10. “○”和“●”表示不同的元素,以下图示表示单质的是 (
: 微粒观点及模型图的应用;单质和化合物的判别。 1 08391
专题: 微观粒子模拟图型;物质的分类。 分析: 单质为同种元素组成的纯净物,其分子则是由同种原子所构成;判断物质为单质,
首先确定物质为纯净物,然后确定物质的分子由同种原子构成. 解答: 解;A、该图示分子为两种构成不同的分子,为两种物质的分子,则图示物质是混合
以向 pH=11 的溶液中滴加石蕊试剂,溶液呈蓝色; 故选 D. 点评: 了解相关知识即可正确解答:石蕊的变色情况是“酸红碱蓝中不变”;pH<7 的溶液显 酸性,pH>7 的溶液显碱性,pH=7 的溶液是中性.
5.含有+2 价氮元素的物质是( )
A .N 2O
B . NO
C. NO2
D.N2 O5
考点: 化合价规律和原则;有关元素化合价的计算。 1 08391
B、He 表示氦元素,不符合题意; C、Hg 表示汞元素,正确; D、Mg 表示镁元素,不符合题意; 故选 C. 点评: 本题考查了元素符号的记忆和应用,注重基础,难度不大.
2.物质在不断的运动变化,属于物理变化的是( )
A . 冰雪融化
B . 大米酿酒
C. 木炭燃烧
考点: 化学变化和物理变化的判别。 1 08391
每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项最符合题目的要求)【化学部分】相对原子质量:H 1 C 12 O 16 Na 23 Mg 24 Al 27 S 32Cl 35.5 K39 Ca 40 Fe 56 Cu 64 Zn 65 Ba 1371.千姿百态的物质世界不断发生着变化。
2012年上海市黄浦区初三化学二模试卷(满分150分,完卷时间100分钟)2013.5化学部分相对原子质量:H—1 O—16 C—12 Cl—35.5 Ca—40 Cu—64 Mg—24六、选择题(每题只有一个正确答案,共20分)27. 生活中属于化学变化的是A.滴水成冰 B.木材制成桌椅 C.粮食酿酒 D.湿衣服晾干28.属于纯净物的是A.天然气 B.液氧 C.自来水 D.矿泉水29.属于溶液的是A.牛奶 B.碘酒 C.蒸馏水 D.石灰乳30. 互为同素异形体的一组物质是A.白磷、红磷 B.一氧化碳、二氧化碳C.冰、水 D.天然气、甲烷31.燃烧产物对环境影响最小的物质是A.液化气 B.煤气 C.氢气 D.天然气32.属于物理性质的是A.木炭的稳定性 B.一氧化碳的还原性C.酒精的可燃性 D.浓盐酸的挥发性33.钛铁矿主要成分的化学式为FeTiOx,其中铁元素和钛元素的化合价均显+3价,则x为A.2 B.3 C.4 D.634.我国运载火箭的动力是由高氯酸铵(NH4ClO4)分解提供,该反应的化学方程式为:2NH4ClO4 X↑+N2↑+4H2O↑+2O2↑,则X的化学式为A.Cl2 B.NO C.NO2 D.HCl35.制得无定形硅的化学反应方程式为:SiO2 + 2Mg Si + 2MgO。
该化学反应中的还原剂是A.SiO2 B.Mg C.Si D.MgO36.自来水厂净水流程为:天然水沉降过滤吸附自来水,其中常用作除去臭味的试剂是A.漂白粉 B.明矾 C.氯气 D.活性炭37.以下结构示意图表示足球烯(C60)结构模型的是A.B.C.D.38.锡(Sn)是人们常说的“五金”之一,根据金属活动性顺序判断不会发生的反应是A.Zn+Sn(NO3)2 →Zn(NO3)2+Sn B.Sn+2HCl →SnCl2+H2↑C.Sn+2AgNO3 →Sn(NO3)2+2Ag D.Sn+MgSO4 →SnSO4+Mg39. 除去下列物质中的少量杂质(括号内是杂质),所用试剂及方法均正确的是A.铜粉(碳粉)——在空气中灼烧B.氯化亚铁溶液(氯化铜)——加过量的锌粉、过滤C.氢氧化钠(碳酸钠)——加适量的稀盐酸、蒸发D.一氧化碳(二氧化碳)——通过足量的氢氧化钠溶液、干燥40. 下列装置或操作能达到实验目的的是A.证明CO2密度比空气大B.量取35mL液体C.测定空气里氧气的含量D.收集CO2气体41. 对于反应:X+Ca(OH)2 →Y+Cu(OH)2↓,下列分析中正确的是A.该反应类型可能是置换反应 B.Y可能是CaCl2或Ca(NO3)2C.X可能是CuCl2或Fe2(SO4)3 D.X和Y的相对分子质量之差为1842.向含有AgNO3、Cu(NO3)2的混合溶液中加入一定量的铁粉,充分反应后过滤,向滤出的固体中滴加稀硫酸,有气体生成,则滤出的固体一定为A.Ag、Cu两种单质的混合物 B.Cu、Fe两种单质的混合物C.Ag、Fe两种单质的混合物 D.Ag、Cu、Fe三种单质的混合物43.等物质的量的下列物质在足量的氧气中完全燃烧,得到二氧化碳质量最多的是A.C3H8 B.C2H2 C.CH4 D.CO44.某样品中可能含有硫酸铜、碳酸钠、硝酸钾或硝酸钡四种中的一种或几种。
①排空气法收集氢气可以选用的装置编号是 (17) 。
②实验室制取的CO 2中常混有HCl 气体,为除去CO 2中少量的HCl 气体,不纯的气体应从E 装置(18) (填写导管口英文编号)管口进入,若用E 装置干燥CO 2,则装置内所加试剂是 (19) 。
③SO 2和Cl 2均有毒有害,实验室可将两者同时通入水中,生成两种酸,发生的反应如下: SO 2+Cl 2+2H 2O→(酸)+2HCl ,其中另一种酸的化学式是 (20) ;向吸收液中投入锌粉会见到大量气泡,此时发生的反应属于(21) (填写基本反应类型)反应。
④为检验吸收液中两种酸,可以先加 (22) (填写化学式)试液,再加 (23) (填写化学式)试液。
2012杨浦区32.利用下图所示装置,能完成实验室制取气体的是A .用①③制取氧气B .用②③制取二氧化碳C .用②④制取氧气D .用①⑤制取二氧化碳2012宝山:41.根据启普发生器原理,将干燥管浸没烧杯或从烧杯中取出能达到随开随用随关随停。
下列气体的制取宜使用该装置的是 ( ) A.用大理石粉末与稀盐酸反应制取二氧化碳 B.镁粉与稀硫酸反应制取氢气C.用二氧化锰粉末与双氧水溶液制氧气D.用块状大理石与稀盐酸反应制取二氧化碳 2012徐汇:37.实验室加热氯酸钾制取氧气的装置如右图所示,对有关实验操作的分析错误的是( ) A.气密性检查:用手握紧试管,观察到水中导气管有气泡冒出,说明装置不漏气B.试管口略向下倾斜:防止试管壁上的水流入试管底部,导 致试管炸裂③①②④⑤C.加热:直接用酒精灯的火焰对准药品所在位置加热D.停止加热:先把导管移出水面,再熄灭酒精灯50.二氧化碳实验室制法的药品和常用仪器如下。
源于名校,成就所托浦东新区2012年中考预测化学试卷(二模)可能用到的相对原子质量:H-1,C-12,O-16,Ca-40一、选择题(共20分)27. 生活中的变化属于化学变化的是()A.西瓜榨汁B.铁锁生锈C.河水结冰D.海水晒盐28. 空气中体积含量约为21% 的气体是()A.氧气B.氮气C.稀有气体D.二氧化碳29. 能表示两个氢原子的符号是()A.H2B.2H C.2H2D.H2O30. 生活中的常见物质属于纯净物的是()A.蒸馏水B.冰红茶C.眼药水D.矿泉水31. 砒霜(As2O3)虽有毒,但可用于治疗某些疾病,As2O3中As的化合价为( )A.—3 B.—2 C.+2 D.+332. 物质的主要成分与其俗称不相符合的是()A.生石灰CaO B.熟石灰Ca(OH)2C.胆矾CuSO4D.火碱NaOH33. 炒菜时,不小心将食盐洒落在火焰上,发出的颜色的是()A.红色B.黄色C.紫色D.绿色34. 互为同素异形体的物质是()A.氧气与液氧B.冰与干冰C.水与双氧水D.金刚石与石墨35. 生活中的以下物质不属于溶液的是()A.碘酒B.汽水C.牛奶D.白酒36. 性质决定用途,有关物质的用途不正确的是()A.氢氧化钠用于治疗胃酸过多B.氯气用于自来水消毒C.氢气用作高能燃料D.活性炭用于防毒面具37. 将甲、乙两种金属片分别放入硫酸铜溶液中,甲表面析出金属铜,乙没有明显现象。
据此判断,三种金属的金属活动性顺序是()A.甲>铜>乙B.乙>铜>甲C.铜>甲>乙D.甲>乙>铜38. 下列实验中,能观察到的现象是()A .红磷燃烧产生大量白色烟雾B .铁丝在空气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射C .硫在空气中燃烧,发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰D .木炭还原氧化铜的过程中,黑色固体变成红色39. 工业制取水煤气(一种燃料)的反应为:22H CO O H C +−−→−+高温,其中的氧化剂是( ) A .C B .H 2O C .CO D .H 240. 下列实验操作不正确的是( )A .氧气验满B . 读取体积C .倾倒液体D .检查气密性41. “金属明星”钛的获取方法之一为:Ti MgCl Mg TiCl +−→−+∆2422,该反应属于( ) A .分解反应 B .化合反应 C .置换反应 D .复分解反应42.有关电解水实验的叙述中,错误的是 ( )A .可证明水是一种化合物B .与电源负极相连的一端产生氢气C .正、负极产生的气体体积比是2:1D .该反应的微观实质是氢、氧原子的重新组合43.以下实验不能达到目的的是( ) 实验序号实验目的 试剂或方法 A鉴别盐酸或硫酸 BaCl 2溶液 B测定粗盐的纯度 溶解、过滤、蒸发结晶 C除去铜粉中的铁粉 加入足量稀硫酸,过滤 D 除去氯化钙溶液中的盐酸 加入过量碳酸钙至不再冒气泡,过滤 44. 下列实验事实合理的是( )A .用10mL 量筒取6.53mL 的水B .用广泛PH 试纸测定雨水的PH 为5.5C .用20g 氯化钠和100g 水配制20%的氯化钠溶液D .用温度计测定酸和碱反应后温度升高了4°C45.能用于实验室制二氧化碳,且符合启普发生器的装置是( )A .B .C .D .46.某混合气体可能含有水蒸汽、H 2、CO 、CO 2中的一种或多种,将混合气体依次通过无水硫酸铜,无明显现象;通过灼热的CuO ,有红色物质生成;通过无水硫酸铜,粉末变蓝;通过NaOH 溶液时,气体体积明显减少。
浦东新区2012年中考预测英语试卷(满分150分, 考试时间100分钟)考生注意:本卷有七大题, 共99小题。
试题均采用连续编号, 所有答案务必按照规定在答题纸上完成, 做在试卷上不给分。
Part 2 Vocabulary and Grammar (第二部分词汇和语法)II. Choose the best answer (选择最恰当的答案):(共20分)31. The story happened in __________ European country.A) a B) an C) the D) /32. Peter was sitting in the sofa, talking with _______ friends.A) he B) him C) his D) himself33. The Japanese held different kinds of activities to commemorate (纪念) the one-year anniversary of their earthquake ________ March this year.A) on B) in C) at D) to34. My cousin will stay with me for ______ days this summer holiday.A) a little B) a bit C) a couple of D) an amount of35. Tourists can enjoy wonderful views on ________ side of the Huangpu River.A) all B) both C) any D) either36. All the boys came to make fun of Tom, ________ they stayed to play games with his happily at last.A) so B) and C) but D) or37. The fans were so ________ to know their favorite singing star Whitey Huston’s death.A) surprise B) surprising C) surprised D) surprisedly38. ________ cool your new ipad 3 is! I want to have the same one.A) How B) What C) What a D) What an39. The Junior Three students had sports in the playground this morning. Some played basketball,________ practiced running.A) the other B) another C) the others D) others40. While we ________ around our neighborhood after supper, it began to rain.A) walk B) walked C) are walking D) were walking41. Every citizen ________ try his best to protect our environment. It’s our duty.A) need B) must C) can D) may42. The red suitcase is ________ the black one. I will take the red one to go travelling.A) as heavy as B) so heavy as C) not as heavy as D) heavier than43. ---Peter hasn’t been abroad before. He kn ows little about foreign culture.---________.A) So have I. B) So do I. C) Neither have I. D) Neither do I.44. My brother _______ in a university in Canada for three years. He will come back to China next week.A) has studied B) will study C) studies D) is studying45. The poor baby has kept _______ for a long time because he can’t find his mother.A) cry B) crying C) cries D) cried46. Many students have to give up their hobbies _______ they are busy with their studies.A) although B) until C) because D) unless47. By the end of last month, we _______ enough money to help Linda’s mother.A) had collected B) have collected C) collected D) were collecting48. Miss Green is kind and patient. She always encourages Roddy ______ his hand in her class.A) put up B) putting up C) puts up D) to put up49. ---Billy lost his bike yesterday and had to walk home.---________.A) That’s all right. B) It sounds great.C) It doesn’t matter.D) Oh, I’m sorry to hear that.50. ---Healthy eating and doing exercise every day can keep us fit.---________.A) Sorry, I don’t know. B) Well done.C) That’s right.D) That’s OK.III. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once (将下列单词或词组填入空格。
2012042011年第二学期化学质量调研卷分类汇总一、实验基本操作虹口41. 下列实验操作正确的是宝山嘉定33.实验基本操作中正确的是宝山嘉定40.实验室要配制100g12%的氢氧化钠溶液。
以下操作正确的是A .将氢氧化钠固体放在称量纸上称量B .将准确称取的氢氧化钠固体倒入盛有水的量筒中溶解C .实验中需要的玻璃仪器有:烧杯、量筒、酒精灯、玻璃棒和滴管D .配制溶液时需要经过计算、称量、溶解、装瓶、贴标签等步骤黄浦区36.取用块状大理石的仪器是A .燃烧匙B .试管夹C .镊子D .纸槽浦东40.下列实验操作不正确的是A .氧气验满B .读取体积C .倾倒液体D .检查气密性浦东44.下列实验事实合理的是A .用10ml 量筒取6.53ml 的水B .用广泛pH 试纸测定雨水的pH 为5.5C .用20克氯化钠和100克水配制20%的氯化钠溶液D .用温度计测定酸和碱反应后的温度升高了4℃A B CD闸北39.下图所示实验操作,正确的是徐汇41.用pH 试纸测定某无色溶液的pH 时,规范的操作是A .将pH 试纸放入溶液中观察其颜色变化,跟标准比色卡比较B .将溶液倒在pH 试纸上,跟标准比色卡比较C .用干燥的洁净玻璃棒蘸取溶液,滴在pH 试纸上,跟标准比色卡比较D .在试管内放少量溶液,煮沸,把pH 试纸放在管口,观察颜色,跟标准比色卡比较闵行36.下列实验操作正确的是松江34.下列图示实验操作正确的是金山39.下列对应实验操作,正确的是A .加入块状固体B .蒸发C .检查装置气密性D .加热固体制氧气长宁44、规范的操作是实验成功的前提,下列实验操作正确的是A 、用电子天平称量氯化钠,应先调零,然后垫称量纸称取氯化钠B 、蒸发操作时,蒸发皿必须放在石棉网上,用酒精灯外焰加热C 、用排空气法收集气体时,导气管不需要插入接近集气瓶底D 、给试管内的固体药品加热时,试管口应略向下倾斜静安43.关于实验基本操作方法的归纳错误的是ABC DA.制取气体时应先检验装置的气密性B.点燃可燃性气体之前必须检验气体的纯度C.称取5.0 g NaOH固体时,必须放在称量纸上称量D.取用固体药品,一般用药匙,有些块状药品可用镊子夹取普陀30.下列仪器中,不能在酒精灯火焰上直接加热的是A.B.C.D.普陀40.某学生用量筒量取液体时,读数方式如右图所示,得到读数为7.6mL,则量筒内液体实际的体积可能是A.大于7.6mL B.等于7.6mLC.小于7.6mL D.以上都有可能普陀41.用食盐固体配制少量食盐水,并用加热方法促进食盐溶解。
上海市青浦区2012年中考化学二模试题 上教版
相对原子质量:H—1 C—12 N—14 O—16六、单项选择题(本题共20分,每小题只有一个答案)27、下列变化属于物理变化的是A.食物腐败 B.钢铁生锈 C.木材燃烧 D.玻璃破碎28、空气成分中,体积分数约为78%的是29、下列物质属于纯净物的是A.汽水 B.空气 C.蒸馏水 D.食用醋30、下列四幅元素含量示意图中,能表示地壳中元素含量分布的是A B C D31、某些肥料如磷酸二氢钙[Ca(H2PO4) 2]等进入水体会恶化水质,导致“水华”现象,Ca(H2PO4) 2属于A.氮肥32、下列物质的化学式书写不正确的是A.氧化钠 Na2O B.氧化铝AlO C.硫酸锌 ZnSO4 D.氢氧化铜 Cu(OH)233、根据你所做过的家庭小实验分析,如果向下列物质中加入适量水,充分搅拌,不能够得到溶液的是A.食盐(NaCl)B.植物油C.白糖D.纯碱(Na2CO3)34、春暖花开季节,路边常闻到怡人的花香味,这一现象说明A.分子本身变大 B.分子分裂成原子C.分子在不停地运动D.分子之间有间隔35、奶制品厂收购牛奶时,通过测定含氮量来确定牛奶中蛋白质含量的等级,这里的“氮”是A .氮原子 B.二氧化氮 C .氮元素 D.硝酸36、下列人体体液中,酸性最强的是A B C D体液唾液血液胆汁胃液pHX围37、许多城市的公交客车上写有“G”这是压缩天然气的英文缩写。
则下列说法中错误..的是A.G的主要成分是酒精 B.用G作汽车燃料,能减少空气污染C.天然气燃烧是氧化反应 D.西气东输中气体的主要成分也是天然气38、鉴别空气、二氧化碳、和氧气三瓶气体最简单的方法是A.通过实验测定气体的溶解能力 B.通过实验测定气体的密度C.用燃烧的木条分别伸入三瓶气体中 D.将澄清石灰水分别倒入集气瓶中39、硝酸铵可发生如下反应:。
②t2℃时,溶解 6g 甲物质,至少需要 (16)
g 水。
饱和溶液,从 t2℃降温到 t1℃时,对烧杯中剩余溶液描述
正确的是 (17) 。
它属于 (7) 氧化物(填“酸性”或“碱性”)。 0.02molCO2 约含有 (8) 个 CO2 分子。
式 (10)
C.无水酒精 D.空气
A.汽油挥发 B.铁铸成锅 C.矿石粉碎 D.大米酿酒
31.钒(V)被誉为金属中的“维生素”,其氧化物 V2O5 中钒元素的化合价是
B.P 2O5 :五氧化二磷
五、(本题共8分,每小题2分)27.K=;0.001 mol/(L•min)。
32.MnSO4; 4.816⨯1020或0.0008N A(2分)。
38.CH3CH2OH+6H2SO42CO2↑+6SO2↑+9H2O;C+2H2SO4CO2↑+2SO2↑+2H2O;CH3CH2OH C2H4↑+H2O;CH3CH2OH+2H2SO42C+2SO2↑+5H2O (2分,1分1个,合理就给分)。
杨浦区、崇明县2012年中考二模试卷化学试卷(理化合卷满分150分,考试时间100分钟) 2012.5六、选择题(共20分)下列各题均只有一个正确选项,请将正确选项的代号用2B 铅笔填涂在答题纸的相应位置上,更改答案时,用橡皮擦去,重新填涂。
27.生活中的下列现象,属于化学变化的是A.水分蒸发B.菜刀生锈C.冰雪融化D.轮胎爆炸 28.下列物质中,属于纯净物的是A .白酒B .加碘盐C .食用醋D .干冰29.物质的性质决定了物质的用途,下列物质的用途由其化学性质决定的是A .氢气充探空气球B .酒精作燃料C .干冰用作人工降雨D .木材可以制作桌椅 30.从可燃物在空气中能够燃烧的事实,可知空气中一定含有的物质是A .氮气B .氧气C .二氧化碳D .稀有气体31.下列物质的化学式书写不正确...的是 A .氧化铝AlO B .氧化钠 Na 2O C .硫酸锌 ZnSO 4 D .氢氧化铜 Cu(OH)2 32.利用下图所示装置,能完成实验室制取气体的是A .用①③制取氧气B .用②③制取二氧化碳C .用②④制取氧气D .用①⑤制取二氧化碳33.对有关实验现象的描述正确的是A .碳在氧气中燃烧放出白烟B .干冰在空气中升华周围出现白雾C .铁丝在氧气中燃烧生成四氧化三铁D .硫在氧气中燃烧发出淡蓝色的火焰 34.掌握正确的实验操作是做好实验的基础,下列实验操作正确的是35.交通警察使用的一种酒精检测仪中装有重铬酸钾(K 2Cr 2O 7),它对酒精非常敏感,该化合物中铬元素(Cr )的化合价为A .+3B .+4C .+5D .+6 36.学好化学,就要学会归纳和总结,下列总结有错误的一组是③①②④ ⑤混合37.已知碳有如下性质:H 2O+C −−→−高温H 2+CO 由此可知在火势旺盛的煤炉中填加湿煤火焰将会A .不旺B .更旺C .熄灭D .维持不变 38.下列有关铁、铜、银三种金属的共同性质归纳中,不正确的是A .铁的金属活动性最强B .都能和稀盐酸反应制取氢气C .只用一种试剂便可区分三种金属的活动性强弱D .常温下部分金属颜色不同 39.有关酸、碱、盐、氧化物的说法不正确的是A .酸和碱一定含有氢元素B .盐和氧化物一定含有金属元素C .碱和氧化物一定含有氧元素D .酸和盐一定含有非金属元素40.青色的生虾煮熟后颜色会变成红色。
2012年上海中考化学试卷解析一、选择题(60分)1.拉瓦锡用汞进行实验,发现了空气的组成.汞元素的符号是()2.物质在不断的运动变化,属于物理变化的是().下列不属于化学研究对象的是()3)6.定向爆破伴有反应:2Al+Fe2O3Al2O3+2Fe,此反应中还原剂是()7.某矿石样本含有如图所示的四种元素,该矿石中可能含有的物质是()A.CaCl2 B.SiO2 Array C.H2O D.Fe2O38.物质的名称和俗名对应正确的是()C.10.“○”和“●”表示不同的元素,以下图示表示单质的是()11.酒精灯的火焰太小时,将灯芯拨得松散一些,可能火焰更旺,其原理是()12.图示实验操作正确的是()D13.物质的用途与利用的性质对应关系正确的是()14.用锌从含有硝酸银的废液中回收银,正确的化学方程式是()15.下列有关SO2的叙述正确的是()16.在盛有稀硫酸的烧杯中,分别加入下列物质,最终只存在无色液体的是()17.以下是几个常见实验的注意事项:①在试管中加热胆矾,试管口要略低于试管底部②铁丝在氧气中燃烧,集气瓶中要预先放入少量水③氯酸钾制氧气实验完毕,先将导管移出水槽再停止加热,它们的目的都是为了防止()18.一定温度下,向烧杯中加入一定质量的水,仅有部分晶体溶解.所得溶液与原溶液相比,说法正确的是()A.溶剂的质量增加,溶液颜色变浅B.溶质溶解度不变,溶液颜色变深C.溶质的质量增加,溶液颜色变深D.溶质溶解度不变,溶液颜色不变19.在隔绝空气下,用木炭还原氧化铜.下列叙述正确的是()20.取一定量的氧化铁与氧化铜的混合物,加入稀硫酸(含0.1molH2SO4),恰好完全反应成盐和水.原混合物中氧元素的质量是()二、填空题(20分)21.“化学…我们的生活,我们的未来”①“化学使天更烂,水更清.”汽车尾气处理装置能使某些有毒气体转化为无毒气体:2NO+2CO→N2+2CO2该反应涉及的物质中,在空气中含量最高,是光合作用的原料,能与血红蛋白结合的是.竹子可加工成具有吸附作用的物质,其作用与实验室中常用的(填物质名称)相似.②“化学为人类提供动力.”氢能属于绿色能源,氢气燃烧的化学方程式是可燃冰是一种新型能源,在我国南海储量很高.其主要成分为甲烷(CH4),甲烷属于(填“无机物”或“有机物”).③“化学为生命密码解锁.”DNA承载着生命遗传密码,胞嘧啶(C4H5ON3)是DNA水解产物之一.胞嘧啶由中元素组成,6.02×1024个C4H5ON3分子的物质mol.22.溶解度可表示物质溶解性的大小.①如图1是甲、乙、丙三种固体物质(均不含结晶水)的溶解曲线.I. 20℃时,甲溶解度(填“>”、“<”或“=”)乙溶解度.II. 40℃时,乙和丙(填“能”或“不能”)形成溶质质量分数相同的饱和溶液.III. 20℃时,烧杯中分别盛有相同质量甲、乙、丙的饱和溶液,各加入等质量的对应固体,并升温至50℃.请填表.Array I.打开可乐瓶,溢出大量气体,由此可见,压强越小,CO2的溶解度越.若要加大二氧化碳溶解的量可采用的一种方法是.II.不同温度下,氧气的溶解度随压强的变化如图2所示,图中t1对应的温度40℃,则t2对应的温度(填序号).a.大于40℃b.小于40℃c.无法确定.23.某兴趣小组同学对实验室制取氧气的条件进行如下探究实验.①为探究催化剂的种类对氯酸钾分解速度的影响,甲设计以下对比试验:I.将3.0gKClO3与1.0gMnO2均匀混合加热II.将xgKClO3与1.0gCuO均匀混合加热在相同温度下,比较两组实验产生O2的快慢.I 中反应的化学方程式是;II 中x的值为.②乙探究了影响双氧水分解速度的某种因素,实验数据记录如表:实验结论:在相同条件下,,双氧水分解得快.丙用如图装置进行实验,通过比较也能达到实验目的.三、解答题(20分)24.取10g某氯化钠溶液,滴入足量硝酸银溶液,得到0.02mol白色沉淀.①计算该氯化钠溶液的溶质质量分数(根据化学方程式列式计算).②用15%的氯化钠溶液侵泡瓜果片刻可以起到消毒作用.要使①中氯化钠溶液的溶质质量分数变为15%,可向其中加入一定量的(填“氯化钠”或“水”)25.某氢化钾样品含有杂质氯化钙和氯化镁,实验室提纯流程如下:①操作A的目的是使,X溶液中溶质是.②过滤时用到的玻璃仪器有漏斗、、.实验过程中发现过滤速度较慢,可能的原因是固体颗粒阻碍了液体通过滤纸孔隙,还可能是.③本实验中蒸发是为了除去(填化学式).取所得KCl固体进行焰色反应,透过蓝色钴玻璃,观察到火焰呈色.④若样品中含80gKCl,理论上最终所得KCl固体的质量(填编号).a.大于80g b.等于80g c.小于80g d.无法确定.26.某混合气体可能含有CO、H2、CO2、H2O(气)中的一种或几种.为验证其组成.同学们进行实验的装置和现象如下(夹持仪器已省略,假设气体均吸收完全):②装置D中溶液变浑浊的化学方程式是.点燃尾气,火焰呈色.③丁认为,由于他们对装置(填序号)中的实验现象分析不同而导致结论有差异.根据碳酸盐可转化为CO2的性质,丁利用上述实验结束后装置内药品和某种常见试剂进行实验,证明了甲的结论是正确的.请写出丁的实验操作过程与现象.2012年上海中考化学试卷解析参考答案。
A.Ar B.SiO2 C.Na2O2 D.金刚石 3.根据物质性质进行的分类正确的是 A.HF:弱酸 B.Mg(OH) 2 :强碱 D.Al2O3:碱性氧化物 C.ZnSO4:难溶盐 4.下列符号代表的微粒不影响水的电离平衡的是
五、 (本题共8分)某研究小组向2 L密闭容器中加入过量的活性炭和0.2 mol NO,恒温(T1℃) 下发生反应:C(s)+2NO(g) N2(g)+CO2(g)+Q(Q>0)。30 min后达到平衡,测得NO 浓度为0.04 mol/L。回答下列问题: 27.该反应的平衡常数表达式K=______;T1℃达到平衡时,N2的平均反 应速率=_______。 28.30 min 后,若改变某一条件提高 NO 的转化率,则可以改变的条件是______________。 29.30 min 后,升高温度至 T2℃,达到平衡后,容器内 NO、N2、CO2 的关系不可能是____。 a.5:3:3 b.1:1:1 c.4:3:3 d.2:1:1 30.若开始时密闭容器的体积为1 L,其它条件不变,达到平衡后,与原平衡相比,下列说 法正确的是_________。 a.NO 的转化率不变 b.N2 的浓度是原来的 2 倍 c.反应放出的热量为 0.1Q d.达到平衡的时间是原来的一半 六、 (本题共8分)酒后驾车已成为一个社会问题。检测 驾驶人员呼气中酒精浓度(BrAC) 的方法有多种。 31.早期是利用检测试剂颜色变化定性判断 BrAC,曾用如下反应检测 BrAC: 3CH3CH2OH+2KMnO4→3CH3CHO+2MnO2+2KOH+2H2O 。 上述反应中发生还原反应的过程是__________ →___________。 32.已知KMnO4在酸性条件下氧化性增强,能得到更多的电子,若在稀硫酸中反应的氧化 产物为乙酸,则还原产物为___________;若反应产生了12.0 mg乙酸,则转移的电子数 目是________。 33.受上述方法启发,后来用五氧化二碘的淀粉溶液检测BrAC,乙醇被氧化为乙醛,该反 应的化学方程式为__________________________________________________。 34.1994年美国首次批准使用唾液酒精含量检测方法,成为血液、呼气之后的第三种检测手 段。其原理是在乙醇氧化酶作用下,乙醇与氧气反应生成乙醛和过氧化氢,判断该条件 下乙醇、 氧气、 乙醛和过氧化氢四种物质中氧化性最强的物质是________ 填写化学式) ( 。 七、 (本题共12分)乙醚极易挥发、微溶于水、是良好的有机溶剂。乙醇与浓硫酸的混合物 在不同温度下反应能生成乙烯或乙醚。某实验小组用下图装置制取乙醚和乙烯。
2012上海各区县二模考试题答案(2012-04)1奉贤P32浦东P63静安P84 青浦P115 黄浦P146 松江P157 普陀P188 虹口P209 长宁P2310徐汇P2611金山P2812闵行P3113 宝山P33一、杨浦(崇明)Part 1 ListeningI. Listening comprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. Jack finds it interesting to keep fish as pets in his spare time. (B)2. People from all over the world enjoy traveling in Shanghai. (G)3. Jim and his father plant trees on Tree Planting Day every year. (F)4. The children sometimes fly kites happily in the park in spring. (E)5. It is raining heavily again. I hate such wet weather in Shanghai. (D)6. Mike volunteers to deliver newspapers and letters every morning. (C)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: Hi, Sarah! A nice day, isn't it?W: Yes, but tomorrow won't be a good day for a picnic. It will rain heavily.Q: What will the weather be like tomorrow? (D)8. M: What subject do you like best, Lucy?W: Music. What' s yours, Tim?M: Well, I like art and Chinese.Q: What is Lucy's favorite subject? (B)9. M: Rose, you'll have to go to school by yourself. My car doesn't work today.W: OK, Dad. I can ride my new bicycle.M: Take care, then.Q: How is Rose going to school today? (A)10. M: Excuse me, is this shop open on Sundays?W: Yes, of course.M: What time does it usually open?W: It usually opens at seven thirty during weekdays but an hour later on Saturdays and Sundays.Q: When does the shop open at the weekends? (C)11. M: Could you please tell me how to pronounce the word in English?W: Sorry, I'm not quite sure. Let's look it up in a dictionary.M: Good idea. Here's my dictionary.Q: What are they going to do then? (A)12. M: What's wrong with David?W: He has a bad headache.M: A headache? How did he get it?W: He went over his lessons the whole night. He was preparing for the exam.Q: Why doesn't David feel well? (D)13. W: What about some more dumplings?M: No, thank you. I'm full.Q: What does the man mean? (B)14. W: Can I help you?M: I want to buy a pair of sports shoes for my son.W: What size?M: Forty-one.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers? (C)15. W: Where are you going, Tom?M. I'm going to the bookshop.W: Is it far from here?M: Yes, I have to take a bus there. Here comes the bus. I must get on. Bye!Q: Where does the dialogue most probably take place? (A)16. W: Could you finish your work at four?M: What's the time now?W: It's almost half past three.M: I think I can finish it then.Q: How soon will the man finish his work? (D)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseA traveling salesman came upon an old farmer sitting in front of his house, next to the farmer was a pig with only one leg. The salesman suddenly became very interested in the pig."Excuse me sir, but why does your pig only have one leg?" asked the salesman."Well, I'll tell you. One day I was out working on the farm when my tractor overturned. I was underneath the tractor and I was losing blood. With nobody around to help, I thought I would die when that pig came. He dug and rooted around with his nose till he got me out and he pulled me back to the house. He saved my life."Wow, that's really amazing," said the salesman, but I still don't know why the pig only has one leg.""Well, I'll tell you," said the farmer. "One night, my wife and I were asleep at about 3 a.m. when a fire broke out in the kitchen. That pig broke the door and came into our bedroom. It woke us up and got us out before the fire could get us. He saved our lives again!""Well, that's really great but why does the pig only have one leg?"Well, when you get a pig that smart, you don't want to eat him all at once!"(17. F 18. T 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. T 23. T)D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences :The oldest school in the United States, Boston Latin, opened in 1635. Before that, most kids were taught what they needed to learn at home.When you learn reading, math, and other subjects taught in school from your parents or private teachers who come to your house, it's called homeschooling. A kid may be the only one, or he or she may be taught with brothers, sisters, or kids from the neighborhood.Parents choose to home school their children for many different reasons. Sometimes a kid is sick and can't go to regular school. But more often, kids are homeschooled because their parents feel they can give their child a better education than the local school can.You might wonder if kids have to go to school. It's true that kids must be educated, but the law allows the kids to be schooled at home. In fact, more than 1.3 million students do it in the USA alone. These kids can learn just as much as they do in regular schools, but their parents are in charge of their education.Homeschool parents must make sure that their kids get the instruction and the experiences they need. The parents also may have to write a report every year to explain to the government who's teaching the kid and which subjects are being taught at home.(24. 1635 25. math 26. sick 27. local 28. 1.3 29. law 30. report )Part 2II. 31. A 32. D 33. B 34. A 35. A 36. B 37. C 38. D 39. B 40. C 41. D 42. D 43.C 44.D 45. A 46. D 47. B 48. D 49. A 50. CIII. 51. c 52. E 53. G 54. H 55. B 56. F 57. A 58. DIV. 59. fifth 60. potatoes 61. yourself 62. changeable 63. Luckily 64. dishonest 65. pleasure 66. succeedV.67. Did, do 68. How does 69. do they 70: is published 71. so, that 72. how to 73. spent, flyingPart 3VI. A)74. D 75. B 76. A 77. B 78. C 79. DB) 80. B 81. A 82. C 83. D 84. B 85. CC) 86. allowed 87. short 88. leave 89. back 90. record 91. another/any 92. less/lightD) 93. Her friend, Jody 94. At around/By 9:00 p. m. 95. He deleted it.96. She felt tired. 97. Because it was too late/the store was already closed.98. That's all right, I can read your paper on the computer./Next time, you had better save the paper on the computer first.(Any reasonable answer is acceptable)二、奉贤I. Listening comprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. Mary practises listen by listening to English programs on the radio every day. (D)2. The policeman is telling Tom not to cross the roads when the traffic light is red. (G)3. Computers are one of the most wonderful machines in the twentieth Century. (E)4. Students should listen to the teacher carefully in class. (A)5. My cousin Tim is fond of playing on-line games on the computer. (F)6. Mrs. Green finds it tiring to pack all the things in the office. (B)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. W: Would you like some coffee or tea?M: I like both. But now I just want some water.Q: What's the man going to drink? (A)8. W: It's windy today, isn't it?M: Yes, the weather here in winter is always like this.Q: What's the weather like here in winter? (D)9. W: Look, Dad. It' s raining heavily.M. Yes. It's dangerous for you to ride your bike to school. You'd better take a bus, Mary.Q. How will Mary go to school this morning? (C)10. W. What time do you usually get up in the morning during weekdays. Mike?M. At 6:10 (Six ten). But yesterday morning I got up half an hour late. Something was wrong with my watch.Q. What time did Mike get up yesterday morning? (C)11. W. What has happened to you, Mike?M. I've lost my mobile phone on my way to school.Q. How does Mike probably feel? (B)12. W. How many students are there in your class?M: There are forty.W. Does every student have his own computer?M: No, 90% of us have computers of our own.Q: How many students have their own computers? (C)13. W. What' s wrong with you, young mail?M. I don't feel well and cough day and night.W. Take the medicine and you will be all right soon.Q. What's the relationship between the two speakers? (C)14. W. Can I help you, sir?M. Yes, please. I'd like a hamburger and a small cake, please.W. Here you are. It's 9 dollars altogether.M. Here's tile money.W. Thank you. Shall I find a seat for you'?M. No, thanks. I'd like to have it in my car.Q. Where are they talking? (B)15. W. Watching too much TV is bad for your eyes.M. I see. But I enjoy watching TV when I am free.W. Why not play some ball games instead. Exercise is good for your health.M: Thanks a lot. I'll take your advice.Q: What's the girl's suggestion? (A)16. W. Oh! How happy you look today! Is there any good news?M: Yes. My parents have bought me a new computer for my 15th birthday.W: Wonderful! But don't spend too much time playing games, will you?M: OK!Q. Why does the boy look happy today? (D)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseTom's father has a farm. On New Year's Day, when Tom was 15, his father asked him to work on the farm for one year in his free time. Tom was not happy with his father's idea. "That isn't my job. I have too much schoolwork to do." When his father heard this. he said, "I promise to give you anything you want if you can finish one year's work." Tom thought for a moment and agreed.On the first Saturday, the boy got up early and worked hard until evening, just like any other farmer. Time passed quickly. Tom's crops grew well. On the last day of the year, the father called his son to him, "I'm happy to see that you have worked very hard this year," said the father. "Now, tell me what you want.”The boy smiled and showed his father a big piece of bread. He made it from the wheat he worked so hard to grow. "I've already got the best thing. No pain, no gain. I think this is what you wanted me to know." His father was very happy to hear that.(17. F 18. T 19. F 20. T 21. F 22. F 23. T)D. Listen to the passage and complete the following sentences 4These days, most people in Britain and the US do not dress formally. But sometimes it is important to wear the right things.Many British people don't think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas, and concerts you can put on what you like from beautiful suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you look clean and tidy.But in Britain, as Well as in the US, men in offices usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or skirts(not trousers). Doctors, lawyers, and business people wear formal clothes. And in some hotels and restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear tidy dresses.In many ways, Americans are less formal than British people, but they are careful with their clothes. At home, or on holidays, most Americans wear informal or sports clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look nice. In hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes.It is difficult to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then dress the same. You will feel more comfortable if you don't look too different from everyone else.(24. right 25. comfortable 26. themselves 27. concerts 28. Doctors 29. less 30. Watch) Part.2II. Choose the best answer31. C 32. D 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. B 39. D 40. D 41. D42. C 43. D 44. C 45. B 46. C 47. A 48. B 49. D 50. BIII. Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each word can only be used once51. E 52. F 53. G 54. A 55. H 56. D 57. I 58. CIV. Complete the sentences with the given words in their suitable forms59. twenty-nine 60. mine 61. lives 62. thankful63. kindness 64. winners 65. organize 66. widelyV. Rewrite the following sentences as required67. doesn't have 68. do they 69. How often 70. be held/take place71. his sixties 72. are planted 73. if/whether wasPart 3VI. Reading comprehensionA. Choose the best answer74. A 75. B 76. C 77. D 78. A 79. DB. Choose the words or expressions and complete80. C 81. B 82. C 83. B 84. A 85. CC. Read the passage and fill in the blanks with proper words(:186. borrows 87. faster 88. heart 89. others 90. parents 91. bad 92. controlD. Answer the questions93. Four. They are smelling, breathing, tasting and smell memory94. Yes, it does.95. Hair and mucus.96. The food doesn't taste as good.97. Your brain uses a process to create a picture in your mind from the odors you smell.98. I think it is busy and important. Because it does many important jobs.I think it is necessary because we can't breathe or smell without a nose.Any reasonable answer is acceptable.三、浦东新区I. Listening comprehensionA,. Listen and choose the right picture1. The new school buses are so welcomed by local students in Chong Ming Island. (B)2. Even in his sixties, the old man runs twice a week to keep fit. (E)3. January and February are the coldest time of the year in our city. (C)4. Jeremy Shu-How Lin, a rising star in NBA, graduated from Harvard in 2010. (F)5. It's not good for you to do homework while you are listening to the music. (A)6. Julia said that she liked the Dinosaur Jungle most and she would go there again. (G)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. M: Will Mary be able to join us for the party?W: She won' t. She's going to a concert.Q: Where will Mary go instead? (A)8. M: Have you seen the film "2012"?W: Yes, it's so wonderful. You will be amazed at the special effects.Q. What does the woman think of the film "2012"? (B)9. M. What did Ben tell you just now, Julia'?W. He said to me that he would take Becky to Hollywood during the holiday.Q. Who will go to Hollywood with Ben? (A)10. M: Excuse me, I'm Philip from Youth Post. Would you please tell me how often you watch English programmes?W. English programmes? You know, I will attend the Senior high school entrance examination in June. I haven't been allowed to watch TV for years.Q: How often does the girl watch English programmes? (B)11. M: Janet, what is your favourite television programme?W: It' s Best Friends.M. Wow, I love that programme too. My favourite character is Jeff.Q: What' s Janet' s favourtite programme? (C)12. M: How nice! Did you go out for a trip during the Spring Festival?W: Yes, I went to Beijing with my parents. This is one of the photos we took there.M: Travelling's always interesting, isn't it?Q: What are they talking about? (D)13. W: You look tired and sleepy. What's the matter with you, David?M: I've been reading "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer" the whole night. It was really interesting.W. Well, I think you'd better go to bed early tonight.Q: Why did David look tired and sleepy? (D)14. M: Alice, may I have a look at your new iphone?W: Sure. It's a Christmas present from my cousin Peter.M. Sounds great. I will buy one if I win my scholarship in the reading contest.W. Come on, I'm sure you will win.Q: Who bought the iphone for Alice as a present? (B)15. M: I' m terribly sorry I'm very late, Mrs. Smith.W: What has happened, Tom?M: My bus had an accident on the way and it crashed into a book store.W. My goodness! Did you hurt yourself?Q: What happened to Tom? (C)16. M, Good morning, I want some information about flights to London next Tuesday.W: Well, there are three flights in the morning and two in the afternoon. Here's a timetable.M. I'd like a ticket for 7:15 P. M. , please.W: Sorry, all the tickets for this flight are sold out. What about 7:15 A. M. ?M. Mm, that will be all right.Q: When will the man leave for London? (C)C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseThe story of Harry Potter happened in an ancient castle, so many teenagers dream about living in an ancient castle. These dreams may include beautiful silk dresses, delicious food, servants and of course, magic. However, real life in an English castle was not easy. With thick stonewalls and high towers, castles were noisy places with an unpleasant smell. Horses, cows, chickens and sheep walked free. Soldiers practiced sword fights every day. And children of all ages played around them. Castles did not have central heating; the only heat came from the fireplace. Even in summer the castle was cool. People living in the castle had to use blankets to keep warm while at work.Life during the Middle Ages began at sunrise. Servants lit the fire, swept the floor and cooked the morning meal. After dinner, everyone continued his or her work. the owners of the castle sometimes took his guests hunting or shooting. His wife spent much of the day watching the servants work, as well as cooks working in the kitchen. Supper was simple and eaten late, just before bedtime.You may find some old magic books in a castle as Harry Potter once did. Read them before you go to bed, because when you fall asleep , the magic of castle life may appear before youreyes.(17. T 18. F 19. F 20. T 21. F 22. F 23. T)D. Listen to the dialogue and complete the following sentencesM: Welcome to Shanghai, Kelly. We' re always glad to see you here.W: Thanks. I always enjoy my visit here very much.M: Last time you came, you were only here for 20 hours. Are you staying longer this time'?W: Yes, I'm staying a little longer than last time. Fourteen days, in fact, I leave on 19th for Sydney. M: And you're here to buy some clothes, aren't you?W: Yes. Shanghai is called a Shopping Paradise in the world, so after my concert, I'm planning to do a lot of shopping. And I have a Chinese designer here, so I have to visit here often.M: What changes have you noticed in Shanghai?W: Well, the biggest difference is the building! It's as if a magician had waved his wand. The same street is now lined with highrises, apartments and shopping malls.M: Yes, Shanghai has changed a lot! Were you pleased with the sales of your last CD?W: No, not really. Even if I thought the CD was a really good one, it sold worse than I had expected. I' m hoping the next one will sell better.M: Kelly, a lot of teenagers see you as a kind of role model. What do you think of it?W: It's quite a responsibility. These days I feel I should be more careful about what I say and do. I don't want to be a bad example.(24. visit 25. 14/fourteen 26. plans 27. biggest 28. sold 29. model 30. careful)Part 2II. 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. B 36. C 37. C 38. A 39. D 40. D 41. B 42. C 43.C 44. A 45. B 46. C 47. A 48.D 49. D 50. CIII. 51. D 52. H 53. A 54. I 55. F 56. E 57. B 58. CIV. 59. my 60. twentieth 61. director 62. importance 63. decide 64. gently 65. attractive 66. joyV. 67. don't have 68. did she 69. too.., to 70. was chosen 71. How often 72. to have 73. take placePart 3VI. A)74. D 75. C 76. B 77. D 78. C 79. AB) 80. B 81. A 82. D 83. C 84. B 85. CC) 86. appeared 87. regular 88. exactly 89. length 90. various 91. through/toward( s) /to 92. ownedD) 93. Yes, they will.94. At the age of 7, 11, 14 and 16.95. Boys should be taught English in single-sex classes.96. A mix of the genders.97. Because they realized that the girls are better than them. / Because the teaching style may be more appropriate to girls.98. Any reasonable answer is acceptable.四、静安I. Listening comprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. The film "My father and I" is Miss Lin's favourite.2. Exercise more, and you can become stronger and stronger.3. Father promised to buy me a new camera as my 15th birthday present.4. Tina is helping her desk-mate deal with problems in class.5. A cup of tea in the afternoon makes me feel very relaxed.6. Mr. and Mrs. Green have two children. They live a happy life.B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. W. Are you going to be a designer like your father after graduation?M: I'm not sure. I want to be a teacher. What about you?W. I don't have any plans yet. Maybe I will be a doctor or a journalist. But things change all too quickly.Q: What job does the boy's father do?8. W: Which bus can take us to the Bund?M: I'm afraid it's too crowded. And the underground isn't nearby. Why not go by taxi?W. All right.Q. How will they probably go to the Bund?9. W. Where are you going?M: I'm going to my grandma's. I usually visit her every two weeks.W: How long are you going to stay there this time?M. For two days.Q: How long will the man stay with his grandma this time?10. W. Can I help you?M: How much is this cup?W. Four yuan each. But if you buy two, it'll be seven yuan.W- OK, I'll take two cups.Q. How much is one cup if you buy two?11. W: Peter, How many languages can you speak?M: Four. English, French, German and Japanese.W: I can't believe it! Is English your native language?M. No, German. English is my second language.Q: What's Peter's nationality?12. W: This road is nice. There are so many trees on each side.M. And it's quiet, too. But do you know it used to be a dirty river with rubbish on the banks?W. Really?M. My grandfather told me all about it. He has lived here for fifty years.Q: What are they talking about?13. W: I'm very tired. Mr. Green kept me writing his business letters all day.M: Then let's go out and get something to eat.W: No, thanks. I only want to go to bed early for a change.Q: What did Mr. Green keep the girl doing that day?14. W. Let's hurry, or we'll be late for the lecture on "Keeping Healthy",M: What time is it now?W: 4 o' clock. There is only half an hour left.M: I see. Let's take a taxi there, and we'll get there on time.Q: When will the lecture begin?15. W: Could you change the channel, dear? This cartoon is really boring.M: What about Basketball World?W: You know I don't like sports or music programmes.M: Then what about TV. series?W: OK, I love TV series.Q: Which programme will they probably watch together?16. W: When are you going to the cinema?M: This coming Friday afternoon.W: I'm afraid you can't. You have the art lesson after school and then you have to look after your little brother until 9:00 p.m. You can go to enjoy it on Saturday afternoon.Q. Why can't the boy go to see the movie on Friday afternoon?C. Listen to the passage and tell whether the following statements are true or falseAn old man walked slowly with a stick into the restaurant. His old jacket and worn-out shoes made him stand out from the usual crowd.A young waitress watched him moving toward a table by the window. She ran over to him and said:"Here, sir.., let me help you with that chair". Without saying a word, he smiled and nodded a"thank you". She pulled the chair away from the table and helped him sit. Then she put his stick beside the table."Thank you, miss," he said, kindly."You' re welcome, sir," she said.After he had finished his breakfast, the waitress brought him the change from his bill. He left it on the table. She helped him up and walked with him to the front door.When she went to clean his table, she found a business card under his plate and a note on a napkin. Under the napkin was 100 dollars for her service.The note on the napkin read: "Dear miss, you did a good job in the restaurant. You have found the secret of happiness. Your kindness will shine through to all those who meet you.The man she had served on was the owner of the restaurant where she worked. This was the first time that she or any of the other workers had ever seen him.D. Listen to the passage and fill in the blanks:Last Summer I went to Sam's school in Britain. It was really different from my school in China. Girls wore grey skirts and white shirts, boys wore grey trousers, and everyone wore the school tie. Some of Sam's lessons Were a bit strange for me. We were reading Shakespeare in the English lesson, and there were various old-fashioned words like "thou" and "thee" to mean "you". In history lessons, we studied 20th Century China. It was strange hearing English people trying to say all our Chinese names! Classes were also a lot more relaxing and active than in China. Male teachers were called "sir" and female teachers "miss" out of respect, but everyone shouted out and waved their hands in lessons. It was more like a debate than a class. A bell rang at the end of each lesson and everyone jumped up to go to the next class. At break we bought "potato crisps" and "cakes" in the dining room. Lunch was later than in China-at one o' clock. We had big plates of pies wi.th peas and carrots. For dessert there was hot sweet rice, called rice pudding, with jam in it. It was good that I'd had a huge lunch because at Sam's school, Monday afternoons are taken up with sports.Part 1I. A. 1. D 2. E 3. B 4. G 5. A 6. CB. 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. A 11. D 12. B 13. D 14. C 15. D 16. AC. 17. T 18. F 19. F 20. F 21. T 22. F 23. TD. 24. white 25. various 26. 20th/twentieth 27. active28. waved 29. cakes 30. hugePart 2II. 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. D 35. C 36. A 37. B 38. C 39. A 40. B41. D 42. D 43. B 44. D 45. C 46. B 47. D 48. A 49. A 50. Cm. 51. E 52. B 53. A 54. I 55. F 56. C 57. H 58. DIV. 59. painting(s) 60. hers 61. careless 62. heightt33. truth 64. examine 65. seriously 6t5. historicalV. 67. didn't, anything 68. Which girl 69. hasn't she 70. were given ,71. so that 72. It, for 73. when, wouldPart 3VI. A. 74. C 75. D 76. B 77. C 78. A 79. BB. 80. B 81. B 82. A 83. C 84. C 85. DC. 86. ancient 87. afford 88. done 89. possible 90. one 91. rarely 92. answersD. 93. The relaxing lifestyles of people (who live in the country)./ Simple stories about people's kindness.94. Stressful. / Full of stress. / Full of pressure./ Teenagers suffer a lot from stress./ Teenagers felt unhappy and unhealthy.95. Because they don't want to complete homework/ Because they refused to learn for exams./Because they want to relax themselves.96. When they keep away from stressful situations completely.97. No, it isn't.98. The stories on TV are not the same as those in real life. /The stories on TV are different from those in real life. / ..-五、青浦I. Listening ComprehensionA. Listen and choose the right picture1. Linda usually goes to the supermarket at weekends. (B)2. Look! Peter is listening to the music. How happy he is! (G)3. My cousin likes painting, and she has a painting lesson twice a week. (C)4. Mr. Stone and his wife often have a walk in the park after dinner. (D)5. In many places in China, the children go to school by school bus. (A)6. The man who is fishing in the boat is our new headmaster. (E)B. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to the question you hear7. W: What kind of sports do you like best, Jack?M: I used to be interested in football. But now I prefer tennis.Q: What kind of sports did Jack use to like best? (B)。
2012年上海市初中毕业统一学业考试化学 部分3A(满分:60分 时间:与物理共用100分钟)可能用到的相对原子质量:H —1 C —12 N —14 O —16 Na —23 S —32 Cl —35.5六、选择题(共20分,下列各题均只有一个正确选项)27.拉瓦锡用汞进行实验,发现了空气的组成。
汞的元素符号是( ) A.AgB.He C .HgD.Mg28.物质在不断地运动变化,属于物理变化的是( ) A.冰雪消融 B.大米酿酒 C.木柴燃烧D.铁钉生锈29.下列不属于化学研究对象的是( ) A.水的电解B.水的浮力C.水的分子结构 D .水的元素组成30.向pH=11的溶液中滴加石蕊试剂,溶液呈( ) A.无色 B.紫色 C.红色 D.蓝色 31.含有+2价氮元素的物质是( )A.N 2OB.NOC.NO 2D.N 2O 532.定向爆破常伴有反应:2Al+Fe 2O 3 Al 2O 3+2Fe,此反应中还原剂是( )A.AlB.FeC.Fe 2O 3D.Al 2O 333.某矿石样本含有如右图所示的四种元素,该矿石中可能含有的物质是( ) A.CaCl 2 B.SiO 2 C.H 2OD.Fe 2O 334.物质的名称和俗名对应正确的是( ) A.碳60——石墨B.氢氧化钾——纯碱C.氯化钠——食盐D.硝酸钾——草木灰 35.溶洞中存在反应:CaCO 3+CO 2+H 2O Ca(HCO 3)2,此反应属于( )A.化合反应B.分解反应C.置换反应D.复分解反应36.“”和“”表示不同元素的原子,以下图示表示单质的是( )37.酒精灯的火焰太小时,将灯芯拨得松散一些,可使火焰更旺。
其原理是( )A.降低可燃物的着火点B.提高可燃物的着火点C.增加空气中氧气含量D.增大可燃物与空气的接触面积38.图示实验操作正确的是( )39.物质的用途与利用的性质对应关系正确的是()A B C D物质氧化钙盐酸氩气金刚石用途干燥剂除铁锈保护气切割玻璃性质能与水反应挥发性通电后能发有色光稳定性40.用锌从含有硝酸银的废液中回收银,正确的化学方程式是()A.Zn+Ag(NO 3)2Ag+Zn(NO3)2B.Zn+AgNO 3Ag+ZnNO3C.Zn+2AgNO32Ag+Zn(NO3)2D.Zn+AgNO 3Ag+Zn(NO3)241.下列有关SO2的叙述正确的是()A.SO2的摩尔质量是64gB.1mol SO2中含有1mol O2C.SO2的物质的量是指SO2的质量D.SO2中氧原子与硫原子的物质的量之比大于它们的质量比42.在盛有稀硫酸的烧杯中,分别加入下列物质,最终只存在无色溶液的是()A.BaCl2溶液、NaOH溶液B.Na2CO3溶液、KOH溶液C.Fe2(SO4)3溶液、NaNO3溶液D.Cu片、Na2SO4溶液43.以下是几个常见实验的注意事项:①在试管中加热胆矾,试管口要略低于试管底部②铁丝在氧气中燃烧,集气瓶中要预先放入少量水③氯酸钾制氧气实验完毕,先将导管移出水槽再停止加热它们的目的都是为了防止()A.水倒流B.温度过高C.容器破裂D.反应过慢44.一定温度下,向右图所示烧杯中加入一定量水,仅有部分晶体溶解。
B.天然气 CH4
11.(1 分)将饱和硝酸钾溶液变为不饱和溶液的操作是( )
12.(1 分)正确的化学方程式是( )
A.4Fe+3O2 2Fe2O3
C.CaCO3 CaO+CO2↑
22.(6 分)化学从以下角度研究物质.
①组成:水中氢元素的质量分数为 ,可用图甲的模型表示,
6 9 D.2:1
②结构:1 mol 水中约有
mol 氢原子.
A.淀粉 B.蔗糖 C.食盐 D.汽油
一、选择题,共 20 题,共 20 分
1.(1 分)电脑中大量使用硅,其元素符号是( )
2.(1 分)空气中最不活泼的成分是( )
3.(1 分)表示两个氧分子的是( )
4.(1 分)引起酸雨的主要物质是( )
③实验三:倾斜 Y 管(使稀盐酸流入另一侧支管)即可控制反应的发生和停止,该原理
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27. 生活中的变化属于化学变化的是()
28. 空气中体积含量约为21% 的气体是()
29. 能表示两个氢原子的符号是()
A.H2B.2H C.2H2D.H2O
30. 生活中的常见物质属于纯净物的是()
31. 砒霜(As2O3)虽有毒,但可用于治疗某些疾病,As2O3中As的化合价为( )
A.—3 B.—2 C.+2 D.+3
32. 物质的主要成分与其俗称不相符合的是()
A.生石灰CaO B.熟石灰Ca(OH)2C.胆矾CuSO4D.火碱NaOH
33. 炒菜时,不小心将食盐洒落在火焰上,发出的颜色的是()
34. 互为同素异形体的物质是()
35. 生活中的以下物质不属于溶液的是()
36. 性质决定用途,有关物质的用途不正确的是()
37. 将甲、乙两种金属片分别放入硫酸铜溶液中,甲表面析出金属铜,乙没有明显现象。
38. 下列实验中,能观察到的现象是 ( )
A .红磷燃烧产生大量白色烟雾
B .铁丝在空气中剧烈燃烧,火星四射
C .硫在空气中燃烧,发出明亮的蓝紫色火焰
D .木炭还原氧化铜的过程中,黑色固体变成红色
39. 工业制取水煤气(一种燃料)的反应为:22H CO O H C +−−→−+高温,其中的氧化剂是( )
A .C
B .H 2O
D .H 2
40. 下列实验操作不正确的是( )
A .氧气验满
B . 读取体积
C .倾倒液体
D .检查气密性
41. “金属明星”钛的获取方法之一为:Ti MgCl Mg TiCl +−→−+∆2422,该反应属于( )
A .分解反应
B .化合反应
C .置换反应
D .复分解反应
42.有关电解水实验的叙述中,错误的是 ( )
A .可证明水是一种化合物
B .与电源负极相连的一端产生氢气
C .正、负极产生的气体体积比是2:1
D .该反应的微观实质是氢、氧原子的重新组合
43.以下实验不能达到目的的是( ) 实验序号
实验目的 试剂或方法 A
鉴别盐酸或硫酸 BaCl 2溶液 B
测定粗盐的纯度 溶解、过滤、蒸发结晶 C
除去铜粉中的铁粉 加入足量稀硫酸,过滤 D 除去氯化钙溶液中的盐酸 加入过量碳酸钙至不再冒气泡,过滤
44. 下列实验事实合理的是( )
A .用10mL 量筒取6.53mL 的水
B .用广泛PH 试纸测定雨水的PH 为5.5
C .用20g 氯化钠和100g 水配制20%的氯化钠溶液
D .用温度计测定酸和碱反应后温度升高了4°C
45.能用于实验室制二氧化碳,且符合启普发生器的装置是( )
A .
B .
C .
D .
46.某混合气体可能含有水蒸汽、H 2、CO 、CO 2中的一种或多种,将混合气体依次通过无水硫酸铜,无明
显现象;通过灼热的CuO ,有红色物质生成;通过无水硫酸铜,粉末变蓝;通过NaOH 溶液时,气体体积明显减少。
对混合气体的组成判断正确的是( )
①H 2和CO ②H 2O 和CO ③CO 和CO 2 ④H 2和CO 2 ⑤H 2、CO 和CO 2
A .① ④
B .① ③ ④
C .① ④ ⑤
D .② ④
47.蜜饯中添加山梨酸钾(C 6H 7KO 2)可延长保质期。
山梨酸钾是由 (1) 种元素组成,其中碳、氧
元素的原子个数比为 (2) ,2molC 6H 7KO 2中含钾原子 (3) 个。
在一定条件下,二氧化碳和氢气可实验一下转化:O H X H CO 222+−−−→−+一定条件下
,其中X 的化学式为 (4) (2)下图为某化学反应的微观模拟图,“”和“”分别表示不同元素的原子:
”聚集成的物质 (5) (填“可能”或“不可能”)是氧化物,参加反应的两种反应物分子 “”与“”的个数比为 (6)
点燃CO O C CO O C 22222−−→−+−−→−+ 已知1mol 碳充分燃烧放出393.5KJ 的热量,不充分燃烧(生成CO )放出 110.5KJ 的热量,由上可知,煤燃
50. 甲、乙、丙是初中化学常见物质,其中甲、乙都是由氢、氧元素组成的化合物,丙为气体单质,他们
52. 2011年9月,高露洁牙膏被曝含有致癌物“三氯生”而引起消费者的焦虑,于是同学们开展了对牙膏成分及作用的探究,经过查阅资料得知:
A. 停止购买和使用高露洁牙膏
B. 使用了化学添加剂的食品对人体都有危害
C. 物质对人体的影响与摄入量有关,量变引起质变
D. 对于社会中出现的有关化学的时间,我们要进行理性分析,作出正确判断
A. 氟单质
B. 氟元素
C. 氟原子
某品牌牙膏中的摩擦剂是碳酸钙,为了检验并测定牙膏中碳酸钙的质量分数,同学们取了10g 牙膏,加入足量稀盐酸并搅拌。
①计算10g 牙膏中碳酸钙的物质的量 (31) (根据化学方程式列式并计算)
②该品牌牙膏中碳酸钙的质量分数为 (32)
已知:↑++↓−−→−→++2232323223a )(;)(CO O H CO C HCO Ca HCO Ca O H CO CaCO 加热
①七体A 的化学式为 (33) ,写出反应池1中发生反应的化学方程式 (34) ②为了提高生产效率,制取轻质碳酸钙时,B 最好为 (35) (选填“石灰乳”或“澄清石灰水”);将气体A 通入反应池1中时,最好对池中物质进行微热,目的是防止生成 (36) (写化学式) ③结合整个转化流程,对比反应池1和反应池2制取碳酸钙的方法,前者更加能体现绿色化学的理念,理由是 (37)。