雅思口语考试流程详细解析雅思口语考试的流程最开始是general introduction,每个同学一进入考场之后,会有个20~30秒钟热身,考官会和大家做一个非常非常简短的交流,他会问一些类似这样的小问题,比如说what’s your name?你叫什么名字? have you a English name?他会问大家有没有英文名字? where did you come from?你从哪儿来的? can I see your ID please?我能看你身份证吗?这时候同学把自己的身份证拿出来给考官检查一下,口语考试基本上就开始了。
第一部分叫做daily questions或者daily conversation,日常生活当中的一个对话,时间是4-5分钟,形式是考官和你一问一答,考官问问题你来回答,里面会有一些小的topic形式。
第二部分叫做topics cards话题卡,考官给每一位同学一张卡片,我们需要按照卡片的要求进行独自描述,时间是3-4分钟,在这个环节里面每个同学会有1-2分钟的时间作准备,他会给你一张纸和一根笔,你自己记一记笔记,那么在1分钟结束以后,你需要按照卡片的要求进行独自描述,描述一分钟到两分钟时间,内容涉及到300-500个单词,你需要说个大概二三十句话,有同学语速比较快,需要说四五十句话。
第三部分叫做two way discussion,双向讨论。
雅思8听力试题(超级紧凑可编辑版)Test 8-1 LISTENINGSECTION 8-1-1 Questio ns 1-10Questions I and 2 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Example: In the library George found (B) A a book. B a brochure. C a n ewspaper.1、In the lobby of the library George sawA a group play ing music.B a display of in strume nts.C a video about the festival.2、George wants to sit at the back so they can A see well. B hear clearly. C pay less.Questi ons 3—10 Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer.SECTION Questi ons 8-1-2 Questions 11-20 11-15 Complete the sen ten ces below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer. The Dino saur Museum11 The museum closes at _________ p.m. on Mon days. 12 The museum is not ope n on _________13 School groups are met by tour guides in the __________14 The whole visit takes 90 minu tes, in clud ing _______ minu tes for the guided tour. 15 There are ________ behi nd the museum where stude nts can have lun ch. Questio ns 16-18 Choose THREE letters, A-G.Which THREE things can students have with them in the museum? A food B water C cameras D books E bags F pens G worksheets Questio ns 19 and 20 Choose TWO letters, A-E.Which TWO activities can stude nts do after the tour at prese nt?B n eeds a contents page.C ought to in clude more C shorte ned her senten ces. s proposal?B The headi ngs were not always clear. D impact of tourismA build model dino saursB watch filmsC draw dino saursD finddino saureggsE play computer gamesSECTION 8-1-3 Questions 21-30Questions 21-24 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C. Field Trip Proposal21 The tutor thinks that Sandra s prop o sal A should be re-ordered in some parts. in formati on. 22 The proposal would be easier to follow if Sandra A in serted subheadi ngs. B used more paragraphs. 23 What was the problem with the formatti ng on Sandra A Separate points were not clearly ide ntified.C Page nu mberi ng was not used in an appropriate way.24 Sandra became interested in visiting the Navajo National Park throughA articles she read.B movies she saw as a child.C photographs she found on the intern et. Questio ns 25-27 Choose THREE letters, A-G.Which THREE topics does Sandra agree to in clude in the proposal? A climate cha nge B field trip activities C geographical features E myths and lege nds F pla nt and ani mal life G social historyQuestio ns 28-30 Complete the sentences below. Write ONE WORD ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer. 28 The tribal park covers __________ hectares.29 Sandra suggests that they share the __________ f or tran sport. 30 She says they could also explore the local __________SECTION 8-1- 4 Questions 31-40 Complete the notes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.GeographyStudy ing geography helps us to un dersta nd: ---the eftects of differe nt processes on the 31 __________ of the Earth ---the dyn amic betwee n 32 ___________ and populati on Two main bran ches of study: ---physical features---huma n lifestyles and their 33 ____________Specific study areas: biophysical, topographic, political, social, economic, historical and 34 __________ geography, and also cartographyKey point: geography helps us to un dersta nd our surro undings and the associated 35 ___________ What do geographers do?---find data -e.g. con duct cen suses, collect in formatio n in the form of 36 _______ using computer andsatellite tech no logy ---a nalyse data- ide ntify 37 ________ , e.g. cause and effect ---publish findings in form of: a) maps ----easy to carry----can show physical features of large and small areasExampleNameAddressShipp ing age nt Place of orig in Date of arrival Refere nee nu mberAn swerMichael Alexa nder24 Manly Street, 1_2 ____________Chi na3 _____________601 ACK,SydneyC research and en tertainment.----BUT a two-dime nsional map will always have some 38 _________b) aerial photos --- can show vegetati on problems, 39 ___________ d en sity, ocea n floor etc.c) Lan dsat pictures sent to recei ving stati ons ---- used for mon itori ng 40 _______ con diti ons etc.Test 8-2 LISTENINGSECTION 8-2-1 Questio ns 1-10Questi ons 1-3 Complete the form below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer.TOTAL INSURANCE INCIDENT REPORT8-2-2 Questio ns 11-20Question 11 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.11 Accord ing to the speaker, he main purposes of the park are Aeducati on and en terta inment. B research and educati on.Questio ns 12-14 Label the plan below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each an swer.Agricultural ParkQuestions 15-20 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.15 Whe n are the experime ntal areas closed to the public?A alltheyearr oundB almost all the yearC a short time every year16 How can you move around the park?A by tram, walki ng or bicycleB by solar car or bicycleC by bicycle, walki ng or bus17 The rare breed ani mals kept in the park in cludeA hens and horses.B goats and cows.C goats and hens.18 What is the main purpose of having the Rare Breeds Section?A to save unu sual ani malsB to keep a variety of breedsC to educate the public19 What can you see in the park at the prese nt time?A the arrival of wild birdsB fruit tree blossomC a dem on strati on of fish ing20 The shop contains books aboutA ani mals.B local traditi ons.C the history of the park.SECTION 8-2-3 Questio ns 21-30Questions 2 1-24 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Honey Bees in Australia21 Where in Australia have Asian honey bees been found in the past?A Quee nsla ndB New South WalesC several states22 A problem with Asian honey bees is that theyA attack n ative bees.B carry parasites.C damage crops.23 What point is made about Australia n bees?A Their honey varies in quality.B Their size stops them from polli nat ing some flowers.C They are sold to customers abroad.24 Grant Freeman says that if Asian honey bees got into Australia,A the country s economy would be affected.B they could be used in the study of allergies.C certa in areas of agriculture would ben efit.,and cough up small bits of skelet on and Birds called Rain bow Bee Eaters eat only 25 other products in a pellet.Researchers go to the locati ons the bee eaters like to use for 26 ______________ They collect the pellets and take them to a 27 _____________ f or an alysis. Here 28 ____________ is used to softe n them, and the researchers look for the 29 bees in the pellets. The ben efit of this research is that the result is more 30of Asia n than searching for live Asi an bees. ries . C wome n who were un employed 38 an un dergraduate at the uni versity40 a tutor in a foreign university ----- Questio ns 25-30 Complete the summary below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each an swer.Looki ng for Asia n honey beesSECTION 8-2-4 Questio ns 31-40Questions 31-36 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Research on questi ons about doctors31 In order to set up her research programme, Shona got A advice from pers onal friends in other coun tries. B help from stude nts in other count C in formatio n from her tutor s contacts in other coun tries.32 What types of people were in cluded in the research?A young people in [heir first jobB men who were worki ng33 Shona says that in her questi onn aire her aim wasA to get a wide range of data.B to limit people s responses.C to guide people through in terviews. 34 What do Shona s'initial results show about medical services in Britain?A Curre nt concerns are misreprese nted by the press.B Finan cial issues are critical to the gover nment.C Reforms with in hospitals have bee n un successful. 35 Shona n eeds to do further research in order toA prese nt the gover nment with her findin gs.B decide the level of extra funding n eeded.C ide ntify the prefere nces of the public.36 Shona has lear nt from the research project thatA it is important to plan projects carefully.B people do not like answering questions.C colleagues do not always agree.Questio ns 3 7-40Which stateme nt applies to each of the follow ing people who were in terviewed by Shona? Choose FOUR an swers from the box and write the correct letter, A-F, n ext to questi ons 37-40. A gave false data B decided to stop participati ng C refused to tell Shona about their job D kept cha nging their mind about participat ing E became very angry with Shona F was worried about con fide ntiality People in terviewed by Sho na37 a pers on in terviewed in the street----39 a colleague in her departme nt ——Test 8-3 LISTENINGSECTION 8-3-1 Questio ns 1-10Questio ns 1-3 Complete the form below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each an swer.Name: ExampleNo. of bedrooms:Preferred locati on:Maximum mon thly rent: Ren ted Properties Customer s Requireme ntsSteve n GodfreyAn swer four in the 1 _________ a rea of tow n 2 £ Len gth of let required: 3 _____________ Start ing:September 1stQuestio ns 4-8 Complete the table below. Write ONE WORD AND/OR A NUMBER for each an swer.Test 8-3-1 Questio ns 9and 10 Choose TWO letters, A-E.Which TWO facilities in the district of Devon Close are open to the public at the mome nt?A museumB concert hallC cinemaD sports centreE swimmi ng poolSECTION 8-3-2 Questions 11-20 Questions 11-16Complete the no tes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer.THE NATIONAL ARTS CENTRE13in 14 opened tothe 1516days per yearWell known for: 11___________Complex con sists of: con cert roomstheatrescin emasart galleries public library restaura ntsa 12Historical backgro und: 1940 - area destroyed by bombs1960s-1970s - Centre wasand builtpublicMan agedby:Ope n:Questi ons 17-20 Complete the table below.Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS ANDIORSECTION 8-3 Questio ns 21-30Questions 2 1-26 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Latin American studies21 Paul decided to get work experie nee in South America because he wan tedA to teach En glish there.B to improve his Spa ni sh.C to lear n about Lati n America n life.22 What project work did Paul origi nally intend to get invo Ived in?A con structi onB agricultureC tourism23 Why did Paul cha nge from one project to ano ther?A His first job was not well orga ni sed.B He found doing the routi ne work very bori ng.C The work was too physically dema nding.24 In the village community, he learnt how important it was toA respect family life.B develop trust.C use money wisely.25 What does Paul say about his project man ager?A He let Paul do most of the work.B His pla ns were too ambitious.C He was very supportive of Paul.26 Paul was surprised to be give nA a computer to use.B so little money to live on.C an exte nsion to his con tract.Questi ons 27-30 What does Paul decide about each of the followi ng modules?Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 27-30.A He will do this.B He might do this.C He won 'tdo this.Module27 Gen der Studies in Lati n America --- 28 Sec ond Lan guage Acquisiti on ---29 Indigenous Women s Lives ------ 30 Portuguese Language Studies ----SECTION 8-3-4 Questio ns 31-40Questions 3 1-34 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Trying to repeat success31 Compared to in troduc ing new bus in ess processes, attempts to copy exist ing processes areA more attractive.B more freque nt.C more straightforward.32 Most research into the repetitio n of success in bus in ess hasA bee n done outside the Un ited States.B produced con siste nt findin gs.C related to only a few con texts.33 What does the speaker say about con sult ing experts?A Too few man agers ever do it.B It can be useful in certa in circumsta nces.C Experts are sometimes un willi ng to give advice.34 An expert s kno wledge about a bus in ess system may be in complete becauseA some details are difficult for workers to explai n.B workers choose not to men ti on certa in details.C details are sometimes altered by workers.Questio ns 35-40 Complete the n otes below. Write ONE WORD ONLY for each an swer.Sett ing up systems based on an existi ng processTwo mistakesMan ager tries to: ----improve on the orig inal process----create an ideal 35 __________ from the best parts of several processes Cause of problems ----in formatio n was in accurate----comparis on betwee n the bus in ess setti ngs was inv alidB buried.C repaired. ----disadva ntages were overlooked, e.g. effect of cha nges on 36 _____ Soluti on----cha nge 37 ____________----impose rigorous 38 _________----copy orig inal very closely: - physical features of the 39_________-the 40 ____________ of orig inal employeesTest 8-4 LISTENINGSECTION 8-4-1 Questio ns 1-10 Complete the n otes below.Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer.West Bay Hotel - details of jobSECT IO N 8-4-2 Questio ns 11-20Questio ns 11-13 Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.Improveme nts to Red Hill Suburb11 Commu nity groups are mai nly concerned aboutA pedestria n safety.B traffic jams.C in creased polluti on.12 It has bee n decided that the overhead power lines will be A exte nded. 13 The expenses related to the power lines will be paid for by A the coun cil. B the power compa ny. C local bus in esses.Questions 14-20 Label the map below. Write the correct letter, A-H, next to questions 14-20.Red Hill Improveme nt Pla n4 trees "……“5 voider foolpaths “6 coloured road surface ..........7 new s-ign *“”*+*fl traffic lights ………9 a rtwork ..............................................................children's 口I之“口round . .........14 trees ------ 15 wider footpaths ------------------ 16 coloured road surface ---------17 new sig n ---- 18 traffic lights ----- 19 artwork ----20 children ' playground -----SECTION 8-4-3 Questio ns 21-30Questio ns 21 and 22 Choose TWO letters, A-E.ln which TWO ways is Dan financing his course?A He is receiving money from the government.B His family are willing to help him.C The college is giving him a small grant.D His local coun cil is support ing him for a limited period.E A former employer is providing partial funding.Questio ns 23 and 24 Choose TWO letters, A-E.Which TWO reas ons does Jea nnie give for decid ing to leave some college clubs?A She is not sufficie ntly challe nged.B The activity in terferes with her studies.C She does not have eno ugh time.D The activity is too dema nding physically.E She does not thi nk she is any good at the activity.Questions 25 and 26 Choose the correct letter, A, B orC.25 What does Dan say about the sem inars on the course?A The other stude nts do not give him a cha nee to speak.B The seminars make him feel inferior to the other students.C The preparati on for sem inars takes too much time.26 What does Jea nnie say about the tutorials on the course?A They are an in efficie nt way of provid ing guida nee.B They are more challe nging tha n she had expected.C They are help ing her to develop her study skills.Questi ons 2 7-30 Complete the flow-chart below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS ANDIOR A NUMBER for each an swer.Advice on exam preparati onS E CT IO Make sure you know the exam requireme ntsFind some past papersWork out your 27 ___________ for revisio n and write them on a cardMake a 28 ______________ and keep it in viewDivide revisio n into 29 ___________ for each dayWrite one 30 ____________ about each topicPractise writi ng some exam an swersN 8-4-4 Questio ns 31-40Questio ns 31-36 Australia n Aborigi nal Rock Paintingsting styles have the followi ng features? Write the correct letter, A, B or C, n ext to questi ons Pai nting Styles A Dy namic B Yam C Moder n Which pai n 31-36. Features 31 figures 34 figures smaller than life size revealing bones 32 roun ded figures 35 sea creatures 33 figures with parts miss ing 36 pla nts Questi ons 3 7-40 Complete the n otes below. Write NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS for each an swer. Rain bow Serpe nt ProjectAim of proj Yam Perio Rai nbow S ect: to ide ntify the 37 used as the basis for the Rainbow Serpe nt d ---en vir onmen tal cha nges led to higher 38 ______________----traditio nal activities were affected, especially 39 _________ erpe nt image ----similar to a sea horse ----unu sual because it appeared in inland areas ----symbolises 40 ___________ in Aborigi nal culture。
剑桥雅思8-第三套试题-阅读部分-PASSAGE 1-阅读真题原文部分:READING PASSAGE 1You should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage 1 below.Striking Back at Lightning With LasersSeldom is the weather more dramatic than when thunderstorms strike. Their electrical fury inflicts death or serious injury on around 500 people each year in the United States alone. As the clouds roll in, a leisurely round of golf can become a terrifying dice with death - out in the open, a lone golfer may be a lightning bolt's most inviting target. And there is damage to property too. Lightning damage costs American power companies more than $100 million a year.But researchers in the United States and Japan are planning to hit back. Already in laboratory trials they have tested strategies for neutralising the power of thunderstorms, and this winter they will brave real storms, equipped with an armoury of lasers that they will be pointing towards the heavens to discharge thunderclouds before lightning can strike.The idea of forcing storm clouds to discharge their lightning on command is not new. In the early 1960s, researchers tried firing rockets trailing wires into thunderclouds to set up an easy discharge path for the huge electric charges that these clouds generate. The technique survives to this day at a test site in Florida run by the University of Florida, with support from the Electrical Power Research Institute (EPRI), based in California. EPRI, which is funded by power companies, is looking at ways to protect the United States' power grid from lightning strikes. 'We can cause the lightning to strike where we want it to using rockets, ' says Ralph Bernstein, manager of lightning projects at EPRI. The rocket site is providing precise measurements of lightning voltages and allowing engineers to check how electrical equipment bears up.Bad behaviourBut while rockets are fine for research, they cannot provide the protection from lightning strikes that everyone is looking for. The rockets cost around $1, 200 each, can only be fired at a limited frequency and their failure rate is about 40 per cent. And even when they do trigger lightning, things still do not always go according to plan. 'Lightning is not perfectly well behaved, 'says Bernstein. 'Occasionally, it will take a branch and go someplace it wasn't supposed to go. ' And anyway, who would want to fire streams of rockets in a populated area? 'What goes up must come down, ' points out Jean-Claude Diels of the University of New Mexico. Diels is leading a project, which is backed by EPRI, to try to use lasers to discharge lightning safely - and safety is a basic requirement since no one wants to put themselves or their expensive equipment at risk. With around $500, 000 invested so far, a promising system is just emerging from the laboratory.The idea began some 20 years ago, when high-powered lasers were revealing their ability to extract electrons out of atoms and create ions. If a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud, this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth, before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge. To stop the laser itself being struck, it would not be pointed straight at the clouds. Instead it would be directed at a mirror, and from there into the sky. The mirror would be protected by placing lightning conductors close by. Ideally, the cloud-zapper (gun)would be cheap enough to be installed around all key power installations, and portable enough to be taken to international sporting events to beam up at brewing storm clouds.A stumbling blockHowever, there is still a big stumbling block. The laser is no nifty portable: it's a monster that takes up a whole room. Diels is trying to cut down the size and says that a laser around the size of a small table is in the offing. He plans to test this more manageable system on live thunderclouds next summer.Bernstein says that Diels's system is attracting lots of interest from the power companies. But they have not yet come up with the $5 million that EPRI says will be needed to develop a commercial system, by making the lasers yet smaller and cheaper. 'I cannot say I have money yet, but I'm working on it, ' says Bernstein. He reckons that the forthcoming field tests will be the turning point - and he's hoping for good news. Bernstein predicts 'an avalanche of interest and support' if all goes well. He expects to see cloud-zappers eventually costing 100, 000 each.Other scientists could also benefit. With a lightning 'switch' at their fingertips, materials scientists could find out what happens when mighty currents meet matter. Diels also hopes to see the birth of 'interactive meteorology' - not just forecasting the weather but controlling it. 'If we could discharge clouds, we might affect the weather, ' he says.And perhaps, says Diels, we'll be able to confront some other meteorological menaces. 'We think we could prevent hail by inducing lightning, ' he says. Thunder, the shock wave that comes from a lightning flash, is thought to be the trigger for the torrential rain that is typical of storms. A laser thunder factory could shake the moisture out of clouds, perhaps preventing the formation of the giant hailstones that threaten crops. With luck, as the storm clouds gather this winter, laser-toting researchers could, for the first time, strike back.Questions 1-3Choose the correct letter, A, B, C or D.Write the correct letter in boxes 1-3 on your answer sheet.1 The main topic discussed in the text isA the damage caused to US golf courses and golf players by lightning strikes.B the effect of lightning on power supplies in the US and in Japan.C a variety of methods used in trying to control lightning strikes.D a laser technique used in trying to control lightning strikes.2 According to the text, every year lightningA does considerable damage to buildings during thunderstorms.B kills or injures mainly golfers in the United States.C kills or injures around 500 people throughout the world.D damages more than 100 American power companies.3 Researchers at the University of Florida and at the University of New MexicoA receive funds from the same source.B are using the same techniques.C are employed by commercial companies.D are in opposition to each other.Questions 4-6Complete the sentences below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 4-6 on your answer sheet.4 EPRI receives financial support from………………………….5 The advantage of the technique being developed by Diels is that it can be used……………….6 The main difficulty associated with using the laser equipment is related to its……………….Questions 7-10Complete the summary using the list of words, A-I, below.Write the correct letter, A-I, in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.In this method, a laser is used to create a line of ionisation by removing electrons from 7 …………………………. This laser is then directed at 8 …………………………in order to control electrical charges, a method which is less dangerous than using 9 …………………………. As a protection for the lasers, the beams are aimed firstly at 10………………………….A cloud-zappersB atomsC storm cloudsD mirrorsE techniqueF ionsG rockets H conductors I thunderQuestions 11-13Do the following statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage 1?In boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement agrees with the claims of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the claims of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is impossible to say what the writer thinks about this11 Power companies have given Diels enough money to develop his laser.12 Obtaining money to improve the lasers will depend on tests in real storms.13 Weather forecasters are intensely interested in Diels's system.READING PASSAGE 1篇章结构体裁说明文主题用激光回击闪电结构第1段:闪电带来的危害第2段:科研人员正在研究回击闪电的方法第3段:先前的闪电回击术介绍第4段:火箭回击术的缺陷第5段:更安全的激光回击术第6段:激光回击术的技术原理第7段:激光回击术的缺陷第8段:通过实地实验改进激光回击术第9段:激光回击术对其他学科也有益处第10段:激光回击术的其他用途解题地图难度系数:★★★解题顺序:按题目顺序解答即可友情提示:烤鸭们注意:本文中的SUMMARY题目顺序有改变,解题要小心;MULTIPLE CHOICE的第三题是个亮点,爱浮想联翩的烤鸭们可能会糊掉。
7月4、5日口语试题Part One:*Hometown(广州,福建,南京,北京,深圳)Where do you come from?Can you tell me something about your hometown?第二部分卡片提前Are there any special things there?Do you like living in the city or in small town?Living city(广州,福建,南京,北京,深圳)新题Are you living in a big city or a small town?Do you plan to move to another city?What aspects of cities do you like best?What are the problems most big cities are facing?How can the problems in big cities be solved?What are the advantages of cities and the countryside?What public facilities are widely in use in your living city?What means of transportation have you got in your city?*Studies(澳洲,北京,广州,杭州,上海,深圳)Are you studying or are you working?Where are you studying?What course are you doing?What is your major?What courses are in your major?Why do you choose this major?Do you like your major? Why?What do you usually learn in class?What major do you most want to take?Do you like to study alone or in a group?What is the influence of school education on you?What tools do you use in your major studies?*Job(福州,北京)Are you a student or are you at work?What is your job?How long have you worked on your current job?Did you get any training for your job?Why did you choose this job?How do you find your work, easy or difficult?Do you like working alone or in a team?Is teamwork beneficial?Do you like your job? Why?What is your ideal future job?第二部分卡片提前*House/apartment/flat(澳洲,北京,杭州)Where are you living now, a house, flat /apartment?Can you describe your room?第二部分卡片提前What is your house/flat /apartment like?第二部分卡片提前How would you like to improve your apartment?Which part of your flat do you like best?Describe the house/unit you live right now?第二部分卡片提前*Bicycle(广州,上海)Is it safe to cycle in the city?Do Chinese people ride bicycles? Why?*Driving (深圳,北京,福建)Do you have a driving license?What do you think on children learning driving?What's your opinion to driving?What age do you think better to learn to drive?Do you think driving skill very important?*Internet(上海)Is the Internet popular in China?What do you usually do on the Internet?Which do you prefer, writing letter or sending e-mail?What are the advantages and disadvantages of that?When was the first time you surf the internet?What can the Internet bring to you?What changes does the Internet bring to you?What kind of people like surfing the net?Art(澳洲,上海)新题Have you ever learned an art course?Do you think children should take an art course?*Painting (澳洲)Why do people buy paintings?Have you ever bought paintings?*Holiday /vacation(南京,澳洲)What about your last vacation? What do you dislike about this vacation?*reading(南京,澳洲)What do you do in your free time?Do you like reading?How often do you read?Do you like hanging out with you friends?Do you like going out with yours or inviting them home? *Swimming(上海)Do you like swimming?Where do children swim?What are the benefits of swimming?Do you know how to swim?How do you learn swimming?Is swimming very popular now?Is swimming beneficial for children?Do you think swimming a good exercise?Where do people usually go swimming?Visit(广州)新题How often does a visitor to your house?What preparation you will do?Do you always visit to others?*News (广州,南京)How do you get news?What type of news do you like?Who do you think like reading news, the old or the young? *Party(广州)Do you like attending parties?Which part of parties don’t you like?Who like party more, the old or the young?*Advertisement (北京)Are there a lot of advertisements in your country?What do you think of advertisement?What kind of advertisement do you like?Gift (杭州)新题When do Chinese people give gift to each other?Do you think it is hard to choose a gift?How to choose a gift?Part Two and Three:a person who is good at cooking (广州, 南京,上海)新题Describe a person who is good at cookingYou should sayWho he/she isWhere he/she learnt cookingHow he/she learnt itWhich dish is he/she good atWhat you can learn from him/ herAnd explain the reason why you think he/she is a good cookShould the school be responsible for the food health?Is it important to learn to cook?Do you think it is necessary to set a cook cause in school?Best friend(上海,南京)新题Describe your best friendYou should sayWhen you first metHow he/she looks likeWhat you do together usuallyAnd explain the reason why he/ she is your best friendWhat do you think of friendship?What do you think of relationship between family and friends?Who do you think is more important, friend or relation?What is the difference of the friendship between women and men?What is the relationship between boss and staff?Are there any differences in this relationship between big company and small company? How to develop this relationship?Can your boss become your friend? 五分问题Do you think team work is important? How to develop team work?What kinds of job don't need the team work spirit?A work of art or a sculpture(成都,福州,南京)新题Describe a statue/sculpture or a work of art such as a paintingYou should sayWhat it isWhen you saw itWhat it means/ symbolizesHow you felt about itWhat do you think of the working environment?A large company (澳洲)新题A historical tourist attraction/site(澳洲)新题Describe an (an important) historic site that interests youYou should sayWhere it isWhen it was builtHow you got to know itWhen you first went thereWhat is special about itWhat can be seen at this site nowand explain the reason why it is important in the history of your countryWhat are your attitudes toward history classes?五分问题Some students complain that they are boring, what do you think?Do you like traveling?五分问题Why do people like traveling?Do people like traveling to the historic sites?How is the tourism in China now?What will people in the future think of us in this century?Through what ways do you get to know history?Is it necessary to learn history?What do you think the pollution caused by tourism and industry?What are some of the best (or, most popular) travel destinations in China?Which places (countries) are Chinese people most interested in visiting? (Why?) When many people visit a particular place, what effects can that have on this place? What difficulties might a foreigner have while traveling as a tourist in China?*a place with plenty of water(郑州,深圳)A piece of clothes you wear on special occasion(福州,上海,广州)新题Describe one piece of clothes you always wear on special occasionYou should saywhat it iswhere you bought ithow it looksAnd explain the reason why you like wearing it*an electronic product (except computer) (郑州、北京)Describe an electronic product that you want to buyYou should sayWhat it isWhat you know about itHow it looks likeWhat features it hasWhat function you prefer which it does not possessWhether you want to buy it soonAnd explain the reason why you want to buy itWhat is the role of this product in people’s daily life?What kind of function do you hope to it have in the future?Do you think people are dependent on high technology?Do you think people will be controlled by high technology in the future? *A leisure activity (郑州,深圳)A way of keeping healthy(北京,南京,郑州)Describe a way of keeping healthyYou should sayWhat it isHow you got to know this wayWhen you do itHow often you keep healthy in this wayHow you do itWith whom you do iAnd explain the reason why you think it is good for keeping healthyWhat kinds of foot/sports are beneficial for health? Why?What changes do people need to make their life healthier?Are doctors responsible for teaching people how to keep healthy?Have you been taught the healthy lifestyle at school?Do you often do yoga with your friends?What other ways of keeping healthy do you know?Why are some people reluctant to follow the ways of keeping good health even though they know how to do it?Are PE lessons important?Can parents give children advice on how to keep healthy?*A happy event in childhood (广西,郑州,深圳,南宁)*An important conversation (广西)A game you played in your childhood(北京,武汉,济南,郑州)Describe a game you liked to play in your childhoodYou should sayWhat its name isHow you played itWith whom you played itHow often you playedAnd explain the reason why you liked itWhat are the benefits of competition?What is the significance of teamwork?Is teamwork also important for the elders?How can children be educated to be more responsible for the society?Do people play different games when they get old?Is the game you play now different from that played in childhood?*A film(北京,郑州,深圳)Describe your favorite movieYou should sayWhat type it isWhat it is aboutWhen you watched itWhat the most impressive part isAnd explain the reason why you like this movieWhat kind of movie should children watch?What do you think of the influence of movie on children?*An article in the newspaper (深圳)*A TV/radio program(郑州,南京)Describe an interesting TV program you saw on TVYou should sayWhen you saw itWhat it was aboutWhat your feeling about it wasAnd explain the reason why you think it interestingWhy do you like talking about the TV/radio program with your friends and your family? What kinds of TV programs are popular in China?What kinds of TV programs do you think should be restricted?Do you think internet will replace TV or radio in the future?*A piece of good news that you received by phone(广州,深圳,北京,济南,郑州)Describe a piece of good news that you received by phone.You should say:what the news waswhere you were when you received this newswho gave you this newsHow you felt itand explain the reason why you felt this was good news.Which do you like best, telephone, messages or handset?People tend to write fewer letters since the Internet is getting more popular. What do you think?Do you think hand-written letters will eventually die out?A stage you enjoyed most (上海)新题Describe a stage that you enjoyed bestYou should sayWhen it wasWhere you wereWhat you didHow you felt itAnd explain the reason why it is a stage that you enjoy bestWhat is the legal age of adult? Do you think this age will be younger?A science course (深圳,郑州,南京) a course you want to take的变种卡A course you would like to take/study(郑州)Describe a course you would like to study.You should say:what (kind of) course it isWhen you plan to have the coursewhere you would do this coursehow you would study ithow you would benefit from studying this courseDo you think you really will study this course? 五分问题Are there many schools in China that have that course?Do you think teachers are useful (Why? /Why not?)What personal qualities do you think teachers should have?Do you think arts subjects such as history and music are important?Which do you think is more important, studying a course in a classroom or getting practical work experience? (Why?)Do you think schools should include more opportunities for gaining practical experience? (Why? How? / Why not?)*An educational visit/trip(南京)Describe an educational trip or visit you have taken.You should saywhat it iswhere it iswho you went withWhat you can learn from itHow you feel about this trip or visit.What is the importance of the study trips?Is carrying out educational trip a good way of education? What do you think of studying at home?How can your parents help you to study?Will it become a trend to study at home?*a party(郑州,福建)Describe a partyYou should sayWhen you held the partyWhy you held the partyWhat kind of party it isWhat happened in this partyWho took part in the partyWhat you think of the party*A meal/ picnic (郑州、澳洲)Describe a picnic or a meal outdoorYou should sayWhat you didWhat you had eatenWhat advantages you hadWhether your friends liked it or notDo people in your country often eat out?What kind of occasion do people eat out?What are the advantages and disadvantages of eating out?Do you think the unhealthy diet will lead to disease?Do you think governments should inform people to lead a healthy way of life? Do you think people eat healthier in the past?*A sports event(上海,福州,郑州)Describe a sports event in your country.You should sayWhat it isWhen it is heldWhere it is heldAnd explain the reason why you think it is of significanceDo schools pay much importance to physical education in China?Is it beneficial to have many competitive sports lessons?What is the difference between competition in class and in sports?Do you like spots?五分问题What kind of sports do you like?五分问题Are there any competition held in your school?What are the attitudes towards this competition?What do you think?What are the advantages and disadvantages of sports to children?A season/period of time in a year that you like(成都,福州)新题*An advertisement (北京,上海,郑州)Describe an advertisement which attracts you mostYou should sayWhat kind of advertisement it waswhen saw (or heard) this advertisementWhere you saw (or heard) this advertisementwhat product you boughtwhat it is likeHow this advertisement persuaded you to buy that product.What types of advertisements are there in China?What are the different kinds of advertising?What kind of advertising is most common in China?How will advertising industry develop in the future?Have you ever seen any special ways of advertising?What is the impact of internet on people’s life?Have you ever been attracted by advertisements into purchasing some new products? Which media have the greatest effect on people - TV, radio, billboards, newspapers...? Why? Is advertising on the internet very influential?How do advertisements attract the attention of people?What kinds of advertisements are most attractive to children or young people?Do overseas advertisements used in, or adapted for use in China affect Chinese culture and values?Do you think there should be controls or laws concerning on advertising, for example cigarette and alcohol advertising?*a job you will be good at (北京)Describe a job you will be good atYou should sayWhat it isWhat the type of the job isWhen you learned itHow you good at itWhat would be your typical activities in this jobAnd explain the reason why you like it.What are the differences between what you are doing now and the job you would like to do? What are the most important factors in choosing a job of young people?Do you care about the pay you will get?五分问题What do you think of changing jobs?五分问题your ideal job (广州)精品卡重出江湖!Describe your ideal jobYou should sayWhat type of job it isWhat you usually doWhat you could get from itAnd explain the reason why you want to have the jobDo you think you are qualified to do this job?五分问题What is the purpose of Chinese people to find job?Do you think it is good that students do some part-time job during study?。
Test 1测试1Section 1第一节A:Hi,George! Glad you're back. Loads of people have phoned you.你好,乔治!很高兴你回来了。
B: Really?B:真的吗?A: I felt just like your secretary!我觉得就像你的秘书!B: Sorry! I went into the library this afternoon to have a look at a newspaper and IB:对不起!今天下午我去图书馆看报纸和我came across something really interesting遇到很有趣的东西A: What? A book ?一:什么?一本书吗?B:No, a brochure from a summer festival - mainly Spanish music. Look, I've got itB:不,一个从夏天的节日——主要是西班牙音乐小册子。
A: Spanish music? I really love the guitar. Let's have a look. So what's this group 西班牙音乐吗?我真的很喜欢吉他。
所以这是什么组织‘Guitarrini'?“Guitarrini”?B: They're really good. They had a video Q1with all the highlights of the festival at a他们真的好。
他们有一个视频Q1with所有突出的节日stand in the lobby to the library , so I heard them. They play fantastic instruments -站在大厅去图书馆,所以我听到他们。
Writing Travel
advertisemen ts Films
1. Do you…? 2.Do people in your country do…? 3.What type of …do you like? 4.What type of …do you dislike? 5.What do you like about…? 6.What do you dislike about…? 7.What do you like to do +时间? 8.What do you dislike to do +时间? 9.Is it easy/difficult/convenient/safe/dangerous to do…? 10.When did you first do …? 11.Did you do…when you were a child? 12.When did you last do …? / Tell me about your last …experience? 13.When and where do you…? 14.Do you like do…alone or with friends? 15.Do you prefer A or B? Why? 16.Do you think it’s necessary/important for children/schools to
Is food safety a serious problem in your country? Do schools and universities provide healthy food for students in your country?
这是一篇最用心最励志的雅思口语经验分享,和更多的烤鸭们远离全聚德烤鸭店的火海【NOTE: 在整篇经验分享中,我会在那些我们中文经常脱口而出的(slip off the tongue)、老生常谈(cut-and-dried word)的字眼或语句中配上地道的英文翻译(大多翻译出自牛津高阶词典,并且非常适合英语口语,注意:很多词组都是for the speaking purpose only, 绝不能用于写作)。
但愿大家从阅读这一篇口语经验分享的这一刻开始,就进入备战英语口语的状态,算是给大家的口语复习计划剪彩了(give all you guys a simplified ribbon-cutting ceremony)】口语分享篇这些天,一直在想,究竟怎么才能写一篇好的雅思口语经验分享呢?如果只是把我的口语复习资料简单地叠加然后罗列出来,那就是只是copy和paste的事情(it is a matter of seconds)。
但这样的做潜台词(implied word) 就是说,让别人去参考或者背自己的答案。
作为一名在烤鸭界―被烤‖多年、饱经沧桑(endure all the hardships of exposure) 的老鸭来说,这种方法明显是很低效很费时的(It is not a preferable way coz it is inefficient and time-consuming),因为它无助于我们提高口语交流表达能力,对我们的逻辑思维能力来说,它更是一种毒药(this is simply because it is not only helpless to enhance our spoken skills, but poisonous to corrupt our logical thinking)。
之前,在我备考雅思的过程中,我也看过不少的经验分享,但是看完之后不免有些失望,因为我觉得他们写得不够系统(not that systemic),缺乏逻辑结构(absence of logical structure),没有切中要害(hit the nail on the head)。
>>>> PART1(一)基本信息类1. What’s your full name?2. HometownWhere are you from?Can you tell me something about your hometown?Is your hometown suitable for young people to live?Where do you want to live, in big cities or small cities?Do you want to move to other cities when you get old?3. Work or studyAre you studying or working?Why did you choose this major?What are the courses you like and dislike most in the high school? When is the best time for you to study during a day?What do you want to do after graduation?Are there any possible changes could affect your job?Do you miss being a student? (新题)Are you looking forward to working? (新题)4. Study EfficiencyDo you prefer to study in the morning or in the afternoon?Why do some people find it difficult to focus in the morning? What do you do to improve your learning efficiency?5. AccommodationAre you living in a flat or a house?What kind of place do you live in?What do you like about the rooms in your flat?What are there on the walls of your flat?What scenery can you see from your house? (新题)Would you invite people to your place? (新题)What would you do after you invite people to your place? (新题) 6. CountryWhich city do you come from in your country?(新题)Do you like your country?Do you think if there should be any changes?Where have you been to in your country?(二)人物关系类7. Teachers(旧题回归)Who is your favorite teacher?Do you want to be a teacher?Do you think teacher is a decisive factor of your score? What do you think good teachers should be like?Do you think teacher is important in education?Which teacher do you like in your secondary school?8. Family (新题)How often do you meet with your family?Do you want to live with your family in the future?Are you close to all of your family members?How has your family influenced you?9. Celebrity(新题)Who is your favorite celebrity in China?Do you like any foreign celebrities?Would you want to be a celebrity in the future?Do you think we should protect famous people’s privacy? How do celebrities their fans in China?(三)衣食住行类10. Bag (新题)Do you like bags?What styles of bags do you often take?What do you consider when you want to buy a bag? What do you put in your bag?Have you ever lost bag?11. Chocolate (新题)How often do you eat chocolate?What’s your favorite flavor?Is chocolate expensive in China?When was the first time you ate chocolate?Is chocolate popular in China?12. Park or gardenDo you normally go to the park?Who do you often go with?What do people often do in the park?What are the functions of parks and public gardens?13. HatsDo you like to wear hats?What kinds of hats do you have?Where do you buy hats?Is wearing hats popular in your country?14. WeatherDo you like sunny days?What would you like to do in sunny days?How do you feel about the sunny days?What’s the season do you like most?How does the weather influence you life?15. WalkingDo you like walking?Do you think walking is important?Do you prefer to walk in the countryside or in the city?Have you encountered something interesting while you are walking? (新题)16. AdvertisementsWhat advertisements do you like most?Do advertisements influence you about what brand you buy?Will advertisements trigger shopping desires? (新题)What do you think of TV advertisements? (新题)What do you think of online advertisements? (新题)Are there many advertisements in your country? (新题)How do you feel about advertisements? (新题)17. NoiseDo you mind noise?What type of noise do you come across in you daily life?Where can you hear loud noise?Do you think there’s too much noise in modern society?18. TransportationWhat’s the most popular means of transportation in your hometown? How often of you takes buses?Can you compare the advantages of planes and trains?Would you ride bikes to work in the future?Do you prefer public transportation or private transportation?(四)娱乐休闲类19. MusicDo you love listening to music?What kind of music do you love listening to?Where and when do you usually listen to music?Do you play any instrument?20. SingingDo you like to sing?When do you like to sing?Is it difficult to sing well?Do you want to be a singer?21. DancingDo you love dancing?What kind of dance do you like?What kind of dance is popular in China?Who spend more time in dancing? (新题)22. FilmDo you like watching films?What kinds of film do you like watching?How often do you usually go to a movie?Where do you usually watch films, at home or in the cinema?Who is the actor or actress you like most?23. BirthdaysHow do Chinese normally celebrate birthdays?What are the important birthdays for Chinese?What kind of presents will you send to people for their birthdays? Have you ever received any birthday gifts you dislike?Are birthdays more important for young people or elderly people? (新题)24. WeekendsHow do you spend your weekends?Do you work or study at weekends?In a week, which day do you love the most?What did you do last weekends?Do you prefer to stay at home or to go outside? (新题)Why do you prefer to do so? (新题)25. Activity near water(新题)What activities would you do if you were spending some leisure time at a beach or near the ocean?Why do people like water sports?What do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of traveling on the ocean?Do you think it’s important for children to learn how to swim?26. Outdoor activitiesDo you like outdoor activities?What kinds of outdoor activities do you like?Do you prefer indoor activities or outdoor activities?Do you like extreme sports? (新题)What’s your idea about extreme sports? (新题)27. ColorsWhat's your favorite color?Do you think color is very important?Do you prefer bright colors or dark colors?What's your least favorite color at home?28. FlowersDo you love flowers?What kinds of flowers do you love?Do you like planting flowers?When do Chinese often send flowers?When was the last time you sent flowers?29. GiftsWhat kinds of gifts do you like to receive?Is it important for friends to give each other gifts?Is it easy to choose a gift nowadays?30. PaintingDo you like painting(油画) or drawing?How often do you visit art galleries?Is it easy to learn how to draw?Do you think a person can teach himself or herself how to draw?Do you think young children should learn to paint at school?Why do you think some people buy wall paintings?31. Mobile phonesHow often do you use your mobile phone?Can you describe your mobile phone?Would you buy a new one in the future?Under what occasions should not a person play a mobile phone? (新题) What was your first mobile phone? (新题)32. NewspapersDo you often read newspapers?What kinds of newspaper do you usually read?Do you prefer to read about domestic news or international news?Do you think the Internet is a good way to get news?Do you think magazines and newspaper will exist in 50 years?What kind of people would read newspapers more? (新题)33. PhotographyDo you like to take photographs?Do you like to take a selfie?In what situations do you take photographs?Do you prefer to take pictures of people or of scenery?34. ComputerHow often do you use the computer?What do you usually use computer for?Who taught you how to use a computer?Do you think computers have changed your life a lot?35. HandicraftHave you participated in some handicraft making?Are handicrafts popular in China?Do you think children should learn more about handicraft?36. Reading booksDo you like reading?What did you read when you were a child?Do you like to read in the morning or in the evening? >>>> PART2(一)People人物类1.Describe a family member who spent the most time with you. You should say:who this person iswhat do you like to do togetherwhen do you normally spend time togetherand why you spend so much time together.2.Describe a creative person, such as an artist or musician, who has influenced you.You should say:who this person is,how you got to know this personwhy you think he or she is creativeand explain how this person has influenced you.3. Describe s omeone you admire who is much older than you.You should say:Who this person isHow you got to know this personWhat kind of person he or she isAnd explain why you admire this person.4. Describe a leader who you admire (in sport, business or politics). You should say:Who this person is,What this person did (has done) that you admireHow you got to know this personAnd explain how this leader’s qualities impressed you.5. Describe a person who moved in with you.You should say:Who the person isWhen he or she moved,Why he or she moved in with youAnd explain how you feel about living with this person.6. Describe a good part of your personality or character.You should say:What it isWhat this part of your personality or character is likeHow it affects your life or workAnd explain why you think it is good.7.S omeone you met recently and would like to know more about. (新题) You should say:Who this person isWhen and where you metWhat you did and talk aboutAnd explain why you would like to know more about this person.8. Describe an animal that you think is interesting有趣的动物(旧题回库)You should say:what it waswhen and where you saw itwhat it was doing when you saw itand explain how you felt about it.9. Describe a wild animal(新题)You should say:What it looks likeWhere you can see itWhat it likes to eat or doAnd explain why you like it.(二)Items 物品类10. Describe a piece of equipment in your home(新题)You should say:What it isHow often you use itWho you usually use it withAnd explain why this item is important to you.11. Describe a gift that you recently gave to others.(新题)You should say:When it happenedWho you gave it toWhat gift you gave to the personAnd explain why you gave this gift to others.12. Describe an area of subject that you are interested in (such as physics, mathematics)(新题)You should say:What it isWhen you started to become interested in itWhat you have learned from itAnd explain why you have interest in it.13. Describe an interesting photo(新题)You should sayWho took itWho was in the photoWhen the photo was takenAnd explain why it was interesting.14. Describe an item that you received and made you happy. (新题) You should say:When you received itWhat the item wasWho gave you itAnd explain why you felt happy.15.Describe an important object that your family has kept for a long time.You should say:What the object isWhere it came fromHow long it has been in your familyAnd explain why your family has kept it for a long time.16. Describe something you ate for the first time.You should say:What it wasWhen you ate itWhy you ate itAnd explain how you felt about it.(三) Places 地点建筑类17. Describe a tall building in your hometown you like or dislike(新题)You should say:Where it isWhat it is used forWhat it looks likeAnd explain why you like or dislike it.18. Describe a garden you have visited.You should say:Where it wasWhat it looked likeWhat you did thereAnd explain why you liked it.19.Describe a foreign country you would like to work in for a short period of time. (新题)You should say:Where it would be;How you got to know about it;What you would like to do there;And explain why you would like to work in this country.20. Describe a place where you go to relax. (新题)You should say:Where it is;What you usually do there;How often you go there;And explain why it relaxes you.21. Describe a sport stadium that’s important in your city. (新题) You should say:Where it is;How often you go there;What people do there;And explain why you think it is important.22. Describe your favorite part in your city. (新题)You should say:What it is calledWhere it isWhen you like to visitAnd explain why it is your favorite.(四) Experiences & Activities 事件经历类23. Describe a time that something made you laugh. (新题)You should say:What made you laughWhere you were when it happenedWho you were withAnd explain why it made you laugh.24. Describe a sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive(新题)You should say:What it isHow much it usually costsWho you usually do it withAnd explain why you like to do this activity.25. Describe a small business you want to have in the future. (新题) You should say:What it would beWhat you need to prepare for itWhere you would have his business.And explain why you would like to do this business.26. Describe a large company that you are interested in.You should say:What this company iswhat this company doeshow you got to know about itand explain why you are interested in this company.27. Describe a course you would learn if you had time.You should say:What it would beWhat you know about itHow you would learn itAnd explain why you would learn this particular course.28. Describe a time you needed to use imagination. (新题)You should say:What the situation wasWhy you needed to use imaginationWhat the difficulties wereAnd explain how you felt about it.29. Describe a time you were very busy(新题)You should sayWhen it happenedWhere you wereWhat you didAnd explain why you were so busy.30. Describe an interesting or unusual thing you did recently (in your free time). (新题)You should say:What you didWhen and where you did itWho you did it withAnd explain why you think it was interesting or unusual.31. Describe a time you missed an important appointment for something. (新题)You should sayWhen and where it happenedWhat the appointment was forWhat happened when you missed itAnd explain how you felt about the appointment.32. Describe a special meal you had (新题)You should say:where you would like to have it;who you would like to have it with;what you would like to eat;and explain how you would feel about the meal.33. Describe something you did with a group of people. (新题)You should say:what the activity was;when and where you did it;who you were with;and explain how you felt about being part of this group.34. Describe an outdoor activity you like to do (新题)You should sayWhat it isWhere you like to do itHow you do itAnd explain why you like to do it.35. Describe a journey you would like to go on by car, motorbike or bike. (新题)You should say:where you would like to go;how you would like to go there;who you would like to go with;and explain why you would like to go there by car, motorbike or bike.36. Describe a difficult decision you once made and proven to be right in the end. (新题)You should say:When you made the decisionWhat the decision wasWho was with youAnd explain why you had a deep impression on this decision.37. Describe an interesting tradition in China.You should say:What it isWhat people often doWhy people do thatAnd explain why you this it is interesting.38. Describe a method that helps you save money.You should say:What it isWhen you started to use itHow often you do itAnd explain why it is helpful.39. Describe a positive change in your family.You should say:What the change wasWhen and where this change happenedWhat caused this changeAnd explain how you have benefited from this change.40. Describe a mistake you once made.You should say:When and where it happenedWhy you made the mistakeHow it affected youAnd explain what you learnt from the mistake.41. Describe an activity you do to keep fit.You should sayWhat the activity isWhen and where you usually do itHow you do itAnd explain why it can keep you fit.42. Describe a time you got up extremely early.You should say:When it wasWhat time you got upWhy you got up earlyAnd explain how you felt when you got up.43. Describe an important skill you learnt when you were a child. You should say:What the skill wasWho you learn it fromHow you learnt itAnd explain why you think it was useful.44. Describe a piece of good news you received.You should say:What the news was about.When you got this newsWhere you got this news fromAnd explain why you think it was a good piece of news.45. Describe a short trip you dislike.You should say:Where you wentHow you got thereWhen and why you went thereAnd explain why you disliked this trip.46. Describe a wedding you attended.You should say:When it wasWho got married,What happened at the weddingAnd explain how you felt about it.47. Describe a situation that made you a little angry.You should say:What it wasWhen this happenedWhy you were angryAnd explain how you handle this situation.48. Describe a time you shared something with others, such as public transport, accommodation, and food.You should say:What it wasWho you shared it withWhy you shared it with othersAnd explain how you felt about sharing.49. Describe an extracurricular activity you did in school.You should say:What the activity wasWho you did withWhen and where you did itAnd explain how you felt about it.(五) Media & Others媒体娱乐类50. Describe your favorite movie(新题)You should say:when and where you saw itWhat type of film it wasWhat the film was aboutAnd explain why it is your favorite film.51. Describe an interesting song. (新题)You should say:What kind of song it isHow you found itWhat it is aboutAnd explain why it is interesting to you.52. Describe an advertisement you have seen recently. (新题) You should say:When and where you saw itWhat was advertisedWhat the contents of the advertisements wereAnd explain how you felt about it.53. Describe an APP that you think is very useful.You should say:What the APP isHow long you’ve used itWhat it is used forAnd explain why you think it is useful.54. Describe a website you like to visit(新题)You should say:When you found itWhat it is aboutHow often you visit itAnd explain why you like this website.。
Fmngngw雅思口语王子吴慧冬内部资料 I F原则
—罗兰I+F原则第一部分:大部分来来去去就是你的个人情况(专业,出国,名字),爱好(电影,读书,购物,旅游,运动等等),家乡(4E原则,经济,娱乐,环境,教育等)回答这些问题的公式基本有两个:公式一是:I+F=HAPPY. I 是你自己,F是朋友+家人,HAPPY是你们一起做这个事件的感觉如何,什么情况下做,用who , when ,why ,what 去展开。
(你做这个原因是什么,什么时候有这个想法,做了后有什么意义)外因(你朋友,家人,社会,和环境等给你的影响让你去做这个事,有意义)E.G. Do you love watching movies?Yes, I do. I love watching movies ,and my family also do. We often spend time together in the cinema on weekends, which makes us very happy and comfortable.(公式一)Also(同学们记住,在转第二点的时候最好用ALSO,不要用SECONDLY,这样会给考官有背作文的影子), watching movies is way to help me relax.(内因)You know I am a student , having a lot of pressure from exams and study.(外因)(公式二)Do you love cooking, why?任何话题只要是第一部分的都是差不多的。
Yes, I do. I love cooking ,and my family also do. We often spend time together at home to cook our delicious food, which makes us very happy and comfortable.(公式一)Also, cooking ,I think is the best way to help me relax.(内因)You know I am a student , having a lot of pressure from exams and study.(外因1)what is more, myparents sometimes are very busy with work to support the family, expecially for my education, have little time to cook.(外因二) So , my cooking is the best answer to their love for me.在雅思考试中的第一部分经常会出现“爱好”这个话题,比如“运动,电影,阅读,购物,旅游等”,对于这些话题,同学们不能单一的说,I like it ,just because it is funny. 而要把主题用一到两句延伸下去,1)喜欢2)喜欢什么样的运动3)为什么喜欢(内因和外因)Do you love sports? 这个问题,同学们千万不要犯语法错误,Yes, I love. 而是Yes, I do. “喜欢”有很多种表达方法。
2019年雅思口语话题库(附范文)1.What do you do?Iam a teacher and Iwork for MQ learning school,Shanghai.2.Where do you come from?Ibelong to China,and my hometown iscalledas Magic city,Shanghai, which isthe commercial capitalof our country.3.Do you likeyour country?As a matter of fact,Iwould say,Iam proud that Iam a Chinese and yes,I love and respect my country a lot.4.What do you likeabout your country?Well,my country has the world's largestpopulation.Additionally,y ou won't be able to find another nation likeChina with itsvast diversity in culture,language,customs.The simple and amiable people who represent the country are quite helpfulto others.Our country has a vast diversity of natural beauty and ifyou travelto China,you can in a sense say that you have travelledthe entireAsia.5.What street do you livein?As Ihave already mentioned,Ilivein the cityof Shanghai,and the street where IliveisGuoding Road Street.6.Do you likeyour street?By contrast to the other streets,thisismy favouriteone.The most significant reason for thiscould be the factthat,it's one of the busiest streetsin the citywith all types of shopping destinations.7.What kind of housing/accommodation do you livein?For the past30years Ihave livedin a house with my family.And Ithink if Ican move out and startmaking a living on my own,Iwould trymy best to have an independent place where Ican plan and design a houselayout to suitmyself since sharing a room or a flat with strangers sounds so troublesome to me.8.What do you usually do in your house/flat/room?Well definitely I’ll spend some me-time there.Istudy,Ichill out by reading,drawing and dancing all by myself.Sometimes Ialso inviteone or two friendsto spend time with.We’ll watch some movies together and tell each other endless stories.9.Who do you livewith?Ilivewith my family.There are5of us and we all have our own room, which isway more comfortable as the older we grow,the more privacy we need for ourselves.Ithink our house isbig enough for us yet stilla warm and cozy place that Icallhome.10.How long have you lived there?Although during my childhood my family had to move a lot,I’ve livedin the most recent house for almost ten paring to the old houses, Ithink thishouse has been the best so far.11.Do you plan to livethere for a long time?The answer would be yes ifthe respondent ismy parents,since movingin and out istoo time-consuming and exhausting.Cleaning and arranging everything all over again would be liketorture to them.For me,on the other hand,as I’m thinking of moving out to startmy adult life,h opefully soon I’ll b e able to afford to livein a flat or an apartment.12.What’s the difference between where you are livingnow and where you have lived in the past?As I’ve already mentioned my family moved severaltimes when Iwas younger.And the most current house where we’ve been living for about ten years isthe best house so far.Allof us have separate rooms forour need of privacy yet a big dining room where we can spend the whole evenings together watching TV or having dinner.13.Can you describe the place where you live?/Please describe the room you livein.Briefly,m y humble house locates in a small and quite street,so coming home to me islikeall the crazinesshappened outside isleft behind.Just beside my house stands a big old tree.Ihave my own room with walls painted violet,which iskinda a peaceful color.The airoutside isfresh.I usuallyopen the window to enjoy the wind and sunshine,which will help cool down my room without an airconditioner.Since Ispend most of my time staying at home,my room means the whole world to me.It’slikea friendwho isalways there to share ups and downs with me.So yeah,I would always miss my house,my room whenever I’m away.14.Which part of your home do you likethe most?It’sthe dining room where my family spends our time together.Not only lunch or dinner but all our family reunions take place in the dining room where we can enjoy a harmonious atmosphere.We always tryto keep the family dinner as something we cannot go a day without,since for us it’sthe family bonding that lies behind.Holiday1.What public holidays do you have in your country?My country has a great range of public holidays but to me the most important one isthe national Day,which isannually celebrated on October1st.This day are to celebrate the day the China secured independence after the second world war and civil war.2.Do people in your country celebrate foreign festivals?Of course we do.We celebrate Christmas with extraordinarily colorful lightsand decorations similarto those found in Western countries.Itisa grand party when the fun-loving and sociable citizens,w hether being a Christianor not,celebrate with gusto.Besides,there are also sparkling lightingdecorations on the streetsand in front of houses,turning particular places into Christmas ually the shops willhave their signs advertisingsalesfor Christmas seasons,and the piercing cold isa wonderful chance for people to get dressed up.3.What do you usually do during public holidays?Well,Ioften spend my time gathering with my beloved family and friends.Maybe go shopping and take advantage of the saleswhich my favoriteshops are offeringor hanging out with friendsand having a whale of time at some entertaining places.4.Do you likeshort holidays or long holidays?Both options have theirown merits,but ifIhave to choose one,Iwould pick short holidays.The reason for thisisthat Ican feelmore preparedto go back to study and feellessfatigued than spending a week for playing or traveling.The purpose of holiday should be to give people a temporary restand help them recharge the batteriesfor a fresh period ahead.Therefore,itisnot recommended that people turn theirdays off into a long holiday,indulge themselves and neglect theirstudy and work.Movies1.Do you liketo watch films?I’m really into watching filmsbecause some filmsare very entertaining and provoking.Isometimes go to cinema with my friendsand family to enjoy our leisuretime in the weekends.2.Do you prefer foreign films or Chinese films?Well,ifIwere to choose between the two,Iwillprobably go with the foreign films,especiallythe Hollywood filmsbecause most of them are well-acted,with lotsof charismatic celebrities and always are enormous box-office hit;whereas you know,the Chinese filmsare almostlow-budget,so they are not as attractive as theirAmerican counterparts.3.How often do you go to a cinema or watch a movie?Igo to cinema to watch movies from time to time.Normally ifI’m not busy with my work,I’ll check out the movies to see whether there are any movies that attractme;but ifIhave lotsof things on my hands,I’ll probably focus on my work.4.Do Chinese people liketo go to a cinema to watch a film?It’skind of hard to say but people that Iknow around me tend to like watching movies in the cinema,but maybe for others,they justprefer stay at home and watch TV programmes.5.What kinds of movies do you likebest?As forme,Ilikethe drama filmsthe best because sometimes they justtell simple but warm and heartfelt storieswith provoking endings,which would touch on my deepest emotions.6.What was the first film that you watched?The first filmthat Iwatched was the The Lion King many years ago in the cinema with my parents.What Ican remember now isthe terrific animation and the amazing soundtrack.Iparticularly likedthe song Can You Feel the Love Tonight that Iknew itwas produced by Elton John later. And I’d learned lessons from thismovies.Itwas about living up to our responsibilities,no matter how hard itis.Drawing or Art1.Are you good at art?Art isa really vast subject,Ibelieve and ifitisabout drawing things here and there,Iwould say Iam pretty fineat it.But,Iam surely not one of those swho can go on to make some master pieces.Ithink Iam good at,all thanks to the artclassesthat Iattended duringmy teen years.They were a great help during my growing years andtaught me lotof creativity.Now,Ican easilydraw simple day to daythings likepen or a face.2.Did you learn art at school when you were a child?Yes.We did had an artssubject during our school days and we were taught lotof basic things likehow to color,shade or differentkinds of paintings.No,Idid not.In our school,there was a choice between artsand music and Iopted music.3.What kind of art do you like?Ilove sketching human faces.Ireally am fascinated by the different moods a face can easilydepict.There islotthat be can said with a human face.Ilikesketching natural things,the ones that are very near to nature.It could be mountains or rivers or the trees,anything that isnear to nature.4.Isart popular in your country?Iwould say,artsurelydoes gets importance as people really liketo see great artwork but when itcomes down to choosing artsas a career itis not a very popular choice among people.They prefer pursuing theirart goals a mere hobby.5.Have you ever been to an art gallery?Iam not particularly an artfan.So,Ihave never visitedany artgallery, although Ido likewatching the paintings made by my friends.Oh!Ihave gone there so many times.Ilove them.Itisso much fun to see people portray so much on a singlecanvas>6.Do you think children can benefit from going to art galleries? Ithink definitely yes.Art isthat part of our lives that brings out the creativeside of ours.Ifchildren go and visit artgalleries,t hey might be able to understand things better and may be feelmotivated to draw things and explore theircreativeside.Idon’t think children will be very much benefited by justgoing to art gallery.Itisvery important for them to understand what isbeing shown, what isthe meaning,how ithas been made and why isartimportant.Itis only when they understand the answers to the questions,itmakes sense to make children visit artgallery.photos1.Do you liketo take photographs?Why?。
雅思剑8听力原文hi, joanna, good to meet you.你好,joanna,很高兴见到你。
now, before we discuss your new research project,在我们讨论你的新研究项目之前,i'd like to hear something about the psychology study you did last year for your master'sdegree.我想听一听你去年读硕士的时候做过的心理学研究。
so how did you choose your subjects for that?你当时是怎么选择的研究对象?well, i had six subjects, all professional musicians, and all female.我有六个研究对象,全都是专业的音乐家,而且都是女性。
three were violinists and there was also a cello player and a pianist and a flute player.其中三位是小提琴家,还有一位大提琴演奏家,一位钢琴家和一位长笛演奏家。
they were all very highly regarded in the music world and they'd done quite extensive tours indifferent continents,她们在音乐界声望都很高,而且在不同大洲还做过大量的巡回演出,and quite a few had won prizes and competitions as well.她们中不少还赢过一些奖项和比赛。
and they were quite young, weren't they?而且她们还都相当年轻,对吧?yes, between 25 and 29 — the mean was 27.8.是的,都在25-29岁之间,平均年龄是27.8。
www.zhan.co雅思考试口语讲义口语三部分1.introduction2.individual long turn3.two-way discussionspeaking interviewexaminer / interviewercandidate考前身份确认阶段问题Good morning.Come in and take a seat.Can you tell me your full name, please?What shall I call you?Can I see your identification please?Can you tell me where you are from?口语评分标准IELTS Speaking Band Descriptors 评分标准Fluency and coherence Lexical resource Grammaticalrange andaccuracyPronunciation9 ●speaks fluently withonly rare repetition orself-correction; anyhesitation iscontent-related ratherthan to find words orgrammar●speaks coherentlywith fully appropriatecohesive features●develops topics fullyand appropriately ●usesvocabulary withfull flexibility andprecision in alltopics●uses idiomaticlanguagenaturally andaccurately●uses a fullrange ofstructuresnaturally andappropriately●producesconsistentlyaccuratestructures apartfrom ‘slips’characteristic ofnative speakerspeech8 ●speaks fluently withonly occasionalrepetition orself-correction;hesitation is usuallycontent-related and ●uses a widevocabularyresource readilyand flexibly toconvey precisemeaning●uses a widerange ofstructures flexibly●produces amajority oferror-free●is easy tounderstandthroughout,with L1 accenthavingminimal effectonly rarely to search for language●develops topics coherently and appropriately ●uses lesscommon andidiomaticvocabularyskillfully withoccasionalinaccuracies●usesparaphraseeffectively asrequiredsentences withonly veryoccasionalinappropriacies orbasic/non-systematic errorsonintelligibility●uses a widerange ofphonologicalfeatures toconveymeaningeffectively7 ●speaks at lengthwithout noticeableeffort or loss ofcoherence●uses a range ofconnectives anddiscourse markers withsome flexibility●may demonstratelanguage-relatedhesitation at times, orsome repetition and/orself-correction ●usesvocabularyresource flexiblyto discuss avariety of topics●uses some lesscommon andidiomaticvocabulary andshows someawareness ofstyle andcollocation withsomeinappropriatechoices●usesparaphraseeffectively●uses a range ofcomplexstructures withsome flexibility●frequentlyproduceserror-freesentences,though somegrammaticalmistakes persist6 ●is willing to speak atlength, though maylose coherence attimes due to occasionalrepetition,self-correction orhesitation●uses a range ofconnectives anddiscourse markers butnot alwaysappropriately ●has a wideenoughvocabulary todiscuss topics atlength and makemeaning clear inspite ofinappropriacies●generallyparaphrasessuccessfully●uses a mix ofsimple andcomplexstructures, butwith limitedflexibility●may makefrequent mistakeswith complexstructures,though theserarely causecomprehensionproblems●can beunderstoodthroughout,thoughmispronunciation mayoccasionallycausemomentarystrain for thelistener5 ●usually maintainsflow of speech but usesrepetition,self-correction and/orslow speech to keepgoing●may over-use certainconnectives anddiscourse markers●produces simplespeech fluently, butmore complexcommunication causesfluency problems ●manages totalk aboutfamiliar andunfamiliar topicsbut usesvocabulary withlimited flexibility●attempts touse paraphrasebut with mixedsuccess●produces basicsentence formswith reasonableaccuracy●uses a limitedrange of morecomplexstructures, butthese usuallycontain errorsand may causesomecomprehensionproblems4 ●cannot respondwithout noticeablepauses and may speakslowly, with frequentrepetition andself-correction●links basic sentencesbut with repetitioususe of simpleconnectives and somebreakdowns incoherence ●is able to talkabout familiartopics but canonly convey basicmeaning onunfamiliar topicsand makesfrequent errors inword choice●rarelyattemptsparaphrase●produces basicsentence formsand some correctsimple sentencesbut subordinatestructures arerare●errors arefrequent and maylead tomisunderstanding●producessomeacceptablefeatures ofEnglishpronunciationbut overallcontrol islimited andthere can besevere strainfor thelistener3 ●speaks with longpauses●has limited ability tolink simple sentences●gives only simpleresponses and isfrequently unable toconvey basic message ●uses simplevocabulary toconvey personalinformation●has insufficientvocabulary forless familiartopics●attempts basicsentence formsbut with limitedsuccess, or relieson apparentlymemorizedutterances●makesnumerous errorsexcept inmemorizedexpressions2 ●pauses lengthilybefore most words●little communicationpossible ●only producesisolated words ormemorizedutterances●cannot producebasic sentenceforms●speech isoftenunintelligible1 no communication possible; no rateable language第一部分样题考官的评语录像中5、6、7分标准的描述如“less common”、“awareness”都可以去前面的评分标准中对应的格中找到。
今天小编给大家整理了2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文,我们一起来看看吧!2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文1题目:1.Do you think you are a good friend to others?2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with?3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?4.What do you think makes good friends?范文:1.Do you think you are a good friend to others?Yes, I can proudly say so. I am sociable enough to know at first, lovable enough to get along with, and judicious enough to give a piece of advice. Many friends of mine seek advice from me, and generally, they take it into consideration. I guess that shows how close we are.2.What kind of people do you like to make friends with?I like to make friends with honest and straightforward guys. Cuz I’m the hot-headed type of person. Once I was told to do something, I would do it blindly. If an honest and straightforward friend came giving me wise advice, I could stop myself from acting stupidly and take a wiser move.3.Do you keep in contact with friends from your childhood?Yes, of course. My BFF, Jane, was my kindergarten mate. Isn’t it unbelievable? I have a lot of friends, but it is she who I want to share everything with. When every happy or sad moment came, I would think of her. And then she would listen so attentively. I guess that’s the key to our friendship. Always shareand listen.4.What do you think makes good friends?Well, for me, good friends should have something in common. They share a common passion for certain things. It could be minor things. For example, my best friend, Jane, and I am crazy about knitting. Although we are no longer living together, we still share photos of the knitting we have finished recently with each other. Every time we are talking about knitting, we find it hard to stop. It is the same passion that ties us together during the separation.2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文2题目:1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling?2.Which cities have you travelled to?3.Do you like travelling?4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?范文:1.Which place left the deepest impression on you when travelling?Personally speaking, the place that left the deepest impression on me was Vancouver, which is acoastal city in western Canada. I stayed there for nearly half a year when I was an exchangestudent. I enjoyed travelling around the city and exploring its natural scenery.2.Which cities have you travelled to?Well, I’v e traveled to many North American cities as well as Asian cities, including New York,Washington D. C., Boston, Toronto, Montreal, Bangkok andso on. I visited these cities during myholidays and also my exchange semester two years ago.3.Do you like travelling?Yes, I’m a fan of traveling, especially backpacking, which is a kind of traveling characterized bylow expenses and high degrees of cultural immersion. I enjoy traveling very much mainly out of myeagerness to know more about different cultures.4.What kinds of cities do you like to travel to?As a nature lover, I’m always fascinated by cities with gorgeous natural beauty and authenticcuisine. Compared to metropolitans, I rather prefer traveling to small towns that are close tonature, especially those adjacent to mountains or lakes.2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文3题目:1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?2.Who is your favourite movie star?3.Are international superstars popular in your country?4.Do you want to be a superstar?范文:1.Have you ever met a celebrity/superstar in real life?Yes, I have! But it was quite unintentional. It was about three years ago, my friends and I went to the cinema for the latest movie. When we were waiting outside, suddenly a sharp scream caught my attention. Then I found that there was a large group of people holding posters in their hands and among them was a famous actor. That is how I met a celebrity accidentally.2.Who is your favourite movie star?I think Tom Cruise is probably the movie star who can attractmy attention most. His appearance and acting skills are the most appealing things to me. In the movie series Mission: Impossible, his excellent performance really impressed me. By the way, his latest movie also made me more respectful to him because he did lots of extremely difficult movements although he is almost 60- year-old.3.Are international superstars popular in your country?I suppose so. As more and more international movies and TV programs are being introduced into Chinese market, we have more exposure to foreign superstars so undoubtedly, they are gaining popularity in China. Most of my friends are passionate about some international celebrities like Mr. Bean, Nicole Kidman and of course, my favorite actor Tom Cruise.4.Do you want to be a superstar?Definitely no! Being a celebrity means that I might lose my privacy and I really detest the feeling of being stared by the paparazzi. And it is very likely that I would be criticized by some people who know me only from the distorted reports in the attention-grabbing tabloids. Although being famous can bring a large amount of money, I still don't want to sacrifice my personal life.2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文4题目:1.How can we protect wild animals?2.What wild animals do you like most?3.Have you ever seen any wild animals before?4.Do you like to go to the zoo?范文:1.How can we protect wild animals?There are several ways to protect wild animals. As a normalperson, we could stop buying anything made of the wild animals’ body parts, for example, fur products and ivory products. At the same time, our government could also take action to stop the relative manufacturing activities. And I believe it is urgent to build more nature reserves. We should put more money and manpower into it.2.What wild animals do you like most?My favorite wild animals are sea otters. They just seem to get so much enjoyment out of life. Maybe we should try to be more like otters. I also think it's cute how sea otters balance shells on their chests and break them open with rocks. Wolves are really cool too. They are very loyal and devoted to their families. I guess there are quite a few lessons we could learn from wild animals.3.Have you ever seen any wild animals before?Yes. I was so fortunate to see a yak in the plateau. They were large and hairy, ambling quietly. I was about to get out of the car and get a close-up of them, but my mom stopped me. The yak is not docile; they will run fast to escape once a stranger comes close. So, I could only watch them from a distance.4.Do you like to go to the zoo?Yes. Because it is the only way I (and many others too) would see these animals in person. Zoos also educate people about animals, and tell us about the ones in danger of extinction. Some animals are so in danger that there are more of them in zoos than in the wild. Zoos also take in animals that would otherwise be killed, because there is nowhere else for them to go.5.Have you ever kept pets?Yes. I had several ducklings when I was about 8 years old. I hadn’t wished to have my own pets.However, my mom had hoped to nurture my sense ofresponsibility, so she bought them and asked me to raise them. I started to love the little ducks, as they lined up after me every day, quacking for food. It made me feel that they depended on me. So I had to protect them.2020年8-12月雅思口语题库及范文5题目:1.What languages can you speak?2.Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?3.Will you learn other languages in the future?4.Why do you learn English?范文:1.What languages can you speak?Well, I can speak Mandarin, Cantonese and some English. Yeah, only some English. It’s not that I’m not familiar with English. I actually started to learn English when I was four or five years old. I can understand English when its spoken to me, and I read English magazines. However, speaking is never something I’ve been good at. In fact, I only started to speak English in recent years.2.Do you think it’s difficult to learn a new language?I think it’s difficult to truly master a language, yeah. I say so out of personal experience. A couple of years ago, I signed up for Spanish lessons. The beginning of it was so easy and interesting.However, I couldn’t carry on after two months when I had to make that weird tongue-twisting sound. Yeah, I was embarrassed to make that soun d. I quit it. So no, I don’t think it’s easy to learn a new language.3.Will you learn other languages in the future?I might. Yeah, it’s possible that I may have to learn new languages at some point, especially Japanese because my sisterhas moved to Japan. She has been granted permanent residency. We are very close, and I do plan to visit her often in the future. So, I may take Japanese lessons in the future, just so I can enjoy my stay there.4.Why do you learn English?I chose to learn English because learning a language gives me a lot of satisfaction. I enjoy learning it, and I know that every hour I spend gets me closer to perfection. Besides, by learning English, I also learn about other cultures. Few experiences will make me grow as a person more than learning the values, habits and way of life in a culture that is different from mine.。
1. 家庭与朋友1)你最喜欢的家庭成员是谁?为什么?2)你通常和朋友们一起做什么?3)你觉得家庭对一个人的成长有多重要?2. 旅行与交通1)你最喜欢的旅行地点是哪里?为什么?2)你喜欢乘坐什么交通工具?为什么?3)你认为旅行对人有哪些好处?3. 工作与学习1)你目前的工作或学习状态怎么样?2)你喜欢的工作类型是什么?为什么?3)你觉得工作与学习的平衡重要吗?4. 媒体与科技1)你更喜欢通过什么方式获取新闻?为什么?2)你觉得社交媒体对人们的影响是正面的还是负面的?为什么? 3)你认为科技对人们生活的改变是积极的还是消极的?为什么?5. 娱乐与休闲1)你通常在业余时间做什么?2)你喜欢的休闲活动是什么?为什么?3)你觉得休闲活动对身心健康有哪些好处?6. 健康与运动1)你有什么健康习惯?为什么?2)你喜欢的运动是什么?为什么?3)你认为运动对身体健康的重要性有多大?7. 环境与保护1)你觉得环境保护有多重要?为什么?2)你觉得个人应该如何做好环境保护?3)你认为政府在环境保护方面扮演着怎样的角色?8. 文化与艺术1)你喜欢的艺术形式是什么?为什么?2)你认为文化交流对人们的影响有多大?3)你觉得艺术对社会的作用是什么?在备考中,考生可以利用以上口语题库进行练习,提前准备相关话题的素材和思路,以便在考试中能够更加流利地表达自己的观点。
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第八部分:雅思口语第三部分Discussion实战策略Ps: 第三部分里,话题和问题的焦点完全改变了—考官问的问题不再关乎考生和考生的生活。
Part three question type 1: comparing 对比类●Time comparison 时间对比Are houses nowadays, the same as houses 30 years ago in your country?●Social group comparison 社会群体对比Do men and women like the same types of books?Do old and young people like the same holidays?●Geographic comparison 地域对比“Are houses in North China the same as houses in South China?”“Do men and women like the same hobbies?”一般回答:“I like men and women like different hobbies, for example men are fond of many types of sporting activities such as football and basketball. Also they prefer things like watching action movies and going to bars, but women like hobbies such as shopping, watching TV, singing KTV and chatting online.”模范答案:“Well obviously there are a number of clear differences. However, I guess that the most significant would be that men tend to prefer sporting activities such as football or basketball. Whereas in contrast women prefer things like shopping for clothes. In addition to this, another possible distinction might be that men usually like watching films; while on the other hand, women are more likely to prefer watching soap operas on TV.”开场白:Well obviously… Well undoubtedly…..Well clearly….Well unmistakably….Sure, without a doubt…Unquestionably…关于“有区别”的概述(类似第一部分的类型类问题,相关表达可以互换):There are a number of underlying differences here.There a variety of possible differences here.There are a range of potential distinctions here.突出特点1:However, I guess that the most significant would be that…Though I suppose that the most obvious would be that…But I would say the most fundamental would be that…细节1:Especially, particularly, in face, such as, for example, specially.对比转折(-1):Whereas on the other hand…On the contrary…Though quite the opposite…引入第二组对比的第一个特点(2):In addition…On top of this…Additionally…Moreover…As well as this…After that…Say there is another important difference.…a second key distinction would be that……a d subsequent contrast could be that……a further distinction might be that…第二个对比转折(-2):While on the other hand…Conversely…Alternatively…Then again, in opposition…时间方面进行对比(used to do 本身就有非常强的对比性,表示过去做,现在一定不做了!):….used to be much smaller……didn’t use to have as many…….always used to be more……didn’t use to be as…练习:Are schools nowadays the same as schools in the past?Are TV programs nowadays the same as TV programs in the past?Are restaurants now days the same as restaurants in the past?Are free-time activities nowadays the same as 20 year s ago in your country?Are shops nowadays the same as shops when you were younger?Are trips nowadays the same as trips that your parents had when they were young?Part Three Question type 2: Predicting预测类What will houses be like in the future?The following answer is quite common for this type of question:一般回答:“I think that in the future, houses will be much bigger, and maybe they will be in some strange places such as on the moon or under the sea.”模范答案“Certainly, I’m sure that most people would agree that there will be a number of major changes related to this. Initially, I guess that we might be gin to see houses that are much bigger. At the same time, I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have houses under the sea. And who knows, it could even be possible that we’ll see the arrival of houses on the moon.”…I guess that we might begin to see……I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have……who knows, it could even be possible that we’ll see…Certainly, I’m sure that most people would agree that there will be a number o f major changes related to this.I’m sure that in years to come we will see a number of changes related to this.I reckon that in the not so distant future there are going to be a few imminent changes with regard to…I imagine that in the near future, we w ill witness some major changes with regard to…介绍第一种预测情况:Initially, I guess that we might begin to see…To begin with, I’d predict that we will most likely have…Primarily, it looks quite probable that we are going to have…First of all, I would envisage that we are going to have…介绍第二种预测情况:At the same time, I suppose it’s quite probable that we may have…As well as this, some people claim that we will probably start to see…On top of this, I imagine it’s quite likely that we will soon have…Likewise, I would imagine that we may even be able to see…一般情况下,两种预测就足够了;但如果真的想介绍第三种预测,不妨尝试一个夸张预测来调节气氛:And who knows, it could even be possible that we’ll see the arrival of…And you never know, it could even transpire that we’ll have…And I know it’s a bit of a crazy thought, but one day we may even have…And w ho knows, there’s even a chance that we will have…练习:What will schools be like in the future?What will restaurants be like in the future?What types of people will become famous in the future?What will shops/ shopping habits be like in the future?What will public transport be like in the future?Part Three Question Type 3: Why questions原因表述类“Why do so many people want to be famous?”一般回答:“In my opinion there are many reasons. Firstly people think they can make more money, live in a big house, drive an expensive car and travel around the world.”模范回答:“In my opinion I guess I would have to say that there are probably a number of factors involved. Primarily, one key motivation would be because they think they would be able to make more money. As well as this a subsequent incentive might be because they want to live in a big house and drive an expensive car.”开场白:说明原因有很多—概述Well in my opinion I guess I would have to say that…Well i n my view, I suppose I would say that…Well in my estimation, I guess that…Well generally it’s my belief that…原因多……There are probably a number of factors involved.There are obviously a number of motives surrounding this idea.There are unquestionably a number of explanations for this.There are undoubtedly a variety of justifications behind this.主要原因The chief cause might be that…The main basis is probably because…The key explanation is possibly because…第二个原因As well as this, a subsequent factor cou ld be because…At the same time, a secondary motive could be that…Additionally, a further rationale might be due to the face that..练习:Why is it important to protect old / historical buildings?Why do so many people move from the countryside to cities?Why is it important to protect the environment?Why do people like to know about the private lives of famous people?Part Three Question Type 4: Advantages利弊讨论类“What are the advantages of traveling by train?”一般回答:“I think there are many advantages; for example it is quite cheap, it’s usually faster than road travel, you can usually take a train to any destination and you can sleep on the train.”模范回答:“Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits, but I would probably say that for the most part, the one thing that really stands out is that trains are really cheap, especially for long distance travel—you can travel from one side china to the other for a few hundred Yuan. I guess that another obvious plus point is that it is much faster than traveling by road—so you can save time by traveling on trains. Along with this, a further merit is that you can sleep quite comfortably on long train journeys.”Well I suppose that there are quite a few clear benefits.Clearly there are a number of obvious merits.Sure there are a few favorable aspects.Obviously there are a number of positive features.最突出的优点:But I would probably say that for the most part, the one thing that really stand out is that…But it goes without saying that the most apparent would be that…Although I guess that the most visible would be that…However, I guess that the most evident wo uld be that…这个优点的原因:(关于原因的表述,可参考第一部分当中关于原因描述的相关表达)This is obviously favorable because…This is undoubtedly positive for the simple reason that…This is without doubt beneficial because…第二个优点(注意连接词):At the same time a second bonus might be that…Besides this, a second plus point could be that…As well as this a further favorable aspect would be that…第二个优点的原因:This is clearly advantageous because…This is definitely valuable since…This is surely a positive feature because…练习:What are the advantages of traveling by car?What are the advantages of having a private car?What are the advantages of zoos?What are the advantages of playing team sports?Part Three Question Type 5: DisadvantagesPS:一般情况下,一个关于弊的问题都会出现在一个关于利的问题后面“What are the advantages of train travel?”(Your answer)“Are there any disadvantages?”模范答案:“I think it’s fair to say that there are a few negative aspects. I suppose the most unfavorable quality might be that trains are often overcrowded at certain times of year. This is a clear limitation because on a long journey you might not be able to find a seat which means you have to stand up for hours. At the same time, another stumbling block might be that train tickets are sometimes difficult to buy, especially around spring festival, and this can be a hassle because it means you can’t always travel on the actual day that you want to. ”开场白—同样是对于有很多缺点/劣势的概述:I think it’s fair to say that there are a few negative aspects.I’m sure most people wo uld agree that there are some drawbacks.Of course there are a couple of shortcomings.最主要/突出的劣势/缺点:I guess the most impractical characteristic would be that…I suppose the most unfavorable quality might be that…Unquestionably, the most adverse feature would be that…导致这个缺点的原因:Most people would agree that this is problematic because…This is an obvious weakness because…This is a clear limitation because…第二个缺点:Correspondingly, an additional weak point may b e that…Supplementary to this, a further han dicap may be that…At the same time,, another stumbling block might be that…形成的原因:And the trouble with this is that…And this can be a hassle because…This is usually an aggravation because…练习:What are the disadvantages of air travel?What are the disadvantages of shopping in supermarkets?What are the disadvantages of using technology in education?What are the disadvantages of going on holiday in foreign countries?Part Three Question Type 6: Problems问题类PS:这类问题其实并不常见,但如果你在第二部分被问到的是关于nature, environment, social problems or global problems.这类的问题,那你就要小心了。