3D 数字挖掘工具包:recexcavAAR 0.3.0说明书
Package‘recexcavAAR’October14,2022Type PackageTitle3D Reconstruction of Archaeological ExcavationsVersion0.3.0Maintainer Clemens Schmid<******************>Description A toolset for3D reconstruction and analysis of excavations.It provides methods to recon-struct natural and artificial surfaces based onfield measurements.This allows to spatially contex-tualize documented subunits and features.Intended to be part of a3D visualization workflow.Date2017-02-15License GPL-2LazyData TRUERoxygenNote6.0.1URL https:///ISAAKiel/recexcavAARImports Rcpp(>=0.12.7)Suggests devtools(>=1.12.0),dplyr(>=0.5.0),knitr(>=1.15.1),magrittr(>=1.5),rgl(>=0.96.0),rmarkdown(>=1.0),roxygen2(>=5.0.1),testthat(>=1.0.2)VignetteBuilder knitrDepends R(>=3.3.2),kriging(>=1.1)LinkingTo RcppNeedsCompilation yesAuthor Clemens Schmid[cre,cph,aut],Benjamin Serbe[aut]Repository CRANDate/Publication2017-02-2523:55:29R topics documented:cootrans (2)draw_circle (3)12cootrans draw_sphere (4)fillhexa (5)kriglist (6)KT_spits (7)KT_squarecorners (7)KT_vessel (8)pnp (8)pnpmulti (9)posdec (10)posdeclist (11)rescale (13)rotate (14)spatiallong (15)spatialwide (16)spitcenter (17)spitcenternat (18)spitcenternatlist (19)Index21 cootrans Tool for transforming local metric coordinatesDescriptionThis function transforms local metric coordinates to absolute coordinates of referenced systems by use of a two dimensional four parameter Helmert transformation.This function does not cover the transformation of three dimensional points or transformation between two different datums. Usagecootrans(pair_matrix,pm_column,data_matrix,dm_column,checking=FALSE,checkplot=TRUE)Argumentspair_matrix data.frame or matrix with pairs of local and corresponding absolute coordinates (Minimum two!)pm_column vector with numerical index of the columns in order:local x-value,local y-value,absolute x-value,absolute y-valuedata_matrix data.frame with local x-and y-values which schould be transformed.dm_column vector with numerical index of the columns in order:local x-value,local y-value.checking boolean switch to turn on the checking ability.Default:FALSE.If TRUE showes combined coordinate plots with indexed points and alters return of func-tion.checkplot boolean switch to turn off the checking plot.Default:TRUE.Only matters if checking==TRUE.draw_circle3ValueOriginal data.frame with additional columns containing the absolute x-and y-coordinates.In case of’checking=TRUE’returns pair_matrix data.frame with additional columns of scale and rotation arc in degrees.Examplescoord_data<-data.frame(loc_x=c(1,3,1,3),loc_y=c(1,1,3,3),abs_x=c(107.1,107,104.9,105),abs_y=c(105.1,107,105.1,106.9))data_table<-data.frame(x=c(1.5,1.2,1.6,2),y=c(1,5,2.1,2),type=c("flint","flint","pottery","bone"))new_frame<-cootrans(coord_data,c(1,2,3,4),data_table,c(1,2))check_data<-cootrans(coord_data,c(1,2,3,4),data_table,c(1,2),checking=TRUE) draw_circle Draws a circular point cloud(3D)DescriptionDraws a2D circle on x-and y-plane around a center point in3D space.Usagedraw_circle(centerx,centery,centerz,radius,resolution=30L)Argumentscenterx x axis value of circle center pointcentery y axis value of circle center pointcenterz z axis value of circle center pointradius circle radiusresolution amount of circle points(default=30)Valuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the resulting points4draw_sphereExamplesdraw_circle(centerx=4,centery=5,centerz=1,radius=3,resolution=20)circ<-draw_circle(1,2,3,2)plot(circ$x,circ$y)draw_sphere Draws a spherical point cloud(3D)DescriptionDraws a sphere around a center point in3D space.Usagedraw_sphere(centerx,centery,centerz,radius,phires=10L,thetares=10L)Argumentscenterx x axis value of sphere center pointcentery y axis value of sphere center pointcenterz z axis value of sphere center pointradius sphere radiusphires phi resolution(default=10)thetares theta resolution(default=10)Valuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the resulting pointsExamplessphere<-draw_sphere(centerx=4,centery=5,centerz=1,radius=3,phires=20,thetares=20fillhexa5 )#library(rgl)#plot3d(sphere)fillhexa Fills hexahedrons with a regular point raster(3D)DescriptionA hexahedron is a three dimensional shape that is defined by6faces and8corner points.fillhexaallows tofill such a shape with a regular point raster.Usagefillhexa(hex,res)Argumentshex dataframe with three columns and eight rows to define a hexahedron by its cor-ner point coordinates x,y and zres numeric value>0and<=1for the resolution of the point rasterDetailsSee https:///questions/36115215/filling-a-3d-body-with-a-systematic-point-raster for a description of the function and how it was developed.Valuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the resulting points of the gridExampleshexatestdf<-data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,4,5,5,5,5),y=c(1,1,4,4,1,1,4,4),z=c(4,8,4,9,4,8,4,6))cx=fillhexa(hexatestdf,0.1)#library(rgl)#plot3d(#cx[,1],cx[,2],cx[,3],#type="p",#xlab="x",ylab="y",zlab="z"#)6kriglist kriglist Apply kriging{kriging}to a list of data.framesDescriptionkriging{kriging}is a simple and highly optimized ordinary kriging algorithm to plot geographical data.This interface to the method allows to not just apply it to one data.frame but to a list of data.frames.The result is reduced to the data.frame with the predicted values.For a more detailed output kriging{kriging}has to be called for the individual input data.frames.Usagekriglist(plist,x=1,y=2,z=3,rdup=TRUE,...)Argumentsplist List of data.frames with point coordinatesx index of data.frame column with x-axis spatial points.Defaults to1y index of data.frame column with y-axis spatial points.Defaults to2z index of data.frame column with z-axis spatial points.Defaults to3rdup switch to activate removal of double values for single horizontal positions in the input data.frames.Defaults to TRUE...Arguments to be passed to method kriging{kriging}Valuelist with data.frames which contains the predicted values along with the coordinate covariatesExamplesdf1<-data.frame(x=rnorm(50),y=rnorm(50),z=rnorm(50)-5)df2<-data.frame(x=rnorm(50),y=rnorm(50),z=rnorm(50)+5)lpoints<-list(df1,df2)surfacelist<-kriglist(lpoints,lags=3,model="spherical")KT_spits7 KT_spits KT_data:Niveau measurements from thefictional trench of a excava-tion KTDescriptionA dataset containing coordinates of niveau measurements of afictional excavation KT with4spits.FormatA data frame with304rows and4variables:•id:IDs of individual measurements with the information about to which level they belong•x:x axis coordinates of measurements•y:y axis coordinates of measurements•z:z axis coordinates of measurementsSee AlsoOther KT_data:KT_squarecorners,KT_vesselKT_squarecorners KT_data:Corner points of a1m*1m raster within the trench of afic-tional excavation KTDescriptionA dataset containing horizontal coordinates of corner points of a1m*1m raster within the rectan-gular trench(corner points of squares).FormatA data frame with63rows and2variables:•x:x axis coordinates of corner points•y:y axis coordinates of corner pointsSee AlsoOther KT_data:KT_spits,KT_vessel8pnp KT_vessel KT_data:Information about individual sherds of a reconstructed ves-sel from the trench of afictional excavation KTDescriptionA dataset containing spatial and contextual information for individual sherds of a single vessel.Some sherds were documented in thefield with singlefind measurements.For the others only spit and square attribution is possible.FormatA data frame with7rows and7variables:•inv:Inventory numbers of sherds.KTF means singlefind with individual measurement,KTM means massfind without this precise information.•spit:spits where the sherds were found•square:squares where the sherds were found•feature:features where the sherds were found•x:x axis coordinates of sherds•y:y axis coordinates of sherds•z:z axis coordinates of sherdsSee AlsoOther KT_data:KT_spits,KT_squarecornerspnp Check if a point is within a polygon(2D)Descriptionpnp is able to determine if a point is within a polygon in2D space.The polygon is described by its corner points.The points must be in a correct drawing order.Based on this solution:Copyright(c)1970-2003,Wm.Randolph Franklin http://wrf.ecse./pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/Software#toc24Usagepnp(vertx,verty,testx,testy)pnpmulti9Argumentsvertx vector of x axis values of polygon corner pointsverty vector of y axis values of polygon corner pointstestx x axis value of point of interesttesty y axis value of point of interestDetailsFor discussion see:/questions/217578/how-can-i-determine-whether-a-2d-point-is 2922778#2922778Valueboolean value-TRUE,if the point is within the polygon.Otherwise FALSE.See AlsoOther pnpfuncs:pnpmultiExamplesdf<-data.frame(x=c(1,1,2,2),y=c(1,2,1,2))pnp(df$x,df$y,1.5,1.5)pnp(df$x,df$y,2.5,2.5)#caution:false-negatives in edge-cases:pnp(df$x,df$y,2,1.5)pnpmulti Check if multiple points are within a polygon(2D)Descriptionpnpmulti works as pnp but for multiple points.Usagepnpmulti(vertx,verty,testx,testy)10posdec Argumentsvertx vector of x axis values of polygon corner pointsverty vector of y axis values of polygon corner pointstestx vector of x axis values of points of interesttesty vector of y axis values of points of interestValuevector with boolean values-TRUE,if the respective point is within the polygon.Otherwise FALSE.See AlsoOther pnpfuncs:pnpExamplespolydf<-data.frame(x=c(1,1,2,2),y=c(1,2,1,2))testdf<-data.frame(x=c(1.5,2.5),y=c(1.5,2.5))pnpmulti(polydf$x,polydf$y,testdf$x,testdf$y)posdec Multiple point position decision in relation to a set of stacked surfaces(3D)Descriptionposdec has the purpose to make a decision about the position of individual points in relation to a set of stacked surfaces in3D space.The decision is made by comparing the mean z axis value of the four horizontally closest points of a surface to the z axis value of the point in question. Usageposdec(crdf,maplist)Argumentscrdf data.frame with the spatial coordinates of the points of interest.Must contain three columns with the x axis values,y axis values and z axis values of thepoints in the order x,y,zmaplist list of data.frames which contain the points that make up the surfaces.The individual data.frames must have the same structure as crdfValuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the points of interest and the respective position informa-tionSee AlsoOther posdecfuncs:posdeclistExamplesdf1<-data.frame(x=rnorm(50),y=rnorm(50),z=rnorm(50)-5)df2<-data.frame(x=rnorm(50),y=rnorm(50),z=rnorm(50)+5)lpoints<-list(df1,df2)maps<-kriglist(lpoints,lags=3,model="spherical")finds<-data.frame(x=c(0,1,0.5,0.7),y=c(0.5,0,1,0.7),z=c(-10,10,0,2))posdec(finds,maps)posdeclist Multiple point position decision in relation to a set of stacked surfaces(3D)for multiple data.frames in a listDescriptionposdeclist works as posdec but not just for a single data.frame with individual points but for a list of data.framesUsageposdeclist(crdflist,maplist)Argumentscrdflist list of data.frames with the spatial coordinates of the points of interest(for details see posdec)maplist list of data.frames which contain the points that make up the surfacesValuelist of data.frames with the spatial coordinates of the points of interest and the respective position informationSee AlsoOther posdecfuncs:posdecExamplesdf1<-data.frame(x=rnorm(50),y=rnorm(50),z=rnorm(50)-5)df2<-data.frame(x=rnorm(50),y=rnorm(50),z=rnorm(50)+5)lpoints<-list(df1,df2)maps<-kriglist(lpoints,lags=3,model="spherical")hexadf1<-data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,4,5,5,5,5),y=c(1,1,4,4,1,1,4,4),z=c(1,5,1,6,1,5,1,3))hexadf2<-data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,4,5,5,5,5),y=c(1,1,4,4,1,1,4,4),z=c(-1,-5,-1,-6,-1,-5,-1,-3)rescale13 )cx1<-fillhexa(hexadf1,0.1)cx2<-fillhexa(hexadf2,0.1)cubelist<-list(cx1,cx2)posdeclist(cubelist,maps)rescale Scales a point cloud(3D)DescriptionScales a3D point cloud on every axis.Usagerescale(x,y,z,scalex=1,scaley=1,scalez=1)Argumentsx vector of x axis values of scale point cloudy vector of y axis values of scale point cloudz vector of z axis values of scale point cloudscalex scaling factor on x axis(default=1)scaley scaling factor on y axis(default=1)scalez scaling factor on z axis(default=1)Valuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the resulting pointsExampless<-draw_sphere(1,1,1,3)#library(rgl)#plot3d(s)s2<-rescale(s$x,s$y,s$z,scalex=4,scalez=5)#library(rgl)#plot3d(s2)14rotate rotate Rotate a point cloud around a pivot point(3D)DescriptionRotate a point cloud around a defined pivot point by defined angles.The default rotation angle around each axis is zero and the default pivot point is the center point of the point cloud(defined by mean())Usagerotate(x,y,z,degrx=0,degry=0,degrz=0,pivotx=NA_real_,pivoty=NA_real_,pivotz=NA_real_)Argumentsx vector of x axis values of rotation point cloudy vector of y axis values of rotation point cloudz vector of z axis values of rotation point clouddegrx rotation angle around x axis in degree(default=0)degry rotation angle around y axis in degree(default=0)degrz rotation angle around z axis in degree(default=0)pivotx x axis value of pivot point(default=mean(x))pivoty y axis value of pivot point(default=mean(y))pivotz z axis value of pivot point(default=mean(z))Valuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the resulting pointsExamplescirc<-draw_circle(0,0,0,5)#library(rgl)#plot3d(#circ,#xlim=c(-6,6),#ylim=c(-6,6),#zlim=c(-6,6)#)rotcirc<-rotate(circ$x,circ$y,circ$z,degrx=45)#plot3d(#rotcirc,spatiallong15 #xlim=c(-6,6),#ylim=c(-6,6),#zlim=c(-6,6)#)spatiallong Transformation of numeric matrices from wide to long formatDescriptionspatiallong transforms a set of two independent variables in vectors and a dependent variable in a wide matrix to a long matrix that combines the information.The result is exported as a data.frame. Usagespatiallong(x,y,z)Argumentsx vector offirst independent variable.e.g.vector with x axis spatial pointsy vector of second independent variable.e.g.vector with y axis spatial points z matrix of dependent variable.e.g.matrix with z axis spatial pointsValuedata.frame with three columns x,y and zSee AlsoOther transfuncs:spatialwideExamplesx<-c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4)y<-c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)z<-c(3,4,2,3,NA,5,6,3,1)sw<-spatialwide(x,y,z,digits=3)spatiallong(sw$x,sw$y,sw$z)16spatialwide spatialwide Transformation of numeric matrices from long to wide formatDescriptionTransforms a set of two independent and one dependent variables in vectors from a long to a wide format and exports this result as a listUsagespatialwide(x,y,z,digits)Argumentsx vector offirst independent variable.e.g.vector with x-axis spatial pointsy vector of second independent variable.e.g.vector with y-axis spatial points z vector of dependent variable.e.g.vector with z-axis spatial pointsdigits integer indicating the number of decimal places to be used for rounding the dependent variables x and y.ValueList with three elements:$x:vector with ascendingly sorted,unique values of thefirst independent variable x$y:vector with ascendingly sorted,unique values of the second independent variable y$z:matrix with the values of z for the defined combinations of x(columns)and y(rows)See AlsoOther transfuncs:spatiallongExamplesx<-c(1,1,1,2,2,2,3,3,4)y<-c(1,2,3,1,2,3,1,2,3)z<-c(3,4,2,3,NA,5,6,3,1)spatialwide(x,y,z,digits=3)spitcenter17 spitcenter Center determination for hexahedronsDescriptionA hexahedron is a three dimensional shape that is defined by6faces and8corner points.spitcenterdetermines a center point for an input hexahedron by calculating the mean of the maximal extent on all three axis.Usagespitcenter(hex)Argumentshex dataframe with three columns and eight rows to define a hexahedron by its cor-ner point coordinates x,y and zValuevector with the spatial coordinates of the center point of the input hexahedronSee AlsoOther centerdetfuncs:spitcenternatlist,spitcenternatExampleshexatestdf<-data.frame(x=c(0,1,0,4,5,5,5,5),y=c(1,1,4,4,1,1,4,4),z=c(4,8,4,9,4,8,4,6))center<-spitcenter(hexatestdf)#library(rgl)#plot3d(#hexatestdf$x,hexatestdf$y,hexatestdf$z,#type="p",#xlab="x",ylab="y",zlab="z"#)#plot3d(#center[1],center[2],center[3],#type="p",#col="red",#add=TRUE#)spitcenternat Center determination for rectangles whose tops and bottoms are de-fined by irregular surfaces(3D)Descriptionspitcenternatfirst of all calculates the horizontal center of an input rectangle.Then it determines the vertical positions of the center points in relation to a surface stack.Usagespitcenternat(hex,maplist)Argumentshex data.frame with the2D corners of the rectangle defined by four pointsmaplist list of data.frames which contain the points that make up the surfacesValuedata.frame with the spatial coordinates of the center pointsSee AlsoOther centerdetfuncs:spitcenternatlist,spitcenterExamplesdf1<-data.frame(x=c(rep(0,6),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),rep(3,6)),y=c(seq(0,1,0.2),rep(0,14),rep(1,14),seq(0,1,0.2)),z=c(0.9+0.05*rnorm(6),0.9+0.05*rnorm(14),1.3+0.05*rnorm(14),1.2+0.05*rnorm(6)) )df2<-data.frame(x=c(rep(0,6),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),rep(3,6)),y=c(seq(0,1,0.2),rep(0,14),rep(1,14),seq(0,1,0.2)),z=c(0.6+0.05*rnorm(6),0.6+0.05*rnorm(14),1.0+0.05*rnorm(14),0.9+0.05*rnorm(6)) )df3<-data.frame(x=c(rep(0,6),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),rep(3,6)),y=c(seq(0,1,0.2),rep(0,14),rep(1,14),seq(0,1,0.2)),z=c(0.3+0.05*rnorm(6),0.3+0.05*rnorm(14),0.7+0.05*rnorm(14),0.6+0.05*rnorm(6)) )lpoints<-list(df1,df2,df3)maps<-kriglist(lpoints,lags=3,model="spherical")hexatestdf<-data.frame(x=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),y=c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1))spitcenternat(hexatestdf,maps)spitcenternatlist Center determination for rectangles whose tops and bottoms are de-fined by irregular surfaces(3D)for multiple data.frames in a listDescriptionspitcenternatlist works as spitcenternat but not just for a single data.frame but for a list of data.framesUsagespitcenternatlist(hexlist,maplist)Argumentshexlist list of data.frames with the2D corners of the rectanglesmaplist list of data.frames which contain the points that make up the surfacesValuelist of data.frames with the spatial coordinates of the center pointsSee AlsoOther centerdetfuncs:spitcenternat,spitcenterExamplesdf1<-data.frame(x=c(rep(0,6),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),rep(3,6)),y=c(seq(0,1,0.2),rep(0,14),rep(1,14),seq(0,1,0.2)),z=c(0.9+0.05*rnorm(6),0.9+0.05*rnorm(14),1.3+0.05*rnorm(14),1.2+0.05*rnorm(6)) )df2<-data.frame(x=c(rep(0,6),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),rep(3,6)),y=c(seq(0,1,0.2),rep(0,14),rep(1,14),seq(0,1,0.2)),z=c(0.6+0.05*rnorm(6),0.6+0.05*rnorm(14),1.0+0.05*rnorm(14),0.9+0.05*rnorm(6)) )df3<-data.frame(x=c(rep(0,6),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),seq(0.2,2.8,0.2),rep(3,6)),y=c(seq(0,1,0.2),rep(0,14),rep(1,14),seq(0,1,0.2)),z=c(0.3+0.05*rnorm(6),0.3+0.05*rnorm(14),0.7+0.05*rnorm(14),0.6+0.05*rnorm(6)) )lpoints<-list(df1,df2,df3)maps<-kriglist(lpoints,lags=3,model="spherical")hexatestdf1<-data.frame(x=c(1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2),y=c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1))hexatestdf2<-data.frame(x=c(0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1),y=c(0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1))hexs<-list(hexatestdf1,hexatestdf2)spitcenternatlist(hexs,maps)Indexcootrans,2draw_circle,3draw_sphere,4fillhexa,5kriglist,6KT_spits,7,7,8KT_squarecorners,7,7,8KT_vessel,7,8pnp,8,9,10pnpmulti,9,9posdec,10,12posdeclist,11,11rescale,13rotate,14spatiallong,15,16spatialwide,15,16spitcenter,17,18,19spitcenternat,17,18,19spitcenternatlist,17,18,1921。
OMAKE 3D 打印机液晶屏选项入门翻译对照Home all(复位)Z Babystepping(不知道什么卵的选项)Speed mul =100%(打印速度)Flow mul= 100%(流量)Preheat PLA(预热pla)Preheat ABS(预热abs)Cool down(温度归零,冷却)Set to origin(无用选项。
)Disable stepper(解锁步进电机,然并卵。
)ATX power on/off(主控板电源,从未尝试点过)Home all(复位)X-position(X轴电机位置)Y-position(Y轴电机位置)Z-position(Z轴电机位置)Extr position(挤出电机选项)E=0.00mm(挤出**mm)1click=1mm(点一下挤出1mm)Bed Temp=0℃(热床温度)Temp 1=0℃(打印头温度)Extruder 1 off(貌似没有用的选项。
)Extr position(挤出测试)E=0.00mm(挤出**mm)1click=1mm(点一下挤出1mm)Set or ginFan speed =0%(风扇速度)Set Fan 25%(25%风力)Set Fan 50%(50%风力)Set Fan 75%(75%风力)Set Fan full(火力全开..)暂停打印(打印中才会有的选项)停止打印(打印中才会有的选项)打印文件echo=offinfo=onerrors=onDry run=offGeneral Baudr ate=250000stepper inactiremax inactireAcceleration print x=1000print y=1000print z=1000more x=2000more y=2000more z=2000 Feedrate max x=200max y=200max z=200home x=40home y=40home z=40 Extruder steps 1mm =150.0start FR=10max FR=30照Z-Jerk:。
第1章3ds max 2008 概述
3ds max在建筑行业的应用有很长的历史,利用它可以制作出 逼真的室内外效果图。图1-7为使用3ds max制作的建筑效果图。
图1-7 3ds max在建筑行业中的应用
1.3 3ds max 2008的系统需求和配置
运行3ds max2008最低硬件配置需求 运行 最低硬件配置需求 运行3ds max2008的推荐配置 运行 的推荐配置
下面主要说明一下正视图和透视图情况下的按钮功能: (缩放):激活此按钮,可以在激活视图中模拟拉近或远离对象。 (缩放所有视图):激活此按钮,可以同时放大和缩小所有视图。 (最大化显示):激活此按钮,可以放大激活视图中的所有对象。 (最大化显示选定对象):激活此按钮,可以放大激活视图中选中的对 象。 (所有视图最大化显示):激活此按钮,可以放大所有视图中的所有对 象。 (所有视图最大化显示选定对象):激活此按钮,可以放大所有视图中 选定的对象。 (缩放区域):激活此按钮,可以通过拖动鼠标来缩放选定对象。 (平移视图):激活此按钮,可以通过鼠标来上下左右移动视图。 (弧形旋转):激活此按钮,可以通过拖拽鼠标公共轴来旋转视图。 (弧形旋转子对象):激活此按钮,可以通过拖拽鼠标绕选定对象来旋 转视图。
1.3.1运行 运行3ds max2008最低硬件配置需求 运行 最低硬件配置需求
一、基础1:3ds Max 8白金手册:/topics/74562/2:3D巨匠3ds Max 2008完全手册.动画篇.特效.基础. 渲染:/topics/2753662/3:火星人-3ds Max 2010大风暴:/topics/2892026/4:Autodesk 3ds Max 2010标准培训教材I:/topics/2849348/5:Autodesk.3ds.Max.2010标准培训教材II:/topics/2864173/二、动漫、游戏1:《就是要做3D游戏-3ds max场景篇》,刘明昆编著,中国青年出版社,2010年10月第一版;2:《就是要做3D游戏-Virtools秘笈篇》,刘明昆编著,中国青年出版社,2010年10月第一版;三、室内外1:史上最强3Dmax室内设计家庭装修实例视频教程:/topics/2748357/2:零度庄园3ds Max&VRay室内外表现技法:/topics/2896106/3:3ds max 8建筑设计高级建模宝典:/topics/213128/四、建模1:《3ds Max 2009 建模宝典》,阎河主编,中国铁道出版社,2010年1月第一版;2:3ds max 2008高级造型实例精粹:/topics/2781247/五、特效1:《3ds Max高级特效火星课堂》,亓鑫辉编著,人民邮电出版社,2008年9月第一版;2:朱峰特效教程系列(略)六、渲染;Vray1:《VRay渲染巨匠火星风暴》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2010年1月第一版;2:VRay 1.5完全自学教程:/topics/2766369/3:《3ds Max高级程序贴图的艺术(第二版)》,杨雪果编著,中国铁道出版社,2010年6月第一版;七、火星课堂建筑系列1:《3ds Max&SketchUp室内建模火星课堂》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2009年11月第一版;2:《3ds Max&SketchUp室外建模火星课堂》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2009年8月第一版;3:《3ds Max&VRay室内渲染火星课堂》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2009年2月第一版;4:《3ds Max&VRay室外渲染火星课堂》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2009年6月第一版;5:《3ds Max&VRay建筑动画火星课堂I》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2010年3月第一版;6:《3ds Max&VRay建筑全模型渲染火星课堂》,火星时代主编,人民邮电出版社,2010年2月第一版;八、角色动画1:《3ds Max 2009角色动画制作从入门到精通》,王瑶编著,北京科海电子出版社,2009年6月第一版;2:走向大师-3ds Max面部表情动画高级应用技法》,谢飞编著,北京科海电子出版社,2009年7月第一版;3:《3ds Max人体骨骼与蒙皮制作高级应用技法》,谢飞编著,北京科海电子出版社,2009年4月第一版;4:《3ds Max角色动画技术精粹(蒙皮·毛发·骨骼与绑定)》,玉永海编著,机械工业出版社,2008年1月第一版;九、动力学1:《3ds Max 2011白金手册Ⅳ》,火星时代主编,出版社: 人民邮电出版社; 第1版(2011年2月1日)1:VeryCD电驴大全:/2:eNet硅谷动力:/eschool/zhuanti/shipin/3dsmax.shtml3:网页学院:/school/4:火星时代:/5:朱峰社区:/jiaocheng.asp?flbj=3d&beijing=3d&id=10&pid=10 6:3D Max 俱乐部:/7:3D Max 教程网:/8:数码资源网:/smzy/3d-tech-080-1.html9:中国网管联盟:/school/3DMax/10:飞特网:/max/11:21世纪互联:/Class/Tag/tag_24-1.html12:达达派:/Article/max/13:太平洋电脑网:/sj/media/3dsmax/14:IT部落:/mda/3dmax/15:。
Credits:Any person or entity which implements Art-Net in their products shall include a user guide credit of: "Art-Net™ Designed by and Copyright Artistic Licenc e Holdings Ltd". 术语:节点(Node):一个设备使用Art-Net转换DMX512被称为一个节点。
Full output power is available at ambient temperatures of -25C to +60C with no airflow.Above +60C output power linearly derates to 0% at +100C.Approval Pending Model Num V In V Out I Out I No Load I Full Load EffCase W2530-12S5 9-18 VDC 5.0 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 2675.0 mA 78% W2530 W2530-12S12 9-18 VDC 12.0 VDC 2.5A 30.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12S15 9-18 VDC 15.0 VDC 2.0A 30.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12D5 9-18 VDC ±5.0 VDC ±2.5A 35.0 mA 2675.0 mA 78% W2530 W2530-12D12 9-18 VDC ±12.0 VDC ±1.25A 35.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12D5 9-18 VDC ±15.0 VDC ±1.0A 35.0 mA 3050.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-12T5-12 9-18 VDC ±12.0/5.0 VDC ±0.31A/3.5A 35.0 mA 2640.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-12T5-15 9-18 VDC ±15.0/5.0 VDC ±0.25A/3.5A 35.0 mA 2640.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-12S3.3 9-18 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 1860.0 mA 74% W2530 W2530-24S5 18-36 VDC 5.0 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 1336.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-24S12 18-36 VDC 12.0 VDC 2.5A 30.0 mA 1525.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-24S15 18-36 VDC 15.0 VDC 2.0A 30.0 mA 1525.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-24D5 18-36 VDC ±5.0 VDC ±2.5A 30.0 mA 1336.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-24D12 18-36 VDC ±12.0 VDC ±1.25A 30.0 mA 1470.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-24D5 18-36 VDC ±15.0 VDC ±1.0A 30.0 mA 1470.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-24T5-12 18-36 VDC ±12.0/5.0 VDC ±0.31A/3.5A 30.0 mA 1320.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-24T5-15 18-36 VDC ±15.0/5.0 VDC ±0.25A/3.5A 30.0 mA 1320.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-24S3.3 18-36 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0A 30.0 mA 920.0 mA 75% W2530 W2530-48S5 36-72 VDC 5.0 VDC 5.0A 20.0 mA 660.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-48S12 36-72 VDC 12.0 VDC 2.5A 20.0 mA 765.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-48S15 36-72 VDC 15.0 VDC 2.0A 20.0 mA 765.0 mA 82% W2530 W2530-48D5 36-72 VDC ±5.0 VDC ±2.5A 25.0 mA 660.0 mA 79% W2530 W2530-48D12 36-72 VDC ±12.0 VDC ±1.25A 25.0 mA 735.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-48D5 36-72 VDC ±15.0 VDC ±1.0A 25.0 mA 735.0 mA 85% W2530 W2530-48T5-12 36-72 VDC ±12.0/5.0 VDC ±0.31A/3.5A 25.0 mA 655.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-48T5-15 36-72 VDC ±15.0/5.0 VDC ±0.25A/3.5A 25.0 mA 655.0 mA 80% W2530 W2530-48S3.3 36-72 VDC 3.3 VDC 5.0A 20.0 mA 460.0 mA 75% W2530 SPECIFICATIONS Input SpecificationsInput Voltage Range 12V----------9-18V 24V--------18-36V 48V--------36-72VInput Filter Pi Type Output SpecificationsVoltage Accuracy Single Output+/-2.0% max.Dual+Output +/-2.0% max. -Output +/-3.0% max. Triple, 5V +/-2.0% max. 12V / 15V +/-5.0% max. Voltage Balance(Dual) +/-1.0% max. Transient Response:Single, 25% Step Load Change <500u sec. Dual,FL-1/2L +/- 1% Error Band <500u sec. External Trim Adj. Range +/-10% Ripple and Noise, 20MHz BW 10mV RMS. Max. 75mV p-p max.Temperature Coefficient +/-0.02% / o C Short Circuit Protection Continuous Line Regulation, Single/Dual +/-0.5% max. Triple+/-1.0% max. Load Regulation, Single/Dual +/-1.0% max. Triple+/-5.0% max.General Specifications EfficiencyUp to 85% Isolation Voltage 500 VDC min Isolation Resistance 109 ohms Switching Frequency 300KHz, minCase GroundingCapacity Coupled to InputOperating Temperature Range -25o C to +71o C Case Temperature 100o C max.CoolingFree-Air Convection Storage Temperature Range -55o C to +105o CEMI / RFI Six Sided Continuous ShieldDimensions2X2X0.4 Inches (50.8X50.8X10.2mm)Case Material Black Coated Copper w/Non-Conductive BaseNotes: 1. Measured From High Line to Low Line 2. Measured From Full Load to 1/4 LoadThe W2530 Familiy of high efficiency DC/DC converters offer power levels of up to 30 Watt, which exceeds that of other bricks with the same Industry-Standard Pinouts, while providing smaller footprints. With a wide input voltage range and single and multi-outputs, these converters provide versatility without sacrificing the board space. All models feature an input Pi filter and short circuit protection. The fully enclosed, encapsulated construction achieves very efficient heat transfer with no hot spots. All converters combine creative design practices with highly derated power devices to achieve very high reliability, high performance and low cost solution to systems designers. Specifications & Features Summary • 500V, 10M Ω input-to-output isolation• No airflow or heatsink required• Enclosed six-sided metal shield construction for low EMI/RFI • Efficiency to 85% • 2:1 Input Range • Pi Input Filter• Continuous Short Circuit Protection• Remote On/Off Control• Delivers up to 30W in 2”x2” package with Industry-Standard PinoutsApplications• Servers, Switches and Data Storage • Networking Gear • Wireless Communications • Data Communications• Distributed Power Architecture • Telecommunications • Semiconductor Test Equipment • Industrial / Medical1400 PROVIDENCE HIGHWAY • BUILDING 2NORWOOD, MASSACHUSETTS 02062-5015 W2530 SERIESDC/DC MODULESThe output voltage can be trimmed (±10%) using an external resistor. To trim the output up (down) connect a resistor between pins 5 and 6 (7). A 10K Ω trim pot can also be used to make the output variable. Connect the wiper to pin 5 and make the other connections to pins 6 and 7.Intronics, Inc. 1400 Providence Highway, Building 2, Norwood, MA 02062-5015 Phone: 1-800-367-0004, 1-781-551-5500 •Fax: 1-781-551-5555 Rev. BTriple Output Loading Table (1) Amperes Pin # S(ingle) D(ual) T(riple) Voltage Min. (2) Nom. 1 On/Off On/Off On/Off 2 No Pin No Pin No Pin 3 Vin - Vin - Vin - 4 Vin + Vin + Vin +5 Trim Trim - Aux. Out +12(15) or -12(15) 0.10 0.31(0.25)6 Vout - Vout - Common7 Vout + Common +5Vout +5 0.508 No Pin Vout + + Aux. Out+12(15) or -12(15) 0.10 0.31(0.25)REMOTE ON/OFF CONTROLLogic Compatibility EC-On EC-OffShutdown Idle Current Input Resistance Control CommonCMOS or Open Collector TTL >+5.5Vdc or Open Circuit <1.8Vdc 10mA100K ohms (Ein 0 Vdc to 9 Vdc Referenced to Input MinusConsult factory for hundreds of other input / output voltage configurationsTypical at Ta= +25 ºC under nominal line voltage and 75% load conditions, unless noted. The information and specifications contained in this brief are believed to be accurate and reliable at the time of publication. Specifications are subject to change。
4、许多BCF级的告警由BTS级告警引起,许多BTS级告警又是由TRX级告警引起,所以BTS级告警是最常见的5、所以76**告警主要介绍7606和7607告警的处理一、处理7607(TRX OPERATION DEGEADED)告警的处理方法:1、告警的意义:该告警主要告诉我们在载频中出现严重错误2、主要处理方法:MCPA触发7607告警与FLEXI BTS有很大的不同,MCPA没有合路器,集成度更高,在FLEXI BTS中传送数据的多根射频线、BUS线,演进到MCPA中,集成在一根光纤中传送数据。
主要处理方法如下:●测量天馈驻波比在合理范围内,检查与射频单元相连的馈线头是否紧固●检查SFP光纤模块安装是否规范●检查光模块SFP型号(单模或多模)与光纤型号(单模或多模)是否一致●检查光纤工作状态、收发是否正常,光功率是否正常●近端重启射频模块●检查基站硬件数据库配置●排除以上,更换有故障的射频模块二、处理7606(TRX FAULTY)告警的主要方法1、告警意义:该告警主要告诉我们在载频中出现严重故障,此告警会闭锁载频。
2、主要处理方法:MCPA触发7606告警与FLEXI BTS也有很大的不同,MCPA采用集中的基带处理计数,集成度更高,采用载频池的概念。
主要处理方法如下:●近端重启硬件●远端重启BCF●检查本地扇区配置与BSC侧是否一致●检查本地功率配置与载频数量及时隙(BTS侧与BSC侧)是否匹配●检查光模块SFP型号(单模或多模)与光纤型号(单模或多模)是否一致●更换系统模块●更换射频模块三、处理7745(CHANNEL FAILURE RATE ABOVE DEFINED THRESHOLD)告警办法与建议-1统计原理:OMC统计每个载频的每个时隙的信道失败率,对TCH时隙,如果失败率超过20%,对SDCCH时隙,失败率超过80%,则会出7745告警,统计时长为1小时,该告警只能在BSC上看到,通过BSC告警的增补信息,可以看到具体是哪个时隙故障率高,是TCH 还是SDCCH信道以及失败率最高值。
3D7608R-xx SOIC
3D7612W-xx SOL
For mechanical dimensions, click here. For package marking details, click here.
PART # (8-BIT) 3D7608R-0.25 3D7608R-0.5 3D7608R-1 3D7608R-2 3D7608R-5 3D7608R-10 3D7608R-20 3D7608R-50 3D7608R-100 3D7608R-200 3D7608R-500 3D7608R-1K 3D7608R-2K 3D7608R-5K 3D7608R-10K 3D7608R-20K 3D7608R-50K PART # (12-BIT) 3D7612W-0.25 3D7612W-0.5 3D7612W-1 3D7612W-2 3D7612W-5 3D7612W-10 3D7612W-20 3D7612W-50 3D7612W-100 3D7612W-200 3D7612W-500 3D7612W-1K 3D7612W-2K 3D7612W-5K 3D7612W-10K 3D7612W-20K 3D7612W-50K Pulse Width Increment 0.25ns ± 0.12ns 0.50ns ± 0.25ns 1.0ns ± 0.5ns 2.0ns ± 1.0ns 5.0ns ± 2.5ns 10ns ± 5.0ns 20ns ± 10ns 50ns ± 25ns 100ns ± 50ns 200ns ± 100ns 500ns ± 250ns 1.0us ± 0.5us 2.0us ± 1.0us 5.0us ± 2.5us 10us ± 5.0us 20us ± 10us 50us ± 25us Maximum P.W. (8-Bit) 73.25ns ± 3ns 137.5ns ± 3ns 265ns ± 3ns 520ns ± 6ns 1.28us ± 13ns 2.56us ± 26ns 5.11us ± 52ns 12.8us ± 128ns 25.5us ± 255ns 51.0us ± 510ns 128us ± 1.3us 255us ± 2.6us 510us ± 5.2us 1.28ms ± 13us 2.55ms ± 26us 5.10ms ± 52us 12.8ms ± 128us Maximum P.W. (12-Bit) 1.03us ± 10ns 2.05us ± 21ns 4.10us ± 41ns 8.19us ± 82ns 20.5us ± 205ns 41.0us ± 410ns 81.9us ± 819ns 205us ± 2.1us 410us ± 4.1us 819us ± 8.2us 2.05ms ± 21us 4.10ms ± 41us 8.19ms ± 82us 20.5ms ± 205us 41.0ms ± 410us 81.9ms ± 819us 205ms ± 2.1 ms PART # (8-BIT) 3D7608R-100K 3D7608R-200K 3D7608R-500K 3D7608R-800K Pulse Width Increment 100us ± 50us 200us ± 100us 500us ± 250us 800us ± 400us Maximum P.W. (8-Bit) 25.5ms ± 260us 51.0ms ± 510us 128ms ± 1.3ms 204ms ± 2.1ms
A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25 A26 A27 A28 A29 A30 A31 A32 A33 A34 A35 A36 A37 A38 A39 A40 A41 A42 A43 A44 A45 A46
其次,七彩虹760显卡采用了6GB GDDR5显存,并与192-
WEG CFW08驱动器产品说明书
USACFW081-800-ASK-4WEG2Applications A1g Pumps g Fansg Blowers gConveyors g Rollout tables g Agitators g Mixersg Food ApplicationsA5g Multi-pumps systemsThe WEG CFW08 Series of drives features the compact size of a microdrive yet the full functionality of much larger competitors. From extensive programmable control features to flexible mounting and display options, the CFW08 has everything one needs in a small, reliable drive package.The CFW08 Series features three versions: standard NEMA 1, Multipump control, and NEMA 4 Wash Down duty.Standard FeaturesgV /Hz and Sensorless Vector Control g N EMA 1 Enclosure g S ingle and Three-phase input voltage g 200-240V or 380-480V input voltage g 150% current overload capacity g 16 bit DSP controlled PWM output g 2.5 / 5 / 10 / 15 kHz adjustable swiching frequency g F our isolated programmable digital inputs g T wo programmable relay outputs g T wo isolated programmable analog inputs g P rotective features: Over current, motor overload, drive over temperature, output phase-to-phase and phase-to-ground short circuit, DC bus over and under voltage and external faultg C ontrol features: Linear and "S" ramp acceleration and deceleration, local/remote control, DC braking, torque boost, motor slip compensation,electronic pot, preset speeds, adjustable V/Hz profile, maximum and minimum adjustable frequency limits, two skip frequencies, adjustable output current limit, JOG, ride-thru, flying start and PID regulator.g D isplay readings: Motor speed,frequency, voltage, current, last fault, heatsink temperature and drive statusgAmbient: 32ºF (0ºC) to 104ºF (40ºC), 3300ft (1000m) altitude, 90% humidity, non-condensingOptional FeaturesgD ynamic Braking Resistors available g R emote Keypad with Copy Function g R S-232 or RS-485 Serial Interface g M odbus Communication*g D IN rail mounting through 2HP*Requires optional RS-232 or RS-485 InterfaceVariable Frequency DrivesCFW08 Plus, Multipump, and WashCatalog Number Braking TransistorINPUT POWER SUPPLY: SINGLE OR THREE-PHASE - 230VCFW080016BDN1A1ZCFW080026BDN1A1ZCFW080040BDN1A1ZCFW080073BDN1A1Z4CFW08 NEMA 4 EnclosureVariable Frequency DrivesCFW08 WashHP NOM. AMPS CATALOG NUMBERBRAKINGTRANSISTORDIMENSIONSH x W x DApp. Shpg. Wt. (lbs.) 23VTHREE PHASE - 230V27.3CFW080073BDN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.55310CFW080100BDN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.55516CFW080160TDN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.557.522CFW080220TDN4A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.5181028CFW080280TDN4A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.518 46VTHREE PHASE - 460V1 2.7CFW080027TGN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.552 4.3CFW080043TGN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.553 6.5CFW080065TGN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.55510CFW080100TGN4A1Z YES10.4 X 6.5 X 8.557.513CFW080130TGN4A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.518316CFW080160TGN4A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.518524CFW080240TGN4A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.5187.530CFW080300TGN4A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.518575VTHREE PHASE - 460V1 1.7CFW080017THN1A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.51823CFW080030THN1A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.5183 4.3CFW080043THN1A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.51857CFW080070THN1A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.5187.510CFW080100THN1A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.5181012CFW080120THN1A1Z YES13.4 X 8.5 X 8.5181-800-ASK-4WEGCatalog Number BrakingTransistor INPUT POWER SUPPLY: SINGLE OR THREE-PHASE - 230VCFW080073BDN1A5Z YESCFW080100BDN1A5Z YES INPUT POWER SUPPLY: THREE PHASE - 230VCFW080073BDN1A5Z YESCFW080100BDN1A5Z YESCFW080160TDN1A5Z YESCFW080220TDN1A5Z YESCFW080280TDN1A5Z YES INPUT POWER SUPPLY: THREE PHASE - 460VCFW080027TGN1A5Z YESCFW080043TGN1A5Z YES1-800-ASK-4WEG6Variable Frequency Drives CFW08CFW08 – DB Resistors 10% Duty Cycle Note: These are non-stocked items, consult WEG for availabilityMotor VoltsMotor HPFor Use with CFW08 PlusModel Number:Catalog Number OHMS WATTS 230 V2CFW080073BDN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB39-224392243CFW080100BDN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB27-298272985CFW080160TDN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB22-373223737.5CFW080220TDN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB15-5601556010CFW080280TDN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB10-74610746460 V1CFW080027TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB120-2981202982CFW080043TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB120-2981202983CFW080065TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB100-2241002245CFW080100TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB47-746477467.5CFW080130TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB33-7463374610CFW080160TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB33-7463374615CFW080240TGN1A1Z or A5Z CFDB22-111922111920CFW080300TGN1A1Z or A5ZCFDB18-1492181492CFW08 – AccessoriesDescriptionCatalog Number KeypadsNEMA 4 Remote Keypad (requires MIS-CFW08-RS & cable)HMI-CFW08-RS Remote Keypad Interface MIS-CFW08-RS Keypad CoverTCL-CFW08Keypad Cables3.3 ft Remote Keypad Cable CAB-RS-16.6 ft Remote Keypad CableCAB-RS-210 ft Remote Keypad Cable CAB-RS-316 ft Remote Keypad Cable CAB-RS-525 ft Remote Keypad Cable CAB-RS-7.533 ft Remote Keypad CableCAB-RS-10OptionsRS-232 Serial Comm. Module (mounted in place of keypad)KCS-CFW08RS-232/485 Converter (mounted externally)MIW-02PC Communication KitKSD-CFW08Interface for RS-485 Communication KRS-485-CFW08Easy Mounting Kit - Size 1KFIX-CFW08-M1Easy Mounting Kit - Size 2KFIX-CFW08-M2NEMA 1 Kit - IP20 - Size 1KN1-CFW08-M1NEMA 1 Kit - IP20 - Size 2KN1-CFW08-M2DIN Rail Mounting Base - Size 1KMD-CFW08-M1Remote Station-includes Start PB, Stop PB, 1-NC and 1-NO con-tact block, Potentiometer 5k and legends (22mm) replaces CFW-REMCSW-SP3PBSRemote Station-includes Start PB, Stop PB, 1-NC and 1-NO con-tact block, Potentiometer 5k and legends (30mm) replaces CFW-REMCSW30-SP3PBS 120VAC Digital Input Adaptor Board (4 inputs)KAC-120-CFW08。
什么是Full 3D?•Full 3D ≠Full HD + 3D在Full HD的屏上实现的3D不能笼统的称为Full 3D,比如偏光3D就只能称为SD 3D/Half 3D•Full 3D ≠1920x540 + 1920x540Full 3D需要每时每刻每个眼镜看到的都是1920x1080,而不能被时空分割,比如偏光隔行3D•Full 3D = 双通道全高清方式= 1920x1080 + 1920x1080•Full 3D = 单眼全高清无损传送= 左眼1920x1080 入,1920x1080出;右眼1920x1080 入,1920x1080出;Full 3D是双通道全高清的3D处理技术,依靠两个独立通道的传送和处理来实现全通道的无损化,从而达到影院级3D的水平。
1、在后全高清时代,不损失全高清的品质是实现3D的前提条件2、3D@Home标准要求通过和影院同等的双通道全高清方式(Full 3D),才能在家里体验到影院级3DFull 3D Vs PR 3D之画质•帧顺序逐行扫描•左眼1920x1080,右眼1920x1080•3D全高清•2D画质无损•行交织隔行扫描•左眼1920x540,右眼1920x540•3D标清•2D画质受损Full 3D Vs PR 3D之可视角度•360°•普遍20 °左右•屏幕越小可视角度越小怎么样才能Full 3D?Full HD(1920x1080) SD(1920x540)帧顺序逐行扫描+开关眼镜是目前唯一可以实现Full 3D的方式怎样才算舒适的3D?•清晰度越高越舒适。
运动越流畅越舒适•crosstalk(重影)越少越舒适全程全高清(左右眼都是全高清)600Hz刷新最流畅高速荧光粉无重影360度自由观看长虹2011年Full 3D 展望采用定制IC开发:•实现Full 3D 现有普通PR 3D清晰度的2倍•支持3D ME/MC 画面无抖动,更流畅•高画质2D转3D 景深更出众•内置蓝光3D码流解码器蓝光格式任我解•3D UI 界面更绚丽•智能语音提示科技听得见•智能帮助系统更人性化•粒子系统特效开机画面、待机画面等都可演示•在网络功能上持续提升智能应用更丰富•在多媒体功能上持续提升支持95%以上主流媒体格式附:MEMC技术的优势1消除运动抖动;2消除运动拖尾;3对角线补偿:重显斜线图像信息时,消除了阶梯状的轮廓;4清晰度增强:恢复原汁原味的边际轮廓定义。
相位超前效应,附加增益补偿衰减 高频衰减特性
增大了相位裕量和带宽 缩短瞬态晌应时间 系统对噪声更加敏感 改善稳态精度 带宽减小 快速响应 良好稳态精度
➢补偿超前校正网络本身的衰减 ✓附加的增益增量; ✓超前校正比滞后校正需要更大的增益; ✓系统的体积和重量越大,成本越高。
s(s 2)(s 5.4)
s(s 2)(s 5.4)
已知闭环极点 sd 2 j2 3
根轨迹作图规则9 pi (2 j2 3) (2 j2 3) p3 7.4 p3 3.4 很接近
系统的动态性能指标满足要求、而稳态性能达不到预 定指标时。
! 试探方法 (通过重新配置零、极点,使闭环系 统根轨迹满足性能指标的要求。)
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Gc (s)
Ts 1
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K1 K2
C1 K1
C2 K2
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T1T2s2 (T1 T2 )s
1 1
Windows 7 33in1 V1.2 (2DVD套装)
Windows 7 33in1 V1.2 (2DVD套装)2011-02-28 18:451、简体中文,With SP1。
3、更新PE3.0(WINGWY的V3版,致谢),PE的程序移至开始菜单;4、除Admin版本外,其他版本均为默认设置;5、Admin版本:启用内置管理员Administrator帐号自动登录,仅做以下设置调整:(1)关闭休眠;(2)显示桌面常用图标;(3)开始菜单显示“运行”;(4)右键添加“显示隐藏文件与后缀名”、“用记事本打开”6、子映像名称列表(安装选择菜单):[1] Windows 7 旗舰版32位ThinkPad[2] Windows 7 旗舰版32位联想[3] Windows 7 旗舰版32位宏碁[4] Windows 7 旗舰版32位华硕[5] Windows 7 旗舰版32位惠普[6] Windows 7 旗舰版32位康柏[7] Windows 7 旗舰版32位戴尔[8] Windows 7 旗舰版32位神舟[9] Windows 7 旗舰版32位同方[10] Windows 7 旗舰版32位方正[11] Windows 7 旗舰版32位明基[12] Windows 7 旗舰版32位索尼[13] Windows 7 旗舰版32位技嘉[14] Windows 7 旗舰版32位长城[15] Windows 7 旗舰版32位海尔[16] Windows 7 旗舰版32位七喜[17] Windows 7 旗舰版32位微星[18] Windows 7 旗舰版32位三星[19] Windows 7 旗舰版32位精英[20] Windows 7 旗舰版32位东芝[21] Windows 7 旗舰版32位富士通[22] Windows 7 旗舰版32位LG[23] Windows 7 旗舰版32位Gateway[24] Windows 7 旗舰版32位Alienware[25] Windows 7 旗舰版32位eMachines[26] Windows 7 旗舰版32位Retail[27] Windows 7 旗舰版32位OEM通用[28] Windows 7 旗舰版32位OEM通用(Admin)[29] Windows 7 旗舰版32位OEM通用-无LOGO (Admin)[30] Windows 7 专业版32位Retail[31] Windows 7 专业版32位OEM通用[32] Windows 7 专业版32位OEM通用(Admin)[33] Windows 7 专业版32位OEM通用-无LOGO (Admin)[34] Windows 7 家庭高级版32位Retail[35] Windows 7 家庭高级版32位OEM通用[36] Windows 7 家庭高级版32位OEM通用(Admin)[37] Windows 7 家庭高级版32位OEM通用-无LOGO (Admin)[38] Windows 7 家庭基本版32位Retail[39] Windows 7 家庭基本版32位OEM通用[40] Windows 7 家庭基本版32位OEM通用(Admin)[41] Windows 7 家庭基本版32位OEM通用-无LOGO (Admin)[42] Windows 7 简易版32位Retail[43] Windows 7 简易版32位OEM通用[44] Windows 7 简易版32位OEM通用(Admin)[45] Windows 7 简易版32位OEM通用-无LOGO (Admin)(1)除了没有简易版外,64位合集的结构与32位是一样的,不再列举了;(2)标有“Retail”的映像为官方原版映像。
Hurricane Haze 3D用户手册说明书
User ManualTable of ContentsTable of Contents (2)1. Before You Begin (3)What Is Included (3)Unpacking Instructions (3)Claims (3)Manual Conventions (3)Symbols (3)Document Information (3)Product at a Glance (4)Safety Notes (4)2. Introduction (5)Product Overview (5)Product Dimensions (6)3. Setup (7)AC Power (7)Fuse Replacement (7)Mounting (8)Orientation (8)Rigging (8)4. Operation (10)Control Panel Operation (10)Fluid Tank Indicator LEDs (10)Menu Map (10)HC-T Wired Timer Remote Operation (11)Configuration (Standalone Mode) (12)Manual Mode (12)Configuration (DMX) (12)Starting Address (12)DMX Channel Assignments and Values (12)2-CH (12)5. Technical Information (13)General Maintenance (13)Storage (13)General Troubleshooting (14)6. Technical Specifications (15)Returns (16)Contact Us (16)Page 2 of 16 Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1 Page 3 of 161. Before You BeginWhat Is Included · Hurricane™ Haze 3D ·Power Cord· HC-T Wired Timer Remote(15 ft length)· Warranty Card· Quick Reference Guide· Hanging Bracket with Mounting HardwareUnpacking InstructionsImmediately upon receiving this product, carefully unpack it and check the container inwhich you received it.ClaimsIf the container or the material inside the container (the product and included accessories) appear damaged from shipping, or show signs of mishandling, upon receipt notify the carrier immediately, not Chauvet. Failure to do so in a timely manner may invalidate your claim with the carrier. In addition, keep the container and all the packing material for inspection.For other issues such as missing components or parts, damage not related to shipping, or concealed damage, file a claim with Chauvet within seven (7) days of receiving the merchandise.Manual ConventionsConvention Meaning<Menu> A key to be pressed on the product’s control panel 1–512 A range of values50/60 A set of values of which only one can be chosen Settings A menu option not to be modified (for example, showing the operating mode/current status) Menu > SettingsA sequence of menu options to be followed ONA value to be entered or selectedSymbolsConventionMeaningCritical installation, configuration, or operationinformation. Failure to comply with this information may render the product partially or completelyinoperative, cause damage to the product, or cause harm to the user.Important installation or configuration information. Failure to comply with this information may prevent the product from functioning correctly.Useful information.Document Information The information and specifications contained in this document are subject to changewithout notice. Chauvet assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors oromissions that may appear in this manual.© Copyright 2014 Chauvet. All rights reserved.Electronically published by Chauvet in the United States of America.Author Date Editor Date M. Trouard07/22/14A. Leon09/24/14Safety NotesPlease read the following Safety Notes carefully before working with theproduct. The Notes include important safety information about installation,usage, and maintenance.·Not intended for permanent installations.·Always connect the product to a grounded circuit to avoid the risk of electrocution.·Always disconnect this product from the power source before cleaning it orreplacing the fuse.·Make sure the power cord is not crimped or damaged.·Never disconnect the power cord by pulling or tugging on the cord.·Do not touch the output nozzle on this product. It is very hot during operation andit may remain hot for several hours after turning the unit off.·If mounting this product overhead, always secure it to a fastening device using asafety cable.·Do not mount this product on a flammable surface (e.g., wood, linoleum, carton,plastic, or carpet).·Do not drink the haze fluid. If you do, call your local emergency service(911 in the US) for help.·Do not add perfume, alcohol, gasoline, or any other flammables to the haze fluid.·Always make sure that the voltage of the outlet to which you are connecting theproduct is within the range stated in the decal or rear panel of the product.·Keep this User Manual for future consultation. If you sell this product to anotheruser, be sure that they also receive this document.·This product is for indoor use only! To prevent risk of fire or shock, do not exposethis product to rain or moisture.·Make sure there are no flammable materials close to the unit while operating·Always install this product in a location with adequate ventilation, at least20 in (50 cm) from adjacent surfaces.·Be sure that no ventilation slots on the unit’s housing are blocked.·Make sure to replace the fuse with another of the same type and rating.·The maximum ambient temperature (Ta) is 104 °F (40 °C). Do not operate thisproduct at higher temperatures.·In the event of a serious operating problem, stop using the unit immediately.·Never try to repair this product. Repairs carried out by unskilled people can leadto damage or malfunction. Please contact the nearest authorized technicalassistance center.·Never connect this product to a dimmer or rheostat.·Depending on the amount of haze generated, all haze machines may set offsmoke detectors.·In certain environment, haze fluid-based machines may leave a slippery residueon floors and surfaces.·Do not use for space heating purposes.·Use only CHAUVET® DJ water-based haze fluid.·Drain the tank before transporting the product.·To eliminate unnecessary wear and improve its lifespan, during periods of non-use completely disconnect the product from power via breaker or by unplugging it.FCQ (Fog Cleaner Quart) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean yourHurricane™ Haze 3D. Make sure you use FCQ regularly to increase the life ofyour product.Page 4 of 16 Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1 Page 5 of 162. IntroductionProduct OverviewPower SwitchFluid Level IndicatorAccess Door and Storage Compartment for the HC-TInternal Fluid TankIndicator LightsPage 6 of 16 Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1Product Dimensions15 in 380 mm13.4 in 340 mm12.9 in 328 mmHurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1 Page 7 of 163. SetupAC PowerThis product can work with an input voltage of either 120 VAC, 60 Hz or 230 VAC, 50 Hz depending on the model.To determine the power requirements for a particular product, see the label affixed to the back plate of the product or refer to the product’s specifications chart. The listed current rating indicates the product’s average current draw under normal conditions.Always connect this product to a protected circuit (circuit breaker or fuse), making sure that it has an appropriate electrical ground to avoid the risk of electrocution or fire.Never connect this product to a rheostat (variable resistor) or dimmer circuit, even if the rheostat or dimmer channel serves only as a 0 to 100% switch.Fuse ReplacementDisconnect this product from the power outlet before replacing the fuse.1. Disconnect the product from power.2. Wedge the tip of a flat-head screwdriver into the slot of the fuse holder.3. Pry the fuse out of the housing.4.Remove the blown fuse from the holder and replace with a fuse of the exact same type and rating.5. Insert the fuse holder back in place and reconnect power.The product does not ship with a spare fuse; however, the safety cap has room for a spare.Spare fuse holder (inside safety cap) Installed fuse (held by plastic clip)Safety capMountingOrientation The Hurricane™ Haze 3D may not be tilted. This product should be mounted,placed on the ground, or on any oblique surface at a less than 15° angle to avoidthe risk of the haze fluid tank leaking. Be sure there is adequate room forventilation and programming.Rigging Be sure that the structure or surface onto which you are mounting this product cansupport its weight. Please see the Technical Specifications section of this manualfor weight information.Make sure to mount the product securely to a rigging point, whether an elevatedplatform or a truss.When rigging this product onto a truss, you should use a mounting clamp ofappropriate weight capacity. The bracket has a 13 mm hole, which is appropriatefor this purpose.When mounting this product overhead, always use a safety cable. Never mountdirectly above people as condensation may drip and fluid may be hot.Before deciding on a location for this product, always make sure that it will be easyto access the unit for maintenance and programming purposes.When power linking multiple products, you must always consider the length of thepower linking cable and mount the products close enough for the cable to reachthem.Only loosen or tighten the bracket knobs using your bare hands. Using tools coulddamage the knobs.Page 8 of 16 Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 1 Page 9 of 16Mounting DiagramBracket AdjustmentKnob (2)Mounting BracketPage 10 of 16 Hurricane™ Haze 3D User Manual Rev. 14. OperationControl Panel OperationTo access the control board functions, use the three buttons located underneath the display.Button Function<MENU> Press to scroll through the operating modes<▲> UP Press to find a higher value <▼> DOWNPress to find a lower valueImportant note regarding the priority level for the three types of methods used to control the operation of your Hurricane™ Haze 3D. The priority control levels are:1. DMX - A DMX contrtoller takes priority control over both the product’sdigital control panel and the HC-T.2. Digital control panel - The control panel will only take priority control overthe HC-T.3. HC-T remote controller - The HC-T has the lowest priority control level. Examples:· If using the digital control panel and afterwards you connect a DMXcontroller to the product, then the DMX controller will take priority control. · If using the remote controller and the digital control panel is used next,then the digital control panel will take priority control.Fluid Tank Indicator LEDs Indicator LEDs show the status of the fill tank, as follows: · Red - the fluid tank is currently heating· Flashing Red - the fluid tank is currently heating and requires refilling·Blue - the fluid tank is ready· Flashing Blue - the heater is warmed but the fluid tank requires refillingNote: The Hurricane™ Haze 3D may output haze for a short duration to allow for a self-checking cycle.Menu MapMode Programming Steps DescriptionDMX Mode d*** 001–512 Selects the DMX starting address Manual ModeHaze Volume h001–h005 Selects the volume of haze output, low to highBlower Speedf001–f005Selects the blower fan speed, low to highHC-T Wired Timer Remote OperationThe HC-T wired timer controller allows you to automatically trigger haze output bysetting interval and duration times. LED indicator lights display the machine and controller’s current state. Rotary knobs set interval and duration times, while manual and continuous buttons allow overriding control. Using the Control Panel, set the Haze Volume and Blower Speed output to x 000 prior to connecting the HC-T. You can then connect and operate the HC-T with the Hurricane™ Haze 3D.1. Connect the Hurricane™ Haze 3D to power and turn the power switch to the on position.2. Plug the HC-T timer controller into the wired remote controller socket on the back of the haze machine.3. Press the <TIMER ON/OFF> latching button on the HC-T. The Timer LED Indicator above the button willlight up. The <TIMER ON/OFF> latching button will remain on until it is pressed again. 4. Set the INTERVAL, DURATION, and OUTPUT adjustment knobs to the desired positions.· INTERVAL knob sets the amount of time in between bursts of haze.· DURATION knob sets the length of time that the haze machine will run during the burst. ·OUTPUT knob adjusts the haze output.5. Press the <CONTINUOUS> latching button and the haze machine outputs haze until the button ispressed again. The Manual/Power LED Indicator above the button will light up during continuous operation.Note: The duration of continuous haze output is based on the capability of the haze machine. 6. Press the <MANUAL> button to momentarily output haze. The haze machine will output haze for as longas you hold down the button. During manual operation the Manual Momentary LED Indicator above the button will light up.Note: The duration of manual haze output is based on the capability of the haze machine.When using the manual button, it may take a few seconds for the hazer to respond because the fan is building up speed.Interval Adjustment Timer LED IndicatorManualMomentary LED Manual/PowerLEDManual Control Momentary Button Continuous Latching ButtonTimer On/Off Latching ButtonDuration AdjustmentOutputAdjustment OUTPUTConfiguration (StandaloneMode) Set this product in one of the standalone modes to control it without a DMX controller.1. Connect this product to a suitable power outlet.2. Turn this product on.Manual ModeNever connect a product that is operating in any standalone mode, such asManual mode, to a DMX string connected to a DMX controller. Products instandalone mode may transmit DMX signals that could interfere with the DMXsignals from the controller.To enable the Manual mode, follow the instructions below:1. Press <MENU> repeatedly until h*** shows on the display.2. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to adjust the haze volume.3. Press <MENU> repeatedly until f*** shows on the display.4. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to adjust the blower speed.Configuration(DMX) Set this product in DMX mode to control it with a DMX controller.1. Connect this product to a suitable power outlet.2. Turn this product on.3. Connect a DMX cable from the DMX output of the DMX controller to the DMXinput socket of this product.Starting Address The Hurricane™ Haze 3D has one DMX personality, a 2-channel mode for basic control.The Hurricane™ Haze 3D uses up to two channels in its 2-channel DMX mode, which defines the highest configurable address to 511.When selecting a starting DMX address, always consider the number of DMX channels the DMX mode uses. If you choose a starting address that is too high, you could restrict the access to some of the product’s channels.If you are not familiar with the DMX protocol, download the DMX Primer from .To select the starting address, do the following:1. Press <MENU> repeatedly until d*** shows on the display.2. Use <UP> or <DOWN> to select the starting address.DMX Channel Assignments and Values 2-CH5. Technical InformationGeneral MaintenanceDo not allow the haze machine to become clogged. After every 40 hours ofcontinuous operation, use CHAUVET® Fog Cleaner Quart (FCQ) through the systemto prevent the accumulation of particulate matter in the heating element.The recommended cleaning procedure is as follows:1. Unplug the product from power.2. Empty all haze fluid from the machine.3. Add cleaning solution to the tank.4. Connect the product to power and allow it to warm up.5. Run the unit in a well-ventilated area until the tank is almost empty.Note: Do not allow the pump to run dry.6. Refill with haze fluid to continue using the hazer. Run the machine briefly to clearany remaining cleaning solution from the pump and heater.Note: Do not operate the machine without fluid at any time.Fog Cleaner Quart (FCQ) was specifically developed by Chauvet to clean yourHurricane™ Haze 3D. Make sure you use FCQ regularly to increase the life ofyour product.Storage Before storing the hazer, run FCQ through the system as described in the cleaning procedure above; however, only follow steps 1 through 5. Do not refill the tank withhaze fluid if storing the hazer, but fluid can remain in the line. Cleaning the systemprior to storage will help prevent any particles from condensing inside the pump orheater while not in use.Test-run your Hurricane™ Haze 3D on a monthly basis to achieve the best performance.General TroubleshootingIf you still experience problems after trying the solutions presented here, contactChauvet Technical Support.6. Technical SpecificationsDimensions andWeightLength Width Height Weight13.4 in (340 mm) 12.9 in (328 mm) 15 in (380 mm) 23 lb (10.5 kg) Note: Dimensions in inches, rounded to the nearest decimal digit.PowerModel-specific 120 VAC, 60 Hzor230 VAC, 50 HzFixed voltageConsumption 1,300 W 1,462 WOperating current 11 A 6.2 AFuse size F 13 A, 250 V F 7 A, 250 VPower input connector IEC IECPower cord plug Edison Local plugOperation4 min 0.7 gal (2.5 l) 14 ml/minMisc.1,700 cfmApproved Fluids CHAUVET® DJ Haze Fluid (Gallon)High Performance Haze Fluid(HFG) Premium Haze Fluid(PHF)Thermal104 °F (40 °C) ConvectionDMX3-pin XLR Sockets 2 Ordering Product Name Item Code UPC NumberHurricane™ Haze 3D 05070795 (120 V)05070798 (230 V)781462211431781462211462Returns To return a product or request support:·In the U.S., contact Chauvet World Headquarters.·In the UK or Ireland, contact Chauvet Europe Ltd.·In Mexico, contact Chauvet Mexico.·In any other country, DO NOT contact Chauvet. Contact your distributor. See fordistributors outside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, or Mexico.If you live outside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, or Mexico, contact your distributor of record and followtheir instructions on how to return Chauvet products to them. Visit our website for contact details.Call the corresponding Chauvet Technical Support office and request a Return Merchandise Authorization (RMA)number before shipping the product. Be prepared to provide the model number, serial number, and a brief description ofthe cause for the return.You must send the merchandise prepaid, in its original box, and with its original packing and accessories. Chauvet willnot issue call tags.Clearly label the package with the RMA number. Chauvet will refuse any product returned without an RMA number.Write the RMA number on a properly affixed label. DO NOT write the RMA number directly on the box.Before sending the product, clearly write the following information on a piece of paper and place it inside the box:·Your name·Your address·Your phone number·RMA number· A brief description of the problemBe sure to pack the product properly. Any shipping damage resulting from inadequate packaging will be yourresponsibility. FedEx packing or double-boxing is recommended.Chauvet reserves the right to use its own discretion to repair or replace returned product(s).Contact Us WORLD HEADQUARTERS - ChauvetGeneral InformationAddress: 5200 NW 108th AvenueSunrise, FL 33351Voice: (954) 577-4455Fax: (954) 929-5560Toll free: (800) 762-1084Technical SupportVoice: (954) 577-4455 (Press 4)Fax: (954) 756-8015Email: ************************World Wide Web UNITED KINGDOM AND IRELAND - Chauvet Europe Ltd.General InformationAddress: Unit 1CBrookhill Road Industrial EstatePinxton, Nottingham, UKNG16 6NTVoice: +44 (0)1773 511115Fax: +44 (0)1773 511110Technical SupportEmail: **************************World Wide Web MEXICO - Chauvet MexicoGeneral InformationAddress: Av. Santa Ana 30Parque Industrial LermaLerma, Mexico C.P. 52000Voice: +52 (728) 285-5000Technical SupportEmail: ********************.mxWorld Wide Web .mxOutside the U.S., United Kingdom, Ireland, or Mexico, contact your dealer. Follow their instructions to request support or to return a product. Visit our website for contact details.。
MakerBot Replicator R2中文参考手册
Makerbot Replicator2中文参考手册西安非凡士机器人科技有限公司第一部分欢迎使用Makerbot Replicator2Makerbot Replicator2是全新一代3D打印机,也是目前市面上可以见到的最好的一款桌面3D 打印机。
Makerbot Replicator23D打印机层厚度可达100微米,打印体积增大至6.8L更简单更高效的制作出你想象中模型。
特性参数一.打印参数:1.打印尺寸:285x153x155mm2.层分辨率设置:高:100微米中间:270微米低:340微米3.定位精度:X/Y轴:11微米Z轴2.5微米4.丝直径:1.75mm5.喷嘴直径:0.4mm二.软件:软件包:MakerWare TM1.支持大打印文件类型:.stl.obj.thing2.支持的系统:Windows(XP/7)Ubuntu Linux(10.04+)Mac OS X(10.6+)三.物理尺寸:1.打印机尺寸:49x32x38cm2.包装箱:59x55x43cm3.重量:11.5kg4.运输重量:14.5kg四.硬件配置:1.机箱:粉末涂层钢2.构建平台:亚克力五.温度要求:1.操作温度:15°—32°C2.储存温度:0°—32°C六.电源:全球通用的电源配适器具体参数:1.输入电压:100—240V,50—60Hz2.供电要求:24V DC连接:USB,支持无PC环境下SD卡直接打印西安非凡士机器人科技有限公司西安非凡士机器人科技有限公司工作原理MakerbotReplicator23D 打印机使用PLA(绿色环保生物降解塑料材料聚乳酸Polylactic acid),您可以将您的三维模型保存成.stl .obj .thing 格式,然后通过使用MakerWare 软件,将你的模型转换为Makerbot Replicator23D 打印机可以使用的代码,通过USB 接口或者SD 卡传递给3D 打印机,然后Makerbot Replicator23D 打印机通过加热PLA 细丝,并有喷头喷出,一层一层的累积成型。
MO1/2S, MO1S, MO2S and MO3S resistors are colour coded with four bands. IEC 62 colours are used. For larger sizes type reference, resistance value and tolerance are legend marked. The resistance value marking conforms to lEC 62.
Electrical Data
Power rating at 70°C Restance range Limiting element voltage TCR Isolation voltage Resistance tolerance Standard values Thermal impedance Ambient temperature range watts ohms volts ppm/°C volts % °C/watt °C MO1/2S 0.5 10R - 50K 250 350 MO1S 1.0 MO2S 2.0 10R - 100K 350 350 500 5, 10 E24 preferred 80 -55 to +155 MO3S 3.0 MO5S 5.0 10R - 100K 500 700
General Note
Welwyn Components reserves the right to make changes in product specification without notice or liability. All information is subject to Welwyn’s own data and is considered accurate at time of going to print. A subsidiary of TT electronics plc Issue C · 07.04
TCS7608_Ver.1.0 (1)
电气特性(注 3)
(VOUT=5V, TA = 25°C, 测试电路如图1,除非另有说明。)
最小值 典型值 最大值 单位
5.5 V
Ver.1.0 Mar.24,2014 Page 1
1MHz, 3A 升压转换器
引脚 序号
引脚 名称
SW 开关脚。外接电感。
GND 电源地。
FB 反馈输入引脚。FB连接到外部电阻分压器的中心点。反馈阈值电压为0.6V。
3.5 A 1.3 MHz 0.612 V 2.49 V
V °C
VFB(V) Imax(A)
0.620 0.615 0.610 0.605 0.600 0.595 0.590
VIN=2.5V VIN=3.0V VIN=3.3V VIN=3.6V VIN=4.0V
关。它应该保持在一个小的区域。 z 反馈组成部分应尽可能的靠近芯片而远离噪
Ver.1.0 Mar.24,2014 Page 4
1MHz, 3A 升压转换器
Geostationary (GEO) Earth Orbit Satellites Low Earth Orbit (LEO) Satellites Deep Space Satellites/Probes Communication Systems
160 -5.25
1.25 -6.50
200 -5.00 200
1 5 1.50 -6.00
240 -4.75 500 2.5
10 1.75 -5.50
KHz V mA W
mVp-p A V
Zero Load to/from Half Load, VIN=22-40VDC Zero Load to/from Half Load, VIN=22-40VDC
(315) 701-6751
82.5W Output Power 18-40VDC Steady-state Input Voltage Range Adjustable Positive Output Voltage - 3.3V to 5.0V Fixed -5V Negative Output Typical 90% Efficiency from Half Load to Full Load Total Dose - 100krad(Si)(max) Single-Event Effects - LET>82MeV-cm²/mg SEGR Hardened MOSFETs Integrated Circuits are SEL Immune Internal EMI Filter meets MIL-STD-461 Input Inrush Current Limiting Remote Sense for Main Output Voltage Soft-start Circuitry Prevents Output Voltage Overshoot Input Undervoltage Lockout Output Overload and Short Circuit Protection Output Overvoltage Protection Synchronization Capability External Inhibit
YY WW 760801401 电磁铁产品说明书
Dimensions: [mm]Bolt used only for mechanical stabilityProduct Marking:Marking760801401YY WW (year-week)760801401Airflow testing was done with 115mm Ø fan and air velocity was measured directly in front of the part between the fan and part.760801401760801401760801401T e m p e r a t u r eT T T 760801401Further informationComponent Libraries:Download_3D_WE-TORPFC_76080X401Altium_WE-TORPFC (23b)Cadence_WE-TORPFC (23b)Eagle_WE-TORPFC (23a)Download_IGS_WE-TORPFC-76080X401L TSpice_WE-TORPFC (23a)PSpice_WE-TORPFC (23a)Download_STP_WE-TORPFC-760801401Free Sample Order:Order free samples of this article directly here!Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. Headquarters121 Airport Drive57201 Watertown, SDUnited StatesPhone: +1 (605) 886-4385CHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODWJK001.0012023-12-11ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TORPFC Toroidal PFC ChokeORDER CODE760801401SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGECautions and Warnings:The following conditions apply to all goods within the product series of WE-TORPFC of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:General:•This electronic component is designed and manufactured for use in general electronic equipment.•Würth Elektronik must be asked for written approval (following the PPAP procedure) before incorporating the components into any equipment in fields such as military, aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network, etc. where higher safety and reliability are especially required and/or if there is the possibility of direct damage or human injury.•Electronic components that will be used in safety-critical or high-reliability applications, should be pre-evaluated by the customer. •The component is designed and manufactured to be used within the datasheet specified values. If the usage and operation conditions specified in the datasheet are not met, the wire insulation may be damaged or dissolved.•Do not drop or impact the components, as the component may be damaged.•Würth Elektronik products are qualified according to international standards, which are listed in each product reliability report. Würth Elektronik does not warrant any customer qualified product characteristics beyond Würth Elektronik’s specifications, for its validity and sustainability over time.•The responsibility for the applicability of the customer specific products and use in a particular customer design is always within the authority of the customer. All technical specifications for standard products also apply to customer specific products.Product specific:Soldering:•The solder profile must comply with the technical product specifications. All other profiles will void the warranty.•All other soldering methods are at the customers’ own risk.Cleaning and Washing:•Washing agents used during the production to clean the customer application might damage or change the characteristics of the wire insulation, marking or plating. Washing agents may have a negative effect on the long-term functionality of the product. Potting:•If the product is potted in the customer application, the potting material might shrink or expand during and after hardening. Shrinking could lead to an incomplete seal, allowing contaminants into the core. Expansion could damage the component. We recommend a manual inspection after potting to avoid these effects.Storage Conditions:• A storage of Würth Elektronik products for longer than 12 months is not recommended. Within other effects, the terminals may suffer degradation, resulting in bad solderability. Therefore, all products shall be used within the period of 12 months based on the day of shipment.•Do not expose the components to direct sunlight.•The storage conditions in the original packaging are defined according to DIN EN 61760-2.•The storage conditions stated in the original packaging apply to the storage time and not to the transportation time of the components. Packaging:•The packaging specifications apply only to purchase orders comprising whole packaging units. If the ordered quantity exceeds or is lower than the specified packaging unit, packaging in accordance with the packaging specifications cannot be ensured. Handling:•Violation of the technical product specifications such as exceeding the nominal rated current will void the warranty.•Applying currents with audio-frequency signals may result in audible noise due to the magnetostrictive material properties.•Due to heavy weight of the components, strong forces and high accelerations may have the effect to damage the electrical connection or to harm the circuit board and will void the warranty.•The temperature rise of the component must be taken into consideration. The operating temperature is comprised of ambient temperature and temperature rise of the component.The operating temperature of the component shall not exceed the maximum temperature specified.These cautions and warnings comply with the state of the scientific and technical knowledge and are believed to be accurate and reliable.However, no responsibility is assumed for inaccuracies or incompleteness.Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. Headquarters121 Airport Drive57201 Watertown, SDUnited StatesPhone: +1 (605) 886-4385CHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODWJK001.0012023-12-11ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TORPFC Toroidal PFC ChokeORDER CODE760801401SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGEImportant NotesThe following conditions apply to all goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG:1. General Customer ResponsibilitySome goods within the product range of Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG contain statements regarding general suitability for certain application areas. These statements about suitability are based on our knowledge and experience of typical requirements concerning the areas, serve as general guidance and cannot be estimated as binding statements about the suitability for a customer application. The responsibility for the applicability and use in a particular customer design is always solely within the authority of the customer. Due to this fact it is up to the customer to evaluate, where appropriate to investigate and decide whether the device with the specific product characteristics described in the product specification is valid and suitable for the respective customer application or not.2. Customer Responsibility related to Specific, in particular Safety-Relevant ApplicationsIt has to be clearly pointed out that the possibility of a malfunction of electronic components or failure before the end of the usual lifetime cannot be completely eliminated in the current state of the art, even if the products are operated within the range of the specifications.In certain customer applications requiring a very high level of safety and especially in customer applications in which the malfunction or failure of an electronic component could endanger human life or health it must be ensured by most advanced technological aid of suitable design of the customer application that no injury or damage is caused to third parties in the event of malfunction or failure of an electronic component. Therefore, customer is cautioned to verify that data sheets are current before placing orders. The current data sheets can be downloaded at .3. Best Care and AttentionAny product-specific notes, cautions and warnings must be strictly observed. Any disregard will result in the loss of warranty.4. Customer Support for Product SpecificationsSome products within the product range may contain substances which are subject to restrictions in certain jurisdictions in order to serve specific technical requirements. Necessary information is available on request. In this case the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted who will be happy to support in this matter.5. Product R&DDue to constant product improvement product specifications may change from time to time. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Change Notification (PCN) according to the JEDEC-Standard inform about minor and major changes. In case of further queries regarding the PCN, the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge should be contacted. The basic responsibility of the customer as per Section 1 and 2 remains unaffected.6. Product Life CycleDue to technical progress and economical evaluation we also reserve the right to discontinue production and delivery of products. As a standard reporting procedure of the Product Termination Notification (PTN) according to the JEDEC-Standard we will inform at an early stage about inevitable product discontinuance. According to this we cannot guarantee that all products within our product range will always be available. Therefore it needs to be verified with the field sales engineer or the internal sales person in charge about the current product availability expectancy before or when the product for application design-in disposal is considered. The approach named above does not apply in the case of individual agreements deviating from the foregoing for customer-specific products.7. Property RightsAll the rights for contractual products produced by Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG on the basis of ideas, development contracts as well as models or templates that are subject to copyright, patent or commercial protection supplied to the customer will remain with Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG. Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG does not warrant or represent that any license, either expressed or implied, is granted under any patent right, copyright, mask work right, or other intellectual property right relating to any combination, application, or process in which Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG components or services are used.8. General Terms and ConditionsUnless otherwise agreed in individual contracts, all orders are subject to the current version of the “General Terms and Conditions of Würth Elektronik eiSos Group”, last version available at .Wurth Electronics Midcom Inc. Headquarters121 Airport Drive57201 Watertown, SDUnited StatesPhone: +1 (605) 886-4385CHECKED REVISION DATE (YYYY-MM-DD)GENERAL TOLERANCE PROJECTIONMETHODWJK001.0012023-12-11ISO 2768-1mDESCRIPTIONWE-TORPFC Toroidal PFC ChokeORDER CODE760801401SIZE/TYPE BUSINESS UNIT STATUS PAGE。
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Doc #06009
3 Mt. Prospect Ave. Clifton, NJ 07013
TRIG RES OUT OUTB Trigger Input Reset Input Pulse Output Complementary Pulse Output AE Address Enable Input P0-P11 Address Inputs VDD +5 Volts GND Ground NC Do not connect externally
TRIG RES P0 P2 P4 P6 NC GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9
data 3 delay devices, inc.
TRIG RES P0 P2 P4 P6 P8 NC P10 GND 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11
PART # (8-BIT) 3D7608R-0.25 3D7608R-0.5 3D7608R-1 3D7608R-2 3D7608R-5 3D7608R-10 3D7608R-20 3D7608R-50 3D7608R-100 3D7608R-200 3D7608R-500 3D7608R-1K 3D7608R-2K 3D7608R-5K 3D7608R-10K 3D7608R-20K 3D7608R-50K PART # (12-BIT) 3D7612W-0.25 3D7612W-0.5 3D7612W-1 3D7612W-2 3D7612W-5 3D7612W-10 3D7612W-20 3D7612W-50 3D7612W-100 3D7612W-200 3D7612W-500 3D7612W-1K 3D7612W-2K 3D7612W-5K 3D7612W-10K 3D7612W-20K 3D7612W-50K Pulse Width Increment 0.25ns ± 0.12ns 0.50ns ± 0.25ns 1.0ns ± 0.5ns 2.0ns ± 1.0ns 5.0ns ± 2.5ns 10ns ± 5.0ns 20ns ± 10ns 50ns ± 25ns 100ns ± 50ns 200ns ± 100ns 500ns ± 250ns 1.0us ± 0.5us 2.0us ± 1.0us 5.0us ± 2.5us 10us ± 5.0us 20us ± 10us 50us ± 25us Maximum P.W. (8-Bit) 73.25ns ± 3ns 137.5ns ± 3ns 265ns ± 3ns 520ns ± 6ns 1.28us ± 13ns 2.56us ± 26ns 5.11us ± 52ns 12.8us ± 128ns 25.5us ± 255ns 51.0us ± 510ns 128us ± 1.3us 255us ± 2.6us 510us ± 5.2us 1.28ms ± 13us 2.55ms ± 26us 5.10ms ± 52us 12.8ms ± 128us Maximum P.W. (12-Bit) 1.03us ± 10ns 2.05us ± 21ns 4.10us ± 41ns 8.19us ± 82ns 20.5us ± 205ns 41.0us ± 410ns 81.9us ± 819ns 205us ± 2.1us 410us ± 4.1us 819us ± 8.2us 2.05ms ± 21us 4.10ms ± 41us 8.19ms ± 82us 20.5ms ± 205us 41.0ms ± 410us 81.9ms ± 819us 205ms ± 2.1 ms PART # (8-BIT) 3D7608R-100K 3D7608R-200K 3D7608R-500K 3D7608R-800K Pulse Width Increment 100us ± 50us 200us ± 100us 500us ± 250us 800us ± 400us Maximum P.W. (8-Bit) 25.5ms ± 260us 51.0ms ± 510us 128ms ± 1.3ms 204ms ± 2.1ms
The all-CMOS 3D7608 & 3D7612 integrated circuits have been designed as reliable, economic alternatives to hybrid TTL pulse generators. The 3D7608 is offered in a standard 16-pin SOIC, and the 3D7612 is offered in a standard 20-pin SOL.
The 3D7608 & 3D7612 devices are versatile 8- & 12-bit programmable monolithic pulse generators. A rising-edge on the trigger input (TRIG) initiates the pulse, which is presented on the output pins (OUT,OUTB). The pulse width, programmed via the parallel interface, can be varied over 255 (3D7608) or 4095 (3D7612) equal steps according to the formula: tPW = tinh + addr * tinc where addr is the programmed address, tinc is the pulse width increment (equal to the device dash number), and tinh is the inherent (address zero) pulse width. The device also offers a reset input (RES), which can be used to terminate the pulse before the programmed time has expired.
Figure 1 illustrates the main functional blocks of the 3D7608 & 3D7612. Since these devices are CMOS designs, all unused input pins must be returned to well-defined logic levels, VDD or Ground. The pulse generator architecture is comprised of a number of delay cells (for fine control) and an oscillator & counter (for coarse control). Each device is individually trimmed for maximum accuracy and linearity throughout the address range. The change in pulse width from one address setting to the next is called the increment, or LSB. It is nominally equal to the device dash number. The minimum pulse width, achieved by setting the address to zero, is called the inherent pulse width. For best performance, it is essential that the power supply pin be adequately bypassed and filtered. In addition, the power bus should be of as low an impedance construction as possible. Power planes are preferred. Also, signal traces should be kept as short as possible. error is less than 1.0 LSB at every address (see Table 1). The absolute error is defined as follows: eabs = tPW – (tinh + addr * tinc) where tinh is the nominal inherent delay. The absolute error is limited to 1.5 LSB or 3.0 ns, whichever is greater, at every address. The inherent pulse width error is the deviation of the inherent width from its nominal value. It is limited to 2.0 ns from the nominal inherent pulse width of 10 ns.