Complexity of Reversible Toffoli Cascades and
药学英语Unit7 Text A 注释及译文
Unit SevenText A BiopharmaceuticsBefore the reader can appreciate the meaning and clinical significance of biopharmaceutics, it is necessary to introduce the concept of drug bioavailability.1. appreciate [ə'pri:ʃ ieit] vt.欣赏;感激;领会;鉴别vi.增值;涨价2. bioavailability ['baiəuə,veilə'biləti] n.生物利用度;生物药效率为了使读者能够理解生物药剂学的含义和其对于药物临床应用的重要意义,有必要先给大家介绍一下药物生物利用度的概念。
BioavailabilityThe therapeutic response of a drug is normally dependent on an adequate concentration of the drug being achieved and then maintained at the site or sites of action of the drug. In the case of systemically acting drugs ( i. e. drugs that reach these sites via the systemic circulation) it is generally accepted for clinical purposes that a dynamic equilibrium exists between the concentration of drug at its site(s) of action and the concentration of drug in blood plasma. An important consequence of this dynamic equilibrium is that it permits a therapeutically effective concentration of drug to be achieved at its site(s) of action by adjustment of the concentration of drug in blood plasma. Strictly speaking, the concentration of drug in plasma water (i. e. protein-free plasma) is a more accurate index of drug concentration at the site(s) of action than the concentration of drug in whole plasma since a drug may often bind in a reversible manner to plasma protein. Only drug which is unbound (i. e. dissolved in plasma water) can pass out of the plasma through the capillary endothelium and reach other body fluids and tissues and hence its site(s) of action. Drug concentration in whole blood is also not considered to be an accurate indirect index of the concentration of drug at its site(s) of action since drug can bind to and enter blood cells. However, to measure the concentration of an unbound drug in plasma water requires more complex and sensitive assay methods than to measure the total concentration of both unbound and bound drug in total plasma. Thus, for clinical purposes, drug concentration in blood plasma is usually measured and is regarded as an index of drug concentration at the site(s) of action of the drug and of the clinicaleffects of the drug. However, it should be realized that this is a simplification and may not always be valid. Indeed one should not draw inferences about the clinical effects of a drug from its plasma concentration until it has been established that the two are consistently correlated. It has been assumed that the plasma drug concentration is directly proportional to the clinical effect of that drug.1. systemically [ sistə'mætikəli ] adv.有系统地,有组织地,有条理地,全身地systemic [si'stemik; -'sti:-] adj.系统的;体系的;全身的2. purpose ['pə:pəs] n.目的;用途;意志vt. 决心;企图;打算3. dynamic equilibrium [dai'næmik] [,i:kwi'libriəm] 动态平衡;动力平衡4. plasma ['plæzmə] n.等离子体;血浆5. reversible [ri'və:səbl] adj.可逆的;可撤消的;可反转的n. 双面布料6. capillary endothelium [kə'piləri, 'kæpi-] [,endəu'θi:liəm] 毛细血管内皮7. assay [ə'sei] n.化验;试验vt.分析;化验;尝试vi.鉴定;经检验证明内含成分8. simplification [,sɪmpləfə'keʃən] n.简单化;单纯化9. valid ['vælid] adj.有效的,有根据的;正当的10. draw inferences ['infərəns] 作出推论11. consistently [kən'sistəntli] adv.一贯地;一致地;坚实地12. proportional to [prə'pɔ:ʃənəl] 与……相称,与……成比例通常情况下,药物达到其作用部位、并维持足够的药物浓度,才能发挥疗效。
植物病理学词汇1)abacterial 无菌的2)abiotic 无生命的,非生物的3)acidic 酸性的4)acquired resistance 获得抗病性5)acquired susceptibility 获得感病性6)actinomyces 放线菌7)active ingredient 有效成分8)agroecosystem 农业生态系统9)agronomic 农艺学的, 农事的10)amino acid 氨基酸11)analysis of covariance 协方差分析12)analysis of variance 方差分析13)anatomy 剖析, 解剖学14)anoxic 厌氧的15)anthesis 开花期,开花16)antibiotics 抗生素,17)antibody 抗体18)antigen 抗原19)antitumor 抗癌的20)apoplastic 非原质体的21)ascomycetes 子囊菌22)asexual 无性的23)avirulence 无毒性24)baccine 疫苗25)bacteria 细菌26)bactericides 杀细菌剂27)basidiomycetes 担子菌28)biomass 生物数量29)biosynthesis 生物合成30)biotroph 活体营养31)biotype 生物型32)blast 枯萎病33)blight 枯萎病,疫病34)botanical 植物学的35)causal agents 病原体36)causal organism 病原生物37)chlamydospore 厚垣孢子38)chlorophyll 叶绿素39)chlorothalonil (daconil) 百菌清40)chromosome 染色体41)coevolution 协同进化42)colonization 移植43)cultilar 栽培品种44)cytogenetics 细胞遗传学45)cytokinetic 细胞动力学的46)cytoplasm 细胞质47)deactivation 灭活作用48)degradation 退化49)derosal 多菌灵50)detection 检定51)detoxification 脱毒52)dextrose 葡萄糖53)diagnostic 诊断的54)diagnostics 诊断学55)diapause 滞育(昆虫生长的停滞期),间歇期56)dicots 双子叶的57)dicotyledon 双子叶植物58)disease-resistant cultivar 抗病品种59)dormancy 冬眠60)dose 剂量61)downy mildews 霜霉62)economic thresholds 经济阈值63)ectoparasite 皮外寄生物, 外寄生虫64)electrophoresis 电泳65)endoparasitic 内部寄生的66)enzyme 酶67)epidemiology 流行病学68)epiphytotics 植物流行病的,植物流行病69)evolutionary 进化70)fatal temperature 致死温度71)fauna 动物群, 动物区系, 动物志72)fermentation 发酵73)flagellum 鞭毛74)fungi 真菌75)fungicides 杀真菌剂76)genera 属77)genome 基因组,染色体组78)genome 基因组79)genomic library 基因组库80)genotype 基因型81)habitat 生境82)herbicide 除草剂83)hereditary 遗传的84)heterozygous 杂合的85)hormone 荷尔蒙,激素86)hybrid 杂交,杂种的87)hydrophilic 亲水的88)hydrophobic 疏水的89)hypersensitive 过敏的90)hypha 菌丝91)immunology 免疫学92)in vitro 体外93)in vivo 体内94)inbreeding 近亲交配95)induced mutation 诱导突变96)inducible 可诱导的,可导致的97)infection cycle 侵染循环98)infection processs 侵染过程99)infective 可侵染的,有传染性的100)inhibition zone 抑菌圈101)inoculate 接种,嫁接102)inoculum 接种体103)inorganic 无机的104)interferon 干扰素105)invasion 入侵106)invertebrate 无脊椎动物107)isotope 同位素108)larva 幼虫109)lethal dose 致死中量110)mammalian 哺乳动物111)matrix 矩阵112)metabolic 代谢作用的, 新陈代谢的113)metabolite 代谢物114)microbial 微生物的,由细菌引起的115)micronutrient 微量营养素116)microscopic 用显微镜可见的117)mildethane 托布津118)mildew 霉病119)mitochondria 线粒体120)mold 霉,霉菌121)molecular 分子的,由分子组成的122)monoclonal antibody 单克隆抗体123)monocotyledonous 单子叶植物的124)morphology 形态学125)morphology 形态学126)mortality 死亡率127)mosaic 花叶128)multinucleate (细胞等)多核的129)mutant 突变异种130)mutation 突变131)mutualism 互惠共生132)mycelium 菌丝体(复数mycelia)133)mycotoxin 真菌毒素134)necrotic 坏死的135)nematicide 杀线虫剂136)nematode 线虫137)normal saline 生理盐水138)oomycetes 卵菌139)oviposition 产卵140)parasite 寄生虫,食客141)parasitism 寄生142)parthenogenesis 单性生殖, 孤雌生殖143)passive resistance 被动抗性144)Pasteurization 巴氏灭菌法145)pathogenicity 病原性,致病性146)pathogens 病原体(物)147)pathology 病理学148)penetrate 渗透149)pesticide 杀虫剂150)pesticide residue 农药残留151)phenology 物候学152)phenotype 显型153)photosynthesis 光合作用154)phylogeny 系统学,系统发育155)phytocentric 植物群落156)phytocide 植物杀菌素157)phytohormone 植物生长素158)phytopathology 植物病理学159)phytotoxic 植物性毒素的160)pollination 传粉, 授粉(作用) 161)polyclonal antibody 双克隆抗体162)polygenic 多基因的163)polymorphism 多型现象164)postharvest 收割期后的165)potential host 潜伏寄主166)probe 探针167)proliferation 增殖168)propagule 繁殖体169)protist 原生生物170)protoplast 原生质体171)quarantine 检疫172)reciprocal 互惠的173)resistance 抗药性174)rodenticide 灭鼠剂175)root-knot nematode 根结线虫176)rotozoan 原生动物177)secretion 分泌,分泌物(液) 178)segregate 隔离179)sensitivety 敏感性180)serology 血清学181)silborne 土传的182)smut 黑粉病183)soilborne 土壤带有的,土壤传播的184)sporangium 孢子囊185)sporosorus 休眠孢子堆186)stochastic 随机的187)strains 菌株188)stripe 斑纹,条纹189)sublethal dose 亚致死中量190)sustainable agriculture 可持续农业191)symbiosis 共生关系192)symposia 座谈会, 评论集193)symptomology 症状学194)target 靶子,标的195)taxonomy 分类学(法)196)template 模板197)therapeutics 治疗学、疗法198)threshold 临界值199)toxicity 毒性的200)toxigenic 产毒的201)transgenic 转基因的202)tumor 瘤203)ultrastructural 超微的204)vaccine 疫苗205)vector 介体206)virion 病毒粒子207)virological 病毒学的208)virulence 毒力,毒性209)virus 病毒210)vivo 活泼的211)wilt 萎蔫病212)winter spore 越冬孢子213)zoospore 游动孢子。
结果阿卡波糖组的糖化血红蛋白、空腹血糖、餐后2 h血糖优于格列吡嗪组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[关键词] 阿卡波糖;格列吡嗪;2型糖尿病;血糖;效果分析[中图分类号] R4 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)05(b)-0112-04 Comparsion of Acarbose and Glipizide in Reducing Blood Glucose in Pa⁃tients with Type 2 Diabetes MellitusZHU Weiguo, LIANG Ming, JIA QiangqiangDepartment of Pharmacy, Guanyun County People´s Hospital, Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, 222200 China [Abstract] Objective To study the therapeutic effect and pharmacological value of acarbose and glipizide in patients with type 2 diabetes. Methods A total of 120 patients with type 2 diabetes who received medical treatment in Guanyun County People´s Hospital of Lianyungang City from January to December 2022 were selected as the research objects and divided into two groups with 60 patients in each group by random number table method. Glipizide group was treated with glipizide group, and acarbose group was treated with acarbose group. Blood glucose level, therapeutic effect and incidence of adverse reactions were compared between the two groups. Results The glycated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose of the acarbose group were better than those of glipizide group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The total effective rate of the acarbose group was 96.67%, which was higher than 88.33% of the glipizide group, and the difference was statistically significant (χ2= 5.689, P<0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the incidence of adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05). Conclusion When acarbose is used in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus, it can better stabi⁃lize blood glucose and other related test values, and also meet the needs of patients in terms of drug safety.[Key words] Acarbose; Glipizide; Type 2 diabetes mellitus; Blood glucose; Effect analysis在中老年人群中,2型糖尿病的发病率极高[1],临床症状非常典型,极易诱发肾病、视网膜病等多种并发症[2]。
英语哲学思想解读50题1. The statement "All is flux" was proposed by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. HeraclitusD. Socrates答案:C。
选项A 柏拉图强调理念论;选项B 亚里士多德注重实体和形式;选项D 苏格拉底主张通过对话和反思来寻求真理。
2. "Know thyself" is a famous saying from _____.A. ThalesB. PythagorasC. DemocritusD. Socrates答案:D。
选项A 泰勒斯主要研究自然哲学;选项B 毕达哥拉斯以数学和神秘主义著称;选项C 德谟克利特提出了原子论。
3. Which philosopher believed that the world is composed of water?A. AnaximenesB. AnaximanderC. ThalesD. Heraclitus答案:C。
选项A 阿那克西美尼认为是气;选项B 阿那克西曼德认为是无定;选项D 赫拉克利特提出万物皆流。
4. The idea of the "Forms" was put forward by _____.A. PlatoB. AristotleC. EpicurusD. Stoics答案:A。
选项B 亚里士多德对其进行了批判和发展;选项C 伊壁鸠鲁主张快乐主义;选项D 斯多葛学派强调道德和命运。
5. Who claimed that "The unexamined life is not worth living"?A. PlatoB. AristotleC. SocratesD. Epicurus答案:C。
反证法英语作文In the realm of mathematics a common method used to prove a statement is the method of contradiction also known as reductio ad absurdum. This method involves assuming the opposite of what youre trying to prove and then showing that this assumption leads to a contradiction thereby proving the original statement must be true. Lets explore this concept in the context of an English essay.Title The Power of Proof by ContradictionIntroductionThe method of contradiction is a powerful tool in the mathematicians arsenal. It is a technique that has been used for centuries to prove the validity of various mathematical theorems and propositions. This essay will delve into the essence of the method of contradiction its historical significance and how it can be applied in solving complex problems.Historical BackgroundThe method of contradiction has its roots in ancient Greek philosophy particularly in the works of the philosopher Aristotle. He used this method to establish the principles of logic and reasoning. Over time this method has been refined and adapted by mathematicians to prove a wide range of mathematical statements.Understanding the MethodAt its core the method of contradiction involves four main steps1. Assume the opposite of the statement you want to prove.2. Deduce logical consequences from this assumption.3. Show that these consequences lead to a contradiction or an absurdity.4. Conclude that the original assumption must be false and therefore the statement you wanted to prove is true.Examples of ApplicationLets consider a classic example from geometry proving that the sum of the angles in a triangle is always 180 degrees. Using the method of contradiction one would assume thatthe sum of the angles in a triangle is not 180 degrees. By examining the implications of this assumption one would find that it leads to a contradiction with the properties of a straight line and the parallel postulate thus proving the original statement to be true.Advantages of the MethodThe method of contradiction offers several advantagesIt can be used to prove a statement without directly constructing a solution.It is particularly useful when the direct approach is difficult or not feasible.It encourages critical thinking by challenging the reader to consider the opposite of what is being proven.Challenges and LimitationsHowever the method of contradiction is not without its challenges. It requires a deep understanding of the subject matter to identify the correct assumptions and to deduce the logical consequences that lead to a contradiction. Additionally it can be less intuitive than direct proof methods making it harder for some to grasp.ConclusionThe method of contradiction is a testament to the power of logical reasoning in mathematics. It allows us to prove statements that might otherwise be elusive. By embracing this method we not only solve mathematical problems but also strengthen our analytical skills and our ability to think critically.ReflectionIn conclusion the method of contradiction is a valuable tool in the field of mathematics. It challenges us to think beyond the obvious and to explore the implications of our assumptions. As we apply this method we gain a deeper understanding of the principles that govern the world around us and we develop a more profound appreciation for the beauty of mathematical proof.。
complexity,accuracy and fluency in sla
Complexity, Accuracy and Fluency in Second Language Acquisition1ALEX HOUSEN AND 2FOLKERT KUIKEN1Vrije Universiteit Brussel, 2Universiteit van AmsterdamINTRODUCTIONThis special issue addresses a general question that is at the heart of much research in applied linguistics and second language acquisition (SLA): What makes a second or foreign language (L2) user, or a native speaker for that matter, a more or less proficient language user?Many researchers and language practicioners believe that the constructs of L2 performance and L2 proficiency are multi-componential in nature , and that their principal dimensions can be adequately, and comprehensively, captured by the notions of complexity, accuracy and fluency (e.g. Skehan 1998; Ellis 2003, 2008; Ellis and Barkhuizen 2005). As such, complexity, accuracy and fluency (henceforth CAF) have figured as major research variables in applied linguistic research. CAF have been used both as performance descriptors for the oral and written assessment of language learners as well as indicators of learners’ proficiency underlying their performance; they have also been used for measuring progress in language learning.A review of the literature suggests that the origins of this triad lie in research on L2 pedagogy where in the 1980s a distinction was made between fluent versus accurate L2 usage to investigate the development of oral L2 proficiency in classroom contexts. One of the first to use this dichotomy was Brumfit (1984), who distinguished between fluency-oriented activities, which foster spontaneous oral L2 production, and accuracy-oriented activities, which focus on linguistic form and on the controlled production of grammatically correct linguistic structures in the L2 (cf. also Hammerly 1991).The third component of the triad, complexity, was added in the 1990s, following Skehan(1989) who proposed an L2 model which for the first time included CAF as the three principal proficiency dimensions. In the 1990s the three dimensions were also given their traditional working definitions, which are still used today. Complexity has thus been commonly characterized as ‘[t]he extent to which the language produced in performing a task is elaborate and varied’ (Ellis 2003: 340), accuracy as the ability to produce error-free speech, and fluency as the ability to process the L2 with ‘native-like rapidity’ (Lennon 1990: 390) or ‘the extent to which the language produced in performing a task manifests pausing, hesitation, or reformulation’ (Ellis 2003: 342).CAF in SLA researchSince the 1990s these three concepts have appeared predominantly, and prominently, as dependent variables in SLA research. Examples include studies of the effects on L2 acquisition of age, instruction, individuality features, task type, as well as studies on the effects of learning context (e.g. Bygate 1999; Collentine 2004; Derwing and Rossiter 2003; Skehan and Foster 1999; Freed 1995; Freed, Segalowitz and Dewey 2004; Kuiken and Vedder 2007; Muñoz 2006; Spada and Tomita 2007; Yuan and Ellis 2003). From this diverse body of research, CAF emerge as distinct components of L2 performance and L2 proficiency which can be separately measured and which may be variably manifested under varying conditions of L2 use, and which may be differentially developed by different types of learners under different learning conditions.From the mid-1990s onwards, inspired by advances in cognitive psychology and psycholinguistics (cf. Anderson 1993; Levelt 1989), CAF have also increasingly figured as the primary foci or even as the independent variables of investigation in SLA (e.g. Guillot 1999; Hilton, 2008; Housen, Pierrard and Van Daele 2005; Larsen-Freeman 2006; Lennon 2000; Riggenbach 2000; Robinson 2001; Segalowitz 2007; Skehan 1998; Skehan and Foster 2007; Tonkyn 2007; Towell 2007; Towell and Dewaele 2005; Tavakoli and Skehan 2005; Van Daele,Housen and Pierrard 2007). Here CAF emerge as principal epiphenomena of the psycholinguistic mechanisms and processes underlying the acquisition, representation and processing of L2 knowledge. There is some evidence to suggest that complexity and accuracy are primarily linked to the current state of the learner’s (partly declarative, explicit and partly procedural, implicit) interlanguage knowledge (L2 rules and lexico-formulaic knowledge) whereby complexity is viewed as ‘the scope of expanding or restructured second language knowledge’ and accuracy as ‘the conformity of second language knowledge to target language norms’ (Wolfe-Quintero et al. 1998: 4). Thus, complexity and accuracy are seen as relating primarily to L2 knowledge representation and to the level of analysis of internalized linguistic information. In contrast, fluency is primarily related to learners’ control over their linguistic L2 knowledge, as reflected in the speed and ease with which they access relevant L2 information to communicate meanings in real time, with ‘control improv[ing] as the learner automatizes the process of gaining access’ (Wolfe-Quintero et al. 1998: 4).Defining CAFIn spite of the long research interest in CAF, none of these three constructs is uncontroversial and many questions remain, including such fundamental questions as how complexity, accuracy and fluency should be defined as constructs. Despite the belief that we share a common definition of CAF as researchers and language teachers, there is evidence that agreement cannot be taken for granted and that various definitions and interpretations coexist. Accuracy (or correctness) is probably the oldest, most transparent and most consistent construct of the triad, referring to the degree of deviancy from a particular norm (Hammerly 1991; Wolfe-Quintero et al. 1998). Deviations from the norm are usually characterized as errors. Straightforward though this characterization may seem, it raises the thorny issue of criteria for evaluating accuracy and identifying errors, including whether these criteria should be tuned to prescriptive standard norms(as embodied by an ideal native speaker of the target language) or to non-standard and even non-native usages acceptable in some social contexts or in some communities (Ellis 2008; James 1998; Polio 1997).There is not the same amount of (relative) denotative congruence in the applied linguistics community with regard to fluency and complexity as there is with regard to accuracy. Historically, and in lay usage, fluency typically refers to a person's general language proficiency, particularly as characterized by perceptions of ease, eloquence and ‘smoothness’ of speech or writing (Chambers 1997; Freed 2000; Guillot 1999; Hilton 2008; Lennon 1990; Koponen and Riggenbach 2000). Language researchers for their part have mainly analyzed oral production data to determine exactly which quantifiable linguistic phenomena contribute to fluency in L2 speech (e.g. Lennon 1990; Kormos and Dénes 2004; Cucchiarini, Strik and Boves 2002; Towell, Hawkins and Bazergui 1996). This research suggests that speech fluency is a multi-componential construct in which different sub-dimensions can be distinguished, such as speed fluency (rate and density of delivery), breakdown fluency (number, length and distribution of pauses in speech) and repair fluency (number of false starts and repetitions) (Tavakoli and Skehan 2005).As befits the term, complexity is the most complex, ambiguous and least understood dimension of the CAF triad. For a start, the term is used in the SLA literature to refer both to properties of language task (task complexity) and to properties of L2 performance and proficiency (L2 complexity) (e.g., Robinson 2001; Skehan 2001). L2 complexity in turn has been interpreted in at least two different ways: as cognitive complexity and as linguistic complexity (DeKeyser 2008; Housen, Pierrard and Van Daele 2005; Williams and Evans 1998). Both types of complexity in essence refer to properties of language features (items, patterns, structures, rules) or (sub)systems (phonological, morphological, syntactic, lexical) thereof. However, whereas cognitive complexity is defined from the perspective of the L2 learner-user, linguistic complexity is defined from the perspective of the L2 system or the L2 features. Cognitive complexity (ordifficulty) refers to the relative difficulty with which language features are processed in L2 performance and acquisition. The cognitive complexity of an L2 feature is a variable property which is determined both by subjective, learner-dependent factors (e.g. aptitude, memory span, motivation, L1 background) as well as by more objective factors, such as its input saliency or its inherent linguistic complexity. Thus, cognitive complexity is a broader notion than linguistic complexity, which is one of the (many) factors that may (but need not) contribute to learning or processing difficulty.Linguistic complexity, in turn, has been thought of in at least two different ways: as a dynamic property of the learner’s interlanguage system at large and as a more stable property of the individual linguistic elements that make up the interlanguage system. Accordingly, when considered at the level of the learner’s interlanguage system, linguistic complexity has been commonly interpreted as the size, elaborateness, richness and diversity of the learner’s linguistic L2 system. When considered at the level of the individual features themselves, one could speak of structural complexity, which itself can be further broken down into the formal and the functional complexity of an L2 feature (DeKeyser 1998; Williams and Evans 1988; Housen, Pierrard and Van Daele 2005).Operationalizing and measuring CAFClearly, then, accuracy and particularly fluency and complexity are multifaceted and multidimensional concepts. Related to the problems of constructed validity discussed above (i.e. the fact that CAF lack appropriate definitions supported by theories of linguistics and language learning), there are also problems concerning their operationalization, that is, how CAF can be validly, reliably and efficiently measured. CAF have been evaluated across various language domains by means of a wide variety of tools, ranging from holistic and subjective ratings by lay or expert judges, to quantifiable measures (frequencies, ratios, formulas) of general or specificlinguistic properties of L2 production so as to obtain more precise and objective accounts of an L2 learner’s level within each (sub-)dimension of proficiency (e.g. range of word types and proportion of subordinate clauses for lexical and syntactic complexity, number and type of errors for accuracy, number of syllables and pauses for fluency; for inventories of CAF measures, see Ellis and Barkhuizen 2005; Iwashita, Brown, McNamara and O'Hagan 2008; Polio 2001; Wolfe-Quintero et al. 1998). However, critical surveys of the available tools and metrics for gauging CAF have revealed various problems, both in terms of the analytic challenges which they present and in terms of their reliability, validity and sensitivity (Norris and Ortega 2003; Ortega 2003; Polio 1997, 2001; Wolfe-Quintero et al. 1998). Also the (cor)relation between holistic and objective measures of CAF, and between general and more specific, developmentally-motivated measures, does not appear to be straightforward (e.g. Halleck 1995; Skehan 2003; Robinson and N. Ellis 2008).Interaction of CAF componentsAnother point of discussion concerns the question to what extent these three dimensions arein(ter)dependent in L2 performance and L2 development (Ellis 1994, 2008; Skehan 1998; Robinson 2001; Towell 2007). For instance, according to Ellis, increase in fluency in L2 acquisition may occur at the expense of development of accuracy and complexity due to the differential development of knowledge analysis and knowledge automatization in L2 acquisition and the ways in which different forms of implicit and explicit knowledge influence the acquisition process. The differential evolution of fluency, accuracy and complexity would furthermore be caused by the fact that ‘the psycholinguistic processes involved in using L2 knowledge are distinct from acquiring new knowledge. To acquire the learner must attend consciously to the input and, perhaps also, make efforts to monitor output, but doing so may interfere with fluent reception and production’ (Ellis 1994: 107). Researchers who subscribe tothe view that the human attention mechanism and processing capacity are limited (e.g. Bygate 1999; Skehan 1998; Skehan and Foster 1999) also see fluency as an aspect of L2 production which competes for attentional resources with accuracy, while accuracy in turn competes with complexity. Learners may focus (consciously or subconsciously) on one of the three dimensions to the detriment of the other two. A different view is proposed by Robinson (2001, 2003) who claims that learners can simultaneously access multiple and non-competitional attentional pools; as a result manipulating task complexity by increasing the cognitive demands of a task can lead to simultaneous improvement of complexity and accuracy.OVERVIEW OF THE VOLUMEAs the above discussion demonstrates, many challenges remain in attempting to understand the nature and role of CAF in L2 use, L2 acquisition and in L2 research. But despite these challenges, complexity, accuracy and fluency are concepts that are still widely used to evaluate L2 learners, both in SLA research as in L2 education contexts. We therefore thought it timely to take stock of what L2 research on CAF has brought us so far and in which directions future research could or should develop. With this broad goal in mind, four central articles were invited (by Rod Ellis; Peter Skehan; John Norris and Lourdes Ortega; Peter Robinson, Teresa Cadierno and Yasuhiro Shirai), and two commentary articles were commissioned (by Diane Larsen-Freeman and Gabriele Pallotti).Controversial issuesThe following issues were offered to the contributors as guidelines for reflection and discussion: 1.The constructs of CAF: definition, theoretical base and scopeExactly what is meant by complexity, accuracy and fluency, i.e. how can they be defined as constructs? To what extent do CAF adequately and exhaustively capture all relevant aspects anddimensions of L2 performance and L2 proficiency? To what extent are the three constructs themselves multi-componential? How do they manifest themselves in the various domains of language (e.g. phonology and prosody, lexis, morphology, syntax)? How do they relate to theoretical models of L2 competence, L2 proficiency and L2 processing? And how do CAF relate to L2 development (i.e. are CAF valid indicators of language development)?2.Operationalization and measurement of CAFHow can the three constructs best be operationalized as components of L2 performance and L2 proficiency in a straightforward, objective and non-intuitive way in empirical research designs? How can they be most adequately (i.e. validly, reliably and practically) measured?3.Interdependency of the CAF component sTo what extent are the three CAF components independent of one another in either L2 performance, L2 proficiency and L2 development? To what extent can they be measured separately?4.Underlying correlates of CAFWhat are the underlying linguistic, cognitive and psycholinguistic correlates of CAF? How do the three constructs relate to a learner’s knowledge bases (e.g. implicit-explicit, declarative-procedural), memory stores (working, short-term or long-term), and processing mechanisms and learning processes (e.g. attention, automatization, proceduralization)?5.External factors that influence CAFWhich external factors can influence the manifestation and development of CAF in L2 learning and use, such as, for example characteristics of language tasks (e.g. type and amount of planning), personality and socio-psychological features of the L2 learner (e.g. degree of extraversion, language anxiety, motivation, language aptitude), and features of pedagogic intervention (e.g. what types of instruction are effective for developing each of these dimensions within a classroom context?)The contributions to this special issue all explicitly focus on either one, two or all three of the CAF constructs in relation to one or several of the five issues listed above, which in some cases are illustrated with new empirical research. We will now present a short overview of the topics and questions that are raised by the authors in the four central articles and in the two commentaries.EllisThe first article by Rod Ellis addresses the role and effects of one type of external factor, planning, on CAF in L2 performance and L2 acquisition. Ellis first presents a state-of-art/comprehensive survey of the research on planning. Three types of planning seem to be relevant with respect to CAF: rehearsal, strategic planning and within-task planning. Ellis concludes that all three types of planning have a beneficial effect on fluency, but the results for complexity and accuracy are more mixed, reflecting both the type of planning and also the mediating role of various other external factors, including task design, implementation variables and individual difference factors.Ellis then provides a theoretical account for the role of planning in L2 performance in terms of Levelt’s (1989) model of speech production and the distinction between implicit and explicit L2 knowledge. Rehearsal provides an opportunity for learners to attend to all three components in Levelt’s model – conceptualization, formulation and articulation – and thus benefits all three dimensions of L2 production. According to the author, strategic planning assists conceptualization in particular and thus contributes to greater message complexity and also to enhanced fluency. Unpressured within-task planning eases formulation and also affords time for monitoring, that is, for using explicit L2 knowledge; in this way accuracy increases.SkehanThe second article, by Peter Shehan, addresses the issue of operationalization and measurement of CAF. Skehan claims that fluency needs to be rethought if it is to be measured effectively. In addition he argues that CAF measures need to be supplemented by measures of lexical use. Not only because empirical evidence suggests that the latter is a separate aspect of overall performance, but also because lexical access and retrieval figure prominently in all models of speech production. Skehan also points to the lack of native speaker data in CAF research. Such data are of crucial importance, as they constitute a baseline along which L2 learners can be compared. Skehan presents a number of empirical studies in which, for identical tasks and similar task conditions, both native and non-native participants are involved, and for which measures of complexity, accuracy (for non-native speakers only), fluency, and lexis were obtained. Results suggest that the difference between native and non-native performance on tasks is related more to aspects of fluency and lexis than to the grammatical complexity of the language produced. Regarding fluency, the major difference between the two groups is the pattern of pause locations, in that native speakers use end-of-clause points for more effective, listener-friendly pausing, pausing there slightly more often albeit for shorter periods, while non-natives pause more mid-clause. Lexical performance is noticeably different between the two groups, both in terms of lexical density and of lexical variety (i.e. the use of less frequent words). Especially interesting is the difference in disruptiveness for fluency of the use of less frequent words, as non-natives are derailed in speech planning when they are pushed to use such words more because of task demands.Skehan also considers the issue of interdependency between CAF measures; in particular between accuracy and complexity, since positive correlations between these two aspects have been less common in the literature. In order to account for these correlations. Skehan explores rival claims from his own Trade-off Hypothesis and Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis. Skehan argues that such joint raised performance in accuracy and complexity is not a function of taskdifficulty (as Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis would predict) but, rather, that it reflects the joint operation of separate task and task condition factors. Like Ellis, Skehan tries to link the research findings to Levelt’s (1989) model of speaking.Robinson, Cadierno and ShiraiThe article by Peter Robinson, Teresa Cadierno and Yasuhiro Shirai exemplifies a particularly prolific strand of empirical research on CAF, namely research on the impact of task properties on learners’ L2 performance. The authors present results of two studies that measure the effects of increasing the complexity of task demands in two conceptual domains (time and motion) using specific rather than general measures of the accuracy and complexity of L2 speech production. The studies are carried out within the theoretical framework of Robinson’s Cognition Hypothesis. This hypothesis claims that pedagogic tasks should be sequenced for learners in an order of increasing cognitive complexity, and that along resource-directing dimensions of task demands increasing effort at conceptualization promotes more complex and more grammaticized L2 speech production.The specific measures used are motivated by research into the development of tense-aspect morphology for reference time, and by typological, cross-linguistic research into the use of lexicalization patterns for reference to motion. Results show that there is more complex, developmentally advanced use of tense-aspect morphology on conceptually demanding tasks compared to less demanding tasks, and a trend to more accurate, target-like use of lexicalization patterns for referring to motion on complex tasks. By using specific measures of complexity and accuracy (alongside general measures), these authors address the issue of measurement of CAF in their contribution. They contrast the effectiveness of these conceptually specific metrics with the general metrics for assessing task-based language production used in previous studies, and argue for the use of both. In addition, Robinson, Cadierno and Shirai also argue for a higher sensitivityof the specific measures which are used in order to gauge cognitive processing effects on L2 speech production along selected dimensions of task complexity.Norris and OrtegaThe article by John Norris and Lourdes Ortega addresses the crucial issue of the operationalization and measurement of CAF. They critically examine current practices in the measurement of complexity, accuracy, and fluency in L2 production to illustrate the need for what they call more organic and sustainable measurement practices. Building from the case of syntactic complexity, they point to impoverished operationalizations of multi-dimensional CAF constructs and the lack of attention to CAF as a dynamic and inter-related set of constantly changing sub-systems. They observe a disjuncture among the theoretical claims researchers make, the definition of the constructs that they attempt to measure, and the grain size and focus of the operationalizations via which measurement happens. Furthermore they question current reasoning, under which a linear or co-linear trajectory of greater accuracy, fluency, and complexity is expected. Instead they want to consider measurement demands that stem from a dynamic, variable, and non-linear view of L2 development. They therefore call for a closer relation between theory and measurement and argue for a more central role for multi-dimensionality, dynamicity, variability, and non-linearity in future CAF research.This overview of the four central articles in this volume shows that the authors approach CAF from various perspectives, focus on different issues and investigate distinct research topics. What they share is their desire to build further on the results to date. This is where the commentaries by Diane Larsen-Freeman and Gabriele Pallotti come in.Larsen-FreemanLarsen-Freeman starts by reminding us of the fact that, historically, CAF research has come out of the search for an L2 developmental index. The big challenge has always been how to operationalize CAF. According to Larsen-Freeman the measures we have been using to date may be too blunt and not suitable because we may not have been looking at the right things in the right places. She therefore seconds Robinson, Cadierno and Shirai’s suggestion not to stick to general measures, but to use more specific measures and to look at more detailed aspects of performance. She further points out that the operationalization and measurement issue is complicated by the interdependency of the CAF components. As mentioned by some of the authors in this volume, there is an increasing amount of evidence, that complexity, accuracy and fluency do not operate in complete independence form each other, and that findings obtained by CAF measures depend on the participants involved and on the context in which the data have been collected. For those reasons Larsen-Freeman does not expect much from studying the CAF components one by one to see what effect they have on learner performance in a linear causal way. In her view such a reductionist approach does little to advance our understanding, as we risk ignoring their mutual interaction. Instead, we should try to capture the development of multiple sub-systems over time, and in relation to each other. With reference to Wolfe-Quintero et al. (1998) who have demonstrated that many, if not all, aspects of language development are non-linear, Larsen-Freeman calls for a broader conceptual framework and for more longitudinal and non-linear research, in which difference and variation occupy a central role. She considers a dynamic or complex systems theory, in which more socially-oriented measures of development are employed as the best candidates for such a framework.PallottiPallotti starts by signaling some definitional and operationalizational problems of CAF constructs. As an example of an unresolved question in this area he opposes Skehan – whodoubts whether lexical and syntactic complexity are ‘different aspects of the same performance area’ or two separate areas – to Norris and Ortega, who consider syntactic complexity to be a multi-dimensional construct with several sub-constructs. Pallotti considers CAF to be a good starting point for describing linguistic performance, but they do not constitute a theory or a research program in themselves. He emphasizes that a clear distinction should be made between on the one hand CAF, referring to the properties of language performance as a product, and linguistic development on the other, referring to a process, with its sub-dimensions such as route and rate.In line with Larsen-Freeman, and with specific reference to the contributions by Norris and Ortega and Robinson et al., Pallotti welcomes the use of specific measures in addition to the more general ones, as one cannot expect that ‘all sorts of task complexification lead to higher complexity of any linguistic feature.’ He questions, however, what the use of specific measures may contribute to theorizing about CAF. Although by using specific measures the relationship between task difficulty and linguistic complexity may become more reliable, ‘discovering such relationships looks more like validating the tasks as elicitation procedures for specific linguistic features than like confirmations of general theories about speech production.’Pallotti agrees with Larsen-Freeman’s call for a more central role of non-linearity in L2 acquisition. He illustrates this by referring to Norris and Ortega’s example that syntactic complexity as measured by means of a subordination ratio may not always increase linearly, but that syntactic complexity may grow in other ways, for example by phrasal and clausal complexification. And also for accuracy it is not always the case that ‘more is better’. He does not, however, embrace Larsen-Freeman’s idea that variation should move to the front of CAF research. This is what he calls ‘the necessary variation fallacy’: research should not only be concerned with variations and differences, but also with constants and similarities. Instead he argues that adequacy be included as a separate dimension of L2 production and proficiency,。
51、没有哪个社会可以制订一部永远 适用的 宪法, 甚至一 条永远 适用的 法律。 ——杰 斐逊 52、法律源于人的自卫本能。——英 格索尔
53、人们通常会发现,法律就ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้这样 一种的 网,触 犯法律 的人, 小的可 以穿网 而过, 大的可 以破网 而出, 只有中 等的才 会坠入 网中。 ——申 斯通 54、法律就是法律它是一座雄伟的大 夏,庇 护着我 们大家 ;它的 每一块 砖石都 垒在另 一块砖 石上。 ——高 尔斯华 绥 55、今天的法律未必明天仍是法律。 ——罗·伯顿
11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。——邓拓 12、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。——爱尔兰 13、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。——老子 14、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。——歌德 15、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。——迈克尔·F·斯特利
迷迭香酸(罗丹酚酸)对H2O2处理过的皮肤黑色素瘤细胞的抗氧化作用Sun Mi Yoo1 and Jeong Ran Kang2*1.韩国光州500-741号东冈大学美容系2.韩国首尔143-701号建国大学生物工程系2009.2.6收到 2009.4.17接收本学科旨在检测迷迭香酸对人工孵育的皮肤黑色素瘤细胞在ROS下的抗氧化作用。
用20-110 μM 的H2O2处理皮肤黑色素瘤细胞5-7h后,细胞活性的降低呈剂量和时间依赖性。
通过XTT比色法测得H2O2的半抑制浓度(IC50 )为90μM。
用50-90μM的H2O2处理8h后测得LDH50为60 μM H2O2。
通过H2O2的处理,迷迭香酸能在细胞内能增强细胞活性和DPPH 自由基清除活性,降低乳酸盐脱氢酶的活性。
Key words:DPPH-radical scavenging, LDH, rosmarinic acid, XTT assay关键字:DPPH自由基清除活性,乳酸脱氢酶,迷迭香酸,XTT比色法据研究发现,ROS通过氧化应激对细胞的损伤和一些脑部疾病比如帕金森症或心脏疾病例如心肌梗塞之间有很大的关联[Difazio et al., 1992; Delanty and Dichter, 1998].尤其是研究人员认为ROS是皮肤老化的一个主要的因素后,一直试图从ROS方面研究衰老。
[Yokozawa et al., 1998].据研究表明,ROS的氧化应激会通过萎缩细胞引起各种疾病,例如超氧自由基、H2O2(H2O2)或羟基自由基的巯基蛋白反应中断酶的活性,破坏脱氧RMA(DNA)或RMA(RNA),诱导细胞膜脂质过氧化。
名解ABO血型系统(ABO blood group system):根据红细膜上是否含有A凝集原或B凝集原,将血液分成A型、B型、AB型和O型四种血型,红细胞膜上含A凝集原的称A型,含B凝集原的称B型,同时含A凝集原和B凝集原的为AB型,不含A凝集原和B凝集原的为O型,这一血型系统称为ABO血型系统。
主动转运(active transport):指细胞膜通过本身的耗能过程,在细胞膜特殊蛋白协助下,将某种分子或离子逆电—化学梯度所进行的跨膜转运的过程。
传入侧支性抑制(afferent collateral inhibition):指某一感觉传入纤维进入中枢后,在直接兴奋某一中枢的神经元的同时,并通过其侧支兴奋一个抑制性中间神经元,经此神经元进而使另一个中枢的神经元发生抑制。
肺泡通气量(alveolar ventilation volume):指每分钟吸入肺泡并进行气体交换的有效气体,即:肺泡通气量=(潮气量-无效腔容积)×呼吸频率。
基础代谢率(basal metabolism rate,BMR):是指单位时间内每平方米体表面积的基础代谢。
一般要求在进食12~14h 后。
基本电节律(basic electrical rhythm,BER):消化管平滑肌可在静息电位基础上自动地产生慢的去极化传导波,因它决定消化道平滑肌的收缩节律,故称为基本电节律,又称慢波(slow wave)。
盲点(blind spot):在视网膜处,由黄斑向鼻侧3mm,直径约3mm的视神经乳头处,没有感光细胞的分布,落入该处的光线不能被感知,此部位被称为盲点。
血液凝固(blood coagulation):血液由流动的液体变成不能流动的凝胶状态的过程,称为血液凝固。
福林肖卡法的英文专业名词The Fulin Xiaoka method, a term unfamiliar to many, is a specialized approach in the field of linguistics. It focuses on the phonetic and syntactic aspects of language learning, emphasizing the importance of native-like pronunciation and sentence structure.This method advocates for immersive learning experiences, where students are encouraged to engage with the language ina variety of contexts to develop a deep understanding of its nuances. From casual conversations to formal speeches, the Fulin Xiaoka method aims to equip learners with theversatility to navigate through different linguistic scenarios.One of the key components of the Fulin Xiaoka approach is the use of authentic materials. By incorporating native texts, audio, and video resources, learners are exposed to the language as it is naturally used by speakers, fostering amore intuitive grasp of the language.Another aspect of this method is the emphasis on cultural immersion. Understanding the cultural context in which a language is used is crucial for effective communication. The Fulin Xiaoka method integrates cultural studies to provide a holistic learning experience.Moreover, the method promotes active participation andinteraction. Learners are encouraged to practice speaking and writing regularly, with feedback mechanisms in place to ensure continuous improvement.Lastly, the Fulin Xiaoka method also places importance on the development of critical thinking skills. By analyzing language patterns and structures, learners are not only acquiring a new language but also enhancing their analytical abilities.In essence, the Fulin Xiaoka method is a comprehensive and multifaceted approach to language learning that goes beyond mere memorization, aiming to cultivate a genuine command of the language and its cultural intricacies.。
In the vast tapestry of human nature, the study of personality is a fascinating subject that has intrigued philosophers, psychologists, and everyday individuals for centuries. As a high school student, Ive always been curious about the different facets of personality and how they shape our interactions and experiences.Growing up, I was surrounded by a diverse group of friends and family members, each with their own unique set of traits and behaviors. My father, for instance, is an extrovert, always the life of the party, while my mother is more of an introvert, preferring quiet evenings at home with a good book. These contrasting personalities have always fascinated me, and Ive often found myself pondering the reasons behind their differences.One of the most influential theories in the study of personality is the Big Five model, which categorizes personality traits into five broad dimensions: openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism. Ive found this model to be particularly useful in understanding the complexities of human behavior. For example, my fathers high extraversion score explains his sociable nature, while my mothers high conscientiousness score reflects her organized and responsible demeanor.However, Ive also come to realize that personality is not a onesizefitsall concept. People are multifaceted, and their personalities can change depending on the situation. For instance, Ive noticed that my mother can be quite outgoing and sociable when shes with her close friends, despite her generally introverted nature. This observation has led me to explore other theories of personality, such as the social cognitive theory, whichemphasizes the role of situational factors in shaping behavior.In addition to theoretical models, Ive also found personal anecdotes and experiences to be valuable in understanding personality. For example, I have a friend who is known for her creativity and artistic talent. She often surprises us with her unique ideas and perspectives, which I believe stem from her high openness to experience. This observation has made me appreciate the importance of recognizing and nurturing individual strengths and talents.Moreover, Ive come to understand that personality traits can have significant implications for our relationships and interactions with others. For instance, people who score high in agreeableness tend to be more cooperative and empathetic, making them good team players and friends. On the other hand, those who score high in neuroticism may experience more emotional ups and downs, which can sometimes strain relationships.As I delve deeper into the study of personality, Ive also become more aware of the role of culture in shaping personality traits. Different societies and cultural backgrounds can influence the way individuals express their personalities and interact with others. For example, collectivist cultures may place a greater emphasis on conformity and harmony, leading to higher levels of agreeableness among individuals.Furthermore, Ive learned that understanding personality can be instrumental in personal growth and selfimprovement. By recognizing our own strengths and weaknesses, we can work on developing areas thatneed improvement and leverage our strengths to achieve our goals. For instance, Ive found that my own high level of conscientiousness helps me stay organized and focused on my studies, but I also recognize the need to work on my openness to experience to foster more creativity and adaptability.In conclusion, the study of personality is a multifaceted and complex field that offers valuable insights into human behavior and relationships. By exploring various theories, personal experiences, and cultural influences, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. This knowledge not only enriches our social interactions but also contributes to our personal growth and development. As a high school student, I am excited to continue exploring the fascinating world of personality and its impact on our lives.。
C factor C 因素C fibre C 纤维C light source C 光源C reaction C 反应C score C 分数C value C 值CA 实足年龄cacesthesia 感觉异常cachectic 恶病质的cachexia 恶病质cachexia 衰弱期cachinnate 狂笑cachinnation 痴笑cacodemonomania 魔附妄想cacoepy 发音不准cacoethes operandi 手术癖cacogenesis 畸形cacogenesis 劣生cacogenic 种族退化的cacogenics 劣生学cacogenics 种族退化学cacogeusia 恶味cacography 拼写错误cacology 发音不准cacoplastic 成形不良的cacoplastic 构造异常的cacosmia 恶臭cacothenics 种族衰退cacothymia 心情恶劣cacotrophia 营养不良cacotrophy 营养不良CAD 计算机辅助设计caddish 缺乏教养的cadger 乞丐caducity 暂时性caecitas 盲caecum vestibulare 前庭盲端cafeteria feeding 自选食cafeteria feeding 自助式喂儿法caffeine 咖啡因caffeinism 咖啡因中毒cage 笼cage apparatus 笼状仪器CAI 计算机辅助教学Cain complex 凯因情结Cain complex 兄弟敌对情结cainotophobia 新事恐怖症Cain Levine Social Competency Scale 凯莱二氏社会能力量表cairophobia 临场恐怖症caitiff 卑鄙的人Cajal method 卡捷法cake of custom 反变现象CAL 计算机辅助学习calcarine fissure 距状裂calcium pump 钙棒calculate 计算calculated error 计算误差calculated value 计算值calculating card 计算卡片calculating chart 计算图calculating data 计算数据calculating inspection 计算检查calculating machine 计算机calculating sorting machine 分类计算机calculation 计算calculation chart 计算图calculative skill 计算技能calculative strategy 计算策略calculus 演算calculus of observation 观测演算calculus of proposition 命题演算calf love 雏恋calibration 刻度calibration 校准calibration instrument 校准仪器California Achievement Tests 加州成就测验California Infant Scale 加州婴儿量表California Occupational Preference Survey 加州职业偏好调查表California Personality Inventory 加州人格量表California Psychological Inventory 加州心理测验量表California Test of Mental Maturity 加州心理成熟测验California Test of Personality 加州人格测验caliper 测径器call 喊叫callback 复查calligraphy 笔迹calling 感召calling sequence 引入序列callipedia 美婴欲callomania 美貌狂callosal apraxia 胼胝体运用不能callosum 胼胝体calm type 沉静型calmative 镇静的caloric nystagmus 温度性眼震calorie 卡(热量单位)caloriemeter 热量计calque 仿照calvaria 颅盖calvarium 颅盖Cal 大卡CAM 计算机辅助制造camaraderie 同志感camera lucida 投影描图器camera obscure 暗箱camouflage 伪装cAMP 环 磷酸腺苷Campbell chart 坎贝尔图campimeter 视野测量器Canadian Psychological Association 加拿大心理学会canalis facialis 面神经管canalis semicircularis anterior 前半规管canalis semicircularis anterior 上半规管canalis semicircularis posterior 后半规管canalis semicircularis posterior 下半规管canalization 定型化canalization 疏引作用cancel 删去cancellation 废除cancellation 划消cancellation ability 消字能力cancellation method 划消法cancellation test 划消测验cancer 癌症cancer cells 癌细胞cancerogenic 致癌的cancerophobia 癌症恐怖症candela 坎德拉candela per square foot 坎每平方英尺candela per square meter 坎每平方米candid 公正的candle 烛candle power 烛光candle problem 腊烛问题candor 坦率canine madness 狂犬病cannabiomania 大麻癖cannabis 大麻cannabism 大麻依赖cannabism 大麻中毒canned data 存储的信息cannibalism 同类相残canniness 精明Cannon emergency function 嘉农应急机能Cannon theory of emotion 嘉龙情绪理论Cannon s theory 嘉农氏理论Cannon Bard theory of emotion 嘉龙 巴特情绪说canon 准则canonic form 典型形式canonical analysis 双复式分析canonical correlation 双复式相关canonical correlation analysis 典型相关分析canonical correlation coefficient 典型相关系数canonical order 双复式次序canonist 经院派canvasser 推销员CAPcapability 能力capacitation 获得能力capacity 能力capacity 容量capacity of bearing legal responsibility 法律责任能力capacity of resisting disturbance 抗干扰能力capacity test 能量测验Capgras syndrome 卡氏综合症capillarectasia 毛细管扩张capillaritis 毛细管炎capillary 毛细管caprice 任性caprice 突发capsicism 辣椒癖capsula auditus 耳软骨囊capsula externa 外囊capsula interna 内囊capsule 囊caption 题目captious 吹毛求疵的captivate 迷住captivation 吸引力captivator 有吸引力的人captive 被控制的capture 引起注意captured audience 被吸引的听众carbachol 碳酰胆碱carbamate 氨基甲酸酯carbamic acid 氨基甲酸carbon dioxide 二氧化碳carbon monoxide 一氧化碳carbon monoxide poisoning 一氧化碳中毒carcinogen 致癌物carcinoma 癌carcinomatosis 癌病carcinophobia 恐癌症card 卡片card index 卡片索引card reader 卡片读出器cardiac 心脏的cardiac activity 心博cardiac center 心博中枢cardiac cost 心脏的负担cardiac cycle 心博周期cardiac efficiency 心效率cardiac impulse 心冲动cardiac index 心脏指标cardiac neurosis 心脏神经官能症cardiac output 心脏输出量cardiac plexus 心神经丛cardiac rate 心率cardiac reflex 心反射cardiac rhythm 心节律cardiac wave 心波cardiagraphy 心动描记法cardiant 心兴奋药cardiasthenia 心衰弱cardiataxia 心博失调cardinal disposition 首要性格cardinal point 基点cardinal points reflex 基本方位反射cardinal trait 首要特质cardinal utility 基数效用cardiochronograph 心脏计时器cardiocinetic 促心动的cardiocybernetics 心脏控制论cardioexcitatory 兴奋心脏的cardiogram 心动图cardiograph 心动仪cardiographic 心动描记的cardiographic curve 心动描记曲线cardiography 心动描记术cardioinhibitor 心动抑制剂cardiology 心脏学cardiomotility 心脏活动cardioneurosis 心脏神经症cardiopalmus 心悸cardiophobia 心脏病恐怖症cardiophonogram 心音图cardiophonography 心音描记法cardiopneumograph 心肺运动描记器cardioregulatory center 心脏调节中枢cardiosphygmogram 心动脉博图cardiosphygmograph 心动脉博描记器cardiosphygmography 心动脉博描记法cardiotachometer 心动频率计cardiotachometry 心率记录法cardiovascular disorder 心血管障碍cardiovascular system 心血管系统cardio accelerator 心动加速剂cardio acceleratory 心动加速的cardio acceleratory center 心动加速中枢cardio acceleratory mechanism 心动加速机制cardio inhibitory 心动抑制的cardio inhibitory center 心动抑制中枢cardio inhibitory mechanism 心动抑制机制cardio respiratory ratio 心博呼吸比率cardi accelerator 心动加速剂card sorting test 卡片分类测验care 小心care of young 护幼career 职业经历Career Adjustment and Development Inventory 职业调适和发展问卷career anchors 事业定位career appraisal 事业评价Career Assessment Inventory 职业评估测验career change 职业变换career choice 事业选择career commitment 事业承诺career counseling 事业咨询career cycle 事业周期Career Decision Making Self efficacy Scale 职业决策自我效能感量表career development 事业发展career development for woman 妇女职业发展Career Development Inventory 事业发展问卷career development program 职业发展制度career education 事业教育career field 事业领域career goal 事业目标career guidance 就业辅导career identity 职业认同career insight 职业洞察力career management 事业管理career maturity 事业成熟性Career Maturity Inventory 事业成熟度量表career planning 职业计划career policy 职业政策career quidance 事业辅导career resilience 事业活力career stages 事业阶段career woman 职业妇女careerism 野心careerist 野心家carefree 无忧无虑careful 小心的careful reflection 慎思careless 粗心的caress 爱抚caretaker 看管人caretaker government 看守政府caretaking 看管careworn 受忧虑折磨的care laden 忧心忡忡的carinal cavity 背腔carking 烦恼的carnage 残杀carnality 肉欲carney 哄骗carnivore 食肉动物carotid artery 颈动脉carotid sinus baroreceptor 颈动脉窦压力感受器carp 挑剔carpal 腕关节的carpal bone age 腕骨年龄carpale 腕骨carphology 摸空carriertheory 载体学说carrier free 无载体的carry away 兴奋carry back 使回想起carry initiating signal 进位起始信号carry on 行动失常carry propagation 进位传递carrying 负载力carry over effect 延续效应Cartesian coordinate 笛卡儿坐标Cartesian coordinate 正坐标Cartesian linguistics 笛卡儿语言学cartilagines laryngis 喉软骨cartilago cranialis 脑软骨cartilago septi nasi 鼻隔软骨cartogram 统计图cartography 制图法cartoon test 漫画测验cartridge weight 重量盒cascade control 级联控制cascaded carry 逐位进位case 病例case 个案case analysis 个案分析case grammar 格语法case history 病历case history 个案史case history interview 个案史访谈case history method 个案史法case method 个案法case record 个案记录case report 个案报告case study 个案研究case study method 个案研究法case work 个案工作casebook 病例本casebook 个案资料caseworker 个案工作者case control study 个案控制研究case group method 个案分组法case study interview 个案研究面谈cast away 抛弃cast back 追溯cast off 释放caste 社会等级caste system 等级制Castellani Low symptom 卡斯特拉尼 洛症状castigate 惩罚castle builder 空想家castrate 阉割castrated person 去势者castrated person 阉人castration 阉割castration anxiety 阉割焦虑castration complex 阉割情结castration fear 阉割恐惧castroid 类去势者casual path model 因径模式casual ward 临时收容所casual comparative study 原因比较研究casuistics 病案讨论CAT 计算机轴断层摄影术cat 猫CAT scanner 电脑断层扫描仪catabasis 缓解期catabiosis 分解代谢catabiosis 老化现象catabolic phase 分解阶段catabolic process 分解过程catabolism 分解代谢catabythismomania 自溺狂cataclysm 灾变catadioptric 反射折射的catagenesis 退化catagenetic 退化的catalepsis 木僵catalepsy 木僵cataleptic 僵住症的catalepticform 僵住症样的catalexia 重读症catalog 目录catalog method 目录法catalog technique 目录法catalogia 言语重复cataloging 目录catalogue 目录catalogue cards 目录卡片catalysis 催化作用catalyst 催化剂catalyze 催化catamnesis 诊后病历cataphasia 重复语言cataphora 嗜睡样昏迷cataphoria 下隐斜视cataphrenia 可逆性痴呆cataplasia 退化cataplexis 猝倒cataplexy 猝倒cataract 白内障catastaltic 抑制的catastaltica 抑制剂catastrophe 灾变catastrophe model 激变模型catastrophic reaction 灾害性反应catathermometer 干湿球温度计catathymic amnesia 情综性遗忘catathymic amnesia 选择性失忆症catatonia 肌肉紧张症catatonia 紧张症catatonic 紧张症的catatonic dementia 紧张症型痴呆catatonic excitement 紧张症兴奋catatonic rage 紧张症愤怒catatonic schizophrenia 紧张型精神分裂症catatonic stupor紧张性木僵紧张性僵呆catatonic syndrome 紧张综合症catatonic type 僵直型catatonosis 张力减退catatony 紧张症catch test 捕捉测验catching 捕捉catechetic method 问答法catechetical method 问答法catechism 问答教学法catecholamine 儿茶酚胺catechol o methyltransferase 儿茶酚氧位甲基移位酶categorematic 范畴性的categorical 分类的categorical attitude 归类心态categorical behavior 归类行为categorical clustering 范畴群集categorical data 分类数据categorical data analysis 分类数据分析categorical distinction范畴特征范畴特徵categorical distribution 类别分布categorical form 范畴形式categorical frequency 组限频次categorical judgment 范畴判断categorical measure 类别测量categorical perception 类别知觉categorical perception of speech 语言范畴知觉categorical rating 分类评定categorical rule 范畴规则categorical scale 分类量表categorical variable 类别变项categories of organization communication 组织沟通分类categorization 分类categorizing process 分类过程category 范畴category clustering 范畴群集category limen 范畴阈限category method 范畴法category object 范畴对象category observation 范畴观察category of being 存在范畴category of relation 关系范畴category of speech 言语范畴category of unthought 非思想范畴category scales 范畴量表category system 范畴系统category test 范畴实验category width 范畴幅度catharsis 宣泄catharsis hypothesis 宣泄假说catharsis method 宣泄法catharsis theory 宣泄论catharsis theory of play 游戏宣泄论cathartic 导泄的cathartic hypnosis 宣泄催眠法cathartic method 宣泄法cathartic method of emotion 情绪宣泄法cathartic play 宣泄性游戏cathected energy 投附的能量cathectic 投注catheresis 虚弱cathexis 情感投注cathexis 性力投注cathisophobia 静坐恐怖症cathode 阴极cathode ray 阴极射线cathode ray displays 阴极射线显示器cathode ray oscillograph 阴极射线示波器cathode ray tube 示波器catholicity 普遍性CATI 计算机辅助电话访谈cation 阳离子catophoria 下隐斜视catoptric 反射光的catoptrical 反射光的catoptrics 反射光学catoptrophobia 恐镜子症catoptroscope 反光检查镜Cattell Infant Intelligence Scale 卡特尔婴儿智力量表Cattell Infant Scale 卡特尔婴儿量表Cattell s factor theory 卡特尔因素论Cattell s trait theory 卡特尔特质论Cattell s 16 Personality Factor Questionnaire 卡氏cattishness 敏捷cat s cry syndrome 猫叫综合症caudal 尾部caudate 有尾的caudate nucleus 尾状核caudex drosalis 延髓caudex encephalic pontilis 脑桥caumesthesia 触冷感热causal 原因的causal analysis 因果分析causal anomaly 异常的因果分析causal association 因果联想causal attribution 因果归因causal connection 因果联系causal efficacy 因果功效causal explanation 因果性解释causal inference 因果性推断causal investigation 因果调查causal model 因果模式causal path 因果路径causal path analysis 因果路径分析causal path model 因径模式causal relation 因果关系causal research 因果研究causal schema 因果图式causal theory of perception 知觉因果论causalgia 灼痛causality 因果关系causality 缘由causality concept 因果概念causality condition 因果条件causal comparative study 原因比较研究causation 因果作用causation 原因causationism 因果律causationism of crime 犯罪原因论causationist 因果律cause 原因cause and effect 因果cause of trouble 事故原因causeless 无原因的cause and effect test 因果测验cause effect relation 因果关系caution 小心caution device 警告装置caution signals 警告信号cautionary 警告的cautious shift 谨慎偏移cautious style 谨慎型cautious shift effect 谨慎偏移效应CAVD 抽象智力CAVD Test 抽象智力测验cave 洞穴caveman 穴居人cavil 挑剔cavity of skull 颅腔cavum 腔cavum craniale 颅腔cavum laryngis 喉腔cavum medullare 髓腔cavum nasi ossei 骨鼻腔cavum oris 口腔cavum tympani 鼓室CBE 能力本位教育CBF 脑血流量CBI 能力本位教学CBS 慢性脑综合症CBT 能力本位训练CBTE 能力本位师资教育CCFF 颜色临界融合频率CCS 计算机控制系统CD form 概念从属形式CD ratio 控制 显示比CD ratio 控制 显示比CDMSEcease 停息ceiling 上限ceiling age 上限年龄ceiling and floor effect 上限下限效应ceiling effect 上限效应celerity 迅速celestial 天空的celestial body 天体celestial illusion 天空错视celibacy 禁欲celibatarian 独身主义者cell 单元cell 细胞cell aggregation 细胞集合cell assembly 细胞结集cell body 细胞体cell death 细胞坏死cell division 细胞分裂cell frequency 格内频次cell membrane 细胞膜cell nucleus 细胞核cell theory 细胞学说cellophane slide 透明纸幻灯片cellular 细胞的cellularity 细胞结构cellule 细胞celluloneuritis 神经细胞炎Celsius 摄氏的Celsius scale 摄氏温标Celsius temperature 摄氏温度Celsius thermometer 摄氏温度计CEM 中心兴奋机制cenesthesia 一般机体觉cenesthesiopathy 体觉违合cenesthesiopathy 一般感觉紊乱cenesthesis 一般机体觉cenesthetic 普通感觉cenesthetic hallucination 机体统觉性幻觉cenesthopathy 体感幻觉cenophobia 恐荒野症cenotoxin 疲劳毒素censor 潜意识压抑censorship 潜意识稽查censure 指责census 人口调查census data 人口资料center 中枢center 中心center clipping 中部削波center clipping distortion 中心削波失真中心削波失真center for creative leadership 创造性领导中心Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale 流行病学研究中心抑郁量表center of body temperature regulation 体温调节中心center of equilibrium平衡中心平衡中心center of gravity 重心center of interest 兴趣中心center of rotation 旋转中心center of Wernicke 韦尼克中心centered thought 中心化思考centibar 厘巴centigrade degree 摄氏温度centile 百分位等级central 中心的central aphasia 中枢性失语症central artery 中央动膜central body 中心体central body temperature 中心体温central canal 中心管central conflict 中心冲突central control room 中央控制室central deafness 中枢性聋central difference notation 中央差分记法central disposition 中心气质central excitatory mechanism 中心兴奋机制central excitatory state 中心兴奋状态central fatigue 中枢性疲劳central field of view 中心视野central fissure 中央沟central gray 中灰质central gray matter 中灰质层central inhibition 中枢抑制central lesion 中枢神经系统损伤central limit theorem 中央极限定理central lobe 大脑中叶central motive state 中枢动机状态central nerve trunk 中枢神经干central nervous system 中枢神经系统central nervous system disorder 中枢神经系统失调central nucleus 中央核central operation board 中央操纵台central processor 中央处理装置central processor model 中央处理器模式central projection 中央突central scotoma 中心盲central stimulants 中枢兴奋药central sulcus 中央沟central tendency 集中趋势central tendency measure 集中趋势测量central tendency of judgment 集中趋势判断central theory 中枢论central tissue 中心组织central trait 中心特质central type 中间型central value 代表值central vision 中央视觉central vision field 中央视野centralism 中枢机能论centrality 向心性centrality index 向心性指标centralization 集权化centralization 中央集权centralized data processing 数据集中处理centralized management 集权管理centraphose 中枢性暗觉centration 向心性centre 中心centrifugal 传出的centrifugal 离心的centrifugal fiber 传出纤维centrifugal fiber 离心纤维centrifugal force 离心力centrifugal nerve 传出神经centrifugal swing 离心摇摆centrifugal centripetal migration model 离心 向心迁移模式centripetal 向心的centripetal fiber 传入纤维centripetal fiber 向心纤维centripetal force 向心力centripetal nerve 向心神经centrocinesia 中枢性运动centrocinetic 中枢性运动的centroid analysis 图心分析centroid factor analysis 形心因子分析centroid method 重心法centromere 着丝点centronervin 中枢神经素centrophose 中枢性暗觉centrophose 中枢性光幻觉centrostaltic 运动中心的centrotherapy 中枢疗法centrum 中枢cephalalgia 头痛cephalic 头的cephalic index 头颅指数cephalic neuromere 头部神经元节cephalin 脑磷脂cephalin flocculation 脑磷脂絮状反应cephalitis 脑炎cephalization 头向集中cephalocaudal development 首到尾的发展cephalocaudal direction 首尾方向cephalocele 脑膨出cephalodynia 头痛cephalogenesis 头部形成cephalograph 头描记器cephalometer 头颅测量器cephalometry 测颅法cephalone 大头白痴cephalonia 巨头症cephalotropic 向脑的ceptor 受体CER 条件性情绪反应cerebellar 小脑的cerebellar ataxia 小脑运动失调cerebellar cortex 小脑皮质cerebellar gait 小脑步态cerebellar hemispheres 小脑半球cerebellar lobe 小脑叶cerebellar nuclei 小脑核cerebellar peduncle 小脑脚cerebellifugal 离小脑的cerebellipetal 向小脑的cerebellitis 小脑炎cerebellofugal 小脑传出的cerebellopontile 小脑脑桥的cerebellospinal 小脑脊髓的cerebellospinal tract 小脑脊髓径cerebello olivary 小脑橄榄体的cerebellum 小脑cerebell bulbar tract 小脑延髓束cerebral 大脑的cerebral achromatopsia 皮质性色盲cerebral activity 大脑活动cerebral akinesia 大脑性运动不能cerebral anesthesia 大脑性感觉缺失cerebral apoplexy 大脑卒中cerebral aqueduct 大脑导水管cerebral arteriosclerosis 大脑动脉硬化cerebral basal ganglia 大脑基底核cerebral biocurrent 脑生物电流cerebral blindness 中枢性盲cerebral blood flow 脑血流量cerebral concussion 脑震荡cerebral connectionism 皮质纤维连接主义cerebral contusion 脑挫伤cerebral convolution 脑回cerebral cortex 大脑皮质cerebral cranium 脑颅cerebral dominance 大脑优势cerebral dura mater 硬脑膜cerebral dysrhythmia 脑波节律障碍cerebral electro therapy 大脑电疗法cerebral embolism 脑栓塞cerebral ganglion 丘脑cerebral gyri 大脑回cerebral haemorrhage 脑溢血cerebral hemisphere activity 大脑半球活动cerebral hemispheres 大脑半球cerebral hemispheric dominance 大脑半球优势cerebral hemorrhage 大脑出血cerebral hyperplasia 大脑发育过速cerebral hypoplasia 大脑发育不全cerebral hypoxia 大脑低氧病cerebral infarction 脑梗塞cerebral integration 大脑整合作用cerebral laceration 大脑裂伤cerebral lesion 大脑损伤cerebral limbic system 大脑边缘系统cerebral localization 大脑定位作用cerebral metabolic rate 大脑代谢率cerebral neocortex 大脑新皮层cerebral nerve 脑神经cerebral palsied child 脑性麻痹儿cerebral palsy 大脑麻痹cerebral palsy 脑性瘫痪cerebral peduncle 大脑脚cerebral sulci 大脑沟cerebral thrombosis 脑血栓cerebral trauma 脑外伤cerebral trigone 大脑穹窿cerebral tumor 脑瘤cerebral ventricle 脑室cerebrale 脑病性cerebrate 用脑cerebration 大脑作用cerebrifugal 离大脑的cerebripetal 向大脑的cerebritis 大脑炎cerebrocentric 大脑中枢的cerebrology 脑学cerebromedullary 脑脊髓的cerebromeningeal 脑膜的cerebromeningitis 脑膜炎cerebropathia 脑病cerebropathy 脑病cerebrophysiology 大脑生理学cerebropontile 大脑脑桥的cerebrorachidian 脑脊髓的cerebrosclerosis 脑硬化cerebroscopy 脑病检眼镜cerebrosis 脑病cerebrospinal 脑脊的cerebrospinal fluid 脑脊液cerebrospinal ganglion 脑脊神经节cerebrospinal nervous system 脑脊神经系统cerebrospinal system 脑脊髓系统cerebrotomy 脑切开术cerebrotonia 大脑紧张症cerebrotonia 头脑型cerebrotonia type 大脑紧张型cerebrovascular 脑血管的cerebrovascular accident 脑血管伤害cerebrovascular disease 脑血管病cerebrovascular stroke 脑血发作cerebrovascular system 脑血系统cerebrums 大脑ceremony 仪式certain 确凿的certain knowledge 准确的知识certainty 必然性certainty of thinking 思维的确定性certes 必然的certifiable 可证明的certificate of safety inspection 安全合格证certificate of safety operation 安全操作合格证certification 证明certitude 必然性cervical nerve 颈神经Cestan Chenais syndrome 塞思丹 舍奈茨综合症CET 大脑电疗法CFA 验证性因素分析CFF 临界闪烁频率CG 对照组CG 控制组CGR 皮电反应Chaddock s reflex sign 查多克反射症chafe 惹怒chagrin 懊恼chain 链锁chain communication network 链形联络网chain complex 链锁情结chain index number 链指数chain learning 链锁学习chain of association 联想链chain of command 命令链chain reflex 链锁反射chained equipercentile equating 链接百分位数等化法chained reflex 链锁反射chained response 链锁反应chaining 链锁化chaining of responses 反应链锁作用chainless 无束缚的chain association task 链锁联想任务chair warmer 闲荡汉Chaldean 占星者chalk talk 注入式教学法chalk up 记下chalk and talk 注入式教学法challenge 挑战challenge suggestion 查问暗示chalone 抑制素chameleon 反复无常的人champ 焦急chance 机遇chance cause 偶发原因chance concept 机率概念chance contingency of reinforcement 机遇随因强化chance difference 机差chance error 机误chance event 随机事件chance fluctuation 机遇波动chance form 随意图形chance success 偶遇成功chance variation 偶然变异chance halves correlation 机因折半相关chance medley 过失杀人change 变化change agent 促变者change in consumption 消费变化change in human view 人的观念变化change in value 数值变化change induction group 变化感应群体change of character 性格变换change of consumption 消费变化change of live 更年期change of live 绝经期change of state 状态变化changeability 易变性changeable 易变的changeableness 易变性changeably 易变地changeful 易变的changefully 易变地changefulness 不确定性changeless 不变的changelessness 不变性changeling 低能者changer 变换器channel 频道channel 通道channel capacity 通道容量channel capacity of vision 视觉通道容量channel richness 通道丰富性channel switching 通道开关channeled 槽形的channeller theory of motivation 激励的主导理论chaos 混乱chapfallen 沮丧Chapin Social Insight Test 查平社会领悟测验character 特征character 性格character analysis 性格分析character analysis system 性格分析系统character building 性格培养character classification by age 年龄分类character classification by body types 体型分类character classification by mind and will 心志分类character classification by will and motive 志意分类character defense 性格型防卫character development 品格发展character diagnosis 性格诊断character discipline 性格锻炼character disorder 性格障碍character displacement 品质置换character education 品格教育Character Education Inquiry 品格教育测验character enchantment 品格魅力character formation 性格形成character gradient 性状变异梯度character neurosis 性格神经症character of sports collective 运动集体性格character of volitional type 意志型性格character orientation 性格倾向Character Performance Maintenance Scale 品德绩效维系量表character performance main tenance theory品德绩效维系理论品德绩效维系理论character rating 品格分等character recognition 特征辨别character representation 特征表示character resistance 性格抵抗character structure 品格结构character test 品行测验character training 品格训练character trait 品格特质character type 性格类型characteristic 特征的characteristic curve 特征曲线characteristic curve method 特征曲线法特徵曲 法characteristic delay 特征延迟characteristic equation 特征公式characteristic factor 特性因素characteristic frequency 特征频率characteristic number 特征数characteristic point 特性点characteristic value 特征值characteristics 特征characteristics of man 人的特征characteristics of mentality 心理特征characteristics of self actualization 自我实现的特征characteristics of wrongly written words 错别字特征characterization 性格化characterization in art 艺术中的性格化characterless 无特征的characterology 性格学Charcot s triad 沙可三症charge 电荷chariness 谨慎charisma 号召力charisma 魅力charismatic authority 魅力型权威charismatic leadership 魅力型领袖charitable 慈善的charlatan 庸医charm 魅力Charpentier effect 沙蓬特效应Charpentier illusion 沙蓬特错觉Charpentier s band 沙蓬特光带Charpentier s law 沙蓬特定律查氏定律Charpentier Koseleff illusion 沙 柯大小重量错觉chart 图表chartography 制图法chase 跟踪chaste 贞洁的chasten 惩戒chastener 惩戒者chastise 惩罚chastisement 惩罚chat 闲谈chatter 震颤chatter 喋喋不休chatterbox 唠叨的人Chauvinism 排他主义Chauvinism 沙文主义CHD 冠心病ChE 胆碱脂酶cheapen 变得粗俗cheat 欺诈cheating 作弊check 核查check by sampling 抽查check coding 核查编码check error 校对check experiment 核查实验check list 检核清单check list method 检核表法check list rating scale 检核表式评定量表check point 检核点check reading display 核读显示器check test 对照试验check work 检核工作checklist 检核表cheeky 无耻的cheer 振奋cheerless 缺乏欢乐的cheimaphobia 恐冷症cheirocinesthesia 手运动觉cheirognomy 手相术cheirognostic 能辨别左右侧的cheirology 手势语chemaesthesis 物质感觉chemasthenia 化学过程减弱chemical 化学的chemical blocking 化学阻塞chemical brain stimulation 化学脑刺激chemical code 化学编码chemical evolution 化学进化chemical irritation 化学性刺激chemical mediator 化学介质chemical receptor 化学感受器chemical sensation 化学感觉chemical sense 化学感官chemical sympathectomy 化学性交感神经切断术chemical synapse 化学突触chemical transmitter substance 化学传递物质chemical transmitting synapse 化学传递突触chemicobiological 化学生物学的chemiluminescence 化学发光chemistry of learning 学习的化学作用chemokinesis 化学增活现象chemomorphosis 化学性变态chemophysiology 化学生理学chemopsychiatry 化学精神病学chemoreception 化学感受作用chemoreceptor 化学感受器chemoreflex 化学反射chemosensing system 化学感受系统chemosensitive 化学敏感的chemosensitivity 化学敏感性chemosensory 化学感觉的chemostat 化学恒定器chemosterilant 化学绝育剂chemotaxis 趋化性chemotaxis 向药性chemotherapy 化学疗法chemotropism 向药性cherish 爱护cherophobia 恐欢乐症cherub 可爱的Chervin s treatment method 舍万疗法chess board illusion 棋盘错觉chest breath 胸式呼吸chest circumference 胸围chest depth 胸厚chest lead 胸部导出chew 深思Cheyne Stokes nystagmus 节律性眼球震颤Cheyne Stokes psychosis 陈 施二氏精神病CHI 舒适健康指数chiaroscuro 明暗对比chiasm 神经交叉chiasm formation 交叉形成chiasm interference 交叉干涉chiasm opticum 视束交叉chiasma 交叉chiasma opticum 视交叉chiasmal 交叉的chiasmatic 交叉的chiasmatypy 交换染色体chiasmic 交叉的chiastometer 视轴偏歪测量器Chicago school 芝加哥学派Chicago Test of Primary Mental Abilities 芝加哥心理能力测验Chicago University Test of Creativity 芝加哥大学创造力测验chicane 诈骗chicken hearted 胆怯的chief complaint 主诉child 儿童child abuse 儿童虐待child adjustment 儿童适应child aphasia 儿童失语症Child Behavior Checklist 儿童行为检核表child birth training 分娩训练child care worker 儿童护理员child centered education 儿童中心教育child custody 儿童监护Child Development 儿童发展child discipline 儿童管教child drawing 儿童绘画child grammar 儿童语法child guidance 儿童指导child guidance centre 儿童指导中心child guidance clinic 儿童辅导诊所child guidance movement 儿童指导运动child hygiene 儿童卫生child labor 童工child literature 儿童文学child neglect 儿童照管不良child neurosis 儿童神经官能症Child Personality Scale 儿童人格量表child prodigy 天才儿童child psychiatry 儿童精神病学child psychology 儿童心理学child psychosis 儿童精神病child rearing 育儿child schizophrenia 儿童精神分裂症child social psychology 儿童社会心理学child study 儿童研究child therapy 儿童治疗法child welfare 儿童福利child welfare institution 儿童福利机构childbearing attitude 育儿态度childhood 儿童期childhood development 儿童期发展childhood education 儿童期教育childhood neurosis 儿童神经官能症childhood period 儿童期childhood play behavior 儿童期游戏行为childhood play development 儿童期游戏发展childhood psychosis 儿童期精神病childhood schizophrenia 儿童期精神分裂症childish 孩子的childless 无子女的childlike 孩子般的childlike dementia 童样痴呆Children Apperception Test 儿童统觉测验children behavior developmental stages 儿童行为发展阶段Children Hypnotic Susceptibility Scale 儿童催眠易感性量表Children Manifest Anxiety Scale 儿童外显焦虑量表children of school age 学龄儿童Children Personality Questionnaire 儿童人格问卷children recreation game 儿童娱乐游戏children s attention 儿童注意children s behavior 儿童行为children s calendar 儿童日历children s character 儿童性格children s fantasy 儿童幻想children s fears 儿童恐惧children s home 儿童教养院children s intelligence 儿童智力children s play 儿童游戏children s poems 儿童诗歌children s publications 儿童读物children s songs and rhymes 儿歌children s songs and rhymes 童谣child centered education 儿童中心教育child centered family 儿童中心家庭child child interaction 儿童间的相互作用child experience approach 儿童经验教学法child focused family 儿童焦点家庭child guidance clinic 儿童指导所child parent fixation 亲子固着child parent fixation 子亲情结child rearing 儿童养育child rearing practice 儿童养育方式child study movement 儿童研究运动chill 寒冷chimera 幻想chimerical 空想的chimpanzee 黑猩猩chinablepsia 雪盲Chinese Association for Mental Hygiene 中国心理卫生协会Chinese Ergonomics Association 中国工效学会Chinese implicit ladership theory 中国人的内隐领导理论Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory 中国人格评定量表Chinese Psychological Society 中国心理学会Chinese Social Psychological Association 中国社会心理学会chionophobia 恐雪症chipper 快乐的chirk 高兴的chirobrachialgia 手臂痛chirognomy 手相术chirognosy 手相学chirography 书法chirology 手相学chirospasm 书写痉挛chirpy 快活的chisel 欺骗chitchat 闲谈chi square 卡方chi square criterion 卡方准则chi square distribution 卡方分配。
钙化积分 扫描序列要求
钙化积分扫描序列要求英文回答:Calcification is a process in which calcium salts accumulate in body tissues, leading to the formation of hard deposits. It can occur in various parts of the body, such as the arteries, kidneys, and breast tissue. In this response, I will focus on calcification in the arteries, specifically in the coronary arteries, which supply blood to the heart.Coronary artery calcification (CAC) is a common finding in individuals with atherosclerosis, a condition characterized by the build-up of plaque in the arteries. The calcification of the coronary arteries can be detected and quantified using a test called coronary artery calcium scoring, which is usually done through a non-invasive computed tomography (CT) scan.CAC scoring is used to assess the risk of developingcoronary artery disease (CAD) and to guide treatment decisions. The amount of calcium present in the coronary arteries is measured and assigned a score, known as the Agatston score. This score is based on the density and extent of calcification and provides an estimate of the overall burden of atherosclerosis in the coronary arteries.A higher Agatston score indicates a greater amount of calcification and a higher risk of developing CAD. The score is used in conjunction with other risk factors, such as age, gender, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure, to determine the individual's risk profile and guide treatment recommendations.For example, if a middle-aged man with a family history of heart disease has a high Agatston score, indicating significant calcification in his coronary arteries, it may prompt his healthcare provider to recommend lifestyle modifications, such as adopting a heart-healthy diet, increasing physical activity, and quitting smoking. In some cases, medication, such as statins, may also be prescribed to lower cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of CAD.On the other hand, a low Agatston score in a young woman with no other risk factors may provide reassurance that her risk of developing CAD is low, and lifestyle changes may not be necessary at this time. However, regular monitoring and follow-up may still be recommended to track any changes in the calcification over time.In summary, calcification in the arteries, specifically in the coronary arteries, can be assessed using coronary artery calcium scoring. This scoring system helps to determine the risk of developing coronary artery disease and guide treatment decisions. By quantifying the amount of calcium present in the coronary arteries, healthcare providers can better understand an individual's riskprofile and tailor interventions accordingly.中文回答:钙化是一种钙盐在体内组织中积累形成硬性沉积物的过程。
蒙特利尔认知评估量表Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA)使用与评分指导手册损害蒙特利尔认知评估(MoCA)是一个用来对轻度认知功能异常进行快速筛查的评定工具。
Touch screen
System software
Operating system ,OS
Application software
File transfer protocal , FTP
Send / receive
signal sampling
data acquisition
raw data
Analogue to digital converter , ADC
frequency resolution
Analog to digital conversion data
RF coil ,or RF resonator
transmit coil
receive coil
Solenoidal RF antenna
saddle-shaped RF antenna
Bird cage coil
Apparent diffusion coefficient, ADC
Analog-digital conversion ,ADC
Arterial spin labeling ,ASL
To aid users the index includes a reference to the supplement in which the latest version of a text can be found. For example : Amikacin sulfate...............................................7.5-4579 means the monograph Amikacin sulfate can be found on page 4579 of Supplement 7.5. Note that where no reference to a supplement is made, the text can be found in the principal volume.
English index ........................................................................ 4707
Latin index ................................................................................. 4739
Numerics 1. General notices ................................................................... 7.5-4453 2.1.1. Droppers...................
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Complexity of Reversible Toffoli Cascades andEXOR PLAsDmitri MaslovFaculty of Computer ScienceUniversity of New Brunswick Fredericton,N.B.E3B5A3CANADA Email:dmaslov@unb.caGerhard W.DueckFaculty of Computer ScienceUniversity of New Brunswick Fredericton,N.B.E3B5A3CANADA Email:gdueck@unb.caAbstract—Reversible logic is an emerging research area.Inter-est in reversible logic is sparked by its applications in quantumcomputing,low-power CMOS,nanotechnology,and optical com-puting.Little work has been done on reversible logic synthesis.The basic implementation structure for a reversible network is acascade of reversible gates.Several gates have been proposed inthe literature.In this paper we restrict the analysis to Toffoli gateswere inputs may be inverted.A fundamental question is whetherthe complexity of the new reversible structures is comparableto traditional PLA like implementations.We compare a cascadeof Toffoli gates,for which a synthesis method exists,with anEXOR PLA implementation.We show that in the worst case,the reversible synthesis model produces a result which is onlya constant times higher than the one for a conventional EXORPLA.We also show that there are functions whose complexity islinear in terms of variables for Toffoli cascades,but exponentialfor EXOR PLAs.First we give a detailed description of Tofolli cascades.Nextwe show that any EXOR PLA can always be converted to aToffoli cascade with a constant increase in the complexity.It isworth noting,that this conversion may not be minimal.Finallywe propose a class of Boolean functions that can be implementedwithÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒÒDefinition2:For every even integer a Boolean func-tion is defined as.Lemma2:Function can be realized with costProof:The cascade of gatesdefines thestructure of the network(Figure1A).Lemma4:Any optimal ESOP for,where has the samecomplexity as an optimal ESOP for.Proof:Use Lemma3to say that we can factorvariable out of an optimal ESOP for the function:,where is an ESOPthat doesn’t contain in any form.Let.Then,.In other words,has the complexity of aminimal ESOP for,so does the ESOP.terms,where is the number of terms in minimal ESOP for.Proof:Take a minimal ESOP of the functionand write it as,where,and are ESOPs that do not contain variablein either term.Such a decomposition is unique.Notice,thatthe sets of terms in each of,and do not intersect:;;.Otherwise,suppose.Then,there exists a term.Since,by deleting thesetwo terms from ESOPs and and adding it to weget an ESOP that has complexity one less than the optimalESOP.This contradicts to the optimality of.Therefore,.The other two set intersections can be provensimilarly.Let in the ESOP for thefunction.This results in:or,(3)By analogy,assignment leads to(4)Add(3)and(4)to get(5)Use Lemma4to say that each of the ESOPs in(3)and(4)has at least terms.So does the ESOP from(5).As we proved before,the sets of terms in,anddo not intersect,so,based on Lemma4,(3),(4),and(5)thefollowing system can be written:Sincethe problem of finding the number of terms in a minimal ESOPfor is bound by the solution of linear optimization problem:which is given by expressionx .Conjecture 1:The minimal ESOP for the function,where are variables and consists of terms.Theorem 1:A minimal ESOP for the function has at least terms.Proof:Can be easily proven by induction using Lemma 5.(as a natural number,greater than(6)Table I summarizes the results for the function .First column,n ,shows the number of inputs.Second column is the number of gates for needed for the model RCMG to realize the function.Third column shows the complexity for the non-reversible application of the RCMG model [5].We used Exorcism-4[9],[7]program to calculate the near minimal ESOP for the function.The results of thisprogram are summarized in thecolumn.Note,that this column supports the conjecture.The fifth column shows the theoretically proven lower bound on the minimal ESOP ,given by formula (6).III.M ULTIPLE O UTPUT F UNCTIONSOne of the reasons why EXOR PLAs are used is ability to share terms.The described modification of RCMG model does not have such a property.But,if we unite the RCMG with mEXOR model [4],this allows the use multiple output EXOR gates,which is equivalent to the term sharing in the ESOP model.Such a hybrid gate will be a new generalization of the Toffoli gate.It can be shown that quantum realization of such hybrid gate has a complexity which differs from the complexity of the original Toffoli gate only marginally.Finally,for such a model either of the synthesis approaches suggested in [5],[1],[6]and [4]is applicable.The theoretical results of this paper will hold for the new hybrid model.nNRA RCMGESOP min2242348828632122188128162411051220293122048242210TABLE I C OMPLEXITY OF THE FUNCTION.IV.C ONCLUSIONWe have shown that reversible logic synthesis may bebeneficial in comparison with traditional ESOP design.Theadvantage is not only from the point of zero energy dissipation,which is commonly known and accepted,but also from thepoint of view of the circuit complexity.We examined the RCMG reversible design model which is very similar to theEXOR PLA and conclude that it is more cost effective.This means that in the worst case the RCMG model cost of a reversible realization of a function has the same cost as the best EXOR PLA result cost when the garbage of the RCMG model might not be optimal.But there are functions for which RCMG model produces better results in practice (comparison of synthesis results for the function rd53.pla in [1])as well as theoretically:there is a class of functions which have a poly-nomial complexity for the RCMG model and exponential for EXOR PLA.We do not consider any engineering technology,so the results in an actual implementations may differ.AcknowledgementThis work was supported in part by a research grant from the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada.R EFERENCES[1]G.W.Dueck and D.Maslov.Reversible function synthesis with mini-mum garbage outputs.In International 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