



2010届高考文科数学总复习冲刺试题(五)文科数学本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共60分)一、选择题:本大题共12小题.每小题5分,共60分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只 有一项是符合题目要求的. 1.已知集合{|,},{|,}22k M x x k k Z N x x k Z ππππ==+∈==+∈,则 A .M N =B .M N ⊂C .M N ⊃D .M N =∅2.已知函数()f x 是定义在R 上的奇函,当0x <时,1()2xf x ⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭,那么1(0)f -的值为A .2B .1-C .0D .13.函数log a y x =在[2,)+∞上恒有||1y >,则实数a 的取值范围是A .(1,2)B .1,1(1,2)2⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭C .10,(1,2)2⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭D .10,(2,)2⎛⎫+∞ ⎪⎝⎭4.已知直线1()y kx k R =+∈与椭圆2212x y m+=总有交点,则m 的取值范围为 A .(1,2]B .[1,2)C .[1,2)(2,)+∞D .(2,)+∞5.从5名羽毛球队员中选3人参加团体比赛,其中甲在乙之前出场的概率为A .310B .320C .120D .1106.已知||||1,||1a b a b ==+=,则||a b -=A .1BC.2D .27.已知n的展开式前三项的系数成等差数列,则展开式中有理项的个数是 A .1B .0C .3D .与n 有关8.使函数()sin(2))f x x x θθ=++是奇函数,且在[0,]4π上是减函数的θ的一个值是A .3π B .23π C .43π D .53π 9.已知|2|3x y m -+<表示的平面区域包含点(0,0)和(1-,1),则m 的取值范围是A .(3-,6)B .(0,6)C .(0,3)D .(3-,3)10.椭圆221:143x y C +=的左准线为l ,左、右焦点分别为1F 、2F ,抛物线1C 的准线为l , 焦点是2F ,1C 与2C 的一个交点为P ,则2||PF 的值等于A .43B .83C .4D .811.一副扑克牌去掉两张王后还有52张,将牌发给4个人,每人13张,则某人获得的13 张牌中花色齐全的全部情况数为A .1481348()C CB .131313523926464C C C --- C .131313523926464C C C -+-D .131313523926464C C C -++12.如图甲所示,四边形ABCD 中,,,120AB AD AB AD BDC =⊥∠=,将ABD ∆沿BD折起,使平面ABD ⊥平面BCD ,构成三棱锥A BCD -,如图乙所示,则二面角A DCB --的正切值为ABCD第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共90分)二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分,共20分.把答案填在题中横线上. 13.不等式22||10x x --<的解集是 .14.已知过球面上A 、B 、C 三点的截面和球心的距离是球直径的14,且3,AB AC BC =⊥, 则球面的面积为 .15.设直线21x y a +=-与圆22223x y a a +=+-的交点为00(,)x y ,当0x 、0y 取最小值时,实数a 的值为 .16.给出下面四个命题,其中正确命题的序号是 (填出所有正确命题的序号).① 若22ac bc >,则a b >;② 函数2()lg(1)f x x =-的值域为R ; ③ 数列234,,,,a a a a 一定为等比数列;④ 两个非零向量1122(,),(,)a x y b x y ==,若//a b ,则12210x y x y -=. 三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共70分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 17.(本小题满分10分)在ABC ∆中,a 、b 、c 分别是角A 、B 、C 的对边,且(m a =、),(cos b n A =、cos ),,2sin )2B CB P A +=,若2//,9m n p =,试判断三角形的形状.18.(本小题满分12分)某会议室用5盏灯照明,每盏灯各使用灯泡一只,且型号相同.假定每盏灯能否正常照明只与灯泡的寿命有关,该型号的灯泡寿命为1年以上的概率为1P ,寿命为2年以上的概率为2P ,从使用之日起每满1年进行一次灯泡更换工作,只更换已坏的灯泡,平时不换. (1)在第一次灯泡更换工作中,求不需要更换灯泡的概率和更换2只灯泡的概率; (2)第二次灯泡更换工作中,对其中的某一盏灯来说,求该盏灯需要更换灯泡的概率;(3)当120.8,0.3P P ==时,求在第二次灯泡更换工作中,至少需要更换4只灯泡的概率(结果保留两个有效数字)19.(本小题满分12分)已知函数32()f x x ax bx c =-+++图象上的点(1,())P f x 处的切线方程为31y x =-+.(1)若函数()f x 在2x =-时有极值,求()f x 的表达式;(2)函数()f x 在区间[2,0]-上单调递增,求实数b 的取值范围.20.(本小题满分12分)如图所示,已知正四棱柱1111ABCD A BC D -的底面边长为1,点E 在棱1AA 上,1//AC平面EBD ,截面EBD 的面积为2. (1)求1AC 与底面ABCD 所成角的大小;(2)若AC 与BD 的交点为M ,点T 在1CC 上,且MT BE ⊥,求MT 的长.21.(本小题满分12分)如图所示,已知椭圆C 的方程为2212y x +=,点(,)P a b 的坐标满足2212b a +≤.过点P 的直线l 椭圆交于A 、B 两点,点Q 为线段AB 的中点.求:(1)点Q 的轨迹方程;(2)点Q 的轨迹与坐标轴的交点的个数.22.(本小题满分12分)已知数列{}n a 的前n 项和1(,)n n S ka k n n N *=->∈ (1)用n 、k 表示n a ;(2)数列{}n b 对任意正整数n ,均有121131()lg ()lg ()n n n n n n b b a b b a b b ++++-⋅+-+-5lg 0a =,求证:数列{}n b 为等差数列;(3)在(1)、(2)中,设11,1,nn n i i i k b n x a b ===+=∑,求证:3nx<.参考答案1.B 2.C 3.B4.C5.B6.B7.C8.B9.C10.B11.C12.D【解析】3.当1a >时,函数log a y x =在[2,)+∞上,||1y >恒成立即|log |1a x >在[2,)+∞上恒成立,可得a x <当01a <<时,函数log a y x =在[2,)+∞上,||1y >恒成立 即log 1a x <-在[2,)+∞上恒成立可得1a x >,对于任意[2,]x ∈+∞恒成立 所以112a <<,综上得1(,1)(1,2)2a ∈ .4.解法一:联立21212y kx x y m=+⎧⎪⎨+=⎪⎩,得22(2)4220k m x kx m +++-=.0,m >∴ 方程总有解,需0∆≥恒成立即22164(2)(22)0k k m m -+-≥恒成立,得212m k -≤恒成立10,1m m -≤≥ ;又2m ≠m ∴的取值范围为[1,2](2,)+∞ .解法二:数形结合,因为直线1()y kx k R =+∈恒过定点(0,1),要使直线与椭圆2212x y m +=总有交点当日仅当点(0,1)在椭圆上或椭圆内,即220112m+≤ 0,1m m >∴≥ 又2m ≠m ∴的取值范围为[1,2](2,)+∞ .5.13353320C A =7.展开式前三项的系数满足02111242n n n C C C +=⨯⋅可解得8n =,或1n =(舍去).从而可知有理项为41592341,,8256T x T x T x===,故C 正确.8.()sin(2))2sin 23f x x x x πθθθ⎛⎫=++=++ ⎪⎝⎭,欲使()f x 为奇函数,须使()3k k Z πθπ+=∈,观察可知,A 、C 不符合要求,若23πθ=,则()2s i n f x =222s i n (2)2s i n 233x x x πππ⎛⎫++=+=- ⎪⎝⎭,其在[0,]4π上是减函数,故B 正确当53πθ=时,5()2sin(2)2sin 233f x x x ππ=++=,其在[0,]4π上是增函数,不符合要求.9.|2|3x y m -+<等价于230230x y m x y m -++>⎧⎨-+-<⎩画图可知3330m m +>⎧⎨-<⎩,故03m <<.10.如图乙所示.设2||PF m =,点P 到直线l 的距离为d ,则由抛物线定义得2||d PF m ==,又由点P 在椭圆上,及椭圆第一定义得1||4PF m =- 由椭圆第二定义得1||141,22PF m e d m -==∴=,解之得83m =. 11.从52张牌中任意取13张牌的全部取法为1352C ;缺少某一种花色的取法为1339C ,缺少两种花色的取法为1326C ,缺少三种花色的取法为1313C ,根据容斥原理可知四种花色齐全的取法为1311321331352439426413C C C C C C C -+-.12.设BD 中点为E ,连AE .由已知得AE ⊥平面BCD ,作EF DC ⊥,交CD 的延长线于点F ,连AF .则AFE ∠为所求,设2AB =,则AE ED ==Rt EFD ∆中可求出EF =,则tan AFE ∠=.二、填空题13.{|11}x x -<<.提示:可以用换元法,原不等式为212||||10||1112x x x x --<⇔-<<⇔-<<也可以用数形结合法.令221,||y x y x =-=,在同一坐标系内分别画出这两个函数的图象,由图直观得解集.14.12π.提示:经判断,AB15.22-.提示:由于2220000()2()x y x y +≤+得22(21)2(23)a a a -≤+-解得2222a -≤≤+,又2220000001[()()]2x y x y x y -+-+22131(364)(1)222a a =-+=-+所以,当2a =时,00x y +取得最小值. 16.①②④ 三、解答题 17.懈://m ncos cos 0a B b A ∴-=,由正弦定理得,sin cos cos sin 0A B A B -=sin()0,A B A B ∴-=∴=,2sin )2A p A - 又2229,)(2sin )92AP A =∴+=, 228cos 4sin 92A A +=,化简得1cos ,(0,),23A A A ππ=∠∈∴∠=,3B C ABC π∴∠=∠=∴∆为等边三角形.说明;本题是向量和三角相结合的题目,既考查了向量的基本知识,又考查了三角的有关知识,三角形的形状既可由角确定。



2010年考研数学冲刺试卷参考答案数学一 (卷三)一.选择题: (1)解 应选(B )由于112]sin 12[lim )(lim 100=-=++=--→→xxe xf xx x 110]sin 12[lim )(lim 100=+=++=++→→xxe xf xx x )0(f 无意义,则0=x 为)(x f 的可去间断点,故应选(B ).(2)解 应选(B ). 令q x x x x f +++=sin )(5由于)(x f 在),(+∞-∞上连续,且+∞=-∞=+∞→-∞→)(lim ,)(lim x f x f x x ,则)(x f 在),(+∞-∞上至少有一个零点.又),(,0cos 15)(4+∞-∞∈>++='x x x x f ,则)(x f 在),(+∞-∞上单调增,从而在),(+∞-∞上最多一个零点,故方程0sin 5=+++q x x x 在),(+∞-∞有且仅有一个实根,故应选(B ). (3)解 应选(C )直线⎩⎨⎧=-+=+-0202z y x z y x 的方向向量为k j i kj i 333211121++=--=τ平面12=++z y x 的法向量为k j i n ++=2 由于012≠=⋅n ,且τ与n 不平行,则直线⎩⎨⎧=-+=+-0202z y x z y x 与平面12=++z y x 相交但不垂直.(4)解 应选(A ) 由于)2tan (21|2tan)1(|32232na n a n n n +≤- 而)(4~2tan 34322∞→n nn.且∑∞=12n n a 和∑∞=1344n n都收敛,则∑∞=-1322tan)1(n n n na 绝对收敛,故应选(A )(5)解 应选(A )因E AB A =-22,则E B A A =-)2(,故(B )、(C )均不对,由A 与B A 2-互为逆矩阵可知E A B A =-)2(,所以BA AB =. (6)解 应选(B )方法1. 因A 、B 均为实对称矩阵,它们合同的充要条件是正负特征值的个数分别对应相同;又它们均可对角化,此时,它们相似的充要条件是有相同的特征值,而今易得A 、B 有相同的特征值6,3,3-;方法2. 注意到下面的事实,B A 3232r r c c ↔↔−→−,于是有3阶初等矩阵⎪⎪⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=010100001)3,2(E ,使)3,2()3,2(AE E B =,而显然有)3,2()]3,2([T E E =, )3,2()]3,2([1E E =-.(7) 解 应选(A )由于(2)0D X Y +=,因此(2)1P X Y C +==,即(2)1P Y X C =-+=,其中C为常数,从而1XY ρ=-,故选(A )。



16.戊戌变法期问,康有为曾上书光绪帝:“今则万国交通,一切趋于尚同,而吾以 一国衣服独异……今为机器之世,多机器则强,少机器则弱,辫发与机器不相容 也。”“中国宽衣博带,长裙雅步而施万国竞争之世……诚非所宜。” 此段材料中康有 为要表达的思想是 ( ) A.进行政治变革,建立君主立宪政体 B.进行经济变革,大力发展机器生产,以提高生产力 C.进行社会风俗的变革,以使中国与世界文明相融合 D.要求政府下令进行“断发易服”,采用汉人装束 【答案】 C 【解析】本题主要考查了中国近代社会生活的变迁。注意分析材料,康有为实际上是从辫 子不利于工业生产,不利于吸收外来工业文明,中国的服装不利于和外国进行竞争的 角度,来分析说明中国应该进行风俗改革,以适应世界的发展。故答案为C项。 • 17.1992年被人们称为中国30年改革进程标志性的分水岭。“如果说此前中国一直在 隧道中探索,l992年应该说人们终于看到了隧道口的光亮。”作出这一判断的主要依据 是党和政府 ( ) A.制定了改革开放的基本国策 B.肯定了私营经济的合法地位 C确立了市场经济的改革目标 D形成了立体全面的开放格局 【答案】 C 【解析】本题考查中国特色社会主义建设的道路。解答本题关键是注意时问“1992年”, 1992年,在中共十四大上,确立了市场经济的改革目标。故C项正确。
3.国际社会在应对金融危机时,“中国缺席的谈判没有任何意义”。世界各国应合作 应对金融危机,保护主义和孤立主义无助于克服困难。这说明 ( ) A.经济全球化使中国和世界各国的经济日益密切 B.我国基本实现贸易平衡 C.我国已初步建立起社会主义市场经济体制 D.经济全球化是以美国等发达资本主义国家为主导的 【答案】 A 【解析】审题时抓住“应合作应对”等关键词,体现了当今世界,受经济全球化的影响, 世界各国的经济日益密切。A项正确。B、C、D项观点与题干的主旨不符。



2010年全国成考数学(理工类)考前冲刺卷(考试时间120分钟) 第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共85分)一、选择题:本大题共17小题,每小题5分,共85分。


1.已知集合{}0,a M =,{}2,1=N ,且{}1=N M ,那么N M 等于( ) A .{}2,1,0,a B .{}2,1,0,1 C .{}2,1,0 D .不能确定 2.已知c b a c b a 23,32=-=+,a 与b 的关系是( )A .b a =B .b a 2=C .b a -=D .b a 2-= 3.已知︒=︒=35,10βα,那么)tan 1)(tan 1(βα++的值等于( ) A .3 B .2 C .21+ D .31+ 4.函数x x y 44sin 2cos 2-=的最小正周期是( ) A .π B .π2 C .2πD .π45.函数xxy -⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛=221的定义域为( )A .R x ∈B .2,≠∈x R x 且C .0,≠∈x R x 且D .20<<x6.以方程0622=--x x 的两根的倒数为根的一元二次方程为( ) A .0262=-+x x B .01862=--x x C .03232=--x xD .019182=++x x7.顶点在点A (2,-1),准线为x 轴的抛物线方程是( ) A .)1(2)2(2+=-y x B .)1(4)2(2+-=-y x C .)1(2)2(2-=+y x D .)1(4)2(2-=+y x8.设0<m ,那么实数m 的三角形式是( )A .)0sin 0(cos i m +B .)sin (cos ππi m +C .⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛+-23cos23sinππi m D .)sin (cos ππi m +-9.“0,0=≠=B C A ”是“二元二次方程022=+++++F Ey Dx Cy Bxy Ax 表示圆”的( )A .充分非必要条件B .必要非充分条件C .充分且必要条件D .既非充分又非必要条件 10.已知)0(1)1(2>++=x x x x f ,则)(x f =( )A .xx 112+- B .xx 112-+C .xx 112-- D .xx 112++11.设定义域在R 上的函数x x x f =)(,则)(x f 是( ) A .奇函数,增函数 B .偶函数,增函数 C .奇函数,减函数 D .偶函数,减函数 12.6)22(x x + 的展开式中常数项是( )A .30B .20C .15D .10 13.若直线b ax y +=过第一、二、四象限,则圆⎩⎨⎧+=+=θθsin cos r b y r a x (θ为参数)的圆心在( )A .第一象限B .第二象限C .第三象限D .第四象限 14.)21arccos(-的值为( )A .6π-B .3π-C .3πD .32π15.由1,2,3,4组成的无重复数字的四位数,按从小到大的顺序排成一个数列{}n a ,则18a 等于( )A .1243B .3421C .4123D .341216.任选一个不大于20的正整数,它恰好是3的整数倍的概率是( ) A .203 B .103 C .41 D .5117.已知函数)(x f 为奇函数,当)1,0(∈x 时,)1lg()(+=x x f ,那么,当)0,1(-∈x 时,)(x f 的表达式为( )A .)1lg(+-xB .)1lg(x --C .)1lg(x -D .2)1lg(21+x第Ⅱ卷(非选择题,共65分)二、填空题:本大题共4题,每小题4分,共16分。



2010中考数学模拟试卷冲刺篇(五)时间:120分钟总分:150分一、选择题(本大题共8题,每题3分,共24分)1.下列计算中,结果正确的是() A .532)(a a =B .1120-=- C .2221=D .326a a a =÷ 2.在函数xx y 1+=中,自变量x 的取值X 围是() A .x ≠-1 B .x ≠0 C .x ≥-1D .x ≥-1,且x ≠03.下列图形中既是轴对称图形又是中心对称图形的是 ( )4.如图, AB 是⊙O 的直径,CD 是弦,且CD ⊥AB ,若BC =8,AC =6,则sin ∠ABD 的值为() A.35 B. 34 C. 45 D. 435.如图,等腰Rt △ABC 绕C 点按顺时针旋转到△A 1B 1C 1的位置(A ,C ,B 1在同一直线上),∠B =90º,如果AB =1,那么AC 运动到A 1C 1所经过的图形面积是( )A .23π B .32π C .34π D .43π6.兴趣小组的同学要测量树的高度.在阳光下,一名同学测得一 根长为1米的竹竿的影长为米,同时另一名同学测量树的高度时,题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 答案第4题 A . B . C . D .A B C (C 1)B 1 A 1 第5题发现树的影子不全落在地面上,有一部分落在教学楼的第一级台阶上,测得此影子长为米,一级台阶高为米,如图所示,若此时落在地面上的影长为米,则树高为( )A .米B .米C .米D .米 7.将n 个边长为cm 1的正方形按如图所示的方法摆放,点1A ,2A … n A ,分别是正方的中心,则n 个这样的正方形重叠部分(阴影部分)的面积为( ) A .241cm B.24cm n C.241cm n - D.2)41(cm n8.已知A 、B 两地相距4千米,上午8∶00,甲从A 地出发 步行到B 地8∶20,乙从B 地出发骑自行车到A 地,甲、 乙两人离A 地的距离(千米)与甲所用的时间(分)之间 的关系如图所示,由图中的信息可知,乙到达A 地的时间 为()A .8∶30B .8∶40C .8∶35D .8∶45二.填空题(本大题共10题,每题3分,共30分) 9.分解因式:316a a -=.10.据中新社报道:2010年我国粮食产量将达到540 000 000千克,,用科学记数法表示这个粮食产量为千克11.小明过生日时,戴上了漂亮的圆锥形“寿星帽”,该帽的母线长25cm ,底面圆直径是20cm ,则这个帽子是用面积为cm 2的扇形纸版做成的.(结果用π表示)12.为了估计湖中有多少条鱼,先从湖中捕捉50条鱼做记号,然后放回湖里,经过一段时间,等带记号的鱼完全混于鱼群中之后,再捕捞第二次鱼共200条,有10条做了记号,则估计湖里有条鱼.13.将一副三角板按如图所示的方式放置.若AE ∥BC ,则∠AFD 的度数是.14.如图,AB 是⊙O 的直径,AB=4,点C 是半圆的三等分点,点D 是中点,AB 上一动点P ,连接PC ,PD ,则PC+PD 的最小值是.第7题15.如图,在△ABC 内有边长分别为8,6,x 的三个小等边三角形⊿DCE 、⊿FEG 、⊿HGP ,且点D 、F 、H 在边AB 上,点E 、G 、P 在边BC 上,则x 的值为_______.16.如图,在直角坐标系中,点A在y 轴上,△OAB 是等腰直角三角形,斜边OA=2,将△OAB 绕点O 逆时针旋转90°得△B A O '',则点B '的坐标为.17.在直角坐标系中,直线m x y +=与双曲线在第一象 轴,垂足为B ,且1=∆AOB S ;限交于点A ,与x 轴交于点C ,AB ⊥x则⊿ABC 的面积为18.如图,对面积为s 的△ABC 逐次进行以下操作:第一次操作, 分别延长AB 、BC 、CA 至点1A 、1B 、1C ,使得AB B A 21=,BC C B 21=,CA A C 21=,顺次连接1A 、1B 、1C ,得到△1A 1B 1C , 记其面积为1S ;第二次操作,分别延长11B A ,11C B ,11A C 至点2A 、 2B 、2C ,使得11122B A B A =,11122C B C B =,11122A C C A =, 顺次连接2A 、2B 、2C ,得到△2A 2B 2C 2,记其面积为2S ;…; 按此规律继续下去,可得到△n n n C B A ,则其面积n S .三.解答题(本大题共8题,共96分)19.解答下列各题(本题有4小题,每题4分,共16分.) ⑴计算:21132(3)()2--+-+---⑵ 化简:)2)(1(31+---x x x x ,并选一个你喜欢的x 值代入求值。



2010年度考研英语冲刺试卷Section I Use of EnglishDirections:Read the following text. Choose the best word(s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B,C or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)Few scientific fields are as full of risk as that of research into human intelligence. The two ques-tions that 1 over and over again are “is it a result of nature or nurture?” and“does race make a difference?”Making 2 comments about the second question can be a 3 move, as James Wat-son, a co-discoverer of DNA structure, recently found. He suggested that he was “ 4 about the prospect of Africa ” 5 “all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours (white people) 6 all the testing says not really ”. Such7 are not merely 8 , they are scientifically weird. If the term race has any useful scientific meaning, then Afri-ca, the continent where modern 9 began, is most racially diverse. The resulting 10 among the public forced Dr. Watson to leave his laboratory.11 , the study of 12 between intelligence and genetics has some wiser practi-tioners. One of them, Terrie Moffitt, of King ’s College, has just 13 a project 14 the relative importance of nature and nurture. Dr. Moffitt ’s team 15 the effect on intelligence of breastfeeding, but in a genetic context. Previous studies have shown that breastfed children are more intelligent, 16 about six IQ points, than those given baby formulas.The team, however, 17 the involvement of a gene called FADS2, which comes in twovarieties, known as C and G. The researchers 18 if these two varieties 19 differently with breast milk. 20 on data from two groups of people, they found that the intelligence in-crease associated with breastfeeding only happened to people having inherited at least one copy of the C variety. The effect did not depend on the social classes or IQs of the parents.1. [A] happen [B] rise [C] arise [D] arouse2. [A] prompt [B] hasty [C] general [D] stupid3. [A] career- killing [B] career- facilitating [C] time- consuming [D] energy-saving4. [A] gloomy [B] optimistic [C] concerned [D] alarmed5. [A] therefore [B] because [C] so [D] but6. [A] however [B] whereas [C] since [D] as7. [A] polices [B] tests [C] remarks [D] questions8. [A] offensive [B] confusing [C] promising [D] objective9. [A] civilization [B] culture [C] society [D] humanity10. [A] finding [B] uproar [C] complexity [D]puzzlement11. [A] Fortunately [B] Particularly [C] Furthermore [D] Indeed12. [A] similarities [B] differences [C] links [D] contradictions13. [A] sponsored [B] recommended [C] criticized [D] supervised14. [A] concluding [B] investigating [C] judging [D] emphasizing15. [A] had [B] examined [C] discovered [D] suggested16. [A] with [B] at [C] to [D] by17. [A] suspected [B] doubted [C] disapproved [D] challenged18. [A] questioned [B] wondered [C] noted [D] found19. [A] combined [B] contradicted [C] reacted [D] interacted20. [A] Deciding [B] Acting [C] Drawing [D] ReflectingSection II Reading ComprehensionPart ADirections:Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A, B, C, or D.Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (40 points)Text 1The idea that boys and girls—and men and women—are programmed by evolution to behavedifferently from one another is now widely acknowledged. But which of the differences betweenin the sense that they have been honed by evolution, and whi ch arethe sexes are “biological”,“cultural” or “environmental” and might more easily be altered by changed circumstances, is still fiercely debated.The sensitivity of the question was shown last year by an uproar at Harvard University. Larrycaused a storm when he suggested that innate ability could be Summers, then Harvard’s president,an important reason why there were so few women in the top positions in mathematics, engineer-ing and the physical sciences.Even as a proposition for discussion, this is unacceptable to some. But biological explana-tions of human behavior are making a comeback (卷土重来). The success of neo-Darwinism hasprovided an intellectual foundation for discussion about why some differences between the sexesmight be innate. And new scanning techniques have enabled researchers t o examine the brain’sinterior while it is working, showing that male and female brains do, at one level, operate differ-s (陈旧说辞) about what the differ-ently. The results, however, do not always support past clichéences in question actually are.Another behavioral difference that has borne a huge amount of scrutiny is in mathematics, particularly since Dr. Summers’ comments. The problem with trying to argue that the male ten-dency to systemize might lead to greater mathematical ability is that, in fact, girls and boys areequally good at maths prior to teenage years. Until recently, it was believed that males outper-formed females in mathematics at all ages. Today, that picture has changed, and it appears thatmales and females of any age are equally good at computation and at understanding mathematical concepts. However, after their mid-teens, men are better at problem solving than women are.The question raised by Dr. Summers does get to the heart of the matter. Over the past 50 years,women have made huge progress into academia and within it. Slowly, they have worked their wayinto the higher echelons (等级)of discipline after discipline. But some parts of the ivory towerhave proved harder to occupy than others. The question remains, to what degree is the absence ofwomen in science, mathematics and engineering caused by innate, immutable ability?Innate it may well be. That does not mean it is immutable. A variety of abilities are amenable totraining in both sexes. And such training works. Biology may predispose, but it is not necessarilydestiny.(Line 3, Paragraph 1) most probably mean?21. What does the word “honed”[A] started [B] determined [C] created [D] sharpened22. Which of the following statements would Larry Summers support?[A] Women were innately less able than men in some areas.[B] Women have limited capacity in all research fields.[C] Women should not choose careers in maths, engineering, etc.[D] Women are facing discrimination in their careers.23. Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?[A] Neo-Darwinism offered biological evidence of the innate sex differences.[B] Female innate ability is not the only reason for their academic position.[C] Boys and girls performed equally well in problem solving in teenage years.[D] Dr. Summers ignored the fact that women have risen to the top of the ivory tower.24. The sentence “Biology may predispose, but it is not necessarily destiny.” (Line 2, Para. 7) in-dicates that_________.[A] B iological factors determine one’s capabilities.[B] Women’s role is not decided by destiny.[C] Biological differences could be changed.[D]Abilities can be acquired despite innate differences.25. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?[A] Sex Difference: Who is Smarter?[B] Female Lag in Certain Fields: Gender Difference[C] Differences Between the Sexes: Mismeasure of Women[D] Gender Inequality: Female Inferiority ProvedText 2In the early days of the internet, the idea that it represented an entirely new and separaterealm, distinct from the real world, was seized upon by both advocates and critics of the newtechnology. Advocates liked the idea that the virtual world (虚拟世界) was a placeless datasphere,liberated from constraints and restrictions of the real world, and an opportunity for a fresh start.For instance, John Perry Barlow, an internet activist, issued the “Declaration of the Independence in February 1996. He thundered, “Governments of the industrial wor ld, I comeof Cyberspace” from cyberspace, the new home of mind. Cyberspace does not lie within your borders. We arecreating a world that all may enter without privilege or prejudice accorded by race, economicpower, military force, or station of birth.”Where Mr. Barlow and other cyber-Utopians found the separation between the real and virtu-al worlds exciting, however, critics regarded it as a cause for concern. They worried that peoplewere spending too much time online, communicating with people they had never even met in per-son in chat rooms, virtual game worlds and, more recently, on social-networking sites such asMySpace and Facebook. A study carried out by the Stanford Institute for the Quantitative Study ofSociety in 2000, for example, found that heavy internet users spent less time talking to friends andfamily, and warned that the internet could be “the ultimate isolating technology”.Both groups were wrong, of course. The internet has not turned out to be a thing apart. Un-pleasant aspects of the real world, such as taxes, censorship, crime and fraud are now features ofthe virtual world, too. Gamers who make real money selling swords, gold and other items in virtu-al game worlds may now find that the tax man wants to know about it. Designers of virtual objectsin Second Life, an online virtual world, are resorting to real-world lawsuits in order to protect their intellectual property.At the same time, however, some of the most exciting uses of the internet rely on coupling itwith the real world. Social networking allows people to stay in touch with their friends online, andplan social activities in the real world. The distinction between online and offline chatter ceases tomatter. Or consider Google Earth, which puts satellite images of the whole world on your desktopand allows users to link online data with specific physical locations.All these approaches treat the internet as an extension or an attachment to the physical world,not a separate space. Rather than seeing the real and virtual realms as distinct and conflicting, inshort, it makes sense to see them as complementary and connected. The resulting fusion is notwhat the Utopians or the critics foresaw, but it suits the rest of us just fine.26. According to the first paragraph, internet advocates believed that__________.[A] internet stood for progress of the technology[B] virtual realm was a world without boundaries[C] cyberspace liberated the real world[D] cyberspace can be entered by anyone for free27. Why is John Perry Barlow mentioned in Paragraph 1?[A] To criticize governments of industrial countries.[B] To show the influence of the Internet.[C] To advocate the equality for all.favor of cyberspace.[D] To illustrate the advocates’ 28. The passage suggests that critics of the new technology ___________.[A] were concerned about the separation of people from the real world[B] worried that friends would never meet in person[C] were concerned that people were too engaged in social networks[D] would believe the internet could isolate people online29. It can be inferred from the passage that ___________.[A] virtual world is free from the dark sides of the real world[B] there is no difference between chatting online and offline nows activities online can also affect their real world activities[C] people’[D] people who make real money in virtual games have to pay taxes30. From the passage we can conclude that the author ____________.[A] supports both advocates and critics of the Internet[B] believes that the real and virtual worlds are interdependent[C] is opposed to the fusion of the internet with the physical world[D] argues that real and virtual worlds are distinct and conflictingText 3Transporting large containers is not as glamorous as making films, but shipping is doing morenearby ports of Los An-than Hollywood to boost southern California’s economy these days. Thegeles and Long Beach, already the two biggest in the country, are growing quickly thanks to tradewith China. They are a giant job-creating engine, stimulating industrial and warehouse employ-ment on a scale not seen in the region since the rise of the aerospace industry after the SecondWorld War. Sadly, like most engines, they are filthy.The ports themselves reckon they are responsible for about 12% of all the diesel particleemissions and 45% of the sulphur oxides(硫的氧化物)in southern California. Carried east byprevailing winds, such pollutants help to create some of America’s worst air more than 50 miles inland. Those who live close to the freeways leading out of the ports suffer the most. Researchershave found that children living within a few hundred meters of such roads are not only more likelyto suffer from asthma, a disease of the breathing system and characterized by sudden recurringattacks of labored breathing, and coughing. They actually have smaller lungs.The most ambitious effort to control pollution, and the one that may affect the local economymost drastically, involves truckers. Some 16,000 lorries currently haul containers between shipsand warehouses, most of whom are owned by Hispanic immigrants. The drivers put in long hours:13 a day is not unusual, according to a survey. They earn, on average, just under $35,000 a year.Such jobs, like many connected to the port, are an important stepping-stone on the path to themiddle class.The ports want to remove the oldest trucks and gradually upgrade the others so that, withinfive years, the fleet emits four-fifths less pollution than at present. To help pay for this, they intendto levy (征收) a fee of $34 to $54 on every “dirty” vehicle entering the port. Most important, theywant to turn a large, unwieldy network of independent contractors into a more orderly group ofraldine Knatz,companies, as happens in an airport. “We need to have more control,” explains Gethe head of Los Angeles’ port.The reforms do nonetheless pose a threat to the ports’ competitiveness. At present, the truck-ers who work at the docks are price-takers, not price-setters. Because they are self-employed, theyare almost impossible to unionize, and consequently have little bargaining power. All that couldquite easily change if they were to become the employees of a few large firms. Indeed, the mostbut from theenthusiastic welcome for the ports’ plans has come not from environmental groupsTeamsters’ union.31. What is the passage mainly about?[A] The consequences of shipping industry in southern California.[B] The causes of pollution along the coast of southern California.[C] The pollution problem of the shipping industry in southern California..[D] The role of shipping industry in southern California’s economy32. The author mentions the ports of Los Angeles and Long Beach to _________.[A] prove they are the largest ports in the United States[B] demonstrate they create many new job opportunities[C] highlight that shipping is less glamorous than making movies[D] emphasize the role of shipping in southern California’s economy33. We can infer from the passage that___________.[A] Hollywood hardly improves southern Califor nia’s economy[B] the shipping industry there is as dirty as other industries[C] people living near these ports suffer the most[D] the polluted air may cause both asthma and smaller lungs34. According to the passage, the most ambitious effort to control pollution ______________.[A] could help improve the local economy[B] will be financially supported by the truckers[C] may depend on independent contractors[D] will upgrade all the trucks to reduce pollutioniveness in that_________.35. The reforms threaten the port’s competit[A] the truckers’ unionization would raise the cost of the ports[B] truckers working at the docks are price-takers[C] the Teamsters’ union would have little bargaining power[D] environmental groups are not enthusiastic about the plansText 4Whether you think the human story begins in a garden in Mesopotamia known as Eden, or inpresent-day east Africa, it is clear that human beings did not start life as an urban creature. Man’habitat at the outset was dominated by the need to find food, and hunting and gathering were ruralpursuits. Not until around 11,000 years ago, did he start building anything that might be called avillage. It took another 6000 years for cities of more than 100,000 people to develop.In terms of human history this may seem a welcome development. It would be questionableto say that nothing of consequence has ever come out of the countryside. The wheel was presuma-bly a rural invention. Even city-dwellers need bread as well as circuses. And if Dr. Johnson andShelley were right to say that poets are the true legislators of mankind, then all those hills andlakes and other rural delights must be given credit for inspiring them.But the rural contribution to human progress seems slight compared with the urban one. Cit-ies’ development is synonymous with human development. The first villages came with the emer-gence of agriculture and the domestication of animals: people no longer had to wander but couldinstead draw together in settlements, allowing some to develop particular skills. After a while thefarmers could produce surpluses, and the various products could be exchanged.Living together meant security. But people also drew together for the practical advantages ofbeing in a particular place: by a river or spring, on a defensible hill or peninsula, next to an estuary(the mouth of a river) or other source of food. Also important, argue historians, was a settlement’s capacity to draw people to it as a meeting-place, often for sacred or spiritual purposes. Graves,groves, even caves might become places for ceremonies and rituals. Man did not live by breadalone.But bread, in the broadest sense, was important. People came to cities not just to worship butto trade and the goods they bought and sold were not just farm products but the manufactures ofurban craftsmen and skilled workers. The city became a centre of exchange, both of goods and ofideas, and so it also became a centre of learning, and innovation.Cities were much more than all of this, of course, and they were not all the same. As they de-veloped, some were most notable for their religious role, as the hub of an empire, as centres ofadministration, political development, learning, or commerce. Some flourished, some died, theirlongevity depending on factors as varied as conquest, plague, misgovernment or economic col-lapse.36. The first paragraph suggests that early human being s’ living places_________.[A] started either in Eden or east Africa[B] had much to do with food in the beginning[C] were dominated by their pursuits[D] developed into large cities 6,000 years ago37. In the second paragraph, the author mainly intends to tell us that________.[A] the emergence of cities seem to be a favorable development[B] nothing significant was developed in the countryside[C] urban people need both food and entertainments[D] countryside did make contributions to human history38. One reason why people began to live together is that_______.[A] they needed to find food together[B] they would assemble for particular purposes[C] they could be protected by rivers or graves[D] they could share the nearby natural resources39. By saying “Man did not live by bread alone”(line 5, paragraph 4), the author means________.[A] people needed to eat a variety of food[B] men often lived beside food sources[C] men ought to live a more noble life[D] besides food, there were other pursuits for men40. Which of the following could best summarize the passage?[A] The city rises; the country falls—the history of human’s living places.[B] From hunting/gathering to exchanging—the history of city functions.[C] From villages to cities—the history of urbanity.[D] Isolated, country; united, urban—how countryside and cities differ.Part BDirections:In the following article, some sentences h ave been removed. For Questions 41—45, choose the most suitable one from the list A—G to fit into each of the numbered blanks. There are two extra choices which do not fit in any of the blanks. Mark your answers on ANSWER SHEET 1. (10 points)All big ideas start life on the fringes of debate. Very often it takes a shocking event to move them into the mainstream. Until last year climate change was mainly the interest of scientists and green lobbyists. But since Hurricane Katrina, something seems to have changed, particularly in America. Nobody knows whether the hurricane really had anything to do with the earth warming. But for the first time less green voters and big business had a clearer idea about the “extreme weather events” whose increasing frequency scientists had been talking about.pro-business Conservatives have There are plenty of anecdotal signs of change: Britain’sturned green; Al Gore is back in fashion in America; hybrid cars no longer get stared at.[41]____________________.So far the political rows about global warming have centred on two polluters, smoggy facto-ries and dirty cars. [42] _______________________.In some ways, the airlines are an odd target for greens. They produce only around 3% of the-made carbon emissions. [43] _____________________. By shipping hordes of ordi-world’s mannary people around the globe for not very much money, they have improved the lives of millions.[44] ________________________. Air transport will soon be central, not marginal, to theemissions issue.What, if anything, should be done? As usual, there are dangers on both sides. Excessive regu-lation would unnecessarily restrict individual choice and throttle (抑制)an industry that makesboth rich and poor countries better off. On the other hand, airlines no less than any other industrymust pay for pollution.[45] _________________________. And, although other forms of transport cannot easily re-place flying, demand for many flights is sensitive to price. A quarter of flying is business-related;many of those journeys are essential, but others are scarcely more important than a telephone callor video-conference.is a collectiveHowever, addressing individuals’ consciences won’t go that far. Air pollutionproblem, which in this case requires a change in policy. As it stands, the market is in favour of airtravel; the aim should be to make it more balanced. Two approaches are on offer. Some think thebest way to limit emissions is to tax them; others argue for a system that sets a cap on pollution,and lets polluters trade the right to emit.[A] But there is no sign of governments embracing that idea. Given that it is the world’s first seri-ous attempt to cut emissions internationally, that is not surprising. The world can learn from itsimperfections, and design a better scheme for airlines.[B] Now a new front is being opened up—in the skies. Next month the European Parliament willvote on whether to extend its emissions-trading system to airlines. If it decides in favour, thewhole industry will feel the impact, for it will affect not just European airlines but all those thatfly into and out of the EU. But whatever happens in the EU, it seems that the airlines are boundto face demands that they should pay for their emissions.[C] Slowly, businessmen and politicians are coming to agree with scientists. If this generation doesnot tackle climate change, its descendants will not think much of it. That means raising costsfor all sources of pollution. Even those inexpensive weekend breaks will be cancelled.[D] As the debate grows, some flyers may reconsider their ways. Put frankly, air travel makes amockery of many people’s attempts to live a green life. Somebody who wants to reduce hiscan bicycle to work, never buy aerosols(喷雾剂)and turn off his “carbon footprint” air-conditioner—and still blow away all this virtue on a couple of long flights.[E] Companies are beginning to take actions and encouraging governments to do the same. Europealready has an emissions-trading system (ETS) for its five dirtiest industries. In America, alt-hough the Bush administration still resists federal legislation, more and more states do not.[F] Yet in other ways, airlines are a fine target. They pay no tax on fuel for international flights,principle. Their emissions are especially damaging, and therefore escape the “polluter pays” too. And the industry’s energy consumption has been growing faster than that of other pollut-ing industries.[G] Surface transport, by contrast, produces 22%. Europe’s merchant ships spew out around a thirdmore carbon than aircraft do, and nobody is going after them. And unlike cars—potent sym-bols of individualism (and, some would say, individual selfishness)—airlines are publictransport, jamming in as many people as they can into each plane.Part CDirections:Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Yourtranslation should be written neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. (10 points)A Frenchman, the psychologist Alfred Binet, published the first standardized test of humanintelligence in 1905. (46) But it was an American, Lewis Terman, a psychology professor at Stan-by his or herford, who thought to divide a test taker’s “mental age,” as revealed by that score,biological age to derive a number that he called “IQ”.It would be hard to think of a pop-scientificcoinage that has had a greater impact on the way people think about themselves and others.(47) No country embraced the IQ more thoroughly than the U.S., where millions of peoplehave their IQ measured annually, many with a direct descendant of Binet’s original test, although not necessarily for the purpose Binet intended. He developed his test as a way of identifying publicschool students who needed extra help in learning, and that is still one of its leading uses.But the broader and more controversial use of IQ testing has its roots in a theory of intelli-gence—part science, part sociology—that developed in the late 19th century, before B inet’s workand entirely separate from it. (48) Championed first by Charles Darwin’s cousin Francis Galton, itheld that intelligence was the most valuable human attribute, a lot of which could help people beidentified and put in leadership positions.Terman believed IQ tests should be used to conduct a great sorting out of the population, sothat young people would be assigned on the basis of their scores to particular levels in the schoolsystem, which would lead to corresponding socioeconomic destinations in adult life. The begin-ning of the IQ-testing movement overlapped with the eugenics movement—hugely popular inAmerica and Europe among the “better sort”.In 1958 a British sociologist named Michael Young coined the word “meritocracy” to denote a society that organizes itself according to IQ-test scores. Terman and many other early advocatesof IQ testing had in mind the creation of an American meritocracy, though the word didn’t exist then. (49) They believed IQ tests could be the means to create, for the first time ever, a society inwhich advantage would go to the people who deserved it rather than to those who had been borninto it.In order to believe this, though, you have to believe that merit and a score on an IQ test arethe same thing. (50) Long before IQ was invented, America prided itself on being a country with-out a class system, in which people of talent and industry would rise and be rewarded. The advent。




























2010年考研数学冲刺试卷参考答案 .doc

2010年考研数学冲刺试卷参考答案 .doc

2010年考研数学冲刺试卷参考答案数学一 (卷四)一.选择题: (1)解 应选(D ) 由于当0→x 时 (A )2222211211xx x x x -++=--+ (2阶)(B )543543x x x +- (3阶) (C )))](!21()(1[cos 22222x o x x o x x ex +--++=- (2阶)(D ))cos 1(sin )cos 1sin()sin (2cos 102x xx dt t t x --='⎰- (3阶) 原无穷小是4阶,故选(D ) (2)解 应选(A ).抛物线写作p y x 22=,当y x =时得p y x 2==.这时22=='=py pyx .px 1='',于是在)2,2(p p 点的曲率半径为5555==p R ,故1=p .抛物线方程是x y 22=.点是)2,2(,这时21='y ,故切线为.022=+-y x (3) 解 应选 (D)由2cos 11),(lim22)0,0(),(=+--→yx y x f y x 知,2)(211),(lim22)0,0(),(=+-→y x y x f y x ,1)0,0(=f则α⋅+++=-)()()0,0(),(2222y x y x f y x f ,其中 0lim )0,0(),(=→αy x而 )()()(2222ροα=⋅+++y x y x由微分定义知),(y x f 在)0,0(点可微且.0)0,0()0,0(==y x f f 故应选(D )(4) 解 应选 (D)由幂级数∑∞=-12)(n nnn a x 在2-=x 处条件收敛知,2-=x 为该幂级数收敛区间的端点,显然,该幂级数收敛半径为,2=R 则0=a 或4-=a .而4-=a 与题设幂级数∑∞=-12)(n nnn a x 在2-=x 处条件收敛矛盾,而0=a 符合题设条件。






(杜甫《春望》)(4) ,悠然见南山。



2.下列各组中加点字注音完全正确的一项是()(2分)A.蓦.然 (mî ) 沉湎.(miǎn)胆怯. (què) 无动于衷.(zhōnɡ)B.羁.绊(jī)恣睢.(suī)狂澜. (luán ) 相形见绌.(cù)C.涟漪.(yī)慰藉.(jí)贮.蓄 (zhù ) 气吞斗.牛(dǒu)D.绮.丽(qǐ)颠沛.(pèi)庇.护 (bì) 回环曲.折(qū)3.选出下列词语书写完全正确的一项()(2分)A.告罄无精打采儒雅励精图治B.伦理刻不容缓急燥一筹莫展C.筹划巧妙绝仑阴晦陈规陋习D.恻隐闻名遐迩云霄涣然一新4.下列各句中,标点符号的使用合乎规范的一项是()(2分)A.假若我们都能对那些给我们提供方便的人说声“谢谢”,对那些需要帮助的人尽到自己的力量,我们这个社会还会不和谐吗?B.“作为文明的传播者,我们的传媒界,不能只考虑经济利益,”他顿了顿,接着说:“更应该清楚自身的社会责任,坚决抵制低俗之风,弘扬时代精神的主旋律。





With the development of information technology, it is getting increasingly mature, and gradually infiltrated into all kinds of industries. Network information-seeking is an important way for people to search information. However, as there is a mass of information on internet。

2010届高考——语文冲刺套卷05第Ⅰ卷(选择题,共42分)一、基础题(18分,每小题3分)1、下列各组词语中加点字的读音,全都不相同的一组是()A瞋视嗔怪谨慎文思缜密镇定自若B端详揣测瑞雪苟延残喘惴惴不安C狙击沮丧蛆虫含英咀华越俎代庖D训诂估价枯槁怙恶不悛沽名钓誉2、下列各组词语中没有错别字的一组是()A 温馨义气用事平心而论小不忍则乱大谋B 谄媚坐享其成因咽废食皮之不存毛将焉附C 龟裂急流勇退针砭时弊差之毫厘缪以千里D 竣工戮力同心一塌糊涂树倒猢狲散3、依次填入下列各句横线处的词语,最恰当的一组是()①能力在掌握和运用知识的过程中形成,而具备一定的能力又能够知识。


































2010年高考冲刺预测卷-安徽卷文科数学本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分.满分150分.考试用时120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题。



只有一项是符合题目要求的.1. 复数21i i 1i++-的值是 ( ) A. i 1- B. 1i - C. 1i -- D. 1-2. 已知R U =,[]0,2A =,(1,+)B =∞,则()=U A B ð ( )A. []0,1(2,+)∞ B. (],2-∞ C. []0,2 D. []0,13.有下列四个命题:①“若1xy =,则,x y 互为倒数”的逆命题;②“相似三角形的周长相等”的否命题;③“若1b ≤-,则方程2220x bx b b -++=有实根”的逆否命题;④“若A B B =,则A B ⊇”的逆否命题.其中真命题是 ( )A .①② B.②③ C.①③ D.③④4.甲、乙两名同学在5次体育测试中的成绩统计如茎叶图所示,若甲、乙两人的平均成绩分 别是X 甲,X 乙,则下列结论正确的是 ( )A .X X <乙甲;乙比甲成绩稳定B .X >X 乙甲;甲比乙成绩稳定C .X >X 乙甲;乙比甲成绩稳定D .X X <乙甲;甲比乙成绩稳定5. 已知向量3(,)22a =-,,)2b λ=,若a b ∥,则λ的值为 ( ) A. 2- B. 12-C. 14-D. 126. 设,x y 满足24,1,22,x y x y x y +≥⎧⎪-≥-⎨⎪-≤⎩则z x y =+ ( )A .有最小值2,最大值3B .有最小值2,无最大值C .有最大值3,无最小值D .既无最小值也无最大值7. 一个直棱柱被一平面截去一部分所得几何体的三视图如图,则几何体的体积为A .8cm 3B .9cm 3C .10cm 3D .11cm38.在ABC ∆中,CD 是AB 边上的高,222a cb +<,2222CD CD 1AC BC +=,则 A .A B 2π+= B.A B 2π-=C. B A 2π-=D.A 2B π-=9.张老师给学生出了一道题,“试写一个程序框图,计算1111S 13579=++++”发现同学们有如下几种做法,其中有一个是错误的,这个错误的做法是10. 设数列{}n a 是首项为1公比为3的等比数列,把{}n a 中的每一项都减去2后,得到一个新数列}{n b ,}{n b 的前n 项和为S n ,对任意的n N *∈,下列结论正确的是A .13n n b b +=,且1S (31)2nn =- B .132n n b b +=-,且 1S (31)2nn =-C .134n n b b +=+,且1S (31)22nn n =--D .134n n b b +=-,且1S (31)22nn n =--第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分.把答案填在题中的横线上.11. 在ABC ∆中,已知A ∠=60°,AB :AC =8::5,面积为其周长为__________. 12. 考查正方体的六个面的中心,从中任意选出三个点连成三角形,再把剩下的三个点也连成三角形,则所得的两个三角形全等的概率为_________.13. 函数32()33(2)1f x x ax a x =++++有极大值又有极小值,则a 的范围是 . 14. 已知()(),f x g x 都是定义在R 上的函数,且满足以下条件:①()()()0,1x f x a g x a a =>≠;②()0g x ≠;③()()()()''f x g x f x g x >;若()()()()115112f fg g -+=-,则a =________.15. 已知椭圆的中心为原点,离心率e =,且它的一个焦点与抛物线2x =-的焦点重合,则此椭圆方程为 .三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共75分.解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤. 16.(本小题满分12分)已知在锐角ABC ∆中,角,,A B C 的对边分别为a ,b ,c 且tan B =,(Ⅰ)求B ;(Ⅱ)求函数()sin 2sin cos ,0,2f x x B x x π⎡⎤=+∈⎢⎥⎣⎦的单调递减区间.17.(本小题满分12分)某研究机构为了研究人的脚的大小与身高之问的关系,随机抽测了20人,得到如下数据:(Ⅰ)若“身高大于l75厘米”的为“高个”,“身高小于等于175厘米”的为“非高个”;“脚长大于42码”的为“大脚”,“脚长小于等于42码”的为“非大脚”.请根据上表数据完成下面的2×2列联表:(Ⅱ)根据题(I)中表格的数据,若按99%的可靠性要求,能否认为脚的大小与身高之间有关系? (Ⅲ)若按下面的方法从这20人中抽取1人来核查测量数据的误差:将一个标有数字1,2,3,4,5,6的正六面体骰子连续投掷两次,记朝上的两个数字的乘积为被抽取人的序号.试求:①抽到12号的概率;②抽到“无效序号(超过20号)”的概率. 18.(本小题满分15分)已知直线30x ky +-=所经过的定点F 恰好是椭圆C 的一个焦点,且椭圆C 上的点到点F 的最大距离为8.(Ⅰ)求椭圆C 的标准方程;(Ⅱ)已知圆O :221x y +=,直线:1l mx ny +=.试证:当点(,)P m n 在椭圆C 上运动时,直线l 与圆O 恒相交,并求直线l 被圆O 所截得弦长L 的取值范围.19. (本小题满分12分)设数列{}n a 的首项132a =,前n 项和为n S ,且满足*123(N ).n n a S n ++=∈(Ⅰ)求2a 及n a ;(Ⅱ)求满足2188177n n S S <<的所有n 的值.20.(本小题满分13分) 已知四棱锥P ABCD -中,ABCD AB CD AD=CD=1PA ⊥底面,∥,,°BAD ∠=120,, ACB ∠=90°.(Ⅰ)求证:BC ⊥平面PAC ;(Ⅱ)求直线PC 与平面PAB 所成的角的正弦值.21.(本小题满分14分) 已知322()24,3f x x x cx =-++2()().x x g x e e f x -=-+ (Ⅰ)若()f x在1x =+c 的值和()f x 的单调增区间;(Ⅱ)如图所示,若函数()y f x =的图像在[],a b 上连续光滑,试猜想拉格朗日中值定理:即一定存在(,)c a b ∈使得'()?f c =(用含有,,(),()a b f a f b 的表达方式直接回答,不需要写猜想过程)(Ⅲ)利用(Ⅱ)证明:函数()y g x =图像上任意两点的连线斜率不小于24e -.参考答案1. A 【解析】本题主要考查了复数的运算.221i 1i i 1i 11i 1i 1i +++=-=---+()()().故选A. 2. D 【解析】本题考查集合的交、补运算及运用数轴求解集.易知U B =∞(-,1]ð,画数轴,知U A B()=[0,1]ð,故选D. 3. C 【解析】本题主要考查了常用逻辑用语的基础知识,命题的概念和性质.应用相应知识分别验证,可写出命题并判定真假.对于①,“若1xy =,则x ,y 互为倒数”的逆命题是:若x ,y 互为倒数,则1xy =.是真命题;对于③,逆否命题是:若2220x bx b b -++=没有实数根,则1b >-.若2220x bx b b -++=没有实数根,可得40,0b b ∆=-<∴>,可知当2220x bx b b -++=没有实数根时,1b >-成立,因此①③是正确的.故选C. 4. A 【解析】由茎叶图可知,甲的成绩分别为:72,77,78,86,92,平均成绩为:81;乙的成绩分别为:78,82,88,91,95,平均成绩为:86.8,则易知X X <乙甲;乙比甲成绩稳定.故选A.5. B 【解析】本题考查了向量平行的坐标判定.因为a b ∥,所以32λ-(,解得12λ=-.故选B . 6. B 【解析】本题主要考查线性规划及数形结合法知识.由条件可画得约束条件所对应的平面区域的图形如图所示,易知在(2,0)A 点目标函数取最小值,因 ,x y 可以在区域内取正无穷大的数,即知目标函数没有最大值.故选B .7. D 【解析】本题考查三视图的识别以及多面体的体积问题.根据三视图得出几何体的形状及长度关系是解决问题的关键.由三视图知几何体是底面为边长为2的正方形,高为3的正四棱柱被平面截得的,如图所示,其中M 为11A B 的中点,所以几何体的体积为112232131132⨯⨯-⨯⨯⨯⨯=3(cm ).故选D .8. C 【解析】本题考查解三角形及三角恒等变换.由余弦定理得222cos 02a c b B ac +-=<,则90180B ︒<<︒;在Rt BCD ∆中,sin()sin CDB B BCπ-==,在Rt ACD ∆中,sin CD A AC=;又2222CD CD 1AC BC +=,则22sin sin 1A B +=,移项得22sin cos B B =,又cos 0B <,所以()2B ππ∈,,且有sin cos ,A B =-得2B A π-=,故选C . 9. C 【解析】本题主要考察程序框图的功能,对于C 项,程序框图是用来计算1111357S =+++的.故选C.8AB =,5AC =,7BC ==.则周长为20. 12.1【解析】本题考查立体几何中的概率问题,解决问题的关键是弄清空间中的点的位置关系.由题意可知正方体的六个面的中心的六个点中,任意选出三个点连成三角形若是等边三角形,则剩下的三个点也连成与前面全等的等边三角形;若从中任意选出三个点连成三角形是直角三角形,则剩下的三个点也连成与前面全等的直角三角形.所以所得的两个三角形全等的概率等于1.13. {}|12a a a <->或 【解析】本题主要考查了函数的极值问题及导数的应用,利用导数作为工具去研究函数的性质非常方便.2'()363(2)f x x ax a =+++,要使函数()f x 有极大值又有极小值,则需使导函数既能取正值又能取负值,即需导函数的23636(2)0a a ∆=-+>,解得1a <-或2a >. 14.12【解析】本题主要考查函数值、导数的求法和导数的意义.由(1)(1)5(1)(1)2f f g g -+=-得1152a a -+=,所以122a a ==或.又由()'()'()(),f x g x f x g x >即()'()'()()0f x g x f x g x ->,也就是'2()()'()()'()0()()f x f x g x g x f x g x g x ⎡⎤-=-<⎢⎥⎣⎦,说明函数()()x f x a g x =是减函数,即101,,2a a <<=故故12a =. 【参考答案】(I )在ABC ∆在,利用余弦定理得2222cos b a c ac B =+-,代入222tan B a c b =+-得sin 2B =,而ABC ∆是锐角三角形,所以角3B π=.…………………………………………………………………………………………6分(Ⅱ)()sin 2sin cos sin f x x B x x x =+= 2sin()3x π=+,………………………………………………………………8分若()f x 单调递减,则322232k x k πππππ+≤+≤+,Z k ∈,所以72266k x k ππππ+≤≤+,Z k ∈.………………………………………………………10分当0k =时,766x ππ≤≤.又02x π≤≤,则62x ππ≤≤,所以()f x 在0,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦上的单调递减区间为,62ππ⎡⎤⎢⎥⎣⎦.…………………………………12分 【信息解读】分析近几年高考试卷,三角形求解内容是每年必考的,试题内容主要涉及两个方面:一是考查正弦定理、余弦定理及其变式或推论的内容及简单应用.这类题目多见于选择题和填空题,难度不大;二是以三角形为知识载体,研究三角恒等交换及向量等问题,这类问题不仅要使用正弦定理、余弦定理求解边和角,还要结合三角形或向量的运算进行处理,除了在选择题和填空题中出现外,解答题也经常出现这方面内容.17.【思路探究】本题主要考查概率与统计知识.(I)直接将数据统计填在表中即可;(Ⅱ)可直接利用独立性检验公式求得2x 的值进而得出结论;(Ⅲ)按古典概型计算公式进行计算即可.……………………………………………………3分(说明:黑框内的三个数据每个1分,黑框外合计数据有错误的暂不扣分)(Ⅲ)①抽到12号的概率为141369P ==;…………………………………………10分 ②抽到“无效序号(超过20号)”的概率为261366P ==…………………………12分 【误区警示】概率与统计问题的应用难度不大,但易出现下面的一些错误:一是不能准确地掌握各计算公式,二是出现计算方面的错误.18. 【思路探究】本题主要考查了圆锥曲线方程求解和直线与圆的弦长问题,破解方法是用几何法求解圆锥曲线的方程,用函数的方法求出直线与圆相交的弦长的取值范围问题. 【参考答案】(I )由30x ky +-=,得(3)0x ky -+=,所以直线过定点(3,0),即(3,0) F.……………………………………………………2分1<,所以直线l与圆O恒相交.…………………………………………8分又直线l被圆O截得的弦长为L===,…………………………………………10分由于2025m≤≤,所以2916162525m≤+≤,则25L∈⎣⎦,即直线l被圆O截得的弦长的取值范围是25⎣⎦…………12分【方法提炼】圆锥曲线方程的求解一是定义法;二是几何法;三是待定系数法,弦长的范围的求解一般利用函数与不等式性质相结合的方法,当然要注意变量的定义域,在取值范围内求解弦长的范围.19. 【思路探究】本题主要考查数列的相关知识.(Ⅰ)根据已知,我们可以列出它的上一项(或下一项)两式相减便可消去其中的S n ,转化为关于n a 的式子,分析便易得其中存在的规律;(Ⅱ)要得到满足条件的n 的值,我们需要将2S n n S 化简整理,得到11()2n +,从而转化为指数不等式问题进行解决. 即1111727n⎛⎫<< ⎪⎝⎭. 因为31111727⎛⎫<< ⎪⎝⎭,而41111727⎛⎫<< ⎪⎝⎭, 所以n 的值为3,4.……………………………12分【规律总结】遇到既含有S n ,又含有n a 的式子时,一般利用1S n n n S a --=统一,可以转化为关于n a 的式子,也可以转化为关于S n 的式子.转化之后,看是否满足等差或等比数列的定义或其倒数是否满足,或是否能构造成等差、等比数列定义的形式,再结合定义解决问题.20.【思路探究】本题考查空间中的直线与平面的垂直关系,考查直线与平面所成的角.证明直线与平面垂直的关键是证明直线与平面内的两条相交直线垂直;求线面角的关键是得出直线在平面内的射影.(I)利用PA ABCD ⊥底面,与已知得PA BC ⊥及BC AC ⊥,因此可证得BC PAC ⊥平面;(Ⅱ)利用PAB ABCD ⊥平面底面,作CE 垂直AB ,得CE P A B ⊥面,直线PC 与平面PAB 所成的角为EPC ∠,求出即可.……………………………………13分【误区警示】立体几何的证明问题,得分容易,但得满分不易,主要原因是在运用综合法证明问题时,说理不充分,逻辑关系不严密,这就要求在解决这类问题时,一定要细心,做到步步有理由,环环相扣,不跳步.21.【思路探究】本题考查了函数导数的求法、几何意义及利用导数解决函数的单调性问题.(I)函数的极值点即导数值等于零,单调增区间即导数大于零的解集;(Ⅱ)利用导数的定义来解决;(Ⅲ)转化为函数的导数,利用基本不等式和二次函数的最值来解决.【参考答案】(I )2'()24f x x x c =-+依题意有'(10,f =即22(14(1c =-++ = -2………………………………………………………………………………2分3222()224,'()24 2.3f x x x x f x x x ∴=--+=--令'()0,11f x x x ><>+得从而()f x 的单调增区间为(,1(1).-∞-+-∞或………………………………4分(Ⅱ)()()'().f b f a f c b a-=-…………………………………………8分 (Ⅲ)由已知2()()x x g x e ef x -=-+ =2322224,3x x e ex x x --+--+ 所以22'()24 2.x x g x e e x x -=++--。



( ) 图 1yf 的 文 如 ,- ( )
图 象 在 点尸 的 切线 方 程 是 处 + , 3 ( ) 于 ( 5贝 ) 3等
A.3 B.4 C .5 D .6
{ R 等c A 于 U
A 0+ .( , ∞) C 一 一 ) 0 +。 .( ∞,2 u[ , 。) B 一 ,2 u [ , 。) .( 一 ) 1+ 。 D 1+ .[ ,∞)
数 学
试 卷 分析 > ’
本套试卷主要适用于新课标地区,在难易程度上尽量贴近高考要隶 试卷在试题的设计上, 注重知识的交汇, 比如第 1 题集合与函数的交汇 ; 4题( ) 第 文 三角函数周期性与单调性的交汇, 第
4 理) 题( 三角函数变换与推理证明的交汇 ; 8 第 题直线、 圆与不等式的交汇, 1 第 4题基本不等式
与解不等式的交汇 : 1 第 5题( ) 文 圆与向量的交汇 ; 1 第 7题三角与向量的交汇 ; 2 第 0题函数 、 不
等 式的 交汇.
试卷还注重数学思想方法的考查 , 比如第 34理 ) ( ) 、 1 1 .( 、 理 、 1 、6题考查数形结合思想 ; 7 8 第 36 9 1 、2 1 、4 1 、 、、 11 、3 1 、6题考查函数与方程思想 i 1 、 12 第 12 、2题考查分类讨论思想 8 9 1 、 第 、、 1
( ) 知 函 文 已
B .3 i +
C —i .1 3
R)若r () , - 的图象与直线, 2 f i , 的两个相邻交点的距离 =
3 理 ) 点 ( l0 作 抛 物 线y x帆 + 的 切 线 , .( 过 一 ,) = 1 则
其 中 一 条切 线 为 (
A. 2 + 2=0 x y+



2010年广东省高考冲刺强化训练试卷五文科数学(广东)本试卷分为第I 卷(选择题)和第II 卷(非选择题)两部分,满分150分,考试时间120分钟.第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。

1.设集合{1,2,3,4},{|22,}P Q x x x R ==-≤≤∈,则P Q 等于( ).A .{1 ,2}B .{3,4}C .{1}D .{-2,-1,0,1,2} 2.设复数z 满足i 2i z =-,则z =( ).A .12i -+B . 12i --C .12i -D .12i + B 3.已知向量a (3,4)=,向量(6,8)=--b ,则向量a 与b ( ).A .互相垂直B .夹角为60C .夹角为30D .是共线向量 4.已知等比数列{}n a 的各项均为正数,前n 项之积为n T ,若5T =1,则必有( ).A .1a =1B .3a =1C .4a =1D .5a =1 5.设P 是双曲线1y x=上一点,点P 关于直线y x =的对称点为Q ,点O 为坐标原点,则OP OQ ⋅=( ).A .1B .2C .3D .06.在平面直角坐标系中,不等式组0401x y x y x +≥⎧⎪-+≥⎨⎪≤⎩表示的平面区域的面积是( ).A .3B .6C . 92D .9 7.已知函数2log ,0,()2,0.x x x f x x >⎧=⎨≤⎩,若1()2f a =,则实数a =( ). A .1- B .2 C .1-或2 D .1或2- 8.若22)4sin(2cos -=-παα,则ααcos sin +的值为( ). A .72- B .72 C .12-D .129.一个几何体的三视图如右图,其中正视图中△ABC 是边长为2的正三角形,俯视图为正六边形,则该几何体的侧视图的面积为( ).OC B北西 东 南CBA .12B .32C .23 D .610.已知命题:p “[]0,1,x x a e ∀∈≥”,命题:q “2,40x R x x a ∃∈++=”,若命题“p q ∧” 是真命题,则实数a 的取值范围是( ).A .[,4]eB .[1,4]C .(4,)+∞D .(,1]-∞ 二、填空题:本大题共5小题,考生做答4小题,每小题5分,满分20分.(一)必做题(11-13题)11.统计1000名学生的数学模块(一)水平测试成绩,得到样本频率分布直 方图如右图示,规定不低于60分为及格,不低于80分为优秀,则及格人数 是 ;优秀率为 .12.如图,海平面上的甲船位于中心O 的南偏西30, 与O 相距15海里的C 处.现甲船以25海里/小时的速度沿直线CB 去营救位于中心O 正东方向25海里的B 处的乙船,甲船需要 小时到达B 处.13.如右的程序框图可用来估计圆周率π的值.设(1,1)CONRND -是产生随机数的函数,它能随机产生区间(1,1)-内的任何一个数,如果输入1200,输出的 结果为943,则运用此方法,计算π的近似值为 .(保留四位有效数字)(二)选做题(13~15题,考生只能从中选做一题)14.(坐标系与参数方程选做题)在直角坐标系中圆C 的参数方程为2cos 22sin x y αα=⎧⎨=+⎩(α为参数),以原点O 为极点,以x 轴正半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,则圆C 的极坐标方程为_____ ____.15.(几何证明选讲选做题) 如图,AB 、CD 是圆O 的两条弦,且AB是线段CD 的中垂线,已知线段8AB =,CD =43AC 的长 度为 .组距分数0.0350.030.0250.0150005100706050ACFD三、解答题:本大题共6小题,满分80分. 解答须写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.16.(本小题满分12分)已知函数()sin()(0,0,)22f x A x A ππωϕωϕ=+>>-<<一个周期的图象如图所示,(1)求函数()f x 的表达式; (2)若24()()325f f παα+-=,且α为ABC ∆的一个内角, 求sin cos αα+的值. 17.(本小题满分12分)某研究性学习小组对春季昼夜温差大小与某花卉种子发芽多少之间的关系进行研究,他们分别记录了3月1日至3月5日的每天昼夜温差与实验室每天每100颗种子浸泡后的发芽数,得到如下资料:日 期 3月1日 3月2日 3月3日 3月4日 3月5日温差x (°C) 10 11 13 12 8 发芽数y (颗)2325302616(1)从3月1日至3月5日中任选2天,记发芽的种子数分别为,m n ,求事件“25253030m n ≤≤≤≤⎧⎨⎩”的概率;(2)甲,乙两位同学都发现种子的发芽率与昼夜温差近似成线性关系,给出的拟合直线分别为 2.2y x =与 2.53y x =-,试利用“最小平方法(也称最小二乘法)的思想”,判断哪条直线拟合程度更好.18.(本小题满分14分)如图,在棱长均为2的三棱柱ABC DEF -中,设侧面四边形FEBC 的两对角线相交于O , 若BF ⊥平面AEC ,AB AE =.(1) 求证:AO ⊥平面FEBC ; (2) 求三棱锥B DEF -的体积.19.(本小题满分14分)某公司2008年8月出口欧美的贸易额为2000万元,受金融危机的影响,从2008年9月开始,每月出口欧美的贸易额都比上一个月减少300万元,为了扭转这一局面,该公司充分挖掘内部潜力,加强品牌创新,形势出现转机,2009年1月出口欧美的贸易额比2008年12月增长25%,2009年2月出口欧美的贸易额比2009年1月也增长25%.(1)该公司2008年12月出口欧美的贸易额是多少?(2)假设2009年该公司出口欧美的贸易额都能保持25%的月增长率,问从哪个月开始该公司月出口欧美的贸易额超过2000万元?(参考数据lg2=0.3010,lg3=0.4771)20.(本小题满分14分)已知抛物线)0(22>=p px y 的焦点为F ,点A 是抛物线上横坐标为4、且位于x 轴上方的点,点A 到抛物线准线的距离等于5,过A 作AB 垂直y 轴于点B ,线段OB 的中点为M .(1)求抛物线方程;(2)过点M 作FA MN ⊥,垂足为N ,求点N 的坐标;(3)以点M 为圆心,MB 为半径作圆M ,当)0,(m K 是x 轴上一动点时,讨论直线AK 与圆M 的位置关系.21.(本小题满分14分)已知曲线()log a f x x =在1x =处的切线为1y x =-, (1)求实数a 的值;(2)若112212(,),(,)()P x y Q x y x x <是曲线()log a f x x =上的两点,且存在实数0x 使得21021()()'()f x f x f x x x -=-,证明:210x x x <<.【答案及详细解析】一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。



2010年高考冲刺预测卷-安徽卷理科数学本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分,共150分.考试用时120分钟.第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共50分)一、选择题:本大题共10小题,每小题5分,共50分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合{}{}2A=(4)(1)0,20x x x B x x x +-<=-=,则A B= ( )A .{}0B .{}2C .{}0,2D .{}41x x -<< 2.已知复数满足(1)z i +=,则= ( )A.22i - B.22i + C.44i - D.44i + 3.命题“若a b >,则11a b ->-”的否命题是 ( )A .若a b >,则11a b -≤-B .若a b >,则11a b -<-C .若a b ≤,则11a b -≤-D .若a b <,则11a b -<-4.在平面直角坐标平面上,O =(1,4),OB=(-3,1)A ,且O A 与OB 在直线l 上的射影长度相等,直线l 的倾斜角为锐角,则l 的斜率为 ( ) A .43 B .52 C .25 D .345.不等式21032035x x -+-≤的解集为 ( ) A .[]9,23 B .(]9,23 C .[)923, D .(9,23) 6.如图,是一个程序框图,则输出结果为 ( )A .20082009 B .20092010 C .20102009 D .200920087.三个元件123T ,T ,T 正常工作的概率分别为133,,244,将它们中某两个元件并联后再和第三个元件串联接入电路,在如图的电路中,电路不发生故障的概率是 ( ) A .1532 B .932 C .732 D .17328.如图所示是某一容器的三视图,现向容器中匀速注水,容器中水面的高度h 随时间t 变化的图象可能是 ( )9.在底面为平行四边形的四棱锥V-ABCD 中,VE=2EC ,则三棱锥E-BCD 与几何体VABED 的体积之比为 ( )A .1:3B .1:4C .1:5D .1:610.已知椭圆C:2214x y +=的焦点为12F ,F ,若点P 在椭圆上,且满足212PO =PF PF ∙ (其中为坐标原点),则称点P 为“★点”,那么下列结论正确的是 ( ) A .椭圆上的所有点都是“★点” B .椭圆上仅有有限个点是“★点” C .椭圆上的所有点都不是“★点”D .椭圆上有无穷多个点(但不是所有的点)是“★点”第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共100分)二、填空题:本大题共5小题,每小题5分,共25分.把答案填在题中的横线上. 11.在二项式251()x x-的展开式中,含4x 的项的系数是 .12.实数,x y 满足不等式组50,0,3,x y x y x -+≥⎧⎪+≥⎨⎪≤⎩那么目标函数24z x y =+的最小值是 .13.设函数2()(0)f x ax b a =+≠,若2000()2(),0f x dx f x x =>⎰,则0x = .14.直线3,()14x at t y t=+⎧⎨=-+⎩为参数恒过定点 .15.如图展示了一个由区间(0,1)到实数集R 的映射过程:区间(0,1)中的实数m 对应数轴上的点M ,如图1;将线段AB 围成一个圆,使两端点A ,B 恰好重合,如图2;再将这个圆放在平面直角坐标系中,使其圆心在轴上,点A 的坐标为(0,1),如图3.图3中直线AM 与轴交于点N(n ,0),则m 的象就是n ,记作()f m n =.下列说法中正确命题的序号是 .(填出所有正确命题的序号)①1()1;4f =②()f x 是奇函数;③()f x 在定义域上单调递增;④()f x 的图象关于点102⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,对称.三、本大题共6小题,共75分.解答题:解答应写出文字说明、证明过程或演算步骤.16.(本小题满分12分)已知函数2()(sin cos )cos 2f x x x x =++. (Ⅰ)求函数()f x 的最小正周期; (Ⅱ)当0,2x π⎡⎤∈⎢⎥⎣⎦时,求函数()f x 的最大值,并写出相应的取值.17.(本小题满分12分)某单位举办2010年上海世博会知识宣传活动,进行现场抽奖.盒中装有9张大小相同的精美卡片,卡片上分别印有“世博会会徽”或“海宝”(世博会吉祥物)图案;抽奖规则是:参加者从盒中抽取卡片两张,若抽到两张都是“海宝”卡即可获奖,否则,均为不获奖.卡片用后放回盒子,下一位参加者继续重复进行.(Ⅰ)活动开始后,一位参加者问:盒中有几张“海宝”卡?主持人答:我只知道,从盒中抽取两张都是“世博会会徽”卡的概率是518,求抽奖者获奖的概率; (Ⅱ)现有甲乙丙丁四人依次抽奖,用ξ表示获奖的人数,求ξ的分布列及E ξ,D ξ的值.18.(本小题满分13分)如图,在长方体1111ABCD-A B C D 中,1AD=AA =1,AB=2,点E 在棱AB 上移动.(Ⅰ)证明:11D E A D ⊥;(Ⅱ)当E 为AB 的中点时,求点A 到面1ECD 的距离; (Ⅲ)AE 等于何值时,二面角1D -EC-D 的大小为4π.19.(本小题满分12分)设函数()(1)ln(1)(1,0)f x x a x x x a =-++>-≥. (Ⅰ)求()f x 的单调区间;(Ⅱ)当1a =时,若方程()f x t =在112⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦,上有两个实数解,求实数的取值范围; (Ⅲ)求证:当0m n >>时,(1)(1)nmm n +<+.20.(本小题满分13分)已知椭圆22221(0)x y a b a b+=>>,与直线10x y +-=相交于A,B 两点,且OA OB ⊥,为坐标原点.(Ⅰ)求2211a b +的值;(Ⅱ)若椭圆长轴长的取值范围是,求椭圆离心率的取值范围.21.(本小题满分13分) 已知正项数列{}n a 中112a =,函数2()1x f x x=+. (Ⅰ)若正项数列{}n a 满足*1()(1)n n a f a n n N +=≥∈且,试求出234,,a a a .由此归纳出通项n a ,并证明;(Ⅱ)若正项数列{}n a 满足*1()(1)n n a f a n n N +≤≥∈且,数列{}n b 满足21nn n a b =+,其和为T n ,求证:11T 212n n≤-+.参考答案1.A 【解析】本题主要考查一元二次不等式的解法和交集的运算.因为{41}A x x =-<<,{0,2}B =,所以{0}A B ?,故选A .2.D 【解析】本题考查的是复数的代数运算.(1)134i i z -+===+.故选D . 3.C 【解析】本题主要考查了否命题的书写与判定.由命题“若a>b ,则a-1>b-1”可得其否命题为“若a≤b ,则a-1≤b -1”,故选C .6.B 【解析】本题考查了对循环结构程序框图的识图能力及利用拆项法求和的能力,本题计算的是1111 (12233420092010)1111111120091...1223342009201020102010S =++++创创=-+-+-++-=-=.故选B .7.A 【解析】本题主要考查概率知识及实际应用能力.2T ,2T 并联电路不发生故障的概率是33151(1)(1)4416---=,所以整个电路不发生故障的概率是1151521632?,故选A . 8.B 【解析】本题考查了空间几何体的三视图及函数应用等知识,解决此题的关键是根据三视图判断出几何体的形状,然后再确定容器中水面的高度h 随时间t 变化情况.根据三视图知此几何体应该为倒立的圆锥,由于圆锥是底部容积大,由上至下逐渐变小,所以向容器中匀速注水,随时问增加,容器中水面的高度h 也增加并且逐趋平缓,故选B .9.C 【解析】本题主要考查空间几何体的体积求解.设三棱锥E —BCD 与四棱锥V —ABCD 的高分别为1h ,2h ,底面积为1S ,2S ,则由已知得1h :2h =1: 3,1S :2S =1:2,因此三棱锥 E-BCD 与四棱锥V-ABCD 的体积比为1:6,因此三棱锥E-BCD 与几何体VABED 的体积之比为1:5,故选C .10.B 【解析】本题主要考查椭圆的新定义问题,特别是焦半径的转化问题.设椭圆上的点00(,)P x y ,10||2PF ex =-,20||2PF ex =+,因为21||||PO PF =·2||PF ,则有2222200003414e x x y x -=+=+,解得0x =?B .14.(3,-1)【解析】本题考查直线的参数方程.将参数方程化为普通方程得4(3)(1)0x a y --+=.当3x =且1y =-时,此方程对于任意a 都成立,所以直线恒过定点(3,-1).15.③④【解析】本题考查了信息识图,求解此类问题的关键是能够读懂题意,而且能够应用已有的数学知识求解有关的问题.由题图3可知,当12m <时,()0f m <,故①不正确,当点M 由A 点运动到B 点时,N 点的运动方式是从-∞运动到+∞,显然函数为增函数;因为01x <<,显然函数的定义域不关于原点对称,所以该函数不是奇函数;综上可知只有③④正确.16.【思路探究】本题考查三角函数的最值及性质.(Ⅰ)利用二倍角公式进行降次、利用辅助角公式化成一个角的同种三角函数,这是求周期的根本途径;(Ⅱ)在三角函数中求最值的时候往往有区间限制,在求最值时先求相应的区间从而求得最值. 【解析】(Ⅰ)因为2()(sin cos )cos 2f x x x x =++22sin 2sin cos cos cos 2x x x x x =+++1sin 2cos2x x =++……………………………2分1)4x π=+,…………………………4分【参考答案】(Ⅰ)设“世博会会徽”卡有张,由229C 518n C =,得5n =, 故“海宝”卡有4张,抽奖者获奖的概率为2429C 16C =.…………………………6分 (Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知获奖人数满足二项分布,即1~B(4,)6ξ,4415P()=C (0,1,2,3,4)66k kk k k ξ-⎛⎫⎛⎫∴== ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,ξ∴的分布列为…………………………………………………10分12115E =4=,D =41-=63669ξξ⎛⎫∴⨯⨯ ⎪⎝⎭. ………………………………………………12分(Ⅱ)以点D 为原点,DA 为x 轴,DC 为y 轴,1DD 为z 轴,建立如图所示的空间直角坐标系,则A(1,0,0),E(1,1,0),B(1,2,0),C(0,2,0),D ,(0,0,1).则(0,1,0)AE =,(1,1,0)EC =-,1(0,2,1)DC =-.设平面1D EC 的法向量为1(,,)n x y z =,111·00::1:1:220·0n EC x y x y zy z n D C ìïì=-+=ïïï\?眄镲-==ïîïî,,记1(1,1,2)n =,点A 到面1ECD的距离11||||6AE n d n ===. ………………………………………………7分(Ⅲ)设0(1,,0)E y ,则0(1,2,0)EC y =--,设平面1D EC 的法向量为(,,)n x y z =, 01(2)0·020·0x y y n EC y z n D C ìïì-+-==ïïï\?眄镲-==ïîïî【规律总结】立体几何解答题一般有两种类型:一是证明位置关系,二是计算求解问题.位置关系主要是证明线面之间的平行或垂直关系;计算问题主要是求空间角与空间距离.其中计算问题的解决方法又有两种;几何法与向量法.几何法时按“找(作)—证—算”,即先找出(或作出)空间角(或距离)的平面角(或线段),并证明这个角(或线段)就是所求解的角(或线段),然后利用解三角形的知识进行求解;向量法是利用建立空间直角坐标系,然后转化为求向量(如平面的法向量)之间的夹角(或模)的问题.19.【思路探究】本题主要考查导数及其应用.(Ⅰ)主要考查函数的求导,并结合参数的取值讨论相应的单调区间;(Ⅱ)结合参数的具体取值,通过函数在给定区间上的增减性,根据方程在相应区间的解的个数来求解对应的参数的取值范围;(Ⅲ)通过函数在给定区间上的单调性来证明相应的不等式问题.【参考答案】(Ⅰ)'()1(1)f x aln x a =-+-.①0'()0a f x =>时,,()f x ∴在(1,)-+∞上是增函数;②当0a >,()f x 在11,1a a e -⎛⎤-- ⎥⎝⎦上单调递增,在121,a e -⎡⎫-+∞⎪⎢⎣⎭单调递减. (4分)(Ⅱ)由(Ⅰ)知,()f x 在102⎡⎤-⎢⎥⎣⎦,上单调递增,在[]0,1上单调递增.又()00f =,()11ln4f =-,111+ln20222f ⎛⎫-=- ⎪⎝⎭<, ()1102f f ⎛⎫∴-- ⎪⎝⎭<由(Ⅰ)知(1)1(1)y x x n x =-++在(0,)+∞上单调递减,(1)(1)0x x ln x ∴-++<,即()g x 是减函数.而m n >,()()g m g n ∴<,故原不等式成立. (12分)【方法提炼】利用导数研究某些函数的单调性与最值,可以解决一些不等式的证明问题,即以导数作为工具将函数与不等式知识结合起来运用.导数作为一种工具,可以用来处理与函数有关的很多问题,证明不等式也是其中创新应用的一种,其实质是用导数判断函数的单调性进而处理对应的函数单调性问题,在转化为对应的不等式成立问题.20.【思路探究】本题主要考查椭圆的标准方程与性质、直线与椭圆的位置关系及参数的求值问题,(Ⅰ)通过直线与椭圆的位置关系,利用代人法求解相应的代数式的值;(Ⅱ)利用长轴长的取值范围,结合关系式与不等式的求解来确定离心率的取值范围。

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2010年全国高中化学竞赛冲刺模拟试题五1.008Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh P d Ag Cd InSn Sb Te I Hf Ta W Re Os Ir P t Au Hg Tl P b Bi P o At Ac-Lr HLi BeB C N O F Na MgAl Si P Cl S K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Rb Cs Fr Sr BaRaY LaLu -6.9419.01222.9924.3139.1040.0885.4787.62132.9137.3[223][226]44.9647.8850.9452.0054.9455.8558.9363.5558.6965.3910.8126.9869.7212.0128.0972.61114.8204.4118.7207.2112.4200.6107.9197.0106.4195.1102.9192.2101.1190.298.91186.295.94183.992.91180.991.22178.588.9114.0116.0019.0030.9774.92121.8209.032.0778.96127.6[210][210][210]126.979.9035.454.00320.1839.9583.80131.3[222]He Ne Ar Kr Xe Rn 相对原子质量Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt第1题(17分).氢键既存在于液体中,也存在于气体、晶体、溶液等物质的各种状态中,对相应物质的物理和化学性质具有重要的影响。


1 三氯甲烷丙酮溶液的红外光谱中检测到丙酮的羰基具有三个不同的伸缩振动峰,说明羰基有三个不同的状态,请给予合理解释。

2 在各种离子的水溶液中,加以外加电场,阴阳离子会向两极移动。

而其中以H +离子迁移的速率最快,其次是氢氧根。

为解释这一现象Grotthus 提出了一种机制称为“Jumping mechanism ”。


3 由于氢键作用,甲醇可形成四聚体分子,试画出其结构。

4 5-羟基-1,3-二氧六环(分子式为C 4H 8O 3)的分子中存在分子内氢键使其分子得以稳定存在。


5 在HF 分子中,可以形成形如“ ”的氢键,而不能形成形如“ ”的氢键,试解释原因。

6 氢键对于生命体有着重要意义,请举两个实例加以说明。




1 画出ONCN分子的路易斯结构式,要求表示出键角。

)2 请写出ONCN分子中的π键种类(πmn3 请根据上述信息写出ONCN在正常情况下分解反应的化学方程式。

4 根据W.L.Jolly和D.Illigle的研究,氰化亚硝酰在正常情况下分解也总是先发生在低压下的分解反应,继而进行其他历程转化为正常情况下的4种终产物。


第一份溶液中缓冲组分浓度比(C HAc:C NaAc)为9:1,第二份为1:1。


已知HAc的PK a=4.74(1)计算两份溶液的PH值;2 已知H3PO4的K a1=7.6×10-3 K a2=6.3×10-8 K a3=4.4×10-13现要选择磷酸的钠盐作为某动物第4题(10分).主族元素X是人类最早使用的元素之一,它与铜形成的合金有悠久的历史,具有特殊的重要性和历史意义,在我国的夏商周时期是该合金使用的鼎盛时期。







将所得的产物A与稀HCl反应,释放1.0298 L O2(气体体积在25.00℃和100.0 kPa下测定),同时得到化合物B。





某实验室以Li2O,NiO原料在氧气氛围下的高温固相反应制得了化学式为Li x Ni1-x O的材料,该材料的密度为6.21g/cm3。

NiO,Li x Ni1-x O晶体结构均为是NaCl型的,可以视为NiO中的部分Ni被Li所代替,晶胞参数不变。

纯镍化镍的密度为6.67 g/cm35.以氧离子为晶胞的顶点,画出NiO的一个晶胞,并根据你画的晶胞图画出Ni离子,O6 镍离子和氧离子均为分层排布,若将在体对角线方向上投影相同的层用同一个字母表示,如A(a),B(b),C(c),D(d)…..,大写为镍离子层,小写字母为氧离子层,用字母表示给出第7题(本6分)3.0g某一元羧酸溶解于水得到1L的溶液,凝固点降低法测得溶液中含有的分子,离子总数为0.0376mol(不含水分子),通过电导法测得该羧酸的电离度为18.5%,将该羧酸的燃烧产物通入硝酸酸化的AgNO3溶液,得到一白色沉淀。

3.下列装置可提供一个PH=4.7±0.1的缓冲溶液,通过一个小水泵将0.2mol/L的NaOH溶液与0.1mol/L的CH3COOH溶液混合后得到,已知水泵可以控制的流速为116, 165, 330, 348, 490, 580, 660, 710, 780 μL/min.确定CH和w可以选择的数值.已知pKa(CH第8题(10分).烃X在100℃时,101kPa下密度为2.67g/L,将m克的X在空气中燃烧得到1.540克水和2.414LCO2(292K和103.1kPa下测定),A,B和X互为同分异构体,均能与Br2的CCl4溶液以mol比1:1发生反应.A,B,X均能使酸性高锰酸钾溶液褪色,各得到一种产物,其中X的产物为一无支链的二元羧酸;A得到一具有光学活性的二元羧酸,且含有一个甲基;B得到一种酮酸,但不能发生碘仿反应.4. 给出X ,A ,B 的结构简式,并写出他们与酸性高锰酸钾溶液反应的产物,并命名这六种物质.如存在立体异构体请一并写出. 第9题(10分).匹莫苯(Pimobendan)是20世纪末期所合成出的一种新型的强心药。


以下的新合成方法仅仅通过8步反应十分简便的合成了该药的单水合物:NHCOMeCl OClAlCl 3(A)KCN(B)HNO H 2SO 4(C)H +(D)(E)(F)MeO COClMeOONHO 2N NHN OH 2/Pd或Zn/NH 4Cl,NH 3H 2O.(G)AcOH 回流(Pimobendan) (C 19H 18O 2N 4)1 给出该合成路线中A 、B 、C 、D 、F 、G 的结构式以及反应条件E 的分子式2 给出Pimobendan 结构式。





(1分)(共4分)3. 4.5.6.DNA分子中碱基间的氢键构成了DNA分子的双螺旋结构;蛋白质分子能保持特定的空间构象并因此保持生理活性,很大程度上靠氢键的作用。


)2 .解:1. 2.3.方程式为:3ONCN = N2 + CO2 + N2O + (CN)2(3分)(从空气中的两种气体入手,根据题目条件必然地推出这一方程。

如果(CN)2写为C2N2扣1分)4 可用分步15N标记氰化亚硝酰中不同的氮原子,在反应过程中进行追踪加以证明。

(2分)3.解:1 (1)PH=PK a– lg[HAc]/[Ac-]第一份溶液C HAc:C NaAc=9:1,C HAc+C NaAc=0.20mol/L,所以[HAc]=0.18mol/L [Ac-]=0.02mol/L 因此对第一份溶液PH=4.74 – lg0.18/0.02=3.79第二份溶液PH=4.74-lg0.1/0.1=4.742磷酸的PK a1=2.12 PK a2=7.20 PK a3=12.36 因此要选择NaH2PO4~Na2HPO4作为缓冲组分。

当两者以1:1混合时,PH=PK a2=7.20,调整比例可得中性附近要求的PH值。

(3分)4 .解:1.Sn (1分)2.(2分)(2分)3.(2分)4.将锡溶于浓盐酸中,再将溶液蒸发,制得无色结晶SnCl2.2H2O (1分)5.SnCl4+4H2O=Sn(OH)4+4HCl↑(1分)6.SnCl2的离子性更强(或为聚合结构);SnCl4共价成分更大,为分子晶体.(参考: SnCl2 246℃,SnCl4熔点为-33℃)(1分)5 .解:1.设金属质量为m g,体积为Vcm3,金属在液体中的表观重力为实际重力减去浮力,即(g为重力加速度)(1分)(1分)所以密度为(1分)2.X为立方面心结构的晶体,一个晶胞含有的原子数为4(1分)(1分)3.(1分)(1分)(1分)4.(3分)5.3个未成对电子(1分)6.(1分)不等价(1分)6.解:1.2分2. x=0.100纯NiO1分对于Li x Ni1-x O2分3.高温下LiNiO2分解1分4.2分5.2分氧离子:1分镍离子1分(氧离子,镍离子用不同的符号表示即可)6.AcBaCbA (至少需写出三个大写字母) 2分7.解:1.ClCH2COOH2分无过程不得分至少含有一个Cl,扣除掉一个Cl的式量,还剩下59.10,应为CH2COOH,因此该酸为ClCH2COOH2.2分3.由缓冲溶液的计算公式1分2.15*0.2*w2/(w1+w2)=0.1* w1/(w1+w2)w1/w2=4.3 w1=710μL/min,w2=165μL/min1分8.解:1 C6H101分无过程不得分H2O的mol数为,CO2的mol数为C:H=0.1025:2*0.08546=3:5 结合M的分子量得分子式为C6H102.1.40克1分3.X环己烯氧化产物己二酸2分,各0.5分A (3S)-3-甲基-环戊烯1分,各0.5分氧化产物(2S)-2-甲基-戊二酸1分,各0.5分或(3R)-3-甲基-环戊烯1分,各0.5分氧化产物(2R)-2-甲基-戊二酸1分,各0.5分B1-乙基环丁烯1分,各0.5分氧化产物4-氧代己酸或4-己酮酸1分,各0.5分9 .1.(4分)(3分)2.(2分)。
