



大学化学Univ. Chem. 2022,37 (7), 2110015 (1 of 6)•化学实验• doi: 10.3866/PKU.DXHX202110015 聚合物链状分子的构象统计——推荐一个高分子实验陈彦涛1,*,胡惠媛1,杨波1,石玉磊2,*1深圳大学化学与环境工程学院,广东深圳 5180712深圳浦华系统技术有限公司,广东深圳 518129摘要:介绍了利用分子模拟对链状分子进行构象统计的实验设计。

选取常见且结构简单的聚乙烯作为研究对象,利用软件Materials Studio对聚乙烯进行建模,模拟其运动过程,在微观层面重现了链状分子构象,验证了构象尺寸的标度理论,有利于学生对链构象建立形象化认知。


关键词:高分子实验;聚合物链;构象统计;分子模拟中图分类号:G64;O6Conformation Statistics of Polymer Chain: A Recommended Polymer ExperimentYantao Chen 1,*, Huiyuan Hu 1, Bo Yang 1, Yulei Shi 2,*1 School of Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518071, Guangdong Province, China.2 Shenzhen Puhua System Tech Co., LTD, Shenzhen 518071, Guangdong Province, China.Abstract:An experimental design on conformation statistics and analysis of polymer chains by means of molecular simulation is introduced in this paper. Polyethylene, which is commonly used and has a simple structure, was selected as the research object, and the “Materials Studio” software was used to construct the polyethylene chain, simulate its thermal relaxation, and verify the scaling theory of conformation size in combination with statistical methods. In this experiment, the latest molecular simulation software was used to reproduce the microscopic images of polymer chains at the microscopic level, which is helpful for students to achieve visual understanding of the concept of “random coils” and deepen their understanding of polymers. In addition, conditions such as vacuum and high temperature were chosen, which considerably accelerate the simulation process and help students quickly obtain reliable experimental results on personal computers and meet the time requirements of the experimental courses.Key Words: Polymer experiment; Polymer chain; Conformation statistics; Molecular simulation高分子拥有数目巨大的构象,这是与小分子的重要区别,也是学习高分子课程过程中的重点与难点。



分子力学,又叫力场方法( force field method ),目前广泛地用于计算分子的 构象和能量。
在分子内部,化学键都有“自然”的键长值 和键角值。分子要调整它的几何形状(构象), 以使其键长值和键角值尽可能接近自然值,同时 也使非键作用(van der Waals力)处于最小的状 态,给出原子核位置的最佳排布。

torsions 2

(1 cos(n ))
i j r 12 A

( 4ij[(


qiqj ) 4 0 rij
A' C ' ) f ( ' , " ) rm rp
N ‘

分子力学力场的性能即它的计算结果的准确性 和可靠性主要取决于势能函数和结构参数。 这些有关力常数,结构参数的“本征值”的置 定过程称为力场的参数化。 参数化的过程要在大量的热力学、光谱学实验 数据的基础上进行,有时也需要由量子化学计 算的结果提供数据。
永久偶极(i, j )间的作用Vdipl:
Vdipl i j / D r (cos X 3 cos ai cos a j )
i j 3 ij

经验力场 Emperical Force Field

经验力场 Emperical Force Field

the molecules are separated by
distances comparable with the
8.2 Point charge electrostatic model
Normally we put charges at atomic nuclei, but this is not accurate.
a simpler form is accepted:
v(l )
1 2
k / ).
Parameters for MM2 force field
We must note that the bond interaction is very strong. A deviation of just 0.2 Å from the reference value with a force constant 300 kcal/(mol* Å2) would cause the energy of the system to rise by 12 kcal/mol.
v(l) De 1 exp a l l0
De is the depth of the potential energy minimum.
/ 2De
is reduced mass, is the frequency (
l0 is the reference value of the bonds.
But it has three parameters, so in all the force fields
2 Different force fields has different suitable systems. 3 All atoms are defined into a few “atom types”, according

六西格玛黑带考试 5 控制--习题60问

六西格玛黑带考试 5 控制--习题60问

第8章控制1.下列陈述中,哪个是质量管理先驱休哈特的观点?()A.取消工作定额,代之以领导职能强化B.单一的观测几乎不能构成客观决策的依据C.质量管理活动中重要的三个过程:质量策划、质量控制和质量改进D.质量特征值偏离目标值导致质量损失2. 芯片镀膜是某企业生产中关键的一步,为此必须对于镀膜厚度进行监控。



这时,按国家标准的规定,控制图应该选用()A. 使用Xbar-R控制图B. 使用Xbar-S控制图C. 使用p图或np图D. 使用C图或U图3. 在冰箱生产过程中(生产过程稳定),制冷剂的灌注量是一个非常重要的控制指标,为了更灵敏地检测过程均值发生小偏移,团队成员可以选用的控制图有()多选A.平均值和极差控制图B.累积和(CUSUM)控制图C.指数加权滑动平均(EWMA)控制图D.单值和移动极差控制图4. 在使用计量控制图时,对“合理子组原则”描述正确的是()A.组内波动仅由异常原因引起,组间波动则主要由偶然原因引起B.组内波动仅由偶然原因引起,组间波动则主要由异常原因引起C.组内及组间主要波动都是由偶然原因引起D.组间及组内主要波动都是由异常原因引起5.绘制均值-极差(或均值-标准差)控制图时,确定合理子组的原则是()A.子组数量应该在5个以下B. 组内差异只由随机变异造成C.组内差异应大于组间差异D. 不存在组内差异6. 在实施六西格玛项目时,力场分析(Force Field Analysis)方法可用于()A. 查找问题的根本原因B. 验证项目的实施效果C. 确定方案实施可能带来的好处和问题D. 定量分析变异源7. 下图为某生产企业的工作人员连续15个工作日每天抽样进行检验而得到的芯片缺陷情况绘制成的U控制图,下面分析中正确的是()多选A.上、下控制限呈“城墙”状,使用不方便,不如换用C控制图B.上、下控制限呈“城墙”状,表明此生产流程存在异常C.中心线数值“2.532”表示所抽取的每片芯片之平均缺陷数D.上、下控制限呈“城墙”状,表明每天抽样芯片数不同8. 某六西格玛团队对二极管生产线的状况进行过程能力分析,得到以下结果,下列说法正确的是( )多选A. 控制图显示过程处于统计控制状态B. P 控制图中的控制限不是直线,说明过程不稳定C. 过程能力充足D. 过程能力不足,需要改进9. 控制图分为分析用控制图和控制用控制图两个阶段,以下关于两阶段控制图说法正确的是( )多选 A. 分析用控制图的控制限是由样本数据计算得出的,控制用控制图的控制限是指定的 B. 分析用控制图的控制限是由样本数据指定的,控制用控制图的控制限是计算得出的 C. 过程稳定且过程能力满足要求后,才能由分析用控制图转为控制用控制图 D. 过程稳定且过程能力满足要求后,才能由控制用控制图转为分析用控制图10. 以下是2009年6月份我国H1N1流感感染人数统计数据,我们可以用何种控制图监控情况是否恶化?( )A. Xbar-R 图B. Xbar-S 图C. C 图D. P 图11.从生产线上收集到上一周的生产汇总数据如下表,如果需要实施统计过程控制,选择哪种控制图最合适()A.均值-极差控制图B. NP控制图C. P控制图D. U控制图12. 在半导体芯片生产中,要将直径8英寸(约合20厘米)的晶圆盘(wafer)切削成3000粒小芯片(die)。



非牛顿流体剪切稀化特性的分子动力学模拟*杨刚 郑庭 程启昊 张会臣†(大连海事大学船舶与海洋工程学院, 大连 116026)(2020 年12 月13日收到; 2021 年1 月12日收到修改稿)非牛顿流体在微流控系统及生物医学等领域具有广泛应用. 采用分子动力学模拟方法, 以羧甲基纤维素钠分子和水分子构成的系统为研究对象, 模拟了不同剪切速度下羧甲基纤维素钠溶液的构型演变, 采用溶质分子的均方位移和近表面水分子层的相对剪切速度表征溶液黏度的变化, 着重分析了氢键作用对溶液黏度变化的影响. 结果表明: 羧甲基纤维素钠溶液中水分子与溶质分子相互吸引形成更致密的氢键网络, 使得溶液黏度增加. 当对溶液施加剪切作用时, 溶质分子上与碳相连的氢原子与水氧原子之间的径向分布函数峰值减小, 二者形成的氢键作用减弱. 在剪切作用下, 溶质分子运动加剧, 水分子对溶质分子运动的阻碍作用减小;同时距剪切边界越近的水分子的移动速度越接近剪切速度, 随着距离增加, 水分子层的移动速度大幅度减小;以上结果在宏观上可表现为体系的黏度降低. 剪切速度增加, 羧甲基纤维素钠溶液的剪切稀化现象愈加显著.关键词:非牛顿流体, 分子动力学, 剪切稀化, 氢键PACS:47.50.–d, 52.65.Yy, 83.60.Rs, 82.30.Rs DOI: 10.7498/aps.70.202021161 引 言具有剪切稀化特性的非牛顿流体在微流控系统及生物医学等领域具有广泛应用, 其流变特性对特定功能的实现具有至关重要的影响[1−4]. 对非牛顿流体剪切稀化特性的研究一直以来主要通过数学模型的建立加以表征. 例如, Jordi等[5]通过突变剪切速率来确定不同分子量的聚丙烯酸酯溶液的流变特性, 从而确定其稳态黏度、启动黏度和触变行为, 结果表明, 其稳态黏度符合Ostwald-de Waele幂律流体模型; Laporte等[6]在微通道气液两相流研究中, 采用改进后的幂律模型表征乳清蛋白分离物和黄原胶混合溶液的流变行为, 并通过改变黄原胶溶液溶质的含量对非牛顿流体在通道中的流型进行调控. Khan等[7]在研究横向磁场和欧姆加热对一种不可压缩的非牛顿流体内能的影响时, 采用Carreau模型来表征流体的状态, 分析了非牛顿流体的径向速度和切向速度分量随幂律指数、雷诺数和韦伯数的变化情况. Roberts和Cox[8]利用非牛顿流体Bingham模型分析了压力驱动下剪切稀化流体在弯曲通道中的速度分布, 推导出压力驱动的非牛顿流体绕二维同心环流动的速度剖面表达式.随着数值模拟技术的发展, 对非牛顿流体流变特性的研究, 从宏观尺度向介观尺度深入. Wu等[9]利用改进的格子玻尔兹曼方法模拟了幂律流体、Bingham流体和Herschel-Bulkley流体的非牛顿特性, 给出了它们流变特性的表达式, 并用泊肃叶流法验证了该改进方法的可行性. 结果表明, 初始屈服应力和幂指数对非牛顿流体的流变特性均有影响. Dong等[10]建立了非牛顿流体两相流的格子玻尔兹曼模型, 在没有重力作用的情况下, 模拟了两相流在矩形粗糙通道内的流动, 证明了两相格* 国家自然科学基金(批准号: 51775077, 51909023)资助的课题.† 通信作者. E-mail: hczhang@© 2021 中国物理学会 Chinese Physical Society 子玻尔兹曼模型在非牛顿流体模拟中的可行性. Afrouzi等[11]采用格子玻尔兹曼方法和边界拟合法, 研究了波纹通道中脉动非牛顿流体的流动, 分析了剪切稀化和剪切增稠非牛顿流体的流线、剪切应力等值线、回流区、表面摩擦系数和速度分布随时间和位置的变化. 结果表明, 界面摩擦系数和幂律指数成正比, 与雷诺数间接相关.然而, 尽管已建立的模型在宏观和介观尺度上对实验现象进行了解释, 但是非牛顿流体的剪切稀化特性在微观尺度的合理解释还十分薄弱. 羧甲基纤维素钠(sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, CMC)是纤维素的羧甲基化衍生物, 是一种阴离子型高分子化合物, 易分散在水中形成透明的、具有剪切稀化特性的溶液. 由于这种离子化合物具有低挥发性、高导热性、低熔点和高溶剂容量的特点, 并可适用于多种溶剂, 在许多工业领域具有广泛应用[12−16]. 大多数剪切稀化流体均由巨大的链状分子构成, 这种高分子溶质的分子量可达几千甚至百万. 在低流速或者静止时, 由于溶质分子互相缠结,溶液黏度增大. 然而, 当溶液受到剪切时, 这些比较散乱缠结的链状分子受到流层之间的剪应力作用, 减少了链状分子的互相钩挂, 发生滚动旋转进而收缩成团, 呈现出剪切稀化的现象, 这种解释溶液剪切稀化现象的理论已经被大多数学者所认同[17,18]. 然而剪切稀化现象在微观尺度上的产生机理并不是十分清楚. 分子动力学(molecular dyna-mics, MD)模拟能够在微观尺度上揭示宏观现象,是分析微观机理的有效手段[19]. Graham[20]利用MD方法空间和时间上分辨率高的特点, 研究了实验中难以精确观测到的聚合物流动诱导结晶现象,并提出利用粗粒化模拟来解决聚合物长链无法快速计算的问题. 本文采用MD模拟的方法, 通过研究羧甲基纤维素钠的官能团与水分子之间的相互作用, 探讨羧甲基纤维素钠溶液的剪切稀化特性,旨在揭示非牛顿流体剪切稀化现象的微观机理.2 分子动力学模拟的模型与方法本文针对羧甲基纤维素钠分子与水分子构成的体系进行研究. CMC分子由相似的单体聚合而成的, 分子式为[C6H7O2(OH)2OCH2COONa]n, 实际中聚合度n大于200, 分子量由几千到百万[4],不同聚合度的CMC分子官能团的种类和数量占比一致. 为了能进行有效的模拟, 本文选取适当的聚合度来研究羧甲基纤维素钠溶液的剪切流变特性, 并通过密度计算验证该聚合度的合理性. 模拟采用Materials Studio 2018软件, 设定周期性边界条件.2.1 力场的选取与分子模型的建立分子的能量随分子的构型变化而变化, 其能量可以看作构成分子的各个原子空间坐标的函数(分子力场函数), 分子力场参数来自于实验结果总结出的经验公式. 本文选取COMPASS力场, 其中分子力场函数广泛覆盖共价分子, 包括最常见的有机物、小的无机分子和聚合物. 该力场用一个基于库仑项和van der Waals项的离子模型来描述成键粒子, 不成键粒子间通过成对LJ 9-6势函数相互作用.模型建立的过程为: 在Materials Studio中调取对应元素, 根据结构式设定CMC分子单体和水分子, 使用Build Polymers模块将CMC单体作为重复单元构建多个聚合度不同的CMC分子; 使用Forcite Calculation中的Geometry Optimization 模块对这些分子进行优化, 基于力场COMPASS 分配CMC中原子电荷, 静电力与范德瓦耳斯力都基于原子之间的LJ 9-6势函数, 最大迭代次数设为2000, 设定能量为2.0 × 10–5 kcal/mol, 截断半径为1.0 × 10–5 Å.2.2 分子聚合度的确定CMC的分子量高达数百万, 构建如此大聚合度的分子会浪费大量的计算资源, 分析较低聚合度下纯CMC分子体系的密度稳定性可以反映聚合物的真实性质[21]. 选取聚合度n分别为1, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 20, 30, 40的9种CMC分子各10个, 分子量分别为242, 484, 968, 1452, 1936, 2420, 4840, 7260, 9680. 选取的聚合度与实际情况有一定的差别, 原因是随着分子链长度的增加, 计算成本急剧上升. 对适度增加聚合度的短链进行详细的分子动力学模拟, 了解其关键的物理性质, 对后续研究长链的工作有指导意义[20]. 使用Amorphous Cell Calculation模块构建9个仅含有CMC分子的纯CMC分子体系. 设置NPT系综, 保证分子数目不变, 系统的压强和温度保持不变, 温度设定为298 K, 对CMC溶液进行1000 ps平衡模拟, 时间步长为0.1 fs, 每2000步输出1帧模拟结果. 借助Forcite Analysis计算不同聚合度的纯CMC分子体系的密度.2.3 CMC分子与水分子的相互作用溶液中分子的体系是庞大的, 在进行分子数量较多的仿真计算之前, 研究小范围内CMC分子与水分子的相互作用有助于剪切稀化机理的研究. 使用Amorphous Cell Calculation模块, 依次选取聚合度n为1, 2, 4, 6的CMC分子, 分别加入10, 20, 30, 40个水分子构建溶液体系. 与此同时, 构建仅含有相同数目水分子的体系作为对比参照. 对这些体系以NPT系综进行分子动力学模拟, 温度设定为298 K, 时间步长为0.1 fs, 模拟时间为1000 ps. 使用Lattices Parameters读取并计算平衡模拟后模型的体积, 对比含溶质分子的溶液模型和无溶质分子溶液模型体积的变化, 以分析CMC分子与水分子的相互作用.2.4 氢键分析和溶液的剪切模拟CMC分子单体上包含两种氢原子, 分别为与碳链直接相连的氢原子(Hc)和与氧原子直接相连的氢原子(Ho). 其中Hc数量占总氢原子数量的79.1%, 如图1所示.H-atom connecting C-atom: HcH-atom connecting O-atom: Ho图 1 CMC分子结构示意图Fig. 1. Molecular structure diagram of CMC.由于研究的体系是CMC水溶液, 水分子之间的氢键数量占大多数, 通过氢键数量的变化难以判断CMC分子与水分子的相互作用. 因此, 选取CMC分子上Hc和水分子中氧原子Ow的相互作用, 分析CMC分子与水分子的氢键作用.为构建CMC溶液体系, 选取18个聚合度分别为1, 2, 4, 6的CMC分子和4374个水分子建立模拟系统. 聚合度为1时的水溶液模型如图2所示, 此时体系中溶质的质量分数约为10%, 其中水分子以bond模型表示, CMC分子以CPK模型表示. 使用Amorphous Cell Calculation 模块下的Confined Shear建立剪切模拟的水溶液模型. 之后再采用Forcite Calculation 模块中的Geometry Optimization和Anneal对溶液体系进行能量最小化和退火优化, 其中退火优化初始温度设为300 K,中间循环温度设为500 K, 每次斜坡中加热5次,模拟1000步. 最后利用Confined Shear对体系进行剪切模拟, 模拟使用NVT系综, 保持盒子体积不变, 时间步长为0.1 fs, 总计500 ps. 受分子热运动和Materials Studio软件的限制, 剪切速度分别设置为0.1, 0.5, 1, 5, 10 Å/ps. 以铁原子作为剪切边界, 对溶液施加剪切作用, 如图3所示. 施加剪切作用后, CMC分子和水分子各自内部的强作用共价键无法破坏, 而水分子与CMC分子形成的氢键将发生改变, 本研究中采用径向分布函数对氢键作用的强度加以表征.图 2 CMC水溶液模型Fig. 2. Model of CMC aqueous solution.3 结果与讨论3.1 分子模型的优化通过COMPASS力场的约束, CMC分子和水分子单体达到能量最小化, 将构建的分子模型约束成符合力学定律的标准模型, 优化的分子模型和结构示意图如图4所示, 其中图4(a)—(d)对应1, 2, 4, 6四种聚合度.由图4可以看出, 构建的分子在受到力场约束之前, 分子自身的能量较高, 经过力场约束, 分子的能量趋于最小化, 分子的构型由相对规则转变为A)Shear velocity: wall(a)(c)(d)图 3 剪切模拟模型 (a) 剪切运动前仿真系统示意图; (b) 剪切运动后仿真系统示意图; (c) 剪切运动前的仿真系统; (d) 剪切运动后的仿真系统Fig. 3. Shear simulation model: (a) System before shearing; (b) system after shearing; (c) simulating configuration before shearing;(d) simulating configuration after shearing.Energy/(kcalSmol-1)Optimization stepAfter optimizationBefore optimizationEnergy/(kcalSmol-1)Optimization stepBefore optimization After optimizationEnergy/(kcalSmol-1)Optimization stepBefore optimizationAfter optimizationAfter optimizationEnergy/(kcalSmol-1)Optimization stepBeforeoptimization图 4 分子能量最小化和分子结构示意图 (a) n = 1; (b) n = 2; (c) n = 4; (d) n = 6 Fig. 4. Molecular energy minimization and molecular structure diagram: (a) n = 1; (b) n = 2; (c) n = 4; (d) n = 6.不规则. 简单的分子仅需要较少的迭代次数就可以完成能量最小化, 随着分子结构复杂性的提高, CMC 分子需要更多的迭代次数才能达到能量最小化; 分子能量的初始状态随机设置, 随着分子原子数和复杂程度的增加, 达到稳态所释放出来的能量越大,即能量落差越大.3.2 羧甲基纤维素钠分子聚合度的确定分子聚合度对体系密度的影响如图5所示, 随着CMC 分子聚合度的增加, 纯CMC 体系的密度变化不显著, 密度稳定在1.55 g/cm 3左右(工业中密度约为1.6 g/cm 3), 表明由聚合度小于10的CMC 分子构成的溶液体系仍能反映CMC 溶液的基本特征. 为了提高计算效率, 选择聚合度分别为1, 2,4, 6的CMC 分子进行剪切模拟.3.3 单个CMC 分子与水分子的相互作用为了更加清晰地表征CMC 分子与水分子的相互作用, 有必要研究单个CMC 分子与水分子的相互作用. 图6为30个水分子和含有30个水分子和1个CMC 分子(不同聚合度)体系的构型(蓝色为CMC 分子上氢键的具体位置, 盒子边长为a ,a 的数值见 图6中).观察可以发现, 相对于没有溶质约束的自由水分子, 溶质与水之间的氢键的形成使水分子更加接近溶质分子, 水分子和CMC 分子相互约束, 通过量化体系体积的变化可表征这种现象.如图7所示, 仅含有水分子时(观察直线H 及右侧纵坐标), 水分子的数量由10增加至40, 体系体积成倍增加. 含有1个聚合度为1的CMC 分子的体系(观察直线A 及左侧纵坐标), 水分子的数量同样由10增加至40, 体系体积增大, 但增大程度明显不及仅含有水分子的模型(曲线斜率越小,增大程度越小). 含有20个水分子的体系体积相比5101520=6 =40 =10=2Forcefield: COMPASS Temperature: 298 K Ensemble:Simulation time:S y s t e m d e n s i t y /(g S c m -3)Degree of polymerization图 5 CMC 分子聚合度对体系密度的影响Fig. 5. Influence of CMC molecular polymerization degree on system density.=9.646 A=11.947 A=13.598 A=16.028 A=17.890 A图 6 水分子和小范围CMC 水溶液模型 (a) n = 0;(b) n = 1; (c) n = 2; (d) n = 4; (e) n = 6Fig. 6. Models of H 2O molecule and small range CMC aqueous solution: (a) n = 0; (b) n = 1; (c) n = 2; (d) n = 4;(e) n = 6.V o l u m e o f p u r e w a t e r s y s t e m /A 3V o l u m e o f C M C s o l u t i o n s y s t e m /A 3Number of the H 2O molecules图 7 水分子数量对CMC 溶液和纯水体系体积的影响Fig. 7. Influence of the number of water molecules on the volume of CMC solution and pure water system.于含有10个水分子的体系体积仅增加了27.0%; 30个水分子的体系体积相比于20个水分子的体系体积增加了21.3%, 以此类推; CMC分子聚合度为6时体系体积最大(观察直线D和左侧纵坐标),但是随着水分子数量的增加, 体系体积增加的程度减小, 这是由于聚合度大时, CMC分子上的Hc原子增多, 官能团增多, CMC分子与水分子的氢键作用更强烈, 二者的约束作用更强. 这也体现了水分子与CMC分子相互作用是CMC分子上的官能团起主要作用.CMC分子与水分子相互作用形成氢键, 氢键作用使得水分子被拉拢聚集, 使体系更紧密, 溶液中的分子移动性变差, 使溶液黏度增加; 同时还发现, 随着CMC聚合度的增大, 体系体积的增速减小. 原因在于随着聚合度的增加, 体系内的Hc原子数量增大, Hc原子与水分子形成更多氢键使得体系更加紧密, 故水分子加入体系后, 体系体积变化的速率减小.可以认为, CMC水溶液的黏度变化的微观原因在于水分子和CMC分子形成的氢键作用, 这种作用越强, 溶液体系越紧密, 表现出的黏度越大.3.4 剪切作用对氢键的影响从以上的分析可以看出, 氢键作用决定溶液的黏度. 因此, 本节对剪切作用对分子构型和氢键的影响进行分析. 分析Hc周围水分子上的氧原子密度可得到二者的相互作用, 即分析Hc-Ow的径向分布函数.径向分布函数g(r)的物理意义可以解释为在一个中心原子A周围距离为r处, B原子的局部密度相对于本体密度的比值. “局部密度”指A原子附近(r值小)的B原子的分布密度, “本体密度”指距A原子较远(r值大)的B原子的分布密度. 局部密度不同于系统的本体密度, 但与A原子距离远时应与本体密度相同. 简言之, 径向分布函数是对距参考粒子A距离为r处找到粒子B的相对概率的计算[22].径向分布函数g(r)的表达式为其中, d N为与原子A的距离为r到r + d r之间的分子数目, r为原子B的平均密度.溶液中Hc-Ow的径向分布函数如图8所示.可以看出, Hc-Ow的径向分布函数中2.07 Å < 3.5 Å处存在唯一峰值, 这说明在Hc原子周围氢键作用范围内存在水分子上的氧原子, 加之二者之间不可能发生化学反应, 即未发生电子交换, 故这种相互作用被认为是氢键作用[23].当剪切运动开始时, 径向分布函数的变化如图9所示. 以剪切速度1 Å/ps为例, 与相对静止状态作出的Hc-Ow径向分布函数的峰值对比. 相对于静止状态, 4种CMC分子构成的溶液体系在剪切运动后在2.07 Å处的峰值都有明显的下降,说明Hc与Ow的氢键作用在剪切运动后有所减弱; CMC分子聚合度不同, 峰值位置不变, CMC分子的聚合度越大, 峰值的数值越大, 这说明官能团数量增加, 更多的水分子被吸引, 形成更多的氢键.增加剪切速度后, 2.07 Å处峰值变化结果如图10所示. 与上文分析一致, CMC分子聚合度大时, 峰值的数值总体大于聚合度小的CMC分子.当剪切运动开始时, 所有溶液体系在2.07 Å处的峰值都大幅度下降, 这说明剪切稀化流体在克服剪切变化阈值后, 黏度变化是最大的(模拟中剪切速度由0 Å/ps直接增大至0.1 Å/ps, 未考虑实验中黏度不变的区域), 随着剪切速度的增加, 峰值小幅度减小.Hc-Ow始终存在一个位于2 Å左右的峰值,即氢键作用. 当剪切运动开始, 峰值大幅度下降;随着剪切速度的增加, 峰值不断减小. 这表明剪切运动和剪切速度的增加减少了氢键的数量, 但氢键的作用区域几乎不变. CMC分子与水分子的氢键作用减弱, 使得CMC分子和水分子具有更大的流动性, 因此溶液的黏度降低.()/A图 8 Hc-Ow径向分布函数Fig. 8. Hc-Ow radial distribution function.( )/A( )/A( )/A( )/A图 9 开始剪切后Hc-Ow 的径向分布函数与相对静止状态的对比 (a) n = 1; (b) n = 2; (c) n = 4; (d) n = 6Fig. 9. Comparison between the radial distribution of Hc-Ow and the relative static state after shearing: (a) n = 1; (b) n = 2; (c) n = 4;(d) n = 6.P e a k ( )Velocity/(AS ps -1)P e a k ( )Velocity/(AS ps -1)P e a k ( )Velocity/(AS ps -1)P e a k ( )Velocity/(AS ps -1)图 10 Hc-Ow 径向分布函数峰值随剪切速度的变化 (a) n = 1; (b) n = 2; (c) n = 4; (d) n = 6Fig. 10. Variation of the peak value of Hc-Ow radial distribution function with shear rate: (a) n = 1; (b) n = 2; (c) n = 4; (d) n = 6.3.5 溶液黏度的变化通过溶质分子和水分子的相互作用可定性分析溶液的黏度变化. 本节通过分析CMC分子的位置变化, 即位移特性及近表层水分子的移动速度,探讨溶液的黏度变化.在剪切过程中, 观察到溶液中的各个分子状态是不同的, 如图11所示. 溶液中的水分子按受力状态可划分为四类, 第一类为与CMC分子形成氢键的水分子(例如分子1); 第二类为与剪切边界存在相互作用并吸附在剪切边界上的水分子(例如分子2); 第三类为既吸附在剪切边界上又与CMC分子形成氢键的水分子(例如分子3), 这种水分子占少数; 第四类为游离在溶液中的水分子, 只与周边水分子存在相互作用(例如分子4). 将溶质分子分为两种(不考虑CMC分子之间的相互作用), 第一种为只与水分子有相互作用的CMC分子(例如分子a); 第二种为通过自身的钠离子与剪切边界上的铁原子相互作用吸附在边界上的CMC分子(例如分子b), 还观察到b分子能通过与水分子3的相互作用来吸附在剪切边界上.溶液中分子的位移特性可以通过均方位移(MSD)来表示:其中, r(0)为分子的初始坐标, r(t)为分子位置坐标函数, 均以分子的几何中心作为分子的坐标.由于剪切边界只在x方向移动, 溶液分子在z方向上的位移受到限制, 计算结果表明, a分子和b分子在z方向上的位移d z ≈ 0; y方向上的位移d y较少, 且不存在明显规律. 分析x方向上的位移d x, 对于b分子, 观察到其位移基本与剪切边界同步, 故认为其d x约为|V wall·t| (t为运动时间),氢键作用对于b分子在x方向上的位移影响不大.对于a分子, 其在x方向上的位移变化显著, 且与水分子1的相互作用较为明显, 故重点分析此类分子在x方向上的位移.为了得到a分子在剪切过程中水平方向的位移量, 进而分析其位移特性, 计算了两个聚合度不同的体系中每个a分子x方向的MSD a曲线后对其数值进行开方并求和:其中N a为a分子的个数.对于不同剪切速度下的溶液体系, 聚合度为1和6的a分子的RMSD a曲线如图12所示.图12中曲线的纵坐标为CMC分子在溶液中的水平位移d x, CMC分子在相同的时间内移动的距离越大, CMC分子运动越剧烈, 间接反映出溶液黏度越低.对于两种聚合度的溶液体系, 剪切速度越大, CMC分子的移动速度越快, 一定时间内的位移越大, 这表明CMC分子在剪切速度增大时更容易在溶液中运动, 说明第一类和第三类水分子对其的束Shear velocity= wallS |Shear velocity= wall1图 11 剪切状态下溶液中分子的受力状态示意图Fig. 11. Stress state diagram of molecules in solution under shear state.缚减少, 二者之间的氢键作用减弱, 溶液出现了剪切稀化现象, 这与上文对不同剪切速度下氢键作用变化的分析结果一致; 同时发现, 对于这两类不同聚合度的CMC 溶液, 当剪切速度由0.1 Å/ps 增加10倍至1 Å/ps 时, 一定时间内的位移量分别增加了1.51倍和1.35倍. 当剪切速度由0.1 Å/ps 增加100倍至10 Å/ps 时, 位移量分别增加了10.76倍和10.83倍, 这表明溶质分子的位移与剪切速度呈非线性关系; 相对于聚合度为1的CMC 分子, 聚合度大的CMC 分子在一定时间内的水平位移更小, 这说明其受到了更多第一类和第三类水分子的阻碍, 与周边水分子形成了更多的氢键, 这与上文分析其拥有更多官能团导致其Hc-Ow 径向分布函数峰值数值较大, 氢键作用较强的分析结果一致.为进一步分析溶液中氢键作用对溶液黏度的影响, 本文还分析了水分子层和剪切边界的相互作用.图13为CMC 聚合度为1的体系在剪切速度为1 Å/ps 的剪切作用下的变化情况, 简化溶液体系, 仅保留Ow 和铁原子坐标信息, 通过分析表层原子Fe L1与溶液中水氧原子Ow 的径向分布函数RDF (Fe L1-Ow)可知, 水分子在剪切边界表面分层分布, 以RDF 的波谷值作为近表层水分子分层依据, 可获得OL1, OL2, OL3三层水分子层, 取体相中厚度为2.5 Å的水分子层为体相层OL4.OL1为吸附层, 移动速度与剪切边界相同. 通过计算每一层水分子x 方向的均方位移得到了每一层Ow 的平均水平运动速度v OL1 = 1.00 Å/ps, v OL2 =0.11 Å/ps, v OL3 = 0.09 Å/ps, v OL4 = 0.07 Å/ps.01202468101214 =1R M S D /ATime/ps0.1 A /ps 0.5 A /ps 1 A /ps 5 A /ps 10 A /ps(a)=10.1 A /ps 0.5 A /ps 1 A /ps 5 A /ps 10 A /ps(b)0122468101214R M S D /ATime/ps图 12 不同剪切速度下CMC 分子的RMSD a 曲线 (a) n = 1; (b) n = 6Fig. 12. RMSD a curves of CMC molecules at different shear rates: (a) n = 1; (b) n = 6.1020/A2L1L2L3L41RDF(Fe L1-Ow)51.6 A25.6 AOL4OL4OL3 OL2 OL1 wallOL4NOL4NOL3NOL2OL3 OL2NOL1= OL1wallOL3OL2OL1Fe L1图 13 水分子层的速度分布图及Fe L1-Ow 径向分布函数Fig. 13. Velocity distribution diagram of water molecular layer and Fe L1-Ow radial distribution function.根据牛顿定律和体系几何尺寸推算出牛顿流体的情况下4层水分子的平均移动速度为v NOL1 = 1.00 Å/ps, v NOL2 = 0.92 Å/ps, v NOL3 = 0.82 Å/ps, v NOL4 = 0.45 Å/ps, 除吸附层外, CMC溶液的水层速度均小于牛顿流体的水层速度, 体现了CMC 溶液的非牛顿特性.以类似的方法研究了不同剪切速度下的体系,对于CMC聚合度为1的情况, 当剪切速度增加时, RDF (Fe L1-Ow)不变, 即水分子层在z方向的分布不变, v NOL的数值与剪切速度成比例增加, v OL 的数值略有增加但始终小于v NOL. 当CMC聚合度为6时, 在每一层内的水分子个数不同于聚合度为1的情况, 但水层速度分布规律与其类似, 均体现出非牛顿特性.由于OL1层是吸附层, 与剪切边界的相对速度基本为0, 故分析OL2层与剪切边界的相对速度. OL2层在不同剪切速度下的运动速度v OL2, 当v wall为0.1, 1, 10 Å/ps, CMC聚合度为1时, 对应v OL2为0.07, 0.11, 0.61 Å/ps; 聚合度为6时, 对应v OL2为0.08, 0.12, 0.89 Å/ps. 随着剪切速度增加, OL2的速度不断增加, OL2与剪切边界的相对速度(v wall – v OL2)也不断增加. 由于模拟规定了剪切边界的移动速度, 剪切边界与溶质分子相对移动速度越大, 则认为二者的相互作用越小, 剪切边界受到的阻力越小, 证明溶液呈现了剪切稀化特性.4 结 论本文通过分子动力学模拟研究了羧甲基纤维素钠溶液剪切稀化的微观机理, 得到的主要结论如下:1) 含有CMC分子的体系, 加入更多水分子时, 体系增大的程度减小. CMC分子上的烷基与水分子形成的氢键使体系体积减小, 每一个CMC 分子依靠氢键作用在自身周围形成水分子团, 使溶液黏度增加.2) 溶液中CMC分子碳链上的氢原子与水分子的氧原子的径向分布函数的结果表明, 对溶液施加剪切作用时, 氢键作用大幅度减弱, 溶液黏度下降; 当溶液剪切速度继续增加时, 氢键作用减弱幅度降低, 导致溶液黏度下降幅度随之降低. 在剪切过程中, Hc-Ow氢键作用的减弱是羧甲基纤维素钠溶液出现剪切稀化现象的主要原因.3) 水分子与溶质分子形成的氢键阻碍了溶质分子在溶液中的运动, 溶液内CMC分子水平位移特性的结果表明, 当剪切速度增加时, 水分子与CMC分子之间的氢键作用减弱, 导致水分子对CMC分子运动的阻碍作用减弱, CMC分子运动更剧烈; 通过分析壁面表层水分子的滑移速度分布可知, 水分子层和剪切边界的相对速度随着剪切速度的增大而增大, 剪切边界受到的阻力减小, 溶液出现剪切稀化现象, 水分子层速度的计算结果进一步验证了CMC溶液的非牛顿特性.参考文献N air R, Choudhury A R 2020 Int. J. Biol. Macromol. 159 922 [1]P onalagusamy R 2018 Appl. Math. Comput. 337 545[2]Y ang J S 2014 J. Process. Agric. 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Acceptable quality level AQL 合格质量水平합격품질수준Acceptance testing procedure ATP 验收检验规程Accuracy 정확성准确度Affinity diagram 친화도亲和图Alpha risk 제1종오류(생산자위험) 第一类错误Alternative hypothesis: H1 대립가설备择假设Analysis of covariance 공분산분석协方差分析Analysis of variance 분산분석方差分析Average 평균平均Bais 편의偏倚Benched at extremes 양쪽특이형两侧特异型Benchmarking 벤치마킹水平对比Best practice 베스트프랙티스BPC(最优方法)Beta risk (b) 제2종오류(소비자위험) 第二类错误bimodal 쌍봉형[히스토그램] 双峰型[直方图]Binomial distribution 이항분포二项分布Black belt - BB 블랙벨트黑带Blocking 블럭화划分区组Box plot 상자그림箱线图Box-Cox transformation Box-Cox 변환Box-Cox 转换Brain storming 브레인스토밍头脑风暴法Business Alignment Plan 목표제품선정계획目标制品选定计划Cause & Effect diagram 특성요인도因果图CDAM (Combine-Delete-Add-Modify) 해결안평가방법解决案评价方法Central limit theorem 중심극한정리中心极限定理Central line 중심선中心线Champion 챔피온倡导者Chi-square distribution 카이스퀘어분포χ方分布Chi-square test 카이스퀘어검정χ方检验Cluster sampling 집락표본추출分群取样法Common cause 불가피요인偶然原因Complete randomized design 완전랜덤실험법完全随机化设计Confidence coefficient (1-α)신뢰수준置信水平Confidence interval 신뢰구간置信区间Confounding 교락混杂Continuous data 연속데이터连续型数据Control assessment matrix 통제평가매트릭스控制评价矩阵Control chart 관리도控制图Control limits 관리한계控制界限COPQ (Cost Of Poor Quality) 품질실패비용劣质成本Core process 핵심공정核心工程Correlation coefficient 상관계수相关系数Cp (Potential process capability Index) 공정능력지수过程能力指数Cpk (Process capability index) 공정능력지수过程能力指数(考虑偏倚)Critical Business Requirement - CBR 사업핵심요구사항企业核心要求事项Critical Customer Requirement - CCR 고객핵심요구사항顾客核心要求事项Critical T o Process CTP 关键过程特性Critical T o Quality CTQ 关键质量特性Critical value 임계치临界值Cross-functional team CFT CFT Customer 고객顾客Customer value added activity 고객가치부가顾客价值增值Defect 결함缺陷Defect Per Million Opportunity DPMO 百万机会缺陷数Degree of freedom 자유도自由度dependent variable 종속변수因变量Design of Experiment 실험계획법试验设计DFM (Design For Manufacturability) 面向制造的设计DFSS (Design For Six Sigma) DFSS 6Sigma设计Discrete data 이산데이터离散型数据DPU (Defect Per Unit) 단위당결점수单位缺陷数EMEA (Error Mode and Effect Analysis)Enabling process 지원공정支援过程explanatory variable 설명변수解释变量Factor 인자因子Factor level 인자수준因子水平F-distribution F- 분포F- 分布Final yield(YF)First pass yield (YFp)flat 평편형平顶型FMEA (Failure Mode & Effect Analysis) 고장모드및효과분석潜在失效模式及影响分析Force field analysis Force field 분석Fractional factorial design 부분배치법部分实施因子设计法F-test F-검정F-检验Full factorial design 완전배치법全因子试验法Functional deployment mapping 기능전개매핑功能展开图F-value F-값F值Gauge % R&R 게이지R&RGreen belt - GB 그린벨트绿带Hidden factory 숨은공장隐蔽的工厂Histogram 히스토그램直方图Hypothesis testing 가설검정假设检验independent variable 독립변수自变量Input indicator Input 척도Input 尺度Interaction 교호작용交互作用Interval estimate 구간추정区间估计Kano analysis 카노분석卡诺分析key performance index KPI 关键性能指标Lack of fit 적합결여失拟Level of confidence 신뢰수준置信水平Linearity 선형성线性Long term process sigma 47 장기공정시그마长期过程Sigma值Lower control limit 관리하한控制下限Main effect 주효과主效应ManufacturabilityMaster black belt - MBB 마스터블랙벨트黑带大师Mean 평균平均Median 중앙값中值Mode 최빈값众数Mean square of error MSE 均方误Mind mapping 심리매핑脑图Multiple regression 다중회귀법多元回归分析Multi-stage sampling 다단계표본추출多阶段取样法Multi-vary analysis Multi-vary 분석Multi-voting 다중투표多重投票Nested design 嵌套设计Non-normal distribution 비정규분포非正态分布Non-random pattern 이상패턴异常趋势Non-value added activity 비가치부가非增值活动Normal distribution 정규분포正态分布Normality test 정규성검정正态性检验Normalized yield (YNorm)NP chart NP 차트NP图(不良数图)Null hypothesis: H0 귀무가설原假设Operational definition 측정운용정의Operational value added activity 운영가치부가Opportunity for Error 불량기회缺陷机会Outlier 이상점异常点Output indicator Output 척도Output 尺度Pareto analysis 파레토분석帕累托分析Pilotpoint estimate 점추정点估计Poisson distribution 포아송분포泊松分布poka-yoke 포카요케防差错措施Pooled standard deviation Pooled 표준편차Pooled 标准偏差Population 모집단总体Precision 정밀도精密度Prediction equation 예측방정식预测方程式probability density function,PDF 확율밀도함수概率密度函数probability sampling 확율표본추출随机样本抽取法Problem statement 문제기술서问题描述书Process capability index 공정능력지수过程能力指数Process control system 공정관리시스템过程控制系统Process indicator Process 척도Process 尺度Process mapping 프로세스매핑过程映射Process sigma 공정시그마过程sigmaProduct sigma 제품시그마产品sigmaP-value P-값P-值Qualitative process analysis 정성공정분석定性过程分析Quality function Deployment - QFD 품질기능전개质量功能展开Quick winRandom sampling 무작위샘플링随机抽样Random word 무작위단어随机词Randomized block design 랜덤블럭화설계随机区组设计Regression analysis 회귀분석回归分析Repeatability 반복성重复性Replication 반복重复Replication & standardization 전파와표준화传播和标准化Reproducibility 재현성再现性Residual 잔차残差Response surface analysis 반응표면법响应曲面法Response variable 반응변수响应变量Risk assessment matrix 위험평가매트릭스风险评价矩阵Rolled throughput yield - YRT 누적직행수율流通合格率RPN (Risk Priority Number) 风险系数R-square 결정계수决定系数Run chart 런차트运行图Scatter diagram 산점도散点图Screening experiment Screening 실험筛选实验Sensitivity analysis 민감도분석灵敏度分析Short term process sigma 단기공정시그마短期过程sigmaShow stopper 장애물障碍物Sigma calculation table 시그마계산표sigma计算表Significance level 유의수준显著性水平Six thinking hat 여섯가지사고를위한모자六顶思考帽Skewed 경사형倾斜型Solution mapping 문제해결매핑问题解决图Special cause 가피요인特殊原因Standard deviation 표준편차标准偏差Standard normal distribution 표준정규분포标准正态分布Statistical process control 통계적공정관리统计过程控制Stratification 층별화分层Stratified sampling 층별또는층화표본추출分层取样Stretch goal 스트레치목표Systematic sampling 계통표본추출系统取样法t-distribution t-분포t-分布T eam charter 팀헌장T eam 任务书Tips for innovation problem solving TRIZ 创造性问题解决理论T op down chart T op down 차트T op down 图T op down goal setting T op down 형목표설정tolerance 공차容差total productive maintenance TPM 全面生产维护total quality control TQC 全面质量控制total quality management TQM 全面质量管理Transactional Six Sigmat-T est t-검정t-检验t-value t-값t-值Type I error 제1 종과오第一类错误Type II error 제2 종과오第二类错误value analysis 가정에대한도전对假设的挑战value analysis 가치분석价值分析Variance 분산方差Variation 변동变动Voice Of Business - VOB 사업의소리企业声音Voice Of Customer - VOC 고객의소리顾客声音X-bar and R control chart X -R 차트均值-极差控制图X-bar and S control chart X -S 차트均值-标准差控制图z-value z-값z-值。


lubricate the processes of human interaction.
– Character Ethic.
• Success depends on things like integrity, humility, fidelity, temperance, courage, justice, patience, industry, simplicity, modesty, and the Golden Rule.
• Part 3 -- Public victory
– Habit 4 - Think Win/Win – Habit 5 - Seek First to Understand – Habit 6 - Synergize
• Part 4 -- Renewal
– Habit 7 - Sharpen the Saw – Inside-Out Again -- Final Thoughts
Independent will nscience
Proactive model
Habit 1 - Be Proactive
Principles of Personal Vision
• Proactivity Defined
– Proactivity. As human beings we are responsible for our own lives.
• Part 1 -- Paradigms and Principles
– Inside-Out -- A New Level of Thinking – Overview The Seven Habits
• Part 2 -- Private victory


目 錄
高階流程圖 流程圖基礎及應用 流程圖應用實例及問題解析
流程图定义 流程图用处 流程图中使用的符号 流程图绘制步骤 流程图分类 流程图形式 流程图在质量改进中的作用 流程图应防止的错误 何时使用流程图
流程圖:是表示工作步驟所遵循順序的一種圖形,一种通过显示构成过程的步骤、事件和操作(按时间顺序) ,以简单、直观的方式定义过程的工具。
Suppliers — 供應者 提供流程作業所需的資訊/材料/其他資源的人或組織(可為內部/外部) Inputs — 投入 由供應者提供, 在流程中消耗或轉換的資訊/材料
5.0 控制業績表現
產生解決方案的想法 確定解決方案的影響:收益 評估並挑選解決方案 建立流程圖&高層計劃 完成並演示故事板報 向所有利益相關者傳達解決方案
識別、評估、挑選合適的改進解決方案。 建立變革管理方法以幫助組織適應由於實施解決方案而引起的變化。
解決方案 流程圖和文件 實施計劃和里程碑 改進的影響和收益 故事板報 變革路徑圖
3.0 分析改進機會
2.0 衡量業績表現
5.0 控制業績表現
了解计划和实施的重要性,确定为确保获得目标结果而采取的方法。 了解如何传授经验和总结教训,识别可以推广的机会/流程,并建立相关的计划



(5) balanced system of force : A system of forces that has no effect on a rigid body
3.The types of force
• (1)gravity
• produce : The force exerted on or near the ground by the attraction of the earth.
Triangle rule for forces
FR F1 F2 FR F1 F2
Force is a vector ,the operation should be done according to the algorithm of vectors 。
4、 Axiom 4 ( Axiom of action against reaction )
Unit of force:
International unit :
Newton( N )
2、The concepts related to force
(1)The effect of force: internal effect :
( The object has changements of shape and dimension ) external effect:
any point in the rigid body without changing its action on the rigid body
F( parallelogram law)



Section A( A )One day Gene and Hannah Bortnick heard piano music (25) ______ (come) from their living room. They thought their 3-year-old son Ethan (26) ______ (listen) to a CD. Then they walked into the room. To their amazement, they found him playing music on his toy piano!Having discovered his remarkable talent, Ethan’s parents changed their minds and agreed to his previous begging for piano lessons. They turned to a family member who taught piano, and she began working with Ethan. It wasn’t long, however, (27) ______ the teacher knew that he was no ordinary student. Ethan was a piano prodigy (神童) and needed someone who understood his special talents and abilities. The family found Dr. Irena Kofman, (28) ______ immediately recognized his talent and intelligence.With Dr. Kofman’s help, Ethan learned about piano technique and different types of music. Before long, he was being asked to perform for many events. Later he was receiving invitations from the likes of Jay Leno and Oprah. Ethan was 6 and in kindergarten (29) ______ he first appeared on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno. At that time, he already had over 200 songs (30) ______ (memorize) and was developing a CD.Today, at the age of 13, it seems there is (31) ______ Ethan cannot do. He plays piano, sings, composes songs and acts. He has entertained audiences around the world with music (32) ______ (range) from Beethoven to Bieber.In 2010, Ethan became (33) ______ (young) musician to create and host his own TV concert special.Then in 2013, the performer starred in and wrote music for the movie Anything is Possible.( B )Tasui is a teenager who lives in Africa. When he was young, he had polio (小儿麻痹症). Although he wants to go to school, he must work.Tasui is only one of millions of children who can’t go to school. Many (34) ______ work to support their families. Therefore, more than 100 million children will never receive an education. Can anything be done? Global Campaign for Education (GCE) thinks so. It was formed to solve this problem. The government aims to give every person, especially those in poverty, (35) ______ opportunity to get an education.Established in 1999, GCE is made up of 120 organizations with members in almost 100 countries. Education is a basic human right, and GCE campaigns to realize this right. It works with governments (36) ______ (improve) education in each country.Today, nearly 1 (37) ______ 6 people around the world cannot read or write. Not being able to read impacts a person’s job opportunities and increases poverty. GCE seeks to provide (38) ______ (teach) materials in primary students’ mother tongues.Around the world, many girls face neglect and are often denied an education. GCE aims to give women the same opportunities as men.Every spring, GCE leads the Global Action Week. During this week, GCE highlights people who (39) ______ (deny) educational opportunities. This year the Global Action Week focuses on providing an education to disabled people.GCE believes (40) ______ quality education can change lives.Section BDirections: Complete the following passage by using the words in the box. Each word can only be used once. Note that there is one word more than you need.Google Inc. is searching for a better way for millions of diabetics (糖尿病患者) to manage their disease by developing a contact lens that (41) ______ glucose (葡萄糖) levels in tears.The “smart” contact lens uses a tiny wireless chip and sma ll glucose sensor that is (42) ______ into two layers of soft contact lens material.Google is in (43) ______ with the Food and Drug Administration, the company said. But the contact lenses could be years from (44) ______ the public. The prototype (原型) can bring about a reading once per second, which could be very (45) ______ for diabetics who must pay close attention to their blood sugar and adjust their dose of insulin (胰岛素). Google is also (46) ______ whether the lenses could be an “early warning” for diabetics by equipping them with tiny LED lights that light up when insulin levels get too high or low.“You’ve (47) ______ heard that diabetes is a huge and growing problem — affecting one out of every nineteen people on the planet. But you may not be (48) ______ with the daily struggle that many people with diabetes face as they try to keep their blood sugar levels under control. Uncontrolled blood sugar puts people at risk for a range of dangerous (49) ______ , some short-term and others longer-term, including damage to the eyes, kidneys and heart,” Google said in a blog post. “It’s still early days for this technology, but we’ve completed multiple clinical research (50) ______, which are helping to improve our prototype. We hope this could someday lead to a new way for people with diabetes to manage their disease.”III. Reading ComprehensionSection ADirections: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Residents of urban areas often make use of public transportation on their way to school or the office. But when their final __51__ isn’t near a bus stop or subway station, those folks have a problem. Transportation experts often __52__ to this as the “last mile” problem — finding a way to close the gap between public transp ortation stops and one’s destination.With the last mile problem in mind, the makers of the URB-E __53__ a compact electric vehicle that weighs around 13 kilograms. Unlike bikes, which often don’t fit on crowded buses or trains, the URB-E collapses into a form __54__ to carry-on luggage. And since the URB-E can be carried __55__ anywhere, it’s not as vulnerable(易受攻击的) to thieves as bikes are.Depending on usage, the URB-E can travel for 32 kilometers on a single __56__, reaching a top speed of 24 kilometers per hour. Although there are other vehicles attempting to __57__ the last mile issue, the URB-E __58__ for its ease of use, portability and affordable price. For the price of a nice laptop, you could have an URB-E to drive to the office.The URB-E is made from aircraft-grade aluminum and comes in two basic models: the URB-E Commuter and the URB-E GP. The main __59__ between the two is that the Commuter model has two rear wheels while the GP has only one. That means the Commuter offers greater stability, as __60__ to the GP’s ability to make sharper turns like a bicycle.Both models come with accessories(配件) __61__ LED front and rear lights and a shock-absorbing seat. They also __62__ a smartphone holder and USB charging port right on the steering column. In fact, smartphones play a big role in the URB-E app to do things like monitor battery charge or control the lights. __63__ accessories include a cup holder and a folding luggage shelf.At this year’s international Consumer Electronic Show (CES) in Las Vegas, tech website The Verge awarded the URB-E with its “Best Personal Transportation” award. Singing the URB-E’s __64__, Verge editor Ben Popper said, “The URB-E felt like the kind of vehicle an enlightened citizen of 2030 would own.” So why wait that lo ng, when the URB-E is __65__ for order now?51.A. purpose B. destination C. transportation D. vehicle52.A. refer B. accustom C. attach D. stick53.A. discovered B. introduced C. designed D. manufactured54.A. convenient B. efficient C. objective D. similar55.A. constantly B. eventually C. mainly D. practically56.A. charge B. tourism C. competition D. distance57.A. cover B. develop C. address D. conquer58.A. breaks away B. stands out C. invests in D. perseveres in59.A. difference B. characteristic C. shortcoming D. advantage60.A. familiar B. strange C. important D. a result of B. such as C. in all D. in addition to62.A. install B. explore C. feature D. equip63.A. Optional B. Critical C. Essential D. Unique64.A. influences B. contributions C. praises D. achievements65.A. accessible B. flexible C. fascinating D. availableSection BDirections: Read the following three passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.(A)Rugby looks like a mixture of soccer and American football. In Rugby, players carry the ball, kick the ball and tackle (拦截抢球) one another. Men, women and children play it in more than 120 countries.Legend says rugby was invented in 1823 at a school in the town of Rugby, England. One of the school’s students, a young man named William Webb Ellis, was playing in a soccer match. But he got bored with just kicking the ball, so he picked it up and ran with it. Before long, this new way of playing soccer became popular at the school. When the school’s students finished their studies, they moved to other parts of Britain, taking the new game, which they called rugby, with them. Before long, they and others established rugby clubs throughout Britain and in British colonies around the world.By the 1870s, there were many rugby clubs in Britain and elsewhere, but they weren’t all play ing rugby the same way. To solve this problem, representatives from twenty-two teams met and agreed on official rugby regulations. They also founded an association of rugby teams, called the Rugby Football Union (RFU).Today,Rugby Union World Cup tournaments are held every four years. The first one occurred in 1987 with Australia and New Zealand hosting. The next World Cup will happen in 2015 and will be hosted by England. Thousands of fans will travel to attend the matches and cheer on their favorite teams. Believe it or not, not one team who’s won the Rugby World Cup has managed to win the next World Cup! But players and fans don’t mind. They just enjoy the game.66.What is this article mainly about?A. An institution for disabled youngsters.B. An activity which provides recreation.C. A yearly competition with huge prizes.D. A community with an interesting history.67.What did William Webb Ellis do differently?A. He kicked the ball repeatedly.B. He beat balls after matches.C. He held the ball in his hands.D. He threw the ball really well.68.What did the clubs finally confirm in the 1870s?A. A united legal defenseB. Plans for new stadiumsC. Standard rules of playD. Backing for other sports69.What does this article tell us about the Rugby Union World Cup?A. How frequently it takes placeB. How mechanical it’s becomeC. How officials plan to change itD. How well journalists cover it(B)The Internet of Things (IoT) aims to get everything and everyone talking. A ttaching sensors to “things”, such as cows, cars and refrigerator, and then assigning them unique IP addresses allow them to “talk” to the Internet. Of course, the IoT will involve much more than a handful of sensors. Networking company Cisco estimates that 50 billion Internet-connected devices and objects will be sending over data by 2020.70.How do researchers get everything and everyone talking?A. By establishing the IoT and launching a handful of sensors.B. By connecting sensors with them and appointing them unique IP addresses.C. By communicating with them all the time through the IoT.D. By sending people to track them day and night and collect useful data.71.According to the article, which of the following is NOT TRUE?A. IoT can help people do preventive maintenance and save money.B. IoT can help people monitor energy usage and observe price changes timely.C. IoT can help people adjust their habits and use electrical appliances more smartly.D. IoT can help people investigate things and update a lot of important data.72. What else do critics worry about the IoT besides its probably ending up being a fashion?A. People will lose interest in it as quickly as the thrill over last year’s smartphone.B. Refrigerators and washing machines will be replaced by other devices in a few years.C. Whether related companies will provide long-term software updates or not.D. The software provided by companies will be outdated easily and quickly.73.According to the passage, when owners of the Tesla Model S electric received a recall notice, they ______.A. just waited in the car while the maintenance is being done through wireless updateB. were required to go to the nearest 4s store to make some adjustments or repairsC. could definitely depend on the IoT to send them the charger plug to be fixedD. had to confirm the update with the help of the equipment provided by the company( C )The $19 billion that Facebook Inc. is paying for a smartphone application made jaws drop, even in Silicon Valley.But analysts say the purchase of WhatsApp could pay off for Facebook as it takes on Google Inc. and other technology giants in the race to be the next big thing in mobile.The battle for mobileTechnology giants are fighting for their future as consumers switch their loyalties from personal computers to mobile devices. By 2015, 5 billion people are expected to be carrying around the tiny computers in their pockets.As a result, quick startups that have outpaced their grown-up rivals in building popular mobile services have become takeover targets.Just last year Facebook offered $3 billion for Los Angeles-based messaging company Snapchat, but was turned down. WhatsApp, a tiny California company, was a far bigger prize.With 450 million users, WhatsApp is the market leader in mobile messaging. Chief Executive Jan Koum says his company’s goal from the start was “to be on every single smartphone in the world.”Facebook is betting WhatsApp can help it go beyond competitors in messaging, the new communication medium of choice.Survival at stake (在紧急关头)The stakes could not be higher for Facebook. More people are communicating on their mobile devices rather than sending information to hundreds of friends on social networks. Its very survival depends on its ability to obtain the new ways people are connecting and sharing.By that logic, the price Facebook is paying for WhatsApp isn’t so bubbly(多泡的), said David Wessels, a finance professor at the University of Pennsylvania.“As a stand-alone company, WhatsApp is clearly not worth $19 billion, period,” Wessels said. “But by no means would I consider this unreasonable. Would you give away 10 percent of your company to extend the life of your company?”A wise investment?At first, Facebook investors did experience what analyst Arvind Bhatia called “sticker shock” after learning that Facebook planned to pay $19 billion for WhatsApp, a company that had declared it had no plans to make money any time soon.But investors quickly neglected concerns. Shares of Facebook briefly hit a record high the day after the sale was announced.Facebook is certainly not alone in placing sky-scraping evaluations on unproven startups, analysts say.Blogging service Tumblr sold to Yahoo Inc. for more than $1 billion. Dozens more startups are valued at $1 billion or more.Facebook is quick to point out that WhatsApp reached 450 million users faster than any company in history.74. The phrase “take on” in the second paragraph most probably means ______.A. show offB. compete withC. cooperate withD. object to75. Why do the technology giants start the battle for mobile according to the passage?A. Because they all want to become number one in the field of technology.B. Because all of them wish every customer to use tiny computers.C. Because consumers prefer mobile devices to computers.D. Because mobile devices are the latest technology at present.76. According to the passage, what does the author imply?A. Facebook’s decision is correct and reasonable.B. Facebook’s decision is incorrect and unreasonable.C. Facebook’s decision is acceptable but unreasonable.D. Facebook’s decision is bright but adventurous.77. What is the best title for the passage?A. The Revolutionary about Mobile DevicesB. Facebook Inc. and WhatsAppC. How Technology Giants GrowD. What’s Up with WhatsAppSection CDirections: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words.For senior adviser Kathryn Cramer, author of Lead Positive: What Highly Effective Leaders See, Say, and Do, the best way to inspire followers is to focus on the positive. Cramer developed a methodology called Asset-Based Thinking (ABT) based on this message of positive thinking, and describes in her book how leaders:●see the positive in the past, present and future;●say the positive with communications with substance, enthusiasm and soul;●do the positive by responding with intention (not reacting), using their qualities and driving positive change over thelong term.The see-say-do framework is at the heart of Cramer’s Asset-Based Thinking methodology, which offers a comprehensive framework for leaders to respond to a wide variety of challenges and situations. In Lead Positive, Cramer describes a range of ABT techniques and guidelines for applying the framework.The “force field analysis”, for example, is a technique used to learn from a past si tuation that successfully worked, and is built around four questions:●“What forces were working for us?” With this question, you should identify five positive, promoting forces, Cramerwrites.●“What forces were working against us?” This question should lea d to one or two negative forces.●“What did we do to use the promoting forces and eliminate or sidestep the negative forces?”●“What behavior do we want to repeat and knowledge do we want to carry forward? Which situational assets do wewant to recreate, and which situational traps must we avoid?”These questions will give the leader and his or her team a clear memory of how they used positive “situational forces” and overcame negative ones to achieve success. Cramer’s force field analysis is both informa tional and inspiring.One of the recurring (一再出现) approaches in Cramer’s ABT methodology is the Self-Other-Situation framework, in which leaders take into account themselves, others and the situation in question. For example, to help leaders “see” the positive in the present, Cramer writes that they need to consider what makes them feel strong and capable, how they develop meaningful connections with other people, and what gives them a sense of progress or achievement .(Note: Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)78. What is the highlight of Cramer’s ABT technique?79. The “force field analysis” can help leaders _________________________________________.80. How does the author like Cramer’s force field analysis?81. In Self-Others-Situation framework, leaders should __________________________________.第II卷(共47分)2014学年第一学期高三英语测试参考答案及听力文字材料听力录音文字Section A Short Conversations1. W: Hurry up, please, or I’ll miss the plane.M: Sorry, madam, but we are in the rush hour.Q: Where is the woman?2. W: What jobs have you done in the past five years?M: Many kinds of jobs. I was once an official and later an engineer. Up till now I have been ajournalist for three years.Q: What’s the man’s present job?3. W: Does the play start at 6:15?M: It starts at 6:30 and ends at 8:00.Q: How long does the play last?4. W: Why didn’t you stop when the light had changed red?M: I’m terribly sorry that I was absent-minded. Do I have to pay a fine?Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?5. W: Can you drive me to the Anderson’s party Friday night?M: It depends on if I get my car back from the shop.Q: What can we learn from the conversation?6. W: Did you hear? They are moving Kathy to the New York office.M: They are? That’s news to me.Q: What does the man mean?7. W: I really like this green dress. The fit is perfect, but I’m not sure about the color.M: Try another one. It’s the same style, but blue suits you better.Q: What does the man mean?8. W: You are taking a course with Professor Johnson. What’s your impression so far?M: Many students could hardly stay awake in his class without first drinking a cup of coffee.Q: What does the man imply?9. W: Would you mind taking a picture of me in front of the fountain?M: Not at all. But I’m not sure how this camera works.Q: What will probably happen next?10. W: I’m afraid this is the only room in the hotel we have free at this time, sir.M: I guess I’ll take what I can get. Next time I’ll be sure to call in advance and make areservation.Q: What can be inferred about the man?Section B PassagesToday I’d like to mention an interesting television program that will be shown on January 1st. It’s about the brain. It’s a public television show produced in New York City. The program will investigate how the brain functions and malfunctions. Some interesting topics that will be discussed are dreaming, memory and depression. Computers will be used to make the explanation easy to follow. The show is not for children but don’t worry. It’s not intended for scientists, either. I think t he program will be very helpful with the work we are doing in class on the brain. I hope you’ll watch it. Remember it’s on January 1st.Questions:11.Who is the speaker?12.What will be broadcast on television on January 1st?13.What will be the main purpose of the show?The most obvious purpose of advertising is to inform the consumer of available services. The second purpose is to sell the product. To the manufactures the second purpose might be more important. They try to persuade customers to buy the product by creating a desire for it.In general, many purchases are rational, or carefully thought out. People usually consider the economy and convenience when they are buying a product. At other times, the reason behind a purchase may not be clear to a consumer. Consumers may be influenced by an advertisement on TV showing a sports hero using the product. They may want to copy the hero by using the product and so choose it.Of course, need remains the most important reason for buying something. Food is a real need, but what about the sugar-coated breakfast food advertised on TV? It’s neither necessary nor nutritious. What causes the shopper to buy this product? Most likely it is an emotional motive.Knowing the reasons behind decisions to buy things makes you a wiser shopper. A person should try to become a more intelligent and rational consumer, one who spends what is worth spending.Questions:14.To the manufactures, what’s the main purpose of advertising?15.What do most consumers do before buying a product?16.If you know the reason behind decisions to buy things, what will you do?Section C Longer Conversations( A )M: Are you studying here?W: Yes, I’m studying in the East Asia Languages Department.M: What are you majoring in?W: I’m majoring in Japanese.M: Is it difficult to learn?W: Yes, the language is hard to learn, but it’s interesting.M: Do you know anything about the country?W: Yes, I’m reading a lot of books about Japan. I like its culture. It’s quite different from ours. M: Yes, it is. It’s important to learn the culture of a nation if you want to learn its language well. W: You are right.M: Do you want to do business or to teach in that country?W: I’m working in a company that does a lot of business with Japan.M: Oh, I see. Good luck, then.( B )M: Next. Your passport, please.W: Okay. Here you are.M: Uh, what is the purpose of your visit?W: I’m here to attend a business confe rence for the first part of my trip, and then I plan on touring the capital for a few days.M: And where will you be staying?W: I’ll be staying at a hotel downtown for the entire week.M: And uh, what do you have in your luggage?W: Well, just, just my personal belongings um, ... Clothes, a few books, a camera and a computer. M: Okay. Well, please open your bag.W: Sure.M: Okay ... Everything is fine. Uh, by the way, is this your first visit to the country?W: Well, yes.M: I’m sure you will like ou r country. Enjoy your trip.W: Thanks.。



力场分析(force field analysis)项目计划和实施工具,适用于质量改进的6-7及9-10阶段,发散思维原因分析类工具,适用于质量改进的5-6,发散思维➢概述:力场分析是对期望变化的正反两个方面进行分析的工具.●推动力或正面的力推动一项活动或情况的发生.●制约力或负面的力阻碍一项活动或情况的发生。














Strategic option Sell the entire business to the Indian multinational corporation
(3) Immediate cash to pay back initial investment. (3) If business fails, the owners do not continuously lose money (falling profit margins) on an unsuccessful venture. (1) Gladrags still exists. (Total 7)
(5) High risk because of the high competition. (4) High marketing cost. (3) May be force to reduce the price due to the competition. (3) A large proportion of the customers who prefer the traditional style are in the ageing population which is larger. Less spending power. (3) Low rate of growth in Gladrags may make it harder for them to raise enough money to invest in a new range. (Total 18)
Sell the UK production facilities to the property developer and sell the Gladrags brand name.









在Materials Studio (MS) 中,力场文件通常包含了描述分子间相互作用的各种参数,这些参数可以是原子间的键长、键角、二面角、扭转角以及非键相互作用(如范德华力和库仑相互作用)的参数。





在MS中查看或编辑力场参数时,可以通过ForceField Analysis工具进行操作,该工具允许用户查看和分析所用力场的具体参数信息,如原子类型、电荷、原子质量以及其他键能、角度参数等细节。





1.显示产品质量波动分布状态可采用<A )A.直方图 B.排列图 C.因果图 D 散布图2.直方图地纵坐标是表示<A )A. 频数 B 原因变量 C.质量特性值 D.样本号3. 在 QC 工作过程中,QC 人员一般会使用<C )手法来直观地比较供应商或物料,并绘制柱形图法评估或查验制程<最大值或最小值) ,以便直观地量测其合格供应商或物料.A、检查法 B 、柏拉图法 C 、直方图法 D、管制图法4. 直方图分布型态解读中,图形显示混有两个以上不同群体地类型为<A )A.双峰型B.高原型C.离岛型D.左偏态型5. 直方图分布型态解读中,图形显示有异常原因混入地类型为:<C )A.缺齿型B.高原型C.离岛型D.左偏态型6. 以下关于直方图地用途,描述有误地是 <D )A. 把握分布形态今判断工序状况B. 调查分散和偏离地程度、原因C. 通过与规格比较,可了解工序能力是否有问题D. 寻找主要因素、抓住主要矛盾7. 关于直方图地使用,哪些说法正确?<D )A、每日换一次B、只有 I 区做满时才能在 II 区记录C、每日计算 CP 一次D、以上都不对K8. 哪一项是柏拉图地错误看法:<A )A.哪一项目问题最小B.问题大小排列一目了然C.各项目对整体所占分量及其影响程度如何D.减少不良项目对整体效果地预测及评估9. 在检查记录中,对各不良原因、不良状况、不良发生地位置进行分类统计,分别收集,并按项目所占地比例大小顺序排序,再加上累积值地图形,请问这种作法是使用了 QC 七大手法中地哪一手法:<C )A、层别法B、检查图法 C 、柏拉图法 D 、管制图法10. 要将问题点表现出来,并呈现其相对重要性,提供改善方向地优先顺序,将使用 QC 七大手法中地哪一手法:<B )A、直方图法 B 、柏拉图法 C 、管制图法 D 、检查法11. 一下哪种工具体现“80/20 法则”: <C )A、直方图法 B 、管制图法 C 、柏拉图法 D 、检查法12. 柏拉图累计曲线地起始点可落在<D )A. 左下角或第一根柱子地中部;B. 第一根柱子地中部或顶部;C. 第一根柱子地中部或底部;D. 左下角或第一根柱子地顶部。


在Discover Molecular Dynamics 对话框中,把Ensemble 改为NVE。 运行的步数也要增加。把Number of steps 改为5000。把Trajectory Save 选项改为 Full。把Frame output every改为250。 把Trajectory Save 选项选成Full 意味着轨迹文件不仅输出坐标,还包含其它信息, 如温度,能量,速度和晶格参数。有些动力学分析函数只需要坐标作为输入,但均 方位移需要全部的输出信息。关于分析函数需要什么样的轨迹输出可以参阅 Discover Analysis dialog 帮助主题。 按下Run 按钮。关闭Discover Molecular Dynamics 对话框。
现在聚合体将自动用charge groups 来计算,如果要显示的话,点击Display Style 对 话框。
激活Polydimeth_siloxane.xsd 文档。右键点击3D 原子文档,选取Display Style。在Display Style 对话框中,把Color by 选项改成Charge Group。
在File中点击Save Project 。从菜单栏中选择Windows | Close All。在Project Explorer 中打开最小化的结构oxygen Disco Min/oxygen and Polydimeth_siloxane Disco Min/Polydimeth_。
2. 建一个无定形的晶胞 当你建好两个结构后,就可以用Amorphous Cell 模块来把它们往一个晶胞中成倍地 复制。 在工具栏上选择Amorphous Cell 按钮 ,然后从下拉列表中选择Construction。 将会显示Amorphous Cell 对话框。

6sigma 最新试题

6sigma 最新试题

六西格玛黑带模拟测试题及答案(二)单选题(共 84 题,每题 1 分)1、题目:六西格玛管理推行成功最关键的因素是:A. 培训B. 组织结构C. 领导的参与和支持D. 项目计划2、题目:关于六西格玛管理和零缺陷管理之间的关系,正确的是:A. 零缺陷是比六西格玛质量目标要求更高的管理模式B. 零缺陷不容忍缺陷,但是六西格玛容忍百万分之 3.4 的缺陷C. 六西格玛管理所追求的也是零缺陷D. 以上说法都不对3、题目:下列陈述中,哪个是质量管理先驱休哈特的观点?A. 取消工作定额,代之以领导职能强化B. 单一的观测几乎不能构成客观决策的依据C. 质量管理活动中重要的三个过程:质量策划、质量控制和质量改进D. 质量特征值偏离目标值导致质量损失4、题目:企业推行六西格玛一般可以分为四个阶段,即导入期、加速期、成长期和成熟期。

对于正准备导入六西格玛管理的企业来说,下面哪个建议是正确的?A. 先进行黑带或绿带培训,然后再让他们做项目B. 先进行高层管理培训,让高层统一理念C. 先请咨询公司为企业做项目,验证六西格玛方法是否有效D. 先进行黑带培训,然后让黑带培养绿带5、题目:情景策划是一种用来 _________ 的方法。

A. 设想将来可能会遇到的一系列问题B. 评价组织治理水平C. 确定战略目标和指标D. 配备和优化资源6、题目:某六西格玛小组使用质量功能展开(QFD)改进手机设计,质量屋上方的三角反映了工程措施之间的相关关系,在如何描述相关关系时,有不同的观点,下列观点那个是正确的?A. 只要根据工程经验描述出工程措施之间的关系强弱即可B. 不仅要描述出工程措施之间的强弱关系,还要指出可能是正相关还是负相关C. 屋顶上的三角形所反映的关系并不是顾客需求和工程措施之间的关系,因此不重要D. 没有必要考虑工程措施之间的关系7、题目:某企业六西格玛小组为了获取顾客对企业提供的服务的反馈信息,建立了呼叫中心并收集顾客投诉信息。

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Restraining Forces –
Past embarrassments Afraid to make mistakes Lack of knowledge on the topic Afraid people will be indifferent Afraid people will laugh May forget what to say Too revealing of personal thoughts Afraid of offending group Fear that nervousness will show Lack of confidence in personal appearance
(10) (4) (9) (6) (8) (5) (3)
You can quit anytime, but you/re not ready yet (2)
Force Field 5
© 1995 GOAL /QPC
(3) (8) (6) (10) (9) (5) (7)
It’s too hard to quit Many of your friends smoke Spouse smokes It’s enjoyable Work is too stressful right now to quit Doesn’t affect physical activity level Don’t want to gain any weight by quitting
Do nothing
Agree on which forces to strengthen, reduce, remove, or add
Summarize the actions to take Force Field 3Field Analysis Example
Force Field 2
© 1995 GOAL /QPC
Steps at a Glance: Force Field Analysis
CG p. 75
Draw a large “T” on a flipchart Write the ideal situation or desired change Brainstorm driving (+) forces; list on left Brainstorm restraining (-) forces; list on right
MJII p. 65
Fear of Public Speaking
Ideal state: To speak confidently, clearly, and concisely in any situation.
+ Driving Forces
Increases self-esteem Helps career Communicates ideas Contributes to a plan/solution Encourages others to speak Helps others to change Increases energy of group Helps clarify speaker’ s ideas by getting feedback from others Hams can be hams (recognition from others) Helps others to see new perspective
Force Field 4
© 1995 GOAL /QPC
Force Field Analysis Example
CG p. 82
Desired Change: Quit Smoking
+ Driving Forces Restraining Forces –
Clothes & breath smell like smoke Costs money Getting hackers cough Don’t want your kids to start smoking Know it can adversely affect your health Can’t smoke at work Support group available in community
Rank all the forces in order of priority
Only strengthen the “+” forces? Yes
Minimize or remove only the “-” forces? Yes
Focus on both “+” and “-” forces? Yes
Constructing the Force Field
Step 1 Brainstorm the Forces Step 2 Prioritize the Forces
Force Field 1
© 1995 GOAL /QPC
Force Field Essentials
Key Success Behaviors Clearly define both the current situation and the desired situation Clearly state the importance of filling the gap between the two situations Keep focused on the purpose at all times Look closely at all of the forces at work in implementing the change Be keenly aware of your own biases and try not to “sell” others