LG 2011年第二季度业绩报告













同样,面临亏损煎熬的还有LG Display液晶显示屏业务。







• • • 时间:2011年4月21日-28日 时间: 年 月 日 日 地点:上海新国际博览中心 地点: 主题: 创新·未来” 主题:“创新·未来”
2011上海 上海 车展, 款 车展,75款 新车全球首 有宝马6 发,有宝马 系Coupe、 、 保时捷 znamera Turbo S等 等 豪华车型, 豪华车型, 也有我们熟 悉的上海大 众全新 PASSAT、 、 雪佛兰科迈 罗。
热爱我的热爱 我的雪佛兰在路上 雪佛兰”热爱之旅“城市路演乌鲁木齐站 活动时间:2011年5月28日 活动地点:二宫体育馆
试驾体验 争抢照相的大黄蜂
——专访宝马车主 我有一颗年轻的心 ——专访宝马车主
一个人的成功取决于他的渴望程度,渴望度越是强烈,离成功也就越近,一个成功人士自然也会有一辆代表他性格 的爱车,所以说成功的含义有很多种,代表着一个人的成功车型也会有很多种,而今天我们的主角,杭州娃哈哈新疆分 公司的总经理傅新先生就是一个成功人士的代表,30多岁的他事业做得非常成功,同时也是一位非常有年轻活力的人士。
2011年第二季度 年第二季度 汽车市场情况汇总
• • • • •
2011年4-6月汽车行业分析 年 月汽车行业分析 2011第十四届上海国际汽车工业博览会 第十四届上海国际汽车工业博览会 2011新疆亚欧国际车展 新疆亚欧国际车展 第二季度新疆区域特色汽车活动 软文
2011年第二季度汽车市场关键词 : 年第二季度汽车市场关键词1: 年第二季度汽车市场关键词


i 臁 辍
诺格公司 2 1 0 在 美 国 及 国外 的 所 得 税 总计 1年 集 成防务 系统 部 2 1 0 1年净销售 额的减 少主要是 99 .7亿 美 元 ,2 1 0 0年 为 46 .2亿 美 元。2 1 年 的 实 由于来 自美国海军项目和国际 “ 0 1 爱国者 ”项 目销售 收 际税率为 3 % ,而 2 1 23 0 0年只有 1 .%。 5 9 入的减少 。另外 ,集成防务 系统部 2 1 年 共签订 了 0 1 39 亿 1 4 航空航天 系统分部 2 1 年销 售额下降 了 41 价 值 6 .2 美元 的合 同,主要包 括总计 价值 3 .7 0 1 .%,
雷神公 司发布2 1 01 年业绩报告
公 司 2 1 年 的 净销 售 额达 到 2 9亿美 元 ,比 2 1 0 1 4 00
值 18 .3亿美元 的情报 、监视 和侦察 (S IR)系统项 目
据 雷 神公 司 网 站 2 1 0 1 2 2年 月 6日报 道 ,雷神 合 同以及共计价值 1 . 5 5 4亿美元的多份保密合同。 导弹 系统部 2 1 年净销 售额 的减少主要 是由于 0 1
s try n fo rm ti a o
n yi l &璧as _l n 。 鹜毒 l 蕞s

长 ,营业利润的增长主要是 由于较 高的销 售收入和项 A tu si r m公 司2 1 01 年经营业绩
目绩效的改进 。该部 门 2 1 年签订了总价值超过 2 0 1 1
主要由于气象卫星项 目、J me b a sWe b空间望远 镜减 亿美 元的多项 全球 “ 爱国者 ”导弹防御 系统项 目订 单 少 了投资 ,以及其它 几个航 天项 目数量的减少 ,另外 及 “ 爱国者 ”导弹防御系统服务支持项 目订 单 ,以及



K = Units in thousands
9% 1% 1 36% 82%
3,760 $24,667
3,472 $15,700
Revenue Units K $M Units K
Revenue $M
Sequential Change
Units Revenue
Year/Year Change
Units Revenue
Product Summary Desktops (1) Portables (2) Subtotal CPUs iPod Other Music Related Products and Services (3) iPhone and Related Products and Services (4) iPad and Related Products and Services (5) Peripherals and Other Hardware (6) Software, Service and Other Sales (7) Total Apple
14% 10% #DIV/0! #DIV/0! 1% 0% 5% - 16% 9% 97% 3% - 17% - 4% 8% 113% - 11% - 6% 16%
15% 13% 14% - 20% 142% 183%
21% 14% 16% - 14% 29% 150% 179% 31% 8% 82%
Year/Year Change
Operating Segments Americas Europe Japan Asia Pacific Retail Total Operating Segments
Units K
1,217 995 155 596 797







其中,轿车销售63.37万辆,同比增长1.70%;MPV销售2.94万辆,同比增长16.53%; SUV销售10.52万辆,同比增长49.54%;交叉型乘用车销售19.90万辆,同比增长11.30%。



1. 1.6升及以下排量乘用车占比略有下降2月,1.6升及以下乘用车销售68.11万辆,占乘用车销售市场的70.41%,比上月下降0.19个百分点;销量同比增长0.8%,同比增速低于乘用车市场1.77个百分点。





第10责任编辑:周道E-mail :Financial ·85上市公司2011年业绩快报(8)第10证券代码证券简称2011年净利润(万元)同比增长(%)2011年每股收益(元)2011年净资产收益率(%)300018中元华电3841.28-12.910.30 5.78300019硅宝科技5021.4917.280.4911.52300020银江股份8297.0227.920.3512.66300021大禹节水2981.77 1.800.117.13300022吉峰农机7472.3812.500.2112.24300023宝德股份862.70-33.670.10 2.51300025华星创业3663.40-7.720.3112.13300027华谊兄弟20137.6934.970.3312.52300028金亚科技4384.44-18.490.17 6.25300029天龙光电6971.12-18.350.35 5.76300030阳普医疗3579.3623.340.24 5.91300032金龙机电4114.11 2.580.29 4.96300033同花顺6336.34-30.570.47 5.77300035中科电气4074.86-8.080.34 5.52300036超图软件4679.22 3.810.398.86300038梅泰诺2770.557.830.30 3.67300040九洲电气3973.83-23.840.29 4.48300041回天胶业7202.38-17.980.688.43300042朗科科技1821.2625.590.27 2.26300043星辉车模8114.9845.310.5111.17300044赛为智能2825.1710.320.28 5.24300045华力创通6136.5921.860.468.88300017网宿科技5498.9343.670.367.26300013新宁物流1065.96-爱尔眼科17141.5942.480.4013.17300047天源迪科8142.9530.940.527.90300049福瑞股份5332.9913.820.437.65300050世纪鼎利8827.19-53.410.41 5.69300051三五互联2528.10-中青宝2306.58-35.060.18 2.59300053欧比特3597.0119.850.18 5.99300054鼎龙股份5247.7121.730.588.70300057万顺股份8219.580.520.196.24300058蓝色光标12107.56100.540.6713.14300061康耐特1172.48-26.780.20 3.04300062中能电气5821.1319.680.388.67300063天龙集团1915.84-25.500.29 3.03300064豫金刚石14061.5585.060.4611.83300065海兰信3341.39 4.570.60 5.62300066三川股份6262.26-5.140.607.35300068南都电源7131.74-12.640.24 2.76300069金利华电2486.04-5.130.32 5.34300070碧水源34450.5194.68 1.0711.18300071华谊嘉信3777.6313.040.368.65300072三聚环保9506.3065.340.498.57300073当升科技244.88-92.930.020.29300075数字政通5200.07 3.890.62 5.77300076宁波GQY 4407.00-14.730.42 4.21300079数码视讯20422.2836.900.919.25300081恒信移动1553.93-33.050.23 1.94300083劲胜股份6409.39-14.840.32 5.38300087荃银高科2167.48-33.870.21 3.85300088长信科技15241.1630.100.6112.48300090盛运股份7219.9835.160.287.39300091金通灵6278.16 4.170.307.75300092科新机电2641.42-19.090.29 4.96300093金刚玻璃4488.922.700.215.54证券代码证券简称2011年净利润(万元)同比增长(%)2011年每股收益(元)2011年净资产收益率(%)002579中京电子3451.42-14.360.397.40002583海能达14696.9826.490.5912.16002585双星新材38333.830.25 2.1117.73002586围海股份7516.4332.470.7913.66002587奥拓电子3360.87-30.370.4610.36002588史丹利24738.5440.70 2.1718.05002592八菱科技7941.388.98 1.3626.56002593日上集团9819.9117.530.5312.23002594比亚迪140350.90-44.380.617.07002595豪迈科技21487.7314.22 1.2316.68002596海南瑞泽6165.34-28.180.5310.05002599盛通股份3624.65-13.320.329.55002600江粉磁材4925.72-39.430.18 5.46002601佰利联35947.50122.32 4.4932.59002602世纪华通14144.74-10.920.9515.82002603以岭药业45407.1143.89 1.1720.49002604龙力生物8651.50-4.670.5410.39002606大连电瓷5524.04-25.620.6613.67002607亚夏汽车9078.0020.23 1.2419.79002608舜天船舶18460.03-16.47 1.5113.47002610爱康科技16299.9460.640.9519.65002611东方精工7594.0077.250.6722.01002578闽发铝业5757.5410.080.377.90002576通达动力5844.47 1.360.508.86002577雷柏科技9188.56-16.540.789.00002616长青集团7890.8016.580.6614.64002617露笑科技5126.40-11.930.5311.24002618丹邦科技5590.77 6.130.4312.86002619巨龙管业5075.14 1.930.6715.74002620瑞和股份7276.3020.65 1.1219.34002622永大集团9168.6310.950.7719.27002623亚玛顿21428.23-1.79 1.6527.21002624金磊股份5430.947.260.6921.21002625龙生股份4215.55 1.400.7121.03002626金达威13375.45-5.49 1.8925.08002629仁智油服7191.3319.340.7921.30002630华西能源10260.1915.210.8011.37002631德尔家居8825.15-9.760.7223.22002633申科股份3920.31 2.730.5114.49002634棒杰股份4714.0419.320.9221.24002635安洁科技9073.8163.510.9815.74002636金安国纪7700.54-23.610.3614.10002639雪人股份8764.089.490.7121.67002640百圆裤业6872.2558.20 1.3736.76002644佛慈制药3055.76-40.370.508.94002645华宏科技6033.7834.32 1.2131.20002647宏磊股份8479.21 6.940.6720.34002648卫星石化62384.09104.02 4.1674.80002649博彦科技7087.0428.120.9420.44002650加加食品15978.1423.03 1.3337.47300002神州泰岳35226.717.430.9313.19300004南风股份8416.5435.320.4510.81300006莱美药业8010.3682.600.4413.46300007汉威电子6443.8552.250.5511.79300009安科生物6457.9524.230.3412.26300010立思辰7504.1723.840.3211.38300012华测检测9463.5837.750.5112.68周道E-mail :*******************Financial ·Wealth86All Rights Reserved.第10证券代码证券简称2011年净利润(万元)同比增长(%)2011年每股收益(元)2011年净资产收益率(%)300200高盟新材4386.5311.520.447.81300201海伦哲2471.75-37.330.33 4.73300202聚龙股份7215.4479.450.9314.66300203聚光科技17471.087.920.4113.95300205天喻信息3074.35-41.010.42 4.13300206理邦仪器5927.23-10.220.657.15300207欣旺达8206.7930.910.489.65300208恒顺电气4989.8621.100.7810.65300212易华录6637.2374.52 1.0813.78300213佳讯飞鸿5157.70 5.850.679.88300214日科化学9902.4421.910.8213.59300215电科院8772.0043.87 1.0911.50300216千山药机5155.1013.980.8610.99300219鸿利光电7301.6816.080.6614.70300221银禧科技5215.14 4.330.5811.05300222科大智能5422.8310.31 1.0114.04300226上海钢联3864.0543.22 1.0816.82300227光韵达2114.47 1.690.3610.59300228富瑞特装7077.9256.25 1.2418.65300229拓尔思7339.0521.700.7014.71300230永利带业5154.1941.940.6616.41300231银信科技3445.4028.650.9818.53300195长荣股份15882.0798.29 1.2917.64300193佳士科技10895.8511.170.527.38300194福安药业9472.73-23.070.767.35300232洲明科技5160.31-7.880.7614.11300235方直科技2625.25-25.850.6814.16300236上海新阳3896.618.500.5216.72300237美晨科技5032.94-38.03 1.018.84300239东宝生物2467.1514.090.3717.56300240飞力达8428.3914.830.9016.40300241瑞丰光电3327.20-24.370.3610.28300242明家科技2541.93 3.910.3419.92300243瑞丰高材3847.58-11.900.8417.02300245天玑科技5429.6024.360.9518.06300247桑乐金4620.99 1.760.6612.34300249依米康3684.6518.800.5513.88300251光线传媒17573.6055.76 1.8819.64300252金信诺3279.02-41.720.367.83300253卫宁软件4532.7928.24 1.0219.67300255常山药业7079.9717.630.7914.53300256星星科技5747.81 6.090.6913.22300257开山股份29385.6444.35 2.4723.31300260新莱应材5336.3525.710.9623.41300262巴安水务2235.16-28.210.4110.54300266兴源过滤4633.6718.55 1.0219.90300267尔康制药11786.5277.340.7927.68300268万福生科6143.2210.58 1.1217.84300270中威电子3656.39 6.00 1.1524.66300278华昌达4682.1852.100.7224.98300280南通锻压5246.930.260.5519.21300281金明精机5332.0530.97 1.1817.73300284苏交科13117.4238.210.7326.41300287飞利信4397.6531.370.7030.61600051宁波联合22738.5833.450.7513.13600183生益科技44989.75-15.530.4313.23600391成发科技4784.001.840.263.40证券代码证券简称2011年净利润(万元)同比增长(%)2011年每股收益(元)2011年净资产收益率(%)300098高新兴3329.87-17.750.37 4.03300100双林股份13407.7628.760.9616.02300101国腾电子4778.09-15.280.34 6.61300104乐视网13112.1187.050.6013.06300106西部牧业3856.1712.900.337.16300107建新股份2171.36-58.470.16 2.76300108双龙股份2733.2712.100.407.49300109新开源2511.499.070.357.35300110华仁药业8761.1614.800.417.63300111向日葵3356.75-86.640.07 2.13300112万讯自控2509.01-18.510.23 5.96300113顺网科技6369.0140.240.488.90300116坚瑞消防1195.65-49.650.15 2.49300118东方日升8496.98-69.120.24 3.39300122智飞生物19639.59-23.520.499.01300123太阳鸟4462.0739.550.32 5.57300124汇川技术34158.2055.03 1.5814.36300125易世达5179.06-21.730.44 4.97300126锐奇股份7439.9137.420.498.03300128锦富新材10018.4120.770.508.73300129泰胜风能5461.03-50.000.25 4.09300131英唐智控2000.23-34.410.20 3.92300097智云股份1600.70-40.810.27 3.98300094国联水产2142.34-72.800.061.30300095华伍股份1075.86-67.930.142.02300132青松股份2240.69-47.170.19 4.26300133华策影视15408.2960.210.8012.46300134大富科技19867.30-20.790.628.46300137先河环保4015.09-13.950.264.73300138晨光生物7400.1216.490.827.97300139福星晓程7618.2026.76 1.397.09300140启源装备3967.19-19.680.335.08300142沃森生物20752.8134.39 1.387.82300145南方泵业9703.4144.050.6710.26300147香雪制药8362.0912.700.346.10300151昌红科技3366.52-17.180.39 4.79300152燃控科技7170.5515.550.66 5.34300154瑞凌股份11222.2427.350.508.73300155安居宝5938.90-6.110.33 5.87300156天立环保9047.38-5.230.567.21300157恒泰艾普8546.1018.800.48 5.48300159新研股份7881.5252.550.878.71300160秀强股份9765.5664.12 1.0710.64300161华中数控2907.86-45.510.28 3.32300162雷曼光电3312.87-14.980.25 4.92300167迪威视讯2594.53-34.470.39 4.00300168万达信息8176.1453.780.707.08300170汉得信息9325.3147.370.5910.84300173松德股份3945.080.220.4618.95300175朗源股份5838.0618.850.259.95300176鸿特精密3004.66-29.380.35 6.73300186大华农16646.0820.530.6710.05300187永清环保3506.09-16.030.56 5.92300188美亚柏科6137.2749.52 1.2211.86300189神农大丰5932.45-3.630.40 5.77300190维尔利4773.54 5.740.92 6.84300191潜能恒信7949.0131.681.069.51责任编辑:周道E-mail :Financial ·87(转下页)All Rights Reserved.第102011年上市公司主要财务数据一览(7)周道E-mail :*******************Financial ·Wealth88证券代码证券简称净利润(万元)同比增长(%)每股收益(元)净资产收益率(%)股东户数(户)股东增减幅度(%)600279重庆港九9116.0645.830.27 5.4936483-3.75600284浦东建设20493.28-10.240.498.20575457.79600309烟台万华185390.0321.150.8627.64915008.13600312平高电气1740.59382.960.020.6468187-20.28600365*ST 通葡390.53———0.03 2.8921229-0.63600420现代制药12003.2511.030.4215.6128641-4.19600449宁夏建材35330.50-37.11 1.8111.0732708 6.27600452涪陵电力1001.52———0.06 3.0217705-3.51600458时代新材23315.2816.920.4514.7964947-4.57600459贵研铂业3718.92-26.210.25 4.8935636 3.74600460士兰微15322.15-40.110.359.103587314.01600475华光股份13638.42-3.910.5311.61222727.22600482风帆股份6937.8542.370.15 6.0578652 1.42600495晋西车轴9971.78128.150.33 6.9357177-15.13600516方大炭素61404.3951.280.4819.34164085 5.05600517置信电气16419.26-48.660.2712.9330921-36.37600565迪马股份7374.3831.250.10 6.61801950.90600568中珠控股18305.74148.16 1.1022.311451928.55600593大连圣亚464.50-11.140.05 1.685997-10.08600605汇通能源587.5441.210.04 1.2716790 4.05600610SST 中纺564.33-36.370.02 2.9620311-0.02600638新黄浦23653.1811.000.427.9285501-2.28600702沱牌舍得19520.87155.250.5810.0540130 6.27600706ST 长信-2188.00-899.11-0.25———6455-5.28600712南宁百货5833.78-祁连山33248.83-32.330.7012.2785326-1.05600724宁波富达63807.5988.210.4420.9827940-6.34600727ST 鲁北2785.5777.510.08 2.7038379-4.16600740山西焦化5328.03-17.020.09 4.34114916 2.76600815厦工股份57327.31-6.630.7416.6467350 4.20600844丹化科技-29442.02-2266.70-0.38-26.1442561 1.32600880博瑞传播39384.4624.050.6321.3742210-0.80601877正泰电器82426.2828.960.8218.77252144.49600227赤天化9285.43-25.890.10 2.74124735-3.13600118中国卫星23256.1610.980.3312.1463118-10.58600121郑州煤电11593.65-10.440.18 6.28939330.00600125铁龙物流50365.13 5.720.3914.6575519-8.01证券代码证券简称净利润(万元)同比增长(%)每股收益(元)000001深发展A 1027863.1063.572.47000008ST 宝利来-53.95-160.68-0.01000423东阿阿胶85616.6247.05 1.31000511银基发展3296.20 6.860.03净资产收益率(%)19.24-0.7327.772.11股东户数(户)272946873451080173175股东增减幅度(%)-0.460.61-15.74-1.96000522白云山A 26108.5627.520.5621.31845000.95000530大冷股份8162.11-华映科技34672.92-0.760.5013.5013186 1.13000539粤电力A 35632.19-53.470.13 3.50142570-2.08000605ST 四环-183.36———-0.02-3.487220-6.72000693S*ST 聚友-6065.85-1012.95-0.32———12641-14.33000759中百集团26678.246.320.3910.3243564-5.05000777中核科技5781.6110.520.27 6.2061726-3.19000793华闻传媒25577.5410.320.1910.03113188 1.29000795太原刚玉11260.011017.220.4137.34876620.63000822山东海化38891.43793.190.4310.97102224 4.54000831*ST 关铝632.67———0.0144.38772340.00000885同力水泥24074.0487.350.9517.922226920.76000888峨眉山A 14509.9631.560.6217.198308-20.82000901航天科技5996.47-14.650.247.5842701 2.49000948南天信息9430.8836.790.457.5327318 2.76000965天保基建25194.2017.640.5511.43176360.20000968煤气化20664.54-12.020.40 6.796350915.18000973佛塑科技50310.39190.640.8231.9793681 2.05000975科学城2997.09———0.05 3.2551245-9.69000999华润三九76044.76-6.810.7817.3732579-9.18002050三花股份36588.3916.00 1.2313.986351-0.92002067景兴纸业12528.22 1.140.27 5.3450497-3.03002070众和股份6871.52-18.730.18 6.2118091-10.90002224三力士4449.75-27.920.289.1912905-6.39002251步步高26009.1852.200.9615.7195710.44002296辉煌科技9557.0011.490.5414.571100945.49002320海峡股份20605.439.750.6311.2817846-4.33002321华英农业8520.6650.630.588.781803811.12002342巨力索具16806.97-12.920.187.662437824.80002405四维图新28143.5420.850.5912.792822227.94002442龙星化工12222.9768.570.3811.1122543-2.36002458益生股份23406.09393.43 1.6723.77929333.14002463沪电股份32789.280.540.3910.4937611 3.94002470金正大43645.9839.150.6215.0431127-10.96002518科士达8413.94 6.290.73 6.991319511.51002532新界泵业6019.27 1.710.387.501930011.05002541鸿路钢构21234.8731.57 1.6217.609706 1.40002566益盛药业9648.4110.090.9310.4116303-0.53300034钢研高纳6439.0538.630.307.371300411.17300070碧水源34450.5194.68 1.0711.1212354-8.07300090盛运股份7219.9835.160.287.9811618 1.48300108双龙股份2733.2712.100.407.804836-9.10300127银河磁体14400.02168.150.8914.9117576 4.31300147香雪制药8349.6912.530.34 6.0917274 3.18300216千山药机5155.1013.980.8611.972236-2.02300254仟源制药3534.40-26.340.329.6711225 3.05300275梅安森6108.0243.55 1.3220.302969———300282汇冠股份2264.19-19.820.6611.775616———600116三峡水利6577.08证券代码证券简称2011年净利润(万元)同比增长(%)2011年每股收益(元)2011年净资产收益率(%)600664哈药股份58298.00-48.420.369.05600723首商股份34567.43770.000.5316.51600742一汽富维42809.20-24.97 2.02———600787中储股份39750.6143.130.479.52600866星湖科技8768.59-69.230.16 5.22600872中炬高新13129.4333.610.167.45601699潞安环能383593.0011.62 1.6728.32601888中国国旅67260.0164.240.7615.28600626申达股份21577.667.140.3011.68600581八一钢铁48155.51-8.310.6313.77600612老凤祥52294.2378.97 1.2028.20(接上页)All Rights Reserved.。













同时,国外的竞争对手更具备实力,包括德国H-F 公司、荷兰VMI 公司、斯洛伐克Matador A.S.公司等。




LG reported a 90 per cent drop in operating profit at its handset business in the second quarter, largely because the company failed to remain competitive in the increasingly important segment for advanced, internet- enabled mobile phones.
The changes at the two companies reflect the challenges phone makers face in trying to catch up with fast-changing market trends, especially as demand for smartphones has grown more quickly than expected. Although Nokia remains the world’s largest mobile phone maker by volume, it has not produced a device to match the commercial success of Apple’s iPhone or the fast-growing range of smartphones featuring Google’s Android operating system.
此前诺基亚(Nokia)高层最近也发生变动。芬兰企业诺基亚聘请了曾主持微软(Microsoft)企业部门的加拿大人斯蒂芬?艾洛普(Stephen Elop),以便跟上苹果(Apple)和Google在智能手机领域的创新。

















Contacts:Investors and Analysts: Jackson KellyT +01 404.676.7563 Media:Kent LandersT +01 404.676.2683 The Coca-Cola Company Global Public Affairs & Communications Department P.O. Box 1734Atlanta, GA 30301T +01 404.676.2683THE COCA-COLA COMPANY REPORTSSECOND QUARTER AND YEAR-TO-DATE 2011 RESULTSSecond quarter performance ahead of Company long-term growth targets Global volume and value share gains realized in total nonalcoholic ready-to-drink (NARTD) beverages and across both sparkling and still beverages ∙Strong worldwide volume growth of 6% in both the quarter and year-to-date, with growth across all five geographic operating groups. Excluding new cross-licensed brands, primarily Dr Pepper brands, worldwide volume was up 5% in both the quarter and year-to-date. International volume was up 6% in the quarter and year-to-date.∙North America volume was up 4% in the quarter and grew 5% year-to-date. Excluding new cross-licensed brands, North America volume was even in the quarter and grew 1% year-to-date.∙Worldwide volume growth was led by brand Coca-Cola, up 4% in the quarter and up 3% year-to-date.∙Second quarter reported EPS was $1.20, up 18%, with comparable EPS at $1.17, up 10% and ahead of our long-term growth target. Year-to-date reported EPS was $2.02, up 18%, with comparable EPS also at $2.02, up 9%.∙Second quarter reported net revenue and comparable net revenue were both $12.7 billion, up 47%, reflecting solid growth in concentrate sales, a 6% currency benefit, positive price/mix and the acquisition of Coca-Cola Enterprises’ (CCE) NorthAmerican operations in the fourth quarter of 2010. Year-to-date reported net revenue and comparable net revenue were both $23.3 billion, up 44%.∙Second quarter reported operating income was $3.2 billion, up 15%, with comparable operating income of $3.4 billion, up 18%, reflecting strong top-line performance, a 6% currency benefit and the acquisition of CCE’s North American operations, partially offset by increased commodity costs. Year-to-date reported operating income was $5.5 billion, up 10%, with comparable operating income of $5.9 billion, up 14%,including a 4% benefit from currency.∙Coca-Cola Refreshments (CCR) integration efforts are on plan, with expected 2011 net cost synergies of $140 to $150 million.∙Company-wide productivity initiatives are well on track to slightly exceed the upper end of our original targeted range of $400 to $500 million in annualized savings by year-end 2011, the final year of the four-year program.ATLANTA, July 19, 2011– The Coca-Cola Company reports strong second quarter and year-to-date 2011 operating results, meeting or exceeding our long-term growth targets and gaining volume and value share in total NARTD beverages. Reported worldwide volume grew 6% in both the quarter and year-to-date. Excluding new cross-licensed brands in North America, primarily Dr Pepper brands, worldwide volume grew 5% in the quarter and year-to-date. We achieved broad-based volume growth in the quarter across each of our five geographic operating groups, with growth of 7% in Eurasia and Africa, 7% in Pacific, 6% in Latin America, 5% in Europe and 4% in North America. Excluding new cross-licensed brands, North America volume was even in the quarter and grew 1% year-to-date.In the quarter and year-to-date, we grew global volume and value share in NARTD beverages, with share gains across most beverage categories. We continued to see growth in sparkling beverages, with worldwide brand Coca-Cola volume growth of 4% in the quarter driven by a number of global markets, including 24% in China, 17% in Russia, 7% in Mexico, 7% in France, 6% in Germany and 2% in Japan. Worldwide sparkling beverage volume grew 5% in the quarter (4% excluding new cross-licensed brands in North America), with international sparkling beverage volume growing 5%.Worldwide still beverage volume grew 7% in the quarter, led by growth across the portfolio, including juices and juice drinks, sports drinks, ready-to-drink teas, energy drinks and water brands. Still beverage volume in the quarter grew 10% internationally and 1% in North America. Minute Maid Pulpy continues to expand globally and achieved 35% growth in the quarter. Water grew 10% in the quarter with a focus on innovative and sustainable immediate consumption packaging like our PlantBottle™ in the U.S. and our Eco Crush bottle for the I LOHAS brand in Japan.Muhtar Kent, Chairman and CEO of The Coca-Cola Company, said, ―We are pleased with our second quarter performance results. We completed the second quarter of 2011, and the sixth quarter of our 2020 Vision, by delivering results ahead of our long-term growth targets. Importantly, we are delivering these strong results at a time when global macroeconomic conditions are at best mixed. This serves to underscore how, together with our global bottling partners, we are decisively investing in the future and executing our 2020 Vision from a position of real strength.―Even as consumers around the world continue to feel the impact of a slow economic recovery, they increasingly choose our brands to refresh themselves at a rate of over 1.7 billion servings each and every day. Our strong revenue and profit results, combined with our worldwide share gains and positive price/mix, attest to the strength ofour global system. With our 2020 Vision as our roadmap, we continue to sharpen our focus on execution by getting very clear on those priority actions we need to take to deliver in the near term while also preparing for 2020 today.―During this past quarter, we officially celebrated Coca-Cola’s 125th anniversary.And while it is wonderfully rewarding to celebrate our past, we remain constructively discontent and resolutely focused on our future. Our proven track record of creatingvalue over time is a testament to this dynamic commercial enterprise and business that has just begun to reach its potential. That is why, as we look ahead to 2020 andbeyond, we remain confident in our ability to achieve our long-term targets and todeliver sustainable profitable growth and value for our shareowners .‖OPERATING REVIEWUnit Case Volume Net Operating Rev enues Operating Income ComparableCurrencyNeutralOperatingIncomeTotal CompanyEurasia & AfricaEurope Latin America North America Pacific Bottling Inv estments Three Months Ended July 1, 2011% Fav orable / (Unfavorable)Six Months Ended July 1, 2011 % Favorable / (Unfavorable) Unit Case Volume Net Operating Revenues Operating Income ComparableCurrencyNeutralOperatingIncomeTotal CompanyEurasia & AfricaEuropeLatin AmericaNorth AmericaPacificBottling InvestmentsEurasia & Africa∙Our Eurasia and Africa Group’s volume increased 7% in the quarter, with year-to-date volume up 8%. Reported net revenue for the quarter increased 15%, reflectinga 6% increase in concentrate sales, positive price/mix of 6% and a currency benefitof 3%. Concentrate sales in the quarter slightly lagged unit case volume due to timing of shipments and the cycling of a prior year change in supply point. Reported operating income increased 8% in the quarter. Comparable currency neutraloperating income increased 10% in the quarter driven by the increase in revenue and improved gross margin due to business mix, partially offset by increasedinvestments in the business.∙In Eurasia and Africa, sparkling beverages grew 6% in the quarter, with brand Coca-Cola growing 8%, and still beverages grew 14%. Eurasia and Africa grew volume share and maintained value share in total NARTD beverages. Excluding the acquired Nidan juice volume, still beverages grew 9% in the quarter. Volume in Russia, including Nidan, was up 9% in the quarter and 16% year-to-date, and we gained volume and value share in total NARTD beverages. Brand Coca-Colaposted its sixth consecutive quarter of double-digit growth in Russia, up 17% in the second quarter and led by a fully integrated marketing campaign. Despitegeopolitical challenges in the region, volume in our Middle East and North Africa business unit grew 8% in the quarter. Sub-Saharan Africa volume grew 6%.Volume in Turkey was up 12% driven by 5% growth in brand Coca-Cola. Indiavolume grew 8% in the quarter, our 20th consecutive quarter of growth, while cycling 22% volume growth in the prior year quarter.Europe∙Our Europe Group’s volume in the quarter grew 5%, with year-to-date volume up 3%. Reported net revenue for the quarter grew 10%, with 4% concentrate sales growth and a 7% currency benefit partially offset by unfavorable price/mix. Revenue and price/mix this quarter continued to be impacted by a change in the system value split with our wholly owned bottler in Germany, implemented in third quarter 2010.The system value split unfavorably impacted price/mix by 1% in the second quarter.Reported operating income was up 4% in the quarter. Comparable currency neutral operating income declined 1% in the quarter due to the change in the system value split and the cycling of prior year marketing expenses, partially offset by positive volume growth and pricing in Northwest Europe and Nordics.∙Volume growth in the quarter was positive across all business units, driven by 7% growth in Germany, mid single-digit growth in Central and Southern Europe as well as in Northwest Europe and Nordics and 3% growth in Iberia. Volume this quarter benefited from the Easter holiday and favorable weather. Sparkling beverage volume grew 5% in the quarter. Brand Coca-Cola grew 6% and Coca-Cola Zero grew 17% in the quarter as we leveraged Coca-Cola’s 125th anniversary campaign as well as our continued focus on driving revenue growth management. Our still beverages inEurope continued to grow, up 5%, driven by tea, energy drinks and water. Werealized NARTD share gains across Europe including France, Germany and Great Britain.Latin America∙Our Latin America Group’s volume grew 6% in the quarter, with year-to-date volume up 7%. Reported net revenue for the quarter increased 13%, reflecting concentrate sales growth of 5%, a 7% currency benefit and positive price/mix of 4%. This growth in reported net revenue was partially offset by the effect of structural changes as a result of the sale of our 50% ownership in Leao Junior resulting in its deconsolidation effective third quarter 2010. Reported operating income was up 17% in the quarter, with comparable currency neutral operating income up 8%, primarily reflectingfavorable volume growth and pricing, partially offset by continued investments in the business.∙Strong volume growth in the quarter was led by 10% growth in Mexico and 7% growth in the South Latin Region. Brazil volume was up 1% in the quarter.Sparkling beverages grew 5% in both the quarter and year-to-date, driven bycontinued growth of brand Coca-Cola, up 4% in the quarter in Latin America and up 7% in Mexico. Trademark Sprite was up 8% in the quarter and 7% year-to-date.Still beverages grew 13% in the quarter and 15% year-to-date. This growth was driven by a strong focus on immediate consumption transactions through continued investments in cold drink equipment and refillable packaging.∙During the quarter, the Latin America Group gained volume and value share in total NARTD beverages, driven by volume and value share gains in both sparkling and still beverages. In a quarter marked by poor weather and rising food inflation,Brazil’s focus on single-serve and returnable packaging resulted in continuedvolume and value share gains in both sparkling and still beverages, including strong gains in juices and juice drinks and sports drinks. Mexico also posted strong volume and value share growth in the quarter in total NARTD, sparkling and still beverages.Still beverage gains were driven by juices and juice drinks, sports drinks and ready-to-drink teas.North America∙Our North America Group’s volume grew 4% in the quarter and 5% year-to-date.Excluding new cross-licensed brands, primarily Dr Pepper brands, North America organic volume was even in the quarter and up 1% year-to-date, with continued volume and value share gains across total NARTD beverages. Reported netrevenue for the quarter increased 141%, primarily reflecting the acquisition of CCE’s North American operations. Concentrate sales growth was 3% (including newcross-licensed brands). We achieved 1% to 2% positive retail pricing in the quarter and remain committed to achieving 3% to 4% retail pricing in the second half of the year to help offset higher commodity costs. Second quarter reported operatingincome grew 46%. Comparable currency neutral operating income grew 62% in the quarter, primarily r eflecting the acquisition of CCE’s North America n operations and growth in the underlying business, partially offset by higher commodity costs and the timing of marketing expenses as we conformed the newly acquired North American bottling business to our accounting policies.∙Sparkling volume was up 6% in both the quarter and year-to-date. Excluding new cross-licensed brands, principally Dr Pepper, organic volume for sparklingbeverages declined 1% in the quarter and year-to-date, impacted by the cycling of prior year customer-funded promotional activity and a continued challengingeconomic environment. We gained sparkling beverage volume and value share in the quarter. Coca-Cola Zero delivered double-digit volume growth for the 21stconsecutive quarter, up 12%, driven by strong marketing and continuing growth in foodservice. Fanta grew for the fourth consecutive quarter, up 7%, with strong retail activation.∙North America still beverage volume grew 1% in the quarter and 4% year-to-date, led by Powerade growth of 9% and Gold Peak tea growth of 38% in the quarter.During the quarter, we gained volume share and maintained value share in total still beverages, with volume and value share gains across multiple still beveragecategories, including sports drinks, energy drinks, ready-to-drink teas and coffees, and packaged water. Overall the juice category was soft in the quarter as we led industry pricing to offset commodity costs, while still growing Simply and expanding the availability of single-serve packaging. Both vitaminwater zero and smartwater continued to grow double digits in the quarter.Pacific∙Our Pacific Group’s volume grew 7% in the quarter, with year-to-date volume up 6%.Second quarter results were driven by 21% growth in China and 16% growth inSouth Korea. Concentrate sales for the quarter reflect bottler inventory growth inChina and Japan in advance of the peak summer selling season as well as Japanbottlers replenishing inventory losses experienced as a result of the natural disasters earlier this year. This was partially offset by a reduction in concentrate sales as aresult of the transition to a new supply point in Southeast Asia. Reported netrevenue for the quarter grew 21%, primarily reflecting 13% concentrate sales growth and an 11% currency benefit partially offset by unfavorable 3% price/mix. Reported net revenue includes the positive impact of Japan bottlers replenishing inventory in the quarter after the natural disasters earlier this year. Reported operating income increased 21% in the quarter. Comparable currency neutral operating income grew 10% in the quarter, reflecting higher concentrate sales due to the Japan inventoryreplenishment and timing of marketing expenses.∙Japan volume grew 1% in the quarter, reflecting the progress our Japan business has made in recovering from the earthquake and tsunami. Brand Coca-Cola was up 2% in the quarter on continued solid momentum for the brand, driving share gains in core sparkling beverages. Single-serve I LOHAS water has become the leader in overall value in packaged water, driving strong volume and value share gains in the quarter, and Ayataka green tea was up 72% in the quarter as a result of the brand’s renewal in March. We still anticipate challenges in the remainder of the year as we continue to execute our Japan business plan to ensure we are meeting evolving customer and consumer needs.∙China volume grew 21% in the second quarter, driven by a renewed focus on core brands, continued distribution gains and expansion of cooler facings. Sparklingbeverages achieved strong volume growth of 23%, driven by growth in brandCoca-Cola. In addition, Minute Maid Pulpy grew 36% in the quarter, supported by the ―Burst of China Joy‖ integrated marketing campaign. As a result, w e gained volume and value share in sparkling beverages and juices and juice drinks. As our business and the industry in China continue to evolve, we are introducing a wider variety of packages to promote affordability and enhance the consumer experience with our brands, all witha focus to drive increased transactions and profitable growth and to continue buildingbrand equity with consumers.Bottling InvestmentsOur Bottling Investments Group’s volume grew 5% in the quarter on a comparable basis after adjusting for the effect of structural changes, principally the sale of the Norway and Sweden bottlers. Reported volume was even in the quarter. Thegrowth in comparable volume was primarily driven by China, Germany and India.Reported net revenue for the quarter grew 5%. This reflects the 5% growth in unit case volume, positive price/mix of 4% and a currency benefit of 7%, partially offset by the effect of the structural changes. Reported operating income in the quarter declined 23%. Comparable currency neutral operating income declined 21% in the quarter. Excluding the impact of structural changes, comparable currency neutral operating income declined 2%. This reflects the increase in revenues and change in the system value split in Germany as well as the benefits of disciplined capitalinvestments and expense management, offset by higher commodity costs andcontinued investments in our in-market capabilities.FINANCIAL REVIEWSecond quarter reported net revenue was up 47%, with comparable net revenue also up 47%. This reflects a 6% increase in concentrate sales, a 6% currency benefit, positive price/mix and the acquisition of CCE’s North America n operations, partially offset by the effect of structural changes. Concentrate sales in the quarter were broadly in line with unit case volume. The positive price/mix in the quarter reflects international and Bottling Investments Group price/mix of 2%. In addition, we achieved 1% to 2% positive retail pricing in North America, with additional incremental pricing programs in place for the second half of 2011 that will enable us to deliver 2% to 3% positive retail pricing for the full year in North America. This reflects our fundamental belief in executing pricing within a disciplined commercial framework that considers rate increases in concert with occasion-based package mix levers, balancing overall category health with volume, value and pricing growth. As a result, we grew global NARTD value share for the 16th consecutive quarter, driven by global share growth across sparkling and still beverages.Reported cost of goods sold was up 69% in the quarter. Comparable cost of goods sold was up 68% in the quarter, driven by a 6% increase in concentrate sales, a 6% currency impact and the acquisition of CCE’s North America n operations, partially offset by the impact of structural changes, principally the sale of the Norway andSweden bottlers. Higher commodity costs, particularly in our finished goods businesses in the Bottling Investments Group and Coca-Cola Refreshments, continue to impact cost of goods sold as well. Items affecting comparability primarily included gains on commodities hedging.Reported SG&A expenses increased 54% in the quarter. Comparable SG&A expenses increased 53% in the quarter. This increase reflects a 6% currency impact and was primarily driven by the acquisition of CCE’s North America n operations, including the timing of marketing expenses,which will primarily reverse in the fourth quarter, as we conformed the newly acquired North American business to our accounting policies. The increase also reflects our continued investment behind our bottling operations. Structural changes, principally the sale of the Norway and Sweden bottlers, reduced comparable currency neutral SG&A expenses by 5%.The Company has expanded certain commodity hedging programs as a result of our acquisition of CCE’s North American business. The Company uses derivatives as economic hedges to mitigate such risks as those associated with commodities and currency exposure. As a result of the expansion of our commodity hedging programs, in the fourth quarter of 2010 we began to exclude the impact of the net mark-to-market adjustments related to these economic hedges from our non-GAAP financial information until the period in which the underlying exposure being hedged impacts our consolidated statement of income. This quarter we included $26 million of previously excluded net gains, primarily related to commodities hedging. These gains are reflected in the Reconciliation of GAAP and Non-GAAP Financial Measures schedule.Second quarter reported operating income increased 15%, with comparable operating income up 18%. Items affecting comparability reduced second quarter operating income by $177 million in 2011 and by $78 million in 2010. In both years these items included restructuring charges and costs related to global productivity initiatives as well as costs related to the CCE transaction. Currency had a 6% benefit on comparable operating income in the quarter partially offsetting the impact of increased commodity costs. Including our hedge positions and the cycling of our prior year rates,we estimate currencies will have a mid single-digit positive benefit on operating income for the full year.On a year-to-date basis, our share repurchases now stand at $1.1 billion, although some of these repurchases have been offset by other treasury stock activity, primarily related to the exercise of employee stock options. We were not buying shares under our share repurchase program for most of the quarter as we considered strategic alternatives. However, we are planning to purchase at least $2.5 billion in shares under our existing share repurchase program by year end.Second quarter reported EPS was $1.20, an increase of 18%, with comparable EPS at $1.17, up 10% and ahead of our long-term growth target. Items affecting comparability increased second quarter 2011 reported EPS by $0.03 and decreased second quarter 2010 reported EPS by $0.04. In both years these items included restructuring charges and costs related to global productivity initiatives as well as the CCE transaction. Second quarter 2011 reported EPS also included a one-time non-cash gain of $0.09 on the adjustment to fair value of our investment in Mexican bottler Grupo Continental S.A.B. (Contal). As a result of the merger between Contal and Embotelladoras Arca, S.A.B. de C.V. (Arca), our shares of Contal were converted into shares of the new entity Arca Continental, S.A.B de C.V. (Arca Contal). Accounting standards required that we adjust the carrying value of our investment to fair value, and the non-cash gain can be found on the Reconciliation of GAAP and Non-GAAP Financial Measures schedule. We continue to hold our shares in Arca Contal; however, since our ownership percentage in the combined company has been reduced, we no longer apply the equity method of accounting.We estimate that the sale of the Company’s stake in Chilean bottler Coca-Cola Embonor S.A. in first quarter 2011 and the change in accounting resulting from the merger of Arca and Contal in the second quarter will decrease equity income by approximately $0.01 on a full-year basis. Additionally, we continue to anticipate challenges in the remainder of the year in Japan as a result of the natural disasters earlier this year that we estimate will have a dilutive $0.03 to $0.05 impact on full-year comparable EPS. This impact will be primarily observed in the third and fourth quarter.Cash from operations was $3.6 billion for the first six months of the year as compared to $4.3 billion in the prior year, a decrease of 15%. This difference primarily reflects additional pension funding made in the first quarter as well as the effect of the acquisition of CCE’s North American operations, which historically use a larger proportion of working capital in the first half of the year. After adjusting for the impact of the additional pension contribution in the first quarter, cash from operations would have increased 2%.Net cash provided by financing activities was $30 million year-to-date, while net cash used in financing activities was $1,875 million in the prior year. This fluctuation primarily represents proceeds from net debt issuances year-to-date, partially offset by share repurchases.Effective Tax RateThe reported effective tax rate for the quarter was 26.1%. The underlying effective tax rate on operations for the quarter was 24.0%. The variance between the reported tax rate and the underlying tax rate was due to the tax effect of various items impacting comparability, separately presented in this document in the Reconciliation of GAAP and Non-GAAP Financial Measures schedule.Our underlying effective tax rate does not reflect the impact of significant or unusual items and discrete events, which, if and when they occur, are separately recognized in the appropriate period.For 2011, we expect our underlying effective tax rate on operations to be 24.0%.Items Impacting Prior Year ResultsFirst quarter 2010 results included a net charge of $0.11 per share primarily related to restructuring charges and costs related to global productivity initiatives as well as the impact of the Venezuela currency devaluation.Second quarter 2010 results included a net charge of $0.04 per share primarily related to restructuring charges and costs related to global productivity initiatives as well as costs related to the CCE transaction.NOTES∙All references to growth rate percentages, share and cycling of growth rates compare the results of the period to those of the prior year comparable period.∙―Concentrate sales‖ represents the amount of concentrates, syrups, beverage bases and powders sold by, or used in finished beverages sold by, the Company to its bottling partners or other customers.∙―Sparkling beverages‖ means NARTD beverages with carbonation, including energy drinks and carbonated waters and flavored waters.∙―Still beverages‖ means nonalcoholic beverages without carbonation, including noncarbonated waters, flavored waters and enhanced waters, juices and juicedrinks, teas, coffees and sports drinks.∙All references to volume and volume percentage changes indicate unit case volume.All volume percentage changes are computed based on average daily sales. ―Unit case‖ means a unit of measurement equal to 24 eight-ounce servings of finishedbeverage. ―Unit case volume‖ means the number of unit cases (or unit caseequivalents) of Company beverages directly or indirectly sold by the Company and its bottling partners to customers.∙Year-to-date 2011 financial results were impacted by one fewer selling day, which will be offset by the impact of one additional selling day in fourth quarter 2011results. Unit case volume results are not impacted by the variance in selling days due to the average daily sales computation referenced above.∙The Company reports its financial results in accordance with accounting principles generally accepted in t he United States (―GAAP‖). However, management believes that certain non-GAAP financial measures provide users with additional meaningful financial information that should be considered when assessing our ongoingperformance. Management also uses these non-GAAP financial measures in making financial, operating and planning decisions and in evaluating the Company'sperformance. Non-GAAP financial measures should be viewed in addition to, and not as an alternative for, the Company’s reported results prepared in accordance with GAAP. Our non-GAAP financial information does not represent acomprehensive basis of accounting.∙Our long-term revenue and operating income growth targets are on a comparable currency neutral basis and exclude structural changes. Our long-term volumegrowth target is on a comparable basis, excluding the effect of structural changes.Our long-term EPS growth target is on a comparable basis.CONFERENCE CALLWe are hosting a conference call with investors and analysts to discuss our second quarter and year-to-date 2011 results today at 9:30 a.m. (EDT). We invite investors to listen to the live audiocast of the conference call at our website, in the ―Investors‖ section. A replay in downloadable MP3 format will also be available within 24 hours after the audiocast on our website. Further, the ―Investors‖ section of our website includes a reconciliation of non-GAAP financial measures that may be used periodically by management when discussing our financial results with investors and analysts to our results as reported under GAAP.。



附件3:2011年第二季度全国星级饭店经营情况汇总表(按地区分)22福建368 2,040,213,410 49.27 43.29 319.08 63.49 202.59 41029.11 5.04 15.08 7.45 2.01 12.86 17.40 19.64 31.48 江西322 739,528,579 40.71 55.19 196.93 65.15 128.29 20686.69 10.02 19.55 13.76 10.84 25.14 32.49 18.48 40.03 山东876 3,710,863,366 50.93 43.37 295.35 67.11 198.22 38403.60 9.21 6.42 8.66 1.34 18.67 7.85 17.59 24.81 河南423 1,461,815,724 49.08 42.70 218.47 62.97 137.57 28021.31 14.06 6.03 10.16 3.18 25.65 9.40 13.01 8.88 湖北481 1,264,552,945 42.52 50.27 237.07 63.79 151.22 26332.24 7.17 5.33 7.01 3.89 14.69 9.43 9.08 11.25 湖南479 1,879,903,700 44.01 48.67 243.25 77.16 187.68 33462.15 19.92 15.03 12.12 3.24 34.44 18.75 18.52 17.78 广东1046 6,498,013,348 43.54 45.86 363.73 59.19 215.28 41027.21 5.47 0.72 5.77 1.75 11.54 2.49 -7.29 5.62 广西362 981,538,663 42.83 49.45 186.73 62.76 117.19 21073.01 5.34 7.19 12.15 4.41 18.14 11.91 6.65 18.77 海南186 800,954,249 30.09 62.69 314.89 58.81 185.20 25988.13 -33.73 1.93 -16.28 7.34 -44.52 9.41 -39.27 8.30 重庆239 1,101,777,132 41.90 42.90 284.01 63.03 179.01 35832.48 5.62 0.00 12.33 9.18 18.64 9.18 12.14 9.90 四川418 1,914,732,670 38.08 49.04 308.59 65.89 203.35 37061.97 4.86 16.31 11.30 3.58 16.73 20.50 4.56 12.13 贵州316 532,397,535 36.33 57.56 212.46 67.96 144.38 21603.54 6.03 6.48 26.11 22.49 33.69 30.42 26.67 45.27 云南595 807,422,888 29.90 61.82 178.03 62.20 110.73 14789.05 -4.92 15.41 14.32 17.94 8.69 36.12 2.19 -17.19 西藏106 90,152,505 30.77 63.12 170.59 45.64 77.87 9455.90 6.18 8.15 69.16 4.63 79.63 13.17 51.35 -2.91 陕西273 1,290,717,039 46.81 46.62 267.95 71.16 190.66 35016.74 13.68 7.63 27.64 10.53 45.08 18.96 24.40 16.94 甘肃295 570,239,518 44.11 50.42 193.37 54.56 105.51 18749.86 7.53 8.03 25.02 11.99 34.44 20.98 22.01 15.63 青海101 183,563,875 37.16 56.11 246.43 48.68 119.95 19217.32 35.43 34.40 48.10 13.31 100.59 52.28 48.62 34.03 宁夏59 201,729,340 51.39 41.47 246.93 56.05 138.40 30226.15 15.68 25.53 29.93 -5.11 50.30 19.09 23.74 24.83 新疆391 999,912,746 45.32 43.40 190.07 62.97 119.69 23700.23 18.06 -4.61 25.64 14.78 48.33 9.50 25.09 1.45 新疆47 113,541,022 38.16 58.28 189.25 66.29 125.46 18146.24 34.57 33.86 18.97 17.85 60.11 57.77 49.82 47.53 兵团23附件4:2011年第二季度全国星级饭店经营情况平均指标统计表(按地区星级分)统计时间: 2011.08 统计范围:全国统计数量: 12092家全国213 111.30 53.99 3678 142.49 59.87 5524 206.01 61.87 2088 344.14 63.76 589 685.4962.76 北京18 217.98 37.72 188 209.15 56.76 244 322.06 58.28 123 468.80 61.64 58 808.4763.75 天津 1 95.53 43.03 13 139.32 60.98 46 261.48 53.06 31 386.08 57.02 10 609.7145.44 河北 5 95.80 50.71 83 141.09 48.39 188 203.16 55.07 104 298.48 61.26 16 518.6654.77 山西 1 130.36 38.41 94 164.22 62.82 98 214.61 70.64 43 258.38 66.99 10 437.0660.21 内蒙古11 99.06 46.80 130 144.35 51.16 77 204.98 53.38 17 316.90 59.16 8 539.8564.95 辽宁 6 149.11 60.60 104 161.27 57.95 204 210.90 58.11 61 352.73 64.65 17 643.5562.70 吉林0 0.00 0.00 70 138.77 46.43 80 193.09 51.57 38 296.06 58.77 7 515.6354.02 黑龙江 5 108.05 55.03 69 137.56 46.68 101 180.99 48.54 46 307.42 46.59 4 824.0368.27 上海 2 110.51 52.29 61 208.62 58.87 107 311.29 52.89 63 548.50 57.55 44 1074.7461.95 江苏0 0.00 0.00 169 146.73 62.69 347 183.75 62.64 185 323.73 64.96 57 553.4764.09 浙江22 128.00 56.49 275 150.71 61.55 331 235.95 64.24 155 383.76 66.37 49 619.1261.64 安徽 3 126.16 80.08 142 130.80 59.72 168 175.60 61.99 85 320.80 62.79 15 418.6062.2824福建 1 108.72 75.56 71 144.68 58.01 176 205.16 62.98 99 355.55 64.32 21 612.2666.21 江西 1 102.05 64.99 77 112.58 61.66 174 153.15 65.62 63 266.81 65.71 7 408.1366.89 山东 2 96.61 74.18 233 154.84 67.86 469 230.96 67.39 147 366.82 66.93 25 691.4464.76 河南 4 43.75 51.95 133 113.09 59.78 209 172.76 64.40 67 295.54 63.05 10 688.8062.44 湖北14 139.78 60.22 191 136.99 58.33 197 178.62 66.65 66 286.20 62.67 13 604.6969.02 湖南9 99.36 77.32 197 138.55 74.69 210 203.47 75.97 48 318.02 79.11 15 484.6484.19 广东 5 106.30 49.64 183 189.42 57.92 588 233.45 57.94 180 356.36 60.46 90 670.3460.67 广西 3 61.39 49.11 100 98.23 64.18 198 135.02 63.11 48 253.20 63.44 13 478.4357.66 海南 6 75.44 65.81 24 79.91 51.48 87 112.42 59.18 50 202.88 62.70 19 887.0153.52 重庆 1 221.47 33.33 49 111.79 48.64 121 188.61 60.51 52 301.24 68.65 16 520.5768.04 四川9 96.80 63.99 150 141.40 63.74 167 199.43 63.85 73 355.20 71.12 19 772.3565.13 贵州16 106.07 71.94 133 132.15 58.11 130 176.92 69.26 33 285.91 74.49 4 636.8073.07 云南38 64.80 59.67 334 90.71 61.42 160 154.14 62.29 50 281.10 65.31 13 475.8959.21 西藏 6 95.82 29.78 43 134.95 46.52 49 163.84 44.26 8 246.25 51.88 0 0.000.00 陕西0 0.00 0.00 78 145.27 59.88 152 182.22 71.89 35 317.25 75.39 8 774.1175.41 甘肃7 95.32 25.12 112 126.83 50.31 136 178.59 55.66 37 263.69 57.97 3 513.0256.75 青海 3 90.87 30.54 42 115.00 50.71 43 174.09 48.80 11 419.36 49.22 2 857.8244.00 宁夏0 0.00 0.00 6 147.35 64.97 41 211.37 53.47 11 268.59 62.06 1 722.4444.02 新疆13 114.65 59.64 110 110.51 65.86 199 151.51 63.04 54 237.33 60.72 15 468.2863.03 新疆1 51.02 10.89 14 125.72 51.19 27 179.41 70.95 5 254.05 65.55 0 0.000.00 兵团25附件5:2011年第二季度全国50个重点旅游城市星级饭店经营情况汇总表(按地区分)26南京110 959,727,700 47.28 40.39 368.01 71.74 264.00 57424.02 0.40 15.15 13.19 3.69 13.64 18.45 14.40 18.90 苏州134 1,010,552,500 52.80 37.18 357.03 53.32 190.37 45722.22 -1.94 8.92 23.31 -3.16 20.91 5.20 4.94 18.17 无锡64 607,439,000 59.81 31.50 325.33 62.93 204.73 57430.18 -0.89 13.78 16.30 1.42 15.26 14.23 -4.17 17.33 杭州201 1,527,749,900 41.55 45.16 362.09 67.39 244.01 49185.47 3.53 7.22 19.93 -3.06 24.16 4.03 4.97 9.55 宁波159 1,029,019,200 52.83 35.69 339.92 61.12 207.77 49445.93 6.39 9.57 9.79 -2.46 16.81 7.04 -4.54 20.14 温州72 513,179,900 54.51 37.21 342.61 66.47 227.74 52184.25 17.40 19.61 -0.88 -0.61 16.38 18.88 -2.19 43.04 合肥43 293,116,500 48.67 44.01 314.01 64.98 204.04 40125.46 -2.34 -2.90 3.11 -12.15 0.70 -14.70 1.25 -12.11 黄山67 201,838,327 36.33 54.21 271.12 50.65 137.31 22131.40 42.94 5.85 85.80 -1.50 165.58 3.95 86.37 7.98 福州67 522,124,101 54.65 40.79 335.78 68.49 229.97 50500.44 5.63 -3.57 3.49 5.74 9.15 1.79 -2.34 13.73 厦门72 583,936,615 38.16 53.98 400.71 69.30 277.69 45691.44 -6.09 11.92 9.15 3.26 2.51 15.31 -14.56 10.89 泉州77 475,928,307 56.08 31.91 312.63 59.47 185.91 49034.44 21.22 37.03 -2.19 1.02 18.57 38.43 11.54 27.05 南昌42 234,883,610 38.71 54.17 264.24 71.01 187.65 30731.86 1.58 6.24 3.05 12.98 4.67 20.05 -3.54 29.97 济南99 562,147,310 48.93 38.47 299.13 68.41 204.65 47438.59 12.87 2.22 11.22 2.43 25.53 4.69 14.45 10.24 青岛153 841,126,293 43.24 51.05 380.26 71.28 271.06 40162.65 10.11 5.64 23.32 11.86 35.80 18.31 30.15 -5.78 郑州80 519,707,352 43.49 43.81 297.85 67.70 201.65 40069.96 13.94 10.21 10.37 2.41 25.76 12.97 8.89 6.30 洛阳59 204,188,907 48.34 44.31 262.53 57.77 151.68 30183.14 47.61 11.59 30.08 1.24 92.03 13.17 57.13 3.69 武汉88 551,315,436 37.25 55.87 375.13 64.15 240.64 38021.75 7.03 12.14 4.60 4.53 11.94 16.49 4.83 12.56 宜昌29 106,823,799 47.12 41.52 197.33 62.14 122.63 24591.11 0.53 13.28 14.40 4.33 15.00 18.33 18.19 30.13 长沙78 912,794,215 44.11 46.82 364.89 89.96 328.27 62964.35 31.93 21.18 22.53 2.80 61.66 24.54 27.95 25.83 张家界43 90,452,446 33.65 63.85 157.74 67.66 106.72 14014.94 39.08 -4.08 157.75 18.08 258.45 13.76 195.11 -5.00 广州213 2,374,983,710 34.93 49.99 518.83 64.99 337.17 59617.53 23.29 26.39 8.50 1.79 33.75 28.23 8.06 27.7127深圳142 1,109,340,770 40.68 59.32 419.20 66.36 278.16 40819.10 1.32 6.79 8.40 5.42 9.82 12.53 -1.28 12.59 珠海82 313,084,130 48.78 51.04 273.88 58.46 160.11 27509.37 -9.99 -40.54 0.67 8.78 -9.39 -35.31 -66.10 -63.15 东莞90 794,079,865 52.27 35.40 366.78 48.84 179.13 43883.94 -8.50 6.55 15.11 -0.69 5.32 5.76 -8.80 -5.39 南宁65 312,374,748 43.38 49.17 219.81 66.34 145.81 26528.64 1.98 6.49 5.87 -0.57 7.96 5.88 -5.53 14.25 桂林61 204,261,430 31.26 59.13 216.21 59.69 129.06 19629.20 7.69 -8.02 37.09 20.32 47.64 10.42 35.96 14.39 海口55 212,427,484 34.56 54.37 233.03 61.62 143.60 23054.86 -3.84 7.58 -6.30 4.32 -9.89 12.20 -6.42 15.70 三亚57 494,359,594 25.94 67.85 538.24 61.86 332.97 42676.07 -41.30 -1.59 -21.27 10.78 -53.79 7.06 -50.53 3.42 重庆239 1,101,777,132 41.90 42.90 284.01 63.03 179.01 35832.48 5.62 0.00 12.33 9.18 18.64 9.18 12.14 9.90 成都117 1,015,374,090 33.70 50.74 410.75 69.15 284.04 53917.49 5.14 26.37 16.85 -0.89 22.86 25.24 1.13 44.99 贵阳54 252,835,680 37.61 56.68 298.22 72.68 216.75 32716.83 2.91 16.94 36.54 33.38 40.51 55.97 31.61 41.72 昆明55 331,530,053 33.31 56.66 310.45 68.28 211.97 30862.97 0.96 15.40 13.61 7.09 14.69 21.58 -1.71 26.82 丽江154 92,011,122 15.02 83.04 123.63 69.08 85.40 9338.39 -5.05 -14.15 70.57 79.38 60.63 53.69 32.42 59.18 拉萨61 52,333,360 31.92 62.30 170.17 42.60 72.49 8892.67 13.15 -6.59 71.29 -1.37 93.81 -6.40 74.10 -2.53 西安77 796,340,455 41.43 51.71 366.83 73.34 269.02 42903.96 11.57 19.74 42.44 14.63 58.89 37.00 33.00 25.75 兰州51 212,364,199 30.71 59.94 232.53 65.22 151.66 22160.51 4.30 6.34 17.05 13.58 22.09 20.46 4.56 4.11 西宁44 125,085,605 33.64 56.85 313.33 46.26 144.94 22993.68 46.46 81.67 44.97 14.65 112.32 113.24 50.43 77.82 银川32 128,747,070 45.00 46.38 294.32 57.91 170.45 33388.76 14.35 31.21 43.48 -2.74 64.10 27.52 34.17 27.58 乌鲁木齐85 505,598,507 48.64 42.54 267.01 66.93 178.71 36468.44 19.16 4.84 21.43 14.76 44.69 20.25 14.65 2.1228附件6:2011年第二季度全国50个重点旅游城市星级饭店经营情况平均指标统计表(按星级分)统计时间: 2011.08 统计范围:50个城市统计数量:5008家北京18217.9837.72188209.1556.76244322.0658.28123468.8061.6458808.4763.75天津195.5343.0313139.3260.9846261.4853.0631386.0857.0210609.7145.44石家庄00.000.007107.8561.6425219.1560.0920263.0071.163523.1273.76秦皇岛00.000.0011149.3632.7427165.3341.2112286.9439.782598.5839.66太原00.000.008147.0554.1926268.6267.411316.0078.1800.000.00呼和浩特00.000.009145.4154.979197.7859.757331.6256.904528.8863.17沈阳2203.0671.0910175.0970.0646250.4460.5719390.1264.775776.1872.09大连1136.4654.4159169.6761.1260197.2657.0622349.3559.628655.0656.90长春00.000.004187.2642.8023230.0152.5617333.3064.534623.0952.72哈尔滨1110.0514.5413152.5759.7842204.5954.0019327.8951.7621038.9070.3929上海2110.5152.2961208.6258.87107311.2952.8963548.5057.55441074.7461.95南京00.000.0017180.5068.0757210.9667.0321383.3976.2215574.4174.75苏州00.000.0017145.4458.8150192.9051.1344312.7153.2723556.3754.30无锡00.000.002121.4750.1633193.3659.4521348.0765.578492.0965.12杭州2100.4829.1565152.5455.7878254.8170.7538404.9570.5818696.7366.58宁波7170.8568.7366159.7863.0646244.2962.6323377.5861.3417593.1157.23温州00.000.0013157.8955.5239253.3763.3118435.9271.242670.9584.68合肥00.000.0010198.4067.4316218.9762.6212323.1666.115470.2964.87黄山00.000.001187.1938.1231110.7349.7621392.9054.894381.4247.92福州00.000.0013135.7161.6736226.6567.9213354.1168.955645.4972.32厦门00.000.0013146.8864.2026218.7973.4123426.6170.6410635.3065.44泉州00.000.00596.6858.7442217.8753.8125330.0762.545507.4567.50南昌00.000.004116.2572.3115158.9470.7317285.0373.876413.2965.00济南196.9981.1138111.9064.4337218.1569.8320337.4168.173797.1071.57青岛00.000.0045195.7071.2371282.6172.3830397.3270.657817.9869.75郑州00.000.0014108.6258.5342213.5768.7920342.3568.644800.5569.84洛阳00.000.0017139.1249.0429177.3164.0511317.3055.882840.6751.32武汉00.000.0011183.3961.3640207.2160.8825354.7164.0712615.6568.85宜昌00.000.00892.7856.4314176.5175.227270.1149.8100.000.00长沙00.000.008160.4291.0641279.0890.2318383.4389.7811484.9289.6630张家界00.000.00260.2966.0634114.8367.196166.4369.181509.0067.67广州00.000.0037244.7666.89123300.9561.2536513.3768.92171012.9267.02深圳00.000.0026191.8268.2871287.5567.1728386.8264.4517752.9066.51珠海00.000.004128.2549.5961186.9961.119292.7158.408510.3653.06东莞1233.7060.0013245.5052.6231210.4045.9323282.8048.3222486.5749.68南宁00.000.0020107.1866.4327149.1971.8412273.8164.796477.8757.34桂林00.000.0010113.4063.4836134.1860.9511245.5660.354474.5953.47海口00.000.00991.7649.6826125.5963.9714223.5468.586589.3149.30三亚173.2680.291061.7649.9716147.4856.2320272.2865.85101051.1161.79重庆1221.4733.3349111.7948.64121188.6160.5152301.2468.6516520.5768.04成都2109.3379.9323167.9767.1656222.9863.6424403.8975.7912858.0373.02贵阳1184.6380.0011191.4657.8229202.1270.7511343.8779.732793.4376.61昆明1104.9876.8415167.7063.8523212.6163.7711364.1275.445572.4569.67丽江1242.4070.838376.6072.3344115.9673.2913191.6862.092290.9452.83拉萨695.8229.7815180.0046.1534141.3443.456272.3941.2100.000.00西安00.000.006135.1658.3241217.2571.7622332.1075.178774.1175.41兰州1102.0032.8811145.1870.6730200.0462.778301.9970.731715.0375.00西宁00.000.0017125.5350.8418183.1542.107428.5652.892857.8244.00银川00.000.002167.8380.9925234.0555.474348.6770.661722.4444.02乌鲁木齐00.000.0012145.1478.3748179.0466.1914273.6664.6611520.6766.4931。















消费电子消费电子概念消费电子(Consumer electronic products, CE)指并不是生活必需品,而只是为了满足娱乐或其他需求。


我国消费类电子产品是指用于个人和家庭与广播、电视有关的音频和视频产品,主要包括:电视机、影碟机(VCD、 SVCD、DVD)、录像机、摄录机、收音机、收录机、组合音响、电唱机、激光唱机(CD)等。


随着技术发展和新产品新应用的出现,数码相机、手机、PDA 等产品也在成为新兴的消费类电子产品。












第34期Industry ·Company半年报点睛:李雪峰E-mail:*******************.cn超声电子:二季度增速下滑上半年公司实现营业收入15.3亿元,同比增长10.38%,归属于上市公司股东的净利润7952万元,同比增长33.65%,归属于上市公司股东的扣除非经常性损益的净利润7889万元,同比增长35.88%。




(2)在全球经济疲软的大背景下,美国经济复苏缓慢,欧洲债务危机,日本地震影响了全球电子需求,行业景气处于低位,导致了PCB 需求不振。









2011年2Q'台湾厂商NB出货量季成长将反弹6.1% 2011年全球NB市场成长仅5.8%

2011年2Q'台湾厂商NB出货量季成长将反弹6.1%  2011年全球NB市场成长仅5.8%

综 合 上 述 原 因 , 林 芬 卉 预 估 , 0 1年 全 球 21 MOC D 设 备 需 求 量 将 达 9 0 10 0 台 , 将 较 V 0~ 0
21 0 0年 成 长 1 .%~ 5 25 2 %。
来 看 , L D 产 业 而 言 具 领 先 指 标 意 义 , 示 其 对 E 表
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21 0 MOC 1年 VD设 备厂 营收 优 于 2 1 0 0年
全球需求量将达 9 0, 0 0台 0 . 0 , 1
( 北 讯 ) 据 DI T ME 台 根 GII S统 计 , 0 0年 全 球 21 MOC VD 机 台 需 求 量 为 8 0台 , 2 0 0 较 0 9年 大 幅 成 长 2 7 DI I I SR sac 7 %, G TME eerh分 析 师 兼 项 目经 理 林 芬 卉 分 析 , 该 年 度 成 长 主 要 来 自南 韩 、 中 国 台 湾 、 国大 陆地 区 贡献 。 中 展 望 21 0 1年 , C MO VD 大 厂 如 A xrn 及 it o Vec e o于 2 1 0 1年 初 即 公 布 2 1 0 1全 年 度 财 测 , x Ai— 取 奖励 措 施 。因此 , 芬 卉 认 为 , 陆本 地 的 L D 林 大 E 业 者 , 是 在 大 陆地 区与 台湾 厂 商 合 资 的 L D 或 E 业 者 , 于 MO V 机 台 需 求 量 仍 大 。 对 C D 另外 ,虽 2 1 0 0年 下 半 年 南 韩 L D 业 者 对 于 E MO VD 机 台安 装速 度 有 减 缓 情 形 , 在 L D T C 然 E V 存 货 渐 已去 化 、 0 1年 三 星 及 乐 金 将 提 高 L D 21 E T 出货 量 比重 至 6成 以上 、及 强 化 L D 照 明 产 v E 品线 等 因素 影 响下 , 估 2 1 预 0 1年 下 半 年 南 韩 L D E

美国运营商 LeapWireless 2011 第二季度财务报告

美国运营商 LeapWireless 2011 第二季度财务报告
– – our ability to attract and retain customers in an extremely competitive marketplace; the duration and severity of the current economic downturn in the United States and changes in economic conditions, including interest rates, consumer credit conditions, consumer debt levels, consumer confidence, unemployment rates, energy costs and other macro-economic factors that could adversely affect demand for the services we provide; the impact of competitors’ initiatives; our ability to successfully implement product and service plan offerings, expand our retail distribution and execute effectively on our other strategic activities; our ability to obtain and maintain roaming and wholesale services from other carriers at cost-effective rates; our ability to maintain effective internal control over financial reporting; our ability to attract, integrate, motivate and retain an experienced workforce, including members of senior management; future customer usage of our wireless services, which could exceed our expectations, and our ability to manage or increase network capacity to meet increasing customer demand; our ability to acquire additional spectrum in the future at a reasonable cost or on a timely basis; our ability to comply with the covenants in any credit agreement, indenture or similar instrument governing any of our existing or future indebtedness; our ability to effectively integrate, manage and operate our new joint venture in South Texas; failure of our network or information technology systems to perform according to expectations and risks associated with the upgrade or transition of certain of those systems, including our billing system; and other factors detailed in the section entitled “Risk Factors” included in our periodic reports filed with the SEC, including our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended March 31, 2011 filed with the SEC on May 6, 2011 and our Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2011 which we expect to file shortly with the SEC.























科莱恩2011年第二季度取得稳固业绩无【摘要】科莱恩首席执行官郭海力(Hariolf Kottmann)说:"2011年上半年,尽管全球经济增长比2010年缓慢,但科莱恩业务基础仍很稳定。




【期刊名称】《塑料制造》【年(卷),期】2011(000)010【总页数】1页(P19-19)【关键词】经营业绩;首席执行官;销售额;经济增长;瑞士;计算;货币【作者】无【作者单位】不详【正文语种】中文【中图分类】F279.246科莱恩首席执行官郭海力(Hariolf Kottmann)说:“2011年上半年,尽管全球经济增长比2010年缓慢,但科莱恩业务基础仍很稳定。











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2Q’11 Earnings ReleaseJuly 27th2011All information regarding management performance and financial results of LG Electronics (the “Company”) during the 2nd quarter of 2011 as contained herein has been prepared on a consolidated basis in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”).In addition, the information regarding results of 2nd quarter of 2011 has been prepared in advance, prior to being reviewed by outside auditors, solely for the convenience of investors of the Company, and is subject to change in the process of final reviewing by outside auditors.The information contained herein includes forward-looking statements in respect to future plans, prospects, and performances of the Company as well as the Company’s projected sales plan for the 3rd quarter of 2011. These forward-looking statements also refer to the Company’s performance on consolidated base, as indicated.The aforementioned forward-looking statements are influenced by changes in the management environment and relative events, and by their nature, these statements refer to uncertain circumstances. Consequently, due to these uncertainties, the Company’s actual future results may differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements.Please note that as the forward-looking statements contained herein are based on the current market situation and the Company’s management direction, they are subject to change according to the changes in future market environment and business strategy.The information contained herein should not be utilized for any legal purposes in regards to investors’investment results. The Company hereby expressly disclaims any and all liability for any loss or damage resulting from the investors’reliance on the information contained herein.Table of ContentsⅠ. OverviewⅡ. 2Q’11 Results (Consolidated)Ⅲ. Performance and Outlook by SectorⅠ. Overview9Comment on 2Q’11 Results9Comment on 3Q’11 Outlook2Q’11 Results(Unit : KRW tn)SalesProfit(Unit : KRW bn)0.2%↓13.1614.4114.399.3%↑2Q’111581084621Q’11QoQYoYÏ8%131429-162Q’101Q’11 2Q’102Q’11 n/aÐ87%Ï21%Ï25%Ï12%Net Profit Operating ProfitEBITDA126413856Net ProfitInvestment Income(Unit: KRW bn)(Unit: KRW bn)1Q’112Q’1162933-10Net financial expense Investment incomeOp. ProfitTax108158293841LG Display-48LG Innotek-15Others7Investment Income-56Net ProfitII. 2Q’11 Results (LGE Consolidated)Cash Flow Statement2Q Net *Cash Flow(Unit : KRW bn)Cash Flow Statement(Unit : KRW bn)2Q’111Q’11Cash OutCash flow from operating activitiesCash at beginning of periodNet income Depreciation Investment income Increase in working capital OthersCash flow from investing activities108304-29342362,212653-669-1629856-3682011,944171-466Net *Cash In-28341082362912669304Investment income FX effect from foreign currency denominated cashOthersIncrease in working capitalCash flow from investing activitiesDepreciation-388-387Increase in tangible assetsChanges in the scope of consolidation Cash flow from financing activities59557-1480Net Profit93557Increase in debtNet changes in cash FX effect from foreign currency denominated cash 31-122686Cash at end of period2,2432,212II. 2Q’11 Results (LGE Consolidated)Financial StructureBalance SheetFinancial Ratio(Unit : %)(Unit: KRW tn)2Q’112Q’114Q’101Q’111Q’114Q’1016633.8432.3233.53 Assets LiabilitiesEquity Current LiabilitiesNon-Current Liabilities Current AssetsDebt Cash Inventory Non-Current Assets Net DebtDebt to EquityNet Debt to EquityTotal Liability to Equity21.1019.4620.8012.7412.8612.7316.674.4317.537.76 2.246.0916.311.945.8715.802.216.3815.87 5.5215.394.0716.517.195.2516.304.5117.667.725.51151564161431636143Performance and OutlookIII. Performance and Outlook by Sector*Sales/ProfitConsolidated Sales and Profit by Division(Unit : KRW bn)1Q’11 Home Entertainment Mobile Communications Handset Home Appliance Air Conditioning & Energy Solution Sales Op. Income Sales Op. Income Sales Op. Income Sales Op. Income Sales Op. Income 5,280 82 2,909 -101 2,852 -101 2,699 103 1,452 39QoQ 2.7%2Q’11 5,420 90YoY 5.4%2Q’10 5,727 -2611.6%3,246 -544.6%3,403 -11912.2%3,200 -555.1%3,373 -1206.9%2,885 516.0%2,722 18529.2%1,876 4415.3%1,628 59* Divisional sales includes internal transactions between divisions10 6III. Performance and Outlook by Sector2Q’11 PerformanceBusiness Performance(KRW tn)Home EntertainmentSales : Revenue improved QoQ due to increase in premium product sales and growth in developing marketsLCD TV : Sales increased QoQ due to strong Cinema 3D and LED TV salesOp. Margin1.5%1.6%1.7%PDP TV : Sales grew QoQ especially in N. America and Asia Monitor : Sales decreased QoQ as a result of market decline△ 0.5%△ 1.0%Profitability : Improved QoQ due to better product mix and cost reductionSales3Q’11 Outlook5.73 5.77 6.65 5.28 5.42Market : Despite weak demand in the developed markets, expect growth due to rising penetration of flat panel TVs in the developing countries and stronger sales in new feature products such as 3D / Smart TVs LGE : Plan to increase sales and secure profitability by expanding sales of high-end models such as Cinema 3D / Smart TV2Q'103Q'104Q'101Q'112Q'1111 7III. Performance and Outlook by Sector2Q’11 PerformanceBusiness Performance(KRW tn)Mobile CommunicationsSales : Shipments slightly grew QoQ to 24.8M while revenue was up 11% QoQ to KRW 3.2 trillion due to increased smartphone portionSmartphone sales increased while there was a relative decline for feature phones - N. America : Growth in Optimus One/ 2X sales - Europe : Increased sales for smartphones (Optimus 2X / Black) while featurephone sales were weak - Emerging markets : Operated a profitability focused business△ 3.5% △ 7.7%Op. Margin△ 3.5%△ 1.7%△ 10.0%SalesProfitability : Profitability improved due to rising smartphone sales and efforts to cut down fixed costs3Q’11 Outlook3.4 3.02 3.38 2.91 3.25Market : Competition is expected to intensify with handset makers launching new models with the opening of the 3D phone market and 4G LTE expanding in the developed countries2Q'103Q'104Q'101Q'112Q'11LGE : Increase sales by timely introducing new models with hardware competency and gain profitability by improving product mix12 8III. Performance and Outlook by Sector2Q’11 PerformanceBusiness Performance(KRW tn)Home ApplianceSales : Increased 6% YoY to KRW 2.9 trillion due to rising sales in the developing markets (14% YoY growth based on USD)Korea : Maintained sales growth by increasing sales of premium products (850 liter large size refrigerator, 6 motion washing machine, TROMM Styler) Overseas : Grew 15% YoY based on USD due to strong emerging market sales1.8%6.8% 3.8%Op. Margin2.4%2.8%(India 19%, CIS 59%, MEA 19%, CS America 23%)SalesProfitability : Declined due to raw material cost increase, appreciating KRW, and increased competition3Q’11 Outlook2.72 2.75 2.82 2.7 2.88Market : Despite the slow economy in the US and Europe, the appliance market is expected to increase 7% YoY due to strong growth in the developing markets LGESales : Dominate premium image by continuously launching new products and increasing sales of larger, more energy efficient, and smart products2Q'103Q'104Q'101Q'112Q'11Profitability : Plan to secure profitability by increasing revenue and cutting costs despite challenges such as raw material price increase and FX rate13 9III. Performance and Outlook by Sector Air-Conditioning & Energy Solution2Q’11 PerformanceBusiness Performance(KRW tn)Sales : Increased 15% YoY due to strong growth in Korea and the emerging markets such as CISKorea : Posted 55% growth YoY driven by launching products with superior functions and quality3.6%1.1%2.7%2.3%Overseas : Up 12% YoY with strong Multi V and Inverter product salesOp, Margin△ 4.7%SalesProfitability : Despite revenue growth from the improvement of product mix with new model launches, profitability declined QoQ and YoY due to rising raw material costs and unfavorable FX movements3Q’11 Outlook1.63 1.11 0.91 1.88 1.45Market : Although the market is entering into the slow season, demand is expected to increase YoY in Korea, CIS, and MEA1Q'11 2Q'112Q'103Q'104Q'10LGE : Plan to increase global market share by maximizing sales in the Korean market and utilize our competitive advantage for strategic products such as Multi V and Inverter products 14 1015Appendix. 2011 Business Reorganization- Realigned to 4 business units (vs. previous 5 units) and renamed Regional Headquarters to Regional Representatives - BS Company has been dissolved with the Monitor and Commercial Display & Security business units transferring to HE Company while the rest became independent business units - AC Company took on a new name of Air-Conditioning and Energy Solution (AE) Company - Changes in effect as of December 1, 2010 - Monitor (to HE)- Digital Storage (DS) (to Independent Business Unit) - PC (to Independent Business Unit) - Commercial Display & Security (to HE) - Car (to Independent Business Unit)Home EntertainmentMobile CommunicationsHome ApplianceAir ConditioningBusiness SolutionHome Entertainment- LCD/ CRT TV - PDP TV/ Module - Media - CEM (previously RMC)** - Monitor (from BS) - Commercial Display & Security (from BS)Mobile Communications- Handset - NetworkHome Appliance- Refrigerator - Washing machine - Cooking & Cleaning - Compressor & Motor - Healthcare - Water TreatmentAir-Conditioning & Energy Solution- Residential Air-Con. - Commercial Air-Con. - Air-Con. Compressor - Solar cell - LED lightingIndependent Business Unit- DS (from HE) - PC (from MC) - Car (from BS)* Independent business units report directly to the CEO ** CEM= Chemical & Electronic Material / RMC= Recording Media & Chemitronics16 11AppendixSummarized Financial Statements (LGE Parent Only) *Income Statement(Unit : KRW bn)1Q 7,227 100.0% 1,606 22.2% 5,621 77.8% 5,838 80.8% 1,389 19.2% 1,244 17.2% 52 0.7% 93 1.3% 143 2.0% 236 3.3% 7 0.1% 229 3.2% 2Q 7,653 100.0% 1,802 23.5% 5,851 76.5% 6,441 84.2% 1,212 15.8% 1,443 18.9% (19) -0.2% (213) -2.8% (182) -2.4% (395) -5.2% (144) -1.9% (251) -3.3% 2010 3Q 7,229 100.0% 1,783 24.7% 5,446 75.3% 6,244 86.4% 985 13.6% 1,443 20.0% (66) -0.9% (393) -5.4% 85 1.2% (308) -4.3% (121) -1.7% (187) -2.6% 4Q 7,129 98.6% 1,701 23.5% 5,428 75.1% 6,370 88.1% 759 10.5% 1,338 18.5% 14 0.2% (593) -8.2% (18) -0.2% (611) -8.4% (184) -2.5% (427) -5.9% Total 29,239 100.0% 6,892 23.6% 22,346 76.4% 24,894 85.1% 4,345 14.9% 5,468 18.7% (19) -0.1% (1,105) -3.8% 28 0.1% (1,077) -3.7% (441) -1.5% (636) -2.2% 2011 1Q 2Q 6,933 100.0% 7,574 100.0% 1,953 28.2% 2,151 28.4% 4,980 71.8% 5,423 71.6% 5,716 82.4% 6,266 82.7% 1,217 17.6% 1,308 17.3% 1,300 18.8% 1,410 18.6% (34) -0.5% (16) -0.2% (49) -0.7% (87) -1.1% 65 0.9% 14 0.2% 16 0.2% (73) -1.0% 1 0.0% (37) -0.5% 15 0.2% (36) -0.5%Sales Domestic Export Cost of goods sold Gross profit Selling & admin expense Other operating gain (Loss) Operating income (Loss) Financial income (Expense) Net profit (Loss) before tax Tax Net profit (Loss)* Since this is not an audited nor reviewed report, content may be changed in the future if an auditor has a concern.12AppendixSummarized Financial Statements (LGE Parent Only) *Balance Sheet2010 Assets Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents Accounts receivable Inventory Other Non-current Assets Investment PP&E Intangible assets Other Liabilities Accounts payable Debt Other Equity 1Q 23,428 9,021 715 6,070 1,049 1,187 14,407 7,897 4,594 696 1,220 12,595 4,888 3,919 3,787 10,833 2Q 24,230 9,742 716 6,983 1,184 859 14,488 7,909 4,559 722 1,298 13,647 4,925 4,957 3,765 10,583 3Q 24,021 9,294 561 6,637 1,172 924 14,727 7,919 4,654 737 1,417 13,684 4,235 5,726 3,723 10,337 4Q 22,975 8,094 869 5,488 1,065 673 14,881 7,845 4,661 726 1,649 13,049 4,285 5,000 3,764 9,926(Unit : KRW bn)2011 1Q 23,970 8,990 903 6,074 1,259 754 14,980 7,845 4,732 728 1,676 14,064 4,564 5,665 3,834 9,906 2Q 24,143 8,824 860 6,017 1,151 796 15,319 7,870 4,839 830 1,780 14,278 4,271 5,919 4,088 9,864* Since this is not an audited nor reviewed report, content may be changed in the future if an auditor has a concern.13AppendixSummarized Financial Statements (LGE Consolidated)*Income Statement2010 1Q Sales Cost of goods sold Gross profit Selling & admin expense Other operating gain (Loss) Operating income (Loss) Financial income (Expense) Investment income (Loss) Net income before tax Tax Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations Net income Controlled shares Noncontrolled shares 13,217 9,807 3,411 2,895 35 481 59 219 759 117 32 675 650 24 100.0% 74.2% 25.8% 21.9% 0.3% 3.6% 0.4% 1.7% 5.7% 0.9% 0.2% 5.1% 2Q 14,410 11,110 3,300 3,185 (11) 126 (270) 210 66 25 815 856 842 14 100.0% 77.1% 22.9% 22.1% -0.1% 0.9% -1.9% 1.5% 0.5% 0.2% 5.7% 5.9% 3Q 13,429 10,555 2,874 3,187 (128) (185) 45 123 (17) (24) 0 8 (6) 14 100.0% 78.6% 21.4% 23.7% -1.0% -1.4% 0.3% 0.9% -0.1% -0.2% 0.0% 0.1% 4Q 14,698 11,982 2,716 2,946 16 (246) (54) (74) (374) (117) 0 (256) (260) 3 100.0% 81.5% 18.5% 20.0% 0.1% -1.7% -0.4% -0.5% -2.5% -0.8% 0.0% -1.7% Total 55,754 43,453 12,301 12,213 (88) 176 (219) 477 435 0 848 1,282 1,227 55 100.0% 77.9% 22.1% 21.9% -0.2% 0.3% -0.4% 0.9% 0.8% 0.0% 1.5% 2.3% 1Q 13,160 10,195 2,965 2,896 (61) 131 (37) (55) 38 54 0 (16) (30) 14(Unit : KRW bn)2011 2Q 100.0% 77.5% 22.5% 22.0% -0.5% 1.0% -0.3% -0.4% 0.3% 0.4% 0.0% -0.1% 14,385 11,078 3,307 3,193 (44) 158 (38) 29 150 41 0 108 98 11 100.0% 77.0% 23.0% 22.2% -0.3% 1.1% -0.3% 0.2% 1.0% 0.3% 0.0% 0.8%* Since this is not an audited nor reviewed report, content may be changed in the future if an auditor has a concern. * Profit from LG Innotek being excluded from the consolidation of LGE has been indicated as “Profit (Loss) from discontinued operations”14Appendix Summarized Financial Statements (LGE Consolidated) *Balance Sheet (Unit : KRW bn)1Q 2Q 3Q 4Q1Q 2Q Assets 33,79434,03633,82232,31833,53433,845Current Assets 18,40918,63518,19516,51517,66017,534Cash and cash equivalents 1,9771,6841,7851,9442,2122,243Accounts receivable 8,0428,6297,4777,0027,3767,512Inventory 6,0116,3797,0255,8726,3766,091Other 2,3791,9431,9081,6961,6971,688Non-current Assets 15,38615,40115,62715,80415,87416,310Investment 4,5126,0636,1586,0085,8685,889PP&E 7,7366,2566,3266,5006,6456,810Intangible assets 820758773763766881Other 2,3182,3232,3712,5322,5942,731Liabilities 21,13920,77420,73819,45920,80221,101Accounts payable 6,7286,7076,1745,8246,3676,320Debt 6,9077,0837,7237,1937,7217,764Other 7,5056,9846,8426,4426,7147,017Equity 12,65513,26113,08412,86012,73212,7442011201015* 1Q10 numbers are based on a consolidated basis including LG Innotek * Since this is not an audited nor reviewed report, content may be changed in the future if an auditor has a concern.Divisional Sales (LGE Consolidated)*Appendix (Unit : KRW bn)QoQ YoY Sales 5,5485,7275,7726,64823,6955,2805,4203%-5%Op. Income 150-2686-651458290(%) 2.7%-0.5% 1.5%-1.0%0.6% 1.6% 1.7%Sales 3,1723,4033,0203,38112,9752,9093,24612%-5%Op. Income 29-119-303-261-654-101-54(%)0.9%-3.5%-10.0%-7.7%-5.0%-3.5%-1.7%Handset Sales 3,1403,3732,9713,32812,8112,8523,20012%-5%Op. Income 28-120-304-262-658-101-55(%)0.9%-3.5%-10.2%-7.9%-5.1%-3.5%-1.7%Sales 2,3812,7222,7502,81910,6732,6992,8857%6%Op. Income 207185677853810351(%)8.7% 6.8% 2.4% 2.8% 5.0% 3.8% 1.8%Sales 1,1721,6281,1079134,8201,4521,87629%15%Op. Income 4359-5210603944(%) 3.7% 3.6%-4.7% 1.1% 1.2% 2.7% 2.3%Others Sales 9449297809373,59182195817%3%Op. Income 532717-888727Total Sales 13,21714,41013,42914,69855,75413,16014,3859%0%Op. Income 481126-185-246176131158(%) 3.6%0.9%-1.4%-1.7%0.3% 1.0% 1.1%2Q'11'10 Total 1Q'114Q'101Q'102Q'103Q'10Home Appliance Air Conditioning & Energy Solution Home Entertainment Mobile Communications * Since this is not an audited nor reviewed report, content may be changed in the future if an auditor has a concern.* Others include independent business unit earnings, other subsidiaries’earnings, internal transactions, etc.16。
