

北京市朝阳区2015届高三上学期期中统一考试语文试题 Word版含答案

北京市朝阳区2015届高三上学期期中统一考试语文试题 Word版含答案

朝阳区2015届高三年级第一学期期中统一考试语文试卷(满分150分考试时长150分钟) 2014.11本试卷共8页。






























例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. When will the man go for his holidays?A. In June.B. In July.C. In August.2. What does the woman suggest the man do?A. Go to see the doctor.B. Stop using headphones.C. Try listening to some music.3. Where does this conversation most probably take place?A. In a hotel.B. In a bank.C. In a park.4. What will the woman have to do first?A. Read the instructions.B. Try the buttons one by one.C. Have the machine repaired.5. What are the two speakers talking about?A. The weather forecast.B. An outdoor activity.C. The view of a lake.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。



北京市朝阳区2015-2016学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试数学试卷(文史类) 2015.11(考试时间120分钟 满分150分)本试卷分为选择题(共40分)和非选择题(共110分)两部分第一部分(选择题 共40分)一、选择题:本大题共8小题,每小题5分,共40分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项.1. 已知集合}2{>=x x A ,B ={(1)(3)0}x x x --<,则A ∩B =A .{1}x x >B .{23}x x <<C .{13}x x <<D .{2x x >或1}x < 2. 设平面向量(,1)x =a ,(4,)x =b , 且⋅a b 1=-, 则实数x 的值是 A .2- B .1- C .13-D .15- 3.下列函数在(,0)(0,)-∞+∞ 上既是偶函数,又在),0(+∞上单调递增的是A .2y x =-B .1y x -=C .2log y x =D .2x y =-4.已知1tan 3θ=,那么πtan ()4θ+等于 A .2 B .2- C .12D . 12-5. 要得到函数sin(2)3y x π=-的图象,只需将函数sin 2y x =的图象A .向左平移π6个单位 B .向右平移π6个单位 C .向左平移π3个单位 D .向右平移π3个单位6. 下列命题正确的是A. “1<x ”是“0232>+-x x ”的必要不充分条件B. 若给定命题p :x ∃∈R ,使得210x x +-<,则p ⌝:,x ∀∈R 均有012≥-+x x C. 若q p ∧为假命题,则q p ,均为假命题D. 命题“若0232=+-x x ,则2=x ”的否命题为“若 ,0232=+-x x 则2≠x7.在ABC ∆中,已知4AB AC ⋅=3=,,M N 分别是BC 边上的三等分点,则⋅的值是A .5B .421C .6D .88. 已知函数2,()2.x x x a f x x a ⎧≤<=⎨≥⎩, 0, 若存在实数b ,使函数()()g x f x b =-有两个零点,则实数a 的取值范围是A .(0,2)B .(2,)+∞C .(2,4)D .(4,)+∞第二部分(非选择题 共110分)二、填空题:本大题共6小题,每小题5分,共30分.把答案填在答题卡上. 9.若集合{}1,0,a ={}1,1,-bc ,则_____,_______.a b ==10.设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若3612a a +=,48S =,则9a 的值是 . 11.给出四个命题:①平行于同一平面的两个不重合的平面平行;②平行于同一直线的两个不重合的平面平行;③垂直于同一平面的两个不重合的平面平行;④垂直于同一直线的两个不重合的平面平行;其中真命题的序号是________.12.已知函数()2sin f x x ω=(0>ω)的最小正周期为π,则=ω ,在(0,)π内满足0)(0=x f 的0x = .13. 若函数()sin cos f x a x x =+在区间ππ(,)64上单调递增,则实数a 的取值范围是 .14.如图,在ABC ∆中,4A B A C==,90BAC ∠= ,D 是BC 的中点,若向量14AM AB mAC =+(m ∈R ),且点M 在ACD ∆的内部(不含边界),则AM BM ⋅ 的取值范围是 .三、解答题:本大题共6小题,共80分.解答应写出文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程. 15. (本小题满分13分)已知函数2()cos 2cos 222x x x f x =+. (Ⅰ)求)(x f 的最小正周期; (Ⅱ)求)(x f 的单调递减区间. 16. (本小题满分13分)设等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,n *∈N ,公差30,15,d S ≠=已知1341,,a a a 成等比数列.(Ⅰ)求数列{}n a 的通项公式;(Ⅱ)设2n n b a =,求数列{}n b 的前n 项和n T . 17. (本小题满分14分)如图, 在三棱柱111A B C A B C-中,1CC ⊥底面ABC ,CB AC ⊥,点D 是AB 的中点.(Ⅰ)求证:1AC BC ⊥; (Ⅱ)求证:1AC ∥平面1CDB .(Ⅲ)设12AB AA =,AC BC =,在线段11A B 上是否存在点M ,使得1BM CB ⊥?若存在,确定点M 的位置;若不存在,说明理由. 18. (本小题满分13分)在ABC ∆中,角C B A ,,所对的边分别为c b a ,,.已知21cos -=B . (Ⅰ)若322==b a ,,求ABC ∆的面积; (Ⅱ)求C A sin sin ⋅的取值范围. 19. (本小题满分13分)已知函数2()ln (1)2x f x a x a x =+-+,a ∈R .(Ⅰ)若函数()f x 在区间(1,3)上单调递减,求a 的取值范围; (Ⅱ)当1a =-时,证明1()2f x ≥. 20. (本小题满分14分)已知函数2()e (1)xf x ax bx =++(其中a ,b ∈R ),函数()f x 的导函数为()f x ',且(1)0f '-=.(Ⅰ)若1b =,求曲线()y f x =在点(0,(0))f 处的切线方程; (Ⅱ)若函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上的最小值为0,求b 的值.北京市朝阳区2015-2016学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试数学答案(文史类) 2015.11一、选择题:(满分40分)二、填空题:(满分30分)(注:两空的填空,第一空3分,第二空2分) 三、解答题:(满分80分) 15. (本小题满分13分) (I )由已知可得:()cos 1f x x x ++ 2sin()16x π=++.所以)(x f 的最小正周期为2π. …………………..7分(II )由2222k x k ππ3ππ+≤+≤π+6,k ∈Z , 得2233k x k π4ππ+≤≤π+,k ∈Z .因此函数)(x f 的单调递减区间为[2,2]33k k π4ππ+π+,k ∈Z .…………………..13分 16. (本小题满分13分) 解:(I )依题意,1211132315,2(3)(12).a d a d a a d ⨯⎧+=⎪⎨⎪+=+⎩ 解得13,2.a d =⎧⎨=⎩因此1(1)32(1)21,21n n a a n d n n a n =+-=+-=+=+即. …………………..6分 (Ⅱ)依题意,1212212+=+⨯==+n n n n a b .12n n T b b b =+++ 231(21)(21)(21)n +=++++++=23122...2n n +++++4(12)12n n-=+-22 4.n n +=+- …………………..13分17.(本小题满分14分)(I )在三棱柱111ABC A B C -中,因为1CC ⊥底面ABC ,AC ⊂底面ABC , 所以1CC AC ⊥.又AC BC ⊥,1BC CC C = , 所以11AC BCC B ⊥平面. 而111BC BCC B ⊂平面,则1AC BC ⊥. …………………..4分 (Ⅱ)设1CB 与1C B 的交点为E ,连结DE , 因为D 是AB 的中点,E 是1BC 的中点, 所以DE ∥1AC .因为1DE CDB ⊂平面,11AC CDB ⊄平面, 所以1AC ∥1CDB 平面.…………………..9分(Ⅲ)在线段11A B 上存在点M ,使得1BM CB ⊥,且M 为线段11A B 的中点.证明如下:因为1AA ⊥底面ABC ,CD ⊂底面ABC ,所以1AA CD ⊥.由已知AC BC =,D 为线段AB 的中点, 所以CD AB ⊥.EEM又1AA AB A = , 所以CD ⊥平面11AA B B .取线段11A B 的中点M ,连接BM . 因为BM ⊂平面11AA B B ,所以CD BM ⊥.由已知12AB AA =,由平面几何知识可得1BM B D ⊥. 又1CD B D D = ,所以BM ⊥平面1B CD . 又1B C ⊂平面1B CD , 所以1BM CB ⊥.…………………..14分18. (本小题满分13分)(I )在ABC ∆中,因为1cos 2B =-,所以2π3B =,sin B = 由正弦定理,sin sin a bA B=可得2sin A =则1sin 2A =. 又A 为锐角,则6A π=,所以6C π=. 所以1sin 2ABC S ab C ∆=11222=⨯⨯.……………………………………………………………6分(II )sin sin sin()sin 3A C C C π⋅=-⋅=1sin sin )2C C C ⋅-12(1cos 2)4C C --11sin(2)264C π=+-. 因为(0,)3C π∈,所以52(,)666C πππ+∈.则1sin(2)(,1]62C π+∈.所以C A sin sin ⋅的取值范围是1(0,]4. ………………………………………13分19. (本小题满分13分) 解:(I )函数的定义域为(0,)+∞.因为2(1)(1)()()(1)a x a x a x x a f x x a x x x-++--'=+-+==.又因为函数()f x 在(1,3)单调减,所以不等式(1)()0x x a --≤在(1,3)上成立. 设()(1)()g x x x a =--,则(3)0g ≤,即93(1)0a a -++≤即可,解得3a ≥. 所以a 的取值范围是[3,)+∞. …………………………………7分(Ⅱ)当1a =-时,2()ln 2x f x x =-+,211(1)(1)()x x x f x x x x x-+-'=-+==.令()0f x '=,得1x =或1x =-(舍). 当x 变化时,(),()f x f x '变化情况如下表:所以1x =时,函数()f x 的最小值为(1)2f =. 所以1()2f x ≥成立. ………………………………13分20. (本小题满分14分)解:因为2()e (1)xf x ax bx =++,所以2()e [(2)1]xf x ax a b x b '=++++.因为(1)0f '-=,所以(2)10a a b b -+++=.所以1a =. ……………………2分 (Ⅰ)当1a =时,1b =时, (0)1,(0)2f f '==,所以曲线()y f x =在点(0,(0))f 处的切线方程为12(0)y x -=-.即210x y -+=. ……………………4分 (Ⅱ)由已知得2()e (1)x f x x bx =++,所以2()e [(2)1]e (1)(1)x x f x x b x b x x b '=++++=+++. (1)当11b --<-,即0b >时,令()e (1)(1)0x f x x x b '=+++>得,1x >-或1x b <--; 令()e (1)(1)0x f x x x b '=+++<得,11b x --<<-.所以函数()f x 在(1,)-+∞和(,1)b -∞--上单调递增,在(1,1)b ---上单调递减. 所以函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上单调递增.所以函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上的最小值为1(1)e (2)0f b --=-=. 解得2b =.显然合题意. (2)当11b --=-时,即0b =时,2()e (1)0x f x x '=+≥恒成立,所以函数()f x 在(,)-∞+∞上单调递增. 所以函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上单调递增.所以函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上的最小值为1(1)e (2)0f b --=-=. 解得2b =.显然不符合题意. (3)当11b -->-时,即0b <时,令()e (1)(1)0xf x x x b '=+++>得,1x <-或1x b >--;令()e (1)(1)0xf x x x b '=+++<得,11x b -<<--.所以函数()f x 在(,1)-∞-和(1,)b --+∞上单调递增,在(1,1)b ---上单调递减. ①若11b --≥,即2b ≤-时,函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上单调递减.所以函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上的最小值为(1)e(2)0f b =+=. 解得2b =-.显然合题意.②若11b --<,即20b -<<时,函数()f x 在在(1,1)b ---上单调递减,在(1,1)b --上单调递增.此时,函数()f x 在区间[1,1]-上的最小值为1(1)e(2)0b f b b ----=+=.解得2b =-.显然不合题意.综上所述,2b =或2b =-为所求. ……………………14分关注课外100网,及时获得最新教研资料。

北京市朝阳区2015届高三上学期期中统一考试英语试题 Word版含答案

北京市朝阳区2015届高三上学期期中统一考试英语试题 Word版含答案

北京市朝阳区2014—2015学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试英语试卷2014. 11(考试时间120分钟满分150分)本试卷共12页,共150分,考试时长120分钟。







例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. How will the woman go to the hospital?A. By taxi.B. By motorcycle.C. By bus.2. When does the woman usually have breakfast?A. At 7:00.B. At 8:00.C. At 10:00.3. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Park the car elsewhere.B. Drive along a quiet street.C. Stop here for a few minutes.4. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. At a bookstore.B. At a department shop.C. At the dry cleaner’s.5. What are the speakers discussing?A. Whether to work hard.B. How to pay for the house.C. Whether to go on a holiday.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。



北京市朝阳区2014—2015学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试英语试卷2014. 11(考试时间120分钟满分150分)本试卷共12页,共150分,考试时长120分钟。







例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. How will the woman go to the hospital?A. By taxi.B. By motorcycle.C. By bus.2. When does the woman usually have breakfast?A. At 7:00.B. At 8:00.C. At 10:00.3. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Park the car elsewhere.B. Drive along a quiet street.C. Stop here for a few minutes.4. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. At a bookstore.B. At a department shop.C. At the dry cleaner’s.5. What are the speakers discussing?A. Whether to work hard.B. How to pay for the house.C. Whether to go on a holiday.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。



北京市朝阳区2014—2015学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试英语试卷2014. 11第二部分:知识运用(共两节,45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题; 每小题1分,共15分)21. Being ______ highly skilled reader is ______ key to becoming successful in the Information Age.A. a; 不填B. 不填; aC. the; aD. a; the22. Food and fruit are forbidden in the library, ______ you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.A. andB. butC. soD. or23. Mr. Smith had to go to work by bus this morning as his car ______.A. would repairB. was repairingC. had been repairedD. was being repaired24. Some countries have banned smoking in public places ______ public health.A. improveB. to improveC. improvingD. improved25. Harry Potter has made reading popular again, ______ is why parents and teachers like the book, too.A. thatB. whoC. whichD. what26. We still have some other ways to solve the problem. You ______ be worried.A. mustn’tB. can’tC. don’t have toD. may not27. ______ the sight was impressive on the top of the mountain, I made an effort to climb onto it.A. To knowB. KnowC. KnownD. Knowing28. ______ Tina cares about most is whether the company provides opportunities for further education.A. WhichB. WhatC. ThatD. Why29. ______ the price of gas is starting to come down, many people are choosing to take the bus or the train instead.A. Even thoughB. Now thatC. In caseD. As though30. —Can you tell me how many people will go to the exhibition?—Of course. About 3,000 students from 15 schools ______, and I think two-thirds will come.A. inviteB. will inviteC. have been invitedD. had been invited31. —Excuse me, Miss Jones. Do you know where the sales report is?—Isn’t it on your desk? I ______ it back in the file after I read it.A. putB. have putC. had putD. will put32. —Where would you like to sit? In the corner or near the platform?—______. I would like to sit by the piano so that I can watch the musician play.A. EitherB. NeitherC. NoneD. Both33. More people are choosing to work ______ retirement age.A. atB. inC. forD. beyond34. Passers-by rescued a motorcycle driver ______ under a burning car.A. was trappedB. trappingC. having trappedD. trapped35. If Susan ______ for ten more minutes at the party last night, she might have met Johnny Depp, the famousHollywood star.A. stayedB. would stayC. had stayedD. would have stayed第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)Make the Most of What You Have GotFor Nick Vujicic, life was going to be difficult from the day he was born. When Nick arrivedinto this world, he 36 everyone. He was not like the other babies and it was 37 obvious to his parents and to the doctors in the hospital.There was no 38 or answers for his condition. Nick was born without any limbs—that is he was born without any arms or legs. But despite being physically 39 , he was mentally 40 and the rest of his body was functioning fine.41 he had loving parents, Nick would find school hard as he would often be looked down upon by the other children and at the young age of 10, he considered 42 his life by drowning himself in a bathtub. These dark thoughts were 43 by his negative attitude to being disabled and at the time, he thought that he would never be able to do 44 by himself, that he would never have a job and that he would always have to 45 on his parents for help.Nick was wrong.As an adult, Nick is a successful public speaker and is famous for his motivational 46 which focus on life with a disability, hope and finding meaning in life worldwide. He 47 so many people with the story of his life, how he has 48 so many difficulties and most importantly how he is happy every day.Despite having no arms or legs, Nick lives 49 , even finding ways to do almost 50 things like brushing his teeth on his own and swimming. He has to work harder than a full bodied person and he achieves his goals.At the first impression, you may look at Nick and feel 51 . You may feel sad that this man has no arms or legs and you might feel his 52 and upset that he could find everyday situations difficult. But we should 53 Nick, as he is extremely positive and he gets on with life. He 54 every day and makes the best of what he has: a positive attitude, a creative mind and a powerful 55 . He also has a very kind and very beautiful wife and they are truly happy and in love.36. A. shocked B. pleased C. inspired D. accepted37. A. nervously B. painfully C. hopefully D. cautiously38. A. surprise B. worry C. explanation D. apology39. A. active B. sick C. disabled D. abused40. A. disturbed B. challenged C. calm D. normal41. A.Since B. If C. Although D. Unless42. A. changing B. ending C. risking D. sharing43. A. expressed B. collected C. given D. driven44. A. something B. nothing C. everything D. anything45. A. call B. rely C. cheat D. look46. A. lessons B. poems C. speeches D. posters47. A. convinces B. touches C. puzzles D. judges48. A. faced B. created C. met D. overcome49.A.independently B. comfortably C. hopelessly D. lonely50. A. impossible B. dangerous C. crazy D. regretful51. A. pain B. guilt C. panic D. pity52. A. annoyance B. selfishness C. courage D. confidence53. A. encourage B. admire C. comfort D. correct54. A. cries B. shouts C. smiles D. struggles55. A. voice B. body C. family D. position第三部分:阅读理解(共两节,40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,共30分)ATraveling Museum ExhibitionsIn the past, if a person wanted to see the national treasures of a country, one had to go there in person. Therefore, very few people were able to enjoy some of history’s most important and interesting artifacts (手工艺品). This has changed with an increase in the number of traveling museum exhibitions.King Tutankhamen ArtifactsA traveling exhibition of artifa cts from the tomb of King Tutankhamen, popularly known as “King Tut”, toured the United States from November 1976 to April 1979. The 55 objects were shown in six cities and were seen by around eight million museum-goers. The second touring exhibit was started in 2007, this time with 130 artifacts and stops in London and three different American cities. However some objects, like the king’s golden face mask, are too valuable or too delicate to be transported long distances, so “replicas” (exact copies of som ething) are on show.Japanese Color Woodblock PrintsThe Art Museum at University of Virginia, in Charlottesville, Virginia, has an extraordinary collection of Japanese color woodblock prints (木刻版画). These prints document the period from about 1850 to 1900, a time when Japan was opening itself to Western influences. Before this point, Japan was a closed society that had little communication with the world outside of its borders. These works of art beautifully show the feeling of change and the trend toward modernization. The museum has put together a traveling exhibition of 60 of these prints, which can be borrowed and exhibited worldwide for periods of eight weeks or more.Face-to-face with “Lucy”One of the world’s most famous archaeological (考古学的) finds in history are the 3.2 million-year-old bones of a 106-centimeter-tall female found in the Ethiopian desert in 1974. Lucy, a name given to her by the discovery team, is a “hominid”, or a creature that scientists believe is the earliest ancestor of modern human beings. Rarely is an artifact this valuable allowed to travel widely, but Lucy has been taken to several museums in the U.S. while a detailed replica remains at the Ethiopian Natural History Museum.56. What d o we learn about King Tutankhamen’s artifacts?A. The artifacts were shown in London first.B. The artifacts were on show in the United States once.C. The second touring exhibit showed more artifacts than the first one.D. The king’s golden face mask w as also shown in the traveling exhibitions.57. What do the Japanese woodblock prints show about the society from 1850 to 1900?A. Japan had little communication with other countries.B. The whole country refused changes in the society.C. Japan was opening itself up to Western ideas.D. Japan achieved modernization.58. Who is Lucy according to the passage?A. An archaeologist.B. The ancestor of modern human beings.C. A 106-centimeter-tall female who died in 1974.D. The first woman who visited the Ethiopian desert.B(Published March 30, 2011)Albert Einstein’s Theory of Relativity might have a few mistakes—and Jake Barnett has set out to prove it. Between attending college classes at Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) and tutoring his fellow students, Jake is also working on a new theory about the creation of the universe. He happens to be 12 years old.From an early age, Jake showed an extraordinary interest in stars. When he was 3, his parents took him to a space observatory. He tried to learn as much as he could about astron omy. Jake’s IQ measured remarkably high at 170.As a baby, Jake was found out with Asperser’s syndrome, a form of autism (孤独症). Autism causes difficulties in communication and social abilities. People with autism may also have strong interests—like Jake’s interest in the stars at a young age.The symptoms of autism can range from mild to extremely severe. Asperser’s is one of the milder forms of autism. Sometimes people with Asperser’s, like Jake, develop extremely advanced skills in science, music or art.When Jake was in elementary school, his parents worried that the effects of his Asperser’s were worsening. Headvanced subjects, like math and physics.Jake’s mother asked an astronomy professor to let Jake sit in on his class. Now, Jake studies advanced sciences like electromagnetic physics at IUPUI.But Jake thinks it’s important to have a normal life too. He likes to play Guitar Hero with his friends and watch science fiction movies. He also enjoys playing classical music on the piano. But for Jake, studying physics is the most important thing. Jake’s professor, John Ross, is working on get ting a large sum of money for him to do research at the university.Doctors have said Jake’s autism symptoms have lessened over time. Still, Jake proudly refers to himself as an “Aspy”, or someone with Asperser’s. In an interview with his university student newspaper, he said, “I think the autism is the reason I’m even at IUPUI.”59. What did Jake want to do at IUPUI?A. Get a degree in astronomy.B. Put forward his own theory in physics.C. Become an Albert Einstein in the future.D. Teach his fellow students Theory of Relativity.60. Which of the following is the correct order of the events that happened to Jake?a. He set out to disprove Einstein’s theory.b. He was interested in astronomy.c. He began to study math and physics.d. He was found out with a mild form of autism.A. b-d-c-aB. d-b-c-aC. b-a-c-dD. d-c-b-a61. The underlined sentence in the passage means ______.A. he was unable to help othersB. he was impolite to other peopleC. he was afraid of seeing other peopleD. he was only concerned about learning62. In the eyes of Jake, autism is something ______.A. not worth worrying aboutB. annoyingC. not necessary to know aboutD. embarrassingCScientists have produced new evidence suggesting eating lots of red and processed meat damages health. They found big meat eaters had a raised risk of death from all causes over a 10-year period. In contrast, a higher intake of white meat was associated with a slightly reduced risk of death over the same period.The US study, based on more than 500,000 people, found those whose diet contained the highest proportion (比例) of red or processed meat had a higher overall risk of death, and specifically a higher risk of cancer and heart disease than those who ate the least.People eating the most meat were eating about 160g of red or processed meat per day— approximately a 6oz steak. Those who ate the least were only getting about 25g per day— approximately a small piece of bacon. Just the opposite, those who ate the highest proportion of white meat had a lower risk of overall death, and a lower risk of fatal cancer or heart disease than those who ate the lowest proportion.Meat is a major source of saturated (饱和的) fat, which has been associated with breast and colorectal cancer. In addition, lower meat intake has been linked to a reduction in risk factors for heart disease, including lower blood pressure and cholesterol (胆固醇) levels. The latest study adds to a growing body of research linking high red and processed meat consumption to an increased risk of ill health. Ed Yong, of the charity Cancer Research UK, said, “Evidence from large studies tells us that cutting down on processed food, such as bacon or burge rs, can reduce the risk of dying from cancer and other diseases.”Dr Barry Popkin of the University of North Carolina stressed there were health benefits from eating some red meat. But he added: “The need is for a major reduction in total meat intake, an e ven larger reduction in processed meat and other highly processed and salted animal source food products and a reduction in total saturated fat.” Dr Mark Wahlqvist, a nutrition expert from Australia, said eating small amounts of red meat—around 30g a day—provided a good source of key nutrients. He said, “Fresh, lean red meat of these amounts is likely to be of more benefit than harm.”63. According to the passage, we know ______.A. big meat eaters eat a 6oz steak per dayB. big meat eaters have heart disease ten years earlierC. people eating more meat will suffer from a heart attackD. people eating more red meat have a higher risk of death64. Processed meat is a kind of ______.A. red meatB. white meatC. vegetable with a similar taste of meatD. meat prepared by producers65. According to the passage, how should we eat red meat in a healthy way?A. We should eat red meat as we like.B. We should eat proper amount of red meat per day.C. We should reduce the amount of fresh, red lean meat.D. We should completely cut out red meat from our diet.66. What does the passage mainly talk about?A. Too much red meat consumption contributes to ill health.B. A well-balanced diet accounts for a healthy life.C. A higher intake of white meat brings benefits.D. Red meat contains saturated fat.DAre you single or married? Are you a cat or a dog owner? Do you exercise, or are you a “couch potato” (a person who sits on the sofa all day watching TV, eating and basically doing nothing)? These questions and many others are about your lifestyle.People in the United States feel that they can choose their lifestyles and even shape their own identities. The great variety of lifestyles leads to constant national discussion of choices that people make. This freedom of choice is fun and exciting, but it also creates stress and uncertainty. In newspapers, lifestyle issues are discussed in the features or style section. In The Chicago Tribune this s ection is called “Tempo”. People turn to this section for lively discussion on lifestyle choices they face with regard to their personal identities, their families, and their social lives.Many American people believe that they can make their lives happy and satisfying despite their problems. If they lack confidence or tend to feel anxious, shy, angry, or depressed, they believe that they can change themselves. Self-help books, magazines, and feature articles are filled with advice from experts about steps to take to become a happier or more satisfied person and to improve one’s self-respect. Part of this research for self-improvement is a belief that even one’s own appearance can be controlled. This is why there are so many articles in the newspaper about l ooking young, wearing the latest fashions, and becoming physically fit.Lifestyle choices also involve moral and social issues. How should children be raised? How should people behave on a date? How should elderly people be treated? How can people stay happily married? All these kinds of issues are constantly discussed and are constantly changing. Not only are experts such as psychologists consulted, but stars from the political and entertainment worlds are held up as lifestyle leaders as well. In the newspaper, feature articles called profiles discuss in detail the personal lives or public work of movie stars, authors, artists, and exceptional individuals who are not stars. The lifestyle choices these people make contribute to the public discussion of all the issues that people think about.A well-known advertising slogan is “Just do it.” In the culture of the United States, people believe that they can take action and become the kind of people they want to be and live the way they want to live.67. The section “Tempo” in The Chicago Tribune mainly discusses ______.A. lifestyle choicesB. current affairsC. experts’ opinions on lifeD. how to improve one’s self-respect68. According to the author, Americans are pretty sure that they can ______.A. control their own appearanceB. solve all the problems in their lifeC. live a happy life in spite of their problemsD. improve their life by following the elders’ advice69. According to the passage, p eople’s opinions on moral or social issues can be influenced by ______.A. their superiorsB. family membersC. friends and colleaguesD. experts and famous people70. Which is the best title for the passage?A. Just Do ItB. Make Our Lives HappyC. Lifestyles in the United StatesD. Choosing the Way We Live第二节(共5小题;每小题2分,共10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的七个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。



北京市朝阳区 2016 届高三上学期期中考试数学试卷(文科)(考试时间120 分钟满分150 分)本试卷分为选择题(共40 分)和非选择题(共110 分)两部分第一部分(选择题共40 分)一、选择题:本大题共8 小题,每小题 5 分,共 40 分.在每小题给出的四个选项中,选出符合题目要求的一项 .1. 已知集合A{ x x2} ,B={ x (x1)(x3)0} ,则A∩B=()A . { x x 1}B.{ x 2 x 3}C.{ x 1 x 3}D. { x x 2 或x 1}2. 设平面向量a( x,1) ,b (4, x) , 且a b1,则实数x的值是()A .2B .111 C. D .353.下列函数在(,0)(0, ) 上既是偶函数,又在(0, ) 上单调递增的是()A .y x2B .y x 1C.y log 2 x D. y2x4.已知tan 1,那么 tan(π3) 等于()4A .2B.2C.1D.1 225.要得到函数y sin(2 x) 的图象,只需将函数y sin 2x 的图象()3A .向左平移个单位B.向右平移个单位66 C.向左平移个单位D.向右平移个单位336.下列命题正确的是()A.“x 1”是“x23x 2 0 ”的必要不充分条件1C. 若 p q 为假命题,则 p, q 均为假命题D. 命题 “若 x 23x 20 ,则 x2 ”的否命题为 “若 x 2 3x 20, 则 x 27.在 ABC 中,已知 AB AC4 , BC3 , M , N 分别是 BC 边上的三等分点,则AM AN的值是()21 C . 6D . 8A . 5B .48. 已知函数 f (x)x 2, 0 x a,若存在实数 b ,使函数 g(x)f ( x) b 有两个零点,2x ,xa.则实数 a 的取值范围是()A . (0, 2)B . (2, )C . (2, 4)D . (4, )第二部分(非选择题共110 分)二、填空题:本大题共6 小题,每小题 5 分,共 30 分 .把答案填在答题卡上 .1 9.若集合 { a,0,1} ={ c, , 1} ,则 a _____,b_______.b10.设等差数列a n 的前 n 项和为 S n ,若 a 3 a 6 12 , S 4 8 ,则 a 9 的值是.11.给出四个命题:①平行于同一平面的两个不重合的平面平行;②平行于同一直线的两个不重合的平面平行;③垂直于同一平面的两个不重合的平面平行;④垂直于同一直线的两个不重合的平面平行;其中真命题的序号是 ________.12.已知函数 f (x) 2sinx (0 )的最小正周期为,则,在 0,( ) 内满足 f ( x 0 ) 0的 x 0=.π π13. 若函数 f (x) a sin xcosx 在区间 ( ,) 上单调递增,则实数 a 的取值范围是 .6 414. 如 图 , 在 ABC 中 , A B A C 4 ,BAC 90 , D 是 BC 的 中 点 , 若 向 量AM1AB mAC ( m R ),且点 M 在 ACD 的内部(不含边界) ,则 AM BM 的取值范4围是.三、解答题:本大题共 6 小题,共80 分 .解答应写出文字说明,演算步骤或证明过程.15. (本小题满分13 分)已知函数 f ( x) 2 3sin xcosx2cos 2x. 222(Ⅰ)求 f ( x) 的最小正周期;(Ⅱ)求 f ( x) 的单调递减区间.16.(本小题满分 13 分)设等差数列a n的前n项和为 S n,n N ,公差d0, S315, 已知a1, a4, a13成等比数列 .(Ⅰ)求数列a n的通项公式;(Ⅱ)设 b n a2n,求数列b n的前n项和T n.17.(本小题满分14 分)如图 , 在三棱柱ABC A1B1C1中,CC1底面ABC ,AC CB ,点 D 是 AB 的中点.(Ⅰ)求证:AC BC1;(Ⅱ)求证:AC1∥平面 CDB1.(Ⅲ )设AB2AA1, AC BC ,在线段A1 B1上是否存在点M ,使得 BM CB1?若存在,确定点 M 的位置;若不存在,说明理由.18.(本小题满分 13 分)在 ABC 中,角A,B,C所对的边分别为a,b,c.已知 cos B 1 .2(Ⅰ)若 a 2, b 2 3 ,求 ABC 的面积;(Ⅱ)求 sin A sin C 的取值范围.19. (本小题满分13 分)已知函数 f ( x) a ln x x2( a 1) x ,a R.2(Ⅰ)若函数 f ( x) 在区间 (1,3) 上单调递减,求 a 的取值范围;(Ⅱ)当 a 1 时,证明1 f ( x).220.(本小题满分 14 分)已知函数 f ( x) e x (ax2bx 1) (其中 a ,b R ),函数f ( x)的导函数为f ( x),且f ( 1)0.(Ⅰ )若b 1 ,求曲线 y f (x) 在点 (0, f (0)) 处的切线方程;(Ⅱ )若函数 f (x) 在区间 [ 1,1] 上的最小值为0 ,求 b 的值.参考答案一、:(分 40分)号12345678答案B D C A B B C C 二、填空:(分 30分)号91011121314答案1,115①④ 2 ,[1, )2,62(注:两空的填空,第一空 3 分,第二空 2 分)三、解答:(分 80 分)15.(本小分 13 分)(I )由已知可得:f ( x)3sin x cosx 12sin( x)1 .6所以 f (x) 的最小正周期 2 .⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ..7 分(II )由2k x2k, k Z ,22得 2k x2k, k Z .33因此函数 f (x) 的减区 [2 k,2 k] , k Z.33⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..13分16.(本小分 13 分)解:( I)依意,3a32 d15,12( a13d)2a1 ( a1 12d ).a13,解得d2.因此 a n a1( n 1)d 3 2(n 1) 2n 1, 即a n2n 1 .⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..6分(Ⅱ )依意,b n a2n22n12n 11.T n b1 b2b n(221)(231)(2n 1 1)=2223...2n1n4(1 2 n )n122n2n 4.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ..13分17.(本小分14 分)( I)在三棱柱ABC A1 B1 C1中,因 CC1底面ABC,AC底面ABC,所以 CC1AC .又 AC BC ,BC CC1 C ,所以 AC平面BCC1B1.而BC1平面BCC1B1,AC BC1.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..4分(Ⅱ )CB1与 C1 B 的交点E,DE,因 D 是 AB 的中点, E 是BC1的中点,E 所以 DE ∥AC1.因 DE平面CDB1,AC1平面CDB1,所以AC1∥平面CDB1.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯ ..9分(Ⅲ )在段A1B1上存在点M,使得BM CB1,且M段A1B1的中点 .明如下:因 AA1底面 ABC , CD底面 ABC ,M 所以 AA1CD .E 由已知 AC BC ,D段AB的中点,所以 CD AB .又 AA 1 AB A ,所以 CD 平面 AAB B .1 1取 段 A 1 B 1 的中点 M , 接 BM . 因 BM 平面 AA 1B 1 B ,所以 CD BM .由已知 AB 2AA 1 ,由平面几何知 可得 BM B 1 D .又 CD B 1D D ,所以 BM 平面 B 1CD .又 11BC平面 B CD ,所以 BMCB 1 .⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯..14分18. (本小 分 13 分)(I )在ABC 中,因 cos B1 ,2所以 B2π, sin B3 .32由正弦定理ab ,sin A sin B可得2 2 31 sin A, sin A.322又 A 角, A,所以 C .66所以 S ABC1ab sin C211 22 3223 .. ⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯6分(II ) sin A sinCsin( C) sinC3= sin C3cosC 1 ( sin C)22=3sin 2C1(1 cos2C )441sin(2C) 1 .264因 C(0,) ,3所以2C5( ,) .666 sin(2C)( 1 ,1].62所以 sin A sin C 的取范是1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯13分(0, ] .419.(本小分 13 分)解:( I)函数的定域(0,) .因 f ( x)a(ax2(a 1)x a( x1)( x a) x1)x x. x又因函数 f ( x) 在(1,3)减,所以不等式( x1)(x a)0 在(1,3)上成立.g( x) ( x1)(x a) , g (3)0 ,即 93(a1)a0 即可,解得 a 3.所以a的取范是[3,) .⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯7 分(Ⅱ)当 a 1 , f ( x)ln x x2,2f (x)1xx21(x1)(x 1) x x x.令 f(x)0 ,得x1或 x 1 (舍).当 x 化, f ( x), f ( x) 化情况如下表:x(0,1)1(1, )f ( x)0+f (x)极小所以 x 1,函数f ( x)的最小f (1)1 . 2所以 f (x)1⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯13分成立 .220.(本小分 14 分)解:因 f (x)e x (ax2bx1) ,所以f( x)e x[ ax2(2a b) x b 1] .因 f(1)0 ,所以 a(2 a b)b10 .所以 a 1 .⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯2 分( Ⅰ)当a1, b1,f (0)1, f (0) 2 ,所以曲 y f (x) 在点(0, f (0)) 的切方程y12( x0) .即 2x y 10.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯4 分(Ⅱ )由已知得f ( x)e x (x2bx 1),所以f ( x) e x[ x2(2b) x b 1]e x ( x 1)(x b1).( 1)当b11,即 b0,令 f(x) e x (x1)(x b1) 0 得,x 1 或 x b1 ;(x1)(1)0 得,.令) e (f x x x b b 1 x1所以函数 f (x) 在 (1,) 和 (,b1)上增,在( b1, 1) 上减.所以函数 f (x) 在区 [1,1] 上增.所以函数 f ( x) 在区 [1,1] 上的最小 f ( 1) e 1 (2b)0 .解得 b 2 .然合意.( 2)当b11,即 b0 ,f ( x)e x( x1)20 恒成立,所以函数 f ( x) 在 (,) 上增.所以函数 f (x) 在区 [ 1,1] 上增.所以函数 f ( x) 在区 [ 1,1]上的最小 f (1) e 1 (2b) 0 .解得 b 2 .然不符合意.( 3)当b11,即 b0 ,令 f ( x) e x ( x1)(x b1) 0 得,x1或 x b 1 ;x1)(1) 0得,.令( ) e (f x x x b1x b 1所以函数 f (x) 在 (, 1) 和 ( b 1,) 上增,在 (1, b1) 上减.①若 b 11,即 b 2 ,函数 f ( x) 在区 [ 1,1] 上减.所以函数 f (x) 在区 [ 1,1] 上的最小 f (1)e(2b)0 .解得 b 2 .然合意.②若 b 11,即 2b0 ,函数 f ( x) 在在 (1,b1) 上减,在( b 1,1) 上增.此,函数 f ( x) 在区 [1,1] 上的最小 f ( b1) e b 1(b2)0 .解得 b 2 .然不合意.上所述, b 2 或b 2 所求.⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯⋯14分。




下列说法中正确的是 A . N A 的方向由 B . N A 的方向由 A 指向 O ,N A >G A 指向 O ,N A < G 北京市朝阳区2015〜2016学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试物理试卷5. 如图所示,木板置于水平地面上,其上物块被水平绳子拴接在左端墙上,将木板水平向右匀速抽 出的过程中绳子的拉力为 F ;现将木板水平向右加速抽出,则此过程中绳子的拉力 A .等于F B .小于F C .大于F D .无法确定6.如图所示,重为 G 的光滑半圆球对称地搁在两个等高的固定台阶上,A 、B 为半圆球上与台阶接触的点,半圆球的球心在 O 点,半圆球的重心 C 位于O 点正下方,v -120,N A 为半圆球上 A 点2015. 111. (考试时间90分钟 满分100分)、本题共13小题,每小题 3分,共39分。

在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一个选项是符合题 目要求的。

把答案用 2B 铅笔填涂在答题卡上。

以下说法中符合事实的是A . 2. D . 比较 A .B .C . 汤姆生发现电子并提出了原子核式结构模型玻尔发现电子并提出了原子核式结构模型卢瑟福做了 a 粒子散射实验并提出了原子核式结构模型 密里根做了 a 粒子散射实验并提出了原子核式结构模型 a 氏丫三种射线的电离作用和穿透能力B 射线的电离作用最强丫射线的电离作用最强 a 射线的穿透能力最强 Y 射线的穿透能力最强3.D .某飞机着陆时的速度是 60m/s ,随后减速滑行,如果飞机 的平均加速度大小是 则滑道的长度至少为 2m/s 。

为了使飞机能够安全地停下来, A . 900m 90m C . 1800m4.一辆汽车在水平公路上沿曲线由 合力F 的四种方向,其中可能正确的是180mM 向 N 行驶,速度逐渐减小。

图中分别画出了汽车转弯所受.■VD2D . N A 的方向由A 指向C , N A = G7. 某质点做直线运动,其位移x 与时间t 的关系图像如图所示。



北京市朝阳区2014—2015学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试英语试卷2014. 11(考试时间120分钟满分150分)本试卷共12页,共150分,考试时长120分钟。







例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. How will the woman go to the hospital?A. By taxi.B. By motorcycle.C. By bus.2. When does the woman usually have breakfast?A. At 7:00.B. At 8:00.C. At 10:00.3. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Park the car elsewhere.B. Drive along a quiet street.C. Stop here for a few minutes.4. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. At a bookstore.B. At a department shop.C. At the dry cleaner’s.5. What are the speakers discussing?A. Whether to work hard.B. How to pay for the house.C. Whether to go on a holiday.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。



北京市旭日区 2014—2015 学年度高三年级第一学期期中一致考试英语试卷2014. 11(考试时间 120 分钟满分150分)本试卷共 12 页,共 150 分,考试时长120 分钟。



第一部分:听力理解(共三节,30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每题 1.5 分,共7.5 分)听下边 5 段对话。

每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、 B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。

听完每段对话后,你将有10 秒钟的时间往返答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


例: What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是 A。

1.How will the woman go to the hospital?A. By taxi.B. By motorcycle.C. By bus.2.When does the woman usually have breakfast?A. At 7:00.B. At 8:00.C. At 10:00.3.What does the man ask the woman to do?A.Park the car elsewhere.B.Drive along a quiet street.C.Stop here for a few minutes.4.Where does this conversation probably take place?A. At a bookstore.B. At a department shop.C. At the dry cleaner’ s.5.What are the speakers discussing?A.Whether to work hard.B.How to pay for the house.C.Whether to go on a holiday.第二节(共10 小题;每题 1.5 分,共15 分)听下边 4 段对话或独白。







例:What is the man going to read?A.A newspaper. B.A magazine. C.A book.答案是A。

1.What time is it now?A.6:10. B.6:50. C.5:30.2.Where does this conversation most probably take place?A.At a hospital. B.At the airport. C.At a library.3.What do you know about the woman in the conversation?A.She is a film director.B.She is an actress.C.She was awarded Best Actress at the Oscars.4.What are the speakers doing?A.Having a meeting. B.Talking about wars. C.Having a history class. 5.What do we know about Mary?A.She has some trouble with maths.B.She doesn’t like school.C.She does well in maths.第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面6段对话或独白。

北京市朝阳区重点高中校2015-2016学年度第一学期期中测试 高三化学试卷.pdf

北京市朝阳区重点高中校2015-2016学年度第一学期期中测试 高三化学试卷.pdf

9.对于达到平衡的可逆反应:X + YW + Z,增大压强,正、逆反应速率(U)变化的情况如图所示。下列对X、Y、
W、Z四种物质状态的描述正确的是 (A)W、Z均为气体,X、Y中只有一种为气体
21.(分) A、B、C、D、E原子序数依次增大其中A与E同主族,B的最外层电子数是次外层电子数的2倍,C的最高
(4)火箭推进器中有液态的C2A4和液态A2D2,它们时和水蒸气,并放出大量的热。已知0.4 mol液态C2A4液态
的是(A)Al2O3 +3C===4Al+3CO2↑
(B)MgO + H2===Mg+H2O
(D)2HgO==2Hg + O2↑
6.卫生部下发紧急通知要求查处苏丹红红心鸭蛋红心鸭蛋红心鸭蛋 红4号”的结构简式为:
25.(分)12g某液态有机化合物A完全燃烧14.4 g H2O和26.4 g有机化合物A蒸与的相对密度30,求:



北京市朝阳区2015届高三上学期期中统一考试英语试题北京市朝阳区2014—2015学年度高三年级第一学期期中统一考试英语试卷 2014. 11(考试时间120分钟满分150分)本试卷共12页,共150分,考试时长120分钟。







例:What is the man going to read?A. A newspaper.B. A magazine.C. A book.答案是A。

1. How will the woman go to the hospital?A. By taxi.B. By motorcycle.C. By bus.2. When does the woman usually have breakfast?A. At 7:00.B. At 8:00.C. At 10:00.3. What does the man ask the woman to do?A. Park the car elsewhere.B. Drive along a quiet street.C. Stop here for a few minutes.4. Where does this conversation probably take place?A. At a bookstore.B. At a department shop.C. At the dry cleaner’s.5. What are the speakers discussing?A. Whether to work hard.B. How to pay for the house.C. Whether to go on a holiday.第二节(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)听下面4段对话或独白。



乙 1 关于本实验,以 说法中 确的是 A.若钩码的个数 N1=N2=2,N3=4 时 以完成实验 B.若钩码的个数 N1=N2=N3=4 时 以完成实验 C.拆 钩码和绳子前应当用 角器 出 段绳子之间的夹角 D.拆 钩码和绳子前应当用天 测出钩码的质 E.拆 钩码和绳子前应当标记结点 O 的位置,并记录 OA OB OC 向 2 在作图时,图乙中 确的是 15.图 是用来探究小车质 一 时,其 是该装置的 视图 选填 A 或 B 度和力之间关系的实验装置示意图,图乙
20 t/s
升h高度,在 过程中 A.磅秤的示数等于mg B.磅秤的示数等于 0.1mg C.人的动能增 了 0.9mgh D.人的机 能增 了 1.1mgh 10.某人 地球卫星在 似圆轨道 行的过程中, 于轨道所在处的空间 在极其稀 薄的空气,则 A.如 预,卫星所 的万有引力将越来越小 B.如 预,卫星 行一段时间后动能会增 C.卫星在 似圆轨道 常 行时, 于失 现象卫星内的物体 地球引力作 用 D.卫星在 似圆轨道 常 行时,其 度介于第一 度和第 度之 间 11.火车转弯时,如果铁路弯道的内外轨一 高,外轨对轮缘 如图 a 所示 挤压的 力 F 提供了火车转弯的向心力 如图 b 所示 ,但是靠 种 法得到向心力,铁轨 和车轮极易 损 在 筑铁路时,弯道处的外轨会略高于内轨 如图 c 所示 ,当火 车以规 的行驶 度转弯时,内 外轨均 会 到轮缘的挤压,设 时的 度大小 为 v,以 说法中 确的是
小车 夹子

本实验有以 骤 A.将一端附有 滑轮的长木板放在水 桌面 , 两个质 相等的小车,放在 似 滑的水 长木板 B .打开夹子,让两个小车同时从静 开始 动,小车 动一段距离后,关 夹 子,让两个小车同时停 来,用刻度尺 别测出两个小车在 一段时间内通过 的位移大小 C. 析所得到的两个小车在相同时间内通过的位移大小 小车所 的水 拉力的 大小关系,从而得到质 相等的物体 动的 度 物体所 力的关系 D.在两小车的后端 别系 细绳,用一只夹子夹住 两 细绳 E.在两小车的前端 别系 细绳,绳的另一端跨过 滑轮各 一个小盘,盘内 别放着质 等的砝码,使砝码盘和盘内砝码的总质 小于小车的质 别用天 测出两个砝码盘和盘内砝码的总质 对于 述实验 骤, 确的排列顺序是 2 若测得砝码盘和盘内砝码的总质 别为 m1 m2,对应小车的位移大小 别为 x1 x2, 过多次 复实验,在误差允许的范围内若关系式 总成立,则 表明小车的质 一 时,其小车的 度 合力成 比 16.如图 1 所示,是利用自 落体 动 行 验证机 能 恒 律 的实验 所用的打 点计时器通以 50Hz 的交流电
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1~30题每题1分,31~40题每题2分,共50分)1. 单糖分子不参与组成的物质是A.DNA B.纤维素C.ATP D.胰岛素2.下图表示部分有机物的组成及相关功能。

下列说法正确的是A.A、B、C、D、E共有的化学元素是C、H、O、NB.F1、F2、F3……F n说明组成⑤的E种类具有多样性C.①②分别指糖原、脂肪,③④的单体都是核苷酸D.⑤是生物大分子,生物大分子都在核糖体上合成3.下列细胞结构与烟草花叶病毒的化学成分最相似的是A.核糖体B.中心体C.溶酶体D.染色体4.将细胞膜破坏后的某植物细胞匀浆用差速离心法分离后,取其中三种细胞器测定它们有机物的含量如下表所示。


下列叙述正确的是A.物质P可能是氧气 B.物质Q一定是水分子C.物质P和Q出细胞都需要载体D.物质P和Q出细胞未必都消耗能量6.下列关于酶的叙述,正确的是A.口服多酶片中的胰蛋白酶可在小肠中发挥作用B.发烧时,食欲减退是因为唾液淀粉酶失去了活性C.酶通过提供化学反应的活化能来提高化学反应速率D.洗衣时,加白醋就能增强加酶洗衣粉中酶的活性7.在某细胞培养液中加入32P标记的磷酸分子,短时间内分离出细胞的ATP,发现其含量变化不大,但部分ATP的末端P已带上放射性标记。



相关叙述错误的是A.纸层析法分离色素的原理是色素在层析液中溶解度不同B.两组实验的结果①中共有色素带的颜色是黄色和橙黄色C.两组实验的结果②中吸收光谱最明显的差异出现在蓝紫光区域D.若在缺镁条件下完成该实验,两组实验的结果①和②差异都不大11.氧浓度与24A.水深1m处白瓶中水生植物24小时制造的氧气为3g/m3B.水深2m处黑瓶中水生植物不能进行水的光解但能进行C3的还原C.水深3m处白瓶中水生植物产生ATP的细胞器是叶绿体和线粒体D.水深4m处白瓶和黑瓶中的水生植物均不进行光合作用12. 结合图形分析,下列说法正确的是A.若判断甲是否为需氧型生物,依据是细胞中是否含有结构①B.若判断乙是否为植物细胞,依据是细胞中是否含有结构②C.根据是否含有结构③,可将甲、乙、丙分为真核生物和原核生物D.甲乙可在基因工程中充当受体细胞,丙经改造后可做基因的载体14. 显微镜下观察一个正在正常分裂的人类细胞,发现该细胞不均等缢裂,且染色体已经分成了两组。

关于每组染色体的描述不正确的是A.一定没有染色单体B.一定没有两条X染色体C.一定没有Y染色体D.一定没有同源染色体15. 某生物(2N)细胞中的DNA经3H充分标记后,置于不含3H的培养基中培养;右图中的A→B→C→A过程为细胞周期中细胞核消失和重新构建的部分示意图。

下列有关叙述错误的是A.与DNA复制有关的酶是从1处运进图A结构的B.图B中的染色体数、同源染色体对数的比例为2:1C.细胞连续分裂两次后,子细胞中含3H的染色体数一定为ND.结构3的基本支架是磷脂双分子层16. 科学家在研究成体干细胞的分裂时提出这样的假说:成体干细胞总是将含有古老的DNA链(永生化链)的染色体分配给其中一个子代细胞,使其成为成体干细胞,同时将含有新合成链的染色体分配给另一个子代细胞,开始分化并最终衰老死亡(如下图所示)。

下列相关推测错误的是A.一般情况下,成体干细胞的细胞分裂方式为有丝分裂B.从图中看出成体干细胞分裂时DNA进行半保留复制,染色体随机分配C.通过该方式可以减少成体干细胞积累DNA复制过程中产生的基因突变D.根据该假说可以推测生物体内的成体干细胞的数量保持相对稳定17.下列关于细胞生命历程有关现象的叙述,正确的是A.衰老的细胞在形态、结构和功能上会发生相应的变化B.细胞分化是细胞在遗传物质上发生稳定性差异的过程C.成熟生物体中被病原体感染的细胞的清除,不受基因的调控D.原癌基因主要负责调节细胞周期,阻止细胞不正常的增殖18. 酸碱物质在生物实验中有广泛的应用。

下面有关实验的表述正确的是A.斐林试剂中的NaOH为CuSO4与还原糖的反应创造碱性条件B.浓硫酸为溴麝香草酚蓝与酒精的显色反应创造酸性环境条件C.盐酸处理口腔上皮细胞可改变膜的通透性,利于健那绿进入细胞D.观察根尖细胞有丝分裂时可用龙胆紫为染色体着色提供碱性基团19. 如图表示一项重要生物技术的关键步骤,X是获得外源基因并能够表达的细胞。

下列说法不正确的是A.X是能合成人胰岛素的细胞B.质粒通常有标记基因和多个限制酶切点C.基因与载体的重组只需要DNA连接酶D.该受体细胞的性状被定向改造20. 构建重组质粒时可选用四种限制酶,其识别序列如下图。

为防止酶切片段的自身环接,不可选用的限制酶组合是A.①②B.②③C.①④D.③④21. 利用基因工程手段将Myc和Ras两种癌基因导入小鼠体内,检测转基因小鼠的癌症发病率,结果如下图所示。


结合图示结果分析下列说法正确的是A.可用农杆菌转化法将癌基因导入小鼠体内B.两种癌基因共同作用使细胞更易发生癌变C.只要有Myc或Ras基因,细胞就会癌变D.Myc和Ras基因的表达没有组织特异性22. 下列关于细胞工程的叙述不正确的是A.用高度分化的动物体细胞进行培养有利于获得大量的细胞B.用去核卵母细胞作为核受体进行核移植可提高克隆动物的成功率C.诱导离体胡萝卜韧皮部细胞形成幼苗的过程中没有出现基因重组D.去除植物细胞的细胞壁和将动物组织分散成单个细胞均需酶处理23. 下列有关植物组织培养技术的叙述,不正确的是A.利用植物的愈伤组织进行诱变处理可获得有用的突变体B.经脱分化和再分化过程形成的幼芽细胞不具有细胞全能性C.利用茎尖、花粉进行组织培养可分别获得脱毒苗和单倍体植株D.培养基中生长素和细胞分裂素的比例将影响愈伤组织分化的方向24.下图是两种二倍体植物细胞(甲、乙)融合并培育新植株过程的示意图。

有关分析正确的是A.过程①需用纤维素酶和果胶酶溶液处理,且溶液的渗透压略大于细胞液渗透压B.过程②可用聚乙二醇诱导原生质体融合,主要依据细胞膜具有选择透过性原理C.过程③表示细胞壁的再生,④⑤需要根据生长发育进程更换不同的液体培养基D.最终得到的植株相对于甲、乙而言发生了染色体数目变异,因此不具有可育性25. 下列关于动物细胞工程的叙述,正确的是A.乳腺细胞比乳腺癌细胞更容易进行离体培养B.细胞核移植主要在同种动物、同种组织的细胞之间进行C.灭活病毒可使细胞相互凝聚并让细胞膜上的分子重新排布D.培养早期胚胎的培养液中含维生素、激素等多种能源物质26. 2015年2月3日,英国议会下院通过一项历史性法案,允许以医学手段培育“三亲婴儿”。


据图分析,下列叙述错误的是A.该技术可避免母亲的线粒体遗传病基因传递给后代B.捐献者携带的红绿色盲基因不会遗传给三亲婴儿C.三亲婴儿的染色体全部来自母亲提供的细胞核D.三亲婴儿的培育还需要早期胚胎培养和胚胎移植等技术27. 下图是单克隆抗体制备过程示意图。

有关叙述不正确的是A.①B淋巴细胞是小鼠脾脏中已免疫的B淋巴细胞B.②可利用胰蛋白酶促进细胞的融合C.④筛选可通过抗原—抗体反应进行D.⑥可获得单克隆抗体,但培养过程可能发生变异28. 不能克服远缘杂交不亲和的生物工程技术是A.DNA重组技术B.动物细胞融合C.植物体细胞杂交D.植物组织培养29. 生态系统内即使某个物种由于某种原因而死亡,也会很快有其他物种占据它原来的生态位置,从而避免系统结构或功能失衡。

这体现的生态工程原理是A. 协调与平衡原理B. 物种多样性原理C. 物质循环再生原理D. 整体性原理30.下图表示某人工设计的生态系统示意图。


关于细胞结构的叙述,错误的是A.T2噬菌体在细菌细胞核内合成DNA B.蓝藻(蓝细菌)具有光反应的膜结构C.酵母菌在内质网合成脂质、加工膜蛋白D.分泌蛋白可从胰腺的腺泡细胞分泌到胞外33.下图是同一反应的酶促反应和非酶促反应的相关曲线,其中叙述正确的是A.E1是酶促反应的活化能,A和C曲线是酶促反应曲线B.E2是酶促反应的活化能,B和D曲线是酶促反应曲线C.E3是酶促反应的活化能,B和C曲线是酶促反应曲线D.E2是酶促反应的活化能,A和C曲线是酶促反应曲线34.下列生理过程不能发生在叶绿体中的是A.Mg2+吸收B.能量转换C.CO2释放D.有机物合成35.两棵同种生长状况基本相同的植物,分别置于透明的玻璃罩内,如图甲、乙所示;在相同自然条件下,测得一昼夜中植物氧气释放速率分别如图丙、丁曲线所示。

