核磁共振研究电解液溶剂化结构【知识】核磁共振研究电解液溶剂化结构-探索离子在液体中的行为1. 引言核磁共振(NMR)作为一种非常重要的科学技术手段,被广泛应用于化学、物理学以及材料科学等领域。
2. 电解液溶剂化结构的重要性在电化学中,电解液的溶剂化结构对于电子和离子的迁移、反应速率以及电化学效应都有着重要的影响。
3. 核磁共振技术的优势核磁共振技术以其无损、定量、非侵入性的特点,在电化学研究中展现出了巨大的潜力。
4. 核磁共振研究电解液溶剂化结构的方法在核磁共振实验中,常用的研究电解液溶剂化结构的方法有两种:一种是通过二维核磁共振技术,如二维核磁共振相关谱(2D NMR correlation spectra),可以同时获得离子和溶剂分子之间的相互作用信息;另一种是通过核磁共振扩散技术,可以研究离子在溶液中的扩散行为。
5. 电解液溶剂化结构的研究进展通过核磁共振技术,许多研究人员已经取得了重要的研究成果。
1. 确定样品溶液的浓度:核磁弛豫试剂可以用作内部标准物质,通过测量核磁共振谱中样品信号与核磁弛豫试剂信号的比值,可以确定样品溶液的浓度。
2. 提供对比剂:一些核磁弛豫试剂具有特定的核磁共振性质,可以用作对比剂来增强样品信号的强度,从而更好地观察和分析样品的核磁共振谱。
3. 判断样品纯度:核磁弛豫试剂的核磁共振信号通常非常锐利且不受干扰,因此可以用来判断样品的纯度。
毕业设计(论文)说明书题目镀镍电解液中氯化钠含量的测定院别:辽宁石油化工大学继续教育学院专业:应用化学班级:应化082设计人:孙德文指导教师:邸万山老师毕业设计(论文)任务书一、题目镀镍电解液中氯化钠含量的测定二、基础数据(1)0.1000 mol·L-1NaCl标准溶液。
称取5.844克(在400 ~450℃下灼烧至无爆裂声,冷却)的分析纯氯化钠,溶于水,转移至1000mL容量瓶中,稀释至刻度;(2)0.1 mol·L-1 AgNO3标准溶液。
称取约17克分析纯AgNO3溶于水,在容量瓶中稀释至1000 ml,用标准氯化钠溶液标定其准确浓度。
标定方法见实验步骤;(3)6 mol·L-1HNO3;三、内容要求1.说明部分测定化学镀镍电解液中氯化钠的含量,探索建立化学镀镍工艺的质量控制方法。
氯化钠在10.0~70.0 mg范围内,与消耗的硝酸银体积呈良好的线性关系,回归方程:Y=0.168 4X+0.055 7(r=0.999 96,n=7),平均回收率为97.48 %,RSD为2.40 %,不同镀镍电解液中氯化钠的含量0.83 %~ 1.86 %.电位滴定法测定饮片中氯化钠含量方法简便、准确、重现性好,可以作为化学镀镍工艺氯化钠含量测定方法。
2.计算部分结果的表示和计算:氯离子含量(%)=(V - V0)× TAgNO3/CI- /W式中 V----硝酸银标准溶液的用量,mL;V0---空白试验硝酸银标准溶液的用量,mL;TAgNO3/CI- ---硝酸银标准溶液对氯离子的滴定度(mg/mL);W------ 称取样品质量,mg。
3.绘图部分1 镍-铬2 镍-镍-铬3 镍-镍-镍-铬4 镍封闭-铬多层镍腐蚀机理示意图(日小慕秀夫,大谷和弘-1963)冲击镍:含硫0.1-0.2确定滴定终点的方法:E-V曲线法镀镍电解液中氯化钠含量的测定四、发给日期:2010 年 5 月12 日五、要求完成日期:2010 年 5 月23 日指导教师:邸万山系主任:赵连俊2010年 5 月22 日镀镍电解液中氯化钠含量的测定孙德文辽宁石化职业技术学院(121001)摘要:测定化学镀镍电解液中氯化钠的含量,探索建立化学镀镍工艺的质量控制方法。
1.1 材料阴极采用TA2钛板作为基体,试样尺寸为65mm×100mm×1mm,镀覆面积为0.5dm2,余面用绝缘胶布密封,阳极用镍板。
液体核磁共振内标液体核磁共振(Liquid-state nuclear magnetic resonance,简称LS-NMR)是一种重要的分析技术,在化学、生物、医药等领域得到广泛应用。
电解法处理电镀含镍浓缩废液的试验研究熊正为;陈齐玮;王劲松;张炜铭;虢清伟;朱雷【摘要】以电解法处理含镍浓缩液并回收镍,考察了电流强度、镍离子浓度、温度、pH和缓冲溶液对镍回收效果的影响.结果显示,以钌铱涂层钛板为阳极,在极距为20 mm、电流15A、温度50℃、镍离子质量浓度为20 g/L并通气搅拌的条件下,镍回收率最高达到85.1%,相应的电流效率为51.8%.正交试验结果表明,镍回收率影响因素的大小顺序是电流>镍离子浓度>pH>温度.%The concentrated nickel-containing solution has been treated by electrolytic method,and the nickel recovered.The influences of current intensity,concentration of nickelions,temperature,initial pH and buffer solution on the recovery of nickelare investigated.The results show that under the following conditions:using Ru-Ir coated titanium plate as anode,plate distance 20 mm,electric current 15 A,temperature 50 ℃,the initial mass concentration of nickel ions 20g/L,and by aeration and agitation,the nickel recovery rate can be as high as 85.1%,and the corresponding current efficiency is 51.8%.The orthogonal experiments show that the sequence of influential factors on recovery rate is electric current > concentration of nickel ion > pH > temperature.【期刊名称】《工业水处理》【年(卷),期】2017(037)008【总页数】5页(P70-73,104)【关键词】电镀废水;镍;电解法;回收【作者】熊正为;陈齐玮;王劲松;张炜铭;虢清伟;朱雷【作者单位】南华大学土木工程学院,湖南衡阳421001;南华大学土木工程学院,湖南衡阳421001;南华大学土木工程学院,湖南衡阳421001;南京大学环境学院,江苏南京210046;环境保护部华南环境科学研究所,广东广州510655;湖南大学土木工程学院,湖南长沙410000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】X703目前国内外对电镀含镍废水的处理主要采用化学沉淀、离子交换、吸附、生物和电化学等方法〔1〕。
核磁共振研究电解液溶剂化结构核磁共振(Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,NMR)是一种重要的研究电解液溶剂化结构的技术。
二、实验方法1. 材料与试剂实验所用材料包括镍(Ni)、钨(W)和磷(P)的盐类,以及其他添加剂。
2. 电沉积过程采用电化学工作站进行电沉积实验。
3. 性能测试采用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、X射线衍射仪(XRD)、硬度计和盐雾试验机等设备,对镀层的形貌、结构、硬度和耐腐蚀性等性能进行测试。
三、结果与讨论1. 镀液成分的影响(1)主盐浓度:当主盐浓度增加时,镀层中Ni、W和P的含量也相应增加。
2. 添加剂的影响(1)表面活性剂:表面活性剂可以改善镀液的润湿性和分散性,使镀层更加均匀致密。
定量核磁共振定量核磁共振(Quantitative Nuclear Magnetic Resonance,简称qNMR)是一种基于核磁共振技术的定量分析方法。
qNMR 在化学、药学、食品科学等领域得到广泛应用,具有分析快速、准确可靠等优点。
关键词:电镀液;添加剂;定性分析中图分类号:O 657.3 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1671-0460(2015)06-1237-03Qualitative Analysis of Electroplating Liquid AdditivesLIU Zhi-Jiang1, DAI Da-Yong2, LIU You-Tao3, WU Jie3(1. College of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University,Liaoning Shenyang 110159, China;2. Qinghai Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, Qingha Xining 810000, China;3. Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Central South University, Hunan Changsha 410000, China)Abstract: Qualitative analysis of additives in electroplating liquid with unknow composition was carried out by infrared spectra analysis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. The analysis results show that the main component of brightener is but-2-yne-1,4-diol, oxirane,thiophene-2- sulfonic acid; and the stabilizer composition material is 1H-benzotriazole, thiourea. The existence of saccharin structure has been proved. Experimental results are satisfactory. The paper has certain reference significance for actual electroplating liquid additive analysis.Key word: Electroplating liquid; Additive; Qualitative analysis电镀液中的有机添加剂主要来源于电镀添加剂中间体,中间体是一种可以直接用来配制电镀添加剂的化工原材料,均以有机物为主。
1 前言
柠檬酸及其盐广泛存在在于各种植物和动物组 织中, 在水果疏菜中的含量较高。作为添加剂广泛用 于各种食品中, 在无氰电镀业中, 它是光亮电镀业的 添加剂。我院在镍铁合金箔的工艺试验中, 柠檬酸钠 是镍电解液中的一种重要添加剂。
食品卫生业中, 主要用气相色谱和生物酶法测 定柠檬酸钠, 但其分析方法繁杂。 近年来, 王占玲等 采用光化学动力法测定汽水中柠檬酸[1], 我们对该 方法进行验证时发现, 在镍电解液中, 镍、铁对测定 干扰严重, 但光化学动力法测定柠檬酸简便, 灵敏度 高, 线性范围达 0~ 12 m g L。
第 28 卷增刊
功能的充分发挥, 以及人对作业环境、机械设备所固 有的行为意识上的刺激性能相适应的健康身心功 能, 从容不迫地把工作做好。
由于历史的原因和现实的国情, 一般而言, 当前 我国矿山职工安全常识和安全意识的深度、广度, 与 矿山安全生产的客观要求, 尚有不小的差距, 集中表 现为“三 违”现 象 多、肇 事 机 率 大, 且 伤 亡 事 故 中 80% 的遇难者是青年工人。事实说明, 我国采矿业职 工自主保安文化素质的提高, 任重而道远。
sep a ra tion and p u rifica tion of R h and Ir. Key words Irid ium R hod ium ch lo ride so lu tion so lven t ex traction Go ld Pa llad ium
本方法适用于镍电解液中 0105 g L 以上的柠 檬酸钠, 本法相对标准偏差为 7195% , 已应用于生 产实践。
2 试验部分
211 仪器 ( 1) 7230 型分光光度计; (2) 光化学反应箱 (自
此复合物在指定波长约为400 nm时具有最大吸收峰,根据最大吸收峰的吸收强度和浓度大小而受到影响,从而可以准确测量样品中金属镍的含量。
X射线荧光光谱法测定镍电解液中的镍、氯、硫酸根王纪华;刘晓丽;高龙;王琳;李婷【摘要】本文利用低功率X射线荧光分析技术(XRF)对电解镍溶液样品进行了研究,重点探讨了影响镍电解液中Ni2+、Cl-、SO42-同时测量的因素,优化了实验条件.实验表明,镍的质量浓度(ρ)在35~110 g/L、氯离子的质量浓度(ρ)在30~90 g/L、硫酸根离子的质量浓度(ρ)在55~160 g/L范围内,待测元素质量浓度与其荧光强度存在着良好的线性关系.将本方法用于镍电解液实际样品分析,测得结果与其它化学分析方法结果相符合,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=11)为0.3%~0.4%.【期刊名称】《冶金分析》【年(卷),期】2012(032)012【总页数】5页(P29-33)【关键词】镍电解液;镍;氯;硫酸根离子;X射线荧光光谱法【作者】王纪华;刘晓丽;高龙;王琳;李婷【作者单位】金川集团有限公司检测中心,甘肃金昌737100;金川集团有限公司检测中心,甘肃金昌737100;金川集团有限公司检测中心,甘肃金昌737100;金川集团有限公司检测中心,甘肃金昌737100;金川集团有限公司检测中心,甘肃金昌737100【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O657.31镍电解液中Ni 2+、Cl-、SO4 2-含量的控制,是保证电解镍产品质量稳定的一个重要前提,因而对其进行快速、准确的分析具有积极的意义。
目前,镍电解液中 Ni 2+、Cl-、SO4 2-的分析,分别采用了镍-EDTA容量法、氯根-硝酸银容量法、硫酸根-醋酸铅间接EDTA容量法这三种化学分析方法,虽然其优良的准确度在多年的电解镍生产中得到了验证,但存在着分析流程长、化学试剂消耗的品种多、工作效率不高等缺点(约要60 min)。
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ORIGINAL PAPERQuantitative nuclear magnetic resonance for additives determination in an electrolytic nickel bathMiren Ostra &Carlos Ubide &Maider VidalReceived:14October 2010/Revised:18November 2010/Accepted:29November 2010/Published online:17December 2010#Springer-Verlag 2010Abstract The use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H-NMR)for the quantitation of additives in a commercial electrolytic nickel bath (Supreme Plus Brilliant,Atotech formulation)is reported.A simple and quick method is described that needs only the separation of nickel ions by precipitation with NaOH.The four additives in the bath (A-5(2X),leveler;Supreme Plus Brightener (SPB);SA-1,leveler;NPA,wetting agent;all of them are commercial names from Atotech)can be quantified,whereas no other analytical methods have been found in the literature for SA-1and NPA.Two calibration methods have been tried:integration of NMR signals with the use of a proper internal standard and partial least squares regression applied to the characteristic NMR peaks.The multivariate method was preferred because of accuracy and precision.Multivariate limits of detection of about 4mL L −1A-5(2X),0.4mL L −1SPB,0.2mL L −1SA-1and 0.6mL L −1NPA were found.The dynamic ranges are suitable to follow the concentration of additives in the bath along electrodeposition.1H-NMR spectra provide evidence for SPB and SA-1consumption (A-5(2X)and NPA keep unchanged along the process)and the growth of some products from SA-1degradation can be followed.The method can,probably,be extended to other electrolytic nickel baths.Keywords qNMR .Ni electroplating .Additives determination .Process analysisIntroductionNuclear magnetic resonance (NMR)is a versatile technique since it can offer a high number of data of several molecules in a single spectrum.No other spectroscopic method contains equally detailed structural and dynamic information about chemical systems under investigation [1].The availability of high field instruments in conjunction with improvements in probe design and electronic perfor-mance have considerable increased sensitivity,resolution,precision and applicability of quantitative NMR (qNMR)determinations from the beginning of the nineties [2].qNMR has gained growing interest ever since and it has been successfully applied in numerous fields.In electrolytic baths,additives are of prime relevance,but the additive control has frequently been accomplished in an empirical way,due to the lack of rapid and accurate analytical methods for every additive [3].In most cases,the experience of the operator decides what agents and in which concentration should be added,sometimes based on distillation and colorimetric,spectrophotometric or chro-matographic monitoring [4].V oltammetry has also been used [5].However,the automatic addition,based on the time of use of the bath (ampere-hour),is frequently preferred [4,6].In general,quantitation usually requires a specific method and a standard as reference.The use of qNMR also requires the choice of an adequate signal for every analyte,and the integration respect to an internal standard is frequently needed.The choice of the signals for both the analyte and the standard is critical and a wrong decision can strongly affect results,especially in the case of crowded spectra with impurity signals overlapping resonance.One of the main limitations of qNMR is probably the need ofM.Ostra :C.Ubide (*):M.VidalDepartamento de Química Aplicada,Facultad de Química,Universidad del País Vasco,Apdo.1072,San Sebastián 20080,Spain e-mail:carlos.ubide@ehu.esAnal Bioanal Chem (2011)399:1907–1915DOI 10.1007/s00216-010-4573-zhuman intervention during processing operations that closely influence integral values.Several software com-mands are available in order to reduce at minimum the subjective decisions of the operator,but they have demonstrated to perform worse than a manual processing made by a skilled operator[7].The increasing apparition of powerful computers and software has led to the increase of chemometric applica-tions for NMR signals,as far as a large amount of data is produced and peaks can be strongly overlapped[1].Thus, several references applying chemometric tools to NMR spectra of oils[8],tobaccos[9],alcohol mixtures[1]or biological samples[10]can be found,and a paper comparing the quantitation results obtained by partial least squares(PLS)regression and by integration of NMR peak areas is available[7].PLS is the multivariate quantitation algorithm most frequently used;it improves accuracy and allows the determination of components with overlapped signals,but when the number of calibration samples is short,the algorithm classical least squares(CLS)may outperform PLS,specially when non-linearities are absent.No previous papers dealing with NMR in nickel electro-plating baths have been found in the literature,but the organic composition of additives makes NMR a suitable technique for quantitation.The problem arises because plating baths usually contain a big amount of inorganic salts and,in this case,a large amount of nickel ions that are paramagnetic(they have unpaired electrons)and,so,they relax so quickly that the typical signals of other compounds in the NMR spectrum are precluded.In the present paper,a commercial nickel bath is used and a method for nickel elimination is reported.Reproducible NMR spectra can be obtained and the four additives present in the bath(A-5 (2X),Supreme Plus Brightener(SPB),SA-1and NPA, commercial names)can be determined through their NMR signals.Univariate calibration procedures as well as PLS are applied and compared.There are some precedents on the use of UV-chemometric procedures applied to additives in electrolytic zinc and nickel baths[11–14];because of that UV–vis spectrophotometry is applied as a reference technique for those additives showing UV–vis absorption; namely,A-5(2X)and SPB.ExperimentalReagentsA volume of1.8L of a commercial nickel bath(Supreme Plus Brilliant,Atotech®formulation)was used with the following composition:NiSO4·6H2O(250g L−1), NiCl2·6H2O(50gL−1)and H3BO3(45gL−1)as non-additive solution;SA-1(2.6ml L−1),A-5(2X)(20ml L−1),NPA(2ml L−1)and SPB(1ml L−1)as additives.The chemical composition of the additives is unknown.The final pH was4.0and it was maintained constant along the process with the addition of either NiCO3or H2SO4as required.Non-additive chemicals were of analytical reagent grade(Panreac or Fluka)and used without further purifi-cation.Additives were obtained from Atotech and used as received.Doubly distilled water was used throughout.An amount of0.00150g of3-(trimethylsilyl)-2,2,3,3-tetradeu-teroprionic acid sodium salt(TSP)dissolved in5mL D2O was used as a reference forδ=0.00ppm.Succinic acid (20gL−1)as an internal standard was also prepared.HCl and NaOH at several concentrations were also used.ApparatusThe following instrumentation was used:an electrodeposi-tion vessel with a water jacket for the nickel bath;a Crison 501pH meter;a Haake water bath thermostat controlled by an external probe dipped into the nickel bath and a rectifier (±20A/30V)from HQ Power(Nedis BV,model no.PS 3020)(Fig.1).A Bruker Avance-500spectrometer was used to record500mHz1H-NMR spectra at a temperature of30°C.An amount of128scans of64K data points was acquired every time with a spectral width of8012Hz (16ppm),acquisition time of2.2s.,recycle delay of9.0s, flip angle of90ºand a constant gain of11,585.The solventFig.1Manifold for process analysis of nickel electroplating.a, Vessel for electrodepostion;b,anodes;c,cathode;d,temperature probe;e,magnetic stirrer;f,current source;g,water bath thermostat; h,pH meter1908M.Ostra et al.signal suppression was achieved using the watergate pulse sequence [15].The data were acquired at a rate of 24min per sample.Micropipettes brand or Eppendorf were used throughout.Sample preparation and NMR spectra acquisition A volume of 19.25μL of succinic acid solution (internal standard)was added to 2.5mL of the nickel bath solution to be analysed in a conical test tube.Then,3.5mL of NaOH 10M were added in order to remove Ni(II)from the solution through the formation of nickel hydroxide precip-itate.The process was assisted by a glass stick and a combination of heating and stirring in an ultrasonic bath during 5min at 65°C.After some cooling,the solution was centrifuged during 5min at 4,000rpm.An amount of 1.0mL of concentrated HCl was added to a volume of 2.5mL of the supernatant solution and the pH was adjusted approximately to 4.0(a pH range between 3.95and 4.05was considered acceptable)with a diluted solution of HCl.The solution was taken to 10mL in a volumetric flask with HCl 10−4M (pH=4.00).A volume of 500μL of this final solution was placed in a 5mm NMR tube and 50μL of the D 2O-TSP solution was added.D 2O served as the field frequency lock.The final concentrations were: 4.1×10−3g L −1TSP and 9%D 2O.The whole process entails a dilution of 10.6-fold from the original bath concentration.A sketch of the process is depicted in Scheme 1.CalibrationBath solutions (no current through)were prepared main-taining the non-additive bath components at their standard concentrations.The concentration level of additives was fixed among the following:5.0,10,15,20and 25mL/L for A-5(2X);0.10,0.25,0.50,0.75,1.00and 1.25mL/L for SPB;0.5,1.3,2.5and 3.0mL/L for SA-1;and 1.0,1.5,2.0and 2.5mL/L for NPA.Initially,the whole set of samples shaped a tetrahedron that,afterwards,was enlarged to cover some poorly represented concentrations.A total amount of 82samples was used,including 15replicates.The calibration set was formed by 51samples and the validation set by 31samples.The distribution of samples in the two sets was random,except the tetrahedron extremes that were included in the calibration set.Replicates were always kept in the same cross-validation segment.To avoid overesti-mation,several additive concentrations could be varied at the same time.Nickel electrodepositionNickel electrodeposits were obtained galvanostatically in a glass cylindrical vessel (10.5cm inner diameter,21cm height)of approximately 2L of capacity (Fig.1)with a lid that minimized heat and solvent losses.The electrodeposi-tion was carried out on both sides of 16.5×3cm commer-cial steel sheets at a temperature of 65°C with magnetic stirring under 4Adm −2current density for 15min.Prior to each electrodeposition,the steel sample was cleaned with soap and water,then with calcium carbonate,and finally etched with hydrochloric acid/Beizentfetter®solution for 30s and rinsed with water.Two 20×3A-cm Ni pieces were used as anodes.An amount of 53steel sheets were nickel plated along the bath life.After that,the bath was considered to have run out.Additive determination in an electrolytic nickel bathV olumes of 2.5mL were regularly extracted from the bath during electrodeposition for NMR analysis (see “Sample preparation and NMR spectra acquisition ”),until the nickel bath was considered to have run out.A total of 20aliquots were measured along the whole process (one aliquot every three steel sheets approximately).Software and data processingPreliminary data processing was carried out with Bruker software,TOPSPIN 1.3.The free induction decay signals were Fourier transformed (1.0-Hz line broadening),the spectra were phased and the baseline corrected through data analysis with the MestRe-C package2.5 mL nickel bath + 19.25 µL inner standard (succinic acid)3.5 mL NaOH + Heat (5min, 65ºC) + Stirring (sonication)Ni precipitate (discard) solutiontake 2.5 mL1mL. conc. HCl + diluted HCl10.00 mL (pH 4.0)take 500 µLNMR measurement+ 50 µL D 2O·TSPScheme 1NMR measurementqNMR for additives determination in an electrolytic nickel bath 1909(Santiago de Compostela University,Spain).The resulting spectra were aligned by right or left shifting,as necessary,using the TSP signal as a reference and the i coshift algorithm (Matlab®7.4.0environment).The Unscrambler®v.9.7(Camo A/S,Trondheim,Norway,2007)software package was used for PLS application.To test the prediction capability of the developed models,the statistic relative error (RE)was used:RE ¼100ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiP m i ¼1^y i Ày i ðÞ2P m i ¼1y 2iv u u u u u twhere ^y i is the estimated analyte concentration in the sample i and y i is the analyte concentration in the same sample.RE can be applied either to the calibration (RE cal )or the prediction (RE val )sets.The calibration and prediction (validation)sets were always defined before any data processing and remained unchanged along the whole work.The cross-validation procedure was used to assess the robustness of the constructed models.Choosing the optimum number of factors (LV s )to be used with the PLS model was made through a previously established method [16].That is,the lowest number of LV for which the cross-validation variance value does not differ signifi-cantly from the minimum,according to an F test with probability P =0.25,was chosen.Results and discussion NMR spectraAll the additives in a nickel bath show NMR signal (Fig.2).A-5(2X)(peak 2)and NPA (11)show signals where no other bath component absorbs.SPB and SA-1show theindependent signals (1)and (3),respectively,but they bothalso show the signals (4)and (6),that correspond to the same species which is present in both additive preparations,so peaks (4)and (6)in Fig.2have not quantitative usefulness in this case.Signal (5)is for water,signal (8)is for the internal standard,succinic acid,and signal (12)is for the displacement reference,TSP (δ=0ppm).New peaks coming from the degradation products of additives appear as current passes through;they correspond to signals (7),(9)and (10).Linear calibrationUnivariate (linear)calibrations with NMR signals make use of peak areas,but in the present case the sample is subject to a previous precipitation and separation of nickel;this makes necessary the use of an internal standard to account for any possible uncontrolled loss of sample.The choice of an internal standard for quantitation was carefully accom-plished,taking into account that several assumptions must be fulfilled.Thus,it was necessary to find a compound with a clean and simple signal in the NMR spectra at pH 4and not overlapping with any additive signal.It should be water-soluble and not excessively expensive because the internal standard must be added at the beginning of the procedure and bath aliquots were diluted 10.6-fold in the NMR tubes after the whole pre-treatment,resulting in a high internal standard consumption.The high price of TSP was the main reason for discarding it as internal standard,but it was still used as a displacement reference.Succinic acid demonstrated to be a suitable and reliable internal standard.The individual spectra were manually integrated for each analyte.Thus,in each spectrum,the area of succinic acid was taken to 1.000and the area of each additive peak was calculated accordingly.The quantitation by integration of signals needs to fix the integration limits with good precision to avoid large errors due to chemical-112345678910δ (ppm)Fig.2Typical NMR spectrum for a nickel bath sample after some current has passedthrough.New peaks are signals appearing along the electrode-postion process.1,SPB;2,A-5(2X);3,SA-1;4,SA-1+SPB;5,water;6,SA-1+SPB;7,9and 10,new peaks appearing along the electrodeposition process;8,succinic acid (internal standard);11,NPA;12,TSP (δ=0)1910M.Ostra et al.shifts that can be due,for instance,to small pH variations as well as intermolecular interactions.Manual integration overcomes the most of errors.The calibration models for the four additives are shown in Table 1when succinic acid was used as internal standard.The calibration line for A-5(2X)provides a good regression (low errors),but those for the rest of additives do not;that is,the internal standard is efficient only for A-5(2X),showing that the complex procedure involved is not the only relevant source of error in the determination of SPB,SA-1and NPA.Crowded NMR spectra and low signals are probably responsible for the poor results obtained.The relative calibration and prediction errors and some other features of the applied univariate calibration method applied for the A-5(2X)determination are given in Table 2.The linear calibration models for the other additives were not considered further owing to the poor results they provided.The limit of detection for A-5(2X)was obtained according to the 3s criterion recommended by IUPAC [17].Independent studies of accuracy and precision for A-5(2X)determination are given in Table 3.Measurements were taken along 1week,1month after the calibration model was built.The results obtained agree with expect-ations derived from Table 2.Mean systematic errors were lower than 8%and the precision was always better than 7%,except in one case (5.0mL/L;Table 3).So,the linear calibration model with internal standard can be proposed as a good quantitation method for the determination of A-5(2X)in electrolytic nickel baths.PLS regressionSimilarly to linear calibration,peak misalignments can deteriorate the chemometric modelling [18,19];so,spectra were always aligned prior to the multivariate modelling.The alignment procedure was made with the i coshift (interval correlation shifting )programme,based on Corre-lation SHIFTing of Spectral Intervals.The programme demonstrated to be highly efficient in solving signal alignment problems in metabonomic NMR data analysis and it works faster than similar methods found in the literature [20].Unlike linear calibration,when multivariate methods are used,no need of normalization with internal standard is usually required because small errors in the amount ofsample taken can be modelled with some extra latent variable.First of all,the algorithm CLS was tried,but PLS always provided better results,probably because CLS is more prone to signal variations,interferences from the matrix,etc.and it was not considered further.Table 2summarizes the results obtained for the four additives when PLS was applied,including some characteristics of the calibration models,the relative prediction errors and some estimations of the limits of detection.The NMR variables used to build the data matrices depend on each analyte.Only those variables with observable signal for any specific analyte were used,in order to reduce the amount of no-correlated variance in data.Agreeing with some other precedents [21],the models based on selected regions of the NMR spectra provided better predicting ability and needed a lower number of latent variables.The signals for SPB,SA-1and NPA are very weak after the sample has been highly diluted with consequences in precision.The RE values were similar for the calibration and validation sets (Table 2)as would be expected,and most of errors keep under 10%,which represent much lower errors for SPB,SA-1and NPA than those found by using relative areas as analytical signal.However,the additive A-5(2X)can be equally predicted by areas integration,probably due to the large NMR signal.The limit of detection in multivariate calibration was calculated through two different methods:Found vs .added concentration plots [22]and the recently proposed multivariate residuals procedure [23];in any case,similar values for LOD were found regardless the calibration method used.Data for independent studies of accuracy and precision are given in Table 3.The determination of additives was made in the presence of variable amounts of the rest of additives,trying to reproduce possible stages along the bath live.In general,both systematic and random errors have values according to expected;they all keep under 10%in most of cases.That precision is enough to follow the working conditions of the nickel bath.As a whole,lower errors are obtained for the additive A-5(2X)regardless areas integration or PLS calibration is used.Evaluation of modelsThe univariate method does not need a high number of standards for calibration and it does not require anyAnalyte Peak number (Fig.2)a ±s mb ±s br s y/x A-5(2X)2a+2b+2c 0.510±0.0140.1±0.20.9800.6SPB 10.21±0.03−0.01±0.030.7810.03SA-130.18±0.030.06±0.070.7320.08NPA110.157±0.03−0.09±0.060.6620.05Table 1Calibration data for the general equation A analyte /A TSP =a ×C (mL L −1)+bs m standard error for slope,s b standard error for intercept,s y/x standard error for regression lineqNMR for additives determination in an electrolytic nickel bath 1911Analyte Added/mL L −1Found/mL L −1Error (%)RSD (%)(SPB,SA-1and NPA)A-5(2X)a5.0 5.48.014(1.25,2.6and 2.0)5.0 4.8−4.06.6(0.1,2.6and 2.0)15.015.9 6.0 6.6(0.75,2.6and 2.0)25.025.3 1.2 2.8(0.1,2.6and 2.0)25.025.6 2.4 3.0(1.25,2.6and 2.0)(SPB,SA-1and NPA)A-5(2X)b5.06.020 3.8(1.25,2.6and 2.0)5.0 5.510 2.1(0.1,2.6and 2.0)15.013.6−9.3 6.8(0.75,2.6and 2.0)25.021.4−14 1.7(0.1,2.6and 2.0)25.023.7−5.28.3(1.25,2.6and 2.0)(A-5(2X),SA-1and NPA)SPB b0.750.73−2.711(15.0,2.6and 2.0)1.25 1.09−13 2.5(5.0,2.6and 2.0)1.25 1.14−8.88.2(25.0,2.6and 2.0)(A-5(2X),SPB and NPA)SA-1b1.3 1.515 1.6(20.0,1.0and 1.5)3.02.8−6.7 1.7(20.0,1.0and 1.5)3.0 3.0− 3.0(20.0,1.0and 2.5)(A-5(2X),SPB and SA-1)NPA b1.5 1.6 6.78.1(20.0,1.0and 1.3)2.5 2.3−8.09.9(20.0,1.0and 0.1)2.52.1−1610(20.0,1.0and 1.3)Table 3Accuracy andprecision in the determination of additives in synthetic nickel baths by NMR,using both linear and PLS calibration models (Tables 1and 2)(seven replicates)The last column shows the con-centration of the rest of addi-tives.Concentrations are in millilitres of additive per litre batha Linear regresión bPLS regresiónTable 2Calibration models,relative prediction errors and some figures of merit,found for the determination of A-5(2X),SPB,SA-1and NPA AnalyteSetNo.of samplesNMR signal/ppmAnalytical signalRegressionRE (%)LOD/mL L −1IUPAC aFound vs added bMR cA-5(2X)Cal d 597.5–8.2Analyte area/Internal standard area Linear 6.8 3.5Val e 31 6.5A-5(2X)Cal d 597.5–8.2Spectral profile,mean centred dataPLS 2LV 8.254Val e 319.1SPB Cal d 408.85–8.95PLS 1LV e 2114SA-1Cal d 36 3.55–3.8+5.25–5.55+5.8–6.1+8.85–8.95PLS 3LV7.70.60.2Val e 229.6NPA Cal d 400.84–0.90PLS 2LV 120.80.6Val e259.5The value of LOD is given in millilitres of additive per litre batha IUPAC criterion for linear calibration was applied [17]b Found vs added plots were used [22]c The multivariate residual method was used [23]d Calibration samples eValidation samples1912M.Ostra et al.chemometric knowledge to build the calibration models.The need of an internal standard can be expected because electroplating baths are complex matrices with a number of compounds at very high concentrations and the experimen-tal procedure requires nickel separation by precipitation.Oddly enough,only the A-5(2X)determination with integrated areas clearly improves by the use of an internal standard,probably because some other relevant sources of error are also present for the rest of additives.On the other hand,PLS requires a larger amount of calibration samples;this can become an arduous task,as long as nickel elimination is strictly needed before NMR measurements;however,no internal standard is needed.The algorithm PLS can be recommended for SPB,SA-1and NPA determi-nations,taking advantage that no internal standard is needed,though it could probably be used as a way to correct experimental and spectral reproducibility in a number of cases.On the contrary,because the univariatemethod tends to give slightly better results than the PLS method for A-5(2X)(Table 2),the calibration technique chosen will depend,in this case,on the particular situation;in this work both methods were used and compared.Additives determination along the electrodeposition process The concentration of the four additives in the bath can be monitored over time by taking out periodical aliquots and measuring the NMR spectrum after proper pre-treatment.The additives concentration was estimated by using the calibration methods given in Table 2.Concentrations were corrected to the initial volume to take into account the new volume after every extraction (at the end of the bath life the volume reduction amounts 2.8%).The results obtained are shown in Fig.3.The additives A-5(2X)and NPA do not change their concentration along the process,but SPB and SA-1do it.Because of its relatively high LOD (Table 2),Additive Found/mL L −1Added/mL L −1Total found/mL L −1Recovered Recovery (%)SA-12.630.48 2.980.35731.10 1.15 2.43 1.331160.84 1.48 2.39 1.55105NPA1.870.482.260.39811.780.96 2.88 1.101151.331.192.881.55130Table 4Concentrations of SA-1and NPA additives found in nickel electroplating baths with PLS calibration applied to NMR data.Concentrations are in mL additive/L bath0102030m L A -5(2X )/ L b a t hCurrent /A·h·L -1Current /A·h·L -1Current /A·h·L -1Current /A·h·L -1m L S P B /L b a t h(c)0123m L S A -1/L b a t h(d)012m L N P A /L b a t h1530153015307.515Fig.3Concentrations (infact volume fractions)of a A-5(2X),b SPB,c SA-1and d NPA found along the electrodeposi-tion process.Asterisks ,NMR-PLS;empty circles ,NMR-relative areas;filled circles ,UV-Visible (reference)qNMR for additives determination in an electrolytic nickel bath 1913the SPB concentration cannot be completely followed along the bath life;on the other hand,relatively high imprecision is obtained (Tables 2and 3),but the concentration data obtained are valuable enough if the main aim is to keep the additive concentration at its original value by successive additions as needed.The evolution of A-5(2X)and SPB can be compared with the concentration profiles followed by UV-visible spectrometry (Fig.3a,b ),that is used here as a reference technique.It can be concluded that similar results are obtained by both techniques though NMR data for SPB are more imprecise.However,UV –vis data show better precision and lower detection limit.The limit of detection (LOD)value of the NMR method precludes its use to follow the SPB evolution during the last third of the process.The additives SA-1and NPA do not show any UV –vis absorption;so that,the technique cannot be used as a reference.Because of that,recovery studies of both additives in spiked samples were made.Several bath aliquots were spiked with known concentrations of the additives and the recovery concentration was then calculated.Table 4summarizes the results obtained.Recovery results stand between 73and 130%,which can be considered according to expected taking into account the random errors found in the estimation of both additives (Fig.3c,d ).These results can be considered acceptable when data are obtained with bath control purposes.Additive degradation productsSeveral peaks arise in the NMR spectrum (Fig.2)as the nickel bath is being used.Figure 4shows the growing peaks evolution obtained along the bath life.The new species,therefore,build up as reaction products from the additives degradation.Because the additives composition is unknown,so is the structure of their degradation products,but the way in which the profile of the new peaks evolves obeys a pseudo-first-order rate law,according to the equation:relative area t ¼relative area 11Àe Àk obs t ÀÁð1ÞWhere the subscript t refers to any time,the subscript ∞means that the reaction has gone to completion and k obs is the experimental pseudo-first-order rate constant.Thisbehaviour is not singular in electrodeposition coating processes and some precedents can be found for both zinc [13,21]and nickel [14]baths.From Eq.1,the following equation can be deduced:ln relative area t Àrelative area 1ðÞ¼ln relative area 1ðÞÀk obs tð2ÞBy plotting Eq.2,a straight line is obtained from which k obs can be evaluated.The values of k obs deduced from the intensity increase of the three peaks in Fig.4do not differ significantly from each other [24]in any case (p =0.05)and they might come from the same additive (they may,even,correspond to the same species).A mean value for the experimental rate constant of products formation can be obtained:k obs ðproducts Þ¼0:049Æ0:006Ah =L ðÞÀ1ð3ÞThe evolution of additives in the nickel bath has been shown in Fig.3.The concentration of A-5(2X)and NPA do not significantly change along the process,so they cannot be a source of degradation products;on the contrary,the degradation products should come either from SA-1,from SPB or,perhaps,from both of them.It has already been shown that SPB decay obeys a first-order rate law [21]and using the data in Fig.3b (NMR data)the first order rate constant:k obs ðSPB Þ¼Àslope ¼0:099Æ0:011Ah =L ðÞÀ1ð4Þis deduced.The SA-1decay does not show a definite pattern,probably due to imprecision of measurements,but the SA-1data in Fig.3c can be tentatively adjusted to a first-order decay and then a value of:k obs ðSA À1Þ¼0:025Æ0:001Ah =L ðÞÀ1ð5Þis obtained.The value of k obs(products)(Eq.3)differs significantly from both k obs(SPB)(Eq.4)and k obs(products)(Eq.5),so nothing can be concluded from the origin of products.Perhaps either non-considered sources of uncertainty,insufficient number of measurements in the case of SPB,1…52.95 1...51.8/ppm1 (5)1.032.832.89 1.681.740.971.0/ppm /ppm Fig.41H-NMR spectra,for peaks a (7),b (9)and c (10)in Fig.2,along the electrode-position process.1,A·h/L;2,5A·h/L;3,13.3A·h/L;4,21.7A·h/L;5,28.9A·h/L1914M.Ostra et al.。