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阿德利亚无线网状网 MST200多业务客户端命令行配置手册AOS-v2.6申明为改善内部设计、工作技能和/或可靠性,阿德利亚科技保留无须另行通知即可变更本手册所述之产品的权利。






联系方式阿德利亚科技有限公司中国北京市海淀区上地东路一号院鹏寰国际大厦1002室,100085sales@目录1.关于本手册 (3)1.1.适用对象 (3)1.2.相关文档 (3)2.基础配置 (4)2.1.CLI模式 (4)2.2.CLI导航 (6)2.3.获取帮助 (7)2.4.输入和编辑命令 (8)2.5.过滤输出 (9)3.基本配置信息 (10)3.1.系统信息 (10)3.2.主机名称配置 (10)3.3.root密码配置 (11)3.4.国家和地区代码设置 (12)3.5.保存并查看配置文件信息 (13)3.6.设置CONFIGURATION模式参数 (13)4.软件系统升级 (14)5.物理接口 (15)5.1.接口模式 (15)5.2.查看fast-ethernet接口信息 (16)5.3.配置Dot11Radio接口(2层接口) (17)5.4.查看Dot11radio无线接口信息 (19)6.Client 模式配置 (20)6.1.基本的client模式配置 (20)6.2.查看在dot11radio接口上的station配置状况信息 (24)7.视频友好网络 (26)7.1.AVT的配置 (26)7.2.AVT参数配置 (26)8.配置路由 (29)8.1.静态路由 (29)9.NAT (30)10.802.11安全配置 (31)10.1.802.11安全介绍 (31)10.2.证书配置 (33)10.3.安全文件配置 (33)10.4.CLIENT 安全配置 (38)11.WME配置 (42)11.1.WME(802.11e)的基本功能 (42)12.其他的命令和功能 (44)12.1.保存和重启 (44)12.2.Ping和Traceroute (44)12.3.Telnet客户端和服务器 (46)12.4.自动恢复 (46)1. 关于本手册本手册提供了使用CLI命令行界面对MST200进行配置的相关信息。

Atme AVR IAR Embedded Workbench IDE 说明书

Atme AVR IAR Embedded Workbench IDE 说明书

AVR® IAR Embedded Workbench® IDE用户手册基于Atmel® 公司AVR® 微处理器目录第一部分产品介绍 (1)1.1产品介绍 (1)1.1.1嵌入式IAR Embedded Workbench IDE (1)1.1.2 IAR C-SPY 调试器 (3)1.1.3 IAR C-SPY 调试器系统 (5)1.1.4 IAR C/C++编译器 (8)1.1.5 IAR汇编器 (9)1.1.6 IAR XLINK连接器 (9)1.1.7 IAR XAR Library Builder库创建器和IAR XLIB Librarian库管理器 (10)1.2已安装文件 (11)1.2.1目录结构 (11)1.2.2文件类型 (14)1.2.3文档 (16)第二部分教程 (18)2.1创建一个应用工程 (18)2.1.1创建一个新工程 (18)2.1.2应用程序编译和连接 (23)2.2使用IAR C-SPYDebugger进行调试 (28)程序调试 (28)2.3 C与汇编混合模式 (36)2.3.1检查调用规则 (36)2.3.2在工程中添加一个汇编模块 (37)2.4使用C++ (38)创建一个C++应用程序 (39)2.5模拟一个中断 (41)2.5.1加入一个中断句柄 (42)2.5.2创建仿真环境 (43)2.5.3中断仿真 (48)2.5.4中断和断点中宏的使用 (49)2.6使用库模块 (50)使用库 (50)第一部分产品介绍AVR® IAR Embedded Workbench® IDE用户手册的这部分包括以下章节:z产品介绍z已安装文件1.1产品介绍嵌入式IAR Embedded Workbench®是一个非常有效的集成开发环境(IDE),它使用户充分有效地开发并管理嵌入式应用工程。


迈安迪蒂 ESM-P 快速启动手册说明书

迈安迪蒂 ESM-P 快速启动手册说明书

BT-ESM-P快速启动手册BEACON GLOBAL TECHNOLOGY目录模块简介: (2)模块初始配置 (3)配置模块做EtherNet/IP Server (5)配置模块做EtherNet/IP Client (11)配置模块做Modbus TCP server (18)配置模块做 Modbus TCP Client (22)配置模块做Siemens S7以太网主站 (27)举例1.罗克韦尔1756PLC和西门子PLC 315-2DP/PN通讯 (36)举例2.罗克韦尔1756PLC和西门子PLC 315-2DP/PN通讯 (40)举例3.Modbus TCP设备和罗克韦尔PLC 交换数据 (42)举例4.Modbus TCP设备和罗克韦尔PLC 交换数据 (45)举例5.Modbus TCP和西门子PLC交换数据 (47)举例6.西门子PLC读取2个Modbus TCP仪表数据。

(52)附录1.模块支持读写西门子PLC的数据类型 (56)附录2.模块支持读写西门子PLC的数据范围 (60)联系我们 (65)模块简介:BT-ESM-P系列网关是EtherNet/IP、Modbus TCP、Siemens S7以太网相互通讯的网关模块,支持在EtherNet/I、Modbus TCP和Siemens S7 Ethernet网络设备之间的双向数据交换,最大10000个16位字数据交换区。

◆EtherNet/IP协议可支持通讯的典型设备主要有罗克韦尔1756系列、1769系列、1746系列、PLC-2系列、PLC-5系列、SLC500系列、Micrologix 系列PLC。

以及PowerFlex系列变频器,E300智能马达保护器,PowerMonitor智能电力监控仪,上位机RSView SE软件等。

◆S7以太网协议可支持通讯的典型设备为各类西门子PLC,包括S7-200,S7-300,S7-400,S7-1200,S7-1500,◆Modbus TCP协议可支持通讯的设备包括各种PLC, DCS, 上位机软件,数显仪表,传感器等。



ADempiere中文使用手册ADempiere中文使用手册一、介绍1.1 什么是ADempiereADempiere是一款开源的企业资源计划(ERP)软件,旨在帮助企业管理和整合其核心业务功能,包括财务、采购、销售、库存、生产等。

1.2 ADempiere的特点ADempiere具有以下特点:- 开源免费:可以自由获取和使用- 跨平台:支持多个操作系统和数据库- 模块化:可以根据企业需求灵活定制功能- 强大的功能:涵盖了企业运营的各个方面- 可扩展性:支持各种方式的定制和扩展- 易于使用:提供友好的用户界面和操作流程二、安装和配置2.1 系统要求在安装ADempiere之前,需满足以下系统要求: - 操作系统:支持Windows、Linux等- 数据库:支持Oracle、MySQL等- Java环境:建议安装JDK 8或更高版本- 其他依赖:如Apache Web服务器、Tomcat等 2.2 安装步骤- ADempiere安装包- 解压安装包- 配置数据库连接- 启动ADempiere服务器- 访问ADempiere应用三、基本功能3.1 用户管理- 创建用户- 设置用户权限- 密码管理3.2 组织管理- 创建组织- 配置组织层级结构 - 组织间的关系3.3 财务管理- 创建基本会计科目 - 设置财务期间- 审计和报表3.4 采购管理- 创建供应商- 采购订单管理- 采购收货和入库 3.5 销售管理- 创建客户- 销售订单管理- 销售出货和出库 3.6 库存管理- 物料管理- 库存调整和盘点 - 库存查询和报表 3.7 生产管理- 创建产品- 生产订单管理- 生产过程跟踪四、高级功能4.1 工作流管理- 定义工作流流程 - 工作流审批和执行 4.2 报表和分析- 创建自定义报表 - 数据分析和统计 - 报表调度和导出 4.3 集成和扩展- 数据接口和集成 - 自定义应用开发- 第三方模块集成五、附件本文档涉及的附件包括:- ADempiere安装包(版本号)- 数据库配置文件示例- 用户管理截图示例六、法律名词及注释- ERP:Enterprise Resource Planning,企业资源计划- JDK:Java Development Kit,Java开发工具包- SQL:Structured Query Language,结构化查询语言- API:Application Programming Interface,应用程序接口。



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Repetier Host 参数设置由于Repetier Host 参数设置是英文的,很多DIY爱好者表示看起来困难。


首先,Repetier 参数有两种方式,但是最常用的是slic3r, skeinforge 由于切片速度比较慢,不常用。

就单独讲讲Slic3r首先在主界面点击“configure”打开slic3r.有以下几个主要的参数1:printing setting 打印设置2:filament setting 线条设置3:printer setting 打印机设置下面就从Printing Setting 来讲首先,第一个参数,层厚的设定。

英文中文参考及注释Layers and perimeters 层厚和轮廓Layer height 层厚:层厚的意思是每一层的的厚度,对于DIY FDM原理的机型,0.1毫米的层厚可以有比较好的精度。



First layer height 首层高度:首层高度适当设置的厚一点,可以减轻平台不平对打印的影响,这个参数可以是百分比也可以是一个数值。

默认0.35.Vertical shells 垂直外壳:一个物体,除了底部和顶部以外的表面。

Perimeters(minimum) 最少的外壳层数:最少设置为2-3层比较能够受力Spiral Vase 螺旋式容器(花瓶):只有一层的垂直外壳,打印薄壁专用。

Horizontal shells 水平外壳。

包括顶部和底部的表面外壳Solid layers 实心层数:这个建议设置3-5层,保持整体厚度在0.8CM左右Top 顶部Bottom 底部Quality (slower slicing)高品质设置(切片较慢)Raft 垫子,支撑的一种,在打印本体之前,先打印几层这样的垫子,和前面的参数中brim有类似的左右,可以加强粘性。



2: 与 0 相同,但当 PID_MAN 由 TRUE 转 为 FALSE 时,MV 值会由当时内部运算 的 MV 值开始进行自动运算。
设定值超出范围,将视为 0。
PID A/M 模式
TRUE:Manual,MV 值会依 MOUT 值输 出,但仍在 MV_MAX 与 MV_MIN 之间,当 PID_MODE 为 1 时此设定无效。 FALSE:Auto,MV 值会依 PID 公式计算后
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Doc. Name:AH500系列PID/PIDE功能说明(附烤箱温控实例) Doc. Code:134A-P-T1506-APN001-SC
Rev.: 00
1. 前言及目的
前言: 工程实际中,应用最为广泛的调节器控制规律为比例积分微分控制,简称 PID 控制,又称 PID 调节。 PID 控制问世至今已有近 60 年的历史了,它以其结构简单、稳定性好、工作可靠、调整方便而成为工业 控制主要和可靠的技术工具。
正数单精度浮 为SV−PV间的误差放大比例
值,如果小于 0,KP将为 0
正数单精度浮 I计算值系数(KI),如果小
于 0,KI将为 0
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Doc. Name:AH500系列PID/PIDE功能说明(附烤箱温控实例) Doc. Code:134A-P-T1506-APN001-SC
Doc. Name:AH500系列DPID/DPIDE功能说明(附温控实例) Doc. Code:134A-P-T1506-APN001-SC
主题:AH500 系列 DPID/DPIDE 功能说明(附温控实例)



Universal field device configuration tool for HART,PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, Modbus, IO-Link, EtherNet/IP and PROFINETApplication•Configuration and management of smart field devices in a facility•Easy device configuration, maintenance management, condition-based maintenance and life cycle management•Can be adapted to different needs depending on the license, and is therefore upgradeable at any time Your benefits•Supplied with a complete library of certified DTMS (Device Type Manager) for operation of all Endress+Hauser field devices, has CommDTMs for HART,PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, IO-Link and Endress+Hauser protocols •Operates all third-party gateways, actuators, remote I/O systems and sensors supporting the FDT standard•Ensures full functionality for all Endress+Hauser and third-party field devices with DTMs and offers generic operation with standardized parameters for any third-party fieldbus device that does not have a vendor DTM•Integrates all registered HART and FOUNDATION Fieldbus as well as IO-Link field devices without DTMs using iDTM technology•Scans, identifies, assigns DTMs and adds devices to network automatically •Enables connection to the Endress+Hauser life cycle management tool (LCM)Products Solutions ServicesTechnical Information FieldCare SFE500Universal device configurationTI00028S/04/EN/23.20715013892020-10-23FieldCare SFE5002Endress+HauserTable of contentsDocument information (3)Symbols for certain types of information (3)Function and system design (3)Function ...................................3System design .. (3)Operation (5)System integration ............................5Ordering information ........................9Additional documentation .. (9)FieldCare SFE500.............................9DeviceCare SFE100............................9Plant Asset Management (9)Registered trademarks (10)FieldCare SFE500Endress+Hauser 3Document informationFunction and system designFunctionFieldCare enables the configuration of smart field devices in an application. All configuration and communication information is carried in Device Type Management (DTM) programs (DeviceDTMs and CommDTMs) supplied by the individual vendor.If a DTM is not available, access is possible via iDTM for HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus and IO-Link.FieldCare has the following advantages:•Open technology, independent of device and system supplier •Independent of device type (sensor, actuator, remote I/O etc.)•Full support of installed base •Full device functionality•Independent of the communication protocol•Vertical integration through nested communication enables centralized access to field devices,which in turn enables plant-specific asset managementSystem design Network connectionDepending on the communication interface offered by the field device, FieldCare may be connected via a network or point-to-point to a powered field device. The software is installed on a Windows PC or laptop, and the connection is established via a network card, an appropriate interface card or aFieldCare SFE5004Endress+HauserUSB or Bluetooth modem. Access may be via a gateway with CommDTM, or if it supports FDT, via a controller. The physical architecture is mirrored by the nested CommDTMs and DeviceDTMs.The devices are configured via Device DTMs. If the device does not have a native DTM, but isregistered at FieldComm Group, then it can be operated by the appropriate iDTM. Similarly, IO-Link devices can be found and downloaded via the IODDFinder (https://) and operated with the IODD Interpreter DTM. Interfaces such as PROFIBUS DP/PA couplers must be either transparent or be supplied with a CommDTM if access is to be made to the connected devices.Field devices with 4 to 20 mA without HART, binary or pulse/frequency outputs cannot be operated.1Sample FieldCare architecture showing centralized access to a HART, FOUNDATION Fieldbus and PROFIBUS network via gateway and Ethernet.1FieldCare 2Ethernet3Ethernet/PROFIBUS gateway e.g. Fieldgate SFG5004Commubox FXA1955Ethernet/FOUNDATION Fieldbus gatewayHART point-to-point connectionThe diagram shows a HART point-to-point connection via a HART power supply using the FXA195USB/HART modem. Since the power supply has a communication resistor, the communication resistor of the FXA195 must be switched off. The connection can be made at the power supply module or the device terminals as required.FieldCare SFE500Endress+Hauser 52Point-to-point connection with a HART field device1FieldCare2Commubox FXA195 with switchable communication resistor3HART power supply e.g. RMA422, RN221N with communication resistor 4HART 4 to 20 mA 5Field deviceIf there is no communication resistor in the 4 to 20 mA signal loop, the USB modem FXA195 should be connected via the HART terminals of the field device. In this case, the communication resistor in the modem must be switched on.IO-Link point-to-point connectionThe diagram shows an IO-Link point-to-point connection of an IO-Link field device to a laptop via the FieldPort SFP20 communication interface. The IO-Link device is directly connected via the M12connector.3IO-Link point-to-point connection 1FieldCare 2USB3FieldPort SFP204IO-Link 5Field deviceOperation•Standard configurable Windows graphical user interface with icons, short cuts etc.•Creation of projects in network (communication) and plant (logistic) views •Projects created manually or automatically with a project setup wizard•Standard Windows functions for saving, opening, printing, editing projects, changing workspace etc.•FieldCare languages: DE, EN, FR, IT, ES, ZH, JA, RU•DTM graphical user interface and language dependent on device and supplierSystem integrationFieldCare SFE5006Endress+HauserSystem requirements Operating systemsHardwareSoftware required •Microsoft .NET 3.5•Microsoft .NET 4.x •PDF readerSupplied support software •Microsoft .NET Version 3.5 SP1•Microsoft Management Console version 1.2 1)•Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Express SP3 1)•Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 2)Supported software Microsoft SQL Server 2016FieldCare 2.15 can also use an already installed Microsoft SQL Server 2016 for operation. We are happy to assist with the setup of FieldCare in projects with this SQL Server. Please contact your Endress+Hauser sales partner.1)Program is installed automatically by the FieldCare Installation Manager, if not already available or if a compatible version is not installed.2)Program is installed automatically by the FieldCare Installation Manager, if not already available.FieldCare SFE500Endress+Hauser 7Software specification•Configuration and commissioning of Endress+Hauser and third-party field devices based on DTM technology.•Supports HART, WirelessHART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, Modbus, IO-Link and EtherNet/IP protocols.•Supports Endress+Hauser service protocols to enable access to E+H instruments independently of the fieldbus protocol.•Includes CommDTMs for HART, PROFIBUS, FOUNDATION Fieldbus, for the Endress+Hauser interface and gateways for remote maintenance.•Plant view: logical view of plant with tagging and archiving.•Document management: storage of key documents together with the device TAG.•Inventory view: list of all devices in the plant with convenient search and filter function.•LCM connectivity: ability to access the LCM database via networks or Internet.•Project management: import/export of projects and settings.•Report generation: configurable and printable reports of device settings, plant configurations, etc.•User management: configurable list of users.•Typical application involves up to 1,200 field devices, more on request (e.g. 20,000 field devices).•Complete plant asset management system configurations with PAM gateways (server) and PAM clients on request. Endress+Hauser is pleased to offer advice on the system design of plant asset management maintenance stations.•iDTM HART operates third-party HART field devices without DTM in FieldCare and contains more than 1,700 registered HART EDDs from a wide range of device manufacturers.•iDTM FOUNDATION Fieldbus operates third-party FOUNDATION Fieldbus field devices without DTM in FieldCare and contains more than 760 registered FOUNDATION Fieldbus field devices from a wide range of device manufacturers.•The IO-Link IODD Interpreter DTM "translates" the IODD and makes the information contained therein available to FieldCare in such a way that the parameters are provided in the same way as in a device DTM.•With the separate Envelope Curve Viewer application, envelope curves recorded by FieldCare can also be viewed and analyzed again later offline. With the Envelope Curve Viewer, the Endress +Hauser Service Hotline can provide assistance with envelope curve analysis.•With the Fieldgate PAM SFG600, which functions on the basis of FieldCare, device configuration for HART devices in PROFINET systems can be performed with Siemens ET 200SP HF HARTremote I/O assemblies. In this case, the configuration can be performed using a mobile Field Xpert SMT70 tablet PC, which then has easy access to up to 1024 HART devices in a PROFINET segment of the system.•FieldCare provides support via EtherNet/IP Rockwell system architectures with the relevant CommDTM from Rockwell.•Online and offline software license management (SLM) helps the software license manager professionally manage the licenses.•Simplified access to the Heartbeat Flow Verification DTM for the faster verification of flowmeters.Condition monitoring (optional)Extracts data from selected devices and, depending on the way they are set up, generates alarms directly in the FieldCare maintenance station to alert the user to a potential maintenance requirement.•Independent solution for the maintenance task •Focus on critical devices and beneficial information •NE107 compliant•Support for HART field devices with relevant DTD•Support for PROFIBUS field devices - Profile 3.0 and higher - with relevant DTDCommDTMs FieldCareCommDTMsFieldCare SFE5008Endress+HauserPlease pay attention to the individual release notes for the FieldCare communication DTMs. The system requirements of the DTMs may differ from the FieldCare system requirements.Third-party DTMsEndress+Hauser recommends an integration test for the use of third-party DTMs, particularly if the DTMs are not certified. A number of DTMs for third-party remote I/Os are known to support FieldCare depending on the network architecture. Please contact your Endress+Hauser sales representative for further information.Security recommendations•Restrict physical and electronic access to field devices, networks, computers and systems to a group of authorized persons and use a role-based access system•Use a correctly configured firewall thats block all data that do not comply with security specifications; disable ports that are not used and use a Demilitarized Zone or an Intrusion Detection System to enhance security•Establish an organized, real-time patch management process for all products, e.g. operating systems, Internet browsers, programs, apps, databases and drivers •Run anti-virus software on the PC•Establish detailed guidelines and processes to only allow authorized persons access to the PC or other equipment•Only use hardware, software, firmware and other electronic content from trusted sourcesFieldCare SFE500Endress+Hauser 9Interfaces to Endress+Hauser tools and databases LCM interface (optional)FieldCare can be connected to the LCM databases (W@M Portal or Enterprise). This allows the user access to the common equipment record (CER), spare part finder as well as various LCM applications such as comparison of current to historic device configurations.Device configuration reports and verification reports can be automatically uploaded with FieldCare to the LCM application (W@M) to provide end-to-end documentation for the associated asset.4Interface to LCM1FieldCare2Internet interface 3W@M Portal 4W@M Enterprise 5Ethernet6Network connection on systemStart interface (Launch interface)FieldCare can be embedded into or started from any SCADA application by using FCL files.Ordering informationDetailed information about the product structure is available:•In the Product Configurator on the Endress+Hauser website: /SFE500•From the Endress+Hauser Sales Center: Additional documentationFieldCare SFE500•Getting Started KA01303S/04/EN•Operating Instructions BA00065S/04/EN•Tutorial for FieldCare Projects SD01928S/04/EN •Competence Brochure CP00001S/04/ENDeviceCare SFE100•Technical Information TI01134S/04/EN •Innovations IN01047S/04/EN Plant Asset ManagementFields of Activity FA00024S/04/ENFieldCare SFE50010Endress+HauserRegistered trademarksPROFIBUS® is a registered trademark of the PROFIBUS User Organization, Karlsruhe/Germany.IO-Link® is a registered trademark of the IO-Link Consortium/IO-Link Community c/o PROFIBUS Nutzerorganisation e.V. (PNO) Karlsruhe/ Germany - FOUNDATION Fieldbus TM is the trademark of the FieldComm Group, Austin, TX 78759, USA.HART®, WirelessHART® is the registered trademark of the FieldComm Group, Austin, TX 78759,USA.Ethernet/IP is the registered trademark of ODVA, Michigan USA.Modbus is the registered trademark of Modicon, Incorporated.Microsoft®, Windows 10®, Windows 8.1®, Windows 7®, Windows 2016 Server®, Windows 2008Server®, SQL Server 2014®, SQL Server 2016®, Internet Explorer® and the Microsoft logo are registered trademarks of the Microsoft Corporation.All other brand and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the companies and organizations in question.*71501389*71501389。

阿尔法拉瓦尔S和P Flex分离系统说明说明书

阿尔法拉瓦尔S和P Flex分离系统说明说明书

Control cabinet including EPC 60 and optional starterS and P Flex separation systemsAlfa Laval’s S and P Flex separation systems combine the high efficiency, low sludge output and low operating cost of Alfa Laval centrifugal separators with a flexible scope of supply. Extensive possibilities for the separation system layout and assembly make it possible to suit any engine room and any oil separation application.In addition, S and P Flex separation systems feature the EPC 60 controller, which enables the intuitive navigation of menus, parameters and alarms. The EPC 60 controller also has a modular construction for easy I/O board addition and replacement.The S and P Flex separation concept includes the complete S- and P separator range. These can be combined in mixed ship sets, even within a single customer-specified module.Flex system components for P separators 626/636.* P separators 626/636 can also be used to clean heavier oils with well-defined densities.Application P separatorsP separators are based on purifier technology, which means that the oil/water interphase is manually adjusted by means of a gravity disc. Because the separators do not automati-cally adjust to varying oil density, they are most suitable for economical cleaning of the following:• Lubricating oils • Distillates• Lighter diesel oilsIf the oil is well defined and does not vary in d en s ity, P sepa-rators can also be manually adjusted to clean heavy fuel oils with densities up to 991 kg/m 3 and viscosities up to 700 cSt/50ºC.P separators are designed for automatic operation at sea and in automated power stations ashore.SeparatorModule examplesSingle Flex module with separator (excluding heater and pump)Single Flex module with separator, heater and pumpQuadruple Flex modulewith separators, heaters and pumpsDischarge slideCentriLockScope of supplyThe S and P Flex separation concept p rovides a wide range of alternatives for P separators. Depending on the need, a P separator can be supplied as a separator and ancillaries, as a customer-specified module, or as part of a comprehensive p ackage including services and order-specific documentation. These P separators come equipped with energy-efficient IE3 motors.Flex systemA P separator with ancillaries in the form of optimized block components provides full say over the use of space. This allows for local modularization or do-it-yourself assembly.Flex modulesA compact P separator module can be built to a customer-specified configuration from a wide range of modular skids and machine blocks. Multi-modules are possible, as well as mixed modules including one or more S-separators and/or P separators for the simultaneous treatment of different types of mineral oils. All Flex modules are factory tested to ensure faster start-up and commissioning.Features and benefits• Small footprint, high flexibilityThe small separator and the modular nature of the surrounding components allow easy installation and flexible positioning in the engine room.• No water tankNo tank is needed to supply operating water, which further simplifies installation.• High separation efficiencyAn optimized design ensures the best possible separation efficiency from the bowl and disc stack.• CentriShootThe CentriShoot discharge systemgreatly reduces sludge volumes. Its fixed discharge slide flexes gently to expose the discharge ports, thereby eliminating metal-to-metal wear.• CentriLockThe CentriLock bowl-locking system uses a lightweight, non-threaded snap ring. This prevents wear by allowing easy removal without a sledgehammer.• Long service intervalsWear-preventing features like CentriShoot and CentriLock reduce the consumption of spare parts and allow plannedmaintenance to be performed less often. This reduces operating costs.• Easy operation and service T he PLC based EPC 60 controller is designed for “one-button” starts and stops, as well as intuitive menu navi-gation. Information about parameters and alarms can be easily accessed, which simplifies both operation and troubleshooting. The EPC 60 also has a modular construction that enables faster troubleshooting and I/O board replacement.• Remote control and monitoring Using Ethernet or Bus communica-tion, Flex systems and modules based on P separators 626/636 canbe operated and supervised remotely from the c ontrol room. A variety of alarm functions are available as standard, and extra I/O boards can be added to the EPC 60 controller in order to enhance its operating and monitoring capabilities.Optional equipmentFlex separation systems based on P separators 626/636 can be complemented with the following equipment:• Starter (included in module versions)• HEATPAC heaters• Space heating• Additional thermometers• Vibration sensor kit• ALP feed pump• Flow regulating system• Sludge removal kit• Sludge outlet butterfly valve kit• Steam shut-off valve kit• Air pressure reducer valve• P ipe arrangement for multiple modules,including heater cross-connection• Emergency safety shutdown• Remote monitoring and control•Separator lifting tool1 Feed pump2 Heater3 Temperature transmitter4 Safety valve5 Change-over valve6 Process controller7 Pressure transmitter – oil8 Complete regulating valve9 Regulating valve – oil10 Pneumatic shut-off valve11 Valve block water12 Separator13 Pressure transmitter – water14 Drain valve15 Sludge removal kit16 Regulating valveSchematic diagram ALP feed pump HEATPAC CBM heaterHEATPAC EHM heaterOperating principleA Flex separation system based on a P separator 626/636 is operated automatically by the EPC 60 controller. Untreated oil, heated to the correct temperature, is fed continuously to the separator, which is driven by an electric motor via a friction clutch and belt.The separator bowl is fixed at the top of a spindle, which is supported by bearings and special composite springs. This bowl can be arranged as a purifier or as a clarifier. Both configurations remove sludge, which accumulates at the bowl periphery and is intermittently discharged by the high-precision CentriShoot discharge system.In a purifier configuration, both sludge and water are separated from the oil, which means that water is continuously discharged from the bowl. The EPC 60controller automatically controls the admission of water for the water seal and the displacement of oil prior to sludge discharge, but a gravity disc is needed to establish the correct interphase position in the separator bowl, i.e. the boundary between the oil and the water seal. The size of the gravity disc must be matched to the oil’s density, viscosity/temperature and feed rate to the separator.In a clarifier configuration, a clarifier disc is fitted instead of a gravity disc. The water outlet is blocked, which means that the separator’s water-handling capacity is limited and that water accumulates like sludge.During normal operation, vital process parameters are monitored. These parameters, as well as alarms, are indicated by easy-to-understand text messages on the LCD display of the EPC 60 controller.The EPC 60 controller provides many alarm functions,including alarms for low oil pressure, high sludge tank level (if the optional sludge removal kit is included) and power failure. Additional functions are available for a vibration alarm when the optional vibration sensor is fitted.System layout1. Feed pump2. Heater3. Pneumatically controlledchange-over valve 4. Pressure transmitter 5. Control unit6. Regulating valve7. Solenoid valve block, waterLow-wear mechanical platformS separators 921–987 and P separators 626/636 are built on a low-wear mechanical platform thatfeatures CentriShoot and CentriLock. The CentriShoot discharge system, which greatly reduces sludgevolumes, has a fixed discharge slide that flexes gently to expose the discharge ports, thereby eliminating metal-to-metal wear. The CentriLock bowl-locking system uses a lightweight, non-threaded snap ring that prevents wear by allowing easy removal without a sledgehammer.CentriShootInstead of a sliding bowl bottom, the CentriShoot discharge system features a fixed discharge slide that flexes at its edge. This increases discharge accuracy and does away with metal-to-metal wear.CentriLockConventional lock rings are threaded and must be removed with a sledgehammer. Over time, the metal-to-metal wear between bowl and lock ring can lead to expensive bowl repair or replacement.Instead of a conventional lock ring, the CentriLock bowl-locking system features a non-threaded snap ring. This lightweight ring snaps quickly into place and is easilyremoved with only an Allen key.Step one:The CentriShoot discharge slide is fixed at the centre. During separation, the slide covers the discharge ports.An Allen key is the only tool needed to work with CentriLock. No sledgehammer is necessary.Step two:During sludge discharge, the edge of the slide flexes downward, exposing the discharge ports.The CentriLock snap ring lifts out and snaps in easily – without any threads to wear.Step three:After discharge, the slide moves gently back into position to close the ports. This is done hydraulically, without any springs.EMD00232EN 1509Alfa Laval reserves the right to change specifications without prior notification.How to contact Alfa LavalUp-to-date Alfa Laval contact details for all countries are always available on our website at C e n t r i L o c k , C e n t r i S h o o t a n d H E A T P A C a r e t r a d e m a r k s o w n e d b y A l f a L a v a l C o r p o r a t e A B . A L F A L A V A L i s a t r a d e m a r k r e g i s t e r e d a n d o w n e d b y A l f a L a v a l C o r p o r a t e A B .OperationsPreventive maintenance procedures are handled quickly and simply with the help of a compression tool. The snap ring of the patented CentriLock bowl-locking system is non-threaded and requires only an Allen key to remove.• Maintenance intervals:– Inspection Service every 4 000 h or 6 months– Overhaul Service every 12 000 h or 18 months • Service spares kits contain all necessary spare parts for each service and tips for maintenance in checkpoints:– Inspection Kit with O-rings and seals for separator bowl – O verhaul Kit with parts for drive system, belt, bearings and pads, also containing an Inspection Kit– Support Kit with strategic spares for operation and maintenance backup • The System Manual includes detailed information in electronic or printed form:– Installation instructions – Operating instructions– Alarms and troubleshooting – Service and spare parts• Commissioning and technical services are available from allAlfa Laval offices, including start-up assistance and advice on operation and maintenance.• Training in all aspects of oil treat-ment, freshwater generation and heat transfer is available.• All services can be incorporated into specially tailored NonstopPerformance packages. Details are available from local Alfa Laval offices.Max. recommended capacity, l/h on lubricating oils for trunk piston enginesTechnical dataMain supply voltage 3-phase, 220 V up to 690 V Control voltage 1-phase, 100/110/115/230 V Frequency 50 or 60 HzControl airMin 5 bar, max 8 bar Operating water pressure Min 2 bar, max 8 barFlex system Size (height x width x length)* Net weight (kg)P 626 895 x 750 x 1075 424P 636975 x 750 x 1195 496* Dimensions and weights for Flex systems do not include control cabinet.Flex moduleSize (height x width x length)** Net weight (kg)P 626 1750 x 750 x 1075 540P 636 1750 x 850 x 1195 638** Dimensions and weights for Flex modules do not include pump and heater.ConformityThe mark of conformity confirms that the equipment complies with European Economics Area (EEA) directives.500 1 000 1 500 2 000 2 500 3 0000 4 0003 500。



书目第一节概览 (2)其次节新建分析 (2)第三节新建仪表盘提示 (6)第四节新建仪表盘 (9)第五节过滤器 (11)第六节编辑列公式 (12)第七节列属性 (12)第八节列值排序 (15)第九节列重命名 (16)第十节编辑标题 (17)第十一节编辑表 (18)一、列排序 (18)二、表提示 (19)三、列隐藏 (19)四、列复制 (20)五、列解除 (20)六、列汇总 (20)七、表汇总 (21)八、表分页 (21)第十二节编辑图 (22)一、条形图 (22)二、条线图 (23)三、饼图 (23)四、堆叠图 (23)五、图属性 (23)第十三节数据透视表 (28)第十四节下钻 (29)一、无条件下钻 (29)二、有条件下钻 (30)第十五节联合分析 (30)第一节概览(图)如图为登录页面,输入相应用户名及密码即可胜利登录BI系统。






其次节新建分析当您登陆BI系统首先在页面标题栏找到“新建”下拉菜单,在这个下拉菜单了是我们BI 系统全部新建项目类型。





1、修改标题:点击标题视图中铅笔形态图标后,如下图图 1.2.4填写标题名称,勾掉“显示保存的名称”,右侧“A”可以编辑标题样式,比如字体大小、颜色、对齐方式等。



Adempiere 系统安装文档
在中选择你电脑上的java——jdk 的目录所在位置
在中选择你解压的compiere 里joss所在目录







0、下载Adempiere的部署版本:在当选择360LTS版本(或先进入,然后选择Adempiere Official Release。

若是是下Windows Installer版本,那么在此选择WindowsInstaller)。


但据的报导,“(01-14)ADempiere 代码开发正在由SVN迁移至Mercurial! -- 2020年01月14日”。

一、安装Windows Installer版本(自带PostgreSQL数据库)的Adempiere,或别离安装adempiere和oracle数据库。





其中内容为adempiere的Database Name一项可能可不能显示对勾,但不阻碍后续操作。



Lab 4 ADE环境设置

Lab 4  ADE环境设置

Lab 4 ADE环境设置1.实验目的熟练掌握Schematic编辑环境。



2.实验原理模拟环境的设置在ADE窗口(如图4.1所示)中,各菜单栏定义如下:图4.1 ADE窗口Session菜单包括Schematic Window、Save State、Load State、Options、Reset、Quit等菜单项。

①Schematic window项用于回到电路图。

②Save State项打开相应的窗口,保存当前所设定的模拟所用到的各种参数。


③Load State项打开相应的窗口,加载已经保存的状态。

④Reset项重置analog artist,相当于重新打开一个模拟窗口。

Setup菜单包括Design、Simulator/directory/host、Temperature、Model Path等菜单项。






④Model Path项设置元件模型的路径,系统会自动在所设定的路径下寻找器件model name所对应的model模型。



4.2a 交流分析 4.2b 噪声分析4.2c 瞬态分析 4.2d 直流分析图4.2 选择模拟类型交流分析是分析电流(电压)和频率之间的关系,因此在参数范围选择时必须选择频率。



Adempiere 370 操作 2013年9月28日 星期六 chooseloveyou @163。

com-——By jerry , 作为一个纯粹的业余爱好者,在坛子和wiki 上获取了很多资料,经过我一段时间的使用,特写下此简明的流程,以供需要的朋友们参考。


如有错误的地方,请谅解,自行更正.建议刚开始使用的朋友以Gardenworld 为例,进行相关操作,待熟悉后再新建实体,进行其他操作.Adempiere360 LTS 以及307、idempiere 的中文包基本可以共用,流程也几乎一样。

欢迎交流,我也希望可以做一些业务指导方面的事情.1-6为第一部分,7—21为第二部分,22-27为第三部分.1, 安装2, 汉化。

以System/System 同步术语后即可.没必要运行“同步文档翻译”,如果运行,可能导致单据类型出现英文。

3, 编辑中文会计科目。

4, 新建实体,设置初始admin 以及user 的ID 和密码。

5, 以用GardenAdmin 登陆Gardenworld 为例。

6, 用户名/密码:GardenAdmin/GardenAdmin ,语言:简体中文;角色:Gardenworld Admin ,实体:Gardenworld ,组织:*, 仓库:, 日期:默认,.然后点击“OK"登陆系统.7,8,认识操作界面:9,输入:m010-—-〉实体(客户端)。




11,BP001:业务伙伴分组.—--> BP002:创建业务伙伴(客户,供应商).12,CW014:创建会计日历、年、期间。


13,CW015: 调整会计科目元素.14,M041--—〉会计维度。

M041——-> 会计模式。


16,MM013———〉设置仓库与库位.Mm011—--> 设置产品类别,mm002—--〉设置产品信息(也可在此直接创建产品价格)。

Endress+Hauser FieldCare SFE500 通用现场设备调试软件操作手册说明书

Endress+Hauser FieldCare SFE500 通用现场设备调试软件操作手册说明书

Products Solutions Services操作手册FieldCare SFE500通用现场设备调试软件,适用于HART、PROFIBUS、基金会现场总线(FF)、Modbus、IO-Link、Ethernet/IP和PROFINETBA00065S/28/ZH/11.20715224472020-10-23变更历史FieldCare SFE500变更历史2Endress+HauserFieldCare SFE500目录Endress+Hauser 3目录1文档信息 (4)1.1文档功能 (4)1.2信息图标 (4)1.2.1安全图标 (4)1.2.2特定信息图标 (4)1.2.3FieldCare 信息图标 (5)1.3文本重点 (6)1.4使用的首字母缩略词 (6)1.5文档资料 (6)1.6注册商标 (7)2基本安全指南 (8)2.1人员要求 (8)2.2指定用途 (8)2.3产品安全 (8)2.4IT 安全 (9)3产品描述 (10)3.1软件功能 (10)3.1.1软件许可证管理(SLM) (10)3.1.2用户角色 (10)3.2应用 (11)4安装 (12)5操作 (13)5.1启动FieldCare。

(13)5.2链接FieldCare 到W@M Portal。

(13)5.2.1在FieldCare 中进行设置。

(13)5.2.2在FieldCare Administration 中进行设置。

(14)5.2.3在W@M Portal 中集成心跳校验 (17)5.3用户界面 (18)5.4常规设置 (18)5.4.1项目设置 (18)5.4.2扫描设置 (18)5.4.3工厂视图 (19)5.4.4网络视图 (21)5.5常规功能 (21)5.6验证网络 (21)6系统集成 (23)6.1设置IP 地址 (23)6.2Windows 防火墙 (23)7操作 (25)7.1设置显示语言 (25)7.2创建项目 (25)7.3保存项目 (26)7.4打开保存的项目 (27)7.5CSV 导出和导入 (27)7.6DTM 信息...........................277.7显示DTM 目录.......................287.8更新DTM 目录.......................288诊断和故障排除...................298.1常规故障排除........................299软件更新.. (30)文档信息FieldCare SFE5001 文档信息1.1 文档功能《操作手册》包含使用软件所需的所有信息:从产品标识、安装和使用,至系统集成、操作、诊断和故障排除,以及软件更新和废弃。

madVR Envy Kaleidescape设置指南说明书

madVR Envy Kaleidescape设置指南说明书

7. Under “HDMI Content Type Metadata”, select “Transmit content type metadata”.
8. Press OK to apply the settings. 9. Open the Envy “Black Bar Configuration” menu (press the menu button on the Envy remote, then
So, in the case of your Kaleidescape, by outputting movies at 60p you get faster HDMI handshakes, but with motion artifacts some people find distracting, and you are also not watching the movie as the director intended. Therefore, for the best cinematic experience, we recommend that the Kaleidescape be set to output the native frame rate for the movie (24p).
press the right arrow 3 times). Highlight “Active Configuration” are the bottom of the menu. Press right arrow one time, so that it changes to “Base Configuration”. Then change the “Detect Kaleidescape Menu” to On and exit the menu. This completes the Kaleidescape setup.



Bosch Security Systems B.V.
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2023-05 | V1.81 |
系统构成 重新发现设备 添加设备 删除设备 设备选项 系统控制器 放大器 多功能电源 呼叫站 控制接口模块 电话接口 音频路由网络接口 系统客户端 网络交换机 远程系统 系统选项 预录信息 系统设置 时间设置 网络监测 分区定义 分区选项 分区编组 背景音乐传送 呼叫定义 行动定义 分配操作 分配功能 功能说明 系统控制器 多功能电源 呼叫站 电话接口 控制接口模块 音频处理 放大器 呼叫站 环境噪声传感器 保存配置 备份和恢复 备份 恢复 诊断 配置 版本 放大器负载 放大器备用通道 电池阻抗 环境噪声传感器
息。 – 第19章:提示音, 页面 162 - 本章提供了PRAESENSA使用的提示音(信息)的相关信息。 – 第20章:支持与培训学院, 页面 171 - 本章提供了(技术)支持和培训的信息。
1.1 1.2 1.3
参阅 – 支持与培训学院, 页面 171
2023-05 | V1.81 |
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5.3 5.3.1 5.3.2 5.3.3 5.4 5.4.1 5.4.2 5.4.3 5.4.4 5.4.5 5.4.6 5.4.7 5.4.8 5.4.9 5.4.10 5.5 5.5.1 5.5.2 5.5.3 5.5.4 5.6 5.6.1 5.6.2 5.6.3 5.7 5.8 5.8.1 5.8.2 5.8.3 5.8.4 5.8.5 5.8.6 5.8.7 5.8.8 5.9 5.9.1 5.9.2 5.9.3 5.10 5.11 5.11.1 5.11.2 6 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 6.6
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What is changed in the standalone version ?
Well, not much. in the “Client/(Server) Application” you can see that the database is accesed in 3 different ways. The Standalone version eliminates the access from the client through the EJB. This means that only the programs running in Jboss are accessing the server beans, and the client application accesses the database only directly (as it was already doing most of the time anyway). This has as consequence that the Interfaces package is not longer needed for the client package. It also makes the Setup and Connection Dialog screen more simple, no need to bother anymore about configuring, accessing and checking for the application server. So as a result, 1) we have a client accessing the database in ONE way this means that whatever choise we make in the future as persistence layer, database access technology, ... it won't have to be implemented on 2 locations. 2) It simplifies architecture, making the client application from technical point of view an “independent” program. 3) The same for the Server side programs that are running, they don't have to give any service to the client application, which means they simply don't have to run in Jboss anymore (although they do now), making again it's architecture more ication is independent from Jboss and EJB 2) No more circular dependencies in the client java code. (Interfaces.jar) 3) Client accesses the db in 1 way. 4) Web services can be isolated. 5) Server programs can be isolated and don't have to run in Jboss 6) A better understandable architecture. And it's all achieved without major changes. Changes in the code are - Remove Interfaces in java build dir - Let the client execute all sql and stored procedures (instead some through EJB) - Removal of some controls and checks in Setup and Connection Dialog.
Adempiere Client Internet Browser AD GUI Engine PO - model Package dbPort Package Server JBoss Webstore model Package Web Compiere ServerBean
dbPort Package Database (Oracle, Postgresql) Web Server Client/(Server) Application
Standalone Client for ADempiere
The ultimate goal is to get rid of EJB. Why ? Well, nothing seriously is done with it ... it brings only extra technology without put into use, and when put to use, it slows the client down.
Adempiere Client Internet Browser AD GUI Engine PO - model Package dbPort Package Server JBoss Webstore model Package Compiere ServerBean dbPort Package Database (Oracle, Postgresql) Web Server Server Programs Client Application