航海英语-合集题库 优质文档 新

航海英语1.A chart has extensive corrections 广泛的修正to be made to it .After having been corrected,the chart is printed again and the chart issuse is a __B____.A. first editionB. new editionC. revised editionD. reprint2.A rapid rise or fall of the barometer indioates ___C____.A. heavy rain within six hoursB. a decrease in wind velocityC. a change in the present weather conditionsD. that fog will soon set in3.A slow,gradual fall of the barometer 气压计indicates approaching____C_____.A. gale force winds within 12 hoursB. blizzard conditionsC. deteriorating or unsettled weather (恶化的)D. heavy,wind driven rain4.Stand-on vessel in a crossing situation is allowed to take action when___C___.A. on a collsion couresB. the vessels will pass within one mileC. it becomes apparent to her that the give-way vessel is not taking appropriate actionD. the relative speed of the vessels indicates collision in less than six minutes5. A type of precipitation that occurs only in thunderstorms with strongconvection currents that convey raindrops above and below the freezing level is known as ___B___.一种沉淀,只发生在雷暴强烈对流,传达之上和之下的雨滴冻结被称为水平A. sieetB. nailC. freezing rainD. rime6. A vessel is equipped with a single right-handed screw.With rudder amidships and calm wind,the vessel will most likely back___B____A. straight asternB. to portC. to starboardD. in no particular direction7. Vessel is tender if cargo weight is___A____A. concentrated high and the double bottoms emptyB. concentrated low and the double bottoms emptyC. evenly distributed vertically with the doubel bottoms fullD. concentrated and with the doubie bottoms full8. vessel may enter a traffic separation zone___D___①in an emergency;②to engagein fishing within the zone;③to cross the traffic separationschemeA. ①B. ②C. ③D. ①+②+③9. A vessel,the passage of which is not to be impeded,___D___to comply with this Rule whenthe two vessels are approaching one another so as to involve risk of collision.A. remains fully obligedB. has no obligationC. is not likelyD. is exempted10. A warm air mass is characterized by___A___.A. stability 稳定B. instability 不稳定C. gusty winds 降阵风D. good visibility11. Weather forecast states that the wind will commence backing.In the NorthemHemisphere,this would indicate that it will___B___.A. shift in a clockwise mannerB. shift in a counterclokwise mannerC. continue blowing from the same directionD. decrease in velocity12. D fter transferring a weight forward on a vessel,the draft at the center of flotation willA. change,depending on the location of the LCGB. increaseC. decreaseD. remain constant 保持不变13. All charts and publications should be kept up to date withthe___A___amendments.A. latestB. updatedC. lastD. up-to-dated14. All echo-sounders can measure the ___B___.A. actual depth of waterB. actual depth of water below keelC. average depth from waterline to hard bottom 平均深度水线坚硬的底部D. average depth of water to soft bottom.15. Among the following,___B___is required to be carried ona lifeboat but not ona liferaft?A. waterproof electric torch 防水手电筒B. hatchet 斧C. radar reflectorD. rocket parachute flares 火箭降落伞16. An immersion suit must be equipped with a(n)___C___.A. air bottle for breatingB. orange smoke canisterC. whistle,light and retroreflective material 吹口哨,光和回射的材料D. sea dyemarker17. As matter of fact,the damage to the winches was due to___D___.A. insufficiency of packaging 不足的包装B. inherent vice of the cargo 货物的固有缺陷C. improper stowage 积载不当D. rough handling 野蛮装卸18. As per STCW,any crew having consumed alcohol within___B___shall not serve as amember of a watch.A. one hourB. four hoursC. two hoursD. three hours19. At temperate latitudes cyclonic and anticyclonic pressure systems generatemore___A___weather pattems.A. vailableB. steadyC. SlowD. temporary20.Bulk cargo refers to ___D___.A.cargo which occupies a large volume of space.B.cargo which requires refrigerationC. cargo which is very denseD. homogeneous cargo not enclosed in a container21. C By paying out more anchor cable,you ______.A. decrease the holding power of your anchorB. decrease the swing of your vessel while at anchorC. increase the holding power of your anchorD. increase the possibility that your vessel will drag anchor22. B charted depth is the ______.A. vartical distance from the chart sounding datum to the ocean bottom,plus the height of tideB. vertical distance from the chart sounding datum to theocean bottomC. average height of water over a specified period of timeD. average height of all low waters at a place23. Clouds are classified according to their ___C___.A. SizeB. mosasaurs content 水分含量C. altitude and how they are formed 高度和他们是如何形成D. location in 2 fornt24. A. clouds from ______.A. as a mass of warm,humid air rises into the atmosphere and cools condensingmoisture into small dropletsB. as winds blow across bodies of water, the sun causes the moisture to be absorbed and move upward forming cloudsC. dry air compresses moisture from the atmosphere into cloudsD. when the relative humidity of the atmosphere is low25. Compass error is equal to the ___C___.A. deviation minus variationB. variation plus compass courseC. Combined variation and deviationD. difference between true and magnetic heading26. container ship capacity is normally expressed in ___D___.A. deadweight tonsB. measurement tousC. displacement tonsD. TEU27. Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidai currents can be found in the ___B___.A. Mariners GuideB. Tidal Current T ablesC. Nautical AlmanacD. Tide Tables28. D Depths in the routes (Malacca and Singapore Straits)vary between 20mand about 23m but there are many areas of sand waves and depths are liable to change,The statement infer that ______.A. Depths in Malacca and Straits are stableB. depths in Malacca and straits are changeableC. depths in Malacca and straits are invariableD. depths in Malacca and straits are the same all the time29. Details of coast radio stations and radar stations can be found in ___C___.A. Admiralty ChartB. Admiralty Light List.C. Admiralty list of radio signals.D. Admiralty notices to mariners30. Deviation is the angle between the ___C___.A. true meridian and the axis of the compass cardB. true meridian and the magnetic meridianC. magnetic meridian and the axis of the compass cardD. axis of the compass card and the magnetic meridian31. ECDIS should be capable of ___D___all chart information necessary for safe and efficient navigation originatedA. exhibitingB. existingC. demonstratingD. displaying32. Every crew member shall Participate in at least one abandon ship drill and one fire drill ___c___.A. every week.B. Every monthC. per three month.D. per assignment33. Fixed piping leads from the ___A___to various areas of the on payment to be floodedA. manifold.B. remote pull box.C. discharge nozzle.D. machinery space34. Foul ground ___C ___2 cables from its E side.A. Locates.B. Lies.C. Extends.D. rests35. From ___C___mariners can know the data of tideA. the sea pilot.B. the Cargo plan.C. the Tide Table.D. the Port List36. C Full details of chart updating methods can be found in ______.A. NP100.B. NP350.C. NP294.D. NP72.37. A furnishings for recreational facilities should ______include a bookcase and facilities for reading writing and where practicable games.A. as a minimum.B. as a maximum.C. as a rule.D. as a result38. A Generally you can best keep a vessel under steering control when the vessel has ______.A. headway.B.sternwayC.no way on,with engines stoppedD.no way on,with engines full ahead39.C Hours of rest may be divided into no more than two periods,one of whichshall be at least in length.A.five hoursB.seven hoursC.six hoursD.four hours40.C How long are you prohibited to consume alcohol prior to serving as a member of a watch?A.Within two hoursB.Within three hoursC.Within four hoursD.Within five hours41.B Humidity is known as the amount of in the air.A.hydrogenB.moistureC.dustD.temperature42.C Hurricane may move in any direction.However,it is rare and generally of short duration when a hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere moves toward the .A.west or northwestB.northeastC.southeastD.north43.C If there is sufficient sea room,alteration of may be the most effective action to avoid close-quarters situation.A.speed and courseB.speed aloneC.course aloneD.speed or course44.B If you need the information for Radio Weather Serviees,you may check the Admiralty List of Lights and Fog SignalsA.volume 2B.volume 3C.volume 5D.volume 645.A If youshorten the scope of anchor cable,your anchor's holding power .A.decreasesB.increasesC.remains the sameD.has no relation to the scope46.A In Admiealry Sailing Directions,heights of obiects refer to the height of the stucture above the .A.means sea levelB.Mean nigh waterC.Mean Higher High WaterD.ground47.D In detemining a safe speed shall not be among thosetaken into account.A.the characteristics,efficiency and limitation of the radar equipmentB.any constraints imposed by the radar range scale in useC.the effect on radar derection of the sea state,weather and other sources of interferenceD.the safe working load of the cranes both on board and ashore48.D In particular,which is not included in the Navigation Ststem?A.ECDISB.RADARC.GPSD.GMDSS49.A In practice,it is usual for the ship to be loaded to improve the vessel's movement through the water.A.a little deeper aftB.a little deeper forwardC.at the same draught between fore and aftD.a balance between two sides50.A In reading a weather map,closely spaced pressure gradient lines would indicate .A.high windsB.high overcast cloudsC.calm or light windsD.fog or steady rain51. B In summer,monsoon over the South China Sea blows fromA.northeastB.southwestC.southeastD.northwest52.B It is important to get familiarzed with the emergency exits onboard.When should this be done?A.Within a weekB.Immediately after boardingC.Before boardingD.When you have some extra time53.D LIFTING THE ANCHOR FROM THE BOTTOM is called .A.broaching the anchorB.shifting the anchorC.walking the anchorD.weighing the anchor54.B LOW AT 34N 135E ESLY SLWLY INTST NC.This description is most likelyto be under the heading of .A.GL WNGB.GEN SYNC.STM WNGD.TY WNG55.A Left and right inner graduated borderlines of the chart are .A.scales of latitudeB.scales of longitudes/doc/b42133819.htmlpass roseD.source data56.A MAINLY GOOD BECOMING MODERATE.This forecast probably refer to ina certain area.A.visibilityC.seasD.fog57.D MIDSHIPS refers to rudder to be held .A.in position to starboardB.in position to portC.in position to anywhereD.in position fore and aft58.A Malacca Strait is 805 km and from 64 km in the S to 257 km in the N.A.long,widensB.long, wideC.length,widensD,length,wide59.C Many of the soundings shown on the chart are derived from .Undue reliance should not be piaced upon them./doc/b42133819.htmlplete and often very poor surveysB.correct and often very good surveysC.inadequate and often very old surveysD.adequate and present surveys60.D Mariners are advised not to in the vicinit y of submarine cables,and risk prosecution if cables are damaged.A.cross or passB.stop or anchorC.trawl or dragD.anchor or trawl61.A Normally,better steerage will be achieved if a vessel is trimmed by the .A.sternC.bowD.head62.B Ocean Passages for the World is updated through .A.notice to mariners weekly editionB.admiraly notice to mariners weekly editionC.Np247D.annually new edition63.Place names used should be those__D__.A.specified by intermational authoritiesB.specified by national authoritiesC.on the should mapD.on the chart or the Sailing Directions in use64.C Point out which one of the following items is not in the charge of ChiefOfficer in repairing operation.A.hull cleaningB.derusting and paintingC.the maintenance of boilerD.docking and undocking65.Prior to taking over the deck watch in port,the relieving officer shall not be informed by the officer in charge of the deck watch as to__C__.A.the depth of the water at the berthB.the ship's draughtC.the duty of the relieving officerD.the arrangement of anchors and the scope of the anchor chain if anchored66. B Providing you are not sailing in the red sea or another special area as listed. in Annex V of MARPOL,which type ofgarbage is possible allowed from being discharged?A.Domestic wastes.B.Cooking oil.C.Animal carcassesD.Fishing gear.67.Radar beacons are transmitters designed to produce a(n)___B___ on the screens of ship's radar sets.A. incorrect imageB.distinctive imageC.pictorial imageD. pictographic image68.SOLAS is the abbreviation of __C__A. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Carried by Sea.B. International code for the Construction and Equipment of ships Carrying Gases in BulkC. international Convention for the Safety of Life at seaD. International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea69. B SSAS can generate security alerts to____.A.any flag state administrationsB.preset flag state administrationC.nearby coast statesD.nearby contract parties70. B Section____of Weekly Editions of Admiralty Notices to Mariners contains amendments to Sailing Directions that cannot wait until the next new edinon.A.ⅡB.ⅢC.ⅣD.Ⅴ71.B Shipboard Emergency Drills must be carried out at least____onboard cargo ship.A. Once every third year.B. Once a monthC. Once a year.D. Once a week72. B Spontaneous combustion can result from _____.A. an unprecedented drop-light bulb.B. Careless disposal or storage of material.C.smoking in bed.D.Worn electrical wires on power tools.73. B THE SPEED OF A VESSEL ADJUSTED TO THAT OF A PILOT BOAT AT WHICH THE PILOT CAN SAFELY EMBARK is ____.A. ground speed.B. boarding speed.C. relative speed.D. vessel speed.74. A The Admiralty Notices to Mariners can be obtained ____by Masters of vessels from any Admiralty Chart Agent.A. free of charge.B. with on responsibility.C. without limitations of distribution.D. with little charges.75. B The Beaufort scale is used to estimate the ____A. wind directionB. Wind speed.C. Barometric pressure.D. Percentage of cloud.76. C The Experimental Lighthouse-buoy has no navigation al significance and may be removed at will. The above sentence means ____.A. It's of no use for navigation and would be removed with notice.B. It's useful in navigation and may be removed without notice.C. It's helpless in navigation and may be removed without notice.D. It's helpful in navigation and may be removed without notice.77. The Rules state a vessel overtaking another vessel is relieved of her duty to keep clear when ___C___.A. She is forward of the other vessels beam.B. The overtaking situation becomes a crossing situation.C.She is past and clear of other vessel.D. D .The other vessel is no longer in sight.78. The Safety Management Certificate should be issued toa ship by_C__A.the entityB.the Owner of the shipC.the Administration or organization recognized by the AdministrationD.the organization or person such as the Manager,or the Bareboat Charterer79.The Sailing Direction contain information on ____A required navigation lightsB lifesaving equipment standardsC casualty repirting proceduresD currents in various locations80 The VDR system is designed to operate-------once it is set up correctly. There is no user interaction.A automaticallyB accuratelyC promptlyD conspicuously81. The amount of detail shown on a nautical chart varies with its-------A sizeB scaleC sceneD shape82 The difference between the displacement "light" and displacement "loaded"indicates -------A maximum carrying capacityB maximum cargo capacityC maximum.displacingD maximum reserving capacity82 The difference berween the initial trim and the trim after loding is knownas-------A trimB change of trimC final trimD change of draft83 The fire-protected lifeboats are found-------A in satisfactorily conditionB satisfactorilyC satisfactoryD satisfactored84 The fireman's out fit consists of _------A safery lamp,protective clothing,rigid helmet,breathing apparatusB emergency escape breathing device fire damper, extinguishersC firefighting equipment,portable extinguishers,fire dampersD fire hoses,fird nozzles,fire hydrants fire pumpers85 The foremost and aftermost spaces of the vessel are the -------A forecastleB tweendookC hatesD peak tanks86 The information stored in the VDR concerningpostition ,movement,physical status,command and control of a vessel is --------A recylableB returnableC recoverableD retrievable87 The machinery associaed with heaving in and running out anchor is the -------A winchB windlassC draw worksD dynamic pay out system88 The manoeuvrability of the ship is considered------if the following criteria are complied with.A satisfactoryB satisfactorilyC smoothD smoothly89 THE most important principle in the cargo stowage is -------A to avoid the rearrangement of the cargo loaded on boardB to ensure the safety of the ship and cargoC to reject the damaged cargo during loading operationD to prevent the spontaneous combustion of the coal and grain90 The most significant consequence for the vessel.resulting from liquefaction is--:----A cargo lossB Cargo shiftC cargo distributionD cargo reduction91.The officer in charge of the navigation watch shall notify continue to be resposible for of the ship despite the ——of the master on the bridgeA.presentB.absenceC.essenceD.presence92 D The officer in charge of the navigational. watch shall notify the masterimmediately--------1.if good visibility is encountered or expected2.if difficulty is experienced in maintaining course3.if the ship meets any hazard to navigation,such as ice or a derelicA 1-2B 1-3C 1-2-3D 2-393 The overtaken as well as the overtaking are--------obligated to act to avoid collision in restricted visibility.A disinctlyB separatelyC equallyD similarly94 The sign used to caution persons apprcaching the gangway of a tank barge during cargo transfer reads--------A Warning,Keep Off,Stay ClearB Danger,Do Not BoardC Warning,NO Smoking, NO open-Lights, NO VisitorsD Dangerous Cargo.Being Transferred95 The southeast trade winds actuallh blow toward the-------A higherB southC eastD northwest。

第三节航海出版物<灯标表、天文表、海员手册、大洋航路图等)destroy英音:[dis'trɔi]美音:[dɪ'strɔɪ]及物动词 vt. 毁坏,破坏ruin英音:['ruin]美音:['ruɪn]及物动词 vt. 使毁灭。
毁坏spoil英音:[spɔil]美音:[spɔɪl]及物动词 vt. 损坏。
搞糟0001. __D____ are published for the correction of Admiralty Charts.[7]b5E2RGbCAP下列哪项出版物用来改正英版海图A.Admiralty Sailing Directions 英版航路指南B.Admiralty List of Signals 英版信号表C.Mariner's Handbook航海员手册D.Admiralty Notices to Mariners英版航海通告0002. ___C___ gives a description of the combined Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage system including textual and diagrammatic explanations of the five types of marks;lateral;cardinal,isolated danger;safe water and special marks. p1EanqFDPw下列哪项出版物用文字及图式详细地介绍了方位标及侧面标系统<包括5种标志:侧面标、方位标、孤立危险物标、安全水域标及特殊标)。
DXDiTa9E3d A.Ocean Passages for the World<NP136)世界大洋航路B.Symbols and Abbreviations used on Admiralty Charts,Chart 5011 英版海图图式及简写RTCrpUDGiTC.IALA Maritime Buoyage System<NP735)IALA航海浮标系统D.The Mariners Handbook<NP100)航海员手册0003. ___A___ gives daily predictions of the times and heights of high and low waters for over 230 standard and 6,000 secondary ports in the world. 5PCzVD7HxA下列哪项出版物对全世界超过230个基准<主潮)港及6000个附潮港每日的潮高及潮时给出预报。

航海英语练习题一、选择题1. The captain ordered the helmsman to steer the ship on a course of 090 degrees. What does this mean?A. NorthB. EastC. SouthD. West2. What is the term used for the distance a ship travels through the water in a given time?A. SpeedB. DistanceC. RateD. Knot3. Which of the following is not a type of maritime buoy?A. Navigable buoyB. Peril buoyC. Safe water buoyD. Land buoy4. What does the term "Dead in the water" mean?A. The ship is sinkingB. The ship is stationaryC. The ship is moving very fastD. The ship is aground5. What does the abbreviation "LOA" stand for in maritime terminology?A. Length Over AllB. Length On ArrivalC. Length Of AgreementD. Length Of Anchor二、填空题6. The __________ is the part of the ship where the crewlives and works.7. The __________ is the highest point on a ship's mast.8. A __________ is a device used to measure the depth of water.9. The __________ is the area at the front of a ship.10. The __________ is the area at the back of a ship.三、翻译题11. 请将下列句子翻译成英文:- 我们的船只必须遵守国际海事组织的规则。

1]Which signal of the follwings is not provided with onboard lifeboat?A.Rocket parachute signalsB.Buoyant smoke signalsC.Hand flare signalsD.Self-igniting signals答案:D 下列哪种信号在救生艇上不配备?自动点火信号[2]According to IMO regulations,______shall be posed outside lifeboat?A.the retro-reflective tapesB.the reflective tapesC.the flashing bandsD.the anti-flashing bands答案:A 根据国际海事组织规则,反光带应该安放在救生艇外面[3]Which one of the following is not required on survival crafts?A.Anti-seasickness medicineB.Immersion suitsC.axesD.lifebuoys答案:D 下面哪一个在在救生筏上不需要---救生圈[4]Have the safety belts for _______been examined?A.total enclosed lifeboatsB.totally enclosing lifeboatsC.totally enclosed lifeboatsD.total encloseing lifeboats答案:C 全封闭式救生艇的安全带已经检查过了吗?[5]The fire-protected lifeboats are found_____________.A.in satisfactorily conditionB.satisfactorilyC.satisfactoryD.satisfactored答案:C 防火救生艇被发现是良好的[6]We test the water spray fire protection system of fire-protected lifeboats every 3 months,___the abandon ship drill.bining withbined withbining tobined to答案:B 我们每三个月测试防火救生艇的喷水防火系统,连同弃船训练。

航海学10.1 航海学基本知识[2651]______ is the distance east or west measured in degrees,minutes and seconds of arc on the equator between the prime meridian and the meridian passing through the place.A. LongitudeB. LatitudeC. HeightD. BearingKEY: A[2652]______ refers to the angle between true North and the heading line of the ship.A. True positionB. True meridianC. True courseD. True bearingKEY: C[2653]A gnomonic projection is based on a(n) ______.A. plane tangent at one pointB. cylinder tangent at the equatorC. cone tangent at one parallelD. infinite series of cones tangent at selected parallelsKEY: A[2654]A great circle track provides the maximum saving in distance on ______.A. easterly courses in high latitudesB. southerly courses in high latitudesC. westerly courses in low latitudesD. easterly courses in low latitudes that cross the equatorKEY: A[2655]A lateral system buoy displaying a quick light ______.A. should be passed close aboard on either sideB. indicates that special caution is requiredC. is used at a channel bifurcation or junctionD. is painted with red and white vertical stripesKEY: B[2656]A light characteristic of composite group flashing indicates that there is a(n) ______.A. sharp turn in the channelB. narrowing in the channel at that pointC. junction in the channelD. obstruction that must be left to portKEY: C[2657]A light having characteristics which include color variations is defined as ______.A. switchingB. alternatingC. oscillatingD. fluctuatingKEY: B[2658]A light that has a light period shorter than its dark period is described as ______.A. flashingB. pulsatingC. occultingD. alternatingKEY: A[2659]A lighted preferred-channel buoy may show a ______.A. fixed red lightB. Morse (A) white lightC. composite group-flashing lightD. yellow lightKEY: C[2660]A lighthouse can be identified by its ______.A. painted colorB. light color and phase characteristicC. type of structureD. All of the aboveKEY: D[2661]A line of position formed by sighting two charted objects in line is called a(n) ______.A. relative bearingB. range lineC. track lineD. estimated positionKEY: B[2662]A line on the Earth parallel to the equator is a ______.A. gnomonic curveB. small circleC. meridianD. great circleKEY: B[2663]A mid-channel buoy,if lighted,will show a ______.A. fixed red lightB. Morse (A) white lightC. green lightD. flashing red lightKEY: B[2664]A nun buoy will ______.A. be green in colorB. have an even numberC. be left to port when entering from seawardD. be cylindrical in shapeKEY: B[2665]A parallel of latitude other than the equator is a ______.A. great circleB. loxodromic curveC. small circleD. gnomonic curveKEY: C[2666]A plane perpendicular to the polar axis will never form what line on the Earth's surface?A. Great circleB. EquatorC. Small circleD. MeridianKEY: D[2667]A plane that cuts the Earth's surface and passes through the poles will always form ______.A. the equatorB. a loxodromic curveC. a small circleD. a meridianKEY: D[2668]A plane that cuts the Earth's surface at any angle and passes through the center will always form ______.A. the equatorB. a great circleC. a small circleD. a meridianKEY: B[2669]A preferred-channel buoy may be ______.A. letteredB. sphericalC. showing a white lightD. All of the aboveKEY: A[2670]A preferred-channel buoy will show a ______.A. white light whose characteristic is Morse (A)B. group-occulting white lightC. composite group-flashing (2 + 1) white lightD. composite group-flashing (2 + 1) red or green lightKEY: D[2671]A red pillar light-buoy,Fl(2) 5s,is to be substituted for the green conical light-buoy close S.W.of the stranded wreck.The above sentence mainly refers to ______.A. a red buoy is to be replaced by a green buoyB. a green buoy is to be replaced by a red buoyC. either a red buoy or a green buoy is to be replacedD. neither a red buoy nor a green buoy is to be replacedKEY: B[2672]A relative bearing is always measured from ______.A. true northB. magnetic northC. the vessel's beamD. the vessel's headKEY: D[2673]A rock and sand structure extending from the bank of the river toward the channel is known as a ______.A. wingdamB. towheadC. cutoffD. landwallKEY: A[2674]A SEAMARK,I.E. A BUOY,INDICATING THE NORTH,EAST,SOUTH OR WEST FROM A FIXED POINT,E.G. A WRECK is ______.A. Entrance buoyB. New buoyC. Port buoyD. Cardinal buoyKEY: D[2675]A section of the river that is narrower than usual and is often navigable from bank to bank is a ______.A. chuteB. stabilized channelC. sloughD. Cardinal buoyKEY: n[2676]A special mark (yellow buoy),if lighted,may exhibit which light rhythm?A. FlashingB. Morse AC. Equal intervalD. OccultingKEY: A[2677]A special purpose buoy shall be ______.A. lighted with a white lightB. striped black and redC. lighted with a red lightD. yellowKEY: D[2678]A spherical buoy may be ______.A. numberedB. letteredC. greenD. redKEY: B[2679]A structure,usually made of stone,or cement pilings,which extends from the bank at approximately right angles to the current is called a ______.A. dikeB. revetmentC. cutoffD. cribKEY: A[2680]A vessel is ______ when she is not at anchor,made fast to the shore,or aground.A. underwayB. making wayC. dead in the waterD. a power driven vessel.KEY: A[2681]A V-shaped ripple with the point of the V pointing upstream in a river may indicate a ______.A. submerged rock,not dangerous to navigationB. sunken wreck,not dangerous to navigationC. towed-under buoyD. All of the aboveKEY: C[2682]A white buoy with a blue band is ______.A. an isolated danger markB. a hydrographic data collection buoyC. a mooring buoyD. marking a restricted areaKEY: C[2683]A white buoy with an open-faced orange diamond on it indicates ______.A. dangerB. vessels are excluded from the areaC. the buoy is a mooring buoyD. operating restrictions are in effectKEY: A[2684]A white buoy with an orange rectangle on it displays ______.A. directionsB. dangersC. exclusion areasD. All of the aboveKEY: A[2685]A yellow buoy may exhibit a(n) ______.A. fixed red lightB. flashing lightC. white lightD. occulting lightKEY: B[2686]A yellow buoy may mark a(n) ______.A. wreckB. shoal areaC. anchorage areaD. middle groundKEY: C[2687]An orange and white buoy indicating a vessel-exclusion area will be marked with what symbol?A. Open-faced diamondB. Diamond with a crossC. CircleD. SquareKEY: B[2688]An orange and white buoy marking a danger area will have what symbol on it?A. Open-faced diamondB. Diamond with a crossC. CircleD. SquareKEY: A[2689]An orange and white buoy marking an area where operating restrictions are in effect will be marked with which symbol?A. Open-faced diamondB. Diamond with a crossC. CircleD. RectangleKEY: C[2690]An orange and white buoy with a rectangle on it displays ______.A. directionsB. distancesC. locationsD. All of the aboveKEY: D[2691]Branford reef is ______.A. a hard sand shoal marked with a lightB. completely submerged at all stages of the tideC. surrounded by rocks awash at low water spring tidesD. a small,low,sandy islet surrounded by shoal waterKEY: B[2692]Buoys are marked with reflective material to assist in their detection by searchlight. Which statement is TRUE?A. A safe-water buoy will display red and white vertical stripes of reflective material.B. All reflective material is white because it is the most visible at night.C. A special-purpose mark will display either red or green reflective material to agree with its shape.D. A preferred-channel buoy displays either red or green reflective material to agree with the top band of color.KEY: D[2693]Buoys which mark dredging areas are painted ______.A. blackB. yellowC. greenD. redKEY: B[2694]Buoys which mark isolated dangers are painted with alternating ______.A. red and black bandsB. green and black bandsC. red and white stripesD. green and white bandsKEY: A[2695]Buoys which only mark the left or right side of the channel will never exhibit a light with which characteristic?A. FlashingB. Quick flashingC. Composite group flashingD. Equal interval (isophase)KEY: C[2696]Except for N-S courses,and E-W courses on the equator,a great circle track between two points,when compared to a rhumb line track between the same two points,will ______.A. always be nearer to the equatorB. always be nearer to the elevated poleC. be nearer to the pole in the Northern Hemisphere and nearer to the equator in the Southern HemisphereD. be nearer to the pole or the equator depending on the latitudes of the arrival and departure positionsKEY: B[2697]Fishing stake,the position of which frequently ______,exist in the area covered by this chart.A. removedB. alteredC. correctedD. convertedKEY: B[2698]From your position you observe a rotating white and green light to the north. This light is most likely ______.A. from a submarine on the surfaceB. the light at Southeast PointC. at an airportD. on a coastal patrol vesselKEY: C[2699]How is the intensity of a light expressed in the Light Lists? ______.A. Luminous rangeB. Geographic rangeC. Nominal rangeD. Meteorological rangeKEY: C[2700]How would you pass a red buoy in the maritime buoyage system "A"?A. keep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching a port and on the vessel's port side when leaving.B. keep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching a port and on the vessel's starboard side when leaving.C. keep the buoy on the vessel's starboard side when approaching and leaving.D. keep the buoy on the vessel's port side when approaching and leaving.KEY: B10.2 地文航海[2701]Leeway is the ______.A. difference between the true course and the compass courseB. momentum of a vessel after her engines have been stoppedC. lateral movement of a vessel downwind of her intended courseD. displacement of a vessel multiplied by her speedKEY: C[2702]______ is the process by which the position of the vessel at any moment is found by applying the last well-determined position to the run that has been made since,using for this purpose the ship's course and the distance being those indicated by log.A. dead reckoningB. dead weightC. dead slow aheadD. dead slow asternKEY: A[2703]______ means the curve on the earth's surface which cuts all the meridians at the same angle.A. Great CircleB. Position LineC. Rhumb lineD. True BearingKEY: C[2704]A bold reef is a reef ______.A. with part of it extending above the waterB. that can be detected by water turbulenceC. that drops off sharplyD. perpendicular to the currentKEY: B[2705]A buoy having red and green horizontal bands would have a light characteristic of ______.A. interrupted quick flashingB. composite group flashingC. Morse (A)D. quick flashingKEY: B[2706]A buoy marking a wreck will show a(n) ______.A. white light FL (2) and a topmark of 2 black spheresB. occulting green light and may be letteredC. yellow light and will be numberedD. continuous quick white light and may be numberedKEY: A[2707]A buoy with a composite group-flashing light indicates a(n) ______.A. anchorage areaB. fish net areaC. bifurcationD. dredging areaKEY: C[2708]A buoy,being a shape of cylinder and with red group flashing,shows that it is ______.A. left-side buoyB. right-side buoyC. a buoy of safetyD. a buoy of dangerKEY: A[2709]A cardinal mark showing an uninterrupted quick-flashing white light indicates the deepest water in the area is on the ______.A. north side of the markB. west side of the markC. east side of the markD. south side of the markKEY: A[2710]A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______.A. ignores the effect of surface currentsB. is most useful when in sight of landC. must be plotted using magnetic coursesD. may be started at an assumed positionKEY: A[2711]A dead reckoning (DR) plot ______.A. must utilize magnetic coursesB. must take set and drift into accountC. should be replotted hourlyD. should be started each time the vessel's position is fixedKEY: D[2712]A fairly accurate estimation of a ship's position can be calculated by a technique known as ______.A. dead reckoningB. PilotageC. great circle sailingD. geographic navigationKEY: A[2713]A large navigational buoy (LNB) is painted ______.A. redB. yellowC. with red and white vertical stripesD. with a distinct color and pattern unique to each buoyKEY: A[2714]A line connecting all possible positions of your vessel at any given time is a ______.A. longitude lineB. latitude lineC. line of positionD. fixKEY: C[2715]A line of position is ______.A. a line connecting two charted objectsB. a line on some point of which the vessel may be presumed to be locatedC. the position of your vesselD. not used in a running fixKEY: B[2716]A position obtained by applying only your vessel's course and speed to a known position is a ______.A. dead-reckoning positionB. fixC. probable positionD. running fixKEY: A[2717]A position obtained by crossing lines of position taken at different times and advanced to a common time is a(n) ______.A. running fixB. dead-reckoning positionC. fixD. estimated positionKEY: A[2718]A position that is obtained by applying estimated current and wind to your vessel's course and speed is a(n) ______.A. dead reckoning positionB. estimated positionD. None of the aboveKEY: B[2719]A position that is obtained by using two or more intersecting lines of position,taken at nearly the same time,is a(n) ______.A. estimated positionB. fixC. running fixD. dead-reckoning positionKEY: B[2720]A relative bearing is always measured from ______.A. true northB. magnetic northC. the vessel's beamD. the vessel's headKEY: D[2721]A single line of position combined with a dead-reckoning position results in a(n) ______.A. running fixB. fixC. estimated positionD. assumed positionKEY: C[2722]A vessel's position should be plotted using bearings of ______.A. buoys close at handB. fixed known objects on shoreC. buoys at a distanceD. All of the aboveKEY: B[2723]At the magnetic equator there is no induced magnetism in the vertical soft iron because ______.A. the lines of force cross the equator on a 0°-180°alignmentB. the quadrantal error is 0°C. there is no vertical component of the Earth's magnetic fieldD. the intercardinal headings have less than 1°errorKEY: C[2724]In plotting a running fix,how many fixed objects are needed to take your lines of position from?A. ThreeB. TwoC. OneD. NoneKEY: C[2725]Lighted white and orange buoys must show which color light?A. OrangeC. RedD. Alternating yellow and whiteKEY: B[2726]Preferred channel buoys indicate the preferred channel to transit by ______.A. odd or even numbersB. the color of their top bandC. the location of the buoy in the channel junctionD. the buoy's light rhythmsKEY: B[2727]Restricted areas at locks and dams are indicated by ______.A. flashing red lights upstream and fixed red lights downstreamB. yellow unlighted buoysC. signs and/or flashing red lightsD. red daymarks upstream and green daymarks downstreamKEY: C[2728]The luminous range of a light takes into account the ______.A. glare from background lightingB. existing visibility conditionsC. elevation of the lightD. observer's height of eyeKEY: B[2729]The maximum distance at which a light may be seen under the existing visibility conditions is called ______.A. nominal rangeB. luminous rangeC. charted rangeD. geographic rangeKEY: B[2730]The nominal range of a light may be accurately defined as the maximum distance at which a light may be seen ______.A. under existing visibility conditionsB. under perfect visibilityC. with ten miles visibilityD. with fifteen miles visibilityKEY: C[2731]The period of a lighted aid to navigation refers to the ______.A. date of construction or establishmentB. length of time between flashes of the lightC. time required for the longest flash of each cycleD. time required for the light to complete each cycleKEY: D[2732]The positions and characteristics of lights and buoys shown within the port area are ______. A. untrueB. impossibleC. suspectfulD. unimportantKEY: A[2733]The shortest distance between any two points on earth defines a ______.A. small circleB. great circleC. rhumb lineD. hyperbolaKEY: B[2734]There are a number of buoys {in the vicinity}.A. nearbyB. in viewC. visibleD. far fromKEY: A[2735]There is sufficient anchorage for ______ at all time around the No.1 buoy and for smaller vessels around the No.4 buoy.A. deep laded vesselsB. deeply load vesselsC. deep loading vesselsD. deeply loaded vesselsKEY: D[2736]This is ______ where we shall anchor.A. the light-houseB. the anchorageC. the pilot stationD. the light-buoyKEY: B[2737]Two navigational hazards are located near to each other,but each is marked by an individual cardinal buoyage system. The buoys of one cardinal system may be identified from the other system by ______.A. the differing light colorsB. one system having odd numbers while the other system has even numbersC. one system using horizontal bands while the other system uses vertical stripesD. the difference in the periods of the lightKEY: D[2738]Uncharted lights,fog signals and radar beacon transmissions may be ______ near the station.A. encounteredB. metC. contactedD. seenKEY: A[2739]Under the IALA - A Buoyage System,a buoy used as a port hand mark would not show whichlight characteristic?A. IsophaseB. Quick flashingC. Long flashingD. Group Flashing (2 + 1)KEY: D[2740]What describes an accurate position that is NOT based on any prior position?A. Dead-reckoning positionB. Estimated positionC. FixD. Running fixKEY: C[2741]What indicates a dual purpose buoy?A. Red buoy with a horizontal yellow bandB. Red and white vertically-striped buoy with a vertical yellow stripeC. Red and white vertically-striped buoy with a red spherical topmarkD. Green buoy with a yellow squareKEY: D[2742]What is the light characteristic of a lighted,preferred-channel buoy?A. Group flashingB. Composite group flashingC. Interrupted quick flashingD. Fixed and flashingKEY: B[2743]What is the major advantage of high altitude observations?A. Errors due to unusual parallax are eliminated.B. The same body can be used for a fix from observations separated by several minutes.C. The declination is the only information needed from the almanac.D. The semidiameter correction of the sextant altitude is eliminated.KEY: B[2744]When a buoy marks a channel bifurcation,the preferred channel is NOT indicated by ______.A. the shape of an unlighted buoyB. the light color of a lighted buoyC. the color of the topmost bandD. whether the number is odd or evenKEY: D[2745]When approaching a preferred-channel buoy,the best channel is NOT indicated by the ______.A. light characteristicB. color of the uppermost bandC. shape of an unlighted buoyD. color of the lightKEY: A[2746]When entering a channel from seaward,the numbers on buoys ______.A. are the same as their Light List numberB. are marked in 6 inch figures with retroreflective materialC. increase with the even numbers to starboardD. decrease with the odd numbers to starboardKEY: C[2747]When entering from seaward,a buoy displaying a single-flashing red light would indicate ______.A. a junction with the preferred channel to the leftB. a sharp turn in the channel to the rightC. the starboard side of the channelD. a wreck to be left on the vessel's port sideKEY: C[2748]When making landfall at night,you can determine if a light is a major light or an offshore buoy by ______.A. the intensity of the lightB. checking the period and characteristics against the Light ListC. the color,because the buoy will have only a red or a green lightD. Any of the above can be used to identify the light.KEY: B[2749]When navigating a vessel,you ______.A. can always rely on a buoy to be on stationB. can always rely on a buoy to show proper light characteristicsC. should assume a wreck buoy is directly over the wreckD. should never rely on a floating aid to maintain its exact positionKEY: D[2750]When using a buoy as an aid to navigation which of the following should be considered?A. The buoy should be considered to always be in the charted location.B. If the light is flashing,the buoy should be considered to be in the charted location.C. The buoy may not be in the charted position.D. The buoy should be considered to be in the charted position if it has been freshly painted. KEY: C10.3 天文航海[2751]Sidereal hour angle is always __________.A. measured westward from the hour circle containing the first point of AriesB. measured from the point on the celestial sphere occupied by the Sun at the vernal equinoxC. subtracted from the LHA of the star to obtain the LHA of AriesD. All of the aboveKEY: S[2752]A body can only be observed at lower transit when ______.A. the declination is the opposite name to the latitudeB. the algebraic sum of the colatitude and declination exceeds 90?C. the observer is in high latitudes above either polar circleD. the body is circumpolarKEY: D[2753]A correction for augmentation is included in the Nautical Almanac corrections for ______.A. the SunB. the MoonC. VenusD. None of the aboveKEY: B[2754]A double star is a star that ______.A. has a declination equal to twice that of the SunB. comprises two stars that appear close togetherC. is twice as bright as a single starD. suddenly becomes much brighter and then fadesKEY: B[2755]A first magnitude star is ______.A. 2.5 times as bright as a second magnitude starB. 3 times as bright as a second magnitude starC. 5 times as bright as a second magnitude starD. 10 times as bright as a second magnitude starKEY: A[2756]A group of stars which appear close together and form a striking configuration such as a person or animal is a ______.A. clusterB. showerC. constellationD. galaxyKEY: C[2757]A large group of stars revolving around a center is known as a ______.A. clusterB. showerC. constellationD. galaxyKEY: D[2758]A marine sextant has the index arm set at zero and the reflected image of the horizon forms a continuous line with the actual image. When the sextant is rotated about the line of sight the images separate. The sextant has ______.A. error of perpendicularityB. side errorC. prismatic errorD. centering errorKEY: B[2759]A parallax correction is NOT applied to observations of the ______.A. starsB. MoonD. PlanetsKEY: A[2760]A phase correction is applied to observations of ______.A. the SunB. starsC. planetsD. All of the aboveKEY: C[2761]A phase correction may be applicable to correct the sextant altitude correction of ______.A. any starB. the SunC. third magnitude stars onlyD. some planetsKEY: D[2762]A semidiameter correction is applied to observations of ______.A. MarsB. the MoonC. JupiterD. All of the aboveKEY: B[2763]A sextant having an index error that is off the arc has a ______.A. positive correctionB. dip errorC. negative correctionD. semidiameter errorKEY: A[2764]A sidereal day is approximately how much shorter than a solar day?A. 4 minutesB. 8 minutesC. 12 minutesD. 16 minutesKEY: A[2765]A sidereal day is shorter than a solar day. This difference is due to ______.A. irregularities in the daily rotational rate of the SunB. the space motion of the solar systemC. the precession of the equinoxesD. the use of different reference pointsKEY: D[2766]A star is observed at lower transit. The line of position derived from this sight is ______.A. on the prime verticalB. a latitude lineC. a longitude lineD. of no special significance[2767]A star that suddenly becomes several magnitudes brighter and then gradually fades is a ______.A. double starB. variable starC. novaD. nebulaKEY: C[2768]A variable star is one that ______.A. exhibits a change in magnitudeB. has a changing declinationC. is increasing in SHAD. is also known as a red giantKEY: A[2769]After Venus passes the point of greatest elongation east in its orbit,the first position in which the elongation will be zero is ______.A. superior conjunctionB. inferior conjunctionC. oppositionD. None of the above; the elongation will never be zeroKEY: B[2770]Altair is found in what constellation?A. HerculesB. CygnusC. AquilaD. CapricornKEY: C[2771]An amplitude of the Sun in high latitudes ______.A. is most accurate before sunriseB. is most accurate after sunsetC. should only be observed when the Sun's lower limb is above the horizonD. is most accurate when the Sun's center is observed on the visible horizonKEY: D[2772]Apparent altitude is sextant altitude corrected for ______.A. parallax and personal errorB. inaccuracies in the reading and reference levelC. visibility and magnitudeD. All of the above are correctKEY: B[2773]As observed from the Earth,the angle between lines from the Earth to the Sun and the Earth to an inferior planet is known as ______.A. elongationB. conjunctionC. oppositionD. quadrature[2774]Because the actual center of some planets may differ from the observed center,the navigator applies a correction known as the ______.A. phase correctionB. refraction correctionC. semidiameter correctionD. augmentation correctionKEY: A[2775]Capella is found in what constellation?A. GeminiB. AurigaC. LibraD. CrabKEY: B[2776]Diurnal aberration is due to ______.A. motion of the Earth in its orbitB. rotation of the Earth on its axisC. the body's orbital motion during the time required for its light to reach the EarthD. a false horizonKEY: B[2777]During one synodic rotation,a body makes one complete turn relative to the ______.A. EarthB. SunC. starsD. vernal equinoxKEY: B[2778]Elongation becomes zero at ______.A. oppositionB. west quadratureC. apogeeD. inferior conjunctionKEY: D[2779]In general,the most effective period for observing stars and planets occurs during the darker limit of ______.A. sunsetB. civil twilightC. nautical twilightD. astronomical twilightKEY: B[2780]In low latitudes,a first quarter Moon will always rise at about ______.A. sunriseB. 1200 LMTC. sunsetD. 2400 LMT。

航海英语考试试题及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the meaning of the term "Abeam" in navigation?A. At a right angle to the bow or sternB. Directly in front of the vesselC. At the side of the vesselD. Behind the vessel答案:A2. Which of the following is NOT a type of maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. MaydayC. Pan-panD. All clear答案:D3. What does the term "Dead in the water" refer to?A. A vessel that is sinkingB. A vessel that is stationary in the waterC. A vessel that is moving at full speedD. A vessel that is turning around答案:B4. The term "Leeway" refers to:A. The angle between the direction of the wind and the direction the vessel is headingB. The distance a vessel has traveledC. The speed of the vessel through the waterD. The deviation of the vessel's course due to the wind and current答案:D5. What is the meaning of the term "Port" when used as a direction?A. Left side of the vesselB. Right side of the vesselC. Forward of the vesselD. A type of wine答案:A6. The term "Set" in navigation refers to:A. The direction of the windB. The direction of the currentC. The speed of the vesselD. The name of the vessel答案:B7. What is the meaning of "Bearing" in navigation?A. The weight of the vesselB. The direction of the vessel's movementC. The angle between the vessel's heading and a landmark or another vesselD. The distance from the vessel to a landmark or another vessel答案:C8. The term "Helm" refers to:A. The wheel used to steer the vesselB. The main mast of the vesselC. The captain of the vesselD. The bottom of the vessel答案:A9. What does the term "Tack" mean in sailing?A. To turn the vessel's bow into the windB. To turn the vessel's stern into the windC. To change the vessel's course by turning the stern through the windD. To change the vessel's course by turning the bow away from the wind答案:A10. The term "Clearing" in maritime communication refers to:A. The process of leaving a portB. The process of entering a portC. The process of cleaning the vesselD. The process of repairing the vessel答案:A二、填空题(每题1分,共10分)1. The international maritime signal flag for the letter "A" is __________.答案:Alpha2. The term "Berth" can refer to a __________ or a sleeping accommodation on a ship.答案:parking space3. The direction from which the wind is blowing is known as the __________.答案:windward4. A vessel that is "Under tow" is being moved by __________.答案:another vessel5. The term "Freeboard" refers to the distance between the__________ and the waterline.答案:deck6. The term "Gale" is used to describe a wind of force__________ on the Beaufort scale.答案:8 or higher7. The term "Haul" in sailing means to __________ thevessel's course.答案:change8. The term "Knot" is used to measure __________.答案:speed9. The term "List" refers to a vessel's inclination to__________.答案:one side10. The term "Pilot" in navigation can refer to a person who __________ a vessel in or out of a port.答案:guides三、简答题(每题5分,共30分)1. Explain the difference between "Port" and "Starboard".答案:"Port" refers to the left side of the vessel when facing the bow, while "Starboard" refers to the right side.2. What is the purpose of a "Fathometer" on a ship?答案:A fathometer is used to measure the depth of the water beneath the vessel.3. Describe the function of a "Binnacle" on a ship.答案:A binnacle。

航海英语1-30题[1]______, as the chemical extinguisher agent, should be used for an electric fire.A. dry chemical or foamB. foam or soda acidC. carbon dioxide or foamD. carbon dioxide or dry chemicalKEY: D二氧化碳或干粉灭火器作为化学灭火器,用于扑灭电器火灾。
[2]______: A room on or near the bridge provided with the necessary fittings and furniture for the handling and stowage of charts and where the chronometers are placed.A. Captain’s cabinB. Chief Officer’s lockerC. ChartroomD. Pilot’s cabinKEY: C在驾驶台或附近提供必要的装卸设备或用具和海图的存放和天文钟布置的房间叫做海图室。
[3]______:The main center-line structural member, running fore and aft along the bottom of a ship, sometimes referred to as the backbone.A. FrameB. DeckbeamC. StringerD. KeelKEY: D在船舶底部沿首尾向铺设有时提及当做主骨架的主要首尾结构是龙骨。
[4]______:the vertical distance measured on the vessel’s side amidships from the load water line to the upper side of the freeboard deck or a point corresponding to it.A. BuoyancyB. FreeboardC. DraftD. DisplacementKEY: B船中部从载重水线垂直测量到干舷甲板上边缘或相应的点的距离叫干舷。

航海英语的试题及答案1. 请解释下列航海术语的含义:- A. Port- B. Starboard- C. Bow- D. Stern答案:- A. Port - 左舷,指船只左侧。
- B. Starboard - 右舷,指船只右侧。
- C. Bow - 船头,指船只的前端。
- D. Stern - 船尾,指船只的后端。
2. 船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,应如何使用国际信号代码?答案:当船舶在海上遇到紧急情况时,应使用国际信号代码发出求救信号。
具体操作如下:- 通过无线电设备发送SOS信号。
- 悬挂国际信号旗,如N和C旗。
- 点燃信号弹或其他视觉信号。
3. 船舶在航行中如何确定自己的方位?答案:船舶在航行中可以通过以下方法确定自己的方位:- 使用罗盘确定方向。
- 通过观测天体(如太阳、星星)确定位置。
- 使用GPS或其他导航设备。
- 参考海图和航标。
4. 船舶在进出港口时,需要遵循哪些规则?答案:船舶在进出港口时需要遵循以下规则:- 遵守当地港口的交通规则。
- 保持与港口当局的通讯畅通。
- 遵守国际海上避碰规则。
- 确保船舶的灯光和信号设备正常工作。
5. 船舶在遇到恶劣天气时,应采取哪些措施?答案:船舶在遇到恶劣天气时,应采取以下措施:- 调整航向以避开风暴中心。
- 减速航行以减少船只受到的冲击。
- 确保船只的密封性,防止进水。
- 准备应急设备,如救生衣、救生艇。
6. 解释下列航海术语:- A. Draft- B. Trim- C. Heel答案:- A. Draft - 吃水深度,指船底到水面的距离。
- B. Trim - 船体的纵向倾斜度,指船头或船尾的下沉程度。
- C. Heel - 横向倾斜,指船只因风力或其他外力作用而向一侧倾斜。
7. 船舶在海上如何进行货物的装卸?答案:船舶在海上进行货物装卸时,应遵循以下步骤: - 确保货物的稳定性和安全性。
- 使用适当的装卸设备,如起重机、叉车。
- 遵守货物装卸的安全规程。

1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations?A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operationsB. Emergency shutdown operationC. Removing booms from stowageD. All of the above起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB. Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC. Long-range radar scanningD. All of the above哪些步骤应该用来判定碰撞危险?上面所有的3.A mooring line leading 45°to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A. spring lineB. warp lineC. bow lineD. breast line一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _____A. on the downwind sideB. on the upwind sideC. inside the boatD. at the stern当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。

航海英语试题及答案一、单项选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The term "port" refers to which side of the ship?A. Left sideB. Right sideC. SternD. Bow答案:A2. What does the acronym "AIS" stand for in maritime communication?A. Automatic Identification SystemB. Advanced Information SystemC. Automatic Information SystemD. Advanced Identification System答案:A3. Which of the following is not a type of navigational buoy?A. Can buoyB. Cone buoyC. Barrel buoyD. Anchor buoy答案:D4. What is the standard speed for a ship to proceed at when entering or leaving a port?A. 5 knotsB. 10 knotsC. 15 knotsD. 20 knots答案:A5. Which of the following is not a maritime distress signal?A. SOSB. MaydayC. Pan-panD. Help答案:D6. What is the minimum safe distance a ship should maintain from a submarine when passing?A. 500 metersB. 1000 metersC. 1500 metersD. 2000 meters答案:B7. What does the term "deadweight" refer to in shipping?A. The weight of the ship without cargoB. The maximum weight the ship can carryC. The weight of the cargo onlyD. The weight of the ship with cargo答案:B8. Which of the following is not a type of maritime document?A. Bill of ladingB. Certificate of registryC. PassportD. Cargo manifest答案:C9. What is the international maritime signal flag for "I require a pilot"?A. AlphaB. BravoC. DeltaD. Echo答案:A10. What is the standard time zone for all maritime navigation?A. Greenwich Mean Time (GMT)B. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)C. Eastern Standard Time (EST)D. Pacific Standard Time (PST)答案:B二、填空题(每题2分,共20分)1. The international maritime distress frequency is _______ MHz.答案:21822. The term "freeboard" refers to the distance between the _______ and the waterline.答案:deck3. A ship's _______ is the part of the ship that extends vertically from the waterline to the deck.答案:hull4. The _______ is the officer in charge of the navigation and safety of the ship.答案:captain5. The _______ is a device used to measure the depth of water under the ship.答案:sounder6. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for medical assistance.答案:Alpha7. The _______ is the part of the ship that is used for loading and unloading cargo.答案:cargo hold8. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for a tugboat.答案:Bravo9. The _______ is the part of the ship that is used for steering.答案:rudder10. The _______ is a maritime signal flag that indicates the need for a pilot.答案:Delta三、简答题(每题10分,共40分)1. Explain the function of a radar in maritime navigation.答案:Radar is a system that uses radio waves to determinethe range, angle, or velocity of objects. It is used in maritime navigation to detect and locate other vessels, land, and obstacles, as well as to navigate in poor visibility conditions.2. Describe the importance of maintaining a proper lookout while at sea.答案:Maintaining a proper lookout is crucial for the safe navigation of a ship. It involves continuously monitoring the surrounding environment to detect any potential hazards or changes in conditions, such as other vessels, weather patterns, or navigational markers. This helps in avoiding collisions, grounding, or other maritime accidents.3. What are the responsibilities of a ship's officer in charge of navigation?答案:The officer in charge of navigation is responsible for planning the ship's route, overseeing the operation of navigational equipment, ensuring compliance with maritime regulations, monitoring weather conditions, and making decisions to ensure the safe and efficient passage of the ship.4. Explain the significance of the International Maritime Organization (IMO) in global shipping.答案:The International Maritime Organization (IMO) is a specialized agency of the United Nations responsible for regulating shipping. It develops and maintains a comprehensive regulatory framework to ensure the safety and security of shipping, the prevention of marine pollution, and the facilitation of international maritime traffic. The IMO'swork is essential for promoting cooperation among nations, setting global standards, and addressing maritime issues that affect the entire world.。
航海英语-合集题库 优质文档 新

航海英语烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。
2.——is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at low speed.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchorD.The propeller船上负全责的人是船长. 他对整艘船负责, 以及对船上的货物和全体船员的安全负责.8.The man in charge of a ship is _______.He is responsible for the ship, he cargo and the safety of the crew.A.The Chief OfficerB.The Second OfficerC.Third OfficerD.Master船长大副是甲板部的首领。
9._______ is the head of the Deck Deepartment.B.The Second OfficerC.Third OfficerD.Master这是集合站的标识.10.This is the sign (Fig.1) for _______.A.embarkation stationB.emergency exitC.muster station 集合站D.rescue boat在甲板上工作时应保持佩戴头盔.11.You should always wear _______ when working on deck.A.helmet头盔B.slipperC.gogglesD.immersion suits总长是船舶长度测量是从船的前后推导的重心极值点的长度12.________ is the length of the ship measured from extreme points of the ship forward and aft. A.Length overall总长B.After perpendicularC.AmidshipsD.Extreme breadth船中部是垂直线船前后之间的中间位.13.________ is a point midway between the forward and the after perpendicular.A.length overallB.After perpendicularC.Amidships船中部D.Extreme breadth最大宽度测量是在船中间和船外部的船壳边板, 从一边到另一边.14._______ measured at midship section and taken from outside of the ship’s side shell plating on one side to the outside of the ship’s side shell plating onthe other side.A.length overallB.After perpendicularC.AmidshipsD.Extreme breadth最大宽度型宽的测量是在船中部, 从船的内壳一边到另一边.15._______ measured at midship section and taken from inside the ship’s side shell on one side to inside the ship’s side shell on the other side.A.length overallB.Molded breadth 型宽C.AmidshipsD.Extreme breadth最大吃水是从船的龙骨最低点到夏季载重线.16._______ is taken from the lower most point of the keel to summer loadline.A. Extreme draft最大吃水B.Molded draftC. Extreme depthD. Molded depth型吃水是在船中部测量, 从基线到夏季载重线.17._______is measured from the baseline to the summer loadline at the midship section.A. Extreme draftC. Extreme depthD. Molded depth最大深度是船只的深度, 从船舷从上层甲板到龙骨的最低点.18. _______ is the depth of the vessel at the ship’s side from the upper deck to the lowest point of the keel.A. Extreme draftB.Molded draft。

1.Which action(s) is/are included in crane operations?A. Normal boom stowage and shutdown operationsB. Emergency shutdown operationC. Removing booms from stowageD. All of the above起重机操作中包括哪些动作?上面所有的2.Which procedure(s) shall be used to determine risk of collision?A. Watching the compass bearing of an approaching vesselB. Systematic observation of objects detected by radarC. Long-range radar scanningD. All of the above哪些步骤应该用来判断碰撞危险?上面所有的3.A mooring line leading 45°to the keel,used to check forward or astern movement of a vessel,is called a ______.A. spring lineB. warp lineC. bow lineD. breast line一种系泊缆跟龙骨成45度,用来牵制船舶首尾移动,叫做倒缆4. When two power-driven vessels are crossing, which vessel is the stand-on vessel?A. The vessel which is to starboard of the other vessel.B. The vessel which is to port of the other vessel.C. The larger vessel.D. The vessel that sounds the first whistle signal.当两艘机动船交叉相遇,哪一艘是直航船?在他船右舷的船舶5. When using a hand held smoke signal from a lifeboat, you should activate the signal _____A. on the downwind sideB. on the upwind sideC. inside the boatD. at the stern当在救生艇上用手举起烟雾信号,你应该使信号在下风侧。

第一章航海基本知识1. Roll-on\roll-off ships are equipped withA cargo elevatorsB conveyor beltsC rampsD derricks and winches for cargo handling滚装船配备了什么。
C.跳板2 .Permission is requested to pump out about 200 tons of clean sea ballast water forpurposes.A.safe manningB.trimmingC.avoiding collisionD.preventing pollution要求允许用泵打出约220吨的干净压载水为了什么目的。
B.调节吃水3 .Who checks the bridge clock for accuracy each dayA Third officerB Second officerC Chief officerD Assistant officer谁每天检查驾驶台的钟的精确度B.二副4 .Vessel must be duly qualified officers and crew.A.supplied withB.equipped byC..manned withD..fitted with船舶必须什么恰当的有资格的驾驶员和船员C.配备5. The man in charge of a ship is He is responsible for the ship, her cargo and the safety of the crew.A.Chief officerB.Second OfficerC.Third OfficerD.Master负责船舶的人是谁,他负责船舶,货物和船员的安全。
D.船长6. -is the head of the deck department.A.The Chief OfficerB.The Second OfficerC.The Third OfficerD.The Master谁是甲板的负责人。
航海英语 合集题库

航海英语烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——isacasingusedforexhaustpipefromtheengines.A.Thefunnel烟囱B.ThemessroomC.ThegalleyD.Thesatelliteantenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 2.——ishousedinaplasticdomeforweatherprotection.A.ThefunnelB.ThemessroomC.ThegalleyD.Thesatelliteantenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——iswheredeliciousfoodiscooked.A.ThefunnelB.ThemessroomC.Thegalley厨房D.Thesatelliteantenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——iswherethecreweattheirmeals.A.ThefunnelB.Themessroom食堂C.ThegalleyD.Thesatelliteantenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底,使其不可移动.5.——isusedtomoortheshiptotheseabedtokeepitstationary.A.ThebulbousbowB.Theanchor锚C.ThebowthrusterD.Thepropeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件,位于船前部,目的是制造更少的水摩擦力,使船只可以更易于移动.6.——isaround-shapedunderwaterpartinthefrontoftheship.Thepurposeistocr eatelessfrictionwithwatersothattheshipmovesmoreeasily.A.Thebulbousbow球鼻艏B.TheanchorC.ThebowthrusterD.Thepropeller船首推进器装置在船的前方,位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。

航海英语合集题库Coca-cola standardization office【ZZ5AB-ZZSYT-ZZ2C-ZZ682T-ZZT18】航海英语烟囱是套管用于排气管的发动机1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.A.The funnel烟囱B.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气.2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galleyD.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线厨房是制作美味食物的地方.3.——is where delicious food is cooked.A.The funnelB.The messroomC.The galley厨房D.The satellite antenna食堂是全体船员用餐的地方4.——is where the crew eat their meals.A.The funnelB.The messroom食堂C.The galleyD.The satellite antenna锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.A.The bulbous bowB.The anchor 锚C.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动.6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves more easily.A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏B.The anchorC.The bow thrusterD.The propeller船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。

驾驶英语标准化题库第一部分:日常用语C 1. When a foreigner meets you for the first timeand says “ How do you do ? ” to you ,you shouldsay _____ .A. How are you ?B. Fine , thank you . And you ?C. How do you do ?D. Glad to see you .B 2. If you lost your way to the port, you should asksome one “ Excuse me, _________ ?”A. I d like a cup of tea .B. could you tell me the way to the portC. what' the timeD. is it May 4 thD3. ------- N ice to meet you.A. How do you do?B. Who are you ?C. How are you ?D. Nice to meet you,too.答案:D (1分题)4. Somebody does you a favor , you should sayA. Here you are .B. Thanks a lot .C. That' all right .D. That 'right .答案:B (1分题)5. At the department store, you want to know theprice of the coat , you should say ______A. Tell me the way , please .B. Do you know the time ?C. How much is it ?D. Wait a mome nt ,please. 答案:C (1分题)6. --- Mrs. Mary , I'd like to introduce myChinese friend Mr. Wang ,he is a newcomer.A. All right .B. Never mi nd .C. Please to meet you.D. I'm wrong .答案:C (1分题)7. If a passer asked you the way , and you reallydon'tknow , what 'the best answe _____A. I don 'tknow .B. Oh , that sright .C. No , n ever mind .D. I m sorry . I m a stranger here myself . 答案:D (1分题)8. You are now in the department store . You wantto buy something . When a shop assistanee says to you“Can I help you ? ” , you should say ____A. Yes , you can .B. No , you can't.C. I m looking for a coat for myself.D. It has nothing to do with you .答案:C (1分题)9. You have n't feeli ng well , and you are see ing thedoctor ,you should tell the doctor ______A. I ' like have a look at the hats .B. I m sorry .C. Could you give me your n ame?D. I'm afraid I had a bad cold.答案:D (1分题)10. If you want to buy something . You should goto the _____A. bank .B. supermarket .C. post office.D. customs.答案:B (1分题)11. Take the _____ block on right and then askaga in.A. 2B. twoC. twiceD . 2 nd答案:D (1分题)12. _____________ is it ? Fifty dollar s.A . How manyB . How muchC . How longD . How often答案:B (1分题)13. (B)Tur n and go ahead for about 10 20 Let's enter the transit loungeminu tes.departure.A. back A . forB. round B . withC. again C . toD. off D . from答案:B (1分题)答案:A (1分题)14. Go ahead un til you see a tree .A. straightB .lineC. to 第二部分D. for 答案:A (1分题)词汇15 . Let me you to the deck .21.船长A. show A. officerB . look B. engin eerC . aronnd C capta inD . for D. bosun答案:A (1分题)答案:C(分题)16 . He' II for chief officer to meet you 22.二副in a while . A. sec ond officerA . take B. capta inB . arra nge C. chief officerC . go D. chief engin eerD. show 答案:A(分题)答案:B (1分题)23.三副17 . Let' s to the saloon, shall we? A. chief officerA . take B. sec ond officerB . arra nge C. third officerC . go D. chief engin eerD. show 答案:C (1分题)答案:C (1分题)24.大副18 . Good morning . sir . A. chief officerMay I help you? B. first mateA. How are you? C. A+BB. Good after noon . D. chief engin eerC. 1 'm fine. 答案:C (1分题)D. Good morning. 25.驾驶台答案:D (1分题) A. engine room19. Do you have any flight on the morning B.deckof ? C. cab inA. October the sec ond D. bridgeB. October two 答案:D (1分题)C. in October 26.车钟D. July four A. course 答案:A (1分题) B. telegraph and wait :常用A. 助航设备B. 深度指示器C. 火警指示器D. 操舵指示器答案:A(1分题)35. _______ Speed A. 航向 B. 航线 C. 船位 D. 航速答案:D (1分题)36. _______ chart A. 分罗经 B. 记录器 C. 海图 D. 倾斜仪答案:C (1分题)37. _______ PSC A. 私人物品 B. 港口国监督 C. 人身安全 D. 一水答案:B (1分题)38. ___________ lighthouse A. 灯塔 B. 舷梯 C. 车钟 D. 雷达答案:A(1分题)39. _______ flag A. 船钟 B. 旗帜 C. 物品 D. 证件 答案:B (1分题)40. _______ wharfA. 船坞B. 港口国C. 码头D. 仓库答案:C (1分题)第三部分:船舶口令41 .留心操舵。
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1.——is a casing used for exhaust pipe from the engines.
A.The funnel烟囱
B.The messroom
C.The galley
D.The satellite antenna
人造卫星天线装置在塑料圆顶,用来预测天气. 2.——is housed in a plastic dome for weather protection.
A.The funnel
B.The messroom
C.The galley
D.The satellite antenna人造卫星天线
3.——is where delicious food is cooked.
A.The funnel
B.The messroom
C.The galley厨房
D.The satellite antenna
4.——is where the crew eat their meals.
A.The funnel
B.The messroom食堂
C.The galley
D.The satellite antenna
锚是用来固定停泊的船只在海底, 使其不可移动.
5.——is used to moor the ship to the seabed to keep it stationary.
A.The bulbous bow
B.The anchor 锚
C.The bow thruster
D.The propeller
船鼻首是圆形水下部件, 位于船前部, 目的是制造更少的水摩擦力, 使船只可以更易于移动.
6.——is a round-shaped underwater part in the front of the ship. The purpose is to create less friction with water so that the ship moves
more easily.
A.The bulbous bow 球鼻艏
B.The anchor
C.The bow thruster
D.The propeller
船首推进器装置在船的前方, 位于水下,从而缓和泊位或往斜方向操纵时速度减慢。
7.——is placed in the front of the ship under the water, which eases berthing or maneuvering sideways at low speed.。