Translation invariance in a network of oscillatory units
翻译不仅是一种艺术,一种技巧,还是一门科学。 把通讯论和信息论用于翻译研究,认为翻译就是
交际。这是奈达翻译思想第二阶段的主要标志, 也是他整个思想体系中一个最大的特点。
动态对等翻译观的提出。 就翻译过程而言,奈达提倡四步式,即: 分析、 转换、重组和检验。
1.提出翻译重心转移的思想 2.提出 “功能对等” 的翻译原则 3.创立逆转换翻译方法
第一本专著是1946年出版的《<圣经>翻译》(Bible Translating) 最有影响的是1964出版的《翻译的科学探索》 (Toward a Science of Translating)和《翻译理论与实践》 (The Theory and
强调译文有关的一切都有意义,其中包括言语形式。 语言的修辞特征在语言交际中起着举足轻重的作用。 以“功能对等”取代“动态对等”,使其含义更清楚。 逐步采用社会语言学和社会符号学的方法来处理翻译 问题。
奈达具有创见性的翻译理论和见解使西方翻译理论更加科学化 , 对人们的翻译活动具有一定的指导作用 ,它标志着西方翻译理论 的最新成就和发展趋势。 其突出贡献表现在以下三方面:
Practice of Translation)
T hanks!
Wolfram Wilss
翻译学:问题与方法(The Science of Translation: Problems and Methods) 此书为他的代表作,内容包括:绪论、翻译作为现 代交际的工具、翻译理论的历史与现状、翻译学的 方法论问题、翻译批评以及机器翻译等。 作者主要从三个方面阐述了观点: 1)强调译者必须具有分析文本的能力;
威尔斯反对两种语言理论——描写语言学理论和生成语法理 论,尽管这两者具有截然不同的理论基础。维尔斯认为,描写语言 理论只是对个体语言的表层结构进行描写,这种单纯的描写对研究 翻译帮助不大。转换生成语法则以句法为主,也只研究个体语言系 统,而没有提 供语际间的结构模式,并且不包括心理语言学,忽略 了接受问题及信息在原语境中的功能。威尔斯认为“乔姆斯基语言 学理论中的生成成分……总的来讲是机械的而不是心理的。” 威尔斯认为翻译科学论不是封闭的、自足的、而是“认知性 的、解释性的、联想性的”。他借用了乔姆斯基对语言能力与语言 行为所做的区分,接受了奈达所持的语言能力中包括语境成分的观 点、认为:
Wolfram Wilss s
《翻译科学:问题与方法》(1977)、《认知与翻译》(1988)、 《翻译行为多面概念探索》(1989)、《何为技艺性翻译》、 《翻译:过程与方法》(1994)。
他的主要译学思想体现在专著《翻译学的问题与方法》 一书中,该书反映了他在两个问题上的观点:翻译是科学;翻 译应以语篇为单位。他在《翻译科学:问题与方法》中说:翻 译是以语篇为单位的翻译行为,翻译的定义就应该是基于语篇 的定义。
他将文本分为更多翻译倾向的(more translation oriented)和 更少翻译倾向的(less translation oriented)
2)认为翻译包括语内翻译(解述原文的意义)和语 际翻译(将意义转换到目的语中); 3)为翻译中存在的问题提出了解答,还为分析译本 供 错误和评估译文质量提供参考。
Convolutional Deep Belief Networks for Scalable Unsupervised Learning of Hierarchical Representations
hllee@ rgrosse@ rajeshr@ ang@
There has been much interest in unsupervised learning of hierarchical generative models such as deep belief networks. Scaling such models to full-sized, high-dimensional images remains a difficult problem. To address this problem, we present the convolutional deep belief network, a hierarchical generative model which scales to realistic image sizes. This model is translation-invariant and supports efficient bottom-up and top-down probabilistic inference. Key to our approach is probabilistic max-pooling, a novel technique which shrinks the representations of higher layers in a probabilistically sound way. Our experiments show that the algorithm learns useful high-level visual features, such as object parts, from unlabeled images of objects and natural scenes. We demonstrate excellent performance on several visual recognition tasks and show that our model can perform hierarchical (bottom-up and top-down) inference over full-sized images.
Chinese to English Translation of Foreign Publicit
US-China Foreign Language, October 2018, Vol. 16, No. 10, 526-537 doi:10.17265/1539-8080/2018.10.004Chinese to English Translation of Foreign PublicityMaterials—From the Perspective of Functionalist TranslationTheoryCHEN LijuanZhoukou Normal University, Henan, ChinaBeing a bridge between China and the outside world, the translation of publicity materials, deserves much moreattention. However, the current situation and study of C-E translation (Chinese to English) of publicity materials arefar from satisfactory for negligence of the differences between domestic and foreign publicity, of the differencesbetween the rhetorical devices, and of the unawareness of cultural gaps. According to Skopostheorie, the core of thefunctional translation theories, translation is not merely a linguistic process, but a purposeful action. To achieve thecommunicative purpose of foreign publicity, it is a must for us to start from text typology and text functions andproduce the translation version which agrees with targeted audiences’ cultural characteristics. After analyzing theexisting problems and the text typology of foreign publicity materials, this paper summarizes some valid translationstrategies and techniques which are applied to the translation of foreign publicity materials from the perspective ofFunctionalist Translation Theory.Keywords: functionalist translation theory, foreign publicity materials, skopos, text typology, strategies andtechniquesIntroductionMore and more foreigners have been eager to learn about China with its deepening reform and opening up policy in the past 40 years. So, greater importance should be attached to the translation of publicity materialwhich has a direct influence on international communication.Being a window through which foreigners could learn about China, the current situation and study of C-E (Chinese to English) translation of publicity materials are far from adequate and satisfactory for our negligenceof the differences between domestic and foreign publicity; for the differences between the rhetorical devicesand of the unawareness of cultural gaps, which if not dealt with properly, will reduce the communicativeeffectiveness of publicity materials. Therefore, the C-E translation of the publicity material is a comparativelyless explored area, the study of which needs the guidance of a powerful theory.The functional translation theory has brought about a new outlook to translation studies. According to this theory, translation is an intercultural communication act, the purpose of which is to produce a target-orientedversion to meet the expectations of the target audience. Skopostheorie, the core of the functional translationtheories, goes beyond the static linguistic typologies of translation and takes translation as not merely aCHEN Lijuan, master, lecturer, College of Foreign Languages, Zhoukou Normal University, Henan, China.All Rights Reserved.CHINESE TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN PUBLICITY MATERIALS 527linguistic process but a purposeful action. As one kind of practical translation, the translation of foreignpublicity materials focuses on the transmission of information and the communicative effects.This paper analyzes the distinctive features of publicity materials, the present situation and existing problems in C-E foreign publicity materials based on the functional translation theory. The data and examplescollected demonstrate that functionalist approaches prove to be valid and applicable in translating suchnon-literary texts as foreign publicity materials. On the translation strategies and techniques, deletion, addition,combination, restructuring and rewriting of the source tests are also necessary and inevitable translationstrategies and techniques applicable to the translation of foreign publicity materials.Functionalist Approaches to TranslationThe modern functional concept of translation was put forward by some German scholars in the 1970s. The functional theories of translation include Katharina Reiss’s functionalist translation criticism, Hans J.Vermeer’s skopostheorie and its extensions, Justa Holz-Manttari’s theory of translational action, and ChristianeNord’s functionality plus loyalty model.Katharina Reiss, in her book Possibilities and Limits of Translation Criticism (1971), first introduced a model of translation criticism based on the functional relationship between the source and target texts. Thoughstill based on equivalence theory, Reiss’ objective approach to translation criticism can explain certainexceptions from the equivalence requirement. Such exceptions occur when the target text is intended to achievea purpose or a function other than that of the original. Examples include a novel being adapted for a movie,Shakespeare’s works being translated for children, and various forms of ideological editing motivated byreligious, ethical, or commercial criteria. Thus, the translation is judged not by features of the source texts butby the function of the target texts in the translation context.In her book coauthored with Vermeer, Reiss presented her correlating text type and translation method asa specific theory. She applied Karl Bühler’s “organon model’ of language functions to translation studies andclassified three text types, namely, content-focused text (informative), form-focused text (expressive) andappeal-focused text (operative). Reiss’ text typology still adheres to functional invariance between source textand target text. But text typologies help the translator specify the appropriate hierarchy of equivalence levelsneeded for a particular translation skopos (Reiss and Vermeer 1984, p.156). Reiss’ text types, although verysimple, are very powerful in helping translators determine the primary functions of the text and decide onappropriate translation strategies and methods.Han Vermeer is Reiss’ student and he regards translating as a purposeful action. The purpose (skopos) of the translation action is the prime principle that determines any translational process. Hans J. Vermeer’sskopostheorie which is the most influential among functionalists greatly widens the research field of translationand puts translation research into the framework of cross-cultural communication, instead of the narrowframework of source and target texts, or the transmission between two languages. Skopostheorie is regarded asthe core of German functionalism. In the framework of this theory, one of the most important factorsdetermining the purpose of a translation is the addressee, who is the intended receiver or audience of the targettext with culture-specific world language, expectations and communicative needs. Every translation is directedat an intended audience, since to translate means “to produce a text in a target setting for a target purpose andtarget addressees in target circumstances” (Vermeer, 1987, p. 29). The status of the source text is apparentlymuch lower in Skopostheorie than in equivalence based theories.All Rights Reserved.CHINESE TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN PUBLICITY MATERIALS528 In his paper “Framework for a General Translation Theory” (1978), Vermeer first formulated his skopos theory, putting forward three rules with regard to the translator’s translation decision-making: the skopos rule, the coherence rule (intratextual coherence), and fidelity rule (intertextual coherence).The top-ranking rule for any translation is the “skopos rule” which implies that a translational action is determined by its skopos; that is, the end justifies the means (Reiss & Vermeer, 1984, p. 101).Each text is produced for a given purpose and should serve this purpose. The skopos rule thus reads as follows:translate/interpret/speak/write in a way that enables your text/translation to function in the situation in which it is used and with the people who want to use it and precisely in the way they want it to function. (Vermeer, 1989, p. 20)Based on the principles of action theory, Justa Holz-Manttari formulated her theory and methodology of “translational action” in 1981. In her model, translation is defined as “a complex action designed to achieve a particular purpose” (Holz-Manttari & Vermeer, 1985, p. 4). Holz-Manttari not only enriches applicability of skopstheorie but also contributes to the “translation brief” to be developed by Vermeer’s skopostheorie.As the second generation of functionalism, Nord not only follows what the previous representatives’ advocate, but also supplements and develops the theory to apply it to a broader field. In his opinion, loyalty demands that translator should be responsible for the target readers, but this does not mean that the translator is always obliged to do exactly what the readers expect. Yet at the same time, the translator should also have a sense of moral responsibility not to deceive his readers (Nord, 2001). He must explain why he translates the source text in the way he does.Thus the loyalty principle adds two important qualities to the functional approach. Since it obliges the translator totake into account the difference between culture-specific concepts of translation prevailing in the two cultures involved in the translation process; it turns skopostheorie into an anti-universalist model, and since it induces the translator to respect the sender’s individual communicative intentions, as far as they can be elicited, it reduces the prescriptiveness of “radical” functionalism. (Nord, 2001, p. 126)From this, we can see that the combination, function plus loyalty, makes a supplement rule to perfect the functionalist theory which guides the translating process. Function refers to the factors that make a target work in the intended way in a target situation, while loyalty refers to the interpersonal relationship between the translator, the source text sender, the target text addressees and the initiator. Loyalty limits the range of justifiable target text functions for one particular source text and raises the end for negotiation of the translation assignment between translators and their clients (Nord, 2001).Foreign Publicity and Translation of Publicity MaterialsPublicity is usually classified into two categories—domestic publicity and foreign publicity which differ in that they aim at different audiences. The former one targets at Chinese while the latter aims at the audience in foreign countries. In this paper, foreign publicity is the main topic. The term “foreign publicity” (对外宣传) refers to China’s international communication with other countries. It means explaining a situation or disseminating truth to the masses of people (New Age Chinese-English Dictionary, 2000, p. 1751).Features of Foreign Publicity MaterialsAs a special literary form, foreign publicity, different from literary works, has its own characteristics that should not be ignored in its translation. This requires us to do our utmost to make our publicity translation clear and intelligible when introducing China to the outside world.All Rights Reserved.CHINESE TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN PUBLICITY MATERIALS 529With regard to the translation of foreign publicity materials, the translators should always bear the following features in mind. The first one is extensiveness. As we know, publicity materials cover many aspects,including politics, economy, customs, society, history, culture, and so on, so the translator should beknowledgeable and well informed. He or she can translate the foreign publicity materials according to theintended function of the target text and the need of the target readers, reducing the gap between the twocultures.Second, it has distinct political purpose and the publicity materials may be filled with many new terms. On one hand, publicity materials have a strong political purpose to defend the interests of the People’s Republic ofChina. On the other hand, there are many new terms in the publicity materials. As for these new terms, we can’tfind equivalents in dictionaries, so how to effectively introduce recent changes taken place in China to thetarget audience is a big challenge for the translators. The third is that Chinese publicity materials usuallycontain a lot of flowery language using many four-character words, pompous words, modifiers, repetitions andparallel structures, for example, tourism materials, which is quite the opposite in English publicity materials.English publicity materials prefer simple words, plain language and focus on offering substantial information.If we translate Chinese publicity materials without any adaptation, we probably cannot get the wanted effect.Last but not least, we should heed that foreign publicity is different from domestic publicity.The readers of foreign publicity are foreign audience whose social, cultural, and historical backgrounds and language habits differ from ours. The task of China’s foreign publicity is to report China’s socialist causewith Chinese characteristics and the Chinese people’s efforts in accomplishing this cause in an accurate,truthful, timely, and comprehensive way and to clear up the misunderstanding and distortion in overseas publicopinions about China to give other governments and their people a correct idea about China’s reality. Toachieve the aim, foreign publicity materials should be target-reader centered. Only in that way can weappropriately deal with culture differences and offer effective background knowledge.Text-Type Analysis of Publicity MaterialsFrom Nord’s view, there are four major functions of text, namely: referential function, expressive function, appellative function, and phatic function. Of course, seldom does a text have merely one function. Most textsare intended to carry out all the functions with an emphasis on one or two of them. So are publicity materials.Referential function involves “reference to the subjects and phenomena of the world. It is mainly expressed through the denotative value of the lexical items present in the text” (Nord, 2001, p. 40). It is one ofthe major functions of Chinese foreign publicity. In order to translate such text well, the translator should beaware that if the cultural prospective and tradition differ between the source and target text, or if the source andtarget readers share the same amount of previous knowledge about the topic, adaptation is needed for the sakeof the comprehensibility of the text, for the reason that comprehensibility is where “the referential functiondepends on” (Nord, 2001, p. 40).As to expressive function, Nord (2001, p. 40) puts it as “the sender’s attitude toward the objects and phenomena of the world”. Publicity materials apparently have this function because they are closely related to acountry’s diplomacy and international relations. In international communication, we need to make clear ourstance, attitudes, and opinions, of which an indispensable part is our foreign publicity.Appellative function in translation is of great importance in foreign publicity, especially in business and tourism promotions. As Nord (2001) puts it, “appellative function directed at the receivers’ sensitivity or All Rights Reserved.CHINESE TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN PUBLICITY MATERIALS530 disposition to act, the appellative function is desired to induce them to respond in a particular way” (p. 42). She further explains that if we want to illustrate a hypothesis by an example, and we appeal to the reader’s previous experience or knowledge, the intended reaction would be recognition of something known. If we want to persuade someone to do something or to share a particular viewpoint, we appeal to their sensitivity, their secret desires. If we want to make someone buy a particular product, we appeal to their real or imagined needs, describing those qualities of the product that are presumed to have positive values in the receivers’ value system. If we want to educate a person, we may appeal to their susceptibility to ethical and moral principles.With careful consideration, we may find that almost all the practice listed by Nord has been taken up in publicity materials. Why is the appellative function emphasized here? Because it is the ultimate goal of publicity materials are intended to realize. Foreign publicity exists mainly for the purpose of attaining understanding and support from other countries, drawing foreign investment, improving a country’s international environment, and better serving domestic construction.Phatic function, as Nord (2001) defines, “aims at establishing, maintaining or ending contact between sender and receiver” (p. 44). As an important function that publicity materials are intended to perform, it is an essential means to set up and hold a friendly relationship between the foreign readers and us. Nord also argues that the phatic function largely depends upon the conventionality of the linguistic form of the utterance. It is true because unconventional form may strike the eye and make the readers interpret the phatic message wrongly as referential, expressive, or even appellative. Translators of publicity materials should take that into consideration.As has been discussed, the referential, expressive, and phatic functions are the basic functions of publicity materials while the appellative function remains the basic function of publicity material and the ultimateobjective of our external publicity. Yet the appellative function cannot be achieved without the performance ofthe referential, expressive, and phatic functions. Under the guidance of text classification, translators are able to analyze texts more thoroughly and work out suitable strategies for a particular translation situation.Classification of Problems, Their Causes and ProposalsIn his article entitled “呼吁:请译界同仁都来关心对外宣传” (“A Call on Translators for Good Publicity Materials”), Duan (1990) classified the problems in C-E translation of publicity materials. He compared the problems in translation to different diseases with symptoms A and B respectively.Symptom A refers to those translations whose mistakes are most apparent, i.e. grammatical mistakes, spelling mistakes, and misuse of words. Such mistakes not only damage the interests of the parties concerned but also undermine the image of our country. Symptom B differs from Symptom A in that there are no spelling mistakes in the translated version and the sentences are grammatically correct. However, they are beyond the comprehension of foreign readers. Translation of this kind is subcategorized into four types. The first type is loaded with Chinese names of places and persons, dynasties and literary quotations. The second type is loaded with political terms and slogans, such as “Three Represents”, “the Four Cardinal Principles”. Foreigners find these hard to comprehend. The third type is full of jargon that is clear to the Chinese people but vague or incomprehensible to the foreigners. The forth type is filled with flowery words or clichés, the effect of which runs counter to the translator’s desire.The article was recognized as the most important one that addressed the problems in C-E translation of publicity materials and has been quoted repeatedly. Besides classifying the problems in C-E translation ofAll Rights Reserved.CHINESE TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN PUBLICITY MATERIALS 531publicity materials, Duan also analyzed the causes and suggested possible solutions to them.The causes of Symptom A are simple, i.e. poor command of English and an irresponsible attitude on the part of the translators. Many of the mistakes can actually be avoided if the translators are more careful andresponsible, and if experts are hired to proofread the materials before they go to the press. The causes ofSymptom B are more complex, the major one being cultural differences. In order to solve the second type ofproblems in C-E translation of publicity materials, Mr. Duan prescribed a treatment, i.e. “interpretivetranslation” which includes “filling”, “slimming”, and “restructuring”. This paper will focus on the causes ofSymptom B and try to put forward to some proposals for it.Main Factors Affecting C-E Translation of Foreign Publicity MaterialsNord (2001) holds that translation is “intercultural communication”;Within a particular culture community the situations of sender and receiver generally overlap enough for communication to take place. When senders and receivers belong to different cultures, situations can be so different thatthey need an intermediary who enables them to communicate across time and space. (p. 17)Therefore, it is essential for translators of foreign publication materials to bridge the gap between differences not only in language, but also in culture. C-E translation of publicity materials is a cross-culturalactivity which conveys information from the source language culture to the target language culture. Nida (2001)points out that “for truly successful translating, biculturalism is even more important than bilingualism, sincewords only have meanings in terms of the cultures in which they function” (p. 82). Therefore, translators shouldbear in mind culture differences, and attach great importance to the reaction of foreigners, for feedback is themeasurement of the effect of communication.Strategies and Specific Techniques Applied to the Translation of Foreign PublicityMaterialsTranslation and AdaptationWhen it comes to the translation of foreign publicity materials, it is necessary for the translator to abide by the three rules of Skopostheory, namely: the skopos rule, the coherence rule, and the fidelity rule. It is alsoessential to decide on the strategies to realize the transfer from the SL (source language) to the TL (targetlanguage). And the functionalist theories simply focus on the relationship between the SL and the TL, whichprovides guidance for us to solve problems involving in the translation of foreign publicity materials.Translation is the production of a functional TT (target text) maintaining a relationship with a given ST (source text) that is specified according to the intended or demanded function of the TT (target text). Translation allows acommunicative act to take place which because of existing linguistic and cultural barriers would not have been possiblewithout it. (Nord, 2001, p. 32)Nord implies that there is a certain relationship between the ST and TT. The extent of the relationship is up to the intended function of the TT, which also determines which part of the ST should be retained and whichpart should be adjusted or rewritten under specific situational circumstance.On adaptation, Nord holds the view that adjustment or “adaptation” of the ST to target-culture standards isa procedure that is part of the daily routine of every professional translator. There is a relationship betweentranslation and adaptation means that to some degree. As adaptation consists of the essential elements of All Rights Reserved.CHINESE TO ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF FOREIGN PUBLICITY MATERIALS532 translation such as ST and TT, adequate conveyance of ST information into TT, it is translation. In the process of adaptation, the translators should bear the following elements in mind: the functions of the TT, the linguistic and cultural differences between the two language communities. On the other hand, the translators had better manage to achieve the intended purpose more effectively.Nord views that any translated version contains the element of adaptation which is the embodiment of the purpose. Adaptation, as a type of translation, tends to gain momentum nowadays because the renderings may be as creative and original as the ST, which is especially applicable to the translation of publicity materials. Adaptation is a translation approach that involves editing and translating. It is an activity with the purpose of achieving the communicative functions of the STs by applying techniques such as summarization, deletion, combination, restructuring and rewriting to improve readability of the TT and make it easily accepted by the target readers.Specific TechniquesThis section of the paper will analyze and illustrate how to apply some of the techniques of adaptation, such as: deletion, combination, borrowing and summarization into the translation of foreign publicity under the guidance of Functionalist Translation Theory. Examples for illustration and comments on the translation are provided for each.Deletion. Chinese writing features a flowery and lyrical style while the English language tends to be factual and clear. Chinese is characterized by elegant, ornate language with exquisite diction. In order to achieve an aesthetic beauty in sound, form and meaning, four-character compounds and rhetorical devices such as antithesis, parallelism are widely employed. On the contrary, western culture tends to be comparatively objective, concrete, and plain. In order to make our translation as relevant as possible to foreign audience’s reading habits, we have to properly delete some flowery expressions and emphasize the facts only. Here are some examples which display that simplicity and preciseness are preferred in English.Example 1: The Deletion of Flowery Expressions特别是各位女士的服饰格外鲜丽,群芳荟萃、姹紫嫣红,为今天的晚宴增加了一道亮丽的风景线。
第10期2023年5月无线互联科技Wireless Internet TechnologyNo.10May,2023作者简介:赵义爱(1989 ),女,河南郑州人,硕士;研究方向:物联网㊂基于自组织映射的卷积神经网络架构研究赵义爱(郑州工业应用技术学院,河南郑州451100)摘要:辅助驾驶和自动驾驶技术将对人类的生活方式带来巨大影响,而交通标志识别技术则是其中至关重要的一环㊂为了进一步完善交通标志识别理论,文章提出了一种融合自组织映射的卷积神经网络架构㊂自组织映射能将图像样本量化至拓扑空间中,从而对微小的变化提供降维和不变性处理㊂该方法与卷积神经网络相结合,能充分利用卷积神经网络对平移㊁旋转㊁缩放和形变的部分不变性能,从而提高该架构的效率和准确度㊂经过初步测试,本系统在200个测试样本中表现出98.5%的准确率,取得了显著的成效㊂关键词:卷积神经网络;交通标志识别;自组织映射;深度学习中图分类号:TP183㊀㊀文献标志码:A 0㊀引言㊀㊀辅助驾驶和自动驾驶技术需要快速准确地从图像中检测交通标志㊂交通标志识别主要依赖于图像视觉信息,如标志的形状㊁大小和颜色等[1]㊂然而,传统的识别算法在实时测试中面临着照明强度㊁摄像头角度㊁障碍物等问题㊂此外,实现多目标检测也是目前技术面临的困难之一[2]㊂虽然深度学习作为一种机器学习方法很早就被提出,但近年来随着计算机硬件和神经网络架构的不断发展,深度学习才开始进入发展黄金时期[3]㊂卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN)是一种重要的深度学习架构,可以实现对人脸或其他图像的学习和识别[4],在人脸识别[5]㊁自动驾驶汽车[6]和智能医疗[7]等领域得到广泛应用㊂当采用CNN 模型时,并不需要太多的数据预处理任务,它主要是通过卷积完成图像特征的提取,同时不会丢失重要信息,在降维的同时也保留了与特征相关的信息[8-9]㊂因此,本研究系统性地研究了基于自组织映射(Self -organizing Map,SOM)的CNN 网络架构来实现交通标志识别㊂主要包括3个方面:对交通标志数据集进行分析和预处理㊁介绍CNN 在图像识别中的应用以及提出SOM -CNN 架构并进行数据集地训练和测试㊂实验结果表明,本研究工作具有一定的发展潜力㊂1㊀针对交通标志识别的CNN 架构1.1㊀CNN 的典型结构㊀㊀典型的CNN 由多个层组成,主要包含卷积层和池化层,如图1所示[10]㊂其中,卷积层包含有多个面,每个面都具有固定的特征检测器,与前一层的局部窗口做卷积㊂池化层在卷积层后面,用于进行局部平均和下采样操作,减少数据量,同时保留重要特征㊂在交通标志识别任务中,CNN 已被证明可以有效地识别交通标志的形状㊁颜色㊁符号等㊂该模型的成功应用主要是因为其卷积层可以学习低级特征,例如边缘和角点等,然后在池化层中进一步提取和减少特征,最终在全连接层中组合这些特征,形成对交通标志的分类和识别㊂此外,通过使用反向传播梯度下降法进行训练,可以进一步优化网络中的连接策略,从而减少网络中的权重数量,提高模型的精度和效率㊂1.2㊀SOM -CNN㊀㊀为了进一步提高CNN 架构的效率和精度,本文引入了SOM 来优化整个系统,提出了SOM -CNN 架构,如图2所示㊂该方法能将图像样本投影到量化的低维空间的SOM 上,实现局部图像采样和部分光照不变性技术的使用㊂具体研究工作包括:(1)对于集中训练的图像,在整个图像上设置固定大小的窗口(例如5ˑ5),并在每一步提取局部图像样本,其中每步中窗口移动4个像素点;(2)SOM 的3个维度可以被认为是3个特征,在图1㊀典型的CNN架构前一阶段的向量上进行训练时,SOM将25维输入向量量化为125个拓扑值;(3)在训练集和测试集中的所有图像上都会出现与(1)中相同的窗口㊂局部图像样本在每个步骤都通过SOM,从而在SOM创建的输出空间中创建新㊀㊀的训练和测试集㊂此时,每个输入图像由3个映射表示,每个映射对应于SOM中的维度㊂这些映射的大小等于输入图像的大小除以步长;(4)采用新创建的训练集训练CNN网络㊂图2㊀引入SOM的CNN架构2㊀实验设计和结果2.1㊀实验设计㊀㊀本实验采用了比利时交通标志数据集(BelgiumTraffic Signs Dataset),该数据集包括警示标志㊁优先通行标志㊁禁止通行标志㊁强制通行标志㊁停车路牌㊁指定通行标志等6大类,训练和测试数据文件夹包含62个子文件夹,所有图像的格式均为ppm㊂因此,本实验的任务是将给定图像分类为表示交通标志面板的62个类别之一㊂实验环境搭建基于Python的Tensorflow㊂Python是一种常用的编程语言,在机器学习中广泛使用㊂本实验使用的Python模块包含一个名为scikit-learntool的模块,该模块集成了大量用于监督和非监督问题的机器学习算法㊂Tensorflow则是一个多用途开源库,可以在Python,C++,Java,Scala,R等多种编程语言中使用,并可以在Unix,Windows,iOS和Android等平台上运行㊂Keras是TensorFlow的官方高级API,用于提供开发接口,其模型制作简单,支持卷积神经网络和递归神经网络以及两者的组合,支持任意连接方案(包括多输入和多输出训练)㊂2.2㊀实验结果㊀㊀经过多组实验,本文利用SOM-CNN模型对交通标志进行分类识别㊂每次实验分别具有200张训练图像,200张测试图像,并且训练和测试集之间没有重叠㊂为了比较训练和执行时间,本实验使用了NVIDIA GeForce RTX2060和3080进行对比实验,如表1所示㊂表1㊀SOM-CNN的训练时间和分类时间硬件平台训练时间/min分类时间/ms2060平均14平均0.213080平均29平均0.35实验表明,该模型对交通标志识别效果良好㊂在多次实验中,平均每200张测试图像种有3张被错误分类,其正确率约为98.5%,表现出很好的分类效果㊂3㊀结语㊀㊀交通标志检测通常基于机器学习方法,而深度神经网络的出现进一步提升了其分类精度㊂深度神经网络基于许多简单互连的神经元,可以从大量数据中提取有意义的特征以解决复杂的分类问题㊂为了进一步提高交通标志识别的准确率,文章结合现有理论开发了SOM-CNN架构,并对交通标志数据集进行了分类,取得了良好的效果㊂尽管其准确率与主流方法相比尚有差距,但其高效性使其具有一定的发展潜力㊂未来,研究人员可以通过改进结构来进一步提高SOM-CNN模型的效率和精度,并扩展模型以检测其他对象,如行人㊁动物和其他复杂障碍物,以期在实际应用中取得更好的效果㊂参考文献[1]SAADNA Y,BEHLOUL A.An overview of traffic sign detection and classification methods[J]. 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[9]HINTON G E.To recognize shapes,first learn to generate images[J].Progress in Brain Research,2007 (165):535-547.[10]HAJI S H,ABDULAZEEZ A parison of optimization techniques based on gradient descent algorithm:a review[J].PalArch s Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/Egyptology,2021(4):2715-2743.(编辑㊀王雪芬)Research on convolutional neural network architecture based on self-organizing mapZhao Yi aiZhengzhou University of Industrial Technology Zhengzhou451100 ChinaAbstract Assisted driving and automatic driving technologies are poised to greatly impact human lifestyle with traffic sign recognition technology representing a pivotal aspect thereof.To refine the theoretical underpinnings of traffic sign recognition a convolutional neural network framework combined with self-organizing map algorithm is proposed.And self-organizing map algorithm can quantize image samples into topological space thus providing dimensionality reduction and invariance processing for small changes in image samples.This method combined with the partial invariant performance of convolution neural network for translation rotation scaling and deformation improves the efficiency and accuracy of this architecture.The experimental results show that the accuracy of proposed system is 98.5%in200test samples representing a highly promising outcome.Key words convolution neural network traffic sign recognition self-organizing map deep learning。
Eugene NidaDynamic Equivalence and Formal EquivalenceEugene A. Nida (1914-- ) is a distinguished American translation theorist as well as a linguist. His translation theory has exerted a great influence on translation studies in Western countries. His work on translatoin set off the study of modern translation as an academic field, and he is regareded as “the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline” (Snell-Hornby 1988:1; Baker 1998:277)Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence is his major contribution to translation studies. The concept is first mentioned in his article “Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating”(1959) (《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》)as he attempts to define translating. In his influential work Toward a Science of Translating (1964) (《翻译原则科学探索》), he postulates dynamic equivalent translation as follows:In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation) one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that existed between the original receptors and the message (1964:159) However, he does not give a clear definition of dynamic equivalence untill 1969. In his 1969 textbook The Thoery and Practice of Translation(《翻译理论与实践》), dynamic equivalence is defined “ in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the messages in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptores in the source language”(1969:24) The expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalencev” in his work From One Language to Another (1986, with De Waard)(《从一种语言到另一种语言》). However, there is essentially not much difference between the two concepts. The substitution of “functional equivalence” is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”, which is mistaken by some persons for something in the sense of impact ( Nida 1993:124). In Language, Culture and Translating(1993)(《语言与文化:翻译中的语境》, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level. The minimal level of “functional equivalence” is defined as “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as “The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and aprreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224). The two definitions of equivalence reveal that the minimal level is realistic, whereas the maximal level is ieal. For Nida,good translations always lie somewhere between the two levels (Nida 19954:224). It can be noted that “functional equivalence” is a flexible concept with different degrees of adequacy. Dynamic EquivalenceA term introduced by Nida(1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation (see also Formal Equivalence). Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation in which “the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”(Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200, emphasis removed). In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the threefold process of Analysis, Transfer and Restructuring (Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200); formulating such a translation will entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items, making lingguistically implicit ST information explicit, and building in a certain amount of REDUNDANCY(1964:131) to aid comprehension. In a translation of this kind one is therefor not so concerned with “matching the receptor-language message with the source-laguage”; the aim is more to “relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida 1964:159). Possibly the best known example of a dynamically equivalent solution to a translation problem is seen in the decision to translate the Biblical phrase “Lamb of God” into and Eskimo language as “Seal of God”: the fact that lambs are unkown in polar regions has here led to the substitution of a culturally meaningful item which shares at least some of the important features of the SL expression (see Snell-Hornby 1988/1955:15). Nida and Taber argue that a “high degree” of equivalence of response is needed for the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that this response can never be identical with that elicited by the original(1969/1982:24). However, they also issue a warning about the limits within which the processes associated with producing dynamic equivalence remain valid: fore example, a comparison with the broadly simialr category of Linguistic Translaton reveals that only elements which are linguistically implict in TT-rather than any additional contextual information which might be necessary to a new audience—may legitimately be made explicit in TT. The notion of dynamic equivalence is of course especially relevant to Bible translation, given the particular need of Biblical translations not only to inform readers but also to present a relevant message to them and hopefully elicit a response(1969/1982:24). However, it can clearly also be applied to other genres, and indeed in many areas ( such as literary translation) it has arguably come to hold sway over other approaches (Nida 1964:160). See also Fuctional Equivalence. Further reading: Gut 1991; Nida 1964,1995: Nida & Taber 1969/1982.奈达(Nida)(1964)在《圣经》翻译中所采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程的两个基本趋向之一(另见Formal Equivalence[形式对等])。
美国著名翻译理论学家劳伦斯韦努蒂(lawrence venuti)于1995年在《译者的隐身》中提出“归化”和“异化”两种翻译策略。
归化(domestication),就是源语(source language)的语言形式、习惯和文化传统的处理以目的语(target language)为归宿,也就是用符合目的语的语言习惯和文化传统的“最切近自然对等”的概念进行翻译,以实现动态对等或功能对等。
1.良性循环的步骤,并且解Data mining’s Virtuous Cycle1)识别商业机会Identify the business opportunity在哪些商业机会中,通过分析数据能够产生价值,瞄准不同群体,调整信息手段,让企业经理做出比较有水平的决定2)将数据转换为可行操作Mining data to transform it into actionable information采用数据挖掘技术将数据变成可操作的信息,成功的数据挖掘是让数据有商业价值,而不是运用算法或工具3)按信息采取行动Acting on the information按照信息采取行动,数据挖掘的结果需要馈入到与客户接触和影响客户的商业过程中去。
(商业活动)4)测试结果Measuring the results测试工作结果,完成学习循环,通过比较预期结果和实际结果,可以为下一个良性循环找出可能的机会(市场营销活动响应率,终生客户价值)2. DM的七个步骤,并且解释1、定义商业问题(define)一个商业目标,不应该是洞察消费者行为,在数据中发现有意义的模式,找到一些令人感兴趣的事情,而是应该有价值的目标,但很难去衡量的。
Course:中英文筆譯English-Chinese Written TranslationInstructor: 蘇瑞琪博士; PH.D. in Applied Linguistics, Boston UniversityE-mail: 06-2754537; 0932792284翻譯的重要性沒有譯者,就沒有翻譯;沒有翻譯,異文化之間就無法交流,文學與文化,終將枯萎。
翻譯的定義translating (翻譯過程):進行翻譯的過程,是活動而不是有形的物體;a translation (譯作):翻譯過程的產品,即譯語語篇;translation (翻譯):一個抽象概念,包括翻譯過程和該過程的產品。
translator (譯者):翻譯過程的執行者,譯作的製作者。
Source language (來源語) (原文)Target language (目標語) (譯入語)Interpretation (口譯)Consecutive Interpretation (逐步口譯)Simultaneous Interpretation (同步口譯)Whispering Interpretation (耳譯):耳譯的方式,通常安排給會議現場中只有一兩位需要翻譯的貴賓。
John C. Catford: Translation may be defined as follows: The replacement of textural material in one language (Source Language) by equivalent textual material in another language (Target Language).翻譯可作如下界定:用一種語言(譯入語)的本文材料對等地再現另一種語言(原文) 的本文材料Translation is a process in which the parole of one language is transferred into the parole of another with the content i.e. meaning unchanged. ( Barhudarov蘇聯翻譯理論家巴爾胡達羅夫) (翻譯就是在內容、含義不變的前提下,把話語從一種語言轉化成另一種語言的過程。
络层数反而会降低识别效果。2014年,IBM 的沃森研 究中心 Sainath通过实验证明,CNN相比于 DNN具有 更强的适应能力。
CNN具有数据平移不变性,能够使网络复杂程度 降低,更便于训练。CNN被应用于不同的语音识别任 务之中。例如,Cai等[3]引入 maxout激活函数;梁玉龙 等[4]提出将 maxout和 dropout算法应用在 CNN中,均 取得不错 的 识 别 效 果。 CNN结 构 的 改 进 和 优 化 也 受 到研究人员的关注 。 [5-6]
Keywords Speechrecognition Convolutionneuralnetwork Maxoutactivationfunction Endtoend
0 引 言
随着 深 度 学 习 (DeepLearning,DL)的 发 展,浅 层 的隐马尔科夫高斯混合模型 (HiddenMarkovModel GaussianMixtureModel,HMMGMM)无 法 很 好 地 处 理 海量的语音数据,性能受到显著影响,识别精度已经不 能满足 人 们 的 要 求[1]。深 度 神 经 网 络 (DeepNeural Networks,DNN)[2]和 HMM 结合形成 DNNHMM,能够 进一步加强语音帧与帧之间的联系,在识别过程中取 得不错的效果。但是 DNN受限于网络层数,过多的网
various definitions of tranlation
Translation is an activity comprising the interpretation of the meaning of a text in one language —the source text — and the production, in another language, of a new, equivalent text — the target text, or translation.A written translation recreates the content, tone, and style of a source language document in another language. Translated documents should read as if they were originally written in the target language by a subject matter expert.Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text.The term "translation" can be generally defined as the action of interpretation of the meaning of a text, and production of an equivalent text that communicates the same message in another language.Lilova: Translation is a specific oral or written activity aimed at the recreation of an oral or written text (utterance) existing in one language into a text in another language, accompanied by keeping the invariance of content, qualities of the o riginal and author’s authenticity.R. K. Minyar-Beloruchev: Translation is a type of speech activity, aimed at transmitting a message, doubling the components of communication in those cases, when there is a discrepancy between codes used by the sender and the receiver of the message.A. Popovic: Translation is recoding of a linguistic text, accompanied by the creation of its new linguistic appearance and stylistic shape»J. Catford: Translation may be defined as follows: the replacement of textual material in one language (SL) by equivalent textual material in another language (TL).Y. P. Solodub: Translation is a creative intellectual activity, denoting the transmitting of information from a source language into a target language.V. N. Komissarov: linguistic translation can be defined as a specific type of languages correlative functioning.A. V. Fedorov: To translate means to precisely and completely express by means of one language the things that had been expressed earlier by the means of another languageP. Newmark: Translation is a craft consisting of the attempt to replace a written message and/or statement in one language by the same message and/or statement in another language.L.K. Latishev: Translation is a type of language mediation, socially serving to approximate a mediated bilingual communication by fullness, effectiveness and naturalness to a common monolingual communication.Translation is an activity which consists of variable re-expression, converting of the text in one language into the text in a different language, which is carried out by a translator, who creatively chooses variants depending on language variability resources, text type, translation tasks, and under the infuence of his (her) own personal individuality; translation is also a result of this activity.N.K. Garbovsky: Translation is a social function of communicative mediation between people, who use different language systems. This function is carried out as a psychophysical activity of a bilingual person aimed at the refection of reality on the basis of his (her) individual abilities as an interpreter, accomplishing transition from one semiotic system to another with the purpose of equivalent, i.e. maximally complete, but always partial transmission of a system of meanings, contained in a source message, from one communicant to another1, The term translation has several meanings: it can refer to the general subject field, the product(the text that has been translated) or the process(the act of producing the translation, otherwise known as translating). The process of translation between two different written languages involves the translator changing an original written text (the source language or ST) in the original verbal language (the source language or SL)into a written text (the target language or TL).------------- Jeremy Munday, 2001 Introducing Translation Studies Theories and applications2, Translation is the communication of the meaning of a source-language text by means of an equivalent target-language text. Whereas interpreting undoubtedly antedates writing, translation began only after the appearance of written literature.-------- From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia3, Changing (speech or writing) from one language into another-------------- Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English)4, translation is no longer a process simply between the source and the target texts with the translator alone in between, but a communicative interaction, a cross-culture event, and a whole complex of action involving team-work among experts, from the client to the recipient, whereby the translator plays his own role as experts.------------------------Mary Snell Hornby, 2001 Translation Studies An integrated approach5, ….translation is defined as translational action based on some kind of text. The expression ‘some kind of text’indicates a broad concept, combining verbal and nonverbal elements, situational clues and ‘hidden’ or presupposed information.-----------------Chistiane Nord, 2001 Translation as a Purposeful Activity: Functionalists Approaches Explained6, translation is, of course, a rewriting of an original text….------------ Susan Bassnett and Andre Lefevere, 1992 Translation History Culture A Sourcebook7, A translation is not a monistic composition, but an interpenetration and conglomerate of twostructures. On the one hand there are the semantic content and the formal contour of the original, On the other hand the entire system of aesthetic features bound up with the language of the translation. -------------------Susan Bassnet, 20028, the translator, as stated before, does not translate words or individual sentences (unless an islatedSentences has text status), but texts. Translation, therefore, is a text-oriented event. It follows from This that the most pertinent definition of translation is text-oriented: translation is a procedure Which leads from a written SLT to an optimally equivalent TLT and requires the syntactic, Semantic, stylistic and text-pragmatic comprehension by the translator of the original.-------------Wills, 1982。
• 并不是所有的语言学派学者都认为翻译的本质在 于“等”、“等值”或“对等”。如英国著名翻 译理论家纽马克(Peter Newmark)就认为“诸 如翻译单位、翻译等值、翻译恒值、评判翻译的 详细方案等命题,我认为都没有什么用处;它们 要么理论性太强,要么太武断”。 (Other subjects such as the unit of translation, translation equivalence, translation invariance, detailed schemes for assessing translation, I regard as dead ducks—either too theoretical or too arbitrary. )
• 自上世纪七十年代开始,西方翻译研究领 域出现了众多的学派,比如交际学派、功 能学派、阐释学派、描述学派、多元系统 学派、解构主义学派、后殖民主义学派, 等等。翻译理论家们从不同的角度对翻译 进行思考和研究,从多个方面对翻译的本 质进行了揭示。
• 从活动方式来看,翻译还有笔译与口译之分,而 后者又可以进一步分为交替传译、同声传译、视 译、联络传译、耳语传译等不同的类型。 • 从翻译的结果来看,翻译同样呈现出样态的丰富 性。同一原文的不同译文之间会有很多的不同, 而其原因是相当复杂的,既有时代背景和语言变 迁的因素,也有不同译者对原文理解及个人行文 风格不同的因素,需要我们从不同的角度去观察 和分析。
• 在语言学派对翻译本质的论述中,核心的观念就 是“等值”或“对等”。如雅科布逊认为,“翻 译涉及的是两种不同语符中的两个等值的信息, 即在不同的语言现象中求得等值。”与雅可布逊 类似,伦敦学派的代表人物卡特福德(J.C. Catford)也认为,翻译是“用一种等值的语言 (译语)的文本材料去替换另一种语言(原语) 的文本材料……翻译实践的核心问题就是寻找目 的语中的翻译等值物(translation equivalents), 翻译理论的中心任务则是界定翻译等值的性质和 条件”。
深度学习英文课件:卷积神经网络(Convolutional Neural Networks,CNN)
Convolutional NeuralNetworksCMSC 733 Fall 2015Angjoo KanazawaOverviewGoal: Understand what Convolutional Neural Networks (ConvNets) are & intuition behind it.1.Brief Motivation for Deep Learning2.What are ConvNets?3.ConvNets for Object DetectionFirst of all what is Deep Learning?●Composition of non-linear transformation ofthe data.●Goal: Learn useful representations, akafeatures, directly from data.●Many varieties, can be unsupervised or supervised.●Today is about ConvNets, which is a supervised deeplearning method.Recap: Supervised LearningSlide: M. RanzatoSupervised Learning: ExamplesSlide: M. RanzatoSupervised Deep LearningSo deep learning is about learning feature representation in acompositional manner.But wait,why learn features?Traditional Recognition ApproachPreprocessingFeatureExtraction(HOG, SIFT, etc)Post-processing(Feature selection,MKL etc)Classifier(SVM,boosting, etc)Traditional Recognition ApproachPreprocessingFeatureExtraction(HOG, SIFT, etc)Post-processing(Feature selection,MKL etc)Classifier(SVM,boosting, etc)H a n dE n g i ne e r e d●Most critical for accuracy ●Most time-consuming in development ●What is the best feature???●What is next?? Keep on crafting better features?⇒ Let’s learn feature representation directly from data.Preprocessing Feature Extraction (HOG, SIFT, etc)Post-processing (Feature selection, MKL etc)Learn features and classifiertogether⇒ Learn an end-to-end recognition system.A non-linear map that takes raw pixels directly to labels.Each box is a simple nonlinear function●Composition is at the core of deep learning methods ●Each “simple function” will have parameters subject toLayer 1Layer 2Layer 3Layer 4The final layer outputs a probability distribution of categories.A simple single layer Neural Network Consists of a linear combination of inputthrough a nonlinear function:W is the weight parameter to be learned.x is the output of the previous layerf is a simple nonlinear function. Popular choice is max(x,0), called ReLu (Rectified Linear Unit)1 layer: Graphical Representationff f h is called a neuron, hidden unit or feature.Joint training architecture overviewReduce connection to local regionsReuse the same kernel everywhereBecause interestingfeatures (edges) canhappen at anywhere inthe image.Convolutional Neural NetsDetailIf the input has 3 channels (R,G,B), 3 separate k by k filter is applied to each channel.Output of convolving 1 feature is called a feature map.This is just sliding window, ex. the output of one part filter of DPM is a feature mapUsing multiple filters Each filter detects features inthe output of previous layer.So to capture different features, learn multiple filters.Example of filteringSlide: R.FergusBuilding Translation InvarianceBuilding Translation Invariance via Spatial PoolingPooling also subsamples the image,allowing the next layer to look at largerspatial regions.Summary of a typical convolutional layerDoing all of this consists onelayer.○Pooling and normalization isoptional.Stack them up and train just like multi-layer neural nets.Final layer is usually fully connectedneural net with output size == number ofclassesRevisiting the composition ideaEvery layer learns a feature detector by combining the output of the layer before.⇒ More and more abstract features are learned as we stack layers.Keep this in mind and let’s look at what kind of things ConvNets learn.Slide: R.FergusArchitecture of Alex Krizhevsky et al.●8 layers total.●Trained on Imagenet Dataset(1000 categories, 1.2Mtraining images, 150k testimages)●18.2% top-5 error○Winner of the ILSVRC-2012 challenge.Architecture of Alex Krizhevsky et al.First layer filtersShowing 81 filters of 11x11x3.Capture low-level features like oriented edges, blobs.Note these oriented edges are analogous to what SIFT uses to compute the gradients.Top 9 patches that activate each filterin layer 1Each 3x3 block showsthe top 9 patches forone filter.Note how the previous low-level features are combined to detect a little more abstract features like textures.。
美国翻译培训派(The American Translation Workshop)注重文学作品的翻译,其指导思想是翻译是一门艺术,培训班可以加强学生对文学、语言和诠释的认识和理解,进而通过翻译经验的交流提高翻译技艺和水平.里查兹、庞德和威尔是该学派的主要代表.里查兹(I. A. Richards)曾在哈佛大学创办阅读培训班,为翻译培训班提供了丰富的实践经验。
庞德(Ezra Pound)认为文学作品刻意塑造的是形象,而非内容或意义。
威尔(Frederic Will)认为文学作品是表现自我、统一而连贯的形式,能赋予我们洞悉事物本质的能力。
美国翻译培训派对人类主观无意识的研究、强调文学翻译中的“创造性转换(creative transposition)”、注重文学作品的文学价值以及在译文忠实的标准问题上提出的新颖观点等,都对其后的翻译学派产生了巨大影响。
翻译科学派(The Science of Translation)亦称翻译语言学派,包括布拉格学派、伦敦学派、美国结构学派、交际理论派和俄国语言学派。
la belle indifference 泰然漠视lab 实验室labefaction 衰落label 标记label coding 标记编码label symbol 标记符号labeled leucine 标记亮氨酸labeled sodium ion 示踪钠离子labeling 标记labeling 定名labeling control 标号控制器labeling response 标定反应labeling theory 标记论labial stop 唇音labialism 唇音滥用labile 易变的labile determination 不稳定决定labile factor 不稳定因素labile gene 易变基因labile state 不稳定状态lability 不稳定性lability of nervous process 神经过程的灵活性labilitzation 易变作用labiochorea 唇舞病labiology 唇运动学labiomancy 唇读法labor 劳动labor aptitude 工作适应性labor capacity 劳动能力labor condition 劳动条件labor efficiency 劳动效率labor environment 工作环境labor exchange 职业介绍所labor force 劳动力labor force statistics 劳动力统计资料labor force survey 劳动力调查labor hygiene 劳动卫生labor index 劳动指标labor intensity 劳动强度labor management 劳动管理labor physiology 劳动生理学labor power 劳动力labor protection 劳动保护labor psychology 劳动心理学labor quota 劳动定额labor research 劳工研究labor science 劳动科学labor time 劳动时间labor time standard 工时定额labor turnover 工作调换labor turnover 员工离职labor union 工会labor variance 人工差异laboratory 实验室laboratory animal 实验动物laboratory design 实验室设计laboratory equipment 实验室设备laboratory experiment 实验室实验laboratory manual 实验手册laboratory method 实验法laboratory observation 实验观察laboratory technique 实验室技术laboratory training 实验室训练labored breathing 困难呼吸laborer 劳动者labor management committee 劳动管理委员会labor management co operation 劳动管理合作labor management relations 劳动管理关系labour 劳动labyrinth 迷路labyrinth apparatus 迷路器官labyrinth disorder 迷路失调labyrinth test 迷路测验labyrinthectomy 迷路切除术labyrinthine 迷路的labyrinthine pathway 迷路小径labyrinthine system 迷路系统labyrinthitis 迷路炎labyrinths membranaceus 膜迷路labyrinthus 迷路labyrinthus oticus 耳迷路lachrymal 泪的lachrymal gland 泪腺lachrymation 流泪lachrymose 爱哭的lack 缺乏lack frustation 缺乏挫折lack of balance 不平衡lack of identification 识别不足lack of invariance 不变性欠缺lackluster 无生气lactation 生乳lacuna 空白lacuna of superego 超我缺陷lacunar amnesia 间隙性遗忘lacunar dementia 间隙性痴呆lad 男孩lad 语言掌握装置ladd franklin color theory 拉德佛兰克林颜色学说ladd franklin theory 拉德佛兰克林学说ladd franklin theory of color vision 拉德佛兰克林色觉说lafora s bodies 拉福拉体lafora s disease 肌阵挛性癫痫lag 延迟lag in technology 技术落后lag phase 停滞期lag phase 延缓期lagena 蜗管顶盲端laggard 落后者lagged effort 延迟产生的影响lagger 囚犯lagging 延迟lagneuomania 色情狂lagnosis 色情laissez faire 放任laissez faire atmosphere 放任气氛laissez faire family 放任型家庭laissez faire group 放任团体laissez faire leader 放任型领袖laissez faire leadership 放任性领导laissez faire parents 放任型父母laitmatophobia 深渊恐怖症laliatry 言语病学laliopobia 言语恐怖症lallation 重复无意义者lallation 喃语lalling 喃语lalognosis 言语理解laloneurosis 精神性言语障碍lalopathy 言语障碍lalophobia 谈话恐怖症laloplegia 言语器官麻痹lalorrhea 多言癖lambert 朗伯lambert s law 朗伯定律lambert s treatment 朗伯特疗法lamella 板lamella 层lament 悲伤lamina 层状体lamprophonia 语音清晰land effect 兰德颜色效应land of childhood 童年领域landolt c 兰道环视标landolt ring 兰道环landouzy grasset law 蓝杜兹格腊塞定律landscaped office 环境优美办公室language 语言language acquisition 语言习得language acquisition device 语言掌握装置language and speech 语言和言语language barrier 语言障碍language center 语言中枢language competence 语言表达能力language contact 语言接触language defect 语言缺陷language development 语言发展language development of children 儿童语言发展language disability 语言缺陷language engineering 语言工程学language family 语系language handicap 语言障碍language in great apes 猿类语言language laboratory 语言实验室language learning 语言学习language localization 语言区位化language master 语言教师language modalities test for aphasia 失语症语态测验language of image 形象语言language of information 信息语言language performance 语言表达language pictorial display apparatus 语图仪language processor 语言处理程序language redundancy 语言冗余度language sense 语感language situation 语境language skill 语言技能language translation 语言翻译language acquisition device 语言获得装置language acquisition system 获取语言系统language behavior 语言行为language disordered children 语言障碍儿童language game 语言游戏languor 倦怠languor 无力lannet 大型人造神经网络lantern 幻灯lantern slide 幻灯片lapse 失误lapse 癫痫小发作lapsus calami 笔误lapsus linguae 失言lapsus memoriae 记错larceny 偷窃larch key children 钥匙儿large artificial nerve network 大型人造神经网络large group 大群体large group discussion method 大组讨论法large muscle motor skill 大肌肉运动技能large number of observation 大量观察法large sample 大样本large for date infant llarge for gestational age infantlarge sample distribution 大样本分布large sample estimation 大样本估计large sample test 大样本检验large sample testing method 大样本检验法large scale experiment 大规模试验large scale survey 大规模调查large unit method 大单位法larithmics 人口学larithmics 种群增长因素学larval development type 幼体发育类型larval masturbation 隐蔽性手淫laryngeal plexus 喉神经丛laryngeal tone 喉音laryngemphraxis 喉阻塞laryngendoscope 喉内镜laryngismus 喉痉挛laryngismus stridulus 喘鸣性喉痉挛laryngitis 喉炎laryngograph 喉动描记器laryngography 喉描记术laryngology 喉科学laryngoparalysis 喉麻痹laryngoscope 喉镜laryngoscopy 喉镜检查laryngospasmus 喉痉挛laryngostroboscope 喉动态镜laryngoxerosis 喉干燥症larynx 喉larynx sound source 喉头原音lascivia 色情狂lasegue s disease 拉塞路病lasegue s disease 迫害狂laser 激光laser irradiation 激光照射lashley jumping box 拉士利跳箱lashley jumping stand 拉士利跳台lassitude 疲乏latah 谵妄症late adolescence 青春晚期late bloomer 成熟晚的人late childhood 童年晚期late component of evoked potential 诱发电位晚成分late developer 发育迟缓者late maturer 迟熟者late receptor potential 迟发感受器电位late replicating 延迟复制late selection model 晚期选择模型latency 潜伏状态latency of response 反应潜在能力latency period 潜伏期latency stage 潜伏阶段latent 潜伏的latent class analysis 潜伏组分析latent class model 潜在组模型latent content 潜性内容latent defect 潜在缺点latent demand 潜在要求latent distance model 潜在距离模型latent dream 潜性梦latent dream content 潜伏梦意latent epilepsy 隐性癫痫latent extinction 潜在消退latent force 潜力latent homosexuality 潜隐型同性恋latent image 潜象latent learning 潜伏学习latent need 潜性需求latent of energy 潜能latent paranoia 潜隐型偏执狂latent period 潜伏期latent premise 潜在前提latent process 潜在过程latent psychosis 隐性精神病latent schizophrenia 潜隐型精神分裂症latent stage 性欲潜伏期latent structure analysis 潜在结构分析latent time 潜伏时间latent trait 潜在特质latent trait model 潜在特质模型latent trait theory 潜在特质理论latent unemployment 潜在失业lateral acceleration 侧向加速度lateral column 侧柱lateral dominance 边利lateral dominance 一侧优势lateral fissure 外侧裂lateral geniculate body 外侧膝状体lateral geniculate nucleus 外侧膝状核lateral horn 侧角lateral hypothalamus 外侧下丘脑lateral hypothalamus area 外侧下丘脑区lateral inhibition 一侧抑制lateral inhibition mechanism 一侧抑制机制lateral lemniscus 外侧丘系lateral masking 边缘掩蔽lateral nerve cord 侧神经索lateral olfactory tract 外侧嗅束lateral phototropism 侧屈光性lateral sulcus 外侧沟lateral symmetry 两侧对称lateral thinking 水平思维lateral transfer 水平迁移lateral ventricle 侧脑室lateral vestibulospinal tract 外侧前庭脊髓束laterality 边利性laterality 一侧优势laterality preference schedule 利侧表lateralization 单侧化lateralization of brain 大脑机能一侧化laterodeviation 侧向偏斜lateroposition 偏侧变位latin square 拉丁方latin square design 拉丁方设计latin square experiment 拉丁方实验法latin square stratification 拉丁方分层latin square test 拉丁方测验lattice experimental design 格点实验设计lattice sampling 格点抽样lattice group model 格点群模式laughter 大笑laumonier s ganglion 颈动脉神经节laurence biedl syndrome 劳伦斯比德尔综合症law 定律law 规律law and order orientation 顺从权威取向law of action and reaction 作用与反作用定律law of advantage 优势法则law of all or none 全或无律law of analogy 类比律law of assimilation 同化律law of association 联想律law of asymmetry 不对称律law of autonomic affective 自律情感性定律law of avalanche 爆发定律law of avalanche 雪崩定律law of average 平均法则law of belongingness 相属律law of biogenetic mental 心理生物发生律law of causality 因果律law of causation 因果律law of chance 机遇律law of closure 闭合法则law of coexistence 并存律law of cognition 认识规律law of cohesion 附着律law of color mixture 颜色混合律law of color preference 颜色偏爱法则law of comparative judgment 比较判断法则law of compensation 补尝法则law of complementary colors 补色律law of conditioned 条件律law of conditioning relations 条件关系律制约关律law of contemporaneity 同时性法则law of contiguity 时近律law of continuity 连续律law of contradiction 矛盾律law of contraposition 逆反律law of contrast 对比律law of contrast innervation 颉顽神经支配定律law of denervation 神经去除定律law of development 发展规律law of developmental direction 发展方向规律law of difference 差异律law of diffusion 扩散律law of diminishing returns 效果递减法则law of disharmony 不调和律law of displacement 位移律law of disuse 失用律law of dominance 显性定律law of dominance 优势定律law of effect 效果律law of equality 均等律law of error 误差律law of exercise 练习律law of filial regression 后裔归法则law of fixation 固着律law of frequency 频次律law of good pattern 良好模式律law of good shape 良形法则law of great number 大数法则law of growth 增长律law of higher nervous activity 高级神经活动规律law of identical direction 同向法则law of identical visual direction 同视向律law of identity 同一律law of imitation 模仿律law of independent assortment 独立分配律law of individual variability 个体变异定律law of inertia 惯性律law of intermediary color 中间色律law of large numbers 大数定律law of learning 学习律law of limiting factor 限制因素律law of logarithmic 对数定律law of logarithmic function 对数函数定律law of mass action 质量作用定律law of motion 运动定律law of nature 自然律law of parsimony 简约律law of part activity 部分活动法则law of participation 参与律law of piecemeal activity 片断活动律law of possibility 或然律law of power function 幂函数定律law of pragnanz 趋完形律law of precision 精确律law of pregnancy 趋完满律law of primacy 初始法则law of primacy 首因律law of prior entry 先入律law of probability 概率律law of progression 渐进律law of readiness 准备律law of recapitulation 重演律law of recency 近因律law of regeneration 再生律law of reinforcement 强化律law of repetition 重复律law of resemblance 类似律law of retrogression 退行律law of satisfaction 满足律law of shifting 转移律law of sign 符号律law of similarity 类似律law of similitude 相似律law of situation 情境律law of small numbers 小数定律law of somatopsychic development 身心发展规律law of specific energy of sensation 感觉特殊能力说law of specific sense energy 特殊感觉能力说law of stimulus summation 刺激加算法则law of substitution 代替律law of symmetry 对称性定律law of tension 紧张律law of thought 思维律law of use 使用律law of vision 视觉法则law of vision angle 视角法则law of “unity of opposites"矛盾统一律lawful age 法定年龄laws of vibrate 奥尔贝特法则law abiding psychology 守法心理学lay analyst 非医科专业心理分析家lay off 解雇layer of rods and cones 网膜棒锥层layer of structure 结构层次lay off rate 解雇率laziness 懒惰lazy sabotage 怠工ldg 无领导讨论小组le 职业介绍所lead 领先lead lag control 提前量控制leader 领导者leader behavior description questionnaire 领导者行为描述问卷leader effectiveness 领袖效率leader opinion questionnaire 领导者意见问卷leader reward and punishment questionnaire 领导者奖惩问卷leader status 领导地位leader style 领导风格leaderless discussion group 无领导讨论小组leadership behavior 领导行为leadership behavior description questionnaire 领导行为详目问卷leadership functions 领导功能leadership opinion questionnaire 领导意见问卷leadership patterns 领导模式leadership skills 领导技能leadership style 领袖风格leadership training 领导训练leader s position 领导的地位leader follower relationship in animals 动物首领与随从关系leader member exchange theory 领导者成员交换理论leader member relations 领导者与部下关系leader participation model 领导参与模式leading 领导leading eye 主眼leading question 引导性问题leading role 主导作用leading schedule 主要表格leading variable 前项变量leakage 泄漏leapfrog 跳背游戏leapfrog test 跳步测验learned behavior 习得行为learned fear 学得的恐惧learned goal 习得目标learned helplessness 学得无助感learned industriousness 习得勤奋性learned reinforcement 学得性强化learned response 习得反应learned specific hunger 习得的特异性饥饿learner 学习者learning 学习learning ability 学习能力learning activity 学习活动learning and maturation 学习与成熟learning and memory 学习与记忆learning and motivation 学习与动机learning assumption 学习假设learning by association 联想学习learning by contract 合同学习learning by doing 从做中学learning by imitation 模仿学习learning by insight 顿悟学习learning capacity 学习能力learning coefficient 学习系数learning collective 学习集体learning contrast 学习对比learning criterion 学习准则learning curve 学习曲线learning cycle 学习周期learning difficulty 学习困难learning dilemma 学习困境learning disability 学习不能learning disturbance 学习障碍learning drive 学习内驱力learning effect 学习效果learning efficiency 学习效率learning environment inventory 学习环境调查表learning evaluation 学习评价learning function 学习函数learning goals 学习目的learning guide 学习指导learning hierarchy 学习层次learning how to think 学会学习learning in attitude formation 态度形成学习learning in invertebrate 无脊椎动物的学习learning incentive 学习的诱因learning initiative 学习积极性learning interest 学习兴趣learning method 学习方法learning model 学习模式learning motivation 学习动机learning of evaluation 学习评价learning of learn 学会学习learning of problem solving 解决问题的学习learning of structure 构造学习learning organization 学习型组织learning outcome 学习结果learning plateau 学习高原learning potential assessment device 学习潜能测定法learning procedure 学习程序learning process 学习过程learning psychology 学习心理学learning readiness 学习准备learning retention 学习记忆保持learning sequence 学习顺序learning set 学习定势learning simulation 学习模拟learning situation 学习情景learning strategy 学习策略learning style 学习类型learning target 学习目标learning theory 学习理论learning therapy 学习治疗learning through insight 顿悟学习法learning through living 从生活中学习learning through trial and error 尝试错误学习learning to learn 学会学习learning to master 掌握学习learning track 学习途径learning transfer 学习迁移learning types 学习类型learning with alteration problem 交替问题学习learning with discrimination versa problem 辨别颠倒学习learning with oddity problem 奇偶问题学习learning with whole hearted devotion 专心致志learning without responding 无反应的学习leary interpersonal check list 利里人际检核表least absolute error 最小绝对误差least absolute value 最小绝对值least action 最小作用量least effort principle 最省力原则least energy 最小能量least energy principle 省能原则least error 最小误差least perceptible difference 最小可觉差最小可觉差least perceptible duration 最短可觉时间最短可觉时间least preference co worker scale 最不喜欢的共事者量表least preferred coworker 最差同事least preferred coworker questionnaire 最难共事者问卷least preferred coworker scores 最差同事得点least significant difference 最低显著性差异least square 最小平方least square analysis 最小平方分析least square equations 最小平方方程least square estimation 最小平方估计least square method 最小平方法least square normal equation 最小平方常规方程least square principle 最小平方原理least square solution 最小平方解least waist circumference 最小腰围leaving method 留置调查法leaving the field 逃避现实leber s congenital amaurosis 勒伯尔先天性黑蒙leber s disease 勒伯尔病leber s optic atrophy 勒伯尔神经萎缩lecture 演讲lecture method 演讲法lee boot effect 李布特效应lee clark reading readiness test 李克二氏阅读具备测验left handedness 左利手left hemisphere 左半球left visual acuity 左视敏度left brain dominance 左脑优势left brained 左脑性的left eared 善用左耳的left eyed 善用左眼的left hand dominance 左手优势left handedness 左利手left hander 左撇子leg 腿leg length 小腿长leg of preferential side 利腿leg skill 腿部技能leg strength 腿力legal authority 法定权威legal consciousness 法律意识legal guarantee 法律保证legal liability 法律责任legal prevention 法律预防legal psychology 法律心理学legal psychology 法制心理legal regulation 法律条例legal responsibility 法律责任legal rights 法定权力legal sanction 法律制裁legal separation 合法分居legal time 合法时间legal validity 法律效力legibility 易读性legibility 字迹清晰性legibility of display 显示易读性legislative psychology 立法心理学legitimacy 合法性legitimacy 正统性legitimate birth rate 合法出生率legitimate claim 合法要求legitimate inference 合理推断legitimate political behavior 合法政治行为legitimate power 合法权力leichtenstern s encephalitis 出血性脑炎leichtenstern s sign 莱希敦斯坦症leipopsychia 失神leipzig laboratory 莱比锡实验室leisure 闲暇leisure time 休闲时间leiter adult intelligence scale 利特成人智力量表leiter international performance scale 雷特国际通用操作量表lek display 列克展示lemniscal pathway 丘索通路lemniscus 丘系length and area estimation apparatus 长度和面积估计器length conservation 长度守恒length illusion 长度错觉length of upper extremity 上肢长length of working cycle 工作周期leniency effect 仁慈效应leniency error 宽容评价误差lennox syndrome 雷诺克斯综合症lens 水晶体lens model 水晶体模式lenticonus 圆锥形晶状体lenticular 晶状体的lenticular aphasia 豆状核性失语lenticular astigmatism 晶状体性散光lenticular nucleus 晶状体核lenticular stereoscope 透镜式实体镜lentiform nucleus 豆状核lentiglobus 球形晶状体lentitis 晶状体炎lentoid 透镜状结构leptocephalia 狭长头畸形leptokurtic 尖峰的leptokurtic distribution 高狭峰分配leptophonia 声弱leptosome 瘦弱型lerch s percussion 落槌叩诊lerema 儿稚样言语leresis 冗谈lermoyez s syndrome 莱尔马耶综合症lesbian 女性同性恋lesbianism 女性同性恋lesch nyhan syndrome 李乃氏综合症lesion 病变lesion 损伤leter international performance scale 雷特国际操作量表lethal 致命的lethal catatonia 致命性紧张症lethal factor 致死因素lethargic 昏睡的lethargy 嗜睡症lethargy by inducing 诱导性迷睡letheomania 麻醉药癖letheral 记忆缺失的lethologica 词性遗忘letter 字母letter code 字母代码letter string 字母串letter sequence 词序leucine 白氨酸leucitis 巩膜炎leucotomy 脑白质切除术leudet s tinnitus 勒代耳鸣leukaemia 白血病leukencephalitis 脑白质炎leukodystrophy 脑白质营养不良leukoecephalopathy 脑白质病leukoma 角膜白斑leukoscope 色光光度计leukotomy 脑白质切除术leuko encephalitis 脑白质炎levator 提肌level 层次level 水平level i ability 第一层能力level ii ability 第二层能力level indicator 水平仪level of ability 能力水平level of abstraction 抽象程度level of achievement 成就水平level of activation 活动水平level of aggregation 综合水平level of anticipation 预期层次level of aspiration 抱负水平level of aspiration 志趣水平level of confidence 信心程度level of consciousness 意识水平level of development 发展水平level of intelligence 智力水平level of living 生活水平level of modernization 现代化水平level of operation 作业水平level of optimization 最优化水平level of processing 加工水平level of processing hypothesis 加工水平说level of significance 显著性水平level of significance test 显著性检验水平leveling 平抑作用leveling style 平稳型levels of processing theory 处理层次论levels of processing theory of memory 记忆加工层次论level of processing model 加工水平模型levophobia 左位恐怖症lewin s personality theory 勒温个性理论lexical 词汇lexical access 词汇接触lexical memory 字汇记忆lexicology 词汇学lgn 外侧膝状核lh 黄体生长激素lh 外侧下丘脑外侧下视丘lha 外侧下丘脑区lhrf 黄体生成素释放因子liability 责任liaisons 联络人libel 诽谤liberal education 文科教育liberomotor 随意运动的liberty 意志自由libidinal object 力对象libidinal phases 欲力期libidinal transference 力转移libidinal type 欲力类型libido analog 欲力取代libido fixation 力比多固着license 证书lichtheim s aphasia 利希海姆氏失语症lichtheim s plaque 利希海姆斑lichtheim s test 利希海姆测验。
Brief Introduction
◆November 11, 1914,born in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma(美 国俄克拉何马市) ◆1936 , graduated from the University of California ◆1943 received his Ph.D. in Linguistics from the University of Michigan ◆Nida retired 1980, he continued to give lectures in universities all around the world. ◆He died in Madrid(马德里) on August 25, 2011, aged 96
• 尤金·A·奈达(Eugene A.Nida) ,语言学家,翻译家,翻译理论 家。1914年11月11日,出生于 美国俄克拉何马市。2011年8月 25日,在西班牙马德里与世长 辞,享年96岁。 1943年获密歇 根大学语言学博士学位,接着长 期在美国圣经学会主持翻译部的 工作,曾任美国语言学会主席, 1980年退休后任顾问。奈达是 一位杰出的语言学家,他到过 96个国家,在一百多所大学讲 过讲座,来中国有13次之多, 直至2003年,奈达8quivalence文体对等
Different stylistic works have different language features.Achieving stylistic equivalence needs good mastery of both source language and target language. Different language styles represent different culture elements.
• 在语言学派对翻译本质的论述中,核心的观念就 是“等值”或“对等”。如雅科布逊认为,“翻 译涉及的是两种不同语符中的两个等值的信息, 即在不同的语言现象中求得等值。”与雅可布逊 类似,伦敦学派的代表人物卡特福德(J.C. Catford)也认为,翻译是“用一种等值的语言 (译语)的文本材料去替换另一种语言(原语) 的文本材料……翻译实践的核心问题就是寻找目 的语中的翻译等值物(translation equivalents), 翻译理论的中心任务则是界定翻译等值的性质和 条件”。
• [Translation] may very probably be the most complex type of event yet produced in the evolution of the cosmos. (I. A. Richards)
• [A translation is] taken to be any targetlanguage utterance which is presented or regarded as such within the target culture, on whatever grounds. (Gideon Toury)
• 雅可布逊(Roman Jakobson)将翻译划分为三 种类型:语际翻译(interlingual translation)、 语内翻译(intralingual translation)和符际翻译 (intersemiotic translation)。
• 从处理方式的角度来看,翻译有全译与变译之分。 全译是与原文完全对应的翻译,即原文是怎样的 形式,译文也应该是怎样的形式,原文的内容是 什么,译文也应该完全包含这些内容。在全译之 外,我们在平时的阅读中还经常接触到节译、摘 译、缩译、编译、改译、译述等。这些不同的处 理方式称为“变译”或“翻译的变体”。
刘宓庆以为中国旳翻译理论必须置于世界旳大格局中求生存、谋发展,同步应该具有自 己旳特色。为建立一种这么旳翻译理论体系,他提出必须遵守下列几条原则作为自己旳 发展策略:
一、注重中国译论旳文化战略考量。 二、强调“重描写、重意义、重功能”旳基本理论取向。 三、注重整体性整合研究。
第一,老式译论在认识论上有问题,因而范围研究十分单薄,使翻译 理论探讨带有明 显旳封闭性,千余年中甚少开拓。 第二,老式翻译基本理论命题有限,对策性较弱。古典译论家中不乏精言宏论,但一直 没有建立起自己旳基本理论体系。 第三,老式译论旳研究措施必须革新。
刘靖之(翻译家、教授)在为该书第一版写旳序中指出:“翻译研究和 教学至今仍不得不采用欧美翻译理论, 但因为语言差别问题, 汉英互译 中遇到旳问题还难以得到很好旳回答, 而刘宓庆旳这本书有利于建立更 具有针对性旳理论体系, 处理我们自己旳问题”。
伴随翻译学学科地位确实立,翻译学研究愈往纵深发展,西方译学发 展迅速,中国译学研究也逐渐走入正轨。当代翻译理论大家刘宓庆探讨了 几乎有关翻译旳全部问题,涉及翻译理论旳职能和基本原则;翻译学旳性 质及学科架构;翻译理论旳基本模式;翻译旳意义理论和了解理论;翻译 过程解析;翻译思维;可译性理论探索;翻译(涉及笔译和口译)旳措施 论理论探讨;翻译美学; 翻译旳风格论等等。
Part four: References
[ 1 ] Leo Tak-hung Chan.2023.Twentieth-Century Chinese Translation Theory.John Benjamins Pulishing Company.
Eugene NidaDynamic Equivalence and Formal EquivalenceEugene A. Nida (1914-- ) is a distinguished American translation theorist as well as a linguist. His translation theory has exerted a great influence on translation studies in Western countries. His work on translatoin set off the study of modern translation as an academic field, and he is regareded as “the patriarch of translation study and a founder of the discipline” (Snell-Hornby 1988:1; Baker 1998:277)Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence is his major contribution to translation studies. The concept is first mentioned in his article “Principles of Translation as Exemplified by Bible Translating”(1959) (《从圣经翻译看翻译原则》)as he attempts to define translating. In his influential work Toward a Science of Translating (1964) (《翻译原则科学探索》), he postulates dynamic equivalent translation as follows:In such a translation (dynamic equivalent translation) one is not so concerned with matching the receptor-language message with the source-language message, but with the dynamic relationship, that the relationship between receptor and message should be substantially the same as that existed between the original receptors and the message (1964:159) However, he does not give a clear definition of dynamic equivalence untill 1969. In his 1969 textbook The Thoery and Practice of Translation(《翻译理论与实践》), dynamic equivalence is defined “ in terms of the degree to which the receptors of the messages in the receptor language respond to it in substantially the same manner as the receptores in the source language”(1969:24) The expression “dynamic equivalence” is superseded by “functional equivalencev” in his work From One Language to Another (1986, with De Waard)(《从一种语言到另一种语言》). However, there is essentially not much difference between the two concepts. The substitution of “functional equivalence” is just to stress the concept of function and to avoid misunderstandings of the term “dynamic”, which is mistaken by some persons for something in the sense of impact ( Nida 1993:124). In Language, Culture and Translating(1993)(《语言与文化:翻译中的语境》, “functional equivalence” is further divided into categories on two levels: the minimal level and the maximal level. The minimal level of “functional equivalence” is defined as “The readers of a translated text should be able to comprehend it to the point that they can conceive of how the original readers of the text must have understood and appreciated it”. The maximal level is stated as “The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and aprreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did” (Nida 1993:118; 1995:224). The two definitions of equivalence reveal that the minimal level is realistic, whereas the maximal level is ieal. For Nida,good translations always lie somewhere between the two levels (Nida 19954:224). It can be noted that “functional equivalence” is a flexible concept with different degrees of adequacy. Dynamic EquivalenceA term introduced by Nida(1964) in the context of Bible translation to describe one of two basic orientations found in the process of translation (see also Formal Equivalence). Dynamic equivalence is the quality which characterizes a translation in which “the message of the original text has been so transported into the receptor language that the response of the receptor is essentially like that of the original receptors”(Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200, emphasis removed). In other words, a dynamically equivalent translation is one which has been produced in accordance with the threefold process of Analysis, Transfer and Restructuring (Nida & Taber 1969/1982:200); formulating such a translation will entail such procedures as substituting TL items which are more culturally appropriate for obscure ST items, making lingguistically implicit ST information explicit, and building in a certain amount of REDUNDANCY(1964:131) to aid comprehension. In a translation of this kind one is therefor not so concerned with “matching the receptor-language message with the source-laguage”; the aim is more to “relate the receptor to modes of behavior relevant within the context of his own culture” (Nida 1964:159). Possibly the best known example of a dynamically equivalent solution to a translation problem is seen in the decision to translate the Biblical phrase “Lamb of God” into and Eskimo language as “Seal of God”: the fact that lambs are unkown in polar regions has here led to the substitution of a culturally meaningful item which shares at least some of the important features of the SL expression (see Snell-Hornby 1988/1955:15). Nida and Taber argue that a “high degree” of equivalence of response is needed for the translation to achieve its purpose, although they point out that this response can never be identical with that elicited by the original(1969/1982:24). However, they also issue a warning about the limits within which the processes associated with producing dynamic equivalence remain valid: fore example, a comparison with the broadly simialr category of Linguistic Translaton reveals that only elements which are linguistically implict in TT-rather than any additional contextual information which might be necessary to a new audience—may legitimately be made explicit in TT. The notion of dynamic equivalence is of course especially relevant to Bible translation, given the particular need of Biblical translations not only to inform readers but also to present a relevant message to them and hopefully elicit a response(1969/1982:24). However, it can clearly also be applied to other genres, and indeed in many areas ( such as literary translation) it has arguably come to hold sway over other approaches (Nida 1964:160). See also Fuctional Equivalence. Further reading: Gut 1991; Nida 1964,1995: Nida & Taber 1969/1982.奈达(Nida)(1964)在《圣经》翻译中所采用的术语,用来描述翻译过程的两个基本趋向之一(另见Formal Equivalence[形式对等])。
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Translation invariance in a network of oscillatory unitsA.Ravishankar Rao,Guillermo A.Cecchi,Charles C.Peck and JamesR.KozloskiIBM T.J.Watson Research CenterYorktown Heights,NY10598{ravirao,gcecchi,cpeck,kozloski}@ABSTRACTOne of the important features of the human visual system is that it is able to recognize objects in a scale and translational invariant manner.However,achieving this desirable behavior through biologically realistic networks is a challenge.Neurons may be modeled as oscillatory dynamical units.It is possible for a network of these units to exhibit syn-chronized oscillations under the right conditions.The synchronization of neuronalfiring patterns has been suggested as a possible solution the binding problem(where a biological mechanism is sought to explain how features that represent an object can be scattered across a network,and yet be unified).Networks consisting of such oscillatory units have been applied to solve the signal deconvolution or blind source separation problems.However,the use of the same network to achieve properties that the visual sytem exhibits,such as scale and translational invariance have not been fully explored.Some approaches investigated in the literature(Wallis1996)involve the use of non-oscillatory elements that are ar-ranged in a hierarchy of layers.The objects presented are allowed to move,and the network utilizes a trace learning rule, where a time averaged value of an output value is used to perform Hebbian learning with respect to the input value.This is a modification of the standard Hebbian learning rule,which typically uses instantaneous values of the input and output.In this paper we present a network of oscillatory amplitude-phase units connected in two layers.The types of connec-tions include feedforward,feedback and lateral.The network consists of amplitude-phase units that can exhibit synchro-nized oscillations.We have previously shown that such a network can segment the components of each input object that most contribute to its classification.Learning is unsupervised and based on a Hebbian update,and the architecture is very simple.We extend the ability of this network to address the problem of translational invariance.We show that by a specific treatment of the phase values of the output layer,limited translational invariance is achieved.The scheme used in training is as follows.The network is presented with an input,which then moves.During the motion the amplitude and phase of the upper layer units is not reset,but continues with the past value before the introduction of the object in the new position. Only the input layer is changed instantaneously to reflect the moving object.This is a promising result as it uses the same framework of oscillatory units,and introduces motion to achieve translational invariance.Keywords:s ynchronization,motion,object representation,classification1.INTRODUCTIONOne of the problems that the human visual system has to solve is that of object classification.This starts with retinal input, which can be considered to consist of isolated pixels of activity,and ends with a high-level representation at an area such as IT(inferior temporal cortex),where a small set of neurons,or even a single neuron encodes a particular object such as a square or a face.In addition to solving this problem,the visual system must also address the issue of segmentation, which refers to the ability to identify the elements of the input space that uniquely contribute to each specific object(i.e. establishing a correspondence between the pixels or edges and the higher-level objects they belong to).The problem of segmentation has been attacked more effectively with non-neural approaches.1Indeed,it is extremely difficult for a traditional computational model of a neural network to solve this problem,due to the superposition catastro-phe as Rosenblatt observed.2The early efforts in computational neural networks ignored the temporal dynamical aspect of communication between real neurons.These temporal dynamics provide additional information separate from the am-plitude of the neural signals,that can then be used to overcome the superposition catastrophe.Research by Singer3and Varela4uncovered biological evidence for the role of synchronization in neural responses to several motor and cognitive tasks,and in particular in perceptual recognition.Figure1.Illustrating the network connectivity.(A)shows feedforward connections.(B)shows lateral connections(C)shows feedback connections.Malsburg and Shneider were among thefirst to propose the use of synchronization to perform segmentation of input signals.5Their model consists of a layer of excitatory units connected with lateral excitation.Each of these excitatory units receives sensory input.Furthermore,every excitatory unit is connected to a global inhibitory unit which receives excitatory inputs,and sends inhibitory signals to each of the excitatory units.Segmentation is exhibited in the form of temporal correlation amongst the activities of the different excitatory units,so that the units that are synchronized represent the same input class.Besides the need for a global inhibitory unit,this network cannot disambiguate objects with partial overlap.Several efforts have been undertaken6–8to build on the early work of Malsburg and Shneider.5 Another important problem that the human visual system has to solve is to build invariant representations of objects. Some invariances of interest are translation and scale invariance.The advantage in building invariant representations is that they overcome the combinatorial explosion problem:say if every translated version of an object had its own unique representation,there would be too many combinations that the visual system would have to keep track of,especially when multiple objects are considered.Some research in using a neural-network architecture to solve translation invariant object representation is reported by Lades et al.9A particulary challenging and open problem is to start with a network of oscillatory units(along the lines as proposed by Malsburg and Shneider5)and use it to perform both segmentation of inputs as well as achieve translationally invariant representations of visual objects.The research presented in this paper is an early attempt to address this problem.2.BACKGROUNDIn this section we describe a computational model using a network of oscillatory units.This network forms the basis for our investigation of translation invariance.2.1.A network of dynamical unitsIn previous work,10we investigated a network of dynamical units,where each unit is an oscillator characterized by an amplitude,a phase,and a frequency.The network is organized into two layers as shown in Figure1.Inputs from the lower layer are denoted by x,and the output of the upper layer by y.Each unit in the upper and lower layers is an oscillator,which possesses an amplitude,frequency and phase.The network is designed as follows:(a)A bottom layer receiving input from an input signal,and consisting of dynamical units.The amplitude output of these units is only a function of their inputs,whereas the phase is a function of their natural frequency and feedback interactions with a top layer;(b)A top layer consisting of dynamical units that receive inputfrom the bottom layer through feed-forward connections.For these units,the amplitude and the phase are computed by integrating inputs as a function of their amplitude and their phase difference with respect to the receiving phase;(c)The top layer sends feedback to the bottom layer,which is used to modify only the phase of the bottom layer’s units as a function of the incoming amplitudes and phase differences with respect to the receiving phases.The behavior of the above network can be derived by proposing an objective function for vector quantization or sparse representation(cf.11).Consider inputs x drawn from an input ensemble,which are then represented by an output layer y through synaptic weights{W ij},such that a non-negativity condition is imposed on the output layer,y i≥0∀i.A learning rule can be derived for the weights{W ij}such that the output set y is sparse.The details of this derivation are beyond the scope of this paper,but the resulting network dynamics are captured as follows.Let the n th unit in the lower layer have an amplitude x n,a phaseφn,and a period of oscillationτxn.The n th unit in the upper layer has an amplitude y n,a phaseθn and a period of oscillationτyn.The period of oscillation of these units are drawn randomly from the range[1.9,2.1].In the following equations,the quantity∆t represents the integration step used to approximate a temporal derivative.∆y n∼ j W nj x j sin(φj−θn)∆t−γ k y k sin(θk−θn)(2)∆φnFigure2.Behavior of the network after learning:(a)amplitude response upon presentation of an input from the training ensemble.The x axis shows the iteration number,and the y axis the amplitude of the units in the upper layer.(b)The phase response,shown after convergence.Blue circles correspond to upper layer units,and red ones to lower layer units.Time is in simulation steps.The phase information can be used to convey relationship information between different layers in a hierarchy.Thus,if some action needed to be taken based on the identification of a certain object at a higher layer,the phase values provide information about where that object is localized in the lower layer.This behavior could form a foundation to tackle the binding problem.12The phase behavior of the system is investigated in10and is outside the scope of this paper.Figure2.1shows the system behavior after it undergoes training according to equation3.The upper layer essentially acts as a vector quantizer,and classifies the inputs it receives such that a unique winner in the upper layer represents a specific input.The phase information displayed in Figure2.1(b)shows that the units in the two layers can get synchronized with each other.This synchrony aids in segmentation and deconvolution,as shown in.10The question we address in this paper is whether such a network can exhibit invariant representations of objects.We develop an approach to answer this question by considering the requirements that this objective imposes,and designing a methodology to satisfy these requirements.2.2.Requirements on a dynamic network that achieves translation invarianceWe consider a few requirements on a dynamic network that achieves translation invariance,some of which are derived from biological considerations.1.The network must learn in a self-organized manner.This means that supervised classification cannot be used.Thisrequirement arises from observations in primates where the early visual system matures by learning through self-organizing mechanisms.132.Translated versions of a given object should have the same representation as the given object.This requirement isderived from Occam’s razor,in that the smallest number of symbols will be thus required for encoding translated ver-sions of an object.An additional benefit of this requirement is that it addresses the issue of combinatorial explosion, as the organism can unify its behavior to multiple translations of the same object.Another way of stating this requirement is to posit that the representation of a static object should match the repre-sentation of the object as it undergoes translation.3.Unique input objects should have unique representations in the system.In other words,unique inputs x should resultin unique outputs y.4.Ideally,the output y should be sparse,so that only a few output units encode a given input x,with the extreme beingthat a single unit y i encodes an input vector x.This corresponds to a winner-take-all situation.The solution we propose is based on observations of the biological processing of visual motion.It is likely that translation invariance is an outcome of observing visual objects undergoing motion.The intuition behind our approach is the following.If a system learns to categorize static objectsfirst,and then observes these objects in motion,it should be possible for the system to associate the displaced objects with the objects in their original position.Thus,with an appropriate learning rule and training regimen,it should be possible to associate translated versions of an object with the original object.In this paper we restrict our attention to simple linear translations.More complex forms of motion such as rotation or random walks will be studied in forthcoming papers.3.METHODSHere we describe a system that addresses the requirements specified in section2.2.We extend the ability of the network described in3.1to address the problem of translational invariance.We show that by a specific treatment of the phase values of the output layer,limited translational invariance is achieved.The scheme used in training is as follows.The network is presented with an input,which then moves.During the motion the amplitude and phase of the upper layer units is not reset, but continues with the past value before the introduction of the object in the new position.Only the input layer is changed instantaneously to reflect the moving object.This is a promising result as it uses the same framework of oscillatory units, and introduces motion to achieve translational invariance.There appears to be some biological grounding for this type of computation,as there are microsaccades during which no phase resetting occurs.It is only when a completely new saccade is undertaken,while looking at a different visualfield, that phase resetting occurs.This is discussed in more detail in configurationThe network described in Figure1is used.3.2.Input presentationFigure3shows the input images used to test the system.These images are bi-level,and of size8x8.They represent four different2D objects.Each input object undergoes translation,to produce different representations of the same object.In our experiments we used translations in the horizontal direction(along the x-axis).3.3.LearningTwo stages of learning were employed.Thefirst stage involves2000presentations,where each presentation randomly selects an object.This object is presented statically,at afixed position,as shown in Figure3,column1.All the phases in the system,θi andφi are set to0.The activity in the upper layer of the network is allowed to stabilize after100iterations, and the Hebbian phase-dependent learning rule of equation6is applied.Only the feedforward and feedback weights are learnt,and the lateral weights are left unchanged.The weights are normalized after each update.The second stage also involves2000presentations.In each presentation,an object is selected at random,and a direction of motion(positive or negative)is selected at random.This then determines the sequence of inputs that are presented,e.g. object1translated to the right,which would involve object1presented at itsfixed positionfirst,followed by a version translated1pixel to the right,then a version translated2pixels to the right and so on.In our experiments,a maximum of a3pixel translation was used.During the successive presentation of inputs in the second stage,the network dynamics are changed in the following fashion.First,the phase valuesθi in the upper layer are not reset after the object is translated,but rather continue to evolve with their old value,and the value of the inputs received.Second,a moving average˜y is calculated as follows.˜y(t+1)=µy(t)+(1−µ)˜y(t)(7) Here,˜y denotes a moving average of the value y.Object1,translated to the rightObject1,translated to the leftObject2,translated to the rightObject2,translated to the leftObject3,translated to the rightObject3,translated to the leftObject4,translated to the rightObject4,translated to the leftFigure3.Input images.The left-most column shows each object at its initial position.The subsequent columns show translated versions of the object,either to the right or to the left.The Hebbian learning rule is modified to use˜y as follows∆W ij∼˜y i x j[1+cos(φj−θi)](8) We term this the trace learning rule,as it employs the trace of y.This follows the terminology of.14 Third,the update equations3are applied for only1iteration rather than100.The justification for doing this is that we want to create an association between the translated version of the object and its original version.We take advantage of the inertia in the system through the moving averaged value,˜y,and a reduced settling time.In biological systems,there appears to be support for this type of update,as there are two pathways in the visual system,one to deal with static object representations,and the other to deal with motion.The motion pathway operates at a much faster time scale than the static pathway.4.EXPERIMENTAL RESULTSThe system is organized into two layers as shown in Figure1.The lower layer consists of8x8units,each of which receives an image intensity value as input.Each unit in the lower layer is connected to every unit in the upper layer,which consists of8x8units.Furthermore,the units in the upper layer possess lateral connections such that each unit is connected to every other unit.Finally,each unit in the upper layer is connected to every unit in the lower layer through feedback connections.We used the following parameters to instantiate the model:α=0.5,γ=0.25.For the learning rate we usedǫ=0.025, and the integration step dt=0.05.The learning rate underwent an exponential decay,with a reduction of15%every200 iterations.The value ofµ=0.8was used in equation7to calculate the moving average.After the static phase of learning,ie presentation of the objects before they were translated,the network formed four unique winners for the four objects presented96%of the time.Subsequently,the objects were translated,and the network learned the association between the translated versions of the object and the object in its original position.After learning,the accuracy of the association was measured as follows. Let unit m be the winner in the upper layer for object k in its original position.We translated object k to form objects k1,k2,...k n where n is the total number of displacements used.In our experiments,n=6,and included displacements of ±3pixels from the original position.If the winner for the translated object k i matches the winner m,then this is counted as a successful association.The total number of successful associations is measured across all the translated versions of the four objects.The accuracy of association was76.4%over100trials.This indicates good performance of the network in learning translation invariance.We should mention that though we did not dwell on the phase behavior of the network in this paper,the performance of the network degrades significantly if phase information is not used in the learning rules.5.DISCUSSIONThe methods and approach presented in this paper demonstrate that it is possible for a network of oscillatory units to achieve translation invariant object representations,provided the suitable learning paradigm is used.One plausible mechanism is for the system to use a trace learning rule to establish equivalence between translated versions of an object.As pointed out in previous work,14this is a biologically plausible mechanism.The human visual system employs two pathways for processing visual inputs,the“what”and the“where”pathways.15 The framework provided in this paper can form the basis for a deeper exploration of the correspondence between these two pathways,and invariant object representation at multiple levels of abstraction.There are several areas in which the results of this paper can be improved.More complex motion patterns need to be understood,as objects in the real world can undergo a variety of displacements,including rotation.The effect of relaxing some of the assumptions in the current model need to be investigated,such as whether a static presentation of the objects is really necessary initially.The initial experiments presented in this paper used used synthetic images as a proof-of-concept, and further experiments using real images need to be performed.The network connectivity employed in this paper is all-to-all.More realistic topographic mapping between layers can be used instead.The method of Sun et al16used a network of oscillatory units to achievefigure-ground separation,such that a moving object is segmented from a stationary background.They used supervised learning through back-propagation to train their network.This differs from the unsupervised learning mechanism used in our paper.Discussions of mechanisms and phenomena that surround the issue of resetting cortical dynamics can be found in17 and.18Furthermore,special neural activity has been recorded during saccades19that explains why we are unaware of fast motion across the retina at this time,a phenomenon known as saccadic suppression.Based on these mechanisms and observations it is plausible that a phase resetting occurs at the time of a saccade,or equivalently at the time of presentation of a a new stimulus.In addition,for the observation of motion within a saccade,phase resetting should not occur,as the motion across the retina is less rapid than when a saccade occurs.REFERENCES1.S.Ullman,M.Vidal-Naquet,and E.Sali,“Visual features of intermediate complexity and their use in classification,”Nature Neuroscience5(7),pp.682–7,2002.2.F.Rosenblatt,Principles of Neurodynamics:Perception and the Theory of Brain Mechanisms,Spartan Books,Wash-ington,1962.3.C.Gray,P.K¨o nig,A.Engel,and W.Singer,“Oscillatory responses in cat visual cortex exhibit inter-columnar syn-chronization which reflects global stimulus properties,”Nature338(6213),pp.334–337,1989.4.E.Rodriguez,N.George,chaux,J.Martinerie,B.Renault,and F.Varela,“Perception’s shadow:long-distancesynchronization of human brain activity,”Nature397(6718),pp.430–433,1999.5.C.von der Malsburg and W.Schneider,“A neural cocktail-party 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