A Framework for Social Security Analysis
英语人力资源管理50题1. In a company, the process of identifying and attracting potential employees is called _____.A. recruitmentB. selectionC. trainingD. development答案:A。
2. The department responsible for managing employees' performance and providing feedback is _____.A. HRB. FinanceC. MarketingD. Operations答案:A。
3. The term used to describe the knowledge, skills, and abilities that an employee brings to a job is _____.A. job descriptionB. job specificationC. competencyD. Workload答案:C。
选项A“job description”是工作描述,详细说明了工作的职责和任务。
2022-2023年软件水平考试《高级网络规划设计师》预测试题(答案解析)全文为Word可编辑,若为PDF皆为盗版,请谨慎购买!第壹卷一.综合考点题库(共50题)1.Data security is the practice of protecting digital information from ()access,corruption,or theft throughout its entire lifecycle. It is a concept that encompasses every aspect of information security from the ()security of hardware and storage devices to administrative and access controls,as well as the logical security of software applications. It also includes organizational (作答此空)and procedures.Data security involves deploying tools and technologies that enhance the organization's visibility into where its critical data resides and how it is used. These tools and technologies should ()the growing challenges inherent in securing today's complex distributed,hybrid,and/or multicloud computing environments.Ideally,these tools should be able to apply protections like (),data masking,and redaction of sensitive files, and should automate reporting to streamline audits and adhering to regulatory requirements. A.behaviorsB.culturesC.policiesD.structures正确答案:C本题解析:数据安全性是指在数字信息的整个生命周期中保护数字信息不受未经授权的访问、损坏或盗窃。
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同是国务院确定的全国520家重点企业 同是地处中原的肉类加工企业(漯河肉联厂和洛阳肉联厂) 都始建于1958年,又都于1984年由省管下放到地方。 1984年漯河肉联厂的资产总额是468万元,企业累计亏损534万元 洛阳肉联厂当时的资产总额是2000万元,当年实现利税200万元。 1986年,中国第一根火腿肠在洛阳肉联厂诞生, 1992年漯河肉联厂生产出第一根 火腿肠。 1993年,春都集团实现工业总产值、利税分别达到11.599亿元、1.082亿元,而 双汇集团仅为8.57亿元和7045万元。
• 理性决策:形成以肉类加工为主,养殖、屠 宰、包装、彩印等紧密联系的产业群体, 1998年集团实现利税2.95亿元,去年又突 破了5亿元大关。 资金控制:产品销售一律现款现货制度,原 料采购实行生产试用合格后付款制度。 财务管理:财务垂直管理、审计日常监督 总裁万隆也不避讳:“管理是企业的生命, 双汇赢就赢在管理上。
内部审计的责任: 定期检查评估组织内部控制的有效并提出改进建议,但对内部控制的建 立和维护不承担主要责任。
其他员工的责任: 对任何与不遵循控制规定或非法行为相关的问题,有责任按组织层次向 上报告。
• 美国的成就归功于制度者多, • 企业的生命不是企业家的生命。一个 企业的魂如果是企业家,这个企业就 归功于英雄者少 是最不可靠的企业。 • 在制度健全且有效运行的组织内 ,个人的影响力不具有举足轻重 • 企业的成就和持续发展应基于成熟的 的地位 制度,而非变异的个人; • 在民主制度下,容易产生一位平 庸的总统,但不易产生一位独裁 • 任何个人不应对企业的发展拥有绝对 的总统。独裁远比平庸更可怕。 的致命的影响; • 权力是履行责任的器物,而非推卸责 任或转嫁责任的工具;
高三英语社会问题解决方案评估指标确定单选题50道1.Which aspect is the most important when evaluating a solution to social problems?A.EfficiencyB.CostC.SustainabilityD.Popularity答案:C。
选项A“Efficiency( 效率)”很重要,但不是最重要的唯一标准。
选项B“Cost( 成本)”也只是一个方面。
选项D“Popularity( 受欢迎程度)”并非核心重要指标。
而选项C“Sustainability 可持续性)”对于长期解决社会问题至关重要,因为只有可持续的解决方案才能真正有效地解决问题而不会带来新的问题。
2.In assessing social problem solutions, what should be given top priority?A.Quick implementationB.Long-term effectivenessC.Low initial investmentD.High media attention答案:B。
选项A“Quick implementation(快速实施)”有一定好处,但如果不能长期有效也不行。
选项C“Low initial investment 低初始投资)”不是最重要的考量。
选项D“High media attention 高媒体关注度)”不是关键因素。
选项B“Long-term effectiveness(长期有效性)”在评估社会问题解决方案时应给予最高优先级,因为只有长期有效的方案才能真正解决社会问题。
3.Which factor is crucial in determining the importance of a social problem solution?A.Number of supportersB.Speed of resultsC.Impact on future generationsD.Immediate popularity答案:C。
社工英语复试题及答案一、选择题(每题1分,共10分)1. What is the term for a professional who works to improve the well-being of individuals, families, and communities?A. PsychologistB. Social WorkerC. CounselorD. Therapist2. Which of the following is not a method of social work intervention?A. Case managementB. Group workC. Individual counselingD. Legal representation3. The primary goal of social work is to:A. Increase profits for businesses.B. Enhance the quality of life for clients.C. Win political elections.D. Improve academic performance.4. Which of the following is a principle of the social work profession?A. ConfidentialityB. Profit maximizationC. Political neutralityD. Client exploitation5. The process of assessing a client's needs and resources is known as:A. Case closingB. Case openingC. Case managementD. Case evaluation6. Social workers should maintain a(n) ________ relationship with clients.A. ProfessionalB. PersonalC. BusinessD. Casual7. The ethical dilemmas that social workers may face include:A. Choosing between personal beliefs and professional obligations.B. Deciding which clients to accept based on personal preferences.C. Ignoring the law to protect a client's interests.D. Prioritizing financial gain over client welfare.8. Which of the following is not a role of a social worker ina community setting?A. AdvocateB. MediatorC. JudgeD. Facilitator9. The term "empowerment" in social work refers to:A. Giving clients more money.B. Enabling clients to gain control over their lives.C. Providing clients with legal advice.D. Increasing clients' dependence on social services.10. A social worker's documentation should be:A. Personal and subjective.B. Objective and professional.C. Informal and conversational.D. Confidential and unrecorded.答案:1. B2. D3. B4. A5. D6. A7. A8. C9. B 10. B二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)1. The ________ of social work involves understanding and addressing the social, economic, and environmental factorsthat affect clients' lives.2. Social workers should be aware of and respect the cultural ________ of the clients they serve.3. The ________ approach in social work involves working with individuals, families, and groups to achieve common goals.4. A social worker's role as a ________ is to support clients in making informed decisions and taking actions to improvetheir well-being.5. The ________ principle in social work emphasizes the importance of protecting clients' privacy and confidentiality.6. Social workers are expected to engage in ongoing ________to stay current with best practices and ethical standards.7. The ________ model of social work practice focuses on the strengths and resources of clients, rather than theirproblems or deficiencies.8. Advocacy in social work can take many forms, including________ advocacy, where social workers support clients in asserting their rights.9. The ________ is a key document that outlines the ethical standards and principles guiding the profession of social work.10. Social workers should be aware of the potential for________ and take steps to avoid conflicts of interest that could compromise their professional judgment.答案:1. ecological perspective2. diversity3. group work4. advocate5. confidentiality6. professional development7. strengths-based8. self-advocacy9. Code of Ethics10. conflicts of interest三、简答题(每题5分,共20分)1. 简述社会工作实践中的伦理困境,并举例说明。
证券资格(证券投资分析)国外主要证券分析师自律组织章节练习试卷1(题后含答案及解析)题型有:1. 单项选择题单项选择题本大题共70小题,每小题0.5分,共35分。
A.专门组织的营利性团体B.专门组织的非营利性团体C.自发组织的营利性团体D.自发组织的非营利性团体正确答案:D 涉及知识点:国外主要证券分析师自律组织2.国际注册投资分析师协会的简称为()。
A.ACIIAB.EFFASC.ASAFD.APIMEC正确答案:A解析:国际注册投资分析师协会(Association of Certified Intemational lnvestment Analysts,简称”ACIIA”)由欧洲金融分析师协会(EFFAS)、亚洲证券分析师联合会(ASAF)和巴西投资分析师协会(APIMEC)经过3年多的策划,于2000年6月正式成立,注册地在英国。
A.欧洲金融分析师协会B.亚洲证券分析师联合会C.巴西投资分析师协会D.中国证券业协会证券分析师专业委员会正确答案:D 涉及知识点:国外主要证券分析师自律组织5.(),中国证券分析师协会正式被接受成为ACIIA的会员。
A.2001-6-1B.2001-11-1C.2002-6-1D.2002-11-1正确答案:B 涉及知识点:国外主要证券分析师自律组织6.国际常规知识考试包括基础考试(9小时、3份试卷)和最终资格考试(6小时、2份试卷)。
一文读懂社会网络分析(SNA)理论、指标与应用开新坑!社交网络分析(又称复杂网络、社会网络,Social Network Analysis)是诞生于数学图论、计算机科学、物理学的交叉碰撞中的一门有趣的学科。
面向人群:优先人文社科类的无代码学习,Python、R的SNA 包好用是好用,但是对我们这这些社科的同学来说门槛太高,枯燥的代码首先就会让我们丧失学习兴趣。
开胃菜:SNA经典著作分享《网络科学引论》纽曼 (访问密码 : v9d9g3)2概述:什么是网络?我们从哪些角度研究它?1) 认识网络SNA中所说的网络是由节点(node,图论中称顶点vertex)和边(edge)构成,如下图。
Les Miserables人际关系网络2) 构建网络就是建模马克思说过,“人的本质在其现实性上,它是一切社会关系的总和。
” 事实上,当我们想快速了解一个领域,无论该领域是由人、知识、神经元乃至其他实体集合构成,利用SNA的方法将实体及其相互关系进行抽象和网络构建,我们就完成了对某一领域的“建模”,这个模型就是网络图,拿科学网络计量学家陈超美的观点来说,借助网络图,“一图胜千言,一览无余”。
3) 社会网络类型这里展示了常见和常用的网络类型名词。
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编辑部关于中英文摘要的意见:1、按照GB 6447-86《文摘编写规则》的要求撰写。
英文摘要不能出现“In the paper”等。
社工英语复试题目及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. What is the primary role of a social worker?A. To provide medical servicesB. To advocate for social justiceC. To teach in schoolsD. To perform administrative tasks答案:B2. Which of the following is not a method of social work intervention?A. Case managementB. CounselingC. Group therapyD. Legal representation答案:D3. In social work, the term "empowerment" refers to:A. Giving clients more moneyB. Helping clients gain control over their livesC. Providing clients with more resourcesD. Increasing clients' social status答案:B4. Which of the following is a key principle of the socialwork profession?A. ConfidentialityB. InformalityC. FlexibilityD. Profitability答案:A5. The process of social work involves:A. Only working with individualsB. Working with individuals, groups, and communitiesC. Focusing solely on the family unitD. Working exclusively with organizations答案:B6. What is the purpose of a social assessment?A. To evaluate a client's financial statusB. To determine a client's needs and strengthsC. To assess a client's legal issuesD. To evaluate a client's educational background答案:B7. Which of the following is a common ethical dilemma faced by social workers?A. Balancing client needs with available resourcesB. Deciding which clients to serveC. Choosing between personal and professional valuesD. All of the above答案:D8. The social work profession is guided by:A. Personal beliefs and valuesB. Scientific research and evidence-based practiceC. Public opinion and societal normsD. Government regulations and policies答案:B9. A social worker's approach to practice should be:A. AuthoritarianB. CollaborativeC. HierarchicalD. Directive答案:B10. Which of the following is an example of cultural competence in social work?A. Ignoring cultural differencesB. Adapting practice to meet cultural needsC. Focusing only on the individual's needsD. Imposing one's own cultural values答案:B二、简答题(每题10分,共30分)1. Describe the importance of cultural competence in social work practice.答案:Cultural competence in social work practice iscrucial as it allows social workers to understand and respect the diverse backgrounds and experiences of their clients. It helps in building trust, ensuring effective communication,and delivering appropriate services that are sensitive to the client's cultural context. Cultural competence also promotes social justice by addressing and challenging biases and discrimination.2. Explain the role of a social worker in crisis intervention.答案:In crisis intervention, a social worker plays acritical role in providing immediate support and assistanceto individuals or communities facing a crisis. This includes assessing the situation, offering emotional support, linking clients to necessary resources, and helping them develop coping strategies. Social workers may also facilitate accessto emergency services and work collaboratively with other professionals to ensure a comprehensive response to thecrisis.3. Discuss the ethical considerations a social worker should take into account when working with vulnerable populations.答案:When working with vulnerable populations, social workers must consider several ethical considerations. These include maintaining confidentiality, respecting clients' autonomy and informed consent, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring cultural sensitivity. Social workers should also be aware of their own biases and work to prevent any harmthat may result from discrimination or prejudice. Advocacyfor the rights and well-being of vulnerable individuals is also a key ethical responsibility.三、论述题(每题25分,共50分)1. Discuss the significance of evidence-based practice in social work and provide examples of how it is applied.答案:Evidence-based practice in social work issignificant as it ensures that interventions and services provided are grounded in scientific research and proven effectiveness. It involves the systematic use of the best available evidence from research, practice experience, and client preferences to inform decision-making. Examples of its application include selecting interventions for specific client issues based on research findings, evaluating the effectiveness of programs, and adapting practices to align with current evidence. This approach enhances the quality of services, improves client outcomes, and promotes accountability in the profession.2. Analyze the challenges and opportunities of integrating technology in social work practice.答案:Integrating technology in social work practice presents both challenges and opportunities. Challenges include ensuring privacy and confidentiality in digital communications, addressing the digital divide that may exclude certain populations from accessing services, and managing the。
Social Accountability 80002014版SA8000国际标准(最新英中文本)International Standard by Social Accountability International June 2014SA8000®: 2014Supersedes previous versions: 2001, 2004 and 2008The official language of this Standard and supporting documents is English. In the case of inconsistency between versions, reference shall default to the English version.Contents 内容I.INTRODUCTION 前言1.Intent and Scope 目的与范围2.Management System 管理体系II.NORMATIVE ELEMENTS AND THEIR INTERPRETATION 规范性原则及其解释III.DEFINITIONS 定义IV.SOCIAL ACCOUNTABILITY REQUIREMENTS 社会责任规范1.Child Labour 童工2.Forced or Compulsory Labour 强迫或强制性劳动3.Health and Safety 健康与安全4.Freedom of Association & Right to Collective Bargaining 自由结社及集体谈判权利5.Discrimination 歧视6.Disciplinary Practices 惩戒性措施7.Working Hours 工作时间8.Remuneration 工资9.Management System 管理体系I. INTRODUCTION 前言1.Intent and Scope 目的与范围Intent: The intent of SA8000 is to provide an auditable, voluntary standard, based on the UN Declaration of Human Rights, ILO and other international human rights and labour norms and national labour laws, to empower and protect all personnel within an organisation’s control and influence who provide products or services for that organisation, including personnel employed by the organisation itself and by its suppliers, subcontractors, sub-suppliers and home workers. It is intended that an organisation shall comply with this Standard through an appropriate and effective Management System.目的:本标准目的在于提供一个基于联合国人权宣言,国际劳工组织(ILO)和其他国际人权惯例,劳动定额标准以及国家法律的标准,授权并保护所有在公司控制和影响范围内的生产或服务人员,包括公司自己及其供应商,分包商,分包方雇用的员工和家庭工人。
商务英语试题4及答案一、选择题(每题2分,共20分)1. The company is looking to ________ its market share in the region.A. increaseB. decreaseC. maintainD. eliminate答案:A2. The negotiations were successful, and both parties reacheda ________.A. disagreementB. consensusC. conflictD. misunderstanding答案:B3. The new marketing strategy has ________ a significant impact on our sales.A. hadB. madeC. takenD. given答案:B4. The project manager needs to ________ the team's progress to the stakeholders.A. reportB. suggestC. proposeD. recommend答案:A5. Due to the economic downturn, the company had to ________ its workforce.A. expandB. reduceC. stabilizeD. diversify答案:B6. The CEO emphasized the importance of ________ in the company's future success.A. innovationB. traditionC. regulationD. competition答案:A7. The sales team is working on a ________ to improve customer relations.A. planB. budgetC. scheduleD. report答案:A8. The company's financial statements show a ________ in profits over the past year.A. declineB. riseC. stagnationD. fluctuation答案:B9. The product launch was a ________, resulting in high sales and positive feedback.A. failureB. successC. setbackD. challenge答案:B10. The ________ of the new factory will be completed by the end of the year.A. constructionB. demolitionC. renovationD. inspection答案:A二、填空题(每空1分,共10分)11. The company is currently undergoing a period of ________.答案:restructuring12. The ________ of the business plan was approved by the board of directors.答案:proposal13. The ________ of the meeting was to discuss the new project.答案:purpose14. The company has a strong ________ in the field of technology.答案:presence15. The ________ of the product was delayed due to manufacturing issues.答案:delivery16. The ________ of the company's assets is a key factor in its financial health.答案:valuation17. The ________ of the market is expected to increase in the coming years.答案:demand18. The ________ of the contract is legally binding on bothparties.答案:agreement19. The ________ of the company's shares has been steadily rising.答案:price20. The ________ of the new policy has been met with mixed reactions.答案:implementation三、阅读理解(每题2分,共20分)阅读以下商务英语短文,并回答下列问题。
经合组织风险认识工具OECD Risk Awareness tool
Governance Zones
The OECD Risk Awareness Tool for Multinational Enterprises in Weak
Governance Zones aims to help companies that invest in countries where governments are unwilling or unable to assume their responsibilities. It addresses risks and ethical dilemmas that companies are likely to face in such weak governance zones, including obeying the law and observing international instruments, heightened care in managing investments, knowing business partners and clients and dealing with public sector officials, and speaking out about wrongdoing.
© OECD 2006
No reproduction, copy, transmission or translation of this publication may be made without written permission. Applications should be sent to OECD Publishing: rights@ or by fax (33 1) 45 24 13 91. Permission to photocopy a portion of this work should be addressed to the Centre français d'exploitation du droit de copie, 20, rue des Grands-Augustins, 75006 Paris, France (contact@).
The Language of EvaluationIntroductionThis book is concerned with the interpersonal in language, with the subjective presence ofwriters/speakers in texts as they adopt stances towards both the material they present and those with whom they communicate. It is concerned with how writers/speakers approve and disapprove, enthuse and abhor, applaud and criticize, and with how they position their readers/listeners to do likewise. It is concerned with the construction by texts of communities of shared feelings and values, and with the linguistic mechanisms for the sharing of emotions, tastes and normative assessments. It is concerned with how writers/speakers construe for themselves particular authorial identities or personae, with how they align or disalign themselves with actual or potential respondents, and with how they construct for their texts an intended or ideal audience. While such issues have been seen as beyond the purview of linguistic enquiry by some influential branches of twentieth-century linguistics, they have, of course, been of longstanding interest for functionally and semiotically oriented approaches and for those whose concern is with discourse, rhetoric and communicative effect. We offer here a new approach to these issues, developed over the last decade or so by researchers working within the Systemic Functional Linguistic (hereafter SFL) paradigm of M.A.K. Halliday and his colleagues. (See, for example, Halliday 2004/1994, Martin 1992b or Matthiessen 1995.) SFL identifies three modes of meaning which operate simultaneously in all utterances – the textual, the ideational and the interpersonal. Our purpose in the book is to develop and extend the SFL account of the interpersonal by attending to three axes along which the speaker’s/writer’s int er-subjective stance may vary. (1.1,P14)History and developmentOur model of evaluation evolved within the general theoretical framework of SFL. Eggins2004/1994 provides an accessible introduction to the ‘Sydney’ register of SFL which informed our work. For grammar, we relied on Halliday 2004/1994 and Matthiessen 1995 and for discourse analyses we used Martin 1992b (later recontextualised as Martin&Rose 2003). The most relevant reservoir of theoretical concepts is Halliday & Matthiessen 1999 (for thumbnail sketches of SFL theory see the introductory chapters in Halliday&Martin1993and Christie & Martin 1997). We’ll now outline some of the basic parameters of SFL, by way of situating appraisal within a holistic model of language and social context. At heart SFL is a multi-perspectival model, designed to provide analysts with complementary lenses for interpreting language in use. One of the most basic of these complementarities is the notion ofkinds of meaning –the idea that language is a resource for mapping ideational, interpersonal and textual meaning onto one another in virtually every act of communication. Ideational resources are concerned with construing experience. Interpersonal resources are concerned with negotiating social relations. Textual resources are concerned with information flow. In this book we are focusing on interpersonal meaning. Martin&Rose2003 provide a sympathetic framework for dealing with interpersonal meaning in relation to meaning of other kinds. In addition, for ease of exposition, we are concentrating here on interpersonal meaning in written discourse. In this respect our presentation complements Eggins&Slade 1997, which deals with spoken language. Their participation in the development of appraisal analysis confirms our expectation that the tools developed here can be usefully applied to both spoken and written texts. (1.2,P20)Up to about 1990, work on interpersonal meaning in SFL was more strongly oriented to interaction than feeling. This was the result of Halliday’s seminal w ork on the grammar of mood and modality (Halliday1994)and its extension into the analysis of turn-taking in dialogue(speech function and exchange structure as introduced in Halliday 1984, Martin 1992b, Eggins & Slade 1997). Working with colleagues in the early 1990s we began to develop a more lexically-based perspective, triggered in the first instance by the need for a richer understanding of interpersonal meaning in monologic texts. Initially we were concerned with affect in narrative, and moved on to consider evaluation in literary criticism, the print media, art criticism, administrative discourse and history discourse as part of an action research project concerned with literacy in the workplace and secondary school (Iedema, Feez & White 1994, Iedema 1995, Martin 2000a, Martin 2001b).(1.2,P21) Our own position, as outlined above, takes attitude as in some sense focal and distinguishes engagement and graduation as distinct resource. We developed our approach within the general theoretical framework of SFL, in the context of its rich descriptions of phonology/graphology and signing, lexico-grammar, discourse semantics, register and genre and multimodality.(1.5,P52-53)The purpose of the bookWe attend to what has traditionally been dealt with under the he ading of ‘affect’ – the means by which writers/speakers positively or negatively evaluate the entities, happenings and states-of-affairs with which their texts are concerned. Our approach takes us beyond many traditional accounts of ‘affect’ in that it addresses not only the means by which speakers/writers overtly encode what they present as their own attitudes but also those means by which they more indirectly activate evaluative stances andposition readers/listeners to supply their own assessments. These attitudinal evaluations are of interest not only because they reveal the speaker’s/writer’s feelings and values but also because their expression can be related to the speaker’s/writer’s status or authority as construed by the text, and because they operate rhetorically to construct relations of alignment and rapport between the writer/speaker and actual or potential respondents.Our concern is also with what has traditionally been dealt with under the heading of ‘modality’ and particularly under the he adings of ‘epistemic modality’ and ‘evidentiality’. We extend traditional accounts by attending not only to issues of speaker/writer certainty, commitment and knowledge but also to questions of how the textual voice positions itself with respect to other voices and other positions. In our account, these meanings are seen to provide speakers and writers with the means to present themselves as recognising, answering, ignoring, challenging, rejecting, fending off, anticipating or accommodating actual or potential interlocutors and the value positions they represent.We also attend to what has been dealt with under headings such as ‘intensification’ and ‘vague language’, providing a framework for describing how speakers/writers increase and decrease the force o f their assertions and how they sharpen or blur the semantic categorisations with which theyoperate.(1.1,P15)Three subsystems of appraisalOn the basis of the complementarities introduced above we can locate appraisal as an interpersonal system at the level of discourse semantics. At this level it co-articulates interpersonal meaning with two other systems–negotiation and involvement. Negotiation complements appraisal by focusing on the interactive aspects of discourse, speech function and exchange structure (as presented in Martin 1992b). Involvement complements appraisal by focusing on non-gradable resources for negotiating tenor relations, especially solidarity.Appraisal itself is regionalised as three interacting domains –‘attitude’, ‘engagement’ an d‘graduation’. Attitude is concerned with our feelings, including emotional reactions, judgements of behaviour and evaluation of things. Engagement deals with sourcing attitudes and the play of voices around opinions in discourse. Graduation attends to grading phenomena whereby feelings are amplified and categories blurred. (1.4,p48)Attitude is itself divided into three regions of feeling, ‘affect’, ‘judgement’ and ‘appreciation’. Affect deals with resources for construing emotional reactions. Judgement is concerned with resourcesfor assessing behaviour according to various normative principles, Appreciation looks at resources for construing the value of things, including natural phenomena and semiosis (as either product or process).(1.4,p48-49)This system involves three semantic regions covering what is traditionally referred to as emotion, ethics and aesthetics. Emotion is arguably at the heart of these regions. Affect is concerned with registering positive and negative feelings. Judgement deals with attitudes towards behaviour, which we admire or criticise, praise or condemn. In general terms judgements can be divided into those dealing with ‘social esteem’ and those oriented to ‘social sanction’. Judgements of esteem have to do with‘normality’ (how unusual someone is), ‘capacity’ (how capable they are) and ‘tenacity’ (h ow resolute they are); judgements of sanction have to do with ‘veracity’ (how truthful someone is) and ‘propriety’ (how ethical someone is). Social esteem tends to be policed in the oral culture, through chat, gossip, jokes and stories of various kinds – with humor often having a critical role to play (Eggins & Slade 1997). Social sanction on the other hand is more often codified in writing, as edicts, decrees, rules, regulations and laws about how to behave as surveilled by church and state – with penalties and punishments as levers against those not complying with the code.(2.3,P65) Appreciation involves evaluations of semiotic and natural phenomena, according to the ways in which they are valued or not in a given field. In general terms appreciations can be divided into our ‘reactions’ to things (do they catch our attention; do they please us?), their ‘composition’ (balance and complexity), and their ‘value’ (how innovative, authentic, timely, etc.).(2.4,P69) Grammatically, as Suzanne Eggins has suggested to us, we might think of reaction, composition and valuation in relation to mental processes –the way we look at things (our gaze). Reaction is related to affection (emotive –‘it grabs me’, desiderative –‘I want it’); composition is related to perception (our view of order); and valuation is related to cognition (our considered opinions). Alternatively, the appreciation framework might be interpreted metafunctionally –with reaction oriented to inter- personal significance, composition to textual organisation and valuation to ideational worth.(2.4,P70) The source of affect is of course conscious participants, including persons, human collectives and institutions (Halliday &Matthiessen 1999). The behaviour of these conscious participants is the target of judgement. Appreciation on the other hand targets things, whether concrete or abstract, material or semiotic.(2.4,P72)Broadly speaking engagement is concerned with the ways in which resources such as projection, modality, polarity, concession and various comment adverbials position the speaker/writer with respectto the value position being advanced and with respect to potential responses to that value position – by quoting or reporting, acknowledging a possibility, denying, countering, affirming and so on.(1.4,p49) In broad terms, then, we can categorise utterances accordingly to this two-way distinction, classifying them as ‘monoglossic’ when they make no reference to other voices and viewpoints and as ‘heteroglossic’when they do invoke or allow for dialogistic alternatives.(3.3,P112) We observe that these heteroglossic resources can be divided into two broad categories according to whether they are ‘dialogically expansive’ or ‘dialogically contractive’ in their intersubjective functionality. The distinction turns on the degree to which an utterance, by dint of one or more of these locutions, actively makes allowances for dialogically alternative positions and voices (dialogic expansion), or alternatively, acts to challenge, fend off or restrict the scope of such (dialogic contraction).(3.5,P115) Dialogically contract – they close down the space for dialogic alternatives, dialogically expanse--- as opening up the dialogic space for alternative positions.(3.5,P116) ‘E ntertain’– those wordings by which the authorial voice indicates that its position is but one of a number of possible positions and thereby, to greater or lesser degrees, makes dialogic space for those possibilities. (3.6, P117)Under the heading of ‘attribution’, we deal with those formulations which disassociate the proposition from the text’s internal authorial voice by attributing it so some external source.(3.7,P124) Contraction contractive meanings fall into two broad categories. The first of these we term ‘disclaim’– meanings by which some dialogic alternative is directly rejected or supplanted, or is represented as not applying. The second of these we term ‘proclaim’– meanings by which, interpolation, emphasis or intervention, dialogic alternatives are confronted, challenged, overwhelmed or otherwise excluded.(3.8,P131)Graduation inc ludes two subsystems , force and focus. Graduation has to do with adjusting the degree of an evaluation – how strong or weak the feeling is. This kind of graduation is called ‘force’. Graduation has the effect of adjusting the strength of boundaries between categories, constructing core and peripheral types of things; this system is called‘focus.(1.4,P50) The assessment of degree of intensity of qualities and processes is termed ‘intensification’. Intensifications divide into two broad lexico-grammatical classes –‘isolating’ and ‘infusing’. The distinction turns on whether theup-scaling/down-scaling is realized by an isolated, individual item which solely, or at least primarily, performs the function of setting the level of intensity, or whether the sense of up/down-scaling is fused with a meaning which serves some other semantic. (3.19,P154)Localised or relative scaling with respect to intensity is realized via comparatives and superlatives. (3.19,P155,P157)Figurative meanings(metaphor and simile) are also occasionally employed in the intensification of processes.(3.19,P160)The intensification is realised either via an isolated lexeme, via semantic infusion or via repetition. The realisation is either figurative or non-figurative. (3.19,P161)Quantification involves scaling with respect to amount (eg size, weight, strength, number), and with respect to extent, with extent covering scope in time and space (ie how widely distributed, how long lasting) and proximity in time and space (ie how near, how recent). (3.20,P161)1、绪论本书关注语言的人际意义,是作者或者说话者对于语言材料的态度在语篇中的主观体现。
Security Analyst
Security Analyst TASK 1Selection Criteria Ability toanalyzevarious dataAself-containedlogicalreasoningIndependentthinkingabilityGreatattention todetailsQuickreactionabilityResponse As to theability toanalyzevarious data,according tothe test ofHollandvocationalinterest, I findI amconventional.Individualwith this kindof tendencyworks whicharewell-organized and hasclearrequirements.This kind ofpeople iscareful andperseverance.And it is truefor me. Mymath is greatand I amsensitive tothe figures. I enjoy theprocess oflogicalreasoning. Inmy sparetime, I likewatchingprograms ofinferenceclasses. Iwould feel soexcited tofind thecorrectanswer. And Ipossess theability ofthinkingthings fromdifferentangle, whichis very helpfulfor me tobecome agood securityanalyst.As toindependentthinkingability, Iwould like tosay thatduring bothindividualwork andteamwork, Iwould firstlyestablish myown opinionon the thingwhichremains to besolved.No matterwhat kind ofthings I take,once I decideto settle it, Ialways payattention tothe details. Iwould doeverythingwithhigh-levelcarefulness. Itis my habit tomake detailedaction planwhen doing anew project,and I willmake surethat there isnothingwrong. Iwould obeymy planstrictly.Therefore,often, I canget the resultI want.About theability ofquickreaction, Ithink it’s mystrength. Ilike analyzeproblems andcollectall-roundinformation,which benefitme to informthe ability ofreactionquickly.Task 2Team member PD Selection criteria Deakin’s GLOA Security analyst Ability to analyze various dataA self-contained logicalreasoningIndependent thinking abilityGreat attention to detailsQuick reaction ability Communication Teamwork Global citizenshipB Certificatedpublicaccountant excellent professional qualitygood moral qualityDoing things with caution, beconservative and have stronglogicality.Self-managementTeamworkDigital literacyC Certificatedfinancial planner Attention to detailTeam focusedProficiency in Excel andWordCritical thinkingDigital literacyProblem solvingThe reason why I want to be a security Analyst has the following aspects. Firstly, I think it is necessary to have a deep analysis on the opportunities of security industry. As to the opportunities, there are two important things. On the one hand, economic transformation promotes the prosperity of the capital and market. On the other hand, with the help of the government policies, business space is continuously extend, which inject new elements to the broker and promote the enterprise innovative activity. On my part, first and most important, I have strong interests on that position. Therefore, I choose my major without hesitation. As saying goes, interest is the best teacher. And I get high marks on my professional exams. What’s more, my abilities mentioned above prove that I have great potential to do such kind of job. On the aspect of the external ability, firstly, I am disciplined and will follow closely to the study plan made by myself, therefore, I believe that I would have a solid master to the theoretical knowledgerelated to security market. Secondly, I am sensitive to the figures, that is to say, I have strong digital literacy, which is one of the required ability of Deakin’s GLO. I like to work with digitals. After all, I think I would be happy if becoming a security analyst.To meet the requirements described above, I would do the following things. From the theoretical level, I will read relevant financial books as many as possible, do some analysis on the aspects of strategy, finance market, development prospect, etc. From the practical level, to accumulate experiences, I will apply for an account in a security account and strive for more opportunities of internship; to cultivate communication ability, I would force myself to communicate with strangers and expend my social circle.Here, I will make assessments on myself. As for myself, according to the test of Holland vocational interest, I find I am conventional. Individual with this kind of tendency works which are well-organized and has clear requirements. This kind of people is careful and perseverant, has strong digital literacy. However, they are conservative, not good at communication. Therefore, it is hard for me to build a good relationship in a short time. According to this assessment, I would try my best to make for deficiency. I will force myself to make more contacts with other, proactively communicating and talking with others. After constant practices, I believe that I would be talkative in the future, which is very useful of me when pursuing jobs.Q1: How to make yourself become more competitive in the industry of security analyst?In whatever kind of positions, there exist big competitions. Therefore, to pursue a better position, I would constantly improve my overall abilities. As to the professional ability, I would read up related books as more as possible. Just as saying goes, never too old to study. As to the internal abilities, I would be more talkative, confident and careful.Q2: What kind of method will you use to improve you communication skills?On the one hand, I will read related books to help me know the theory and skills. On the other hand, I will get contact with people who have different personalities and have different social levels.Q3: What will you do after graduate, pursuing further education or finding jobs?I think the most important capacity in the industry of security analyst is experience. Therefore, I will choose to work after graduation.Task 3According to the form above, I find that although I possess the sense of teamwork, my ability to cooperate is poor. I don’t know exactly how to work in cooperation with a due division of labor, for my ability of independent thinking is not good. I think the result is real. Because my parents like to prepare everything for me even now, so the chance for me to solve problems independently are very few, which goes against the habit-formation of logical thinking and independently settling, and will be a big issue hindering my job pursuit. To make up such a defect,in the future, when faced the difficulties, I would try my best to thinking it and solving it. Then, I would find and chase every chance to make practice of any type of teamwork. When finished, I would make a conclusion and assessment on my performance. Hence, in next work, I would put much attention on the disadvantages of myself and remind myself never make the same mistakes. Through constant practices, I believe that, some day, my ability of dependant thinking will have a big progress.Certified Public AccountantTask 1Selection Criteria excellentprofessional quality good moralqualitydoing things withcaution, beconservative and havestrong logicality.Response Once I choose thismajor, I will try mybest to perform it. Ihave got high markson manyprofessional exams.And during myspare times, I wouldread varieties booksrelated to my majorto improve myprofessionalqualities. From myfriend’sopinion, I ama person whohas highresponsibilityand highloyalty. Inever lies toanyone. I amalso willing tohelp others.When seeingtheirproblemsbeing solved,I feel sohappy.When doing things, Imust have secondcheck on them. I don’tlike to have anymistakes on my job. Iam a little kind ofcompletist.Task 2Team member PD Selection criteria Deakin’s GLOA Security analyst Ability to analyze various dataA self-contained logicalreasoningIndependent thinking abilityGreat attention to detailsQuick reaction ability Communication Teamwork Global citizenshipB Certificatedpublicaccountant excellent professional qualitygood moral qualityDoing things with caution, beconservative and have stronglogicality.Self-managementTeamworkDigital literacyC Certificatedfinancial planner Attention to detailTeam focusedProficiency in Excel andWordCritical thinkingDigital literacyProblem solvingAccording to the selection criteria of CPA, students should firstly, scientifically, analyze whether his/ her characters fit in this kind of field or not. It is because that the personal characters play an important role on the long-term development of this job. And I think I am suit to become a Certified Public Accountant. As for myself, according to the test of Holland vocational interest, I find I am social. Generally speaking, this kind of person has strong linguistic competence than mathematical ability. They have the tendency of humanity, good at speech and inspiring, and get well along with others. And my parents’ jobs are related to my major, which can give me priceless advice and help me become more professional.In order to get a job which is suitable for me, we should draw up a particular action plan according to our own practical condition. First of all, we should know the definition of CPA. CPA refers to the people who gets the certification of CPA and works in the office related to CPA.(A.C. Shapiro, Foundations of Multinational Financial Management). As for myself, I would study Accountant in the first year and study Audit and Financial Cost Management in the second year. Then, I will take part in relevant social practice activities as more as possible to improve my professional quality. What’s more, I will constantly focus on the changeable job information, in order to have comprehensive and timely understanding on the position.Here, I want to identify my own pros and cons on the aspects of external and internal abilities regarding to the requirements of the position. I possess strong ability of critical thinking and problem solving, for I have quick reaction capability. As to the aspect of internal abilities, I think it is the characteristics of me that suppose me to choose to be a certificated public accountant. I prefer to communicate with my friends when I was a child. Therefore, I have acquired goodcommunicative skills from various practices. What’s more, I have great leadership skill s, not only knowing how to allocate tasks to members, but also having patience to listen opinions of members and building harmonious relationships with members. Therefore, I am not worrying my global citizenships, once knowing well people’s background cult ures; I understand how to get well acquainted with them. However, my ability to analyze digital data is poor. Therefore, I must do various related practices.Q1: How will you to improve your digital literacy?The ability of analyzing digitals is a very important skill for one who wants to become a certificated public accountant. To improve such an essential ability, I can make full use of the colleague resources. Choosing related courses, listening to carefully, doing related and numerous practices would have effective influences.Q2: Can you give some suggestion of how to communicate with others?In my opinion, what makes a person shinning is his/her charming personality. If you want to make a good communication with others, you should pay attention to the following aspects. You should be sincere and show your respect to others when communicating. A positive life attitude is also very important. What’s more, you should be serious on your work or study, which will make others take you as example.Q3: What is the most important thing in teamwork?In my opinion, timely communication is the most important thing in teamwork. It can give group members timely information and can eliminate conflicts between group members.Task 3I think the form above is a real reflection of our performance. As for myself, during the teamwork and discussion, I think our team is harmonious. But when communicating, it is inevitable to have conflicts. And in the process of solving such problems, I am sincere, but catachrestic sometimes. It’s a matter I must pay attention to, for it is important during the job. And in the team, I play a role as a group leader, takes the responsibility of allocating tasks, collecting information and making brief conclusions. I think I have done some contributions to my team and I am willing to do such things.Certificated Financial PlannerTask 1Selection Criteria Attention to detail Team focused Proficiency in Excel andWordResponse I always take responseof my work carefully. Iunderstand howimportant it is to avoidany mistakes inaccountant jobs so thatI make checklists tomake sure nothing isincorrect beforesubmitting works. Also,I usually will wellorganized on futurework by setting ageneral goal and makea detail timemanagement plan foreach week in order tofollow the schedule.Additionally I prefer todo analytical thinkingand takes notes for mythoughts or extrainformation. I enjoy working in the situationwith a group. I used to work aspart time in Sushi Shush andCafé. Under employment Imainly focused working withcashier which combines salesand accountant. Theexperience brought me animprovement of capability oncommunication and workingcorporation. Within a team Iam able to share ideas,contribute work and containspositive attitude.I am able to work efficientlyusing either Excel or Worddocuments. I learned thoseskills from both my schoolsand by watching videoinstructions on internet.Currently all of my works arerequired to work using thoseskills and I actually did well onit. I have received HighDistinction on BusinessInformation Systems which is asubject relevant to computertechniques.Task 2Team member PD Selection criteria Deakin’s GLOA Security analyst Ability to analyze variousdatesA self-contained logicalreasoningIndependent thinking abilityGreat attention to detailsQuick reaction ability Communication Teamwork Global citizenshipB Certificatedpublicaccountant excellent professional qualitygood moral qualityDoing things with caution, beconservative and have stronglogicality.Self-managementTeamworkDigital literacyC Certificatedfinancial planner Attention to detailTeam focusedProficiency in Excel andWordCritical thinkingDigital literacyProblem solvingThe reason why I choose this position lies in the following. Firstly, I am very interested in this type of work. I prefer theoretical thinking and like mathematical statistics. I have strong logicality. Secondly, my personality is also suit for this job. I am curious, clever, dependant, and cautious. I have superior mathematical and scientific research ability.I have made the following plan to improve my overall ability. First of all, I would obey the principle of a CFP. As a CFP, he/she should take client’s benefits as first.(C. Hull, Options, Futures, & Other Derivatives). On the aspect of professional knowledge, I would learn and understand all kinds of knowledge related to financial services, including financial planning principle and its basic knowledge, risk management and insurance planning, investment planning, employee benefits, tax planning, retirement planning, etc. On the aspect of communication, I would force myself to get acquainted with more people. When communicating with them, I would focus on training my expression ability, the skill of listening and asking questions, identifying their body language the judging their characteristics.As for my strength, referring to the requirements of Deakin’s GLO, firstly, if I have interests on something, I would have great perseverance on such a thing till I finish it well. Therefore, I believe that I would master the professional knowledge expertly. Secondly, out of my higher ability of digital literacy, I am good at critical thinking and problem solving. Also, I enjoy the process of self-management. However, I have some disadvantages that are obstructive but difficult for me to correct and change. I dislike interpersonal communication. When communicating with people, I would feel a little anxious. Therefore, my ability of teamwork has a long way to go.Q1: What do you think is the most important thing you should improve to chase your position? First and most important thing I should do is to improve my community skills. No matter what jobs you take, you should have contacts with others. In the process of communication, you can not only learn the shinning points of others, but also expand your social circle. All of these things benefit to my pursuing to the job. In the teamwork, I would constantly remind myself to make any contributions to the team and be talkative. Since it is ability need much time to improve, I would try my best to find such opportunities and perform better in the teamwork.Q2: What do you think is the best ability you can defeat other candidates when interviewing?I think it is the perseverance and strong belief I have. Honestly speaking, becoming a good certificated financial planner is my dream. To realize my dream, I can do everything, no matter how hard it is . I think this kind of spirit can attract interviewer and make me get success at last.Q3: Will you choose to have further education?As far as I am concerned, if have such chance, I will choose to have further education. I think it isgreat to enter a better environment. In there, you can meet people who have high professional qualification. In there, you can make contact with more high-leveled skilled labor. In there, I can become a better me.Although the result on my part is less than satisfactory, I have to admit that it is real. Maybe my professional ability is good; the ability to cooperate is rather poor. Honestly speaking, I prefer individual works rather than teamwork. On the one hand, I can do what I plan to do just on my own will. On the other hand, I am not talkative, so sometimes it is difficult for me to clearly express my feelings. I dislike such situations. However, through this teamwork, I realize an important thing: teamwork has more practical values and benefits the human beings in various aspects. As to the practical values, in fact, teamwork needs to concern more aspects than individual work, including task allocation, data collection and group discussion, which can exercise our all-around ability. As to the benefits to the human beings, teamwork can shorten time of research. If this task is given to one person, the time he spend must longer than us and the quality of his research may be lower than us.AppendixStudent AStudent Name CFP CPA Myself Performance Level NI S E NI S E NI S E Worked√√√collaborativelyShowed√√√commitment andresponsibilityshowed respect for√√√all team membersShowedwillingness to work√√√cohesively withinthe teamPercentage 20% 45% 35%Student BStudent CcontributionStudent Name CFPCPA Myself Performance Level NI S E NI S E NI S E Worked collaboratively√√√Showed commitment and responsibility √ √ √showed respect for all team members √ √ √Showedwillingness to work cohesively within the team √ √ √Percentage contribution30%40%30%Student Name CFPCPA Myself Performance Level NI S E NI S E NI S E Worked collaboratively√√√Showed commitment and responsibility√ √ √References[1]P .R.Krugman,M.Obstfeld, International Economics-Theory and Policy, Addison Wesley Publishing Company, 2000[2]A.C. Shapiro, Foundations of Multinational Financial Management, John Wiley & Sons, INC.[3] W. Kolb, Understanding Futures Markets, Blackwell Business, 1988[4] C. Hull, Options, Futures, & Other Derivatives, Prentice-Hall International, Inc., 2000[5] S. Copeland, Exchange Rates and International Finance, Pearson Education, 2000 showed respect forall team members√ √ √ Showedwillingness to workcohesively withinthe team√ √ √ Percentagecontribution 25% 40% 35%。
Fairclough的话语观:引进与诠释2008年第5期总第144期外语学刊F0REIGNLANGUAGERESEARCH2008,No.5SerialNo.144Fairclough的话语观:引进与诠释林亚军(哈尔滨师范大学,哈尔滨150080)提要:Fairclough(1989)提出话语的社会理论和话语分析的社会取向,为批判话语分析(CDA)的发展作出了重大贡献.在早期文献中,他以系统功能语言学为基础,分析并揭示话语的社会实践性.后来,Fairelough(1992,1995,1999)发展CDA,指出CDA不仅要揭示话语与权利,意识形态等之间的关系,还要证明,作为意识形态介入和权利斗争的场所,话语组成并建构社会现实,人际关系,知识和信仰,参与并促进社会和文化变迁.Fairclough提出的话语的三维概念和CDA的三维分析框架体现出语言学和社会学理论的有效结合.对Fairclough话语观的理解和诠释可以增强我们对社会变革的再认识,从而积极地参与到社会生活的变迁之中.关键词:Fairclough;批判话语分析;话语观;诠释中图分类号:H0—06文献标识码:A文章编号:1000—0100(2008)05—0069—4Fairclough’SViewsonDiscourse:IntroductionandInterpretationLinY a—iun(HarbinNormalUniversity,Harbin150080.China)Fairclough(1989)setsouthissocially—orientedtbeoryofdiscourseanddisc ourseanalysis.Hecontributesgreatlytothede—velopmentofConversationalDiscourseAnalysis(CDA).Inhisearlycriticall inguisticw0rks,avarietyoftextualexamplesare analyzedtoillustratethesocialpracticeofdiscoursebyapplyingsystemic—f ter,Fairclough(1992,1995,1999)explainsandelaboratessomeadvancesinCDA,showingnotonlyhowt heanalyticalframeworkforinvestigatinglanguage inrelationtopowerandideologydeveloped,butalsohowCDAisusefulindisc losingthediscursivenatureofcontemporarysocial andculturalchange.Asasiteofpower,ofstruggleandideology,discoursecons tructssocialreality,relationships,systemsofknowledgeandbelief.Histhree—dimensionalconceptionofdiscourseanda nalysisreflectsthecombinationoflinguisticsandsocialtheories.TheunderstandingandinterpretationofCDAcanhelpUSfurtherunderstandsocialreformandenableUStoparticipateinit.Keywords:Fairclough;CDA;viewsondiscourse;interpretation1引言Fairclough是当代批判话语分析(CDA)领域中杰出的代表人物之一.其理论特色是把以语言学为方向的话语分析和与话语相关的社会学理论相结合,提出一种分析框架.这个框架对于社会科学研究,特别是社会变化研究十分合适.Fairclough的主张奠定了他在批判话语分析领域的突出地位,并成为兰卡斯特学派的社会变革论的代表人物.“中国正处在社会转型期,我们可以应用Fairclough提出的语篇的社会性理论来研究相关的政府文件或媒体报道是如何促进中国社会转型的.研究语篇的商品化与经济领域的商品化之间相互促进的关系.例如,可以研究《邓小平文选》中的语篇在推动中国改革开放进程中的作用.”(项蕴华2005:64)本文旨在引进与诠释Fair—clough的话语理论.2Fairclough的话语观:关于话语的社会理论2.1话语概念本文系黑龙江省教育厅人文社科研究基金项目”批判话语分析与语言的社会性建构”(10552091)的阶段性成果.692008年林亚军Fairclough的话语观:日I进与诠释第5期Fairclough较早对”话语”和”语分折”作比较明确的界定:他指出,”活语是个棘手的慨念,这存很大程度上是为存在如此多的ff1|l}l突币=叠的定义.在语言学cfi’话语有时朋来指书膏,何时用来指口头语青.埘此.观点不同,研究的侧币点就不同另一方而,话语被广泛地运用到辛十会理论干u分圻中.例如,在F(mcauh的理论中,话讲涉及jfj来建构识领域,们社会实践领域的不_7,式”(1”aildough1989:3)一fFairclough坚持语言学理论与社会学理论相结合,此他认为话语是语言以口头和1书商形式的运用,是幸{I会实践的一种形式.话语即为社会实践(Fairchmgh1989:15)Fairclough的话语观有两种含义.第一,话语既是一种表现形式,也是一个行为方式.第二,话语和社会结构之问存在一种辨证关系一一方面,话语南社会结构组成,片受到社会结构的限制;另一方面,话语在社会意义上具有建构性话语不仅是表现世界的实践,而且在意义方面说明界,组织世,建构世界社会实践有着各种方向,如经济的,政治的,文化的,意识形态的:Fairclough更偏向于政治和意识形态方面的话语实践话语作为一种政治实践,建立,维持和改变权力炎系话语作为意识形态的实践从权力关系的各种立场建立,培养,维护和改变世界的意义(Fairclough1992:66).Fairclough的话语观与社会,意识形态,权力等有着千丝万缕的联系显然,它的形成有着社会学和语言学的背景根源:2.2话语与社会Fairclough的话语观体现m话语的社会性一语是社会的产物,语高’结构和社会结构密不可分Fairclough反对主流语言学[{】的”二元论”,持认为语言的变体有其自身的丰十会价值和社会功能?关于话语和社会的关系问题,他赞同Fowler千¨Kress的观点.Fowler等人把语言tj 社会看作一个密不可分的统一一体,他们存《语言控制》(】979)的序言里写道,(1)我们每天生成和接触的语包含火于现实的具体观点,不同的说话方式和写作风格,表达对经验世界各领域的不同分析和评价;(2)语篇类型上的变化与社会素和经济l太|素密切相关,因为语青变体反映和表达社会结构中的差异.语寿运用不仅仪是社会结构和过程的结果或反映,更是这些过程的一部分.语高并不像传统语言学家声称的那样是人们借以交流思想的透明媒介,它不仅是一种稳定的社会结构的反映,而且传播着各种各样的世界观,而是社会过程的一种不间断的干预力量Kress认为,”意义是l:会政治关系的产物,语篇则是社会性产物;语言足社会权力,历史和意识形态的反映,不是一种同质系统”.以此为基础,他认为, “话语任社会意义上具有建构性,即话语有助于说明,组成并建构社会州实,人际关系及识和信仰,话语参与并促进社会变迁”(Fairclough1992:64).702.3话语与意识形态话语与意识形态之间的关系M题,早存2O世纪70q--兴起的~tL-Y-EI语言学(CL)中就有详细论述.Fowtet指}¨, “意识形态是人们经历和表述他们与其生存条件的天系的总的方式”.Kress和Hodge把意识形态看作一个捕述性的概念,既包括歪曲现实的政治态度和理论,义包括科学和形而上学(Kress&Hodge1979:6)Fairclough的社会理论中的意识形态慨念来源于Althusser的马克思主义意识形态理论,并将意识形态理解为现实(物理世界,社会关系,社会身份)的意义/建构,它被建恂到话语实践的形式/意义的各种维度之中,致力丁统治关系的生产,F}j- 生产或改变(Fairelough1992:87)意识形态介入到话语中,参与话语的社会实践过程,建立和维持社会意义和丰十会关系.Fairclough又从反应性角度将意识形态定义为“那些能够用来建立,保持和改变社会权利,控制和剥削关系的世界某方面的呈现”(Fairclough2003:9).Fair—clough反对把语言形式和意义对立开来,他认为两者紧密地联系在一起.而且,语言形式的特点存各种层而L部可以获得意识形态方而的介入,语篇的主观性决定任何语篇都必须体现意识形态.语篇是在讲言外壳起操纵作用的社会化意识形态.语只是语篇的彤式,意识形态才是语篇的内容.任何一种语义内容都有若r种语形式可供选择,而选择是南意识形态决定的,是在不¨语境中不同日的的作用和结果.内容决定形式,意识彤态往往决定语言P手现形式的选择(陈中1995:23).2.4话语与权力Fairchmgh”话语”和”话语分析”概念,在某种』IJ1于Foueauh的影响话语的社会建构性,话语存社会变迁中的功能等观点以及一些术语都来自于Foucauh.Fou—cauh早期的考古学和后期的谱系学_力’法是对传统思想史与历史观的晕大颠覆,对以往的思考方法产生革命性的冲击,为我们重新认识历史与现实,个人与社会,权利与话语等关系提供了崭新的视角(庄琴芳2007:94). Foucauh在早期考古研究中,对话语作r如F解释.第一,话语具有建构性——话语建构社会,包括建构知识客体,社会主体和自我”形式”,建构社会关系干¨概念框架;第二,话语具有互文性——任何话语实践都足它与其他话语的关系来界定的,并以复杂的方式利Ⅲ其他话语.对于话语分析,Foucault认为应关注话语社会主体的建构过程中的作用,社会生活巾的客体的产,变化和再产生的重要意义等Fairclough采纳j-Foucauh的立场,把话语实践对于社会身份的影响问题置于以文木为取向的话语分析的中心地位=Foueauh的潜系学研究中,权力是一个核心概念:他提以下’j个主张,对Fair—clough尤为重要:(1)权力的话语本性——现代”物权力”的实践和技术在很大程度一L是话语性的;(2)话订}的2008年林亚军Fairclough的话语观:日l进与诠释第5期政治性——权力斗争发生在话语内外;(3)社会变化的话语本性——变化着的话语实践是社会变化的一个重要因素(Fairclough1992:55—56).Fairclough吸收了Foucauh关于话语,权力等的概念和分析方法,但存话语概念和分析对象方面,两者有着明显的区别.Foucault认为,话语可以是抽象的,也可以是具体的;Fairclough对话语的概念作了发展,把它应用于具体的文本分析之中.Foucauh关注非常特别的话语形式,即人文科学话语,诸如医学,精神病学,经济学和语法学; Fairclough则认为批判话语分析须关注对任何种类的口头语言和书面语言的分析:谈话,课堂话语,医疗话语等,从而揭示构成话语的社会力量和利益,介入话语中的权力关系和意识形态,话语存文化和社会变化中的作用等.2.5话语和系统功能语言学Choliaraki和Fairclough存讨论批判话语分析的发展前景时指}}I,”批判话语分析的发展离不开对批判社会科学理论和系统功能语青学理论的吸收和借鉴,他们把系统功能语青学看作对批判话语分析的补充”(Choliaraki& Fairclough1999:1—2).Halliday认为,”语言本身是一个庞大而复杂的由许多子系统构成的符号系统,一套系统化的意义源泉;语系统内的每个子系统都有一组可供选择的项目,每个选项都表达一定的意义,所以对任何一个选项的选择都是对意义的选择”(朱永生严世清2002: 4).Fairclough采用Halliday的系统思想来说明选择即意义,选择即意识形态意义的体现,他在系统功能语言学的基础上,对批判话语分析的意图,目的,主旨以及分析框架进行了论述.通过对概念功能中的及物系统,人际功能中的情态系统以及语法隐喻等的论述.揭示语言的意识形态的介入和话语的社会实践性.3Fairclough的话语分析观:话语分析的社会取向3.1Fairclough与主流话语分析的比较Fairclough的理论是在前人研究的基础上吸收,修正并发展起来,自然补充和克服了前期研究的不足.下面我们作一下比较,以便更好地理解Fairclough的理论特点.Fairclough把这些分析方法分成非批判性和批判性两种(Fairclough1992:13—36).3.11非批判性分析(1)代表人物:英国们明翰学派Sinclair和Coulthard.特点:课堂话语分析.描述课堂话语的方式,把课堂话语结构分为5个呈递减序列的单位(级):课,交往,对答,动议,行为.不足:研究课堂上师生交流模式,未考虑课堂话语的异质性,缺少话语发展变化的社会取向性研究,没有考虑权利关系如何构成话语实践.(2)代表人物:美国民俗学方法论者Sacks和Schegloff.特点:淡话分析.对谈话结构的性质提供评价,如话轮转换,相邻对,话轮的开启和结束等.不足:虽然是一种社会学理论,但缺少探讨主流社会学关注的问题,如阶级,权利或意识形态等概念.(3)代表人物:美国社会语言学家Labov和心理学家Fanshe1.特点:早期社会语言学研究方法.研究精神疗法访谈,提出话语的异质性,如访谈风格,日常风格,家庭风格.对语言的变异研究开创了语言研究的新领域.不足:静态地分析异质性话语.语言变体在Labov的研究中被视为静态产品,只表明使用者的社会身份类型和地位, 并没有表明语言和社会之间的互动作用.(4)代表人物:Potter和Wethere1.特点:将话语分析用作社会心理学的方法,强调说话者的修辞策略.不足:只分析语篇的概念意义,对其社会性重视不够.3.12批判性分析(1)代表人物:P~eheux.特点:结合语言学理论和社会理论,研究书面政治话语,称为”自动话语分析”.不足:视话语为产品,忽视语篇生成,解释的过程;重视话语的表义功能,忽视人际功能研究.(2)代表人物:Fowler, Kress和Hodge等.特点:20世纪70年代提出的批判语言学(CL),是对结构主义语言学的反叛.提倡把语言学理论和社会学理论相结合,采用Halliday系统功能语言学的分析方法,揭示语言,意识形态,权利之间的关系.不足:片面强调作为产品的文本,忽视产生和解释文本的过程;强调话语在社会中的作用,忽略话语在社会和文化变化中的异质性和作用;局限于强调词汇,语法层面的意识形态意义,忽视话语层面的分析;强调书面独自,忽视口语研究.3.2Fairclough话语分析模式的特点Fariclough提出三维批判话语分析模式,修正,继承,发展了CL.Fairclough认为,”话语作为社会实践的语言, 具有三维概念:语篇,话语实践和社会实践.话语的这一性质要求话语分析也必须是三维的:对语篇语言学进行描述,对语篇与话语实践过程之间的关系作出阐释,对话语实践与社会实践之间关系作出解释”(Fairclough1992: 73).对前两个维度的研究,Fairclough称之为非批判性的分析策略;对第三个维度的分析则是Fairclough的特点所在.由于CDA是对CL的继承和发展,对两者分析重叠之处我们这里不再赘述,只是对Fairclough分析的突出侧面进行探讨.3.2l互动与控制分析谈话是言语交际双方互动的结果.参与者成功交际是建立在双方都遵循社会交往活动中的规则的基础上的.谈话的参与者交替发言是谈话话语的显着特征. Sacks,Schegloff等在谈话分析中提出话轮转换机制.话轮切换的位置叫作转换关联位置(TRP).正确遵循话轮712008正林亚军Fairclough的话语观:日I进与诠释第5期的分配,可以进行有效交际.但有时交际一方违反规则,如未在TRP处交换话轮,即打断对方的谈话或发生交迭, 会产生双方权力上的不平等现象.Fairelough在《语言与权利》中对警察(P)与目击者(w)的谈话进行了分析.他指出,P不时打断w的话语的真正目的不是有话要说,而是为了实施权利的控制.P对w的控制还表现在以下几个方面.首先,P提问和回答w问题的话语长度缩短至短语或词,表明P的不耐烦和不礼貌.其次,话题分配的不均匀和问题类型的选择同样可以产生交际双方社会等级关系.P通过提问引入话题,w处于被动地位.P通过提出封闭性问题控制和主导谈话的内容和节奏(Fair—dough1989:15).文中举例表明警察的强势状态以及权利,意识形态在话语中的实施和隐藏的现象.Fairclough进而说明谈话中的互动和控制可以建立不同的社会关系和体系.3.22话语参与社会变迁的实践分析Fairclough在《语言与社会变迁》中对话语的互文性和异质性进行了阐述,在更广泛的社会和文化变化中揭示其产生的根源及意识形态意义.他指出,传统诊断话语类型如同上述的P与w的谈话方式.医生(D)通过诵语建构社会身份类型和医疗科学声音,即医患之间在耳J『业地位和知识方面的等级关系.当代诊疗话语,不同于传统诊断话语,在形式上介于传统诊断话语和协商话语之间,具有”小组疗法”的会话特征(辛斌2005:155).医生D通常并不着意控制话题和话轮,而是给病人P充分的说话机会来倾诉病痛和烦恼.话题由D和P共同控制.D对P提出的问题作出及时和同情的回应,并提出相应的问题,D试图行驶控制权,但是通过使用情态话语标记削弱自己话语的权威性(Fairclough1992:139—149).Fairclough通过对不同话语类型的批判性分析揭示当代医学领域及其他领域话语的变化所体现出的文化价值和社会关系的转变,即从明显权威性和专业知识的”自我身份”的结构转向和谐平等的社会关系和价值观.4结束语话语作为社会实践的语言,不仅反映和描述,而且建构社会实体和社会关系.话语是人们生活方式和文化习惯的根源,同时也影响着人们的生活方式和文化习惯,并且建构社会和参与社会变革.Fairclough的话语观和分析模式具有一定的应用价值和现实意义.随着我国改革开收稿日期:2007—07—1172放的不断深入,社会生活发生了巨大变化.社会制度的不断完善,和谐社会的建立和发展,意味着社会生活领域如教育,健康医疗和艺术等部门都须要重新建构和重新认识另外,我们也要认识到世界问题的复杂性和多样性.西方霸权势力和对中国的偏见与歧视在话语实践中显现出来.采用Fairclough的批判话语分析模式,使我们能够加强对社会现实和变化的再认识,从而积极参与到社会生活的实践和变迁之中.参考文献陈中竺.批评语言学述评[J].外语教学与研究,1995 (1).项蕴华.语篇分析视角的冉思考[J].外语学刊,2005(2)辛斌.批评语言学:理论与应用[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2005.朱永生严世清.系统功能语言学多维思考[M].上海:上海外语教育出版社,2002.庄琴芳.福柯后现代话语观与中国话语建构[J].外语学刊,2007(5).(:houliaraki.L.andN.Fairelough.DiscourseinLateModer—nity:RethinkingCriticalDiscourseAnalysis[M].Edin—burgh:EdinburghUniversityPress,1999.Fairclough,nguageandPower[M].London:Rout—ledge,1989.Fairclough,N.DiscourseandSocialChange[M].Cain—bridge/Oxford:Polity.Press,1992.Fairclough,N.CriticalDiscourseAnalysis:TheCriticalStud) ofLanguage[M].London:Longman,1995.Fairclough,N.AnalysingDiscourse:TextualAnalysisforSo—cialResearch[M].LondonandNewY ork:Routledge, 2003.Fowler.R..B.Hodge.G.Kress&nguage andControl[M].London.Routledge,1979.Halliday,M.A.K.AnIntroductiontoFunctionalGrammar [M].Beijing:ForeignLangmageTeachingandRe—searchPress,2000.Labov.W.&D.Fanshe1.TherapeuticDiscourse:Psycho—theraphy∞Conversation[M].NewY ork:AcademicPress,1977.【责任编辑郑丹】。
证券行业专业人员水平评价测试 英语
证券行业专业人员水平评价测试英语1. What are the requirements for becoming a licensed securities industry professional?Answer: In order to become a licensed securities industry professional, an individual must typically meet certain educational and experience requirements, pass qualifying exams, and comply with ongoing regulatory and training requirements.用法说明:此题为问答题,要求回答证券行业专业人员的许可要求。
例句:(1) Before entering the securities industry, it is important to understand the licensing requirements. (进入证券行业之前,了解许可要求是非常重要的。
)(2) The licensing process for securities professionals can be extensive. (证券专业人员的许可程序可能非常繁琐。
)2. What is the role of a securities analyst?Answer: Securities analysts are responsible forevaluating companies and industries to provide investment recommendations to clients. They analyze financial statements, economic data, and market trends to identify potential investment opportunities.用法说明:此题为问答题,要求回答证券分析师的角色。
软件测试部分中英文对照A Acceptance test ing:验收测试Acceptance Testing:可接受性测试Accessibi l i t y test:软体适用性测试actual outcome:实际结果Ad hoc test ing:随机测试Algorithm analysis:算法分析algori thm:算法Alpha test ing:α测试analysis:分析anomaly:异常applicat ion software:应用软件Applicat ion under test(AUT) :所测试的应用程序Architecture:构架Arti fact:工件AS Q:自动化软件质量(Automated Software Quality)Assertion checking :断言检查Associat ion:关联Audit:审计audit trai l:审计跟踪Automated Testing:自动化测试软件测试部分中英文对照BBackus-Naur Form:BNF范式baseline:基线Basic Block:基本块basis test set:基本测试集Behaviour:行为Bench test:基准测试benchmark:标杆/指标/基准Best practise:最佳实践Beta test ing:β测试Black Box Testing:黑盒测试Blocking bug :阻碍性错误Bottom-up test ing:自底向上测试boundary value coverage:边界值覆盖boundary value test ing:边界值测试Boundary values :边界值Boundry Value Analysis:边界值分析branch condit ion combination coverage:分支条件组合覆盖 branch condit ion combination test ing:分支条件组合测试 branch condit ion coverage:分支条件覆盖branch condit ion test ing:分支条件测试branch condit ion:分支条件Branch coverage :分支覆盖branch outcome:分支结果branch point:分支点branch test ing:分支测试branch:分支Breadth Testing:广度测试Brute force test ing:强力测试Buddy test:合伙测试Buffer:缓冲Bug:错误Bug bash :错误大扫除bug f ix:错误修正Bug report:错误报告Bug tracking system: 错误跟踪系统bug:缺陷Build:工作版本(内部小版本)Build Verficat ion tests(BVTs):版本验证测试Build-in:内置软件测试部分中英文对照CCapabil i ty Maturity Model (CM M): 能力成熟度模型Capabil i ty Maturity Model Integrat ion(CM MI):能力成熟度模型整合capture/playback tool:捕获/回放工具Capture/Replay Tool:捕获/回放工具CAS E:计算机辅助软件工程(computer aided software engineering)CAST:计算机辅助测试cause-effect graph:因果图cert i f i cat ion:证明change control:变更控制Change Manage ment :变更管理Change Request :变更请求Character Set :字符集Check In:检入Check Out :检出Closeout :收尾code audit:代码审计Code coverage :代码覆盖Code Inspection:代码检视Code page :代码页Code rule:编码规范Code sytle:编码风格Code W alkthrough:代码走读code-based test ing:基于代码的测试coding standards:编程规范Co m m o n sense :常识Co mpatibi l i t y Testing:兼容性测试complete path test ing:完全路径测试 completeness:完整性complexity:复杂性Co mponent test ing:组件测试Co mponent:组件computation data use:计算数据使用computer system security:计算机系统安全性 Concurrency user :并发用户Condit ion coverage :条件覆盖condit ion outcome:条件结果condit ion:条件configurat ion control:配置控制Configurat ion i tem :配置项configurat ion manage ment:配置管理Configurat ion test ing:配置测试conformance cri ter ion: 一致性标准Conformance Testing: 一致性测试consistency : 一致性consistency checker: 一致性检查器Control f low graph :控制流程图control f low graph:控制流图control f low:控制流conversion test ing:转换测试Core team:核心小组correct ive maintenance:故障检修correctness :正确性coverage :覆盖率coverage i tem:覆盖项crash:崩溃cri t i ca l i t y analysis:关键性分析cri t i ca l i t y:关键性CR M(change request manage ment):变更需求管理Customer-focused mindset :客户为中心的理念体系Cyclomatic complexity:圈复杂度软件测试部分中英文对照D data corruption:数据污染data defini t ion C-use pair:数据定义C-use使用对 data defini t ion P-use coverage:数据定义P-use覆盖 data defini t ion P-use pair:数据定义P-use使用对 data defini t ion:数据定义data defini t ion-use coverage:数据定义使用覆盖 data defini t ion-use pair:数据定义使用对 data defini t ion-use test ing:数据定义使用测试 data dict ionary:数据字典Data Flow Analysis:数据流分析data f low analysis:数据流分析data f low coverage:数据流覆盖data f low diagram:数据流图data f low test ing:数据流测试data integri ty:数据完整性data use:数据使用data validat ion:数据确认dead code:死代码Debug:调试Debugging:调试Decision condit ion:判定条件Decision coverage :判定覆盖decision coverage:判定覆盖decision outcome:判定结果decision table:判定表decision:判定Defect:缺陷defect density:缺陷密度Defect Tracking :缺陷跟踪Deployment :部署Depth Testing:深度测试design for sustainabi l i t y:可延续性的设计 design of experiments:实验设计design-based test ing:基于设计的测试Desk checking :桌前检查desk checking:桌面检查Determine Usage Model :确定应用模型Determine Potential Risks :确定潜在风险 diagnostic:诊断DIF(decimation in frequency) :按频率抽取dirty test ing:肮脏测试disaster recovery:灾难恢复DIT (decimation in t ime):按时间抽取 documentation test ing:文档测试 domain test ing:域测试domain:域DTP DETAIL TEST PLAN详细确认测试计划Dyna mic analysis:动态分析dynamic analysis:动态分析Dyna mic Testing:动态测试软件测试部分中英文对照E embedded software:嵌入式软件emulator:仿真End-to-End test ing:端到端测试Enhanced Request :增强请求enti ty relat ionship diagram:实体关系图 Encryption Source Code Base: 加密算法源代码库 Entry cri ter ia:准入条件entry point:入口点Envisioning Phase:构想阶段Equivalence class :等价类Equivalence Class:等价类equivalence part i t ion coverage:等价划分覆盖Equivalence part i t ion test ing:等价划分测试equivalence part i t ion test ing:参考等价划分测试equivalence part i t ion test ing:等价划分测试Equivalence Parti t ion ing:等价划分Error:错误Error guessing :错误猜测error seeding:错误播种/错误插值error:错误Event-driven :事件驱动Exception handlers:异常处理器exception:异常/例外executable statement:可执行语句Exhaustive Testing:穷尽测试exit point:出口点expected outcome:期望结果Exploratory test ing:探索性测试软件测试部分中英文对照FFailure:失效Fault:故障fault:故障feasible path:可达路径feature test ing:特性测试Field test ing:现场测试FM E A:失效模型效果分析(Failure Modes and Effects Analysis)FM E C A:失效模型效果关键性分析(Fai lure Modes and Effects Crit ical i t y Analysis) Framework :框架FTA:故障树分析(Fault Tree Analysis)functional decomposit ion:功能分解Functional Specif icat ion:功能规格说明书Functional test ing:功能测试Functional Testing:功能测试软件测试部分中英文对照GG11N(Globalizat ion):全球化Gap analysis:差距分析Garbage characters:乱码字符glass box test ing:玻璃盒测试Glass-box test ing:白箱测试或白盒测试Glossary :术语表G UI(Graphical User Interface):图形用户界面软件测试部分中英文对照H-MHard-coding :硬编码Hotfix:热补丁IGKL M NI18N(Internat ional izat ion):国际化Identi fy Exploratory Tests –识别探索性测试IEEE:美国电子与电器工程师学会(Inst i tu te of Electr ical and Electronic Engineers)Incident事故Incremental test ing:渐增测试incremental test ing:渐增测试infeasible path:不可达路径input domain:输入域Inspection :审查inspection:检视instal labi l i t y test ing:可安装性测试Instal l i ng test ing:安装测试instrumentation:插装instrumenter:插装器Integrat ion:集成Integrat ion test ing:集成测试interface :接口interface analysis:接口分析interface test ing:接口测试interface:接口inval id inputs:无效输入isolat ion test ing:孤立测试Issue :问题Iterat ion:迭代Iterat ive development:迭代开发job control language:工作控制语言Job:工作Key concepts :关键概念Key Process Area :关键过程区域Keyword driven test ing:关键字驱动测试Kick-off meeting :动会议L10N(Localizat ion):本地化Lag t ime :延迟时间LCSAJ:线性代码顺序和跳转(Linear Code Sequence And Jump)LCSAJ coverage:LCSAJ覆盖LCSAJ test ing:LCSAJ测试Lead t ime :前置时间Load test ing:负载测试Load Testing:负载测试Localizabi l i t y test ing:本地化能力测试Localizat ion test ing:本地化测试logic analysis:逻辑分析logic-coverage test ing:逻辑覆盖测试Maintainabi l i t y:可维护性maintainabi l i t y test ing:可维护性测试Maintenance :维护Master project schedule :总体项目方案Measurement :度量Me m ory leak :内存泄漏Migration test ing:迁移测试Milestone :里程碑Mock up :模型,原型modified condit ion/decision coverage:修改条件/判定覆盖 modified condit ion/decision test ing:修改条件/判定测试 modular decomposit ion:参考模块分解Module test ing:模块测试Monkey test ing:跳跃式测试Monkey Testing:跳跃式测试mouse over:鼠标在对象之上mouse leave:鼠标离开对象MTB F:平均失效间隔实际(mean t ime between fai lures)MTP M AIN TEST PLAN主确认计划MTTF:平均失效时间 (mean t ime to fai lure)MTT R:平均修复时间(mean t ime to repair)multip le condit ion coverage:多条件覆盖mutation analysis:变体分析软件测试部分中英文对照N-RN/A(Not applicable):不适用的Negative Testing :逆向测试,反向测试,负面测试negative test ing:参考负面测试Negative Testing:逆向测试/反向测试/负面测试non-functional requirements test ing:非功能需求测试nominal load:额定负载N-switch coverage:N切换覆盖N-switch test ing:N切换测试N-transit ions:N转换off by one:缓冲溢出错误Off-the-shelf software :套装软件operational test ing:可操作性测试output domain:输出域paper audit:书面审计Pair Program ming:成对编程part i t ion test ing:分类测试Path coverage :路径覆盖path coverage:路径覆盖path sensit iz ing:路径敏感性path test ing:路径测试path:路径Peer review :同行评审Performance :性能Performance indicator:性能(绩效)指标Performance test ing:性能测试Pilot:试验Pilot test ing:引导测试Portabi l i t y:可移植性portabi l i t y test ing:可移植性测试Posit ive test ing:正向测试Postcondit ion:后置条件Precondit ion:前提条件precondit ion:预置条件predicate data use:谓词数据使用predicate:谓词Prior i ty:优先权program instrumenter:程序插装progressive test ing:递进测试Prototype :原型Pseudo code :伪代码pseudo-local izat ion test ing:伪本地化测试pseudo-random:伪随机Q C:质量控制(quali ty control)Quality assurance(QA):质量保证Quality Control(QC) :质量控制Race Condit ion:竞争状态Rational Unified Process(以下简称RU P):瑞理统一工艺Recovery test ing:恢复测试recovery test ing:恢复性测试Refactoring:重构regression analysis and test ing:回归分析和测试 Regression test ing:回归测试Release :发布Release note :版本说明release:发布Reliabi l i t y:可靠性rel iabi l i t y assessment:可靠性评价rel iabi l i t y:可靠性Requirements manage ment tool:需求管理工具Requirements-based test ing:基于需求的测试Return of Investment(R OI):投资回报率review:评审Risk assessment :风险评估risk:风险Robustness :强健性Root Cause Analysis(RCA):根本原因分析软件测试部分中英文对照S-Z safety cri t i ca l:严格的安全性safety:(生命)安全性Sanity test ing:健全测试Sanity Testing:理智测试Sche ma Repository:模式库Screen shot :抓屏、截图SDP:软件开发计划(software development plan)Security test ing:安全性测试security test ing:安全性测试security.:(信息)安全性serviceabil i t y test ing:可服务性测试Severity:严重性Shipment :发布simple subpath:简单子路径Simulation:模拟Simulator:模拟器SLA(Service level agreement):服务级别协议SLA:服务级别协议(service level agreement)S moke test ing:冒烟测试Software development plan(SDP):软件开发计划Software development process:软件开发过程software development process:软件开发过程 software diversi ty:软件多样性software element:软件元素software engineering environment:软件工程环境software engineering:软件工程Software l i fe cycle :软件生命周期source code:源代码source statement:源语句Specif icat ion:规格说明书specif ied input:指定的输入spiral model :螺旋模型SQ A P SOFT W A R E QU ALITY ASS U R E N C E PLAN软件质量保证计划SQL:结构化查询语句(structured query language)Staged Delivery:分布交付方法state diagram:状态图state transit ion test ing:状态转换测试 state transit ion:状态转换state:状态Statement coverage :语句覆盖statement test ing:语句测试statement:语句Static Analysis:静态分析Static Analyzer:静态分析器Static Testing:静态测试stat is t i ca l test ing:统计测试Stepwise ref inement :逐步优化storage test ing:存储测试Stress Testing :压力测试structural coverage:结构化覆盖structural test case design:结构化测试用例设计structural test ing:结构化测试structured basis test ing:结构化的基础测试structured design:结构化设计structured program ming:结构化编程structured walkthrough:结构化走读stub:桩sub-area:子域Su m m ary: 总结SVV P SOFT W A R E Vevif icat ion&Validat ion PLAN: 软件验证和确认计划symbolic evaluation:符号评价symbolic execution:参考符号执行symbolic execution:符号执行symbolic trace:符号轨迹Synchronizat ion:同步Syntax test ing:语法分析system analysis:系统分析System design :系统设计system integrat ion:系统集成System Testing :系统测试TC TEST CAS E测试用例TCS TEST CAS E SPE CIFICATIO N测试用例规格说明TDS TEST DESIG N SPE CIFICATION测试设计规格说明书technical requirements test ing:技术需求测试Test :测试test automation:测试自动化Test case :测试用例test case design technique:测试用例设计技术test case suite:测试用例套test comparator:测试比较器test completion cri ter ion:测试完成标准test coverage:测试覆盖Test design :测试设计Test driver:测试驱动test environment:测试环境test execution technique:测试执行技术test execution:测试执行test generator:测试生成器test harness:测试用具Test infrastructure:测试基础建设test log:测试日志test measurement technique:测试度量技术Test Metrics:测试度量test procedure:测试规程test records:测试记录test report:测试报告Test scenario:测试场景Test Script:测试脚本Test Specif icat ion:测试规格Test strategy :测试策略test suite:测试套Test target:测试目标Test ware :测试工具Testabil i t y:可测试性testabi l i t y:可测试性Testing bed :测试平台Testing coverage :测试覆盖Testing environment :测试环境Testing i tem :测试项Testing plan :测试计划Testing procedure :测试过程Thread test ing:线程测试t ime sharing:时间共享t ime-boxed :固定时间TIR test incident report测试事故报告ToolTip:控件提示或说明top-down test ing:自顶向下测试TPS TEST PE O C E S S SPE CIFICATIO N测试步骤规格说明Traceabil i t y:可跟踪性traceabil i t y analysis:跟踪性分析 traceabil i t y matrix:跟踪矩阵Trade-off:平衡transaction:事务/处理transaction volume:交易量transform analysis:事务分析trojan horse:特洛伊木马truth table:真值表TST TEST SU M M A R Y REP O R T测试总结报告Tune System:调试系统T W TEST W A R E:测试件Unit Testing :单元测试Usabil i ty Testing:可用性测试Usage scenario:使用场景User acceptance Test :用户验收测试User database :用户数据库User interface(UI):用户界面User profi le:用户信息User scenario:用户场景V&V(Verif icat ion&Validat ion):验证&确认validat ion:确认veri f icat ion:验证version :版本Virtual user :虚拟用户volume test ing:容量测试VSS(visual source safe) :VTP Verif icat ion TEST PLAN验证测试计划VTR Verif icat ion TEST REP O R T验证测试报告W alkthrough :走读W aterfal l model :瀑布模型W eb test ing:网站测试W hite box test ing:白盒测试W ork breakdown structure(WBS):任务分解结构。
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P. A. Diamond, Social Security analysis
earnings base are subject to a tax of 9.9% for 0ASDT,3 half levied on the employer and half on the employee.4 The self-employed are taxed on all earnings to the same maximum, but at the rate5 of 7 %. The maximum taxable earnings base is $15,300 in 1976 and increases automatically with increases in average covered wages in the economy. The Social Security trust funds are invested in regular Treasury securities, special ones issued to Social Security which pay an interest rate equal to the average rate on Treasury debt of more than four years, and obligations of federally sponsored agencies. Except for some small items, this completes the revenue side of the system. To examine the payment of benefits to retirees let us consider a single worker of either sex, age 65, who is receiving a first benefit check.6 To determine his benefit, the system examines the history of his earnings which have been subject to Social Security tax (not the history of taxes paid on this earnings record). From his earnings record is calculated an average monthly wage (AMW) counting only his best years. The number of years included will eventually be 35, 5 less than the number between 21 and 62, the age at which retired workers may first claim benefits.7 At present no earnings before 1951 affect benefits for most workers, and a much shorter averaging period is used to reflect this cutoff. To determine benefits that will be paid in any future year, one takes a function* of the AMW and multiplies the result by the growth in the consumer price index from I974 until the year of benefits: B, = f(AMW) Since the AMW x CPIJCPI, 974.
Journal of Public Economics 8 (1977) 275-298. 0ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱNorth-Holland
Publishing Company
P.A. DIAMOND* M.I.T., Cambridge, MA 02139,
by CPZ growth
is in nominal
terms and the result is multiplied
301d-Age, Survivors, and Disability insurance. There is an additional payroll tax at present for health insurance. Current law legislates a 9.9 % rate until 2010 and an 11.9 % rate thereafter. The tax rate for the self-employed is not presently scheduled to change at the same time. 4Because the employee half, but not the employer half, of this tax is included in taxable income for the federal income tax, this distinction is not irrelevant. SThe self-employed get no deduction on the income tax for the payment of Social Security taxes. Until 1972, the self-employed tax rate was 75 ‘A of the combined employer and employee rates. Given the differences in deductibility on personal income tax and full deductibility of taxes on the corporate income tax, the historic 75 ‘A rule is a not unreasonable approximation to taxing different workers similarly. “For simplicity 1 omit the rules determining the achievement of insured status, and so eligibility for benefits. 7For someone with fewer years of positive earnings, an appropriate number of zeros is included in calculation of the average wage. 8At present the function is defined up to the maximum AMW which a worker could possibly have. \Vhenever the maximum taxable earnings base is increased the function acquires a new piecewise linear segment with a lower slope. These slopes are not yet determined, depending on the inflation rate up to the time of wage base increase. The function is piecewise linear. After a horizontal section, the slope of the first increasing section is 1.2. Remaining slopes are lower and tend to decrease, reaching 0.2 for the last section determined in 1974. Assuming continued inflation the slope will approach zero as wages increase.
Received ApriI 1977, revised version received June 1977 The public provision of pensions in the U.S. by means of the Social Security system is examined relative to conventional arguments for public intervention. The system is analysed in terms of income redistribution, the provision of insurance where private markets are not efficient, and the compelling of saving by individuals.
1. Introduction
The U.S. Social Security program is a large one.’ Being explicitly intertemporal in nature and concerned with individual risks, analysis of the program does not fit comfortably in the framework conventionally used to examine the income tax. In the next section, the basic structure of the retirement portion of the current Social Security program will be presented, including the overindexing feature which has received much attention recently. Then, we shall inquire into the justifications for a program roughly of this sort. This discussion will also spell out the functions that Social Security can play in the current economy. 2 2. Present structure At the present time, earnings of employees up to the maximum taxable