"Micro-deletions" of the human Y chromosome and their relationship with male infertility
Aging by Telomere Loss Can Be ReversedBruno Bernardes de Jesus 1and Maria A.Blasco 1,*1Telomeresand Telomerase Group,Molecular Oncology Program,Spanish National Cancer Centre (CNIO),Melchor Ferna´ndez Almagro 3,Madrid E-28029,Spain*Correspondence:mblasco@cnio.es DOI 10.1016/j.stem.2010.12.013Recently in Nature ,Jaskelioff et al.(2010)demonstrated that multiple aging phenotypes in a mouse model of accelerated telomere loss can be reversed within 4weeks of reactivating telomerase.This raises the major question of whether physiological aging,likely caused by a combination of molecular defects,may also be reversible.Accumulation of short/damaged telo-meres with increasing age is considered one of the main sources of aging-associ-ated DNA damage responsible for the loss of regenerative potential in tissues and during systemic organismal aging (Harley et al.,1990;Flores et al.,2005).Mounting evidence suggests that telome-rase is a longevity gene that functions by counteracting telomere attrition.Thus,telomerase-deficient mice age prema-turely,and telomerase overexpression results in extended longevity in mice (Tomas-Loba et al.,2008).Moreover,human mutations in telomerase compo-nents produce premature adult stem cell dysfunction and decreased longevity (Mitchell et al.,1999).Previous work had shown that restora-tion of telomerase activity in mouse zygotes with critically short telomeres,owing to a deficiency in the telomerase RNA component (Terc),rescues critically short telomeres and chromosomal instability in the resulting mice (Samper et al.,2001).Restoration of telomerase activity in zygotes also pre-vented the wide range of degenerative pathologies that would otherwise appear in telomerase-deficient mice with critically short telomeres,including bone marrow apla-sia,intestinal atrophy,male germ line depletion,and adult stem cell dysfunction (Samper et al.,2001;Siegl-Cachedenier et al.,2007),and resulted in a normal organismal life-span (Siegl-Cachedenier et al.,2007).Together,all the above find-ings indicate that aging provoked by crit-ical telomere shortening can be prevented or delayed by telomerase reactivation.From these grounds,reversion of aging caused by telomere loss was the next frontier.A recent study in Nature takes an important step forward from these previous findings by using a new mouse model for telomerase deficiency,de-signed to permit telomerase reactivation in adult mice after telomere-induced aging phenotypes have been established (Jas-kelioff et al.,2010).Specifically,DePinho and colleagues generated a knockin allele encoding a 4-OH tamoxifen (4-OHT)-inducible mouse telomerase (TERT-ER)under the control of the TERT endogenous promoter.In the absence of tamoxifen,these mice exhibit premature appearance of aging pathologies and reduction in survival (Figure 1).These mice phenocopy previously described Terc -deficient mice,which highlights that elongation of short telomeres by telomerase is the main mechanism by which telomerase protects from aging pathologies.Importantly,4weeks of tamoxifen treatment to induce TERT re-expression in adult TERT-ER mice with clear signs of premature aging was sufficient to extend their telomeres and rescue telomeric DNA damage signaling and associated check-point responses.Dramatically,tamox-ifen-induced TERT re-expression also led to resumption of proliferation in quies-cent cultured cells and eliminated the degenerative phenotypes across multiple organs,including testis,spleen,and intes-tines (Figure 1).Reactivation of telome-rase also ameliorated the decreased survival of TERT-ER mice.These findings represent an important advance in the aging field,as they show that aging induced by telomere loss can be reversed in a broad range of tissues and cell types,including neuronal function.Looking to the future,the next key question is to whatextent natural,physiological aging is caused by the pres-ence of critically short telo-meres and,consequently,to what extent telomere restora-tion will be able to reverse physiological aging.In this re-gard,other recent findings support the idea that telomere shortening does impactnatural mouse aging.On onehand,despite the long-standing belief that mouseaging was not linked to telo-mere shortening giventhat Figure 1.Antiaging Effects of Telomerase Schematic showing the major findings of Jaskelioff et al.(2010).Telomerasereactivation in late generation telomerase-deficient mice (G4TERT-ER )couldrevert some of the aging phenotypes observed,demonstrating the regenera-tive potential capacity of different tissues.Cell Stem Cell 8,January 7,2011ª2011Elsevier Inc.3Cell Stem CellPreviewsmice are born with very long telomeres—much longer than human telomeres—mouse telomeres do suffer extensive shortening associated with aging(Flores et al.,2008).In particular,while mouse cells maintain relatively long telomeres during theirfirst year of life,there is a dramatic loss of telomeric sequences at2years of age,even in various stem cell populations, and this change is concomitant with the loss of regenerative capacity associated with mouse aging.In addition,telome-rase-deficient mice from thefirst genera-tion(G1TercÀ/À)exhibit a significant decrease in median and maximum longevity and a higher incidence of age-related pathologies and stem cell dysfunc-tion compared with wild-type mice(Flores et al.,2005;Garcia-Cao et al.,2006),indi-cating that,as in humans,telomerase activity is rate limiting for natural mouse longevity and aging.These results suggest that strategies aimed to increase telome-rase activity may delay natural mouse aging.Further supporting this notion,it was recently shown that overexpression of TERT in the context of mice engineered to be cancer resistant owe to increase expression of tumor suppressor genes(Sp53/Sp16/SARF/TgTERT mice)wassufficient to decrease telomere damagewith age,delay aging,and increase medianlongevity by40%(Tomas-Loba et al.,2008).However,it remains to be seenwhether telomerase reactivation late in lifewould be sufficient to delay natural mouseaging and extend mouse longevity withoutincreasing cancer incidence.In summary,these proof-of-principlestudies using genetically modified miceare likely to encourage the developmentof targeted therapeutic strategies basedon reactivation of telomerase function.Indeed,small molecule telomerase acti-vators have been reported recently andhave demonstrated some preliminaryhealth-span beneficial effects in humans(Harley et al.,2010).Identifying drugabletargets and candidate activators clearlyopens a new window for the treatment ofage-associated degenerative diseases.REFERENCESFlores,I.,Cayuela,M.L.,and Blasco,M.A.(2005).Science309,1253–1256.Flores,I.,Canela,A.,Vera,E.,Tejera,A.,Cotsare-lis,G.,and Blasco,M.A.(2008).Genes Dev.22,654–667.Garcia-Cao,I.,Garcia-Cao,M.,Tomas-Loba,A.,Martin-Caballero,J.,Flores,J.M.,Klatt,P.,Blasco,M.A.,and Serrano,M.(2006).EMBO Rep.7,546–552.Harley, C.B.,Futcher, A.B.,and Greider, C.W.(1990).Nature345,458–460.Harley, C.B.,Liu,W.,Blasco,M.,Vera, E.,Andrews,W.H.,Briggs,L.A.,and Raffaele,J.M.(2010).Rejuvenation Res.14,in press.Publishedonline September7,2010.10.1089/rej.2010.1085.Jaskelioff,M.,Muller,F.L.,Paik,J.H.,Thomas,E.,Jiang,S.,Adams,A.C.,Sahin,E.,Kost-Alimova,M.,Protopopov,A.,Cadinanos,J.,et al.(2010).Nature.10.1038/nature09603.Mitchell,J.R.,Wood,E.,and Collins,K.(1999).Nature402,551–555.Samper,E.,Flores,J.M.,and Blasco,M.A.(2001).EMBO Rep.2,800–807.Siegl-Cachedenier,I.,Flores,I.,Klatt,P.,andBlasco,M.A.(2007).J.Cell Biol.179,277–290.Tomas-Loba, A.,Flores,I.,Fernandez-Marcos,P.J.,Cayuela,M.L.,Maraver,A.,Tejera,A.,Borras,C.,Matheu,A.,Klatt,P.,Flores,J.M.,et al.(2008).Cell135,609–622.HGPS-Derived iPSCs For The AgesTom Misteli1,*1National Cancer Institute,NIH,Bethesda,MD20892,USA*Correspondence:mistelit@DOI10.1016/j.stem.2010.12.014In this issue of Cell Stem Cell,Zhang et al.(2011)generate patient-derived iPSCs for one of the major prema-ture aging diseases,Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria Syndrome(HGPS).These cells are a much-needed new tool to study HGPS,and their use may lead to novel insights into mechanisms of aging.Some problems in biology are more difficult to study than others.Human aging is certainly one of them.Most conclusions regarding molecular mecha-nism of human aging rely on mere correla-tion,and direct experimental testing is generally not feasible.One approach to dissect the molecular basis of human aging is to study naturally occurring premature aging disorders.One of the most dramatic and prominent of such diseases is Hutchinson-Gilford ProgeriaSyndrome(HGPS).Zhang et al.(2011)now report the generation of inducedpluripotent stem cells(iPSCs)fromHGPS cells,providing a powerful newtool to unravel the molecular and physio-logical mechanisms of premature andnormal aging.HGPS is a truly remarkable disease inmany ways.To start with,it affects anunusually wide spectrum of tissues andleads to the development of highly diversesymptoms ranging from depletion ofsubcutaneous fat to loss of hair andtendon contractures.The diversity ofaffected tissues pointed early on to stemcell defects as a likely disease mecha-nism.Most relevant in patients arevascular defects and recurring strokes,which invariably are fatal in patients intheir mid-to late teens(Hennekam,2006).The disease is exceedingly rare4Cell Stem Cell8,January7,2011ª2011Elsevier Inc.Cell Stem Cell Previews。
《Nature》重磅!哈佛著名华裔科学家再度开发出革命性基因编辑工具!引言今天,顶级学术期刊《自然》杂志在线发表了一篇来自哈佛大学的重磅文章,著名华人科学家、2017年度Nature十大人物入选者哈佛大学David Liu教授团队基于spCas9开发出一种叫做xCas9的新型基因编辑工具酶,其不再受限于以往spCas9基因编辑必须的PAM 序列NGG,即便PAM序列为NG、GAA或者GAT,xCas9照样能够进行基因编辑,这使得xCas9能够直接靶向四分之一的人类基因组序列,这项技术极大地拓宽了基因编辑的应用范围。
哈佛大学著名华人科学家David Liu教授最近相当火爆,经常有CNS级别的文章发表,又入选十大人物、十大进展等等,风头竟一度盖过CRISPR基因编辑技术的张锋、杜德拉等了。
继上周David Liu教授在另一著名期刊《科学》杂志上面发表重磅成果:细胞照相机之后),今天,David Liu教授团队的研究成果再一次登上顶尖期刊《Nature》杂志。
▲Broad研究所的David Liu教授团队在《自然》上面发表的文章(图片来自Nature)在这篇《自然》杂志在线发表的重磅文章中,著名华人科学家、2017年度Nature十大人物入选者哈佛大学David Liu教授团队基于spCas9开发出一种叫做xCas9的新型基因编辑工具酶,其不再受限于以往spCas9基因编辑必须的PAM序列NGG,即便PAM序列为NG、GAA或者GAT,xCas9照样能够进行基因编辑,这使得xCas9能够直接靶向四分之一的人类基因组序列,这项技术极大地拓宽了基因编辑的应用范围【1】。
同时,《Nature》还配发了一篇题为:“Powerful enzyme could make CRISPR gene-editingmore versatile”的评论文章,给与了这项工作高度评价【2】。
▶学霸David Liu◀粗略翻看David Liu教授的简历,可以说绝对是学霸级别的,1973年在加州出生的他,读高中就拿第一名,然后就上了哈佛大学读化学,几年之后,又以第一名的成绩从哈佛大学毕业,去了加州大学伯克利分校(UC Berkeley)顺利完成博士学位(1999年),然后连博士后都没干,直接在1999年就接着升任哈佛大学助教,然后一路前进,2003年坐上了副教授位置,2005年就成了全职教授了,这就是坐火箭一般的速度啊!▲高中时期的David R. Liu不得不佩服啊,连博士后都没有干过,就当了教授了!看看干博后的人,一把酸辛一把泪地做牛做马,好不容易熬出头,结果,找助教找不到,更别提要把板凳坐穿的副教授位置了,教授就更别想了,熬到教授位置恐怕早已经白发苍苍了!所以说牛人的道路自然是与众不同的!▲David R. Liu教授David Liu在三十几岁就当了哈佛正教授,不得不说还是相当厉害的,而三十几岁,大多数科学家还在博后位置上做牛做马,也不知道是哪个龟儿子发明的博士后这么一种上不上、下不下的职位,活脱脱地把一个年轻有为的人往后拖个三五年再上岗,完全是拉慢了人类攀登科学高峰的速度(开个玩笑哈)。
· 指南与共识·中国肾移植受者巨细胞病毒感染临床诊疗指南(2023版)中华医学会器官移植学分会 中国医师协会器官移植医师分会 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会肾脏移植学分会 【摘要】 近几年在实体器官移植(SOT )受者巨细胞病毒(CMV )感染诊疗领域,无论是诊断方法还是新型抗CMV 药物都有了一些新的进展,对CMV 感染的诊治产生了积极的影响。
为了进一步规范中国肾移植术后CMV 感染的管理,中华医学会器官移植学分会组织了国内多个学科相关领域专家,参考《中国实体器官移植受者巨细胞病毒感染诊疗指南(2016版)》和国内外已发表的最新文献和指南,制定了《中国肾移植受者巨细胞病毒感染诊疗指南(2023版)》,新版指南更新了CMV 流行病学,CMV 感染的危险因素和普遍性预防的研究进展,新增CMV 感染定义,细化CMV 血症和CMV 病的诊断标准,并对新型抗CMV 药物进行了介绍。
【关键词】 肾移植;实体器官移植;巨细胞病毒;感染;病毒血症;巨细胞病毒病;普遍性预防;抢先治疗【中图分类号】 R617, R373 【文献标志码】 A 【文章编号】 1674-7445(2024)03-0001-20Clinical diagnosis and treatment guidelines for cytomegalovirus infection in kidney transplant recipients in China (2023edition) Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association, Branch of Organ Transplantation Physician of Chinese Medical Doctor Association, Branch of Kidney Transplantation of China International Exchange and Promotive Association for Medical and Health Care. *The First Affiliated Hospital of Xi 'an Jiaotong University , Xi 'an 710061, China Correspondingauthors:DingXiaoming,Email:***************.cnXueWujun,Email:******************.cn【Abstract 】 In recent years, there have been significant advances in the diagnosis and treatment of cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection in solid organ transplant (SOT) recipients, including diagnostic method and anti-CMV drugs. These advancements have had a positive impact on the management of CMV infection in SOT recipients. To further standardize the management of CMV infection after kidney transplantation in China, Branch of Organ Transplantation of Chinese Medical Association organized a multidisciplinary group of experts in relevant fields. They referred to the ‘Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Cytomegalovirus Infection in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients in China (2016 edition)’ and the latest published literature and guidelines, resulting in the development of the ‘Clinical Diagnosis and Treatment Guidelines for Cytomegalovirus Infection in Kidney Transplant Recipients in China (2023 edition)’. The updated guideline includes CMV epidemiology, research progress on the risk factors and universal prevention of CMV infection, the definition for CMV infection, detailed diagnostic criteria for CMV viremia and CMV disease, as well as an introduction to new anti-CMV drugs.【Key words 】 Kidney transplantation; Solid organ transplantation; Cytomegalovirus; Infection; Viremia;Cytomegalovirus disease; Universal prevention; Preemptive therapyDOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-7445.2024096基金项目:国家自然科学基金(82370802、82170766、82270789、81970646);陕西省卫生健康肾脏移植科研创新平台(2023PT-06)执笔作者单位: 710061 西安,西安交通大学第一附属医院(丁小明);首都医科大学附属北京友谊医院(林俊);首都医科大学附属北京朝阳医院(胡小鹏);复旦大学附属中山医院(戎瑞明);西安交通大学第一附属医院(郑瑾)通信作者:丁小明,Email :***************.cn ;薛武军,Email :******************.cn第 15 卷 第 3 期器官移植Vol. 15 No.3 2024 年 5 月Organ Transplantation May 2024 巨细胞病毒(cytomegalovirus,CMV)是一种全球传播广泛的β-疱疹病毒,原发感染之后在体内会呈潜伏状态,当人体的免疫功能下降时病毒会被再激活。
谈谈微生物与人类的关系英语作文高中Microorganisms and Human Beings: A Symbiotic RelationshipIntroductionMicroorganisms, commonly known as microbes, are microscopic organisms that play a vital role in the ecosystem and in the human body. They can be beneficial, harmful, or neutral to human health. In this essay, we will discuss the relationship between microorganisms and human beings, focusing on their symbiotic interactions.1. Benefits of Microorganisms to Human BeingsMicroorganisms are essential for the breakdown of organic matter, nutrient cycling, and soil fertility, which are crucial for agriculture. In the human body, they play a vital role in digestion, immune system function, and vitamin synthesis. For example, gut bacteria help with the digestion of food and the production of vitamins B and K. They also help in maintaining a healthy balance of good and bad bacteria in the gut, which is essential for overall health.2. Harmful Effects of Microorganisms on Human HealthWhile some microorganisms are beneficial, others can be harmful and cause diseases. Pathogenic microbes such as bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites can cause infections and illnesses in humans. Foodborne illnesses, respiratory infections, and sexually transmitted diseases are some examples of diseases caused by microorganisms. It is essential to practice good hygiene, proper food handling, and vaccination to prevent the spread of these diseases.3. The Human MicrobiomeThe human microbiome refers to the collection of microorganisms that inhabit the human body. These microbes reside in various parts of the body, such as the skin, mouth, gut, and reproductive organs. The microbiome plays a crucial role in maintaining human health and wellbeing. It helps in digestion, nutrient absorption, immune system regulation, and protection against harmful pathogens. Disruption of the microbiome can lead to various health problems, such as autoimmune diseases, allergies, and obesity.4. Impact of Microorganisms on Human EvolutionMicroorganisms have shaped human evolution in many ways. They have influenced the development of the immune system, digestive system, and brain function. The co-evolution ofhumans and microbes has led to the establishment of a mutually beneficial relationship. For example, the gut microbiota helps in the digestion of complex carbohydrates, which have been a significant source of energy throughout human evolution. Understanding the role of microorganisms in human evolution can provide insights into the prevention and treatment of modern diseases.5. Future PerspectivesAs the field of microbiology advances, scientists are discovering new ways in which microorganisms can benefit human health. Probiotics, prebiotics, and microbial therapy are some of the emerging technologies that are being used to manipulate the microbiome for therapeutic purposes. Microbial engineering and synthetic biology are also being explored for the development of new antimicrobial agents, vaccines, and biofuels. The study of microorganisms has the potential to revolutionize healthcare, agriculture, and environmental sustainability in the future.ConclusionIn conclusion, the relationship between microorganisms and human beings is complex and multifaceted. While some microbes are beneficial and essential for human health, otherscan be harmful and cause diseases. Understanding the interactions between humans and microbes is crucial for maintaining a healthy balance and preventing diseases. As we continue to explore the role of microorganisms in human health and evolution, we can harness their potential for improving human wellbeing and sustainability.。
表 1 Y 染色体微缺失多重 PCR检测分析
长度 (bp)
sY84 (AZFa)
常规精液分析及无精子症和少精子症诊断按 世界 卫生组织 (WHO ) 推荐方法和诊断标准进行 。50 例正常生育男性为对 照组 。
112 外周血染色体核型分析 取外周血进行淋巴细胞培养
后 , 常规制备染色体标本 , G显带分析计数 30个中期分裂相 , 分析 3~5个核型 , 异常者加倍计数和分析 , 结果按人类细胞 遗传学国际命名体制 ( ISCN , 1985) 进行表达 。
11314 PCR扩增产物的电泳检测 取 PCR 产物点样于 115%
琼脂糖凝胶 ( 015 μg/m l EB ) , 90V 电泳 30 m in。通过紫外透 射仪 ( Tanon 1600) 观察结果 , 使用图像处理系统记录结果 。
AZFb区缺失 1 例 , AZFb + c缺失 2 例 , AZFb + c + d缺失 6 例 , AZFc + d缺失 10例 ;严重少精子症组 91例 ,发现 12例缺失 ,缺 失率为 13119%。AZPc缺失 2例 , AZFc + d缺失 5例 , AZFb + c + d缺失 5例 。无精子症组和严重少精子症组总缺失率为 11111% (37 /333) 。AZFc区和 AZFd区缺失率较高 。见表 3。
de Motu Cordis et Sanguinis in Animalibus (An
William Harvey 1578-1657
With careful observation and quantitative experiments challenged Galen’s theory on the artery and vein
显微解剖学的发展Microscopic Anatomy
Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
A Dutch cloth merchant used new method for grinding and polishing tiny lenses of great curvature which gave magnifications up to 270 diameters
瓦特 1736-1819
James Watt
Pre-modern Medicine: Industrial revolution
轮船 Steamer boat
(George Stephenson 1781-1848)
and his locomotive(1829)
French Revolution 17891799
Storming of Bastille
Execution of Louis XVI
January 21, 1793
Pre-modern Medicine: Industrial The Industrial Revolution was a period in the late revolution
DOI: 10.1021/jm500838d J. Med. Chem. XXXX, XXX, XXX−XXX
Journal of Medicinal Chemistry Particular attention will be paid to testing protocols involving phenotypic screening and model organisms. These enable the discovery of active molecules both from lead structures with defined pharmacology and by high-throughput screening of large compound libraries. The modification of these active compounds by conventional medicinal chemistry techniques to maximize the potency and selectivity of candidate compounds will be discussed and, where appropriate, the leading “proof-ofprinciple” compounds presented. While there have been many examples of drug approvals from phenotypic screening campaigns, there can be challenges in translating candidate compounds to the clinic where the molecular target, or off-target effects, may be unknown. It is clear from the multiple studies described that the detailed investigation of the mechanisms of action of these compounds will produce valuable information on the critical signaling pathways in the cells and present further targets for drug discovery; examples of these will be discussed. More detailed investigations of the pharmacological actions of significant compounds in a wide range of cell and tissue types may be used to give a detailed picture of their overall biological activity, tissue specificity, and safety profile before the undertaking of clinical studies. Thus, through the use of key examples, this perspective will pay particular attention to: (a) documenting what is already known about molecules acting on these cell systems; (b) reviewing the state of the art for initial screening protocols which have the potential to be used to discover active compounds by both traditional and high-throughput assays; (c) describing the more detailed studies necessary on key compounds before human use could be envisaged; (d) describing such compounds which have been used in the clinic. The concept of stimulating stem cells in situ is an emerging approach in regenerative medicine, and a few examples of candidate drugs operating through this mechanism have been reported and reviewed.4,5 Recently Hoffman and Metternich have used the term “molecular organ repair”6 to describe the processes whereby small molecules are able to trigger cellular self-renewal mechanisms or celomatic stem cells. Further, Poss has discussed tissue regeneration and pointed out that many mammalian tissues, including cardiac muscle, spinal cord, and the major appendages, appear to have very little regenerative capacity.7 He also pointed out that stem cells are not always involved even in the well-established regenerative processes. Indeed, the example par excellence of limb regeneration, namely the salamander, appears to use predominantly a process of dedifferentiation rather than stem cell differentiation. Further, in the mammalian heart, multiple potential candidate cell types have been identified. However, there appears to be more promise in targeting resident progenitor cells of developmental origin which contribute multiple cell types to the developing heart for cardiac regeneration as opposed to the rare adult-only resident cardiac “stem cells”.8 While the objective of these studies is obviously to find in vivo active molecules and several pioneering examples have been described in recent years, the majority of the work disclosed to date has come from in vitro studies. Nonetheless, these systems represent useful in vitro models and selected examples will be discussed in this context. The comparatively
微卫星单碱基的英语英文回答:Microsatellites are short, repetitive sequences of DNA that are composed of a single nucleotide, such as A, C, G, or T. These sequences are found throughout the genome and are often located in non-coding regions. Microsatellites are highly polymorphic, meaning that they vary in length between individuals. This polymorphism makes them usefulfor a variety of genetic applications, such as population genetics, forensic science, and paternity testing.The most common type of microsatellite is the dinucleotide repeat, which consists of two nucleotides repeated in tandem. Dinucleotide repeats are typically named after the two nucleotides that they are composed of, such as AC, AG, or AT. Other types of microsatellites include trinucleotide repeats, tetranucleotide repeats, and pentanucleotide repeats.Microsatellites are thought to arise through a process called replication slippage. This process occurs when DNA polymerase pauses during replication and repeats the same nucleotide several times. Microsatellites can also be created or lengthened through a process called unequal crossing-over. This process occurs when two homologous chromosomes misalign during meiosis and exchange genetic material.Microsatellites are highly polymorphic because they are prone to mutations. These mutations can occur through a variety of mechanisms, including replication slippage, unequal crossing-over, and gene conversion. Microsatellite mutations can have a number of different effects, including changes in gene expression, changes in protein structure, and changes in disease susceptibility.Microsatellites are a valuable tool for a variety of genetic applications. They are used in population genetics to study the genetic diversity of populations and to track the flow of genes between populations. Microsatellites are also used in forensic science to identify individuals andto link suspects to crime scenes. Microsatellites are also used in paternity testing to determine the biologicalfather of a child.中文回答:微卫星是长度较短的重复性 DNA 序列,由单个核苷酸组成,如A、C、G 或 T。
Advances in Clinical Medicine 临床医学进展, 2023, 13(8), 13534-13539 Published Online August 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/acm https:///10.12677/acm.2023.1381889Micro-CT 的工作原理及在骨微结构研究的应用 马志豪1*,王 威2#1内蒙古医科大学内蒙古临床医学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 2内蒙古自治区人民医院急诊科,内蒙古 呼和浩特收稿日期:2023年7月23日;录用日期:2023年8月16日;发布日期:2023年8月23日摘要 Micro-CT (Micro Computed Tomography ,微计算机断层扫描技术)是一种非破坏性的三维成像技术,分辨率可达到微米(μm)级别,其广泛应用于骨骼、牙齿、生物材料等诸多领域,特别是在骨骼中的应用对于骨微结构及力学特征研究具有重要意义。
本研究综述了Micro-CT 的工作原理及其在骨微结构研究中的应用。
关键词Micro-CT ,骨小梁,骨微结构The Working Principle of Micro-CT and Its Application in the Study of Bone MicrostructureZhihao Ma 1*, Wei Wang 2#1Inner Mongolia Clinical Medical College, Inner Mongolia Medical University, Hohhot Inner Mongolia 2Department of Emergency, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region People′s Hospital, Hohhot Inner Mongolia Received: Jul. 23rd , 2023; accepted: Aug. 16th , 2023; published: Aug. 23rd , 2023AbstractMicro Computed Tomography is a non-destructive three-dimensional imaging technology, the resolution can reach micron (μm) level, it is widely used in bone, teeth, biomaterials and many *第一作者#通讯作者马志豪,王威other fields, especially the application in bone is of great significance to study bone microstruc-ture and the mechanical cha racteristics. This study reviewed the working principle of Micro-CT and its application in the study of bone microstructure.KeywordsMicro-CT, Bone Trabecula, Bone MicrostructureThis work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution International License (CC BY 4.0)./licenses/by/4.0/1. 引言1895年,德国物理学家伦琴[1]首先发现了X射线,并拍摄出了全球第一部X片。
在经典研究中,这些响应在致病性的背景下被调查; 但是,我们现在知道它们对我们的肠道微生物有显著影响。
论文ID原名:Communication Between the Microbiota and Mammalian Immunity译名:微生物群与哺乳动物免疫之间的作用期刊:Annual Review of MicrobiologyIF:9.808发表时间:2018年通信作者:June L. Round通信作者单位:美国犹他大学医学院微生物学与免疫学院病理学系目录1 对共生菌的免疫反应的特殊性1.1 口述特异性:主要的组织相容性复合体1.2 抗原获得和抗原呈递细胞1.3 共生抗原特异性反应1.4 共生菌影响免疫应答特异性的机制1.5 肠道IgA响应特异性2 共生菌对寄主的免疫调控2.1 专门分泌的微生物分子2.2 膳食代谢物3 色氨酸代谢物3.1 微生物结构分子4 色氨酸代谢物4.1 生物氨基酸5 微生物组研究中的实验技术6 结语综述内容1 对共生菌的免疫反应的特殊性胃肠道含有高度复杂的微生物群落,与免疫系统密切相关,显着影响寄主健康。
T和B细胞通过其受体与外来分子或抗原发生反应; 因此,它们的反应被认为对它们靶向的生物体是高度特异性的。
细胞微生物学【中英文实用版】英文文档:Cell microbiology is a branch of biological science that focuses on the study of microorganisms at the cellular level.It explores the interactions between microorganisms and host cells, as well as the mechanisms by which these microorganisms cause diseases.This field of research plays a crucial role in understanding infectious diseases and developing strategies for their prevention and treatment.In cell microbiology, researchers use various techniques to investigate the behavior of microorganisms in different cellular environments.These techniques include cell culture, microscopy, molecular biology, and immunology.By studying the cellular components of microorganisms, scientists can uncover the molecular basis for their pathogenicity and identify potential targets for drug development.One of the key areas of research in cell microbiology is the study of bacterial cell wall structure and function.The cell wall is a critical component of bacterial cells that plays a key role in their survival and virulence.Understanding the cell wall"s structure and function can provide insights into the development of new antibiotics that can target this essential component.Another important aspect of cell microbiology is the investigation ofhost-pathogen interactions.Microorganisms have evolved various strategies to evade the host immune system and establish infection.By studying these interactions, researchers can identify new targets for the development of vaccines and therapeutics.Overall, cell microbiology is a rapidly evolving field of research that has significant implications for human health.Advances in this field can lead to the development of new diagnostic methods, vaccines, and antibiotics, ultimately improving the treatment and prevention of infectious diseases.中文文档:细胞微生物学是生物学科学的一个分支,专注于研究微生物在细胞层面的特性。
・学术论著・无精子症和少精子症不育患者Y 染色体AZF 微缺失检测邝炎波张畅斌周庆葵朱照平郑毅春肖宗辉广东省妇幼保健院,广东广州510010【摘 要】目的:探讨无精子症和少精子症患者Y 染色体AZF 微缺失与男性不育的关系。
方法:采用多重PCR 技术和毛细管电泳,对167例无精子症和少精子症患者进行Y 染色体AZF 微缺失检测,并以50例已生育的正常男性和10例正常女性作对照。
结果:167例无精子症和少精子症患者中共发现AZF 微缺失11例,总缺失率6159%(11/167),其中无精子症患者65例,AZF 微缺失4例,缺失率6115%(4/65);严重少精子症患者50例,AZF 微缺失7例,缺失率14100%(7/50)。
52例少精子症患者和50例已生育正常男性均未发现AZF 微缺失。
AZF 微缺失的缺失类型及比例:AZFc 缺失10例,占总缺失的90191%(10/11);AZFb +c 缺失1例,占总缺失的9109%(1/11),11例缺失患者中未发现AZFa 缺失。
结论:染色体AZF 微缺失是引起生精功能障碍导致男性不育的主要原因之一,AZF 微缺失主要集中在无精子症和严重少精子症患者中,以AZFc 缺失为主。
【关键词】Y 染色体;无精子因子;微缺失;男性不育;聚合酶链反应;毛细管电泳D etecti on of m i crodeleti on i n AZF reg i on of Y chrom oso m e i n azoosperm i aand oli gozoosperm i a i n fertility pa ti en tsK UAN G Yanbo,ZHAN G Changbin,ZHOU Q ingkui,ZHU Zhaoping,ZHEN G Yichun,X I AO ZonghuiGudong W o m en and Children ’s Hospital,Guangzhou,510010Ch ina【Abstract 】O bjecti ves:T o discuss the relati onshi p bet w een azoos per matis m or oligos per matis m and m icr odeleti ons in theAZF regi on of the Y chr omos ome .M ethod:M ulti p lex PCR and cap illary electr ophoresis were used t o detect the m icr odeleti ons in the AZF regi on of the Y chr omos ome of 167infertile men with azoos per matis m or oligos per matis m.The contr ol cases were 50nor 2mal fertile male and 10nor mal fe males .Result:The m icr odeleti ons in AZF had been detected within 11of 167infertile men,the t otal p r oporti on of m icr odeleti ons in AZF was 6.59percent (11/167).Among 65azoos per matis m men,4men had been detected m icr odeleti ons in AZF,the p r oporti on was 6.15percent (4/65);a mong 50seri ous oligos per matis m men,7men had been detected t o have m icr odeleti ons in AZF,the p r oporti on was 14.00percent (7/50).The m icr odeleti ons in AZF hadn’t been detected among all 52oligos per matis m men and 50nor mal fertile men .A s t o the type of m icr odeleti ons in AZF and its p r oporti on,10men had AZFc deleti on with the p r oporti on of 90.91percent (10/11);1men had AZFb +c deleti on,the p r oporti on being 9.09percent (1/11),and no AZFa deleti on was detected a mong all men .Conclusi on:The m icr odeleti ons in the AZF regi on of the Y chr omo 2s ome is one of the maj or reas ons t o cause s per mat ogenic failure resulting in male infertility .the maj or affecting populati on of m i 2cr odeleti ons in AZF were azoos per matis m and seri ous oligos per matis m patients,and the m icr odeleti ons in AZF f ocuses on AZF .【Key words 】Y chro m oso m e;Azoosperm i a gene;M i crodeleti on;M a le i n fertile;Poly m era se cha i n reacti on;Cap il 2l ary eletrophoresis 据报道,育龄夫妇中约15%患有不育,其中由男性因素引起的不育约占这一比例的50%。
但值得注意的是,,蛋白质编码只有1.5%,占人类基因组基因- ,但其余98.5%的DNA的百分之不仅仅是垃圾。
这个隐藏的军队是什么功能?人类基因组中的号码• 1.5翻译成蛋白质的基因组中的百分比•27转录的基因组中的百分比作为蛋白质编码基因的表达的一部分,但不翻译成蛋白质•25百分比的基因组被转录,但没有翻译,是不相关的蛋白质编码基因•目前确定的microRNA 250个(截至2005年6月)•10 000估计是由小分子RNA调节蛋白编码基因的数量,每个小分子RNA可以针对几个基因,和一个特定的基因可能是受几个小分子RNA•98即非编码RNA的2的基因组输出的百分比•9个有相关的反义转录的基因,似乎•20 000非功能的假基因在基因组中的估计数小分子RNA的大作用人类基因组包含25 000个左右的蛋白质编码基因,这听起来好像很多,但几乎超过了蠕虫。
谭敏颖,戴川景,卢学敏,等. 银耳多糖对人软骨细胞的增殖效应和抗炎作用[J]. 食品工业科技,2024,45(1):1−8. doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060077TAN Minying, DAI Chuanjing, LU Xuemin, et al. Proliferation and Anti-inflammatory Effects of Tremella fuciformis Polysaccharide on Human Chondrocytes[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(1): 1−8. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi:10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060077· 特邀主编专栏—食品中天然产物提取分离、结构表征和生物活性(客座主编:杨栩、彭鑫) ·银耳多糖对人软骨细胞的增殖效应和抗炎作用谭敏颖1,2,戴川景1,卢学敏1,王毅刚1,关 磊2,程 勇2, *(1.浙江理工大学生命科学与医药学院,浙江杭州 310018;2.浙江天草生物科技股份有限公司,浙江湖州 313399)摘 要:目的:骨关节炎(Osteoarthritis ,OA )是一种常见的慢性关节性疾病,本研究旨在探究银耳多糖对骨关节炎细胞模型人软骨细胞T/C-28a2的增殖效应和抗炎作用。
方法:通过MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazoliumbromide )和结晶紫染色实验检测银耳多糖对T/C-28a2细胞增殖活力和细胞毒性的影响;用脂多糖(Lipopolysaccharide ,LPS )处理T/C-28a2细胞建立骨炎症模型,酶联免疫吸附测定(Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay ,ELISA )检测药物处理后细胞白介素-6(Interleukin-6,IL-6)的表达;利用蛋白免疫印迹(Western blot )检测药物处理后相关骨保护因子和炎症因子的表达;通过ROS 活性氧释放实验检测药物对细胞的氧化应激水平和抗炎症反应。
利用化学小分子实现人胚胎干细胞多能性状态的转化欧阳琦;杨青青;周晓樱;林戈;卢光琇;胡维新【摘要】小鼠胚胎干细胞(Embryonic Stem Cells,ESCs)具有两种不同的多能性状态-原始态多能性(naive pluripotency)和始发态多能性(primed pluripotency),这两种多能性干细胞在形态、自我更新维持条件、基因表达、表观遗传学特征以及单克隆形成率等方面都存在明显差别.传统条件下分离和培养的人胚胎干细胞(human Embryonic Stem Cells,hESCs)生物学特征更接近始发态多能性状态,需依赖转基因操作才能获得和维持原始态多能性状态.本研究通过在培养体系中添加化学小分子成功地将已建系的始发态多能性hESCs转化为原始态多能性干细胞,转化后hESCs呈紧密、圆形、隆起的三维克隆结构,具有两条活化的X染色体,单克隆形成率提高,基因表达更接近原始态多能性特征.结果提示hESCs也存在两种多能性状态,不同的体外培养环境可获得具备不同多能性特征的hESCs.原始态多能性状态的获得使hESCs在基因治疗、器官再生等领域具有广阔的应用前景,而仅改变培养条件,不依赖基因操作的培养方式大大提高了原始态多能性于细胞应用的安全性.【期刊名称】《激光生物学报》【年(卷),期】2014(023)004【总页数】7页(P319-325)【关键词】人胚胎干细胞;多能性;转化;化学小分子【作者】欧阳琦;杨青青;周晓樱;林戈;卢光琇;胡维新【作者单位】中南大学生命科学学院,湖南长沙410078;中南大学生殖与干细胞研究所,湖南长沙410078;中南大学生殖与干细胞研究所,湖南长沙410078;中南大学生殖与干细胞研究所,湖南长沙410078;中南大学生殖与干细胞研究所,湖南长沙410078;中南大学生殖与干细胞研究所,湖南长沙410078;中南大学生命科学学院,湖南长沙410078【正文语种】中文【中图分类】Q813.1小鼠胚胎干细胞依据其来源的发育阶段以及细胞的生物学特性可分为两类:一类是传统意义上的胚胎干细胞(mouse embryonic stem cells,mESCs),来源于植入前囊胚的内细胞团,处于原始多能性状态(naive)[1];一类是上胚层干细胞(mouse epiblast stem cells,mEpiSCs),来源于植入后胚胎的上胚层,处于始发态的多能性状态(Primed)[2]。
遗传学名人小传(Great Geneticists)之孟德尔罗静初1822年7月22日,约翰•孟德尔(Johann Mendel)出生在奥地利莫拉维亚(Moravia)一个名叫海钦多夫(Heinzendorf)的村子里(现已划归捷克)。
11111人类 microRNA转录物的上游元件DOC
学校代码:1 0 0 6 2学号:2006062108本科毕业论文(设计)UNDERGRADUATE DISSERTATION论文题目:人类microRNA转录物的上游元件预测与分析TITLE The Prediction and Analysis of theUpstream Elements of MicroRNAin Human Genome院系生物医学工程学院专业生物医学工程年级 2006级学生姓名李娟指导教师王兆月副教授2010年6月目录中文摘要 (1)英文摘要 (2)1. 前言 (3)2. 研究对象和方法 (5)2.1 提取数据 (5)2.1.1 pre-miRNA获取、聚类和提取上游侧翼序列 (5)2.1.2 获取随机序列 (5)2.2 TSS预测 (6)2.3 TFBS预测 (7)2.4 CpG岛预测 (9)2.5 数据处理与统计 (9)3. 实验结果 (10)3.1 TSS结果 (10)3.2 TFBS结果 (12)3.3 CpG岛结果 (14)4. 讨论 (14)5. 结论 (17)致谢 (18)参考文献 (19)附件 (21)目的:microRNA是具有转录后调控作用的内源小分子RNA,约20~24nt(少数是20nt),其初级转录本的注释对于我们了解miRNA的生物功能及其调节靶位非常重要。
方法:从MirBase数据库中获取基因间隔区的miRNA共290个,按照其在基因组中相互之间的距离进行聚类,共分为0kb、1kb、3kb、5kb、10kb五类;使用biosmart和galaxy分别获取基因间的miRNA 上游序列和随机的基因间序列;使用the Eponine TSS prediction track of Ensembl、UCSC 的TFBS conserved、EMBOSS CpGplot分别对TSS、TFBS、CpG岛进行预测;使用SAS 9.2对预测结果进行频数统计和核密度估计。