高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the world-Reading[TY](ppt).ppt
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldWord pow
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldWord power 同步练习I. 根据英文解释和首字母提示,写出不同的路名的英文单词。
(每题2分,共20分)1. a road that you have to pay to use is called a t_______ road. t____________2. In Britain a wide road with at least two lanes in each direction where cars can go very fastm____________3. A road that goes through a tunnel is called an u________. u____________4. a main road ,usually connecting large towns is called h______ h __________5. a place where two or more roads ,lines etc. meet or cross each other i___________.6.a bridge that carries one road over another one f________7.a track with rails on which trains run r_________8.a way or track that is built or is made by the action of people walking p_______9.a narrow road in the country. l_________10.a path through the countryside or a route that is followed for a particular purpose t________II. 根据短文意思及首字母完成短文。
高中英语必修7Unit4 theundergroundintheworld--Task Writingne-mailtogiveinformation 同步练习
Unit4 theundergroundintheworld—TaskWritingne-mailtogiveinformation 同步练习I.阅读短文并回答问题(共14分)Maglevisshortformagneticlevitation(漂浮),whichmeansthatthesetrainswillfloatoverguideway(导轨)usingtheasicprinciplesofmagnetstoreplacetheoldsteelwheelndtracktrains. Themagnetizedoil([电]线圈)runninglongthetrack,alledguideway,repelsthelargemagnetsonthetrain'sundercarriage(车盘),llowingthetraintolevitate(飘浮)etween0.39nd3.93inches(1to10m)bovetheguideway.Oncethetrainislevitated,powerissup pliedtotheoilswithintheguidewaywallstoreateuniquesystemofmagneticfieldsthatpullndpushth etrainlongtheguideway.Theelectricurrentsuppliedtotheoilsintheguidewaywallsisonstantlylter natingtohangethepolarity(极性)ofthemagnetizedoils.Thishangeinpolarityausesthemagneticfield(磁场)infrontofthetraintopullthevehicleforward,whilethemagneticfieldehindthetrainddsmoreforward thrust(推力).Themagneticfieldreatedinthiswire-and-batteryexperimentisthesimpleideaehindmaglevtrainr ailsystem.Thererethreeomponentstothissystem: AlargeelectricalpowersourceMetaloilsliningguidewayortrackLargeguidancemagnetsttachedt otheundersideofthetrain. Theigdifferenceetweenmaglevtrainndonventionaltrainisthatmaglevtrainsdonothavenengine. tleastnotthekindofengineusedtopulltypicaltrainarslongsteeltracks.Theengineformaglevtrains isratherinconspicuous(不显眼的,不引人注意的).Insteadofusingfossilfuels(矿物燃料),themagneticfieldreatedytheelectrifiedoilsintheguidewaywallsndthetrackombinetopropel(推进)thetrain.Maglevtrainsfloatonushionofir(气垫),eliminatingfriction(摩擦).Thislackoffrictionndthetrains'erodynamic(空气动力学的)designsllowthesetrainstoreachunprecedented(空前的)groundtransportationspeedsofmorethan500kph.Inomparison,oeing-777ommercialirplan eusedforlong-rangeflightsanreachtopspeedofbout789kph.Oncemanufacturersanprovethat maglevtrainsantransportpassengerssafelytsuchhighspeeds,maglevtrainsouldecomenideallt ernativetoirplanes.Developerssaythattheywilllikelylinkitiesthatreupto1,609kmpart.t500kph,y ououldtravelfromParistoRomeinjustovertwohours.Questions:1.Whatisguidewayndhowdoesitwork?______________________________________________________________2.Whatdoesmaglevmean?______________________________________________________________3.Howmanyomponentsretheretomaglevtrainrailsystem?______________________________________________________________4.Whatisthedifferenceetweenmaglevtrainndonventional(常规的,传统的)train?______________________________________________________________5.Howfastanmaglevtrainstravel?______________________________________________________________II.完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)Today,mostountriesintheworldhaveanals.Manyountrieshaveuiltanalsneartheoast,ndparallel __1theoast.Eveninthetwentiethentury,goodsanemovedmoreheaplyyoatthanynyother__2__ _oftransport.These___3___makeitpossibleforoatstotravel___4__portslongtheoastwithoutei ng__5___tothedangersoftheopen.Someanals,suchstheSuezndthePanama,saveshipsweek softimeymakingtheir___6___thousandmilesshorter.Otheranalspermitoatstoreachitiesthatre not__7___ontheoast,stillotheranals__8___landswherethereistoomuchwater,helpto9fieldsw herethereisnotenoughwater,nd10waterpowerforfactoriesndmills.Thesizeofanal11onthekind ofoatsgoingthroughit.Theanalmustewideenoughtopermittwoofthelargestoatsusingitto12eac hothereasily.Itmustedeepenoughtoleavebouttwofeetofwater13thekeelofthelargestoatusingt heanal.WhentheplanetMarswasfirst14throughtelescope,peoplesawthattherounddiskofthepl anetwasrisscrossedy15ofstrangelue-greenlines.Thesewerealled“canals”16theylookedthesa mesanalsonearth17reviewedfromnirplane.However,scientistsrenow18thattheMartianpheno menarereallynotanals.Thephotographs19fromspace-shipshavehelpedusto20thetruthboutth eM artia“anals”.1. A.off B.with C.to D.y2. A.way B.means C.method D.pproach3. A.waterways B.waterfronts C.hannels D.paths4. A..mong B.etween C.in D.to5. A.revealed B.exposed C.opened D.shown6. A.trip B.journey C.voyage D.route7. in B.stationed C.set D.located8. A.escape B.drain C.dry D.leak9. A.water B.wet C.soak D.irrigate10. A.furnish B.fford C.offer D.give11. A.focuses B.ases C.depends D.takes12. A.ross B.pass C.move D.dvance13. A.down B.elow C.eneathD.off14. A.studied B.researched C.surveyedD.observed15.A.few B.number C.deal D.supply16. A.lthough B.ecause C.so D.if17. A.that B.where C.when D.s18. A.exact B.definite C.ertain D.decisive19. A.held B.taken C.got D.developed20. A.find B.expose C.uncover D.discoverIII.阅读理解(每题4分,共32分)(A) TOKYO—nexpresstraintravelingthroughstrongwinterwindsderailedinnorthernJapan,killingfo urpeoplendinjuringmorethan30,officialssaidMonday.Fivearsofthesix-carexpresstrainderailedSundayevening,threeofthemtoppingontotheirsidesi nYamagata,bout189milesnorthofTokyo.ThetrainwasgoingfromnorthernkitatoNiigate. Theinjuriesofthesurvivorsdidnotppeartoelife-threatening,YamagatapolicespokesmanYoshik atsuOesaid.Itwasunclearhowmanypassengerswereonthetrain,utOesaidmostoftheinjuredwe reinthefirsttwoars.Thedeadincludedtwomenndtwowomen.Oneofthemenwaspulledfromthewr eckage(残骸)earlyMondayndwaselievedtoethelastodyonthetrain. Rescuersplannedtoliftthewreckagelaterinthedaytoseeifnyotherpassengersremainedeneath. TransportMinistryofficialHiromiMishimasaiditwasnotknowwhatausedthederailmentndofficial sweressessingtheextentofthedamage.RailwayoperatorJREasto.PresidentMutsutakeOtsuka pologizedfortheccidenttnewsonferenceMondaymorningndpromisedthoroughinvestigation.Y amagatapoliceofficialYasuhiroSugiusaidtherehadeenhigh-speedwindwarningsfortherea.Pu blicroadcasterNHK(日本广播协会)quotedtrainonductorssayingstrongwindhitthetrainjusteforetheccident.Windsinthereawere bout48mph,KyodoNewsgencyreported. Japaninrecentdayshassufferedfromunusuallyheavysnowfall,ndstormshaveledtothedeathsof eightpeopl e.utsnowdidnotppeartoefactorinSunday’srash. Authoritiessaidtheydidnotknowhowfastthetrainwasgoing.Speedwaselievedtoefactorinnpril2 5trainwreckthatkilled107peoplendinjuredmorethan500othersinmagasaki,westernJapan.Tha tccidentwasJapan’sworsttrainwrecksince1963.1.Theesttitleforthispassagewoulde________.A.TrainderailsinJapanB.StrongwindsausesdisasterC.TerriblearccidentsD.Terribleccidentsinthepastyears2.Howmanypeoplewerekilledinthetrainccidentsmentionedhere?A.119.B.105.C.107.D.111.3.Theccidenttookplace________.A.onMondaymorninginnorthernkitaB.onSundayeveninginYamagataC.onMondaymorningtothenorthofTokyoD.onSundayeveninginNiigata4.Fromthereportwelearnthat________.A.strongwindresultedintheccidentB.thehighspeedofthetrainledtothedisasterC.theheavysnowfallausedthetroubleD.theauseofthederailmentisstillunclear(B) IwaswalkinglongOrchardRoadwhenIrealizedtallyoungmanwearingjacketndtiewasfollowingm e.Inoticedhimecausenotmanypeoplewearjacketndtieinthemiddleofhotsummerday,ndIhadlre adyseenthismanfourtimesthatfternoon.Tomakesurehewasfollowingme,Iwalkedonquickly,turnedrightintoshoppingenterndthenstopp edtolookinshopwindow.Soonthemanppearedndstoppedtnothershopwindow.Iwalkedonndsto ppedseveraltimes.WhenIstopped,hestoppedtoo. Iegantoeratherworriednddecidedtotrytolosethisstrangeman.WhenIsawtaxioming,Ijumpedint oit.sIwastellingthetaxidriverwheretogo,Ifoundthemangetintonothertaxi,whichthenfollowedmi ne.sthetwotaxiesslowlymadetheirwaylongOrchardRoad,Ilookedacktthetaxiehind,ndsawthatt hestrangerwaslookingouttme.tMRTstation,ItoldthetaxidrivertostopndIgotout.sIwaspayingmy fare,Isawthemanwasgettingoutofhistaxi.BynowIgotngry,soIturnedndwalkedstraighttohim.Iskedhimwhyhewasfollowingme.tfirsthesaidhewasnotfollowingmetll,utwhenIthreatened(威胁)toallthepolice,hedmittedhewas.Hethentoldmethathewasnewsreporterndthathewaswritin gnrticleonhowelderlypeopleinSingaporespendtheirtime.Hesaidhewasobservingmetogather materialsforhisrticle.1.Whatisstrangeboutthemanwhofollowedthewriter?A.Heseemedtoewearingtoomuch.B.Hewasoutonsuchhotday.C.Hewalkedquicklyehind.D.Hewastallyoungman.2.Whatdidthestrangerdowhenthewriterjumpedintotaxi?A.Hegotintonothertaxi.B.Hetriedtostopthetaxi.C.Helmostgaveupfollowinghim.D.HemadehiswaylongOrchardRoad.3.Howdidthewriterhavethestrangerdmithewasfollowinghim?A.Hethreatenedtotakehimtothepolice.B.Healledthepolice.C.Hesaidhewouldallthepolice.D.Hetalkedtothepolice.4.Whydidthestrangerfollowthewriter?A.Hewasinterestedinelderlypeople.B.Heoftendoessuchthings.C.Hewaswritingookboutyoungpeople.D.Heneededmaterialsforhisrticle.IV.书面表达(共25分)昨天,你收到好友的来信,在信中想知道从青岛到广州乘飞机和坐火车旅游有哪些不同及你的观点。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the world-Task
Unit 4 The underground in the worldTask Writing an e-mail to give informationThis section consists of a series of activities which provide you with an opportunity to practice your listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. The task is divided into three steps and each step is preceded with a skills building activity. Through the three steps, you will learn how to listen to instructions, how to find out different information and how to give reasons for your choices. You are expected to apply what you learn in the skills building sections to write an e-mail to give information about the travel to Dalian.Skills building 1: listen to instructionsIn this part, you will learn how to listen to instructions.T: What sentence structures are often used to give instructions?S: You should …/ You will need to…/ You will have to…Quite good. Now let’s read the guidelines and the key structures in this part. You will know what you should focus on when listening to instructions.Step 1: taking notes for future actionPart AT: If you are going somewhere for holiday, what do you need to plan?S: Where to go, when to go there, how to go there, how much money to spend, who to go with, what to do there and so on.T: Let’s come to the context of Part A. Two families are planning their May Day holiday trip to Dalian. Read the notes before you listen to the recording and make sure that you know what you should listen for.Now I’ll check the answers with you.Part BNow let’s listen to the conversation in Part B and find out advantages and disadvantages of taking different means of transport. Find out why they do not choose to go by aetoplane.Now let’s check our answers.Part CLet’s read the information on the web page about Dalian in Part C on page 59. Compare the information about different means of transport and to complete the notes below the passage.Skills building 2: finding out different informationT: If you are going somewhere, what information should you know before you go on the trip?S1: which way to travelS2: the timetable for the transportS3: travel timeS4: travel costS5: the number of changes needed……Read the guideline in this part first. Then read the questions and the information in the chart. If the question is not complete, you should complete the question first.Step 2: buying ticketsNow you have decided to go to Beijing and then Dalian by train, and you are goingto buy the tickets for the fastest train. Work in pairs, with one person selling tickets and the other as the person who wants to buy the tickets. The student who is going to buy the tickets should ask the ticket seller some questions to decide which train should be taken. Remember to choose the fastest train within the budget. Do you still remember how much money can be spent on the tickets for you all?Work in pairs to make up a dialogue. Some of you will be asked to present your dialogue to the whole class.Now complete the notes below the timetable.Skills building 3: giving reasons for your choicesBoys and girls, you are asked to write an e-mail to explain the reason why you have made the decision. Do you know what you should explain and how to explain your decisions? Now read the guidelines in this part.Step 3: writing an e-mail to your uncle1. First discuss what you should write in the e-mail according to the information gathered in steps 1 and2. You can write an outline to organize your reasons in the e-mail to help you write it well. You can take the following as an example.What to writethe decision: travel by trainthe reasons: why to travel by train;why not to travel by boat or by coach or by planethe decision: which trains to takethe reasons: why to take the chosen trains, considering travel time and travel allowance2. Now begin to write your e-mail. Then some of you will be asked to present your e-mails to the class. If you have some difficulties, you can discuss in pairs.Step 4: Practice:A. Read the passage about the importance of transportation and fill in the chart. Have you ever thought about how important transportation is to the world? Without transportation modern life could not exist. We have come to depend on the availability (可用性) of three principal kinds of transportation.Automobiles, railroads, trucks, and pipelines are the principal means of land transportation. Ships, barges, and submarines (潜水艇) form the chief means of water transportation. Without our principal means of air transportation, the airplane,we would have to slow down our lives and commerce. Nearly every major city in theworld provides some form of public transportation. The most common form of transportation is the bus. Buses have been in use in majorcities since approximately 1900. They provide transportation service on innumerable(无数的) routes from the city center to the suburbs and even to outlying rural areasthat surround the city. Subwaysare mostly found in larger cities, such as New York, London, Beijing, Paris, Sydney,and Tokyo. The subway is an underground system of high speed trai ns. The world’sfirst system was built in London, and trains have been operating there since 1890.Subway trains move more quickly and efficiently than buses. They, too, areinexpensive and help solve city traffic problems. The one drawback of subway trainsis that they are often crowded and noisy. Taxicabs are more expensive than busesor subways, but they deliver you to the exact location you want in the shortest timepossible. Taxis are convenient if you are in a hurry or if you are taking along anumber of suitcases or packages. And as an added attraction, many cab drivers willtell you stories about their adventures as taxicab drivers or even the details oftheir life stories. If you ever visit a major city in anothercountry, you probably have no trouble getting around. You will quickly find out aboutcity bus routes and schedules, and about crowds on subway trains. Like many people,of course, you may come to the conclusion that the most inexpensive and reliableform of transportation will be your own two legs.B. Tom is writing a letter to a newspaper editor, telling him his opinion about whathe saw this morning. Please complete the letter by filling each blank with one properword.Dear Editor,This morning, I saw many cars (1) ____________ for the traffic lights at the (2)____________ road when a large number of people came to the cars. Some of them wereselling newspapers while others were (3) ____________ drinks and brushes. One womanwas rushing to the cars with some magazines. Another girl was running as fast as she (4) ____________ to the cars, carrying some other things. Even one beggar was (5) ____________ at the windows of the cars to ask for money!As a (6) ____________, the road looked very messy and the drivers felt so uncomfortable and frightened that they couldn’t drive even though the lights had turned (7) ____________.In my opinion, this is very bad for (8) ____________ and the environment. What’s worse, it’s very (9) ____________ for the people selling those things. Some (10) ____________ should be taken to stop it.Yours,TomStep 5: Homework:1. Read the passage in Part A on page 133 of the workbook.2. Finish the writing exercise in Part B.。
高中英语7Unit4 theundergroundintheworldG
号顿市安谧阳光实验学校Unit4 theundergroundintheworld--Grammarndusage(2)同步练习I.语法专练(三)(每题1.5分,共30分)1.Ihaven’tfoundlargeag_______.A.putlltheseooks.B.toputlltheseooks2.Excuse______you,utIhavenimportantmessageforyou.Metointerrupt B.formyeinginterruptedC.myinterruptingDmeofinterrupting3.Shiningdownoutoftheluesky,_____.A.theywereurntythefiercesunB.thesunurnttheirpaleskins4.Realizingthatshehadn’tenoughmoneynd_________toorrowfromothers,she decidedtosellherar.A.nottowantB.notwantingC.notwantedD.notwant5.theestofare,thiskindofflowersanliveslongsthreemonths.A.Havingeengiven B.BeinggivenC.Toegiven D.Given6.I’llspendtheevening_______inyourroomwaitingforthethieftorrive..locking B.inlocking C.locked D.einglocked7.——Hereisthefilm______.Ineedthepicturesin15minutes.——OK.utyouhavetopayextraharge.A.todevelop B.toedeveloped C.developed D.developing8.Touysomesalt,thearelesshousewifewentdownstairs,_______thedish_____ __overthegas.A.left,ookedB.leaving,eingookedC.leaving,ookingD.left,eingooked9.Mostofthevictimsofthefirewerereported________ytheheavysmoke.A.tohavekilled .tohaveeenkilled C.killed D.havingeenkilled10.Themanager,______hisfactory’sproductswerepoorinquality,decidedto givehisworkersfurthertraining.A.knowingB.knownC.toknowD.eingknown11.——Didtheookgivetheinformationyouneeded?——Yes,ut________youhavetoreaditentirely.A.forfindingitB.tofinditC.findingitD.yfindingit12._____seenmynieceforges,Iouldn’trecognizehertthemoment.A.HavingnotB.HavingneverC.NothavingD.Neverhaving13.________withthesizeofthewholeearth,theiggestoceandoesnotseemigt11.14.Idontknowwhetheryouhappen________,butI’mgoingtostudyintheU.S.A.thisSeptember.15.Thisouplehavestrangehabits.He’dliketosleepwiththelamptnightndhis wifewiththewindow.A.urning;wideopenB.urnt;widelyopenC.urnt;wideopenD.urning;widelyopen16.fterhisjourneyformbroad,RichardJohnsreturnedhome,________.A.exhaustingB.exhaustedC.eingexhaustedD.havingexhausted17.Thediscoveryofnewevidenceledto________.18.Nobodynoticedthethiefintothehouseecausethelightshappenedto.A.hadslipped;eputupB.slip;giveinC.slipping;eturnedonD.slip;goout19.Limitednaturalresourcesshouldemadefulluseof______the______needofe nergy.A.meeting;increasingB.tomeet;increasedC.meeting;increasedD.tomeet;increasing20..―WhywasProfessorWangunhappyrecently?―Becausethetheoryheinsistedon_____wrong.A.eingprovedB.provingC.provedD.wasprovedII.语法专练(四)(每题1.5分,共30分)1.Havinglimbedtothetopofthemountain,wewerebletoseemanywonderfulhouse s______inthethick______forest?A.hidden;growingB.hiding;growingC.hidden;grownD.hiding;growing2.______suchheavylossinthehurricane,thefarmerdidn’texpecttohavegood harvest.A.SufferingB.HavingsufferedC.SufferedD.Tosuffer3.E-shopping,whenproperly,ansaveuslotoftimendenergy.A.done B.isdone C.havingdone D.doing4.outofworkforfewmonths,Mumtookupthejobofwaitingonpatientsinhospital s.A.Being B.Toe C.Havingeen D.Having5.Shewasfrightenednd,_____whatwaswrongwithhim,toncerangupthedoctor.A.notknowingB.notknowC.didn’tknowD.knowingnot6.Thespecialmedicineforthediseasewasdifficulttofindthough___everywhe re.7.Generallyspeaking,_____ccordingthedirections,thedrughasnosideeffec t.A.whentakingB.whentakenC.whentotakenD.whentoetaken8.Maryrushedhomesheheardthenews,onlythathiswifewasgone.A.ssoons;findingB.immediately;tofindC.themoment;findD.when;found11.Withthemoney,heouldn'tuynyticket.14.Thestudentorrectedhispaperarefully,theprofessor'ssuggestions.15.Thelibrary'sstudyroomisfullofstudents__________fortheexam.16.Theoldsickladyenteredthehospital,_________hertwosons.17."Wemustkeepsecretofthethingshere",thegeneralsaid,tthemaninhargeoftheinformationoffice.A.discussed,staredseriouslyB.eingdiscussed,seriouslystaringC.toediscussed,seriouslystaredD.discussed,stared18.Properlywithnumbers,theooksaneeasilyfound.19.tthismomenttheellrangtheendoflass.20.satisfactoryoperation,thepatientrecoveredfromillnessveryquickly. III.完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)reyoumanormouse?Whenpeopleskthisquestiontheywanttoknow___1__youthink you're__2_personoroward.utyou’llneverreallyknowthenswertothatquesti on__3__you'retestedinreallife.Somepeople___4__theyrerave,utwhentheyo mefacetofacewithreal__5__,theyctlikeowards.Otherpeoplethinkofthemselvessowards,utwhentheymeetd anger,theyctlike___6___.LennySkutnikhadlwaysthoughtofhimselfsnervousperson.Hegetsworriedefor eexaminations.He__7___hisjobndhealth.llhe___8___inlifewastoesafendhe althy.Thenon15thJanuaryl982,planerashedintothePotamacRiverinWashingt on·Lennywenttothe__9___toseewhatwashappening·Thenhesawwomaninth e__ _10___water.SuddenlyLennydidnotfeelfraid.Hekeptvery__11____.Hejumpe dintothePotamac,__12__tothewoman,ndkeptherhead____13__thewater·Than kstoLennySkutnik,shewassaved·utseventy-eightpeoplediedthatday. Whenyou'reinvery__14___situationndfeelfraid,theodyproduceshemicalint helood.Thishemicalisalleddrenalin(肾上腺素).__15___drenalinintheloodsystem,youctuallyfeelstrongerndstronger ndre__16____tofightorrunway.However,whenyou'reterrified,theodyanprod ucetoomuchdrenalin.Whenthis__17_____,themusclesecomeveryhardndyoufindyouan'tmovetll,Yourethenparalysed(瘫痪)withfear.Thatis___18__,whenyoureveryfrightened,wesometimessaythat we're“petrified”.ThiswordomesfromtheGreekword“petros”,__19____me ans“stone”.Were__20___frightenedthatwehaveecomelikestone.1. A.how B.why C.if D.either2. A.rave B.real C.hard D.ertain3. A.when B.until C.fter D.once4. A.realize B.find C.think D.gree5. A.life B.danger C.mouse D.question6. A.heroes B.mice C.soldiers D.owards7. A.aredfor B.worriedbout C.lookedfter D.devotedhimselfto8. A.worried B.got C.wanted D.thought9. A.irport B.plane C.station D.river10. A.fresh B.poisonous C.warm D.ice-cold11. A.nervous B.alm C.frightened D.excited12. A.went B.helped C.spoke D.swam13. Ain B.under C.bove D.from14. A.dangerous B.omfortable C.different D.favorable15. A.With B.Without C.For D.Like16. A.fraid B.unable C.ready D.nxious17. A.happens B.disappears C.gets D.goes18. A.so B.how C.ecause D.why19. A.it B.which C.what D.that20. A.really B.very C.such D.soIV.阅读理解(每题2.5分,共10分)Memory,theysay,ismatterofpracticendexercise.Ifyouhavethewishndreally makeonsciouseffort,thenyouanquiteeasilyimproveyourbilitytorememberth ingsndwillnoteasilyforgetthings.utevenifyouresuccessful,thereretimes whenyourmemoryseemstoplaytricksonyou. Sometimesyourememberthingsthatreallydidnothappen.Onemorninglastweek, forexample,IgotupndfoundthatIhadleftthefrontdoorunlockedllnight,yetI learlyrememberedthatIhadlockeditarefullythenightefore.Memory“tricks”workintheotherwayswell.Onceinwhileyouremembe rnotdoin gsomethingndthenfindoutthatyoudidctually.Onedaylastmonth,forexample, Iwassittinginarber’sshopwaitingformyturntogethaircut,ndsuddenlyIrea lizedthatIhadgothaircuttwodayseforetthearber’sshopcrossthestreetfro mmyoffice,utinfact,myhairwasslongsithadeen.We lwaysseemtofindsomethingfunnyndmusinginincidentsausedypeople’sfor getfulnessorbsent-mindedness.Storiesboutbsent-mindedprofessorshaveee ntoldforyears,ndwenevergettiredofhearingnewones.Unfortunately,howeve r,bsent-mindednessisnotlwaysfunny.Thereretimeswhen“tricks”ofourmem oryanauseusgreattrouble.Somydviceisthatyoushouldneverlwayselieveinyo urmemory,foritwillmakeyouembarrassednowndthen.1.WhichofthefollowingstatementsisTrueccordingtoPara.2?A.Onenightthewriterforgottolockthefrontdoor.B.Onenightthewriterforgothavinglockedthefrontdoor.C.Thewriterrememberedtolockthedoor.D.Thewriterrememberedunlockingthefrontdoor.2.Fromtheunderlinedsentence“wenevergettiredofhearingnewones”weanin ferthat________.A.weenjoyhearingnewstoriesboutbsent-mindednessofprofessorsB.wedon’twant toknownythingmoreboutbsent-mindednessofprofessorsC.wewillnevergettireoflisteningtonewstoriesboutbsent-mindednessD.bsent-mindednesshappensnotonlytoprofessorsuttomanyotherpeople3.Inthepassage,thewriterseemstotellus________.A.thatforgettingthingsisseriousnddangerousB.thatlwaysforgettingthingsisunderstandableC.thatforgettingthingsttimesisnaturalD.thewaystoprotectourselvesfrommemory“tricks”4.Theesttitleforthispassageis_________.A.HowtoGetGoodMemoryB.“Tricks”ofMemoryC.Forgetfulnessndbsent-mindednessisDangerousD.GetRidofbsent-mindedness答案与点拨I. CCBBD CBBBA BCDDA BCDDC II. CBACA ABBCD CBDBB CBABA III. CABCB ABCDD BDCAA CADBD IV. ADCB。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldGrammar
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldGrammar andusage 同步练习1I. 语法专练(一)(每题2分,共40分)1. If you want a letter _____, you must keep in mind several rules while _______.A. written, writtenB. well written, writingC. well written , writtenD. well written, write2. They still remember the happy years ______ together in the country .A. when theyB. which spentC. spent happilyD. they had for3. The lecture _______ will be here tomorrow.A. to talk about so muchB. to be talking about so muchC. so much talking aboutD. so much talked about4. _____ the general state of hiss health, it may take him a while to recover from the operation.A. GivenB. To giveC. GivingD. Having given5. No computer so far _______ can have the same ability as human brains.A. be builtB. having builtC. being builtD. built6. The man _____ in a policeman’s suit went in and found the thief _____ in the back of the bus.A. dressing , seating b. wearing , seating C. dressed, seated D. wore, seated7. She took out the ticket at once and the seat ______ in it was Row 17, Seat 3.A. showingB. shownC. to showD. shows8. The new machine , if _____ properly, will work for at least ten years.A. useB. usingC. being usedD. used9. All things _____, the planned trip will have to be called off.A. consideredB. be consideredC. consideringD. having considered10. _______ , Mr. Smith left the room.A. drinking the coffeeB. had drank the coffeeC. Coffee drunkD. Coffee drinking11. Michael used to look hurt and surprised when ______.A. scoldingB. to scoldC. having scoldedD. scolded12. The manager promised to keep me ______ of how our business was going on.A. to be informedB. on informingC. informedD. informing13. No matter frequently _______, the works of Beethoven always attract large audiences.A. performingB. performedC. to be performedD. being performed14. The repairs cost a lot , but it’s money well _____.A. to spendB. spentC. being spentD. spending15. While watching television,_______.A. the door bell rangB. the doorbell ringsC. we heard the doorbell ringD. we heard the door bell rings.16. ____ into use in April 2000, the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns.A. PutB. Putting C . Having put D. Being put17. _____ the hat he _____, the old man is a farmer.A. Judging by, is having onB. Judge by, is dressedC. To judge from, is putting onD. Judging from, is wearing18. ---by the way , when did you get your bedroom ______ ?--- last week.A. to paintB. paintedC. paintingD. to be painted19. He turned and went to sleep again , _____ that it is still early.A. to thinkB. and thoughtC. thinkingD. thought20. Thousands of trees were blown down by the high winds, _____ roads , paths and railway lines.A. blockedB. having blockedC. blockingD. being blockedII. 语法专练(二)(每题2分,共40分)1. --- I can’t get my _____on cold mornings.--- have you tried ____ the tank with hot water?A. started, to fillB. starting , to fillC. started , fillingD. to start, filling2. The sound of planes is likely to cause deafness _______ continually .A. when hearingB. being heardC. if heardD. hearing3. You can never imagine what difficulty I have ______ your house.A. foundB. findingC. to findD. for finding4. I couldn’t do my homework with all that noise _______.A. going onB. goes onC. went onD. to go on5. Mother caught the boy _____ in the corner.A. smokeB. to smokeC. smokingD. being smoked6. The lady _____ her wallet in the shop didn’t have any choice but ______ the police for help.A. robbed of , to askB. robbed, askingC. robbing , askD. robbed of , asking7. Franz went to school on time that morning as _______.A. expectingB. having expectedC. to be expectedD. expected8. ____such a good chance, why not ______ a try?A. To give …to haveB. Giving …. To haveC. Given ….haveD. having giving …have9. ______ all over the hills and around the lake are wild flowers of different colours.A. GrowB. GrownC. To growD. Growing10. ______ it _______, he went back home and took an umbrella.A. saw…rainedB. To see…. would rainC. Seeing…was rainingD. Seen…had rained11. ______,_______suddenly found the shop he was looking for.A. Turning to thee right, heB. To turn to the right, heC. Turning to the right , and heD. Turned to the right , he12. With him _____ us the lead, our team is to win.A. leading B led C to lead D lead13. The woman engineer _______ the machine is my mother.A. designingB. to be designedC. being designedD. having designed14. What worried the child most was _______ to visit his mother in the hospital.A .his not allowing B. his not being allowed C. his being not allowed D. having not being allowed15. You should understand the traffic rule by now. you’ve had it _________ often enough.A. explainingB. to explainC. is explainingD. explained16. The foreigner tried his best , but he still couldn’t make his point _______.A. understandB. understandingC. understoodD. to understand17. _____ with, I’d like to introduce Mr. Lee.A. BeginB. To beginC. Beginning withD. Began18. I felt an honor _______ to have the talk on spaceship.A. askingB. having askedC. to askD. to be asked19. She will do anything for us except ______ us her diamond ring.A. lendingB. will lendC. lendD. to lend20. ---What were you doing? You’ve bought nothing!---I arrived at the shop , only ______ I’d left all my money at home.A. foundB. to findC. findingD. to have foundIII. 阅读理解(每题5分,共20分)Deep inside a mountain near Sweetwater in East Tennessee is a body of water known as the Lost Sea. It is listed by the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's largest underground lake. The Lost Sea is part of the extensive and historic cave system called Craig head Caverns.The caverns have been known and used since the days of the Cherokee Indian nation. The cave expands into a series of huge rooms from a small opening in the side of the mountain. Approximately one mile from the entrance, is a room called "the Council Room". Many Indian artifacts have been found. Some of the items discovered include pottery, arrowheads, weapons, and jewelry.For many years, there were persistent rumors of a large underground lake somewhere in a cave, but it was not discovered until 1905. In that year, a thirteen--year--old boy named Ben Sands crawled through a small opening three hundred feet underground. He found himself in a large cave half filled with water.Today tourists visit the Lost Sea and ride far out onto it in glass- bottomed boats powered by electric motors. More than thirteen acres of water have been mapped out so far and still no end to the lake has 'been found. Even though teams of divers have tried to explore the Lost Sea, the full extent of it is still unknown.1. According to the passage, the Lost Sea is unique because it isA. part of a historical cave systemB. the biggest underground lake in the worldC. listed in the Guinness Book of World RecordsD. the largest body of water in Tennessee2. Who located the Lost Sea in recent times?A. Tourists.B. Scientists.C. The Cherokee Indians.D. Ben Sands.3. According to the passage, how can the caverns be entered?'A. From an opening in a mountainside.B. By diving into the water.C. By riding far out onto the lake.D. From "The Council Room".4. It can be inferred from the passage that the Craig head Caverns presently serve asA. an underground testing siteB. an Indian meeting groundC. a tourist attractionD. a motorboat race course参考答案I.BCDAD CBDAC DCBBC ADBCCBAC ADCBC ACABD CBDCBIII.BDAC。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the world-Task(ppt).ppt
1. The storms washed away soil along the road and part of the road is still under repair. (P59) wash sth. away If water or rain washes sth. away, it removes it or carries it away: The blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight. under repair: being repaired The house is under repair now, so we have to rent one to live in for a while. 相关链接:under discussion 在讨论中 under consideration 在考虑中 under construction 在建设中
One example for you:
the decision: travel by train the reasons: why to travel by train; why not to travel by boat or by coach or by plane the decision: which trains to take the reasons: why to take the chosen trains, considering travel time and travel allowance
3. remind v. [T] to make someone aware of sth. they have forgotten or might have forgotten: [+ to infinitive] Please remind me to post this letter. [+ (that)] I rang Jill and reminded her (that) the conference had been cancelled. remind you of sth./sb. to be similar to, and make you think of, sth. or someone else: 使人想起…… Your hair and eyes remind me of your mother.
高中英语必修7Unit4 theundergroundintheworld--Wordpower 同步练习
Unit4 theundergroundintheworld--Wordpower 同步练习I.根据英文解释和首字母提示,写出不同的路名的英文单词。
(每题2分,共20分)roadthatyouhavetopaytouseisalledt_______road.t____________2.Inritainwideroadwithtleasttwolanesineachdirectionwherearsangoveryfastm____________3.roadthatgoesthroughtunnelisallednu________.u____________4.mainroad,usuallyonnectinglargetownsisalledh______h__________5. aplacewheretwoormoreroads,linesetc.meetorrosseachotheri___________.6. aridgethatarriesoneroadovernotheronef________7.trackwithrailsonwhichtrainsrunr_________8. wayortrackthatisuiltorismadeythectionofpeoplewalkingp_______9.narrowroadintheountry.l_________10.paththroughtheountrysideorroutethatisfollowedforparticularpurposet________II.根据短文意思及首字母完成短文。
(每题1.5分,30分) Thetwentiethenturyhasseengreaterdevelopmentsinformsoftransportthantnyothertimeinthehi storyofthisplanet.ecauseofmodernmethodsoft____1____,theworldhasecomesmallerp___2 __ndpeopleannowtravelfromoneplacetonotherlmostnywhereintheworldwithspeedndinomfor t.Formanypeopleintheworld,theestwaytotravellongd____3____isyir.irtravelyjeteroplaneisnolo ngerluxury(奢侈品).Evenh___4______,oncelmostexclusively(专门地,限于)usedythermedservices,renoweingusedmorendmoreommercially,e____5____forshortintern alflights(国内航班).ndweanlookforwardtorockettravelinthenextentury-orf__6____inraftlikethespaceshuttlet hatwillircumnavigatetheearthlmostinm___7____Forthosewhotravelys____8___,too,therehaseenprogress.Oceanlinersrep___9___,especial lyforluxuryholidays,utsotoorethehydrofoil(水翼船)ndthehovercraft(气垫船)foruseoveromparativelyshortdistances.Onl__10___,weannowtravelyar,y_11____orytrain.Theuildingofmotorwaynetworkshasm__1 2____thatweangettoourd__13____yaroroachmuchf__14____thanwehaveeverdone.ndthed ___15___ofelectrictrainsndnewrailwaynetworkshaslsoimprovedrailtravelinmanyountries.(W illthese,ndmotorwaynetworksecomeredundantwiththedevelopmentofnewformsoftransport?) S__16____,ofllthemodernm__17____oftransport,thearisreatingthemostp__18____sitisausi ngseriousongestioninities.Nosatisfactorys__19_____tothisproblemhasyeteenfound,lthough ,ifthearisr_20____ydifferentformofpersonaltransport,perhapstheproblemwillsimplygoway. III.完形填空:(每题1.5分,共30分)OnoldNovemberfternoon,mymotherndIwerewalkinghomefrompizzastore.Weweredressedw armlynd1withtherentedvideowehadeendyingforwatch,Iwasfeelinglittle2,sIwasarryingoursho pping,agsofsnacksndthe3.TheyweresoheavythatIdecidedto4somethings.SoIstartedtowalktowardsthegarbagean51noti cedpoormanwalkinghisikeoutoftherestaurantinfrontofus.He6paperagwithhisdirtyhand,Heheadedovertonothernearbygarbageanndstarted7it. Isuddenlyfeltvery8ecauseIwasbouttodowaywithnewdrinkjust9itwasheavy.Iknewthismanwou ldtakellheould10,soIwalkeduptohimnd11thedrinkndsomesnackstohim.Themanlookedup12n dtookwhat1gavehim.hugesmilespread13hisfacendthisausedmetofeelindescribable14.IfeltlikeI15ehappierwithmy s elf.utthenhesaid,"Thisismyson'sluckyday!”Withthat,he16mehappilyndstartedoffonhisike.Ievenheardhim17songsherodeway.Igotwarmf eelinginsidendIknewIhaddonesomethinggood,forthemanndhisfamily.Inowunderstandwhatis 18ythesaying"Givingisgetting".Sincethen,everytimeIhavethe19todosomethingnice,theimageoftheman'shappinessausedy mysmallgiftppearsinmymind.Thisisthe20ofharity.1. A.equipped B.overed C.done D.offered2. A.upset B.happy C.tired D.excited3. A.video B.ooks C.pizza D.lothes4. A.sendoff B.throwway C.putway D.sendout5. A.fter B.when C.efore D.while6. A.owned B.presented CheldD.sought7. A.goinginto B.findingout C.lookingthrough D.workingon8. A.stupid B.guilty C.disappointed D.happy9. A.since B.for C.ecause D.when10. A.get B.search.hear D.see11. A.dropped Bkept C.turned D.handed12. A.sadly B.oldly.surprisedly D.patiently13. A.in B.cross C.y D.over14. A.regret B.satisfaction.failure D.uriosity15. A.ouldn't B.shouldn't.needn't D.mustn't16. A.smiled Btold.saw D.thanked17. A.whistling B.whispering.listeningD.making18. A.referred B.said C.meant D.spoken19. A.time B.hance.idea D.effort20. A.power B.effect C.result D.mysteryIV.阅读理解(20分)Wespentdayintheountryndpickedlotofflowers.Ourarwasfullofflowersinside!Onthewayhome wehadtostopttrafficlights,ndtheremywifesawtheookshelf.Itstoodoutsidefurnitureshop.“Buyit,”shesaidtonce.“We’llarryithomeontheroof-rack(车顶架).I’velwayswantedonelikethat.”WhatouldIdo?TenminuteslaterIwastwentydollarspoorer,ndtheookshelfwastiedontothero ofrack.Itwastallndnarrow,quiteheavytoo.Asitwasgettingdarker,Idroveslowly.Otherdriversseemedmorepolitethanusualthateveni ng.Thepoliceevenstoppedtraffictoletusthrough.arryingfurniturewasgoodidea.Aftertimemywifesaid,“There’slonglineofarsehind.Whydon’ttheyovertake?”Justtthattimepoliceardidovertake.Thetwoofficersinsidelookedtusseriouslywhentheywentpast.utthen,withkindsmiletheyskedustofollowtheirarthroughtheusytraffic.Thepolicearst oppedtourvillagehurch.Oneoftheofficersametome.“Right,sir,”hesaid.“Doyouneednymorehelpnow?”Ididn’tquiteunderstand.“Thanks,officer,”Isaid.“You’veeenverykind.Ilivejustdownther oad.”Hewaslookingtourthings:firstttheflowers,thenttheookshelf.“Well,well,”hesaidndlaughed.“I t’sookshelfyou’vegotthere!Wethoughtitwas——er,somethingelse.”Mywifeegantolaugh.SuddenlyIunderstoodwhythepolicedrovehere.Ismiledttheofficer .“Yes,it’sookshelf,utthanksgain.”IdrovehomesfastsIould.1.Fromthestoryweknowthat .A.thewriterwaspoornddidn’tuytheookshelfforhiswifeB.thewriter’swifedidn’tliketheookshelftllC.thewriterwaslwaysgladtouysomethingforhiswifeD.thewriterwasnotverygladtouytheookshelfforhiswife 2.Whatmadethewriterthinkthatarryingfurniturewas“agoodidea”?A.Heoulddriveslowlynditwassafe.B.Otherdriverswouldlethimgofirst.C.Hiswifeouldusenewookshelf.D.Heouldsavelotofmoneyndtime.3.Whywerethepolicendotherdriverssokindtothewriter?A.Becausetheythoughtthewriterlikedstudyingverymuchndneededookshelf.B.Becausetheydidn’tthinkitwaspolitetoovertakearwithookshelfonit.C.Becausetheythoughtsomebodyinthewriter’sfamilyhaddiedndheneededhelp.D.Becausetheythoughtitwasdangeroustoarryookshelfonar.4.Whydidthewriter’swifeegintolaugh?A.Becausenowsheknewwhatmistakethepolicehadmade.B.Becausetlastherhusbandunderstoodwhythepolicehaddriventothehurch.C.Becausetheofficerwaslwayslookingttheflowersndtheookshelf.D.Becausethepolicehadhelpedthemlot.答案与点拨I 1. toll 2. motorway 3. underpass 4. highway 5. intersection6. flyover7. railway8. path9. lane 10 trailII 1. Transport 2 place 3 distances 4 helicopters 5 especially 6 flying7 minutes 8 sea 9 popular 10 land 11 coach 12 meant13 destination 14 faster 15 development 16 Sadly 17 means18 problems19 solution 20 replacedIII 1—5 ACABB 6—10 CCBCA 11—15 DCBBA 16—20 DACBAIV DBCA。
Module 7 Unit 4 Reading The first underground in the world
Module 7 Unit 4 Reading The first underground in the worldAnalysis of the teaching materials:(教材分析)The Reading in this unit is designed to help students widen their horizons by reading a tourist brochure about the London underground. The students learn some background information, vocabulary and the structure of a tourist brochure, which can be applied to their daily use of English.Teaching aims and demands:(教学目标)1. To make students learn about the reasons for building the underground system, its brief history, the people who made contributions, its unusual uses and its popularity as well as its expansion nowadays.2. To encourage students to apply what they have learnt to the writing of a tourist brochure.3. To help students improve the ability to use English.Teaching important and difficult points:(教学重难点)1. To make students have the basic knowledge of the London underground system.2. To make students learn some basic features of a tourist brochure.3. To make students realize the beauties of our hometown and the importance of the transport in our daily life.Teaching process:(教学过程)T: Good afternoon, class!Ss: Good afternoon, teacher!T: How did you come to school this afternoon?S1: I came to school by bike.S2: I came to school by e-bike.T: In some big cities, what means of transport do people choose when they go to school or work? I will show you some pictures, do you know them?Ss: High-speed train(高铁),BRT(城市快速公交),the underground(地铁).T: Do you kown where the first underground in the world is?Ss: In London.T: yah, what else do you know about it? Now today we will learn a tourist brochure about the first underground in the world. In a tourist brochure, what are usually included? Can you turn to Page 51 and find the right answers to the question.T: (Two minutes later) Can you tell me the answers?S: A, C, D, F.T: OK! Can you use some key words to conclude them?Ss: Development, important people, interesting facts and the suggestion!T: What else can you learn? Let’s read the article in detail. Can you read Para.1 together and consider what is talked about in this paragraph.Ss: (Read the first paragragh together)T: What’re talked about in this paragraph?Ss: introductionT: Yes, the London underground system has the distinction of being the _______ (slow down to allow students time to consider the adjectives to fill in the blank) and the most _______ system in the world.Ss: oldest; complexT: Now that it is the most complex system in the world, why did people in London build such a complex underground system instead of using trains or other vehicles? First, why didn’t people use trains?Ss: Because building trains into the city would have damaged many old building.T: So using trains isn’t a good way. How about the other vehicles such as horse-drawn buses, trams, cabs or carriages?Ss: The number of vehicles on the road caused unbelievable traffic jams so that no one could travel anywhere.T: We can see the traffic problem led to the development of the London underground system. So we can use what key word to conclude this paragraph?Ss: the reasonT: Having seen the situation, the British government gave approval to the construction of the underground system in 1884. But did the system develop smoothly? What happened later? Now let’s read Para.2 to Para. 4 and match each event on the screen with its right time.Ss: (After 3 minutes of reading of this part)T: Can you match them?S: In 1863, (F.) the initial tunnels were opened. In 1868, (E.) the next section was opened. In 1884, (B.) The MRC and MDR linked up and the first railway tunnel was dug.In 1890, (D.) The first electric underground railway was opened. In 1933, (C.) a public organization was created.And during 1918 and 1938,(G.) many new stations were constructed.T: You did a very good job! During the long development of the underground system, many people made contributions. Who are they?Ss: Charles Yerkes and Charles Holden.T: What did Charles Yerkes do? And why did he do so? What did Charles Holden do?Can you go through Para.3 and Para.4 again to find the answers?(one minute later) What did Charles Yerkes do?Ss: He undertook the job of improving the system by obtaining ownership of many different lines and setting up the Underground Electric Railways of Company of London.T: Why did he do so?S: Travelling on these lines was not convenient, though, as each line was possessed by a different company, many were far from each other. Having seen this situation, he undertook the job.T: Good! How about Charles Holden?S: Charles Holden designed the most of stations.T: During World War II, the underground system had some unusual functions. Which of the following is NOT theunusual use of the underground system during the Second World War? Can you read Para.5 by yourselves and choose the answer.S: (one minute later) Choose C.T: Can you tell me how to correct it?S: It functioned as the underground airplane factory.T: Well done! How about the development of the underground system after World War II? Now we will listen to Paras. 6 and 7 and then try to fill in the blanks.(Play the listening material)T: Can you fill in the blanks?S: enlarge; linked; user-friendly; huge and permit.T: Good. The system was enlarged or enpanded, so we can use “expansion” to conclude this part. While the system transports huge number of people nowadays, so we can conclude that it is about its popularity. Just now we learnt about some basic background information about the London underground. How well did you learn it? Now let’s check by finishing the task on the screen. Can you fill in the blanks?S: (About 3 minutes later, a student read the short passage and other students listen to answers and check them)distinction; outer; vehicles; approval; convenient; undertook; designed; shelters; enlarged; office.T: Excellent! In this short passage, we have some phrases and sentence patterns taken from the tourist brochure “The first underground in the world”. Do you know their Chinese meanings? “have the distinction of”Ss: 享有……的声誉T:“the number of …”Ss: ……的数量T: Can you translate the sentence?S: 交通工具的数量使得路面变得如此拥挤以至于任何人都去不了任何地方。
5. What happened to the London Underground after World WarⅡ? After World WarⅡ, the underground system was enlarged and more lines were added because more people travelled on the underground.
1979 The Jubilee Line was opened.
How many parts can the passage be
divided into? What does each part focus
Part Para (s)
Main idea
_R_e_as_o_n_s_ t underground in
185 decided to be built.
4 The first tunnels were opened. 186
3 The next section of the underground
system was opened. 186
188 The underground service was 4 provided in the middle of the city. The first railway tunnel under the River Thames was dug.
4. What unusual uses did the tube have during World War Ⅱ? During World War Ⅱ, the tube was used as a bomb shelter, an airplane factory, a centre for directing the defence against air attacks and meeting rooms for the government administration.
涛浙学校高中英语7Unit4 theundergroundintheworldGr
烧烛州烟递市涛浙学校Unit4 theundergroundintheworld--Grammarndusage(1) 同步练习I.语法专练(一)(每题2分,共40分)1.Ifyouwantletter_____,youmustkeepinmindseveralruleswhile_______.A.written,writtenB.wellwritten,writingC.wellwritten,writtenD.wellwritten,write2.Theystillrememberthehappyyears______togetherintheountry.3.Thelecture_______willeheretomorrow.A.totalkboutsomuchB.toetalkingboutsomuch4._____thegeneralstateofhisshealth,itmaytakehimwhiletorecoverfromtheoperation.5.BNoomputersofar_______anhavethesamebilityshumanrains.6.Theman_____inpoliceman’ssuitwentinndfoundthethief_____intheackoftheus.A.dressing,seatingB.wearing,seating. C dressed,seatedD.wore,seated7.Shetookoutthetickettoncendtheseat______initwasRow17,Seat3.8.Thenewmachine,if_____properly,willworkfortleasttenyears.9.llthings_____,theplannedtripwillhavetoealledoff.10._______,Mr.Smithlefttheroom.A.drinkingtheoffeeB.haddranktheoffee11.Michaelusedtolookhurtndsurprisedwhen______.12.Themanagerpromisedtokeepme______ofhowourusinesswasgoingon.13.Nomatterfrequently_______,theworksofeethovenlwaysttractlargeudiences.14.Therepairsostlot,utit’smoneywell_____.15.Whilewatchingtelevision,_______.A.thedoorellrangB.thedoorbellringsC.weheardthedoorbellringD.weheardthedoorellrings.16.____intouseinpril2000,thehotlinewasmeantforresidentsreportingwaterndheatingsupplyreakdown s.17._____thehathe_____,theoldmanisfarmer.A.Judgingy,ishavingonB.Judgey,isdressedC.Tojudgefrom,isputtingonD.Judgingfrom,iswearing18.---bytheway,whendidyougetyouredroom______?---lastweek.19.Heturnedndwenttosleepgain,_____thatitisstillearly.20.Thousandsoftreeswerelowndownythehighwinds,_____roads,pathsndrailwaylines.II.语法专练(二)(每题2分,共40分)1.---Ian’tgetmy_____onoldmornings.---haveyoutried____thetankwithhotwater?A.started,tofillB.starting,tofillC.started,fillingD.tostart,filling2.Thesoundofplanesislikelytoausedeafness_______ontinually.3. YouanneverimaginewhatdifficultyIhave______yourhouse.4.Iouldn’tdomyhomeworkwithllthatnoise_______.5.Motheraughttheoy_____intheorner.6.Thelady_____herwalletintheshopdidn’thavenyhoiceut______thepoliceforhelp.A.robbedof,toskB.robbed,skingC.robbing,skD.robbedof,sking7.Franzwenttoschoolontimethatmornings_______.8.____suchgoodhance,whynot______try?A.Togive…Btohave.Giving…B.Tohave.Given….haveD.havinggiving…have9.______lloverthehillsndroundthelakerewildflowersofdifferentolours.10.______it_______,hewentackhomendtooknumbrella.A.saw…rained.Tosee…B.wouldrain.Seeing…B wasrainingD.Seen…hadrained11.______,_______suddenlyfoundtheshophewaslookingfor.A.Turningtotheeright,heB.Toturntotheright,heC.Turningtotheright,ndheD.Turnedtotheright,he12.Withhim_____usthelead,ourteamistowin.A.leading Bledto leadDlead13.Thewomanengineer_______themachineismymother.A.designing. Btoedesigned C. eingdesignedD.havingdesigned14.Whatworriedthehildmostwas_______tovisithismotherinthehospital.15.Youshouldunderstandthetrafficruleynow.you’vehadit_________oftenenough.16.Theforeignertriedhisest,uthestillouldn’tmakehispoint_______.17._____with,I’dliketointroduceMr.Lee.18.Ifeltnhonor_______tohavethetalkonspaceship.19.Shewilldonythingforusexcept______usherdiamondring.20.---Whatwereyoudoing?You’veoughtnothing!---Irrivedttheshop,only______I’dleftllmymoneythome.III.阅读理解(每题5分,共20分) DeepinsidemountainnearSweetwaterinEastTennesseeisodyofwaterknownstheLostSea.ItislistedytheGu innessookofWorldRecordsstheworld'slargestundergroundlake.TheLostSeaispartoftheextensivendhis toricavesystemalledraigheadaverns. TheavernshaveeenknownndusedsincethedaysoftheherokeeIndiannation.Theaveexpandsintoseriesofhug eroomsfromsmallopeninginthesideofthemountain.pproximatelyonemilefromtheentrance,isroomalled" theouncilRoom".ManyIndianrtifactshaveeenfound.Someoftheitemsdiscoveredincludepottery,rrowhea ds,weapons,ndjewelry.Formanyyears,therewerepersistentrumorsoflargeundergroundlakesomewhereinave,utitwasnotdiscove reduntil1905.Inthatyear,thirteen--year--oldoynamedenSandsrawledthroughsmallopeningthreehundr edfeetunderground.Hefoundhimselfinlargeavehalffilledwithwater. TodaytouristsvisittheLostSeandridefaroutontoitinglass-ottomedoatspoweredyelectricmotors.More thanthirteencresofwaterhaveeenmappedoutsofarndstillnoendtothelakehas'beenfound.Eventhoughtea msofdivershavetriedtoexploretheLostSea,thefullextentofitisstillunknown.ordingtothepassage,theLostSeaisuniqueecauseitisA.partofhistoricalavesystemB.theiggestundergroundlakeintheworldC.listedintheGuinnessookofWorldRecordsD.thelargestodyofwaterinTennessee2.WholocatedtheLostSeainrecenttimes?A.Tourists.B.Scientists.C.TheherokeeIndians.D.enSands.ordingtothepassage,howantheavernseentered?'A.Fromnopeninginmountainside.B.ydivingintothewater.C.yridingfaroutontothelake.D.From"TheouncilRoom".4.ItaneinferredfromthepassagethattheraigheadavernspresentlyservesA.nundergroundtestingsiteB.nIndianmeetingground答案与点拨I. BCDAD CBDAC DCBBC ADBCC II. CCBAC ADCBC ACABD CBDCB III. BDA。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the worldWelcome
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the worldWelcome to theUnitPart One Teaching DesignAims and requirements♦ Read a tourist brochure about the London Underground and read a notice about road safety ♦ Listen to instructions and a telephone call♦ Talk about transport and ask for travel information♦ Write an e-mail to give information♦ Make an action plan of how people can prevent traffic accidentsProcedures● Welcome to the UnitStep 1: BrainstormingT: Boys and girls, if you want to go to the park or the museum, or you want to pay a visit to your classmates, which means of transport will you choose?S: Buses or the underground.T: If you want to pay a visit to your relatives who live in a nearby city, which means of transport will you choose?S: Coaches.T: Right. But if you want to go travailing to a far-away city, which means of transport will you choose?S: Maybe I will consider trains or planes.T: And if you want to go abroad, how will you go?S: We can only go by plane then.T: Quite good. According to different purpose, we’ll choose different means of public transport.Now let’s look at some pictures and get to know about them.Step 2: Sharing informationNow let’s study the seven pictures one by one. After that, make a comparison among all the means of transport mentioned in this section and fill in the table:Means of transport Advantages Disadvantagesbuses or coaches cheap and convenient easily trapped in trafficjams; not so comfortableduring peak hours becausethey are usually verycrowded; cause pollutionexpensive to build underground fast and convenient; produce fewertraffic accidents; comfortablethe maglev train extremely fast and convenient very expensive to buildships comfortable not comfortable for thosewho are seasick;relatively slow; thesafety of the trip would beaffected by storms aeroplanes fast and convenient; relativelyrelatively expensivethe safest way of travelStep 3: Discussion:Look at the three questions below the pictures on page 49. Work in groups of four to discuss them, and then I’ll ask several groups to report your answers to the class. You can exchange and compare your answers with each other.Sample answers1 The main difference between the different means of transport is that a bus oftentravels on a fixed route either inside the city or in the suburban area while a coachis the means of transport for people bound for a faraway place. Both of them lookvery similar, but their interior designs differ. In most cases, a coach is designedto cater to long-distance travelers, which means the degree of comfort must beseriously considered by the manufacturer. You won’t be surprised to find a coachequipped with air conditioning, seats with cushions and DVD players. In contrast,a bus appears very plain.2 There are two reasons. First, air travel is quick. A supersonic plane travels alot faster than a luxurious cruiser. Businessmen who value time regularly travelby aeroplane because if its speed. Second, traveling by aeroplane is more comfortablethan by ship. With the improvement of technology, many airline companies offerexcellent services at a reasonable price. In this regard, the shipping industry fallsfar behind the air industry and it mostly depends in transporting cargo to makerprofits.3 Different types of transport suit different customers’ needs. Each type oftransport has its strengths and its limitations. For example, in the foreign tradesector, people usually rely on shipping because the cost of using cargo planes ismuch too high. In addition, products like oil need to be placed in containers beforethey are loaded onto the vehicle. Therefore, ships are the best choice. Inconclusion, different types of transport suit different people and differentindustries.Step 4: Homework:1. Preview the Reading passage.2. Finish the part A1 and A2 of the workbook.。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldProject:
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldProject:reventing traffic accidents 同步练习I . 根据首字母或中文提示补全单词(每题1分,共10分)1. Chameleons ( 蜥蜴)take on the color of their s________ to protect themselves.2. Driving too fast through city streets is very i___________.3. At traffic lights, ________( 行人)should wait for a green light to go.4. People should walk on the p________, not in the road.5. We are all e________ fond of her.6. It is polite to be p_________(准时)for appointments.7. Your friend isn’t worth depending on because he isn’t a r_______ person.8. The rich didn’t mind at all d________ a servant from his place9. Chess requires great c________(专心)10. An open window is an i________ to crime.II. 单项选择(每题2分,共30分)1. None of the current system ______has proved 100 percent effectiveA. out of useB. is using C in use D is used2. I have always been honest and straightforward, and it doesn’t matter ______ I’m talking to.A. who is itB. who it isC. it is whoD. it is whom3. ---Which book do you think is best?---The one________.A. is your favoriteB. you found worth readingC. you talked about itD. worth reading it4. ---Do you smoke?---_______. It's two years since I smoked.A. No, I don'tB. Yes, I doC. Not too muchD. Oh, yes , but I wish I didn't5. ---Never thought I could see you here!---________A. So did I .B. It's a small world.C. Oh, haven't you?D. Glad to meet you.6. It was ______ the old clock that the old man spent the whole morning at home.A. repairingB. repairedC. to repairD. in repair7. ---An Indian or a Chinese meal ?--- _________.A. It doesn’t matterB. All right .C. It’ up to youD. Never mind.8. How he can improve his English in such a short time is connected with the better use he _____ every chance he has _____ English.A. makes of , to speakB. makes of , spokenC. makes up , to speakD. makes up, spoken9. He tried ______ all the trouble he had causedA.making up forB. to make up forC. to make up withD. to make up of10. ______ such subjects , the department also taught mathematics and geography .A.As wellB. In additionC. In addition toD. Except11. .Mr Black suggested that the result of this research ________ new developments in technology.A can apply toB can be applied toC should apply toD be applied to12. It is reported that the car accident happened last night caused 5 _____ and more _____.A death, injure B. dead, injured C. deaths , injured D deaths , injure13. ---I would never ever trust him again. He let me down. ---____________.A. Nor was IB. So did IC. Neither would ID. So would I14. —Must I turn off the gas after cooking?—Of course. You can never be ______careful with that.A. veryB. soC. enoughD. too15. To get a good education,________.A. working hard is very importantB. working hard is neededC. it is needed to work hardD. one must work hardIII. 完形填空(每题2分,共40分)B irthdays often bring surprises. But this year’s surprise on the birthday of the great British playwright William Shakespeare is __1___ one of the most surprising.On April 22, one day before his 441st birthday anniversary, experts __2___that one of the most recognizable ___3___ of William Shakespeare is a fake(赝品).This ___4___ that we no longer have a good ___5___ of what Shakespeare looked like. “It’s very possible that many pictures of Shakespeare are unreliable because many of them are __6___of this o ne,” said an expert from Britain’s National Portrait Gallery. The__7___comes after four months of testing. Experts from the gallery say the image——commonly known as the “Flower portrait”——was actually ___8___ in the 1800s, two centuries ___9__ Shakespear e’s death.The art experts who work at the gallery say they used modern chemistry technology to __10___the paint on the picture. These checks found traces of paint deep in the picture __11___about 1814.Shakespeare ___12__ in 1616, and the date that appears on the portrait is 1609.“We now think the portrait dates back to around 1818 to 1840. This was __13___there was a new interest in Shakespeare’s____14___,” Tanya Cooper, the gallery’s 16th century curator (馆长) said.The 15 picture has often been used as a cover for ___16___ of his plays. It is called the “Flower portrait” because one of its 17, Desmond Flower, gave it to the Royal Shakespeare Company. “There have always been 18 about the authenticity (真实性) of the painting,” said David Howells, curator for the Royal Shakespeare Company.“Now we know the truth, we can put the image in its proper place in the history of Shakespearean portraiture(画像技法),” he said.Two other images of Shakespeare are also being studied as part of the investigation and the results will 19 later in May. But for now what Shakespeare really looked like will remain a 20.1. A. surely B. never C. hardly D. only2. A. wondered B. doubted C. found D. considered3. A. plays B. masterpieces C. portraits D. photos4. A. recommends B. advises C. decides D. means5. A. news B. idea C. design D. expression6. A. bargains B. productions C. copies D. prints7. A. justice B. discovery C. invention D. deed8. A. cloned B. developed C. painted D. copied9. A. after B. before C. since D. until10. A. try B. remove C. wash D. check11. A. looking back B. dating from C. getting along D. starting with12. A. died B. was born C. succeeded D. was buried13. A. why B. when C. how D. what14. A. stories B. pictures C. plays D. photos15. A. real B. original C. valuable D. fake16. A. requirements B. collections C. consequences D. playwrights17. A. owners B. painters C. writers D. readers18. A. causes B. problems C. questions D. orders19. A. go about B. come out C. turn up D. break out20. A. surprise B. problem C. secret D. mystery IV.书面表达(共20分)利弊1.可以把所学的知识与社会实践结合起来,施展自己的才华。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the worldProject[
● 4 Can cyclists ride on the pavement? Why (not)?
No, they can’t. Because riding on the pavement can be dangerous to pedestrians. They should walk next to their bicycles.
2 Accidents involving bicycles are usually caused because cyclists are not paying attention to the cars around them, or carrying a passenger. Sometimes accidents occur with bicycles when the brakes on their bicycles do not work properly or their bicycles do not use lights at night.
Let’s check your understanding of the reading passage by more questions.
1 What is the purpose of the notice?
The notice is aimed at increasing people’s awareness of the traffic problem.
In order to prevent accidents, cyclists should
__________________________________; (always obey traffic laws)
__________________________________; (pay attention to the cars that surround
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the world-Task an
Unit 4 The underground in the worldTask1. Dalian is linked to the national railway system, and has direct train running to Beijing and most major cities in north-east China, including Changchun, shenyang, Qiqihar, Jilin and Harbin. (P59)linkv. [T]to make a connection between two or more people, things or ideas:diplomatic links between the two countriesThe explosions are not thought to be linked in any way.The use of CFCs has been linked to the depletion of the ozone layer.n.[C]a connection between two people, things or ideas:There's a direct link between diet and heart disease.Their links with Britain are still strong.2. The storms washed away soil along the road and part of the road is still under repair. (P59)wash sth. awayIf water or rain washes sth. away, it removes it or carries it away:The blood on the pavement had been washed away by the rain overnight.under repairbeing repairedThe house is under repair now, so we have to rent one to live in for a while.引申:under discussion 在讨论中under consideration 在考虑中under construction 在建设中3. In addition to the frequent fast ferries to ports in Weihai and Yantai, there are slower ferries to Shanghai, Qinghuangdao and Inchon in Korea. (P59)in addition (to)besides, as well as 除……之外还有In addition to these arrangements, extra ambulances will be on duty unto midnight.There is, in addition, one further point to make.4. Also tell him the time when you will be leaving and remind him not to be late. (Page 61) remindv.[T] to make someone aware of sth. they have forgotten or might have forgotten:Could you remind Paul about dinner on Saturday?[+ to infinitive] Please remind me to post this letter.[+ (that)] I rang Jill and reminded her (that) the conference had been cancelled.remind you of sth./sb.to be similar to, and make you think of, sth. or someone else: 使人想起……Your hair and eyes remind me of your mother.Project1. The number of road accidents and the deaths arising from those accidents has increased greatly over the past year. (P62)arisev.[I] (arose, arisen)to happen:Should the opportunity arise, I'd love to go to China.Could you work on Saturday, should the need arise (= if it were to be necessary)?Are there any matters arising from(= caused by) the last meeting?2. This notice is aime d at increasing people’s awareness of the problem because it has bee quite extreme. (P62)aim at sth. to plan, hope or intend to achieve sth.:The talks are aiming at a promise.[+ ing form of verb] The government's campaign is aimed at influenc ing public opinion.awareadj.1) knowing that sth. exists, or having knowledge or experience of a particular thing:[+ that] I wasn't even aware that he was ill.Were you aware of the risks at the time?She was well(= very) aware that he was married."Has Claude paid the phone bill?" "Not as far as I'm aware." (= I don't think so)I suddenly became aware of(= started to notice) him looking at me. awarenessn.[U]Public awareness of the problem will make politicians take it seriously.Environmental awareness has increased dramatically over the past decade.3. We must all be aware of the potential causes of traffic accidents and act to prevent them. (P 62)potentialadj.possible when the necessary conditions exist:A number of potential buyers have expressed interest in the pany.Many potential customers are waiting for a fall in prices before buying.The accident is a grim reminder of the potential dangers involved in North Sea oil production actv.[I]to do sth. for a particular purpose, or to behave in the stated way:[+ to infinitive] Engineers acted quickly to repair the damaged pipes.She acted without thinking.He acted as if he'd never met me before.Don't be so silly - you're acting like a child!He never acts on other people's advice (= does what other people suggest).4. Many drivers are aggressive and push into other lanes of traffic or overtake other cars. (P62) aggressiveadj. 1) behaving in an angry and violent way towards another person:Men tend to be more aggressive than women.If I criticize him, he gets aggressive and starts shouting.2) determined to win or succeed and using forceful action to achieve victory or success:an aggressive election campaignaggressive marketing tacticsovertakev.(overtook, overtaken)1)[T]to go beyond sth.by being a greater amount or degree:Our US sales have now overtaken our sales in Europe.We'd planned to hold a meeting tomorrow, but events have overtaken us (= things have changed).2)[I or T]UK to e from behind another vehicle or a person and move in front of it:Always check your rear view mirror before you overtake (another car).5. Drivers have to take the responsibility to watch out for people crossing the road, especially older people who may walk slowly and young children who may not look before stepping into the road. (P62)responsibilityn.[C or U]sth. that it is your job or duty to deal with:[+ to infinitive] It's her responsibility to ensure the project finishes on time.take the responsibility负起……的责任She takes her responsibilities as a nurse very seriously.watch outused to warn someone of danger or an accident that seems likely to happen:"Watch out!" he shouted, but it was too late - she had knocked the whole tray of drinks on the floor.stepv.[I+ adv.or prep.] (-pp-)to move by lifting your foot and putting it down in a different place, or to put your foot on or in sth.:She stepped backwards and fell over a chair.They stepped out onto the balcony.Be careful not to step in the mud.Ow, you stepped on my foot!6. Recently the number of people fined for speaking on their mobile phones while driving has increased by 30 percent. (P62)finen.[C]an amount of money that has to be paid as a punishment for not obeying a rule or law:The maximum penalty for the offence is a $1000 fine.If found guilty, he faces six months in jail and a heavy(= severe) fine.v.[T]Drivers who exceed the speed limit can expect to be fined heavily.[+ two objects] They fined him $100 for using threatening behavior.increased by增长了There were 39, 000 new cases last year - an increase of 7 per cent.increased to增长到Gradually increase the temperature to boiling point.7. If you drive after you have consumed alcoholic drinks, you are violating the law and risking your own life as well as the lives of others. (Page 62)consumev.[T]1)to use fuel, energy or time, especially in large amounts:Our high living standards cause our present population to consume 25 percent of the world's oil.2) FORMALto eat or drink, especially a lot of sth.:He consumes vast quantities of chips with every meal.violatev.[T]to break or act against sth., especially a law, agreement, principle or sth. that should be treated with respect:They were charged with violating federal law.It seems that the planes deliberately violated the cease-fire agreement.The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.riskv. [T]1)to do sth. although there is a chance of a bad result:"It's dangerous to cross here." "I'll just have to risk it."[+ ing form of verb] He risked los ing his house when his pany went bankrupt.2) If you risk sth. important, you cause it to be in a dangerous situation where you might lose it:He risked life and limb to get the cat down from the tree.She was prepared to risk everything on a last throw of the dice.。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldTask Wri
高中英语必修7Unit 4 the underground in the worldTask Writing an email to give information 同步练习I.阅读短文并回答问题(共14分)Maglev is short for magnetic levitation(漂浮), which means that these trains will float over a guide way(导轨) using the basic principles of magnets to replace the old steel wheel and track trains.The magnetized coil ([电]线圈) running along the track, called a guide way, repels the large magnets on the train's undercarriage (车盘), allowing the train to levitate (飘浮) between 0.39 and 3.93 inches (1 to 10 cm) above the guide way . Once the train is levitated, power is supplied to the coils within the guide way walls to create a unique system of magnetic fields that pull and push the train along the guide way. The electric current supplied to the coils in the guide way walls is constantly alternating to change the polarity (极性) of the magnetized coils. This change in polarity causes the magnetic field (磁场)in front of the train to pull the vehicle forward, while the magnetic field behind the train adds more forward thrust (推力).The magnetic field created in this wire-and-battery experiment is the simple idea behind a maglev train rail system. There are three components to this system:A large electrical power source Metal coils lining a guide way or track Large guidance magnets attached to the underside of the train.The big difference between a maglev train and a conventional train is that maglev trains do not have an engine. at least not the kind of engine used to pull typical train cars along steel tracks. The engine for maglev trains is rather inconspicuous (不显眼的,不引人注意的). Instead of using fossil fuels (矿物燃料), the magnetic field created by the electrified coils in the guide way walls and the track combine to propel (推进) the train.Maglev trains float on a cushion of air (气垫), eliminating friction (摩擦). This lack of friction and the trains' aerodynamic (空气动力学的) designs allow these trains to reach unprecedented (空前的) ground transportation speeds of more than 500 kph. In comparison, a Boeing-777 commercial airplane used for long-range flights can reach a top speed of about 789 kph. Once manufacturers can prove that maglev trains can transport passengers safely at such high speeds, maglev trains could become an ideal alternative to airplanes. Developers say that they will likely link cities that are up to 1,609 km apart. At 500 kph, you could travel from Paris to Rome in just over two hours. Questions :1. What is guide way and how does it work?______________________________________________________________ 2. What does maglev mean?______________________________________________________________ 3. How many components are there to a maglev train rail system?______________________________________________________________ 4. What is the difference between a maglev train and a conventional (常规的,传统的) train?______________________________________________________________ 5. How fast can maglev trains travel?______________________________________________________________II. 完形填空(每题1.5分,共30分)Today, most countries in the world have canals. Many countries have built canals near the coast, and parallel __1 the coast. Even in the twentieth century, goods can be moved more cheaply by boat than by any other__2___of transport. These ___3___make it possible for boats to travel ___4__ports along the coast without being__5___to the dangers of the open. Some canals, such as the Suez and the Panama, save ships weeks of time by making their___6___ a thousand miles shorter. Other canals permit boats to reach cities that are not__7___on the coast, still other canals __8___ lands where there is too much water, help to 9 fields where there is not enough water, and 10 water power for factories and mills. The size of a canal 11 on the kind of boats going through it. The canal must be wide enough to permit two of the largest boats using it to 12 each other easily. It must be deep enough to leave about two feet of water 13 the keel of the largest boat using the canal. When the planet Mars was first 14 through a telescope, people saw that the round disk of the planet was crisscrossed by a 15 of strange blue-green lines. These were called “canals”16 they looked the same as canals on earth 17 are viewed from an airplane. However, scientists are now 18 that the Martian phenomena are really not canals. The photographs 19 from space-ships have helped us to 20 the truth about the Martia “canals”.1. A. off B. with C. to D. by2. A. way B. means C. method D. approach3. A. waterways B. waterfronts C. channels D. paths4. A. among B. between C. in D. to5. A. revealed B. exposed C. opened D. shown6. A. trip B. journey C. voyage D .route7. A. lain B. stationed C. set D. located8. A. escape B. drain C. dry D. leak9. A. water B. wet C. soak D. irrigate10. A. furnish B. afford C. offer D. give11. A. focuses B. bases C. depends D. takes12. A. cross B. pass C. move D. advance13. A. down B. below C. beneath D. off14. A. studied B. researched C. surveyed D. observed15. A. few B. number C. deal D. supply16. A. although B. because C. so D. if17. A .that B .where C. when D. as18. A. exact B. definite C. certain D. decisive19. A. held B. taken C. got D. developed20. A. find B. expose C. uncover D. discoverIII. 阅读理解(每题4分,共32分)(A)TOKYO —An express train traveling through strong winter winds derailed in northern Japan, killing four people and injuring more than 30, officials said Monday.Five cars of the six-car express train derailed Sunday evening, three of them topping onto their sides in Yamagata, about 189 miles north of Tokyo. The train was going from northern Akita to Niigate.The injuries of the survivors did not appear to be life-threatening, Yamagata police spokesman Yoshikatsu Oe said. It was unclear how many passengers were on the train, but Oe said most of the injured were in the first two cars. The dead included two men and two women. One of the men was pulled from the wreckage (残骸) early Monday and was believed to be the last body on the train.Rescuers planned to lift the wreckage later in the day to see if any other passengers remained beneath.Transport Ministry official Hiromi Mishima said it was not know what caused the derailment and officials were assessing the extent of the damage. Railway operator JR East Co. President Mutsutake Otsuka apologized for the accident at a news conference Monday morning and promised a thorough investigation. Yamagata police official Yasuhiro Sugiu said there had been high-speed wind warnings for the area. Public broadcaster NHK (日本广播协会) quoted a train conductor as saying a strong wind hit the train just before the accident. Winds in the area were about 48 mph, Kyodo News agency reported.Japan in recent days has suffered from unusually heavy snowfall, and storms have led to the deaths of eight people. But snow did not appear to be a factor in Sunday’s crash.Authorities said they did not know how fast the train was going. Speed was believed to be a factor in an April 25 train wreck that killed 107 people and injured more than 500 others in Amag asaki, western Japan. That accident was Japan’s worst train wreck since 1963.1. The best title for this passage would be ________.A. Train derails in JapanB. Strong winds causesdisasterC. Terrible car accidentsD. Terrible accidents in thepast years2. How many people were killed in the train accidents mentioned here?A. 119.B. 105.C. 107.D. 111.3. The accident took place ________.A. on Monday morning in northern AkitaB. on Sunday evening in YamagataC. on Monday morning to the north of TokyoD. on Sunday evening inNiigata4. From the report we learn that ________.A. a strong wind resulted in the accidentB. the high speed of the train led to the disasterC. the heavy snowfall caused the troubleD. the cause of the derailment is still unclear(B)I was walking along Orchard Road when I realized a tall young man wearing a jacket and tie was following me. I noticed him because not many people wear a jacket and tie in the middle of a hot summer day, and I had already seen this man four times that afternoon.To make sure he was following me, I walked on quickly, turned right into a shopping center and then stopped to look in a shop window. Soon the man appeared and stopped at another shop window. I walked on and stopped several times. When I stopped, he stopped too.I began to be rather worried and decided to try to lose this strange man. When I saw a taxi coming, I jumped into it. As I was telling the taxi driver where to go, I found the man get into another taxi, which then followed mine. As the two taxies slowly made their way along Orchard Road, I looked back at the taxi behind, and saw that the stranger was looking out at me. At MRT station, I told the taxi driver to stop and I got out. As I was paying my fare, I saw the man was getting out of his taxi.By now I got angry, so I turned and walked straight to him. I asked him why he was following me. At first he said he was not following me at all, but when I threatened(威胁) to call the police, he admitted he was. He then told me that he was a news reporter and that he was writing an article on how elderly people in Singapore spend their time. He said he was observing me to gather materials for his article.1. What is strange about the man who followed the writer?A. He seemed to be wearing too much.B. He was out on such a hot day.C. He walked quickly behind.D. He was a tall young man.2. What did the stranger do when the writer jumped into a taxi?A. He got into another taxi.B. He tried to stop the taxi.C. He almost gave up following him.D. He made his way along Orchard Road.3. How did the writer have the stranger admit he was following him?A. He threatened to take him to the police.B. He called the police.C. He said he would call the police.D. He talked to the police.4. Why did the stranger follow the writer?A. He was interested in elderly people.B. He often does such things.C. He was writing a book about young people.D. He needed materials for his article.IV. 书面表达(共25分)昨天,你收到好友的来信,在信中想知道从青岛到广州乘飞机和坐火车旅游有哪些不同及你的观点。
高中英语必修7Unit 4 The underground in the world-Word po
Unit 4 The underground in the worldWord powerStep 1: BrainstormingBoys and girls, in this section we’ll learn words and expressions related to transport. First let’s look at some pictures.Do you know what we call these roads in English? First you can guess and write down your answer, then read the passage in Part A on page 54 to check your answer right or wrong.Step 2: Vocabulary learning1. Now let’s check your understanding of the passage.T: What are very small roads called in English?S: Lanes or paths.T: What are roads where cars can go very fast called?S: Motorways in Britain, freeways or expressways in the USA.T: What kinds of roads are called flyovers?S: Roads that go over other roads.T: What kinds of roads are called underpasses?S: Roads that go through a tunnel.T: What do people call the area where many roads link up?S: An intersection or a junction.T: What is a toll road?S: It is one where people need to pay to use the road.T: What is spaghetti? Why do people call the network of roads near Birmingham“Spaghetti Junction〞?S: Spaghetti is a kind of noodles in the shape of long thin sticks. The network of roads near Birmingham is made up of many intersections and flyovers, which looks like strings of spaghetti.T: What is a street?S: A road with sidewalks in a city or town.T: what is an avenue?S: A wide road lined with trees on each side.T: What is called a way?S: A passage from one place to another.2. Part B.Well done, everyone! Now let’s e to Part B. Zhao Ning has categorized the different ways that we can travel in a flow chart. Look at the chart she has made. Make sure you know the meaning of each word. After you finish reading, I’ll ask you some questions.Who has ever traveled by light railway or underground? What was it like? Do you like traveling by light railway or underground? Why or why not?Have you ever traveled by coach/ by aeroplane/ by ferry/ by ship? How do you like it?If you are traveling to Nanjing, what means of transport will you choose?If you want to go London, which means is the best choice?3. Part CRead the passage in Part C, which is an introduction to a transport project. You should plete the introduction with the words you’ve learnt in Parts A and B. Several minutes later, I’ll check your answers.Step 3: vocabulary extensionDo you know any other words or phrases related to transport besides what you have already learnt in Part A and B? For Example:T: What must we do before we go somewhere by train or by plane?S: We must book a ticket beforehand.T: Where will you go to buy the ticket?S: The ticket office.T: What must we do before we get on the train or plane?S: Make clear about your train or plane number and your seat number.T: Before we get off, what shall we do?S: We must make clear about our destination and take allthe package with us.T: What do we call the person who is traveling by train or plane?S: passenger.T: What do we call the person who sells bus ticket?S: A conductor.T: If you want to travel to a foreign country, what must you have?S: A passport.Good. You know these things very well. Now let’s e to Part D and fill in the box. You can present more words and phrases related to the correct categories.Step 4: Consolidation exercises:1.Match the words related to transport in Column I with their definitions in Column II.I II1) lane______aa boat or ship for taking passengers and oftenvehicles across an area of water, especially as a regular service2) coach ______ba public road, especially an important road that joinscities or towns together.3) ferry______ca vehicle designed for air travel, which has wings andone or more engines4) underground ______da road or path that goes under something such as abusy road, allowing vehicles or people to go from one side to the other5) flyover______e a bridge that carries a road or railway over anotherroad.6) railway______fa place where things, especially roads or railways,e together7) highway______ga narrow road in the countryside or in a town.8) underpass______ha long motor vehicle with fortable seats, used totake groups of people on journeys9) junction ______ithe metal tracks on which trains run.10) aeroplane______ja railway system in which electric trains travel alongpassages below ground.2. plete the sentences with proper words or phrases in the box below. Changes the form where necessary.1) Americans usually say “____________〞, but British people say “motorways〞.2) It is so exciting to drive a ____________ on the lake.3) He is a kind ____________ and he always gives his passengers help in time.4) Many people are eager to go to the concert, so you’d better ____________.5) Annie is going to Shanghai to visit her uncle and she’ll stay there for three weeks. Soshe just bought a ____________.6) Many years ago, when people were traveling on the underground, they could never imagine therewould be ____________.7) It’s a ____________. You need to pay some money to pass.8) Many refugees(难民) have arrived at the border without ____________.9) If you want to be back tomorrow, I think you need to buy a ____________.10) Since you don’t know when the next train arrives, why not ____________?3. Read the passage about public transport in Shanghai and decide which statements are true (T) and which are false (F). Correct the statements that are false.A more efficient public transport network desiredShanghai has seen great improvement of local public transport over the past decade. However, traffic jam is still an often occurrence (发生的事情) in local people's daily lives. Local people demand for a more efficient public transport network.Ten years ago, local people had no choice but to take the bus. During the winter of 1991, passengers flew on city buses averaged around 16 million per day. Since then, huge developments in the city's public transport infrastructure (基础设施) have been made. Three urban (城市的) rail lines stretching a total of more than 70 kilometers have been built, providing convenient light rail and subway services for the public. And the total length of city roads has doubled with the construction of elevated (提高的) ring roads and a series of cross-river links.However, with more people buying newly developed properties along the urban rail lines, the city's subway and light rail has bee increasingly crowded. Moreover, the number of vehicles on the city's roads has skyrocketed (急剧上升) five times the figure a decade ago.Transport authorities in Shanghai say measures will be strengthened to improve public transport in the new year to ease traffic conditions. Recently, a new regulation prohibited (禁止) all vehicles ing from outside Shanghai, learner drivers and taxis without passengers from using the city's elevated highways during rush hours. And, officials are currently cracking down on all illegal parking lots.Meanwhile, city government is planning new transport infrastructure projects to meet the demands of the city's growing population. Authorities say a number of key transport projects including the magnetic levitation train and the Lupu Bridge are expected to be pleted next year and will hopefully relieve the city's current traffic pressures.1) Nowadays residents in Shanghai are satisfied with the public transport system.2) Ten years ago residents can only took buses in Shanghai.3) Transport authorities in Shanghai are taking measures to meet the demands of the local residents.4) If you are driving from Nanjing to Shanghai, you are not allowed to use the city’s elevated highways.Step 5: Homework:1. Parts B1and B2 on page 127 of the Workbook.2. Prepare the Part Grammar and Usage.。
高中英语译林版模块七Unit4 Public transport《Reading(2):The first underground in the world》教案
高中英语译林版模块七Unit4 Public transport《Reading(2):The first underground in the world》优质课公开课教案教师资格证面试试讲教案1教学目标Understand further words and expressions related to public transportation2重点难点Analyze some difficult sentence patterns and apply them to useRead two articles related to public transportationMake a tourist brochure3教学过程3.1第一学时教学活动1【导入】1Stage I. Intensive ReadingA. Interactive study1.伦敦地铁久负盛名,因为它是世界上最古老且最复杂的地铁系统。
It has the distinction of being the oldest and most complex underground system in the world. (p50, L1-3)(sentence-imitation )太平湖素有鱼米之乡的美誉。
Taipinghu _______ ________ _________ _________being the land of fish and rice.Synonym(similar phrases):2【讲授】22.但大部分通往伦敦的火车只到外伦敦的边界, 因为在市区修建铁路会损坏许多建筑。
However, most trains to London only went to the outer city limits, because building railway tracks intothe city would have damaged many old buildings. =if railways tracks had been built into the city, it w ould have damaged many old buildings. (P50, L4-6)在与过去事实相反的虚拟条件句中。
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honor a quality that combines respect, pride and honesty: a man of honor We fought for the honor of our country. n. [C] a reward, prize or title that publicly expresses admiration or respect: She received an honor for her services to the community. in honor of sb./ sth. in order to celebrate or show great respect for someone or sth.: a banquet in honor of the president
faces of four famous American presidents on Mount Rushmore can be seen from a _____ of 60 miles.(2004全国) A. length B. distance C. way D. space
the rush hours the roads are usually _____ up with traffic. A. chocked B. crowded C. blocked D. checked
link v. [T] to make a connection between two or more people, things or ideas: 1.The explosions are not thought to be linked in any way. link up: to form a connection, especially in order to work or operate together: 2.The organization's aim is to link up people from all over the country who are suffering from the disease. 3. They linked up two areas by telephone. 用法拓展:be connected with 与……相接, 和……有联系
choke n. [C] v. 窒息;堵塞;阻塞 1). The child swallowed a pen and chocked to death. 2). The roads to the coast were choked with traffic. 3). At lunchtime the streets were choked with traffic. 4). Children can choke on peanuts. 引申: chock back 忍住,抑制 chock up 因激动等说不出话来
your answers: When was the first underground system opened? In 1863. 2 Why was the Victoria Line important? Because it linked with other lines at almost every station, making the system more user-friendly. 3 What did Charles Holden do? He is the architect that designed many of the new stations built between 1918 and 1938.
More people traveled on the underground and more lines were added. The last passage again and find out how many parts can the passage be divided into.
Language points
Pay attention to the language points in the text.
1. distant
adj. far away
in the distant past/future: far away in the past or future: distance n. [C or U] the amount of space between two places: He travels quite a distance (= a long way) to work every day. Does she live within walking distance of her parents?
1854 1863
An underground railway was decided to be built. The first tunnels were opened.
1868 1884 1933 19181938 After 1945
The next section of the underground system was opened. The underground service was provided in the middle of the city. A public organization was created. London Transport was expanded.
Listen to the tape and find the information to match the year.
Date Event
1854 1863
1868 1884 1933 19181938 After 1945 1977
Check your answers:
Date Event
Detailed reading for important information
was an underground system first developed in London?
Most railway tracks did not go into the London city centre, so buses were required. This increased traffic on the road.
What happened to the London Underground after World War II? After World War II, more lines were added because more people traveled on the underground. (6) What does it mean when the brochure says that the underground system is user-friendly? It means that many of the lines are linked at many stations. Therefore, it is very convenient for riders to go to different places in the city from any station.
reading for general idea 1. When was the first underground system opened? 2. Why was the Victoria Line important? 3. What did Charles Holden do?
The first underground in the world
we talk about London, what will you think about?
oldest and the best underground system in the world:
permit v. -tt- [T] to allow sth.: The regulations do not permit much flexibility. [+ ing form of verb] The prison authorities permit visiting only once a month. [+ object + to infinitive] The security system will not permit you to enter without the correct password.
1d 5c
to part D: 2e 3b 6h 7g
4f 8a
Answers to part E:
Underground 2 oldest 3 complex 4 1863 5 boundary 6 1977 7carriages 8 user-friendly 9 World War II 10 bomb shelters
sister was against my suggestion while my brother was ______ it. (2006陕西) A. in favor of B. in memory of C. in honour of D. in search of
was the London Underground like in 1863? The carriages did not have windows and were pulled by steam engines through narrow tunnels.