国外Advanced Cognitive Psychology课程课件-visspatcog
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology 认知心理学 英文课件
• “Pressing Alt-Tab switches me between applications, and I know that Windows uses STM… Let’s propose a model of Windows where it stores which apps are open in STM, and when a user hits Alt-Tab, it switches between open apps.”
What is Cognitive
• Metaphor: mind = Windows
– Behaviorists:
• “What happens when I press Alt-Tab? Cool! It switched to my last open application!!” But how does that work?
– We will learn about categorization and invariant representation
– Neurobiologists:
• “Check this out, the harddrive and the RAM are both connected to the motherboard!” But what does that mean?
– Cognitive Psychologists:
What we are aware of…
The complexities of cognition are usually hidden from our consciousness.
The Magic of Cognition
What is Cognitive
• Metaphor: mind = Windows
– Behaviorists:
• “What happens when I press Alt-Tab? Cool! It switched to my last open application!!” But how does that work?
– We will learn about categorization and invariant representation
– Neurobiologists:
• “Check this out, the harddrive and the RAM are both connected to the motherboard!” But what does that mean?
– Cognitive Psychologists:
What we are aware of…
The complexities of cognition are usually hidden from our consciousness.
The Magic of Cognition
• Abraham Maslow • Carl Rogers
• Emphasized the human potential, the ability of each person to become the best person he or she could be.
• Self-actualization - achieving one’s full potential or actual self.
LO 1.1 Definition and goals of psychology
What is Psychology?
• Psychology - scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
• Behavior - outward or overt actions and reactions. • Mental processes - internal, covert activity of our minds.
• Wundt’s student; brought structuralism to America.
• Margaret Washburn
• Titchener’s student; first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology.
• Structuralism died out in early 1900s.
The Science of Psychology
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Learning Objective Menu
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LO 1.1 LO 1.2 LO 1.3 LO 1.4 LO 1.5 LO 1.6 LO 1.7 LO 1.8 LO 1.9 LO 1.10 LO 1.11 LO 1.12 LO 1.13 LO 1.14 LO 1.15 LO 1.16 Definition and goals of psychology Structuralism and functionalism Early Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism Modern perspectives Skinner, Maslow, and Rogers Psychiatrist, psychologist, and other professionals Psychology is a science; steps in scientific method Naturalistic and laboratory settings Case studies and surveys Correlational technique Experimental approach and terms Placebo and the experimenter effects Conducting a real experiment Ethical concerns in conducting research Principles of critical thinking Apply critical thinking to a real world example
• Emphasized the human potential, the ability of each person to become the best person he or she could be.
• Self-actualization - achieving one’s full potential or actual self.
LO 1.1 Definition and goals of psychology
What is Psychology?
• Psychology - scientific study of behavior and mental processes.
• Behavior - outward or overt actions and reactions. • Mental processes - internal, covert activity of our minds.
• Wundt’s student; brought structuralism to America.
• Margaret Washburn
• Titchener’s student; first woman to earn a Ph.D. in psychology.
• Structuralism died out in early 1900s.
The Science of Psychology
Chapter 1
Chapter 1 Learning Objective Menu
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • LO 1.1 LO 1.2 LO 1.3 LO 1.4 LO 1.5 LO 1.6 LO 1.7 LO 1.8 LO 1.9 LO 1.10 LO 1.11 LO 1.12 LO 1.13 LO 1.14 LO 1.15 LO 1.16 Definition and goals of psychology Structuralism and functionalism Early Gestalt, psychoanalysis, and behaviorism Modern perspectives Skinner, Maslow, and Rogers Psychiatrist, psychologist, and other professionals Psychology is a science; steps in scientific method Naturalistic and laboratory settings Case studies and surveys Correlational technique Experimental approach and terms Placebo and the experimenter effects Conducting a real experiment Ethical concerns in conducting research Principles of critical thinking Apply critical thinking to a real world example
最新第十章 认知心理学 认知心理学(cognitive psychology有【精选ppt】幻灯片课
几个代表 人物
赫伯特·西蒙-----是一个传奇式的人物,很难用一个具 体的头衔来形容他:他1943年获得了美国芝加哥大学 政治学博士学位,但现在,他却在卡内基一梅隆大学 任计算机和心理学教授。那么,他就是一个计算机学 家和心理学家吗?也不完全正确。事实上,他在1978年 获得了诺贝尔经济学奖(世界上第一位获奖的心理学家)。 他的研究领域横跨了心理学、计算机科学和经济管理 学。他传奇式地将这几个领域的研究整合到了一起, 并在每一个领域都取得了专门从事该领域的人都难以 企及的成就。除诺贝尔经济学奖外,他还获得了美国 心理学会杰出贡献奖(1969年),美国心理学会终身贡献 奖(1993年),计算机领域的国际最高奖项——图灵奖 (1975年)以及其他大大小小数不清的奖项。
2、英剑桥大学的心理学家布鲁德本特运用信息加工观 点处理人的知觉、注意以及信息通道等心理学问题, 开创了信息论在心理学中应用的先例。
描述性的语言和有关计算理论方面的基础,对其形成 和发展起到了决定性的作用。
2、图灵的图灵机(Turing machine)和图灵检验(Turing test) 及西蒙和纽厄尔的人工智能研究,促进了认知心理学 的发展,从六十年代后期开始,信息加工认知心理学 逐步成为心理学发展中的主流。
1949年西蒙应邀来到卡内基—梅隆大学,先是 任行政学与心理学教授(1949~1955),后来 任计算机科学与心理学教授终生。西蒙作为该 大学工业管理研究生院的创办人之一,开创了 组织行为和管理科学两大学术领域的研究,承 担了组织理论家、管理科学家和商学院行政管 理者的工作,他指导并帮助该研究生院成为美 国最好的商学院之一。西蒙不仅执教于著名大 学,也活跃于企业界、行政机构及多种顾问公 司。他对管理学上组织理论的研究有独特的见 地,不但是专业研究的先锋,更是行为科学的 代表性学者。
Course Completion
Class presentation
– Short: 10 mins, 10 - 15 slides – Everyone expected to read the article over the course of the week – Presentation should simply summarise the main methods (where relevant) and arguments of the article
What do cognitive psychologists study?
Memory Decision Making
Learning Cognitive Development Emotion Language Mental Imagery
Neurobiology Concept Formation Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving Animal Cognition
Phenomena like that shown in this video
Approaches to Cognitive Psychology
• Experimental Cognitive Psychology • Computational Cognitive Science • Cognitive Neuropsychology • Cognitive Neuroscience
• Does not look directly at brain function, but rather the explicit behavioural results of brain function. Thus we may miss something.
国外Advanced Cognitive Psychology课程课件-memory(summeredit)
Proactive Interference
A possible explanation for interference is that when given cue, information associated with cue interferes with other info also associated with cue
Sebrechts, Marsh, Seamon
Ss presented words sequentially and made a yes/no decision for each word presented or just read aloud depending on condition Countdown followed
Acoustic (shallow)
Long E sound? Is it animate? say the stimuli aloud
Exp 1 regular B-P experiment Exp 2 “Surprise” memory test
Waugh & Norman
Proportion Correct
1 Cond.
4 Cond.
0 1 13
Number of items between target & probe
More about the number of items that interfered rather than decay over time
国外Advanced Cognitive Psychology课程课件-jdm
Influence of Context on JDM
Framing Effects
In a sample of 70 lawyers and 30 eБайду номын сангаасgineers,
how likely is it that Jack is an engineer?
The Problem
Judgment Processes are notoriously faulty Decisions are usually based on partial information The solutions to decisions are often ambiguous. Leads to the use of: Heuristics Rules of thumb Biases Stereotypic decisions
What is a decision?
Person must have a goal There must be many ways to satisfy the goal There is a set of options
Consideration set: Set of options being evaluated
1% difference in probability of outcomes in both situations so u(a) - u(b) = u($1k) - .89u($1k) - .10u($5k) - .01u($0) = .11u($1k) - .10u($5k) - .01u($0) and u(c) - u(d) = .11u($1k) + .89u($0) - .10u($5k) - .90u($0) = .11u($1k) - .10u($5k) - .01u($0) so you should either choose a and c, or b and d.
Causes of False Testimony
Misinformation in the form of questions asked of an eyewitness after an event can distort its recognition and recall. When questioned after a traffic accident, the verb used to describe the collision(contacted, hit, bumped, collided, smashed) determined speed estimates. Misinformation effects can be large. Poorly encoded details (e.g., was a stop sign or a yield sign?) are falsely recognized 80% of the time two weeks after receiving misleading information.
Causes of False Testimony
Selective encoding due to perceptual factors (poor visibility, rapid and unexpected events). Peripheral details, but not central features, are lost are under emotional duress.
Causes of False Testimony
Faces are encoded by a specialized module and well retained across decades. However, attending to a weapon instead can cause errors due to selective encoding. Lineups must include lures similar to the target to avoid false recognition. Sequential rather than simultaneous lineups also reduce false recognition. Face identification is poorest across racial and ethnic categories.
– permanent memories are coded by long-term synaptic changes (rate of presynaptic NT release, re-uptake, & postsynaptic dendritic sensitivity)
Compartmentalization vs. Mass Action
Phrenology - exact location specific, measured by bumps on the head
Compartmentalization - some functions,m such as motor activitiy, are associated with a specific area of the brain
Good for static measures, but not for rapidly changing cognitive functions
Functional MRI (fMRI)
New method, capable of high-resolution images of functional activity in the brain
parietal lobes - somatosensation, spatial perception
occipital lobes - vision
Brain & Cerebral Cortex
Topographical organization
one-to-one correspondence between a point or location in an external system, such as the retina, and a point or location in the brain
Compartmentalization vs. Mass Action
Phrenology - exact location specific, measured by bumps on the head
Compartmentalization - some functions,m such as motor activitiy, are associated with a specific area of the brain
Good for static measures, but not for rapidly changing cognitive functions
Functional MRI (fMRI)
New method, capable of high-resolution images of functional activity in the brain
parietal lobes - somatosensation, spatial perception
occipital lobes - vision
Brain & Cerebral Cortex
Topographical organization
one-to-one correspondence between a point or location in an external system, such as the retina, and a point or location in the brain
国外Advanced Cognitive Psychology课程课件-Concepts and Categories
People abstract common elements of a formed category and use a common representation to stand for that category How is the category updated? Family Resemblance
Doesn’t take into account category size or variability in examples Context
What may be more typical in one setting may not be elsewhere
Correlations among attributes
Similarity based retrieval
Since the exemplar approach retains more information about the category itself it gets around some of the problems faced by the prototype theory (e.g. context effects), but also how a prototype could be recognized at test when wasn’t presented previously
Overlap of common attributes Classification is made based on overlap between prototype and exemplar
The prototype view can explain both typicality effects and the fact that prototypes that had not been previously presented are correctly classified (even more accurately) Problems with prototype explanation
国外Advanced Cognitive Psychology课程课件-Problem solving
Characteristics of insight problems
• People initially have no idea how to solve the problem • There is no linear “feeling of warmth”
– There is no sense that one is getting closer to solving the problem.
• Each of these new sub-problems needs to be solved
Working backward
• Sometimes it is hard to solve a problem by starting at the initial state
– Many puzzles are intentionally designed to be hard to solve from the givens.
• How can the initial state be modified?
– Obstacles
• Something that stands between the initial state and the goal. • What would happen if one of these aspects were missing?
– Domain general heuristics for solving problems – Best for well-defined problems
• No real mechanisms for dealing with illdefined problems • Domain knowledge needed for this.
什么? What are the cognitive operations used by 6 years old children and 14 years old children, while performing on a cognitive task,?
3. Status of Cognition in Psychology
1.认知与意识 The Cognition & Consciousness 2.认知与智力、思维的关系 The Relationship
between Cognition, Intelligence, & thinking
对词义的辨别速度是如何反映主体对信息的不同贮存方式的?Does the difference in storing of the main body of information affect in identifying the difference between memory?
How do babies use their mother's psychological representation to reflect between different images?
这种心理表象又是如何产生的?如何被不断精确化的?等等。How is this kind of psychological representation generated? How stantly accurate it is? And so on.
程序性知识的表征:用条件和动作来表征 (“如果……那么……”的产生式或产生式系统)
国外认知心理学课件5-Chapter 1
Learning Objectives
of the Field History of the Field Modern Approaches to Studying the Mind Strategies for Successful Learning
Cognition and Cognitive Psychology
These early researchers were physiologists, physicists, and philosophers
Learned lists of nonsense syllables (e.g., DAX, QEH) Why nonsense syllables?
Children say sentences they have never heard Incorrect grammar
Learned lists of nonsense syllables (e.g., DAX, QEH) Why nonsense syllables? Repeated lists and noted how many repetitions it took to repeat the list with no errors; this was called __________ Waited a period of time and then relearned the list Computed a savings score
Wilhelm Wundt
Mental representation
An unobservable internal code for information. Mental images are one kind of mental representation. Other kinds are unconscious and abstract. Provide the basis for all cognitive abilities and knowledge about the world.
Core Concepts
Mental representation Stages of processing Serial versus parallel processing Hierarchical systems Cognitive architecture Memory stores Consciousness
Serial versus Parallel Processing
At a given stage of processing, cognitive operations may be either serial or parallel. Simultaneous operations are parallel not serial. Is retrieval from memory serial or parallel?
Method of Subtraction
Used to isolate the properties of a single stage of processing. Assumption of pure insertion: Control-Stages 1 and 2 Experimental-Stages 1, 2, and 3 Adding 3 does not affect 1 and 2
认知心理学 ppt课件
可见,这两个学派在许多理论问题上有相似之处。 但是,皮亚杰更多地受到生物学机能主义的影响, 认知心理学则更受计算机功能类比的启示,它们是 两种不同的认知心理学发展模式,在研究领域、实 验操作方法、成果表述方面很少相同之处。
第四节 科学技术背景
认知心理学也是心理学与邻近学科交叉渗 透的产物。控制论、信息论、计算机科学和 语言学的发展是现代认知心理学产生的重要 的科学基础。
(二)格式塔心理学的影响 格式塔心理学强调经验的整体性,认为整体是不 可分析为元素的,整体不等于部分的总和,而是先 于部分并决定各部分的性质和意义。认知心理学强 调研究的整体性和内部心理机制,强调对信息的破 译、编码和整合,重视内部心理活动之间的相互联 系,采用模拟的方法进行综合性研究,这与格式塔 心理学的观点是一脉相承的。认知心理学与格式塔 心理学的研究领域比较接近。
ppt课件 16
认知心理学研究认知的内部心理机制问题,因 此,认知心理学是阐述智力的本质和过程的, 它是关于智力的理论。 由于它强调意识和心理机制,因此被称为“心 理主义”;又由于它强调人的行为受其认知过 程的制约,也被看作一种理性注意的心理学。
第六节 认知心理学的代表人物
而后者又分为知性的先验要素(如原因和结果、 必然性和偶然性等范畴)和理性的先验要素(如灵 魂、宇宙、上帝等理念)。他认为,在一个完整的 认识过程中,感性、知性和理性这三种认识能力及 其先验的知识要素,是逐一加入并起作用的。这种 思想不仅成为现代心理学中图式(schema)概念的重 要思想根源,而且对现代认知心理学也有深刻的影 响。
– Method
• Various methods – experiment, observation
– Proponents
• Max Wertheimer, Wolfgang Kö hler
2. From Plato to Cognitive Psychology
2.2. Emergence of Cognitive Psychology
Karl Lashley (1890-1958)
– Psychobiological arguments against behaviorism – Playing piano
• On a behaviorist, stimulus-response account, an activity such as rapidly playing a correct sequence of notes from memory on an instrument would involve an associative chain of stimuli and responses • Such associative chains can not explain the behavior; input is never put into a a static system, but always into a system which is actively organized
• Behaviorists can not explain how children can produce novel sentences they never heard • Infinite number of sentences we can produce can not be learned by reinforcement – there must be a cognitive algorithmic structure in our mind underlying language
Introduction to Cognitive Psychology 认知心理学 英文课件
– We will learn about categorization and invariant representation
The Magic of Cognition
• The Stroop effect
– We have automatic reading routines – It is hard to stop well-practiced routines
from executing – This is the difference between experts and
QuickTime?a nd a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are need ed to see this picture.
Complexity of Perception; Expectations
• Cognitive Psychology versus Behaviorism
– Behavioral Psych: how S maps onto R – Cognitive Psych: what happens in the mind – Both can use formulas to map S onto R – The difference is level of complexity
S Environment
What is Cognitive Psychology?
• Cognitive Psychology versus Neurobiology
– Neurobiology: how does the brain do it? – Cognitive Psych: how does the mind do it? – Both can use neurons to describe mind – The difference is behavior (the big picture)
The Magic of Cognition
• The Stroop effect
– We have automatic reading routines – It is hard to stop well-practiced routines
from executing – This is the difference between experts and
QuickTime?a nd a TIFF (Uncompressed) decompressor
are need ed to see this picture.
Complexity of Perception; Expectations
• Cognitive Psychology versus Behaviorism
– Behavioral Psych: how S maps onto R – Cognitive Psych: what happens in the mind – Both can use formulas to map S onto R – The difference is level of complexity
S Environment
What is Cognitive Psychology?
• Cognitive Psychology versus Neurobiology
– Neurobiology: how does the brain do it? – Cognitive Psych: how does the mind do it? – Both can use neurons to describe mind – The difference is behavior (the big picture)
国外Advanced Cognitive Psychology课程课件-Intro
Cognitive psych can be seen as specifically stemming from two different approaches to the study of human nature
Plato, Aristotle, Hobbes, Locke, Kant but also elsewhere around the world
James’ pragmatism and the beginnings of functionalism (Darwin, Cattell, Galton, Hall)
Reaction to Wundt (or rather, Titchener’s interpretation of him)
How do cognitive processes work and what might be their purpose?
Wundt and the founding of scientific psychology
His experimental introspection was not the unstructured self-observation used by earlier self(and some later) philosophers/“psychologists”
Historical Roots
Reality in abstract forms, physical world composed of imperfect copies Rationalist approach to understanding
Using logic to understand the world
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Multidimensional Scaling (MDS)
Mathematical technique for taking a set of distances and finding the best-fitting spatial configuration that corresponds to those distances
Meaning derived from how representation stands in consistent relation to the represented world Meaning determined by relations to other representations
Bird‟s eye view (map knowledge) Good for global spatial relations Easy acquisition Not so great for orientation Gained from navigating through the environment
Conceptual info can be represented spatially More on that later
Spatial Representation
Analog representation
Representation mimics the structure of the represented world Multidimensional scaling Abstract assertions regarding the state of the represented world Not tied to a particular sensory modality
Hierarchical representations
Judge relative position of cities (Stevens and Coupe) When superordinate info congruent with question, performance better
Propositional Representation
(A,B) 10 miles east (E,C) 20 miles south, 10 miles east (F,D) 10 miles south, 10 miles west
Analog vs. Propositional
Give psychological interpretations to the dimensions Reveal the dimensionality of a data set
Difficult to get a sense of relative distance by means of this information
Each object is represented as a point in space N objects are represented by ND numbers (coordinates) N objects are represented by N(N-1)/2 numbers (distances)
Spatial Cognition
How is the representing world like the represented world? The represented world is a space The representing world is a space
What kinds of processes might be involved?
Salient points of reference in the environment
Perhaps a different type Cognitive collage vs. orientation free
Large scale space
Which is farther north:
Mental representations are carriers of meaning In order to interact appropriately with the environment we represent info from it and manipulate those representations Correspondence
Space as a representation
Spatial representation Representing world is a space. What is a space?
Geometric entity in which locations are specified relative to a set of axes Dimensionality defined by the number of axes that can point in independent directions Of interest is the distance between items, which can be measured in different ways Euclidian
Where is Seattle? Where is Terrill Hall?
Large vs. small-scale space Hierarchical representation
Small vs. Large-scale space
Maps of small-scale (navigable space)
Locate landmarks and routes within a general frame of reference Landmark knowledge
More difficult to acquire but better for navigation in irregular environments May lead to survey knowledge
Straight line Non-independent dimensions Saturation and brightness Distinct dimensions Color and size
Space as a representation
Physical world experienced (at least perceptually) has three dimensions (+ time) However, the representing world is not confined to any number of dimensions Represented world does not need to be spatial
Input: a distance or proximity matrix that describes how close every object in a set is to every other object Output: a geometric representation where every object is represented as a point in D-dimensional space Purposes of MDS
States are superodinate to cities, countries superordinate to states Maine is just south of Canada Oregon is well south of Canada
USA is soutolute original locations for the objects from the distances Flipping on horizontal axis would give us a rough approximation of NSEW Analog representation
Oregon must be south of Maine
Cities in Oregon must be south of cities in Maine In this case such cognitive economy works against us
Portland OR is north of Portland ME
Denton, TX or Chicago, IL? Portland, OR or Portland, ME?
Hierarchical representation of locations
Hierarchical representations
Relative locations of smaller regions are determined with respect to larger regions.
Good for configural info Easy incorporation of new info