Intelligent Tool Condition Monitoring in milling operation


智能水管理系统(IoT 基础设施) 植物水管理系统的智能化说明书

智能水管理系统(IoT 基础设施)  植物水管理系统的智能化说明书

Internet of Things Based Intelligent WaterManagement System for PlantsIsbat Uzzin Nadhori1,* M. Udin Harun Al Rasyid1 Ahmad Syauqi Ahsan1 BintangRefani Mauludi11 Informatics and Computer Engineering Department, Politeknik Elektronika Negeri Surabaya, Indonesia*ABSTRACTWater has an important role for crops. Every crop needs water to survive. The amount of water that crops need, in different regions and seasons, is different. To calculate the amount of water needed by the crop precisely require careful analysis of the available supporting data. In practice, the fulfilment of water needs in crops is only based on soil moisture without being adjusted to weather data. Thus, water is often wasted, for example when watering during high rainfall. Therefore, we need a system that can determine the volume of water requirements in crops based on its conditions, watering schedules, and weather data. This research aims to build a monitoring system for crops that can determine the right watering volume by considering soil moisture, air temperature and humidity, watering schedules, and weather data by utilizing the fuzzy method. Based on the results of our experiments, the system has managed to monitor crops and display watering volume notifications when its conditions are not normal and when to do watering based on the weather. Keywords: smart water management, water monitoring, IoT, sensor, Fuzzy1. INTRODUCTIONWater has a major role in the plant body. The role of water in the plant body includes: as a constituent of protoplasm, as a solvent for nutrients, as a substance that plays a direct role in metabolism, and also plays a role in cell enlargement and elongation. [1].All crops need water to survive. The amount of water needed by different crops is not the same for different regions and seasons. To calculate and estimate how much water is needed by crops, careful and thorough analysis is needed of available supporting data such as climate data, irrigated area environment, crop types and cropping patterns, soil types, rainfall data, and other meteorological data [2].Meanwhile, farmers still use manual methods in watering their crops, without considering some of the factors above. By using this manual method, water is often wasted or vice versa, water for crops is less. This is not good for crop growth, so it is necessary to develop a system that can calculate and provide the right amount of water for crops. To solve the problem of providing water for crops appropriately, several researchers have worked in this field with various parameters, various approaches, various hardware, various platforms, and also utilizing analytical methods in it.Vijay et. Al. [3] proposed intelligent agricultural monitoring and irrigation systems with ThingSpeak and NodeMCU based IoT platforms. This system monitors temperature and humidity to optimize water use. The data from the sensors is sent to the IoT platform, analyzed with Matlab to take appropriate action, and if the value is below the threshold, a notification will be sent to the user via email.Chen Yuanyuan et. Al. [4] proposed intelligent water-saving irrigation based on ZigBee-wifi. The system monitors soil conditions based on soil moisture sensors using several sensors placed in certain planting areas. The results of soil moisture monitoring are used as a reference in making decisions about when to start and when to stop irrigation.Maria Gemel et. Al. [5] proposed a water management system that utilizes temperature sensors, humidity sensors, and soil moisture sensors to collectdata on crop and soil conditions. This data is then used to Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Smart and Innovative Agriculture (ICoSIA 2021)determine the exact water requirements for tomatoes and eggcrops. Overall this results in a total savings of 44% in water consumption, and the crops are visually healthier than traditional watering methods.R. Kondaveti et. al [6] proposed an automatic irrigation system with precise rainfall prediction algorithms that can help us determine what crops are suitable for planting in a particular area. Automatic irrigation is used to water crops when needed by activating an electric motor, this can save water and electricity so it is very beneficial for farmers.Jiaxing Xie et al [7] conducted a study to predict the water requirement for longan garden irrigation based onthree environmental factors: air temperature, soil moisture content, and light intensity. The data is then processed using the backpropagation neural network method using a genetic algorithm to optimize the weight and threshold of the artificial neural network. This model is used to predict irrigation water requirements based on environmental factors in longan plantations.S. Kumar [8] proposed a lawn watering system using soil moisture sensors and weather forecast data. The soil moisture sensor is used to provide information on the water content in the soil, if the soil moisture is below a certain level the watering system will activate automatically. Weather forecast data is used to get rain information so that if there is a rain prediction, watering will be delayed by one to two days. Weather prediction data is obtained from the Indian government website .in which provides weather information for the next 6 days, as well as weather information for 24 hours.Based on those research, we propose real-time water demand monitoring system for crops by combining sensor data (soil moisture, temperature and humidity), watering scheduling data and weather data to determine the volume of watering crops using fuzzy method.2. PROPOSED SYSTEM DESIGNThe solution we propose aims to solve the problem of how to determine the right volume of watering crops based on its conditions, watering schedules and weather predictions with the required volume of water output. The proposed system consists of four important parts as shown in Figure 1 below. Figure 1 Proposed system designThe first part is a sensor system designed to monitor the state of soil moisture, air temperature, and air humidity in crops, which consists of a Capacitive Soil Moisture Sensor and a temperature and humidity sensor. (DHT11 sensor). The two sensors are connected to Arduino Uno to get soil moisture data, air temperature data, and air humidity data. The data is sent via the ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi module which is connected to the Arduino Uno to the second part (server) then processed using the fuzzy logic method to get the volume of water needed by the crops. The server requires weather data (part two) as well as the time and schedule for watering crops (part three) according to the type of crop to determine water requirements and watering times more accurately. The latest weather data is obtained through api weather (third part) which is used to get a forecast of whether it will rain today or not. The results of processing on the server are displayed in the form of visualization of watering needs in the fourth part.3. EXPERIMENTAL STUDYIn this system there are 3 fuzzy variables used in the fuzzification process, namely soil moisture, temperature and volume variables that will be used in decision making.Soil moisture sensor is useful for observing the value of moisture in the soil. Soil moisture data is expressed in units of %RH. Soil moisture sensor data is divided into three categories, namely dry, moist, and wet. To provide a clear picture of the fuzzy set of soil moisture sensors, it can be described in the membership function shown inFigure 2.Figure 2 Fuzzy set of temperature variable (℃) The temperature sensor is useful for observing the value of the air temperature around the monitored environment. The temperature sensor data is divided into five categories, namely cold, cold, normal, warm and hot. To provide a clear picture of the fuzzy set of temperature sensors, it can be described in the membership function shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Fuzzy set of temperature variable (℃) This volume set is the result set that is used to determine the final result of this fuzzy process.Figure 4. Fuzzy set of volume variable (mL)After the fuzzification stage, fuzzy rules will be formed. The formation of fuzzy rules is done to express the relationship between input and output. The operator used to connect two inputs is the AND operator, while the operator that maps between input and output is IF-THEN.This volume set is the result set that is used to determine the final result of this fuzzy process. The number of rules formed is obtained from the multiplication between each membership of the fuzzy variable. In this study, 15 rules were formed from the use of 2 parameters. Examples of rules that have been formed can be seen in Table 1.Table 1. Fuzzy Logic RulesAfter getting the rules used in the inference process, the next thing to do is to aggregate or combine the output of all the rules. This stage is called the Composition stage which will produce the predicate of each rule.After going through the Composition stage which produces -predicate from each rule, the next step is the Deffuzification process. This defuzzification process is a crisp output calculation process by calculating the average of all z with the following formula:z=α1∗z1+α2∗z2+⋯+αn∗z nZ1+Z2+⋯+ Z n(1)The following is an illustration of the stages of preparation for the trial environment that will be carried out. System testing should be carried out on agricultural land that has "bedengan" (part of the ground that is raised for plants to grow). “Bedengan” generally have a width of 100 cm with a length that is adapted to soil conditions. The height of the "bedengan" is approximately 20 cm with a distance between the "bedengan" of 100 cm. See figure 4 for the illustration of “bedengan”.Figure 5 Overview of “bedengan” in generalPlanting crops in “bedengan” has its own rules. One “bedengan” consists of 2 rows, and each row has a distance of 60-70 cm. And the distance between the crop holes is 60 cm. Figure 8 is a description of the system testing on a “bedengan” with a size of 1 m2. This system should be tested on open agricultural land so that water and weather requirements can be tested in real time. However, due to time constraints, the trial was carried out on polybags with the same concept of “bedengan” and calculations. Tests on polybags can be seen in Figure 6,7 and Figure 8.Figure 6 “Bedengan ” in an area of 1 m 2Figure 7. Transition of trials from agricultural land to polybagsFigure 8. Trial prototypeSystem testing was carried out on polybags with a height of 20 cm and an area of 50 cm x 50 cm. This concept is the same as the concept of beds on agricultural land. Crops are placed in open land and not indoors or in the shade. This experiment was carried out for 4 days. Watering is done twice a day if the weather on that day is sunny and the soil moisture value is less than the normal limit. Watering is done once a day if the rainfall is low on that day and the soil moisture value is less than the normal limit. Watering is not carried out if on that day the weather predicts high rainfall. The data for each scenario will be stored in a database that is useful for analyzing the results of system trials.. Table 2 contains crop monitoring data carried out for 4 days for trials carried out on polybags. The parameters monitored were the value of soil moisture, air temperature, and air humidity taken before watering the crops. In table 2 it can be seen that the soil moisture valueis lower than the optimum soil moisture value for eggplant which should be in the range of 60% - 80%. The monitoring results also show that the temperature and humidity values are quite constant. Table 3 shows the performance results of the system that has been created. On the first and second days there was no rain, so watering in the morning and evening was still carried out. Notifications have also worked according to the watering schedule based on weather conditions and crop conditions.Table 4 contains data from the 2-day trial. In this table there is a date column that shows when the experiment was carried out, a watering time column, and a watering volume column. There is also a column of soil moisture, air temperature and humidity that contains the data values measured after watering.There are two application interfaces for this system, web-based and android-based. The interface of thisapplication can be used to monitor the condition of theTable 2. Monitoring Before WateringTable 3. Notifications based on existing conditions.Table 4. Monitoring after watering.crop and display the amount of water it needs. Web-based applications are used to determine crop conditions in detail, making it easier for farmers to take an action. There is a graph that displays the condition of the last 100 data. The android application is used to make it easier for farmers to monitor their crops at any time, and provide notifications if there is a need for watering for crops. The interfaces of these two applications can be seen in Figures 9 and 10.Figure 9. Web application interfaceFigure 10. Android application i nterface4. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONOn the first day of the experiment, it was used to see the condition of the crops, where the crops were not in accordance with the ideal conditions, the crops gradually reached the ideal conditions after the fourth day. Experiments were carried out on eggplant crops. In general, eggplant crops have an optimum humidity value of 60% RH - 80% RH. So that on the fourth day of the experiment the volume calculation was appropriate because after giving the volume the value of soil moisture was between the values of 60% RH - 80% RH.Implementation of crop condition monitoring on the device can work in real-time. After conducting several trials on the actual crop environment, it can be concluded that this application has succeeded in monitoring crops and displaying watering volume notifications when crop conditions are not normal or when the time for watering crops based on the weather has arrived. ACKNOWLEDGMENTSThis research was supported in part by Ministry of Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia, under scheme Higher Education Excellence Applied Research Penelitian Dasar Unggulan Perguruan Tinggi', No. Grant B/112/E3/RA.00/2021. REFERENCES[1]Saccon, P., Water for agriculture, irrigationmanagement. Applied Soil Ecology, 123, 793–796., 2018[2]Sun, J., Kang, Y., Wan, S., Hu, W., Jiang, S., &Zhang, T., Soil salinity management with drip irrigation and its effects on soil hydraulic properties in north China coastal saline soils. 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4th International Conference on Sensors, Mechatronics and Automation (ICSMA 2016) Dynamic sensitivity analysis of CNC machine tools in static stateXuchu Jiang1,a, Xinyong Mao1,b,*, Caihua Hao1,c,Huanbin He1,d, Chao Qin1,e, Bin Li1,f1School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Huazhong University of Science andTechnology, Wuhan 430074, Chinaa*******************.cn,b*****************,c159****************,d*****************,e177****************,f*****************.cnKeyword:CNC machine tool, Operational mode, Dynamic sensitivity, Tool wear characterization Abstract This paper mainly discusses the tool condition monitoring based on dynamic sensitivity, and explores a method for characterizing tool condition characterization. Firstly, the sensitive directions and components of different orders low modes were analyzed in the static state. Modal parameters and the dominant mode are also identified. Secondly, dynamic sensitivity analysis of the tool-workpiece system is analyzed by using operational modes. For the dominant mode, the modal sensitivity is high in both static and dynamic state. Although many factors such as boundary condition change a lot in cutting conditions, the modal sensitive parts do not change. It indicates that the modal sensitivity is the basic attribute. Therefore, it is reliable to analyze the dynamic sensitivity of the tool-workpiece system by the amplitude change of the operational modes during the cutting process.IntroductionTool condition monitoring is very important for process automation. The excessive tool wear can cause the machining dimension distortion, increase the scrap rate and the production cost [1]. Tool condition monitoring has an important effect on slowing tool wear rate, workpiece surface quality control and process optimization. Tool wear monitoring has two basic methods currently, one is direct monitoring method, the other is indirect monitoring method. Most of the methods are indirect [2-4].We can use visual or optical signals to analyze the tool state in direct monitoring method. However, it is difficult to be used in the actual machining process. The most widely used monitoring signals in indirect monitoring method are acoustic emission, cutting force and vibration acceleration signals [8]. The biggest limitation is not the sensing technology but the analysis technology [9].The correlation between the change of cutting force and tool wear has been widely recognized. There are some advantages of using vibration signal to monitor the tool state, such as robustness, high reliability and fast response, which are very important for online real-time monitoring.The research of using vibration signals to carry on the tool condition monitoring is discussed in this paper. There are mainly four kinds of characteristic signals that characterize the tool wear state: natural frequency amplitude, high frequency band amplitude, tooth frequency amplitude and frequency band energy.Lim found that there was a strong correlation between tool wear and natural frequency amplitude of the tool rod [5]. Chelladurai analyzed the correlation between peak amplitude of high frequency band and tool wear [1]. Barreiro analyzed the correlation between maximum amplitude of high frequency band and tool wear [7]. Tomas analyzed the correlation between PSD energy change of tool tooth frequency and tool wear [6].The present tool wear identification methods have high correlation with the cutting parameters, the application of the identification methods is limited. So the trend of tool condition monitoring is to find a tool wear identification method which is independent of the cutting parameters.Dimla found that the tool tip wear might better characterize the tool life than the wear of tool side rack [1]. So we will mainly study the correlation between tool tip wear and vibration signals of turning tool. Change factor of tool-workpiece system in cutting process can lead to the change of low frequency operational mode of CNC machine tool structure. So we will study tool wear of turning process based on operational modal analysis (OMA) in this paper.The dynamic change of the tool-workpiece system in cutting process is studied based on OMA.A frequency domain method named op.polymax algorithm can be used to process the PSD of vibration acceleration response signals. Each order mode of CNC machine tool can be accurately determined in machining process. We analyze the change factor sensitivity of tool-workpiece system in different directions as well as each order low-frequency operational mode of different parts in continuous cutting process. This is defined as the dynamic sensitivity method. Dynamic sensitivity changes with the cutting excitation energy. And the corresponding direction’s structure dynamic sensitivity parameters will change significantly. Thus we can obtain the variation of wear. The method is significantly different from the traditional spectrum analysis.In this paper, we will use dynamic sensitivity method to study the tool condition monitoring.Experimental design of dynamic sensitivity methodFirstly, a common experimental system of impact and cutting experiments is shown in Fig.1.Fig. 1 Experimental systemThe details of the experimental system are shown in table 1.Table 1 Details of the experimental systemComponents DetailsMachine Tool CNC lathe K60LMS SCADAS Mobile SCM05 & LMS Test. Lab 10B Data acquisition andanalysis systemCutting tool Mitsubishi turning tools,type:PTGNR2525M16Workpiece 45 steelVibration responsePCB-356A15,the measurement frequency band is 5000Hz sensorSecondly, cutting a large-diameter workpiece is taken as an example to detail the cutting process system and arrangement of sensor measuring points as shown in Fig.2.Fig. 2 Schematic diagram of Process system and sensor measuring points The measuring point 1 is on the tool rod near the cutting edge. The measuring point 2 is on the X table. The measuring point 3 is on the Z table. The measuring point 4 is on the down guide and the measuring point 5 is on the spindle side.Dynamic sensitivity analysis in static stateThis section mainly analyzes the dynamic sensitivity in static state. The sensitive directions, sensitive components and dominant modes of each low frequency mode in 0-120Hz were analyzed.The low frequency modal sensitivity analysis in static state utilized the impact experiment data. We impacted the Z direction of the tool, Z direction of X table, X, Y, Z direction of Z table in the impact experiments, then obtained the FRF. Fig.3 shows the impact test in +Z direction of X table.Fig. 3 Schematic diagram of impact testThe frequency response function (FRF) of each measuring point were obtained after the impactIn Fig.4, the left ordinate represents the amplitude and the right ordinate represents the calculated model order. The red curve in the figure represents the calculated FRF. The green curve in the figure represents the modal indicating function. When the modal indicating function is close to zero, it means that the corresponding frequency is likely to be an order mode.Dynamic sensitivity analysis of the low frequency mode in static state.The sensitivity analysis is conducted mainly from the sensitivity directions, the sensitivity parts and the dominant mode. The principle of judgment is: According to t he comprehensive analysis of the FRF of different measuring points, if the mode peak exists in the certain direction regardless of different measuring points, and the amplitude is relatively large, then the mode is sensitive to this direction. With the same impact, the component with the largest FRF amplitude is considered as the sensitive part. According to this principle, the dominant mode can be determined.Fig. 5 FRF of the measuring points when impacting Z direction of X table Fig.5 shows that the amplitudes of 30Hz and 36Hz are significant, so they are both sensitive to the Z direction. The amplitude of 30Hz is the largest at the spindle measuring point, so it is sensitive to the measuring point on the spindle. The amplitude of the 36Hz is the largest at the impact point located on X table and the amplitude is the second on the spindle away from the impact point. So the 36Hz is also sensitive to the spindle. This is an interaction that takes the three-dimensional excitation of the tool tip, the structural vibration complexity as well as the transfer function between the various measuring points into account. The aim is to determine the sensitive modes of the different components.Modal Parameters and Sensitivity Summarization in Low Frequency Band of CNC Machine ToolBy analyzing the frequency steady-state diagram of each direction and each measuring point in the five impact experiments and combining with the sensitive components as well as sensitive directions of each mode, the results are summarized in Table 2.Table 2 9 orders modes and sensitivity in 0-120Hz frequency band of the CNC latheMode parameters Order Natural Frequency(Hz)Dampingratio(%)SensitivedirectionSensitivecomponentsFirst order 19.045 1.49 X spindleSecond order 30.769 1.14 Z spindleThird order 36.218 0.99 Z spindleForth order 77.391 1.85Fifth order 85.550 3.85 X toolSixth order 89.579 0.39 X toolSeventh order 105.149 0.41 X spindleTable 2 shows that 35Hz is the dominant mode of the spindle in Z direction, while 85Hz is the dominant mode of the tool in X direction and 19Hz is the dominant mode of the spindle in X direction. The dominant mode in X direction is 85 Hz, and the dominant mode in Z direction is 36 Hz.ConclusionIn static state, 85Hz of X direction is the most sensitive to the tool. In 0-120 Hz frequency band, the modal sensitive directions in the lower frequency bands 30-40 Hz are mainly Z-direction of the spindle. The modal sensitive directions in the higher frequency bands 80-90 Hz are X direction of the tool. And the lowest mode 19Hz and the highest mode 105Hz are X direction of the spindle. So the modal sensitivity has a certain regularity.The dynamic sensitivity analysis under operating conditions was carried out. Because the reasons for space is not detailed. For the dominant mode, the modal sensitivity is high in both static and dynamic state. Although many factors such as boundary condition change a lot in cutting conditions, the modal sensitive parts do not change. It indicates that the modal sensitivity is the basic attribute. Therefore, it is reliable to analyze the dynamic sensitivity of the tool-workpiece system by the amplitude change of the operational modes during the cutting process.AcknowledgementsThe research is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 51275188 and 51375193, and the Key Projects in the National Science & Technology Pillar Program of China under Grant no. 2015ZX04005001.References[1] D.E. Dimla, P.M. Lister, On-line metal cutting tool condition monitoring. Force and vibrationanalyses, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 40 (2000) 739-768.[2]S. Purushothaman, Y.G. Srinivasa, A back-propagation algorithm applied to tool wearmonitoring, International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 34 (1994) 625-631.[3]I.N. Tansel, C. Mekdeci, C. Mclaughlin, Detection of tool failure in end milling with wavelettransformations and neural networks (WT-NN), International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 35 (1995) 1137-1147.[4]O. 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大学英语4 unit 2 原文及翻译(College English 4, unit 2,original text and Translation)能看到、听到、感觉、闻到和说话的智能汽车?自己开车?这听起来像是一场梦,但计算机革命将把它变成现实。


智能汽车Michio Kaku1,即使汽车工业在过去七十年里基本保持不变,也即将感受到计算机革命的影响。









我们会看到车辆和道路,看到、听到、感觉到、闻到、说话和行为,”Bill Spreitzer预言,美国通用汽车公司的程序技术总监,这是未来智能汽车和智能公路设计。









Parker Kittiwake 海运产业条件监控产品说明书

Parker Kittiwake 海运产业条件监控产品说明书

I n t e r e s t i ng n e wp r o d u c t s in s i d e!Condition MonitoringProducts for the marine industryMaintaining the fleet with condition monitoringAs a Parker company, you can trust us to develop the best condition monitoring products and solutionsParker Kittiwake condition monitoring products have been used by the marine industry for over 25 years. Fleet-wide condition monitoring helps reduce maintenance cost, increase machinery life, reduce wear and ultimately improve our clients’ profits by reducing operational costs.Parker Kittiwake is a Parker Hannifin company. Parker Hannifin is a Fortune 250 global leader in motion and control technologies. For 100 years the company has engineered the success of its customers in a wide range of diversified industrial and aerospace markets. Learn more at or @parkerhannifin.Master Marine Distribution NetworkParker Kittiwake makes wide use of a Master Marine Distribution Network to provideits clients with 24/7 stock, knowledge, contact and support. Parker Kittiwake are very pleased to be working with such professionals across the globe.Parker’s Kittiwake latest generation of metal wear debris sensors provides unbeatable detection performance for both ferrous and non-ferrous metals. It is known in the market that particles result from wear processes in hydraulic and lubrication systems.It is imperative to know, not just the number of particles which passthrough your system, but also the size and metallic composition. The latest generation of our metal wear debris sensors goes beyond normal protection systems, offering real-time monitoring of the contamination in the system. This allows system users or service organizations to take immediate action on the first indication of change, thereby preventing all types of failures to system components.Part Number: FG-K19567-KW Metallic Wear Debris SensoricountPD - Particle DetectorOnline particle detector, independent monitoring of system contamination trends for mineral oil, aggressive fluids or fuels. The icount IPD Particle Detector represents the latest cutting edge design in this field. This compact permanently mounted on line module combined with built in laser based technology brings to multiple applications a truly revolutionary particle detector that has many applications on-board from Crane, to Hatch to Engine Hydraulics, in fact any mineral based oil where contamination is a ship stopper. Part Number: IPD12322230relative permittivity. When combined with the Parker Kittiwake FCS Alert, engine operators have a continuous monitoring tool to help guard against engine failure. Part Number: FCS3111MWDS shown in picture is ATEX zone 1 versionCold Corrosion Test Kit - Corrosive Iron TestingThe Cold Corrosion Test Kit (CCTK) provides an accurate measurement of corrosive iron content in cylinder liner oil.Cylinder lubrication oil in large, 2-stroke marine diesel engines has to contend with high temperatures and acidic products formed during the combustion of sulphur-rich bunker oils. Parker Kittiwake’s Cold Corrosion Test Kit is a quick, easy to use chemical test that provides an accurate measure of the parts per million (PPM) value of Fe2+ and Fe3+ compounds in used scrape down oil. Knowing the specific PPM of corroded iron allows informed decisions to be made in adjustments to feed rates and the Base Number (BN) of the oil used. Part Number: FG-K19763-KWThe DIGICell is the essential device for Water in Oil and BN (Base Number) testing - now tests up to BN150!Parker Kittiwake’s DIGICell oil test kit range provides a complete set of economically-priced equipment with a level of accuracy suited to routine analysis. With an easy to read digital display providing instructions and results, a five year (10,000 tests) battery life and built-in memory for recording previous test results, the DIGICell has become a favoured test method worldwide for on-site and on-board testing. Test cells are available for either Water in Oil or Base Number (BN). Alternatively, a DIGI Combined Test Cell is available that performs both test parameters in a single cell.Part Number: FG-K1-110-KWDIGI Cell Water & BN150 Test KitsFerrous Wear Meter +failure. When combined with the Cold Corrosion Test Kit, engineers can separate the causes of damage and gain vital insight into engine health and avoid possible catastrophic damage. Part Number: FG-K30258-KWNEW! LinerSCAN - Alarm System for Liner WearLinerSCAN - Common DrainLinerSCAN is the world’s first real-time alarm system for cylinder liner wear, providing early warning against engine damage. Parker Kittiwake’s LinerSCAN is designed to remove the uncertainty of cylinder liner damage resulting from low fuel quality, slow steaming, low sulphur levels, lower oil feed rates and cylinder oil formulation changes. Trials have shown that LinerSCAN highlights the first signs of damage earlier than other systems and enables safe reduction of the lubricant feed rate. LinerSCAN is a fully automated system and will help save money by optimising the lubricant feed rate, reducing your maintenance loads and by helping you prevent engine damage. Advances in electronic manufacturing technology have reduced the cost of this product - please contact us for more information. Part Numbers: FG-K17400-KWFG-K17401-KWATR AnalyserDensity MeterCompatibility TesterCat fines Test Kit - With Patented* OEM TechnologyThe Cat Fines Test Kit detects catalytic fines to help preventirreparable damage of fuel pumps, injectors, piston rings and liners.The Cat Fines Test Kit from Parker Kittiwake is a chemical bottle test which determines the level of cat fines present in a representative sample of fuel oil, allowing the user to identify potentially damaging components before they enter the system. In minutes, this easy-to-use onboard test identifies the presence of abrasive silicon and aluminium catalytic fines, which can become embedded into engine components and cause irreversible damage if left untreated. The test kit can be used in conjunction with both laboratory testing and a range of other on-board condition monitoring tools, ensuring that operators have accurate data to safeguard against potentially catastrophic damage. (*Patent application pending - beware of non-authorised copies.) Part Number: FG-K30566-KWf o r 202l S u l p h u r C a V i t a l f o r 2020 F u e l S ul p h u r C a pBunker Samples, Storage Systems & AccessoriesA completely self-contained unit providing everything needed to comply with the collection, retention and storage of bunker fuel oil samples in accordance with IMO MARPOL regulations.The Parker Kittiwake Bunker Sample Storage System is contained in a robust, metal case that is fully lockable for safe and secure sample storage. It comes complete with log book to record your sample details and full instructions on bunker sampling and the latest regulations. Replacement consumables and a full range of bunker samplers are easily available at short notice from Parker Kittiwake and can be shipped to the destination of your choice. Part Number: FG-K16091-KWXRF AnalyserHeated ViscometerMake fast on-site maintenance decisions with the Heated Viscometer, providing laboratory grade oil condition results in minutes.The Parker Kittiwake Heated Viscometer provides a condition monitoring tool that enables you to make rapid, on-site, informed operational and maintenance decisions about your critical plant and equipment. Fuel and lubricating oils form a major cost element in the operation of almost all industrial machinery and engines: the quality must be closely monitored to protect the investment. Detecting out-of-spec fuels or lubricants can identify potential problems before equipment damage occurs.Part Number: FG-K1-200-KWMHC - Memo ProMHC - Bearing CheckerMHC Memo Pro monitors high frequency Acoustic Emissions (AE) signals naturally generated by deterioration in rotating machinery. The MHC-Memo Pro is able to monitor a near unlimited number of machines on a periodic basis.The MHC-Memo Pro can store standard and Super Slo modes within its walk around route and store manually input values from any other device (e.g. a pressure gauge, kVA meter etc.). The MHC-Memo Pro can hold up to 6 routes at a time, each having up to 435 measurement points within a Site, Area, Machine & Point hierarchy. The addition of FFT Capture Spectrum and AutoLog functions make the MHC-Memo Pro the ultimate tool for Condition Monitoring specialists.Part Number: FG-H16111-KHThe MHC Bearing Checker is a unique hand-held instrument,providing maintenance engineers with an easy to operate, simple to use and quick method of analysing bearing condition and lubrication state.The MHC-Bearing Checker monitors high frequency Acoustic Emissions (AE) signals naturally generated by deterioration in rotating machinery. The unique way of detecting and processing these signals gives you condition-related information in the easiest possible form. It is a state-of-the-art Condition Monitoring instrument with extreme sensitivity to developing faults.Part Number: FG-H11510-KHComplete Marine Water Test KitFor optimum performance from the vessel or installation systems on-board and offshore, and to adhere to legislative requirements, the Complete Marine Water Test Kits offer the best solution. The Complete Marine Water Test Kit (cabinet not included) offers an off-the-shelf solution. The Complete Marine Water Test Kit will prove a valuable tool for system monitoring and control, ensuring safe and correct operation, and will also provide a key platform for demonstration of inspectional requirements under the current and forthcoming legislation.Part Numbers:For potable water: FG-K28764-KW Marine Potable Bacteria Kit FG-K29563-KW (Euro plug)FG-K28763-KW Marine Potable Chlorine Kit Covering both the above and chemistry testFG-K27977-KW Complete Marine Water Test Kit FG-K29345-KW (Euro plug) For onboard water: FG-K27973-KW Sewage Effluent Test Kit © 2019 Parker Hannifin Corporation FDKB719UK_Marine_product_brochure_2019_V3Parker Kittiwake 3 - 6 Thorgate Road, Littlehampton,West Sussex BN17 7LU United Kingdom。



34一种智能防溜器具箱及其监测方法设计与实现一种智能防溜器具箱及其监测方法设计与实现In t ellige nt Cabi net for An t i-slip In strume nts a n d its Mon itori ng Method王琛鹤(中国铁路沈阳局集团有限公司运输部,辽宁沈阳110000)摘要:设计了一种智能防溜器具箱及其监测方法,实现了对防溜器具的有效监管。




关键词:智能防溜器具箱;状态监测;电源控制Abstract :An intelligent cabinet fornti-slip instruments snd its monitoring method is designed to realize the effective su ­pervision of n ti-slip instruments in this paper.The intelligent cabinet fo^ anti-slip instruments can store two kinds ofppli- ances:intelligent iron shoes snd fastener.It can improve the management efficiency ofnti-slip instruments by reading the in ­formation of the anti-slip instruments sccessing cabinetnd its status information,and then sending related information to the monitoring upper computer.An intelligentnti-slip cabinetnd its monitoring method proposed in this paper can effectivelysolve the problem of lag monitoring and chaotic management ofnti-slip devices in railway station,improve the efficiency of station management.Keywords :intelligent tnti-slip cabinet,condition monitoring,power control随着铁路运输的飞速发展,铁路线路日益增加、覆盖区域不 断扩大,智能铁鞋和紧固器的应用也日趋广泛,智能铁鞋和紧固器已成为保护铁路站场内人员与车辆安全的重要设备。



基于状态的维护驱动智能服务转型路径In order to discuss the transformation path of state-based maintenance-driven intelligent services, it is essential to first understand what state-based maintenance-driven intelligent services are. State-based maintenance-driven intelligent services refer to a framework where maintenance activities are planned and executed based on the current status or health condition of a system or equipment. Instead of relying on fixed schedules or predetermined intervals, these services use real-time data and advanced analytics to assess the condition of assets and determine when maintenance actions should be taken.要讨论基于状态的维护驱动智能服务的转型路径,首先需要了解什么是基于状态的维护驱动智能服务。



The transformation path of state-based maintenance-drivenintelligent services involves several key steps.1. Data Collection and Integration: The first step is to set up a data collection system that can gather relevant information about asset performance and condition. This includes implementing sensors, IoT devices, and other data collection mechanisms to monitor key parameters such as temperature, vibration, pressure, etc. Additionally, integrating data from various sources such as equipment databases, maintenance logs, and repair history is crucial for developing a comprehensive understanding of asset health.基于状态的维护驱动智能服务的转型路径包括几个关键步骤。





二、专业术语解析1. 配电自动化系统(Distribution Automation System,简称DAS)配电自动化系统是由监测、控制、保护、通信和辅助功能组成的一套综合性系统,用于实现对配电网的自动化管理和运行。

2. 配电自动化设备(Distribution Automation Equipment,简称DAE)配电自动化设备是指在配电网中应用的各种设备,如智能终端单元(RTU)、智能开关、自动重合闸装置等,用于实现配网自动化的功能。

3. 智能终端单元(Remote Terminal Unit,简称RTU)智能终端单元是配电自动化系统中的核心设备之一,它负责采集、处理和传输配电网的各种数据,同时还能实现对设备的控制和保护。

4. 智能开关(Intelligent Switch)智能开关是一种具有自动化功能的开关设备,它能够根据系统需求自动切换和分配电源,实现对配电网的智能控制。

5. 自动重合闸装置(Automatic Reclosing Device,简称ARD)自动重合闸装置是一种能够自动实现线路重合闸操作的设备,它能够在短暂故障发生后自动切断电源,并在故障消除后自动恢复供电。

6. 配电自动化监测(Distribution Automation Monitoring)配电自动化监测是指对配电网各个节点的电压、电流、功率等参数进行实时监测和分析,以实现对电网运行状态的全面掌握。

7. 配电自动化控制(Distribution Automation Control)配电自动化控制是指通过对配电自动化设备的控制和调度,实现对电网运行状态的灵活控制和调整,以满足用户的需求。



智能刀具柜管理流程英文回答:Managing an intelligent tool cabinet involves several steps to ensure efficient and organized management of the tools. The following is a step-by-step process that Ifollow in managing an intelligent tool cabinet:1. Tool categorization: The first step is to categorize the tools based on their types or functions. For example, I would categorize the tools into groups such as cutting tools, measuring tools, drilling tools, etc. This helps in locating the tools easily when needed.2. Tool labeling: Each tool should be labeled with a unique identifier, such as a barcode or RFID tag. This allows for easy tracking and identification of the tools. For instance, I would label a cutting tool with a barcode that can be scanned to retrieve information about the tool.3. Tool inventory: Regular inventory checks should be conducted to ensure that all tools are accounted for. This involves scanning the labeled tools and updating the inventory database accordingly. In case any tool is missing or misplaced, it can be quickly identified and located.4. Tool maintenance: Proper maintenance of the tools is essential to ensure their longevity and optimal performance. This includes regular cleaning, lubrication, and calibration, depending on the type of tool. For example, I would clean and oil a cutting tool after each use toprevent rust and maintain its sharpness.5. Tool borrowing and return: An intelligent tool cabinet usually has a borrowing and return system in place. Users can request to borrow a tool through a digital interface, and the system tracks the tool's availabilityand due date. When returning the tool, it is scanned back into the cabinet and marked as available for others to borrow.6. Tool usage tracking: The intelligent tool cabinetsystem keeps track of tool usage, including who used thetool and for what purpose. This helps in monitoring thetool's condition and identifying any misuse or abuse. For example, the system may show that a particular user has borrowed a cutting tool multiple times, indicating a potential need for additional training or supervision.7. Tool repair and replacement: If a tool is found tobe damaged or malfunctioning, it should be promptly sentfor repair or replaced if necessary. The intelligent tool cabinet system can generate maintenance requests or alerts when a tool requires attention. This ensures that the tools are always in good working condition and minimizes downtime.Overall, an intelligent tool cabinet management process involves categorizing, labeling, inventorying, maintaining, tracking, and repairing tools. This ensures efficient tool usage, reduces the risk of loss or misplacement, and prolongs the lifespan of the tools.中文回答:智能刀具柜的管理流程包括以下几个步骤,以确保刀具的高效有序管理:1. 刀具分类,首先要根据刀具的类型或功能进行分类。

T M 产品飞书页2:在线条件监测应用软件说明说明书

T M 产品飞书页2:在线条件监测应用软件说明说明书

T MContentsInsightCM for Condition Monitoring (3)Open Condition Monitoring Software for Maintenance Professionals (3)Basic Solution Architecture (4)InsightCM Benefits (4)Improve Productivity with Remote Diagnostics (4)Minimize Change by Connecting to Existing Enterprise Software and IP (4)Manage Any Sensor with One Software Tool (5)Focus on the Most Relevant Data (5)Meet Your Security Needs (5)Prepare for the Future with an Open, Customizable System (5)Monitoring Devices for Any Asset (6)For Critical Assets with Protection Systems (6)Continuous Monitoring System Key Features (6)Intelligent Data Triggering with Continuous Monitoring Systems (7)Burst Mode (7)Streams (7)Spectral Limits (7)Security Implications with One-Way Measurement from Protection System (7)For Dynamic Assets that Need 24x7 Monitoring (8)Supported Sensor Inputs. (9)Vibration Analysis (9)Thermography (12)MCSA (13)For Assets Typically on Periodic Routes (15)Wireless Vibration Measurement Devices (15)Wireless Vibration Sensors (17)Monitoring Device Feature Comparison (18)InsightCM for Condition MonitoringOpen Condition Monitoring Software for Maintenance Professionals InsightCM is online asset-monitoring software for subject matter experts and maintenance professionals who need:▪F ull access to waveform data▪M ultiple sensor technology inputs▪C onnectivity to existing enterprise software packages▪A variety of configuration options for alarms and data managementInsightCM connects to a family of monitoring devices to monitor asset health sensor data from any critical equipment in your plant.FIGURE 1.Web-based trending and analysis tools help machine analysts diagnose problems from anywhere with network access. (Standard vibration analysis viewer shown in image)Basic Solution ArchitectureFIGURE 2.The typical InsightCM system architecture connects wired and wireless sensors from multiple plant assets to IT networks, enterprise digital technology, and subject matter experts.InsightCM BenefitsImprove Productivity with Remote DiagnosticsInsightCM helps analysts and plant personnel shift focus away from manual data collection, freeing up time for more value-add activities such as data analysis, maintenance planning, and plant operations. Included features let you:▪L og in to the InsightCM server from any web browser with network access and perform real time analysis ▪C over more assets across your fleet with your existing team▪G et to analysis faster with data screening, alarming, and multi-sensor analysis toolsMinimize Change by Connecting to Existing Enterprise Software and IPInsightCM is the most open condition-monitoring application software on the market giving you the freedomto use the tools you need to meet your goals. Connect InsightCM data with:▪T he OSIsoft PI System™▪B lack & Veatch Asset360®▪G P Strategies EtaPRO▪A vantis® PRiSM▪M icrosoft Azure IoT Hub ▪I BM Maximo®▪M icrosoft Excel ▪A VEVA eDNA ▪P TC ThingWorxManage Any Sensor with One Software ToolInsightCM supports a variety of sensor technologies to help catch multiple failure modes and crosscheck diagnoses for greater confidence. Supported measurement technologies include:▪V ibration (accelerometers, proximity probes, temperature, 4-20 mA and ±30 V static sensors)▪M otor-current signature analysis (MCSA) (potential transformers, current transformers)▪T hermography (infrared cameras)▪G enerator Field Monitoring (includes shaft voltage and current as well as Rotor Flux Monitoring in onesystem)▪A vailable for hydroelectric, nuclear, and compound generators▪E MI Monitoring ( Monitoring Generators, motors, circuit breakers, and transformers for electrical defects) ▪P artial Discharge Monitoring: The Partial Discharge (PD) measurement consists on a 2D histogram of PD Pulses known as PD Pattern or PRPD (Phase Resolved Partial Discharge) Pattern. All trending parameters are available in Insight CM▪B rush Condition Monitoring; Carbon Brush Length, Temperature and Vibration can be imported to Insight CM for trend analysisFocus on Relevant DataInsightCM systems can continuously (24x7) acquire and screen data from connected analog sensors. This architecture helps detect alarm limit excursions and operating-state changes in near real time, helping analysts focus on data with value, rather than parsing through numerous data sets collected during monthly routes.Meet Your Security NeedsOnly authenticated hardware and verified users have access to InsightCM. Secure remote password protocol provides authentication between asset monitoring systems and InsightCM. IT system administrators can specify a disconnection interval to force the asset-monitoring nodes to disconnect from the server and reauthenticate themselves. Access to InsightCM is role-based and gives IT system administrators the ability to restrict access to certain functionality to qualified users. These roles and user authentication can be linked to an existing corporate Lightweight Directory Access Protocol/Active Directory group for centralized role management. User activity between the client browser and InsightCM can be further secured using Secure Sockets Layer encryption.Prepare for the Future with an Open, Customizable SystemThe Software Development Kit (SDK) for InsightCM helps customize the solution and prepare your business for almost any future needs, including new sensor technologies, communication protocols, and analysis methods. Add your custom analysis IP, connect to third-party hardware, or save to any file format using the SDK. Cutsforth offers a worldwide partner network that can customize InsightCM installations to fit specific needs and adapt them to future expansion.Monitoring Devices for Any AssetFor Critical Assets with Protection SystemsContinuous Monitoring Systems connect directly to existing protection systems through the buffered analog outputs. This pass-through approach lets maintenance teams add modern, connected, online monitoring systems to legacy hardware with limited communication and analysis capability. Additionally, the buffered analog outputs serve as the security firewall to let plants connect data to standard, business IT networks, without a data diode, rather than the highly protected control networks.FIGURE 3.Cutsforth Continuous Monitoring Systems connect to existing protection systems through the buffered analog outputs to add modern online monitoring analysis to legacy, or secured, protection systems.Continuous Monitoring System Key FeaturesContinuous Monitoring Systems are built on a rugged measurement system (CompactRIO) and feature four or eight slots for sensor-specific modules. High-speed voltage input modules are used for connection to the output from the buffered analog output on the protection rack.Note: Module configurations for Continuous Monitoring Systems are specific to the asset and InsightCM toolkits. Please contact your Cutsforth sales representative for configuration assistance.FIGURE 4.Continuous Monitoring Systems (eight-slot option shown) are built on CompactRIO systems; proven technologywith more than 15 years of deployment in a variety of heavy industries.Hardware Specifications▪D ual 10/100/1000 ENET Ports▪U p to Quad-Core Intel Atom Processor ▪P assively cooled, -40 °C to 70 °C ▪S SD for Temporary Local Storage▪I nsightCM Monitoring System Firmware ▪L inux Real-Time OSIntelligent Data Triggering with Continuous Monitoring SystemsContinuous Monitoring Systems intelligently capture data based on a configuration you specify, which reduces overall data volume and provides a way to isolate important asset events. Use the following events to trigger a data capture:▪T ime—Data is captured in user-configurable time intervals such as once an hour, once a day, three times a day, and so on. Choose when to capture the features calculated (less data), the full waveform (more data), or both.▪C hange in engineering units (delta EU)—Data is captured when a calculated feature changes by the set delta value with respect to the initial measured value. Once the trigger condition is met, the trigger resets from the latest value but retains the same delta limit. This feature is most often used for ramp-ups and coast-downs, during which data recordings at periodic rotational speeds are desired; for example, recording a 4 swaveform every 50 rpm during ramp-up.▪A larm limits—Data is captured when a measured feature crosses a preset limit. You must acknowledge alarms before retriggering.▪F orce trigger—You can request a real-time reading using the force trigger option in the action menu for any device. This feature is good for troubleshooting sensor connections, spot-checking an asset, orinvestigating the current state before acknowledging an alarm.Burst ModeWith burst mode, you can preset a time to collect data at higher acquisition rates (up to 102.4 kS/s per channel) to analyze assets with slow rotational speed. Continuous Monitoring Systems revert to the lower set acquisition rate for feature calculation, trigger, and alarm screening.StreamsStreams are useful for grouping transient event data—such as run-ups or coast-downs—to ease analysis. During streams, data is generally sent more frequently, providing more context on how the asset is performing during critical periods. These events can be observed in real time or after the fact.Spectral LimitsScreen data as it arrives on the server with spectral limits you set using a graphical tool to mask off frequency by amplitude across the spectrum. This tool is helpful to quickly isolate which machines may be experiencing signs of early stage bearing wear.Security Implications with One-Way Measurement from Protection SystemThe only connection path from the protection system to the hardware is the one-way, analog signal connection from the buffered AOs on the protection system. The Continuous Monitoring System has no connection or path to send a signal back to the protection system. The one-way, analog-input topology provides no method for communication to, or control of, the protection system, which may assist with cyber-security policies when needed.FIGURE 5.Continuous monitoring systems for assets with protection systems typically install in the same rack as the protection system and connect through front or back-panel connectors to the buffered-analog outputs.For Dynamic Assets that Need 24x7 MonitoringContinuous monitoring systems cover a wide variety of dynamic and process sensors to monitor assets with multiple operating states or problematic assets with a higher propensity of failure between service intervals. The advanced acquisition modes referenced above (intelligent data triggering and burst mode) are available for continuous monitoring systems for dynamic assets.FIGURE 6.Multiple sensor module options help tailor the Continuous Monitoring System to specific asset sensor needs. Please contact your Cutsforth sales representative for assistance in configuring an InsightCM Continuous Monitoring Device.Supported Sensor InputsYou can connect Continuous Monitoring Systems to virtually any sensor technology and use them with rotational, electrical, static, and process asset types. The devices support the following sensor types out of the box:▪A ccelerometer with or without Integrated Electronic Piezoelectric (IEPE) (vibration)▪T achometer (speed)▪K eyphasor (speed)▪P roximity probe (displacement)▪V elometer (velocity)▪T emperature (resistance temperature detector or thermocouple)▪V oltage (±30 V)▪C urrent (4–20 mA)▪D igital input▪R ead from Modbus slave devices via TCP/remote terminal unit▪I nfrared camera (thermography)▪H igh-voltage potential transformers for MCSA—120/240 V AC secondary▪H igh-current current transformers for MCSA—low-voltage secondary▪P ower (calculated from voltage x current)▪R F/radio antenna for EMSA▪D ata points from OPC UA tags▪D ata points from the OSIsoft PI System▪D ata points from AVEVA eDNA Enterprise Data ManagementVibration AnalysisMany vibration sensors, such as accelerometers, velocity sensors, and proximity probes, can ultimately provide the same type of information. Vibration signals consist of multifrequency components, and each component represents part of the vibration. These individual vibration components add up to create the overall vibration signal. You can perform two types of vibration analysis using InsightCM: Observing vibration levels to describe the waveform and analyzing spectral bands to describe the spectrum (essentially, a fast Fourier transform of the waveform).Vibration analysis focuses on either levels that describe the waveform or spectral calculations that describe specific frequency content. InsightCM includes several default level and band calculations, and you can create custom bands to trend bands that correlate with known faults, such as a bearing or gear mesh issues. You can calculate these features on Cutsforth monitoring devices to immediately detect fault conditions and trigger data collections based on the asset operating state.FIGURE 7.Continuous Monitoring Systems are compatible with virtually any sensor technology, including standard IEPE accelerometers seen mounted via epoxy to the motor in this image.InsightCM includes several industry-standard vibration analyses to help you identify faults. For example, you can use an orbit plot to see how a shaft is rotating in a bearing on a turbine and identify worn bearings or inadequate lubrication. Envelope (demodulation) analysis is commonly used for rolling-element bearings to better identify impacting frequencies that correlate with bearing faults.Features§1x and 2x Magnitude §1x and 2x Phase §Asynchronous§Crest Factor§Derived Peak§High Frequency §Peak-Peak§RMS§Synchronous§True Peak§Subsynchronous§Kurtosis§Custom Spectral Bands§Gap§Smax§ResidualAnalysis Viewers§Trend§Waveform§Spectrum§Waterfall§Full Spectrum§Order Waveform §Order Spectrum §Envelope Waveform §Envelope Spectrum§Orbit§Bode§Polar§Shaft Centerline§Table§Time Synchronous Averaging(TSA) Waveform§TSA Spectrum§AutocorrelatedSpectrum§AutocorrelatedWaveformFIGURE 8.The functions listed in the “Features” section above are available in the real-time viewer so analysts can get to a diagnosis, faster.ThermographyThe thermal Imaging Toolkit automates the process of collecting and monitoring images from infrared cameras, as seen in Figure 10. Trend data from regions of interest and alarm on transformer, motor control center, breaker box, and bus bar hot spots. Specify regions of interest (ROIs) and calculate maximum, minimum, and average temperature. With a delta feature, you can calculate the temperature difference between any number of ROIs to normalize for environmental conditions such as monitoring a transformer and looking for an outlier amongst the bushing temperatures.FIGURE 9.This InsightCM infrared thermography image shows two chilled-water pump-motor skids with a temperature differential trend line. The temperature delta between regions of interest is a common way to look for hot spots on breaker panels, bus bars, and transformers.Features▪M aximum Temperature within ROI▪M inimum Temperature within ROI▪A verage Temperature within ROI▪D elta Temperature between Two or More ROIsAnalysis Viewers▪T rend▪T hermal Image▪T ableMCSAMotor-current signature analysis (MCSA) uses voltage and current signals to identify motor faults including rotorbar damage, misalignment, eccentricity, mechanical looseness, and some bearing problems. When purchased with the MCSA toolkit for InsightCM, Continuous Monitoring Systems compute features specific to electrical data and motors in addition to the phasor and waveform analysis available.Note: InsightCM is designed for three-phase AC induction electric motors. There is not support for variablefrequency drive motors at this time.The 24x7 screening on the Continuous Monitoring System continuously samples voltage and current data at up to 10,000 samples per second looking for transients and in-rush currents. Use this toolkit to set operating states and trigger conditions for in-rush current so you never miss a startup signature.FIGURE 10.In a typical motor control cabinet install, CT signal wires run through conduit to Continuous Monitoring Systems with sensor modules for MCSA installed in an industrial cabinet.FIGURE 11.Cutsforth monitoring systems for MCSA can connect to multiple motors on a single three-phase voltage bus. One module connects to voltage/potential transformers with accompanying modules in the chassis used for current transformers.FIGURE 12.This InsightCM analysis view shows three-phase voltage and the MCSA spectrum.Features▪R MS▪L ine Frequency▪P hasor: Magnitude▪P hasor: Phase▪U nbalance▪E ffective Service Factor▪D erating Factor Analysis Viewers ▪A ctive Power▪R eactive Power▪A pparent Power▪P ower Factor▪S peed▪T orque▪T orque Ripple▪R otor Bar Sideband▪L oad▪P ercent Load▪E fficiency▪P ercent Full LoadAmps▪S tartup Peak Amps▪S tartup Time▪T rend Chart ▪W aveform ▪S pectrum ▪T able ▪W aterfall▪M CSA Spectrum▪M CSA Torque Waveform▪M CSA EnvelopeSpectrum▪P hasor DiagramFor Assets Typically on Periodic RoutesPlant maintenance teams often rely on manual, route-based data collection for less-critical plant assets. With Wireless Monitoring Devices, you can get daily machine health visibility without a trip around the plant. Wireless Monitoring Devices are designed to wirelessly transmit diagnostic (waveform) data from wired analog sensors to a Cutsforth gateway and then to the InsightCM server, connected via your enterprise IT network. Wireless Monitoring Devices, when battery powered, dramatically reduce installation cost by eliminating the need for running cable/conduit for power and Ethernet. There are currently two types of Wireless Monitoring Devices: Wireless Vibration Measurement Devices and Wireless Vibration Sensors.Wireless Vibration Measurement DevicesWireless Vibration Measurement Devices connect to standard asset-mounted analog sensors and use wireless communication to send diagnostic-quality waveform data to an InsightCM server. Install the system near the monitored asset with the built-in mounting flange. The rugged enclosure is outdoor-rated for industrial environments and can handle wide temperature ranges as well as washdowns. The wireless monitoring devices have 12 analog input channels that support accelerometers, proximity probes, tachometers, and voltage or temperature sensors. All devices ship ready to install and connect to power (either line-powered or battery-powered) and sensors. Once you have installed and commissioned its hardware, the Wireless Monitoring Device transmits data back approximately once a day (user-configurable) via a wireless gateway to the InsightCM server installed on premises or in a virtual machine in your choice of cloud provider. The device also can be manually triggered to send data back to the server.FIGURE 16.Wireless Vibration Measurement Devices acquire full waveforms and transmit the data to InsightCM via a wireless gateway.Sensor SupportThe Wireless Vibration Measurement Device supports the following sensor types out of the box: ▪A ccelerometers (IEPE)▪P roximity probes (user-provided)▪T achometers▪V oltage (±30 V)▪T emperatureWireless Vibration SensorsWireless Vibration Sensors contain an integrated triaxial accelerometer and use wireless communication to send diagnostic-quality waveform data at up to 2 kHz fmax to an InsightCM server. They also include an integrated temperature sensor that can trend temperature data. Install the sensor on the monitored asset with the built-in1/4-28 stud mount. The rugged exterior is IP66/IP67-rated for industrial environments and can handle wide temperature ranges as well as washdowns. All devices are battery-powered and ship ready to install. Once you have installed and commissioned its hardware, the Wireless Monitoring Device transmits data back approximately once a day (user-configurable) via a wireless gateway to the InsightCM server installed on premises or in a virtual machine in your choice of cloud provider. The device also can be manually triggered to send data back to the server.FIGURE 17.Wireless Vibration Sensors contain an integrated triaxial accelerometer and temperature sensor and transmit the data to InsightCM via a wireless gateway.GatingBoth Wireless Monitoring Devices are mounted near the asset and transmit data back to the InsightCM server via a wireless gateway approximately once a day (user-configurable). Because most of the wireless device’s battery consumption occurs during wireless communication with the gateway, sending data only when the monitored asset is running helps prolong battery life. Wireless Monitoring Devices have a gating feature that checks whether the asset is on before acquiring and sending asset health data. Gating can be based on acquired sensor values or external systems via Modbus, OPC UA or the OSIsoft PI System.Outdoor-Rated EnclosuresWireless Monitoring Devices are designed to either IP54 or IP66/IP67 specifications for protection from liquid, dust, and particulates. Installers can mount the systems directly outside in any climate without an additional industrial enclosure.Monitoring Device Feature Comparison。

简 历 - 中国科学院先进制造技术研究所

简 历 - 中国科学院先进制造技术研究所

简 历个人信息: 姓名:朱锟鹏职位:研究员联系方式: 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院先进制造技术研究所地址:江苏省常州市常武中路801号 Email: zhukp@教育背景: 新加坡国立大学机械工程系, 工学博士 (PhD, 2007)研究兴趣:制造自动化,超精密加工过程建模与监控,设计与制造信息学主要研究经历2013/11月- 至今中国科学院先进制造技术研究所,中科院百人计划(A 类)研究方向:创新制造(3D打印)与超精密加工,制造信息学2011/7月-2013/9月德国慕尼黑工业大学自动化与信息系统研究所,洪堡学者,洪堡基金研究方向:精密制造,智能传感与信息处理2013/3月-2013/6月英国Cranfield大学振动与声学研究中心访问学者研究方向:航空发动机的振动测试与过程监控2007/8月-2011/6月新加坡国立大学机械工程系博士后,新加坡教育部一等科研基金、工程学院院长基金研究方向:设计与制造工程信息学,精密加工过程监控与建模2003/1月-2007/7月新加坡国立大学机械工程系博士生,导师:Hong G. S. 副教授, Wong Y. S.教授研究方向:超精密铣削加工过程建模与智能监控,动力学分析学术职务1) 期刊编委(Editorial Board):International Journal of Information Engineering, International Journal ofMechanic Systems Engineering, International Journal of Electronics Communication and Computer Engineering, Journal of Current Development in Theory and Applications of Wavelets,2) 副编辑(Associate Editor):IEEE/RSJ Inter. Conf. on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), 2008-2010.3) IEEE会议分会主席(Program Chair):Intelligent and adaptive learning session, IEEE (IROS), 2010, Taipei.4)审稿:CAD, Computers in Industry, IJAMT, IJIM, MSSP, IEEE Trans. Ind. Electronics, IEEE Trans Ind.Informatics, IEEE Trans. Instrument and Measurement, Wear, Neural Networks, J. of Algorithms etc.主要学术论文专著Zhu K.P., Tool Condition Monitoring in High Precision Machining (超精密加工过程中的刀具监测,德国出版), Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany, 2011.期刊论文[1] Zhu K.P., Hong G.S., Wong Y.S. Wang W.H., Cutting Force Denoising in Micro-milling Tool Condition Monitoring,International Journal of Production Research, 46(16):4391-4408, 2008. (影响因子: 1.460; 引用次数: 18)[2] Wang W.H., Hong G.S., Wong Y.S., and Zhu K.P., Sensor Fusion for On-line Tool Condition Monitoring in Milling,International Journal of Production Research, 45(21): 5095–5116, 2007. . (影响因子: 1.460; 引用次数: 25)[3] Zhu K.P., Wong Y.S., Hong G.S., Multi-category Micro-milling Tool Wear Classification with Continuous HiddenMarkov Models, Mechanical System and Signal Processing, 23 (2009) 547– 560.( 影响因子:1.913; 引用次数: 35)[4] Zhu K.P., Hong G.S., Wong Y.S., Discriminate Feature Selection for Hidden Markov Models in Micro-milling ToolWear Classification, Machining Science and Technology, 12(3): 348-369, 2008. (影响因子: 0.840; 引用次数: 13)[5] Zhu K.P., Wong Y.S., Hong G.S., Wavelet Analysis of Sensor Signals for Tool Condition Monitoring: some new results,International Journal of Machine Tools & Manufacture, 49(4): 537–553, 2009. (影响因子: 2.169; 引用次数: 82)[6] Zhu K P, Wong Y.S., Lu W.F., Fuh J Y H, A Wavelet Diffusion Approach for 3-D Model Matching, Computer-AidedDesign, 41 (2009), pp. 28-36. (影响因子: 1.264; 引用次数:10)[7] Zhu K P, Wong Y S, Lu W. F., Loh H.T., 3D CAD Model Matching with 2D Affine Invariant Features, Computer inIndustry, 61 (2010) 432–439. (影响因子: 1.709; 引用次数: 6)[8] Zhu K.P., Hong G.S., Wong Y.S., Multi-Scale Singularity Analysis of Cutting Forces for Micro-Milling Tool WearMonitoring, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 58(2):2512-2521, 2011. (影响因子: 5.16; 引用次数: 8)[9] Zhu K P, Wong Y.S., Loh H. T., Lu W.F., 3D CAD Model Matching with Perturbed Laplacian Spectra, Computer inIndustry, 63(2012) 1-11. (影响因子:1.709; 引用次数: 2)[10] Zhu K.P., Vogel B.H., Compressive sampling in the time-frequency domain and its application to precisionmanufacturing monitoring, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing, 68(2013) 1-17. (影响因子: 1.234; 引用次数: 0)。

AI tool monitoring

AI tool monitoring

B-85114EN/01DETAILED OPERATIONS1.QUICK SCREEN(8) AI TOOL MONITORThis item can be used to set up data related to the AI tool monitorfunction.(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(a) AI tool monitor functionAI tool monitor can be used to specify whether to use the AI tool monitor function.OFF : The AI monitor function does not work.ON : The AI monitor function works according to the settings of (b) to (d).(b) File numberThe FILE No. area is used to specify a spindle load level file number for each tool.Pressing the soft key [FILE] displays the contents of each file on the screen.(c) Machine behavior when the load is on a warning levelThe WARNING area is used to select the behavior the machine takes when the current spindle load is not lower than the warning level load.OFF: The machine continues machining at the current feedrate.FEED DOWN:The machine continues machining by decreasingits feedrate to reduce the load on the tool.TOOL CHNG:The machine continues machining at the currentspeed, and the tool is replaced with a spare in thesame tool group next time a tool change commandis issued.1.QUICK SCREEN DETAILED OPERATIONS B-85114EN/01DOWN+CHNG:The machine decreases its feedrate, and the tool isreplaced with a spare in the same tool group nexttime a tool change command is issued.MCHN STOP:The machine stops machining and retracts to theZ-axis zero point. Spindle rotation and coolantoutput are also stopped, and an alarm is displayed.(d) Machine behavior when the load is on a damage levelThe BREAKAGE area is used to select the behavior themachine takes when the current spindle load is not lowerthan the damage level load.OFF: The machine continues machining at the currentfeedrate.MCHN STOP:The machine stops machining and retracts to theZ-axis zero point. Spindle rotation and coolantoutput are also stopped, and an alarm is displayed.(e) Monitor display or spindle load level file list displayThis area lists information about the load on a tool currentlyin use or spindle load level files.(f) Calculating reference load values and registering them to afilePressing the soft key [SPNDL LOAD] displays thefollowing window.When you place the cursor to any item of a desired filenumber, using the page and cursor keys, and then press thesoft key [CALC.], the corresponding warning level anddamage level are obtained from a detected value and anominal diameter set up for the file number. To save theobtained value in a file, press the soft key [ENTRY].It is also possible to enter values directly into an itempointed to by the cursor.。















英语作文-智能健康监测解决方案,提升医疗服务质量In today's rapidly advancing technological landscape, the intersection of artificial intelligence and healthcare has brought about groundbreaking solutions to enhance the quality of medical services. One such innovative solution is the integration of intelligent health monitoring systems, which revolutionizes the way healthcare is delivered and improves patient outcomes.Intelligent health monitoring solutions leverage cutting-edge technologies such as AI, machine learning, and Internet of Things (IoT) to continuously gather and analyze data about an individual's health status. These systems utilize various wearable devices, sensors, and mobile applications to monitor vital signs, activity levels, and other relevant health metrics in real-time. By collecting and analyzing this data, healthcare providers gain valuable insights into a patient's health status, allowing for proactive interventions and personalized treatment plans.One of the key benefits of intelligent health monitoring solutions is their ability to facilitate early detection and prevention of health issues. Through continuous monitoring, these systems can detect subtle changes in a patient's health indicators, which may indicate the onset of a medical condition or exacerbation of an existing one. By identifying these changes early on, healthcare providers can intervene promptly, potentially preventing the progression of diseases and reducing the risk of complications.Moreover, intelligent health monitoring solutions empower individuals to take an active role in managing their health. By providing users with real-time access to their health data via mobile applications or online portals, these systems promote self-awareness and encourage healthier lifestyle choices. Users can track their progress, set health goals, and receive personalized recommendations based on their unique health profile, ultimately leading to better health outcomes.Furthermore, intelligent health monitoring solutions enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery. By automating the collection and analysis of health data, these systems reduce the burden on healthcare professionals and streamline the diagnostic process. Healthcare providers can access comprehensive, up-to-date information about their patients' health status, enabling them to make informed decisions and deliver timely interventions.In addition to improving individual patient care, intelligent health monitoring solutions also have broader implications for population health management. By aggregating anonymized data from large numbers of users, these systems can identify trends and patterns in health outcomes, helping healthcare organizations allocate resources more effectively and implement targeted interventions to address prevalent health issues within communities.Despite the numerous benefits of intelligent health monitoring solutions, their widespread adoption still faces challenges such as privacy concerns, data security issues, and interoperability limitations. Addressing these challenges requires collaboration between healthcare providers, technology developers, policymakers, and regulatory bodies to establish clear guidelines and standards for the ethical and responsible use of these technologies.In conclusion, intelligent health monitoring solutions represent a transformative approach to healthcare delivery, offering proactive, personalized, and efficient services that enhance patient outcomes and improve overall healthcare quality. By harnessing the power of artificial intelligence and advanced technologies, these solutions have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare is delivered and pave the way for a healthier future.。






关键字:智能变电站;二次设备在线监测;一键巡视;可视化Design of on-line monitoring and one-key inspection system for secondary equipment of intelligent stationLI Junling1,ZHAO Bo1,LIU Aoyang1,CHEN Cheng1,LIU Jun1,Liu Lin1(1. Jingmen Power Supply Company State Grid Hubei Electric Power Company Limited,Hubei,Jimmen,448000)Abstract: Intelligent substation secondary equipment such as poor condition monitoring information operations is difficult problem This paper introduces a set of secondary equipment online monitoring and a key patrol system, mainly including the system overall architecture visualization virtual circuit All stood value automatic composite total station linking piece automatic checking Total station information on-line monitoring dc system automatic inspection and so on several big features Through the developed a key patrol system can effectively solve the intelligent substation secondary equipment monitoring blind area problem, promote the secondary equipmentoperational efficiency, improve the intelligent substation operation reliability.Key Word: Intelligent substation; Online monitoring of secondary equipment; One key inspection; visualization0引言随着科学技术的发展,智能变电站在电力系统中得到广泛应用[1]。



车路协同术语1. 车路协同(V2X,Vehicle-to-everything):指车辆与周围环境(路网、路侧设施等)进行信息交互,实现全场景自动驾驶。

3. 自动驾驶(AD,Automatic Driving):指车辆通过各类传感器和算法,实现无人驾驶或部分自动驾驶。

5. 行车辅助系统(ADAS,Advanced Driver Assistance System):一系列传感器、摄像头、雷达、激光雷达等设备,用于协助驾驶员提高行车安全和舒适性。

6. 交通管理中心(TMC,Traffic Management Center):地面交通管控中心,通过智能设备、通信系统、传感器等手段,实时掌控道路交通状态。

8. 云端智能(Intelligent Cloud):指通过云计算、大数据、人工智能等技术,实现车辆信息的精细化、智能化管理和服务。

9. 智能交通(Intelligent Transportation System,ITS):通过信息与通信技术,改善交通流量、安全性、环保性、舒适性等各个方面,提高交通运输管理效率。

10. 道路基础设施(RSI,Roadside Infrastructure):包括路灯、路标、交通信号、停车场等设施,用于辅助车辆驾驶和交通管理。

11. 车辆状态监测(VCM,Vehicle condition monitoring):通过传感器、控制器等技术手段,实时监测车辆零部件的状态,提高车辆安全性和故障诊断能力。

12. 路侧设备(RSU,Roadside unit):在路边或桥梁下,提供车辆与路侧交互所需的通信、计算等基础设施。

13. 车辆远程控制(RVC,Remote Vehicle Control):通过云端平台或移动终端,对车辆进行远程控制,调节车辆性能或保养状态。

14. 预测控制(Model predictive control,MPC):一种控制理论和方法,通过对车辆和周围环境的预测,实现精准的运动规划和控制。



智能健身监测系统设计与实现智能健身监测系统(Intelligent Fitness Monitoring System,IFMS)是一种结合物联网和人工智能技术的创新产品。



一、系统设计1. 硬件设计智能健身监测系统的硬件设计主要包括传感器设备的选取、嵌入式系统的搭建以及用户交互界面的设计。




2. 软件设计智能健身监测系统的软件设计主要包括数据采集与分析、健身指导与监测以及用户管理等功能。




二、系统实现1. 数据采集与处理智能健身监测系统通过传感器设备对用户的健康数据进行实时的采集。



2. 数据分析与报告生成嵌入式系统将采集到的数据发送到云端服务器,云端服务器利用人工智能算法对用户的健康数据进行分析。


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1. Introduction: Metal cutting operation compounds a large percentage of the manufacturing activity. One of the most important objective of metal cutting research is to develop techniques that enable optimal utilization of machine tools, improved production efficiency, high machining accuracy and reduced machine downtime and tooling cost be possible. Tool condition monitoring is certainly the important monitoring requirement of unintended machining operations. It has been estimated that the development of methods to reliably detect the end of tool life could result in an increase of cutting speed from 10% to 50%, a decrease in cutting time, savings in tool changing time, and overall savings of 10 to 40% [1]. Many kind of sensing techniques have been used to monitor tool condition. An approach was developed for in-process monitoring tool wear in milling using frequency signatures of the cutting force [2]. The approach was based on the variations of the magnitude of cutting force harmonics along with flank wear. Some special parameters were used for detecting tool wear [3]. By processing the force signals, three characteristic parameters, the derivative of force wave form, power and coefficient of auto-correlation had been found to be relevant to tool wear. A relationship between the spindle motor current and the tool flank wear in turning operation was developed by Y. S. Liao [4]. It was found that the motor current increased nearly linearly from the beginning to the end of the tool's useful life if only one material was machined. Acoustic emission (AE) has been =T1C QUALITY INSPrCTED 1
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recognized as a promising means for on-line tool condition monitoring. The skew and kurtosis of the AE-RMS were related with the increase of the tool flank wear [5,6]. The dominant frequency components of AE signal are generally below 500 kHz. In this range the spectra amplitudes were found to increase with the accumulation of tool wear [7]. A scheme known as time domain averaging (TDA) was applied to process AE signal for online sensing of tool wear in face milling [8]. Experiment results showed that the mean AE-RMS energy had an increasing trend with the growth for natural insert wear. Statistical techniques were used to combine power spectrum estimates with higher-order spectrum (HOS) estimates to extract features [9]. Those features were applied to discriminate and classify vibration signals from new and slightly used drill bits in a drill wear study. The amount of tool wear in face milling was related to the change of the envelope (signal boundary) of the vibration signal [10]. Grieshaber et al [11] used spectral density and spectral area of vibration signal to identify tool wear in face milling. It has been widely accepted now that under varying machining conditions, the information required to make reliable decisions on the tool wear state can hardly be available by using single sensor information. Sensor fusion is attractive since loss of sensitivity of one of the sensors can be compensated by other sensors. A discriminate function technique was used to combine force signal with acoustic emission information to monitor cutting tool condition [12]. Neural networks was proved to be suitable for integrating information from acoustic emission and cutting force sensors to predict tool wear in turning operation [13]. The sensor signal patterns and the tool wear states were successfully associated. Choi et al [14] developed a neural network-based real-time tool wear monitoring system. P.G.Li et al. [15] used fuzzy pattern recognition algorithm to monitor drilling tool wear. The thrust and torque are selected as the features relevant to drill wear and the relationship between these features and drill wear was found from fuzzy manipulation. In this study, an ANN driven fuzzy pattern recognition algorithm was developed to accomplish multi-sensor information integration and tool wear states classification. By imitating the thinking and judging modes of human being, the technique shows some remarkable characteristics. Definite mathematical relations between tool wear states and sensor information are not necessarily needed. The effects caused by experimental noise can also be decreased greatly. The established monitoring system provided accurate and reliable tool wear classification results over a range of cutting conditions. 2. Tool condition monitoring system: The experiments were carried out on a Cincinnati Milacron Sabre 500 machining center. Like many other modern machine tools, it delivers a signal that is proportional to the power consumption rating of the spindle motor (up to 6.1 volts corresponding to 100% of the full power of the motor). A KISTLER 9257B force dynamometer was used to measure cutting forces, F, FY, F,, in three mutually perpendicular directions. The dynamometer has a measuring range of 5000 N in each direction, linearity of 1%, stiffness of 350 N/gim in the Z direction and 1000 N/itm in the X and Y directions and a resonant frequency of 4kHz. The acoustic emission (AE)