A Service Oriented Architecture for Managing Operational Strategies, presented at ICWS-Euro
Why Services?
SOA = an architectural principle for structuring systems that SOA emphasizes the de-coupling of system components New services are created from existing ones in a synergistic fashion Strong service definitions are critical Services can be subsequently re-composed in response to changing business requirements
Purchase Service
Purchase Service Functions
Composite Applications—Summary
A composite application is a collection of existing and independently developed applications and new business logic, orchestrated together into a brand new solution of a business problem that none alone can solve Such an application looks to the user like a regular new interactive application, yet in reality it may be only 10 percent new and 90 percent an assembly of pre-existing components or data; The “glue” that brings a composite application together is integration technology
INFS3204/7204 - M7
Composable components
Do you need to take parts of your system and then compose them into a larger system in a configurable way?
Invoking WS’s in a specified order – some services may be skipped (or rerun) depending on results of previous WS
language dependency
platform dependency
API dependency, etc.
Loose coupling describes the configuration in which artificial dependency has been
reduced to the minimum
Scalability is almost impossible because it is difficult to spread any part of the application.
INFS3204/7204 - M7
Allows the components to be re-used on the same platform and usually the same programming language.
高级口译重点词组及句子翻译(教材)高级口译重点词组及句子翻译(教材)中译英:(词汇语短语部分)1.制药有限公司pharmaceutical CO. Ltd2.副总经理deputy managing director3.研究成果research findings/achievements4.旅馆住宿费hotel accommodation fee5.舒适如归make sb. comfortable6.排忧解难help sb. out7.建交the establishment of diplomatic relations8.积贫积弱enduring impoverishment/long-standing debility9.任人宰割at the mercy of other countries10.落后要挨打lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks11.发展是硬道理development is of overriding importance12.与时俱进keep pace with the times13.全面建设小康社会to build a moderately prosperous society in all respects14.科学发展观the scientific outlook on development15.自主创新independent innovation16.包容性增长inclusive growth17.改善民生improve people’s well-being18.生态文明建设ecological development19.互利共赢win-win20.双边关系bilateral relations21.销售部经理sales manager22.调整价格adjust the price23.合同格式format of contract24.古迹名胜places of historic interest and scenic beauty25.石刻碑文stone inscription26.经典佳作great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers27.华夏祖先Chinese ancestors28.世界自然与文化遗产World Natural and Cultural Heritage29.汇率大幅波动currencies fluctuate drastically30.同舟共济、合作共赢的精神in a spirit of staying united in times of troubleand collaborating with each other for a win-win situation31.有机统一体an integral concept32.首要任务the top priority33.实体经济the real economy34.由温饱到小康的历史性跨越 a historic breakthrough from a period ofhaving only basic needs met to a comfortable life35.发展诉求development aspiration36.任重道远an arduous and uphill task37.减免债务debt reduction and annihilation38.优惠贷款concessional loan39.常住居民permanent residents40.龙头作用play a leading role41.支柱产业pillar industry42.海纳百川、有容乃大the sea admits hundreds of rivers for its capacity to hold43.磁悬浮列车the maglev train44.大宗商品bulk commodity45.底子薄weak economic basis英译中1.in an atmosphere of learning 在学术气氛中2.reduce inventory 缩短开发周期/doc/4014573985.html,pound rate 复利率4.service-oriented 服务型5.win-win thinking 双赢思维模式6.predominant 主导的/doc/4014573985.html,mute 外来工作者8.temperate climate zone 温带地区9.gross domestic product 国内生产总值10.international cuisine 国际烹饪水准11.scope of business 经营范围12.make an inquiry 询价13.free sample 免费样品14.floor offer 底盘15.business transaction 生意顺利成交16.gracious hospitality 友好款待17.bosom friend 知己18.thriving and robust 蓬勃向上19.business community 商业界20.manufacturing industry 制造业21.intellectual property rights 知识产权22.transnational corporation 跨国公司23.cosmopolitan city 国际大都市24.head office 总部25.at one’s earliest convenience在某人方便的时候句子1.这表明,国际经融危机深层次影响尚未消除,世界经济系统性和结构性风险仍十分突出。
Retrieving basic item information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2 Uploading and downloading persistent files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3 Importing and exporting data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
Using Teamcenter Services framework components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
Establishing a Teamcenter session . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 Calling services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3 Client data model components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5 Handling errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7 Creating object property policies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-9
SCA软件架构一、SCA(Service Component Architecture)软件架构的概述SCA是一个开发SOA(Service-Oriented Architecture)面向服务应用的简单模型规范,它描述用于使用SOA构建应用程序和系统的模型。
SCA是由Open Service Oriented Architecture collaboration 提出的一种组件化的面向服务编程模型,并于2007年正式捐献给OASIS组织。
组件可以使用多种技术实现, 包括EJBs, Java POJOs ,Spring Beans,BPEL process , COBOL ,C++, PHP …SCA中,最重要的一个概念是Service----服务,它的内涵是独立于具体的技术。
因此,SCA不会称之为 Java组件架构,或Web Service 组件架构。
比如EJB组件采用的是RMI 传输协议,Web Service组件采用的是SOAP传输协议。
二、SCA规范基础知识SCA编程模型是高扩展性和语言中立的,它易于被扩展为多种实现语言技术JAVA,C++,BPEL,PHP, Spring等,多种远程访问bindings包括Web Service,JMS, EJB,JSON RPC等,多种主机环境例如Tomcat,Jetty,Geronimo,OSGI等。
soa p sample 46题
soa p sample 46题SOA (Service-Oriented Architecture) and its benefitsIntroductionService-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is an architectural style that involves the use of services to support the development of distributed applications. It provides a way to design and implement systems that are modular, reusable, and scalable. This article will explore the benefits of SOA and how it can be applied to address the requirements outlined in the task description.Benefits of SOA1. Loose coupling: SOA promotes loose coupling between services, which means that services can evolve independently without affecting other parts of the system. This allows for better modularization and flexibility in making changes or introducing new services.2. Reusability: Services in SOA are designed to be reusable components that can be used by multiple applications or systems. This reduces development effort by leveraging existing services and also improves the consistency and quality of the implemented functionality.3. Scalability: With SOA, individual services can be scaled independently based on their specific requirements. This allows for better resource allocation and improved performance of the overall system.4. Interoperability: SOA promotes the use of open standards and protocols, enabling interoperability between different platforms and technologies. This allows for seamless integration of various services regardless of the underlying implementation details.5. Service discovery and composition: SOA provides mechanisms for service discovery, enabling applications to find and use the available services. Additionally, itenables the composition of services to create more complex applications by combining existing services.Addressing the requirements of the taskThe task description mentions the need to create a sample SOA-based application. To address this requirement, we can follow the following steps:1. Identify the application domain: Choose a specific domain for the application, such as e-commerce, healthcare, or finance. This will give a clear focus and purpose to the application.2. Determine the required services: Identify the services that are needed to support the application functionality. For example, an e-commerce application may require services such as product catalog, shopping cart, and payment processing.3. Design the service contracts: Create the service contracts that define the input and output messages for each service. This ensures that the services can communicate effectively with each other.4. Implement the services: Develop the individual services based on the defined contracts. Each service should be self-contained and provide a specific functionality.5. Test and validate the services: Test the services to ensure that they are functioning correctly and meet the desired requirements. This can include both functional and non-functional testing.6. Enable service discovery: Implement a mechanism for service discovery, such as a service registry or a messaging system that allows services to advertise their availability.7. Compose the services: Use the available services to create the desired application functionality by composing them together. This can involve chaining multiple services or creating orchestration flows.ConclusionSOA provides numerous benefits for building distributed applications, including loose coupling, reusability, scalability, interoperability, and service discovery. By following the steps outlined above, it is possible to create a sample SOA-based application that meets the requirements specified in the task description. Implementing SOA principles can lead to more modular, flexible, and maintainable systems, which can greatly benefit organizations in today's dynamic and evolving business landscape.。
I.J. Education and Management Engineering, 2016, 4, 30-38Published Online July 2016 in MECS ()DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.04.04Available online at /ijemeCloud Computing a Solution for GlobalizationProf. Dr Tanvir AhmedHead of Computer Science and Information Technology Department Lahore Leads University, LahorePakistanAbstractSecurity issues and exploded human population in the world have dictated many new trends to defend haves from have-nots and vice versa, like globalization through social media while maintaining the geographical boundaries and concept introduced under WTO (World Trade Organization)- Free trading in the world. We know that Globalization is the most significant part of this century which is based only and only upon developments in Information Technology in form of Networking and Software solutions. As business grows, multiregional offices are needed and they required networked computing and information services. For example In Pakistan, lots of offices of multinational companies are working and they are developing and enhancing their business by full filling the demand and needs of customers of the particular city or country. The demand is increasing manifold with every day passing. So huge computing and storage power is needed everywhere and to everyone at every moment which is beyond the capacity of traditional systems already in vogue. New solutions like Cloud computing seems the solution to address such multi-scaled demands. Education system nowadays is the growing business in Pakistan, in this we paper we studied in detail the Education System of Pakistan, what are the flaws of current system and how a new cloud based E-Learning solution helps to improve this system.Index Terms: Globalization, Cloud Computing, Information Technology.© 2016 Published by MECS Publisher. Selection and/or peer review under responsibility of the Research Association of Modern Education and Computer Science.1.IntroductionNowadays computer and information technology reach in every part of our society like health, Education, military, private and public sectors; it become the fundamental part for almost all organizations. This technology helps business grows by making communication and instant commerce globally available between different organizations and in the internal organization as well.The reason behind the increasing expectation for the use of computer and information systems is that society * Corresponding author.E-mail address: profcs.llu@needs instant communication with instant results and performance from all businesses at all times. To meet such expectation we all know that Cloud Computing developed much more interest in the field of Information Technology. It is based on many old and few new concepts like Virtualization, Service Oriented architectures, distributed and grid computing. The term "Cloud computing" is define as computing place where all kinds of users can temporarily utilize the computing infrastructure over the network supplied as a service by cloud provider in order to fulfil user demands. It involves groups of servers and software networks that give online access to users over computer resources with the centralized data storage.In this paper, we will explore cloud computing approach towards the rapid computing and IT services, architecture of Cloud computing, architecture wise different Cloud computing based solutions. In Research section we describe the current education system its flaws and how can we improve this system by introducinga web based E-learning system developed using cloud computing approach.2.Literature ReviewCloud Computing:The "Cloud computing" is define as the computing place where all kinds of users can temporarily utilize the computing infrastructure over the network supplied as a service by cloud provider in order to fulfill user demands. It involves groups of servers and software networks that give online access to users over computer resources with the centralized data storage.We are living in the modern age of technology and the cloud computing is a game changer that brought a great revolution in the Information and Technology history. Before moving towards its pros and cons, first we need to understand what’s the Cloud Computing and how it leverages the enterprise businesses and how it bring change and ease in the life of end user. The concept of Cloud Computing is come with the utilization of resources and to provide set of data services to the businesses and as well as end users. The Cloud Computing provides Compute, Network and Storage as a service to the consumers. The Cloud Computing comes with the concept of “ready to go” it means t hat it provides readymade services to the end users. The end user has to pay some money against his usage that we can express in a single sentence “Pay as you go”. Today the world has become a global village whereby enterprise corporate are being expanded beyond the geographical boundaries where they need to keep the administration and management system centralized to control their branches from one single command and control center. The Cloud Computing makes it possible for the enterprise corporate to scale out beyond and to communicate with the other organizations beyond the geographical limits. The Cloud Computing helps out and facilitate in every sector of life it could be government or private and it improves the productivity and creativity. In the age of information and technology the computer is accessible to everyone. History of Cloud Computing:As we all know questions are always arising whenever there is an introduction of new technology and the question are like “when was it invented?”, “When it was first mentioned?” and what are the prospects for its future?”. Cloud computing is introduce in 21st century but this is not true as Cloud concepts was present in past in different shapes. Here, let us take you back to that time.Evolution started in 1950s with mainframe computing.In past, there is a central mainframe computer whose access was provided to multiple users. Because of the costs of main frame computer was very high that organization unable to buy mainframe for every employee also it is not possible that an individual person will use a large capacity of storage, so the person having mainframe will provide shared access to different resources through dumb terminals. That was the first time where resource sharing concept was introduced.In 1970, the concept of virtual machines (VMs) was created.In this concept the idea is to create virtualization software that can run one or more operating systems at a time and these (virtual) operating systems are using one physical hardware machine. These VM operating systems took the shared access & resource sharing concept to the next level, which allows multiple distinct computing environments available on one physical environment. Virtualization drives the technology, and was an important factor in the idea development of virtual networks.In the 1990s, telecommunications companies started offering virtualized private network connections.Historically, telecommunication companies initially offered dedicated single point-to point data connections. Later same service was offered by virtualized private networks connections, this offer of VPN connections reduced the cost in a sense that instead of creating new physical infrastructure for more connections the telecommunication companies provide users shared access on the existing physical infrastructure.3.Architecture of Cloud ComputingCloud computing has three types of models which are as follows:∙Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)∙Platform as a Service (PaaS)∙Software as a Service (SaaS)Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS):In this model, users can use certain components of IT infrastructure provider, the users don't have a control on the entire cloud infrastructure but they do have control over selection potions such as firewall, operating system, storage and deployed applications.Platform as a Service (PaaS):In this model, a number of applications which forms a platform is subscribed as a service by users. For example, a software tools may be used as a programming and software platform.Software as a Service (SaaS):In this model a single application provides services to users and acts like a service. Such services are often accessed via Web browser.Private Cloud:Private Cloud is used by some particular organization. In this case a particular computing infrastructure is owned by the organization and the employee of the particular organization access the computing and other resources of the cloud through VPN.Public Cloud:A public cloud is based on standard computing model in which service provider makes resources, like applications and storage available to general public over the internet. Public cloud services mostly offered on a pay-per-usage model.Hybrid Cloud:It is a mixture or both public and private cloud and utilizing both public and private cloud services in order to perform different functions within the organization.Management Process for an it Based Solution:In general, when you are going to start a new branch office, you will require elements like data centre, network and infrastructure, telecommunication systems, web servers, database server, backup servers and storage and client computers, and all these require high information security. It doesn't matter how all of these will be implemented, but some general steps of project management must be taken in order to assess exactly what IT infrastructure and systems are needed for the business expansion and how to implement it. We require a chief technical architect who will work with the business representatives and list down what will be needed for all the daily operations of the new office. For example how many systems require for an ERP and email services, this is done in the project conception stage. During this phase, project shows all the technical stuff that is needed to run business operations.The next phase is project planning, in this phase we determine working activities, required resources, cost estimate, budgeting, Risk management plans, quality standards, and after analyzing and studying each and every thing a final plan will be made.The last phase is Project Execution where the work on the final plan started this includes project team development, receiving proposals against requests, selection of vendor on the basis proposal best suits for a company, execution of the work packages and performs quality assurance procedure and in the end delivers project information and control to the concern persons.These three phases of project management is applicable when IT solution is based on Cloud computing to meet business need of a company having branch offices in different regions.4.Cloud Computing SolutionsIn this article we are taking Software Company who wants to starts it’s off shore office in Pakistan and we suggest different Cloud computing based solutions in order to build the setup of off shore office.Private Cloud based Solution:The organization which having well establish IT infrastructure and having IT as their core business is always following private cloud based solution. This solution usually a better choice to provide IT services to new branch office. In such case, servers, data centres and all other devices are behind firewall of the company's network present in the head office.Fig.1. Architecture of Private Cloud based Solution.While the other offices access company's network through VPN or web browsers. In private cloud all components and IT infrastructure is under control by the organization.Federated Cloud based Solution:Federated cloud is same as private cloud but the only difference is that equipment and servers are distributed among head office and branch offices. This is only necessary when different branches have different goals and each providing different IT services. For example, one branch only works in storage and the other provides Operating System Services like security patch updates and resolving other OS related problems. The architecture of this type of cloud based solution is shown in figure2.Fig.2. Architecture of Federated cloud Based SolutionPublic Cloud based Solution:A public cloud based solution is useful for those organizations whose subscriber needs computing and services from providers present in public cloud, and these organizations have no plan or interest to build their own infrastructure, as shown in fig 3. Also the subscribers of this solution are normally running applications which requires large amount of data storage and computing.Fig.3. Architecture of Public cloud Based SolutionHybrid Cloud based Solution:As we all know that hybrid cloud is the mixture of both public and private cloud and the solution will be applied for those organization that has sufficient IT infrastructure to fulfil their current business needs, but in case if the expansion of the current infrastructure required then instead of investing money on the expansion they chooses public cloud computing services for the new business. Fig 4 exhibits such arrangement.Fig.4. Architecture of Hybrid cloud Based Solution5.Research DataHere in this research after thorough study of the Education System in Pakistan, we recommend few cloud based systems for students of every level. These systems are discussed below:The present system of education in Pakistan is a legacy of colonial British rule of sub-content which was designed to keep the local public out of race in managing the ruling affairs. But remain submissive, ignorant and contributively towards prolonging their rule. The end products of this system are prepared for low paid clerical jobs. Nobody has ever thought to review the prevailing system for modifying and updating since last 65 years of independence. The system needs complete overhaul, set new emphasis areas as per national priorities, needs and potential resources, aligned with technological advancements and focus on turning into skilful nation. Our end product has to be worthy of dignified independent nation. The system should have been demand oriented instead of supply oriented. Drastic changes are to be inculcated where true Muslim from Pakistan is prepared who is skilful, have no language barrier and religiously conscience dutiful end-product.∙Compose Text Books: Devise new Text Books through one time effort of digitizing curricula and linking related known facts and materials in form of audio, video, simulations and software utilities hence nullifying the need of heavy bags. Introduction of computers for a virtual classroom; a paperless yet interactive class room environment, where students log in to their respective class accounts and their daily progress is measured and evaluated will be the salient most teaching and learning device. This facility will revolutionize the teacher’s efforts towards invigilation and monitoring the students’ progress. A lesson not attended is not lost but rather it is still available. This concept transcends the traditional blackboard scuffle where not all students have equal access to visual benefit of class work∙Digitize the Contents: The modern approaches of teaching and learning should be launched to cater the needs of expanding economy of the country. Purpose built tutorials be developed to overcome the deficiencies resulted due to lack of qualitative teachers. Text books be digitized and linked completely with reference materials in form of video, audio, text notes, graphical models, simulations, and software utilities. Such well-defined tutorials can replace good instructors. The present system of education is producing clerical stuff whereas the nation needs skilled manpower adorned with technological knowledge in modern sciences. Even in the age of information, same old methods are put into. As with IT and internet have manifold better material available on computers for doing repetitive type of jobs tomake the students understand the digitized conceptual models audio, video clips. Taking a leaf from the ongoing social networking sites which are detriment to our children's time, we can establish a communal social networking study group mechanism where students interact for betterment and pursuit of knowledge.Introduce E-Learning Solution:E-learning can produce great results by decreasing costs and improving performance. Unlike one-time classroom session, the e-learning course is available for others.This includes the static e-learning course as well as any ongoing conversations in networked communities. One of the challenges with making e-learning effective is how to manage the courses and access the resources. Freeing up the course navigation and giving the learner more control would be the transformed education process in information age. Do people have access to the resources when the course is complete? Can they retake it? Are you punishing them for failing? E-learning is cost effective and can produce great results. It’s all a matter of how you use it. It is pity that e-learning is considered as the one of the tool to be used in existing education process based upon printed media of books and libraries where physical interactions of students is mandatory to fetch desired knowledge.o The concept of E-libraries and the linkage with the curriculum through computers is a new paradigm of learning is given in figure 5. If you’re using a learning management system you might consider how those impacts the learning and it look like model shown below:-Fig.5. Web Based SolutionIf implemented efficiently and linkage of library data in form of Text, Audio/ Video Clips, Simulations, Illustrations (graphically, statistically), conceptual models of the knowledge pieces is managed for curriculum courses then the concept of e-learning get realized. Understanding e-learning’s value helps you make the best decisions about when and why to use it. E-learning has definite benefits over traditional classroom training. While the most obvious are the flexibility and the cost savings from not having to travel or spend excess time away from work, there are also others that might not be so obvious but critics are apprehensive due to its potential disadvantages (i.e. boring text-based courses, technophobia, loneliness) which can easily be alleviated with a properly designed courses and enriched fully with linkage of E-library materials.Role of Instructors be redefined:Teachers’ role in schools will be reduced as coordinators while centrally subject specialists will continue further improvement of digital tutorials and contents. So Mafia will be curtailed and tuition system will be winded up with computer based access of curriculum material on Internet round the clock. Moreover, whateverthe role remain the training to the teachers be so rigorous that all come to the same standard of instructional excellence. A standard of teachers be maintained to restrict poor quality teachers to continue. To attract potentially high candidates in teaching profession, their pays be enhanced and promotion structure defined. It should be made very clear at all levels that the foundation of a nation laid by competent, selfless and committed teachers is the only way forward to match the world. With introduction of e-learning the teachers have to follow technological solution of information dissemination. He will not be bothered to plan lectures, conduct exams and tests, mark papers and prepare results. Everything should be through computers. Those who become subject specialists and curriculum qualified through national teachers’ standard accreditation council would be employed in software houses where the tutorials are being modified to strengthen the contents for more affectivity. Similarly class coordinators would assist students to get connected with related tutorials or testing system.6.Cloud based Solution for E-Learning Software Development PortalAfter studying all four Cloud based solutions and the system having sections like Digitize Textbooks, Tutorials, Virtual Class Room, E-Libraries and other software utilities for enhancing the skills and capability of students required a large storage and huge computing. We think that Hybrid Cloud based solution will suit for the development of such Educational Solution, The reason behind choosing this type of solution is that Hybrid Cloud based solution is the mixture of both private and public cloud based solution and by using this cloud based solution privacy of students and teachers will be maintain, each student can have a separate user account where he/she will come to know his/her progress, attend classes, attempt quizzes and can submit their assignments. Due to public based all the books, tutorials, digitize textbooks and audio, video lectures are publicly available for all where student of every level can able to access it.The advantage of using Hybrid cloud based solution is that Sys Admin services is no more required to take backup of data after every week also no need to update security and other patches of operating system. As this all will be handling by Cloud providers.7.ConclusionsDue to the advancement in computer and network technologies, more reliable and powerful computing and IT services are now available over internet. High speed internet services make it possible for many users to use the Cloud computing services instead of investing money on building their own IT infrastructure. This Cloud Computing services brings both opportunities and challenges. In this paper, we illustrated Cloud computing, it’s services (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and different kinds Cloud Computing Environments. Then we presented Architecture of different Cloud based solutions: Private Cloud Solution, Federated Cloud Solution, Public Cloud Solution and Hybrid Cloud Solution. In these solutions we discussed how these cloud based solution are beneficial for education businesses expanded in multi regions.In the end we discussed the education system in Pakistan, its limitation and flaws and how can we improve this system by introducing a web based system which can provide facilities to students like virtual class room, digitizing textbooks, audio, video lectures, educational based tutorials and how we shall improve the skill and capabilities of teachers and in the end how these solution will become beneficial for students in future. References[1]Buyya, R., Yeo, C. S. and Venugopal S. (2008) Market-Oriented Cloud Computing: Vision, Hype, andReality for Delivering IT Services as Computing Utilities. 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His personal and professional growth issystematic, methodological, progressive and institutionalized. The foundation of hisdevelopment as a technical resource rests upon his graduate degree of AeronauticalEngineering (BE Avionics) which was further strengthened with post graduate diplomas,professional courses and a doctorate degree in Computer Sciences from the UK with specialization in Software Engineering. He also underwent six months specialist training in China to gain expertise in computer-based projects development and management. He served with candid grip on professional matters in different capacities and institutions and remained deeply involved in Computer education, computer based activities and projects.He is an experienced professional with almost 40 years of continued work in the field under the most demanding, stressful and difficult operational and environmental conditions. He is working in corporate sector Universities as Professor, HOD and Dean before joining Lahore Leads University as Professor in Computer Science Department.How to cite this paper: Tanvir Ahmed,"Cloud Computing a Solution for Globalization", International Journal of Education and Management Engineering(IJEME), Vol.6, No.4, pp.30-38, 2016.DOI: 10.5815/ijeme.2016.04.04。
soa 案例
soa 案例Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) is a software design approach that focuses on the development, deployment, and management of services. These services are designed to be reusable, interoperable, and loosely coupled, making it easier to build and maintain complex applications. In this document, we will explore some real-world SOA case studies to understand how organizations have successfully implemented this architecture to achieve their business goals.One of the most well-known SOA case studies is that of Amazon. Amazon's entire platform is built on a service-oriented architecture, which allows them to scale their infrastructure and add new features and services with ease. By breaking down their system into smaller, independent services, Amazon can update and deploy new features without affecting the entire system. This has allowed them to rapidly innovate and stay ahead of the competition.Another notable SOA case study is that of Netflix. Netflix has built a highly scalable and reliable streaming platform using a service-oriented architecture. By breaking down their system into smaller services, they can handle large volumes of traffic and provide a seamless streaming experience to millions of users worldwide. This has helped them become the leading streaming service in the world.In the financial sector, Capital One has successfully implemented SOA to improve their customer experience and streamline their operations. By building a set of reusable services, they have been able to create a more personalized and responsive banking experience for their customers. This has helped them stay competitive in the rapidly evolving financial industry.In the healthcare industry, the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) has implemented a service-oriented architecture to modernize their healthcare systems and improve patient care. By breaking down their systems into smaller, interoperable services, they have been able to integrate electronic health records, improve data sharing, and provide better care to veterans across the country.These case studies demonstrate the power of service-oriented architecture in enabling organizations to innovate, scale, and deliver better services to their customers. By breaking down complex systems into smaller, reusable services, organizations can achieve greater agility, scalability, and reliability. This approach has become increasingly popular in today's fast-paced and competitive business environment.In conclusion, service-oriented architecture has proven to be a powerful and effective approach for building complex and scalable systems. By breaking down systems into smaller, interoperable services, organizations can achieve greater flexibility, agility, and innovation. The case studies mentioned above are just a few examples of how SOA has been successfully implemented in various industries. As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see even more organizations adopting this approach to stay ahead of the competition and meet the ever-changing needs of their customers.。
Ch1IT-enabled business service: provided with service systems.特点:1.服务操作模型end to end servicebusiness process outsourcinghosted service modeldata-centered outsourcingservice through broker online2.付费free-of charge modelfee-based modelgovernment service(政府付费) model服务是一组内在操作的代表,这组操作由用户和服务提供方为了完成一个目标或者解决一个问题。
3.IT and Non-IT 服务比较相同:相同的生命周期。
不同点:关键业务绩效不同(key performance indicators kpis)需求管理不同(requirements managements)变更速度不同(the paces of changes)4.service inventorya service inventory is an independently standardized and governed collection of complementary services within a boundary that represents an enterprise or a meaningful segment of enterprise.service inventory 可以根据不同的服务模型构建application service layerbusiness service(task or entity) layerorchestration service layer(编排服务层)在构建service inventory之前需要给出服务蓝图。
GM - DDS 和 SOA 在汽车架构设计中应用
Do we need Data Distribution Service (DDS) and service-oriented architecture for automotive applications?Prachi Joshi, Prathap Venugopal, Massimo OsellaGeneral MotorsFlow of presentation…•Future needs of architecture platforms •Computation and performance demands on processor •Bandwidth demands on communication •AUTOSAR Adaptive•Service Oriented Architecture•Network bindings for ara::com•SOME/IP•DDS•IPC•Conclusionautomotive…Trends in E/E Architectures •New types of in vehicle computersare required to fulfill the needs of •Performance,•Flexibility and•Connectivity•But•Backwards compatibility with existing solutions,•Fulfillment of increasing requirements for safety and security is a must as well.90% of allinnovationsLinkedNetworksInfotain-mentElectronicSupportMechanicsAll majorinnovationsare drivenby E/EVehicles areconnectedto the back-end 1970 19801990 2000 2010 2020 ModularIntegrationCentralizationDomain FusionVehicle ComputerVehicle / Domain ControllerDeeply Embedded ECUsObsolete ECUsIntelligent Actuators / SensorsIntegration processFuture of mobility… Software drivenWhat is SOA?AUTOSAR standard 19-03•Service oriented architecture defines a ‘server’ which is the provider for a service/data and a ‘client’ that subscribes to the desired service/data•SOA has been used for years in the IT industry for distributed systems •Players from IoT world such as Google, Amazon, pave the path to digitalization•Applications are loosely coupled and communicate over a service bus as middlewareSignal vs SOAMain reasons of adoption:•Flexibility, scalability andreusability of code•Partial updates of the systemcan be performed•“Soft” migration scenarios arealso possibleAUTOSAR Methodology-Robert Sakretz Nov. 2018AUTOSAR standard AUTOSAR Adaptive•The standard contains interfacesrequired for developing auto--motive ECUs running onstate-of-the-art multicore microprocessors.•With the Adaptive Platform, communication between softwarefunctionalities is no longer conducted in cyclic bursts, but is service-oriented.•Lower-level communication is no longer based on CAN or otherclassic automotive bus systems, which use dedicated protocols, but on Ethernet.Middleware:SOME/IPMiddleware: DDSReference: https://•DDS (Data Distribution Service) targets the broader Industrial IoT domain.•It is a family of open standards published by the Object Management Group (OMG).•Was specifically designed for distributed real-time systems, and is used in many industries including transportation, energy, medical systems, industrial automation, aerospace and defense, etc.•Uses Real Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) •Offers Quality of Service (QoS) mechanisms•DDS was introduced as the network binding for ara::comHow to evaluate SOME/IP vs DDS as network binding for ara::com ?Sample use cases for performance based evaluationUse case Size Sampling rate Latency req.Lidar250B10ms10msUltrasonic100B20ms20msADAS sensors10KB10ms10ms30fps Video-ADAS(100Mbps)43KB33ms33ms30fps Video-ADAS(1Gbps)43KB10ms16ms6.9MB33ms33msRaw 30fps Video-Automated driving(10Gbps)Cloud connectivityEthernetSOME/IP Use cases include:DDS Use cases include: Communication between Classic and Adaptive Cloud connectivitySignal to Service translation Non-AUTOSAR applicationsLegacy systems More robust Quality of Service mechanismsConclusionFuture WorkQuestions?AcknowledgmentsA note of thanks to Rick Flores, GM Technical Fellow, for his valuable feedback.。
/soaSOA Test MethodologyAbstractService-Oriented Architecture (SOA) promises significant benefits to today's organizations. Successfully delivering SOA benefits, especially Business Agility and Component Reuse, will be dependant on the Test Approach that your organization adopts to implement your SOA.This white paper will provide a comprehensive guidance on best practices for testing SOA Solutions. This document includes a review of the following topics that will need to be addressed to ensure a successful SOA implementation:l Why more testing effort will be required at the service level and not at the system levell Why Security testing moves from an end of project activity to one that spans the entire projectlife cyclel A SOA Test team will not only require a detailed technical understanding of your SOA, but theymust be experts of domains within your businessl SOA TestApproach demands an appropriate tool strategyTable of Contents1INTRODUCTION31.1SERVICE-ORIENTED ARCHITECTURE OVERVIEW41.1.1What is SOA41.1.2SOA Benefits & Implementation Principles41.1.3Key Terms of Service-Oriented Architecture51.1.4Test Model61.1.5SOA Governance72SOA TEST METHODOLOGY82.1TRADITIONAL TEST APPROACH82.1.1Revised Test Approach for SOA92.2SOA TEST APPROACH92.2.1Purpose92.2.2How Do You Test SOA Architecture?102.2.3Governance Testing112.2.4Service-component-level Testing112.2.5Service-level Testing122.2.6Integration-level Testing122.2.7Process/Orchestration-level Testing122.2.8System-level Testing132.2.9Security Testing132.3DELIVERABLES BASED ON DISCIPLINES AND KEY DOCUMENTATION132.3.1Test Phases and Test Types132.3.2Functional Testing142.3.3Performance142.3.4Security142.3.5Interoperability142.3.6Backward Compatibility152.3.7Compliance153REGRESSION STRATEGY164SECURITY TESTING165USER ACCEPTANCE TESTING176RISK BASED TESTING177OFFSHORE ONSITE MODEL188TEST TOOLS AND USAGE198.1COMMERCIAL PRODUCTS198.1.1Green Hat GH Tester198.1.2Mercury198.1.3Parasoft SOAtest198.1.4AdventNet QEngine198.1.5Borland SilkPerfomer SOA edition208.1.6LISA WS – Testing208.2OPEN SOURCE PRODUCTS208.2.1SOAP UI208.2.2PushToTest TESTMAKER209CONCLUSION2021. Introduction'To SOA or not to SOA' is not the question anymore. It is 'When to SOA?' With the maturity in SOA Implementations and realization of the associated benefits and challenges, increasingly Enterprises are including SOA Adoption in their Road Map.Service-Oriented Architecture, or SOA, enables IT departments to make the transition from an application-centric view of the world to a process-centric view. Today, IT departments have the freedom to combine business services from multiple applications to deliver true end-to-end support for business processes. And, because the integration mechanism of SOA (usually Web Services) enables loosely coupled integration, IT departments can upgrade or change applications without impacting other applications.Though SOA is being increasingly implemented both as green field (top down) and legacy modernization (bottom up), there is a clear lack of testing methodologies designed specifically for SOA applications. New approaches and methodologies are necessary to verify and validate applications based on SOA concepts.Why is SOA testing different? The answer has many dimensions, but the bottom line is agility and flexibility. Yes, what makes SOA a very attractive, business friendly IT paradigm is the same reason whya different testing approach is required in SOA Implementations.When it comes to testing SOA applications, one has to look beyond functionality and performance (load) testing. SOA testing requires testing of interfaces and services that might bring together diverse systems and platforms, along with other performance (latency) and security related aspects.One of the other challenges to be tackled in SOA Testing is the availability of the environment with the dependent underlying services and/or applications. For instance, an SOA Implementation might bring together two or more autonomous internal applications/services when composing a business process.The availability of these internal applications/services becomes highly important during integration testing in parts as well as during end-to-end testing of the business process.Starting with a brief introduction to SOA, this paper outlines an approach to testing a SOA Implementation in an effective and reliable manner. The paper further describes the various testing categories, suggested test strategy and an introduction to the available tools in the market that can be used to complement the overall Testing Approach.34A concise functional definition is provided below:Oasis () defines SOA as -- "An architectural style whose goal is to achieve loose coupling among interacting software agents / services."Arasanjani, Borges and Holley define SOA as follows:“SOA is the architectural style that supports loosely coupled services to enable business flexibility in an interoperable, technology-agnostic manner. SOA consists of a composite set of business-aligned services that support a flexible and dynamically re-configurable end-to-end business processes realization using interface-based service descriptions.” SOA provides benefits in four basic categories:l reducing integration expensel increasing asset reusel increasing business agilityl reduction of business riskThese four core benefits actually offer return at many different levels and parts of the organization, depending on the set of business problems the company is applying SOA to.How should companies calculate the expected returns that tangible benefits provide the organization? Only by understanding the full range of SOA value propositions, can companies begin to get a hand on calculating the ROI on SOA. Even then, it may not be possible to understand SOA's true ROI before the project is complete, because SOA addresses issues of fundamentally unpredictable business changes.The following key principles are recommended when implementing SOA:l Document the Business Processes. Be it bottom up or top down, availability of these Business Process documentation is critical in delivering SOA in its true self instead of say, Web Services based applicationsl SOA Implementation is an evolution – start with a pilot, deliver business value and incrementally add onl The SOA Implementation must be based on loosely coupled services that provide the highest flexibility and ongoing cost reduction due to reuse and lower maintenancel The services should have standards compliant interfaces to enable seamless integration and interoperability with other servicesl The business drives the services, and the services drive the technologyl Business agility is a fundamental to SOA1.1 Service-Oriented Architecture Overview1.1.1 What is SOA 1.1.2 SOA Benefits & Implementation Principles5A is representative of a repeatable business process/task. Services are used to encapsulate the functional units of an application by providing an interface that is well defined and implementation independent. Services can be invoked by other services or applications.defines a method of integrating business applications and processes as linked services.can mean different things to different people depending on the person's role and context. From a business perspective, SOA defines a set of business services composed to capture the business design that the enterprise wants to expose internally, as well as its customers and partners. From an architecture perspective, SOA is an architectural style that supports service orientation. At an implementation level, SOA is fulfilled using a standards based infrastructure, programming model and technologies such as Web Services. From an operational perspective, SOA includes a set of agreements between service consumers and providers that specify the quality of service, as well as reporting on the key business and IT metrics.A is a set of related and integrated services that support a business process built on SOA.SOA consists of the following three components:l Service providerl Service consumerl Service registryEach component can also act as one of the two other components. For instance, if a service provider needs additional information that it can only acquire from another service, it acts as a service consumer. Figure 1-1 shows the operations each component can perform.service Service orientation Service-oriented architecture (SOA)composite application Basic Components of SOA1.1.3 Key Terms of Service-Oriented ArchitectureFigure 1.1 SOA Components ServiceRegistryService Customer Service Provider Request Response 123Publish Discover Invoke6The service provider creates a service and in some cases publishes its interface and access information to a service registry.The service registry is responsible for making the service interface and implementation access information available to service consumers.The service consumer locates entries in the service registry and then binds to the service provider in order to invoke the defined service.1.1.4 Test ModelTesting activities such as design, analysis, planning and execution must happen throughout the entire SOA project life cycle. The V-Model is a suitable test methodology that enforces testing discipline throughout the project life cycle. The project starts with defining the Business User Requirements. The V-Model would recommend that the Business Acceptance Test Criteria for these defined requirements are defined and agreed before moving to the start of the technical design phase. Before moving to the next phase/level of technical design, the model recommends test criteria defined for that level of technical requirements, and so on. The V-Model is simply encouraging the project team to continually determine how they would successfully test the project deliverables.The V-Model is a suitable test methodology to deliver SOA projects for the following reasons:l It encourages a top-down approach with respect to defining the business process requirements,high-level functional technical design, security etc.l It then encourages a bottom-up test approach – test individual functions within a service, test anindividual service then test a composite set of services through to testing an integrated process and finally testing a complete business system. SOA is 'loosely' coupled services and that is why a bottom up test approach is recommended.l The levels reflect different viewpoints of testing on different levels of detail.l The V-model encourages testing throughout the entire Software Development Life Cycle.Figure 1.2 V-Model7SOA Governance is about ensuring that each new and existing service conforms to the standards, policies and objectives of an organization for the entire life of that service.Why is SOA Governance needed?SOA Governance plays an increasingly important role in today's challenging business environment. It provides structure, commitment and support for the development, implementation and management of SOA, as necessary, to ensure it achieves its objectives.SOA Governance provides the following benefits:l Realize business benefits of SOAl Business process flexibilityl Improved time to marketl Maintaining Quality of Service (QoS)l Ensuring consistency of servicel Measuring the right thingsl Communicating clearly between businesses 1.1.5 SOA Governance88Traditional software testing that focused on code-level testing has evolved with Distributed and Web Service architectures. Web application testing has introduced more testing of business logic through the application's user interface, which has proved to be critical when deploying new solutions. With SOA, the need to test the business logic still exists; however, many SOA services will not have a user interface, which is one of the new challenges to your test organization.Some of the new SOA Testing challenges are:l Services that do not have a user interfacel Data driven business logic within servicesl External services to the organizationl The quality of 'service' software will be vital to promote reuse and facilitate business agility. Services that have known bugs and quality issues will not be reused by the development teams. A significant increase in testing activities and test assets (functional, performance and security regression suites that include sophisticated harnesses and stubs) will be required at a service (program) level l Predicting the future usage of services to assist with performance, load, stress, scalability l As your SOA evolves, security testing will have a higher priority and profile within your organizations test strategyIn SOA, Services are based on heterogeneous technologies. No longer can we expect to test an application that was developed by a unified group, as a single project, sitting on a single application server and delivering through a standardized browser interface. The ability to string together multiple types of components to form a business process requires unconstrained thinking from an architect's perspective, and test planning and scheduling complexities from a tester's perspective.In SOA, application logic is in the middle-tier, operating within numerous technologies, residing outside the department, or even outside the company.We know that to test SOA, you need to go far beyond merely testing a user interface or browser screen. Web Services (WSDL/SOAP) will be an important component for many SOAs, but if you're only testing Web Services, you are not likely to test the entire technology stack that makes up the application. What are the transactions happening at the messaging layer? Is the right entry being reflected in the database? In fact, many perfectly valid SOA applications will house business logic entirely outside of the Web Services.To address the above challenges, organizations need to review and enhance their current test methodology. Many Test Tool vendors have now recognized the new SOA test challenges and have developed a new breed of tools to help organizations to plan, manage and automate SOA functional, performance and security testing.2. SOA Test Methodology 2.1 Traditional Test Approach9The governing and design principles of SOA, coupled with the benefits that SOA claims to deliver, will force changes to organizations' approaches to Software Testing and Quality Assurance. The following are some of the main reasons for change:l The Test team will require broader set of technical skills:SOA testing will require test teams to have a detailed understanding of the underlying SOA architecture and technologies. This must include an understanding of Network Security.l A new breed of tools will be required to assist the test team quickly and accurately link planned test coverage to:s Business domain process ruless Service usage (other processes that reuse the service)s Technical design specificationss Configuration and version controls Security Risk AnalysisThe new automated test tools will also have to facilitate non-GUI functional and performance testing at the service level.l The Test team structure will require alignment to business domains (processes) and not by technologies. This will promote an effective and efficient business risk prioritized test approach at both the service and business process levels, to ensure that agility and speed to market is not compromising quality.l Organizations will have to invest in developing and maintaining 'Test Assets' for key services – services should have functional and non-functional regression packs, sophisticated harnesses and stubs. Services will have to be delivered to the Integration and the UAT test phases with a statement of Quality that will guarantee performance and security, with well defined and understood functional test coverage.A higher level of quality will be required to actively promote and encourage service reuse.Testing SOA could be viewed as a complex computing problem. With any complex problem, the key is to break it down into smaller, more manageable components and build quality into these deliverables. The foundations to successful SOA testing are as follows:l Equal weighting of testing effort throughout the project life cycle. Many organizations still fail to recognize the real benefits of static and formal review techniques during the early stages of the project. Most or all of the testing effort comes too late at the end of the project life cycle. More testing effort will be required at a service (program) level.l The SOA test team is a blend of business domain and technology experts.2.1.1 Revised Test Approach for SOA2.2 SOA Test Approach 2.2.1 Purposel Design the project test approach alongside the project business and technical requirements.Budget for the Test team to be involved from the start of the project.l Implement Quality Controls throughout the project life cycle.l Security Testing is not an end of project activity! Design and Plan Security testing from the start of theproject.l Test tools are a must!How do you test SOA architecture? You don't. Instead, you learn how to break down the architecture to its component parts, working from the most primitive to the most sophisticated, testing each component, then the integration of the holistic architecture. In other words, you have to divide the architecture into domains, such as services, security, and governance and test each domain separately using the recommended approach and tools.SOA is loosely coupled with complex interdependencies and a SOA testing approach must follow the same pattern.Figure 2.1 represents a model of SOA components and how they're interrelated. The Test team designing the Project Test approach and plans must have a macro understanding of how all of the components work independently and collectively.2.2.2 How Do You Test SOA Architecture?Figure 2.1 SOA components2007 Torry Harris Business Solutions, All Rights Reserved 10You can categorize SOA testing into the following phases:l Governance Testingl Service-component-level testingl Service-level testingl Integration-level testingl Process/Orchestration-level testingl System-level testingl Security TestingSOA Governance is a key factor in the success of any SOA Implementation. It is also the most 'loosely' used term, as it covers the entire lifecycle of SOA Implementation – from design to run time to ongoing maintenance. SOA Governance refers to the Standards and Policies that govern the design, build and implementation of a SOA solution and the Policies that must be enforced during runtime.Organizations must have well defined Design, Development, Testing and Security Standards that will guide and direct SOA implementations. Quality controls and reviews must be implemented throughout the entire Project life cycle to and processes, to ensure compliance. The appropriate peers must conduct these reviews and deviations from recommended standards must be agreed by the organization's Governance team.The following are examples of SOA Governance Policy types:l Quality of Service policies on Performance, Security and Transactionsl Regulatory policies – Sarbanes-Oxleyl Business policies – rulesl Audit policies – what events need to be logged, how long must events be kept, etcl Infrastructure policies – access, backups, disaster recovery and failoverTest cases will be constructed and executed in all of the project test phases to determine if SOA Policies are being enforced. SOA policies can be enforced at runtime, by using technologies and/or monitoring tools.SOA Governance testing will not be a separate test phase. Testing that SOA Governance is enforced will take place throughout the project life cycle, through formal peer reviews and different test scenarios that will be executed during the separate test phases.Service-component-level testing or Unit testing, is normally performed by the developers to test that the code not only successfully compiles, but the basic functionality of the components and functions within a service are working as specified.The primary goal of Component testing is to take the smallest piece of testable software in the 2.2.3 Governance Testing 2.2.4 Service-component-level Testingapplication, isolate it from the remainder of the code, and determine whether it behaves exactly as you expect. Each Component is tested separately before integrating it into a service or services.The following quality and test activities are recommended in this phase/level of testing:l Formal peer reviews of the code to ensure it complies with organization standards and to identifyany potential performance and security defects or weaknessesl Quality entry and exit criteria are not only defined for this level of testing, but are achieved beforemoving to the next level of testingService testing will be the most important test level/phase within your SOA Test approach. Today, many organizations build a program or Web service, perform limited unit testing and accelerate its delivery to the integration test phase, to allow the test team to evaluate its quality. Service reuse will demand each service is delivered from this level/phase of testing with a comprehensive statement of quality and even a Guarantee!The following quality and test activities are recommended in this phase/level of testing:l Formal peer reviews of the code to ensure it complies with organization standards and to identifyany potential interoperability, performance and security defects or weaknessesl Functional, performance and security regression suites to be executed against the service. This willrequire the help of automated test tools and the development of sophisticated harnesses and stubs l Quality entry and exit criteria are not only defined for this level of testing, but are achieved beforedelivering the service to the next level of testingService Level testing must ensure that the service is not only meeting the requirements of the current project, but more importantly, is still meeting the business and operational requirements of the other processes that are using that service.The integration test phase will focus on service interfaces. This test phase aims to determine if interface behaviour and information sharing between the services, are working as specified. The test team will ensure that all the services delivered to this test phase comply with the defined interface definition, in terms of standards, format and data validation. Integration testing test scenarios should also 'work' the layers of communications, the network protocols. This test phase may include testing external services to your organization.Process/Orchestration testing ensures services are operating collectively as specified. This phase of testing would cover business logic, sequencing, exception handling and process decomposition (including service and process reuse).2.2.5 Service-level Testing2.2.6 Integration-level Testing 2.2.7 Process/Orchestration-level TestingSystem Level testing will form the majority, if not all of the User Acceptance Test phase. This test phase will test that the SOA technical solution has delivered the defined business requirements and has met the defined business acceptance criteria. To ensure that this phase/level of testing is targeting only the key business scenarios of the solution, the business stakeholders and testers must fully understand the quality and test coverage that has been achieved in previous test phases.As SOA evolves and grows within your organization, the profile and necessity of Security testing will increase. Today, many organizations perform an inadequate amount of penetration testing at the very end of a project. SOA combined with Government and Regulatory compliance, will require Security testing activities to be incorporated into the entire project life cycle. Section 4 discusses SOA Security testing in more detail.2.2.8 System-level Testing2.2.9 Security Testing2.3 Deliverables based on disciplines and key documentation Life Cycle processesDeliverables Test Planning and ControlTest Plan/Test Strategy Test analysis and designRequirements Traceability document Test implementation andexecutionTest cases, Test Scripts, test data and test logs Evaluating exit criteria andreportingStatus Report/Metrics and Defect summary Report Test closure activities Post-mortem document2.3.1 Test Phases and Test TypesSOA testing will span a number of test phases and test types. The following table summarizes test types that may be required in the different test phases.Guiding Documents TechnicalDesign, Program specification & StandardsTESTPHASES Component-Level TestingPhaseService-Level Testing Phase Functional Interoperability Performance Backward Compatibility SecurityP PCompliance P P P -P P P -P P Business Requirement s, Technical Design &GovernanceStandardsand PoliciesFunctional or Black Box testing will determine if a component or a service or the whole system is operating to specification without reference to the internal technical workings or design. The Business Requirements and the Higher Level Technical Design definitions are the main inputs to Functional test case design.2.3.2 Functional TestingAs SOA grows and evolves over time, and more of the SOA components and services are reused, it will be critical that each of these components and services have a known performance and capacity under production loads and how they are scalable.Organizations must move away from the misguided thought 'that you can only do performance, load and stress test on a fully integrated technical solution', to performance testing individual services and components of the SOA architecture. Many of the new SOA test tools support performance testing of services and components. Services must be delivered to the Integration test phase with tested and defined performance and capacity statements.SOA requires security testing to be designed and planned right from the start of the project. Security testing should be executed throughout the project test phases and not just when the complete system has been delivered at the end of the life cycle. Section 4 discusses SOA Security testing in more detail.Interoperability is the ability of a system or a product to work with other systems or products without special effort on the part of the customer. Services will achieve interoperability by either strictly adhering to published interface standards or by using a broker service that will convert the data to the format of the other service interface on the 'fly'.2.3.3 Performance2.3.4 Security 2.3.5 InteroperabilityGuiding Documents TESTPHASES Integration & Orchestration Testing Phase System/ Process (User Acceptance) Testing Phase Functional Interoperability Performance Backward Compatibility SecurityP PCompliance -P P P -P P P P P Business Requirement s, Technical Design &GovernanceStandardsand PoliciesBusiness Requirement s, Technical Design & Governance Standards and Policies。
MIS简答题解读MIS简答题Chapter1SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 33)1.What is the relationship between management information systems (MIS) andinformation technology (IT)?ANSWER:MIS is a broad business function and the study of the use of IT.IT is a set of tools and a resource within MIS.2.What four steps should an organization follow in determining which technologiesto use?ANSWER:The four steps are: (1) assess the state of competition and industry pressures, (2) determine business strategies, (3) identify important businessprocesses, and (4) align technology tools with the business processes.3.What is the relationship between data, information, business intelligence (BI), andknowledge?ANSWER:Each build on the previous. Data are raw facts, while information is data that has meaning. Business intelligence is collectiveinformation that gives you the ability to make strategic business decisions.Finally, knowledge is a broad term that can encompass BI context, how to affect BI, patents and trademarks, and organizational know-how.4.How does the granularity of information change as it moves from lower to upperorganizational levels?ANSWER:At the lowest levels, information granularity is very fine because people need tremendous detail to perform their jobs. As information moves up through the organization, it becomes more coarse because people don’t need as much detail but rather aggregations of information.5.What is the difference between a technology-literate knowledge worker and aninformation-literate knowledge worker?ANSWER: A technology-literate knowledge worker knows how and when to apply technology; that is, he/she understands the value and role of technology.An information-literate knowledge worker knows all about information; that is, he/she understands the value and role of information.6.How do ethics differ from laws?ANSWER:Laws either clearly require or prohibit an action. Ethics are more subjective, more a matter of personal or cultural interpretation.17.What role does the Five Forces Model play?ANSWER:Porter’s Five Forces Model helps business people understand the relative attractiveness of an industry and the industry’s competitive pressures in terms of buyer power, supplier power, threat of substitute products or services, threat of new entrants, and rivalry among existing competitors.8.Why are competitive advantages never permanent?ANSWER:Once an organization creates a competitiveadvantage, allcompetitors move to offer similar or even better competitive advantages, thus nullifying the competitive advantage of the first organization.9.What are the three generic strategies according to Michael Porter?ANSWER:The three generic strategies according to Michael Porter are:overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.10.How are Porter’s three generic strategies, an above-the-line versus abelow-the-line approach, and the RGT framework similar?ANSWER:They are similar as follows: (1) run = overall cost leadership =bottom line, (2) grow = focus and differentiation = top line, and (3) transform = (new) differentiation = top line (when the focus is innovation).11.What is the role of value-chain analysis?ANSWER:Value-chain analysis is a systematic approach to assessing and improving the value of business processes within your organization to further increase it competitive strengths. So, value-chain analysis helps you identify important business processes and how technology might help support them. Chapter2SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 59)1.Why is the traditional buy-hold-sell inventory model an expensive and potentiallyrisky one?ANSWER:The traditional inventory model requires that (1) you createinventory without a known demand, (2) you keep a lot of inventory throughout the supply chain, and (3) you sell off obsolete inventory at a very low price.2.What is the role of a supply chain management (SCM) system?ANSWER:The role of a supply chain management (SCM) system is tosupport supply chain management activities by automating the tracking ofinventory and information among business processes and across companies.23.How does SCM fit into Porter’s three generic strategies?ANSWER:SCM is most commonly associated with the overall cost leadership generic strategy.4.What are the typical functions in a CRM system?ANSWER:The typical functions in a CRM system include sales forceautomation, customer service and support, and marketing campaign management and analysis.5.How does CRM fit into the RGT framework?ANSWER:CRM is most commonly associated with growing the organization in the RGT framework.6.What is the difference between front office and back office systems?ANSWER: A front office system is the primary interface to a customer and a sales channel, while a back office system is used to fulfill and support customer orders.7.For what five things does e-collaboration provide support?ANSWER:E-collaboration supports (1) work activities withinintegratedcollaboration environments, (2) knowledge management with knowledgemanagement systems, (3) social networking with social networking systems, (4) learning with e-learning tools, and (5) informal collaboration to supportopen-source information.8.What is the difference between a social networking site anda social networkingsystem?ANSWER: A social networking site (e.g., Myspace) is a site on which you post information about yourself, create a network of friends, share content, and so on. A social networking system is an IT system that links you to people you know and, from there, to people your contacts know.9.What is open-source information?ANSWER:Open-source information is content that is publicly available (in a broad sense), free of charge, and most often updateable by anyone.10.What are the three most common ways in which the IT function can be placedwithin an organization?ANSWER:The three most common ways in which the IT functions can beplaced are: top-down silo, matrix, and fully integrated.311.How are the structuring of the IT function and the philosophical approach to ITinterrelated?ANSWER:They are interrelated in that the philosophicalapproach is mostoften implemented as a specific structure. Wait-and-see organizations tend to centralize the IT function in a top-down silo approach, while early IT adopters tend to disperse the IT function(i.e., either matrix or fully integrated).12.What is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?ANSWER:An ERP system is a collection of integrated software for business management, accounting, finance, HR, project and inventory management,supply chain, customer relationship management, e-collaboration, etc. Chapter3SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 90)1.What is business intelligence? Why it is more than just information?ANSWER:Business intelligence is knowledge –knowledge about your customers, your competitors, your partners, your competitive environment, and your own internal operations. It is more than just information because it combines various types of information to allow you to make better decisions and operate more productively.2.What is online transaction processing (OLTP)?ANSWER:OLTP is the gathering of input information, processing that information, and updating existing information to reflect the gathered and processed information.3.What is online analytical processing (OLAP)?ANSWER:Online analytical processing (OLAP)is the manipulation of information to support decision making. It differs from OLTP in that it does not process transactions but rather manipulates existing information to support the making of a decision.4.What is the most popular database model?ANSWER:The most popular database model is the relational database model.5.How are primary and foreign keys different?ANSWER: A primary key is a field that uniquely identifies a record in a relation of a database while a foreign key is a primary key of one file that appears in another file. So, primary keys must be unique in a given relation while4foreign keys do not have to be. They are the same in that both are used to enforce integrity constraints.6.What are the five software components of a database management system?ANSWER:The five important software components of a DBMS are (1) DBMS engine, (2) data definition subsystem, (3) data manipulation subsystem, (4) application generation subsystem, and (5) data administration subsystem.7.How are QBE tools and SQL similar? How are they different?ANSWER:QBE tools and SQL are similar in that they both give you the ability to create queries to find information in a database. They are different in that QBE tools provide a GUI interface while SQL requires that you create your query in statement form.8.What is a data warehouse? How does it differ from a database?ANSWER:The four types of information according to what information describes are internal, external, objective, and subjective.9.What are the four major types of data-mining tools?ANSWER:The four major types of data mining tools are intelligent agents, query-and-reporting tools, multidimensionalanalysis tools, and statistical tools. 10.What is a data mart? How is it similar to a data warehouse?ANSWER: A data mart is a subset of a data warehouse in which only a focused portion of the data warehoused information is kept.Chapter4SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 123)11.What are the four types of decision discussed in this chapter? Give an example ofeach.ANSWER: Nonrecurring, or ad hoc, decision is one that you make infrequently (perhaps only once) and you may even have different criteria for determining the best solution each time. A merger with another company is an example.Recurring decisions are decisions that you have to make repeatedly and often periodically, whether weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly. An example would be which route to take to go to work. Nonstructured decision is a decision for which there may be several “right” answers and there is no precise way to get a right answer. An example would be whether to change a company’s strategy.Structured decision is a decision where processing a certain kind of information in a specified way so that you will always get the right answer. An example would be deciding how much to pay employees. p. 95512.What are the four steps in making a decision?ANSWER:The four steps are intelligence, design, choice, and implementation.p. 9613.What is a DSS? Describe its components.?ANSWER: A decision support system (DSS)is a highly flexible and interactive IT system that is designed to support decision making when the problem is not structured. The components of a decision support system are the model management component, the data management component, and the user interface management component. p. 9814.What is a geographic information system used for?ANSWER: A geographic information system is used for any type of information that can be represented spatially. p. 10315.How is information represented in a geographic information system?ANSWER: A geographic information system represents information in overlapping layers. p. 103.16.What is artificial intelligence? Name the artificial intelligence systems usedwidely in business?ANSWER:Artificial intelligence(AI)is the science of making machines imitate human thinking and behavior. The types of artificial intelligence widely used in business are expert systems, neural networks, genetic algorithms, and intelligent agents. p. 10417.What are four advantages of an expert system?ANSWER:Four advantages would be their ability to handle large amounts of data; to reduce errors; to aggregate information from various sources; and to improve customer service. p. 10618.What sort of problems is an expert system used for?ANSWER:An expert system is used or diagnostic (what’s wrong?) and prescriptive (what to do?) types of problems. p. 10519.What sort of problem does a neural network solve?ANSWER: A neural network solves problems involving the recognition and differentiation of pattersn. p. 10820.What three concepts of evolution are used by the genetic algorithm?ANSWER:The three concepts are selection, mutation, and crossover.Selection is the feature of a genetic algorithm that give preference to better6outcomes. Mutation is a feature of a genetic algorithm; it’s the process of trying combinations and evaluating the success (or failure) of the outcome. Crossover is the feature of a genetic algorithm where portions of good outcomes are combined in the hope of creating an even better outcome. p. 11221.What are intelligent agents? What tasks can they perform?ANSWER:Intelligent agents are software that assists you, or act on your behalf, in performing repetitive computer-related tasks. They can find good deals on the Internet, monitor computer networks for failures, fill out forms, play computer games, and so on. p. 11312. What is a multi-agent system?ANSWER: A multi-agent system is a group of intelligent agents that each has the ability to work independently and to interact with others. p. 11613. What do monitoring-and-surveillance agents do?ANSWER:Monitoring-and-surveillance agents(or predictive agents) are intelligent agents that observe and report on equipment. p. 114Chapter5SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 155)1.What is electronic commerce?ANSWER:Electronic commerce is commerce, but it is commerce accelerated and enhanced by IT, in particular the Internet.2.How can use you a B2B e-marketplace to reduce your dependency on a particularsupplier?ANSWER:You can use a B2B e-marketplace to find other suppliers and also participate in reverse auctions to find the best supplier with the best price.3.How do convenience and specialty items differ in the B2C e-commerce businessmodel?ANSWER:Convenience items are lower-priced but something needed on a frequent basis. Specialty items are higher-priced, ordered on a less frequentbasis, and often require customization.4.Why do commoditylike and digital items sell well in the B2C e-commercebusiness model?ANSWER:Commoditylike items work well because they are the same nomatter where you buy them. Digital products work well because there is no real associated shipping or storage costs.75.What is mass customization?ANSWER:Mass customization is the ability of an organization to give itscustomers the opportunity to tailor its product or service to the customer’sspecifications.6.How does a reverse auction work?ANSWER:In a reverse auction, you place a request for products and/orservices and suppliers continually submit lower bids until there is only onesupplier left.7.How are vertical and horizontal e-marketplaces different?ANSWER:Vertical e-marketplaces connect buyers and sellers in a givenindustry while horizontal e-marketplaces connect buyers and sellers across many industries.8.What can a marketing mix include for a B2C e-commerce business?ANSWER: A marketing mix for a B2C business can include registering with search engines, online ads, viral marketing, and affiliate programs.9.What are the major types of B2C e-commerce payment systems?ANSWER:The major types of B2C e-commerce payment systems includecredit cards, smart cards, financial cybermediaries, electronic checks, andElectronic Bill Presentment and Payment.10.What is the difference between a client-side digital wallet and a server-side digitalwallet?ANSWER:You keep a client-side digital wallet on your personal computerwhile a server-side digital wallet is stored on a Web server.11.How are Secure Sockets Layers (SSLs) and Secure Electronic Transactions (SETs)different? How are they the same?ANSWER:SSLs and SETs are different in that SETs also provide amechanism for ensuring the legitimacy of the user of the payment device. They are both the same in that they create a secure connection between the client and the server computers.Chapter6SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 189)1.What are the three primary groups of people who undertake the systemsdevelopment process?8ANSWER:The three primary groups of people who undertake the systems development process are in-house IT specialists (insourcing), end users (selfsourcing), and another organization (outsourcing).2.What is the systems development life cycle?ANSWER:The SDLC is a structured step-by-step approach for developing information systems.3.What are scope creep and feature creep?ANSWER:Scope creep occurs when the scope of the project increases beyond its original intentions. Feature creep occurs when developers (and end users) add extra features that were not part of the initial requirements.4.How do the four implementation methods differ?ANSWER:Parallel implementation uses both the old and new systems until the new system is verified. Plunge implementation immediately ceases using the old system and begins using thenew system. Pilot implementation converts only a group of users until the new system is verified. Phased implementation converts only a portion of the system until it can be verified.5.What is component-based development?ANSWER:Component-based development is a general approach to systems development that focuses on building small self-contained b locks of code (components) that can be reused across a variety of applications within an organization.6.How are component-based development and a service-oriented architecturerelated?ANSWER:Component-based development is a technical implementation of a service-oriented architecture (SoA). An SoA is a holistic perspective of how an organization views and treats resources such as information and technology.7.Why do organizations prototype?ANSWER:Organizations prototype for a variety of reasons: (1) to gather requirements, (2) to help determine requirements, (3) to prove that a system is technically feasible, and (4) to sell the idea of a proposed system.8.What are the advantages of selfsourcing?ANSWER:The advantages of selfsourcing are many including: improving requirements determination, increasing end user participation and sense of ownership, increasing speed of systems development, and reducing the invisible backlog.99.What is the difference between a selling prototype and a proof-of-conceptprototype?ANSWER: A selling prototype is used to convince people ofthe worth of a proposed system while a proof-of-concept prototype is used to prove the technical feasibility of a proposed system.10.What is the role of a service level agreement (SLA) in outsourcing?ANSWER: A service level agreement in outsourcing defines the work to be done, the time frame, the metrics that will be used to measure the success of the systems development effort, and the costs.11.What are the three geopolitical forms of outsourcing?ANSWER:The three geopolitical forms of outsourcing include onshore outsourcing, nearshore outsourcing, and offshore outsourcing.Chapter7SHORT-ANSWER QUESTIONS (p. 220)1.How can a service-oriented architecture (SoA) be used to guide the organizationof the future?ANSWER: A service-oriented architecture (SoA) can guide the organization of the future by enabling it to respond more adeptly to customers, end users,software development, information needs, and hardware requirements.2.How have ERP systems evolved over the last 30 years?ANSWER: ERP starts in the 1970s as basic material requirements planningsystems. They then moved into an MRP II stage in which decision support and executive support capabilities were added. In the early 1990s, financials and accounting functions were integrated. T oday finally, they are called ERP II, a completeintegration of resource planning driven by customer relationship management and supply chain management activities.3.Why is interoperability important?ANSWER:Interoperability provides the capability for two or more computing components to share information and other resources, even if they are made by different manufacturers.4.What are the main differences between a decentralized infrastructure and acentralized infrastructure?ANSWER: A decentralized infrastructure involves little or no sharing of IT and IT-related resources, while a centralized infrastructure involves the complete10sharing of IT and IT-related resources (albeit from one centrally-controllocation).5.How does a client/server infrastructure work?ANSWER: A client/server network works by having one or more computers that are servers provide services to other computers, called clients.6.What are the four types of a tiered infrastructures?ANSWER: The four types of tiered infrastructures are 1-tier (presentation), 2-tier (application), 3-tier (data), and n-tier (business logic).7.How do efficiency and effectiveness metrics differ?ANSWER:Efficiency focuses on doing something right, such as reducing time or number of errors, while effectiveness focuses on doing the right things, such as making the right decisions.8.What are some commonly used infrastructure-centric metrics?ANSWER: Commonly used infrastructure-centric metrics include throughput, transaction speed, system availability, accuracy, response time, and scalability. 9.What are some commonly used Web-centric metrics?ANSWER: Commonly used Web-centric metrics include unique visitors, total hits, page exposures, conversion rate, click-through, cost-per-thousand,abandoned registrations, and abandoned shopping carts.10.Why are service level agreements important when contracting the services of anapplication service provider (ASP)?ANSWER: A service level agreement (SLA) would provide the quantifiablemeasures by which the ASP must provide services.11.What is a business continuity plan?ANSWER: A business continuity plan is a step-by-step guideline defining how the organization will recover from a disaster or extended disruption of itsbusiness processes.12.Why do organizations implement a disaster recovery plan before testing it?ANSWER: Organizations implement a disaster recovery plan before testing it because organization cannot test their disaster recovery plans until the plan isimplemented.11。
The MIDAS System A Service Oriented Architecture for Automated Supply Chain Management
The MIDAS System:A Service Oriented Architecture for Automated Supply Chain ManagementFirat Kart,Zhongnan Shen,Cagdas Evren GeredeDepartment of Electrical and Computer EngineeringDepartment of Computer ScienceUniversity of California,Santa Barbara,CA93106fkart@,szn@,gerede@AbstractThe MIDAS system that we have developed is an auto-mated supply chain management system based on the Ser-vice Oriented Architecture and Web Services.MIDAS pro-vides a loosely-coupled distributed environment that allows customers,manufacturers,and suppliers to cooperate over the Internet and World Wide Web.It aims to reduce inven-tory carrying costs and logistics administration costs,yield-ing a more efficient supply chain,by supporting just-in-time manufacturing.It eliminates,or substantially reduces,hu-man intervention on both the customer/manufacturer side and the manufacturer/supplier side.It allows a manufac-turer to select,dynamically from the MIDAS Registry,sup-pliers of components,based on the price,availability,and delivery time of those components.A manufacturer can use one of several strategies to aggregate customers’orders be-fore it processes them and to accumulate suppliers’quotes before it decides on a particular supplier.The use of a Ser-vice Oriented Architecture,such as MIDAS,can substan-tially improve the efficiency of a supply chain.1IntroductionSince the earliest days of business,the fundamental busi-ness processes haven’t changed.They involve identifying a market for offering,creating the offering,supplying prod-ucts to customers,getting paid for them,managing the cus-tomer relationship,and repeating the process.Over the last decade,certain factors have led to a major shift in busi-ness management thinking,which has had a significant im-pact on how companies do business.New business mod-els have emerged with the Internet,the World Wide Web, and related technologies,such as the Service Oriented Ar-chitecture(SOA)[5,12,13]and Web Services[1,16,20], and globalization has affected how businesses interact with other businesses[11].In this new environment,competition is intense;finan-cial pressures are unrelenting;and changes in customer de-mands,technological innovations,and government regula-tions are continuous and often sudden and -panies are seeking ways to become moreflexible and adap-tive in response to the competitive international economic environment.Supply chains are profoundly challenged by this new en-vironment.A supply chain moves a product or service from the supplier to the customer.It typically consists of sup-pliers providing raw materials or services,manufacturers putting different components together to produce products, warehouses storing raw materials and manufactured goods, distributors providingfinished goods or services to cus-tomers,and customers purchasing goods or materials.The main objective of supply chain management is to achieve the most efficient use of resources to meet the customers’demands[14].Typically,supply chain management deals with three types offlows:•Productflow-Movement of goods from a supplier toa customer as well as customer returns •Informationflow-Transmitting orders and updating the status of delivery•Financialflow-Credit terms,payments,payment schedules,consignment,and title ownershipThe MIDAS(Managing Integrated Demand and Supply) system that we have designed and implemented focuses on the management of informationflow.It has the goal of leveraging existing IT infrastructure to enable users to au-tomate their supply chains.MIDAS is based on the Ser-vice Oriented Architecture[5,12,13]and employs Web Services[1,16,20]to achieve its objective of automated supply chain management.As a Service Oriented Architecture,MIDAS ensures that the IT systems of the different enterprises can adapt quicklyand easily to support rapidly changing business needs.MI-DAS supports horizontal business processes that are distrib-uted across multiple enterprises.Through its use of Web Services,it provides interoperability between legacy back-end enterprise software systems.The MIDAS software is modular,which allows it to be reused at multiple levels of the supply chain.MIDAS provides a Registry that allows a manufacturer to discover the existence of suppliers,to select suppliers dy-namically,and tofind an alternate supplier on demand,if an existing supplier becomes unavailable,and redirect its requests seamlessly to that alternate supplier.At the man-ufacturer,MIDAS receives orders from the manufacturer’s customers,and places orders with the manufacturer’s sup-pliers,automatically and dynamically.MIDAS allows a manufacturer and its suppliers to negotiate a business deal on-line by either accepting a quote as is,or modifying it. MIDAS makes it easier for small suppliers to get into busi-ness with larger manufacturers by automating the procure-ment process.Most importantly,MIDAS aims to meet the needs of the customers on time and to eliminate the need for a large inventory at the manufacturer and thus reduce costs.A live demonstration of the MIDAS supply chain man-agement system is available at / SupplyChain/.2The Business ModelThe business model for the MIDAS system is based on data obtained from the Council of Supply Chain Manage-ment Professionals and the Census Bureau of the U.S.De-partment of Commerce.According to a report of the Coun-cil of Supply Chain Management Professionals[15],the business logistics costs of the United States in2004were $1,015Billion.These business logistics costs include in-ventory carrying costs,transportation costs,shipper related costs,and logistics administration costs.Business logistics costs data for2005and2006are not yet available,but they were projected to continue to increase.Inventory carrying costs represent a considerable portion of the total logistics costs,and include the costs of interest,taxes,obsolescence, depreciation,insurance,and warehousing.According to the U.S.Department of Commerce,Census Bureau,the total value of all business inventory has increased dramatically to more than$1.26Trillion by the end of2004.By using an automated supply chain management sys-tem,these business logistics costs,particularly the inven-tory carrying costs and the logistics administration costs, can be reduced.The MIDAS system is an automated supply chain management system based on the Service Oriented Architecture and Web Services that aims to reduce these costs,resulting in a more efficient supply chain.The particular manufacturing model employed affects the overall performance of an automated supply chain man-agement ing the just-in-time manufacturing model,Dell[2]exhibits the current best practice of supply chain management with no inventory or almost no inven-tory.Because computer technology improves so rapidly, computers and their components depreciate very quickly and,thus,cutting inventory is afinancial necessity.Bill Breen,senior projects editor at Fast Company,reports that Dell considers inventory asfish:The more you keep it the faster it deteriorates.This phenomenon is true not only for high technology products,like computers,but also for low technology products,such as apparel.However,even Dell can do better in automating the supply chain process.To the best of our knowledge,Dell still employs human beings using email,faxes,and telephone calls to place orders for computer components with its suppliers[6].By applying SOA practices to supply chain management, the MIDAS system that we have developed aims to elimi-nate or reduce substantially human intervention and,thus, reduces costs,yielding a more efficient supply chain.3The MIDAS ArchitectureMIDAS provides a dynamic environment for customers, manufacturers,and suppliers to cooperate as they have never done before.The MIDAS services in one enterprise dynamically interact with the MIDAS services in other en-terprises,which are dynamically accessed over the World Wide Web.MIDAS supports communication between the manufacturer and suppliers,even if the manufacturer did not have any prior business with them.The advantages of MIDAS for supply chain applications, and of the Service Oriented Architecture in general,are that it increases businessflexibility and lets businesses adapt more quickly to changing business needs.Moreover,it enables applications to be composed in a loosely-coupled fashion,and allows software services to be reused because it has been designed with modularity in mind.A Service Oriented Architecture is fronted by a clientuser interface,and end users see only the user interface.Al-though the MIDAS client user interface that we have de-veloped is specific to computers manufactured from com-ponents obtained from different suppliers.The underlying MIDAS architecture is general and can be reused by manu-facturers and suppliers of other kinds of products.Although we consider only a three-level supply chain and a single manufacturer here,the MIDAS strategy gen-eralizes to deeper supply chains with N levels,N≥3,as shown in Figure1,where a manufacturer is a supplier of the products it produces and a supplier is a manufacturer of the supplies it offers.Note that MIDAS is present at the enter-prises in the supply chain that act as both manufacturer and supplier.By considering the entire supply chain,MIDAS provides a better understanding of supply chain needs and faster adaptation to changing demand and supply.2e of MIDAS in the supply chainThe MIDAS system at the manufacturer consists of the following components:the Materials Manager,the Orders Manager,the Database(DB)Monitor,the Registry(Direc-tory Service),and the Quotes Manager.These components are shown in Figure2.Figure2.The components of MIDAS Customers obtain information,from the Materials Man-ager,about the materials that are available.According to the information in the Orders Database,the Materials Manager relates a material to its components and relates a component to supplies at one or more suppliers.Receiv-ing orders from customers,the Materials Manager passes the information to the Orders Manager.The Orders Man-ager inserts into the Orders Database information about the customer and products,that the customer is interested in purchasing,and manages the status of the components of each customer’s product order.On receiving an order,the Orders Manager informs the DB Monitor to scan the or-ders.The DB Monitor checks the Orders Database and de-cides,depending on the particular strategy chosen,whether to inform the Quotes Manager to initiate a search for sup-pliers and to communicate with them.The strategies used by the DB Monitor to decide whether or not to inform theQuotes Manager are discussed in Sections3.2and4.1.The Quotes Manager handles communication messages and re-lates Quote requests and Quote replies.The strategies used by the Quotes Manager to decide whether to stop collect-ing Quote replies and to make a decision on a supplier are discussed in Sections3.2and4.2.All of these components play a role in the different phases of an order from a customer.There are two phases in processing a customer’s order:•Waiting phase,which involves the collection of ordersfrom the customers before making a Quote request fora component from the suppliers•Quotes phase,which involves the collection of Quotereplies from the suppliers,and deciding on which sup-plier will provide the component.The MIDAS architecture has interfaces on the customer side and the manufacturer side.Each interface involves different components of MIDAS,and some components of MIDAS serve as a bridge between these two interfaces.3.1The Customer SideThe customer side of MIDAS deals with the cus-tomer/manufacturer communication and interaction.In-spired by Dell’s build-to-order model,it enables the cus-tomers to customize their orders using an order service that communicates with other services to obtain the components necessary to manufacture the product and also to arrange shipping andfinancing.In this way,customers are able to build their own customized products.The MIDAS architecture is based on the premise that it is the customer’s opinion that counts.MIDAS enables a cus-tomer to customize the products that the customer purchases by choosing the materials that constitute those products.A material consists of one or more components that are re-quired to make the product.A component is a supply that can be obtained from one of several suppliers.For example,a computer consists of components that include the proces-sor,memory chip,graphics card,network interface card, etc.For each component,there are one or more suppliers from which the manufacturer can obtain that component, and the manufacturer can select dynamically the supplier of that component.With MIDAS,customers are able to save their cus-tomized product orders for as long as two weeks before they decide to purchase.After receiving an order,the manufac-turer gathers the components together from the suppliers in order to produce the product.Customers are informed about the status of not only the material,but also the components that constitute the material.33.2The Manufacturer SideBy applying SOA practices to supply chain applica-tions,we aim to automate the supply chain and,thereby, reduce human intervention,errors,and costs.The cus-tomer/manufacturer interface receives information from the customer and displays the status of the customer’s orders. The manufacturer/supplier interface provides the following functionality:•Monitors orders•Searches for suppliers•Contacts related suppliers•Decides on the best supplier(s)from which to obtain componentsThe MIDAS system aims to meet the needs of the cus-tomers on time and to eliminate the need for a large inven-tory at the manufacturer.3.2.1The Orders ManagerMIDAS introduces the concept of logical inventory into supply chain management.Logical inventory is data,stored in the supply chain management system’s computers and databases and related to the collected customers’demands and the customers’orders.With logical inventory,the man-ufacturer does not need to maintain a large physical inven-tory in its warehouses.MIDAS assumes that the more orders the manufacturer accumulates the more gain it has.Purchasing thousands of items has a different per item price than the per item price of a single item.For this reason,the Orders Manager tries to accumulate as many orders for a particular component as it can.Thus,the Orders Manager collects orders for products from the customers and aggregates several instances of the components of the products for those customer orders.An order event is triggered when more than a specific number of items(instances of a component)are requested, a timeout occurs,a maximum waiting time is reached,or some combination of these criteria occurs.In contrast to physical inventory,a decision point is reached,and the processing of an order can start when one of these criteria is satisfied.3.2.2The Database MonitorTo keep track of orders,MIDAS employs a Database(DB) Monitor that scans the Orders Database for each product that might lead to the triggering of an order event.When the DB Monitor triggers an order event,it informs the Quotes Manager tofind appropriate suppliers and com-municate with them.The main problem for manufacturers that depend on their suppliers is that,if their suppliers are not available,the manufacturer’s supply chain system can-not progress.In a dynamic environment,the manufacturermust be able tofind new suppliers on demand and to satisfy the customers’needs in a timely manner.The DB Monitor makes a decision to inform the Quotes Manager using one of several strategies:•System user decides when to place orders•Timeout occurs at which an order needs to be placed•Threshold number of items from the different customerorders is reached•Combination of the timeout and the threshold numberof items•Average waiting time for a set of orders is reachedWhen the DB Monitor informs the Quotes Manager,the Quotes Manager initiates communication with the suppli-ers of the component,requesting the aggregated number of items.The DB Monitor retrieves information(supply ID, amount to order,average waiting time)about the compo-nents from the Orders Database.According to the strategy used,the DB Monitor decides whether a set of orders satis-fies the quote to be requested.3.2.3The RegistryThe Registry at the manufacturer keeps information about the suppliers,namely,the contact information for the sup-pliers and the products that they have to offer.A supplier registers itself and the products it has to offer in the Reg-istry.The manufacturer and the suppliers are assumed to use the same supply IDs,and the supply IDs are assumed to identify,uniquely,the supplies across the manufacturer and the different suppliers.Figure3shows the Registry and the communication links and protocols,aswell as the structure of the Registry,that MIDASuses.munication in MIDAS4In MIDAS,the Registry includes the contact informa-tion of each supplier and the supply IDs of the products that it offers.This choice assumes that the suppliers will not frequently update the supplies that they offer.If there are thousands of suppliers listed in the Registry,and it contains only contact information,the cost of sending Quote requests to all suppliers would be too high,particularly if there are only a few Quote replies from the suppliers.MIDAS still uses synchronization messages to update the Registry with the suppliers’contact information and supply IDs,but there are fewer of them.By not keeping price information in the Registry,MIDAS allows the manufacturer to negotiate the price with the supplier at which it is willing to buy.The supplier might accept the offered price or revise the quote and send a reply with an updated price.First,the supplier registers by communicating with the Registry at the manufacturer and passing current informa-tion about itself to the Registry.The supplier provides its contact information and the products that it sells.If there is a change(such as running its applications at a different URL or port,or offering new supplies),it is the supplier’s responsibility to inform the Registry.After registering,the supplier can receive Quote requests from the manufacturer. The Registry enables the manufacturer tofind relevant sup-pliers of the components it needs on demand.3.2.4The Quotes ManagerHaving decided on the suppliers with which it will com-municate,the Quotes Manager at the manufacturer sends quote requests to the suppliers initiating the second phase, the Quotes phase.After sending the quote requests,the Quotes Manager can use one of several strategies:•System user decides•Wait for quotes from all suppliers and decide •Wait for quotes from all suppliers until some number of replies is received•Wait for quotes from all suppliers until a specific time •Hybrid of time and number of items threshold •Average waiting time for suppliesIn MIDAS,the Quotes Manager at the manufacturer asks for quote information from the suppliers,related to the pro-posed price,the number of items,and the proposed delivery time.However,the manufacturer can define the number of items needed,the type of supply,and the delivery time ex-pected.Based on the suppliers’offers,the manufacturer can then update its Quote request and send the updated request to the supplier again.Figure4shows an example sequence diagram for the Quotes phase.In the example,the Quotes Manager could not communicate successfully with Supplier C,perhaps be-cause of a communication failure or unavailability of the suppliers’service.However,the Quotes Manager is awareof the total number of quotes that it sent and the number of Quote replies that it received.The Quotes Manager trig-gers events to make a decision on the suppliers with which it will do business.The decision point depends on the strat-egy used,and could be before the Quotes Manager receives Quote replies from all of the relevant suppliers.Having decided on a quote,the Quotes Manager then updates the status of the customer sale associated with the quote and informs the OrdersManager.Figure4.Quote requests and Quote repliesThus,there are two important decision points,shown in Figure4,that affect the time the customer has to wait to obtain information about a component’s price and delivery time.The Orders Manager tries to accumulate as many orders for a particular component as it can,while not in-creasing the average customer waiting time.Similarly,the Quotes Manager tries to make the delay to the customer as short as possible,while not missing better quotes that might appear after it has made a decision.4EvaluationWe have discussed different strategies that the DB Man-ager can use in the Waiting phase to aggregate orders from the customers before it triggers the Quotes Manager to com-municate with the suppliers.We have also discussed differ-ent strategies that the Quotes Manager can use in the Quotes phase when it accumulates replies from the suppliers.The delay for aggregating orders,delay AO,affects the delay for accumulating quotes,delay AQ,particularly if the supplier processes Quote replies sequentially.To evaluate the different strategies that the DB Manager and the Quotes Manager can use,we developed a simulation of the MIDAS supply chain system,in addition to our im-plementation.We considered two aspects:the customers’satisfaction level and the manufacturers’gain.The cus-tomers’satisfaction level is measured by the average cus-tomer response time,and the manufacturers’gain is mea-sured by the number of orders aggregated in each Quote request or the best price ratio of orders.54.1The Waiting PhaseFirst,we evaluated three of the strategies that the DB Manager can use in the Waiting phase:•Aggregating a specific number of orders •Timeout for a specific amount of time •Average waiting time for ordersFor each of these strategies,we fixed the delay due to the accumulation of Quote replies by the Quotes Manager and used the number of orders aggregated to measure the gain of the manufacturer.4.1.1Aggregating a Specific Number of OrdersThis strategy aggregates a specific number of orders before the Quotes Manager issues a Quote request to the suppliers.The experimental results are shown in Figures 5and 6.As we can see from Figure 5,the average customer re-sponse time increases with the number of orders aggregated.The customer response time consists of the waiting time for the order,delay AO ,and the quote time for the compo-nent,delay AQ .Thus,the response time for the customer is delay AO +delay AQ .In this experiment,the quote time de-lay,delay AQ ,is almost constant,because we used the strat-egy of obtaining replies from all of the suppliers.When more orders are aggregated,more orders wait for a longer time,which increases the waiting time for theorders.Figure 5.Relationship between the customer response time and orders accumulation Figure 6exhibits the conflict between customer satisfac-tion and manufacturer gain.Aggregating more orders ben-efits the manufacturer at the price of displeasing the cus-tomers.To keep the satisfaction of customers above a cer-tain level,we can consult the graph to find the correspond-ing number of orders that can be aggregated.4.1.2Timeout for a Specific Amount of TimeThe timeout strategy aggregates customer orders for a fixed amount of time and then the Quotes Manager issues a Quote request to the suppliers.The results for the timeout strategy are similar to those for the specific number of orders strategy.With a Poisson arrival rate,thenumberFigure parison of customer satisfac-tion and manufacturer gainof orders aggregated is proportional to the duration of the time period,which explains why the results for these two strategies are similar.4.1.3Average Waiting Time for OrdersIn the average waiting time strategy,the DB Monitor scans the orders received and computes the average waiting time for the orders in the database.If the average waiting time exceeds some threshold,these orders are processed and the Query Manager then sends a Quote request to the ing a Poisson arrival process,again we obtain a simi-lar curve for the customer response time.The reason is that,with Poisson arrivals,the longer the average waiting time is,the longer the delay AO is.Therefore,more orders are ag-gregated.However,the minimum customer response time for the average waiting time strategy is slightly smaller than that of the other strategies.If we choose a particular cus-tomer response time,the specific number of orders strategy outperforms the average waiting time strategy in terms of the gain of the manufacturer.However,it is not always the case that the specific num-ber of orders strategy is superior to the average waiting time strategy.For example,if the order arrival distribution is bursty with “spike”characteristics,the manufacturer is bet-ter off by adopting the average waiting time strategy,partic-ularly when the average response time is low.The specific number of orders strategy can use the long silent interval to aggregate orders to the specific number,which increases the delay AO .However,the average waiting time strategy can always process the orders in time when the threshold is low because it takes the delay AO into account.4.2The Query PhaseNext,we evaluated two of the strategies for collecting replies that the Quotes Manager can use in the Query phase:•Timeout for a specific amount of time •Average waiting time for the repliesFor each of these strategies,we used the average waiting time strategy in the Waiting phase and the best price ratio of orders to measure the gain of the manufacturer.64.2.1Timeout for a Specific Amount of TimeWhen the Quotes Manager collects replies from the sup-pliers,it waits for a specific amount of time,delay AQ .It ignores the late replies and fills the customer orders imme-diately.Because it doesn’t need to collect replies from all of the suppliers,this strategy reduces the customer response time compared to the strategy of collecting all replies.On the other hand,it cannot always obtain the best price from the suppliers,because the reply with the best price might come late and be ignored.The customer response time and the best price ratio in-crease with the timeout value.If the system waits more time for the replies,which increases the delay AQ ,the cus-tomer response time (delay AO +delay AQ )increases,and the probability that the best price is in a Quote reply in-creases.When the timeout value is close to 150,which is the maximum response time for the suppliers in our experi-ment,the best price ratio approaches1.Figure parison of timeout strategy and average waiting time strategy 4.2.2Average Waiting Time for the RepliesIn this strategy,if the average waiting time exceeds a certain threshold,the Quotes Manager stops collecting replies from the suppliers and completes the customer orders.Again,this reduces the customer response time compared to the strategy of collecting all replies,at the cost of reducing the best price ratio.The best price ratio for the average wait-ing time strategy approaches the maximum ratio quickly.Figure 7shows that the average waiting time strategy out-performs the timeout strategy in terms of the best price ra-tio.For a fixed customer response time,the average waiting time strategy always has a higher best price ratio than the timeout strategy.4.3Discussion of ResultsTo enhance the satisfaction of the customers,for exam-ple,by reducing the customer response time,the system should process orders as soon as possible.On the other hand,aggregating orders can benefit the manufacturer,byreducing the manufacturer’s costs.There is always a con-flict between the customer and manufacturer,so a balance point must be found.According to the simulation results,if we fix the maximum customer response time,we can find the maximum number of orders that can be aggregated.The strategies used in the Waiting phase have similar per-formance under the Poisson arrival distribution.The cus-tomer response time increases for each strategy evaluated.The specific number of orders strategy has slightly better performance than the average waiting time strategy in terms of the number of orders aggregated.However,the average waiting time strategy outperforms the specific number of or-ders strategy if the order arrival distribution is bursty,when the customer response time is relatively small.The strategies used in the Query phase try to reduce the response time by controlling the number of Quote replies received.The best price from the suppliers might not be captured because not all of the Quote replies are taken into account.The timeout strategy and the average waiting time strategy in the Query phase reduce the customer response time at the cost of degrading the best price ratio.The av-erage waiting time strategy approaches the maximum best price ratio more quickly than the other strategies,having better performance in terms of the best price ratio criterion.5Related WorkThe MIDAS system for supply chain management aims to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of supply chains,in particular the customers’satisfaction level and the man-ufacturers’gain.Other researchers [4],who have a similar goal,base their business model on the four criteria of profit,lead time,performance,and promptness of delivery.They analyze supply chain performance at two levels,the chain level and the operation level.At the chain level,objectives associated with the criteria are set for each supply chain stage to satisfy customer service targets and to select the best supply chain management strategy.At the operation level,manufacturing and logistics activities are optimized for the given targets.Other researchers [9]have investigated the use of UML for building a flexible supply chain business model.They regard a supply chain as five view models with four busi-ness domains,where each domain consists of functions,re-sources,processes,interactions,and business rules.How-ever,they do not provide a system that illustrates their ap-proach,as we do for MIDAS.The MIDAS architecture,which is inspired by Dell’s build-to-order model,enables customers to build their own customized products before they order.Other researchers [17,19]have investigated customization in the supply panies other than Dell are now considering,or should be considering,the build-to-order model in order to achieve higher profitability.7。
moscMOSC: Messaging-Oriented Service ComputingAbstract:Messaging-Oriented Service Computing (MOSC) is an emerging paradigm in the field of distributed computing. It combines concepts and technologies from messaging systems and service-oriented architectures to provide a scalable and robust platform for building distributed applications. This document provides an overview of MOSC, its key features, and its potential applications in various domains.1. IntroductionIn traditional distributed computing models, applications communicate with each other through various mechanisms like remote procedure calls (RPC) or message passing interfaces (MPI). These mechanisms often require complex integration efforts, manual message parsing, and may not be suitable for dynamic and loosely coupled systems. MOSCaddresses these challenges by providing a messaging-oriented approach to service computing.2. Key Features of MOSC2.1 Messaging ParadigmMOSC leverages a standardized messaging infrastructure to enable communication between distributed components. Messages are exchanged asynchronously, decoupling the sender and receiver, and enabling loose coupling. This messaging paradigm simplifies the integration effort, allows for better scalability, and enhances fault tolerance in a distributed system.2.2 Service-Oriented ArchitectureMOSC employs a service-oriented architecture (SOA) where services are the fundamental building blocks. Services encapsulate business logic and expose their functionality through well-defined interfaces. These services can be easily discovered, composed, and invoked using messaging mechanisms provided by MOSC. This modular and reusable approach enables easy system extensibility and maintenance.2.3 Event-Driven ProgrammingMOSC embraces event-driven programming, where events trigger interactions between components. Events can be messages arriving at a particular service or notifications from external systems. By using a messaging infrastructure, MOSC enables efficient event handling and processing, making it suitable for real-time and event-intensive applications.2.4 Scalability and Fault ToleranceMOSC supports horizontal scalability by enabling the deployment of multiple service instances across multiple machines. Load balancing mechanisms ensure even distribution of workload, enhancing system performance. Additionally, MOSC provides fault tolerance through its messaging infrastructure, allowing recovery from failures and ensuring continuous operation.3. MOSC ArchitectureThe MOSC architecture consists of three main components: messaging infrastructure, service registry, and service instances.3.1 Messaging InfrastructureThe messaging infrastructure provides the backbone for message exchange between services. It includes messaging brokers, queues, and topics. Messages are sent to queues by producers and consumed by consumers using standard messaging protocols like AMQP, JMS, or MQTT. The messaging infrastructure ensures reliable message delivery, routing, and scalability.3.2 Service RegistryThe service registry acts as a central repository of available services in a MOSC environment. It provides service discovery, allowing clients to locate and invoke services. The registry keeps track of service endpoints, their interfaces, and any additional metadata. Service registration and discovery can be implemented using technologies like UDDI or a lightweight directory access protocol.3.3 Service InstancesService instances are the actual implementation of the services offered in a MOSC environment. These instances execute the business logic and interact with other services through the messaging infrastructure. Each service instance is registered with the service registry, making it discoverable to other components.4. Applications of MOSC4.1 Internet of Things (IoT)MOSC is well-suited for IoT applications where billions of devices need to communicate and exchange information. By utilizing a messaging infrastructure, MOSC enables seamless connectivity and efficient event-driven processing. It can handle the large-scale data streams generated by IoT devices and support distributed decision-making.4.2 Cloud ComputingMOSC can be used in cloud computing environments to build scalable and loosely coupled applications. The messaging-oriented approach allows services to be dynamically added or removed based on demand, enabling agile and elastic systems. MOSC can help in integrating various cloud services and provide a unified messaging layer across the cloud infrastructure.4.3 Financial ServicesMOSC can be applied in the financial services domain to provide real-time analytics and processing capabilities. By leveraging the event-driven nature of MOSC, financial institutions can react to market changes faster and make informed decisions. The messaging infrastructure ensures reliable and secure communication between different components of the financial ecosystem.5. ConclusionMessaging-Oriented Service Computing is a promising paradigm for building scalable and robust distributed applications. By combining messaging systems with service-oriented architectures, MOSC provides a flexible and efficient platform for decoupled communication. Its key features,including the messaging paradigm, service-oriented architecture, event-driven programming, and scalability, make it suitable for a wide range of applications. As technology continues to evolve, MOSC is expected to play a crucial role in shaping the future of distributed computing.。
软考高级架构师技术选型40题1. In a large-scale e-commerce project, which of the following cloud computing services is most suitable for handling the peak traffic during the shopping festival?A. IaaSB. PaaSC. SaaSD. Serverless答案:A。
解析:IaaS( 基础设施即服务)提供了最大的灵活性和对底层基础设施的控制,能够根据需求快速扩展资源以应对高峰流量。
PaaS( 平台即服务)侧重于提供平台环境,对于处理突发的大规模流量扩展相对受限。
Serverless 适用于一些特定的短时间、低资源需求的任务,对于持续的高峰流量处理可能不够稳定。
2. For a financial company that needs to ensure high data security and compliance, which cloud computing model is the best choice?A. Public cloudB. Private cloudC. Hybrid cloudD. Community cloud答案:B。
解析:Private cloud(私有云)提供了最高级别的控制和安全性,能够满足金融公司对数据安全和合规性的严格要求。
Public cloud( 公有云)共享资源,安全性和合规性可能难以完全满足金融公司的特殊需求。
Hybrid cloud( 混合云)结合了公有云和私有云,但在数据安全和合规方面仍不如私有云直接和可控。
Community cloud( 社区云)共享程度较高,安全性和定制化程度不如私有云。
3. When choosing a cloud computing provider for a startup with limited budget and rapid growth expectations, which factor should be given the highest priority?A. CostB. ScalabilityC. SecurityD. Support services答案:B。
be referred to 的用法
be referred to 的用法be referred to英/bi rɪˈfɜːd tu/美/bi rɪˈfɜːrd tu/被称为;被提到双语例句1.The core of service-oriented architecture is the service. However, Why the concept of service will be referred to such a high position?面向服务的体系结构核心是服务,那么为何服务这个概念会被提到如此高的程度上来呢?让我们先从互联网说起。
2.Logistics has not only been in a transition from tradition to modernity rapidly, but also be referred to an unprecedented level, and its importance and strategic position in economic development become more and more prominent.物流不但实现了由传统向现代的快速转型,更被提到了前所未有的高度,在经济发展中的重要作用和战略地位也越来越突出。
3.It was resolved that the matter be referred to a higher authority.经过表决决定把这件事提交给上级主管部门。
4.The relative items in this report will be referred to the committee for discussion.把这份报告中的有关事项提交委员会讨论。
5.If there were four Williams in one village, one might be referred to as William the son of John.村子里一共有四个威廉姆斯,其中一个可能是指约翰的儿子威廉。
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A Service Oriented Architecture for ManagingOperational StrategiesNektarios Gioldasis, Nektarios Moumoutzis, Fotis Kazasis, Nikos Pappas, andStavros ChristodoulakisLaboratory of Distributed Multimedia Information Systems & Applications,Technical University of Crete – TUC/MUSIC{nektarios,nektar,fotis,nikos,stavros}@ced.tuc.grAbstract. In this paper we present a case study where an e-business platform(OPERATIONS) has to be built in order to manage the operational strategies ofa high volume coastal company. The platform is intended to support multipleoperational scenarios that have to be executed when emergency situations orsudden changes of scheduled events unfold. In order to properly integrate allthe involved parties that may take part in such a scenario, the system mustsupport multiple interaction patterns according to the communication channeland the device that is used. Thus, its design must take into account multi-channel delivery of functionality and information. The design of the systemfollows a Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) in order to properly integrateback-office data sources and legacy systems with new required applicationextensions providing a complete e-business platform. The core business logictier of the system is a Process Oriented Platform (POP) that is able todynamically generate the appropriate workflows, to orchestrate the constituentservices and to execute complex operational scenarios interacting with involvedusers and systems in a multi-channel fashion. Finally, appropriate knowledgebases have been defined to support the storage, evaluation, and evolution of theexecuted scenarios and to provide valuable Business Activity Monitoringinformation to the company’s administration.Keywords:Service Oriented Architecture, SOA, Process Oriented Platforms, POP,Multi-channel delivery, Service Orchestration, Business Process Integration &Management1. IntroductionThe ultimate goal of the OPERATIONS platform is to provide a state-of-the art and reliable e-business environment supporting a regional coastal company. The company has a fleet of eleven modern and luxurious ships operating in the Aegean, Ionian and Adriatic Sea. In an attempt to improve its internal processes, to provide better services to its customers, and to capture and exploit its internal knowledge, the company asked for a requirements analysis and system architecture that satisfies its needs. The proposed e-business platform will be used to deploy and monitor in an extensible manner all the operational strategies and related processes of the company using multi-channel delivery of services and standard descriptions of operationalscenarios. These scenarios represent procedures of major significance that today are either not considered at all or done in an empirical basis and it is consequently difficult to evaluate their impact on the economic indicators of the company. Such scenarios that are going to be managed by the OPERATIONS system are:• Management of emergency situations (e.g. mechanical breakdowns) that obstruct normal voyage.• Management of urgent events that happen on-board (e.g. man on the sea, sudden death of a passenger, incidents that need special medical treatment).• Management of changes on scheduled events (e.g. mass cancellations of reservations, cancellation of a scheduled trip).• Management of passenger and/or vehicle overbooking due either to company policies or external events.• Optimized cargo fitting dynamically, taking into account various constraints, and coordination of involved personnel.It should be stressed that the above scenarios refer to polymorphic user roles that are impossible to manage at a strategic level without a system like OPERATIONS. Moreover they encapsulate numerous legal, spatial, temporal, economic and technical constraints arising from both the actual situations in which these scenarios unfold and the external environment (including e.g. legal framework for voyage safety) of the company. The dynamic nature of this setting calls for innovative technical solutions in order to reduce risks, increase flexibility, maintain low adaptation-times to changes in the external environment and increase the capability of the company to analyze and improve its performance by monitoring and reengineering its operational strategies.One of the most important parts of this project is the software architecture, which is presented in this paper. The platform will be built on a multi-tier architecture that clearly distinguishes the application logic (presentation tier), the business logic (services or middleware tier), and the underlying IT infrastructure of the company (back-office tier). Knowledge bases are used to store scenarios’ descriptions, user roles, as well as scenarios’ instances. A well defined interface is used for the communication with the back-end systems of the company. The platform will be built following a Service Oriented Architecture. We strongly believe that this approach is the most suitable for such a system. According to the Gartner, by 2007 SOA will be the dominant strategy (more than 65%) of developing information systems. Moreover, the core business logic tier of the architecture will be a Process Oriented Platform (POP) in order to dynamically set the appropriate workflows of primitive services according to operational scenarios. Operational scenarios are well-defined manifests that drive the construction and execution of service oriented workflows.The rest of this paper is organized as follows: In section 2 we mention the current state-of-the-art of the main technologies which will be utilized in the development of the OPERATIONS platform, while in section 3 we provide two typical scenarios that are to be supported by the proposed system. Section 4 illustrates the core platform architecture and section 5 concludes the paper.2. State-of-the-ArtService Oriented Architectures [1] has been proposed by W3C as reference architectures for building Web-based information systems. Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) refers to an application software topology according to which business logic of the applications is separated from its user interaction logic and encapsulated in one or multiple software components (services), exposed to programmatic access via well-defined formal interfaces. Each service provides its functionality to the rest of the system as a well-defined interface described in a formal markup language and the communication between services is platform and language independent. Thus, modularity and re-usability are ensured enabling several different configurations and achieving multiple business goals.Web Services technology is currently the most promising methodology of developing web information systems. Web Services allow companies to reduce the cost of doing e-business, to deploy solutions faster and to open up new opportunities. The key to reach this new horizon is a common program-to-program communication model, built on existing and emerging standards such as HTTP, Extensible Markup Language (XML) [4], Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) [5], Web Services Description Language (WSDL) [2] and Universal Description, Discovery and Integration (UDDI) [6]. However, the real Business-to-Business interoperability between different organizations requires more than the aforementioned standards. It requires long-lived, secure, transactional conversations between Web Services of different organizations. To this end, a number of standards are under way. Some of these (emerging) standards are the Web Services Conversation Language (WSCL) [7], the Web Services Flow Language (WSFL) [8], the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) [9], the Web Services Choreography Interface (WSCI) [10], the Web Services Coordination Specification (WS-Coordination) [11], the Web Services Transaction Specification (WS-Transaction) [12], and the Business Transaction Protocol (BTP) [13]. With respect to the description of service’s supported and required characteristics the WS-Policy Framework [3] is under development by IBM, Microsoft, SAP, and other leading companies in the area.On the other hand, other no “standard” languages and technologies have been proposed for composing services and modeling transactional behavior of complex service compositions. Such proposals include the Unified Transaction Modeling Language (UTML) [14], [17] and the SWORD toolkit [15]. UTML is a high level, UML-compatible language for analyzing, composing, designing, and documenting extended transaction models based on a rich transaction meta-model. Transaction nodes can be implemented by web services that exhibit specific transactional characteristics. The final design can be exported in XML format and thus it can be easily transformed to a web service description. SWORD is a toolkit that facilitates the process of service matchmaking in order to develop composite value – added services.In the multi-channel delivery area, the main technologies referenced in this paper are the following:• WAP (Wireless Application Protocol) [19] is a secure specification that allows users to access information instantly via handheld devices.• Short Message Service (SMS) is the transmission of short text messages, usually to and from a mobile phone. Messages must be no longer than 160 alpha-numeric characters and contain no images or graphics.• Multimedia Message Service (MMS), a store-and-forward method of transmitting graphics, video clips, sound files and short text messages over wireless networks using the WAP protocol. Carriers deploy special servers, dubbed MMS Centers (MMSCs) to implement the offerings on their systems.• E-mail service is a simple and widely used service that is supported by the majority of the devices (including the hand-held) and could be used by a system that aims to implement multi-channel access. Technical specifications of SMS and MMS services can be found at [18].• With the introduction of the Java 2 platform Micro Edition (J2ME) [20] the role of mobile wireless devices was enhanced from voice-oriented communication devices with limited functionality into extensible Internet-enabled devices. The use of Java Technology makes the application adequate for dynamic delivery of content, provides satisfactory user interactivity, ensures cross-platform compatibility and allows the offline access. Especially the offline access that allows the applications to be used without active network connection is of great importance since it reduces the transport costs and alleviates the impact of possible network failures. 3. Operational ScenariosThe OPERATIONS platform will be used in real operational scenarios such as management of emergency situations and urgent events that happen on-board, management of changes on scheduled events, overbooking situations, and dynamic optimized cargo fitting. These envisaged scenarios represent complex procedures that involve company’s personnel, clients, and other external parties. The final decisions for the successful implementation of such scenarios including a detailed action plan will be supported by the OPERATIONS e-business platform in two complementary ways: First by coordinating all necessary flow of information and messages to the involved parties so that all actions are taken in correct order and by the most appropriate actor. Second, by retrieving, processing and presenting critical information from the company’s extended IT Infrastructure so that alternatives could be efficiently evaluated and actions could be taken efficiently. Moreover, the execution history of the scenarios are finally filled in the OPERATIONS Knowledge Base for further off-line analysis and future use in similar situations, thus providing a formal way of expressing and reusing corporate knowledge that today more or less exists in a tacit manner.To make things clear, consider the scenario of figure 1. An emergency or urgent event takes place on-board (step 1 of the scenario) and requires immediate treatment.A preliminary evaluation of the situation is done on-board by the authorized personnel (step 2) and immediately three complementary procedures are triggered:• A detailed evaluation is initiated on-board (step 3) to investigate what are the details of the problem.• The administration of the company is notified (step 5) about the event and starts working on possible solutions. The authorized people start to elaborate on a detailed assessment (step 7) on possible alternatives based on real cost estimations of each alternative (step 8) as well as hidden costs estimations (9) that refer tovarious factors including issues that could not be immediately quantified such as the credibility of the company. The alternatives considered at this time remain at a higher level, waiting for more detailed information about the exact problem and the readiness of the personnel that is necessary to handle the alternative solutions.• Appropriate alerts are issued to the personnel considered as critical for the resolution of the problem and the implementation of the possible measures that could be taken (step 4). The involved persons may be on-board, on the land (at ports or in company’s headquarters) or in other ships of the company that sail nearby. Some time later, the information about the readiness of the involved personnel starts coming and the personnel found to be ready to respond is brought into stand-by mode (step 6).The information about possible alternatives, available personnel, and detailed evaluation of the problem is gathered to help find the optimal solution considering costs, company’s policies and other critical constraints such as time, availability of supplies, customer satisfaction (or dissatisfaction), other related problems that could arise etc. This final assessment guides the final decision (step 10) that refers to a set of necessary measures along with a detailed schedule that takes into account all dependencies among the needed tasks. Then, all corresponding measures are taken (step 11) by issuing proper orders to the involved personnel (step 12), notification messages and corresponding acknowledgements to suppliers and other external parties involved (step 13) and possible notification messages to customers (step 14) that include both passengers on-board and customers that have made reservations for the next days that should be changed. The authorized personnel supervises the activities and finally, after the successful finish of the scenario, a final cost could be computed and the whole process could be filed (step 16) for future consideration and analysis.This envisaged scenario is handled today in an empirical basis and in fact some of the steps illustrated in figure 1 are not at all taken or done in an ad-hoc way. For sure, there is no final evaluation and filing of the process (step 16) that leads to repetition of possible missteps in the future. Neither detailed cost estimations (steps 8 and 9), nor detailed monitoring of the implementation of the measures decided (steps 11, 12, 13, 14) is done due to high overheads and the great number of message exchanges induced.This will change dramatically with the introduction of the OPERATIONS e-business environment which will be capable for handling the necessary message exchanges, exploiting multiple communication channels, processing the big amount of information necessary to evaluate alternatives, developing detailed action plans, coordinating the implementation of the measures and finally evaluating the actual costs endured, and storing the evolution of the scenario for future analysis and use. Note that this filing feature can be used for more knowledgeable future management of similar scenarios as it can provide information for cost estimations (steps 8 and 9), and action plans (steps 10 and 11), thus increasing responsiveness and overall efficiency of the company. It could also provide other valuable information such as concrete indicators of the efficiency and performance of personnel and external partners.Fig. 2.situationFigure 2 illustrates yet another class of possible scenarios that are distinguished from the previous one because they do not require immediate involvement of the company’s administration. These scenarios refer to sudden changes on scheduled events and overbooking situations. As soon as such a situation is detected (step 1 of the scenario in figure 2), the authorized personnel elaborates a detailed plan of necessary measures (step 2). This plan takes into account similar situations that have happened in the past (step 3) and currently is handled empirically based on tacit knowledge and experience (the plan today usually exists in the mind of some of the most efficient employees of the company). Having decided on how to handle the problem, proper changes are made to reservations (step 4) triggering some notification messages to interested customers. At the same time, suppliers are communicated to handle necessary changes (step 6) after evaluating possible alternatives (step 7). The scenario finishes on reception of acknowledgements about the measures taken and leads to filing of the whole process (step 8).One could make similar comments as the ones made in the previous scenario with respect to the current management of such kind of situations: empirical management, high overheads, no final recording of the evolution of the scenario, dependence on experienced personnel to coordinate the activities.Using the OPERATIONS e-business environment and corresponding multi-channel communication (affecting mainly steps 4, 5, 6, and 8) a detailed action planon the optimal alternative could be elaborated and efficiently deployed, monitored and filed at the end. Successful scenarios could be re-used or properly adapted in the future (used as input to steps 4, 6 and 7) reducing processing times and possible risks. In addition, scenario analysis could provide concrete indicators of customer satisfaction as well as of the efficiency and performance of personnel and external partners.4. System ArchitectureThe OPERATIONS platform adopts a multi-tier Service Oriented Architecture that clearly distinguishes the application logic (presentation tier), the business logic (services tier), and the underlying company’s extended IT infrastructure (back-office tier). This approach ensures the company’s investment in IT infrastructure and middleware tiers (through appropriate application integration using a service based approach) and supports modular deployment of both device specific user interfaces through multi-channel delivery of services and new or adapted operational processes and strategies. All connectivity interfaces are based on standard specifications. The architecture provides mechanisms for receiving, managing and coordinating information or service requests and corresponding messages, through the appropriate middleware components residing at the presentation tier at the one side and to the back-end systems of the company at the other. In addition the architecture incorporates sophisticated knowledge bases where scenarios and user roles are stored.Figure 3 illustrates this architecture and clearly separates the presentation logic, the business logic, and back-office infrastructure. The service-based business logic components implement the various scenarios that reside in the Knowledge Bases using the information from the company’s IT infrastructure and coordinating all flow of information and messages through multi-channel delivery mechanisms.4.1 Application Logic and multi-channel deliveryA variety of devices (e.g. mobile phones, PDA's, laptops, PC's) and external partner servers are the client devices of the proposed system, exchanging formatted data via standard protocols. The external partner servers will have immediate access to the public business logic web services. The users will be using different devices that run device specific software (special applications, e-mail client, or web browsers). For example the cellular phone users could access the OPERATIONS system, using the SMS service or use mobile services (WAP, e-mail) or run special J2ME/MIDP applications, connecting to the server using a dialup or the more advanced GPRS connection (for a detailed description of these alternative see section 4.5 of this document). Special logic will be developed in the server-side presentation layer that dynamically discovers the device capabilities and redirects the information to the appropriate application logic adapters that, according to the capabilities of the device, will handle the interactions with the user, adapt the content and deliver it via the appropriate gateway. Thus, the presentation layer provides essentially a multi-channel information delivery that is a key feature of the system. It will be the front-end of the company's infrastructure, web servers, application servers and legacy systems, so that the same content could be efficiently delivered to different user devices.Fig. 3. The OPERATIONS Platform Architecture4.2 Business Logic and scenarios supportThe business logic is captured and implemented in the middleware through utilization of transactional services and complex orchestrated services guided by operational scenarios residing in the knowledge bases. This way, Process Oriented Architecture (POP) is followed which distinguishes between primitive organizational activities, complex operational processes and operational scenario specifications, monitoring and evaluation.4.2.1 OPERATIONS Knowledge-BasesThese are sophisticated components capable of storing standard descriptions of operational scenarios as well as scenarios instances. The scenarios stored are the driving force for the business logic services and especially for the execution and coordination of complex orchestrated services. They are used as well-defined and set down manifests for specific orchestrations of primitive transactional services. These scenarios are referencing the data and database transactions of the components of company’s IT extended infrastructure so that they can fully exploit them. Finally, the knowledge bases contain standard descriptions of user roles (in the context of the available scenarios), providing this way behavioural patterns for all involved users ina particular scenario.4.2.2 Operational strategies creation, adaptation and monitoringThis is one of the major system components. Using OPERATIONS’ Knowledge-Bases, the company can monitor its day-to-day operation and evaluate various alternatives with respect to adaptation of existent or the introduction of new operational strategies. It can thus closely evaluate the performance of its personnel, its external partners or the response of customers to existing products and services. It can also deploy adapted or create new operational strategies by creating or modifying the corresponding descriptions of scenarios and user roles. This is done with high-level tools and methodologies that hide the complex implementation details encapsulated by the business logic components of the system. Scenarios will be modelled and described with the Unified Transaction Modeling Language (UTML) [17] which is a high level language for analyzing, modeling, designing and documenting advanced transaction models and workflows for web applications. UTML is a UML based language providing a flexible and extensible transaction meta-model along with a UML compatible notation system for visualizing the design process of web transactions and services. The notation system utilizes and extends UML finite state machines and state-chart technologies to describe the execution scenarios of the designed transactions. The UML compatibility of the language makes it a candidate for describing complex transactional scenarios. This holds due to the visual nature of UML and its multi-level (conceptual, specification, and implementation modelling) usage which greatly facilitates the description of complex business or software processes. A software tool is available that supports the design process with UTML and provides correctness checking based on built-in well-formedness and well behaving rules. It is an extension of the Rational Rose industrial UML design tool and provides description of the final UTML design into XML format. The description isbased on an XML schema which has been developed to support transparent transaction description.4.2.3 Transactional servicesThe transactional services component integrates and provides the functionality and information of the back-office resources and applications in a platform and data independent manner. It does so, by providing primitive transactional services which directly interact with the underlying functionality and resources wrapping them accordingly, providing this way a transparent layer of interoperability. When called, this component retrieves the service descriptors, sets up the execution environment and issues appropriate execution requests to the resource providers.Transactional services are used by the service orchestration component to compose new complex services. Transactional services are considered as the primitive services of the system that have access to the back-end systems. The purpose of these services is to perform standard transactional processing. These transactions are mapped to specific operations for the back-office systems, using the vendor specific programming interfaces. Thus, messages, sent through the multi channel access, are finally executed through transactions mapped to functions of the back-office systems.4.2.4 Orchestration of servicesIn this component, primitive transactional services are orchestrated accordingly to support involved business processes of the company. An embedded workflow engine is used to handle and execute compositions of existing services provided by the system and supports long-lived transaction processing. The orchestration done by this component is guided by the operational scenarios residing in the knowledge bases. In order to support the implementation and orchestration of complex operational scenarios, a mapping is required that transforms the scenario descriptions in the knowledge bases to appropriate service-based execution specifications (e.g. WSFL, BPEL4WS, BPML, etc.). Moreover, the notion of compensation is also supported, to allow the engine to reverse actions that have taken place if something goes wrong with the process.4.2.5 Public Web ServicesThis component promotes orchestrated or primitive services as autonomous public web services to the outside world. These services will constitute the public interface of the company to the outside world and will be accessed by external users and partners. There are two important reasons for separating private from public business logic when building systems like OPERATIONS:• The first is that businesses obviously do not want to reveal all their internal data management, decision making and processing logic to the outside world.• The second is that, by separating public from private logic provides to businesses the freedom to change private aspects of the process implementation without affecting the public protocols and interaction patterns.4.3 Company’s IT Extended InfrastructureThe base layer of the architecture consists of the core IT Infrastructure of the company including the extensions and enhancements to be realised in the context of the project. It is essentially the back-office component of the system consisting of a number of different modules including:• Human Resource Management• Customer Relationships Management• Supply Chain Management• Ship maintenance• Multiple Warehouses’ Management• AccountingThis is the major pool of information and functionality for transactional services that communicate through standard Application Programmatic Interfaces (APIs).5. SummaryIn this paper we presented the architecture for an e-business platform that will be used to support the operational strategies of a high volume coastal company. The followed approach uses a Service Oriented Architecture in order to provide a reliable, integrated, configurable and extensible environment that will be able to serve multiple business goals and operational scenarios.Additionally, multi-channel deliver of information and functionality has been taken into account and appropriate components have been defined that will ensure ubiquitous access of system’s functionality through multiple communication channels and terminal devices.The core business logic tier of the system is a Process Oriented Platform inspired by the SOA principles. It utilizes primitive services, dynamic workflow generation, and orchestration of services to serve multiple business goals in dynamic way.The implementation of the OPERATIONS platform starts with the wrapping of the company’s IT infrastructure and continues with the development of the primitive transactional services that will export this functionality, along with new extensions, to the rest of the system. The next step is the development of the Knowledge Bases and the scenario modeling and representation. Afterwards, the service orchestration will take place and the definition of the public web services. During these steps, prototype interfaces will be developed to facilitate the iterative system testing and evaluation. Then, the presentation tier will be finally developed to support all the multi-channel interaction models that are needed in the envisaged environment.6. References1. “Web Services Architecture”, W3C, /TR/2002/WD-ws-arch-20021114/。