



分子平衡与动态行为的动力学模拟实验详解吴景恒实验目的:(1)掌握Hyperchem中的分子建模方法(2)掌握运用分子力学进行几何优化的方法,能正确设置力场参数及几何优化参数(3)掌握分子动力学、Langevin动力学及Monte Carlo模拟方法, 能正确设置模拟参数(4)通过动力学或Monte Carlo模拟,获取低能量的结构和热力学参数实验注意:(1)穿实验服;实验记录用黑色,蓝色或蓝黑色钢笔或签字笔记录;实验数据记录不需要画表格(2)实验前请先仔细阅读前面的软件使用介绍,然后逐步按照实验步骤所写内容进行操作(3)截图方法:调整视角至分子大小适中,按下键盘上的PrintScreen按键截图,从“Windows开始菜单”打开“画图”工具,按Ctrl+v或“编辑-粘贴”,去掉四周多余部分只留下分子图形,保存图片(4)所有保存的文件全部存在E盘或D盘根目录用自己学号命名的文件夹下,不要带中文命名,实验完毕全部删除,不得在计算用机上使用自己携带的U盘或其他便携存储设备!Hyperchem使用介绍:本次实验用到的工具:Draw:描绘分子工具,在工作区单击画出原子,拖拽画出成键原子,在分子键上单击更改成键类型,双击会出现如下元素周期表用于选择不同原子建立分子Select:选择原子工具,选中的原子或键会呈现绿色,在原子上单击左键选择对应原子/分子(选择模式对应在Select 菜单下Atoms/Moleculars更改),在原子上右击取消选择该原子,在工作区单击选择全部分子,在工作区右击取消全部分子;同时选中(确保Select – Multiple Selections为选中状态)两个原子时在状态栏显示键长(单位为Å),同时选中三个原子显示键角,同时选中四个原子显示二面角Rotate out-of-plane:平面外旋转工具,转换视角用Rotate in-plane:平面内旋转工具,转换视角用Translate:平移工具,转换视角用Mgnify/Shrink:放大镜工具,转换视角用Model Builder:分子建模工具,左三分别用于画C, N, O原子,最右为建立分子模型实验步骤:一、建立丙氨酸两性离子模型(1)根据不同建模方法用下面其中一种方法搭建分子模型:1、在工作区画出丙氨酸两性离子基本构型(氢原子可先不画)2、从Databases – Amino Acids – Ala建立大致模型再添加羟基氧和氨基氢原子(2)分别双击两个C-O键,更改其键型为共轭键;单击工具栏建立分子模型工具(或Build – Add H & Model Build),建立模型后还少一个氢原子的,确认Build – Allow Arbitrary Vsalence为选中状态,手动增加氢原子上去后再点击一次建立分子模型工具或Build – Add H & Model Build:(3)点击Select – Atoms使其为选中状态,选择C-O两个原子记录键长数据;取消选择,选择Cα-C'-O三个原子记录键角数据;取消选择,选择N-Cα-C'-O四个原子记录二面角数据(有两个氧原子,键长和键角只需记录一个,两组二面角都记录)(4)取消选择,Display – Labels选中Charge并确定,请根据建模方法的不同设定不同电荷:1、手工建立模型取消选择,选中两个氧原子,直接画分子的在Build – Set Charge中设置原子电荷为-0.5,然后取消选择,选中氮原子,设置原子电荷为1.0(注意,手工建模的不需要按下面“2、直接从菜单建立丙氨酸模型”所述设置原子电荷):2、直接从菜单建立丙氨酸模型只需设置新增氧原子与新增氢原子电荷与同类型原子相同,其他原子维持原状(不需对逐个原子进行如图所示电荷设置):(5)点击Setup – Molecular Mechanics... 选择AMBER力场:点击Options,作如下图的设值:(6)点击Display – Labels – 选中Type并确定,检查是否有原子类型标记为“*”符号;若有,选择未被正确设置的原子,点击Build – Set Atom Type...从弹出窗口为该原子设置为与同类型原子一样的原子类型(如氨基上的氢设为H)(7)再次检查结构,确认已通过单击工具栏建立分子模型工具或Build – Add H & Model Build为原子建好模型;分别点击Display – Labels 选择Charge及Type检查电荷和原子类型是否已正确无误(8)同时选中N-Cα-C'-O四个原子,点击Select – Name Selection...将其命名为ncco(9)点击File – Save As...,在保存类型下拉菜单中选择HyperChem (*.HIN)格式,将其保存为ala.HIN二、丙氨酸两性离子在气相和液相中的几何优化及分子叠合(1)点击Compute – Single Point计算单点能,记录Energy, Gradient两个数值:点击Compute – Geometry Optimization为分子作真空几何优化,“RMS gradient of: ... kcal/mol”设为0.1,“or: … maximum cycles”设为1800(后面所有几何优化按默认设置直接确定即可,不需再作改动),点击OK待至Converged=Yes,记录能量数值以及cycles和points值(后面做几何优化時一样记录cycles和points值)如上测量并记录C-O键长,Cα-C'-O键角,N-Cα-C'-O二面角数值点击File – Save As...,将分子存为ala-gas.HIN文件(2)点击Setup – Periodic Box... 作如下设值:点击OK,丙氨酸离子就被溶于12Å×10Å×12Å的溶剂盒子当中:(3)点击Setup – Molecular Mechanics... - Options作如下设值:同上点击Single Point 和 Geometry Optimization分别进行单点能量及几何优化的计算,分别记录上述能量数值如出现以下提示,请选择“否”并确认Setup – Molecular Mechanics... - Options已如上述完成设定:测量并记录C-O键长,Cα-C'-O键角,N-Cα-C'-O二面角数值(4)液相优化丙氨酸离子后,点击File – Save As...,把分子保存为ala-liq.HIN文件点击Select – Molecules使其为选中状态,单击丙氨酸两性离子使其呈选中状态:然后点击Select – Complement Selection反选周围水分子:按键盘上的Delete键并确定删除水分子,点击Display – Show Periodic Box取消显示盒子边界(5)再次选中液相中优化的丙氨酸离子,点击Display – Color Atoms...在以下选项中选择其中一个给分子上色(尽量选择对比度高易分辨的颜色):点击File – Merge...选择先前保存的ala-gas.HIN文件合并进工作区,按上述步骤把气相下优化的丙氨酸分子上另一种颜色(6)点击Select – Atoms使其为选中状态,用选择工具分别依次选择两个分子的N, Cα和C’原子(先选择分子一的N原子然后选择分子二的N原子,再选择分子一的Cα原子...如此类推):点击Display – Overlay叠合两丙氨酸分子:观察叠合结果并写入报告,注意分别标明气相和液相优化的分子为何种颜色;截图,保存图片为Overlay.png;注意不要保存叠合后的分子文件!三、丙氨酸两性离子的分子动力学模拟及蒙特卡罗模拟(1)分子动力学:点击File – Open...点击“否”不保存叠合后的分子文件,然后打开先前保存的ala-liq.HIN文件,点击Compute - Molecular Dynamics...设置如下:点击Averages...把EKIN, EPOT, ETOT, ncco移至最右并点OK;若没有ncco请参照上面第一大点第(8)小点进行设置,下同:点击Proceed,观察分子的运动情况;分子动力学完毕后点击Rescale,如上法截图保存中间结果窗口部分为MD.png,点击Done结束;分别做一次Single Point 和 Geometry Optimization计算记录能量及梯度值,不需保存分子文件(2)Langevin动力学:点击File – Open...打开ala-gas.HIN文件,点击Compute - Langevin Dynamics...作如下设置:同上点击Averages...把EKIN, EPOP, ETOT, ncco移至最右并点OK;点击Proceed,动力学完毕后点击Rescale,截图保存中间结果窗口部分为LD.png;分别做一次Single Point 和 Geometry Optimization计算记录能量及梯度能量值,不需保存分子文件(3)Monte Carlo模拟:点击File – Open...打开ala-liq.HIN文件,点击Compute – Monte Carlo...作如下设置:点击Averages...把ACCR, EPOT, D ACCR, ncco移至最右并点OK:点击Proceed,待动力学完毕后点击Rescale,截图保存中间结果窗口部分为MC.png;分别再做一次Single Point 和 Geometry Optimization计算记录能量及梯度能量值,不需保存分子文件四、记录不同建模方法的实验数据记录邻组建立初始模型后的气相单点计算,气相优化后和液相优化后三个能量值(只需要Energy值)五、结束实验检查下面数据是否已被正确记录:1、丙氨酸离子的初始模型,气相优化和液相优化后的C-O键长,Cα-C'-O键角,N-Cα-C'-O二面角2、丙氨酸离子气相和液相的初始模型及优化后的能量记录(Energy, Gradient, cycles和points);分子动力学, Langevin动力学和 Monte Carlo模拟后的Single Point 和 Geometry Optimization的能量及梯度值3、丙氨酸离子气相和液相优化结果的分子叠合图;分子动力学, Langevin动力学和 Monte Carlo模拟能量曲线图4、使用不同建模方法法的另一组的能量数据打开”网上邻居-综合 在 Zh00 上-2012-物化计算机实验”,找到以当天日期命名的文件夹,在下面新建以自己学号命名的文件夹,把Overlay.png, MD.png, LD.png, MC.png复制到里面,把原始数据记录取至前台检查签名(原始数据记录请务必写上姓名!),签名后在前台用U盘把自己的实验图片复制下来或发送到自己邮箱里面(教师用计算机学生不得操作!)实验完毕删除自己在用机上所有留下的有关文件,关闭计算机,收拾桌椅并带好个人携带物品离开实验室实验报告:一、实验原始数据记录应附在实验报告的最后,不能直接作为实验报告的内容部分二、实验图片应打印好作为实验报告的内容部分并标上图片标题和注释,不能附在实验报告的最后三、实验报告所有数据必须用表格形式列出,并应对所有已记录的数据进行分析,此外还应包括以下内容:1、分别比较气相和液相下优化的丙氨酸两性离子的结构的异同(观察叠合后的分子),请结合记录的键长键角二面角数据分析异同具体是如何产生的2、试比较分析分子动力学和Monte Carlo模拟后的单点能计算和几何优化结果跟初始模型结果,包括Energy, Gradient, cycles和points数值的比较3、分析在分子动力学模拟和Langevin动力学的模拟的过程中N-Cα-C'-O的变动情况四、思考题(连同给定的书本上的思考题写入实验报告):1、两种不同建模方法区别在哪里,计算结果又有什么不同?请作具体的分析2、力场设置里面的Dielectric(Epsilon)是什么意思,其下两个选项在气相跟液相优化分别是用的不同设置又是什么意思,设置不同会引起什么差别?(可查阅Hyperchem的使用手册)3、力场设置里面的Cutoffs是什么意思,其下选项在气相跟液相优化分别是用的不同设置又是什么意思,设置不同会引起什么差别?(可查阅Hyperchem的使用手册)4、分子动力学跟Langevin动力学的模拟结果图有什么异同?他们的原理和计算公式具体区别在哪里5、Monte Carlo模拟中为什么没有加入EKIN和ETOT作图,如果对其作图会得到怎样的结果?。


• 基本单元的大小必须大于2Rcut(Rcut是相互作用势的 截断距离)或Rcut<1/2 基本单元的大小。这保证了任
何原子只与原子的一个镜像有相互作用,不与自己的镜 像作用。这个条件称为“minimum image criterion” • 在我们所研究的体系内的任何结构特性的特征尺寸或任 何重要的效应的特征长度必须小于基本单元的大小。 • 为了检验不同基本单元大小是否会引入“人为效应”,必 须用不同的基本单元尺寸做计算,若结果能收敛,则尺寸 选择是合适的。
• MD方法是20世纪50年代后期由B.J Alder和T.E. Wainwright创造发展的。他们在1957年利用MD方法, 发现了早在1939年根据统计力学预言的“刚性球组成 的集合系统会发生由其液相到结晶相的相转变”。
• 20世纪70年代,产生了刚性体系的动力学方法被应 用于水和氮等分子性溶液体系的处理,取得了成功。 1972年,A.W. Less和S.F. Edwards等人发展了该 方法,并扩展到了存在速度梯度(即处于非平衡状态) 的系统。
规律。这种处理可以在液晶的模拟中使用。 • 质点力学模型是将原子、分子作为质点处理,粒子间
的相互作用力采用坐标的连续函数。这种力学体系的应 用对象非常多,可以用于处理陶瓷、金属、半导体等无
• 为了减小“尺寸效应”而又不至于使计算工作量过大,对
于平衡态MD模拟采用 “周期性边界条件”。



就是利用这种关系来导入,修改蛋白或者 DNA/RNA。 3. amber 自带 gaff 力场(比 gromacs 那个网页算的小分子正规多了),适用于大部分有机小分子,当 然修改力场文件可以让你获得更多的支持,尤其是特殊的原子比如说卤素,金属原子。电荷是采用的 resp 拟和,而不是原子的 partial charge,这个的优点见 JACS 的原始文献,不再赘述,主要是考虑极化。 4. 通过 xleap 搞定了大分子,小分子,水,溶剂离子,跑得时候就是 sander 了,当然 8 以后的 pmemd 是更好的选择,不过只能跑 pme 方式的动力学。 5. 轨迹文件 amber 做的不好,太大,没有压缩。断点续跑也不如 gromacs,半个坐标的情况时有出现, 只见原子叉叉满天飞啊,那叫一个壮观。分析工具首推 ptraj(不是我推的,是他们,我个人喜欢 carnal), 加各种辅助工具可以实现 gromacs 的各种功能。 6. 优点: 上次说过了,轨迹稳定,重复性好,可信度高。有些朋友非要跑出个地动山摇,惊涛骇浪的轨 迹,不推荐您使 amber,估计等到它跑到那一天,您也毕业了。缺点:真的打算用 amber 吗,打算跑 10ns 吗?打算有什么特别有意思的想法吗?恭喜您,您可以考虑买硬盘了。amber 的存储量大概是 1ns->1.5GB, 如果想发一个好一点的文章,阐述一个精细的机理,没有 10 条轨迹搞不定的,算算是多 少硬盘....我的一个题平均 120G 轨迹。 洋洋洒洒写了这么多,不过 amber 的真正强大之处还不在这里,它的强大在于它的应用广泛,有着各种 的“人无我有,人有我精”的套件,下次我在应用篇里面详细讲一下
动力学系列之二(amber 基础篇) 上次写了一个,结果一下在因为发贴的原因丢了,加上最近忙的要命,不过还是吃完饭干活前,静下心写 一下 amber,amber 远比 gromacs 要复杂(不过还比不上 charmm,估计第一次看 charmm 脚本的人 一定觉得自己选错了行当,类 fortran 的语言加上自创的格式,唉,又是一段心酸的往事...)。我把 amber 分成两部分讲,第一部分讲基础,第二部分讲应用。这里先讲第一部分。 1. 关于整体概括. amber 的文件格式有三种最为重要:top, crd and pdb。pdb 可以生成 top and crd, top and crd 也可以转换成 pdb,这些都是 ascii 码文件,可以手动编辑(这也是 DNA+Protein 时候有时 不得不作的事情,巨大的工作量)。top 文件中是拓扑文件,相当于 gromacs 的 top,不过直接把 lib 的参 数搞过来,不要再调用 lib 了。crd 文件是坐标和速度文件,类似于 gro 文件,pdb 不用我说了吧。 2. amber 中的概念: 所有的单元从原子,小分子,残基,碱基等等一直到大分子都是 unit,熟悉 C++,JAVA 的朋友想一下 object 就理解了,amber 的 xleap 的操作就像一个外包体,利用 object 的独立性进行关 联,组合或者分拆 object, 实现不同的功能,每一个 unit 都是独立单元。而标准的氨基酸,碱基就像 class, 你自己的蛋白就是 object。每个 class 对应多个有自己名字的 object。这些都是在 xleap 中实现的,xleap

第七章分子动力学和 - 南开大学结构化学精品课程网站 孙宏伟

第七章分子动力学和 - 南开大学结构化学精品课程网站 孙宏伟
《量子化学与分子力学/分子模拟》 第七章 分子动力学和Monte Carlo模拟

Nankai University
3. 动力学数据回放
• • • • • 打开p6-md.hin,系统提示如右 Compute选择Molecular Dynamics 选playback 按Proceed开始回放 如按Sanpshots, 可选择回放的时间范围(如二 者一致则选定某个时间) 动力学模拟时已存有p6-md.csv,记录的是 各时间下的Ekin, Epot Etot,可直接用来画图 如需要监视动力学过程中键长(距离)、键角 等的变化,可选择相应原子,SelectName Selection, “Other”填上名字如L1 Compute选择Molecular Dynamics 选playback,Average,将L1纳入平均的数据 按Proceed开始回放,结束后p6-md.csv中有 需要的数据 《量子化学与分子力学/分子模拟》
7.1.5 实例1 多肽的动力学
1. 构建多肽,优化
• • • • • • • 选择AMBER力场 Database选择Amino Acids 选Beta Sheet, 单击Ser六次,构建六肽 Database选择Make Zwitterion添加端 基,构建六肽两性离子 Compute选择Geometry Optimization 优化结束,E=166.20 kcal/mol 保存为p6.hin
Nankai University
《量子化学与分子力学/分子模拟》 第七章 分子动力学和Monte Carlo模拟
MD 淬火动力学构象搜索 1. 选择力场,构建分子 2. 设置分子动力学参数 3. 设置保存的文件(Snapshots) 4. 设置监视的内容 5. 开始运行,监视内容保存为CSV文件。 6. 运行结束,使用回放功能(playback)观看结果 7. 选择储存的数据进行优化。 8. 总结结果。



g(x)N l i mN 1 iN 1g(ix)
近似求解积分: I(b -a)g( x)
当我们用简单Monte Carlo计算积分时,若该函数为常数函 数,g(x)=constant,则取样数不管多少,准确度为100%。
如 果 在 积 分 区 间 内 , g(x) 为 一 平 滑 函 数 , 则 简 单 Monte Carlo方法较为准确,反之,如果g(x)的变动很剧烈,则简 单Monte Carlo方法的误差会变大。
Monte Carlo方法基本思想
当所求的问题是某种事件出现的概率,或是某个随机变量的期 望值时,它们可以通过某种“随机试验”的方法,得到这种事 件出现的频率和概率,或者得到这个随机变量的统计平均值, 并用它们作为问题的解。
Monte Carlo方法解决的问题
• 问题本身是确定性问题,要求我们去寻找一个随机过程,使 该随机过程的统计平均就是所求问题的解。
Δx = (b-a)/N 可编辑课件
② 简单的Monte Carlo积分方法求解:
Ibg(x d)x (b-ab)g(x1) dx
a b-a
I(b -a)g( x)其中 X为均匀分布,并且 X[a,b]
利用均匀分布的随机数发生器,从[a,b]区间产生一系列随机 数xi,i=1, 2, ..., N
模拟结果可靠 模拟产生的样本容量大 所需的随机数的数量大 随机数的产生必须快速、有效,最好能 够进行并行计算。



0.5 μm
Fig. 2. The effect of converging geometry obtained by MD simulation
of one million particles in the microscale.
Dzwinel, W., Alda, W., Pogoda, M., and Yuen, D.A., 2000, Turbulent mixing in the microscale: a 2D molecular dynamics
r r
V (r)
记 V / V;r / r
▪ 一些气体的参数
Neon (nm) 0.275 /kB(K) 36
Argon Krypon Xenon Nitrogen
0.3405 0.360 0.410 0.370
119.8 171 221
m vi2
▪ 系统的势能
V (rij )
1i j N
▪ 系统的内能
p2 2mi
▪ 系统的总能 E = Ep+Ek
▪ 系统的温度
T dNkB
• 热容 定义热容
计算系统在温度T和T+T时的总能ET、ET +T,
▪ 气、液状态方程
维里定理(Virial Theorem)

Mega6_ molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0

Mega6_ molecular evolutionary genetics analysis version 6.0

MBEBrief CommunicationMEGA6: Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis version 6.0Koichiro Tamura 1, 2, Glen Stecher 3, Daniel Peterson 3, Alan Filipski 3, and Sudhir Kumar 3,4,5*1Research Center for Genomics and Bioinformatics, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan3Center for Evolutionary Medicine and Informatics, Biodesign Institute, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA4School of Life Sciences, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, USA5Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia*Correspondence to:Sudhir Kumar, Ph.D.Center for Evolutionary Medicine and InformaticsBiodesign Institute @ Arizona State UniversityTempe, Arizona 85287, USAEmail: s.kumar@© The Author 2013. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail: journals.permissions@MBE Advance Access published October 16, 2013 at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014/Downloaded fromAbstractWe announce the release of an advanced version of the Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software, which currently contains facilities for building sequence alignments, inferring phylogenetic histories, and conducting molecular evolutionary analysis. In version 6.0, MEGA now enables the inference of timetrees, as it implements our RelTime method for estimating divergence times for all branching points in a phylogeny. A new Timetree Wizard in MEGA6 facilitates this timetree inference by providing a graphical user interface (GUI) to specify the phylogeny and calibration constraints step-by-step. This version also contains enhanced algorithms to search for the optimal trees under evolutionary criteria and implements a more advanced memory management that can double the size of sequence data sets to which MEGA can be applied. Both GUI and command-line versions of MEGA6 can be downloaded from free of charge.at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014/Downloaded fromThe Molecular Evolutionary Genetics Analysis (MEGA) software is developed for comparative analyses of DNA and protein sequences that are aimed at inferring the molecular evolutionary patterns of genes, genomes, and species over time (Kumar, et al. 1994; Tamura, et al. 2011). MEGA is currently distributed in two editions: a graphical user interface (GUI) edition with visual tools for exploration of data and analysis results (Tamura, et al. 2011) and a command line edition (MEGA-CC) which is optimized for iterative and integrated pipeline analyses (Kumar, et al. 2012).In version 6.0, we have now added facilities for building molecular evolutionary trees scaled to time (timetrees), which are clearly needed by scientists as an increasing number of studies are reporting divergence times for species, strains, and duplicated genes (e.g., Kumar and Hedges 2011; Ward, et al. 2013). For this purpose, we have implemented the RelTime method, which can be used for large numbers of sequences that comprise contemporary datasets, is the fastest method among its peers, and is shown to perform well in computer simulations (Tamura, et al. 2012). RelTime produces estimates of relative times of divergence for all branching points (nodes) in any phylogenetic tree without requiring knowledge of the distribution of the lineage rate variation and without using clock calibrations and associated distributions. Relative time estimates produced by MEGA will be useful for determining the ordering andspacing of sequence divergence events in species and gene family trees. In fact, the (relative) branch rates produced by RelTime will enable users to determine the statistical distribution of evolutionary rates among lineages and detect rate differences between species and duplicated gene clades. In addition, relative times obtained using molecular data can be directly compared with the times from non-molecular data (e.g., fossil record) to test independent biological hypotheses. The RelTime computation in MEGA6 is highly efficient in terms of both performance and memory required. For a nucleotide alignment of 765 sequences and 2,000 base pairs (data from Tamura, et al. 2011), MEGA6 required just 43 minutes and 1 gigabyte of memory (including the calculation steps mentioned below). Both time and memory requirements increase linearly with the number of sequences in MEGA6 (Figure 1). Figure 2shows a timetree produced by MEGA6 and displayed in the Tree Explorer, which has been upgraded from previous versions of MEGA to display confidence intervals and to export relative divergence times and evolutionary rates for branches, along with absolute divergence times and confidence intervals (see below). The Tree Explorer also allows customization of the timetree display in many ways for producing publication quality images.Using calibrations to translate relative times to absolute times.The relative times produced by the RelTime method can be directly converted into absolute times when a single known divergence time at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014 / Downloaded from(calibration point) based on fossil or other information is available. This facility is incorporated in MEGA6 where a global time factor (f), which is computed from the given calibration point, converts all estimates of relative times (NT s) to absolute times (AT s) where AT x = f×NT x for the internal node x. This approach is taken because NT s are already shown to be linearly related with the true time (Tamura, et al. 2012). However, researchers often use multiple calibration points along with information on upper and/or lower bounds on one or more calibration points. In order to consider those constraints when estimating f, we have extended the RelTime implementation to ensure that the estimate of f produces estimates of AT that satisfy the calibration constraints. In this case, if there are a range of values for f that do not violate the calibration constraints, then the midpoint of that range becomes the estimate of f. If one or more of the AT s fall outside the calibration constraints, then f is set so that their deviation from the constraints is minimized. In this case, NT s for the nodes with estimated AT s are adjusted to satisfy the calibration constraints, such that the estimated ATs for the offending nodes will lie between the minimum and maximum constraint times specified by the user. These adjustments to NT s are followed by re-optimizing all other NT s in the tree recursively using the standard RelTime algorithm. Figure 2 shows a timetree display with absolute times in the Tree Explorer, where 95% confidence intervals are shown for each nodetime (see below).Confidence intervals for time estimates.MEGA6 also provides confidence intervals for relative and absolute divergence times, which are necessary to assess the uncertainty in the estimated time and test biological hypotheses. In this formulation, variance contributed by the presence of rate variation among lineages (V R,i) is combined with the estimated variance of relative node time (V NT,i). We compute V R,i using the mean of the coefficient of variation of lineage rates over all nodes (C R). It is obtained by first computing the mean (µ) and standard deviation (σ) of the node-to-tip distance for each node in the original tree with branch lengths. Then, C R= ∑[σi/µi]2/(n-3), where n is the number of sequences. For node i, V R,i = (NT i × √C R)2. The variance of node height (V H,i) is estimated by the curvature method obtained during the maximum likelihood estimation of branch lengths, and thus relative NT s, for each node. Then, the variance of NT is V(NT i) = V NT,i + V R,i, which is used to generate a 95% confidence interval. The bounds of this interval in terms of relative time are then multiplied by the factor f to provide confidence intervals on absolute times when calibrations are provided. It is important to note that this variance does not incorporate the uncertainty specified in the calibration times by the user through the specifications of minimum and maximum bounds, because the statistical distribution of the calibration uncertainty is rarely known. Therefore, we only use the range of calibration bounds during the estimation of f that converts relative times into absolute times, as described above, but this range does not affect the size of confidence interval at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014 / Downloaded fromin any other way. In the future, we plan to enhance the estimation of f when users provide statistical distributions specifying the calibration uncertainty (see also, Hedges and Kumar 2004).Timetree Wizard. In practice, the estimation of timetrees can be cumbersome, as one must provide a phylogeny, a sequence dataset, and calibration points with constraints. To simplify this process, we have programmed a Timetree Wizard to enable users to provide all of these inputs through an intuitive graphical interface step-by-step. Figure 3A shows a flowchart of the Timetree Wizard, where the user first provides a sequence alignment and a tree topology for use in building a timetree. MEGA6 validates these inputs by mapping (sequence) names in the topology to the names in the alignment data. If the topology contains a subset of sequences present in the alignment, MEGA automatically subsets the sequence data. Additional automatic subsetting of data is provided in the Analysis Preferences Dialog box (see below). In the next step, the user has the option to provide calibration constraints by using a new Calibration Editor in MEGA6 where calibration points are specified by (a) point-and-click on individual nodes in the tree display (Fig. 3B), (b) selecting name-pairs from drop down lists such that their most recent common ancestor on the topology refer to the desired nodes (Fig. 3C), and/or (c) uploading a text file containing calibration constraints in a simple format (Fig. 3D). If no calibration constraints are provided, then onlyrelative times and related statistical measurements will be produced by MEGa6, but users still have an option to specify them in the Tree Explorer where the timetree containing relative times is displayed.The next step in Timetree Wizard is for the user to select various analysis options in the Analysis Preferences Dialog, including the types of substitutions to consider (e.g., nucleotide, codon, or amino acid), evolutionary model describing the substitution pattern, distribution of substitution rates among sites (e.g., uniform or gamma distributed rates and the presence of invariant sites), options for excluding certain alignment positions, and stringency for merging evolutionary clock rates during timetree analysis . These options are available in a context-dependent manner based on the type of sequence data being used in the analysis (e.g., nucleotide, coding vs. non-coding, or proteins). For coding nucleotide data, the users may subset the data based on the desired codon positions or ask MEGA to automatically translate codons into amino acids and conduct analysis at the protein sequence level. The data subset options also allow for handling of gaps and missing data, where one can choose to use all the data or exclude positions that contain a few or more gaps or missing data (e.g., Partial Deletion option). The stringency for merging clock rates option indicates the statistical significance to use for deciding conditions in which the ancestor and descendant rates will be the same (rate merging), which is important to reduce the number of rate at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014 / Downloaded fromparameters estimated and to avoid statistical over-fitting. Once these and other options are set, the RelTime computation begins.Other enhancements in MEGA. In addition to the new timetree system in MEGA6, we have made several other useful enhancements. First, we have added the Subtree-Pruning-and-Regrafting (SPR) algorithm to search for the optimal tree under the Maximum Likelihood (ML) and Maximum Parsimony (MP) criteria (Nei and Kumar 2000; Swofford 1998). In addition, the Tree-Bisection-and-Regrafting (TBR) algorithm is now included to search for the MP trees. These algorithms replace the Close-Neighbor-Interchange (CNI) approach and allow for a more exhaustive search of the tree space (Nei and Kumar 2000; Swofford 1998). These algorithms were tested on simulated datasets which were analyzed in Tamura et al. (2011). The final trees produced by SPR heuristic search were, on average, slightly better by the given optimality criterion than the true tree, a phenomenon explained by Nei et al. (1998). Therefore, MEGA6 heuristic searches are expected to perform well in practical data analysis.We have also upgraded MEGA source code to increase the amount of memory that MEGA can address in 64-bit computers, where it can now use up to 4 gigabyte of memory, which is twice its previous limit. Thesource code upgrade has also increased the canvas size in Tree Explorer, which can now render trees with as many as 4,000 taxa. Finally, we have implemented a usage analytics system to assess options and analyses that are the most used. At the time of installation, users have a choice to participate in this effort, where we wish to generate a better understanding of the needs of the user community for prioritizing future developments. For the future, we have already planned the release of a full 64-bit version of MEGA as well as support for partitioned ML phylogenetic analyses. An outcome of this effort is a 64-bit command-line version of MEGA6 that supports the timetree analysis, which can downloaded from /reltime and used for very large sequence datasets.AcknowledgementsWe thank Oscar Murillo for extensive help in testing the RelTime computations. We would also like to thank Sayaka Miura, Anna Freydenzon, Mike Suleski, and Abediyi Banjoko for their invaluable feedback. This work was supported from research grants from National Institutes of Health (HG002096-12 to SK and HG006039-03 to AF) and Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) grants-in-aid for scientific research to KT. at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014 / Downloaded fromFigure Legends.Figure 1. Time (panel A) and memory (panel B) needed for increasingly larger datasets for timetree calculations in MEGA6. Results shown are from an analysis of a nucleotide sequence alignment of 765 sequences and 2,000 base pairs. Increasingly larger number of sequences were sampled from this alignment to obtain the computational time (minutes) and computer memory (Megabytes, MB). The time taken increases polynomially with the number of sequences (4×10-05x2 + 2.64 ×10-2x; R2 = 0.99), where x is the number of sequences. However, a linear regression also fits well (0.048x; R2 = 0.93). Similarly, the memory required increases linearly with the number of sequences (1.52x, R2 = 0.99). All calculations were performed on the same computer with an Intel® Xeon® E5-2665 CPU, 128 Gigabytes of RAM, and running Windows Server 2012 64-bit edition.Figure 2. (A) Timetree inferred in MEGA6 and shown in the Tree Explorer, where it is displayed with divergence times (written in maroon font) and their respective 95% confidence intervals. A scale bar for absolute divergence times is shown. (B) An information panel that can be made visible by pressing theicon marked with an “i”. When focused on a tree node (left side), it shows the internal node identifier, and absolute or relative divergence time as appropriate; when focused on a branch (right side), it displays the local clock rate as well as the relative branch length. (C) A timetable exported using the displayed timetree, which shows the ancestor-descendant relationship along with relative node times, relative branch rates, absolute divergence times, and confidence intervals. Users can display internal node identifiers in the Tree Explorer as well as internal node names, which can be provided in the input topology file. On pressing the “Caption” in the Tree Explorer menu bar, MEGA produces the following text to inform the user about the methods, choices, and data used. Caption: The timetree shown was generated using the RelTime method. Divergence times for all branching points in the user-supplied topology were calculated using the Maximum Likelihood method based on the General Time Reversible model. Relative times were optimized and converted to absolute divergence times (shown next to branching points) based on user-supplied calibration constraints. Bars around each node represent 95% confidence intervals which were computed using the method described in Tamura et al. (2013). The estimated log likelihood value of the topology shown is -247671.60. A discrete Gamma distribution was used to model evolutionary rate differences among sites (4 categories, +G, parameter = 38.07). The tree is drawn to scale, with branch lengths measured in the relative number of substitutions per site. The analysis involved 446 nucleotide sequences. All positions with less than 95% site coverage were eliminated. That is, fewer than 5% at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014 / Downloaded fromalignment gaps, missing data, and ambiguous bases were allowed at any position. There were a total of 1048 positions in the final dataset. Evolutionary analyses were conducted in MEGA6 (Tamura, et al. 2013). Figure 3. (A) The flowchart of the Timetree Wizard . When launching the timetree analysis, a user first provides a data file containing a sequence alignment and another file containing a phylogeny (topology).(B) The Calibration Editor is invoked when the user needs to specify calibration constraints, which contains facilities to mark calibrations on top of the user-specified topology. (C) Users may also specify calibrations selecting two sequence names whose most recent common ancestor (MRCA) points to the node to use for calibration. (D) The user may also upload constraints via formatted text files for which two types of formats are supported. In one, the calibration time constraints and the names of two taxa whose MRCA is the node to calibrate are given (panel C style). In the second, a node name in addition to the time constraints is given and this node name matches an internal node label that is included in the Newick tree file that contains the topology that is used for the timetree analysis. (E) Analysis Preferences Dialog enables the user to select methods, models and data subset options.at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014/Downloaded fromReferencesHedges SB, Kumar S. 2004. Precision of molecular time estimates. Trends Genet. 20: 242-247.Kumar S, Hedges SB. 2011. Timetree2: Species divergence times on the iphone. Bioinformatics 27: 2023-2024.Kumar S, Stecher G, Peterson D, Tamura K. 2012. Mega-cc: Computing core of molecular evolutionarygenetics analysis program for automated and iterative data analysis. Bioinformatics 28: 2685-2686.Kumar S, Tamura K, Nei M. 1994. Mega: Molecular evolutionary genetics analysis software formicrocomputers. Comput Appl Biosci. 10: 189-191.Nei M, Kumar S. 2000. Molecular evolution and phylogenetics. Oxford ; New York: Oxford University Press. Nei M, Kumar S, Takahashi K. 1998. The optimization principle in phylogenetic analysis tends to giveincorrect topologies when the number of nucleotides or amino acids used is small. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 95: 12390-12397.Swofford D. 1998. Paup*: Phylogenetic analysis using parsimony (and other methods). Sunderland, MA:Sinauer Associates.Tamura K, Battistuzzi FU, Billing-Ross P, Murillo O, Filipski A, Kumar S. 2012. Estimating divergence timesin large molecular phylogenies. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA. 109: 19333-19338.Tamura K, Peterson D, Peterson N, Stecher G, Nei M, Kumar S. 2011. Mega5: Molecular evolutionarygenetics analysis using maximum likelihood, evolutionary distance, and maximum parsimony methods. Mol Biol Evol. 28: 2731-2739.Tamura K, Peterson D, Stecher G, Filipski A, Kumar S. 2013. Mega6: Molecular evolutionary geneticsanalysis version 6.0. Mol Biol Evol. 30: (In press).Ward MJ, Lycett SJ, Kalish ML, Rambaut A, Leigh Brown AJ. 2013. Estimating the rate of intersubtyperecombination in early hiv-1 group m strains. J Virol. 87: 1967-1973.at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014/Downloaded fromFIGURE 1Downloaded from/at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014Downloaded from / at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014Downloaded from / at China Agricultural University on September 22, 2014。



• 8 个近邻重复单元
包围着中心原胞, 为其提供合理的边
• 计算机实际处理的
中心 1
原胞 2
分子动力学( Molecular dynamics ,MD)方法简介
• 是分子动力学方法中最基本系综 •具有确定粒子数N,能量E,体积V •算法 (1)规定初始位置和初始速度 (2)对运动方程积分若干步 (3)计算势能和动能 (4)若能量不等于所需的值,则对速度进行标度 (5)重复(2)-(4),直到系统平衡
困难 — 欲重现实际体系的统计行为,模拟体
1dm3水 31027个H2O 计算机能处理的粒子数量有限
取较小的模拟体系作中心原胞,令其在空间 重复排列
分子动力学( Molecular dynamics ,MD)方法简介
•经验作用势 二体及三体以上作用势的叠加
分子动力学( Molecular dynamics ,MD)方法简介
分子动力学( Molecular dynamics ,MD)方法简介
假定2: 周期性边界条件
(Periodical Boudary Condition)



Copyright © 2014版权所有 中国力学学会地址: 北京市北四环西路15号 邮政编码:100190 Address: No.15 Beisihuanxi Road, Beijing 100190第八届全国流体力学学术会议 2014年9月18~21日 甘肃兰州文章编号: CSTAM2014-B01-0333标题:纳米流体液滴的耗散粒子动力学方法模拟作者:沈世元,周哲玮单位:上海市应用数学与力学研究所上海大学第八届全国流体力学学术会议 2014年9月18-21日 甘肃 兰州CSTAM2014-A26-BS10029纳米流体液滴的耗散粒子动力学方法模拟沈世元1,2,周哲玮1,2(1上海市应用数学与力学研究所,上海闸北区 200070)(2上海大学,上海闸北区 200070)摘要 纳米流体是指把直径范围从10nm —100nm 的金属或非金属纳米颗粒分散到水、醇、油等传统物质中形成的新型流体。


DPD (耗散粒子动力学, Dissipative Particle Dynamics )是研究介观尺度下粒子运动的有力工具,其算法中的参数与物理系统的关系是研究热点之一。

本文利用DPD 方法模拟介观尺度的纳米液滴,根据纳米液滴的接触角确定DPD 方法中的参数,研究了固壁、液体和纳米颗粒之间的相互作用系数。


关键词 纳米流体;耗散粒子动力学;接触角;相互作用系数1.引言1995年,美国Argonne 国家实验室的Choi 3等人提出了一个崭新的概念—— 纳米流体。




第一节 引言
• 分子动力学方法(Molecular Dynamics,简称MD) � Alder和Wainght在1957年至1959年间应用于理想“硬球” 液体模型,很多简单液体中分子之间的相互作用的重 要性质在两人的研究中被发现 ;
� Rahman于1964年应用一种更接近的液体模型模拟了液 氦;
1 2
miq̇i2 −
• 得到第i个粒子的牛顿运动方程(α指每个粒子的自由度)
mi q̇̇iα
= − ∂Ui ∂qiα
= −∇Ui
• 哈密顿(Hamilton)原理: � 保守的、完整的力学系统在相同时间内,由某一初位 形转移到另一已知位形的一切可能运动中,真实运动 的作用函数具有极值,即作用函数的变分等于零。
• 具体操作看下面的欧拉(Euler)预测——矫正公式: 预测值
• Gear发展出预测-矫正方法(Predict-corrector)。经证 明,这是一种精度很高的完全适用于分子动力学的算法, 被广泛应用。
• 为方便,使用矢量记法。将下一步预测值的每一项进行 Taylor展开
� 然后用计算机计算粒子集合的相轨迹,从而确定系统 的静态和动态性质。
• 对于一个多粒子体系的实验观测物理量的数值可以由总 的平均得到。
• 但是由于实验体系又非常大,不可能计算求得所有涉及 到的态的物理量数值的总平均。
• 按照产生位形变化的方法,有两类方法对有限的一系列 态的物理量做统计平均。
• 这种方法可以处理与时间有关的过程,因而可以处理非平 衡态问题。



1 3n
n i 1
mi vi2
• 又因体系中各原子的速率为vi时,动量pi=mivi,对应
K( p)
n i 1
1 2mi
p2 i,x
p2 i,y
p2 i,z
• 势能由力场确定为E(x),因此体系的Hamilton量H为:
H(x, p) K( p) E(x)
• 形式虽多, 但一般总表达为分子内与分子间势能之和: V总=V键合+V非键合
• 分子内势能(键合)包括键伸缩、键角弯曲和二面角扭转势能 • 分子间势能(非键合)包括范德华势和静电势, 有的还包括H键:
• 每个k是一独立
键伸参缩数::Eb [k2(b
b0 )2
场 k参3(b数 b,0下)3 标k4“(b 0
b0 )4 ]



键弯曲: E [k2 ( 0 )2 k3( 0 )3 k4 ( 0 )4 ]
二面角:E {k1[1 cos( 0,1)] k2[1 cos(2 0,2) k3[1 cos(3 0,3)]}
一、第一原理方法及其在材料科学中的应用 二、密度泛函方法及其应用



AMBER —Assisted model building with energy refinement CHARMM—Chemistry at Harvard macromolecular mechanics GROMOS—Gronigen molecular simulation
周期性边界条件(Periodic boundary conditions)

周期性边界条件使人们能够基 于少量粒子的模拟的同时考虑 周围溶液和溶质分子对研究体 系的影响。 把研究体系看作一个特定形状 空间包围的区域,采用周期性 边界条件,则这个基本单元会 沿着所有的方向进行周期性扩 展以形成一个无限的周期排列。 当基本单元中的粒子离开这个 单元进入一侧的映射单元时, 其映射粒子会从基本单元的另 一侧进入基本单元。
在实际的应用中,我们把哈密顿方程化为下面的牛顿方程, 并且用位置ri 和速度vi 做为描述体系的参量。
1 N H(ri ,pi ) mi vi2 V ({ri }) 2 i 1
pi H t ri
d2 mi 2 ri V ({ri }) dt ri
Fi mi ai
张军华等,石油地球物理勘探,2010, 45, 918
2.2 显式vs隐式水模型
A: 显式模型:TIP3P,TIP4P,SPC/E… B: 隐式模型:GB/SA (general Born/surface area)

通过计算溶质的溶解化能来模拟溶液环境对蛋白质的影响。 将溶解化能分成静电和非静电两个部分。

⑤计算第n+1/2步的速度:vi (t 1 / 2t ) vi (t 1 / 2t ) ai (t )t ⑥计算第n+1步的位置: ri (t t ) ri (t ) vi (t 1 / 2t )t ⑦计算第n步的速度:



第四章 分子动力学方法§4.1 分子动力学方法第四章 分子动力学方法分子动力学(Molecular Dynamics,简称MD)是模拟大量粒子集合体系(固 体、气体、液体)中单个粒子的运动的一种手法,其关键的概念是运动,即要计 算粒子的位置、速度和取向随时间的演化。

分子动力学中的质点可以是原子、分 子、 或更大的粒子集合, 只有在研究分子束实验等情况下, 粒子才是真正的分子。

与“分子动力学”相类似的名词还有“晶格动力学” (研究固体中原子的振动)和 “分子力学” (分子结构的量子力学) ,而分子动力学限于模拟经典粒子的运动。

分子动力学简单 来说就是用数值方法求解经典力学中的 N 体问题。

自 Newton时代起, N 体问题就被认为是很重要的物理问题,解析求解或质点轨道 的混沌分析是数理力学中的关注点。

但时至今日,该问题重要性的原因已经进化 成, 将单粒子动力学与系统的集体状态相联系,人们试图通过考察单个粒子的运 动来解释大量粒子集合系统的行为。

例如,绕过一物体的流体是怎样产生湍流尾 迹的?蛋白质分子中的原子是怎样相互运动从而折叠成生命支撑形态的?流体 气旋怎样产生如木星上的大红斑那样的长寿旋涡的?溶液中的长链分子怎样自 组装成一些特殊结构?等等。

因此,分子动力学在凝聚态物理、材料科学、高分 子化学和分子生物学等许多研究领域都有广泛的应用。

§4.1 分子动力学方法4.1.1 基本概念4.1.1.1 分子动力学分子动力学现已成为分子尺度上模拟的典型方法之一。

它起源于上世纪50 年代,在70年代中开始受到广泛关注。

分子动力学源于自Newton时代以来的古 老概念, 即只要知道了系统组分的初始条件和相互作用力,整个系统的行为就可 以计算出来并可以预测。


Laplace 于1814年曾写到: “Given for one instant an intelligence which could comprehend all the forces by which nature is animated and the respective situation of beings who compose it-an intelligence sufficiently vast to submit these data to analysis-it would embrace in the same formula the movements of the greatest bodies of the universe and those of the lightest atoms; for it, nothing would be uncertain and the future, as the past, would be present to its eyes” (现在的 分子动力学模拟中, Laplace的 “intelligence”由计算机实现, “respective situation”即为给定的一组初始条件, “same formula”为算法程序) 。

第六章 分子动力学模拟 Molecular Dynamics

第六章 分子动力学模拟  Molecular Dynamics

第六章 分子动力学模拟 Molecular Dynamics –MD 6.1引言分子动力学模拟方法是在牛顿力学的理论框架下,根据体系内分子之间的相互作用势,获得每个原子随时间运动的轨迹,通过系综平均,可以得到感兴趣的与结构和动力学性质有关的物理量,如:平均原子坐标,平均能量、平均温度及原子运动的自相关函数等。


用计算机模拟方法在向空间采样方法有两种: (1) 随机采样 MC (2) 确定性方法MD以上讲过的MC (Monte Carlo )采样方法就是随机方法,与随机方法不同,确定性方法是按照动力学规律使系统在相空间运动。





⎰∞→∞==τττ01))(),((limdt t p t q A A A系综其中q,p 为t 的函数。

A 表示系综平均,∞A 表示无穷长时间平均。



当弛豫模拟〉τt ,模拟t 可认为∞,因物理上的∞是不可能的。

6.2基本原理 1.动力学方程基本动力学方程包括在经典力学(CM )框架下的牛顿方程和在量子动力学(QM )框架下的薛定谔方程。


但是,对研究包含隧道效应的反应时间问题时,量子效应十分明显,这时就必须用QM 方程来模拟体系的量子动力学性质。

QM:含时薛定谔方程为),(),(t r i t r H t→∂∂→∧-=ψψ (2.1)其中∧H 为哈密顿算符,),(t r →ψ为波函数,→r 表示一系列原子坐标,即),,(21→→→→=N r r r r 。



分子动力学模拟方法的基本原理与应用摘要: 介绍了分子动力学模拟的基本原理及常用的原子间相互作用势, 如Lennard-Jones势; 论述了几种常用的有限差分算法, 如Verlet算法; 说明了分子动力学模拟的几种系综及感兴趣的宏观统计量的提取。

关键词: 分子动力学模拟; 原子间相互作用势; 有限差分算法;分子学是一门结合物理,和化学的综合技术。


从统计物理学中衍生出来的分子动力学模拟方法(Molecular Dynamics Simulation, MDS) , 实践证明是一种描述纳米科技研究对象的有效方法, 得到越来越广泛的重视。

所谓分子动力学模拟, 是指对于原子核和电子所构成的多体系统, 用计算机模拟原子核的运动过程, 从而计算系统的结构和性质, 其中每一个原子核被视为在全部其他原子核和电子所提供的经验势场作用下按牛顿定律运动。

它被认为是本世纪以来除理论分析和实验观察之外的第三种科学研究手段, 称之为“计算机实验”手段, 在物理学、化学、生物学和材料科学等许多领域中得到广泛地应用。






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ET + T ET Cv = T
刚 性 壁
t + t 时刻,速度为 vi′′
t 时刻,速度为 vi′
vi′′ vi′ 1 p= ∑ mi t dA i
N (v)
v v
v + v
v + 2v
选速度间隔v,模拟nt个时间步,记录在每个速 度间隔中的粒子数,最后归一化。
0.5 m
Fig. 2. The effect of converging geometry obtained by MD simulation of one million particles in the microscale. Dzwinel, W., Alda, W., Pogoda, M., and Yuen, D.A., 2000, Turbulent mixing in the microscale: a 2D molecular dynamics simulation, Physica D, Vol. 137, pp. 157-171.
σ ij σ ij dE F = = 4ε ij ( 6δ ij 7 + 12 12 ) dr r r
If δ is less than 0, then the two species are immiscible.
σ ll = σ ww = σ wl = 1, ε ll = 1, ε ww = 1.5, ε wl = 0.6,
F = 0.02, Twall = 1.4
CASE(1) - Couette Flow
CASE(1) - Couette Flow
CASE(2) - Contact Angle Simulation
Mass: m[1]=1, m[2]=8, m[3]=0.8 L=25.05, W=6.56 H=10.29 T=1.2
V = V (r12 ) + V (r13 ) + … + V (r1N ) + + V (r23 ) + … + V (r2 N ) + … + V (rN -1, N ) =
i < j =1
∑V (r )
V d r
∞ V (r ) = 0
用牛顿经典力学计算许多分子在相空间中的 轨迹
求解系统中的分子或原子间作用势能和系统外加 约束共同作用的分子或原子的牛顿方程。 模拟系统随时间推进的微观过程。 通过统计方法得到系统的平衡参数或输运性质 计算程序较为复杂,占用较多内存
选取要研究的系统及其边界,选取系统内粒 子间的作用势能模型 设定系统中粒子的初始位置和初始动量 建立模拟算法,计算粒子间作用力及各粒子 的速度和位置 当体系达到平衡后,依据相关的统计公式, 获得各宏观参数和输运性质
p = k BT
1 bρ
aρ 2
CASE(1) - Couette Flow
Size of domain is:12.51x7.22x16.71
E = 4ε ij (δ ij
6 σ ij
12 σ ij
i, j represent different species
F = V (r ) m
f = V (r ) m r
fy fx V (r ) x V (r ) y = , = m m r r r r 至此,各粒子间相互作用已知,可进行模拟了
不能用:不能保持总能量守恒 Verlet算法:速度形式
Multi-body System
Molecular Dynamics
引 言
在分子、原子这个微观水平上来考察物质:多体 世界 查清楚微观世界,宏观就清楚了
从微观考虑问题的现实可行性 从微观考虑问题的必要性
物性的观测性参数:热传导、温度、压力、粘 性、... …
维里定理(Virial Theorem)
1 pV = Nk BT + d
∑r F
i i
粒子i所受到的其 它粒子的合相互 作用力
体积 温度的模 拟 可得此项
在温度的模拟基 础上再模拟此项
例:用此可确定高密度气体和液体状态方程(van der Waals方程)中的系数 理想气体状态方程在高密度情况下不可用
给定初始条件:xi,vi 计算到平衡态
|T - Teq|≤ ε
f = Teq/ T vi = vi f 1/d
其它方法:Gaussian热浴法(约束温度调节方法) 其基本原理在运动方程中加入“摩擦力”项, 并将其与粒子速度联系起来。
f i = mai + ξ mvi
空间维数 粒子个数 :取时间平均
问题:如何给定系统的初始条件,得到所需要的平 衡态温度Teq? 解决方法之一:速度标定法 任给初始条件,模拟到平衡,得到系统平衡态温 度T。一般T≠Teq。令
f = Teq / T
f 1/ d vi → vi
再模拟直到平衡,若所得温度仍不等于Teq,再进 行上述过程
V(r), F(r)
V(r) F(r)
ε 能量尺度; 长度尺度 σ
1 12 1 6 V (r ) = 4 r r
V (r )
1 1 = 4 r /σ r / σ
12 6
记 V / ε → V;r / ε → r
Neon σ(nm) ε/kB(K) 0.275 36 Argon 0.3405 119.8 Krypon 0.360 171 Xenon Nitrogen 0.410 221 0.370 95
kB=1.38x1023(J/K): Boltzmann常数
1 1 1 0.2 1 1 1
6 σ ij 12 σ ij VLJ (r ) = ε ij δ ij r r
δ ij =
0.2 1
i, j=1,2,3, 1 – red fluid, 2 -- wall, 3 – green fluid
CASE(3)- Rayleigh-Taylor instability generation(重力场)

a > ? 2
< a/2 a
最小像约定:两粒子分离距离>最大分离距离, 相互作用力可以忽略,而加入其中像粒子之一相 互作用力来考虑
条 件 一: 规 则 给 法 条 件 二 : 随 机 给 法
随机初始条件给法之一 要求 |v 大小: |< Vmax
和壁面作用分子数 ∝ 壁面积
1 和壁面作用分子数 壁面积 6a 2 1 ∝ ∝ 3 ∝ ∝3 总分子数 体积 a a N
取 N = 10 2 ~ 106 , 前比值为0.2~0.01。取前值,模 拟粗糙;取后值,模拟计算量太大 处理方法:使用周期性边界条件 ∞ 周期性边界条件 a

CASE (4)Typical translocation event
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
A 1.4V bias applied to membrane. 20 base-pair fragment of double stranded DNA placed in front of a nanopore. End of DNA nearest to the pore is pulled into the pore by its charged backbone (a,b) System reaches a meta-stable state (c) and translocation halts. Base-pairs start to split. Some freed nucleotides adhere to pore surface. Voltage increased momentarily to drive system out of metastable state. DNA exits pore. One of the bases holds firmly to the pore surface. After 50ns, most of DNA has left pore. Nine of twenty base pairs are split.
0 < α < 180° ; 180° < < 180°
分量 :
v x = v sin α cos
v y = v sin α sin
v z = v cos α
温度 根据统计热力学,平衡态下经典系统的能量中的 每一个二次项具有平均值kBT/2,即