enzyme-based methods of determination of sucrose,glucose and fructose
用酶联免疫法检测猪肉中莱克多巴胺含量摘要用酶联免疫法对某区域内的猪肉进行莱克多巴胺含量检测,结果表明:在低添加水平为0.012 5mg/kg、0.025 0mg/kg、0.050 0 mg/kg、0.100 0mg/kg、1.000 0mg/kg时,均能将莱克多巴胺检出,该法具有灵敏度高、简单、快捷的优点。
莱克多巴胺标准品,纯度99.5%,购自中国药品生物制品检定所;超纯水由Milli-Q liocel纯水器制备;莱克多巴胺标准溶液,质量浓度为10ug/mL,用莱克多巴胺标准品自行配制。
1.2仪器96孔的酶标板;BP310S电子分析天平,感量为0.001g,Sartorius公司;RJ-TDL-40B离心机,转速为4 000rmp,锡市瑞江分析仪器有限公司;Wellscan MW.3型酶联检测仪,芬兰Labsystems;MS2型漩涡混合器,IKA公司;100μL 可调微量移液器,美国RAININ。
称取1.4g均质样品,4 000rmp在室温(20~25℃)下离心5min,转移0.5mL上清液到管子里,75℃孵育5min,最大速度涡旋1min。
4 000rmp室温离心5min,转移0.2mL上清液到1个新管子里,加5μL样品平衡缓冲液,混合,稀释因子为4。
生物传感器中生物组分的固定化方法生物传感器由两部分组成: 生物敏感元件与信号转换器。
生物传感器要呈现良好的工作性能, 其固定化技术应满足以下条件:(1) 固定化后的生物组分仍能维持良好的生物活性;(2) 生物膜与转换器须紧密接触,且能适应多种测试环境;(3) 固定化层要有良好的稳定性与耐用性;(4) 减少生物膜中生物组分的相互作用以保持其原有的高度选择性。
1、1、3、1 物理吸附法此法就是通过生物分子的极性键、氢键、疏水键的作用将生物组分吸附于不溶性的惰性载体上。
1、1、3、2 包埋法将生物组分与合成高分子经溶剂混合而使生物组分包埋于其中,制成敏感膜的方法称作包埋法。
1、1、3、3 共价键合法将生物组分通过共价键与电极表面结合而固定的方法称作共价键合法。
关键词:半数组织感染剂量;空斑实验;淋巴细胞脉络丛脑膜炎病毒;病毒滴度中图分类号:Q939.47 文献标识码:AThe advantage of Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus quantification by 50% Tissue culture infective doseLian Hengning(Department of Respiratory Medicine ,Chengdu Military General Hospital ,Chengdu 610083)Abstract:To determine a convenient method to quantify Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV) ,LCMV titer was measured by the 50% Tissue culture infective dose (TCID50) method . The result was got 5 days post-infection , similar with plaque assay ,but the protocol is easier than plaque assay .This experiment showd that TCID50 is more convenient than plaques assay .Key words:50% Tissue culture infective dose(TCID50);Plaques assay;Lymphocytic Choriomeningitis Virus (LCMV); Virus titer空斑实验是检测病毒滴度最为经典的方法[1]。
Food hygiene - Flow diagrams for the utilization in the HACCP-concept - Symbols, kind of presentation
DIN 10503-1999
DIN 10501-1-2004
Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 1: Refrigerated display cabinets for frozen and quick frozen foodstuffs as well as icecream - Hygiene requirements, testing
DIN 10501-4-2004
Food hygiene - Display cabinets - Part 4: Thermal display cabinets for hot foodstuffs; Hygiene requirements, testing
DIN 10502-6-2004
Food hygiene - Containers for liquid, granulated and powdered foodstuffs - Part 6: Cleaning and disinfection
DIN 10516-2001
新城疫病毒(NDV)核壳蛋白基因(NP)的研究进展已有1226 次阅读2008-8-1 10:45新城疫病毒(NDV)核壳蛋白基因(NP)的研究进展新城疫病毒(Newcastle disease virus ,NDV)是副粘病毒科(Paramyxoviridae)副粘病毒亚科(Paramyxovirinae)Avulavirus属的模式种⑴。
1结构1.1 在负染电子显微镜中出现的分离的NDV的NP为一具有大约18nm直径和1um长度的柔性螺旋结构,类似于具有从中心管突出的突起的经典的人字形形态,当病毒膜移去或破裂时能被清楚地看到。
病毒的RNA位于中心管内,由2200~2600 NP 亚单位围绕。
1.2 NP蛋白基因的全长主要有1747(56??1802)(一些报道为56??1792,那只有1737)与1753(56??1808)(一些报道为56??1798,那只有1743)个碱基对(bp)(习惯也称核苷酸nt)二类,这是因为NDV基因组全长主要有15186bp 与15192bp二类,他们的6bp差额是表现于NP之中的。
1.3 NP只有一个开放阅读框(ORF),其蛋白质编码(CDS)自122bp~1591bp计489~490个氨基酸(aa),国外学者一般推导为489aa,国内学者较多地推导为490aa ⑴⑶⑷⑸。
酶联免疫吸附测定中封闭液的作用与选择摘要酶联免疫吸附测定(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)的基础是抗原或抗体的固相化和抗原或抗体的酶标记。
ABSTRACT Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)is based on the immobilization of antigen or antibody and the enzymatic labeling of antigen or antibody. At the time of determination,the specimen to be examined (antibody or antigen therein)needs to first react with the antigen or antibody on the surface of the solid support and then bind to the surface of the solid support (coating). Due to the low concentrations of the coated antigen or antibody,a large amount of irrelevant proteins are also needed to fill the spacing on the solid support surface (closed),thus to avoid adsorption of interfering substances that may affect the determination in the subsequent steps of the ELISA. The role and selection of various commonly used blocking solutions in ELISA are outlined in this article.KEy WORDS enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay;blocking solution;coating substance自1971年Engvall和Perlmann發表了应用酶联免疫吸附测定(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay,ELISA)法定量测定免疫球蛋白G的论文后,1966年开始用于抗原定位的酶标抗体技术逐渐发展成为测定液体标本中微量物质的常用方法。
酶联免疫法与化学发光免疫法检测AFP的比较发表时间:2013-05-09T17:14:22.000Z 来源:《中外健康文摘》2013年第8期供稿作者:黄海深陈志通唐光定江伟河[导读] 化学发光免疫法检测结果的稳定性,灵敏度,精密度均优于酶联免疫法黄海深陈志通唐光定江伟河(广东省阳山县人民医院检验科 513100)【中图分类号】R446.6 【文献标识码】A【文章编号】1672-5085(2013)08-0125-02 【摘要】目的对甲胎蛋白(AFP)试验进行方法学探讨。
②线性实验显示酶联免疫法和化学发光免疫法分别在5~400 ng/ml和2~900 ng/ml范围内呈良好的线性关系。
【关键词】酶联免疫法化学发光免疫法甲胎蛋白比较【Abstract】 Object: The methodology investigate of Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) test. Methods: ①Comparative experiments: The simultaneous determination of the serum samples of 88 patients censorship alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) levels by ELISA and chemiluminescent immunoassay. ②Linear experiments: the standard solution is diluted at different concentrations,then doing linear experiments.③Precision experiments: Doing precision experiments on low, medium and high-value quality control materials with the two methods. Results: ①The results show that no significant difference in the two methods(P>0.05). The correlation coefficient of r = 0.995, these two methods showed a good correlation. ②The linear experiments show that the enzyme linked immunosorbent assay and chemiluminescence immunoassay showed a good linear relationship between the range in 5~400ng/ml and 2~900ng/ml.③Precision experiments show that the repeatability of chemiluminescent immunoassay is better than the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, specifically at the pathological high value. Conclusion: The precision and accuracy of the chemiluminescent immunoassay are better than enzyme linked immunosorbent assay.【Key words】 ELISA Chemiluminescent immunoassay Alpha-fetoprotein Comparison 甲胎蛋白(AFP)是哺乳动物胚胎期肝脏卵黄囊合成的一种糖蛋白,是辅助诊断原发性肝癌最常用的检测指标。
532024.4·试验研究0 引言猪圆环病毒(PCV )是Circoviridae 科Circovirus 属的一种无囊膜的单链环状DNA 病毒。
PCV2感染会诱导宿主免疫抑制引起猪圆环病毒病(PCVD ),包括断奶仔猪多系统衰竭综合征、新生仔猪先天性脑震颤、皮炎与肾病综合征、猪呼吸道病综合征、母猪繁殖障碍等,给全世界养猪业带来较大的经济损失,是世界各国的兽医与养猪业者公认的造成重大影响的猪传染病[2]。
因此,方便、快捷地获取大量有活性的猪肝细胞对于研究PCVD 的致病机制具有重大意义。
1 材料与方法1.1 材料1.1.1 主要试剂新鲜猪肝组织,Hank's 平衡盐溶液(HBSS ),磷酸盐缓冲液(无菌PBS ),4%多聚甲醛(PFA ),收稿日期:2024-01-27基金项目:国家自然科学基金项目:复杂器官与组织在脾脏内的功能性再生(32230056)作者简介:周徐倩(1999-),女,汉族,浙江温州人,硕士在读,研究方向:组织工程与再生医学。
周徐倩,董磊.不同酶消化法提取猪原代肝细胞的效果比较[J].现代畜牧科技,2024,107(4):53-55. doi :10.19369/ki.2095-9737.2024.04.014. ZHOU Xuqian ,DONG Lei .Comparison of the Effect of Different Enzyme Digestion Methods on Extraction of Porcine Primary Hepatocytes[J].Modern Animal Husbandry Science & Technology ,2024,107(4):53-55.不同酶消化法提取猪原代肝细胞的效果比较周徐倩,董磊*(南京大学,江苏 南京 210023)摘要:猪肝细胞是猪圆环病毒的靶细胞,简单快速地提取猪原代肝细胞对于研究猪圆环病毒病的致病机制具有重要意义。
脂蛋白(a)检测的标准化冯仁丰【摘要】Lipoprotein(a)[Lp(a)] is a predictive factor for evaluating the risk of cardiovascular diseases. However,there is no comparability for the results of Lp(a)determinations. So,Lp(a)determination can not be applied widely. Although its reference method and reference materials have been established in 2003,until now, commercial reagents expressing the results as nmol/L just appear. Then,determination results can be traced to World Health Organization(WHO)/ the International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine(IFCC) standard referencematerial(SRM)2B. This article introduces the causes of result inconsistency,the progress of Lp(a) determination standardization and a valuable example about Roche research. In the guidance of Professor Marcovina from the Northwest Lipid Research Laboratories(NWLRL)at the University of Washington,Roche overcomes the influence of apolipoprotein(apo)(a)kringle structure on the determination ofLp(a),which makes routine determination system being traceable to WHO/IFCC SRM 2B and related results with comparability.%脂蛋白(a)[Lp(a)]是重要的心血管疾病风险预示因子,但各临床实验室间Lp(a)检测结果缺乏可比性限制了其在临床上的广泛应用.尽管在2003年就已建立了Lp(a)的参考方法并确定了参考物质,但直到最近才在市场上出现了真正以nmol/L表达检测结果的商品化试剂,其结果可溯源至世界卫生组织(WHO)/国际临床化学和检验医学联合会(IFCC)SRM 2B.文章简述了Lp(a)检测结果不一致的原因以及Lp(a)的标准化工作,同时介绍了罗氏公司在美国华盛顿大学西北脂类与糖尿病研究实验室(NWLRL)Marcovina教授的指导下,消除了Lp(a)内载脂蛋白(a)[apo(a)]环饼(kringle)结构对检测的影响,使常规检测系统可溯源至WHO/IFCC SRM 2B,从而使Lp(a)检测结果具有可比性.这也是在临床实验室免疫学检测方法设计中很少见的一个示例.【期刊名称】《检验医学》【年(卷),期】2017(032)007【总页数】6页(P555-560)【关键词】脂蛋白(a);参考物质;溯源性【作者】冯仁丰【作者单位】上海市临床检验中心,上海 200126【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R446.1脂蛋白(a)[lipoprotein(a),Lp(a)] 是心血管疾病风险的重要预示因子,其水平升高与心血管疾病风险增加有关。
OTA 的回收率为 92.0% ~ 93.5%,与酶联免疫法相比,2 种方法之间具有较好的一致性。 [ 结论] 该研究建立的基于核酸适配体检测 OTA
2.3 2 种方法的比较 从表 2 可以看出,核酸适配体法检测
免疫法检测试剂盒说明书在 1 ~ 81 ng / mL 建立标准曲线,其
11 739(R = 0.986 1),最低检测限为 0.05 ng / mL;而根据酶联
标准方程为 Y = -30.31X+74.86(R = 0.995 8),最低检测限为
OTA detection method established in this study has high sensitivity and accuracy,laying the foundation for the rapid detection of OTA in feed.
Key words Aptamer;Ochratoxin A;Determination;ELISA;Feed
点。 该研究前期已建立了基于核酸适配体的赭曲霉毒素 A
检测方法[12] ,在此将该方法用于饲料样品中 OTA 的检测并
1 材料与方法
1.1 试验材料 4-羟乙基哌嗪乙磺酸( HEPES) 为北京 So⁃
larbio 公司产品,链亲和素购为上海源叶生物公司产品,牛血
作者简介 邓昌良(1990—) ,男,福建龙岩人,助理实验师,从事药物分
酶学性质验证实验流程Enzyme assay is a crucial step in validating the enzymatic properties and activities. 酶活性验证是验证酶的性质和活性的关键步骤。
This process involves a series of experimental procedures to determine the specific activity, substrate specificity, pH and temperature dependence, and enzyme kinetics. 这个过程涉及一系列实验步骤,用于确定特异活性、底物特异性、pH和温度依赖性以及酶动力学。
Enzyme assay is an indispensable tool for studying enzymes and their potential applications in various fields, including biotechnology, medicine, and environmental science. 酶活性验证是研究酶及其在各个领域潜在应用的不可或缺的工具,包括生物技术、医学和环境科学。
The first step in enzyme assay is the preparation of the enzyme sample. 酶活性验证的第一步是制备酶样品。
This may involve extraction and purification of the enzyme from its natural source or recombinant expression in a host organism. 这可能涉及从其天然来源中提取和纯化酶,或在宿主生物体中重组表达。
The purity and stability of the enzyme sample are essential for obtaining accurate and reproducible results in the assay. 酶样品的纯度和稳定性对于获得验证实验中准确和可重复的结果至关重要。
3种酶联免疫分析法在蓖麻毒素定量测定中的比较马小溪;刘合珠;唐吉军;郭磊;谢剑炜【摘要】Three determination methods in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, namely optical absorption, fluorescent and chemiluminescent immunoassay, were established for quantitation of biotoxins protein ricin in various matrices. The detection conditions were systematically optimized.The results showed the best signal-to-noise (SNR) could be obtained for CLIA when dilution factor was 1:8000; and the chemiluminescence signal was stable at around 3 minutes after horseradish peroxidase reacted with its substrate. Whereafter, the three methods were compared for determination of ricin under individually optimized conditions. The comparative results indicated that chemiluminescent immunoassay could provide wider linear range (from 0.02 μg/L to 5.5 μg/L with correlation coefficient of 0.999), higher sensitivity (limit of detection was 0.005 μg/L), and could be adopted as a simple, rapid and robust approach. The CLIA method was applied to measure the spiked ricin in water, carbonated beverage, milk powder, coffee and human serum samples. The limits of detection and the recoveries were from 0.005 to 0.08 μg/L and from 89.6% to 108.8%, respectively.The method was quite suitable for quantitative determination of trace amounts of ricin in contaminated or poisoned samples.%建立了蓖麻毒素的3种酶联免疫定量分析法,即光吸收、荧光和化学发光免疫分析法,并系统优化了各项实验条件.结果显示:对于化学发光检测法,当酶标抗体HRP-4C13稀释倍数为1:8000时可获得最佳的信噪比,且酶与底物反应3 min后信号趋于稳定.随后在各自优化的条件下将3种方法用于毒素的检测.比较结果表明:化学发光酶联免疫分析法除具有线性范围宽(0.02~5.5 μg/L,r(2)=0.999)、灵敏度高(检出限为5 ng/L)的特点外,还具有简单、快速、体系稳定性好等优点.将本方法用于不同实际样品基质,如饮用水、碳酸饮料、奶粉、咖啡和血清中添加的蓖麻毒素的检测,其检出限为0.005~0.08 μg/L,回收率为89.6%~108.8%,适于污染及中毒样品中痕量蓖麻毒素的定量分析.【期刊名称】《分析化学》【年(卷),期】2011(039)005【总页数】5页(P685-689)【关键词】蓖麻毒素;酶联免疫分析;化学发光【作者】马小溪;刘合珠;唐吉军;郭磊;谢剑炜【作者单位】军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京,100850;军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京,100850;军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京,100850;军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京,100850;军事医学科学院毒物药物研究所,北京,100850【正文语种】中文蓖麻毒素(Ricin)是从大戟科植物蓖麻籽(Ricinu communis)中分离出来的一种II型核糖体失活蛋白,其相对分子量约为66 kDa,由A链(约32 kDa)和B链(约34 kDa)通过二硫键联接而成。
【关键词】青蒿素类化合物;分析方法;色谱法【中图分类号】R284.3;R285 【文献标识码】A 【文章编号】2095-1752(2018)19-0388-01青蒿素是我国发现并被国际公认的天然抗疟药物。
3.1 薄层色谱法薄层色谱法具有成本低、快速、直观等优点,中国药典2015年版青蒿素类原料药和制剂的鉴别方法均收载了薄层色谱法,但其灵敏度、分离能力都不如液相色谱法。
3.2 气相色谱法青蒿素类化合物对热不稳定,在运用气相色谱法测定时,一般都是基于青蒿素类化合物的分解产物间接定量,通常以氮气或氦气作为流动相,无须使用有毒的有机溶剂。
3.3 液相色谱法3.3.1与紫外检测器联用青蒿素和稀碱反应可生成化合物Q292,其在292nm波长处具有紫外吸收,进一步酸化碱液,则生成在260nm波长处有紫外吸收的化合物Q260。
骨化三醇检验标准操作流程英文回答:Bone Gla Protein (BGP) Immunoassay.Intended Use.The BGP immunoassay is a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) used for the quantitative determination of bone Gla protein (BGP) concentrations in human serum or plasma.Principle of the Assay.The assay is based on the principle of a solid phase enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The wells of the microtiter plate provided in this kit are coated with a monoclonal antibody specific to human BGP. Standards, samples, and controls are then added to each well and incubated. During this incubation period, the BGP presentin the samples or controls binds to the immobilized antibody. The wells are then washed to remove any unbound substances. A biotinylated monoclonal antibody specific to human BGP is then added to each well and incubated. Thewells are again washed to remove any unbound substances. An enzyme-linked streptavidin solution is then added to each well and incubated. After a final wash step, the wells are incubated with a substrate solution. The quantity ofcolored product formed is directly proportional to the concentration of BGP present in the initial sample or control. The color development is terminated and theoptical density is read at 450 nm using a microplate reader. Materials.BGP microplate.BGP standards.BGP controls.BGP diluent.BGP wash buffer.BGP biotin conjugate.BGP streptavidin conjugate.BGP substrate solution.BGP stop solution.Plate sealer.Pipettes and tips.Procedure.1. Bring all reagents and samples to room temperature (18-25°C) before use.2. Pipette 50 μL of standards, samples, and controls into the appropriate wells.3. Add 100 μL of BGP biotin conjugate to each well.4. Incubate for 1 hour at 37°C.5. Aspirate wells and wash each well three times with 300 μL of BGP wash buffer.6. Add 100 μL of BGP streptavidin conjugate to each well.7. Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature.8. Aspirate wells and wash each well three times with 300 μL of BGP wash buffer.9. Add 100 μL of BGP substrate solution to each well.10. Incubate for 30 minutes at room temperature.11. Add 100 μL of BGP stop solution to each well.12. Read the optical density at 450 nm within 30 minutes using a microplate reader.Calculation of Results.1. Calculate the mean optical density (OD) of each standard, sample, and control.2. Create a standard curve by plotting the mean OD of each standard versus the corresponding BGP concentration.3. Use the standard curve to determine the concentration of BGP in each sample or control.Performance Characteristics.Sensitivity: 1 ng/mL.Intra-assay precision: ≤10%。
LDH-P 动力学紫外法液体试剂说明书
In vitro diagnosticsFirst edition 2010Medichem Middle EastAleppo,Syria,E-mail:********************Manual ProcedureCat. No. 17370R1 1 x 40 ml For 50 testsR21x 10mlLDH-PKinetic UV methodLiquid ReagentsTeas principleKinetic determination of the lactate dehydrogenase according to thefollowing reaction: Pyruvate + NADH + H + L-Lactate + NAD +Lactate dehydragenase (LDH) catalyzes the reduction ofpyruvate to lactate with simultaneous oxidation of NADH to NAD.The rate of NADH oxidation can be measured as a decrease inabsorbance at 340nm.This rate is directly proportional to LDH activity in serum.Stability and preparation of working reagentReagent R1: liquid . Reagent R2: liquid .All reagents are stable up to expiry date given on the label when stored at +2 +8 °C. Working Reagent: (4+1)Mix 4 volumes of bottle R1 with 1 volume of bottle R2. Avoid direct exposure to light. Stability: 4 weeks at 2 - 8 ° C.Specimen collection and handling1. Non-hemolyzed serum, heparinized or EDTA plasma.2. The serum or plasma should be separated from the erythrocytes promptly. Red cells contain large concentration of LDH.3. LDH in serum is reported stable for 2 - 3 days at 20 - 25 °C, or for 7 days at 2 - 8 °C.4. Don’t expose the serum to high temperatures (37°C) as this may inactivate thermolabile LDH isoenzymes.CalibratorMediCal U Cat. No. 15011Quality controlMeditrol N Cat. No. 15171 Meditrol P Cat. No. 15181CalculationLDH-P activity (U/L) = (∆A /min.) X Factor Note: It is recommended that each laboratory (as per instrumentperformance) could determine its own factor (F) by the use of a calibratoraccording to the following formula: F = Linearity Up to 1200 U/L.If the result exceeds 1200 U/L, repeat the test using diluted sample (1+2) with sodium chloride solution (0.9 %) and multiply the result by 3.Interferences1. Red cells contain large concentrations of LDH, hemolysis will causefalsely elevated values.2. Certain drugs and substances affect LDH activity. See Young, et al.PrecautionsThe reagents contain sodium azide as a preservative. Don’t ingest.Avoid skin and eye contact. Sodium azide may react with lead and copper plumbing mixtures giving rise to explosive metal azides. Flush with large volumes of water when disposing of the reagent.References1. Clin. Chem. Clin. Biochem. 8, 658 (1970), 1, 1820 (1972).2. Ann. Biol. Clin., 40 (1982), 123.3. Young, DS., Effects of Drugs on Clinical Laboratory Tests, fifth edition 2000,AACC Press, Washington, D.C.4. Working Group on Enzymes. Proposal of standard methods for the determinationof enzyme catalytic concentrations in serum and plasma at 37° C. IV. Lactate dehydrogenase. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1992, 30: 787 - 92.5. Lorentz K, Klauke R, Schmidt E. Recommendation for the determination of thecatalytic concentration of lactate dehydrogenase at 37 0C. Eur J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1993, 31: 897 - 9.6. Deutsche Gesellschaft für Klinische Chemie. Recommendations of the GermanSociety for Clinical Chemistry. J Clin Chem Clin Biochem 1972, 10 : 182 - 93.LDH Conc. Clibrator ∆/min Calibrator。
酶制剂分析与检测编号0802010001标题:酶制剂定义英文标题:Definition of enzyme语言:中文中文关键词:生物催化活性素材状态:草稿素材作者:左莹编写日期:2012-10-13SCORM支持:否素材分类:知识点难度:(很容易、容易、中等、难、很难)费用:否版权和限制条件:否正文:酶是生物体活细胞产生的具有催化活性的蛋白质,是生物催化剂。
编号0802010002标题:酶的特性英文标题: Characteristic of enzyme语言:中文中文关键词:高效专一温和素材作者:左莹编写日期:2012-10-13SCORM支持:否素材分类:知识点难度:(很容易、容易、中等、难、很难)费用:否版权和限制条件:否正文:酶具有催化效率高、专一性强、易失活、反应条件温和、酶活力可调控等特点。
编号0802010003标题:酶制剂种类及应用领域英文标题:Enzyme preparation type and its application fields语言:中文中文关键词:酶制剂种类应用领域素材状态:草稿素材作者:左莹编写日期:2012-10-13SCORM支持:否素材分类:知识点难度:(很容易、容易、中等、难、很难)费用:否版权和限制条件:否正文:生产中常用的酶制剂以水解酶最多,使用最为广泛的主要有淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂肪酶、纤维素酶、果胶酶等。
编号0802010004标题:酶制剂的主要分析检测的项目英文标题:The main analysis of the detection of enzyme preparation project语言:中文中文关键词:酶制剂主要分析检测项目素材状态:草稿素材作者:左莹编写日期:2012-10-13SCORM支持:否素材分类:知识点难度:(很容易、容易、中等、难、很难)费用:否版权和限制条件:否正文:酶制剂的主要分析检测的项目有酶活力的测定、水分的测定、细度的测定、酶活力保存率的测定、重金属的测定、大肠杆菌的检验等,其中的关键检测项目为酶活力的测定,一般根据催化底物反应的速度来测定。
方法经过对所有原因逐条分析确认, 确定影响甲钴胺有关物质测定项单杂结果偏高的主要原因,重新建立操作方法。
结果将无色透明的容量瓶更改为棕色容量瓶进行检测,暗室光照强度应控制在5 lx以下。
关键词:甲钴胺;有关物质;降解Degradation research and preventive measures of methylcobalaminin the inspection processTao Dongwei, Hu QimengJiangsu Coast Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Suzhou City, Jiangsu Province 215000Abstract: Objective To avoid the degradation of methylcobalamin during the detection process. Methods After analyzing and confirmingall the reasons one by one, the main reasons affecting the highsingle-impurity result of the determination item of related substances in methylcobalamin were determined, and the operation method was re-established. Results The colorless and transparent volumetric flaskwas changed to a brown volumetric flask for testing, and the light intensity in the dark room should be controlled below 5 lx. Conclusion The newly determined method is feasible and can achieve the expected effect of reducing the degradation rate.Key words: mecbalamin; related substances; degradation甲钴胺(Mecobalamin)是维生素B12的活性形式,主要存在于动物的血液、髓液中,通过促进神经再生和拮抗谷氨酸诱导的神经毒性,发挥神经保护作用[1],有效改善神经传导和神经性疼痛症状,广泛用于治疗周围神经病[2]。
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An enzyme-based method for the rapiddetermination of sucrose,glucose and fructose in sugar beet roots and the effects of impact damage and postharvest storage in clampsVictoria MT Spackman and Andrew H Cobb *Crop and Environment Research Centre,School of Agriculture,Harper Adams University College,Newport,Shropshire TF108NB,UKAbstract:A high-throughput enzyme-coupled assay is described for the determination of sucrose,glucose and fructose in sugar beet roots.This method is sensitive,rapid and inexpensive and has been used to highlight the increases in sucrose loss following root stresses such as freezing or aggressive harvesting.Sugar beet roots lose 12.5%of their sucrose following an episode of impact damage greater than 2J,rising to 19.7%loss after 8J,with concurrent increases in glucose and fructose.Increases in glucose and fructose are particularly pronounced following a period of clamp storage (up to 2.3and 3.3m gmg À1fresh weight,respectively).#2001Society of Chemical IndustryKeywords:sugar beet;Beta vulgaris ;damage;sucrose;sugar lossINTRODUCTIONThe UK sugar beet crop provides more than half of the UK sugar requirement,the remainder being provided by cane sugar imports.Sucrose losses arising from postharvest damage cost the UK sugar beet industry £12million per annum.Sugar beet bruising or damage at harvest is one of the major problems of crop quality facing the modern processing industry.Impact damage to sugar beet is a major cause of sugar loss in the UK;an estimated 90g kg À1of the sucrose content is lost at harvest and at least 1g kg À1day À1thereafter.1Subsequent reduction in sugar content can be caused by respiration,invasion by bacteria or fungi,and conversion of sucrose to reducing sugars.The losses are much greater in a mild winter when ambient conditions remain warm.2Every stage in the chain of handling of sugar beet from harvesting to processing can cause impact damage to the crop.Strategies are adopted to minimise impacts;for example,taking care when building a clamp to avoid root compression and bruising.Harvester forward speed and the speed of turbine rotation can in¯uence the impact damage received by sugar beet and should be adjusted to suit the individual situation,taking account of soil type and environmental factors.3In order to clean the crop,turbines are required to run at high speed to reduce the quantity of soil adhering to the beet;however,at high speeds it is likely that the sugar beet will receive greater impacts.4A compromise must be struck between theneed to clean the crop and the need to prevent excessive damage.For an average harvest operation,estimates using an electronic beet analogue have predicted sugar losses through impact damage to be 7.4g kg À1of total sugar,representing approximately 63kg sugarha À1from an average crop.2Sugar loss is generally greater when the beet has been stored prior to processing.Storage in a poorly maintained clamp can substantially decrease sucrose content.2Effective management of clamps is based on the need to maintain sugar content at as near harvest levels as possible and to prevent spoilage by frost and microbial infection.The physiological state of the beet at harvest affects its viable time in clamp and its processing potential.5Frost damage affects the internal texture of beet and causes discolouration.Only a small amount of frost-damaged beet is needed to affect processing,particu-larly at the ®ltration stage,when frost-damaged beet can completely halt the extraction operation by causing ®lter blockage.6Many growers adopt effective strategies to minimise the effects of frost on the crop;for example,building clamps between retaining walls of hay bales or using ¯exible sheeting cover.There is currently little information available on the physiological and biochemical changes that occur in sugar beet postharvest,and this is especially true in the area of sugar measurement.It is vital that a quick,accurate and reproducible method of sugar determi-nation can be used to quantify sugar concentrations(Received 8January 2001;revised version received 4July 2001;accepted 11September 2001)*Correspondence to:Andrew H Cobb,Crop and Environment Research Centre,School of Agriculture,Harper Adams University College,Newport,Shropshire TF108NB,UKContract/grant sponsor:British Beet Research OrganisationJournal of the Science of Food and AgricultureJ Sci Food Agric 82:80±86(online:2001)DOI:10.1002/jsfa.1005both in whole beet and in washings from processing. Current methods of sugar analysis comprise HPLC or enzymatic assays for speci®c sugars,which can be time-consuming(5±30min per sample)and relatively expensive.7The method described in this paper is a high-throughput enzyme-based assay.It has been tested with a variety of samples from different harvest situations,including a range of impact energies,the effect of clamp storage and freezing postharvest.MATERIALS AND METHODSHarvesting and sample collectionWhen sampling from the®eld,six sugar beet roots were taken from each treatment.The mature beet were placed in polythene bags and transported from the®eld in protective containers to prevent further impact damage.When hand-harvested beet were impacted in the laboratory under controlled condi-tions,a falling bolt was used to deliver impacts of0±8J onto a marked circular area of1cm radius.The target area was located2cm below the lowest leaf scar of the beet.The impact end of the bolt was semicircular,with a width of15mm and a radius of curvature of15mm. All beet were stored at10°C until sampling or analysis had®nished.The gently and aggressively harvested beet were taken from the same site using a17t beet harvester(Vervaet,Biervliet,The Netherlands).The aggressive harvest was carried out at a forward speed of 6kmhÀ1and with the turbine speed at maximum, whilst the gentle harvest was carried out at a forward speed of4.5kmhÀ1and with the turbine running at 25%of maximum speed.The beet were then stored in a clamp for84days.To investigate the effects of freezing on sugar content,beet were grown outside in large pallets®lled with soil and then frozen toÀ2°C (over3days)and thawed to ambient temperature (over3days).Beet temperature was measured using probes inserted into control roots.The beet were then lifted from the pallets and sampled as before.Analytical methodologyA method for the determination of sugars in potato tubers was adapted for sugar beet roots.8,9Transverse sections(3mm thick)were cut with a razor-blade from cores taken with a10mm cork borer from2cm below the shoulder of the beet,weighed,rapidly frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored atÀ80°C.The samples were freeze-dried using a Modulyo freeze-dryer (Edwards,Crawley,UK),weighed and stored at À80°C.Samples were then®nely ground with a round-ended glass rod,and100mg of each sample was extracted in a sealed container with5ml of20:80(v/v) aqueous ethanol.The containers were immersed in a shaking water bath(model W22,Grant,Royston,UK) at70°C for2h for the extraction of sugars.As the sucrose content in sugar beet is much higher than the reducing sugar content,the ethanolic extract was diluted to within the linear range of the assay,usually1:50(sample/aqueous ethanol).The assay was carried out in Falcon¯at-bottomed,96-well,¯exible microplates(Fahrenheit,Northampton,UK).Undi-luted ethanolic extract(10m l)and distilled water (140m l)were dispensed into two adjacent wells,and the same quantities of diluted ethanolic extract and distilled water were dispensed into the third adjacent well.The initial sample absorbance was determined at 340nm using a Benchmark microplate reader (BioRad,Hemel Hempstead,UK).Enzymic reactions as detailed below were then carried out at room temperature.The plate was shaken automatically within the reader for10s immediately prior to reading,to ensure thorough mixing.Glucose reagent(GR)(Bayer, Newbury,UK)was added undiluted(30m l)to the ®rst well(to provide1.5units hexokinase,1.2units glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase,2m mol ATP, 1.2m mol NAD and15m mol Mg2 per well),and the absorbance was determined at340nm after40min. The increase in absorbance obtained was due to the GR-mediated enzymic oxidation of sample glucose to 6-phosphogluconic acid and concomitant reduction of NAD to NADH.The second well was treated with GR containing0.2units phosphoglucose isomerase(PGI) type IV rabbit muscle(Sigma,Poole,UK).In this well the increase in absorbance at340nm after40min was due to the conversion of glucose and fructose into6-phosphogluconic acid.The third well was treated with GR containing0.2units PGI and10units invertase(I) (grade VII from bakers'yeast,Sigma).The absorbance of the third well at340nm was determined after 60min;any increase was due to the conversion of glucose fructose sucrose into6-phosphogluconic acid.Absorbance increases due to individual sugars were obtained by subtracting the initial absorbance from the®nal absorbance in each well.Quanti®cation of sugars was obtained by comparison with absorbance increases obtained with standard sugar solutions(2.8±16.7m g mlÀ1)which were included in each test microplate.Each sample was replicated on at least three occasions.When using this method,several microplates could be processed in parallel,greatly increasing the number of samples that could be analysed.Data analysisAbsorbance data were collected and®tted to a standard curve to obtain sugar concentrations for each ethanolic extract.Extract concentrations were con-verted into m gmgÀ1fresh weight(fwt)and averaged. Statistical analyses(linear regression and t-test)were performed using Genstat5,Release 4.1(Lawes Agricultural Trust,Rothamsted Experimental Station, UK).RESULTSMethod developmentIndividual standard solutions of sucrose,glucose andDetermination of sugars in sugar beet rootsfructose were assayed;the increase in absorbance at 340nm was proportional to the sugar content in each well in the concentration range2.8±16.7m g mlÀ1(Fig 1).Regression analysis was carried out for the individual sugars in the linear range,with a value of R2>0.9981for all three sugars.The time taken for the reaction to proceed to completion varied depending on which sugar was being determined(Fig2).The®nal inverting step in the determination of sucrose took20min longer to complete than the glucose and fructose stages.Studies involving standards(Figs1and2)were replicated on three occasions,and data points presented are means of the replicates.When sucrose was tested,a sig-ni®cant increase in absorbance was noted in the presence of GR PGI at50and60min,probably due to monosaccharide contamination in the 995mggÀ1purity sucrose.The sucrose concentrations in the sugar beet extracts were so high that a1:50dilution of samples was required for the reaction to®t the linear range of the assay.Various ethanol volumes(0±25m l)were added to30m l aliquots of a standard sucrose solution (16.7m g mlÀ1),and the sucrose reaction was moni-tored using GR PGI I.Volumes above10m l proved deleterious to the assay(Fig3).Experimental dataAs impact energy increased from0to8J,the sucrose content of sugar beet roots declined from183to 147m gmgÀ1fwt(p=0.0005).At the same time, increases were noted in glucose and fructose concen-trations(p0.1)(Fig4).The gentle and aggressive harvests were followed by 84days of clamp storage,after which roots were analysed for sugar content.Aggressively harvested beet had a signi®cantly lower sucrose content(170m gmgÀ1 fwt)than gently harvested beet(187m gmgÀ1fwt) (p=0.0005).Once again,as sucrose concentration fell,signi®cant rises in glucose and fructose concen-trations were recorded(p=0.0005)(Fig5).Following a period of storage atÀ2°C,beet were analysed for sugar content.Roots subjected to low-temperature storage contained less total sugar than those stored at ambient temperature.Sucrose con-centration was signi®cantly lower(p=0.0005).The increases in glucose and fructose concentrations previously observed were absent and similar concen-trations of glucose and fructose were recorded despite storage under different temperature regimes(Fig6).DISCUSSIONCurrent methods of sugar analysis in sugar beet are expensive and slow.There is a need for a fast,ef®cient and reliable method of sugar measurement in the sugar beet industry,and the method reported here has been adapted from one used for potatoes.8The linear region of the assay has been optimised and reaction times have been standardised(Figs1and2).As a consequence of the high sucrose concentrations in sugar beet,samples required substantial dilution prior to sucrose determination.In order to determine reducing sugar concentrations,which are much lower, the assay was run with undiluted and1:50diluted samples in parallel.Furthermore,the®nal volume of ethanol in the reaction mixture was kept to<10m l to prevent enzyme denaturation.Since the pH optimum for invertase(pH 4.5) differed from the optima for the coupling enzymes used to metabolise the hexoses,the sucrose reaction took60min compared with40min for the glucose or fructose reaction to be completed.There are advan-tages in using a microplate method rather than a spectrophotometric assay or HPLC.The microplate method is fast and,once samples are extracted,20 fully replicated samples with standards and controls can be dispensed and determined in70min.Substrate costs per sample are low,as small volumes are used. This study has shown that sugar beet roots harvested without impact or freezing damage contain more sucrose and lower levels of reducing sugars(FigsFigure1.Standard curves for glucose (squares),fructose(diamonds)and sucrose(circles)content from ethanolic extracts of lyophilised sugar beet roots in the presence of glucose reagent, phosphoglucose isomerase and invertase.Linear range2.8–16.7m g mlÀ1.Standard errors were smaller than the symbol size(<0.01 ODunit).VMT Spackman,AHCobb4and 6).Sucrose is predominantly located in the vacuoles of sugar beet root cells and is usually compartmentalised away from the cytosolic alkaline invertase and sucrose synthase.Acid invertases are also located in the vacuoles and play an important role in the hydrolysis of sucrose to reducing sugars.10Acid invertases are present in fresh tissue and to a lesser extent in frozen tissue.11In sweet potato studies,vacuolar acid invertase was the most in¯uential invertase in determining the production of reducing sugars.12In sugar beet there is a high level of acid invertase activity in young roots,which declines as the roots become more mature.13At crop maturity and during storage the activities of the cytoplasmic sugar-hydrolysing enzymes (alkaline invertase and sucrose synthases)greatly exceed those of acid invertases.10Berghall et al 10reported that the cytoplasmic inver-tases are required for sucrose hydrolysis and that acid invertase activity increases in response to stress and is responsible for increasing the reducing sugar content.In addition to the balance of hexoses,non-impacted sugar beet tissue contains a high proportion of intact cells and shows no evidence of lignin formation.14Impact damage of 4and 8J to sugar beet roots caused a fall in sucrose concentration and an increase in impurity (glucose and fructose)concentration (Fig 4).A net loss of the three sugars occurred after impact,indicating that impact was not simply causing a movement of sucrose into reducing sugars,but that some sucrose was lost to other processes.Examples of these processes are sucrose leaching,consumption by respiratory processes or microbial activity,and metab-olism in regrowth processes.It is likely that some sucrose is utilised in wound-healing processes;larger falls in sucrose concentration were recorded as impact increased (0.9,12.6and 19.6%reduction in sucrose concentration from 2,4and 8J impact,respectively).Wound healing in sugar beet is vital to prevent the entry of water and micro-organisms and the escape of sucrose,and takes the form of secretion of glycopro-teins,lignin or suberin to seal and waterproof the wound.14In addition to the inversion of sucrose to glucose and fructose,sucrose can be degraded to uridine diphosphate (UDP)glucose by sucrose synthase.This nucleotide sugar is involved in cell wall synthesis as well as other carbohydrate interconver-sions 15and may well play a role in wound healing.The impacts of 0±8J represent realistic forces in terms of a commercial harvest.Numerous studies using electronic beet analogues have determined that average impacts vary from 0.5to 6.5J depending on the position of the beet in the harvester.16Sucrose concentration declined signi®cantly follow-ing a period of freezing to À2°C (Fig 6).In other crops such as sweet potato a drop in temperature to 4.5°C for 7weeks of storage caused a signi®cant increase in invertase activity.11The decline in sucrose content of frozen sugar beet could be due to increases in cytoplasmic invertases following freezing.Sucrose breakdown products may be channelled into wound healing,respiration or regrowth and so may not always contribute to the glucose and fructose concentration in the beet.Increased amounts of microbial invertases in frost-damaged sugar beet add further complexity to this situation.10In raspberry fruit a period offreezingFigure 2.Time-course of enzymic analysis of standards.Glucose,fructose and sucrose with either glucose reagent (GR)alone (squares),GR phosphoglucose isomerase (PGI)(diamonds)orGR PGI invertase (circles).Standard errors were smaller than the symbol size (<0.01ODunit).Figure 3.Negative effect of increasing ethanol volume in the sugar assay.Determination of sugars in sugar beet rootscaused up to 26%reduction in free radical-scavenging capability (measured as antiradical ef®ciency),and signi®cant reductions in vitamin C and ellagic acid concentrations were also reported.17If similar changes affect sugar beet metabolism after freezing,the reduction in antioxidant capability could contribute to the rapid breakdown of sugar beet roots after freezing.In some countries,sugar beet is stored without sugar loss,as the average winter temperatures remain below À9°C;processors in these regions can process the frozen root as long as all of the beet remains frozen.Problems can occur under this type of processing regime if thawed and frozen roots are mixed to-gether.18In the UK it is imperative to avoid freezing roots because of the blockages that frozen beetcanFigure 4.Sugar contents of ethanolic extracts of lyophilised,hand-harvested sugar beet roots given known impacts of 0J (white),2J (light grey),4J (dark grey)and 8J(black).Figure 5.Sugar contents of ethanolic extracts of lyophilised beet cores from roots that were either harvested gently (white)or aggressively (grey)by a commercial harvester and stored in clamp for 84days.VMT Spackman,AHCobbcause in the ®lters during processing.19In addition,when roots thaw,the ruptured cells of the beet start to leak.This encourages rapid growth of bacteria which convert the sucrose to gums and reducing sugars.These reducing sugars are unstable in the factory process and can give rise to acidic compounds whose presence causes still more sucrose to be converted into glucose and fructose,requiring the addition of further alkali during processing.20Lastly,the freezing of roots should be avoided because of the drop in sucrose concentration of the root as demonstrated in this study (Fig 6).Clamp storage is the main method of avoiding frozen beet in store,but clamping can contribute towards sugar losses from the crop.A long clamp storage period can enhance the effects of damage received prior to storage.Immediately after harvest a moderate-sized clamp may contain £20000worth of beet.If the clamp is managed well,the sugar loss after 30days may be valued at only £300.Poor manage-ment can easily increase this loss to £1500.19In this study the decline in sucrose concentration and increase in reducing sugars were far greater following clamp storage (Fig 5)compared with damaged,unstored beet.Although it is often necessary to store sugar beet,the methods for such storage have not been investigated as thoroughly as in the potato industry.21By monitoring the sugar content throughout the various processes of the sugar beet handling chain,areas of sugar loss such as clamping and freezing could be identi®ed and improved upon.ACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe authors wish to thank the British Beet ResearchOrganisation for funding,British Sugar for the supply of beet and advice,and Victoria Cruxton and Luda Ibrahim for technical assistance.REFERENCES1Jaggard KW,Clark CJA,May MJ,McCullagh S and DraycottAP,Changes in the weight and quality of sugar beet (Beta vulgaris )roots in storage clamps on farms.J Agric Sci Camb 129:287±301(1997).2Hopkinson I and Houghton BJ,Electronic sugar beet measure-ments:assessments of beet handling and harvesting sugar losses.Aspects Appl Biol 52:169±172(1998).3Wyse R,Effect of harvest injury on respiration and sucrose loss insugar beet roots during storage.J Am Soc Sugar Beet Technol 20:193±202(1978).4Brown S and Pilbrow J,Electronic beet and harvestingÐaprogress report.Br Sugar Beet Rev 67:13±17(1999).5Hill P,Temperature is crucial in beet clamp storage.FarmersWeekly (25August):76(2000).6Shore M,Dutton JV and Houghton BJ,Evaluation of deterio-rated beet.Int Sugar J 85:106±110(1983).7Campbell JA,Hansen RW and Wilson 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