卓越联盟自主招生试题及答案 缺答案
![卓越联盟自主招生试题及答案 缺答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d12f5ba9ad51f01dc281f1bf.png)
2011年卓越联盟自主招生数学试题(1)向量a ,b 均为非零向量,(a -2b )⊥a ,(b -2a )⊥b ,则a ,b 的夹角为 (A )6π(B )3π(C )23π (D )56π(2)已知sin2(?+?)=n sin2?,则tan()tan()αβγαβγ++-+(A )11n n -+(B )1n n +(C )1n n - (D )11n n +- (3)在正方体ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1中,E 为棱AA 1的中点,F 是棱A 1B 1上的点,且A 1F :FB 1=1:3,则异面直线EF 与BC 1所成(A (4)i(A(5)BC (A )y 2=16x(6)在三棱锥(A(7)若关于x (A )(0,1)D )(1,+∞)(8)如图,△O 于G 、F ,交⊙O 在(A(C(D (9)数列{a n }共有11项,a 1=0,a 11=4,且|a k +1-a k |=1,k =1,2,…,10.满足这种条件的不同数列的个数为() (A )100(B )120(C )140 (D )160(10)设?是坐标平面按顺时针方向绕原点做角度为27π的旋转,?表示坐标平面关于y 轴的镜面反射.用??表示变换的复合,先做?,再做?,用?k表示连续k 次的变换,则???2??3??4是() (A )?4(B )?5(C )?2?(D )??2(11)设数列{a n }满足a 1=a ,a 2=b ,2a n +2=a n +1+a n . (Ⅰ)设b n =a n +1-a n ,证明:若a ≠b ,则{b n }是等比数列;(Ⅱ)若lim n →∞(a 1+a 2+…+a n )=4,求a ,b 的值.(12)在△ABC 中,AB =2AC ,AD 是A 的角平分线,且AD =kAC . (Ⅰ)求k 的取值范围;(Ⅱ)若S △ABC =1,问k 为何值时,BC 最短?(13)已知椭圆的两个焦点为F 1(-1,0),F 2(1,0),且椭圆与直线y =x (Ⅰ)求椭圆的方程;(Ⅱ)过F 1作两条互相垂直的直线l 1,l 2,与椭圆分别交于P ,Q 及M ,N ,求四边形PMQN 面积的最大值与最小值. (14)(Ⅰ)求EX 1;(Ⅱ)设P (X n =(Ⅲ)证明:(15)(Ⅰ)设f (Ⅱ)设0<a <b (Ⅲ)记(Ⅱ)) (1(A )f (C)(3)f -(2为2π(A 32(B)先向左平移3π个单位长度,再将所得点的横坐标变为原来的12倍,纵坐标不变(C)先向左平移3π个单位长度,再将所得点的横坐标变为原来的2倍,纵坐标不变(D)先向右平移3π个单位长度,再将所得点的横坐标变为原来的2倍,纵坐标不变(3)如图,在,,,,A B C D E 五个区域中栽种3种植物,要求同一区域中只种1种植物,相邻两区域所种植物不同,则不同的栽种方法的总数为(A )21(B)24(C)30(D)48(4)设函数()f x 在R 上存在导数()f x ',对任意的x R ∈,有2()()f x f x x -+=,且在(0,)+∞上()f x x '>.若(2)()22f a f a a --≥-,则实数a 的取值范围为(A )[1,)+∞(B)(,1]-∞(C)(,2]-∞(D)[2,)+∞二、填空题:(本大题共4小题,每小题6分,共24分)(5)已知抛物线22(0)y px p =>的焦点是双曲线221x y -=的一个焦点,则双曲线的渐 (621OD DE +=, 则23OA OB OC +=.(7入区域(8)D ,割线=(用,α步骤)(9)((10)1)求椭圆方程;(2)若直线l 与x 轴相交于点G ,且GC DE =,求k 的值;(3)设A 为椭圆的下顶点,AC k 、AD k 分别为直线AC 、AD 的斜率,证明对任意的k 恒 有2AC AD k k ⋅=-. (11)(本题满分15分)设0x >,(1)证明:2112xe x x >++;(2)若2112x ye x x e =++,证明:0y x <<. (12)(本题满分15分)已知数列{}n a 中,13a =,2*1,,n n n a a na n N R αα+=-+∈∈.(1)若2n a n ≥对*n N ∀∈都成立,求α的取值范围;(2)当2α=-时,证明*121112()222n n N a a a +++<∈---. 一.选择题1.把圆x 2+((A )线段(B )2.等比数列(A )π9(B )π113.存在整数(A )不存在(B (C )多于一个4.设x ∈((A )α3<α2<5.() (A )4++(B )4(C )1-+(D )6.高为8放入半径为3(A )1(B )2(C )3(D )4 二.填空题1.集合{x |-1≤log10<-,x ∈N *}的真子集的个数是.2.复平面上,非零复数z 1,z 2在以i 为圆心,1为半径的圆上,·z 2的实部为零,z 1的辐角主值为,则z 2=_______. 3.曲线C 的极坐标方程是ρ=1+cos θ,点A 的极坐标是(2,0),曲线C 在它所在的平面内绕A 旋转一周,则它扫过的图形的面积是_______.4. 已知将给定的两个全等的正三棱锥的底面粘在一起,恰得到一个所有二面角都相等的六面体,并且该六面体的最短棱的长为2,则最远的两顶点间的距离是________.5.从给定的六种不同颜色中选用若干种颜色,将一个正方体的六个面染色,每面恰染一种颜色,每两个具有公共棱的面染成不同的颜色。
· 辅教导学 · 数学通讯 — — —2 上半月 ) 0 1 1 年第 7、 8期(
2 5
思 路五 由 A B =2 A C 得点A 到点B 与点C 的距离之比为 定 值 2, 符合“ 阿 波 罗 尼 斯 圆 ”的 特 , 征 故通过解析法求解 . ) , ) , , 解法五 设 B( 由 0 C( a, 0 A( x, -a, y) 2 2 2 2 ( 则有 ( A B =2 A C, x+a) +y =4 x-a) +4 y, 1 0 2 2 2 整理得 x x +a +y - a = 0. 3 1 2 2 2 而A D2 = ( x- a) A C2 = ( x-a) +y , + 3 1 0 2 2 2 2 , 又A 且y 整理得 D =k A C, x -a =-x + a y, 3 A D2 2 a 又 a 4) 2 , , 故k∈ ( k x∈ ( , 3 a) 0 . = =2- , 3 x 3 3 A C2 )问的求解 2.第 ( 2 解 法一 由余弦定理得 B C2 = A B2 +A C2 - 2 A B ·A C c o s A =A C2( 5-4 c o s A) . 因为 S△ABC = 1, 则 1A B ·A C s i n A = 1, 2 1 , 5 4 c o s A 即A 故B C2 = C2 = - . s i n A s i n A c o s A, 记 y = 5-4 则y s i n A +4 c o s A = 5, s i n A ( ( 其中t 6 s i n A + φ) = 5 a nφ = y +1 槡 4 ) . 2 6 y +1 槡
4 1 0 a 2 a 1 2 整理 a × ( + 2 =0, 2 2- 2 + ( ) ) 3 3 9 2-k 2-k a 4( 1 5) 1 6 故当 1 5, 2 得1 + , 4 =- 2- 2 = 9 9 2-k 2 2 a 2-k 2 1 0 时, 1 取得最大值1 6, 槡 即k 此时a 最小为 = 4 5 9 a 3, 槡 即B C 最短为槡 3. 2 “ 评注 波利亚说 : 如果你希望从自己的努力 中, 取得最大的收获 , 就要从已经解决了的问题中 找出那些对处 理 将 来 的 问 题 可 能 有 用 的 特 征 . 第 ( ) 、 1 问中的解法一 解法二与解三角形知识联系紧 密, 学生容易想到 . 解法 三 平 几 给 力 , 方 法 巧 妙, 利 ”解 法 四 与 解 法 五 , 用初中知识即可 破 解 . 主要是 基于经验题感 , 即由三点共线满足定比分点向量 公式 特 点 , 阿 波 罗 尼 斯 圆 ”的 特 A B =2 A C 符合“ 征. 两种方 法 对 本 题 虽 不 算 是 最 简 、 最 优 解 法, 但 )问 , 对学生的发 散 思 维 大 有 裨 益 . 第( 可从函数 2 、 、 与导数 直 线 与 圆 三 角 方 程 等 多 个 角 度 切 入 , 精 彩纷呈 . 一 题 多 解, 功 能 各 异, 通过少而精的经典 题的深入探究 , 可 达 到 触 类 旁 通、 举 一 反 三、 以少 胜多的效果 , 是高三复习迎考的一条有效途径 . ( ) 收稿日期 : 2 0 1 1-0 3-1 0
卓越联盟高一考试试卷一、语文1. 阅读理解(共30分)- 阅读以下文章,回答文后问题。
- 文章一:《荷塘月色》朱自清- 文章二:《故乡》鲁迅2. 古文翻译(共20分)- 翻译以下古文段落,并解释其中的重点词汇。
- 段落一:《岳阳楼记》范仲淹- 段落二:《出师表》诸葛亮3. 作文(共50分)- 请以“我的高中生活”为题,写一篇不少于800字的记叙文。
二、数学1. 选择题(共20分)- 请从以下四个选项中选择正确答案。
2. 填空题(共20分)- 根据题目所给信息,填写空缺处。
3. 解答题(共60分)- 解答以下数学问题。
- 问题一:函数与方程- 问题二:几何证明- 问题三:概率统计三、英语1. 阅读理解(共30分)- 阅读以下英文文章,并回答相关问题。
2. 完形填空(共20分)- 请在空白处填入合适的单词或短语。
3. 翻译(共20分)- 将以下中文句子翻译成英文。
4. 写作(共30分)- 以“My Hometown”为题,写一篇不少于120词的英语短文。
四、物理1. 选择题(共30分)- 选择下列问题的正确答案。
2. 计算题(共40分)- 根据所给物理公式和数据,计算下列问题。
3. 实验题(共30分)- 根据实验目的和步骤,回答问题。
五、化学1. 选择题(共30分)- 选择下列问题的正确答案。
2. 填空题(共20分)- 根据题目所给信息,填写空缺处。
3. 计算题(共30分)- 解答下列化学计算问题。
4. 实验题(共20分)- 根据实验目的和步骤,回答问题。
六、生物1. 选择题(共30分)- 选择下列问题的正确答案。
2. 填空题(共20分)- 根据题目所给信息,填写空缺处。
3. 简答题(共30分)- 解答下列生物学问题。
4. 实验题(共20分)- 根据实验目的和步骤,回答问题。
七、政治1. 选择题(共30分)- 选择下列问题的正确答案。
2. 简答题(共40分)- 解答下列政治学问题。
3. 论述题(共30分)- 根据题目要求,撰写一篇论述文。
1 ( + 礼一1 一 (2 X  ̄ ) ) 2a l I.
 ̄2 - X2C1 L
— — .
B =
口 2 一 10 l Z l — X2
发展 2 设数列 { 满足0 n) 1= 0 0 , 2= b ,
2 n a +2 = 0 +1+ 0 n n,d = 0 ~ — + 2 n n a b
2 -2= nn+1+ 0n, 0nt - = 2n an +1 +1+ 2ha
n .
证: , } {n 为等 比数 列. 发展 4 设数列 _ 满足 n [ 0 1= 0 0 , 2= b ( 0< 6, a + ) 2 n 2= 0 + +a .求证: 2+ n1 札 n札 1<
0 n < n2 2 n一2 .
( 当 ≠ X 时, n: A 一 I 1 2 0 ) 一B 一 ; () l 2寸 0 Ⅱ 当X =X 日j :【+ n一1] _ . ( ) 。 例1 ( 卓越联盟 2 1 年 自主招生数学第 1 01 1 题) 设数列 _n. [ ] 0 满足0 1=0 0 , 2= b 2 2= ,a+
( )一 ) 一 ( 一
( 1. 扎≥ )
且 + 一 。 = n
、l ,
 ̄ a2 - al  ̄
。。 一 n =
an+ l - an
1 .试题 分 析
n + 一a = ( —a n1 l b )
此类 问题求 解的关键是 由二 阶线性递 推关
系 a+ = /a+ ,札求其通项. n2 ( la ) 本题中连续三
【2018-2019】卓越联盟自主招生报名系统word版本 (16页)
![【2018-2019】卓越联盟自主招生报名系统word版本 (16页)](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/d6223f7c2e3f5727a5e96241.png)
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201X年卓越联盟自主招生笔试试题201X-03-16 14:07 来源:中国教育在线我要评论 16日上午9点,卓越联盟自主招生笔试结束,以下为考生对自主招生试题的回忆记录,供参考!语文作文题目:小作文,35分400到500字:是否认可煎饼人,煎饼人是指掌握多个领域的技能和知识的人,有人说煎饼人“面面会,面面松”,有人说煎饼人是复合型人才,谈谈对此的观点。
卓越联考试题及答案语文一、选择题(每题3分,共30分)1. 下列词语中,读音全部正确的一项是:A. 锲而不舍(qiè ér bù shě)B. 饕餮盛宴(tāo tiè shèng yàn)C. 恣意妄为(zì yì wàng wéi)D. 踌躇满志(chóu chú mǎn zhì)答案:B2. 下列句子中,没有语病的一项是:A. 他不仅学习勤奋,而且成绩优异。
B. 经过这次事件,使他更加坚定了信念。
C. 这本书的内容非常丰富,值得一读。
D. 他的话让我深受感动,使我不禁流下了眼泪。
答案:C(继续列出剩余选择题及答案)二、填空题(每空2分,共20分)1. “_________,明月几时有?把酒问青天。
答案:举头望明月2. 鲁迅先生的《_________》是中国现代文学史上的一篇重要作品。
文段一:(此处应有一段文学作品的摘录)1. 文中提到的“他”具有哪些特点?答案:(根据文段内容给出答案)2. 作者通过这段文字传达了什么样的情感或主题?答案:(根据文段内容给出答案)(继续列出剩余阅读理解题及答案)四、作文(共30分)题目:《我眼中的春天》要求:不少于800字,不得抄袭,不得套作。
6. 高为 8 的圆台内有一个半径为 2 的球 O1,球心 O1 在圆台的轴上,球 O1 与圆台的上底面、侧面都相切,圆台内可再放入一个 半径为 3 的球 O2,使得球 O2 与球 O1、圆台的下底面及侧面都只有一个公共点,除球 O2,圆台内最多还能放入半径为 3 的球的个数 是( ) (A) 1 二.填空题 1 1. 集合{x|-1≤log110<- ,x∈N*}的真子集的个数是 2 x . (B) 2 (C) 3 (D) 4
(A)α3<α2<α1 (B)α1<α3<α2 (C)α3<α1<α2 (D)α2<α3<α1 )
1 5. 如果在区间[1,2]上函数 f(x)=x2+px+q 与 g(x)=x+ 2在同一点取相同的最小值,那么 f(x)在该区间上的最大值是( x 11 3 3 (A) 4+ 2+ 4 2 (C) 13 3 1- 2+ 4 2 53 3 (B) 4- 2+ 4 2 (D)以上答案都不对
2 等于
n 1 n 1
n n 1
n n 1
n 1 n 1
(3)在正方体 ABCD—A1B1C1D1 中,E 为棱 AA1 的中点,F 是棱 A1B1 上的点,且 A1F:FB1=1:3,则异面直线 EF 与 BC1 所成角的正弦值为
15 3
15 5
2 2 2 2
(C)(x+ 1-y )(y 1-x )=0 (D)(x 1-y )(y+ 1-x )=0 4 3.设四面体四个面的面积分别为 S1,S2,S3,S4,它们的最大值为 S,记λ=( (A)2<λ≤4 (B)3<λ<4 (C)2.5<λ≤4.5
1.已知△ABC 的三边a ,b ,c 成等比数列,a ,b ,c 所对的角依次为A ,B ,C.则sinB+cosB 的取值范围是( ) A .(1,1+]23 B .[21,1+]23 C .(1,]2 D .[21,]2 2.一个口袋里有5个大小一样的小球,其中两个是红色的,两个是白色的,一个是黑色的,依次从中摸出5个小球,相邻两个小球的颜色均不相同的概率是( ) A 1/2 B 2/5 C 3/5 D 4/73.正四棱锥ABCD S -中,侧棱与底面所成的角为α,侧面与底面所成的角为β,侧面等腰三角形的底角为γ,相邻两侧面所成的二面角为θ,则α、β、γ、θ的大小关系( ) (A )θγβα<<<(B )γθβα<<<(C )βγαθ<<<(D )θβγα<<< 4. 已知f (x )=|x +1|+|x +2|+…+|x +2007|+|x -1|+|x -2|+…+|x -2007|(x ∈R ),且f (a 2-3a +2)=f (a -1).则a 的值有( ).(A )2个 (B )3个 (C )4个 (D )无数个5.平面上满足约束条件⎪⎩⎪⎨⎧≤--≤+≥01002y x y x x 的点(x ,y )形成的区域为D ,区域D 关于直线y=2x对称的区域为E ,则区域D 和区域E 中距离最近的两面三刀点的距离为( )A .556 B .5512 C .538 D .53166. 若m 、n ∈{x |x =a 2×102+a 1×10+a 0},其中a i ∈{1,2,3,4,5,6,7},i =0,1,2,并且m +n =636,则实数对(m ,n )表示平面上不同点的个数为( ).(A )60个 (B )70个 (C )90个 (D )120个 7.数列{}n a 定义如下:()1221211,2,2+++===-++n n n na a a a n n 201122012>+m a ,则正整数m 的最小值为( ). A 4025 B 4250 C 3650 D 4425 8. 用红、黄、蓝三种颜色之一去涂途中标号为9,,2,1的9个小正方形(如图),使得任意相邻(有公共边的)小正方形所涂颜色都不相同,且“3、5、7”号数字涂相同的颜色,则符合条件的所有涂法共有( )A 96B 108C 112 D120 9.设a n =2n ,b n =n ,(n=1,2,3,。
(1)若函数 总存在有两个极值点 ,求 所满足的关系;
(2)若函数 有两个极值点 ,且存在 ,求 在不等式 表示的区域内时实数 的范围.
(3)若函数 恰有一个极值点 ,且存在 ,使 在不等式 表示的区域内,证明: .
3.存在整数n,使+是整数的质数p( )
阅读下面的文言文,完成4~7题。(2012年全国新课标卷) 萧燧字照邻,临江军人。燧生而颖异,幼能属文。绍兴十八年,擢进 士高第。授平江府观察推官。时秦桧当国,其亲党密告燧,秋试必主文 ①漕台,燧诘其故,曰:“丞相有子就举,欲以属公。”燧怒曰:“初 仕敢欺心耶!”桧怀之,既而被檄秀州,至则员溢,就院易一员往漕闱 ,秦熺果中前列。孝宗初,除诸王宫大小学教授。轮对,论“官当择人 ,不当为人择官。”上喜,制《用人论》赐大臣。淳熙二年,进起居郎 。先是,察官阙,朝论多属燧,以未历县,遂除左司谏。时宦官甘昪之 客胡与可、都承旨王抃之族叔秬皆持节于外,有所依凭,无善状,燧皆 奏罢之。时复议进取,上以问燧,对曰:“今贤否杂糅,风俗浇浮,兵 未强,财未裕,宜卧薪尝胆以图内治。若恃小康,萌骄心,非臣所知。 ”上曰:“忠言也。”因劝上正纪纲,容直言;亲君子,远小人;近习 有劳可赏以禄,不可假以权。上皆嘉纳。出知严州。严地狭财匮,始至 ,官镪②不满三千,燧俭以足用。二年之间,以其羡补积逋,诸邑皆宽 。上方靳职名,非功不予,诏燧治郡有劳,除敷文阁待制,移知婺州。 父老遮道,几不得行,送出境者以千数。婺与严邻,人熟知条教,不劳 而治。岁旱,浙西常平司请移粟于严,燧谓:“东西异路,不当与,然 安忍于旧治坐视?”为请诸朝,发太仓米振之。八年,召还,言:“江 、浙再岁水旱,愿下诏求言,仍令诸司通融郡县财赋,毋但督迫。”十 年,上言广西诸郡民身丁钱之弊。事多施行。庆典霈泽,丁钱减半,亦 自燧发之。绍熙四年卒,年七十七。 (节选自《宋史· 萧燧传》)
(三 )句 14.下列各句中,没有病句的一句是(2013全国课标1) A.对于传说中这类拥有异常可怕力量的动物,尚武的古代欧 洲人的真实心态恐怕还是敬畏多于憎恶的。 B.杜绝过度治疗,除了加强宣传教育外,还要靠制度保障一聊 机构正常运转,调控盲目扩张的逐利行为。 C.作者观察细致,一泓清潭,汩汩流水、郎朗歌声,都能激发 他的灵感,都能从中找到抒情叙事的切入点。 D.过于重视教育功能,文学作文会出现理性捆绑感性,思想大 于形象,甚至全无艺术性,变成干巴巴的说教。 17.仿照下面的示例,自选话题,另写三句话,要求使用比喻 的修辞手法,句式与示例相同。 (2011 高考全国课标卷) 平凡是泥土,孕育着收获,只要你肯耕耘; 平凡是苗圃,孕育着烂漫,只要你肯浇灌; 平凡是细流,孕育着浩瀚,只要你肯积聚。
2019-2020年高一上学期新生入学卓越班选拔考试数学试题 含答案
![2019-2020年高一上学期新生入学卓越班选拔考试数学试题 含答案](https://img.taocdn.com/s3/m/8425cb396c85ec3a87c2c54c.png)
2019-2020年高一上学期新生入学卓越班选拔考试数学试题 含答案一、选择题(每题5分,共60分) 1. 下列运算正确的是( )A .2510a a a ⋅=B .0( 3.14)0π-= C= D .222()a b a b +=+ 2.函数11y x =-中自变量x 的取值范围是( ) A .2x ≤ B .2x ≤且1x ≠ C .x <2且1x ≠ D .1x ≠3. 如图,几何体上半部为正三棱柱,下半部为圆柱,其俯视图是( )A .B .C .D .4. 若532=-b a ,则=+-2015262a b ( )A .2004B .2005C .2014D .20155. 如图,以点O 为圆心的两个圆中,大圆的弦AB 切小圆于点C ,OA 交小圆于点D ,若OD=2,tan ∠OAB=12,则AB 的长是( ) A .4 B .C .8D .6. 若用一张直径为20cm 的半圆形铁片做一个圆锥的侧面,接缝忽略不计,则所得圆锥的高为( )A .5cm B .5cm C .cm D .10cm7. 甲、乙两布袋装有红、白两种小球,两袋装球总数量相同,两种小球仅颜色不同.甲袋中,红球个数是白球个数的2倍;乙袋中,红球个数是白球个数的3倍,将乙袋中的球全部倒入甲袋,随机从甲袋中摸出一个球,摸出红球的概率是( )A .B .C .D .8. 反比例函数1my x=(0x >)与一次函数2y x b =-+的图象交于A ,B 两点,其中A (1,2),当21y y >时,x 的取值范围是( ) A .x <1 B .1<x <2 C .x >2 D .x <1或x >29. 二次函数2y ax bx c =++(0a ≠)的图象如图所示,下列结论:第5题图第9题图①20a b +>;②0abc <;③240b ac ->;④0a b c ++<;⑤420a b c -+<,其中正确的个数是( )A .2B .3C .4D .510. 如图,矩形ABCD 中,AB=3,BC=4,点P 从A 点出发.按A →B →C 的方向在AB 和BC 上移动.记PA=x ,点D 到直线PA 的距离为y ,则y 关于x 的函数大致图象是( )A .B .C .D .11. 二次函数2(1)1y x m x =+-+,当x >1时,y 随x 的增大而增大,则m 的取值范围是( )A .1m =-B .3m =C .1m ≤-D .1m ≥-12. 如图,以平行四边形ABCO 的顶点O 为原点,边OC 所在直线为x 轴,建立平面直角坐标系,顶点A 、C 的坐标分别是(2,4)、(3,0),过点A 的反比例函数ky x=的图象交BC 于D ,连接AD ,则四边形AOCD 的面积是( )A .7B .8C .9D .10二、填空题(每题5分,共20分)13. 如图,ABCD 是矩形纸片,翻折∠B ,∠D ,使AD ,BC 边与对角线AC重叠,且顶点B ,D 恰好落在同一点O 上,折痕分别是CE ,AF ,则AEEB等于________________ 14. 若不等式组恰有两个整数解,则m 的取值范围是________________15. 在平面直角坐标系中,点P 的坐标为(0,4),直线343-=x y 与x 轴、y 轴分别交于A 、B ,点M 是直线AB 上的一个动点,则线段PM 长的最小值为________________第10题图 第12题图第13题图16. 已知x=2是不等式)23)(5(+--a ax x ≤0的解,且x=1不是这个不等式的解,则实数a的取值范围是________________三、解答题17. (10分)计算:0111(2015)()23tan30633π--+-+-+18. (10分)先化简,再求值:2224(1)444a a a a a -÷-++-,其中2a =.19. (12分)为了掌握我市中考模拟数学试题的命题质量与难度系数,命题教师赴我市某地选取一个水平相当的初三年级进行调研,命题教师将随机抽取的部分学生成绩(得分为整数,满分为160分)分为5组:第一组85~100;第二组100~115;第三组115~130;第四组130~145;第五组145~160,统计后得到如图所示的频数分布直方图(每组含最小值不含最大值)和扇形统计图,观察图形的信息,回答下列问题:(1)本次调查共随机抽取了该年级多少名学生?并将频数分布直方图补充完整;sw (2)若将得分转化为等级,规定:得分低于100分评为“D ”,100~130分评为“C ”,130~145分评为“B ”,145~160分评为“A ”,那么该年级1500名考生中,考试成绩评为“B ”的学生大约有多少名?20. (10分)如图,从地面上的点A 看一山坡上的电线杆PQ ,测得杆顶端点P 的仰角是45°,向前走6m 到达B 点,测得杆顶端点P 和杆底端点Q 的仰角分别是60°和30° (1)求∠BPQ 的度数;(2)求该电线杆PQ 的高度(结果精确到1m )。
绝密★启用前清北学长精心打造——卓越联盟自主招生数学模拟试题(三)考试范围:xxx ;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:xxx学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________考号:___________注意事项:1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I 卷(选择题)一、选择题(5*6=30分)1.已知函数()()432,,,f x x a x b x c x d a b c d =++++为实常数的图象经过三点12,2A ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,13,3B ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,14,4C ⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭,则()()15f f +的值等于( ) A .0 B .1C .265D .252.函数f 定义在正整数有序对的集合上,并满足(,),(,)(,),f x x x f x y f y x ==()(,)(,)x y f x y yf x x y +=+,则(14,52)f 的值为( )A .364B .182C .91D .无法计算3.二次函数c bx ax y ++=2的图象的一部分如图,则a 的取 值范围是 ( )A .01<≤-aB .1->aC .01<<-aD .1-≤a4.关于x 、y 的方程20071111=++xy y x 的正整数解(x ,y )的个数为( )A .16B .24C .32D .48第II 卷(非选择题)二、填空题(6*6=36分)5.定义: 区间[](),c d c d <的长度为d c -. 已知函数3log y x =的定义域为[],a b , 值域为[]0,2,则区间[],a b 长度的最大值与最小值的差等于________.6. 平面上给定ΔA 1A 2A 3及点p 0,定义A s =A s-3,s ≥4,构造点列p 0,p 1,p 2,…,使得p k+1为绕中心A k+1顺时针旋转1200时p k 所到达的位置,k=0,1,2,…,若p 1986=p 0.则ΔA 1A 2A 3为 三角形。
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卓越联盟—Part 1ClozeRoad politeness is not only good manners, but good sense too. It takes the most cool-headed and good-tempered drivers to ___1___ the temptation to take revenge when subjected to uncivilized behavior. ____2___ the other hand, a little politeness goes a long way towards relieving the ____3____ of motoring. A friendly nod or a wave of _____4____ in response to a ( an) ____5___ of politeness helps to create an atmosphere of goodwill and tolerance so necessary in modern traffic conditions. But such acknowledgements of politeness are all too ____6___ today. Many drivers nowadays don’t even seem able to ___7___ politeness when they see it.However, ____8___ politeness can be dangerous. Typical examples are the drivers who brakes ___9___ to allow a car to ___10____ from a side street to following traffic, when a few seconds later the road would be ____11___anyway; or the man who ___12___ a child across a zebra crossing into the path of oncoming vehicles that may be unable to stop in time. The same ___13___for encouraging old ladies to cross the road wherever and ____14___ they care to.A veteran driver told me it would help if motorists learn to filter correctly into traffic ___15___ one at a time without causing the total blockages that ___16___ rise to bad temper. Years ago the experts warned us that an ____19___ in car-ownership would demand a lot more give-and-take from all road users, It’s high time for all of us to take this message ___20___ heart.1. A. refuse B. resist C. avoid D. combat2. A. In B. At C. To D. On3. A. tension B. anxieties C. worries D. tightness4. A. appreciate B. gratitude C. tribute D. acknowledgement5. A. action B. move C. act D. step6. A. scare B. rare C. infrequent D. sparse7. A. recognize B. understand C. realize D. respect8. A. misgiving B. misleading C. misplaced D. mislaid9. A. violently B. cruelly C. forcefully D. severely10.A. arise B. rise C. submerge D. emerge11.A. obstructed B. clear C. open D. blocked12. A. waves B. sways C. signs D. shakes13. A. functions B. operates C. runs D. goes14. A. when B. while C. whenever D. however15. A. currents B. drifts C. rivers D. streams16. A. give B. take C. develop D. grow17. A. Though B. Unfortunately C. Although D. Spite18. A. delicate B. indirect C. profound D. subtle19. A. explosion B. outbreak C. outburst D. eruption20. A. on B. off C. to D. atReadingWhile awareness and mastery of skills are important steps in any learning process, it is only when conscious skills are put to work that you will experience the involvement and excitement that accompany personal growth. The infant mimicking sounds, the youngster practicing to ride hisbicycle, the teenager learning to drive, the adult preparing to buy a house---all experience a good deal of anticipation, but the anticipation pales next to the excitement of first communicating verbally or riding a bicycle solo or taking that first drive or moving into that first home. In other words, social interaction is the highest degree of personal involvement, the logical peak experience towards what awareness and mastery lead.More than any other experience it is social interaction by which a person defines, expands, and develops his own personality. Therefore, the more involved you are, the more experiences you have, the greater will be the actualization of your personality. If, for example, you are an active person in your community, your personality will express this activity by its positive and outgoing nature. If, on the other hand, you are passive, merely allowing yourself to be acted upon without any involvement in the day-to-day activities of your community, you risk boredom and dullness. Much has been written about the “ mass man” and about the inability of the average citizen to affect his own destiny. Involved persons are not mass men or passive citizens. Involvement in your community means developing your community and yourself by direct and relevant social interaction. Since this interaction could involve you in any and all of the functions of your community, we suggest here that you select for your involvement activities which are most meaningful to you. You might consider your future career plans, hobbies, or educational interests as guides for your decision. For once you begin to be involved in your community and once you experience your own growth in self-awareness through community awareness, you may very well find social interaction a life-time project, regardless of where your community may be or how it may change.1. Which of the following statements is not true according to the first paragraph?A. You can have your personal growth accompanied by involvement and excitement by employing conscious skills in any learning process.B. Involved persons do not anticipate anything.C. Social interaction is the logical peak experience.D. Involvement and excitement come from social interaction.2. Which of the following is characteristic of an active person?A. Being involved in social interaction.B. Risking boredom and dullness.C. Allowing oneself to be acted upon.D. All of the above.3. According to the author, involvement in a community should be____________.A. suggestiveB. decisiveC. comprehensiveD. selective4. Which of the following may be the best title for the passage?A. Self-awarenessB. Community AwarenessC. Social InteractionD. Mass Men5. After the passage, the author would most probably _________________________.A. tell us the difference between active citizens and passive ones.B. define the nature of social interactionC. explain why awareness helps actualize one’s personalityD. help us to be involved in social interactionSentence FillingA. The function of a microblog makes it easier for people to share and influence others’ opinions.B. Instant casualty updates, missing persons notices, charity announcements, microblogs are now the priority channel for sending and acquiring information. Of course, there are also rumors.C. Comparisons between China and Japan have been trending on microblogs of late.D. Still, rumors reached such a heightened point that they triggered a salt panic in China last week.E. When everybody has more freedom of speech, a principle is to tolerate different opinions.F. The disaster rose up to the focus of the whole world by microblogs, becoming the fastest information channel to make sure whether their relatives in Japan are safe or not.The power of microblogs has escalated to new heights in China after the devastating earthquake that has happened in Japan in March.In the days following the disaster, microblogs have transformed from a medium for gossiping and chatting to a swift information channel that outshone traditional media. Four hours after the quake, 4.5 million messages had already been sent in the Sina microblog.1._________________________________________Rumors tend to accompany catastrophes every time, and microblogs are rife for such spreading. From nuclear radiation fallout to malicious fake death news, the number of rumors rose to such level that Sina had to increase its manpower to screen them out.2._________________________________Behind the chaotic scene is the unprecedented freedom of speech the Chinese netizens enjoy on microblogs. Individuals have almost equal opportunity to have their voices heard as with the mainstream media.Sufficient information and thorough debate supposedly should result in more truth surfacing. But this is not always the case.3._____________________________________Disasters response in Japan and the Japanese’ way of surviving such a calamity have given Chinese netizens reasons to look at their domestic situation.4________________________.For the first few days, the opinion of Chinese microblogs was titled in favor of lauding the post-disaster order in Japan and the country’s flexibility in dealing with disasters.Those questioning voices were met with heavy verbal assault and quelled. Mere days later though, more objective facts about Japan’s disaster relief reality appeared on microblogs.The emergence of microblogs is changing how Chinese obtain information, and more importantly, shaping how they perceive the world.5.___________________________________________. Unfortunately this has not yet been widely adopted in China’s microblog community.Summary①In 1985 when a Japan Air Lines(JAL) jet crashed, its president, Yasumoto Takagi, called each victim’s family to apologize, and then promptly resigned. And in 1987, when a subsidiary of Toshiba sold sensitive military technology to the farmer Soviet Union, the chairman of Toshiba gave up his post.②These executive actions, which Toshiba calls “the highest form of apology,”may seem bizarre to US managers. No one at Boeing resigned after the JAL crash, which may have been caused by a faulty Boeing repair.③The difference between the two business cultures centers around different definitions of delegation. While US executives give both responsibility and authority to their employees,Japanese executives delegate only authority--- the responsibility is still theirs. Although the subsidiary that sold the sensitive technology to the Soviets had its own management, the Toshiba top executives said they “must take personal responsibility for not creating an atmosphere throughout the Toshiba group that would make such activity unthinkable, even in an independently run subsidiary.”④Such acceptance of community responsibility is not unique to business in Japan. School principles in Japan have resigned when their students committed major crimes after school hours. Even if they do not quit, Japanese executives will often accept primary responsibility in other ways, such as taking the first pay cut when a company gets into financial trouble. Such personal sacrifices, even if they are largely symbolic, help to create the sense of community and employee loyalty that is crucial to the Japanese way of doing business.⑤Harvard Business School professor George Lodge calls the ritual acceptance of blame “almost a feudal way of purging the community of dishonor,”and to some in the United States, such resignations look cowardly. However, in an era in which both business and governmental leaders seem particularly good at evading responsibility, many US managers would probably welcome an infusion of the Japanese sense of responsibility, if, for instance, US automobile company executives offered to reduce their own salaries before they asked their workers to take pay cuts, negotiations would probably take on a very different character.日本JAL航空公司在发生空难之后,总裁引咎辞职并向每一位受难家属致电道歉。