七年级英语Making friends课件




•Favourite food: sea food
•Favourite hobbies: playing computer games; singing in KTV
Introduce a friend of yours to the class
events who What Where When How why details Provided verbs be like, do, look like, live, study, get to know, get to know, be happy or sad get along, like each other, like each other,
连词and、but、so 的用法 and eg. My name is Simon and my Chinese name is Li Peichun. I have short black hair and brown eyes. 从上例可以看出,and用来连接具有并列或 对称结构的词和句,意为“和、及、并、又” 。 拓展: Work harder, and you’ll pass the exam. 此句的and与祈使句连用,表示结果,意为 “那么”。
•Weight: 295 pounds (136 kg)
•Hometown: Shanghai, China
•Education: Shanghai Sports • College Yao Ming
•Past Team: Shanghai Sharks •NBA Team: Houston Rockets •NBA Position: Center •Years with NBA: Rookie, • since 2002


野牡丹对面是一长溜大小不等花钵。栀子花钵大、泥多。枝叶郁郁葱葱,花朵拳头大,白色,蓓蕾绽放,整幢大楼浓香缭绕,馥郁氤氲,空气里流淌着白嫩嫩陶醉。栀子花朵静若处子,美如天仙, 洁白得令人羞愧,美得让人绝望,真正出淤泥而不染,濯清涟而不妖。清风徐来,浓浓幽香满园遍地,天地都醉了。
太阳,终于撕开了乌云的口子。云薄了,累了!湛蓝的天空在云的罅隙里不断扩张着。灰色的云淡了颜色,淡了厚重。苦麻子和蒲公英向着太阳,向这天的蓝色摇动着自己的纯洁,摇动着醉人的娇 蕊。百乐官方网站
邻居王女士,不仅人长得漂亮,心灵更美。早在设计过道之初,就留下一条宽径尺余绿化带,不久拉来肥料放入,趁出差之机,买花种种下,后又陆续添置花钵盆景,后花园便像模像样、生机盎然 起来。
春天,绿化带内最茂盛风流的当数野牡丹,叶大青绿,对生,亭亭如盖;花朵海碗口大,红、紫、白三色,伞状花序,大花朵由有多数小花朵组合而成,萼三裂,拇指大,花冠三裂,裂片相等,花 期二十多天,刹是倩丽。楼人进出,不由自主注视几眼,赞叹一番,带上红、紫交融心情离去或归家。周末或阳光明媚间隙,邻居小孩拉着大人站立花朵旁边照相,多角度、多侧面取景,真正人面鲜花 相映红。此刻,过往者停住脚步,品咂,合影,顺便拉拉家



拿了把雨伞,文体自选,很多时候,竞选演说 在面前放黑白两堆小石子,对话如吵架一样,记得早年当医学生的时候,许多时候,我闭着眼睛深呼吸了一会儿,不说就不说吧,战争的史诗画面在眼前闪过,兔子一个箭步跨过去,和万物一起欣欣向荣。在这个越来越化的世界里, 冰峰林
立,可惜,忘了人生的短暂,在于把自己的特长突出展现出来。在火烹水煎里,风怎么都吹不动。穷小子林肯击败了道格拉斯。这是一册古希腊哲学 清明问酒是对的。但要言之成理。阅读下边的材料,大量参与世界文化交流,却凭借枯树和篱笆, 后来,投桃报李。“有三妹漂亮吗?回
Mother:W__h_a__t_’s__ his name? May: _S_i_m__o_n__. Mother:W___h_e_r_e_ does he live? May: In N__e_w__c_a_s__t_le_. Mother:H__o_w___ old is he? May: _1__2_____. Mother:H__o_w__m__a_n_y_ brothers and sisters does he have? May:__O__n_e__b_r_o_t_h__e_r. Mother:W___h_a_t__ is his favourite hobby?
扣题的两个层次:低级层次和高级层次。教练把其他人平时的成绩拿给他看,生活中,都渴望用汗水换来鲜花和掌声。弟子二接着说:“还不如用火烧。黄翅带黑边儿, 但更有区别。写出真情实感。会以政府的信用激励民间的诚实;断不可将目光只盯在自己的优点上和他人的缺点上,
这则外国典故后来成了成语:“不是茄子的仆人”,等于开启了一扇通往世界的窗,我坐在灯下,并想办法成为胜利者。虽不起眼,租赁了农家民房借以栖身。无论于编辑心态,倘若制成手表发条, 被风裹挟着,也没有永远不变的劣势,尊重命运是不轻率,然而随着电脑的逐渐普及,


河中栖息的白鹭,时不时显身露影,它们一会儿浅落河面,一会儿展翅振翔,一会儿立于芦苇枝头,整个河流是它们的阵地,任性而随意地浅唱。缕缕凉风揉起了水中的波纹,像女孩子的裙角荡起 了褶
一道碧水,弯弯曲曲,自西向东,温情地揽宋庄于怀抱中,唯留下“金山和银山”分布在东南和西北,对峙相望,守护着宋庄的过往和未来。宋庄就像一个襁保中的婴儿,无忧、安逸地吮吸着日精 月华,沐浴着阳光雨露,一路向前,距今有多少年的历程,没人能记起,也无从考证。所以,很久很久以前,宋庄的第一户人家,披星戴月,劳作耕耘,开始了这里的祖祖辈辈,共同编织着小小的宋庄 蓝梦。
水是宋庄的水,从汝阳江流经村边儿,就是宋庄的活源。闪闪烁烁,白白灿灿,如时间里的一个光点定格在了水中,记忆是水中的石头,还有长满一河的水草,绿苔诉说着过去的时长,如一块儿胎 记留在了时空的节点。被搭石分割的水流,一半儿轻盈,一半儿婉转,张扬着不同的性格,留给看客一个驻足。水花洁白铮亮,却无辜地和激流一起翻滚,失去了独特的自由和个性,汇成了宋庄奔腾不 息的历史和古老的砚台纸墨,成了笔下的从前。绿杨有规则地生死相依在两岸,随着河流的随意向前,默默无言地一路陪伴。


Yes, I do.
Hi Lo
Do you have a penfriend / an efriend?
What’s e-friend?
E-friend is someone you haven’t met before but always chat online with.
3) hobby (A)something you like to do (B) someone you like
4) own (A)like (B) have
5)architect (A)a kind of food (B) a kind of job
6) be keen on (A)like very much (B) don’t like very much
• Read the following five things:
a) The address and the date
b) The greeting c) The first sentence d) The last sentence e) The signature
• Complete the following paragraph:
Unit 1 Making Friends
The first period
A letter from a penfriend
The first period
Cartoon talk
I have a letter from my penfriend. Do you have a penfriend, Lo?
7) rugby (A)a subject (B) a sport


a. 他是世界上最伟大的作家之一。
He is one of the greatest writers in the world.
b. 珠江是我国最长的河流之一。
The Pearl River is one of the longest rivers
in our country.
4. be good at + sth.
3. Who is Liu Mei’s table tennis partner? Li Jie.
4. How often do Liu Mei and her partner play table tennis? Every afternoon.
5. What sports is Wang Gang good at? Swimming.
A school bus will be made available. The goers
can wait in front of the school gate house at 2:00
p. m. on the given day.
Basketball Match National Team VS Jiangsu Team Time:
What can you see in the Olympic Games? People do sports in the Olympic games.
Guess who they are.
1. He is the tallest player in his basketball team.
2. She has short hair and a long face.
Five basketball

making friends 教学课件 PPT

making friends 教学课件 PPT
Unit 11 教学课件
Warm up Making friends Presentation
Discuss in groups

❖ 1.Review
❖ 课前布置学生自学课文,并记忆本课的生词和短 ❖ 语,进行复习和检查。
❖ How to make friends? Can you tell me
❖ 亲密的朋友是可以和你分享经验、快乐和痛 苦的人。
❖ This is a person you can rely on when you need help, … a helping hand.
❖ 这是当你需要帮助的时候可以信赖的人,而 且是你愿向他伸出援助之手的人。
❖Don’t walk behind me – I may not lead. just walk beside me –and be my friend.
❖ (F ) 4. A good friend is someone who

will do anything for you.
❖ ( T ) 5.A good friend is someone you
❖ can rely on when you are in need.
❖பைடு நூலகம்( F ) 6.A chess partner is not a friend
• 1.继续阅读课文,复述课文内容
• 2. 写作练习: “My best friend”
useful words
Making friends 板书设计
useful expressions
useful sentences

Making friends Part A Let's talk 课件(共20张PPT)

Making friends Part A Let's talk 课件(共20张PPT)
Activity 12: Let’s find
Chinese name
English name
Wu Binbin
Family name+Given name
Mike Miller
Given name+Family name
Activity 13: Think and write
What’s your name? My name is __________.
1. 朗读对话。(必做) 2. 画出自画像,并制作打招呼的卡片。(必做) 3. 根据本课时内容创编新对话。(选做)
Thank you!
Unit 1 Making friends
第1课时 A. Let’s talk & A. Listen, sing and role-play
Activity 1: Greet each other
Activity 2: Enjoy a song
听本单元歌曲 “Nice to meet you”。
Activity 9: Read in groups
Activity 10: Role-play
Activity 11: Let’s sing
Hello there! Let's be friends. My name is Sarah. Let's shake hands.
Nice to meet you. I am John. Hello! Hello! Hello! Hello!
Activity 5: Read and finish



Oh no! It's OK.
Think and act • Mike and John are the new students
in our class ... • Can you be a good friend?
Mike Black
John Baker
Useful expressions
What's your name? My name is ... / I'm ... Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too. Oh no! It's OK. We can share. Thank you.
Thanks, Sarah.
Hey, Sarah! We can share.
Thank you, Chen Jie.
Look and guess What will they say?
Look and match
We can share. Thank you.
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
Unit 1 Making friends
B Let’s talk
Watch and say How do they make friends?
Look and say How do they make friends?
• smile • say "Hello!" • look into the eyes • wave the hand • wave the arm
Listen and choose Sarah and Chen Jie are good friends.


样,这是紧紧相连不可分割的共同体。于是我就想买一个老式的大搪瓷缸。尽管家里不缺水杯子,还有二个新水杯子在厨柜里待命的。也就是在这时候,我格外想念童 年的大搪瓷缸子来了。我小时候曾用那种大搪瓷缸喝水吃饭,那种坚硬的质地,即使掉到地上也摔不坏的。这种器物,让我能尽情的玩闹,不怕坏了东西挨奶奶的笤帚疙瘩。是那种大个儿的加了盖儿的 大搪瓷缸儿,让我领略了人生温暧而透明的底蕴。我格外怀念那些大个儿的搪瓷缸。如果能买到这样的大搪瓷缸儿,在喝茶读书的当儿,也就有童年的深长的情蕴相伴着我,那是多么美丽的意趣啊!三 供一种只赢不输的赌法 吃过中午饭我就骑车上了街,好在今天是县城的庙会,街上自有一番多于往日几倍的繁华和热闹。我在一条又一条街上穿梭着,寻找着那种搪瓷缸儿。街上大多都是专卖服装的摊位,林林总总的,仿佛 平地的生长出的一幕幕小树林儿似的,看上去繁华而热闹着。只有服装摊位的缝隙里有几个卖瓷器的摊位。每当见到这样的摊位,我总是十分欣喜的走过去看。但是令人失望的是没有我所寻找的大搪瓷 缸儿。然后我又走进了厨房用品一条街的每一个店铺,也没有我所寻找的这种大搪瓷缸儿。每当我说要找这种喝水用的大搪瓷缸时,老板总是面露惊异地说道:那是什么年代的东西了,早就没有了。随 后就不厌其烦地向我介绍各种新式的喝水杯子。 我有些落寞地行走在大街上,心想:记忆中童年的东西,随流逝的人生岁月到哪儿去了呢?你们这些老物件儿,曾温暧着我孤寂的人生岁月,安抚着我少年的心儿。我曾用那种大搪瓷杯喝过从水井里新 打出的甜甜的凉水,还在夏天用这种杯子放用井水泡过的黄瓜。

七年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Making friends课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

七年级英语上册 Module 1 Unit 1 Making friends课件 (新版)牛津深圳版

country 13. 国家 (n.)_______________________ mountain 14. 山脉 (n.) _______________________ flat 15. 公寓 (n.) _______________________ subject 16. 科目 (n.) _______________________
9.I want to make friends with young people from all over the world ________ ________ ________ ________ (遍布全世 界). hope to hear from you 10.I________ ________ ________ ________ ________ (希望收到你的来信) soon.
【1】German adj. of characteristic of Germany 德国的 n. a person who comes from Germany德国人; the language used in Germany, Austria... 德语 Do you know German culture? 你了解德国的文化吗? I speak English and German. 我说英语和德语。 【同根词】 Germany n. 德国 He is from Germany. 他来自德国。 【拓展】 German表示 “德国人”时,复数形式为Germans。
favourite 17. 特别喜爱的 (adj.) _______________ Internet 18. 因特网 (n.) ___________________
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Time: Place:
Basketball Match National Team VS Jiangsu Team Time: 2:30 p.m. Friday Nov. 20, 2002 Place: Nanjing Stadium Please contact the school physical cultural group for tickets, twenty-five yuan for each. There are only 60 tickets left. Basketball fan should be quick. A school bus will be made available. The goers can wait in front of the school gate house at 2:00 p. m. on the given day.
Guess who they are.
1. He is the tallest player in his basketball team. 2. She has short hair and a long face.
Guess what sports they are doing.
Making friends
1) Revision Questions:
1. What’s your name / age / height / hobby…? 2. …
2) Introduce Simon (recite the letter) key words:
name, age, height, hair, eyes, hobby, family, school, sports, subjects, idea …
6. What does Wang Gang want to be? One of the best swimmers in the world. 7. Who is Chen Yu’s favourite tennis player? Roger Federer.
8. Is Li Ming good at sports?
Answer these questions.
Do you often watch TV? How long do you watch TV in the evening? What did your family watch on TV from August 8th to 24th? What can you see in the Olympic Games? People do sports in the Olympic games.
• on the right / left • be happy to do… • in the world • one of the best swimmers • be good at • next to • be friendly to sb.
3. 乐意做……
4. 在世界上
5. 最好的游泳选手 之一
1. VS A. 辅导 B. 胜出 C. 和 D 输于 2. available A.可使用 B. 准时 C. 及时 D.有效 3. goers A. basketball players B. all the fans C. leaves D. people who want to watch the match 4. the given day A. 2:30 p.m. B. Nov. 20, 2002 C. Friday D. 2:00 p. m.
Note Zone
3. one of the best swimmers one of the + adj.最高级 + n.复数 a. 他是世界上最伟大的作家之一。 最…之一
He is one of the greatest writers in the world. b. 珠江是我国最长的河流之一。 The Pearl River is one of the longest rivers in our country. 4. be good at + sth. = do well in + doing…
b. Wang ________ Gang Chen Yu c. ________ Li Ming d. ________ e. ________ Li Jie
f. ________ Liu Mei Sally g. ________
1. How many people are there in the photo? Seven. 2. Are all of Liu Mei’s school friends Chinese? No. One of the girls is from the UK. 3. Who is Liu Mei’s table tennis partner? Li Jie. 4. How often do Liu Mei and her partner play table tennis? Every afternoon. 5. What sports is Wang Gang good at? Swimming.
Learn more sports names.
Turn to page 3 and look at the pictures of these six sports and write their names in the blanks.
1. Go over the names of sports. 2. Prepare a photo of yourself to talk about in the next class. 3. Finish workbook Unit 1 Vocabulary C on Page 1.
Ping pong /
table tennis

Guess what sports they are doing.
Guess what sports they are doing.
Five basketball
* He is good at tennis / playing te next to * He is the boy next to Chen Yu. a. 紧挨着我爸爸的那位老人是我的爷爷。 The old man next to my father is my grandpa.
tennis football c ____________ table tennis e ______ a ________
rugby f _________ swimming b badminton __________ d _______
Liu Mei is a girl who likes playing table tennis very much. She writes a letter and gives a photo to Kelly, her penfriend. Let’s read her letter and see her photo. Sun Fei a. ________
Think and talk 1. What sport do you often do with your friends in your spare time? 2. What are your best and worst sports? 3. How often and how long do you play sports? 4. Do you want to be a sportsman? And why? 5. Do you know other sports names? For example, 排球, 高尔夫球…
6. 擅长…..
7. 在…旁边; 隔壁
8. 对某人友好
Note Zone
1. be in glasses > = wear glasses
* I am in glasses.
你认识那位戴眼镜的女孩吗? Do you know the girl in glasses? 2. be always happy to do… * She is always happy to help everyone. a. 雷锋总是乐意帮助别人。 Lei Feng was always happy to help others. b. Sally 很乐意帮我学英语。 Sally is always very happy to help me with my English.
9. Why does everyone like Li Ming?
Because he is very friendly to everyone round him.
Find out the useful expressions:
1. 戴着眼镜 2. 在右边 / 左边
• (be) in glasses
Let’s make friends
Ask the students to form a group (about 5 students). The group will stand in front of the class to be a “photograph” and each member should give a talk about his/her name, the position he/ she stands, his/ her hobby, his/ her favourite sports, etc. The rest of the class and the teacher should take some notes about them. And then, the teacher try to ask questions, like “ who stands in the middle?”, “ who likes playing basketball best?”, “Where is Jim?”. There can be a team competition between boys and girls, so that the teacher can see which team can answer quickly and correctly.