















Abstract:Being different from general articles about object-oriented technology ,this paper systematically compared the object-oriented technology and the process-oriented technology, and mainly introduces the object-oriented technology and its three characteristics :packaging, inheritance and polymorphism, to make the reader have an image of understanding of object-oriented. Then through the comparison and some examples, this paper analyzes the OO based software engineering in three points.关键字:面向对象面向过程软件工程Key words:Object-Oriented Process-Oriented Software-Engineering一引言20世纪60年代中期开始爆发的软件危机,使人们认识到大中型软件系统与小型软件系统的本质区别,软件工程以及面向对象编程(Object-Oriented Programming)技术得以应运而生。

系统集成及中间件--1 集成系统概述

系统集成及中间件--1 集成系统概述
rxli@ /~rxli/ 华中科技大学计算机学院
第一章 第二章 第三章 第四章 第五章 第六章 第七章 第八章 第九章 概述 集成系统的建模方法 数据交换标准 中件/群件/ 中件/群件/组件概论 中间件技术 分布式对象技术 数据集成技术 XML技术 XML技术 Web服务 Web服务
3、基本组成: 、基本组成
生产指挥系统 产品工程设计系统 柔性制造系统 质量保证系统 以Net.DB为基础的支撑系统 为基础的支撑系统
第二章 集成系统的建模技术
2.1 几何数据模型 1、线框模型,表面模型,立休模型 、线框模型,表面模型, 2、几何的CSG (Constructive Solid 、几何的 Geometry)与B-rep (Boundary 与 Representation)表示方法 表示方法
曼德勃罗集的原始图形,从它出发, 曼德勃罗集的原始图形,从它出发,每一个细部都可以 演绎出美丽无比的梦幻般的仙境似的图形
用分形理论看当前股市 分形分维的经络形态及解剖结构 用分形方法预测2020年我国乙烯年产量 用分形方法预测 年我国乙烯年产量 分形与神经网络方法在卫星数字图像分类中的 应用 分形理论在刀具磨损研究中的应用 变维分形模型预测台风路径 分形理论在社会科学中的应用 …….
多媒体录像:以镜头为单位的检索(连续检索) 多媒体录像:以镜头为单位的检索(连续检索) 解决的问题:时间同步(图像与声音) 解决的问题:时间同步(图像与声音) 建模时加入时间维
1、基于文档的模型(超文本模型) 基于文档的模型(超文本模型) SMIL(Synchronized Multimedia Integration Language) 连续媒体模型(切入时钟) 2、连续媒体模型(切入时钟) 3、Amsterdam Model {(1)+(2)} 4、基于对象的分层模型 MPEG4, 如: MPEG4,MPEG7



第3章信息系统集成专业技术知识3.1 信息系统集成简述1.信息系统集成概念信息系统集成是近年来国际信息服务业中发展势头最猛的服务方式和行业之一。











(l)智能建筑系统集成(Intelligent Building System Integration>,指以搭建建筑主体内的建筑智能化管理系统为目的,利用综合布线技术、楼宇自控技术、通信技术、网络互联技术、多媒体应用技术、安全防范技术等将相关设备、软件进行集成设计、界面定制开发、安装调试和应用支持。



(2)计算机网络系统集成(Computer Network System Integration),指通过结构化的综合布线系统和计算机网络技术,将各个分离的设备(如个人电脑等)、功能和信息等集成到相互关联、统一协调的系统之中,使资源达到充分共享,实现集中、高教、便利的管理。



第3步:去掉Driver,自下而上把子功能族合成 更大的子功能族。
D M D M M D M M略的优、 缺点刚好互补,但单用 其中任一种都不实际, 通常根据软件的特点将 二者混用。
– Incremental testing 可以较早发现模块间的接口错 误;Big-bang testing 最后才组装,因此错误发现
M S1 S2
第2步:根据深度优先或宽度优先的策略,每次 用一个实际模块代换一个stub。
M M S11 S3 S4 M S22
第3步:在结合进一个模块的同时进行测试。 第4步:回归测试(regression testing)——全 部或部分地重复以前做过的测试。
优点:在早期即对主要控制及关键的抉择进行检验。 问题:Stub只是对低层模块的模拟,测试时没有重要 的数据自下往上流,许多重要的测试须推迟进 行,而且在早期不能充分展开人力。
– Big-bang testing 中发现错误后难以诊断定位; Incremental testing 中,出现的错误往往跟最新加
– Incremental testing 在不断集成的过程中使模块不
断在新的条件下受到新的检测,测试更彻底。 – Incremental testing 较 Big-bang testing 费时。 Big-bang testing 可以同时并行测试所有模块,能 充分利用人力。
1、非渐增式测试 (Big-bang testing)
Test A
Test B Test C Test A, B, C, D
Test D








PA-chapter01-What is Software

PA-chapter01-What is Software

Pfleeger and Atlee, Software Engineering: Theory and Practice
Chapter 1.9
1.2 How Successful Have We Been?
• Perform tasks more quickly and effectively
– Word processing, spreadsheets, e-mail
Pfleeger and Atlee, Software Engineering: Theory and Practice Chapter 1.13
1.3 What is Good Software?
• Good software engineering must always include a strategy for producing quality software • Three ways of considering quality
• Method: refers to a formal procedure; a formal “recipe” for accomplishing a goal that is typically independent of the tools used • Tool: an instrument or automated system for accomplishing something in a better way • Procedure: a combination of tools and techniques to produce a product • Paradigm: philosophy or approach for building a product (e.g., OO vs structured approaches)



A/D/V Analysis/Development/Validation 分析/发展/验证AA Approve Architecture 审批体系ACD Actual Completion Date 实际完成日期ALBS Assembly Line Balance System 装配线平衡系统ANDON 暗灯AP Advanced Purchasing 提前采购API Advanced Product Information 先进的产品信息APQP Advanced Product Quality Planning 先期产品质量策划ATT Actual Tact Time 实际单件工时BIQ Building in Quality 制造质量BIW Body In White 白车身BOD Bill of Design 设计清单BOE Bill of Equipment 设备清单BOL Bill of Logistic 装载清单BOM Bill of Material 原料清单BOP Bill of Process 过程清单BPD Business Plant Deployment 业务计划实施CAD Computer-Aided Design 计算机辅助设计CAE Computer-Aided Engineering 计算机辅助工程(软件) CARE Customer Acceptance & Review Evaluation 用户接受度和审查评估CIP Continue Improve Process 持续改进CIT Compartment Integration Team 隔间融合为组CKD Complete Knockdown 完全拆缷CMM Coordinate Measuring Machines 坐标测量仪CPV Cost per Vehicle 单车成本CR&W Controls/Robotics & Welding 控制/机器人技术和焊接CS Contract Signing 合同签订CTD Cumulative Trauma Disadjust 累积性外伤失调CTS Component T echnical Specification 零件技术规格CVIS Completed Vehicle Inspection Standards 整车检验标准DAP Design Analysis Process 设计分析过程DES Design Center 设计中心DFA Design for Assembly 装配设计DOE Design Of Experiments 试验设计DOL Die Operation Line-Up 冲模业务排行DPV Defect per Vehicle 单车缺陷数DQV Design Quality Verification 设计质量验证DRE Design Release Engineer 设计发布工程师DRL Direct Run Loss 直行损失率DRR Direct Run Run 直行率DSC Decision Support Center 决策支持中心ECD Estimated Completion Date 计划完成日期3 lEGM Engineering Group Manager 工程组经理ENG Engineering 工程技术、工程学EOA End of Acceleration 停止加速EPC&L Engineering Production Control &Logistics 工程生产控制和后勤EQF Early Quality Feedback 早期质量反馈EWO Engineering Work Order 工程工作指令FA Final Approval 最终认可FE Functional Evaluation 功能评估FEDR Functional Evaluation Disposition Report 功能评估部署报告FFF Free Form Fabrication 自由形态制造FIN Financial 金融的FPS Fixed Point Stop 定点停FTP File Transfer Protocol 文件传送协议FTQ First Time Quality 一次送检合格率GA General Assembly 总装GA Shop General Assembly Shop 总装车间Paint Shop 涂装车间Body Shop 车身车间Press Shop 冲压车间GCA Global Customer Audit 全球顾客评审GD&T Geometric Dimensioning & T olerancing 几何尺寸及精度GDS Global Delivery Survey 全球发运检查GM General Motors 通用汽车GMAP GM Asia Pacific 通用亚太GME General Motors Europe 通用汽车欧洲GMIO General Motors International Operations 通用汽车国际运作GMIQ General Motors Initial Quality 通用汽车初始质量GMPTG General Motors Powertrain Group 通用汽车动力组GMS Global Manufacturing System 通用全球制造系统GP General Procedure 通用程序GQTS Global Quality Tracking System 全球质量跟踪系统GSB Global Strategy Board 全球战略部HVAC Heating, Ventilation ,and Air Conditioning 加热、通风及空调IC Initiate Charter 初始租约ICD Interface Control Document 界面控制文件IE Industrial Engineering 工业工程ILRS Indirect Labor Reporting System 间接劳动报告系统IO International Operations 国际业务IOM Inspection Operation Method 检验操作方法IOS Inspection Operation Summary 检验操作概要IPC International Product Center 国际产品中心IPTV Incidents Per Thousand Vehicles 每千辆车的故障率IQS Initial Quality Survey 初始质量调查IR Incident Report 事故报告ISP Integrated Scheduling Project 综合计划ITP Integrated Training Process 综合培训方法ITSD Interior Technical Specification Drawing 内部技术规范图IUVA International Uniform Vehicle Audit 国际统一车辆审核JES Job Element Sheet 工作要素单JIS Job Issue Sheet 工作要素单JIT Just in Time 准时制JPH Job per hour 每小时工作量KCC Key Control Characteristics 关键控制特性KCDS Key Characteristics Designation System 关键特性标识系统KPC Key product Characteristic 关键产品特性LT Look at 看MFD Metal Fabrication Division 金属预制件区MFG Manufacturing Operations 制造过程)MIE Manufacturing Integration Engineer 制造综合工程师MLBS Material Labor Balance System 物化劳动平衡系统MNG Manufacturing Engineering 制造工程MPG Milford Proving Ground 试验场MPI Master Process Index 主程序索引MPL Master Parts List 主零件列表MPS Material Planning System 原料计划系统MRD Material Required Date 物料需求日期MSDS Material Safety Data Sheets 化学品安全数据单MSE Manufacturing System Engineer 制造系统工程MTBF Mean Time Between Failures 平均故障时间MTS Manufacturing T echnical Specification 生产技术规范MVSS Motor Vehicle Safety Standards 汽车发动机安全标准NAMA North American Market Analysis 北美市场分析NAO North American Operations 北美业务NAOC NAO Containerization NAO货柜运输NC Numerically Controlled 数字控制NOA Notice of Authorization 授权书NSB NAO Strategy Board 北美业务部OED Organization and Employee Development 组织和员工发展OSH Occupational Safety & Health 职业安全健康TOSHA Occupational Safety & Health Act 职业安全与健康法案OSHMS Occupational Safety & Health Management System职业安全健康管理体系OSHS Occupational Safety & Health Standards 职业安全标准PA Production Achievement 生产结果PAA Product Action Authorization 产品临时授权PAC Performance Assessment Committee 绩效评估委员会PACE Program Assessment and Control Environment 项目评估和控制条件PAD Product Assembly Document 产品装配文件PARTS Part Readiness Tracking System 零件准备跟踪系统PC Problem Communication 问题信息PCL Production Control and Logistics 生产控制和支持PCM Process Control Manager 工艺控制负责人PCR Problem Communication Report 问题交流报告PDM Product Data Management 产品资料管理PDS Product Description System 产品说明系统PDT Product Development T eam 产品发展小组PED Production Engineering Department 产品工程部PEP Product Evaluation Program 产品评估程序PER Personnel 人员PET Program Execution Team 项目执行小组PGM Program Management 项目管理PI People Involvement 人员参与PLP Production Launch Process 生产启动程序PMI Process Modeling Integration 加工建模一体化PMM Program Manufacturing Manager 项目制造经理PMR Product Manufacturability Requirements 产品制造能要求POMS Production Order Management System 产品指令管理小组POP Point of Purchase 采购点PP Push Pull 推拉PPAP Production Part Approval Process 生产零部件批准程序PPE Personal Protective Equipment 个人防护用品PPH Problems Per Hundred 百辆车缺陷数PPM Problems Per Million 百万辆车缺陷数PPS Practical Problem Solving 实际问题解决PR Performance Review 绩效评估PR/R Problem Reporting and Resolution 问题报告和解决PRTS Problem Resolution and Tracking System 问题解决跟踪系统PSC Portfolio Strategy Council 部长职务策略委员会PST Plant Support Team 工厂支持小组PTO Primary Tryout 第一次试验PTR Production Trial Run 生产试运行PUR Purchasing 采购QA Quality Audit 质量评审QAP Quality Assessment Process 质量评估过程QBC Quality Build Concern 质量体系构建关系QC Quality Characteristic 质量特性QCOS Quality Control Operation Sheets 质量风险控制QE Quality Engineer 质量工程师QET Quality Engineering Team 质量工程小组QFD Quality Function Deployment 质量功能配置QRD Quality, Reliability and Durability 质量、可靠性和耐久力QS Quality System 质量体系QUA Quality 质量RC Review Charter 评估特许RCD Required Completion Date 必须完成日期RFQ Request For Quotation 报价请求RGM Reliability Growth Management 可靠性增长小组RONA Return on Net Assets 净资产评估RPO Regular Production Option 正式产品选项RQA Routing Quality Assessment 程序安排质量评定RT&TM Rigorous Tracking and Throughout Management 严格跟踪和全程管理SDC Strategic Decision Center 战略决策中心SF Styling Freeze 造型冻结SIL Single Issue List 单一问题清单SIP Standardized Inspection Process 标准化检验过程SL System Layouts 系统规划SLT Short Leading T eam 缩短制造周期SMBP Synchronous Math-Based Process 理论同步过程SMT Systems Management Team 系统管理小组SNR 坏路实验SOP Start of Production 生产启动SOP Safe Operating Practice 安全操作规程SOR Statement of Requirements 技术要求SOS Standardization Operation Sheet 标准化工作操作单SOW Statement of Work 工作说明SPA Shipping Priority Audit 发运优先级审计SPC Statistical Process Control 统计过程控制SPE Surface and Prototype Engineering 表面及原型工程SPO Service Parts Operations 配件组织SPT Single Point Team 专一任务小组SQA Supplier Quality Assurance 供应商质量保证(供应商现场工程师)SQC Supplier Quality Control 供方质量控制SQD Supplier Quality Development 供应方质量开发SQE Supplier Quality Engineer 供方质量工程师SQIP Supplier Quality Improvement Process 供应商质量改进程序SSLT Subsystem Leadership Team 子系统领导组SSTS Subsystem Technical Specification 技术参数子系统STD Standardization 标准化STO Secondary Tryout 二级试验SUI 安全作业指导书SUW Standard Unit of Work 标准工作单位SWE Simulated Work Environment 模拟工作环境TAG Timing Analysis Group 定时分析组TBD To Be Determined 下决定TCS Traction Control System 牵引控制系统TDC Technology Development Centre 技术中心TDMF Text Data Management Facility 文本数据管理设备TG T ooling 工具TIMS Test Incident Management System 试验事件管理系统TIR Test Incident Report 试验事件报告TMIE Total Manufacturing Integration Engineer 总的制造综合工程TOE T otal Ownership Experience 总的物主体验TPM Total Production Maintenance 全员生产维护TSM Trade Study Methodology 贸易研究方法TT Tact Time 单件工时TVDE Total Vehicle Dimensional Engineer 整车外型尺寸工程师TVIE Total Vehicle Integration Engineer 整车综合工程师TWS Tire and Wheel System 轮胎和车轮系统UAW United Auto Workers 班组UCL Uniform Criteria List 统一的标准表UDR Unverified Data Release 未经核对的资料发布UPC Uniform Parts Classification 统一零件分级VAE Vehicle Assembly Engineer 车辆装配工程师VCD Vehicle Chief Designer 汽车首席设计师VCE Vehicle Chief Engineer 汽车总工程师CVCRI Validation Cross-Reference Index 确认交叉引用索引VDR Verified Data Release 核实数据发布VDS Vehicle Description Summary 汽车描述概要VDT Vehicle Development Team 汽车发展组VEC Vehicle Engineering Center 汽车工程中心VIE Vehicle Integration Engineer 汽车综合工程师VIN Vehicle Identification Number 车辆识别代码VIS Vehicle Information System 汽车信息系统VLE Vehicle Line Executive 总装线主管VLM Vehicle Launch Manager 汽车创办经理VOC Voice of Customer 顾客的意见VOD Voice of Design 设计意见VS Validation Station 确认站VSAS Vehicle Synthesis Analysis and Simulation 汽车综合、分析和仿真VSE Vehicle System Engineer 汽车系统工程师VTS Vehicle Technical Specification 汽车技术说明书WOT Wide Open Throttle 压制广泛开放WPO Work Place Organization 工作场地布置WWP Worldwide Purchasing 全球采购COMMWIP Correction 纠错浪费招聘IQC解聘OQC辞退报废处理转岗改做他用岗位说明书SOP(标准作业程序)绩效考核SPC关系照顾特采部门管理TQM人力资源会议MRB (Material Review Board)物料评审会议人员流失要进行5W2H(what 、why、where、when、who、how、how much)然后PDCA人才要先编写FMEA任用要进行PFMEA招聘要进行DFMEA岗位设计才是DFMEA工作流分析就是流程再造人员N进宫?不合格品处理后的再次检验宽带薪酬就是偏移度岗位职责要求就是SIP(Standard Inspection Procedure 标准检验程序)KPI权重就是AQL权重职务变化是材料变更能力要求是技术标准CP是岗位工作手册绩效标准、考评、面谈、反馈和改善计划就是APQP流程节点规划、岗位需求测量、价值流和工作流分析、岗位分析、绩效改善计划、绩效管制就是DMAIC(六西格玛项目推进流程)每日考勤和工作报表是查检表质量目标要用SMART员工关系是亲和度人员招聘委托书是CEM人事档案是DCC中介公司考察就是SSQA花名册明细名单BOM人员照片就是DWG人事招聘控制就是PCC人事招聘顾问QE绩效专员就是QA人资开发就是R&D人员招聘策划DQA招聘计划SQA关键特性就是KPI。



PCEG Personal Computer Enclosure group 个人计算机外设事业群(FOXTEQ )SABG system assembly business group 系统组装事业群Engineer standard 工标Document center (database center )资料中心Design Center 设计中心Painting 烤漆(厂)Assembly 组装(厂)Stamping 冲压(厂)Education and Training 教育训练proposal improvement/creative suggestion 提案改善Technological exchange and study 技术交流研习会Technology and DevelopmentCommittee 技术发展委员会BS Brain Storming 脑力激荡QCC Quality Control Circle 品质圈PDCA Plan Do Check Action 计划执行检查总结DCC delivery control center 交货管制中心Computer 计算机类产品Consumer electronics 消费性电子产品Communication 通讯类产品Core value (核心价值)Love 爱心Confidence 信心Decision 决心Corporate culture 公司文化)Integration 融合Responsibility 责任Time to market Time to volume Time to money 及时切入生产及时大量生产及时大量交货Progress 进步FOUR CONTROL SYSTEM 四大管制系统Engin eeri ng con trol system 工程管制系统Quality control system 品质管制系统Manu facturi ng con trol system 生产管制系统Man ageme nt con trol system 经营管制系统Classification 整理(sorting, organization)-seiri Regulati on 整顿(arra ngeme nt, tid in ess)-seit on Clea nli ness 清扫(sweep ing, purity)-seiso Con servati on 清[吉(clea ning, clea nli ness)-seiktsu Culture 教养(discipli ne)-shitsukeSave节纟勺Safety安全二:英文缩写品质人员名称类QC quality con trol 品质管理人员FQC final quality control 终点品质管制人员IPQC in process quality con trol 制程中的品质管制人员OQC output quality con trol 最终出货品质管制人员IQC incoming quality con trol 进料品质官制人员TQC total quality con trol 全面质量管理POC passage quality con trol 段检人员QA quality assura nee 质量保证人员OQA output quality assura nee 出货质量保证人员QE quality engin eeri ng 品质工程人员品质保证类FAI first article in specti on 新品首件检查FAA first article assura nee 首件确认CP capability in dex 能力指数CPI capability process in dex 模具制程能力参数SSQA sta ndardized supplier quality audit 合格供货商品质评估FMEA failure model effective ness an alysis 失效模式分析FQC运作类AQL Acceptable Quality Level 运作类允收品质水准S/S Sample size 抽样检验样本大小ACC Accept 允收REE Reject 拒收CR Critical 极严重的MAJ Major 主要的MIN Min or 轻微的Q/R/S Quality/Reliability/Service 品质/可靠度/服务P/N Part Number 料号L/N Lot Number 批号AOD Accept On Deviati on 特采UAI Use As It 特采FPIR First Piece In specti on Report 首件检查报告PPM Perce nt Per Milli on 百万分之一制程统计品管专类SPC Statistical Process Con trol 统计制程管制SQC Statistical Quality Con trol 统计品质管制GRR Gauge Reproductive ness & Repeatability 量具之再制性及重测性判断量可靠与否DIM Dime nsio n 尺寸DIA Diameter 直径N Number 样品数其它品质术语类QIT Quality Improveme nt Team 品质改善小组ZDQI Quality Improveme nt 通用之件类Quality PolicyISBOM Bill Of Material 零缺点七大手法品质改善目标方针工全面更质管理(供货退料认改动要求(客户)工序改动通知生产管制计划制程检验标准程序制造作业规范成品检验规范物料清单包装规范规格Zero DefectTCM TotaneaangCh an gemeneRMA ERegnedMa护CNsAgytorderPCCTools 7 Quality CooCeST oohbnge NoticePMP Product Man ageme nt PlanSIP Sta ndard In specti on ProcedureSOP Sta ndard Operati on ProcedureIn specti on Specificati onPS Package Specificati onSPEC SpecificationDWG Draw ing系统文件类ES Engin eeri ng Sta ndard 工程标准IWS Intern ati onal Workma n Stan dard 工艺标准ISO Intern ati onal Stan dardizati on 国际标准化组织GS Organ i z nS i i o3n Specification 一般规格部类PMC Production & Material Con trol 生产和物料控制PCC Product con trol cen ter 生产管制中心PPC Producti on Pla n Con trol 生产计划控制MC Material Co ntrol 物料控制DCC Docume nt Con trol Cen ter 数据控制中心QE Quality Engin eeri ng 品质工程(部)QA Quality Assura nee 品质保证(处)QC Quality Con trol 品质管制(课)PD Product Departme nt 生产部LAB Laboratory 实验室IE In dustrial Engin eeri ng 工业工程R&D Research &Desig n 设计开发部生产类PCs Pieces 个(根,块等)PRS Pairs 双(对等)CTN Carton 卡通箱PAL Pallet/skid 栈板PO Purchas ing Order 采购订单MO Manu facture Order 生产单D/C Date Code 生产日期码ID/C Identification Code (供货商)识别码殊工作需求SWR Special Work RequestL/N Lot Number 批号P/N Part Number 料号OEM Origi nal Equipme nt Manu facture 原设备制造PC Pers onal Computer 个人计算机CPU Cen tral Process ing Unit 中央处理器ASA.P As Soon As Possible 尽可能快的E-MAIL Electrical-Mail 电子邮件N/A Not Applicable 不适用QTY Qua ntity 数量I/O in put/output 输入/输出NG Not Good 不行,不合格C=0 Critical=0 极严重不允许APPCHK ASS'Y T/P 5WIH6M4MTH源)SQADQAMQASSQALRR DT TDVDVCDLCDCADCAMPCBCAR NGWDR PPMTPMMRPOSApprove Check 确认 Assembly True Position When, Where, Who, What, Why, How to P/P 核准 ,认可 ,承认 装配 ,组装 真位度 Man, Machine, Material, Method, Measurement, Message Man, Material, Money, Method, Time, How 力,物力 ,财务 ,技术 ,时间(资 Strategy Quality Assurance 人 策略品质保证 设计品质保证 制造品质保证 销售 及服务品质保证 Design Quality Assurance Manufacture Quality 批退率 卧式 Assurance 机箱)立式 机箱 ) Sales and service Quality Assurance Lot Reject Rate Desk Top Mini-Tower Digital Video Disk Video Compact Disk Liquid Crystal Display Computer Aided Design Computer Aided Manufacturing Printed Circuit Board Correction Action Report Not Good Weekly Delivery RequirementPercent Per MillionTotal Production MaintenanceMaterial Requirement Planning Operation SystemTo Be AssuredDrawing ChangePlans &Procedure液晶显示器计算器辅助设计计算器辅助生产印刷电路板改善报告不良周出货要求百万分之一全面生产保养物料需计划操作系统EMIElectrical-Music 电子音乐工业Electrica In l d M u a s g tr n y etic Interference电子干扰RFIMMC Read Frequency读频输入Inpu M t aximum Material ConditionLED lighting-emitting diode 发光二极管CIP Continuous improvement process 持续改善过程B2CBusiness to customerB2B Business to businessAVL Approved vendor listPOP Procedure of packaging 包装程序三:专业词汇通用类president 董事长operator 作业员position 职务gen eral man ager 总经理special assistant 特助deputy manager |'depjuti| =vice manager 副理deputy supervisor =vice supervisor 副课长group leader 组长line leader 线长supervisor 课长resp on sible departme n 负责单位Human Resources Department人力资源部Head count 人头数product ion departme nt 生产部门pla nning departme nt 企戈喑EQC Section 品管课stamping factory 冲压厂painting factory 烤漆厂molding factory 成型厂admi ni strati on/gen eral affairs dept. 总务咅E production unit 生产单位meeti ng minu tes 会议记录distributi on departme nt 分发单位subject 主题conclusion 结论decisi on items 决议事项pre-fixed finishing date 预定完成日Colormanagement 颜色管理Visual management 目视管理product ion capacity 生产力first count 初盘first check 初盘复棹second count 复盘sec ond check 复盘复核quantity of physical inventory second count 复盘点数量physical inventory 盘点数量physical count qua ntity 帐面数量difference quantity 差异量spare parts physicalinventory list 备品盘点清单cause an alysis 原因分析waste materials 废料description 品名specification 规格model 机种work order 工令revision 版次remark 备注registration 登t 记registratio n card 登记卡to control 管希9 applicati on form for purchase 请购单con sume, con sumption 消耗to notify 通知to fill in 填写to collect, to gather 收集statistics 统计cosmetic in spect ion sta ndard 外观检验规范computer case 计算机外壳(组件)pers onal computer en closure# 算机机箱产品frontplate 前板rear plate 后板chassis ?si| 基座bezel panel 面板Hood 上盖base pan 基座bezel 面板riser card 扩充卡flat cable 排线pin header 排针TOP driver cage 上磁架bottom driver cage 下磁架resin film 树脂膜raw materials 原料materials 物料steel plate 钢板roll/coil material 卷料spare parts =buffer 备品plasticparts 塑料件sheet metal parts/stampi ng parts? 中件material checklist 物料检查表fini shed product 成品semi-fi ni shed product 半成品goodproduct/accepted goods/ accepted parts/good pa 良品defectiveproduct/non-good parts 不良品disposed goods 处理品warehouse/hub 仓库packing material 包材plastic basket 胶筐flow chart 流程窗体product ion tempo 生产进度现状lots of production 生产批量manu factureprocedure 制程to revise, modify 修订to switch over to, switch —to, switching over 切换engineering bottleneck, project difficulty 工程瓶颈glove(s) 手套glove(s) with exposed fin gers 割手套Band-Aid 创可贴Industrial alcohol 工业酒精broom 扫把mop 拖把vacuum clea ner 吸尘器rag 抹布garbage contain er 灰箕garbage can 垃圾箱garbage bag 垃圾袋liaison 联络单rags 抹布lamp holder 灯架to mop the floor 拖地to clea n a tab? 察桌子air pipe 气管delivery deadli ne 交货期die worker 模工product ion, to produce 生产equipme nt 设备resista nee 电阻beac on 警示灯coola nt 冷却液crusher 粉碎机plate 电镀power button 电源按键reset butt on 重置键forklift * 车Workshop traveler 天车trailer =long vehicle 拖板车Hydraulic trolley 手压车hydraulic hand jack 油压板车casing = containerization 装箱velocity 速度pate nt 专禾U coordi nate 坐标supply and dema nc 供求career card 履历卡barricade 隔板carton box 纸箱to pull and stretch 拉深workcell/work shop 工作间品质类qualified products, up-to-grade products 良品defectiveproducts, not up-to-grade product 不良品defectiveproduct box 不良品箱poor processing 制程不良poor incoming part 来件不良exposed metal/bare meta 金属裸露excessive defect 过多的缺陷critical defect 极严重缺陷major defect 主要缺陷minor defect 次要缺陷not up to sta ndarc 不合规格cosmetic defect 外观不良lack of painting 烤漆不到位slipped screw head/slippery slipped threa (滑丝miss ing part 漏件wrong part 错件oxidation 氧化defective threadi ng 抽芽不良poor stak ing 铆合不良deficie nt purchase 来料不良制程不良cosmetic in spectio n 外观检查inner parts in specti on 内部检查blister 气泡angular offset 角度偏差dent 压痕scratch 刮伤deformation 变形filings 铁削defective label 不良标签abrasion 磨损Breaking. (be)broken,(be)cracked 断裂short 射料不足nick 缺口speck 瑕疵shine 亮班splay 银纹gas mark 焦痕delaminating 起鳞speckle 斑点mildewed =moldy = mouldy 发霉deformation 变形burr(金属)flash(塑件)毛边poor stak ing 铆合不良excessive gap 、可隙过大grease/oil sta ins? 由污inclusion 杂质shri nkin g/shri nkage 缩水mixed color 杂色fold of packag ing belt 打包带折皱painting make-up 补漆discoloration 羿色water spots 水渍impurity 杂质Mismatch 错位failure, trouble 故障deformation 变形rust 生锈peel 脱漆Shrink 缩水Contamination 脏污water spots 水渍Gap间隙label error 标签错误Missi ng 漏贴labelrejectio n criteria 拒收标准Suspected rejects 可疑庇abrasi on 损伤、磨损Texture surface 印花纹表面Streak 条纹sta ins 污点Blotch 斑点discoloratio 脱色nIn clusi on 杂质slug mark 压痕dirt grime 灰尘blush 毛边薄膜sink 下凹Hickey 漏漆labels and logos 贴纸与商标Con figurati on labels 组合贴c orrugated container 瓦摆纸箱blami nati脱层ngsplatteri ng 散点Gouge 锂孔puckeri ng 折痕。



















spring_integration迈入Spring 2.*之后,很多东西都有了改进。

Spring Integration 作为一个Spring的孵化项目,我也是今年年初的时候才听到的。


Integration 可以通过xml 和annotation来进行相应的配置。



Integration 的目标是(比较官方的说法):1.提供一个简单的模型,实现企业系统的集成的解决方案2.使用方便的,基于Spring应用的消息驱动行为3.使得更多的Spring用户来使用它原则是:1.组件之间应该是松散的,模块性的和易测的2.应用框架应该强迫分离业务逻辑和集成逻辑3.扩展节点应该有更好的抽象和可以再使用的能力废话不多说了,直接切入正题:Spring Integration的主要组件包括以下部分,这里务必了解这些概念,以便后续更好的理解整个集成的体系1.Message就是消息包括header(头)和payload(负载)message的header一般是id,时间戳或者目的地址什么的,比如如果你发的消息是个文件,那么header应该存放文件的名称,如果是邮件那么,header应该放目的邮件地址,from,cc等内容。

至于payload负载,放什么都行,随你2.Message channel至于channel就好像一个管子,生产者生产一个消息到channel,消费者从channel消费一个消息,所以channel可以对消息组件解耦,并且提供一个方便的拦截功能和监控功能。



如果是点对点的channel,至少会有一个消费者consumer能收到发送的message,另一种订阅发布的channel,spring integration试图去用广播的形式发布message给那些订阅者subscriber,这些都被spring支持。



CMM/CMMI术语缩写一览表2008-09-11 16:55术语一览表(按字母排序)AB= Ability to perform (CMM KPA comon feature) AC=Activities to perform (CMM KPA comon featureAD/Software Group=Application DevelopmentAE=Adaptive Enterprise (HP) RTI AI=Assessment InstrumentAPW=Action Planning WorkshopARC=Appraisal Requirements for CMMIATQG=Aassessor Training and Qualifications Guide (ISO SPICE)ATW=Actiion Team WorkshopsBAM=Business Activity MonitoringBI=Business IntelligenceBpel=Business Process Execution LanguageBPFBPG=Baseline Practice Guide (ISO SPICE)BPM=Business Process ManagementBPM=Busiiness Process MaturityBPMM=Business Process Maturity ModeBPO=Business Process OutsourcingBPR=Business Process RedesignBSI=British Standards Institute (standard BS 15000) CAPM=Certified Associate in Project ManagementCAR=Causal Analysis and Resolution (CMMI process area)CBA=CMM-Based AssessmentCBA IPI=CMM-Based Assessment for Internal Process ImprovementCBP=Competency Based PracticesCCB=Configuration Control BoardC-CommerceCDG=Capability Determination Guide (ISO SPICE)CEP=Complex Event ProcessingCEU=Continuing Education UnitsCII=Confederation of Indian IndustriesCM=Configuration ManagementCMM=Capability Maturity Model (also referred to as SWCMM). A model for improving the capability of software organizations.CMMI=Capability Maturity Model-Integration (published by the Software engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh) /sei-home.html(integrates 3 source models the SW CMM, SE CMM and the IPD-CMM)CMU=Carnegie Mellon UniversityCO=Committement to perform (CMM KPA common feature)COBit=Control Objectives for Information and Related TechnologyCOCOMO II=COnstructive COst MOdel II is a model that allows one to estimate the cost, effort, and schedule when planning a new software development activity.CO=Commitment to PerformCOTS=Commercial off-the-shelfCPM=Corporate Permormance MonitoringCRADA=Cooperarive Research and Development AgreementCRD=Career Recommendations DevelopmentCRM=Customer Relationship ManagementDAR=Decision Analysis and Resolution (CMMI process area)DBA=Database AdministratorDELLTA=Danish Electronics Light & AcousticsDI=Directing ImplementationDoD=Department of DefenseDP=Defect Prevention (CMM Process area)DTIZC=Defense Technical Information CenterEAI=Enterprise Application IntegrationEDA=Event Driven ArchitectureEIA=Electronic Industries AllianceEIT=Enterprise Information IntegrationELG=Executive Leadership GroupEPG=Engineering Process GroupEPIG=Engineering Process Improvement GroupERP=Enterprise Resource PlanningESB=Enterprise Service BusesESP=External Service ProvidersETL=Extraction Transformation LoadingETVX format=Enty criteria, Tasks, Verification, and eXit criteria (CMMI)FAR=Functional Area Representative (term used in some assessments)FP=Function PointFTE=Full-time Equivalent (measure of personnel availability)GAO=General Accounting OfficeGESP=Global External Service ProvidersGG=Generic GoalGP=Generic PracticeG-Q-M Approach=Goal Queston Metric techniqueIC=Intergroup Coordination (CMM process Area)IDEAL=Initiating-Diagnosing-Establishing-Acting-Leveraging; an improvement cycle often used for process improvementIEC=International Electrotechnical CommissionIEEE=Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.. A professional organizationIESP=Indian External Service ProvidersIG=Introductory Guide (ISO SPICE)IM=Integrated Management (CMM process area)IPD-CMM=Integrated Product Development Capability Maturity ModelIPM=Integrated Project Management (CMM process area)IPPD=Integrated Product and Process DevelopmentIPI=Internal Process ImprovementIPT=Integrated Product TeamISACA=Information Systems Audit and ControlAssociation ISM=Integrated Software Management (CMM process area)ISM=Integrated Supplier Management (CMMI process area)ISO=International Organization fro Standardization (International Standards Organization)IT=Integrated Teaming (CMM process area)ITIL=Information Technology Infrastructure LibraryJAD=Joint application designJIT=Just in TimeJTCI=Joint Technical Committee on Information TechnologyKGI=Key Goal IndicatorsKIPA=Korean IT Industry Promotion IndustryKP=Key practiceKPI's=Key Performance IndicatorKPA=Key Process AreaKSLOC=thousand source lines of codeMA (M&A)=Measurement and Analysis (CMM process area)MBNQA=Malcom Bridge National Quality AwardMDD=Method Description DocumentME=Measurement and Analysis (CMM KPA common feature)MOA=Memorandum of AgreementMOM=Message Orientated MiddlewareMQ=Maturity QuestionnaireMSG=Management Steering GroupMSMO=Microsoft Message Queue ServerMTBF-Mean Time Between FailuresOEI=Organizational Environment for Integration (CMMI process area)OID=Organizational Innovation and Deployment (CMMI process area)OO=Object OrientatedOOA&D=Object Orientated Analysis & DesignOoda=Observe-Orient-Decide-ActOPD=Organization Process Definition (CMM process area Level 3 KPA)OPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMM process area Level 3 KPA)OPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMMI process area)OPM3=Organizational Project Management Model (Published by PMI in January, 2004)OPP=Organizational Process Performance (OPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMMI process area)OSSP=Organization's Set of Standart PracticesOT=Organizational TrainingOPF=Organizational Process Focus (CMMI process area)OUSD/AT&L=Office of the Under Secretary of Defense, Acquisition , Technology and LogisticsPA=Process AreaPAIS=Process Appraisal Information Systems (Record of Entry Form for CBA IPIs)PAG=Process Assessment Guiide (ISO SPICE)PAT=Process Action TeamPC=Process Change (Management (CMM Level 5 KPA)PCA's=Pacaged Composite ApplicationsPCAR=People CMM Assessment Repository (Record of Entry Form for a PCMM Assessment)PCB's=Process Capability Baselines-a documented characterization of the range of expected resultsPCM=Process Change Management (CMM Level 5 KPA)PCMM=People Capability Maturity Model (CMM Level 3 KPA)PD=(Organization) Process DefinitionPDCA=Plan-Do-Check-Act; an improvement cycle often used for process improvementPDU=Professional Development UnitPE=(Software) Project Engineering (CMM Level 3 KPA)PF=(Organization) Process Focus (CMM Level 3 KPA)PI=Product IntegrationPII=Process Improvement IndicatorPII=Practice Implementation IndicatorsPIID=Practice Implementation Indicator Data (used for SCAMPI)PIG=Process Improvement Guide (ISO SPICE)PIP=Packaged Integration ProcessesPM=Project ManagementPMAT=appears in COCOMO II model shows the benefit of process maturity on and estimate of effort for a software project. CMM Level 2 to Level 3 noted improvements.4-11%PMBoK=Product Management Body of KnowledgePMC=Project Monitoring and Control (CMMI process area)PMC=Process Management CapabilityPMI=Project Management InstitutePMM=People Maturity ModelPMM=Process Maturity ModelPMP=Project Management ProfessionalPMO=Project Management OfficePP=(Software) Project Planning (CMM Level 2 KPA)PP=Project PlanningPI=Product Integration (CMMI process area)PPBs=Process Performance Baselines-a documented characterization of the actual results achieved by following a process.PPM=Process Performance Model (CMMI)PPQA=Process and Product Quality Assurance (CMMI process area)PSM= Practical Software and Systems ManagementPSM= Practical Software and Systems Measurement ()PSP/TSP=Personal Software Process/Team Software ProcessPT=(Software) Project Tracking (and Oversight) (CMM Level 2 KPA)PTO=Project Tracking and Oversight (CMM Level 2 KPA)QA=(Software) Quiality Assurance (CMM Level 2 KPA)QFD=Quality Function DeploymentQM=(Software) Quality Management (CMM Level 4 KPA)OO=Object OrientatedOoa&D=Object Orientation Analysis and DesignQP=Software Quality Process (Management (CMM Level 4 KPA) OPD=Organizational Process DefiinitionQPM=Quantitative Process Management (CMM process area) QPM=Quantitative Project Management (CMMI process area) RAI=Research Access Inc.RD=Requirements Development (CMMI process area)RE=Requirements EngineeringREQM=Requirements Management (CMMI process area)RM=Requirements Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)RM=Risk ManagmentROI=Return On InvestmentRPG=Report Program GeneratorRSKM=Risk Management (CMMI process area)RTE=Real Tme EnterpriseRTI=Real Time InfrastructureRTM=Requirements Traceability MatrixSA-CMM=Software Acquisition Capability Maturity Model SAM=Supplier Agreement Management (CMMI process area)Software Acquisition Management (CMM process area)SAP=Over the course of three decades, SAP has evolved from a small, regional enterprise into a world-class international company. Today, SAP is the global market leader incollaborative, inter-enterprise business solutions. The company now employs over 28,900 peopleSC7=Subcommittee 7 (ISO JTC1 subcommittee on software engineering)SCAMPI=Standard CMMI Appraisal Method for Process ImprovementSCCB=Software Configuration Control BoardSCE=Software Capability EvaluationsSCM=Software Configuration Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)SDD=Software Design DocumentSDF=Software Development FileSDLC=Software Development Life CycleSDP=Software Development Plan (also known as Project Plan)SE CAMM=Software Engineering Capability Assessment ModelSECM=Software Engineering Capability ModelSE CMM=Software Engineering Capability Maturity ModelSEI=Software Engineering Institute (at Carnegie Mellon University) 【软件工程学院】SEPG=Software Engineering Process GroupSEPI=Systems Engineering Process InitiativeSERP=Software Engineering Process GroupSG=Specific GoalSLA=Service Level AgreementSLOC=Source Line of CodeSM=Senior ManagementSM=(Software) Subcontract Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)SME=Subject Matter ExpertSOA=Service Orientated ArchitectureSOAP=Simple Object Access ProtocolSOW=Statement of WorkSP=Specific PracticeSPA=Software Process Assessment (SEI project; now CMM-based appraisals) software process assessment (method)SPC=Statistical Process ControlSPC=Software Product ConsortiumSPE=Software Product Engineering (CMM Level 3 KPA)SPI=Software Process ImprovementSPICE=Software Process Improvement and Capability DeterminationSPIN=Software Proess Improvement NetworkSPM=Software Process Mearurement (SEI project)SPP=Software Process Program; Software Project Planning (CMM Level 2 KPA)SPPT=Software Project Tracking and Oversight (CMM process area)SPTO=Software Project Tracking and OversightSQA=Software Quality Assurance (CMM Level 2 KPA)SQM=Software Quality Management (CMM Level 4 KPA)SRS=Software Requirements Specification (also known as RequirementsDocument)SS=Supplier SourcingSSM=Software Subcontract Management (CMM Level 2 KPA)STP=Straight Through ProcessingSW-CMM=Software Capability Maturity ModelTC176=Technical Committee 176 (ISO technical committee on quality managemetn systems)TCM=Technology Change ManagementTCO=Total Cost of OwnershipTM=Technology (Change) Management (CMM Level 5 KPA)TP=Training Program (CMM Level 3 KPA)TQM=Total Quality Management TQM can be defined as the application of quantitative methods and human resources to improve the materials and services provided asinputs to an organization an to improve all of the processes within the organization. The goal of TQM is to meet the needs of the customer, now and in the future.TS=Technical SolutionTTM=Time to MarketTTT=Train the TrainerTVO=Total Value of OpportunityUAN=Universal Application NetworkUAT=user Acceptance TestUDDI=Universal Desciption, Discovery and IntegrationVAL=Validation (CMMI process area)VB=Visual BasicVE=Verifying implementation (CMM KPA common feature)VER=Verification (CMMI process area)WBS=Work Breakdown StructureWG10=Working Group 10 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Working Group on software process assessment)WG7=Working Group 7 (ISO/IEC JTC1/SC7 Working Group on software life cycle processes)WiMAX=Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access. 802.11. 70MB Wireless connectivity over 30 milesWP=Workforce PlanningWS=Web ServicesWSDL=Web Services Descriptive LanguageXML=Extensible Markup LanguagexMM=Maturity Models for different business models (SW, I, P)XSL=Extensible Stylesheet LanguageZLE=Zero Latency Enterprise。



用杆臂效应在轨标定加速度计标度因数的方法党建军;罗建军;万彦辉【摘要】Aimed at the low precision and high cost of on-orbit calibrating accelerometer scale factor,as well as the auxiliary requirement and the difficulty in engineering implementation,a method of on-orbit calibrating accelerometer scale factor based on the lever arm effect was presented.As long as the knob mechanism of the inertial assembly rotates uniformly at the given speed,the scale factor of the accelerometer can be calculated according to the output of the gyroscope and the accelerometer in the inertial assembly.The calibration principle was analyzed,the calibration model was built and the separation algorithm of the error coefficient was derived.The effect of this method was verified by the ground test.%针对加速度计标度因数在轨标定精度低、成本高,需要其他辅助设备且难以工程实现等问题,提出了一种利用杆臂效应在轨标定加速度计标度因数的方法.用该方法对加速度计进行在轨标定,只需要惯组旋转机构按照给定的速率匀速旋转,根据惯组内陀螺仪及加速度计的输出即可解算出加速度计的标度因数.分析了标定原理,建立了标定模型,推导了误差系数的分离算法.通过地面试验验证了方法的有效性.【期刊名称】《中国空间科学技术》【年(卷),期】2013(033)002【总页数】6页(P19-24)【关键词】杆臂效应;在轨标定;加速度计;标度因数;自主导航;航天器【作者】党建军;罗建军;万彦辉【作者单位】西北工业大学航天学院,西安710072;西北工业大学航天学院,西安710072;西安精密机电研究所,西安710100【正文语种】中文1 引言惯性器件在地面条件下和空间飞行条件下的漂移率有很大差别,而且当受空间环境振动、辐照等影响,其性能会退化,导致参数变化。



oogpsOOGPS: A Comprehensive Guide to GPS TechnologyIntroductionGPS, short for Global Positioning System, has become an integral part of our lives. It is a network of satellites that provides accurate and precise location information. OOGPS, which stands for Object-Oriented GPS, is a powerful and versatile GPS technology that offers advanced features for a variety of applications. In this document, we will explore the ins and outs of OOGPS, its capabilities, and its potential applications.1. What is OOGPS?OOGPS is an innovative approach to GPS technology that utilizes object-oriented programming principles to enhance its functionality. Unlike traditional GPS systems that rely on procedural programming, OOGPS leverages the benefits of object-oriented design to provide a more flexible and extensible solution.2. Key Features of OOGPS2.1 Object-Oriented Design: OOGPS organizes GPS-related functionalities into objects, making it easier to understand and manipulate data. This approach allows for modular development and easier maintenance.2.2 Customization: OOGPS offers a high degree of customization. Users can create their own GPS objects and add specific functionalities based on their unique requirements.2.3 Event-Driven Programming: OOGPS incorporates event-driven programming, allowing users to define specific actions or operations triggered by events such as changes in location, speed, or altitude.2.4 Data Visualization: OOGPS provides tools for data visualization, enabling users to display GPS information in various formats, such as maps, charts, or graphs.3. OOGPS Applications3.1 Personal Navigation: OOGPS can be used in portable navigation devices, such as smartphones or handheld GPS units. It enables users to find the most efficient routes, locate points of interest, and receive real-time traffic updates.3.2 Fleet Management: OOGPS can improve fleet management by enabling real-time tracking of vehicles, monitoring driver behavior, optimizing routes, and enhancing operational efficiency.3.3 Sports and Fitness: OOGPS can be integrated into fitness devices and applications to track performance, measure distances, and provide location-based guidance for outdoor activities such as running, cycling, hiking, and golfing.3.4 Geographic Information System (GIS): OOGPS can be integrated into GIS software to gather and analyze spatial data, enabling improved decision-making in various fields such as urban planning, logistics, environmental management, and agriculture.3.5 Safety and Security: OOGPS plays a crucial role in enhancing safety and security. It can be used for emergency services to locate and track vehicles or individuals in distress.Additionally, it aids in asset tracking and anti-theft measures by tracking the movement of valuable goods or equipment.4. OOGPS Development Frameworks and APIsTo facilitate the development of OOGPS applications, various frameworks and APIs (Application Programming Interfaces) are available. These tools provide developers with the necessary resources and functionality to create OOGPS-enabled applications quickly and efficiently. Some popular frameworks include Google Maps API, Mapbox SDK, and HERE Maps API.5. Future Trends and Advancements in OOGPSThe continuous advancement in technology is driving the evolution of OOGPS. Some future trends and advancements include:5.1 Real-time Data Streaming: OOGPS applications will increasingly rely on real-time data streaming, enabling more accurate and up-to-date information.5.2 Integration with Internet of Things (IoT): OOGPS is expected to integrate with IoT devices, allowing for enhanced connectivity and data sharing between various devices and systems.5.3 Augmented Reality (AR): OOGPS can be integrated with AR technologies to provide users with immersive and interactive experiences, such as 3D map overlays and location-based AR games.ConclusionOOGPS is a powerful and versatile GPS technology that combines object-oriented design principles with the functionality of GPS systems. It offers a wide range of applications, from personal navigation to fleet management and sports tracking. With its customizable features and event-driven programming, OOGPS provides developers with a flexible and extensible platform to create innovative GPS-enabled applications. As technology continues to advance, OOGPS is poised to play an even more significant role in various industries, contributing to enhanced safety, efficiency, and user experiences.。



WhitepaperCodarSoftware version: 1.94For Windows and Linux operating system sContinuous Integration, Deployment and Testing by Codar using ALMDocument release date: August 2018Software release date: August 2018ContentsWhat is Codar? (3)Why is Codar required? (3)Application Lifecycle Management (3)End-to-end flow (3)Create the test environment in ALM (4)Site Administration (5)ALM Lab Service (7)ALM Lab Management (8)ALM Desktop Client (9)Configuring Test Set Action (12)Executing Tests during package promotion (13)Troubleshooting Codar Integration with Jenkins and ALM (14)Send documentation feedback (15)Legal notices (15)What is Codar?Codar is a continuous delivery solution that provides deployment and release management of complex multi-tier applications across the application lifecycle. It automates the deployment of applications by embracing existing content from Chef, SA, and so on and representing this content as components. These components can be used in a graphical designer to create an application model.One of the important features of Codar is that the model is used to trigger deployments automatically with Jenkins, trigger test cases that are on the deployed instances in ALM (Application Lifecycle Management), and update the results in ALM.This document provides information about integrating Codar with ALM.Why is Codar required?Software engineering builds are subject to continuous deployment and testing on the principles of frequent code commits, build automation, faster and frequent builds, automated application deployment, and test automation. On top of continuous integration, software development teams also continuously deliver qualified software applications to their test and production teams. One of the challenges that most software development teams face in the process of continuous integration and continuous delivery is the ability to automate the deployment of applications in a simple and consistent manner and run tests on the deployed instance. Codar is built to solve this problem.Using Codar, users can deploy the application and run tests automatically by integrating with ALM. This white paper describes how Codar can be integrated with ALM. Codar is integrated with ALM through Jenkins. Jenkins acts as orchestrator between Codar and ALM.Application Lifecycle ManagementALM is a set of software products designed to accelerate the delivery of secure, reliable, and modern applications. It is a combination of a common platform, several key applications, and a dashboard targeted at managing the core lifecycle of applications.End-to-end flowUser will be able to configure ALM Test sets in Release Gate actions. “Execute Test Set” is the release gate action which provides interface with ALM. The following diagram shows how ALM test sets are configured and executed.Figure 1: Interface with ALMFigure 2: Interface with ALMCreate the test environment in ALMThe Jenkins ALM integration is supported only in ALM version 12.20. See the ALM Installation Guide for information about installing ALM 12.20.After installing ALM, the configurations required for the Jenkins-ALM integration are shown in Figure 3.Uses ALM API’s to get Test SetsConfigurationCodarAdd ALM GateActionExecutionCodar internal execution engine –OO flowUses ALM API’s to executetest actionPackagePromoteFigure 3: Configurations required for the integrationAfter installing ALM, open the http://localhost:8080/qcbin/ link using Internet Explorer.Site AdministrationUse Site Administration to create projects and users. The users should be associated with the project. The following screens show how the Pet Clinic project is created.Figure 4: Entering the project detailsAfter entering the project details, users have to be created and associated with the Pet Clinic project. In this example, a user called Tester has been created and Tester has been associated with the Pet Clinic project. In this case, Tester is also a project administrator (to avoid any permission issues).Figure 5: Creating a userFor more information about using Site Administration, see the ALM Administration Guide.ALM Lab ServiceYou can install ALM Lab Service either on the same computer in which ALM 12.20 is installed or on a different computer. Ensure that ALM Lab Service is running. For information about installing and configuring ALM Lab Service, see the ALM Guide.Note– If ALM Lab Service is installed on a different computer, then VAPI-XP must be installed. To do this, open Internet Explorer on the computer in which ALM Lab Service is installed and type http://<alm serverhostname>:<port>/qcbin/addins.htmlFigure 6: Installing VAPI-XPTo download the VAPI-XI libraries, register the client with ALM as shown in Figure 7. Figure 7: Downloading librariesALM Lab ManagementClick on “Register HPALM “Click on “HP ALM Client Registration“1. Open ALM Lab Management from the computer in which ALM 12.20 is installed. Login as an administrator.2. Go to Testing Host–> New Testing host.Figure 8: Testing hosts3. Ensure that the purpose is VAPI-XP.4. After adding the new host, it must appear as shown in Figure 9.Figure 9: New hostALM Desktop Client5. Open ALM Desktop Client from the computer in which ALM 12.20 is installed.6. Login as Tester (domain is default and the project is Pet Clinic for this example)7. Go to Test Plan–> Create a New Test Case.Figure 10: Creating a test case8. Ensure that the type is VAPI-XP-TEST.9. Add the following script on the Test Script tab.' Petclinic Test [VBScript]' Created by Application Lifecycle Management' 2/9/2015 3:25:28 AM' ====================================================' ----------------------------------------------------' Main Test Function' Debug - Boolean. Equals to false if running in [Test Mode] : reporting to Application Lifecycle Management ' CurrentTestSet - [OTA COM Library].TestSet.' CurrentTSTest - [OTA COM Library].TSTest.' CurrentRun - [OTA COM Library].Run.' ----------------------------------------------------Sub Test_Main(Debug, CurrentTestSet, CurrentTSTest, CurrentRun)' *** VBScript Limitation ! ***' "On Error Resume Next" statement suppresses run-time script errors.' To handle run-time error in a right way, you need to put "If Err.Number <> 0 Then"' after each line of code that can cause such a run-time error.On Error Resume Next' clear output windowTDOutput.Clear' TODO: put your code here'Dim ipAdd : ipAdd = ""'url_base= ""url_base=CurrentRun.getRunTimeParameterByName("ipAddress")url= "http://" & url_base & ":8080/petclinic"set ie = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")' ie.Navigate ""ie.Navigate urlie.Visible = trueIf Not Debug ThenEnd If' handle run-time errorsIf Err.Number <> 0 ThenTDOutput.Print "Run-time error [" & Err.Number & "] : " & Err.Description' update execution status in "Test" modeIf Not Debug ThenCurrentRun.Status = "Failed"CurrentTSTest.Status = "Failed"End IfEnd IfEnd Sub10. Ensure that Testing Hosts is updated with the information added in Lab Management.11. Verify that the Pet Clinic test case is successful by manually running the test case in the test lab.12. Go to Lab Resources -> AUT Environments and add a new AUT parameter called App Server as shown in13.14. Figure 11.Figure 11: Added the App Server parameterConfiguring Test Set Action“Execute Test Set” is a new Action that can be used to trigger ALM Test Sets during package promotion . User will be able to configure this gate action in all stages.Figure 12 –Execute Test Set Create parameters for AUTSelect “Execute Test Set”In the Select Deployment option – select the deployment action on which this Test Set is dependent on.Click Next, Select ALM Test Set and AUT environments in step 2 and 3Configure the parameters in Step 4Select “Add Action” to complete the configurationExecuting Tests during package promotionCreate a package and “Promote” it. During package promotion the configured gate actions are executed. The ALM test sets are also executed and upon successful completion of Test Set the package is promoted to next stageThe below screen show the status in ALMTroubleshooting Codar Integration with Jenkins and ALMThis section contains some of the issues that you may encounter when integrating Codar with Jenkins and ALM, and workarounds to troubleshoot these issues.Plug-in execution begins but failsProblem: Codar plug-in execution begins but fails with some errorSolution/Workaround: In the Operations Orchestration console>>Content Management>>Configuration Items>>Systems account>>System properties, overwrite the following properties with the appropriate credentials:∙CODAR_REST_CREDENTIALS∙CODAR_REST_URISend documentation feedbackIf you have comments about this document, you can contact the documentation team by email.If an email client is configured on this system, click the link above and an email window opens. Add subject and your feedback to the email, and click send. If no email client is available, copy the information above to a new message in a web mail client, and send your feedback to *****************.We appreciate your feedback!Legal notices© Copyright 2008 - 2018 Micro Focus or one of its affiliates.The only warranties for products and services of Micro Focus and its affiliates and licensors (“Micro Focus”) are set forth in the express warranty statements accompanying such products and services. Nothing herein should be construed as constituting an additional warranty. Micro Focus shall not be liable for technical or editorial errors or omissions contained herein. The information contained herein is subject to change without notice.Contains Confidential Information. Except as specifically indicated otherwise, a valid license is required for possession, use or copying. Consistent with FAR 12.211 and 12.212, Commercial Computer Software, Computer Software Documentation, and Technical Data for Commercial Items are licensed to the U.S. Government under vendor's standard commercial license.。







Integration融合法的原则1. 综合性Integration融合法强调将不同领域的知识和经验整合在一起。



2. 共享性Integration融合法鼓励共享知识、资源和经验。



3. 弹性Integration融合法强调灵活性和适应性。



4. 实践性Integration融合法强调实践和应用。



Integration融合法的应用1. 科学研究Integration融合法可以应用于科学研究中,促进跨学科的合作和交流。




2. 技术创新Integration融合法可以应用于技术创新中,促进不同技术的整合和应用。





Goto Settings
System Help
Create Organization and Staffing (Workflow)
Create a root organizational unit Valid from 09.12.2002 to
Search for Organizational unit Position Job Person User
在定義時間根據職責和專業來進行任務分配。使用可能的責任 人來連接任務和使用責任人來連接工作流步驟。
運行時間動態的任務分配: 根據處理的工作流和物件的資訊來決定工作項的接收者。
SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation / Speaker Name / ‹#›
工作流使用使用者並不需要技術細節,但是不要工作項的內容,不能夠 被太多的功能所迷惑。
管理者必須通過系統定義標準價值。 所有的使用者可以定義他們自己的內容。.
SAP AG 2004, Title of Presentation / Speaker Name / ‹#›
工作平臺: 替代
個人替代 (適用於SAP用戶) 職位替代
從啟動的時候開始,替代者不僅會接收到他們自己的工作項,而且也有 替代的工作項。
替代者可以在任何時間控制替代的功能直到替代者結束了替代的功能, 只有替代的工作項在他或她的工作平臺上被顯示在那裡。 .









发育生物学研究的基本问题:细胞分化(Cell differentiation)形态发生(Morphogenesis)区域特化(Regional specification)器官发生(organogenesis)生长(Growth)繁殖(Reproduction)进化(Evolution)与环境的关系(Environmental integration )What does developmental biology concerns ?1简而言之,是研究生物发育机理的学科。








计划是否落实 是

出访团组基本情况 登记表
否 否
是否本单位人员 是
是否需要 办理护照
是 申请护照
申请出国 护照事项表
申请出国 签证事项表?
一、软件需求定义 二、软件需求管理过程 三、需求建模的基本方法
原型方法 结构化分析法 面向对象的用例分析法 功能列表法 其他
需求分析工作完成的一个基本标志是形成 了一份完整的、规范的需求规格说明书
需求规格说明书的编制是为了使用户和软 件开发者双方对该软件的初始规定有一个 共同的理解,使之成为整个开发工作的基 础。
从现实中分离功能,即描述要“做什 么”而不是“怎样实现”
4.5 4.3 4.2 4.1 4.1 3.9 3.8
3.8 3.6 3.6
一、软件需求定义 二、软件需求管理过程 三、需求建模的基本方法 四、案例分析
需 求 需求获取 确 认
需求分析 编写需求规格
需求的隐含错误 需求不明确、含糊 用户不断增加需求、变更需求 用户刁难 开发人员的镀金
一、软件需求定义 二、软件需求管理过程 三、需求建模的基本方法 四、案例分析

第三章 MIS的生命周期及开发方法

第三章 MIS的生命周期及开发方法

预算 费用
引 入
传 播
控 制
集 成 阶段
Page 7
Page 8
一旦IT技术发生了全局意 义的革新,上升到新的层 次,则企业IT应用的四阶 段“S形循环又将在新的 层次上重新展开。
Page 9
第一阶段: 初装
初装阶段标志着组织购买第一台计算机,并初 步开发管理应用程序。 特点: ⑴ 组织中只有个别人具有使用计算机的能力; ⑵ 该阶段一般发生在一个组织的财务部门。
扩展阶段 理论模型
Page 6
阶段I——引入(initiation) 在这个阶段,计算机数据处理 阶段II——传播 (contagion) 技术首次被引入组织, IT主要 大量部门和个人采用了信息技术 阶段III——控制 (control) 应用在事务性的、规范化的业 ,组织中人们开始试验着使用信 阶段 II的后期 IT 的预算超出了收 务运作中,最常见的是财务记 阶段 IV —— 集成 (integration) 息技术,但对实验的强调超过了 入的增长,这提醒经理们必须要 账的自动化。 这个阶段管理者在松散和控制之 对效率的强调,管理上较松散, 加强控制,例如控制预算等.来 间找到了一个较为恰当的平衡, 浪费较多资源。虽 IT使用快速增 “排斥’’松散。由于对 IT获取 新技术紧密地集成到了公司的运 长,但效率很低。 和使用的控制加强,信息技术的 作业务过程中来。 蔓延开始放慢。
Page 22
1.用户参与的原则 2.先逻辑后物理的原则
4.工作成果描述标准化原则 5.充分预料可能发生变化的原则
Page 23
  1. 1、下载文档前请自行甄别文档内容的完整性,平台不提供额外的编辑、内容补充、找答案等附加服务。
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(return to Date:testdate)
以下是用2008年4月30日实例化的更有意思的MM-路径: testIt<2>
Date:testdate.increment<8,9> msg7 Day:d.increment<28,29> ’now Day.d.currentPos=31 msg17 Month:m.getMonthSize<41,42> msg20 Year:y.isleap<60,61,63,64> ‘not a leap year (return to Month:m.getMonthSize)
class Day isA calendarUint
Private month m 21 22 Day(pDay,Month pMonth) setDay(pDay,pMonth) msg15
23 24 End
„Day constractor
setDay(pDay,Month pMonth) setCurrentPos(pDay) „setDay msg16
getMonth getMonthSize m4
Year() setCurrentPos() m21
实例化Date(2008年1月15日)的MM- 路径:
increment() getYear isLeap
testit Main
2:increment 3:getYear
1:create 2:increment 3:printDate 1:create 2:increment
4:getMonth 1:create 2:increment 3:setDay 4:getDay
58 59 End 60 61
boolean increment()
currentPos=currentPos+1 return true ‘increment boolean isleap() if(((currentPos MOD4=0)AND NOT(currentPos MOD400=0))OR
52 End
Else return true
EndIf ‘increment
class Year isACalendarUnit 53 Year(pYear)
54 End 55 56 End
setCurrentPos(pYear) ‘Year constructor getYear() return currentPos ‘getYear
(return to Date:testdate)
Date:testdate<7> msg6 Day:d<21,22> msg15 Day:d:setDay<23,24> msg16 Day:d:setCurrentPos<a,b> (return to Day:d:setDay)
Day:d:setDay<25> (terurn to Day:d)
Day() setCurrentPos() increment() setDay getDay
Month() m8
increment() printDate
面向对象软件中的MM-路径是由消 息连接起来的方法执行序列。 原子功能(ASF)是一种MM-路径, 从输入端口事件开始,到输出端口事件 结束。
class CalendarUnit ‘abstract class currentPos As Integer a setCurrentPos(pCurrentPos) b currentPos=pCurrentPos End ‘setCurrentPos
Class Date private Day d private Month m private Year y 4 5 6 7 Date(pMonth,pDay,pYear) y=instantiate Year(pYear) m=instantiate Month(pMonth,y) d=instantiate Day(pDay,m) End 8 9 10 11 „Date constructor msg4 msg5 msg6
(return to Date:testdate)
Date:testdate<6> msg5 Month:m<34,35> msg18
Month:m:setMonth<36,37> msg19
(return to Month:m.setMonth) (terurn to Month:m)
这种序列图的实际测试应该采用与以下类似的伪代码: 1. testDriver 2. m.setMonth(1) 3. d.setDay(15) 4. y.setYear(2002) 5. Output(“expected value is 1/15/2002”) 6. Output(“actual output is”) 7. test.printDate() 8. End testDriver
40 End 41
return currentPos „getMonth getMonthSize()
43 44 45 46 End 47 48 49 50
Then sizeIndex[1]=29 Else sizeIndex[1]=28 EndIf rturn sizeIndex[currentPos-1] ‘getMonthSize boolean increment() currentPos=currentPos+1 if(currentPos>12) Then return flase
m20 m21
increment() getYear isLeap
图18-3 o-oCalendar中的消息
testIt<1> msg1 Date:testdate<4,5> msg4 Year:y<53,54>
Year:y.setCurrentPos<a,b> (terurn to Year.y)
根据协同图,可以得到以下要集成的类对: •testIt和Date,为Year、Month和Day建立桩。 •Date和Year,为testIt、Month和Day建立桩。 •Date和Month,为testIt、Year和Day建立桩。 •Date和Day,为testIt、Month和Year建立桩。 •Year和Month,为Date和Day建立桩。 •Month和Day,为Date和Year建立桩。
m1 m2 m3
m5 m8
increment() printDate
getMonth getMonthSize
m4 m9
Year() setCurrentPos()
Abstract protected boolean increment() Class testIt main()
2 3
testdate=instantiate Date(testMonth,testDay,testYear) msg1
testdate.increment() estdate.printDate() msg2 msg3
Month:m.getMonthSize<44,45,46> ‘returns month size=30 (return to Day:d.increment)
Day:d..increment<32,33> ‘returns false
(return to Date:testdate.increment) Date:testdate.increment<10,11> msg8 Month:m.increment<47,48,49,51,52> ‘returns true (return to Date:testdate.increment) Date:testdate.increment<15,16> msg11 Day:d.setDay<23,24,25> „now dayis 1,month is 5 (return to Date:testdate.increment)