host平台 :Ubuntu 16.04arm平台 : 3531darm-gcc :4.9.4概况海思给出的官⽅资料有:⽂件名解释Hi3531D_Vxxxxxx.rar包含了有关的SDKReleaseDoc.rar官⽅发布的中英⽂⽂档arm-hisiv500-linux.tgz开发⽤的⼯具链安装以下的操作在 Linux主机上进⾏。
(本⼈这⾥是Ubuntu)Hi3531D_Vxxxxxx.rar:解压SDK包、并展开包的内容Hi3531D SDK包位置:在"Hi3531D Vxxxxxx/"⽬录下,有 Hi3531D_SDK_Vx.x.x.x.tgz 的⽂件,该⽂件就是Hi3531D的软件开发包。
tar -xf Hi*SDK*.tgzcd Hi*SDK*# 如果需要拷贝SDK包,请先运⾏source sdk.cleanup,收起SDK包的内容,拷贝到新的⽬录后再展开。
source sdk.unpackSDK⽬录介绍# schips @ ubuntu in Hi3531D_SDK [10:54:44]$ tree -L 2.├── drv #平台驱动│├── cipher│├── hisi-irda│├── rtc│├── sys_config│└── wtdg├── mpp # 存放媒体处理平台的⽬录│├── component # 组件源代码│├── extdrv # 板级外围驱动源代码│├── include # 对外头⽂件│├── ko # 内核模块│├── lib # release版本库以及⾳频库│├── linux.param│├── Makefile.param│├── sample # 样例源代码│└── tools # 媒体处理相关⼯具├── osal│├── include│└── source├── osdrv # 存放操作系统及相关驱动的⽬录│├── drv # drv源代码│├── Makefile # osdrv Makefile│├── opensource # 包含了 uboot、kernel、busybox等源码│├── pub # 编译好的镜像、⼯具、drv驱动等(空的)│├── readme_cn.txt│├── readme_en.txt│├── rootfs_scripts # rootfs源代码│└── tools # linux⼯具源代码├── package # 存放SDK各种压缩包的⽬录│├── drv.tgz # 平台驱动压缩包│├── image_uclibc # 可供FLASH烧写的映像⽂件,如内核、根⽂件系统│├── mpp.tgz # 媒体处理平台软件压缩包│├── osal.tgz│├── osdrv.tgz # linux内核/uboot/rootfs/tools源码压缩包│└── rootfs_uclibc.tgz├── scripts # 存放shell脚本的⽬录├── sdk.cleanup # SDK清理脚本└── sdk.unpack # SDK展开脚本arm-hisiv500-linux.tgz:安装交叉编译器到HOST解压与⾃动安装tar -xf arm-hisiv500-linux.tgzcd arm-hisiv500-linux# arm-hisiv500-linux.install 脚本中的 TOP_DIR 为安装⼯具链的位置,可以修改,⼀般默认即可chmod +x arm-hisiv500-linux.installsudo ./arm-hisiv500-linux.install配置⼯具链到 PATH中# 默认情况下的⼯具链配置路径export PATH=$PATH:/opt/hisi-linux/x86-arm/arm-hisiv500-linux/target/bin测试$ arm-hisiv500-linux-gcc --versionarm-hisiv500-linux-gcc (Hisilicon_v500_20170922) 4.9.4 20150629 (prerelease)Copyright (C) 2015 Free Software Foundation, Inc.This is free software; see the source for copying conditions. There is NOwarranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.如果出现:arm-hisiv500-linux-gcc: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory这是因为gcc太⽼的问题:解决办法:sudo apt-get install lib32z1 lib32ncurses5 lib32stdc++6 -y编译osdrvosdrv ,具体参见osdrv⽬录下readme;这⾥给出⾃⽤的编译kernel 有关的脚本配置:make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-hisiv500-linux- menuconfig清除:make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-hisiv500-linux- clean编译:sudo PATH=$PATH:/opt/hisi-linux/x86-arm/arm-hisiv500-linux/target/bin make ARCH=arm CROSS_COMPILE=arm-hisiv500-linux- uImage -j4。
readme 后缀是一种常见的文本格式,通常用于说明软件、程序或项目的相关信息。
readme 后缀的文本通常以.txt 格式保存,位于软件、程序或项目的根目录下。
readme 后缀的文本应采用清晰、简洁的格式,方便用户快速浏览和理解。
通常采用 markdown 语法进行编写,以实现列表、链接、代码块等排版效果。
总之,readme 后缀是一种重要的文本格式,它有助于用户了解软件、程序或项目的相关信息,从而更好地使用这些资源。
右键点击Байду номын сангаас论文检测报告.htm”文件弹出菜单,选择“打开方式”>>选择您电脑上相应的浏览器。
readme后缀【实用版】目录1.了解 readme 后缀的含义和用途2.readme 文件的常见内容和格式3.如何编写一个优秀的 readme 文件4.总结正文readme 后缀通常用于指代一个文件或项目的简介或说明文档。
readme 文件通常是文本文件,可以使用任何文本编辑器创建和编辑。
readme 文件的常见内容和格式通常包括以下几个部分:1.项目或文件的简介:介绍项目或文件的背景、用途和目标。
要编写一个优秀的 readme 文件,需要注意以下几点:1.保持简洁明了:readme 文件应该简明扼要,不要包含过多的细节和技术术语。
2.使用易懂的语言:确保 readme 文件的语言易懂,以便任何用户都能理解。
4.遵循一定的格式:尽管 readme 文件的格式可以有所不同,但通常包括类似上述的部分。
总的来说,readme 后缀的文件对于任何项目或文件都至关重要,是向用户介绍和说明项目或文件的重要途径。
STEP 7 V5.5 中文版已供货发布
l MS Windows 7 Multilingual User Interface Pack (MUI) 32 Bit 但是,Windows 7 下的 Windows XP 模式尚未发布。
请注意: 所有操作系统都需要安装 Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (或更高版本)。 PDF 文件的显示:要能够阅读所含的 PDF 文件,需要兼容 PDF 1.7 的 PDF 阅读器 (ISO32000-1:2008 PDF)。 除了 STEP 7,STEP 7 DVD 还包含下列程序,这些程序的安装文件位于目录 CD2\Optional Components 中: S7 Block Privacy,用于对软件块加密 S7 Web2PLC,用于将用户定义的网站集成到 CPU 中 有关详情,请参见自述文件
STEP 7 V5.5 中文版供货发布 概要
STEP 7 V5.5 中文版已供货发布。STEP 7 用户可通过购买升级包将现有 STEP 7 软件升级到最新版本 (订货号 6ES7810-4CC10-0KE5)。
1. STEP 7 V5.5 的订货信息 2. 系统要求 3. STEP 7 V5.5 的新功能 4. STEP 7 V5.4 - 产品淘汰 5. STEP 7 V5.3 - 产品停产
STEP 7 V5.5 中文版升级包: 已拥有 STEP 7 V3.x、V4.x、V5.0、V5.1、V5.2、V5.3 或 V5.4 的客户可购买升级包。安装升级包的前 提是具有 STEP 7 V3.x、V4.x、V5.0、V5.1、V5.2、V5.3 或 V5.4 的有效许可。
概述: STEP 7 V5.5 中文版以 DVD 形式提供,许可秘钥位于 USB 存储棒中。STEP 7 中文版支持中文和英 文。 当从 5 种语言版本的 STEP 7 切换到 STEP 7 V5.5 中文版时,应注意下列事项: 安装 STEP 7 V5.5 中文版前,必须卸载 STEP 7 和其它已安装的选项包。安装 STEP 7 V5.5 中文版 后,可像通常一样安装任何所需的中文和英文版本的选项包。不支持中文的选项包只能运行在英语模式 下。5 种语言版本的 STEP 7 V5.5 和 STEP 7 V5.5 中文版的许可证都一样。 文档:
readme 写法
readme 写法在软件开发中,Readme 文件是一个非常重要的部分,它通常包含有关软件包的文档和信息。
通过阅读 Readme 文件,用户可以了解软件包的用途、安装方法、依赖项、配置要求以及其他相关信息。
一个清晰、简洁且易于理解的 Readme 文件可以提高软件包的可用性和可维护性。
下面是一些关于如何编写高质量 Readme 文件的建议。
一、明确主题和目标在编写 Readme 文件时,首先要明确主题和目标读者。
二、内容结构一个好的 Readme 文件通常包含以下几个部分:1. 介绍:简要介绍软件包的目的和用途。
2. 安装:说明如何安装软件包,包括所需的依赖项和配置要求。
3. 依赖项:列出软件包所需的其他软件包或库。
4. 配置:如果有的话,提供必要的配置说明。
5. 使用示例:提供一些简单的使用示例,以帮助读者了解如何使用软件包。
6. 常见问题(FAQ):列出读者可能遇到的问题和解决方案。
7. 贡献:如果有开放源代码项目,请说明如何参与贡献。
8. 版权信息:包含软件包的版权信息和许可证信息。
根据这些部分,你可以按照以下顺序组织内容:* 引言:简述项目背景和目标。
* 安装说明:详细说明如何安装软件包,包括步骤和注意事项。
* 功能描述:解释软件包的主要功能和特性。
* 使用示例:提供几个简单的使用示例,以帮助读者了解如何使用软件包。
* 问题与答案:针对常见问题提供解答。
* 相关资源:列出参考资料、文档链接和其他相关资源。
* 版本更新:记录软件包的版本历史和主要更改。
* 致谢:对参与项目的人或组织表示感谢。
三、编写清晰、简洁的语言使用简单明了的语言编写 Readme 文件,确保读者能够轻松理解。
四、使用列表和图像使用列表和图像可以增加 Readme 文件的可读性和视觉吸引力。
readme后缀 -回复
README 文件通常采用纯文本格式,可以使用任何文本编辑器打开,以确保最广泛的可读性。
以下是一些README文件的重要功能:1. 项目介绍:README文件的首部通常包含项目的简要描述和背景信息。
2. 安装指南:README文件通常包含如何安装项目或软件的详细步骤。
3. 使用说明:README文件应该提供对项目的详细使用指南,指导用户如何正确使用软件的各个功能。
4. 常见问题解答(FAQ):README文件通常包含常见问题列表和解答,以帮助用户遇到问题时能够快速找到答案。
5. 版本控制与贡献:README文件可以包含有关项目的版本历史和更新日志,以及如何参与项目或提交代码的指导。
6. 授权和许可:README文件通常包含有关项目的许可证信息,包括软件的授权类型和使用条件。
编写一个优秀的README文件为了编写一个优秀的README文件,需要遵循以下几个步骤:1. 首先,保持简洁。
如果您想要将一个readme 文件转换成PDF 格式,您可以按照以下步骤操作:
1. 打开readme 文件:首先,您需要打开您想要转换的readme 文件。
这个文件通常是一个文本文件,您可以使用任何文本编辑器打开它,例如Notepad++、Sublime Text 或Visual Studio Code。
2. 将readme 文件保存为PDF:在您打开readme 文件后,您需要将它保存为PDF 格式。
在大多数文本编辑器中,您可以在"文件" 或"另存为" 菜单中找到"保存为" 或"导出为" 功能,并选择PDF 作为输出格式。
3. 检查PDF 文件:一旦您将readme 文件保存为PDF,您应该能够使用任何PDF 阅读器打开它,例如Adobe Acrobat Reader、Foxit Reader 或Microsoft Edge。
确保PDF 文件能够正确地呈现原始内容,并且格式看起来合适。
3. API文档:如果项目有API接口,可以提供API文档,告诉用户如何使用API接口,并提供接口的参数和返回结果的说明。
readme后缀 -回复
第一部分:README文件后缀的作用(500字)1.1 概述README文件后缀(.readme)的作用是为软件开发人员和项目团队提供一个集中存储、传达项目相关信息的文本文件。
1.2 项目提供信息一个合理编写的README文件后缀可以提供项目的基本信息,如项目的名称、版本号和授权方式等。
1.3 提供安装和使用指南README文件后缀对于项目的用户也非常重要,它可以提供项目的安装和使用指南,如环境配置、依赖的安装和具体操作步骤等。
1.4 提供更新日志对于项目的开发者而言,README文件后缀还可以作为一个更新日志的记录工具。
第二部分:README文件后缀的格式(500字)2.1 文件类型和位置README文件后缀为纯文本文件,通常以".readme"作为文件后缀名。
2.2 文件结构和内容README文件后缀的内容通常分为多个章节,可以根据需要自行命名。
《《《《《欢迎安装ORION SAP客户端软件》》》》》在安装SAP软件前,请认真阅读本安装说明,否则可能导致软件安装失败!!!红色注意内容请认真阅读!A.开始安装安装步骤如下:(注意:在安装SAP GUI软件之前,请将360安全卫士,360杀毒,瑞星,金山毒霸等杀毒软件关闭)1.双击SAPGUI_Setup7200.exe开始安装sap。
5. 弹出SAPGUI安装界面后,点击NEXT 进入下一界面。
6.在该界面中在窗口左侧的列表中查看sap_gui_7200 并在该项目前面方框内勾选后点击NEXT 继续安装。
B.检查安装是否成功:安装完毕后桌面会生成的SAP Logon 图标,双击查看登录窗口是否正常,如果出现登录窗口为黑色异常,请重新启动计算机,进入系统后进入到C:\SAP文件夹中双击msxml.exe 进行更新系统补丁,即可正常运行。
C .创建登陆SAP登陆组(注意:部分区域用户,需要先登陆SSL VPN,连接成功后继续本操作,否则操作将失败!是否需要使用SSL VPN请与电算部联系)1.双击桌面生成的图标2.进入登陆界面,点击红色箭头按钮建立新的sap登陆组。
3.点击下图中的下拉菜单选择组/服务器选择选项4.创建和下图中参数相同的页面.(注意:选择组/服务器选项时客户端会更新组信息,会有电脑鼠标繁忙卡住现象,此为正常!稍等片刻即可选择ORION组)4.点击完成,重新进入登陆界面双击下图中红色箭头指向的ECC Group5.登陆正常即会出现输入用户名密码界面,至此完成SAP系统的安装!感谢您的支持,如有问题联系电算部为您解决。
###################################################################### Integrated DELL(TM) REMOTE ACCESS CONTROLLER (iDRAC)######################################################################This document contains updated information about the Integrated DellRemote Access Controller (iDRAC).For more information about iDRAC, including installation andconfiguration information, see the "Integrated Dell Remote AccessController User's Guide" and the "Dell OpenManage(TM) ServerAdministrator User's Guide." These documents are located on yourProduct Documentation CD and on the Dell Support site at"."######################################################################TABLE OF CONTENTS######################################################################This file contains the following sections:* Criticality* Minimum Requirements* Release Highlights* Known Issues for iDRAC version 1.0* Known Issues for Documentation###################################################################### CRITICALITY######################################################################1 - Urgent###################################################################### MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS######################################################################The following subsections list operating systems that are compatiblewith the iDRAC.====================================================================== SUPPORTED SYSTEMS====================================================================== iDRAC is supported on the following Dell PowerEdge(TM) systems in theDell PowerEdge M1000-e system enclosure:* Dell PowerEdge M600 and M605====================================================================== SUPPORTED MANAGED SERVER OPERATING SYSTEMS====================================================================== The iDRAC is supported by the following operating systems:* Microsoft(R) Windows Server(R) 2003 familyThe Windows Server 2003 family includes- Windows Server 2003 R2 (Enterprise and Standard Editions) with SP2(32-bit).- Windows Server 2003 (Web Edition) with SP2 (32-bit).- Windows Server 2003 R2 Standard and Enterprise Edition with SP2(32-bit x86_64).- Windows Server 2003 Standard and Enterprise Editions x64 Editionswith SP2.- Windows Storage Server 2003 R2 Express and Workgroup x64 Editions(x86_64).* Windows Vista(R) Gold Business and Enterprise Editions.* Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Web, Standard, and Enterprise Editions(32-bit x86)* Microsoft Windows Server 2008 Web, Standard, Enterprise andDatacenter (x64) EditionsNOTE: When installing Windows Server 2003 with SP1, be aware ofchanges to DCOM security settings. For more information, seearticle 903220 from the Microsoft Support website at"/kb/903220."* Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux WS, ES, and AS (version 3)(x86 and x86_64).* Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux WS, ES, and AS (version 4)(x86 and x86_64).* Red Hat(R) Enterprise Linux 5 (x86 and x86_64).* SUSE(R) Linux Enterprise Server 9 with Update 3 (x86_64).* SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 (x86_64) Gold.====================================================================== SUPPORTED WEB BROWSERS====================================================================== * Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 (32-bit) with SP2 for Windows XP andWindows 2003 R2 SP2 only.* Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 for Windows Vista, Windows XP, andWindows 2003 R2 SP2 only.* Mozilla Firefox 1.5 (32-bit) on SUSE Linux (version 10) only.* Mozilla Firefox 2.0 (32-bit).=============================================FIRMWARE VERSIONS=============================================* iDRAC Firmware Version: 1.11###################################################################### RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS (FIRMWARE VERSION 1.11)###################################################################### iDRAC version 1.11 has key fixes for Active Directory, Services(SSH, SOL), and in addition, it supports the FlexAddress feature.###################################################################### RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS (FIRMWARE VERSION 1.03)###################################################################### Enhanced TOE key detection.###################################################################### RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS (FIRMWARE VERSION 1.02)###################################################################### A few fixes in the version display, SM-CLP, last crash screen page etcareas are included in this release.###################################################################### RELEASE HIGHLIGHTS (FIRMWARE VERSION 1.0)###################################################################### * Initial release of iDRAC firmware.iDRAC Management Features for the initial release include:* Dynamic Domain Name System (DDNS) registration* Remote system management and monitoring using a Web interface, thelocal RACADM command line interface via console redirection, and theSM-CLP command line over a telnet/SSH connection.* Support for Microsoft Active Directory authentication --Centralizes iDRAC user IDs and passwords in Active Directory usingthe standard schema or an extended schema.* Console Redirection — Provides remote system keyboard,video, and mouse functions.* Virtual Media -- Enables a managed server to access a localmedia drive on the management station or ISO CD/DVD images on anetwork share.* Monitoring -- Provides access to system information and status ofcomponents.* Access to system logs -- Provides access to the system event log,the iDRAC log, and the last crash screen of the crashed orunresponsive system that is independent of the operating system.* Dell OpenManage(TM) integration -- Enables you to launch the iDRACWeb interface from Dell OpenManage Server Administrator or ITAssistant.* iDRAC alert -- Alerts you to potential managed node issues throughan email message or SNMP trap.* Remote power management -- Provides remote power managementfunctions, such as shutdown and reset, from a management console.* Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI) support.* Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) encryption -- Provides secure remotesystem management through the Web interface.* Password-level security management -- Prevents unauthorized accessto a remote system.* Role-based authority -- Provides assignable permissions fordifferent systems management tasks.##################################################################### KNOWN ISSUES FOR iDRAC##################################################################### This section provides additional information about known issues withthe iDRAC Firmware version 1.0.* Configuring iDRAC to use Static IP using 'syscfg' utilityGiven below is the method to use the syscfg utility to set the iDRACto use a static IP address. It has to be done in 2 steps.Step 1: "syscfg lcp --ipaddrsrc=static"Wait at least 5 seconds. After this time, the change to static IPwill be in effect and the next syscfg command will succeed.Step 2: "syscfg lcp --gateway=(gateway IP) --ipaddress=(valid IP address)--subnetmask="* Manual OS Installation REQUIREMENT when using 'virtual floppy' Using vMedia to do a Windows / Other installation, there is one thing REQUIRED to enable completing the installation.When there is a need to install drivers using a floppy disk - ENSUREthe 'Virtual Floppy' device is the FIRST device in the 'BootSequence'. Use BIOS Setup screens to ensure this.This way, the drivers in the floppy can be used to install the storageetc drivers and complete the Windows / Other installation.* Configuring the 'Host Name String' using the iDRAC ConfigurationUtilityWith OMSA installed -OMSA takes precedence. OMSA sets the 'Host Name String' every time it starts up. Given above, even if 'Host Name String' is set using theiDRAC Configuration Utility', it will be overwritten by OMSA when it starts up.With OMSA NOT installed -The iDRAC Configuration Utility can be used to configure the 'HostName String'.* Accessing remote floppy disks and CD-ROMs from (VMWare) VMs Accessing remote floppy disks and CD-ROMs from (VMWare) VMs is NOT supported.Only devices directly connected to an ESX server or a floppy or CD-ROM ISO image present in the ESX Service Console can be made accessible to the VM. Avoid this issue by creating an image of the floppy or CD-ROM and copying it to the Service Console.* Updating iDRAC using DOS update utility, from a PXE network setup The iDRAC can be updated using the DOS utility when DOS is booted using PXE. However, the new FW image has to be on a local media on the server for this to work properly. Local media can be a RAMDISK, HD or USB key on the server. Alternatively, the update of iDRACs onmultiple servers has to be sequenced, i.e. done one server after theother, with the 1st completing update and the 2nd starting update andso on to 3rd after 2nd is done, 4th after 3rd is done etc.* Usage of virtual CD-ROM in SLES 9Use the auto-attach checkbox in the vMedia area of the Web GUI of theiDRAC when using CD-ROM devices in SLES 9.Another way to do the same when using SM-CLP is to set the/system1/sp1/oemdell_vmservice1 enabledstate to VMEDIA_AUTO_ATTACH.* Setting of iDRAC time, after an iDRAC FW updateWith OMSA installed -When iDRAC firmware is updated, with OMSA installed, iDRAC's time isset by OMSA every 4 hours. This means about 4 hours after iDRAC isupdated,it will receive the correct time from OMSA. From that point,the iDRAC will use that time for time stamping events in SEL, etc.With OMSA _not_ installed -When iDRAC firmware is updated, with OMSA not installed, iDRAC's time is setby BIOS. For that to happen, the server has to be power cycled. Oncethe power cycle is completed, i.e., the server is back up, the iDRAC willreceive the correct time from BIOS, and that time will be used fortime stamping events in SEL, etc.* RACADM restore default configuration behaviorThe racresetcfg command in RACADM restores all properties except cfgDNSRacName in the cfgLanNetworking group to their default values.* Configuring iDRAC using RACADM configThe actual time the user needs to wait after executing the racresetcfg commandwithin racadm may vary depending on the network speed.* iDRAC Media Redirection using floppy disks on Vista management stationwith IE7 and ActiveXThe iDRAC's IP address needs to be added to the 'Trusted Sites' list,before launching the Console Redirection session on a managementstation running Vista with IE7.1 Click Tools-> Internet Options-> Security-> Trusted sites.2 Click Sites and enter the IP address or DNS name of the iDRAC.3 Click Add.* Configuring specific DNS parameters using 'racadm config -f <filename>'DHCP has to be enabled on the iDRAC for the following two DNSparameters to be configurable, using 'racadm config -f <filename>' -1) cfgDNSServersFromDHCP, 2) cfgDNSDomainNameFromDHCP.* Behavior of the iDRAC Virtual Media functionality, when the media is removed On Windows -Once the media is removed, the Explorer window(s) for this media donot close by themselves.User action IS required. Please close the Explorer window(s), once themedia is removed.On Linux -Once the media is removed, the file browser window(s) for this mediado close by themselves.User action is NOT required.* Saving the image of the 'Last Crash Screen' from the iDRAC GUIFirst, go to the 'Last Crash Screen' page on the iDRAC GUI. Then:Internet Explorer -To save the image of the 'Last Crash Screen', right-click on theimage and click 'Save Picture As'. Then, browse to a location and savethe image.Firefox -To save the image of the 'Last Crash Screen', right-click on theimage and click 'Save Image As'. Then, browse to a location and savethe image.* Using the iVMCLI tool from within a system running Windows VistaTo use iVMCLI from within a system running Windows Vista -The user has to start up the 'cmd' with 'Run as Administrator'.(iVMCLI requires the user has 'administrator' privileges when it is used.)Aside -User can log in as a non-admin user, but when using iVMCLI, the userhas to start 'cmd' with 'Run as Administrator' thereby giving themadmin privileges to enable using iVMCLI.###################################################################### KNOWN ISSUES FOR DOCUMENTATION###################################################################### This section provides additional information about known issues withthe iDRAC Firmware version 1.0 User's Guide.* None###################################################################### Information in this document is subject to change without notice.(C) 2008 Dell Inc. All rights reserved.Reproduction in any manner whatsoever without the written permissionof Dell Inc. is strictly forbidden.Trademarks used in this text: "Dell", "Dell OpenManage", and"PowerEdge" are trademarks of Dell Inc.; "Microsoft", "Windows","Windows Server", "Windows Vista", and "Active Directory" are trademarksor registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation; "Intel" is atrademark of Intel Corporation; "SUSE" is a registered trademark ofNovell, Inc.; "Red Hat" is a registered trademark of Red Hat, Inc.Other trademarks and trade names may be used in this document to referto either the entities claiming the marks and names or their products.Dell Inc. disclaims any proprietary interest in trademarks and tradenames other than its own.June 2008。
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Subject: Green Light for the static patch j1.410.36 / Release R.10Hello,We have received the green light from R&D to install the j1.410.36 patch.The patch j1.410.36 is available on BPWS in Limited Availability.Patch alignment and Compatible DataBase version:Patch Patches Aligned DB version Compatilble tillg1 g1.503.35.k g1.503.h1 h1.301.50 h1.301.50i1 i1.605.29 i1.605.31Patches aligned : a correction in h1.301.50 is available in the Patch alignedDB version compatible : from h1.301.50, you can move to this version.Content of the patch j1.410.36========================================================Static binaries delivered in j1.410.36 from STATIC environmentAR0_STU AS0_STU CN0_STU CN1_STU CS0_STU DA0_STU DE0_STU DE1_STU DE2_STU EE0_STUEN0_STU ES0_STU ES1_STU ES3_STU Eva_tool FI0_STU FR0_STU FR1_STU FR2_STU GEA_STU GR0_STU HR0_STU HU0_STU IL0_STU IT0_STU IT1_STU JP0_STU KR0_STU LT0_STU LV0_STU MONITELmodNL0_STU NL1_STU NO0_STU PL0_STU PT0_STU PT1_STU Packages.dct RO0_STU RU0_STU SI0_STUSK0_STU SV0_STU TEL.SYM TR0_STU TRACEmod US0_STU WAIT.S YM YU0_STU _anti_loop accounting.mtcl agentmao applications.mtcl attr.cry attr.cry.Z bics boards.mtcl broadcast broadcast.SYM ccd.mtcl cfgUpdate checkinitrem chlog cmisd cmisd.SYM common.DE0 common.EN0 common.ES0 common.FR0 common.GEA common.IT0 common.NL1 common.PL0 common.PT0 common.PT1 0 confmem ctree cvmao cvnew cvnumtrans dbase.mgr dect.mtcl dis25 dis25.SYM dyn_id eqtmove.tbl etc feml fichges gd.mtcl gdump gdump.mtcl getnoeversion incid_FR0.dcc incid_GEA.dcc incid_US0.dcc incidents.t xt index infocollect ipdomains.mtcl iplink iplink.SYM ipterms.mtcl lisX25 mao.mtcl maoagent maoagent.SYM motortracenetw_incid.mtcl object.cry object.cry.Z objects.DE0 objects.DE1 objects.DE2 objects.EN0 objects.ES0 objects.FR0 objects.GEA objects.IT0 objects.NL1 objects.PT0 objects.PT1 0 objects.dct objects.dct.Z objerr.DE0 objerr.DE1 objerr.DE2 objerr.EN0 objerr.ES0 objerr.FR0 objerr.GEA objerr.IT0 objerr.NL1 objerr.PT0 objerr.PT1 0 objerrh.DE0 objerrh.DE1 objerrh.DE2 objerrh.EN0 objerrh.ES0 objerrh.FR0 objerrh.GEA objerrh.IT0 objerrh.NL1 objerrh.PT0 objerrh.PT1 0 ops ops.mtcl pbmd pbmd.SYM pcs_logs remotesets.mtcl ressources.mtcl rlis rlis EA rlisX25 rma.txt sip.mtcl sipmotor sipmotor.SYM sipregister sp_admin spadmin spadmin.dct sprecover sqlsrv sysinfo term.mtcl tftpd tool.SYM translate translate.tbl trunks.mtcl tuner twin twin_extra varlog version.mtcl voip.mtcl x25.mtcl========================================================Other binaries delivered in j1.410.36mg_appli_46.05 intip_16.04 noemipt8_r100_2.2.24 ioip_4.09 bootintip_6.11 mg3_3.37 intip3_3.37 noeip_4.31.20 noeipg_4.31.20========================================================WARNING: If you use encryption feature you have to install the patch sj1.410.36The Sj1.410.36 is available on BPWS with s pecial requestBinaries delivered in sj1.410.36noeipg_4.36.20, noeip_4.36.20, mg_appli_46.05, mg3_3.37, intip3_3.37, sm_3.3.06 (named 3.3.06 in mgr), lnxswinst_2.64.0WARNING : to connect from the CS to the active MSM, mandatory use option -b to indicate physical interface of CS: (example) :telnet -b '@_IP_Physical_CS' '@_IP_MSM'Please, send me an email after installing the version on site to have a feed-back.Best regards.M.Grosgeorge====================================================== Release Name : patch_j1.410.36Delivery date : Fri Sep 2 20:26:36 IST 2011======================================================crms00181557 internal NGP : Format of backtrace is bad.crms00216143 internal Notification icon won't be deleted after executing handset phone test on Ascom 8128. crms00327893 crms00248316 internal NOE Encapsulation in SIP : Release of registration neqt in Call control instead of Call Handlingcrms00248316 internal NOE Encapsulation in SIP : Release of registration neqt in Call control instead of Call Handlingcrms00257240 internal SOSM: No answer message for forwarded set during multi party conference.crms00259399 internal Defence case: manage a timer when sending UPDATE to sip. This in case of no response and to exit the waitevt.crms00264548 internal SOSM: Extra Answer message when forwarded set gets external call.crms00266826 internal SOSM: Wrong disconnection cause for conference master when it calls a busy external set. crms00267867 internal SOSM: Missing Service Message and Invalid Calling No for Immediate Forward over R1.5 Trunkcrms00268285 internal SOSM: Extra SOSM messages are generated in Call forwarding, when the destination set does not attend the call and call overflows to attendantcrms00271896 customer incoming H323 call NOK when 1st access declared in INTIPA board without daughter board is busycrms00272202 internal OXE: bad call flow when OXE set programs a forward to ICM set (No visible effect) crms00277339 internal Call gets disconnected when we manage multiple entries of a set in the CRG listcrms00277603 customer INTIPB standby can't connect on PCS / 1-114205613crms00283828 internal Ext . call transfer on ringing to VHE : No ring back tonecrms00286800 internal PER 358 : Attendant should display CRG group name when call is forwarded to CRG crms00289689 internal PER 358:Wrong call flow to a busy CRG set.crms00290895 customer Randomly permanent GD reboot with backtracecrms00293500 customer No Audio When the GSM calls are made from Remote nodecrms00293694 customer shelf not recovering after power outage IOIP INTOFcrms00294515 internal NOEinSIP, SIP-TLS, if last work mode is NOEinSIP (bypass environment), turn to full environemt, phone can't work at SIP-TLS modecrms00294920 internal SOSM: Wrong called number for monitored trunk during transfer scenariocrms00295817 customer One way speech sometimescrms00298826 customer Reboot GD with backtrace during T38 calls between two GD through MPLS link. crms00299180 customer Users cannot receive the complete voice messages when they retrive the voice mail / 1-117020021.crms00299944 internal Missed out part of solution for the issue 175114.crms00300015 internal SOSM: No messages for transfer scenario in mono-line set for second call and MCLs are blockedcrms00300023 internal SOSM: Command is executed when wrong values are given. MCL blockedcrms00301516 internal NOE Reject call is NOT OK when NOE set is associated with CRG.crms00301885 customer while doing a reset on a virtual GPA GD is going down for rebootalso.//1-117929921.crms00304838 customer T.38 fax server behind H323 trunk cannot fax to specific numbercrms00306911 internal Incoming call via SIP Trunk ISDN TLS to OXE local IPT Immediate forwarded to MEVO : IPT rung (?) & no transfer to mevocrms00310516 internal Sets' display aren't updated with current ringing number when calling a CRG through ABC-F (number of 1rt set stays) (bad ABC-F messages?)crms00310717 internal SOSM : Called number is filled wrong for the sets during a forward scenario via R1.5 trunk. crms00310726 internal SOSM : Call retrieve message is wrong after a broker call.crms00310792 internal BB : After device switching from BB to VHE, BB leg is not releasedcrms00312026 internal SOSM: Multiparty conference feature is working with errors.crms00312102 internal NOE in SIP TLS: Attendant 4059 IP with "noe in sip" set is blockedcrms00314073 internal BB4 fallback call to OP is failingcrms00316619 internal IPLINK counter display on one octet and not 2crms00316965 internal mgr -l FR0 help : text in English instead in Frenchcrms00317050 internal OXE J1:- NOE-SIP licenses, OPS files not updated on the spadmin whencs-mode=NOE-SIP.crms00318347 internal [ICER1.0] [OXE] : no ring back tone for 003XXXX external outgoing call - OK for 006xxxxxxxx callcrms00318860 internal Wrong value in the "Reason" parameter of the SIP History-Info Headercrms00319206 internal ICE 005.021, MyIC Nomadic user can't hear sound under outgoing call crms00319226 internal OXE NGP I1:No backtrace uploaded on INTIP3crms00319371 internal PER46 & Network encryption: scrambled voice after transfer and overflow to voice mail. crms00319375 internal PER46 Call is cut after transfer in network and overflow on no reply to CRGcrms00319697 internal code review for Timezone_formatcrms00324203 internal New requirement: An attendant (Local/Network) call should be disconnected when CRG list is empty.crms00324500 customer BETA R10.0: mgr option "NAT_Support_for_FAX_T38" not accessable with dicocrms00324744 internal Wrong Behaviour seen after implementation of crms00324693 for network enquiry call crms00325053 customer No subsequent requests after switchover due to bad socket usecrms00325492 customer No voice and call on IMS loop scenariocrms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00327581 internal NGP GD3 : mark for code robustness modificationscrms00327877 internal OXE J2:SIP Diversion Header: Reason parameter is missing for FWD on busy/FWD on no answer via SIP ISDN trunk.crms00328026 internal Infocollect tool request for version 4.2crms00328188 internal Network Encryption - Noise while SEPLOS is supervised by network set.crms00328191 internal Network encryption - No ringback tone in SEPLOS set while transferred on ringing. crms00276519 crms00328264 internal Network encryption: STA RT_SRTP message (with keys) is not traced to be reported in J1 with few modifications because of TLScrms00328264 internal Network encryption : START_SRTP message (with keys) is not traced to be reported in J1 with few modifications because of TLScrms00328393 customer Database errors when upgrade from R8.0.1 to Release 9.1//1-123319303//crms00328796 internal PER46 wrong voice mail reached after transfer from A VST automated attendantcrms00329004 internal Regression: Not possible to make enquiry call.crms00331030 crms00329004 internal Regression: Not possible to make enquiry call.crms00329579 internal NOE Encapsulation in SIP : Keepalive mechanism modification (from CRLF to OPTIONS)crms00329919 internal PER 358:call gets disconnected with backtrace when SEPLOS transfer a call to CRG crms00329932 customer CUG not working if GFU index is different to 0crms00330739 internal [OXE] [HOTEL] Long calls with Bluetooth KO on some terminals (rather a session timer problem)crms00331007 internal DB Translation for J1.410.36crms00332953 internal Backtrace [Kb_Interro:Do_i_have_CRG_Set_on_HOLD] occurs for CRG Network/Trunk call.crms00333047 internal OXE J1:- NOE EE Sets are not coming to Service in NOE-SIP Modecrms00333668 internal PER 358:Removal of RSI-CRG interaction RAs crms00283683 and crms00313784crms00334756 internal PER 358:Call gets disconnected with backtrace [CHECK:how_many_free_lines] when manage Analog sets in CRG listcrms00056712 XTSce86891 internal Malicious call/trace-Softkey not displayingcrms00116976 internal No error thrown when adding a user associated to IP 4059 is added in hunt groupcrms00138751 internal No cause for error 6 in incident 624 while using incinfo tool & wrong translationcrms00184723 internal OXE:NGP: tool: "Compvisu sys" gives information about the feature that are restricted in NGPcrms00200151 customer Call not established and incident 4104, 4108, 287crms00202552 internal Substitution is not working after transfer via link.crms00205829 internal Can not retrieve external T2 call when call is established in DTMF mode.crms00210296 customer impossible to protect an INTIPA after "eqtmove" migration (CPU to AS)crms00210701 internal Audio Routing on Ascom Setscrms00217684 internal Audio Routing on Ascom sets - Key Ownership for Loudspeaker and Mutecrms00220286 internal oxe response the "?" to ASCOM MIPT when the MIPT press the "MUTE" key in idle mode.crms00221698 internal NOE: Display not updated after a call in a noe supervisor setcrms00223740 internal OXE J1-NRT : Attendant is in Conversation but Set is OnHold with Hold Tone when Attendant press OnHold Option and Retrieves itcrms00223862 customer No ringback on DECT set when calling to SIP external carrier //1-104287131// crms00224155 customer "Tractor" noise if CCD call is routed to multiple nodescrms00226971 internal Malicious option is missing when attend the supervision call.crms00229439 internal nomadic IP: DTMF not working in network when call SIP ICS voice mailcrms00231352 internal Set comes into conversation when hold softkey is pressed in Attendantcrms00231515 internal Attendant call makes unhold bad behaviourcrms00235571 internal OXE J1 : Backtrace occurred while doing robustness testing in OXEcrms00236004 internal Incoming call from operator by local T2 to 4008 Seplos: no sound on 4008 (randomly seen, no PB with 4018 Seplos)crms00238668 internal French translation not done for parameters- Burst size and Burst Delaycrms00239773 customer [BTIP] 3821: Polycom (SIP Extension mode) - Too many renegotiationscrms00242014 customer help in 4760 not translated in Frenchcrms00242015 customer character not displayed correctly on 4760 due to OXEcrms00244368 internal License in not working on the virtual machine OXE in J1.400.2.bcrms00245942 customer Stop rtp is not sent by the CPU to IPDSPcrms00249141 customer After creating ABCF IP trunk groups, the incident 2879 occurs veryoften//1-110123891//crms00258156 internal Sip Trunking: Diversion headercrms00262212 internal NRA-J1: CSTA:Called Device is missing in Delivered & Established Events.crms00264545 internal Problem in cryptview command when INTIPA is connected to MSM boxcrms00265970 customer After the trace command "tuner +at,neqt" system crash and reboot if the neqt length entered is more than 10 digits_//1-111615113//crms00266482 internal wrong information in cfnstat tool for A BCF-IP trunk callscrms00268422 customer RSI : blind transfer from attendant to agent (in a ABCF network) via RSI => no wrapup - no pausecrms00269462 internal Regression: Local call disconnects with backtracecrms00270058 customer Attendant blind transfer on a private ISDN call over A BCF linkdisconnects_//1-112406693crms00276519 internal Network encryption : STA RT_SRTP message (with keys) is not tracedcrms00277476 customer UPMC: System Doc R9.1 and mgr online help do not match for 'Routing on Immediat Forward'crms00277901 customer Issue with ring back tone on analog set_//1-113838491.crms00283091 customer Wrong display when consulting unanswered call list on Reflex set when called from NOE set with Cyrillic characters configured in UTF-8.//1-114682701.crms00283486 internal Display problem in A BCFIPTRUNKcrms00285219 customer dect fall done with lot of reset network 1367crms00285930 customer Agent is logged in, calls in queue not offered when using Prefix callpark.crms00287199 customer CSTA returning unknown characters when picking a call when the ACD line is ringingcrms00287578 internal French Translation not done for new parameters in IP and Fax parameterscrms00289630 customer No voice when making a blind transfer thru ABCF / 1-116038201crms00289899 internal French text translation for PER1440crms00290898 internal MGR - French translation missing for "Anti saturation device disable".crms00291646 customer callstate is wrong if TakeCall on a call from sip setcrms00294480 internal Alignment disturbed in compvisu sys in I1.605.25 and H1.301.50crms00294832 internal French translation not done for new parameters in SIPcrms00295066 internal Able to send text mail while ringing in networkcrms00295717 customer No dial tone on sets connected to Z 24-2 board.[ DSP board blocked after migration from R7.1 to R9.0 ]crms00295838 customer When we call the busy agent set, the conversation between the agent and external call get disconnected._//1-117169311.crms00297044 customer Many issues on IPT 4018 after upgrade to h1.301.50. Incident 0248 and backtrace "serv=0 --> depact" seen //1-117495901.crms00325422 crms00298547 internal OXE J1: Development PRS traces are observed in Runtel log in the patch J1.410.23.fcrms00298547 internal OXE J1: Development PRS traces are observed in Runtel log in the patch J1.410.23.f crms00299112 customer no fax carrier frequencies from SIP Fax Server for incoming T2 callcrms00299197 customer Unable to import wav-files as an announcement for Ubiquity Assistant-sets using Eva tool.//1-117149041//crms00299502 customer Unable to call external forwarded set if the associated calling set isOOS//1-117825401//crms00299727 customer Truncated calling number in TAXA files if A UTO DTMF is enabled in SIP I SDN trunk groups.//1-118093931.crms00299813 customer RSI overflow_CCD Backup forwarding to VM doesn't workcrms00300414 customer Diverting information is wrong when the call overflows to QSIG GF if attendant transfers //1-117783031//crms00300870 customer Unable to make/receive call after upgrading to patch 48 (CAC issue)crms00301601 internal Help menu is not translated for accounting parameters in Frenchcrms00301968 customer SIP forkinf call not work when more than 2 clientscrms00301981 customer Incident 2656 generated while deleting the IP touch user / 1-118568963.crms00302357 customer Blocked dialog in the DECT set screen in case of dial by namecrms00302757 customer Randomly UA Agent are not reachable / 1-118424753.crms00303034 customer RSI Global Callid changed during RSI forwardingcrms00303207 internal [SBD-OBS] Bad behaviour on call forward to NRIP servicecrms00304222 customer Master conference and pro-acdcrms00304731 customer VA D - New system timer to secure the transfer of outbound calls in case of no voice detectioncrms00304913 customer GA doesn't go in service if shelf number is equal or higher then 3 digits.crms00305268 customer MLA : "Reject incoming call on last line" does not work on UA virtual sets crms00305551 customer CLI is not sent to remote extension when calling through CAS trunk /1-118075525.crms00305729 internal Call overflow for out of service SIP sets (Air France) feature did not work with SIP device Thomson sets.crms00306202 customer MEET ME CONFERENCE ISSUES//1-119274791.crms00306731 customer The Mobile IP Touch is no forwarding the calls externally when there are out of range//1-118704241.crms00306940 customer If IPT is out of service, call does not overflow to associated set / 1-119503801. crms00306949 customer Call released during routing scenariocrms00308704 customer Issue with getnoeversioncrms00309090 customer Unexpected display on NOE set when using DISAcrms00309270 customer Problems with the CCivr channels stucked in OTCCPE environmentcrms00309783 customer unable to make external call from multiline DECT sets by accessing the pin number stored in the personal directory//1-119805091.crms00310016 customer When Deleting Pri MLA Key, Database Corruption created if Sec MLA's are not deleted 1st.crms00310066 customer CAC value not decreasing when call is released//1-119609821.crms00310121 customer REFER with Abbreviated number on Refer-to / 1-119735221.crms00311539 customer Unable to receive ringback tone on UA & IP sets using a QSIG BC when OXE connected with Cisco call manager / 1-119713995.crms00311663 customer QSIG: Call releasecrms00311926 customer CSTA : Enhancement of the Send DTMF CSTA servicecrms00312665 internal Oxe J1: NoeSIP set comes up only after a hard reset during set type change identification crms00314473 customer CSTA calling information not present if secret identity activatedcrms00314998 internal Reg: Call by name display order not okcrms00315746 internal Regression: Missing CSTA events for a set managed in the entity while calling entity prefix(crms00155964-delivered in I1.605.13 is not working)crms00315785 internal Display Problem in A BCFIP Trunkcrms00315842 internal Regression: Set shows Secret identity when calling to pilot if consult call mode on multi line + Falsecrms00316103 customer DTMF End to End Dialling not working if Key 33 is managed with SetSupervision and NoCall=Yescrms00316443 internal Agent cannot re-park the ACD-call while in its ringing state (only for NOE sets)crms00316758 customer SIP incoming call fails OXE rejects invite with timer required extensioncrms00316802 internal SEPLOS: Call disconnected with Backtracecrms00317206 internal OXE I1:Auto DTMF on Incoming Call is not working in ABCF IP/QSIG trunkcrms00318662 customer H323 incoming calls blocked with backtrace "sui_val_ra_invalide"crms00319122 customer No ringback tone when made a call to OXO from Avaya through OXE//1-117222608//crms00319272 internal REG: while doing intrusion on iplink call by local TDM set no voice communication and existing sets also disconnected with backtracescrms00324387 internal Regression: All the calls are disconnected when making enquiry call(link) from a new line while Consult call mode on multiline + TRUEcrms00325057 customer [beta-LSKN] : no supervision after switchover if registration is activatedcrms00328402 internal Oxe J1: Emergency Call to Attendant- Feature behaviour is NOK with 4068IP Attendant: Regressioncrms00329816 internal lab : TLS link can't established at start-up of TLS ServerDuplicatescrms00291557 crms00291557 internal OXE / ICE interworking : 2 steps transfer between OXE (non SIP), ESS and OXE (SIP Device) failedcrms00316503 crms00294515 internal NOEinSIP,SIP-TLS, if last work mode is NOEinSIP (bypass environment), turn to full environment, phone can't work at SIP-TLS modecrms00314317 crms00294515 internal NOEinSIP,SIP-TLS, if last work mode is NOEinSIP (bypass environment), turn to full environment, phone can't work at SIP-TLS modecrms00266104 crms00294920 internal SOSM:Wrong called number for monitored trunk during transfer scenariocrms00319387 crms00310726 internal SOSM : Call retrieve message is wrong after a broker call.crms00329990 crms00310792 internal BB : After device switching from BB to VHE, BB leg is not released crms00318173 crms00310792 customer BB : After device switching from BB to VHE, BB leg is not releasedcrms00328445 crms00310792 internal BB : After device switching from BB to VHE, BB leg is not released crms00309047 crms00312102 internal NOE in SIP TLS: Attendant 4059 IP with "noe in sip" set is blocked crms00314593 crms00312102 internal NOE in SIP TLS: Attendant 4059 IP with "noe in sip" set is blocked crms00309377 crms00312102 internal NOE in SIP TLS: Attendant 4059 IP with "noe in sip" set is blocked crms00291557 crms00314073 internal BB4 fallback call to OP is failingcrms00329296 crms00314073 internal BB4 fallback call to OP is failingcrms00325020 crms00318347 internal [ICER1.0] [OXE] : no ring back tone for 003XXXX external outgoing call - OK for 0 06xxxxxxxx callcrms00325714 crms00318347 internal [ICER1.0] [OXE] : no ring back tone for 003XXXX external outgoing call - OK for 0 06xxxxxxxx callcrms00328463 crms00318347 customer [ICER1.0] [OXE] : no ring back tone for 003XXXX external outgoing call - OK for 0 06xxxxxxxx callcrms00326836 crms00319206 internal ICE 005.021, MyIC Nomadic user can't hear sound under outgoing callcrms00326919 crms00324500 internal BETA R10.0: mgr option "NAT_Support_for_FAX_T38" not accessible with dicocrms00314123 crms00325057 customer no supervision after switchover if registration is activated crms00331206 crms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00328344 crms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00334654 crms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00330561 crms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00329046 crms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00329686 crms00326401 internal ICE: OXE phones answer multiparty call in a mode with no voicecrms00332832 crms00330739 customer [OXE] [HOTEL] Long calls with Bluetooth KO on some terminals (rather a session timer problem)New binariesintip3_3.37ioip_4.09noemipt8_r100_2.2.24mg3_3.37noeipg_4.31.20mg_appli_46.05crms00299944 crms00290895 crms00247643 crms00298826 crms00293694noeip_4.31.20bootintip_6.11intip_16.04crms00299944 crms00271896 crms00290895 crms00298826 crms00277603 crms00293694==================================================REMINDER :======================================================Release Name : patch_j1.410.35Delivery date : Mon Aug 1 14:39:02 IST 2011======================================================crms00207914 customer The feature C ACoverrun doesn't workcrms00274936 internal One way calls and crossed lines - eZ32crms00280273 customer backtrace terminates ou tgoing calls from TA-S0crms00288490 internal Lot of incidents 2198 on ABCF-IP tru nk Group "PH: ABCF_IP sig link, error in synch frame"crms00292052 internal OXE J1:Arrow mark displayed in noe set when immediately calls another noe after external callcrms00294613 internal PER 358:Display does not change on called set(external/Network) when attendant does transfer (CRG rotation happens)crms00301884 customer Can’t Migrate from g1503.31 to i1605crms00317317 crms00302379 internal TUI LS OXE : callback via voicemail to user forwarded to voicemail : sender is unknown, voicemail number is given as sendercrms00304844 internal Apache server and Web tools featurecrms00306176 internal NOE in SIP TLS : incident de securite 441 (& sometimes FR EETEL) at the end of the init (IN SERVICE) of IPT setcrms00310550 internal OXE J1: NOE-SIP Traffic: Lot of backtraces during traffic with 200 noe-sip userscrms00313471 internal 4059EE Overflow to LDAP not working MAO partcrms00314447 internal NRA-J1:CC D:Backtrace occu rs for RSI blind transfer (etat_post).crms00315722 customer cannot get C PU_id on blade server HS22crms00315862 internal CallBack: Interop: Call completion on OXE busy caller rand omly failscrms00316839 internal Network Encryption: code optimisation direct call from IP to OTUC -noise via transit nodescrms00316878 internal CSTA events missing in case monitored user is reached by entity call prefix.crms00317653 internal ICE 005.010, ACS: MyTWK calls are terminated if contact forwards his calls to another phonecrms00317748 internal ICE: when a call is sent from ice to oxe, the call is not attached to an external gatewaycrms00317749 internal VHE :transfer on ringing an external call to oxe set immediate forward to Voice mail : call failedcrms00318106 internal PER 358: Wrong display on called set(network) when attendant does transfer on ringing to a CRG set which has forward on no answercrms00318328 internal SIP external gateway HS when using FQDN in outb ound proxycrms00319072 internal OXE Session Timer: In 200 OK, OXE pu t refresher=uas in every casescrms00319136 internal Oxe J1: Memory Leaks in SIP Stack and SIP motorcrms00321942 internal NOE IN SIP TLS: lot of SIPM backtrace at start of node 7 and IpTouch EE are "Ou tOfService"crms00322193 internal PER 46 C all is cu t when an attendant transfers an external call to a set immediately forwarded to CRGcrms00296160 crms00324263 internal sip replication: some subscriptions succeed in sipmotor backtracescrms00324263 internal sip replication: some subscriptions succeed in sipmotor backtracescrms00324652 internal J1.410.34.d : Calls are disconnected with backtrace when multi-line set makes enquiry call to Analog set and tries to navigate between the screens.crms00324693 internal COS dependency to be removed from UPMC46 Voice mail Overflowcrms00325042 internal Impossible to manage "100rel for incoming call" parametercrms00325762 internal REGRESSION-Exceptions in RUNTEL-2:4352=Initrem : Instance exception, table SIPEXTGW instance 0 infos -1 -1 -1crms00325990 internal Regression: Du plicate Entry for IP Agent/supervisor sets during creation in *.pcf file.(crms240353)crms00326810 internal Associated call is disconnected with backtracecrms00328415 internal OXE J1:- Unable to C reate SIP External Gateway through mgrcrms00157882 internal Secret Identity SoftKey is not working when dial the Private Substitution Prefix.crms00166843 internal I1: Table Error while creating Empty database for Austria countrycrms00172751 internal NGP : OXE DHC P Server C onfiguration files list include RGD but not INTIP3 or GD3 path.crms00181301 customer tru nkg rou p counter >R1% issuecrms00187698 internal Loss of call on C PU switchovercrms00192229 internal English translation not done rstcpl tool.crms00193457 customer 4 seconds of silence in first 10 seconds of IP call.crms00194443 internal default ipview.cfg corrupt - field 6 not displayedcrms00200336 internal Updating required in C ompvisu sys toolcrms00200594 internal Display not OK after enabling callback through DPNSS in secondary MLA set.crms00201220 internal external gateway redundancy : unexpected INVITE retransmissioncrms00201491 customer PCS status incoherent on cpu during network failure //SR 1-102457601crms00202586 customer No information on websoftphone when IP touch is made ou t of service.crms00203637 internal SIP Trunking: Supported header from SIP ISDN TG should not contains replaces valuecrms00203709 customer Sip Device Call Back issue when Sip Device Country localisation is different that the Syst em One.crms00205020 customer Roaming issue between R7.1 and R9.0, Applicative-Error-Backtrace, PC=0x0934e0e3:154460387, serv=2 --> Kb_Interrocrms00211993 customer bad "rollback" on remanent if creation of hyb rid acces withou t sig refused as no more fictiv trunkscrms00215448 customer after resetting intip board, trunks stay Out of Service on the Stdby C PUcrms00215631 internal User in mgr disappeared after bad management in the external voicemail nu mber//1-105436824crms00217712 internal NR T NG P : C ompressor value is wrong for GD3 while converting GD to GD3 .crms00217728 internal OXE J1 :Incoming call indication with led glowing when there is a single call which is on holdcrms00219829 customer Web tools can not show all trunks in when click for display tru nk inTru nk Group //1-106054541crms00220535 customer Unable to send DTMF from IPTouch to Audio codes using programmable key, no issues with TDM set//1-105704666//crms00222693 customer CSTA Failed scenario interworking B/S feature and RSI CSTA routing.crms00225060 internal OXE J1-NR T : 4068 Attendant still displays "Set is Free" withou t any option and Set get Hanged through Link crms00226037 customer No RB T when 4059 blind transfer a call to SIP devicecrms00226572 internal Take call softkey is missing and double tabs occur while releasing the first callcrms00226767 customer GD reset due to SIG_L: Enqueue(30) full queue similar to crms00222236//1-107165171//crms00228514 customer VG Guide Start B oolean not taken in account for IPTouchcrms00228699 customer Problems with intercom server when Loop Station UA link disconnected and connected quicklycrms00229525 internal Reserved by Attendant tab reveals wrong informationcrms00233001 internal Releasing the first call after attendant intrusion leads to an excess tab and incorrect displaycrms00234540 customer Call disconnect via H323 if the end user is GSM who is in roaming.//1-107457993//crms00234807 internal French language display shows English for Non Monitor Conferencecrms00235507 internal On hold display with retrieve call softkey appears when sets are in conversationcrms00236560 customer Backtrace and task in loop when calling a dect set ou t of servicecrms00237017 internal NO R TP direct after su pervised transfer between carrier and S T2030crms00237207 customer Display appel non repondu in network in UTF8crms00237493 internal OXE J1:Backtrace occurs when SIP request URI info length is greater than 30crms00238851 customer NO RB T for broker call on 4068 attendant through H323crms00239001 internal ICE/OXE : Transfer on conversation: audio discontinued with topo O-I-I (call_identity is limited to 4 digits) crms00239632 internal SIP/TLS: reset of standby C PU with many simultaneous commcrms00239692 customer Exception 0x0832ab78 error after 9.1 upgradecrms00239937 customer Polycom ou tgoing call impossible if PIN code neededcrms00240244 internal OXE J1-NR T : NO Information ab out SIP Device in 4068 Attendant when it makes Enquiry to SIP Device crms00240353 internal OXE:NR A-J1:New Entry for IP Agent/supervisor sets during creation in *.pcf file.crms00241661 internal PB when access from ICM multi device to 4645 mevo remote to declaration nodecrms00241819 internal sip duplication: data invalid on standby cpu。