.Fact2.3([4])Assume G is soluble.Let N G be a definable subgroup and let S≤G be a Sylow2-subgroup.Then SN/N is a Sylow2-subgroup of G/N and all the Sylow2-subgroups of G/N are of this form.2.2The Structure of K-groupsWe define F(G),the Fitting subgroup of G,to be the subgroup generated by all the normal nilpotent subgroups of G.The subgroup F(G)is nilpotent and definable[5,17](see also[10,Theorem7.3]).We let O(G)denote the maximal normal definable connected2⊥-subgroup of G,i.e.O(G)is the maximal definable and connected subgroup of G that does not contain an involution,that is,an element of order2.The group G is called a K-group,if its simple infinite definable sections are Chevalley group over an algebraically closedfield,and a K*-group,if its definable proper subgroups are K-groups.The following easy result is part of the folklore:Fact2.4Let G be a K-group of odd type.Then O(G)is soluble.A group G is called quasi-simple if G=G and G/Z(G)is(necessarily nonabelian)simple.Fact2.5([5],[17],see also[10])Every quasi-simple subnormal subgroup of G is definable and normal and there are onlyfinitely many of them(called components of G).The subgroup generated by the components of G is therefore a setwise prod-uct of the components and is definable.It is denoted L(G)and is called the layer of G.One also defines E(G)=L(G)◦.Fact2.6Let G be a connected K-group of odd type.Then G/O(G)is iso-morphic to a central product of quasi-simple algebraic groups over algebraically closedfields of characteristic=2and of an abelian group.In particular,if G=G/O(G)then G=F(G)E(G)and F(G)is an abelian group.4Proof:The“in particular”part of the statement is[8,Theorem5.9].By definition,E(G)=L1∗···∗L k is a central product of connected quasisim-ple groups.By the K-assumption,each L i is a perfect central extension of a Chevalley group over an algebraically closedfield.Now the result follows from the following important fact.Fact2.7(Altınel and Cherlin[3])A group offinite Morley rank which is a perfect central extension of an algebraic group over an algebraically closedfield is an algebraic group and hasfinite center.A four-group is a group isomorphic to Z/2Z⊕Z/2Z.Fact2.8(Theorem5.14of[8])Let G be a K-group of odd type,H a defin-able subgroup of G and A<G a four-subgroup normalising H.ThenH◦= C◦H(a)|a∈A# .2.3Classification TheoremsThe following is a direct application to the prime p=2of the identification theorem stated and proved for arbitrary primes p in[6]:Fact2.9(Berkman and Borovik[6])Let G be a simple K*-group of odd type and of Pr¨u fer2-rank≥3.Assume that(1)G= C x|x an involution in S ,(2)For every involution x in a Sylow◦subgroup of G,C x=F(C x)E(C x). Then G is a Chevalley group over an algebraically closedfield of characteristic =2.A minimal group is a group offinite Morley rank whose proper definable subgroups are soluble-by-finite.Fact2.10(Cherlin and Jaligot[14])The Pr¨u fer2-rank of a minimal sim-ple tame group offinite Morley rank and of odd type is≤2.3PreparationIn this section G will always stand for a group offinite Morley rank.If H is a group,H#=H\{1}is the set of nontrivial elements of H,I(H) denotes the set of involutions of H andΩ(H)stands for the subgroup generated by I(H).We will use the notationΩ(H)only when the elements of I(H)will commute with each other so that in our case we will haveΩ(H)=I(H)∪{1} and I(H)=Ω(G)#.Lemma3.1An involution of a K-group of odd type with nonsoluble connected component commutes with an infinite2-subgroup.5Proof:Let G be the group in question.We claim that it is enough to prove the statement for G=G/O(G).Let i∈I(G)and let us assume that we know the result for G and the involution i of G.Let T be a nontrivial Sylow◦2-subgroupof CG (i).Let B be the full lifting of CG(i)to G,i.e.B={g∈G|g∈CG(i)}.Clearly B is a definable subgroup of G containing O(G)and i.For b∈B,sinceb∈CG (i),the subgroups i b and i are Sylow2-subgroups of O(G) i .Thusthere is an a∈O(G)such that i b=i a.Hence b=(ba−1)a∈C G(i)O(G).Thismeans that B=C G(i)O(G).Since T is abelian,its definable closure d(T)is abelian as well[10,Corollary5.38].Thus the lifting of d(T)to B=C G(i)O(G)is soluble(Fact2.4).Nowwe can apply Fact2.3:T=S=SO(G)/O(G)for some Sylow◦2-subgroup Sof C G(i)O(G),which is necessarily nontrivial.Since the Sylow◦2-subgroup ofC G(i)is also a Sylow◦2-subgroup of C G(i)O(G),conjugating by an elementof O(G)we may assume that S≤C G(i).Thus i commutes with a nontrivialabelian divisible2-subgroup of G.Hence we can assume that O(G◦)=1(Fact2.4).Let i∈I(G).By Fact2.6,G◦is the central product offinitely many quasi-simple algebraic groups and ofan abelian group F:=F(G)◦ G,say G◦=G1∗···∗G n∗F.Let L=G1∗···∗G n. Since i normalises L and L=1,we can assume that G=L i .If i swapstwo of the quasi-simple components G j and G k,then ss i|s∈S ,where S is a Sylow2-subgroup of G j,is an infinite2-subgroup of C G(i)and we are done. Therefore we may assume that i normalises each component.This allows us to be able to assume that L is just one component,i.e.G=L i and L is quasi-simple algebraic.Now it is time to invoke the following fact.Fact3.2(Theorem8.4of[10])Let G H be a group offinite Morley rankwhere G and H are definable,G an infinite simple algebraic group over an alge-braically closedfield and C H(G)=1.Then,viewing H as a subgroup of Aut(G),we have H≤Inn(G)Γwhere Inn(G)is the group of inner automorphisms of GandΓis the group of graph automorphisms of G.By Fact3.2,we have two cases:i acts on L either as an inner automorphismor as an inner automorphism composed with a graph automorphism.In bothcases the lemma easily follows from the description of centralisers of involutionsin semisimple algebraic groups[15]. Lemma3.3Let G be a K-group of odd type with nonsoluble G◦and pr2(G)≥3.Let S be a Sylow2-subgroup of G.Then not all the involutions of S◦are G-conjugate.Notice that the assumption pr2(G)≥3cannot be weakened:if K is analgebraically closedfield of characteristic distinct from2then the group G=PSL3(K)has2-Pr¨u fer rank2and only one class of conjugate involutions. Proof:Assume otherwise.Since we do not introduce new involutions by re-placing G by G/O(G)(Fact2.1),we may assume that O(G)=1.6By Fact2.6,G◦is a central product offinitely many quasi-simple algebraicgroups and of an abelian group F,say G◦=G1∗···∗G n∗F.Let L=G1∗···∗G n. Since G1has an involution and L G,all the involutions of G are in L.Case1.Z(L)has an involution.Then all the involutions of G◦are in Z(L).Thus each G i is a quasi-simple algebraic group whose involutions are in Z(G i).From the classification of simple algebraic groups(e.g.[19]),it follows that G i SL2(K i)for some algebraically closed K i of characteristic=2.Thus L is a central quotient of SL2(K1)×···×SL2(K n).It is easy to see that SL2(K i) is2-divisible,thus any nontrivial central quotient of SL2(K1)×···×SL2(K n) will introduce noncentral involutions.Therefore G◦=SL2(K1)×···×SL2(K n). Since pr2(G)≥3,n≥ 3.Now,G permutes the components G1,...,G n. Therefore G leaves invariant the set{i1,...,i n}where i j∈I(G j),so that i1 and i1i2are not conjugate,a contradiction.Case2.Z(L)has no involutions.Then we can assume without loss of generality that Z(L)=1and that each G i is a simple algebraic group over an algebraically closedfield of characteristic=2.Let S be a Sylow2-subgroup of L.Then A:=Ω(S◦) (A∩G1)×···×(A∩G1)(no more amalgamation). By Fact2.2,N G(S◦)acts transitively on the involutions of A.But N G(S◦) permutes the components also.Thus if a1∈A#∩G1and a2∈A#∩G2, then a1and a1a2cannot be conjugate.Hence n=1.Thus G acts transitively on the involutions of the simple algebraic group G1.Fact3.2tells us how G acts on G1.Now the result follows from the classification of the conjugacy classes of involutions in simple algebraic groups and their extensions by graph automorphisms[15]. Lemma3.4Let G be a group of odd type.Let S be a Sylow2-subgroup of G.Let¯denote“modulo”O(G).Then S,2=ΓS,2(G).Proof:Since S is a Sylow2-subgroup of G by Fact2.3,clearly the left hand side is a subgroup of the right hand side.To prove the reverse inclusion,it is enough to show that if B≤S is a four subgroup then there is a lifting A of Bto G such that A is a four-subgroup of S and NG (B)≤GLet B≤S be a four-subgroup.Let X be the full preimage of B in G.Since X/O(G)=B≤S=SO(G)/O(G),we have X≤SO(G).Let A be a Sylow 2-subgroup of X.By Fact2.3,X=O(G)A and A B.Since A≤X≤SO(G) and since S is a Sylow2-subgroup of SO(G),conjugating by an element of O(G),we may assume that A≤S.We will show that NG(B)≤N G(A).Letx∈NG (B).Then A x=B x=B=AO(G)/O(G),and A x≤AO(G).ThusA x is a Sylow2-subgroup of AO(G).Therefore there is a y∈O(G)such that A x=A y.Thus x=(xy−1)y∈N G(A)O(G)and x∈G This proves the lemma. Lemma3.5Let G be a simple K*-group of odd type,S a Sylow2-subgroup of G and H=ΓS,2(G),the2-generated core associated with S.Let A be an elementary abelian2-subgroup of H with m(A)≥3.If a∈A#then C a≤H.7Proof:Let B=C G(a).Let A1be a four-subgroup of A disjoint from a .Consider the K-group B A1of odd type.By Fact2.8,B◦= C◦B (x)|x∈A#1 .But C◦B(x)≤C G(a,x)and a,x is a four-subgroup of S.Thus B◦≤H. 4Proof of Theorem1Let G be a group as in the statement of Theorem1.Let S be afixed Sylow 2-subgroup of G,A=Ω(S◦) S and H=ΓS,2(G)be the2-generated core attached to S.Clearly S≤N G(S)≤N G(S◦)≤N G(A)≤H because A char S and A has order at least8.We assume H<G.Claim1.If a∈A#then C G(a)≤H.Proof:Let B=C G(a).By Lemma3.5,B◦≤H.Now let b∈B be any element.Then S◦b is a Sylow◦2-subgroup of B◦.Hence S◦b=S◦c for some c∈B◦.It follows that b=(bc−1)c∈N G(S◦)B◦⊆H.Thus B≤H. Claim2.If a∈Ω(T)#for some Sylow◦2-subgroup T of H,then C G(a)≤H. Proof:Conjugating by an element of H,we may assume that a∈A.Now the claim follows from Claim1. Claim3.If i∈I(S),then C i≤H.Proof:By looking at the Jordan normal form of i as a linear transformation of the F2-vector space A(of dimension at least3),we see that i must centralise at least a four-subgroup of A.Let A1be a four-subgroup of A that is centralised by i and set B=C i.The four-group A1acts on B.Applying Lemma2.8tothe K-group B A1of odd type we get B= C◦B (c)|c∈A#1 .Hence B≤Hby Claim1. Claim4.If i∈I(H),then C i≤H.Proof:Conjugating by an element of H,we may assume that i∈I(S)so that the claim follows at once from Claim3. Claim5.H◦is soluble.Proof:Assume,to the contrary,that H◦is nonsoluble.This will allow us to prove that any two elements of A#are G-conjugate.Indeed,let a,b∈A#.Assume a and b are not G-conjugate.We use the following fact:Fact4.1([11],Proposition10.2of[10])Any two involutions of a group of finite Morley rank are either conjugate to each other or commute with another involution.Therefore,for every g∈G,b g and a commute with some involution i(that may depend on g).By Claim1,i∈C G(a)≤H.By Claim4,C i≤H.Since H is a nonsoluble K-group of odd type,we can apply Lemma3.1:C H(i)contains a nontrivial Sylow◦2-subgroup T.Since b g∈C H(i),we can choose T so that b g normalises T.But then b g centralises some involution t∈T and b g∈C G(t)≤H8by Claim2.Thus b G⊆H.But this contradicts the fact that G is simple and that H<G and proves that all involutions in A#are G-conjugate.Our next observation is that N G(S◦)≤N G(A)≤H and N G(S◦)controls H-fusion in S◦by Fact2.2.Hence all involutions in S◦are conjugate in H, which contradicts Lemma3.3.Now,in view of Claim5,Theorem1follows from the following result.(We state and prove a slightly more general result than we need for the present paper,since it will be used in subsequent papers.)Proposition4.2Let G be a simple K*-group of odd type with a soluble and proper2-generated core.If n(S)≥3for a Sylow2-subgroup S of G,then G is a minimal group.Proof:Assume that G is not minimal.Then G has a proper definable non-soluble connected subgroup,say K.Take K minimal with this properties.By Fact2.6,if K=K/O(K),then K=F(K)E(K)and F(K)is an abelian group. Since L(K)=1,by the minimality of K,K must be isomorphic to either SL2(F) or PSL2(F)for some algebraically closedfield F of characteristic=2.Clearly the2-generated core of K is a subgroup of a2-generated core of G.Therefore the2-generated core of K is also soluble.By Lemma3.4,the 2-generated core of K is also soluble.The further analysis of the structure of G requires a structural result about groups PSL2(K).Lemma4.3The connected component of a2-generated core of PSL2(K)where K is an algebraically closedfield of characteristic distinct from2is non-soluble.1 Proof:Let T be the standard maximal torus of G=PSL2(K)(that consists of diagonal elements).Let S be a Sylow2-subgroup of G=PSL2(K)such that S◦≤T.Then S=S◦ w for some w∈I(N G(T)\T).Since w inverts T, S is generated by its involutions.Let z be the unique involution of Z(S)≤S◦. Every involution t=z of S belongs to the four-subgroup z,t .Also z∈ z,w . Thus S≤ΓS,2(G).Set H=ΓS,2(G).Assume that H is soluble.Notice that N G( z,t )is a subgroup of H and is isomorphic to the symmetric group Sym(4)(which is naturally interpreted as the group of permutations of4points in general position on the projective line).Therefore there is an element r∈H such that z r=t.But then S◦and S◦r are two Sylow2-subgroups of H◦and contain commuting involutions z and t,correspondingly.But H◦is solvable and so is contained in a Borel subgroup of G.The latter is conjugate to the group of upper triangular matrices in G and contains no commuting involutions.We now return to the proof of Proposition4.2.By Lemma4.3,K PSL2(F).So K SL2(F).But then K has a central involution¯z in the connected component of a Sylow2-subgroup.Lifting its centraliser to K,we 1Notice that it follows from Poizat[18]that H◦=G,although we do not need the full strength of this result.9see that we have an involution z in a Sylow◦2-subgroup S◦of G with nonsol-uble C z.Let A be a normal elementary abelian subgroup of S with m(A)≥3.Notice that[S◦,A]≤S∩A is afinite group.Since S◦is a divisible abeliangroup,it is easy to see that[S◦,A]is also divisible.This shows that[S◦,A]=1andΩ(S◦)A S is a normal elementary abelian subgroup of S of2-rank at least3.By Lemma3.5applied toΩ(S◦)A,C z≤H◦and therefore H is nonsoluble. This is a contradiction and completes the proof of Proposition4.2,as well asthe proof of Theorem1. 5Proof of Theorems2and3As usual,G stands for a simple K*-group offinite Morley rank and odd type.The proof of Theorems2,5.4and3is based on the concept of a signaliserfunctor,which we now define.Assume that,for every involution s∈G,we have a connected definable2⊥-subgroupθ(s)≤C G(s)such that(i)θ(t)∩C G(s)=θ(s)∩C G(t)for any commuting involutions t,s∈G,and (ii)θ(s)g=θ(s g)for any g∈G(in particular,θ(s) C G(s)).Thenθis called a signaliser functor on G.The signaliser functorθis complete if for any elementary abelian2-subgroupE≤G of order at least8the subgroupθ(E):= θ(t)|t∈E#is a connected2⊥-group andCθ(E)(s)=θ(s)for any involution s∈E.Finally,a signaliser functorθis nontrivial ifθ(s)=1for some involution s∈G,and nilpotent if all the subgroupsθ(t)are nilpotent. Fact5.1Let S be a Sylow2-subgroup of G.Assume n(S)≥3.Let E S be an elementary abelian normal2-subgroup of S of2-rank at least3.Ifθis a nontrivial complete signaliser functor on G thenθ(E)=1andΓS,2(G)≤N G(θ(E)).In particular,if G is simple then it has a proper2-generated core.Proof:The definition of signaliser functor given above is stronger than that of[8](where only the weaker conditionθ(s) C G(s)was required in(ii)).Thisfillsa gap in the proof of[8,Theorem6.7]which gives the desired result.(Noticethat in[8],Theorem6.7was applied only to signaliser functors which satisfiedthe stronger assumption(ii).) We need one more technical result.For an elementary abelian2-subgroup V,we setΓV= C v|v∈V# .10Proposition5.2Let G be a simple K*-group of odd type and of Pr¨u fer2-rank at least3.Let S be a2-Sylow subgroup of G and E=Ω(S◦).ThenΓS,2(G)≤N G(ΓE).Proof:We introduce the graph∆whose vertices are all the elementary abelian 2-subgroups of G of order at least4,with two vertices(subgroups)U and V connected by an edge if[U,V]=1.The group G acts on∆by conjugation.It follows from[8,Lemma4.5]that if U and V are elementary abelian subgroups in S of order at least4then they belong to the same connected component∆0 of∆.We need the following lemma.Lemma5.3If U and V are commuting elementary abelian2-subgroups of or-der at least4in G thenΓV=ΓU.Proof:Take an involution v∈V,then C G(v)is a proper subgroup in G and thus is a K-group.By Fact2.8,C v= C◦C(u)|u∈U# ≤ΓU,vand thusΓV≤ΓU.By symmetry,ΓV=ΓU.Returning to the proof of Proposition5.2,we observe thatΓV=ΓU for any two vertices U and V in∆0;denote this subgroup by M.Then,for any elementary2-subgroup V<S of order at least4,N G(V)normalisesΓV=M and M=ΓE,henceΓS,2(G)≤N G(ΓE),as claimed.We are now in a position to prove Theorems2and3.It will be convenient tofirst prove the following intermediate result. Proposition5.4Let G be a simple K∗-group of odd type.Then either G is a Chevalley group over an algebraically closedfield of characteristic=2,or one of the following holds:(a)pr2(G)≤2;(b)O(C G(z))=1for some involution z∈G,or(c)G is a minimal group.Let us start with Proposition 5.4.Excluding clauses(a)and(b),we can assume that G has Pr¨u fer2-rank at least3and that O(C G(x))=1for any involution x∈G.In particular(Fact2.6),for every element x∈I(S),C x=F(C x)E(C x),which gives us condition(2)of Fact2.9.If the condition(1)of Fact2.9does not hold,then Proposition5.2says that G has a proper 2-generated core.But then,by Theorem1,G is a minimal group,which yields the clause(c)of Proposition5.4.Therefore we can assume that the assumptions11of Fact2.9hold and thus G is a Chevalley group over an algebraically closed field of characteristic=2.In Theorem2we assume that G is tame.Under this extra assumption, we need to exclude clause(b)from Proposition5.4.The following result comes handy:Fact5.5(Corollary6.8of[8])If in a tame K*-group G of Pr¨u fer rank at least3,O(C G(t))=1for some involution t∈G,then G has a proper2-generated core.But then G is a minimal group by Theorem1.Now a result of Cherlin and Jaligot on minimal tame groups(Fact2.10)bounds the Pr¨u fer2-rank of G. This proves Theorem2.The folowing recent result of JeffBurdges[12]on signaliser functors is in-volved in the proof of Theorem3:Fact5.6(Burdges[12])Let G be a simple K*-group of odd type.Assume that O(C G(t))=1for some involution t∈G.Then G admits a nontrivial nilpotent signaliser functor.If now G is simple K*-group of odd type and of Pr¨u fer2-rank at least3 with O(C G(t))=1for some involution t∈G,then G has a nontrivial nilpotent signaliser functor.But a nilpotent signaliser functor is complete[7,12].Now Fact5.1forces G to have a proper2-generated core,implying that G is minimal by Theorem1.This proves Theorem3.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank JeffBurdges for making his unpublished work[12]available, Ay¸s e Berkman for stimulating discussions and Gregory Cherlin and Eric Jaligot for pointing out to a few inaccuracies in an earlier version of the paper. References[1]T.Altınel,Groups of Finite Morley Rank with Strongly Embedded Sub-groups,Ph.D.thesis,Rutgers University,1994.[2]T.Altınel,‘Groups offinite Morley rank with strongly embedded sub-groups’,J.Algebra180(1996)778–807.[3]T.Altınel and G.Cherlin,‘On central extensions of algebraic groups’,J.Symb.Logic64(1999)68–74.[4]T.Altınel,G.Cherlin,L.-J.Corredor and A.Nesin,‘A Hall theo-rem forω-stable groups’,J.London Math.Soc.(2)57(1998)385–397.12[5]O.V.Belegradek,‘On groups offinite Morley rank’,Abstracts of theEight International Congress of Logic,Methodology and Philosophy of Sci-ence,LMPS’87,Moscow,USSR,17–22August1987,pp.100–102[6]A.Berkman and A.V.Borovik‘A generic identification theorem forgroups offinite Morley rank’,submitted.[7]A.V.Borovik,‘On signaliser functors for groups offinite Morley rank’,Soviet-French Colloquium on Model Theory,Karaganda,1990,p.11. [8]A.V.Borovik,‘Simple locallyfinite groups offinite Morley rank andof odd type,Istanbul1995’,Finite and Locally Finite Groups,(eds.B.Hartley et al.),NATO ASI Series C:Mathematical and Physical Sciences 471(Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht,1995),pp.247–284.[9]A.V.Borovik,‘Tame groups of odd and even type’,Algebraic groups andtheir representations,Cambridge1997(eds.R.Carter and J.Saxl),NATO ASI Series C:Mathematical and Physical Sciences517(Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht,1998),pp.341–366.[10]A.V.Borovik and A.Nesin,Groups of Finite Morley Rank,OxfordUniversity Press,1994.[11]A.V.Borovik and B.Poizat,‘Tores et p-groups’,J.Symb.Logic55(1990)478–491.[12]J.Burdges,work in progress.[13]R.W.Carter,Simple Groups of Lie Type,Wiley-Interscience,1972.[14]G.Cherlin and E.Jaligot,‘Tame minimal simple groups’,submitted,2002.[15]D.Gorenstein,R.Lyons and R.Solomon,The classification of thefinite simple groups3,Mathematical Surveys and Monographs40,AMS, Providence,1998.[16]P.B.Kleidman and M.W.Liebeck,The subgroup structure of thefiniteclassical groups,Cambridge University Press,1990.[17]A.Nesin,‘Generalized Fitting subgroup of a group offinite Morley rank’,J.Symb.Logic56(1991)915–931.[18]B.Poizat,‘Quelques modestes remarques`a propos d’une conse´e quenceinattendue d’un r´e sult de Monsieur Frank Olaf Wagner’,J.Symbolic Logic 66(2001)1637–1646.[19]G.M.Seitz,‘Algebraic groups’,Finite and Locally Finite Groups,(eds.B.Hartley etal.),NATO ASI Series C:Mathematical and Physical Sciences471(Kluwer Academic Publishers,Dordrecht,1995),pp.45-70.[20]F.O.Wagner,‘Badfields in positive characteristic’,preprint,2001.13。
how the standard perception of halogen substituents, which assumes an isotropic negative electron density around the halogen, was replaced by a description that takes the σ-hole into account. Halogen bonds have been found to occur in a multitude of inorganic, organic, and biological systems.4,5 In an early study from the 1950s, Hassel and Hvoslef solved the crystal structure of the equimolar Br2:dioxane adduct and found Br···O contacts featuring distances substantially below the sum of the van der Waals radii of both atoms, indicating a strong attractive interaction between both atoms.6,7 In 1984, a search of the Cambridge crystallographic data files for short iodine···N/O/S contacts revealed that these interactions are also formed in biologically relevant systems, being employed by nature for the molecular recognition of thyroid hormones at their target proteins such as transthyretin.8 In protein−ligand environments, halogen bonds can be formed between a halogenated ligand and any accessible Lewis base in the binding pocket.9 Probably because of its presence in every amino acid, the backbone carbonyl oxygen function is the most prominent Lewis base involved in halogen bonds in protein binding sites, as found from an analysis of the Protein Data Bank (PDB).10,11 Additionally, halogen bonds can be formed involving side chain groups, such as hydroxyls in serine, threonine, and tyrosine, carboxylate groups in aspartate and glutamate, sulfurs in cysteine and methionine, nitrogens in histidine, and the π surfaces of phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine, and tryptophan. Several examples for these contacts are given in Figure 2.
SAE J1773电动汽车耦合充电系统连接
SAE Technical Standards Board Rules provide that: “This report is published by SAE to advance the state of technical and engineering sciences. The use of this report is entirely voluntary, and its applicability and suitability for any particular use, including any patent infringement arising therefrom, is the sole responsibility of the user.”SAE reviews each technical report at least every five years at which time it may be reaffirmed, revised, or cancelled. SAE invites your written comments and suggestions.TO PLACE A DOCUMENT ORDER: (724) 776-4970 FAX: (724) 776-0790SAE WEB ADDRESS Copyright 1999 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc. (10) Present Magnet Location (10) Present Magnet Strength (10) Feel Indents (10) Shield Contact Zone Location (10) Shield Contact Zone Impedance (10) Transceiver Interface Location (10) Receptacle Locations (12)4.4.2Inductive Vehicle Inlet (12) Dimensions (12) (12) Shield Contact Zone Location (12) of EMI Shield Contact Zone (13) Transceiver Alignment (13)4.5Electromagnetic Emissions (13)4.5.1SAE Charging System Requirements (13)4.5.2FCC Charging System Requirements (13)5.Application Requirements (14)5.1Environment (14)5.1.1Performance Requirements (14) Touch Temperature (14) and Storage Temperature (14) Contaminants (14) (14) Criteria (14) (14) Egress (14)5.2Charger Requirements (14)5.2.1Power Level Compatibility (14)5.3Vehicle Requirements (14)5.3.1Power Level Compatibility (14)6Notes (14)6.1Marginal Indicia (14)Appendix A Software Interface (15)A.1Scope (15)A.2Software States (15)A.3Message Structure (18)A.4Message Definitions (20)A.4.1Vehicle-to-Charger Messages (20)A.4.2Charger-to-Vehicle Messages (23)A.5Fault Detection and Handling (25)A.6Message Summary (26)A.7Glossary (26)Appendix B Level 3 Compatibility (27)B.1Scope (27)B.2Level 3 Power Compatibility System Design (27)B.2.1Hardware Power Level Comparison Requirements (28)B.2.2Software Power Level Comparison Requirements (28)B.3Charger Controller Requirements (28)B.4Vehicle Charge Controller Requirements (28)Appendix C Compatibility With Existing Systems (29)C.1Scope (29)C.2Communications Metrics (29)C.3RF Antenna Location (30)C.4FCC Charging System Requirements for RF Systems (30)C.5Inductive Connector Physical Compatibility (30)Appendix D138 mm Coupler (31)D.1Scope (31)D.2Coupler Dimensions (31)D.3Inlet Core Dimensions (34)1.Scope—This SAE Recommended Practice establishes the minimum interface compatibility requirements forelectric vehicle (EV) inductively coupled charging for North America.This part of the specification is applicable to manually connected inductive charging for Levels 1 and 2 power transfer. Requirements for Level 3 compatibility are contained in Appendix B. Recommended software interface messaging requirements are contained in Appendix A.This type of inductively coupled charging is generally intended for transferring power at frequencies significantly higher than power line frequencies. This part of the specification is not applicable to inductive coupling schemes that employ automatic connection methods or that are intended for transferring power at power line frequencies.1.1General Inductive Charging System Description—The basic principle behind inductive charging is that thetwo halves of the inductive coupling interface are the primary and secondary of a two-part transformer. When the charge coupler (i.e., the primary) is inserted in the vehicle inlet (i.e., the secondary), power can be transferred magnetically with complete electrical isolation just as it occurs in a standard transformer. The number of turns (windings) on the secondary is “matched” to the vehicle’s battery pack voltage so that the same charger can charge any vehicle.The charger converts utility power to high frequency AC (HFAC) power (130 kHz to 360 kHz). The high frequency operation is utilized to reduce the size and mass of the on-vehicle portion of the transformer. The vehicle inlet is the power inlet on the vehicle which receives the HFAC from the charger. The HFAC is converted into DC to charge the batteries. An on-vehicle charge controller continuously monitors the state of the batteries during charging and controls the charger output power level via an IR communications link between the vehicle inlet and the charger (the charger’s communications interface is physically imbedded in the charge coupler). The charge controller signals the charger to stop charging when it determines that the batteries are completely charged or a fault is detected during the charging process.The following steps correspond with the diagram in Figure 1, and describe the closed-loop charging system.a.Vehicle charge controller determines desired current into batteries. **b.Vehicle charge controller transmits charger output power request to charger via an IR communicationsinterface. **c.Charger controls input current from utility based on charger output power request from vehicle chargecontroller. **d.Charger converts 60 Hz utility power to HFAC power.e.HFAC power is magnetically coupled from the coupler (primary) to the vehicle inlet (secondary).f.HFAC power is rectified/filtered to DC to charge the vehicle batteries.g.Process repeats until the vehicle charge controller determines the batteries are fully charged. **NOTE—Items with ** indicate control loop.FIGURE 1—TYPICAL CLOSED-LOOP CHARGING SYSTEM.2.References2.1Applicable Publications—The following publications form a part of this document to the extent specifiedherein. Unless otherwise indicated, the latest issue of SAE publications shall apply.2.1.1SAE P UBLICATIONS—Available from SAE, 400 Commonwealth Drive, Warrendale, PA 15096-0001.SAE J551-2—Test Limits and Methods of Measurement of Radio Disturbance Characteristics of Vehicles, Motorboats, and Spark-Ignited Engine-Driven DevicesSAE J551-5—Performance levels and Methods of Measurement of Magnetic and Electric Field Strength from Electric Vehicles, Broadband, 9 kHz to 30 MHzSAE 1211—Recommended Environmental Practices for Electronic Equipment DesignSAE J1850—Class B Data Communications Network InterfaceSAE J2178—Class B Data Communication Network MessagesSAE J2293—Energy Transfer System for Electric Vehicles2.1.2F EDERAL C OMMUNICATIONS C OMMISSION (FCC)—Available from U.S. Government Printing Office,Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.CFR 47—Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Parts 15B, 18CCFR 40—Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 600, Subchapter Q2.1.3U NDERWRITERS L ABORATORIES, I NC.—Available from Underwriters Laboratories, Inc., 333 Pfingsten Road,Northbrook, IL 60062-2096.UL 94—Tests for Flammability of Plastic Materials for Parts in Devices and AppliancesUL 2202—Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging System Equipment2.2Related Publications2.2.1NFPA P UBLICATION—Available from the National Fire Protective Association, Batterymarch Park, Quincy,MA 02269.NFPA-70-1999—National Electric Code (NEC)‚ - Article 6252.2.2C ANADIAN E LECTRIC S TANDARDS—Available from: Canadian Standards Association, 170 Rexdale Blvd.,Rexdale, Ontario, Canada M9W 1R3Canadian Electric Code*CEC Part 1, Section 863.Definitions3.1Electric Vehicle (EV)—An automotive type vehicle, intended for highway use, powered by an electric motorthat draws current from an on-vehicle energy storage device, such as a battery, which is rechargeable from an off-vehicle source, such as residential or public electric service. For the purpose of this document the definition of automobile in the United States Code of Federal Regulations Title 40, Part 600 Subchapter Q is used.Specifically, an automobile means:a.Any four-wheeled vehicle propelled by a combustion engine using onboard fuel or by an electric motordrawing current from a rechargeable storage battery or other portable energy devices (rechargeableusing energy from a source off the vehicle such as residential electric service),b.Which is manufactured primarily for use on public streets, roads, or highways,c.Which is rated at not more than 3855.6 kg (8500 lb) gross vehicle weight, which has a curb weight ofnot more than 2721.6 kg (6000 lb), and which has a basic vehicle frontal area of not more than 4.18 m2(45 ft2).3.2Inductive Coupling—A mating inductive vehicle inlet and inductive connector set. See Figure 2.FIGURE 2—TYPICAL INDUCTIVE COUPLING.3.3Inductive Connector—The male part of the inductive coupling. The inductive connector is that part of aninductive charger, which is manually inserted into a mating inductive vehicle inlet. The inductive connector contains the primary windings, ferrite to complete the magnetic path, and a communications interface to the vehicle.3.4Inductive Vehicle Inlet—The female part of the inductive coupling. The inductive vehicle inlet is that part of the electric vehicle, which mates with the inductive connector. The inductive vehicle inlet contains the secondary windings, ferrite to complete the magnetic path, and a communications interface to the charger.3.5Two-Part Transformer—A transformer whose primary and secondary windings are located in separate devices designed to be physically separable from one another and which are galvanically isolated as in a double-wound transformer. Efficient energy transfer can occur when the two halves of the transformer are properly aligned.3.6Level 1 Charging—A charging method that allows an electric vehicle to be charged by having its charger connected to the most common grounded receptacle (NEMA-5-15R). The maximum power supplied for Level 1 charging shall conform to the values shown in Table 1.3.7Level 2 Charging—A charging method that utilizes dedicated electric vehicle supply equipment in either private or public locations. The maximum power supplied for Level 2 charging shall conform to the values shown in Table 1.3.8Level 3 Charging—A charging method that utilizes dedicated electric vehicle supply equipment in either private or public locations. The maximum power supplied for Level 3 charging shall conform to the values shown in Table 1.4.Inductive Charging Interface Requirements—The following paragraphs describe the technical requirements for the inductive interface.4.1Power Transfer4.1.1A VERAGE O UTPUT V OLTAGE R ANGE —The allowable range for the average voltage at the output of the secondary-side rectifier, V O , of the vehicle inlet shall be from 10 V/turn to 107.5 V/turn.4.1.2M AXIMUM A VERAGE O UTPUT C URRENT AS A F UNCTION OF A VERAGE O UTPUT V OLTAGE —The maximum value for the average current output, I o , from the secondary-side rectifier shall be the lesser of (a) 100 A-turns, or (b) the current calculated by the division of 90% of the maximum Level 2 input power (7.68 kW) by the average output voltage, as shown in Figure 3, where 90% is the charger system efficiency.4.1.3P OWER T RANSFER F REQUENCY R ANGE —The fundamental operating frequency for power transfer shall range from 130 kHz to 360 kHz for maximum continuous input power levels up to 7.68 kW.4.1.4M AXIMUM A LLOWABLE A VERAGE O UTPUT C URRENT VERSUS F REQUENCY —The maximum average output current shall be 100 A-turns (e.g., 25 A for a four turn secondary) at the minimum frequency of 130 kHz. The allowable limit for the average output current, I O , for an average output voltage range of 69.1 V/turn to 107.5V/turn, is plotted as a function of the power transfer fundamental operating frequency in Figure 4(lower curve).TABLE 1—CHARGE LEVEL SPECIFICATIONS (NORTH AMERICA)Charge Method Nominal Supply Voltage Max Current (Amps-continuous)Branch Circuit BreakerRating (Amps)Continuous Input Power(reference)Level 1120 VAC, 1-phase 12 A 15 A 1.44 kW Level 2208 to 240 VAC, 1-phase 32 A 40 A 6.66 to 7.68 kW Level 3208 to 600 VAC, 3-phase400 AAs required> 7.68 kWOF AVERAGE OUPUT VOLTAGE, V OFIGURE 4—MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE INLET CURRENTS4.1.5M AXIMUM A LLOWABLE RMS I NPUT C URRENT VERSUS F REQUENCY —The maximum allowable RMS primary current shall be 120 A-turns (e.g., 30 A for a four turn primary) at the minimum frequency of 130 kHz. The allowable limit for the RMS input current, I pri , as a function of the power transfer fundamental operating frequency is shown by the upper curve in Figure QUIVALENT C IRCUIT P ARAMETERS AT C HARGE C OUPLING I NTERFACE —The inductive interface equivalent circuit diagram is shown in Figure 5. The interface parameters shall conform to the requirements of Table 2.FIGURE 5—INDUCTIVE INTERFACE EQUIVALENT CIRCUITTABLE 2—ALLOWABLE RANGE OF EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT PARAMETERSFOR A NORMALIZED TRANSFORMER(SINGLE TURN PRIMARY AND SINGLE TURN SECONDARY)Parameter L MS L LP + L LS +L CS C PS R WP P RWP R CP P RCP R CS V OI OR WS(unit)(µH/turn 2)(µH/turn 2)(nF turn 2)(m Ω/turn 2)(W)(k Ω/turn 2)(W)(k Ω/turn 2)(V/turn)(A-turn)(m Ω/turn 2)Minimum 2.37 60810Typical 2.630.031-0.2196400.6252.50.1250.938Maximum3.750.25704105107.51004.2Heat Transfer4.2.1E XCESS I NDUCTIVE C ONNECTOR P OWER D ISSIPATION—The inductive interface cooling system shall have thecapability to dissipate 15 W maximum added to the interface by the inductive connector during charging.4.2.2I NDUCTIVE C ONNECTOR T OUCH T EMPERATURE—The maximum surface temperatures shall comply with UL2202, Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging System Equipment.4.3Communications—The inductive charging interface shall contain an IR link between the vehicle and thecharger. The communications interface physical layer shall be compatible with SAE J2293. Conformance to this requirement shall be determined by demonstrating the ability of the physical layer to pass SAE J1850-compliant messages across the inductive interface.4.3.1IR C OMMUNICATIONS M ETRICS—See Table 3.TABLE 3—IR COMMUNICATIONS METRICSIR System ValueSAE J1850 ParametersDirection bi-directional, half duplexBaud Rate10. 4 kbits/sBit Encoding VPWCommunication protocol between inlet and charger encoded SAE J1850 (see Figure 6)Communication MetricsTransmit Frequency880 nmModulation Type on-off keyingOn/Off Power ratio≥30 dBmMax Duty Cycle80% “Active” @ 4 kHzMin Duty Cycle0%Max “Active” On Time500 µsSAE J1850 MetricsMax Node Voltage Offset0.25 VNetwork Time Constant 5.2 µsTransceiver loading 1 unit loadNoise Rejection≤8 µsSteady-State Performance MetricsIR Radiant intensity measured 2.3 mW/SrVoltage Output V ol and V oh per SAE J1850Voltage Input V il and V ih per SAE J1850Transient Performance MetricsTransmitter Turn On Delay 1.0 µs ± 0.5 µsReceiver Turn On Delay7.0 µs ± 2.0 µsTotal System Delay10.5 µs (max)NOTE 1—The IR transmit power level shall be measured at the surface, on both sides of the inductive connector, directly above the transceiver interface.NOTE 2—It is highly recommended that the communications interface be implemented as a dedicated link due to the potential for SAE J1850 bitwise arbitration problems when the interface is used in amulti-node communications system.FIGURE 6—SAE J1850 ENCODING FOR IR TRANSMISSION4.4Physical Compatibility4.4.1I NDUCTIVE C ONNECTOR4.4.1.1Critical Dimensions—See Figures 7 and—The operation of the inductive connector shall be independent of the orientation wheninserted into the vehicle inlet. Present Magnet Location—The inductive connector shall contain two magnets at the locationsspecified in Figure 8. These magnets may be used by the vehicle to detect the presence of the inductive connector when it is fully inserted into the vehicle inlet. Present Magnet Strength—The magnetic field strength of the coupler connection detectionmagnets shall be 60 millitesla minimum when measured at the surface of the connector directly above the magnet location. Feel Indents—There shall be indents on both sides of the inductive connector at the locationsspecified in Figure 7. These indents may be used by the vehicle to provide positive tactile feedback to the user when the inductive connector is fully inserted into the vehicle inlet. Shield Contact Zone Location—There shall be a conductive contact area encircling the inductiveconnector as specified in Figure 7. This contact area shall be used to connect the charger ground to the vehicle chassis ground for purposes of EMI shielding when the inductive connector is fully inserted into the vehicle inlet. Shield Contact Zone Impedance—The resistance between the external surface of the EMI shieldcontact zone and charger ground shall be less than 0.5 Ω. Transceiver Interface Location—The inductive connector may contain one IR transceiver interface atthe locations specified in Figure 8 to meet the IR communications requirements. This transceiver interface shall be used for IR communications between the charger and vehicle inlet when the inductive connector isfully inserted into the vehicle inlet.FIGURE 7—INDUCTIVE CONNECTOR CRITICAL DIMENSIONSFIGURE 8—INDUCTIVE CONNECTOR CRITICAL DIMENSIONS4.4.1.9Stop Receptacle Locations—The inductive connector shall include stop receptacles at the locationsspecified in Figure 7. These stop receptacles may be used to align the inductive connector when it isfully inserted into the vehicle inlet.4.4.2I NDUCTIVE V EHICLE I NLET4.4.2.1Critical Dimensions—See Figure 9.NOTE—Use of an adapter to mate a standard size inductive connector to a non-standard size inductive vehicle inlets shall be allowed provided all other requirements are met.—The inductive vehicle inlet shall provide a means for alignment of the inductive connectorduring insertion. Alignment of the inductive connector ferrite with the vehicle inlet ferrite center post shall be within 1.0 mm of true position when the inductive connector is fully inserted into the vehicle inlet. Shield Contact Zone Location—There shall be a conductive contact area inside the vehicle inletreceptacle as specified in Figure 7. This contact area shall be used to connect the vehicle chassis ground to the charger ground for purposes of EMI shielding when the inductive connector is fully inserted into thevehicle inlet.FIGURE 9—INDUCTIVE VEHICLE INLET CRITICAL DIMENSIONS4.4.2.4Grounding of EMI Shield Contact Zone—The EMI shield contact zone shall be grounded to the vehiclechassis. Transceiver Alignment—The IR transceiver in the vehicle inlet shall be aligned within ±10 degrees ofthe IR transceiver in the inductive connector when the inductive connector is fully inserted into the vehicle inlet.4.5Electromagnetic Emissions—The interface shall comply with the requirements of (EMI ShieldContact Zone Impedance) and (Grounding of EMI Shield Contact Zone).NOTE—The inductive interface is a component of a larger inductive charging system. The following EMI/EMC requirements are intended to apply to inductive charging systems manufactured for and used in theU.S. For systems intended to be used outside of the U.S., manufacturers shall comply with all localEMI/EMC regulations. Vehicle manufacturers may apply additional requirements.4.5.1SAE C HARGING S YSTEM R EQUIREMENTS—When tested as an operational inductive charging system passingpower to an appropriate load, the electromagnetic emissions shall, at a minimum, comply with SAE J551-2 and J551- C HARGING S YSTEM R EQUIREMENTS—When tested as an operational inductive charging system passingpower to an appropriate load, the charging system shall comply with the requirements of FCC CFR 47 Part18C RE and Part 15B CE using Class B limits.5.Application Requirements5.1Environment—The inductive inlet will meet the performance requirements due to weather and environmentalexposure as defined by the individual automotive manufacturers. As a minimum, the inductive connector shall meet the performance requirements as listed in SAE J1211.5.1.1P ERFORMANCE R EQUIREMENTS5.1.1.1External Touch Temperature—The maximum external touch temperature of the inductive connector shallnot be greater than 60 °C when the ambient temperature is 40 °C. The design process shall take into consideration material types and solar loading (Reference UL 2202). and Storage Temperature—The inductive connector shall be designed to withstandcontinuous ambient temperatures in the range of –30 °C to +50 °C during normal operation. For storage, the inductive connector shall be designed to withstand continuous ambient temperatures in the range of–50 °C to +80 °C. Contaminants—The inductive connector shall be unaffected by automotive lubricants, solvents,and fuels (Reference SAE J1211, 4.4 Immersion and Splash).—The inductive inlet shall be tested to the following minimum conditions:a.Amplitude = 2.54 mm p-p displacement limitb.Frequency = 5 to 200 Hz and back to 5 Hzc.Sweep Type = Lineard.Time per Sweep = 2 mine.Axis = Vertical axis of the device as mounted on the vehicle.f.Test Duration = 18 h5.1.1.5Pass Criteria—After completion of the test, there shall be no observed rotation, displacement, cracking, orrupture of parts of the device which would result in failure of any other test requirements within this document. Cracking or rupture of the parts of the device that affect the mounting shall constitute a failure.—The inductive connector material shall meet the flammability requirements of UL 94-HB orbetter. Egress—The inductive inlet shall provide for the egress of fluids.5.2Charger Requirements5.2.1P OWER L EVEL C OMPATIBILITY—See Appendix B for more detail of these requirements.5.3Vehicle Requirements5.3.1P OWER L EVEL C OMPATIBILITY—See Appendix B for more detail of these requirements.6.Notes6.1Marginal Indicia—The change bar (l) located in the left margin is for the convenience of the user in locatingareas where technical revisions have been made to the previous issue of the report. An (R) symbol to the left of the document title indicates a complete revision of the report.PREPARED BY THE SAE ELECTRIC VEHICLE CHARGING SYSTEMSAPPENDIX ASOFTWARE INTERFACEA.1Scope—This appendix describes requirements for a standard inductive charging software interface. Note thatwhile certain required and optional messages have been defined for each software state, this proposal does not preclude the possibility that additional optional messages may be defined by individual manufacturers and used as part of the software interface provided that (a) the minimum requirements in this document continue to be met, and (b) no additional requirements are imposed on existing systems.For manufacturers considering adding optional messages to the software interface, it is recommended that total bus loading not exceed 80% — allocated equally as 40% maximum contribution by the charger and 40% maximum contribution by the vehicle — on a dedicated charging communications link. In general, total bus loading should be reduced even further if there are additional active nodes on the same bus as the charger controller and the vehicle charging controller.A.2Software States—There are four software states that apply equally to both the vehicle and the charger:Wakeup, Initialization, Operate, and Sleep. In the Wakeup state, the vehicle and charger attempt to establisha communications link. In the Initialization state, the vehicle and charger exchange initialization informationincluding any information necessary to determine whether it is safe for the charger to transfer power to the vehicle. In the Operate state, the vehicle may request the charger to transfer power for charging or support purposes. In the Sleep state, the current charging session is ended and communications between the vehicle and charger are discontinued. See Figure A1.FIGURE A1—INDUCTIVE CHARGING SOFTWARE STATE TRANSITION DIAGRAMNote that the “Fault state” referenced later in this document is considered a “substate” of the Wakeup, Initialization, and Operate states.A.2.1Wakeup State—The Wakeup state is the first state entered at the beginning of a charging session. If acommunications fault is detected during a charging session, the software that has detected the communications fault will automatically reenter the Wakeup state to reestablish communications so that charging may continue.A charging session may be initiated by either the vehicle or the charger. The vehicle initiates a chargingsession by transmitting Vehicle Status Messages to the charger at regular intervals. The charger initiates a charging session by transmitting Charger Status Messages to the vehicle at regular intervals.Required and optional messages sent between the vehicle and the charger during the Wakeup state are listed in Tables A1 and A2. Message format and content are discussed in a later section of this document.TABLE A1—VEHICLE-TO-CHARGER MESSAGES—INITIALIZATION STATEVehicle-to-Charger Messages CommentsVehicle Status Msg RequiredBus Wakeup Msg OptionalTABLE A2—CHARGER-TO-VEHICLE MESSAGES—INITIALIZATION STATECharger-to-Vehicle Messages CommentsCharger Status Msg RequiredBus Wakeup Msg OptionalWhen the charger receives a Vehicle Status Message, it shall automatically transition to the Initialization state.When the vehicle receives a Charger Status Message, it shall automatically transition to the Initialization state.NOTE—Some existing chargers and vehicles may initially transmit an optional Bus Wakeup Message until communications have been established between the vehicle and charger. Once communicationshave been established, the vehicle and charger will then begin transmitting status messages.A.2.2Initialization State—The Initialization state is entered once communications have been established with thevehicle (or reestablished following a loss of communications). During the Initialization state, the vehicle and charger exchange initialization information including any information necessary to determine whether power transfer may safely occur. Neither the vehicle nor the charger shall transition to the Operate state until (a) all required Initialization messages have been transmitted and received, and (b) a 500 ms timer begun at the entrance to the Initialization state has expired. (The 500 ms timer is intended to ensure that sufficient time has elapsed for the charger to receive the Vehicle Power Capability Message which is required for Level 3 charging.) Note that some of the messages that may be exchanged during the Initialization state are required while other messages are considered optional.Required and optional messages sent between the vehicle and the charger during the Initialization state are listed in Tables A3 and A4. Message format and content are discussed in a later section of this document.TABLE A3—VEHICLE-TO-CHARGER MESSAGES—INITIALIZATION STATEVehicle-to-Charger Messages CommentsVehicle Status Msg RequiredVehicle Power Capability Msg Required for Level 3 charging, optional for Level 2 and Level 1 charging。
美国专利法中的等同理论-----希尔顿化学公司案述评李明德美国专利法中的等同理论-----希尔顿化学公司案述评李明德一.引言等同理论,又称等同侵权或依据等同理论的侵权(the infringement under the doctrine of equivalents),系相对于字面侵权(literal infringement)而言。
对此,美国第二巡回上诉法院的法官汉德(Learned Hand)曾在 1948年的“皇家打字机公司”一案中说:“在所有的辅助解释方式都穷尽以后,而且在权利要求也被扩展到了字面所允许的最大范围以后,法庭在适当场合会使它们覆盖更为广泛的含义。
密码学报 ISSN 2095-7025 CN 10-1195/TNJournal of Cryptologic Research , 2021, 8(1): 124-131©《密码学报》编辑部版权所有.C H A M 算法的安全性分析#陈少真' 李航\付志新\任炯烟11. 战略支援部队信息工程大学,郑州4500012. 密码科学技术国家重点实验室,北京100878通信作者:付志新,E-mail: fz x _m a t h @163.c o m摘要:本文主要研究基于A R X 结构的轻量级分组密码C H A M 算法,利用不可能差分分析、零相关线 性分析对其进行安全性分析.首先,利用线性不等式组对算法的每个组件进行等价刻画,描述了差分特征 和线性掩码的传播规律,建立了基于MILP (混合整数规划问题)的不可能差分和零相关线性自动化搜索 模型.其次,根据C H A M 算法四分支广义F e i s t e l 结构的特点,得到C H A M 算法特定形式(输入或者输 出差分(掩码)仅含有一个非零块)下的最长不可能羡分路径和零相关线性路径具有的性质,优化了搜索 策略.缩小了搜索空间.最后,利用搜索算法,遍历特定的输入输出集合,共得到C H A M -64的5条19轮 不可能差分区分器,C H A M -128的1条18轮不可能差分区分器和15条19轮零相关线性区分器,均为 目前公开发表的最长同类型区分器.关键词:轻量级分组密码;C H A M 算法;自动化搜索中图分类号:T N 918.1 文献标识码:A DOI : 10.13868/j .c n k i .j c r .000425中文引用格式:陈少真,李航,付志新,任炯炯.C H A M 算法的安全性分析丨J ].密码学报,2021, 8(1): 124-_131.[DOI : 10.13868/j .c n k i .j c r .000425]英文引用格式:CHEN S Z , L I H , FU Z X , REN J J . S e c u r i t y a n a l y s i s o f C H A M c i p h e r [J ]. J o u r n a l o f C r y p t o l o g i c R e s e a r c h , 2021, 8(1): 124 131. [DOI : 10.13868/j .c n k i .j c r .000425]E -m a i l : j c r @c a c r n e t .o r g .c n h t t p : / / w w w .j c r .c a c r n e t .o r g .c n T e l /Fax : +86-10-82789618S e c u rity A n a ly sis o f C H A M C ip h e rC H E N Shao -Zhen 1'2, L I Hang 1, FU Z h i -Xin 1, REN J i o n g -.J i o n g 11. P L A Strategic Support Force Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, China2. State K e y Laboratory of Cryptology, Beijing 100878, ChinaCorresponding author: F U Zhi-Xin,E-mail:*****************Abstract : T h i s p a p e r a n a l y z e s t h e s e c u r i t y o f A R X s t r u c t u r e c i p h e r C H A M b y i m p o s s i b l e d i f f e r e n c e a n a l y s i s and z e r o -c o r r e l a t i o n l i n e a r a n a l y s i s . F i r s t l y , e a c h component o f t h e c i p h e r i s c h a r a c t e r i z e d e q u i v a l e n t l y b y u s i n g a s e t o f l i n e a r i n e q u a l i t i e s . The p r o p a g a t i o n c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e d i f f e r e n t i a l f e a t u r e s and l i n e a r masks a r e d e s c r i b e d , t h e n a n MILP (M i x e d I n t e g e r L i n e a r Programming ) i m p o s s i b l e d i f f e r e n t i a l and z e r o -c o r r e l a t i o n l i n e a r auto ma te d s e a r c h mo del a r e e s t a b l i s h e d . S e c o n d l y , a c c o r d i n g t o t h e c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s o f t h e f o u r -b r a n c h g e n e r a l i z e d F e i s t e l s t r u c t u r e o f C H A M , t h e p r o p e r t i e s o f t h e **基金项目:数学工程与先进计算国家重点实验室开放课题(2018A03);国家密码发展基金(MMJJ20180203);信息保障技 术重点实验室幵放课题(KJ-17-002)Foundation: Ope n Fund of State Key Laboratory of Mathematical Engineering and Advanced Computing (2018A03); National Cryptography Development Fund of China (MMJJ20180203) ; Open Fund of Science and Technology on Information Assurance Laboratory (KJ-17-002)收稿 n 期• 2020-03-18 定稿日期:2020-05-28陈少真等:CH AM算法的安全性分析125l o n g e s t i m p o s s i b l e d i f f e r e n t i a l p a t h and z e r o-c o r r e l a t e d l i n e a r p a t h i n t h e s p e c i f i c fo rm(t h e i n p u t o r o u t p u t d i f f e r e n t i a l c o n t a i n s o n l y o n e n o n-z e r o b l o c k)o f C H A M a r e o b t a i n e d,t h e s e a r c h s t r a t e g y i s o p t i m i z e d,and t h e s e a r c h s p a c e i s r e d u c e d.F i n a l l y,by u s i n g t h e s e a r c h a l g o r i t h m,t r a v e r s i n g a s p e c i f i c s e t o f i n p u t s and o u t p u t s,f i v e 19-r o u n d i m p o s s i b l e d i f f e r e n t i a l d i s t i n g u i s h e r s o f C H A M-64, o n e 18-r o u n d i m p o s s i b l e d i f f e r e n t i a l d i s t i n g u i s h e r o f C H A M-128 and f i f t e e n 19-r o u n d z e r o-c o r r e l a t i o n l i n e a r d i s t i n g u i s h e r s o f C H A M-128 a r e f o u n d,t h e y a r e t h e l o n g e s t p u b l i c l y a v a i l a b l e d i s t i n g u i s h e r s o f t h e same t y p e known s o f a r.Key words:l i g h t w e i g h t b l o c k c i p h e r;C H A M;automated s e a r c hi引言轻量级密码算法具有资源占用量较少的优点,特别适用于RFID(R a d i o F r e q u e n c y I d e n t i f i c a t i o n)、无线传感器网络CWSN)等资源和计算能力有限的设备和环境.近年来,关于轻量级分组密码的研宄越来 越受到人们的关注,很多轻量级算法陆续被提出,比如PRESENT W,MIBS LEA W等算法.为了更 好地实现安全性和效率的折中,涌现出了一批基于A R X结构的轻量级分组密码.A R X型密码算法采用 模加运算、循环移位和异或运算三种运算,其中只有模加运算为非线性运算.为了便于软硬件的快速实现,A R X型密码算法的非线性组件规模一般较小,但是由于模加运算的迭代次数较高,其仍然具有较强的安 全性.为了提高L E A算法对资源受限环境的适应性,在ICISC 2017, Koo B等W提出了一个新的分组 密码家族C H A M算法.在基于统计学方法的攻击如差分类、线性类、积分类等密码攻击过程中,需要寻找有效的区分器,区分器的好坏,直接关系到密码攻击的效果,找到更长轮数的区分器,往往意味着在密码分析中能取得更好 的攻击结果.自动化搜索算法充分考虑了密码算法特点,结合其线性和非线性组件性质,通过计算机,可 在有效时间内给出特定条件下的所有区分器,在具体应用中往往能比传统方法搜索到效果更好、条数更多 的区分器.目前常用的自动化搜索算法主要包括基于SAT(布尔可满足性问题)的自动化搜索算法和基于 MILP(混合整数规划问题)的自动化搜索算法.M I L P问题是运筹学中的一类优化问题,旨在线性约束条件下求解目标函数的最值.最近几年,为了 获取分组密码中活跃S盒数量的下界,进而评估分组密码抵抗差分和线性攻击的能力,很多密码学者将该 问题转换为M I L P问题,取得了非常好的结果15'61.后来模加运算差分概率的计算也转化为了 M I L P问题,用于搜索A R X型分组密码算法的区分器I7#.基于M I L P自动化搜索技术发展越来越成熟,显示出 强大的密码分析能力,借助M I L P的求解工具Gu ro bi,可以在一定的时间内搜索得到相应的区分器.本文旨在利用不可能差分分析、零相关线性分析对C H A M算法进行安全性分析.首先利用不等式组 对算法的每个组件进行等价刻画,描述了差分特征和线性掩码的传播规律,其次针对C H A M算法四分支 广义F e i s t e l结构的特点,优化了不可能差分区分器和零相关线性区分器的搜索策略,缩小了搜索空间,进 而基于M I L P工具设计了有效的搜索算法.依靠搜索算法,共得到C H A M-64的5条19轮不可能差分区 分器,C H A M-128的1条18轮不可能差分区分器和15条19轮零相关线性区分器,这是C H A M算法目 前找到的最长零相关特征和最长不可能差分特征.与己有结果的对比如表1所示.2 C H A M算法C H A M是一个四分支广义F e i s t e l结构的分组密码族,每个密码由C H A M-n/m表示,分组长度为n 比特,密钥长度为m比特.表2显示了该家族的密码及其参数列表,在这里,!•、w和k w分别表示迭代的 轮数、一个分支(字)的长度以及密钥的字数.2.1 C H A M算法的轮函数明文P=(X0[0],X0[l j,X0[2],X0[3])作为加密函数的输入,利用轮函数加密t■轮可以得到密文 C = (X r[0],X r[l],X r[2],X r[3]).值得注意的是,C H A M算法的奇数轮和偶数轮对应轮函数的参数不同,126Jemma丨 〇/C V ypfoZo仍c Hesearc/i 密码学报 Vol.8, No.1,Feb.2021表1C H A M算法区分器比较T able 1 Comparison of distinguishers about C H A M family攻击方法算法区分器轮数来源不可能差分C H A M-641819[4]本文C H A M-1281518[4]本文C H A M-6421[4]零相关线性C H A M-1281819[4]本文表 2 C H A M系列算法参数表T a b l e 2 Parameters table of C H A M familyn m r xv k w CHA M-64/1286412880168CHAM-128/12812812880324CHAM-128/25612825696328当轮数r(0 <i <r)为偶数时,轮函数为:Xi+i[3]=((Xi[0]㊉i)田((^[1]《C1)㊉rk[i m o d2kw])) 8,X i+1[j] =Xi[j), 0^j^2当轮数r*为奇数时,轮函数为:_Xi+i[3] = ((Xi[0] ®i)田((^[1]《8) 0r k[i m o d2k w]))贫 1,X i^[j} =X l[ji0^j^2以上符号“田”表示模y加,“®”表示按位进行异或,“《<”表示循环左移.图1给出了 C H A M算法2轮 加密函数,其中,山)表示第i轮的输入.2.2 C H A M算法的密钥生成算法C H A M-n/A:的密钥扩展算法是利用主密钥K =(尺[0],尺[1],...,K[kW— 1])生成2 .k w个忉比特的轮子密钥(r k[0],r k[l],... ,r k[2.k w- 1]),生成轮子密钥的过程如下所示:r k[i] =®(K[i]《1)©(尺⑷後8),r k[i+kw] =K[i]㊉(K[i]《8)㊉(/C[i]《11)其中0 <i <kw.加密过程则循环使用这些轮子密钥—加密2 •k w轮循环使用一次全部轮子密钥.3 C H A M算法不可能差分区分器搜索不可能差分分析由B i h a m M和K n u d s e n l M分别提出,其原理可以简单概括为:利用概率为零的不 可能差分区分器来排除错误的候选密钥,从而恢复正确密钥.本节我们给出一个基于M I L P自动化搜索C H A M算法的不可能差分路径的模型,并利用该模型搜陈少真等:CH AM算法的安全性分析127索得到19轮C H A M-64和18轮C H A M-128的不可能差分路径.对于给定的输入和输出差分,我们首先 把C H A M算法的每个组件用线性不等式组等价刻画并进行组合,然后将目标函数设定为任意的常值一 我们只关心不等式组是否有解而不关心目标函数的取值.若不等式组无解,当前的输入差分和输出差分导 致一条不可能差分路径;反之,则对应的差分路径存在.3.1差分特征传播规律轻量级分组密码C H A M算法的加密函数较为简单,仅仅包含分支运算、循环移位运算、常数异或运 算以及模加运算,其中模加运算是唯一的非线性运算,其余均为线性运算.我们知道,与常数进行异或不影 响差分的传播,分支运算同样不改变差分,因此仅需用不等式组刻画循环移位操作和模加操作.对于循环移位操作,由于它仅仅是将输入的比特位置进行置换,因而我们很容易构建线性等式组对其 进行刻画.对于模加操作,文献[11]进行了刻画,长度为71比特的差分特征(a,/3,7)满足a田0=7当且仅当a[0]+/3[0]+7[〇]-2d=0,-a[i] -0[i]—7[*] +a[*+1] +/3[i+1]+7[* +1]^ -2,a[i]+/3[i]+7[i]—a[j+ 1] —/3[i+1] —"f[i + 1]^ —2,a[i] +/3[i]+7[i]+a[i+ 1] +/3[i+1] —7[i + 1]^ 0,a[i]+P[i]+7[i]+a[i+ 1] -0[i+1] +-y[i + 1]^ 0,a[i] +P[i)+7[j]-a[i+ 1] +/3[i+1] +i[i + 1]> 0,-a[i]-P[i]—7[i]+a[i+1]—P[i+1]—l[i+1]>—4,—a[i] ——7[i]—a[i+1] +0[i+1] —7[i +1]^—4,-a[i] -P[i]-7[i]-a[i+ 1] -P[i+1]+7[* + 1]^ -4其中c;是二元变量,0 <i <n.3.2搜索策略在上一小节中,C H A M算法加密函数的每个运算的差分特征传播都用一组线性不等式进行了刻画. 通过组合所有的不等式,整个不等式体系能够完美刻画差分特征在C H A M算法中的传播规律,其给出的 每个解就是一条可能的差分路径.而对于给定的输入差分和输出差分,如果不等式组无解,那么当前的输128Jemma/ 〇/CVypk/o仍'c Z?e5earc/i 密码学报 Vol.8,No.1,Feb.2021入输出差分将导致一条不可能差分路径.由于时间的约束,我们很难遍历整个输入差分和输出差分空间, 而仅仅搜索特定形式输入输出差分的集合,通过遍历输入差分和输出差分的特定集合,我们可以确定该集 合中是否存在不可能差分路径.因为C H A M算法是四分支广义F e i s t e l结构,所以我们不难得出C H A M算法的最长不可能差分路 径具有性质1.这里“最长”仅仅指的是在输入或输出差分仅含有一个非零比特块的情况下,并非针对所有 的不可能差分区分器.性质1对于C H A M算法的最长不可能差分路径,若输入差分只有一个非零块,则一定形如(a,0,0,0)或(0,0,0,/3),其中w t(a) > 0,wt⑷> 0;若输出差分只有一个非零块,则一定形如(7,〇,〇,〇) 或(0,77,0,0),其中 w t(7) >〇,w t(77)> 0.证明:以输入差分的形式的证明为例,假设r■轮不可能差分路径为(ai,a2,a3,Q4)二1^(m馬).若非零块位于第二个字,即形如(0,a2,0,0).根据差分的传播规律,输入差分可以自然的向上传播- 轮,得到差分(0,0,a2,0).因此,存在(r+ 1)轮的不可能差分路径(0,0,a2,0) — (0,a2,0,0)与r轮不可能差分路径最长矛盾.若非零块位于第三个字,即形如(〇,〇,a3,〇).根据差分的传播规律,输入差分可以自然的向上传播一 轮,得到差分(0,0,0,a3).因此,存在(r+ 1)轮的不可能差分路径(0,0,0,a3)(0,0,a3,0) -r'r〇u n d-> d f t,A,A),与r轮不可能差分路径最长矛盾.因此,对于C H A M算法的最长不可能差分路径,若输入差分只有一个非零字,则一定形如(a,0,0,0) 或(0,0,0,外同理可证,对于C H A M算法的最长不可能差分路径,若输出差分只有一个非零字,则一定形如(7, 〇,〇,〇)或(〇,”,〇,〇).综上所述,命题得证. 口在搜索输入(输出)差分仅有1个非零块的最长不可能差分路径时,我们首先对路径的轮数预估一个 上界,然后递减轮数进行搜索,直至找到不可能差分路径为止.根据性质1,我们可以排除掉最长不可能差 分路径的输入(输出)差分所不具有的形式,而不需要遍历全部的输入(输出)差分.3.3 C H A M算法的不可能差分区分器C H A M算法的分组长度是64比特或128比特,遍历所有可能的输入输出差分对复杂度太高,所以我 们只考虑三种特殊的情况:输入、输出差分的重量均为1比特(称为一进一出);输入、输出差分的重量分 别为1比特、2比特(称为一进二出);输入、输出差分的重量均为2比特、1比特(称为二进一出).在搜 索时,我们利用性质1来降低时间复杂度.对于C H A M-64算法,搜索得到5条-进二出的19轮不可能差分区分器,结果如表3所示.表3C H A M-64不可能差分路径T a b l e 3 Impossible differential path of C H A M-64(0, 0, 0, ei4)〜(0, e2,7,〇,〇)(〇,〇,〇,614) — (0, e2,6, 〇,〇)(0, 0, 0, e i4)(0, e2,5, 〇, 〇) (〇,〇,〇, e14) 〜(〇, e2,4, 〇, 〇)(0,0,0,e14)(0,e2.3,〇,〇)对于C H A M-128算法,搜索得到1条一进二出的18轮不可能差分区分器(0,0,0,e3O)#(e23,〇, 〇, e〇).4 C H A M算法零相关线性区分器搜索零相关分析方法由Bogdanov和Rijmen l12i于2012年提出,该方法首先要构造一条零相关路径,通常让线性掩码在非零偏差下从两头向中间传播并相遇,若任何一个位置产生矛盾,则找到一条零相关路 径[131.构造完零相关路径后,就可以利用区分器对密钥进行恢复.陈少真等:CH AM算法的安全性分析129本节我们给出一个基于M I L P自动化搜索C H A M算法的零相关线性路径的模型,并利用该模型搜索 得到19轮C H A M-128的零相关线性路径.搜索模型与基于M I L P搜索不可能差分路径的模型相似,同样利用不等式组对算法的每个组件进行等价刻画并组合,我们不关心目标函数是什么,而只关心不等式体 系是否有解.若无解,则当前的输入掩码和输出掩码导致一条零相关线性路径.4.1线性掩码传播规律为了搜索C H A M算法的零相关线性路径,需要首先考虑分支操作、循环移位操作和模加操作这些基 本操作的线性掩码传播.对于循环移位操作,由于它仅仅将输入的比特位置进行置换,因而我们很容易构 建线性等式组对其进行描述.对于分支操作和模加操作,文献丨14j进行了精准刻画.假设分支操作的输入掩码是输出掩码是卢和7,掩码的长度都为ri比特,则可用如下等式来刻画 每个比特上的掩码传播:a[i] +f3[i]-|- ^y[i]—2d =0其中d是二元变量,0彡i <n.假设模加操作的输入掩码是a和久输出掩码是7,掩码的长度都为n比特,则可用如下等式来刻画 每个比特上的掩码传播:+1]-7[《]-邱]+刚+外]> 〇,+1]+训+-刚—s[i]> 0,s[i+1]+^[i]-a[i]—0[i]+s[z]^0,s[i+1]-7[i]+a[i]-刚 +s[i]>0,s[i H-1]+^[i] -a[i]+0[i]—s[z] ^0,s[i+1]—7[i] +a[i]+外】_s[i]>0,-s[i+1]+7[«] 4-a[i]+0[i]+s[i] ^0,+1]+7[i] +a[i]+刚+s[i]<4其中0 <i <n,是二元状态变量.值得注意的是,还有一个额外的约束条件s[n] = 0,因此,我们可以用8n+ 1个约束条件来刻画模加操作的线性逼近.4.2搜索策略在上一小节中,C H A M算法加密函数的每个运算的线性掩码的传播都用一组线性不等式进行了刻画.通过组合所有的不等式,整个不等式体系能够完美刻画线性掩码在C H A M算法中的传播规律.与不可能 差分路径搜索相似的,在模型中加入输入掩码和输出掩码的约束条件后即可搜索零相关线性路径.为了降低搜索零相关线性路径的时间复杂度,我们给出C H A M算法的最长零相关线性路径具有性 质2.这里的“最长”仅仅指的是在输入或输出掩码仅含有一个非零比特块的情况下,并不是针对所有的零 相关线性路径.性质2对于C H A M算法的最长零相关线性路径,若输入掩码只有一个非零块,则一定形如(«,0,0,0)或(0,0,0,/?),其中wt(a) > 0, wt⑷>0;若输出掩码只有一个非零块,则一定形如(7,0,0,0) 或(0,//,0,0),其中 wt(7) > 〇,wt(77) > 0.证明:以输入掩码的形式的证明为例,假设r轮零相关线性路径为(ai,a2,a3,a4)r~r〇u n d > {01,02, 03,若非零块位于第二个字,即形如(0,a2,0,0).根据掩码的传播规律,输入掩码可以自然的向上传播一 轮,得到掩码(0,0,q2,0).因此,存在(r+ 1)轮的零相关线性路径(0,0,a2,0) -> (0,a2,0,0) r r〇u n d> (A,汍,ft,山),与r轮零相关线性路径最长矛盾.130J c m m a Z〇/ Crypb/o仍'c /2esearc/i 密码学报 Vol_8, No. 1, Feb. 2021若非零块位于第三个字,即形如(〇,〇,a3,0).根据掩码的传播规律,输入掩码可以自然的向上传播一 轮,得到掩码(0,0,0, a3).因此,存在(r+1)轮的不可能差分路径(0,0,0, a3) -> (0,0, a3,0) r~r〇—> (ft,知知馬),与r轮零相关线性路径最长矛盾.因此,对于C H A M算法的最长零相关线性路径,若输入掩码只有一个非零字,则一定形如&,0,0,0) 或(〇,〇,〇,/?).同理可证,对于C H A M算法的最长零相关线性路径,若输出掩码只有一个非零字,则一定形如 (7,〇,〇,〇)或(〇,”,〇,〇)•综上所述,命题得证. □在搜索输入(输出)掩码仅有1个非零块的最长零相关线性路径时,我们可以采取与不可能差分路径 的搜索类似的策略.根据性质2,我们可以排除掉最长零相关线性路径的输入(输出)掩码所不具有的形式,而不需要遍历全部的输入(输出)掩码.4.3 C H A M算法的零相关线性区分器搜索C H A M算法的零相关线性路径时,我们只考虑三种特殊的情况:输入、输出掩码的重量均为1比特(称为一进一出输入、输出掩码的重量分别为1比特、2比特(称为一进二出);输入、输出掩码的 重量分别为2比特、1比特(称为二进一出在搜索时,我们利用性质2来降低时间复杂度.对于C H A M-128算法,搜索得到15条二进一出的19轮零相关线性路径,结果如表4所示,其中 (0,0,e o,e31) — (e i,0,0,0)表示当输入掩码的第三分支的第0比特和第四分支的第31比特非零、输出掩 码的第一分支的第1比特非零时组成一条零相关线性路径.表4 C H A M-128零相关线性路径T a b le 4 Zero-correlation linear path of C H A M-128(0,0, e〇,e3i) (ei, 0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (e2, 〇,〇,〇)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (e3, 0,0,0)(U,U,e〇,e3i) (e4,0,0,0)(0,0, e〇,e3i) (es, 0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (e6,〇,〇,〇)(0,0,e〇,e31) — (e7,0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (es,〇,〇,〇)(0,0, e〇,e3i) (eg, 0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (ei〇, 0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (ei2,〇,〇,〇)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (ei3, 0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) ->*+(ei4,0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (ei5,0,0,0)(0,0,e〇,e3i) (ei6, 〇,〇,〇)选取零相关线性路径(0,0,e〇,e31) — (e i,0,0,0)作为区分器,对C H A M算法进行密钥恢复攻击.将 区分器前加3轮后加1轮,可对C H A M-128/128攻击到23轮,攻击的时间复杂度为212a e次23轮 C H A M-128力口密;将区分器前力□ 4轮后力卩4轮,可对C H A M-128/256攻击至I J 27轮,攻击的时间复杂度 为 2238+75 次 27 轮 C H A M-128 加密.5总结本文主要评估了 C H A M密码算法关于不可能差分和零相关线性分析方法的安全性.在前人工作的基 础上,基于M I L P工具,给出了不可能差分区分器和零相关线性区分器的搜索算法.根据C H A M算法四 分支广义F e i s t e丨结构的特点,优化了搜索策略,缩小了搜索空间.利用搜索算法,找到了 C H A M-64的5 条19轮不可能差分区分器、C H A M-128的1条18轮不可能差分区分器和15条19轮零相关线性区分 器,均为目前公开发表的最长同类型区分器.此外,目前对A R X结构分组密码的非线性组件模加运算的 一些基本密码性质尚不明确,对其的数学刻画也较为复杂,对模加运算的密码学性质进行深入研宄,简化 其数学描述,对提升搜索算法的效率具有重要意义,有助于进一步改进现有的密码分析结果.陈少真等:CHAM算法的安全性分析131参考文献[1]B O G D A N O V A, e t a l.P R E S E N T: A n ultra-lightweight block cipher[C]. 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doi:10.3971/j.issn.1000-8578.2014.02.0242012年美国宫颈癌筛查新指南解读莫小亮1,罗殿中2New Insights into Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines in the United States, 2012MO Xiaoliang1, LUO Dianzhong21.Department of Obstetric and Gynecology,The First Affi liated Hospital of Guangxi MedicalUniversity, Nanning 530021, China,2.Department of PathologyAbstract: With knowledge of the pathogenesis of cervical cancer in the last decade, we are always improvingthe strategy for cervical cancer screening. Both of ACS/ASCCP/ASCP group and the USPSTF and ACOGreleased their new guidelines in 2012. We review these recommendations and the possible future direction ofscreening.In their guidelines for cervical cancer screening in 2012, several organizations call for less frequentbut more effective screening which incorporates testing for human papillomavirus (HPV). The new guidelinesstill recommend starting screening with cytologic (Papanicolaou) testing at age 21, but with longer screeningintervals, women with age 21 to 29 are recommended screening every 3 rather than 2 years, and women withage 30 and older screened by combined cytologic and HPV testing should be rescreened every 5 years ifboth test results are negative. The new guidelines recommend stopping screening in advance at age 65 if theyhave had adequate screening until then with no history of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2 or worse(CIN2+) in the past 20 years. The new guidelines now recommend HPV 16/18 genotyping as a triage optionin women who have positive results on HPV testing but negative cytology results, and immediate referral forcolposcopy if the genotyping test is positive. It can help to identify those at higher risk of developing CIN2+.They reaffi rm their recommendation about stopping screening after hysterectomy with removal of the cervixfor a reason except who have had history of CIN2+ or cervical cancer. Screening should not be changed afterHPV vaccination. Combined cytologic and HPV testing has received its strongest endorsement to date intheir latest guidelines. And the novel biomarkers such as p16 and Ki-67 expression has been found helpful forclinician in deciding which women who have positive HPV but negative cytology results should be referredfor colposcopy. With the latest cervical cancer screening guidelines, we can implement a more sensitive andeffective screening strategy for better prevention and early detection of cervical cancer.Key words: Cervical cancer; Screening strategy; Human papillomavirus (HPV)摘 要:本文就2012年ACOG、ACS/ASCCP/ASCP指南中宫颈癌筛查的新建议及相关证据进行解读,并对宫颈癌筛查的新标志物、HPV检测新技术和未来可能的宫颈癌筛查新策略进行综述。
一九九五年二月二十日博士后研究报告编写规则北京图书馆学位学术论文收藏中心全国博士后管委会办公室一九九四年九月Students’ School report card of affiliatedmiddle school to WuHan UniversityName Jing shuo Grade Grade Two class Five博士后研究报告编写规则研究报告是描述一项科学技术研究的结果或进展;或一项技术研制试验和评价的结果;或是论述某项科学技术问题的现代和发展的文件。
A day in the life of splicesome
Most genes in higher eukaryotes are transcribed as pre-mRNAs that contain intervening sequences (introns), as well as expressed sequences (exons). Discovered in the late 1970s, introns are now known to be removed during the process of pre-mRNA splicing, which joins exons together to produce mature mRNAs 1,2. Because most human genes contain multiple introns, splicing is a crucial step in gene expression. Although the splicing reaction is chemically simple, what occurs inside a cell is much more complicated: splicing is catalysed in two distinct steps by a dynamic ribonucleoprotein (RNP) machine called the spliceosome 3, requiring hydrolysis of a large quantity of ATP 4. This increased complex-ity is thought to ensure that splicing is accurate and regulated.The spliceosome is composed of five different RNP subunits, along with many associated protein co f actors 4,5. To distinguish them from other cellular RNPs, such as ribosomal subunits, the spliceosomal subunits were termed small nuclear RNPs (snRNPs). As with ribo-some assembly, the biogenesis of spliceosomal snRNPs is a multistep process that takes place in distinct sub-cellular compartments. A common principle in the bio-genesis of snRNPs is the assembly of stable, but inactive, pre-RNPs that require maturation at locations that are distinct from their sites of function. Assembly of func-tional complexes and delivery to their final destinations are often regulated by progression through a series of intermediate complexes and subcellular locales.In this Review, we discuss the key steps in the life cycle of spliceosomal snRNPs. We focus on how small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs) are synthesized and assembledwith proteins into RNPs and, furthermore, how the snRNPs are assembled into the spliceosome. Finally, we highlight our current knowledge of regulatory pro-teins and how they affect snRNP function. We draw on recent insights from molecular, genetic, genomic and ultrastructural studies to illustrate how these factors ultimately dictate splice site choice.Biogenesis of spliceosomal RNPsThe snRNAs are a group of abundant, non-coding, non-polyadenylated transcripts that carry out their functions in the nucleoplasm. On the basis of common sequence features and protein cofactors, they can be subdivided into two major classes: Sm and Sm-like snRNAs 6. Below, we focus on the biogenesis and processing of the major and minor Sm-class spliceosomal snRNAs: U1, U2, U4, U4atac, U5, U11 and U12. Biogenesis of the Sm-like snRNA s (U6 and U6atac) is distinct from that of Sm-class RNAs 6 and is not discussed in detail here.Transcription and processing of snRNAs. In metazoans, transcription and processing of snRNAs are coupled by a cellular system that is parallel to, but distinct from, the one that generates mRNAs. Indeed, snRNA genes share many common features with protein-coding genes, including the relative positioning of elements that con-trol transcription and RNA processing (FIG. 1). Sm-class snRNAs are transcribed from highly specialized RNA polymerase II (Pol II) promoters that contain proximal and distal sequence elements similar to the TATA box and enhancer sequences, respectively, of protein-coding genes. In addition to the general transcription factors1Department of Biology,2Department of Genetics and 3Integrative Program for Biological and Genome Sciences, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University of North Carolina.4Department ofPharmacology, Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, University ofNorth Carolina, Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27599, USA.e-mails: matera@ ; zefeng@ doi:10.1038/nrm3742Splice siteThe short sequences at exon–intron junctions of pre-mRNA, which include the 5ʹ splice (splice donor) site and the 3ʹ splice (splice acceptor) site located at the beginning and the end of an intron, respectively.A day in the life of the spliceosomeA. Gregory Matera 1,2,3 and Zefeng Wang 4Abstract | One of the most amazing findings in molecular biology was the discovery that eukaryotic genes are discontinuous, with coding DNA being interrupted by stretches of non-coding sequence. The subsequent realization that the intervening regions are removed from pre-mRNA transcripts via the activity of a common set of small nuclear RNAs (snRNAs), which assemble together with associated proteins into a complex known as the spliceosome, was equally surprising. How do cells coordinate the assembly of this molecular machine? And how does the spliceosome accurately recognize exons and introns to carry out thesplicing reaction? Insights into these questions have been gained by studying the life cycle of spliceosomal snRNAs from their transcription, nuclear export and re-import to their dynamic assembly into the spliceosome. This assembly process can also affect the regulation of alternative splicing and has implications for human disease.Heterogeneous nuclear RNP(hnRNP). A diverse class of ribonucleoproteins (RNPs) located in the cell nucleus, and primarily involved in post- transcriptional regulation of mRNAs. The hnRNP proteins are a class of RNA-binding factors, many of which shuttle between the nucleus and cytoplasm, that are involved in regulating the processing, stability and subcellular transport of mRNPs. (GTFs; consisting of transcription initiation factor IIA(TFIIA), TFIIB, TFIIE and TFIIF), initiation of snRNAtranscription requires binding of a pentameric factorcalled the snRNA-activating protein complex (SNAPc)7,8.Promoter-swapping experiments have shown that fac-tors required for the accurate recognition of snRNA3ʹ-processing signals must load onto the polymerase in apromoter-proximal manner9. Specific post-translationalmodifications of the carboxy-terminal domain (CTD)of the Pol II large subunit are important for loadingthese processing factors and for accurate processing10,11.Similar to other Pol II transcripts, capping of the 5ʹ endof an snRNA and cleavage of its 3ʹ end are thought tooccur co-transcriptionally (FIG. 1).Maturation of the snRNA 3ʹ end requires a large, multi-subunit factor called the integrator complex12,13, whichrecognizes a downstream processing signal (called the3ʹ-box) and endonucleolytically cleaves the nascent tran-script as it emerges from the polymerase (FIG. 1). Whetherthis cleavage occurs before, or concomitant with, thearrival of Pol II at the downstream terminator sequence isnot known. Interestingly, integrator sub u nit 11 (INTS11)and INTS9 share important sequence similarities tocomponents of the mRNA 3ʹ end-processing machinery,cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 73 kDasubunit (CPSF73) and CPSF100, respectively12,14,15.However, beyond these two subunits, the integratorcomplex proteins bear little similarity to those involvedin mRNA cleavage and polyadenylation13,16. Notably, thecyclin-dependent kinase 8 (Cdk8)–cycli n C heterodimershows snRNA 3ʹ-processing activity in a reporter assayand physically associates with the integrator complex13.Although the kinase activity of Cdk8–cyclin C is alsoessential for processing, whether it phosphorylates inte-grator subunits and/or the Pol II CTD remains unclear13.Thus, the precise mechanism by which metazoan Pol IIsnRNA gene transcription is terminated remains myste-rious. What is clear is that 3ʹ-end processing of Sm-classsnRNAs requires three important features: an snRNA-specific promoter, a cis-acting 3ʹ-box element locateddownstream of the cleavage site and an assortment oftrans-acting factors that load onto the Pol II CTD (FIG. 1).Nuclear export, Cajal bodies and RNP quality control.Sm-class snRNPs primarily function in the nucleus.However, in most species, newly synthesized snRNAsare first exported to the cytoplasm, where they undergoadditional maturation steps before they are importedback into the nucleus. Notable exceptions to this ruleare found in budding yeast and trypanosomes, in whichRNP assembly is thought to be entirely nuclear17–21.Why cells export precursor snRNAs to the cytoplasmonly to re-import them after their assembly into stableRNP particles is not known. This property is not uniqueto snRNAs: ribosomal subunits, which function in thecytoplasm, are primarily assembled in the nucleolus22.Both types of RNP certainly undergo remodelling stepswithin their ‘destination’ compartments, but the initialstages of particle assembly take place in remote cell-ular locations. This arrangement provides a plausiblemechanism for quality control, ensuring that partiallyassembled RNPs do not come into contact with theirsubstrates.Most types of RNA, including ribosomal RNA, tRNA,mRNA, microRNA (miRNA) and signal recognition par-ticle (SRP) RNA, are exported to the cytoplasm followingnuclear transcription and processing. Emerging evidencepoints to a role for nuclear RNA-binding factors in speci-fying the cytoplasmic fate of RNAs23. However, the con-nections between RNA processing and nuclear exportare not as well worked out as they are for transcriptionand 3ʹ-end formation. Typically, specific RNA sequencesand/ o r structures are the determinants that promotedirect or indirect binding to the appropriate transportreceptor (as occurs for tRNAs and rRNAs)24. BecauseSm-class snRNAs and mRNAs are both transcribed byPol II, they share a 5ʹ-cap structure, raising the issue ofhow the export machinery discriminates between thesetwo types of RNA. Solving this long-standing riddle, anelegant series of papers has shown that snRNAs are dis-tinguished from mRNAs on the basis of their length andtheir association with heterogeneous nuclear RNP (hnRNP)C1–C2 proteins25–28. Pol II mRNA transcripts that areSm-class small nuclear RNA (snRNA) genes (part a) share several common features with protein-coding mRNA genes (part b), including the arrangement of upstream and downstream control elements. The cis-acting elements and trans-acting factors involved in the expression of these two types of transcripts are depicted. The distal sequence element (DSE) and proximal sequence element (PSE) are roughly equivalent to the enhancer and TATA box elements, respectively, of mRNA genes. Positive transcription elongation factor b (P-TEFb; not shown) is recruited to both promoters by RNA polymerase II (Pol II). In addition, snRNA promoters recruit the little elongation complex (LEC), whereas mRNA promoters recruit the super elongation complex (SEC)202. Initiation of snRNA transcription requires general transcription factors (GTFs), as well as the snRNA-activating protein complex (SNAPc). The integrator complex is required for recognition of snRNA downstream processing signals, including the 3ʹ box. Integrator subunit 11 (INTS11) and INTS9 have sequence similarities to the mRNA 3ʹ-processing factors cleavage and polyadenylation specificity factor 73 kDa subunit (CPSF73) and CPSF100, respectively. For both snRNAs and mRNAs, 5ʹ-end capping and 3ʹ-end cleavage are thought to occur co-transcriptionally. Additional processing factors (not shown) are recruited to the nascent transcripts via interactions with the Pol II carboxy-terminal domain. Ex, exon; pA, polyA signal; ss, splice site; TSS, transcription start site.| Molecular Cell BiologyCytoplasmic RNP assembly and the SMN complex. After the pre-snRNA translocates to the cytoplasm, dissociation of the export complex (FIG. 2) is triggered by dephosphorylation of PHAX 39. The survival motor neuron (SMN) protein complex, which includes SMN and several tightly associated proteins, collectively called GEMINs 40–44, is thought to regulate the entire cytoplasmic phase of the snRNP cycle. The SMN com-plex recruits the newly exported snRNAs and combines them with a set of seven Sm proteins to form a toroidal ring around an RNA-binding site that is present within each of the eponymous Sm-class snRNAs (FIG. 3). The Sm proteins are delivered to the SMN complex via the activ-ity of the protein Arg N -methyltransferase 5 (PRMT5) complex, which methylates C-terminal arginine residues within SmB, SmD1 and SmD3 (REFS 45,46) and then chaperones delivery of partially assembled Sm sub-complexes 47,48. Binding to the SMN complex is therefore proposed to initiate in the cytoplasm, and GEMIN5 is thought to be the factor responsible for recognition of Sm site-containing RNAs 49. Assembly of the Sm core not only stabilizes the snRNA by protecting it from nucleasesFigure 2 | Maturation of snRNAs requires nuclear and cytoplasmic regulatory steps. The small nuclear RNA (snRNA) pre-export complex consists of theheterodimeric cap-binding complex (CBC), arsenite resistance protein 2 (ARS2), the hyperphosphorylated (P) form of the export adaptor phosphorylated adapter RNA export (PHAX) and the large multisubunit integrator complex (not shown). On release from the site of snRNA transcription, the pre-export complex is remodelled within the nucleoplasm to form the export complex. This step involves the removal of integrator proteins and the binding of the export receptor chromosome region maintenance 1 (CRM1) and the GTP-bound form of the RAN GTPase. Nucleoplasmic remodelling probably includes a Cajal body-mediated surveillance step to ensureribonucleoprotein (RNP) quality. When transported to the cytoplasm, these export factors dissociate from the pre-snRNA prior to Sm core assembly and exonucleolytic trimming of the snRNA 3ʹ end (shown by the stem-loop in orange). Following assembly of the Sm core small nuclear RNP (snRNP; detailed in FIG. 3), the 7-methylguanosine (m 7G) cap is hypermethylated by trimethylguanosine synthase 1 (TGS1) to form a 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) cap. Generation of the TMG cap triggers assembly of the import complex, which includes the import adaptor Snurportin (SPN) and the import receptor importin-β; both SPN and the survival motor neuron (SMN) complex make functional contacts with importin-β (for simplicity, other components of the SMN complex are not depicted). On nuclear re-entry, the Sm snRNPs transiently localize to Cajal bodies for nuclear maturation steps, followed by dissociation from SMN and storage within splicing factor compartments called nuclear speckles. Spliceosome assembly (detailed in FIG. 4) takes place at sites of pre-mRNA transcription. NPC, nuclear pore complex.Cajal bodiesNuclear substructures that are highly enriched in pre-mRNA splicing factors. They are thought to function as sites of ribonucleoprotein assembly and remodelling.T udor domainA conserved protein structural motif that is thought to bind to methylated arginine or lysine residues, promoting physical interactions with its target protein.but also is required for the downstream RNA-processingsteps that culminate in nuclear import. The physiologicalrelevance of Sm core assembly has also been emphasizedby the demonstration that mutations in the gene encod-ing the SMN protein cause the human neuromusculardisease spinal muscular atrophy (BOX 1).Sm proteins do not bind the snRNA as a pre-formedring. Instead, they form heterodimeric (SmD1–SmD2and SmB–SmD3) or heterotrimeric (SmE–SmF–SmG)subcomplexes (FIG. 3). When purified in vitro, these sub-complexes spontaneously coalesce into a ring only in thepresence of an appropriate RNA target50–52. However, incell extracts, this reaction requires the whole SMN com-plex as well as ATP40. In vivo,the SMN complex is thusthought to provide added specificity, to avoid assemblyof Sm cores onto non-target RNAs41,49 and to accelerateformation of the final product from kinetically trappedintermediates48.One of the most surprising insights from recentstudies of the SMN complex is that the SMN proteinis probably not the primary architect of Sm core RNPassembly. Two crystallographic studies demonstratedthat GEMIN2, a conserved member of the SMN com-plex53, binds directly to five of the seven Sm proteins(FIG. 3) and holds them in the proper ‘horseshoe’ ori-entation for subsequent snRNA binding and ring clo-sure54. These results were not predicted from earlierin vitro binding studies of GEMIN2 (REF. 55) and weresurprising because previous work on Sm binding hadmainly focused on SMN itself56,57. However, given thatthe budding yeast genome apparently lacks SMN butcontains a potential GEMIN2 orthologue55,58, the ideathat GEMIN2 has a starring role in Sm core assembly isgaining considerable traction.Precisely how SMN is involved in Sm core RNP for-mation is still open to debate, although RNAi analyses inmetazoan cells have demonstrated that it is required59,60.Moreover, SMN–GEMIN2 heterodimers are sufficientfor Sm core assembly activity in vitro53. Importantly, theassembly chaperone pICln (also known as CLNS1A) (FIG. 3)may function as an SmB–SmD3 mimic that stabilizes thepentameric Sm horseshoe structure in preparation forhandover to GEMIN2 (REFS 47,48). The T udor domain ofSMN contains an Sm-fold61 and is hypothesized to have a overall platform for subsequent assembly steps. GEMIN2, the heterodimeric binding partner of SMN, binds to the 6S complex, forming an early 8S assembly intermediate. In parallel, the SMN complex including GEMIN5 recognizes specific sequence elements (the Sm-site and the 3ʹ stem-loop) within the post-export small nuclear RNA (snRNA). A poorly understood series of rearrangements leads to the formation of the assembled core small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (snRNP). These involve recruitment of the 7-methylguanosine (m7G)-capped snRNA and the SmB–SmD3–pICln subcomplex (via an unknown mechanism; represented by the question mark), followed by dissociation of pICln. Prior to SmB–SmD3 incorporation, the ‘horseshoe’ intermediate may be stabilized by the Tudor domain of SMN, which contains an Sm fold. Incorporation of SmB–SmD3 and completion of the heteroheptameric ring requires the presence of an RNA that contains an Sm site. This produces an assembled core snRNP that is ready for downstream events including 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) capping and formation of the nuclear import complex (FIG. 2). The entire process of Sm core assembly and formation of the pre-import complex is carried out within the context of the SMN complex (violet rectangle).Nuclear specklesSub-nuclear structures highly enriched in pre-mRNA-splicing factors. At the ultrastructural level, they correspond to domains known as interchromatin granule clusters.SR proteinsProteins that contain a domain with repeats of serine (S) and arginine (R) residues and one or more RNA-recognition motifs. SR proteins are best known for their ability to bind exonic splicing enhancers and activate splicing, although some SR proteins also regulate transcription. mimetic role (FIG. 3), occupying the space for SmB–SmD3during the transition between the pICln-bound inter-mediate and the GEMIN2–Sm pentamer structure47. Theself-oligomerization activity of SMN, contained within itsC-terminal YG-box domain, is also required for Sm coreformation57,60,62. It is not yet clear how the C terminus ofSMN, which forms a YG-zipper motif63, interfaces withthe rest of the SMN molecule and other members of theSMN complex. These and other important factors willneed to be addressed by future studies.Nuclear import and RNP remodelling. Formation ofthe Sm ring protects and stabilizes the snRNA and initi-ates downstream RNA-processing steps that culminatein nuclear import of the SMN complex (FIG. 2). As partof its overall chaperoning function, the SMN complexrecruits trimethylguanosine synthase 1 (TGS1), anRNA methyl t ransferase that modifies the snRNA 5ʹ endto form a 2,2,7-trimethylguanosine (TMG) structure44.The TMG cap functions as a nuclear-localization sig-nal64. Along with a subset of factors within the SMNcomplex65, the Sm core itself functions as a second, par-allel nuclear-localization signal66. Concomitant with (orsubsequent to) these 5ʹ events, the 3ʹ end of the snRNAis exo n ucleolytically trimmed to its mature length. Thus,SMN-mediated assembly of the Sm core is required forproper cytoplasmic RNP maturation in vivo.After import back into the nucleus, TMG cap for-mation triggers dissociation of TGS1 from the pre-import complex (FIG. 2); this is followed by binding ofSnurportin67, the snRNP-specific import adaptor, tothe hypermethylated cap structure. Snurportin inter-acts directly with the import receptor importin-β68 topromote import, although the SMN complex (or a sub-complex thereof) is also thought to accompany newlyassembled snRNPs into the nucleus65. The SMN complexdoes not associate with nucleus-injected (that is, ‘naked’)RNAs; experiments in X. laevis oocyte nuclei showedthat the SMN complex interacts with microinjectedsnRNA s only after their export to the cytoplasm69.When an snRNP has been imported into the nucleus,it is free to diffuse throughout the interchromatin space.SMN is thought to dissociate from the snRNP fairly soonafter import, as the protein does not co-purify withmature snRNP mono-particles, spliceosomes or splic-ing intermediates70–72. In most cell types, the nuclearfraction of the SMN complex localizes primarily withinCajal bodies; however, SMN also accumulates in distinctnuclear substructures called Gemini bodies (Gems)73.Cajal bodies contain a plethora of RNAs and their asso-ciated proteins, but components of Gems have thus farbeen limited to consituents of the SMN complex73,74.In mammalian cells, substantial evidence points toa role for Cajal bodies in the nucleoplasmic maturationof snRNPs following nuclear import. Newly importedSm-class RNPs transiently accumulate in Cajal bodiesbefore localizing in other nucleoplasmic subcompart-ments known as nuclear speckles (see below)75,76. Innuclear transport assays using digitonin-permeabilizedcells, Snurportin 1 and partially assembled (12S) U2snRNPs accumulate in Cajal bodies77. Additional RNP-remodelling and RNA-processing steps are thought totake place in Cajal bodies, including non-coding RNA-guided covalent modification of the snRNAs78 and bind-ing of snRNP-specific proteins79,80. Furthermore, Cajalbodies are thought to facilitate the de novo assemblyand post-splicing reassembly of U4–U6 di-snRNPand U4–U6•U5 tri-snRNP81–83. Given that Cajal bodyhomeostasis is disrupted by depletion of various snRNPbiogenesis factors37,60,84,85, it is perhaps surprising thatsnRNP trafficking through Cajal bodies is not obliga-tory in mice or flies86–88 (although it seems to be essen-tial in fish89). Taken together, these findings stronglysuggest that Cajal bodies participate in RNP biogenesison both the outbound and inbound legs of the journeyof an snRNA through the cell.Within the nucleus, spliceosomal snRNPs andtheir associated cofactors (for example, SR proteins)are typically excluded from nucleoli, localizing ina punctate pattern of variably sized and irregularlyBranch pointA loosely conserved short sequence usually located~15–50 nucleotides upstream of the 3ʹ splice site, before a region rich in pyrimidines (cytosine and uracil). Most branch points include an adenine nucleotide as thesite of lariat formation.Exon definitionOne of two different modes of initial splice site pairing at the early stage of splicing (the other being intron definition). During exon definition, theU1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoproteins (snRNPs) interact to pair the splice sites across an exon. For some small introns, the U1 and U2 snRNPs interact to pair the splice sites across introns.shaped nuclear speckles. In fact, this speckled pat-tern is highly diagnostic for factors involved in pre-mRNA splicing76. Speckles are extremely dynamicnucleoplasmic domains but contain little or no DNAand are thus thought to function as storage compart-ments90. Most splicing activity seems to localize to theborders between speckles and the adjacent chromatindomains91,92. Precisely how snRNPs and other splic-ing factors are recruited from the speckles to sites ofactive transcription is unclear. However, when thefully assembled snRNPs are loaded onto the Pol IICTD and targeted to the site of transcription, they arethen poised to carry out spliceosome assembly andpre-mRNA splicing.Spliceosomal assembly and catalysisNon-coding RNAs typically function as adaptors thatposition nucleic acid targets adjacent to an enzymaticactivity that is catalysed either by the RNAs themselvesor by associated proteins6. Consistent with this idea,spliceosomal snRNA function is driven by base pair-ing with short conserved motifs located at the junc-tions between the expressed exon sequences and theintervening introns of target mRNAs. The 5ʹ splice site(5ʹss) of a pre-mRNA is present at the beginning of anintron, the 3ʹss is located at the end of an intron andthe branch point adenosine is usually located ~15–50nucleo t ides upstream of the 3ʹss (FIG. 1b). In additionto being controlled by the primary splicing signalslocated at exon–intron boundaries, splice site choiceis modulated by multiple cis-acting regulatory ele-ments throughout the pre-mRNA. As outlined below,spliceo s omes are assembled on their targets by a multi-step process in which these cis-acting elements recruittrans-acting factors that ultimately control higherorder particle assembly. For more details on splicingmechanism s, readers are referred to recent reviews4,93.Stepwise spliceosome assembly. Although spliceo-some assembly is best-understood in budding yeast,the key assembly steps are well conserved in humans.For the purposes of this Review, we refer to the namesof yeast proteins. First, U1 snRNP recognizes the 5ʹssvia base pairing of U1 snRNA to the mRNA, formingthe early complex (complex E (FIG. 4a)). In addition torecognition by base pairing, the 5ʹss can be recognizedby U1C, a subunit of the U1 snRNP94. This process isfacilitated by the Pol II CTD, which reportedly interactsdirectly with U1 snRNP95,96, although the functional roleof this interaction is still under debate97. The interactionbetween the 5ʹss and U1 snRNP in complex E is ATP-independent and fairly weak; it is stabilized by otherfactors, such as by SR proteins98,99 and the cap-bindingcomplex100. The 3ʹss of the pre-mRNA is recognized bythe U2 snRNP and associated factors, such as splicingfactor 1 (SF1) and U2 auxiliary factors (U2AFs), whichare also components of complex E.In a subsequent ATP-dependent process catalysed bythe DExD/H helicases pre-mRNA-processing 5 (Prp5)and Sub2, U2 snRNA recognizes sequences around thebranch point adenosine and interacts with U1 snRNP toform the pre-spliceosome (complex A). Formation of anintron-spanning complex A was originally described inyeast, but more complicated assembly pathways are prev-alent among higher eukaryotes. Because metazoan genescontain relatively short exons (~50–250 nucleotides) thatare separated by larger introns (up to 1,000 kb), splicesites are predominantly recognized in pairs across exonsthrough the interaction of U1 and U2 snRNPs101,102.This process is called exon definition, and the U1–U2snRNP complex that forms across exons is known as theexon definition complex103. In a subsequent transitionstep, U1 and U2 snRNPs undergo poorly understoodre a rrangements, forming an intron-spanning interactionknown as the intron definition complex; this also bringsthe 5ʹss, branch point and 3ʹss into close proximity104.Thus, the metazoan intron definition complex is gen-erally considered to be the equivalent of complex A inyeast, whereas the metazoan exon definition complex issimilar to complex E.Formation of the exon definition complex and thesubsequent transition to the intron definition complexare intermediate stages that are crucial for regulatingsplicing105,106. After the assembly of complex A, the U4–U6 and U5 snRNPs are recruited as a preassembled tri-snRNP to form complex B, in a reaction catalysed by theDExD/H helicase Prp28. The resulting complex B goesthrough a series of compositional and conformationalrearrangements to form a catalytically active complex B(complex B*). Multiple RNA helicases (Brr2, 114 kDa U5small nuclear ribonucleoprotein component (Snu114)and Prp2) are required for the activation of complex B,resulting in rearrangements that lead to the formation ofthe U2–U6 snRNA structure that catalyses the splicingreaction107. The activation of complex B also unwindsthe U4 and U6 snRNAs, releasing U4 and U1 from thecomplex108, which is thought to unmask the 5ʹ end ofU6 snRNA.Complex B* then completes the first catalytic stepof splicing, generating complex C, which contains thefree exon 1 and the intron–exon 2 lariat inter m ediate(FIG. 4a). Complex C undergoes additional ATP-dependent re a rrangements before carrying out thesecond catalytic step of splicing, which is dependenton Prp8, Prp16 and synthetic lethal with U5 snRNA 7(Slu7); this results in a post-spliceosomal complex thatcontains the lariat intron and spliced exons. Finally, theU2, U5 and U6 snRNPs are released from the mRNPparticle and recycled for additional rounds of splic-ing. As with other spliceosomal rearrangement steps,release of the spliced product from the spliceosome iscatalysed by the DExD/H helicase Prp22 (REFS 109,110).Disassembly of the post-catalytic spliceosome is alsodriven by several RNA helicases (for example, Brr2,Snu114, Prp22 and Prp43) in an ATP-dependentmanner111.Single-molecule analyses have provided additionalinsights into the process of spliceosome assembly.Fluorescence labelling has been used to visualize howindividual spliceosomal subcomplexes sequentiallyassociate with the pre-mRNA to generate functionalspliceosomes112,113. Using purified components, these。
关键词:辅助阳极;电泳;阳极板;盲窗车型;实施方案中图分类号:U468.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1671-7988 (2017)10-62-03The Discussion on zhe disign of ED Auxiliary anode systemWu Guisheng, Xing Wenping, Xiao Kun( Anhui Jianghuai Automobile CO., Ltd, Anhui Hefei 230601 )Abstract: In this paper The modification of the auxiliary anode system for the existing coating line of JAC, The discussion of around the design plan、equipment modification, etc.Keywords: Auxiliary anode; ED; Anode plate; Windowless car model; Implementation planCLC NO.: U468.2 Document Code: A Article ID: 1671-7988 (2017)10-62-031、辅助阳极系统的应用背景随着大城市对市容市貌及城市环境要求越来越严,很多城市开始严格限制货运车辆进城,特别是敞开式货箱车辆成为严格监管的对象,各大城市都出台了限制规定和政策。
福 建 建 筑Fujian Architecture & Construction 2021年第05期总第275期No 05 • 2021Voi - 275软土地区既有建筑物加固改造勘察实例分析卓富林(福建省建筑设计研究院有限公司福建福州350001)摘要:软土地区既有建筑物加固改造工程勘察,需在收集既有建筑物结构及基础加固改造设计详细资料的基础上,进一步查清场地岩土层的分布情况及其工程性质。
关键词:加固改造;软土勘察;软土基础中图分类号:TU47文献标识码:A 文章编号:1004 -6135(2021)05 -0075 -05The Case study on Reinforcement and Reconstruction of Existing Buildings in Soft Soil AreaZHUO Fulin(Fujian Provinciai Institute of Architecturai Design and Research Co. , Ltd. , Fuzhou 350001 &Abstract :In the investigation of the reinforcemeni and renovation engineering of the existing buildings in soft soil area ,it io necessaa tofurthce 1x 500810 the distribution of the geotechnicci layer and ite engineering propertiee on the basis of ccllecting the detailed data of thestructure and foundation reinforcement and renovation design of the existing buildinge. In this project ,the propertiee of foundation soil arcdetermined by meant of comprehensive investigation , such at trench exploration , drilling , geophysical exploration , in - situ test and geotechnical test ,and the design parameters of foundation are determined by foundation bearing capacity tesh According to the survey data results ,combined with the site construction restrictions ,construction technology and construction period and other factors ,the foundationreinforcement plan is analyzed reasonable ,and the appropriate foundation reinforcement plan suggestions are put foward.KeyworUs : Reinforcement and reconstruction ; Soft soil investigation ; Soft soil foundationo 引言工程概况随着经济的发展,时代的进步,社会主义现代化 不断深入推进,越来越多的旧建筑物需要进行加固改造,而在既有建筑物加固改造过程当中,地基基础问 题会对其开展的加固效率和质量产生关键性的影响,岩土工程勘察数据成果为地基基础设计提供依据,在岩土勘察过程中应结合场地地质条件及地基基础的 可行性采取相应的勘察方式。
• 1274 •中华实用诊断与治疗杂志2020年12月第34卷第12期J Chin PracM Diagn Ther,Dec. 2020, Vol. 31. No. 12•论著•白细胞CD64指数和白细胞介素-6在儿童急性白血病化疗后中性粒细胞缺乏伴发热诊疗中作用杨李1•卢文婕1 ,张爱萍:,王卓、张兰男、熊昊1(丨.华中科技大学同济医学院附M武汉儿竜医院血液肿瘤科.武汉430016;2.江汉大学医学院2018级,武汉430056)摘要:目的观察急性A血病化疗后发热患儿外周血多塑核A细胞CD6•丨指数和血淸细胞W子H细胞介素(interleukin •IL)-6、-2、-4、-10 及肿瘤坏死因子-〇t( tumor necrosis factor-a. T N F-a)、•扰素(interferon-y. IF N-y)表达情况,探讨r r)64指数和细胞因子在儿童急性由血病化疗后中性粒细胞缺乏伴发热诊疗中的作用及临床意义。
方法152例急性广丨血病化疗后中性粒细胞缺乏患儿•根据是否发热分为发热组121例和未发热组31例•检测2组入院2 h外周血a)61指数和细胞W子IL-6、IL-2、IL l、IL-10、T N F-a、IFN-7水平,并进行比较;绘制R O C曲线,评估C D64指数和IL-6对急性「丨血病化疗后中性粒细胞缺乏伴发热的诊断效能。
发热组治疗狀h后98例进行疗效评估•并根据疗效分为治疗有效组75例和疗效不佳组23例•比较2组治疗前、后CI)6•丨指数和I L-6水平.结果入院 2 h时•发热组患儿C D64指数[58. 84(18. 06,182. 49)]、IL-6[54. 38(17. 49,139. 86)n g/L]水平高于未发热组[7. 90(1. 81,31. 81)、21. 11(11.41,39. 12)叩L](P<0.05).I L2、IL-4、IL l()、T N F-a、I F N-y水平与未发热组比较差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。
结论0.15%浓度的地佐辛复合丙泊酚用于无痛肠镜麻醉的效果确切,可缩短麻醉苏醒时间,且不增加术后恶心呕吐、头晕等不良反应的发生%【关键词】无痛肠镜;地佐辛;丙泊酚;浓度;麻醉苏醒;苏醒质量;并发症【中图分类号】R614【文献标识码】A【文章编号】0253-4304(2019)17-2191-04DOI:10.11675/j.issn.0253-4304.2019.17.13Effects of anesthesia using different concentrations of dezocine combined withpropofol on recovery quality in pahenh undergoing painless enteroscopyRONG Fang-song,CHEN De-yC(1Departinent of A n estteo i ology,2Departinent tf Gastroenterology,te Tentt(filiated Hospitalof'Guangxt Medical Universio&the First People's Hospital of Qiohof,Qinzhoo535000,China)*Abstract+Objective To explore the effects of anesthesia using d/ferent concentrations of dezocine combined with propofol on the quality of recovee m patients undxaoing painless enteroscopy.Methods A tota- of 120patients who undeieent painles s enteroscopy were randomty divided into four groups,groups C,D,E and F,with30ceses in each geup.Groups C,D,E and F were anesthetized with2.0mg/kg propofol alone,0.15%dezocine+2.0mg/kg pepofot,0.3%dezocine+2.0mg/kg propofot,and0.45%dezocine+2.0mg/kg pepofot,respectively,continuous pumping of peopoooewaspeeooemed dueongopeeaioon,buiwoihouiaddoioonaeuseoodeooooneon anygeoup.Theioiaedosageoopeopoooe,postoperative recovee time,incidence rates of postoperative vomiting,postoperative dizzinxs and intraoperative body movement were compared a mong the four geups-Results Group C had more tota-dosage of propofol than the remaining three groups(ft P<0.05),group E or F had longer postoperative/coc/time than group C or D(ft P<0.05),group F exhidited higher incidence rates of postoperative vomiting and dizziness than group C or D(ft P<0.05),group Eor F obtained a/war incidence r ata of intraoperative body movement than group C(f t P<0.05).Conclusion Anesthesia using0.15%dezocine combined with pepofot has deXnite eXects in painless enteroscopy,which can sho/en anesthesia recove/time,not increasing the incidence of postoperative nausea,vomiting,d/zinxs and other adve/e reactions*Key words+Painless enteroscopy,Dezocine,Propofot,ConcenWation,Anesthesia recavex^,Quality of cecovex^,Competoaitons作者简介:容芳松(1982〜),男,本科,主治医师,研究方向:临床麻醉&通信作者:陈德艺(1984~),男,硕士,副主任医师,研究方向:消化内科学,电子邮箱:cdy20032003@。
清华大学数学科学系本科课程浏览课程号课程名课时学分00420033数学模型Mathematical Models 48 3 00420073应用近世代数Applied abstract algebra 48 3 10420213几何与代数(1) Geometry and Algebra(1) 64 4 10420243随机数学方法Stochastic Mathematical Methods 48 3 10420252复变函数引论Introduction to Functions of One Complex Variable 32 2 10420262数理方程引论Introduction to Equations of Mathematical Physics 32 2 10420454高等分析Advanced Analysis 64 4 10420672初等数论与多项式Elementary Number Theory 32 2 10420684几何与代数(1) Geometry and Algebra 64 4 10420692几何与代数(2) Geometry and Algebra(2) 32 2 10420743微积分(I)Calculus(I)48 3 10420746微积分(III)Calculus(III)64 4 10420753微积分(II)Calculus(II)48 3 10420803概率论与数理统计Probability and Statistics 48 3 10420844文科数学Mathematics for Liberal Arts 64 4 10420845大学数学2(社科类) College Mathematics II (For Social Science)48 3 10420854数学实验Mathematical Experiments 48 4 10420874一元微积分Calculus of One Variable 64 4 10420884多元微积分Calculus of Several Variables 64 4 10420892高等微积分B Advanced Calculus B 32 2 10420894高等微积分Advanced Calculus 64 4 10420925数学分析(1)Mathematical Analysis 80 5 10420935数学分析(2)Mathematical Analysis II 80 5 10420944线性代数(1)Linear algebra 64 4 10420946线性代数Linear algebra 32 2 10420963大学数学(1)(社科类)48 3 10420984大学数学(3)(社科类) Collegiate mathematics (3) for social science students 64 4 10420994大学数学(4) Undergraduate Mathematics (4) 64 4 10421692几何与代数(2) Geometry and Algebra(2) 32 2 30420023微分方程(1) Differential Equations (1)48 3 30420033微分方程(2)Differential Equations (2)48 3 30420083复分析Complex analysis 48 3 30420095高等微积分(1)Mathematical analysis (I) 80 5 30420124高等代数与几何(1) Advanced Algebra and Geometry (1) 64 4 30420134高等代数与几何(2) Advanced Algebra and Geometry (2) 64 4 30420224高等微积分(3)Advanced Calculus(3) 64 4 30420334测度与积分Measure and Integration 64 4 30420352概率论介绍A First Course in Probability 32 2 30420364拓扑学Topology 64 4 30420384抽象代数Abstract Algebra 64 4 30420394高等微积分(2)Mathematical analysis (II) 64 4 40420093数理统计Mathematical Statistics 48 3 40420193数理方程与特殊函数Equations in Mathematical Physics and Special Function 48 3 40420534数学规划Mathematical Programming 64 4 40420583概率论(1)Introduction to Stochastics 48 3 40420593数据结构 Data Structures 48 3 40420603集合论Set Theory 48 3 40420614泛函分析(1)Functional Analysis 64 4 40420632数理统计介绍Introduction to Statistics 32 2 40420644微分几何 Differential Geometry#Mathematics。
目前,中药材 的有效期尚无明确的标准。
中药受温度、湿度、日光、空气、霉菌、害虫及包装容器等储存条件和环境因素的影响,容易产生 腐败、潮解、虫蛀、变色、泛油、气味散失、风化及霉变等一系列问题,导致质量不稳定,会在一定程度上影响其临床疗效(1)。
国 内对中药材及其饮片有效期的研究不是很多,因此,本文对中 药饮片有效期的研究现状进行了概括,对中药饮片有效期研究采用的常用方法进行了综述,以期为后期的中药饮片有效期研 究工作奠定基础,从根本上保证药品的质量和用药安全。
1中药饮片有效期研究现状中药饮片按药物来源可分为植物类、动物类和矿物类等 类别。
植物药根据科属来源多样、生长年限长短不一、采收季节不同、不同的入药部位及其本身的特点,储存条件不一致, 有效期也不尽相同。
根据所采用药物部位的不同,对已有研•综述!中药饮片有效期的研究现状及研究方法!沈芳雪!,谢瑞芳护,周疗(上海中医药大学附属龙华医院药剂科,上海200032)中图分类号 R932文献标志码 A文章编号 1672-2124( 2019) 06-0765-04DOI 10. 14009/j.—/. 1672-2124. 2019. 06. 037摘 要 中药饮片的有效期一直没有明确的标准#本文按照根、根茎、花、全草、果实和种子等药用部位,对中药饮片有效期的研 究现状进行了概括'对中药饮片有效期研究采用的常用方法进行了综述,主要有传统经验法、恒温法和留样观察法及电子鼻技术 等,以期为后期的中药饮片有效期研究工作奠定基础#关键词 中药饮片'有效期'研究方法Research Status and Methods of Validity Period of Traditional Chinese Medicine Decoction Pieces !SHEN Fangxue , XIE Ruifang , ZHOU Xin ( Dept, of Pharmacy , Longhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Univesity of Traditionai Chinese Medicine , Shanghai 200032, China )ABSTRACT Thera is no cleaa standard foa the validity peaod of traditionai Chinese medicine decoction pieces. Inthie papes , according to the root , rhizome , fowes , whole grass , fait and seed and other medicinai parte , the aseahstatue of the validity of Chinese herbai decoction pieces was summarized. The common methods used in the study of thevalidity period of traditionai Chinese medicine decoction pieces wera reviewed , including traditionai experience method , constant temperatura method , sampie retention observation method and eectronio nose technology , se as t 。
word格式-可编辑-感谢下载支持General Requirements 一般要求1.1.Qualification 资质In addition to written documentation of the software standard, qualification courses are offered. They are mandatory for all system configuration engineers. The qualification certificate must be presented to Daimler when system configuration starts. Qualification courses are also offered for programming the safety programs and they are prerequisite for programming the safety programs.除了提供软件标准的文本格式,还会提供相关的资质课程,这些课程对于系统配置工程师是强制性的,在项目开始配置开始时,必须向戴姆勒公司提供这些课程的资质证明。
1.2.Tools 工具The only tools that are required and permitted for creating the PLC software are the SIMATICSTEP 7 basic package, Distributed Safety and S7-Graph, as well as the additional packagesfor CP configuration.创建PLC程序必需的工具是:SIMATIC STEP 7基本软件包,Distributed Safety软件包和S7-Graph软件包,以及用于CP配置的额外软件。
Challenges in Building an Arabic-English GHMT Systemwith SMT ComponentsNizar Habash†,Bonnie Dorr‡,Christof Monz§†Center for Computational Learning Systems,Columbia Universityhabash@‡Department of Computer Science,University of Marylandbonnie@§Department of Computer Science,Queen Mary,University of Londonchristof@AbstractThe research context of this paper is de-veloping hybrid machine translation(MT)systems that exploit the advantages oflinguistic rule-based and statistical MTsystems.Arabic,as a morphologicallyrich language,is especially challengingeven without addressing the hybridiza-tion question.In this paper,we describethe challenges in building an Arabic-English generation-heavy machine trans-lation(GHMT)system and boosting itwith statistical machine translation(SMT)components.We present an extensiveevaluation of multiple system variants andreport positive results on the advantages ofhybridization.1IntroductionThe research context of this work is developing hy-brid machine translation(MT)systems that exploit the advantages of linguistic rule-based and statisti-cal MT systems.Arabic,as an example of a mor-phologically rich language,is especially challeng-ing even without addressing the hybridization ques-tion.In this paper,we describe the challenges in building an Arabic-English generation-heavy ma-chine translation(GHMT)system(Habash,2003a) and extending it with statistical machine translation (SMT)components.A major challenge for working with Arabic is the proliferation of inconsistent morphological repre-sentations in different resources and tools for Arabic natural language processing(NLP)(Habash,2006). This inconsistency is only heightened when trying to interface linguistically-aware MT approaches with surface-based statistical MT approaches,where the level of representation of the phrase(beyond the word)is not consistent.We describe how we ad-dress this issue in our system and present an exten-sive evaluation addressing its various strengths and weaknesses.We show positive improvements when extending our basic GHMT system with SMT com-ponents.The remainder of this paper is organized as fol-lows:the next section(Section2)discusses previ-ous work on hybridization in MT.It is followed by a discussion of Arabic-specific challenges for MT implementations in Section3.Section4describes the Arabic components of our basic GHMT system. Section5describes the extensions we made to in-tegrate SMT components into the GHMT system. Section6presents three evaluations of multiple MT system variants.2Previous WorkWe discuss research related to our approach in the areas of generation-heavy MT and MT hybridiza-tion.2.1Generation-Heavy MTGHMT is an asymmetrical hybrid approach that addresses the issue of MT resource poverty in source-poor/target-rich language pairs by exploiting symbolic and statistical target-language resources (Habash and Dorr,2002;Habash,2003a;Habash, 2003b).Expected source-language resources in-clude a syntactic parser and a simple one-to-many translation dictionary.No transfer rules or complex interlingual representations are used.Rich target-language symbolic resources such as word lexical semantics,categorial variations and subcategoriza-tion frames are used to overgenerate multiple struc-tural variations from a target-language-glossed syn-tactic dependency representation of source-language sentences.This symbolic overgeneration accounts for possible translation divergences,cases where the underlying concept or“gist”of a sentence is dis-tributed differently in two languages such as to put butter and to butter(Dorr,1993).The overgen-eration is constrained by multiple statistical target-language models including surface n-grams and structural n-grams.The source-target asymmetry of systems developed in this approach makes them more easily retargetable to new source languages (provided a source-language parser and translation dictionary).In this paper,we describe these two spe-cific extensions for Arabic in detail(Section4). 2.2MT HybridizationResearch into MT hybrids has increased over the last few years as research in the two main competing paradigms,rule-based MT and corpus-based(statis-tical)MT,is approaching a plateau in performance. In the case of statistical approaches this has recently led to approaches that not just rely on surface forms but also incorporate symbolic knowledge such as morphological information and syntactic structure. In the next two subsections,we review this body of research.Our own research however,differs in that we are approaching the hybridization question from the opposite direction,i.e.,how to incorporate SMT components into rule-based systems(Senel-lart,2006).Nonetheless,the research on SMT-based hybrids has influenced many of our decisions and di-rections.2.2.1Morphology-Based ApproachesThe anecdotal intuition in thefield is that reduc-tion of morphological sparsity often improves trans-lation quality.This reduction can be achieved by in-creasing training data or via morphologically-driven preprocessing(Goldwater and McClosky,2005). Recent investigations of the effect of morphology on SMT quality focused on morphologically rich lan-guages such as German(S.Nießen,2004);Span-ish,Catalan,and Serbian(Popovi´c and Ney,2004); and Czech(Goldwater and McClosky,2005).These studies examined the effects of various kinds of to-kenization,lemmatization and part-of-speech(POS) tagging and showed a positive effect on SMT qual-ity.Lee(2004)investigated the use of automatic alignment of POS tagged English and affix-stem segmented Arabic to determine appropriate tok-enizations of Arabic.Her results showed that mor-phological preprocessing helps,but only for smaller corpora.Habash and Sadat(2006)reached simi-lar conclusions on a much larger set of experiments including various preprocessing schemes and tech-niques.They showed that genre-variation interacts with preprocessing decisions.Within our approach,working with Arabic mor-phology is especially challenging.We discuss this issue in more detail in Section3.2.2.2Syntax-Based ApproachesMore recently a number of statistical MT ap-proaches included syntactic information as part of the preprocessing phase,the decoding phase or the n-best rescoring phase.Collins et al.(2005)incorporate syntactic infor-mation as part of preprocessing the parallel corpus.A series of transformations on the source parse trees are applied to make the order of the source language side closer to that of the target language.The same reordering is done for a new source sentence before decoding.They show a modest statistically signifi-cant improvement over basic phrase-based MT. Quirk et al.(2005)use sub-graphs of dependency trees to deal with word order differences between the source and the target language.During training, dependency graphs on the source side are projected onto the target side by using the alignment links be-tween words in the two languages.The use of syn-tactic information is the main difference between their approach and phrase-based statistical MT ap-proaches.During decoding,the different sub-graphs are combined in order to generate the most likely dependency tree.This approach has been shown to provide significant improvements over a phrase-based SMT system.Och et al.(2004)experimented with a wide range of syntactic features to rescore the n-best lists gener-ated by their statistical MT system.Although some features—e.g.,POS tags and parse-tree to string mappings—lead to slight improvements over the baseline,larger improvements are obtained by using simpler,non-syntactic features,such as IBM Model 1alignments.Similar to Collins et al.(2005)and Quirk et al. (2005),our approach uses source-language syntac-tic(specifically dependency)representations to cap-ture generalizations about the source-language text. Unlike both of them,we do not use or learn specific mappings between the syntactic structure of source and target languages.Instead,our approach maps the source language to a syntactically language-independent representation which forms the basis for target-language generation.3Arabic ChallengesArabic is a morphologically complex language with a large set of morphological features.These fea-tures are realized using both concatenative(affixes and stems)and templatic morphology(root and pat-terns)with a variety of morphological and phono-logical adjustments that appear in word orthography and interact with orthographic variations.As a re-sult,there are many different possible representa-tions of Arabic morphological tokens that have been used in different resources for Arabic NLP(Habash, 2006).For statistical MT,in principle,it does not matter what level of morphological representation is used so long as the input is on the same level as that of the training data.However,in practice,there are certain concerns with issues such as sparsity,ambiguity,and training data size.Symbolic MT approaches tend to capture more abstract generalities about the lan-guages they translate between compared to statisti-cal MT.This comes at a cost of being more com-plex than statistical MT,involving more human ef-fort,and depending on already existing resources for morphological analysis and parsing.This dependence on existing resources highlights the problem of variation in morphological represen-tations for Arabic.In a typical situation,the in-put/output text of an MT system is in simple white-space tokenization.But,a statistical parser(such as (Collins,1997)or(Bikel,2002))trained out-of-the-box on the Penn Arabic Treebank(Maamouri et al., 2004)assumes the same kind of tokenization it uses (4-way normalized segments into conjunction,parti-cle,word and pronominal clitic).This means,a sep-arate tokenizer is needed to convert input text to this representation(Habash and Rambow,2005;Diab et al.,2004).An additional issue with a treebank-trained sta-tistical parser is that its input/output is in normal-ized segmentation that does not contain morpholog-ical information such as features or lexemes that are important for translation:Arabic-English dictionar-ies use lexemes and proper translation of features, such as number and tense,which requires access to these features in both source and target languages. As a result,additional conversion is needed to relate the normalized segmentation to the lexeme and fea-ture levels.Of course,in principle,the treebank and parser could be modified to be at the desired level of representation(i.e.lexeme and features).But this may be a labor-intensive task for researchers inter-ested in MT.4Extending GHMT to ArabicAs described earlier,our English-targeted GHMT system can be used with a new source language given that a dependency parse and a word-based translation lexicon are provided.In the following sub-sections,we describe these two components in our Arabic-English GHMT system.The reusable English generation component is called EXERGE (Expansive Rich Generation for English),which is discussed in detail in(Habash,2003a).4.1Analysis IssuesThis sub-section describes the necessary steps for processing an Arabic input sentence.4.1.1Tokenization and POS TaggingFor tokenization,we use the Penn Arabic Tree-bank(PATB)tokenization scheme,which is most compatible with statistical parsers trained on the PATB(Maamouri et al.,2004).For the POS tagset, we use the collapsed tagset for PATB(24tags).We use the Morphological Analysis and Disambiguation (MADA)tool for Arabic preprocessing(Habash andRambow,2005)together with TOKAN,a general to-kenizer for Arabic(Habash,2006).MADA uses the A LMORGEANA(Arabic Lexeme-based Morpholog-ical Analysis and Generation)which is an alternative engine to Buckwalter’s AraMorph that uses the same lexicalfiles.4.1.2ChunkingWe employ a rule-based segment chunker to ad-dress two issues.First,the Arabic sentence length, which averages over35words with PATB tokeniza-tion(in the news genre),slows down the parser and increases its chances of producing null parses.Sec-ond,the use of punctuation and numbers in by-lines in news requires template handling in analysis and generation,which needs to be updated depending on the genre.Instead,we choose to preserve source-language order for such cases by chunking them out and treating them as special chunk separators that are translated independently.The rules currently im-plemented use the following chunk separators.POS information is used in this process.•Arabic conjunction proclitic w/CC1and •Numbers(CD)and punctuation(PUNC)•The subordinating conjunction An/IN that On average,sentences had3.3chunk separators.4.1.3ParsingFor parsing,we used the Bikel parser(Bikel, 2002)trained on the PATB(Part1).The default out-put of the parser is on unlabeled constituency repre-sentation.The tokens in the parser are surface words in the PATB tokenization scheme.4.1.4PostparsingThe specifications of EXERGE require an in-put dependency tree labeled with minimal syntac-tic relations(subj,obj,obj2,and mod).More-over,the nodes must have lexemes and features from a pre-specified set of feature names and val-ues(Habash,2003a).The output of the parsing step undergoes operations such as relation labeling and 1All Arabic transliterations in this chapter are provided in the Buckwalter transliteration scheme(Buckwalter,2002).node-structure modification.Some of these opera-tions are similar to the Spanish post-parsing process-ing for Matador(Spanish-English GHMT)(Habash, 2003b).Constituency to Dependency We convert con-stituencies to dependencies using modified head-percolation rules from Bikel parser applied with the Const2Dep tool2(Habash and Rambow,2004). Lexeme Selection MADA is only a morpho-logical disambiguation tool that makes no sense-disambiguation choices.Therefore,multiple lex-emes are still available as ambiguous options at the tree nodes.In some cases,the parser overrides the POS tag that was chosen initially by MADA.As a result,we need to re-visit discarded morphologi-cal analyses again.We re-apply the A LMORGEANA system on the tokenized words and thenfilter analy-ses using the following criteria.In case no analysis matches,all analyses are passed on to the nextfilter.•Analyses with PATB tokenizable clitics are ig-nored because the word is already tokenized.•Analyses that match the word’s POS are se-lected.Others are ignored.The POS match-ing is fuzzy since the tagset used by A L-MORGEANA(15tags)is more coarse than the PATB tagset(24tags).Also,since there arecommon cases of mismatch in Arabic,certain seemingly mismatched cases are allowed,e.g., noun,adjective and proper noun.•We use a statistical unigram lexeme and fea-ture model.The model was trained on PATB (part1and part2)and1million words from Arabic Gigaword(Graff,2003)disambiguated using MADA.The lexemes are chosen based on their unigram counts.Ties are broken with feature unigrams.Dependency Tree Restructuring The following operations are applied to the dependency tree:•Idafa Handling:The Idafa construction is a syntactic construction indicating the relation-ship of possession between two nouns,i.e., Noun1of Noun2.Nouns in this construction 2The Const2Dep tool was provided by Rebbecca Hwa.are modified to include an intervening node that has no surface value but is glossed to of/’s/*empty*.•The untokenized prefix Al+the is turned intoa separate node that is a dependent on the wordit is attached to.•Feature mapping:We map Arabic-specific fea-tures to language-independent features used in EXERGE.For example,the untokenized prefix s+will is mapped to the feature TENSE:FUT and the Arabic perfective aspect verb feature is turned into TENSE:PAST.Relation Labeling An Arabic subject may be:(a) pro-dropped(verb conjugated),(b)pre-verbal(full conjugation with verb),or(c)post-verbal(3per-son and gender agreement only).Third mascu-line/feminine singular verbs are often ambiguous as to whether they are case(a),where the adjacent noun is an object,or(c),where the adjacent noun is a subject.A verb can have no,one or two objects. Pronominal objects are always cliticized to the verb, which means they can appear between the verb and the nominal subject.For passive verbs,the sub-ject position is reserved for a*PRO*and the fea-ture is passed along.In principle,Arabic’s rich case system can account for the different configurations and also allow many variations in order,but since most cases are diacritical(and thus optionally writ-ten),that information is not always available.Arabic prose(non-poetry)writers generally avoid such syn-tactic acrobatics.We use heuristics based on Arabic syntax to deter-mine the relation of the verb to its nominal(common and proper),pronominal and relativizing children.4.1.5Subtree Phrase ConstructionEach node in the dependency tree is annotated with the full projection of the subtree it heads.This subtree phrase is later used to interface with the sta-tistical MT component.4.2Lexical Translation IssuesOne of the main challenges in resource usage was the transformation of the lexicon of the Buckwal-ter Arabic morphological analyzer(BAMA)(Buck-walter,2002)into a form that was readily usable by our GHMT system.The original Buckwalter lexi-con contained English glosses to Arabic stem entries used in morphological analysis.Since the glosses are attached to stems,they are sometime inflected for number or voice,although generally they are in lexeme form.Our initial extraction of a translation dictionary from BAMA produced a resource in the following form:[Arabic Word][Tab][POS][Tab][English Word][Tab](comment) For example:$ariyk_1N associates(female)We implemented a lexical reformatting procedure to address several issues with this lexicon.Thefirst issue is the inclusion of plural forms as in the example above—where the singular form ap-pears elsewhere in the lexicon(independently)—or related forms where the entry contains a synonym: $ariyk_1N associate$ariyk_1N partnerNote that,in addition to the redundancy inherent in these related entries,the use of parentheticals is inconsistent,e.g.,the comment“female”appears in only one of the entries above.The lexical reformatting procedure transforms these three entries into the following single line: $ariyk_1N associate/partnerwhere the plural form is assumed to be handled by GHMT during generation of the English surface form.In addition to the redundancy issues above,the material in the parentheses was often combined with a slash(/)in ways that were not uniform throughout the original lexicon.Consider the following exam-ple:<imArAtiy˜_1AJ Emirati(of/from_the_UAE)The material in the parentheses above is shorthand for“of the UAE”and“from the UAE”.Our lexical reformatting procedure transforms this entry into the following single line:<imArAtiy˜_1AJ Emirati(from_the_UAE/ of_the_UAE)Often,this same inconsistency with the slash(/) appeared in the English translation itself,as in the following entry:>a$ad˜_1N more/most_intensewhich was converted by our reformatting procedure into the following:>a$ad˜_1N more_intense/most_intense Beyond depluralizing and making slashes consis-tent,we also addressed the issue of passive conver-sion,where we transform a passive(but not cop-ula/adjective)English translation of an Arabic verb into an active form.Consider the following exam-ples from the original lexicon:>a$Ad_1V be_built>a$Ad_1V be_commended>a$Ad_1V be_praised$Abah_1V be_similarThese entries may be combined with other active forms that occur in the original dictionary:>a$Ad_1V build>a$Ad_1V commend>a$Ad_1V praise$Abah_1V resembleto yield the following two single lines:>a$Ad_1V build/commend/praise$Abah_1V be_similar/resemble5Integration of SMT Components into GHMTThe main challenge for integrating SMT compo-nents into GHMT is that the conception of the phrase (anything beyond a single word)is radically differ-ent.Phrase-based SMT systems take a phrase to be a sequence of words with no hidden underlying structure(Koehn,2004).On the other hand,for sys-tems that use parsers,like GHMT,a phrase has a linguistic structure that defines it and its behavior in a bigger context.Both kinds come with problems. Statistical phrases are created from alignments, which may not be clean.This results in jagged edges to many phrases.For example,the phrase.on the other hand,the(con-taining seven words starting with a period and end-ing with“the”)overlaps multiple linguistic phrase boundaries.Another related phenomenon is that of statistical hallucination,e.g.,the translation of AlswdAn w(literally,Sudan and)into enterprises and banks.Linguistic phrases come with a different set of problems.Since parsing technology for Arabic is still behind English,3many linguistic phrases are 3The parser we used in this paper is among the best avail-able,yet its performance for Arabic is in the lower70s percent mis-parsed creating symbolic hallucinations that af-fect the rest of the system.A common example is in-correctly attaching a prepositional phrase that mod-ifies a complete sentence to one of its noun phrases. We investigate two variants of a basic approach to using statistical phrases in the GHMT system.As phrase-based SMT system we use,Pharaoh(Koehn, 2004).We limit the statistical translation-table phrases used to those that correspond to completely projectable subtrees in the linguistic dependency representation of the input sentence.More complex solutions that use statistical phrases covering parts of a linguistic phrase are left for future work.In thefirst variant,(G HMT+Phrase Table,hence-forth G HMT P H T),we use the phrase table produced by Pharaoh as a multi-word surface dictionary.In the generation process,when a subtree is matched to an entry in this dictionary,an additional path in the generation lattice is created using the phrase-table entry in addition to the basic GHMT generation.In the second variant,(G HMT+Pharoah,hence-forth G HMT P HAROH),we use a phrase-based SMT system(Koehn,2004)to translate the subtree pro-jections for all the subtrees in the input sentence. These translations are added as alternatives to the basic G HMT system.Results comparing these two variants and a few others are described in Section6. The basic idea here is to exploit GHMT’s focus on phrase structure generation(global level)together with a phrase-based SMT system’s robustness(lo-cal phrases).One particular case in Arabic that we investigate later is the position of the subject relative to the verb.When we have a correct parse,moving the subject,which follows the verb in Arabic over 35%of the time,to a preverbal position is easy for GHMT(given a correct parse)but can be hard for a phrase-based SMT system,especially with sub-ject noun phrases exceeding the system’s distortion limit.6EvaluationWe use the standard NIST MTEval datasets for the years2003,2004and2005(henceforth MT03, MT04and MT05,respectively).4The2002MTEval test set was used for Minimum Error Training(Och, (labeled constituency PARSEV AL F-1score).4/speech/tests/mt/Table1:True-cased results of various systems on NIST MTEval test setsTest Set Metric G IST G HMT G HMT P H T G HMT P HAROH P HARAOH B W P HAROAH MT03BLEU0.08110.14790.23620.33790.41280.4162 NIST 5.1846 6.05287.32138.25699.92059.9300 MT04BLEU0.06510.14020.21100.27770.35460.3522 NIST 4.3904 6.09357.09817.58349.20389.1291 MT05BLEU0.06070.1450.23130.32390.39350.3960 NIST 4.7259 6.26367.48368.36879.69809.6615 Table2:Genre-specific true-cased results of various systems on NIST MT04test set Genre Metric G IST G HMT G HMT P H T G HMT P HAROH P HARAOH B W P HAROAH News BLEU0.08170.16170.25820.34340.42660.4244 NIST 4.8989 6.3587.61438.31329.72069.6796 Speech BLEU0.04290.12760.18210.24470.30880.3043 NIST 3.2993 5.3923 6.2022 6.63547.87967.7164 Editorial BLEU0.05750.11440.15420.19140.27040.2703 NIST 3.7633 4.9751 5.4724 5.46087.23447.18122003).All of the training data used here are available from the Linguistic Data Consortium(LDC).We use an Arabic-English parallel corpus of about5mil-lion words to train the translation model.5For Arabic preprocessing the Arabic Treebank scheme was used,see(Habash and Sadat,2006).All sys-tems use the same surface trigram language model, trained on approximately340million words of En-glish newswire text from the English Gigaword cor-pus.6English preprocessing simply included down-casing,separating punctuation from words and split-ting off“’s”.Trigram language models are imple-mented using the SRILM toolkit(Stolcke,2002). Both BLEU(Papineni et al.,2002;Callison-Burch et al.,2006)and NIST(Doddington,2002)metric scores are reported.All scores are computed against four references with n-grams of maximum length four.As a post-processing step,the translations of all systems are true-cased,and all results reported below refer to the case-sensitive BLEU and NIST scores.We conducted three sets of evaluations that ex-plore different aspects of the data sets and the system variants:a full system evaluation,a genre-specific 5The parallel text includes Arabic News,eTIRR,English translation of Arabic Treebank,and Ummah.6Distributed by the Linguistic Data Consortium: .evaluation,and a qualitative evaluation of specific linguistic phenomena.6.1Full EvaluationSix system variants are compared:•G IST is a simple gisting system that produces a sausage lattice from the English glosses in the output of the Buckwalter Arabic morphological analyzer(BAMA).Arabic word order is pre-served and English realization is limited to the variants provided in BAMA.•G HMT is the system described in Section4.The lexical translation is limited to the Buck-walter lexicon.•G HMT P H T is a variant of G HMT that uses a statistical phrase table as support multi-word surface dictionary(see Section5).•G HMT P HAROH is the second variant discussed in Section5.It uses Pharaoh to generate sub-tree phrases.•P HARAOH B W is the phrase-based SMT system Pharaoh trained on the basic training set in ad-dition to the entries in the Buckwalter lexicon.•P HAROAH is the phrase-based SMT system Pharaoh trained only on the basic training set.The results of the full systems are presented in Table1.The lowest performing system is G IST,as expected.G HMT,using only the Buckwalter lexicon and no other training data,more than doubles the G IST score.This indicates that the system is actually making more correct lexical choices and word order realization beyond simple gisting.G HMT P H T and G HMT P HAROH provide substan-tial improvements over G HMT.In G HMT P H T,only 54.6%of subtreesfind a match in the phrase table;as opposed to G HMT P HAROH which guarantees a sta-tistical translation for all subtrees.This accounts for the large difference between the two scores.This is a positive result for improving a non-statistical MT system with SMT components.However,the scores are still lower than the fully statistical system.We discuss the differences further in Section6.3.The primarily statistical systems P HAROAH and P HARAOH B W outperform all other systems. P HAROAH does better than P HARAOH B W for MT03 and MT05but not for MT04.In all three cases,the differences are not statistically significant.As the amount of dependence on training data in-creases,we see a bigger divide between the differ-ent data sets.MT03and MT05behave similarly but MT04lags behind.One of the reason behind this behavior is that MT04is a mixed genre data set.In the next section,we examine the differences in the genres in more detail.6.2Genre EvaluationThe MTEval2004data set is special in that it has a mix of genre(200documents:100news,50 speeches and50editorials).The training data we used is all Arabic news.We wanted to investigate the difference in behavior among variants with different types of symbolic and statistical resources.Table2 presents the scores for genre-specific subsets of the MT04test set.The difference in scores across the different sys-tems is consistent with the full evaluation in Table1. The difference across the genre is very clear,with the news subset performing at a similar score level to that of the MT03and MT05test sets in Table1. Upon examination of the documents in MT04,we see several variations across the genres that explain the differences.Particularly,speeches and editori-als have a much higher rate offirst and second per-son pronouns and verbs,include interrogative sen-tences,and use moreflowery andfiery language than news.Out-of-vocabulary(OOV)rates in the the dif-ferent subsets as measured against the basic train-ing set data is as follows:news(2.02%),speeches (2.01%)and editorials(2.34%).The differences are very small.This confirms that it is style/use differ-ence that is the biggest contributor to the difference in scores.The fact that we see similar differences in G IST and G HMT as in P HAROAH contradicts our hypothe-sis that G HMT is more genre-independent than SMT approaches.We believe this is a result of the Ara-bic linguistic resources we use being biased towards news-genre.For example,the Arabic treebank used for training the parser is only in the news genre.The Buckwalter lexicon potentially also has some inter-nal bias toward news genre because it was developed in tandem with the Arabic treebank.6.3Qualitative EvaluationAutomatic evaluation systems are often criticized for not capturing linguistic subtleties.This is clearly apparent in thefield’s moving back toward using hu-man evaluation metrics such as HTER(Snover et al., 2006).We conducted a small evaluation of verb and subject realization in eight random documents from MT04.The documents contained47sentences and reflect the distribution of genre in the MT04test set. We compare three systems G HMT,G HMT P HAROH and P HAROAH.The evaluation was conducted using one bilingual Arabic-English speaker(native Ara-bic,almost native English).The task is to deter-mine for every verb that appears in the Arabic input whether it is realized or not in the English transla-tion.If realized,we then determine whether its sub-ject is mapped to it correctly.Since translation diver-gences can cause an Arabic verb to appear as a noun in English,a nominalized translation is accepted as a valid realization.The subject of a non-verbal trans-lation is considered correctly assigned if the mean-ing of the relationship of the original subject-verb pair is preserved.Correct realization of the verb ob-ject was not considered here,and neither was non-verbal Arabic translations to verb forms in English. The results are presented in Table3for each genre and also collectively.For each of the three sys-tems studied,two columns are presented.Thefirst。
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(2) where indices “r” and “b” refer to reactor and subcritical block, respectively; Vr and Vb - volumes of reactor and block. Inserting (2) into (1) and integrating the equation for reactor, expression (1) can be written in the form of two integral equations
τ & & & & & P (r , τ ) = ∫ ∫ α (r , r ′, τ, τ′ )P (r ′, τ′ )dr ′dτ′ + 0V
& & s & & ∫ ∫ α (r , r ′, τ, τ′ )Q (r ′, τ′ )dr ′dτ′
(1) & & Here α (r , r ′, τ, τ ′ ) - distribution of the secondary fissions at the point with coordinate r and at time moment τ , provided that the first fission took place in the point with the space-time coordinates & & ( r ′ , τ′ ); α s (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ) - the analogous function for fissions which were originated by the external & & & & & source with intensity Q (r , τ ) . Thus, α (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ) and α s (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ) are the kernels of the integral equation (1). Let us consider the short-time neutron transient processes in the coupled system consisting of the compact fast burst reactor (with neutron lifetime ~ 10-8 – 10-6 s) and deep subcritical module (block) with thermal spectrum of neutrons (average lifetime is about 10-4 – 10-3 s). For simplicity we will & assume Q (r , τ ) = 0 and neglect of delayed neutrons. Let us designate & & & & & Pr (r , τ ) = N r (τ )ψ r (r ); r ∈ Vr ; ∫ ψ r (r )dr = 1; & Vr P (r , τ ) = & & & P (r , τ ) = N (r , τ ); r ∈ Vb ; b b & & α rr (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ), & & & & α rb (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ), α (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ) = & & α br (r , r ′, τ, τ′ ), & & α (r bb , r ′, τ, τ′ ), & r ∈ Vr ; & r ∈ Vr ; & r ∈ Vr ; & r ∈ Vr ; & r ′ ∈ Vb ; & r ′ ∈ Vb ; & r ′ ∈ Vb ; & r ′ ∈ Vb ;
(3) where
Proc. Intern. Conf. M&C’99-MadFra bibliotekid, 1999
© - 1999 Institute of Physics and Power Engineering, Technical Physics Laboratory http://www-tpl.ippe.rssi.ru E-mail: tpl@ippe.rssi.ru
Modification of the Integral Kinetic Model for the Fast Burst Reactor with Subcritical Module
Andrey V. Gulevich, Oleg F.Kukharchuk and Alexander P.Barzilov State Scientific Center of the Russian Federation Institute for Physics & Power Engineering Obninsk (Russia) gulevich@ippe.rssi.ru; kuh@ippe.rssi.ru;barzilov@ippe.rssi.ru Abstract A modified integral kinetics model for coupled fast burst reactor and subcritical module has been developed. The model is based on the mathematical formalism of Green’s functions, which may be calculated effectively using the Monte-Carlo method. Neutron transfer in the Universal Critical Facility (Obninsk, IPPE) consisting central fast reactor and external subcritical module has been studied. Some experimental and calculational results are presented. 1 Introduction Coupled reactor systems have been widely used in reactor physics. In particular, systems including a coupled burst reactor with a subcritical module provide an opportunity of additional applications for traditional pulsed reactors (Snopkov, 1992). It is presumed that a similar facility, consisting of a fast burst reactor together with a thermal subcritical laser module, could be used to make the realization of inertial confinement fusion (Dyachenko, 1991). It is important to note that such system has to operate under conditions of high power prompt neutron pulses. Another important application of coupled reactors is that in acceleration-driven systems with fast and thermal blankets, proposed recently (Barzilov, 1995a, Batskikh, 1998). An important and challenging problem of advanced reactor physics and neutronics is theoretical and experimental investigation of fundamental processes of neutron transport, as well as the nuclear safety of systems mentioned above. The theory of coupled reactors was founded by R.Avery more than forty years ago (Avery, 1958). Several effective approaches to the coupled reactor kinetics simulation have been elaborated since (Bellini-Morante, 1966, Kolesov, 1975), including integral models (Poupko, 1989, Khoruzhy, 1989). Unfortunately the use of these models for simulation of space-time neutron kinetic processes in the system consisting of fast burst reactor and subcritical “thermal” block may require a lot of computer’s time. The aim of this paper is to modify the integral kinetic model (Poupko, 1989), so that it could be able to describe the non-stationary neutron transport in the coupled reactor systems and to verify it using the experimental data. 2 Integral kinetic neutron model & Space-time distribution of the fission density P (r , τ ) in the multiplicative neutron medium 9 may be described by using the integral transport equation (Gulevich, 1992)