chapter eight-- assets appraise



Often historically, capital gains income has received more favorable U.S. tax treatment than operating income.
Corporate Capital Gains / Losses
Currently, capital gains are taxed at ordinary income tax rates for corporations, or a maximum 35%.
The Capital Budgeting Process
Generate investment proposals consistent with the firm’s strategic objectives.
Estimate after-tax incremental operating cash flows for the investment projects.
c) - (+) Taxes (tax savings) due to asset sale or disposal of “new” assets
d) + (-) Decreased (increased) level of “net” working capital
e) = Terminal year incremental net cash flow
Depreciation and the MACRS Method
Everything else equal, the greater the depreciation charges, the lower the taxes paid by the firm.

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases战略管理概念与案例

Strategic Management Concepts and Cases战略管理概念与案例
21st Century Competitive Landscap
■ Introduction: The Competitive Landscape (CL)
■ Pace of change i s rapid ■ P a r t n e r s h i p s c r e a t e d by mergers &a c q u i s i t i o n s (M& ■ Other CL c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s : Economies of s c a l e ,
· Destroy value of existing technology · Create new markets
21st Century Competitive Landscape
■ Technology and Technology Changes (Cont’d)
■ 1 . Technology d i f f u si o n &d i s r u p t i v e technologie ■ 2 . The information age ■ 3 . Increasing knowledge i n t e n s i t y
Chapter 1 : S t r a t e g i c Management and Strategic Competitiventent areas
■ Nature of Competition ■ The 21st Century Competitive Landscape ■ I/O Model of Above-Average Returns (AAR) ■ Resource-Based Model of AAR ■ Stra te gic Vision and Mission ■ Stakeholders ■ Strategic Leaders ■ The S t r a t e g i c Management Process




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商务英语翻译技能等级考试汉英词汇表(以英语字母顺序排序)翻译员(五级)所要掌握的词汇为5高级翻译员(四级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4助理翻译师(三级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3翻译师(二级)所要掌握的词汇为5+4+3+24 安居工程housing project for low-income urban residents4 安全系统fail-safe system3 按股分红sharing profits according to contribution4 按市价订购贡market order5 按现价计算at current price3 按小时付酬be paid by the hour3 按原价计算calculated on the basis of their (or ist)original price4 按原口径计算calculate on the base line5 案例分析case study3 八个坚持、八个反对eight do's and eight don'ts3 把市场供货一买而光calear the market3 罢工暴动民变险SRCC (strikes, riots and civil commotions)5 罢工津贴(由工会给的)strike pay4 罢工纠察队员strike picket3 罢工险strike risk5 白领阶层white-collar4 白银市场silver market3 拜会made a courtesy call on4 班轮regular shipping liner3 班轮运费表liner’s frei ght tariff4 班轮运输liner transport4 办公费office expenses4 半年决算half-year closing4 半熟练的semi-skilled4 包工包料contract for labor and materials3 包工制labor contract system3 包销exclusive sales; have exclusive selling rights; submit an expense account5 包装;包装物packaging5 包装不符wrong packing4 包装不善bad packing4 包装材料packing material5 包装成本packing cost4 包装费用packing charges5 包装工业packing industry4 包装规格packing specification3 包装破裂loss or damage caused by breakage of packing5 包装容积bale capacity5 饱和saturate5 保单guarantee3 保单期满expiration of policy3 保兑信用证confirmed letter of crdit3 保兑银行confirming bank5 保护主义protectionism3 保留工资retained salaries3 保姆式全程服务whole-journey nanny service3 保税仓库bonded warehouse5 保险insurance3 保险陈报书declaration policy4 保险代理insurance agent5 保险单policy; insurance policy4 保险单据insurance document4 保险担保guarantee of insurance5 保险费premium4 保险公司insurance company4 保险合同insurance treaty5 保险回扣insurance rebate3 保险金(保险收入)insurance proceeds5 保险金得益benefit5 保险金额sum of insurance;amount insured3 保险经纪人insurance broker4 保险客户policy holder5 保险率费premium rate4 保险赔偿insurance indemnity5 保险人;承保人insurer3 保险索赔insurance claim3 保险条例(中国人民保险公司)CIC (China Insurance Clause)3 保险物interest insured4 保险性存货(以应付万一)decoupling inventory3 保险佣金insurance commission4 保险责任insurance liability3 保险责任终止termination of risk3 保险帐目underwriting account3 保险证明书cover note4 保险种类kinds of insurance5 保证金;利润margin4 保证信用证confirmed L/ C3 保证重量weight guaranteed3 保质保量quality and quantity assured3 报关customs declaration; clearance of goods; apply to the customs 5 报关单;舱单manifest3 报关附税payment of duty5 报价quotation4 报税make a statement of dutiable goods4 报税通知单;报关单bill of entry5 报销reimburse5 暴跌break4 备忘录memorandum3 备用信用证stand by credit5 背书endorsement5 被解雇的;过多的redundant5 被面试的人interviewee5 被任命人appointee5 被诉方defendant4 被通知人notify party5 本地银行local bank4 本国货币domestic currency, local currenc4 本利capital and interest;principal and interest3 本票;期票promissory note5 比率ratio5 闭关自守autarchy3 边际生产力marginal productivity5 边境贸易border trade; frontier trade4 编制预算preparing a budget; making a budget5 贬值depreciation4 变价appraise at the current rate4 标高售价mark-up3 标价posted price5 标签label4 标准standard type3 标准统一Harmonization of Standards5 表现工作情况performance5 饼形图pie chart5 病假sick leave5 病假工资sick note5 拨款allotment; appropriation5 波动fluctuate5 剥夺divest5 驳船lighter3 薄利多销small profits but quick turnover; large sales at a smallprofit4 补偿贸易(或抵偿贸易;往返贸易)compensating / compensatory trade; compen4 补税collection of duty short paid; cover deficit by state subsidies5 补助金allowance; benefit5 补助金;补贴;津贴subsidy5 不变价格;固定价格fixed price; constant price5 不变资本;固定资本fixed capital; constant capital5 不充分就业underemployment5 不定期船tramp4 不定值保单unvalued policy4 不动产,房地产real estate; immovable property3 不动产税real estate tax5 不发达underdevelopment4 不记名支票bearer cheque5 不经济的,浪费uneconomical5 不可撤消的,不能改变的irrevocable4 不可撤销发盘irrevocable offer5 不欠债be out of debt3 不受约束without engagement3 不限期即期装运undefined prompt shipment3 不许转运;不许转船transshipment prohibited3 不足款保险under-insurance3 布雷顿森林体系The Bretton Woods System5 部分segment5 部门division; section5 部门经理助理staff manager5 簿记bookkeeping5 簿记员bookkeeper4 材料管理materials handling3 财产保险property insurance5 财团consortium4 财务报告financial statement4 财务结算financial settlement3 财务事项;金融交易financial transactions5 财务支持backing5 财政public finance4 财政保护financial protection3 财政拨款financial allocations4 财政部the Ministry of Finance5 财政的financial; fiscal4 财政关税revenue tariff5 财政年度fiscal year; financial year4 财政收入financial revenue5 财政税revenue tax5 财政信贷financial credit5 财政援助financial aid5 裁员redundancy5 采购人purchaser3 采取高姿态show magnanimity3 参加工会的工人organized labour5 参考价reference price4 参考样品reference sample5 参考资料reference4 残酷的cut-throat5 仓库depot4 仓至仓条款W / W (warehouse to warehouse)4 舱位shipping space4 草签合同initial a contract5 策划plot3 查船inspection of ships; search of ships4 查禁走私(缉私)prevention of smuggling4 查账;盘账check account4 查账报告audit report5 差额(常指股票买价和卖价)spread5 差额;收支差额balance3 产、供、销production, supply and marketing of products5 产出;产量output3 产地证明书certificate of origin5 产品product4 产品成本cost of goods manufactured3 产品返销product buyback4 产品生命周期product life cycle5 产品说明specification3 产品组合(种类和数量的组合)product mix4 产值output value; value of output4 长期贷款long-term loan3 长期经营long-standing business dealing4 长期投资long-term investment4 长期债务人aged debtors4 长期证券long-term security3 长线产品long-term oversupplied goods; oversupplied products4 偿付借款repayment of loan3 偿付损失settlement of loss5 偿还redemption; refund3 偿还贷款本息pay the principal and interest on the loan theyborrow4 偿还基金redemption fund3 偿还率rate of redemption3 偿还债务settle a debt payment3 偿债基金sinking fund3 偿债能力debt paying ability5 畅销active demand4 畅销best-selling goods3 畅销货article in great demand4 畅销性market ability5 钞票bank note4 钞票;纸币paper money4 超额支出financial expenditure5 超过exceed5 超收overcharge4 超支over-expenditure5 车间flow shop4 撤销合同cancel a contract5 陈列室showroom5 成本cost3 成本保险费加运费CIF, c.i.f.4 成本会计cost accounting5 成本计算costing4 成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F (cost and freight)5 成本价cost price3 成本推进型cost push3 成交conclude business4 成交make a bargain; concude a transaction3 成交额volume of transaction; volume of business5 成交活跃的股票active stock5 成文法statute5 呈送hand in5 承办商contractor3 承包通知单insurance cover note5 承保险别risk covered; risk insured3 承兑信用证acceptance letter of credit4 承兑信用证banker’s acceptance4 承兑银行accepting bank; merchant bank4 承兑支票honor a check3 承接订单execute an order5 承诺commitment5 承认recognise5 承租人lessee4 城市建设附加费city development surcharge3 程租船;程租voyage charter5 持有者holder3 尺码吨measurement ton5 赤字deficit; in the red5 冲突conflict5 抽查test check; sport check3 抽样认可acceptance sampling5 筹借资金financing5 酬金compensation; remuneration5 出厂价格producer price; ex-factory price4 出港许可证port clearance4 出境许可证departure permit; exit permit3 出口包装export packing5 出口包装公司export packer3 出口标准包装export standard packing5 出口补贴export subsidy5 出口管制export control5 出口合同export contract5 出口汇票export bill3 出口加工贸易active improement trade4 出口加工区EPZ (export processing zone)5 出口津贴export subsidy4 出口经营export operation5 出口能力export capability4 出口配额制export quota system5 出口税export duty4 出口退税tax eefund4 出口销售额export sales5 出口信贷export credit3 出口信用证export letter of credit5 出口许口证export licence5 出纳员cashier; pay clerk5 出租人lessor4 除当事人另有约定的以外unless parties have agreed otherwise3 除非较早靠泊unless sooner berthed4 除非使用unless used5 除外责任exclusion5 储备基金;储备资本reserve funds5 储蓄银行savings banks5 处理(事务)dispose5 传阅circulate5 传阅的小册子(传单等)circular3 船舶运输代理人shipping and forwarding agents4 船舱进口报告书report of ship’s entry3 船壳特殊检验special survey for hull5 船员清单crew list4 船只扣留;海关扣留detention of vessel3 串味险risk of odor4 创办资本;最初资本initial capital5 创立set up4 垂直贸易(南北贸易)vertical trade; south-north trade5 纯金fine gold; pure gold5 纯利润;净利net profit5 纯收益;净收入;收益净额net income5 辞职resignation5 辞职申请;离职通知;通知notice4 从量税specific duty5 从事多种经营diversify4 从业人员employed person3 从属信用证subsidiary credit5 粗略地roughly5 促销传单flier(=flyer)4 催债press for payment of debt5 存单depositor3 存积货物carrying stock5 存款savings3 存款单;存款收据deposit receipt; deposit certificate; CD (certificate of deposit)4 存款金额amount deposited4 存款利率deposit rate3 存款利息interest on deposit3 存款政策policy of deposits; inventory policy5 存折bankbook; deposit book5 措辞wording4 达成交易strike a bargain4 达到最有效的基本生产规模MES (minimum efficient scale)5 打包bale packing5 打包机器press5 打发走dismissal3 打假crack down on counterfeit goods5 打入(市场)penetrate4 大东亚共荣圈Greater Far East Co-prosperity Sphere3 大减价bargain sale3 大量订购large-volume commodities; bulk commodity4 大陆架continental shelf3 大陆桥continental bridge; land bridge4 大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality4 大写金额amount in words5 大灾难catastrophe5 大众传媒(如电视、广播、报纸等)mass media3 大众营销术mass-marketing3 大宗商品stample commodity3 呆滞商品drug in the market4 呆滞资产bad assets5 代理人agent3 代理手续费agency commission4 代理协议agency agreement5 代理业务agent-service3 代销offer for sale; sale on a commission basis4 贷款loaning money3 贷款利率lending rate5 贷款条件term of loan4 贷款协定;借款契约loan agreement4 贷款账户loan account3 贷款总额loan ceiling5 袋装货cargo in bag4 单边出口unilateral export5 单边主义unilateralism3 单纯支付clean / simple payment4 单独海损PA (particular average)5 单价unit price4 单利simple interest5 单式簿记single-entry5 单位unit4 单位成本unit cost4 单一的实体single entity4 单一市场Single Market5 弹性工作时间制flextime3 弹性预算flexible budget5 淡季的off-season4 淡水雨淋险FWRD (fresh water rain damage)3 当地信用证local letter of credit3 当事人之间私下和解amicable settlement between two parties freight4 到期全部付清be paid in full at the appointed time5 到期日,偿还日maturity3 到期未付清的负债matured liabilities unpaid5 得到供货sourcing5 登记注册的listed5 低潮hard times4 低档(风险)债券,垃圾债券junk bonds3 低档商品市场down-market5 低效率inefficiency3 抵偿贸易政策compensation trade policy4 抵达海水吃水salt water arrival draft3 抵抗全球经济衰退combat the global economic slump4 抵押mortgage4 抵押贷款mortgage lending4 抵押金mortgage money3 抵押契约mortgage agreement4 抵押银行mortgage bank5 抵制boycott4 地方公务员local public service employee5 地区region3 地租land tax3 递交辞呈hand in one's notice5 递盘bidding3 缔结合同conclude a contract3 缔约方contracting party5 电话销售telesales4 电汇telegraphic transfer; telegraphically remit4 电脑操作员key puncher4 电讯telegraphic communication3 奠基仪式foundation stone laying ceremony5 调查survey3 调解人re-conciliator5 调遣dispatch3 调整前预算表trial balance before adjustment5 订单order sheet; indent5 订购;订货book; place an order for5 订货合同contract for goods4 定金earnest money4 定期付款payment on term5 定期增加increment5 定向orient5 定向发行introduction3 董事会Board of Directors4 动产movable property5 动机motive5 冻结资本frozen fund5 冻结资金frozen capital5 独家代理exclusive agency; sole agency4 独家分销商sole distributor4 独家经营/ 包销/ 代理协议exclusivity agreement4 独家专营权exclusive right4 独立经营individual proprietorship5 独占资本monopoly capital3 短量险risk of shortage5 短期贷款short-term loan4 短期汇票short-term draft5 短期借款short loan; short-term borrowing3 短期外债short term external debt5 短期信贷short term credit3 短期证券short-term security5 短缺scarcity3 短线产品goods in shor supply; undersupplied products4 对冲基金hedge fund4 对等样品counter sample3 对货物(合同、订单等)的保险insurance on goods (contract, order, etc.)5 对手competitor, rival5 对外贸易external trade; foreign trade3 对消贸易(抵偿贸易)counter trade4 兑付honour (a cheque)5 兑现pay cash; cash a cheque3 吨位证书tonnage certificate3 囤积价值carrying value3 多边环境协议Multilateral Environmental Agreement4 多边贸易multilateral trade5 多边主义multilateralism5 多付(款)overpay4 多级管理multiple management5 多头bull4 多头买升buying long4 多头执法duplicate law enforcement5 多样化variety4 额定投资;法定资本;核定资本authorized capital4 额外保险excess insurance3 额外保险费extra premium5 额外待遇(交通、保健、保险等)perk4 额外投资additional investment5 恶劣天气heavy weather二级词汇3 发货deliver goods4 发货人提供的重量shipper's weights4 发价make an offer5 发盘offer5 发盘的撤销5 发盘的修改modification; revocation5 发盘人offerer5 发票invoice4 发实盘offer firm5 发行股票issue; float4 发行价格issue price5 发言人spokesman5 发展中的developing5 发证行issuing bank5 罚金;罚金条款penalty5 法定贬值devaluation5 法定的statutory3 法定货币lawful money; legal tender3 法定利率legal interest4 法定契约contract by deed5 法定升值;使货币升值;重估价revaluation3 法人税;公司税corporation tax3 法庭调解reconciliation by court3 反补贴税Countervailing Duty5 反馈feedback4 反倾销措施anti-dumping measures against3 反倾销税antidumping duty5 返销buy back4 防潮包装damp-proof packingdefuse financial risks4 防伪标志anti-fake label3 放宽利率liberalization of interest rates5 放行release3 非凡的牛市raging bull3 非关税堡垒non-tariff barrier3 非技术工人unskilled worker4 非居民账户non-resident account3 非配额产品quota-free products3 非歧视Non-discrimination4 非专门设计的off-the-shelf5 废料或废品scrap5 费用expense5 分包(工程项目),转包;承包合同subcontract 3 分保(在保险)re- insurance5 分发,分送产品distribution4 分股share split up4 分红share profit; receive dividends4 分阶段停止使用phase out5 分类帐;账本(账册、账簿)subsidiary account; ledger 3 分批运输partial transport5 分期偿还amortize5 分期偿还贷款term loan4 分期付款installment buying; purchase in installment3 分期付款购物法hire purchase3 分摊费用apportionment of expenses3 分业管理、规模经营business segregation, economy of scale4 风险分级classification of risk3 风险基金;风险资本venture capital3 风险意识consciousness of risk prevention3 风险准备金loan loss provision; provisions of risk5 风险资本risk capital5 福利welfare3 付款(交货)against payment3 付款交单document against payment (DP)5 付款凭单voucher5 付款台checkout5 负债;债务liability; get into debt3 附寄一张支票已清偿enclose a check in settlement of3 附加费用additional charges; extra charges4 附加福利fringe benefits5 附加工资extra wage; supplementary wage4 附加津贴fringe benefits5 附加税surtax4 附加资本supplementary capital; additional paid-in capital5 附件appendix5 附录attachment4 复利(复息)compound interest4 复式簿记double-entry5 复苏recovery5 复样duplicate sample5 副本copy5 副产品by-product5 副职deputy3 概算financial estimates3 岗位津贴job subsidies3 港口附加费port surcharge3 港口税port dues5 杠杆比率leverage4 高层管理人员senior management3 高度机密strictly confidential5 高额定价,撇奶油式定价skimming5 革新innovate3 格式合同model contract4 个别资本individual capital4 个人贷款personal loan4 个人收入personal income3 个人所得税individual income tax4 个人自愿计划voluntary private plans4 个体经济individual economy3 个体经营privately or individually-owned business4 个体经营者individual operator3 个体商贩individual traders and peddlers3 各费付讫charges paid4 给予折扣discount granted5 根据订单against order4 根据订货而生产的产品make-to-order3 跟单汇票documentary bill3 跟单信用证documentary letter of credit5 工厂的布局layout5 工厂的总产量throughput4 工厂负责人plant manager4 工会trade union4 工会代表工人与资方代表达成的collective agreement4 工会管事shop steward5 工商业界business circle4 工商资金industrial and commercial funds3 工团主义trade unionism3 工团主义者trade unionist3 工业(实业)股票industrial stock3 工业流动资金industrial circulating funds3 工业展览会industrial exhibition3 工艺精良sophisticated technology5 工资wage; earnings5 工资冻结wage freeze5 工资或薪金收入,经营或投资的收入income3 工资指数wage index5 工作量workload4 工作轮换job rotation4 工作情况评估performance appraisal5 工作日working day5 工作时间working hours5 工作说明;职务说明job description4 工作条件working conditions3 工作位置work station5 工作许可证work permit5 公布;做广告advertise5 公差tolerance4 公共成分;公共部门;公有企业public sector4 公共投资public investment4 公开发行public issue4 公开上市交易的公司Publicly Traded Companies 3 公开市场业务Open-Market Operations5 公路通行税road toll3 公路运输road transport5 公平交易fair trade5 公司company; firm5 公司的长期目标和原则mission5 公司帐目books3 公司组织机构图organisation chart4 公务员public servants4 公益金public accumulation funds; public reserve funds4 公制the metric system5 公众,(有共同兴趣的)一群人或社会人士publics 5 供不应求demand over supply3 供不应求in short supply3 供不应求的市场tight market5 供最后选择的候选人名单shortlist3 共同价contracted price4 共同商议collective discussion5 贡持有人,股东shareholder5 贡持有人,股东;股票持有人stockholder5 贡经纪人stock-jobber4 贡投资stock investment4 钩损险hook damage4 购货单purchase note4 购货合同;购买合同;买卖合同purchase contract5 购货请求buying requisition3 购货转销buying for resale5 购买purchase5 购买力buying power; purchasing power3 估计价estimated price4 估计需求estimated demand5 估价;评定assess5 估算reckon4 股本;股本资本capital stock; equity capital5 股东;股票持有人shareholder3 股东年会annual general meeting5 股东权益equity5 股份share5 股份公司;证券公司stock company; joint-stock company3 股份合作joint stock partnership4 股金share capital4 股利收入income gain4 股面价格, 票面价格 par value5 股票stock4 股票发行stock issue5 股票公司job firm5 股票过户stock transfer5 股票交易额;营业额;员工流动的比率turnover4 股票交易所;贡市场;证券交易所stock exchange5 股票经纪人;贡经纪人stockbroker4 股票买卖;股票交易buying and selling stocks5 股票商人stock jobber4 股票值share worth4 股票指数share index; stock index3 股权分置改革Share-merger reform5 股息dividend4 固定工permanent worker3 固定汇率fixed exchange rate5 固定价格regular price5 固定收入fixed income3 固定收益constant return3 固定资产fixed assets5 顾客化customise4 雇佣工人salary earner5 雇员名单,工资表payroll5 关税tariff; customs duty5 关税堡垒tariff barrier3 关税合并(关税同化)mergence of tariff3 关税收入customs revenue3 官价official price5 管理部门management5 管理人员的,管理方面的managerial4 管理帐目management accounts5 管辖(权)jurisdiction4 管账keeping accounts3 管制经济controlled economy3 惯常包装usual packing4 惯例established practice3 惯性增长率inertial growth rate3 光票clean bill5 广告牌;招贴板billboard5 广告业advertising5 广告印刷传单leaflet4 归个人支配的收入disposable personal income5 规格specifications3 规格不符different specification4 规格齐全complete in specifications4 规模经济scale economy / economies of scale4 规模经营优势advantage of economies of scale5 国定利息fixed interest4 国防公债defense bond4 国防支出expenditure on national defense3 国合企业(即国有合作社)state-owned cooperatives4 国籍证书certificate of registry3 国际(商会)贸易术语解释通则International Chamber of Commerce Terms5 国际储备international reserve3 国际货币基金international monetary fund(the IMF)5 国际贸易international trade4 国际贸易值;国贸值value of international trade4 国际收入international trade of payments4 国际收支balance of international payments; international reven and expenditure4 国家补贴public subsidies3 国家公务员national public servant3 国家经济预算nation’s economic budget4 国家垄断state monopoly4 国家收入national revenue3 国家收支national balance sheet3 国家投资拨款appropriation for state investment4 国家现汇结存state foreign exchange reserves5 国库state treasury4 国库券state treasury bonds5 国库收入public revenue4 国贸地区分布international trade by regions4 国贸量quantum of international trade5 国民收入;国收入national income3 国民素质the populace's cultivation5 国内储蓄domestic saving4 国内汇兑domestic exchange; home exchange5 国内税internal tax3 国内信用证supplementary credit; domestic credit5 国内银行domestic bank5 国税national tax; state tax3 国外配额allocated quota3 国外支付external payment3 国营铁路职员nation railroad man5 国债national debt; government loan5 过渡期间;中期interim4 过渡政府interim government5 过户assigned3 过境货物监管supervision and control over transit cargo4 过境贸易;转口贸易transit trade5 海关the customs; custom house3 海关保税;海关罚款customs bond3 海关发票customs invoice5 海关法customs law3 海关关长customs commissioner4 海关关封customs seal3 海关监督customs supervision4 海关人员customs officer; customs official4 海关验货单particular paper for examination3 海损保险单average policy3 海损理算书adjustment letter4 海外贸易overseas trade4 海洋运输ocean transport; marine transport4 含金量gold content4 航次期租time charter trip3 航空保险aviation insurance4 航空运输air transport5 好主意,好点子gimmick5 号码簿;指南directory4 合并(公司,企业等的)amalgamation; merger5 合格产品zero defect5 合伙企业;合伙(关系)partnership4 合理时间reasonable time3 合理引导消费guide rational consumption3 合同编号contract serial number3 合同到期expiration of contract5 合同法contract law3 合同规定的保证contract guarantee3 合同规定的义务contractual liability4 合同履行contract performance3 合同期限contract period5 合同条款contract clause; contract terms5 合同条款treaty article3 合约价exercise price3 合资经营企业joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investmemts5 合作者collaborator4 核算adjust accounts3 核算预算收支数字preparing the budgeted figures for revenue and expenditure3 核账auditing accounts; examine and approve5 黑名单,禁止贸易的(货物、公司及个人)名单black list3 黑色星期一,指1987年10月国际股票市场崩溃的日子black Monday4 黑市交易black market operations4 衡量标准benchmark4 红筹股red chips5 红利bonus; dividend3 红条款信用证letter of credit with red clause3 宏观经济的macroeconomic4 互购贸易counter purchase4 互惠贸易政策reciprocal trade policy3 互惠协定reciprocal agreement5 花费expenditure5 花色(搭配)assortment4 华尔街Wall Street3 划线支票crossed cheque5 坏帐、呆帐、死帐bad loan3 还本付息pay principal and interest4 还款保证书repayment guarantee3 还盘counter offer4 还清债务pay off a debt5 还债pay a debt4 缓冲基金,平准基金buffer fund5 换班工作shift work4 换文exchange of letter4 黄金储备gold reserve4 黄金输送点gold points2 黄金外汇储备gold and foreign currency reserves5 恢复restore4 回报率rate of return5 回扣rebate4 回佣return commission .5 汇兑exchange3 汇兑银行exchange bank4 汇价rate of exchanges; exchange quotation4 汇率;汇兑率rate of exchange; exchange rate3 汇率波动的官定上下限official upper and lower limits of fluctuation5 会计accountant5 会计长accountant general3 会计档案accounting archives5 会计工作;会计行业accountancy5 会计学accounting5 会计帐目account5 会签countersign4 贿赂backhander4 混合经济mixed economy3 混合销售/ 兼营 mixed sales / concurrent business4 混合预算combination budget3 活期存单demand certificate4 活期存款current deposit3 活期利率rate of call3 活期利息current interest4 活页分类账loose-leaf ledger5 火险fire insurance4 火险契约fire contract3 或有费用contingent expenses; contingencies5 货币,流通;通货currency4 货币存款money on deposit3 货币单位unit of currency3 货币发行issue paper money; monetary issue5 货币供应money supply3 货币化monetization3 货币汇率monetary exchange rate4 货币交换exchange through money3 货币利息monetary interest3 货币联盟Monetary Union5 货币收入money income4 货币投资monetary investment5 货币危机monetary crisis4 货币选择权(期货)currency option5 货币主义者monetariest5 货币资本money capital5 货柜货cargo in container5 货号article No.4 货架期(商品可以陈列在货架上的时间)shelf-life3 货物税;商品税commodity tax4 货物账goods account3 货运集装箱freight container5 货栈warehouse4 获得利润earn a profit5 机会opportunity5 机器元件、组件、部件,部分component5 积极性,能动性drive5 积压(工作或订货)backlog5 基本工资base wage; regular pay5 基本建设infrastructure3 基本建设费用capital construction input; capital expenditure3 基本消耗capital consumption4 基层负责人line manager4 基层文化建设primary-level cultural undertakings5 基础工资basic wage5 基价base price4 基数cardinal number3 缉私人员coast guard5 激发……的积极性;激励motivate3 即期承兑immediate acceptance4 即期存款deposit at call4 即期存款;活期存款demand deposit4 即期付款payment at sight3 即期付款单document against payment-sight4 即期汇兑sight exchange4 即期汇票demand draft3 即期装运prompt shipments5 急速上升,直线上升rocket3 集合保险单comprehensive policy5 集市贸易market fairs5 集体经济collective economy5 集体商业collective coommerce5 集团(由若干公司联合而成)group5 集中concentration3 集中营销策略concentrated marketing3 集装箱货运站container freight station4 集装箱运输container transport5 集资collect money4 集资入股collective investment5 计划成本planned costs4 计划经济planned economy5 计划书,说明书prospectus3 计划数字planned figures4 计件工资piecework wage4 计件工作piecework work5 计日工资;日工资daily wage4 计时工资wage rate per hour; hourly wages; time wage5 计时工作timework work3 计算机辅助设计CAD (computer aided design)3 计算机数据处理DP(=data processing)4 记名帐nominal ledger5 记入帐户的借方;借方debit4 记账keep accounts4 记账结算settlement on account4 记账日期date of entry4 记账员ledger clerk5 技术工人skilled worker5 季节工seasonal worker5 季节工作seasonal work4 季节性调价seasonal price adjustments3 季节性调整seasonal adjustment4 季节性失业seasonal unemployment3 既成事实established / accomplished facts3 继承税inheritance tax5 寄售consignment3 寄托信用证escrow credit5 加班overtime5 加班费overtime pay3 加工transformation3 加工精细finely processed3 加工贸易processing trade4 家庭经济household economy4 家庭经营household management production4 家庭手工业household handicrafs5 价格price5 价格很低的knockdown5 价格收益比率price-earning ratio5 价值valuation4 价值如原保单所载value as in original policy3 假冒伪劣商品counterfeit and substandard goods3 假账dummy account; false account3 间接标价indirect quotation5 间接成本indirect costs5 间接费用,管理费用overhead expenses4 间接过境贸易indirect transit trade4 间接贸易indirect trade3 间接损失consequential damages5 监督surveillance5 监督人,管理人supervisor5 减除成本deductibe costs5 减价reduce price5 减少reduction3 减税tax reduction5 检查fiscality; review3 检查账目examining accounts5 检验证书inspection certificate5 简介形象特征profile5 建立信誉build up a dreputaion3 建设节约型社会build a conservation-conscious society 3 将获利进行再投资plough back3 将市场划分成不同的部门segmentation5 奖金bonus; dividend4 奖券lottery ticket5 交货delivery3 交货付款cash on delivery4 交货时间time of delivery5 交易transaction3 交易磋商business negotiation5 接管takeover5 接管人;清算人receiver3 节流reduce expenditure5 结关clearance3 结汇settlement of exchange4 结算;结账settling account5 结账日期closing date3 结账整理closing adjustment5 结转carrying over3 解除合同义务条件condition subsequent5 解雇sack, fire4 解决问题trouble-shooting5 解释;说明account for4 借贷业务lending and borrowing business5 借据IOUs(I owe you); receipt for a loan4 借款borrow money5 借款人borrower3 借款条件condition of a loan4 借入资本borrow capital; debt capital4 借外债contract a foreign loan4 金本位制度gold standard5 金币gold coin5 金额amount5 金货币gold money5 金库national treasury5 金库存款treasury deposit4 金平价gold standard3 金券gold certificate5 金融banking; finance5 金融工具Financial Instrument3 金融管理monetary management4 金融汇率financial rate4 金融机构banking institution4 金融信托公司financial trust4 金融政策monetary policy5 金融指数financial index5 金融制度monetary system5 金融中心financial center; banking center4 金融资本financial capital5 金条gold bar3 金属货币metallic currency5 津贴allowance3 仅供参考for reference only3 进货purchase ledger3 进口额外费import surcharge3 进口管制import control3 进口汇票import bill3 进口申报import declaration4 进口税import duty3 进口替代import substitution3 进口信用证import letter of credit4 进口许口证import licence4 进入市场(的机会)access to market5 经费;开销outlay5 经纪人broker3 经济刺激economic stimulus5 经济复原economic recovery4 经济管理体制economic management system5 经济好转turnabout5 经济平衡economic balance5 经济趋势economic trend4 经济渠道economic channels3 经济人佣金brokerage fee4 经济商行brokerage firm4 经济衰退economic depression4 经济特区special economic zone3 经济腾飞economic take-off5 经济稳定economic stability4 经济形势economic situation3 经济循环circlar flow of economy5 经济展览会economic exhibition5 经济政策economic policy4 经济制裁economic sanction4 经久耐用durable in use5 经理manager; director3 经签证的副本certified copy5 经营handle5 经营成本;营业成本;生产费用operating cost 5 经营原则business principle5 精简机构;提高效率streamline3 精明的讨价还价交易horse-trading4 景气衰退business recession5 景气停滞doldrums5 警告性标志warning mark5 净出口net-export5 净价net price5 净进口net-import4 净亏损dead loss3 净利润net margin5 净重net weight5 竞争cpmpetition5 竞争者competitor,rival5 静坐;罢工sit-down strike; down tools4 久负盛名have a long standing reputation5 救济relief4 救助费用salvage charges3 救助损失salvage loss5 就职induction3 矩阵管理matrix management3 巨额利润huge profit4 拒付dishonor (a cheque)5 拒绝reject3 卷装货cargo in coil; cargo in roll。



上海市职工代表大会条例(英文版)Regulations of the Shanghai Municipality on the Workers Congress (Adopted at the 23rd Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on December 23, 2010)Chapter I General ProvisionsArticle 1 In order to protect the democratic rights of workers and staff members, to build harmonious and stable labor relationship and to promote the common development of workers and staff members, enterprises, public institutions and privately-runnon-enterprise units and other organizations, the present Regulations are formulated in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China, the Labor Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Trade Union Law of the People’s Republic of China, t he Company Law of the People’s Republic of China, the Labor Contract Law of the People’s Republic of China and other relevant laws and administrative regulations and in the light of the actual situation in this Municipality.Article 2 The present Regulations shall apply to all enterprises, public institutions and privately-run non-enterprise units and other organizations (hereinafter referred toas“enterprises and public institutions”), which establish and implement the Workers Congress System in the administrative area of this Municipality.Article 3 Enterprises and public institutions shall establish the Workers Congress System.The Workers Congress should be held in enterprises and public institutions with 100 and more workers and staff members; usually general meeting of workers and staff members should be held in enterprises and public institutions where workers and staff members are less than 100.The Workers Congress (or general meeting of workers and staff members, the same below) is the basic democratic management form of enterprises and public institutions, an important system for coordinating the labor relation and a setup for workers and staff members to exercise their democratic management rights.The Workers Congress should fully promote democracy and implement the majority rule.Article 4 Enterprises and public institutions shall guarantee that the Workers Congress exercises its functions and powers in accordance with laws, and ensure that the workers and staff members have their statutory rights to stay informed, participate, express their views and supervise.Through the Workers Congress, workers and staff members shall participate in the democratic management of enterprises and public institutions in accordance with laws, support the legitimate production operation and management activities and safeguard their own legitimate rights and interests.Article 5 Trade unions of enterprises and public institutions are the operating mechanism of the Workers Congress and undertake its daily work.Article 6 The people’s government at various levels and its competent authorities of the state-owned assets, education, health, etc. as well as the administrative departments of human resources and social security shall guide and urge enterprises and public institutions to implement the Workers Congress System.Article 7 Trade unions at higher level, industrial associations and relative syndicates shall guide and help the enterprises and public institutions to establish and improve th e Workers Congress System.Chapter II AuthoritiesArticle 8 The Workers Congress exercises its authorities in accordance with laws to deliberate suggestion, to examine and adopt, to investigate and supervise, to democratically elect and democratically appraise.Article 9 The following matters shall be reported and examined by the Workers Congress, and the opinions of workers and staff members representatives of the Workers Congress (hereinafter referred to as“workers and staff members representatives”) shall be considered:(1) The development plans, annual operation management situations and important decisions of enterprises and public institutions;(2) Formulation, revision and decisions made by enterprises and public institutions about the rules and regulations or major issues, which concerned with the immediate interests of workers and staff members;(3) The collective consultation between trade unions and enterprises for remuneration adjustment, economic lay-offs, mass labor disputes, and serious hidden dangers or occupational hazards and other matters identified in the production process;(4) The working status of the operating mechanism of the Workers Congress and the matters for consultation and settlement at the joint conference;(5) Such important matters as financial budget and final statements, restructuring programs and major reform measures as well as bankruptcy application or dissolution of the state-owned, collective and holding enterprises;(6) Such important matters as financial budget and final statements, major restructuring programs of public institutions;(7) Other matters stipulated by laws, rules and regulations, or agreed by enterprises and public institutions and trade unions through consultation, which shall be reported to the Workers Congress.Article 10 The following matters shall be reported to the Workers Congress for examination and adoption.(1) The draft collective agreements concerning labor remuneration, working hours, rest and vocations, insurance and welfare, etc.;(2) The draft specialized collective agreements concerning remuneration adjustment mechanism, protection of the rights and interests of female workers and staff members, working safety and health, etc.;(3) Such matters as the remuneration system, welfare system, labor management system, education and training system for the workers and staff members, the resettlement programs concerning workers and staff members in the reform and restructuring, and other important matters concerning the immediate interests of workers and staff members, which are planned out by the state-owned, collective and holding enterprises;(4) Such matters as the appointment, evaluation and performance rewards and penalties, the principle and approach for revenue allocation, welfare system of workers and staff members, the resettlement programs concerning workers and staff members in the reform and restructuring, and other important matters concerning the immediate interests of workers and staff members, which are planned out by the public institutions;(5) Other matters stipulated by laws, rules and regulations, or agreed by enterprises and public institutions and trade unions through consultation, which shall be submitted to the Workers Congress for examination and adoption.Article 11 The following matters shall be reported to the Workers Congress, and shall be subject to examination and supervision:(1) The handling status of the proposals raised by the Workers Congress;(2) The implementation status of the important matters examined and adopted by the Workers Congress;(3) The performance status of the collective agreements and specialized collective agreements;(4) The implementation status of working safety and health standards, payment of social insurance premiums, withdrawal and use of education and training funds of workers and staff members, etc.;(5) Other matters stipulated by laws, rules and regulations, or agreed by enterprises and public institutions and trade unions through consultation, which shall be reported to the Workers Congress and be subject to examination and supervision.Article 12 The following personnel shall be elected democratically by the Workers Congress:(1) Members of the democratic management panel (committee);(2) Workers and staff members representatives in the board of directors and the board of supervisors;(3) Other personnel stipulated by laws, rules and regulations, or agreed by enterprises and public institutions and trade unions through consultation shall be elected democratically by the Workers Congress.Article 13 The following personnel shall be appraised democratically by the Workers Congress:(1) Workers and staff members representatives in the board of directors and the board of supervisors;(2) Senior managerial personnel in the state-owned, collective and holding enterprises, and person in charge of public institutions, and other personnel are subject todemocratic appraisal by the Workers Congress in accordance with the relevant provisions of this Municipality;(3) Other personnel stipulated by laws, rules and regulations, or agreed by enterprises and public institutions and trade unions through consultation are subject to democratic appraisal by the Workers Congress.Chapter III Workers and staff members Representatives Article 14 Workers and staff members of enterprises and public institutions can be elected as workers and staff members representatives.Workers and staff members representatives are democratically elected by workers and staff members, where the permanent tenure system is implemented and workers and staff members representatives can be reelected. Their term of office is same as the term of the Workers Congress.Branch companies, branch institutions (schools), departments, teams, sections, etc. are usually taken as the constituencies for the election of workers and staff members representatives. More than two thirds of all workers and staff members in a constituency shall participate in the election. The candidates with more than half of affirmative votes of all workers and staff members can be elected. The election results shall be published.Article 15 Workers and staff members representatives shall be constituted mainly by the front line workers and staff members, where the middle and senior managerial personnel shall not be more than 20%. But for the trans-regional and cross-industry large-scale group enterprises, the proportion can be increased appropriately. The proportion of female workers and staff members representatives usually adapts to that of the female workers and staff members in the unit.For enterprises and public institutions in the fields of education, science and technology, culture, health, etc., workers and staff members representatives of which shallmainly be composed of the personnel directly involved in the professional and technical work.Article 16 The rights of workers and staff members representatives:(1) Have the right to elect, to be elected, deliberate and vote in the Workers Congress;(2) Have the right to know, make proposals for, participate in and supervise important matters concerning the unit development and the rights and interests of workers and staff members;(3) Participate in such activities concerning the duty performance of workers and staff members representatives as training and inspection;(4) Be regarded as normal attendance and enjoy due welfare treatment when the duty performance is implemented during the production and working hours.Article 17 The obligations of workers and staff members representatives:(1) Learn and publicize relevant laws, rules and regulations and policies, improve their own qualities, enhance the ability to participate in democratic management, strive to complete their duties well;(2) Contact workers and staff members in the constituency, listen to their opinions and suggestions, and express their wishes and demands;(3) Implement the resolutions of the Workers Congress and perform relevant work assigned by the Workers Congress;(4) Timely notify workers and staff members in the constituency the information about participating in the activities of the Workers Congress and duty performance, accept appraisal and supervision;(5) Strictly abide by rules and regulations of the unit, keep business secrets.Article 18 In case vacancies occur in workers and staff members representatives,by-election shall be held in time in accordance with the prescribed democratic process in the original constituency. The election results shall be published.Workers and staff members representatives shall be recalled for not performing without any reason or cannot fulfill the relevant duties, shall be agreed by more than half of all workers and staff members of the original constituency.Article 19 when workers and staff members representatives exercise their rights in accordance with laws, any organization or individual shall not suppress, obstruct o r revenge.Chapter IV Organizational SystemArticle 20 The quota of workers and staff members representatives in the Workers Congress of enterprises and public institutions shall be determined in accordance with the following provisions:(1) Where the number of workers and staff members is 100 to 3000, the base quota of workers and staff members representatives shall be 30. The increase of quota shall not be less than 5 for the increase of every 100 workers and staff members.(2) Where the number of workers and staff members is more than 3000, the quota of workers and staff members representatives shall not be less than 175.(3) Where the number of workers and staff members is less than 100 and the Workers Congress System is implemented, the quota of workers and staff members representatives shall not be less than 30.The Workers Congress can set nonvoting representatives in accordance with the actual requirements. The nonvoting representatives have no right to vote or elect.Article 21 The term of office of the Workers Congress is three to five years. Where the term of office of the Workers Congress needs to be extended for any reason, the extension shall not be more than one year.The Workers Congress shall hold a meeting at least once a year. The Workers Congress can be held correspondingly when it is proposed by enterprises and public institutions, trade unions or more than one third of workers and staff members representatives.Article 22 The presidium elected by the Workers Congress shall Regulations of the Shanghai Municipality on the Workers Congress preside over the meeting and deal with relevant significant matters during the period. The number of presidium shall not be less than 7 with the proportion of the front line workers no less than 50%.Article 23 The Workers Congress can establish a number of democratic management panels (committees) to organize workers and staff members representatives for carrying out democratic management activities and handle relevant matters assigned by the Workers Congress. The principal of panel (committee) shall be taken charge by workers and staff members representatives.Article 24 When the Workers Congress is not in session, except for matters stipulated by laws, rules and regulations to be submitted to the Workers Congress for examination and adoption, a joint conference of the Workers Congress can be held in enterprises and public institutions to handle the important matters through consultation, which are required to be handled in time. The result shall be reported to the next Workers Congress.The joint conference shall be convened by trade unions. The attendance of the conference shall be the head of workers and staff members representatives group (team), the principal of the democratic management panel (committee), the members of the presidium and trade union committee members.Article 25 The branch companies (factory), branch institutions (schools) subordinated to enterprises and public institutions shall establish the Workers Congress System and exercise the democratic management rights of workers and staff members correspondin g to its managementauthority.Article 26 The fund of the Workers Congress shall be disbursed from the management cost of enterprises and public institutions.Chapter V Rules of ProcedureArticle 27 The Workers Congress must be convened with more than two thirds of all workers and staff members representatives to attend.Article 28 The subject and agenda of the Workers Congress shall be consulted and determined by enterprises and public institutions and trade unions.Article 29 The written materials submitted to the Workers Congress for examination and vote shall be sent to workers and staff members representatives seven days prior to the convening of the Workers Congress; workers and staff members representatives group (team) shall organize workers and staff members representatives for discussion, and trade unions shall collect and sort out the opinions and suggestions of workers and staff members representatives in time.Where workers and staff members representatives have big disagreement on important matters concerning the immediate interests of workers and staff members, enterprises and public institutions and trade unions shall make revision upon consultation according to the opinions of workers and staff members representatives, and re submit to the Workers Congress for examination.Article 30 The secret ballot method shall be taken for the examination and adoption of the Workers Congress where the adoption is based on winning affirmative votes of more than half of workers and staff members representatives.Article 31 The matters and resolutions examined and adopted by the Workers Congress shall be published to all workers and staff members after the adjournment.Article 32 Trade unions of enterprises and public institutions have the right to request rectification, and enterprises and public institutions shall make corresponding rectification according to the requirements where the matters, which shall be submitted to the Workers Congress for examination in accordance with laws, rules and regulations, are not submitted in accordance with legal procedures.The relevant decision made by enterprises and public institutions shall not be binding on workers and staff members where the matters, which shall be submitted to the Workers Congress for examination and adoption in accordance with laws, rules and regulations, are not submitted in accordance with legal procedures.Article 33 The matters examined and adopted in the scope of the authority of the Workers Congress shall be binding on the present unit and all workers and staff members, which must not be changed without reconsideration and re-adoption by the Workers Congress.Chapter VI Operating MechanismArticle 34 Trade unions of enterprises and public institutions shall perform the following responsibilities during the preparation and convening of the Workers Congress:(1)Organize and carry out election, replacement, training, etc. of workers and staff members representatives;(2)Prepare the relevant documents for the Workers Congress;(3)Propose the suggested candidate list for presidium, democratic management panel (committee), and workers and staff members representatives in the board of directors and the board of supervisors.(4)Carry out collective consultation with enterprises and public institutions on behalf of workers and staff members, form the draft collective agreements, draft specialized collective agreements and drafting description, collective consultation reports, etc.;(5) Organize workers and staff members representatives group (team) to discuss the issues submitted to the Workers Congress for examination and vote before and in the meeting, collect and sort out relevant opinions and consult with enterprises and public institutions for rectification;(6) Be responsible for other preparation and organizational work of the Workers Congress.Article 35 When the Workers Congress is not in session, trade unions of enterprises and public institutions shall perform the following responsibilities:(1) Mobilize workers and staff members to implement resolutions adopted by the Workers Congress, and urge the implementation of resolutions and handling of proposals;(2) Establish contact system with workers and staff members representatives, accept the complaints and proposals from workers and staff members representatives, maintain their legitimate rights and interests;(3) Organize workers and staff members representatives and democratic management panel (committee) to carry out such daily democratic management activities as making proposals, inspection and quality evaluation;(4) Complete other work assigned by the Workers Congress.Article 36 Within seven working days since the adjournment of the Workers Congress, trade unions of enterprises and public institutions shall report the relevant information to the trade unions at higher level.Chapter VII Area-wide and Industry-wide Workers Congress Article 37 The enterprises in the same communities, industrial parks or commercial buildings can jointly establish area-wide Workers Congress. The enterprises with the same or similar production or operation business can establish industry-wide Workers Congress.The operating mechanism of the area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress is the area-wide and industry-wide trade unions.The township and town people’s governments and subdistrict offices shall actively promote the establishment of area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress, support and protect its normal operation of the Workers Congress System.Article 38 The area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress shall exercise the following responsibilities:(1) Listen to the area-wide and industry-wide status report about implementing labor laws, rules and regulations and policies as well as the area-wide and industry-wide labor relations report, and put forward opinions and suggestions;(2) Examine such important matters directly concerning the immediate interests of workers and staff members as the labor remuneration, working hours, rest and vacations, labor safety and health, insurance and welfare, training programs for workers and staff members and labor quotas, etc., and put forward opinions and suggestions;(3) Examine and adopt area-wide and industry-wide draft collective agreements as well as the draft specialized collective agreements;(4) Examine and supervise the enterprises in implementation of laborlaws and rules and regulations, of decisions adopted by the area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress, and of the area-wide and industry-wide collective agreements;(5) Other responsibilities shall be exercised by the area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress.Article 39 The number and composition of workers and staff members representatives in the area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress shall be determined through consultation between trade unions and enterprises in the same area or industry. The constituencies shall be set up according to the actual situation. Workers and staff members shall be organized to democratically elect their representatives in proportion.The number of workers and staff members representatives in the area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress shall not be less than 30, of which the managerial personnel shall not be more than 30% and the front line workers and staff members shall not be less than 50%.Article 40 The collective agreements and the specialized collective agreements as well as relevant resolutions adopted by the area-wide or industry-wide Workers Congress shall be published to all workers and staff members.Article 41 The organizational system, rules of procedure, and the responsibilities of operating mechanism of the area-wide and industry-wide Workers Congress shall be implemented according to the relevant provisions of the Workers Congress of enterprises and public institutions.Chapter VIII Supervision, Inspection and Legal Responsibility Article 42 The municipal, district and county human resources and social security administrative departments, trade unions at the same level and the representatives ofenterprises and public institutions shall jointly facilitate the establishment and improvement of the Workers Congress System through the tripartite consultation mechanism of labor relations.Article 43 The municipal, district and county trade unions shall integrate the implementation status of the Workers Congress System by enterprises and public institutions into the supervision and inspection scope of the labor laws and rules and regulations. The Trade Union Labor Laws Supervision Rectification Opinions Notice shall be issued, requiring enterprises and public institutions to make rectification where the activities in breach of the present regulations occur. The Trade Union Labor Law Supervision Treatment Proposal Notice shall be sent to the authorities of the state-owned assets, education, health and the administrative departments for human resources and social security at the same level where enterprises and public institutions fail to make rectification within the prescribed period. These authorities and departments shall investigate and deal with the matters in accordance with relevant laws.Article 44 Where a dispute arises from the implementation of the Workers Congress System, enterprises and public institutions and trade unions shall consult for a settlement. Where no settlement can be reached through consultation, the case shall be submitted to trade unions at higher level for coordination and settlement with the relevant authorities.Article 45 Any enterprise and public institution that, in violation of the provisions of the present Regulations, commits one of the following acts shall be ordered b y the people’s governments of the municipal, district and county as well as the relevant departments to make rectification, and the legal representatives and related responsible personnel shall be criticized and educated. The government shall handle the case in accordance with laws where the personnel refuse to make rectification.(1) Obstruct the establishment of the Workers Congress System;(2) Prevent the Workers Congress from exercising its statutory functions and powers;(3) The matters, which shall be submitted to the Workers Congress for examination and adoption, are not submitted in accordance with the legal procedures and cause damage to workers and staff members;(4) Change arbitrarily or refuse to implement the resolutions adopted by the Workers Congress and violate the rights and interests of workers and staff members.Article 46 Where the legal representatives and other managerial personnel of enterprises and public institutions humiliate, slander or revenge by using the means of violence or threat, which inflicts injuries upon workers and staff members, shall be punished by the public security organ in accordance with laws. Where grave consequences are caused and thus a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with laws.Where the trade union principal of enterprises and public institutions does not perform duties in accordance with the provisions of the present Regulations and causes damage to the rights and interests of workers and staff members, trade unions at the level of municipality, district, county and industry (bureau) shall order him to make rectification within the prescribed period. In case of serious circumstance, the person who is held responsible shall be dismissed in accordance with laws.Article 47 Where the relevant departments of the municipal, district and county people’s governments and their staff members violate the provisions of the present Regulations, neglect duties, abuse functions and powers, play favoritism and fraudulence, the units or the persons who are held responsible shall be imposed administrative sanctions by their units or the superior competent departments in accordance with laws. Where a crime is constituted, criminal responsibility shall be investigated in accordance with laws.Chapter IX Supplementary ProvisionsArticle 48 The present Regulations shall become effective as of May 1, 2011.(The translation of the present Regulations is for reference only. In case of discrepancy between the English translation and the original Chinese text, the Chinese text shall prevail.)。

资产评估报告 英文版

资产评估报告 英文版

资产评估报告英文版资产评估报告英文版Asset Evaluation ReportIntroductionThis Asset Evaluation Report provides a comprehensive analysis and assessment of the assets owned by XYZ Corporation. The purpose of this report is to evaluate the current value and potential growth of the company's assets, including tangible and intangible assets, and provide insights for strategic decision-making. The information presented in this report is based on reliable data and thorough research conducted by our team of asset evaluators.1. Overview of Assets1.1 Tangible AssetsTangible assets are physical assets that have a definite monetary value. XYZ Corporation owns avariety of tangible assets, including real estate properties, manufacturing equipment, vehicles, and inventory. These assets are valued based on their market prices, depreciation, and condition. The total value of XYZ's tangible assets is estimated to be $X million.1.2 Intangible AssetsIntangible assets are non-physical assets that derive their value from intellectual or legal rights.XYZ Corporation possesses several valuable intangible assets, including patents, trademarks, copyrights, and proprietary software. These assets greatly contribute to XYZ's competitive advantage and are estimated to be valued at $X million.2. Evaluation MethodologyThe evaluation of XYZ Corporation's assets was conducted using a combination of approaches, including the cost approach, market approach, and income approach.2.1 Cost ApproachThe cost approach estimates the value of an asset based on the cost required to replace or reproduce it. For tangible assets, the evaluators considered the acquisition cost, depreciation, and market value. Intangible assets were valued based on the cost of creating similar assets from scratch. This approach ensures that the assets' value is aligned with the current market conditions and replacement costs.2.2 Market ApproachThe market approach determines the value of an asset by comparing it to similar assets in the market. Evaluators analyzed recent transactions and market trends to assess how XYZ's assets compare to others in terms of value, condition, and demand. This approach provides an objective and realistic view of theassets' worth.2.3 Income ApproachThe income approach evaluates an asset's value based on the present value of its future income generation potential. For tangible assets, evaluators considered the expected cash inflows generated through rent, sales, or leasing. Intangible assets were assessed based on royalty rates, licensing fees, and potential future revenues. This approach offers insights into the long-term value and profitability of XYZ's assets.3. Asset Evaluation Findings3.1 Tangible Asset FindingsBased on the evaluation, XYZ Corporation'stangible assets demonstrate favorable value and growth potential. The real estate properties, specifically the office buildings and manufacturing facilities, have appreciated in value due to their strategic locations and market demand. The manufacturing equipment is up-to-date and well-maintained, contributing to production efficiency. However, it is recommended to conduct regular maintenance to ensure optimum performance. The vehicles and inventory are estimated to be in good condition, sustaining their market value.3.2 Intangible Asset FindingsThe evaluation of XYZ Corporation's intangible assets reveals significant value and potential forfuture growth. The patents and trademarks providelegal protection and exclusivity for XYZ's products and services, enabling the company to maintain its innovative edge. The copyrights and proprietary software ensure the protection of XYZ's intellectual property rights. It is advised to continually update and expand the patent portfolio to strengthen market position and protect against potential infringements.4. Conclusion and RecommendationsBased on the comprehensive evaluation of XYZ Corporation's assets, it is evident that the company possesses a solid asset base contributing to its overall value and competitiveness. To maximize asset value and capitalize on growth opportunities, the following recommendations are provided:4.1 Conduct regular maintenance and upgrade of tangible assets to ensure optimal performance and maintain their market value.4.2 Continually update and expand the patent portfolio, trademarks, and copyrights to safeguard intellectual property rights and sustain a competitive advantage.4.3 Leverage intangible assets strategically by exploring licensing and partnership opportunities to generate additional revenue streams.4.4 Monitor market trends and economic indicators to identify potential asset value appreciation ordepreciation, ensuring timely decision-making.By leveraging the insights obtained from this Asset Evaluation Report, XYZ Corporation can make informed strategic decisions to optimize asset utilization, mitigate risks, and enhance its overall value proposition通过资产评估报告获得的洞见,XYZ公司可以做出明智的战略决策,以优化资产利用,降低风险,并增强其整体价值主张。

会计专业英语 (8)

会计专业英语 (8)
1.英语视听 2.专业术语
4.典型例题 5.小结
Unit8 第8单元
专业 术语
指特定领域对一些特定事物的统一的业内称谓 也是在专业交流时对名称的简介用语
现金收付实现制 权责发生制 商业折扣 现金折扣 现销 赊销 生产成本 直接材料 直接人工 期间费用
公司应该在什么时间记录这6 000美元的佣金收入,6月还是7月? 公司应该在6月10日记录这笔收入,提供了服务销售客户的房子。尽 管公司不会收到这笔佣金在7月之前,它还必须在6月10日记录应收 账款。今年7月,收到此笔应收账款时,公司不能第二次记录收入。 收回一个应收金额增加资产,现金,减少其他资产应收账款。因此, 收回应收账款并不增加所有者权益,并不代表收入。
When should the company record this $ 6 000commission revenue—in May, June, or July? The company should record this revenue on June 10—the day it rendered the service of selling the client’s house. As the company will not collect this commission until July, it must also record an account receivable on June 10. In July, when this receivable is collected, the company must not record revenue a second time. An amount receivable increases one asset, cash, and decreases other asset—accounts receivable. Thus, collecting an account receivable does not increase owners’ equity and does not represent revenue.



第八章:利率和债券估值1. a. P = $1,000/(1 + .05/2)⌒20 = $610.27b. P = $1,000/(1 + .10/2)⌒20 = $376.89c. P = $1,000/(1 + .15/2)⌒20 = $235.412.a. P = $35({1 – [1/(1 + .035)]⌒50 } / .035) + $1,000[1 / (1 + .035)⌒50]= $1,000.00When the YTM and the coupon rate are equal, the bond will sell at par.b. P = $35({1 – [1/(1 + .045)]⌒50 } / .045) + $1,000[1 / (1 + .045)⌒50]= $802.38When the YTM is greater than the coupon rate, the bond will sell at a discount.c. P = $35({1 – [1/(1 + .025)]⌒50 } / .025) + $1,000[1 / (1 + .025)⌒50]= $1,283.62When the YTM is less than the coupon rate, the bond will sell at a premium.3. P = $1,050 = $39(PVIFAR%,20) + $1,000(PVIFR%,20) R = 3.547%YTM = 2 *3.547% = 7.09%4. P = $1,175 = C(PVIFA3.8%,27) + $1,000(PVIF3.8%,27) C = $48.48年收益:2 × $48.48 = $96.96则票面利率:Coupon rate = $96.96 / $1,000 = .09696 or 9.70%5. P = €84({1 – [1/(1 + .076)]⌒15 } / .076) + €1,000[1 / (1 + .076)⌒15] = €1,070.186. P = ¥87,000 = ¥5,400(PVIFAR%,21) + ¥100,000(PVIFR%,21) R = 6.56%7. 近似利率为:R = r + h= .05 –.039 =.011 or 1.10%根据公式(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)→(1 + .05) = (1 + r)(1 + .039)实际利率= [(1 + .05) / (1 + .039)] – 1 = .0106 or 1.06%8. (1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)→R = (1 + .025)(1 + .047) – 1 = .0732 or 7.32%9. (1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)→h = [(1 + .17) / (1 + .11)] – 1 = .0541 or 5.41%10. (1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)→r = [(1 + .141) / (1.068)] – 1 = .0684 or 6.84%11. The coupon rate is 6.125%. The bid price is:买入价= 119:19 = 119 19/32 = 119.59375%⨯ $1,000 = $1,195.9375The previous day‘s ask price is found by:pr evious day‘s ask price = Today‘s asked price – Change = 119 21/32 – (–17/32) = 120 6/32 前一天的卖出价= 120.1875% ⨯ $1,000 = $1,201.87512.premium bond当前收益率= Annual coupon payment / Asked price = $75/$1,347.1875 = .0557 or 5.57% The YTM is located under the ―Asked yield‖column, so the YTM is 4.4817%.Bid-Ask spread = 134:23 – 134:22 = 1/3213.P = C(PVIFAR%,t) + $1,000(PVIFR%,t)票面利率为9%:P0 = $45(PVIFA3.5%,26) + $1,000(PVIF3.5%,26) = $1,168.90P1 = $45(PVIFA3.5%,24) + $1,000(PVIF3.5%,24) = $1,160.58P3 = $45(PVIFA3.5%,20) + $1,000(PVIF3.5%,20) = $1,142.12P8 = $45(PVIFA3.5%,10) + $1,000(PVIF3.5%,10) = $1,083.17P12 = $45(PVIFA3.5%,2) + $1,000(PVIF3.5%,2) = $1,019.00P13 = $1,000票面利率为7%:P0 = $35(PVIFA4.5%,26) + $1,000(PVIF4.5%,26) = $848.53P1 = $35(PVIFA4.5%,24) + $1,000(PVIF4.5%,24) = $855.05P3 = $35(PVIFA4.5%,20) + $1,000(PVIF4.5%,20) = $869.92P8 = $35(PVIFA4.5%,10) + $1,000(PVIF4.5%,10) = $920.87P12 = $35(PVIFA4.5%,2) + $1,000(PVIF4.5%,2) = $981.27P13 = $1,00014.PLaurel = $40(PVIFA5%,4) + $1,000(PVIF5%,4) = $964.54PHardy = $40(PVIFA5%,30) + $1,000(PVIF5%,30) = $846.28Percentage change in price = (New price -Original price) / Original price△PLaurel% = ($964.54 -1,000) / $1,000 = -0.0355 or -3.55%△PHardy% = ($846.28 -1,000) / $1,000 = -0.1537 or -15.37%If the YTM suddenly falls to 6 percentPLaurel = $40(PVIFA3%,4) + $1,000(PVIF3%,4) = $1,037.17PHardy = $40(PVIFA3%,30) + $1,000(PVIF3%,30) = $1,196.00△PLaurel% = ($1,037.17 -1,000) / $1,000 = +0.0372 or 3.72%△PHardy% = ($1,196.002 -1,000) / $1,000 = +0.1960 or 19.60%15. Initially, at a YTM of 10 percent, the prices of the two bonds are:P Faulk = $30(PVIFA5%,16) + $1,000(PVIF5%,16) = $783.24P Gonas = $70(PVIFA5%,16) + $1,000(PVIF5%,16) = $1,216.76If the YTM rises from 10 percent to 12 percent:P Faulk = $30(PVIFA6%,16) + $1,000(PVIF6%,16) = $696.82P Gonas = $70(PVIFA6%,16) + $1,000(PVIF6%,16) = $1,101.06Percentage change in price = (New price – Original price) / Original price△PFaulk% = ($696.82 -783.24) / $783.24 = -0.1103 or -11.03%△PGonas% = ($1,101.06 -1,216.76) / $1,216.76 = -0.0951 or -9.51%If the YTM declines from 10 percent to 8 percent:PFaulk = $30(PVIFA4%,16) + $1,000(PVIF4%,16) = $883.48PGonas = $70(PVIFA4%,16) + $1,000(PVIF4%,16) = $1,349.57△PFaulk% = ($883.48 -783.24) / $783.24 = +0.1280 or 12.80%△PGonas% = ($1,349.57 -1,216.76) / $1,216.76 = +0.1092 or 10.92%16.P0 = $960 = $37(PVIFAR%,18) + $1,000(PVIFR%,18) R = 4.016% YTM = 2 *4.016% = 8.03%Current yield = Annual coupon payment / Price = $74 / $960 = .0771 or 7.71% Effective annual yield = (1 + 0.04016)⌒2 – 1 = .0819 or 8.19%17.P = $1,063 = $50(PVIFA R%,40) + $1,000(PVIF R%,40) R = 4.650% YTM = 2 *4.650% = 9.30%18.Accrued interest = $84/2 × 4/6 = $28Clean price = Dirty price – Accrued interest = $1,090 – 28 = $1,06219.Accrued interest = $72/2 × 2/6 = $12.00Dirty price = Clean price + Accrued interest = $904 + 12 = $916.0020.Current yield = .0842 = $90/P0→P0 = $90/.0842 = $1,068.88P = $1,068.88 = $90{[(1 – (1/1.0781)⌒t ] / .0781} + $1,000/1.0781⌒t $1,068.88 (1.0781)⌒t = $1,152.37 (1.0781)⌒t – 1,152.37 + 1,000t = log 1.8251 / log 1.0781 = 8.0004 ≈8 years21.P = $871.55 = $41.25(PVIFA R%,20) + $1,000(PVIF R%,20) R = 5.171% YTM = 2 *5.171% = 10.34%Current yield = $82.50 / $871.55 = .0947 or 9.47%22.略23.P: P0 = $90(PVIFA7%,5) + $1,000(PVIF7%,5) = $1,082.00P1 = $90(PVIFA7%,4) + $1,000(PVIF7%,4) = $1,067.74Current yield = $90 / $1,082.00 = .0832 or 8.32%Capital gains yield = (New price – Original price) / Original priceCapital gains yield = ($1,067.74 – 1,082.00) / $1,082.00 = –0.0132 or –1.32%D: P0 = $50(PVIFA7%,5) + $1,000(PVIF7%,5) = $918.00P1 = $50(PVIFA7%,4) + $1,000(PVIF7%,4) = $932.26Current yield = $50 / $918.00 = 0.0545 or 5.45%Capital gains yield = ($932.26 – 918.00) / $918.00 = 0.0155 or 1.55%24. a.P0 = $1,140 = $90(PVIFA R%,10) + $1,000(PVIF R%,10) R = YTM = 7.01%b.P2 = $90(PVIFA6.01%,8) + $1,000(PVIF6.01%,8) = $1,185.87P0 = $1,140 = $90(PVIFA R%,2) + $1,185.87(PVIF R%,2)R = HPY = 9.81%The realized HPY is greater than the expected YTM when the bond was bought because interest rates dropped by 1 percent; bond prices rise when yields fall.25.PM = $800(PVIFA4%,16)(PVIF4%,12)+$1,000(PVIFA4%,12)(PVIF4%,28)+ $20,000(PVIF4%,40) PM = $13,117.88Notice that for the coupon payments of $800, we found the PV A for the coupon payments, and then discounted the lump sum back to todayBond N is a zero coupon bond with a $20,000 par value; therefore, the price of the bond is the PV of the par, or:PN = $20,000(PVIF4%,40) = $4,165.7826.(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)1 + .107 = (1 + r)(1 + .035)→r = .0696 or 6.96%EAR = {[1 + (APR / m)]⌒m }– 1APR = m[(1 + EAR)⌒1/m – 1] = 52[(1 + .0696)⌒1/52 – 1] = .0673 or 6.73%Weekly rate = APR / 52= .0673 / 52= .0013 or 0.13%PVA = C({1 – [1/(1 + r)]⌒t } / r)= $8({1 – [1/(1 + .0013)]30(52)} / .0013)= $5,359.6427.Stock account:(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h) →1 + .12 = (1 + r)(1 + .04) →r = .0769 or 7.69%APR = m[(1 + EAR)1/⌒1/m– 1]= 12[(1 + .0769)⌒1/12– 1]= .0743 or 7.43%Monthly rate = APR / 12= .0743 / 12= .0062 or 0.62%Bond account:(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)→1 + .07 = (1 + r)(1 + .04)→r = .0288 or 2.88%APR = m[(1 + EAR)⌒1/m– 1]= 12[(1 + .0288)⌒1/12– 1]= .0285 or 2.85%Monthly rate = APR / 12= .0285 / 12= .0024 or 0.24%Stock account:FVA = C {(1 + r )⌒t– 1] / r}= $800{[(1 + .0062)360 – 1] / .0062]}= $1,063,761.75Bond account:FVA = C {(1 + r )⌒t– 1] / r}= $400{[(1 + .0024)360 – 1] / .0024]}= $227,089.04Account value = $1,063,761.75 + 227,089.04= $1,290,850.79(1 + R) = (1 + r)(1 + h)→1 + .08 = (1 + r)(1 + .04) →r = .0385 or 3.85%APR = m[(1 + EAR)1/m– 1]= 12[(1 + .0385)1/12– 1]= .0378 or 3.78%Monthly rate = APR / 12= .0378 / 12= .0031 or 0.31%PVA = C({1 – [1/(1 + r)]t } / r )$1,290,850.79 = C({1 – [1/(1 + .0031)]⌒300 } / .0031)C = $6,657.74FV = PV(1 + r)⌒t= $6,657.74(1 + .04)(30 + 25)= $57,565.30。




Guided by the principle of “seizing the current opportunity to deepen the reform and opening China wider to the outside world, promoting development and maintaining stability〞, the Chinese people worked hard with a united and pioneering spirit, achieving great success in the drive for socialist modernization.2.经济体制鼎新迈出了决定性程序,国民经济继续快速增长,人民生活进一步改善,社会保持不变,各方面工作都有新的进展,我们伟大的祖国欣欣向荣,各项事业蒸蒸日上,沿着建设有中国特色的社会主义道路阔步前进。

Decisive strides were made in economic restructuring. The national economy continued to grow rapidly. The lives of the people improved, and the society maintained its stability. Our great motherland moved rapidly towards prosperity, grew steadily with each passing day, and took great strides along the road to socialism with Chinese characteristics.3.按照建设社会主义市场经济体制的要求,我们对财税、金融、外汇、外贸、投资、价格和畅通体制进行了重大鼎新。



经济类词汇总结之一:account:n账目,账户(僻义n叙述,说明)v说明,解释,account for accumulate:v积累,堆积:accumulate wealth:积累财富acquisition:n收购;mergers and acquisition\M$A兼并与联合affiliate:v附属于,be affiliated to;n附属公司,子公司aggregate:v使聚集,使积累;总计(记忆:ag=ac使,greg=走,ate=动词后缀,走到一起)同义词:congregate使集合,聚集;其反义词segregate:se分开:使分离assess:v评价,估计n assessment评价bankrupt:a破产的;v破产;bankruptcy n破产,倒闭barrier:n障碍,屏蔽;trade and investment barriers:贸易和投资壁垒boycott:n\v抵制boycott product:抵制产品business concentration:商业集中commerce:n商业,贸易;domestic commerce国内贸易;e-commerce:电子商务consolidate:vt巩固,加强;合并,联合;consolidation:n巩固,联合contract:n合同,契约;v订合同deposit:n押金;存款domestic:a国内的drastic:a严厉的economies:n国家;emerging economies:发展中国家;rich economies:发达国家estimate:n\v估计,顾家;underestimate:v低估;overestimate:v高估expand:v扩大,扩张;expansion:n扩大,扩展;expansive:a易扩张的exploit:v剥削;利用,开发;exploit solar energy利用太阳能经济类词汇总结之二经济类词汇总结之二economic decline:经济衰退,经济下滑;softening economy:疲软的经济supply-cut:切断供应oil shock:石油动荡digit:n数位(比如12就是double-digit两个数位)push up:价格上涨suspend:v悬挂;终止(词根记忆:pend:悬,挂,支付);suspension:n终止词根记忆:pend:悬,挂,支付expenditure:ex向外+pend支出+iture名词后缀n.1.经费,支出retail price:零售价格;whole sale:批发价格swing:n摇摆,秋千;v价格浮动fluctuate:v价格的波动consumption:消耗量(energy consumption,money consumption,time consumption)inflation:n通货膨胀;deflation:n通货紧缩price index:价格指数energy-intensive:能源密集型energy conservation:能源保护commodity price:价格指数severe:adj严重的gross:adj总的,毛重量n总额;GDP:gross domestic product:国内生产总值invest:v投资(invest in real estate:投资房地产);investment:n投资;investor:投资者monopoly:n垄断;专营服务(anti—monopoly:反垄断;monopoly price:垄断价格;gain\ hold\secure a monopoly:获得\持有\得到专利权);monopolize:v独占,垄断单词记忆:mono=一个,mono+logue(说)=一个人说话,独白;mono+cycle(轮子)=独轮车mono+arch(管理)=君主,帝王mono+oxide氧化物=一氧化碳经济类词汇总结之三monetary policy:货币政策central banker:中央银行poll:n民意调查;v选票slack:v懈怠;经济萧条capacity utilization:生产利用率incentive:n刺激,鼓励,激励(act as\create\provide incentive成为\产生\提供动力)outcome:n结果是,结果,成果(the outcome of competition is survival of the fittest:竞争的结果是优胜劣汰)A desirable\favorable\an inevitable outcome:称心的\有利的\不可避免的结果plunge:n\v猛跌(股票的猛跌);跳进;投入(A plunge into debt:背债)slump:n\v暴跌,下降prompt:v促使,推动,激起a敏捷的,迅速的proportion:n部分,份儿;比例;均衡(in proportion to与...成比例;out of proportion不成比例);a large proportion of相当多quantify:v定量,量化random:a任意的,随机的;n随机,随意;at random:任意地,随机地rebound:n\v反弹;economic rebound:经济反弹restrict:v限制,约束triple:n三倍(tri:前缀,三);tricycle:三轮车quadruple:四倍(quadru:前缀,四)underway:a在进行中recovery:n恢复;economic recovery:经济复苏revival:n复苏;economic revival:经济复苏经济类词汇总结之四administer:v管理,治理;执行,实施;administration:n管理,精英analyze:v分析,研究appraise:v评定,鉴定,评价;appraisal:n评价,估计:assets appraisal:资产评估appropriate:a适当的,恰当的;v挪用,盗用;appropriate public money:挪用公款inappropriate:a不适当的;appropriation:n挪用,盗用;拨款array:n大堆,大量;an array of facts\information:一连串的事实\信息bond:n结合(物),连接;债券,契约;Government Bond国债breach:n破坏,违反:penalty for breach of contract:违约金\breach of promise\peace毁约,食言\扰乱治安;v破坏,违反:breach an agreement违反约定circulate:v使循环,使流通;circulating capital:流动资本;circulation:n循环;流通commonwealth:n政治实体,联邦:commonwealth of Independence State(CIS)独立国家联合体confidential:a机密的,秘密的:confidential information\files机密情报\文件crisis:n危机,危急关头:economic\financial crisis经济\财政危机;crisis of belief:信仰危机;come to\reach a crisis陷入危机;in crisis在危机中defence:n防御,保护;辩护,答辩Department of Defense国防部dispose:v处理;处置;dispose of处理;处置;disposal:n处理,处置;disposable a用完即可丢弃的,一次性的impetus:n推动力,促进;great\considerable\powerful impetus:大力推动;add\give\provide impetus to给予、提供推动index:n索引:alphabetical index:字母索引;指标,指数,标志:CPI(Consumer Price Index)消费者物价指数;stock index:股票指数manipulate:v操纵,控制,影响;熟练地使用;manipulation:n操作,操纵manufacture:n制造,制造业;v制造,加工merge:v使结合,合并;merger n合并,归并mortgage:n按揭,抵押贷款(单词记忆:mort死+gage抵押品=按揭,抵押)precede:v在...之前,先于(单词记忆:pre在...之前+cede走:走在...之前);preceding:a在先的,前面的;precedent:n先例,范例,惯例经济类词汇总结之五propel:v推进,推动,激励;propeller:n推进器,螺旋桨prosper:v繁荣,兴旺,成功;prosperous:a繁荣的,兴旺的;prosperity:n富足,兴旺;Common prosperity:共同富裕quantitative:a数量的,定量的;quantitative analysis:定量分析reciprocal:a相互的,互惠的resultant:a作为结果的,因而发生的smuggle:v走私,偷运;smuggler:n走私者;smuggling:n走私活动wholesale:n批发;the wholesale trade:批发业;wholesale prices批发价格yield:n产量,收获v屈服,服从;yield to屈服于...听从allocate:v分配,分派;housing allocation:住房分配assemble:v集合,集会;组装,装配benefit:n利益,好处;v有益于,使收益;for the benefit of为了...的利益;be of great benefit to对...大有裨益commodity:n商品,物品;fake or inferior quality commodity假冒伪劣商品;commodity economy:商品经济deficient:a缺陷的,缺乏的,不足的;deficient funds:租金短缺;deficient supplies:缺乏供应dividend:n姑息,红利endorse:v背书;赞同,认可;endorsement:n赞同,支持expense:n花费,消费,费用;income and expense:收支;living expense:生活费用at the expense of...以...为代价generate:v产生,发生impose:v把..强加于:do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire:己所不欲勿施于人;征税;impose a fine\tax\restrictions on sb\sth:罚款\征税|强行管制;impose sth onsb把..强加于inherit:v继承;inherit sth from sb:从某人那里继承|遗传得到的levy:n征税,税款:import levy进口税收v征收税等:levy taxes on incomes征收所得税经济类词汇总结之5Monetary:a货币的,金融的:International Monetary Fund:(IMF)国际货币基金组织;monetary policy:货币政策Offset:n\v补偿,抵消Quota:n定量,定额,配额:import and export quota system:进出口配额制度Recession:n经济衰退;an industrial recession:工业衰退Subsidiary:a辅助的,附带的;n子公司Tariff:n关税,税率;lower\raise the tariff on imported cars降低\提高进口汽车的关税Tumble:n暴跌Withdraw:v缩回,退出;收回,撤销:withdraw one’s promise\proposal:收回诺言\撤销提议V提取:withdraw money from an ATM:从ATM机上取钱Advance:n前进,进步v推进Bid:n命令,吩咐;报价,投标;出价:invite for a bid:投标Blackmail:n|v敲诈,勒索Boom:n兴旺,迅速发展:there is a boom in....迅速发展Brand:n商品,品牌,标记Bubble:n泡沫,虚假,骗局:bubble economy:泡沫经济Capital:n资金,资本;capitalism:n资本主义;capitalist:n资本家Circular:a圆形的,循环的;circular economy:循环经济Column:n栏;(报刊)专栏:the financial column:财经专栏curb:v\n控制,约束:curb housing prices:控制房价;curbing pollution:控制污染Deficit:n赤字,逆差Surplus:a过剩的,多余的,盈余的经济类词汇总结之六estate:n地产,房地产:real estate:房地产gamble:n\v赌博;投机,冒风险inflation:n通货膨胀:control\check inflation控制通货膨胀deflation:n通货紧缩infrastructure:n基础结构,基础设施(infra-在...下,低+structure:结构,组织)revenue:n(财政)收入,税收:Internal Revenue Commission国税局revive:v使复活,复苏(单词记忆:、re再一次+vive生命):revive economy\old customs\trends:复兴经济\再兴旧习惯\重现某趋势;revival:n复兴:economy revival:经济复苏sanction:v批准,许可;n批准,认可:official sanction:正式批准;约束,出发;制裁:economic sanctions:经济制裁;impose\lift sanctions against:实行\取消对...的制裁segment:n部分,片,段soar:v高飞,飞翔;物价飞涨,猛增stake:n利害关系,风险;赌注:be at stake:利害攸关,在危险中;play for high stakes:下大赌注赌钱standstill:n停止,停顿:be at\come to\bring sth to a standstill:处于停顿状态statistics:n统计学;统计;statistical:统计的stock:v储存;n备料,库存,现货;股票,公债:stock exchange:证券交易所\\joint stock company:股份公司tangible:a有形的,实际的,确实的:tangible advantages\proof\assets:实际的优势\确凿的证据\有形资产intangible:a抽摸不到的,无形的;intangible assets:无形资产transact:v做交易,办理;transaction:n交易,业务widespread:a分布广泛的,普遍的。



Overview of Section IInternational Trade TheorySection I of the text is comprised of six chapters: Chapter 2 Labor Productivity and Comparative Advantage: The Ricardian Model Chapter 3 Specific Factors and Income Distribution Chapter 4 Resources and Trade: The Heckscher-Ohlin Model Chapter 5 The Standard Trade Model Chapter 6 Economies of Scale, Imperfect Competition, and International Trade Chapter 7 International Factor Movements T Section I Overview Section I of the text presents the theory of international trade. The intent of this section is to explore the motives for and implications of patterns of trade between countries. The presentation proceeds by introducing successively more general models of trade, where the generality is provided by increasing the number of factors used in production, by increasing the mobility of factors of production across sectors of the economy, by introducing more general technologies applied to production, and by examining different types of market structure. Throughout Section I, policy concerns and current issues are used to emphasize the relevance of the theory of international trade for interpreting and understanding our economy. Chapter 2 gives a brief overview of world trade. In particular, it discusses what we know about the quantities and pattern of world trade today. The chapter uses the empirical relationship known as the gravity model as a framework to describe trade. This framework describes trade as a function of the size of the economies involved and their distance. It can then be used to see where countries are trading more or less than expected. The chapter also notes the growth in world trade over the previous decades and uses the previous era of globalization (pre-WWI) as context for today’s experience. Chapter 3 introduces you to international trade theory through a framework known as the Ricardian model of trade. This model addresses the issue of why two countries would want to trade with each other. This model shows how mutually-beneficial trade arises when there are two countries, each with one factor of production which can be applied toward producing each of two goods. Key concepts are introduced, such as the production possibilities frontier, comparative advantage versus absolute advantage, gains from trade, relative prices, and relative wages across countries. 4 Krugman/Obstfeld • International Economics: Theory and Policy, Seventh Edition Chapter 4 introduces what is known as the classic Heckscher-Ohlin model of international trade. Using this framework, you can work through the effects of trade on wages, prices and output. Many important and intuitive results are derived in this chapter including: the Rybczynski Theorem, the Stolper-Samuelson Theorem, and the Factor Price Equalization Theorem. Implications of the Heckscher-Ohlin model for the pattern of trade among countries are discussed, as are the failures of empirical evidence to confirm the predictions of the theory. The chapter also introduces questions of political economy in trade. One important reason for this addition to the model is to consider the effects of trade on income distribution. This approach shows that while nations generally gain from international trade, it is quite possible that specific groups within these nations could be harmed by this trade. This discussion, and related questions about protectionism versus globalization, becomes broader and even more interesting as you work through the models and different assumptions of subsequent chapters. Chapter 5 presents a general model of international trade which admits the models of the previous chapters as special cases. This “standard trade model” is depicted graphically by a general equilibrium trade model as applied to a small open economy. Relative demand and relative supply curves are used to analyze a variety of policy issues, such as the effects of economic growth, the transfer problem, and the effects of trade tariffs and production subsidies. The appendix to the chapter develops offer curve analysis. While an extremely useful tool, the standard model of trade fails to account for some important aspects of international trade. Specifically, while the factor proportions Heckscher-Ohlin theories explain some trade flows between countries, recent research in international economics has placed an increasing emphasis on economies of scale in production and imperfect competition among firms. Chapter 6 presents models of international trade that reflect these developments. The chapter begins by reviewing the concept of monopolistic competition among firms, and then showing the gains from trade which arise in such imperfectly competitive markets. Next, internal and external economies of scale in production and comparative advantage are discussed. The chapter continues with a discussion of the importance of intra-industry trade, dumping, and external economies of production. The subject matter of this chapter is important since it shows how gains from trade arise in ways that are not suggested by the standard, more traditional models of international trade. The subject matter also is enlightening given the increased emphasis on intra-industry trade in industrialized countries. Chapter 7 focuses on international factor mobility. This departs from previous chapters which assumed that the factors of production available for production within a country could not leave a country’s borders. Reasons for and the effects of international factor mobility are discussed in the context of a one-factor (labor) production and trade model. The analysis of the international mobility of labor motivates a further discussion of international mobility of capital. The international mobility of capital takes the form of international borrowing and lending. This facilitates the discussion of inter-temporal production choices and foreign direct investment behavior. 。



法律类型词汇:accusation控告acquit宣判无罪amend修正amnesty特赦appeal上诉apprehend拘押,逮捕arbitration仲裁,调停armed conflicts武装冲突attorney律师authorize授权autonomous自治的bilateral talks双边会淡civil law民法code法规,法典confinement关押,禁闭congressman国会议员conspiracy阴谋constitution宪法consul领事convict宣判有罪court法院court of appeal中级法院custody拘留criminal law刑法decree法令defendant被告defender辩护人defuse缓合,平息despot独裁者disarmament解除武装enforce实施,使生效established international practice国际惯例federal government联邦政府hierarchy等级制度humanitarian aid人道主义援助parliament 国会,议会House of Commons 下议院parliamentary debates 议会辩论self-evident principle 不言自明的法则verdict 陪审团的判决arbiter 仲裁者validity 有效性,合法性period terminate 截止日期suspension 中止,悬而未决in-house counsel 内部法律顾问citizenry 公民,国民basic right 基本权利privilege 特权higher up 上级,大人物elitism 杰出人物统治论,精英论bureaucratic 官僚主义的self-governing 自治的,自我管理的espionage 间谍活动spymaster 间谍组织首脑CIA(Central Intelligence Agency)美国中央情报局accusation 控告acquit 宣判无罪amend 修正amnesty 特赦appeal 上诉apprehend 拘押,逮捕arbitration 仲裁,调停armed conflicts 武装冲突attorney 律师authorize 授权autonomous 自治的bilateral talks 双边会淡civil law 民法code 法规,法典confinement 关押,禁闭congressman 国会议员conspiracy 阴谋constitution 宪法consul 领事convict 宣判有罪court 法院court of appeal 中级法院custody 拘留criminal law 刑法decree 法令defendant 被告defender 辩护人defuse 缓合,平息despot 独裁者disarmament 解除武装enforce 实施,使生效established international practice 国际惯例federal government 联邦政府hierarchy 等级制度humanitarian aid 人道主义援助illicit 非法的indemnity 赔偿institution 制度intellectual property.right 知识产权interim government 过渡政府joint declaration 联合声明judicial 司法的judiciary 司法部jury 陪审团lawsuit 诉讼legal liability 法律义务legislation 立法legislative 立法的legislature 立法机构legitimate 合法的litigant 诉讼当事人litigation 诉讼municipal 市政的offense 犯罪parliament 议会pending 未决的petition 请愿plaintiff(民事)原告plead 申诉,辩护probation 缓刑.察看public prosecutor 检查官reconciliation 和解repatriate 遣返Representative 众议院议员ruling(法官等)裁定secretary 部长senate 参议院senator 参议员sovereignty 主权statute 成文法stipulation 条文,规定subpoena 传票suit 起诉suitor(刑事)原告summit meeting 首脑会议峰会terrorist attack 恐怖袭击terrorist organizations 恐怖组织The Capitol 国会大厦the House of Representative 下议院The Pentagon 国防大楼the Senate 上议院undersecretary 次长usurpation 篡夺verdict(陪审团)裁定violation 违犯立法会议legislative sessions行政处罚administrative penalty司法部门enforcement apartment侵犯个人隐私invasion of privacy修改宪法revise the constitution假账deceptive accounting漏税tax evasion刑事诉讼criminal proceeding行贿和受贿take and offer bribes要求索赔claim compensation目无法规defy the law and social disciplines法律监督function as a legal supervisor扰乱治安disturb the social order建立奖励和制约机制establish a incentive and disincentive system物质和精神文明建设material and ideological progress精简机构streamline government organs集思广益pool ones wisdom扩大内需expand the domestic demand经济类词汇总结之一:account:n 账目,账户,报告,记录(僻义n 叙述,说明)accountant:n 会计同义词:relate n 叙述,说明)v 说明,解释,account for占据,成为accountant:会计反义词:auditor:n审计员,旁听生Audit:v审计accumulate:v 积累,堆积:accumulate wealth: 积累财富acquisition:n 收购;mergers and acquisitions\M&A 兼并与联合monopoly:垄断business concentrationaffiliate:v 附属于,n 附属公司,子公司be affiliated to :隶属于,受..的支配Segregate:aggregate:CongregateComprehend v理解Apprehend:v理解=concern担忧v 使聚集,使积累;总计(记忆:ag=ac 使,greg=走,ate=动词后缀,走到一起)同义词:congregate使集合,聚集;其反义词segregate:se分开:使分离assess:v 评价,估计n assessment评价Estimate value rate weigh ponder calculate appraise evaluatebankrupt: a 破产的;v 破产;bankruptcy n 破产,倒闭barrier:n 障碍,屏蔽;trade and investment barriers:贸易和投资壁垒mass medium:大众媒介owned medium 自有媒介sold mediumearned mediumhijacked mediumboycott:n\v抵制boycott product:抵制产品commerce:n 商业,贸易;domestic:adj 家庭的,国内的domestic violence:家暴domestic commerce 国内贸易;domestic market:国内市场mass market:大众市场e-commerce:电子商务consolidate:vt 巩固,加强;合并,联合;consolidation:n巩固,联合contract:n 合同,契约;v 订合同,收缩,传染bond:n 合同,债券Government Bond:国债deposit:n 押金;存款withdraw:v 取钱,撤销,撤退domestic:a 国内的drastic: a 严厉的economies:n 国家;emerging economies:发展中国家;impoverished economies:发展中国家rich economies:发达国家estimate:n\v 估计,估价;underestimate:v低估;overestimate:v高估expand:v 扩大,扩张;expansion:n 扩大,扩展;expansive:a 易扩张的exploit:v 剥削;利用,开发;exploit solar energy 利用太阳能energy consumption:耗力time consumption:费时money consumption:费钱energy-intensive:能源密集型labor-intensive:劳动密集型经济类词汇总结之二economic decline:经济衰退,经济下滑;Slowing economy:缓慢的经济softening economy:疲软的经济slackening economy:疲软的经济depression:大萧条stagnant:adj 停滞的supply-cut:切断供应oil shock:石油动荡digit:n 数位(比如12就是double-digit 两个数位)inflation:通货膨胀deflation:通货紧缩push up:价格上涨suspend:v 悬挂;中止(词根记忆:pend:悬,挂,称重,支付);suspension:n 中止,暂停词根记忆:pend:悬,挂,支付expenditure:ex向外+pend支出+iture 名词后缀n.1.经费,支出retail price:零售价格;whole sale:批发价格sold out:售罄on sale:打折discount:打折,折扣swing:n 摇摆,秋千;v 价格浮动fluctuate:v 价格的波动consumption:消耗量(energy consumption,money consumption,time consumption)inflation:n 通货膨胀;deflation:n 通货紧缩price index:价格指数energy-intensive:能源密集型energy conservation:能源保护commodity price index:物价severe:adj 严重的gross:adj 总的,毛重量n 总额;GDP:gross domestic product:国内生产总值invest:v 投资(invest in real estate:投资房地产);asset:资产tangible asset:有形资产intangible asset:无形资产liquid asset: 流动资产illiquid \fixed asset:固定资产investment:n 投资;investor:投资者monopoly:n垄断;专营服务anti—monopoly:反垄断;monopoly price:垄断价格;gain\hold\ secure a monopoly:获得\持有\得到专利权;monopolize:v独占,垄断单词记忆:mono=一个,mono+logue(说)=一个人说话,独白;mono+cycle(轮子)=独轮车mono+arch(管理)=君主,帝王mono+oxide氧化物=一氧化碳经济类词汇总结之三monetary policy: 货币政策central banker:中央银行poll:n 民意调查;v 选票slack:v 懈怠;经济萧条capacity utilization:生产利用率incentive:n 刺激,鼓励,激励(act as\create\provide incentive 成为\产生\提供动力)outcome: n 结果是,结果,成果(the outcome of competition is survival of the fittest:竞争的结果是优胜劣汰)A desirable\favorable\an inevitable outcome:称心的\有利的\不可避免的结果plunge:n\v 猛跌(股票的猛跌);跳进;投入(A plunge into debt: 背债)slump:n\v 暴跌,下降prompt: v 促使,推动,激起a 敏捷的,迅速的proportion:n 部分,份儿;比例;均衡(in proportion to 与...成比例;out of proportion 不成比例);alarge proportion of 相当多quantify:v 定量,量化random:a 任意的,随机的;n 随机,随意;at random:任意地,随机地rebound:n\v 反弹;economic rebound:经济反弹restrict:v 限制,约束triple:n 三倍(tri:前缀,三);tricycle:三轮车quadruple:四倍(quadru:前缀,四)underway:a 在进行中recovery:n恢复;economic recovery:经济复苏revival:n 复苏;economic revival:经济复苏经济类词汇总结之四administer:v 管理,治理;执行,实施;administration:n 管理,精英analyze: v 分析,研究appraise:v 评定,鉴定,评价;appraisal:n 评价,估计:assets appraisal:资产评估appropriate:a 适当的,恰当的;v挪用,盗用;appropriate public money:挪用公款inappropriate:a 不适当的;appropriation:n 挪用,盗用;拨款array:n 大堆,大量;an array of facts\information: 一连串的事实\信息bond:n 结合(物),连接;债券,契约;Government Bond 国债breach:n 破坏,违反:penalty for breach of contract:违约金\ breach of promise\peace 毁约,食言\扰乱治安;v破坏,违反:breach an agreement 违反约定circulate:v使循环,使流通;circulating capital:流动资本;circulation:n 循环;流通commonwealth:n 政治实体,联邦:commonwealth of Independence State(CIS) 独立国家联合体confidential:a 机密的,秘密的:confidential information\files 机密情报\文件crisis:n 危机,危急关头:economic\financial crisis 经济\财政危机;crisis of belief:信仰危机;come to\reach a crisis 陷入危机;in crisis 在危机中defence:n 防御,保护;辩护,答辩Department of Defense 国防部dispose:v处理;处置;dispose of 处理;处置;disposal:n 处理,处置;disposable a 用完即可丢弃的,一次性的impetus:n 推动力,促进;great\considerable\powerful impetus:大力推动;add\give\provide impetus to 给予、提供推动index:n 索引:alphabetical index:字母索引;指标,指数,标志:CPI(Consumer Price Index) 消费者物价指数;stock index:股票指数manipulate:v 操纵,控制,影响;熟练地使用;manipulation:n 操作,操纵manufacture:n 制造,制造业;v 制造,加工merge:v 使结合,合并;merger n 合并,归并mortgage:n 按揭,抵押贷款(单词记忆:mort死+gage抵押品=按揭,抵押)precede:v 在...之前,先于(单词记忆:pre在...之前+cede走:走在...之前);preceding:a 在先的,前面的;precedent:n 先例,范例,惯例经济类词汇总结之五propel:v推进,推动,激励;propeller:n 推进器,螺旋桨prosper:v 繁荣,兴旺,成功;prosperous:a 繁荣的,兴旺的;prosperity:n 富足,兴旺;Common prosperity:共同富裕quantitative:a 数量的,定量的;quantitative analysis:定量分析reciprocal:a 相互的,互惠的resultant:a 作为结果的,因而发生的smuggle:v 走私,偷运;smuggler:n 走私者;smuggling:n 走私活动wholesale:n 批发;the wholesale trade: 批发业;wholesale prices 批发价格yield:n 产量,收获v 屈服,服从;yield to 屈服于...听从allocate:v 分配,分派;housing allocation:住房分配assemble:v 集合,集会;组装,装配benefit:n 利益,好处;v 有益于,使收益;for the benefit of 为了...的利益;be of great benefit to 对...大有裨益commodity:n 商品,物品;fake or inferior quality commodity 假冒伪劣商品;commodity economy:商品经济deficient:a 缺陷的,缺乏的,不足的;deficient funds:租金短缺;deficient supplies:缺乏供应dividend:n 姑息,红利endorse:v 背书;赞同,认可;endorsement :n 赞同,支持expense:n 花费,消费,费用;income and expense:收支;living expense:生活费用at the expense of...以...为代价generate:v 产生,发生impose:v 把..强加于:do not impose on others what you yourself do not desire:己所不欲勿施于人;征税;impose a fine\tax\restrictions on sb\sth:罚款\征税|强行管制;impose sth on sb 把..强加于inherit:v 继承;inherit sth from sb:从某人那里继承|遗传得到的levy:n 征税,税款:import levy 进口税收v 征收税等:levy taxes on incomes征收所得税经济类词汇总结之5Monetary:a 货币的,金融的:International Monetary Fund: (IMF)国际货币基金组织;monetary policy:货币政策Offset:n\v 补偿,抵消Quota:n 定量,定额,配额:import and export quota system:进出口配额制度Recession:n 经济衰退;an industrial recession:工业衰退Subsidiary:a 辅助的,附带的;n 子公司Tariff:n关税,税率;lower\raise the tariff on imported cars 降低\提高进口汽车的关税Tumble:n 暴跌Withdraw:v 缩回,退出;收回,撤销:withdraw one’s promise\proposal:收回诺言\撤销提议V 提取:withdraw money from an ATM:从ATM机上取钱Advance:n 前进,进步v 推进Bid:n 命令,吩咐;报价,投标;出价:invite for a bid:投标Blackmail:n|v 敲诈,勒索Boom:n 兴旺,迅速发展:there is a boom in.. ..迅速发展Brand:n 商品,品牌,标记Bubble:n 泡沫,虚假,骗局:bubble economy:泡沫经济Capital:n 资金,资本;capitalism:n 资本主义;capitalist:n 资本家Circular:a 圆形的,循环的;circular economy:循环经济Column:n 栏;(报刊)专栏:the financial column:财经专栏curb:v\n 控制,约束:curb housing prices:控制房价;curbing pollution:控制污染Deficit:n 赤字,逆差Surplus:a 过剩的,多余的,盈余的经济类词汇总结之六estate:n 地产,房地产:real estate:房地产gamble:n\v 赌博;投机,冒风险inflation:n 通货膨胀:control\check inflation 控制通货膨胀deflation:n 通货紧缩infrastructure:n 基础结构,基础设施(infra-在...下,低+structure:结构,组织)revenue:n (财政)收入,税收:Internal Revenue Commission 国税局revive:v 使复活,复苏(单词记忆:、re再一次+vive生命):revive economy\old customs\trends: 复兴经济\再兴旧习惯\重现某趋势;revival:n 复兴:economy revival:经济复苏sanction:v 批准,许可;n 批准,认可:official sanction:正式批准;约束,出发;制裁:economic sanctions:经济制裁;impose\lift sanctions against:实行\取消对...的制裁segment:n 部分,片,段soar:v 高飞,飞翔;物价飞涨,猛增stake:n 利害关系,风险;赌注:be at stake: 利害攸关,在危险中;play for high stakes:下大赌注赌钱standstill:n 停止,停顿:be at\come to\bring sth to a standstill:处于停顿状态statistics:n 统计学;统计;statistical:统计的stock:v 储存;n 备料,库存,现货;股票,公债:stock exchange:证券交易所\\joint stock company:股份公司tangible:a 有形的,实际的,确实的:tangible advantages\proof\assets:实际的优势\确凿的证据\有形资产intangible:a 抽摸不到的,无形的;intangible assets:无形资产transact:v 做交易,办理;transaction:n 交易,业务widespread:a 分布广泛的,普遍的。

safety words

safety words

rated voltage 額定電壓working voltage 工作電壓rated current 額定電流rated frequency 額定頻率normal operation 正常工作interconnection cord 互連軟線type X attachment x型連接type Y attachment y型連接type Z attachment z型連接basic insulation 基本絕緣double insulation 雙重絕緣supplementary insulation 附加絕緣reinforced insulation 加強絕緣class 01 appliance 01類器具class I appliance I類器具class II appliance II類器具class III appliance III類器具creepage distance 爬電距離clearance 電氣間隙safety isolating transformer 安全隔離變壓器portable appliance 便揳式器具stationary appliance 駐立式器具hand-held appliance 手持式器具built-in appliance 嵌裝式器具non-detachable part 不可拆卸部件detachable part 可拆掉部件temperature limiter 限溫器self-resetting thermal cut-out 自復位跳制non-self-resetting thermal cut-out 非自復位跳制protective device 保護裝置accessible part 易觸及部件heating appliance 電熱器具user maintenance 用戶維修保養electronic circuit 電子電路PTC heating element PTC電熱元件rated voltage range 額定電壓範圍rated power input 額定輸入功率rated power input range 額定輸入功率範圍rated frequency range 額定輸入頻率範圍detachable cord 可拆卸軟線supply cord 電源軟線supply lead 電源引線extra-low voltage 安全特低電壓thermal link 熱熔体off position 斷開位置live part 帶電部件motor-operated appliance 電動器具electronic component 電子元件protective impedence 保護阻抗branch circuit 分支電路single-phase appliance 單相器具combined appliance 聯合型器具appliance coupler 器具耦合器fixed wiring 固定佈線protective conductor 保護導體transient overvoltage 瞬間過電壓r.m.s values 有效值separate signaling circuit 單獨信號電路contact separation 觸點開距supply circuit 供電電路temperature sensing device 溫度敏感裝置EMI electro magnetic interference 電磁干擾EMC electro magnetic compatibility 電磁兼容性all-pole disconnection 全极斷開electrical stress 電氣應力earthing continuity 連續接地contact pressure 接觸壓力orthogonal projection 正交投影solid state control circuit 半導體控制電路tripping current 跳閘電流physical abuse 外觀損壞production program of spqre parts 备件生产计划stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 标准尺寸修理法“eight steps”method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修(状态监测维修)quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络计划maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔(正常运行时间)economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济分析maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步修理法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修(项目修理)repair on commission 外委修理(TPM)total production maintenance system 全员参加的生产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备修理计划acceptance check for equipment repair 设备修理验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度修理计划technical check of equipment 设备技术考核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修计划monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度修理计划equipment maintenance plan 设备维修计划three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修计划annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度修理计划breakdown maintenance 事后修理first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动计划MIS maintenance 管理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性修理rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间(分厂)maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 检验centralized maintenance system 集中修理制geometric accuracy 几何精度seasonal repair 季节性修理repair out of plan 计划外修理scheduled maintenance 计划维修planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制planned repair 计划修理contact accuracy 接触精度emergency repair task 紧急修理作业machining and fitting method on the spot 就地加工修配法precision index 精度指数accuracy standard 精度标准precision retaining ability 精度保持性precision reserve 精度储备fine repair 精修fine repair mechanic 精修技工economic accuracy 经济精度balancing precision grade 平衡精度等级mean time to repair(MTTR), mean repair time 平均修理时间minor repair 小修fitting method 修配法repair link 修配环repair specification 修理任务书repair rasks dispatch 修理施工调度repair time, shutdown time 修理时间downtime quota for equipment repair 修理停歇时间定额repair facilities 修理用设备repair quality 修理质量repair quality index 修理质量指标repair quality plan 修理质量计划repair quality assessment 修理质量考核repair symbols 修理标识repair cost assessment 修理成本考核repair size 修理尺寸repair quota 修理定额repair cost quota 修理费用定额repair scheme 修理方案repair manhour quota 修理工时定额repair manhours assessment 修理工时考核repair technology 修理工艺maintenance engineering truck 修理工程车maintenance tool 修理工具repair time limit assessment 修理工期考核repair assessment 修理考核inspection before repair 修前预检measuring and drawing before repair 修前测绘inquiry before repair 修前访问service after repair 修后服务optimum repair cycle 最优修理周期assembly accuracy 装配精度electric repair shop 电修车间(分厂)maintenance electrician 电修技工repair cost accounting for single equipment 单台设备修理费用核算adjustment method 调整法adjusting link 调整环4、设备管理probability 概率(几率)variance 方差decentralized maintenance 分散维修dynamic test 动态试验power facilities management 动力设备设施管理duct-proof and protective equipment management 除尘、防护设备管理sampling investigation 抽样调查domestic production management of imported spare parts 备件国产化管理standard deviation 标准偏差budget of installation 安装预算machine contracting system 包机制regulation of check and lubrication before on shift 班前检查与润滑制度shift relief system [设备]交接班制度《Equipment Management Regulation》《设备管理条例》(《条例》)《repair [设备]修理maintenance (and repair) [设备]维修key-point investigation 重点调查management of key-point equipment 重点设备管理key-point equipment 重点设备liability accident 责任事故exponential distribution 指数分布histogram 直方图prepayment and collection 预付与托收承付prophylactic test 预防性试验prevention first 预防为主orthogonal design 正交设计法(正交试验法)normal distribution 正态分布transportation vehicle management system 运输车辆管理制度three guarantees of quality 质量“三包”accident due to quality 质量事故management regulation of pressure vessel 压力容器管理制度mean time to failure 无故障运行时间Weibull distribution 威布尔分布idle equipment management 闲置设备管理制度idle plant 闲置设备statistical analysis 统计分析maintainability 维修性maintenance information management 维修信息管理combination of service and planned maintenance 维护与计划检修相结合random event 随机事件numerical control (NC) equipment management 数控设备管理three-level service system 三级保养制mathematical expectation 数学期望mathematical model 数学模型mathematical statistics 数理统计technical facilities in production 生产技术装备production equipment 生产设备life cycle cost (LCC) 寿命周期费用mangement regulation of lubricant warehouse 润滑油库管理制度commodity inspection 商检(商品检验)combination of design, manufacturing and operation 设计、制造与使用相结合investigation on plant 设备调研reliability reliability theory 设备的可靠性与可靠度energy saving property of plant 设备的节能性facility inspection and appraise through comparison for plant 设备的检查评比plant check system 设备点检制度environmental protection property of plant 设备的环保性complete set of plant 设备的成套性safety of plant 设备的安全性productivity of plant 设备的生产率durability of plant 设备的耐用性flexibility of plant 设备的灵活性equipment condition monitoring and diagnostic technology manage 设备状态监测与诊断技术管理equipment condition management systen 设备状态管理制度total plant management 设备综合管理dynamic management system of plant assets 设备资产动态管理制度plant leasing 设备租赁preparation system before equipment repair 设备修前准备制度man-hours quota for equipment repair 设备修理工时定额expense quota for equipment repair 设备修理费用定额material quota for equipment repair 设备修理材料定额acceptance regulation of equipment repair quality 设备修理质量验收制度equipment model 设备型号type of equipment 设备型式economical life of equipment 设备经济寿命operation and business management system 设备经营管理制度technical document of plant 设备技术档案technical conditions of equipment 设备技术状况technical condition management of plant 设备技术状态管理management system for technical document and file of plant 设备技术资料管理制度technical properties of plant 设备技术性能technical life of equipment 设备技术寿命specialized cooperation of plant maintenance 设备检修专业化协作planning and management regulation of plant maintenance 设备检修计划管理制度plant maintenance plan 设备检修计划plant maintenance specification 设备检修规程plant maintenance quality 设备检修质量design and construction of equipment foundation 设备基础设计与施工management of equipment order contract 设备合同管理feasibility studies of plant project 设备规划可行性分析investment plan of plant 设备规划performance of plant 设备功能(效能)operational capability of plant 设备工作能力examination and check systems of plant management 设备管理考核制度economic responsibility regulation of plant management 设备管理经济责任制度post standard of plant management 设备管理岗位标准plant management systems 设备管理制度downtime quota for equipment repair 设备管理停歇时间定额(停歇天数)plant engineering modernization 设备管理现代化plant management, plant enginerring 设备管理fixed plant assets management systems 设备固定资产管理制度equipment failure 设备故障plant renewal management 设备更新管理制度plant renewal 设备更新plant replacement 设备更换post responsibility of plant management 设备岗位责任equipment modification management system 设备改造管理制度plant reconstruction, plant modernization 设备改造classified management of plant 设备分级管理operation regulation with fixed qualified operator and fixed eq 设备定人定机、凭证操作规定“five disciplines”of plant operation 设备操作的“五项纪律”operation specification of equipment 设备操作规程management regulation of equipment spare parts 设备备品配件管理制度management regulation of equipment spare parts inventory 设备备件库房管理制度to quote plant price 设备报价discard of plant 设备报废equipment installation management 设备安装管理equipment installation 设备安装tours system to inspect plant 设备巡回检查制度to enquire plant price 设备询价plant model selection 设备选型acceptance check and reception systems of plant 设备验收交接制度statistic-reporting system of plant 设备统计报表制度technical document and date for plant maintenance 设备维修技术资料management regulation of plant maintenance technology 设备维修技术管理制度equipment maintenance quota 设备维修定额equipment service specification 设备维护规程unit account of plant 设备台帐equipment perfectness norm 设备完好标准plant in good condition 设备完好claims for equipment 设备索赔specifications of usage 设备使用规程information feedback management in initial operation period of pl 设备使用初期信息反馈管理management regulation for operation and service of equipment 设备使用与维护管理制度life-cycle management of plant 设备全过程管理life of equipment 设备寿命lubrication management regulation of plant 设备润滑管理制度“five fixation” of lubric ation 设备润滑“五定”accident management regulation of plant 设备事故管理制度three do not let pass of plant accident 设备事故“三不放过”plant accident 设备事故region responsibility system of plant maintenance 设备区域维修负责制fore period and later period management of plant 设备前期管理和后期管理regulation of fore period management of plant 设备前期管理规定wear compensation for plant 设备磨损补偿plant ageing 设备老化arithmetic mean 算术平均值(均值)coercionary service system 强制保养制effect coefficient of investment 投资效果系数economic management system of plant 设备经济管理制度excellence selection activity in plant management 设备管理评优活动Pareto chart 排列图(帕累托图)load test 负荷试验breakdown time 故障停机时间technological adaptability 工艺适应性supervision of engineering facilities 工程设备监理management of proccess-control-point equipment 工序控制点设备管理contract change and cancellation 合同变更与解除combined maintenance 混合维修regression analysis 回归分析interval between inspections 检查间隔期socialization of maintenance 检修社会化centralized maintenance 集中维修technical advancement 技术先进性combination of technical management and economic management 技术管理与经济管理相结合computer-aided plant management 计算机辅助设备管理P)planned preventive maintenance system 计划预修制度(ЛЛFOB of imported equipment 进口设备离岸价imported equipment management 进口设备管理CIF of imported equipment 进口设备到岸价precise,large scale,rare plant 精、大、稀设备management of precise,large scale,rare equipment 精、大、稀设备管理“five fixed” of precise,large scale,rare,critical equipme 精、大、稀、关键设备的“五定”economy 经济性static test 静态试验open-case inspection 开箱检查average deviation 平均偏差mean waiting time,MWT 平均等待时间repair cycle 修理周期structure of repair cycle 修理周期结构combination of repair, modernization and renewal 修理、改造与更新相结合complexity coefficient of repair 修理复杂系数time between repairs 修理间隔期leased equipment management system 租赁设备管理制度time value of fund 资金的时间价值natural accident 自然事故self-made equipment 自制设备management system for selfmade equipment 自制设备管理制度self-made spare parts management system 自制备件管理制度combination of professional management and mass management 专业管理与群众管理相结合transfer of facility 转让设备(设备调剂)typical investigation 典型调查areal (departmental) repair center 地区(部门)修理中心recovery ratio of used oil 废油回收率perfectness ratio of power plant 动力设备完好率fulfillment ratio of periodic service 定期保养完成率mean downtime(days) due to overhaul 大修理平均停歇天数perfectness ratio of key-point equipments 重点设备完好率qualification ratio under first acceptance check 一次交验合格率availability of plant in use 在用设备可利用率utilization ratio of installed equipments 已安装设备利用率annual profit ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 万元固定资产年创利润率maintenance expense for 1000 yuan production value 万元产值占用维修费用installation ratio of owned equipments 实有设备安装率comprehensive utilization ratio of plant 设备综合利用率added value rate of plant assets 设备资产增值率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备资产投资回收期newness degree of plant 设备新度profit ratio vs net book value of plant 设备净资产创利润率utilization ratio of planned time of plant 设备计划台时利用率constitution ratio of plant 设备构成比load rate of plant 设备负荷率back repair rate 设备返修率utilization ratio of institutional time of plant 设备制度台时利用率idelness ratio of plant 设备闲置率plant capital investment recovery ratio 设备投资回收报率capital investment recovery period of plant 设备投资产出比perfectness ratio of plant 设备完好率plant daily service fulfillment ratio 设备日常保养完成率incident frequency 设备事故频率utilization ratio 设备利用率down time ratio to accident (failure) 事故[故障]停机率fulfillment ratio of cleaning and oil change plan 清洗换油计划完成率mean repair cost per complexity coefficient of repair 每个修理复杂系数平均大修理成本maintenance expense per repair complexity coefficient 每个复杂系数占用维修费用industrial increase value ratio per 10000 yuan fixed assets 每万元固定资产创工业增加值率failure intensity 故障强度failure frequency 故障频率perfectness ratio of critical equipments 关键设备完好率perfectness raito of precise,large scale and rare equipments 精大稀设备完好率availability 可利用率(有效利用率)mean down time,MDT 平均停机时间mean time between failture 平均故障间隔期,平均无故障工作时间fulfillment ratio of repair plan 修理计划完成率load test and short-circuit test 负载试验(短路试验)plugging 反接制动与反向intermittent periodic duty 反复短时工作制feedback control 反馈控制feedback loop 反馈回路luminous intensity 发光强度distributed capacitance 分布电容split phase motor 分相电动机fractional horsepower motor 分马力电动机nonlinear control system 非线性控制系统nonlinear (circuit) element 非线性(电路)元件nonlinearity 非线性second class load 二级负荷rated condition 额定工况rated value 额定值short-time duty 短时工作制short circuit current 短路电流short circuit 短路series resonance 串联谐振transducer 传感器(变换器)magnetic core 磁心magnetization curve 磁化曲线magnetic field 磁场magnetic field strength 磁场强度magnetic saturation 磁饱和magnetic hysteresis loop 磁滞回线magnetic flux 磁通量magnetic flux density 磁通密度superconductor 超导体uninterrupted duty 长期工作制programmed control 程序控制stepping motor 步进电动机parallel resonance 并联谐振differentiation protection 差动保护tachogenerator 测速发电机protective circuit 保护电路open loop control 闭环控制apparent power 表现功率comparator 比较器nominal value 标称值speed governing by frequency convertion 变频调速speed governing by pole changing 变极调速ampere-turns 安匝safety voltage 安全电压semiconductor devices 半导体器件thyristor 半导体开关元件semiconductor 半导体(absolute)magnetic permeability (绝对)磁导率current rating (of cable) [电缆的]载流量breaking capacity (of a switching device or a fuse)[开关电器的或熔断器的]分断能力auxiliary circuit(of a switching device) [开关电器的]辅助电路alternating component (of a pulsating voltage or current)[脉动电压或电流的]交流分量direct component(of a pulsating voltage or current)脉动电压或电流的]直流分量TTL circuitPI TTL电路PI regulatorPID 调节器PID regulatorPD 调节器PD regulator 调节器main circuit 主电路neutral point 中性点medium frequency 中频active power 有功功率active element 有源元件first class load 一级负荷hard magnetic material 硬磁材料direct control 直接控制direct coupling 直接耦合remote control 遥控sine wave 正弦波rectiffication 整流illuminance 照度operational amplifier 运算放大器load rate 用电负荷率piezoelectric effect 压电效应selector 选择器oxidation stability 氧化稳定性couplingMOS 耦合MOS circuit 电路linear control system 线性控制系统linear(circuit)element 线性(电路)元件linearity 线性gas protection 瓦斯保护reactive power 无功功率passive element 无源元件eddy current 涡流synchronous speed 同步转速on-load factor 通电持续率micromotor 微电机differentiator 微分电路regulated power supply 稳压电源voltage stabilizing circuit 稳压电路sequential order of the phases,phase sequence 相序phase 相位(位相,相角)phase displacement 相位移temperature rise 温升connection diagram of windings 绕组联结圈winding 绕组servo system 随动系统detuning 失调distortion 失真digital integrated circuit 数字集成电路digital display 数字显示digital quantity 数字量capacitive reactance 容抗third class load 三级负荷three-phase and three-wire sysyem 三相三线制three-phase and four-wire system 三相四线制soft magnetic material 软磁材料thermo-electric effect 热电效应thermal stability 热稳定性thermistor 热敏电阻servomotor 伺服电动机servo mechanism 伺服机构output 输出input 输入flashover,arc-over 闪络D filp flop D触发器DTL circuit DTL电路logic circuit 逻辑电路excitation 励磁(激磁)contravariant 逆变bus,busbar 母线(汇流排)continuous control 连续控制continuous system 连续系统interlock 连锁connection symbol 联结组标号torque motor 力矩电动机analog quantity 模拟量potential drop of internal resistance 内阻压降whirling speeds 临界转速full load 满载pulsating current 脉动电流pulsating voltage 脉动电压pulser,pulse generator 脉冲发生器puncture test 耐压试验ideal inductor 理想电感器ideal resistor 理想电阻器ideal voltage source 理想电压源ideal capacitor 理想电容器ideal current source 理想电流源ideal amplifier 理想放大器ideal transformer 理想变压器temperature classification,thermal stability classification 耐热等级filtering,filtration 滤波discrete system 离散系统zero-sequence protection 零序保护load,charge 负载(负荷)inductosyn 感应同步器induced voltage 感应电压inductive reactance 感抗high frepuency 高频photoelectric effect 光电效应overcurrent protection 过电流保护overvoltage protection 过电压保护mains frequency 工频power factor 功率因数constant control system 恒值控制系统phasing 核相(定相)glow discharge 辉光放电fundamental wave 基波integrator 积分电路mutual induction 互感应commutation 换向change-over switching 换接parasitic capacitance 寄生电容detector 检测装置relay protection 继电保护skin effect 集肤效应coercive force 矫顽力demodulation 解调dielectric loss 介质损耗contact voltage 接触电压contact resistance 接触电阻earth fault 接地故障ground device 接地装置resistance of an earthed conductor,earthing resistance 接地电阻cut-off 截止partial discharge 局部放电insulation resistance 绝缘电阻absorptance(absorption ratio) of insulation resistance 绝缘电阻的吸收比step vlotage 跨步电压programmable logic controllers 可编程序控制器no-load test 空载试验noload operation 空载运行open-circuit voltage 开路电压open loop control 开环控制diamagnetism 抗磁性control circuit 控制电器shielded cable 屏蔽电缆gas chromatograph test 气相色谱试验gas conduction 气体导电air gap 气隙signal circuit 信号电路small-power motor 小功率电动机resonance 谐振harmonic 谐波impedance 阻抗optimum control 最优控制autonomous control 自治调节synchro,selsyn 自整角机automatic reclosing equipment 自动重合闸automatic protection device 自动保护装置automatic control 自动控制automatic control system 自动控制系统automatic regulating system 自动调节系统slip 转差率electric circuit 电路electric current 电流bridge 电桥armature reaction 电枢反应voltage,electric potential difference 电压(电位差)electric corona,corona,corona discharge 电晕(放电)power supply 电源electric field 电场electromagnetic wave 电磁波electromagnetic induction 电磁感应electromotive force 电动势inductor 电感线圈electric arc 电弧electric spark 电火花electrolytic corrosion 电解腐蚀dielectric 电介质reactance 电抗clearance 电气间隙electronic approach switch 电子接近开关conductance 电导equivalent electric circuit 等效电路earth,ground 地speed regulation,speed governing 调速speed governing system 调速系统range of speed regulation 调速范围speed governing by voltage regulation 调压调速modulation 调制amplitude modulation 调幅frequency modulation 调频2、IEC试验室产品Abrasion test 磨损测试设备Apparatus for burning test (vertical and horizontal) 水平垂直燃烧测试设备Apparatus for production testing of hand tools for live working 手动测试工具Apparatus for winding a flexible pipe 软管弯折试验设备Appliance couplers test equipment (various) 各类测试连接器Automatic & manual production test equipment - for final control 自动/手动产品测试设备- 出厂控制Ball-pressure test apparatus 球压测试装置Bending equipment for conduits 管路弯折设备Bump test 冲击测试Burning test, horiz. 燃烧测试(水平)Cable test apparatus (various) 各类线缆测试Draining current measuring equipment 损耗电流测试设备Drip proof test(special) 淋浴测试Drop test 跌落测试Dust chamber 防尘箱Dynamometers 功率计Earth bond resistance tester Earthing resistance test appliance 接地电阻测试设备Electric resistance of non-metallic materials 非金属材料的电阻测试Gauges and similar mechanical checking devices 量规或类似测试装置Electrode arrangements 测试电极装置Flexing test equipment 弯折试验Fume cupboard (protective cabinet) 防护罩Flexing test apparatus for cables 线缆弯折试验装置Flame hoods 燃烧罩Endurance test appliance for plugs 插头寿命测试Equipment for testing refrigerators 冰箱测试设备Endurance test appliance 寿命测试Gauges for appliance inlets Gauges for finished lamps 灯具量规Gauges for lampholders 灯座量规Hot wire ignition test 热丝引燃测试Hipot testers Hot mandrel test apparatus 高压机High voltage test appliance 耐压测试High frequency spark generator 高频火花发生器High current transformers 高电流变送器High current arc ignition test 大电流起弧测试Heating tests 高温测试Heating cabinets 高温试验箱Hand held shower 手持花洒Ground continuity testers 接地电阻测试Gauges for plugs and sockets 插头插座量规Humidity chambers 横湿箱Gauges for starters 发动机量规Impact balls 冲击球Glass vessel for microwave oven testing 微波炉测试的玻璃容器Impact hammers 冲击锤Glow-wire test apparatus 灼热丝测试设备Impact weight apparatus Inductive loads 电感负载Jet nozzles 喷嘴Lampholder testing apparatus (various) 各类灯座测试设备Kit bunsen burner/ needle flame test 燃烧测试套件(本申/ 针焰)Leakage current test appliance 泄露电流测试设备Laboratory power supply with isolation and regulation 可控分离实验室电源Loading weights (various) 各类负重Laboratory stablized power supply unit 稳压源Luminaries testing equipment (various) 照明测试设备Measuring equipment for testing switches and socket-outlets (with DPM) 测试开关和插头插座测试设备Megohmeter 兆欧表Mechanical resistance testing apparatus for el. Irons Mechanismus for burning tests (vert. And horiz.) 水平或垂直燃烧机架Needle flame burners 针焰燃烧工具Needle flame miniature burner 微型针焰燃烧工具Surge test circuit 浪涌测试Needle flame tester 针焰测试Resistance loads 电阻负载Scratch test equipment 刮擦测试设备Power sources 电源Probe for measuring surface temperature 表面温度探头Pendulum hammer 摆锤Plugs for endurance tests of socket-outlets 插头插座寿命测试Needle flame thermometer 针焰温度表Plugs and socket test equipment (various) 各类插头插座设备Splash testing apparatus 溅水测试Pendulum impact test apparatus 摆锤冲击测试Spray apparatus, tubes 喷水测试Solderability test apparatus 可焊性的测试设备Standard test enclosure 标准测试附件Temperature during operation, measuring equipment 温度测试Thermocouples 热电偶Temperature measurement 温度测试Test apparatus for IP tests IP 测试Torque test equipment 扭力测试Test finger nail 测试指甲Test panes for hob elements 燃气炉测试盘Test fingers 测试指Torsion apparatus 扭转测试Test hook 测试钩Tracking index apparatus 漏电起痕测试仪Test knifes 测试刀模Water evaporator 水蒸发器Test pin 测试真Tumbling barrel 滚筒试验装置Test probe 测试探头Variacs Vessel for testing induction hotplates 测试热传导的容器3、设备修理corrective maintenance 改善修理back repair rate 返修率stepped(sizing) repair 分级修理decentralized maintenance system 分散修理制waste and ungraded product and back repair loss 废次品及返修损失unscheduled maintenance time 非预定维修时间periodic repair task 定期修理作业periodic repair 定期维修法location accuracy 定位精度transmission accuracy 传动精度revision of overhaul plan 大修计划修改assesment of overhaul plan 大修计划考核overhaul planning 大修计划编制basis of overhaul plan 大修计划依据fulfilment rate of overhaul plan 大修计划完成率implementation of overhaul plan 大修计划实施overhaul cost 大修费用overhaul cost 大修成本构成overhaul cost analysis 大修成本分析fulfilment rate of overhaul cost 大修成本完成率overhaul guarantee 大修保修interval between overhauls, overhaul cycle 大修周期guarantee system of overhaul quality 大修质量保证体系overhaul quality evaluation 大修理质量评定overhaul quality control 大修理质量控制overhaul,capital repair 大修assembly repair 部件修理法partial repair 部分修理法compensation method 补偿法production program of spqre parts 备件生产计划stand-by or redundancy system 备份或冗余系统standard-size repair method 标准尺寸修理法“eight steps”method 八步法repeat location accuracy 重复定位精度middle repair 中修system with maintainable standby parts 有可维修备份的系统remote maintenance 远距离维修preventive maintenance 预防维修scheduled maintenance time 预定维修时间predictive maintenance 预知维修(状态监测维修)quality system 质量体系quality 质量deferred maintenance 逾期维修network planning 网络计划maintenance skill training 维修技术培训maintenance interval, uptime 维修间隔(正常运行时间)economic analysis of maintenance activities 维修活动的经济分析maintenance worker 维修工人maintenance protection 维修防护maintenance shop 维修车间maintenance prevention 维修预防maintenance cycle 维修周期maintenance time 维修时间synchronous repair 同步修理法repair downtime 停修时间item repair 项修(项目修理)repair on commission 外委修理(TPM)total production maintenance system 全员参加的生产维修制controlled maintenance 受控维修life cycle maintenance 寿命周期维修hot repair 热修repair schedule of equipment 设备修理计划acceptance check for equipment repair 设备修理验收quarterly repair schedule of equipment 设备季度修理计划technical check of equipment 设备技术考核equipment overhaul plan 设备大修计划monthly repair schedule of equipment 设备月度修理计划equipment maintenance plan 设备维修计划three essential factors of equipment maintenance 设备维修三要素item repair plan of equipment 设备项修计划annual repair schedule of equipment 设备年度修理计划breakdown maintenance 事后修理first-aid repair 抢修accuracy of machine tool after overhaul 大修机床精度rolling (circulation) plan 滚动计划MIS maintenance 管理信息系统维修process capacity index 工程能力指数working accuracy 工作精度recovery repair 恢复性修理rotational accuracy of machine tool 机床旋转精度machine repair shop 机修车间(分厂)maintenance mechanic 机修技工mechanical repair method 机械修复法instantaneous efficiency of machinery 机械的瞬时效率interchange method 互换法inspection 检验。



large bore engine 大缸径发动机super-large-bore engine 超大缸径发动机high-output large-bore engine 大功率大缸径发动机large bore 大缸径small-bore engine 小径气缸发动机small bore engine 小径气缸发动机large gas engine 大型气体发动机super-large engine 超大型发动机engine speed; engine rotational frequency 发动机转速lobbying efforts 游说工作monolithic dry clutch 单片干式离合器flywheel 飞轮prototypechassis 底盘after-treatment system 后处理系统power train matching program 动力传动系统匹配方案pneumatic 充气的;有压缩空气操作(推动)的,风动的pneumatic impact 气动的pneumatic impact gumstockholderperformance testinginterim 暂时的,临时的,过渡的leverage 利用/运用/借助roll-out plan推出计划,首度发行计划Most traders prefer to buy in bulk to save on costs.多数商人喜欢成批购买,以便节省成本。

an in-person meeting 一次面对面的会议lead time 订货到交货时间advance payment 预付款down paymentvet 审查(某人过去的记录、资格等);调查;检查;诊疗inaugural 就职的, 就任的D.J.[ɪn’ɔ:gjərəl]contractual 合同(性)的,契约(性)的underway 在进行中的affirmation 肯定;确认,证实;批准fiscal 财政的;Base calibrationSCR dosingdefinitive 决定性的, 明确的, 权威性的, 不能或不必改变的*di’finitiv] homologation 法规认证,正式确认support and fulfill vehicle/system homologation audit and declare.支持并完成整车、零部件总成的国家法规验收及申报工作;homologation test 鉴定试验dyno testretrofit 式样翻新cab 驾驶室drive 驱动Bank note 银票机加工machining机加工线machining line融资优惠政策分阶段 a phased approach动力性和经济性分析Performance and Fuel Economy AnalysisPerformance and fuel economy / 动力性和燃油经济性Product Configuration / 产品配置Sales Volume Estimation / 销售量估计exemption (义务等的)免除;免(税) exemptcircumvent 设法克服或避免(某事物);回避[sɜ:kəm’vent+They opened an office abroad in order to circumvent the tax laws.国家发改委National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC)displacement排量medium and heavy duty engine 中重载发动机heavy duty engine重载发动机power densityDurability & Reliability / 耐久性和可靠性功率段power range (hp)功率power功率ratingTorque range 扭矩B10寿命B10 Life (km)specific duty cycle 应用工况in terms of fuel consumption, high efficiencyHD truck duty cycle 重卡的工况数据(工况信息)Transmission 变速箱,变速器Cargo 载货Tractor 牵引Dump 自卸Mixer 搅拌Overload 超载Rear axle ratio 后桥速比油耗fuel consumption匀速最高档const speed highest gear匀速次高档const speed 2nd highest gear387 hp simulation show results closer to WP10.加速时间acceleration timehigher torque 高扭矩Fuel consumption is at the same level of MF10 E5 387hp\ 油耗与MF10 欧五387马力机型相当Preliminary Cost Estimation初步成本估算Localized Cost 地产化的成本Crankcase, Cylinder Head imported (Machining = 80% of Casting, 15% freight, 5% import duty) 缸体,缸盖进口(机加工=80%铸件,15%运输,5%关税)Sensor/传感器Fuel System/燃油系统Package 外形limit to 50 ton限于50吨内Competitive 有竞争力Euro Emissions 欧洲排放Timing to market 投放市场时间Better fit to customer needs 更好满足客户需求Cost competitiveness 成本竞争优势Proposed ratings推荐功率CuZe coating & Dosing Calibration 铜基后处理和标定Medium to heavy duty/ 中载至重载Up to 40 ton/最大至40吨Rating up to 270 hp/最大功率至270马力分阶段,分阶段方法a phased approachI am sorry for the hectic schedule.waives the two-week windowwaiver of two week windowTransfer of Assets 资产的转让JAC’s Representations and Warranti es 江淮的陈述和保证Applicable law and dispute resolutionAssets evaluation reportArticles of Association公司章程Technology License AgreementTrademark AgreementCompliance Agreement 合规协议Technical Services AgreementBuilding Lease 房屋租赁Whole Engine Parts Supply Sourcing AgreementEmployee Transfer AgreementSecondment AgreementAgreement to Assume Employment ContractsJV Employee HandbookLand Use Rights GrantWaiver Conditions豁免条件land grant contractland conversion and grant documentspricing 定价MOFCOM 商务部initialed each page 草签了每页May need file with Hefei AIC.Product design and specifications 产品设计和规格Sales volume forecast 采购量预测Packaging 包装title and risk of lost 所有权和损失风险warranty and product liability 质保和产品责任tooling 模具facility inspection 设施检查compliance requirements 遵纪守法条款force majeure 不可抗力term and termination 有效期和终止a Party (or its Affiliates) 一方(或其关联方)“Application Sign-off”“应用设计确认”“Bill of Material”“材料单”bill of quantities 数量清单a list of all the components that are incorporated into a Whole Engine所有组装到一个整机上的零部件清单“Bought-Out Component”“外购零部件”“Factory Cost”“工厂成本”actual direct material cost (including cost of packaging) 实际直接材料成本(包括包装成本)direct labor costs直接劳动力成本allocation of direct departmental overhead and utilities necessary to run the facility where the Whole Engine or Parts are machined, manufactured, or assembled为运行用于加工、制造或组装整机或零部件的设施所必须的直接部门管理费用和基础设施费用分摊sum 总数,总和a sum of之和departmental overhead部门管理费用“Firm Forecast”“固定预测”volume commitment by JAC to the Engine JV for the purchase of Whole Engines from the Engine JV承诺intellectual property rights 知识产权any or all claims, liabilities, losses, costs, damages, and/or expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) 任何或所有的索赔、责任、损失、费用、损害赔偿和/或开支(包括合理的律师费)loss of profit, loss of revenue, loss of business opportunity利润损失、收入损失、商业机会损失“Product Liability Claim”“产品责任索赔”“Purchase Order”“订单”from time to time随时“Rolling Forecast”“滚动预测”on an on-going basis持续unless otherwise specifiedcessation (暂时) 停止,中断cessation of Production停止生产startability 起动性能drivability驾驶性能exhaust system排气系统intake system进气系统the introduction of each new Whole Engine model引进新型整机emission certification排放认证预期的产量、启动费用、地产化程度expected volume, start up expenses, degree of localization competitiveness of Products产品的竞争性每次交货each shipment of the Productspayment Period付款期限disputed Invoice有争议的发票suspension of Performance中止履行offset 抵消No Offset不得抵扣minimum Volume最低采购量Shipping运输Late Delivery延迟交货Customs Declarations海关申报defective Products 缺陷产品pre-assembly inspection组装前检查tooling, jigs, fixtures模具、夹具、设置commissioning 试运转,调试Tooling which has been amortized and fully paid for by the Buyer in the Price of Products becomes the property of the Buyer当模具的费用已分摊到产品的价格中且已由买方全额支付时,该等模具将归买方所有upon five (5) Days advance written noticeadverse effect不利影响agree to settlement和解amicable Settlement协商解决technology, production techniques技术、生产工艺non-disclosure不得披露arbitrary 随意的,主观的You can make an arbitrary choice.你可以随便作选择Arbitration仲裁Severability部分无效Entirety of Agreement完整性Assignment转让null and void无效的Survival继续有效Supply Agreement Terms Detail供应协议详细条款quality, performance, form, fit, and function质量、性能、外形、匹配和功能transform 改造Reimbursable Costs应偿付成本SOW工作说明Diligent Efforts尽职尽力Good Faith善意行事Payment Term付款条款assets transfer and contribution agreement 资产转让和出资协议Recitals序言including production equipment, inventory, consumables and work in progress包括生产设备、存货、易耗品和加工中的物品The Assets exclude accounts payable and accounts receivable. 资产不包括应收款及应付款“债务”“l iabilities”“Liabilities” shall mean losses, demands, claims, liabilities, obligations, causes of action, assessments, damages, fines, penalties and expenses“债务”系指损失、要求、索赔、责任、义务、诉讼事由、征收款项、损害赔偿、罚金、罚款和费用“Pre-JV Joint Steering Committee”“合资前联合管理委员会”“SASAC”“国资委”appraise 估价,估计,评价assets have been appraised by an appraisal firm in the PRC qualified for appraisal ofstate-owned assets一家具备国有资产评估资质的评估机构进行评估obsolete 过时的,已不用的,被废弃的obsolete raw materials被淘汰的原材料出资通知Contribution Noticefulfillment or waiver实现或被放弃debts or accounts payable of JAC; 江淮的负债或应付帐款;the execution of this Agreement; 签署本协议appraisal result of the Assets资产评估结果such releases have been filed or recorded with the relevant government authorities该等解除已向有关政府机构报备或登记Exhibits附件专利patentcontingent 可能发生的,可能的,有条件的contingency 意外,意外事故;可能,可能性;偶然,偶然性;临时费,应急费,意外费用We must always be prepared for any contingency.A fire in our warehouse was a contingency that we had not expected.库房的一场大火是我们始料未及的。



资产评估报告英文模板Asset Valuation Report[Company Name][Address][City, State, ZIP]Date of Report: [Date]1. Executive SummaryThis report provides an evaluation of the assets owned by [Company Name]. The purpose of this valuation is to determine the estimated value of the company's assets for financial reporting, legal purposes, or potential sale.2. IntroductionThis section provides an overview of the company, including its history, industry, and relevant market conditions. It also outlines the scope and objective of the asset valuation.3. MethodologyThis section describes the approach and methods used to evaluate the assets. It may include factors such as income-based, market-based, or cost-based valuation methods. The sources of data and assumptionsmade during the valuation process should be clearly stated.4. Asset DescriptionThis section provides a detailed description of the assets being evaluated. It includes information such as the type of asset, its condition, age, and any relevant legal or regulatory requirements. Separate subsections may be used for different categories of assets, such as real estate, machinery, equipment, or intangible assets.5. Valuation ResultsThis section presents the valuation results for each asset category. It includes the estimated value of each asset, the valuation date, and any assumptions or limitations made during the valuation process. Any adjustments or discounts applied should be clearly explained.6. ConclusionThis section summarizes the findings of the asset valuation and provides an overall assessment of the company's assets. It may include recommendations for further actions or improvements based on the valuation results.7. AppendixThis section includes any supporting documents or additional information that was used during the asset valuation. It may include photographs, financial statements, market research reports, or any other relevant data.8. DisclaimersThis section includes any disclaimers or limitations for the valuation report. It may state that the valuation is based on certain assumptions and that the actual value of the assets may vary in the future. It may also provide information on the qualifications and experience of the valuer.This Asset Valuation Report is prepared solely for the use of [Company Name] and is based on the information available at the time of valuation. It is not intended to be used or relied upon by any third party without the written consent of [Company Name]. Any party receiving this report should exercise due diligence and obtain professional advice before relying on the content.[Valuer Name][Valuation Company][Address][City, State, ZIP][Contact Information]。



Ships illegally flying the
national flag of the People''s 的,由有关机关予以制止,处以罚款。
Republic of China shall be prohibited and
fined by the authorities concerned.
being submitted to and approved by the
State Council.
Chapter I I Ships
第 二 章 船舶
Section 1Ownership of Ships
第一节 船舶所有权
Article 7Theownership of a ship 第 七 条
Section 4Liability of the Insurer
第四节 保险人的责任
Section 5Loss of or Damageto
the 第五节 保险标的的损失和委付
Subject Matter Insured andAbandonment
Section 6Paymentof Indemnity
national flag of the People''s Republic
of China, except as otherwise provided
for by laws or administrative rules and
Noforeign ships mayengagein the
Chapter V Contract of Carriage of 第五章 海上旅客运输合同 Passengers by Sea



公司理财习题答案第八章Chapter 8: Strategy and Analysis in Using Net Present Value8.1 Go directly:NPV = 0.5 ⨯ $20 million + 0.5 ⨯ $5 million= $12.5 millionTest marketing:NPV = -$2 million + (0.75 ⨯ $20 million + 0.25 ⨯ $5 million) / 1.15= $12.13 millionGo directly to the market.8.2 Focus group: -$120,000 + 0.70 ⨯ $1,200,000 = $720,000Consulting firm: -$400,000 + 0.90 ⨯ $1,200,000 = $680,000Direct marketing: 0.50 ⨯ $1,200,000 = $600,000The manager should conduct a focus group.8.3 Price more aggressively:-$1,300,000 + (0.55 ⨯ 0) + 0.45 ⨯ (-$550,000)= -$1,547,500Hire lobbyist:-$800,000 + (0.75 ⨯ 0) + 0.25 ⨯ (-$2,000,000)= -$1,300,000Tandem should hire the lobbyist.8.4 Let sales price be x.Depreciation = $600,000 / 5 = $120,000BEP: ($900,000 + $120,000) / (x - $15) = 20,000x = $668.5 The accounting break-even= (120,000 + 20,000) / (1,500 - 1,100)= 350 units8.6 a. The accounting break-even= 340,000 / (2.00 - 0.72)= 265,625 abalonesb. [($2.00 ⨯ 300,000) - (340,000 + 0.72 ⨯ 300,000)] (0.65)= $28,600This is the after tax profit.8.7 EAC = $140,000 / 7A = $33,650.015Depreciation = $140,000 / 7 = $20,000BEP = {$33,650 + $340,000 ⨯ 0.65 - $20,000 ⨯ 0.35} / {($2 - $0.72) ⨯ 0.65} = 297,656.25≈ 297,657 units8.8 Depreciation = $200,000 / 5 = $40,000 EAC = $200,000 / 512.0A = $200,000 / 3.60478 = $55,482BEP = {$55,482 + $350,000 ⨯ 0.75 - $40,000 ⨯ 0.25} / {($25 - $5) ⨯ 0.75} = 20,532.13 ≈ 20533 units 8.9 Let I be the break-even purchase price. Incremental C 0$20,000 Tax effect 3,400 Total $23,400 Depreciation per period = $45,000 / 15 = $3,000Book value of the machine = $45,000 - 5 ⨯ $3,000 = $30,000Loss on sale of machine = $30,000 - $20,000 = $10,000 Tax credit due to loss = $10,000 ⨯ 0.34 = $3,400Incremental cost savings: $10,000 (1 - 0.34) = $6,600 Incremental depreciation tax shield: [I / 10 - $3,000] (0.34)The break-even purchase price is the Investment (I), which makes the NPV be zero. NPV = 0 = -I + $23,400 + $6,600 1015.0A + [I / 10 - $3,000] (0.34) 1015.0A = -I + $23,400 + $6,600 (5.0188) + I (0.034) (5.0188) - $3,000 (0.34) (5.0188) I = $61,981 8.10 Pessimistic:NPV= -$420,000 + (){}23,000$38$21$320,0000.65$60,0000.351.13t t 17--⨯+⨯=∑= -$123,021.71 Expected: NPV = -$420,000 + (){}25,000$40$20$300,0000.65$60,0000.351.13t7--⨯+⨯=∑t 1= $247,814.17公司理财习题答案第八章Optimistic:NPV= -$420,000 +(){}27,000$42$19$280,0000.65$60,0000.351.13tt 17--⨯+⨯=∑= $653,146.42Even though the NPV of pessimistic case is negative, if we change one input while allothers are assumed to meet their expectation, we have all positive NPVs like the one before. Thus, this project is quite profitable.PessimisticNPVUnit sales 23,000 $132,826.30 Price$38 $104,079.33 Variable costs $21 $175,946.75 Fixed costs$320,000$190,320.248.11 Pessimistic: NPV = -$1,500,000 +(){}1100000220000600000401131,.$850,.$300,..⨯--⨯+⨯=∑$115$725tt= -$675,701.68 Expected: NPV = -$1,500,000+(){}1200000250000600000401131,.$800,.$300,..⨯--⨯+⨯=∑$120$705tt= $399,304.88Optimistic: NPV = -$1,500,000+(){}130,0000.27$125$68$750,0000.60$300,0000.401.13tt 15⨯--⨯+⨯=∑= $1,561,468.43The expected present value of the new tennis racket is $428,357.21. (Assuming there are equal chances of the 3 scenarios occurring.)8.12 NPV = (){}-+⨯--⨯+⨯=∑1,500,000130,0000.22$120$70$800,0000.60$300,0000.401.13tt 15= $251,581.17The 3% drop in market share hurt significantly more than the 10,000 increase in market size helped. However, if the drop were only 2%, the effects would be about even. Market size is going up by over 8%, thus it seems market share is more important than market size.8.13 a. NPV = -$10,000,000 + ( $750, 000 ⨯10A) = -$5,391,574.6710.b.Revised NPV = -$10,000,000 + $750,000 / 1.10 + [(.5 ⨯ $1,500,000 ⨯9A).10+ (.5 ⨯ $200,000 )] / 1.10= -$5,300,665.58Option value of abandonment = -$5,300,665.58 – ( -$5,391,574.67 )= $90,909.098.14 a. NPV = -$100M + ( $100 ⨯ 2M ⨯10A) = $738.49Million.20b.$50M = C9A20.C = $12.40 Million (or 1.24 Million units )。

英汉互译 汉语词汇的英译

英汉互译 汉语词汇的英译

并列关系 安定团结 stability and unity 典雅大方 elegant and graceful 送旧迎新 to set off the old and welcome the new 改革开放 reform and opening up 丰衣足食 well-fed and well clothed
2. 根据具体搭配
进行 进行一场激烈的争论 to carry on a spirited debate 进行实地调查 to make an on-the-spot investigation
to have a cordial conversation 进行核试验

名单 List 菜单 Menu 帐单 Bill 保险单 Policy 订阅单 Subscription form 床单 Bed sheet 传单 Leaflet

履历表 Resume
病历表 Case history form 时间表 Time table 日程表 Schedule
系列专题: 词
句子 长句 语段
课程网站:分享资源 Hust
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① 投入产出效率 ② 资源配置效率 ③ x效率 x效率表明要素资产(可确指资产)相同的 企业,获利能力可能存在很大差距。
3.评估目的与具体的适用对象不同 持续经营前提下的企业产权变动 →企业(整体)价值评估 以破产清算为了假设前提 →要素评估(单项汇总) 非营利企业的评估 →要素评估(单项汇总)
1.先看是否需要对企业资产进行合理的重组,再根据 是否对整体获利能力有贡献,界定与区分有效资产与 无效资产 2.对无效资产进行处理 ( 1 )评估前进行“资产剥离”,不列入企业价值评估 范围。 ( 2 )对闲置资产进行单项评估,并与企业整体评估值 加总。 3.对有效资产不能漏评
4、企业价值评估的概念及特点 企业价值评估是企业经营业务价值的评估,它的评 估对象一般包括股权,权益和股票。
1)评估对象是由多个或多项单项资产组成的资产综合体 2)评估标的是该综合体的持续获利能力,整体获利能力 决定企业价值高低。 3)是典型的整体性评估
资 流动资产 货币资金 短期投资 应收票据 应收帐款(减坏账准备) 其他应收款(减坏账准备) 预付帐款 存货 长期资产 长期股权投资 长期债券投资 固定资产 (减折旧和资产减值准备) 在建工程 无形资产 递延税项借项 长期待摊费用 产 流动负债 短期借款 应付票据 应付帐款 预收帐款 各种应计费用 递延税项贷项(流动部分) 一年内到期的长期负债 长期负债 长期借款 长期应付款 应付债券 递延税项贷项 少数股东权益 优先股股东权益 普通股股东权益 负债和所有者权益
(二)企业价值 1、内涵:
企业的价值是该企业所有的投资人所拥有的 对于企业资产索取权价值的总和。 债权人—借款人,债券持有人 股权人—有剩余索取权的股权投资者 优先股 普通股
从政治经济学角度,企业的价值是指凝结在 其中的社会必要劳动时间。 从会计核算角度,企业的价值是指建造或取 得企业的全部支出或全部所费。
企业价值 = ---------------- × [1- ------------------- ] + (WACC - g1 ) (1+ WACC)n 1

t =n 1 +1 (1 +WACC)t
CFF n2 +1 + -----------------------------------(WACC - g2 )(1+ WACC)n 2 2、二阶段增长模型 CFF 1 (1+g1 )n1 CFF n1+1 企业价值 = ---------------- [1- ------------------- ] + -------------------------------------(WACC - g1 ) (1+ WACC)n 1 (WACC - g2 ) (1+ WACC)n1 3、一阶段增长模型 CFF 1 企业价值 = ---------------(WACC - g2 )
二、企业的价值评估模型 收益增长模式可以分为三种形式: 高增长阶段--过渡阶段--稳定增长阶段; 高增长阶段--稳定增长阶段; 稳定增长阶段
g g1 g2 g g1 g2 g2 g
高增长 过渡 稳定增长
图 8-1
1、三阶段增长模型 CFF 1 (1+g1 )n1 n2 CFF t ------------+
1.企业内部信息 (1)法律文件 (2)财务信息 (3)经营信息 (4)管理信息 (5)其他信息 2.企业经营环境信息 (1)宏观经济信息 (2)产业经济信息
企业价值评估的常用方法 一、成本法(资产基础法) 理论基础:成本价值理论 实质:对企业的资产—企业未来经营业务产生的 基础,进行评估 二、收益现值法 理论基础:收益价值理论 实质:对未来经营业务的成果进行评估 三、市场比较法 理论基础:市场比较理论 实质:根据可比的价值对被评估价值进行评估
的区别 1.评估对象的内涵不同
企业价值——资产综合体的获利能力 单项汇总——企业各要素资产的价值总和
(1) 企业价值与单项汇总之间往往存在差额 企业价值>单项汇总→商誉 ——企业的盈利能力高于行业平均水平 企业价值<单项总汇→经济性贬值 ——企业的盈利能力低于行业平均水平 企业价值=单项总汇 --企业的盈利能力与企业所在行业的资产 收益率相等 (2) 差额产生的原因 --商誉的存在
第二节 企业价值评估的资产基础法
总投资者索取权的价值来估算出企业价值,或通过加 总资产价值,再扣除无息流动负债和递延税款来计算 。 资产基础法就是实现企业价值评估中资产途径或成
净资本支出 + 非现金营运资本追加 g = ----------------------------------------------------- × 资本收益率 EBIT ×(1- 税率)
(二)股权价值评估 1、股权现金流量估价模型
(1)三阶段模型 CFE 1 (1+g1 )n 1 n2 CFE t 股权价值 = ---------------- × [1- ------------------- ] + ∑ ------------- + (re - g1 ) (1+ re)n 1 t =n 1 +1 (1 + re)t
某企业 2000 年 6 月 30 日资产负债表 119.0 流动负债 短期负债 银行借款
(单位:百万元) 66.0 22.0 14.0 8.0 40.0 34.0 34.0 70.0 69.0 1.0 170.0
长期负债的流动部分 应付账款 51.0 非流动负债 长期负债 股东权益 股本 未分配利润 170.0 负债和股东权益总计
资 产 经营资产 货币资金 应收账款
负债和所有者权益 经营负债 应付账款 预收账款
递延税项贷项 长期应付款
非经营资产 其他资产项目
债务及债务等价物 其他负债项目 少数股东权益 普通股股东权益
表 8-1 流动资产 现金 应收账款 存货 预付账款 非流动资产 金融资产 无形资产 固定资产净值 固定资产总值 累计折旧 资产总计 0.0 0.0 51.0 90.0 12.0 48.0 57.0 2.0
服务性企业 适用于对于账面价值和市场价值差异不大的水,电等
四、具体的计算方法 一是投资人的索取权价值加和法; 二是加总资产价值,减去流动负债中的非投资 人索取权价值法。
• 投资人索取权价值包括:短期负债,长期负 债,股东权益; • 非投资人索取权价值:应付账款,应付费用 。
(一)从产权的角度界定企业价值评估范围 • 一般范围 --从产权角度界定,评估范围是企业的全部资产 • 具体范围 --有效资产 (非有效资产)
及经营的部分 企业产权主体自身占用 全资子公司 企业全部资产 企业产权主体所能控制 的部分 控股公司 非控股公司中的投资
第八章 企业价值评估
1、了解企业价值的不同表现形式及其相互关系; 2、理解企业价值评估的用途、范围; 3、掌握加和法在企业价值评估中的具体运用及不 足; 4、掌握企业价值收益法评估的三种模型及其适用 范围和条件;参数确定的原则,步骤及适用条 件; 5、掌握比较法在企业价值评估中的具体运用。
4.产权不清的资产→“待定产权资产”,可以列入评 估范围,但需说明披露。
1.持续经营假设前提 企业作为收益性资产整体的持续经营价值 2.破产清算假设前提 (1)有序出让的交易价值 (2)被迫清算时的交易价值
3.企业价值的组成要素: 评估基准日经营性资产,未来的经营收益是 基准日经营性资产产生的
第一节 企业价值评估概述
一、企业及企业价值 (一)企业 是为满足社会需求并获取盈利而从事生产,流通 ,服务等经济活动,独立核算,自主经营,自 负盈亏,具有法人资格的经济组织。 企业的特征是: (1)独立性 (合法性) (2)社会性 --满足社会需要及其他 (3)盈利性—企业价值大小的决定因素 (4)持续经营性—企业价值评估的一般前提 (5)整体性—企业能够持续经营的保证
应付费用(包括工资和应付税款) 4.0
表 8-2
短期负债 银行借款 长期负债的流动部分 长期负债 股本 未分配利润
22.0 14.0 8.0 34.0 69.0 1.0 总资产 减: 应付账款
净资产总计 — 非投资人索取权价值法
三、企业价值评估的一般用途 (一)以产权交易为目的的企业价值评估 1.企业产权转让 2.企业并购 3.为高新技术企业筹资(风险投资) 进行评估时应注意考虑的因素:
协同作用; 资产重组; 管理层变更。
(三)以证券市上投资组合管理为目的的企业价值评估 • 消极型投资者—不关注企业的价值(多样化投资,对冲 ) • 积极性投资者 市场趋势型投资者—关注整个证券市场价格水平 证券筛选型投资者—企业真实价值的评估 (价值型投资者)