职称英语补全短文 第3课时1

职称英语等级考试补全短文death controla very important world problem-in fact, i am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems(1) -is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.this enormous increase of population will create immense problems. by 2000 a.d., unless something desperate happens, there will be as many as 7,000,000,000 people on the surface of the earth! so this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetime why is this enormous increase in population taking place? it is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of (2). you have heard of birth control? death control is something rather different. death control recognizes the work of the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals and the health services in keeping alive people who,(3), would have died of some of the incredibly serious killing diseases , as they used to do. squalid conditions, which we can remedy by an improved standard of living, caused a lot of disease and dirt. medical examinations at school catch diseases early and ensure healthier school children. scientists are at work stamping out malaria and other more deadly diseases.if you are seriously ill there is an ambulance to take you to a modern hospital. medical care helps (4). we used tothink seventy was a good age; now eighty, niy, it may be , are ing to be recognized as a normal age for human beings. people are living longer because of this death control, and (5), so the population of the world is shooting up.练习:a fewer children are dyingb a few years agoc what is ing to be called death controld which face us at the present timee making it possible for people to live longerf to keep people alive longerkeys: dcbfa。

2019年职称英语卫生类B级补全短文提高训练题(3)Conservation or Wasted Effort?The black robin (旅鸫) is one of the world's rarest birds. It is a small, wild bird, and it lives only on the island of Little Mangere, off the coast of New Zealand. In 1967 there were about fifty black robins there; in 1977 there were fewer than ten.__________(46)Energetic steps are being taken to preserve the black robin.__________(47) The idea is to buy another island nearby as a special home, a "reserve", for threatened wild life, including black robins. The organizers say that LittleMangere should then be restocked (重新准备) with the robin's food. Thousands of the required plants are at present being cultivated in New Zealand.Is all this concern a waste of humaneffort?__________(48) Are we losing our sense of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable?In the earth's long, long past hundreds of kinds of creatures have evolved, risen to a degree of success and died out. In the long, long future there will be many new and different forms of life. Those creatures that adaptthemselves successfully to what the earth offers will survive for a long time.__________(49) This is nature's proven methodof operation.The rule of selection--"the survival of the fittest"--is the one by which human beings have themselves arrived on the scene. We, being one of the most adaptable creatures theearth has yet produced, may last longer than most.__________ (50) You may take it as another rule that when, at last, human beings show signs of dying out, no other creature will extend a paw (爪) to postpone our departure. On the contrary, we will be hurried out.Life seems to have grown too tough for black robins. I leave you to judge whether we should try to do anything about it.A Some creatures, certain small animals, insects and birds, will almost certainly outlast (比…长久) man, for they seem even more adaptable.B Those that fail to meet the challenges will disappear early.C Detailed studies are going on, and a public appeal for money has been made.D Both represent orders in the classification of life.E Is it any business of ours whether the black robin survives or dies out?F These are the only black robins left in the world.参考答案:F C E B A。

职称英语补全短文题答题技巧1.补全短文出题思路:书内共编写15篇短文,每篇短文内有5处填空,短文后有A-F 6个句子,要求根据短文的内容来选择5个句子,分别补回原有的位置。
2.补全短文解题步骤(1)先看短文后A-F 6个句子。
3.补全短文解题方法和技巧(1)当先看A-F六个句子时,一定要划出“特定词”或“关联词”特定词和关联词主要有:1. “连同、一起”, 2.表时间的介词 3. 代词,4. 定冠词5. “the +名词”6. 复数人称代词7. 单数人称代词8. 固定搭配:neither…nor,either…or, not only…but also等。
9、other, another✧关联词为the+名词,前一句会出现the 后的名词。
✧关联词为the second,前一句会出现the first。
✧关联词为they, 上一句会出现复数名词。
✧重点词是表时间的介词,说明重点词后的单词会在横线前一句出现✧重点词是代词,说明横线前会出现与重点词相应单复数的人称代词或名词4. 重点词是定冠词,说明横线前会出现重点词后的词✧“the +名词”作主语,说明上一句有此名词,或下一句会出现it (单数) 或they (复数)✧如果是复数人称代词,表示其指代复数名词,之前出现过复数名词或相应人称代词。

职称英语补全短文试题及答案2017年职称英语补全短文试题及答案除了课堂上的学习外,平时的积累与练习也是学生提高成绩的重要途径,以下是店铺为大家搜索整理的2017年职称英语补全短文试题及答案,希望能给大家带来帮助!A Memory Drug?IT’S DIFFICULT TO IMAGINE MANY THINGS that people would welcome more than a memory-enhancing drug. ____1____ Furthermore, such a drug could help people remember past experiences more clearly and help us acquire new information more easily for school and at work. As scientists learn more about memory, we are closing in on this tantalizing goal.1Some of the most exciting evidence comes from research that has built on earlier findings linking LTP2 and memory to identify a gene that improves memory in mice. ____2____ Mice bred to have extra copies of this gene showed more activity in their NMDA receptors,more LTP,and improved performance on several different memory tasks — learning a spatial layout3, recognizing familiar objects,and recalling a fear-inducing shock.If these basic insights about genes, LTP, and the synaptic basis of memory can be translated to people — and that remains to be seen — they could pave the way for memory-enhancing treatments. ____3____ As exciting as this may sound, it also raises troubling issues. Consider the potential educational implications of memory-enhancing drugs. If memory enhancers were available, children who used them might be able to acquire and retain extraordinary amounts of information, allowing them to progress far more rapidly in school than they could otherwise. How well could the brain handle such an onslaught ofinformation? What happens to children who don’t have access to the latest memory enhancers? Are they left behind in school — and as a result handicapped later in life?____4____ Imagine that you are applying for a job that requires a good memory,such as a manager at a technology company or a sales position that requires remembering customers’ names as well as the attributes of different products and services. Would you take a memory-enhancing drug to increase your chances of landing the position? Would people who felt uncomfortable taking such a drug find themselves cut out of lucrative career opportunities?Memory drugs might also help take the sting out of d isturbing memories that we wish we could forget but can’t.4 The 2004 hit movie Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind told the story of a young man seeking just such freedom from the painful memories of a romantic breakup. As you will see in the section on persistence later in the chapter, emotionally arousing events often create intrusive memories, and researchers have already muted emotional memories with drugs that block the action of key hormones. Should emergency workers who must confront horrifying accident scenes that can burden them with persisting memories be provided with such drugs? Should such drugs be given to rape victims who can’t forget the trauma? Memory drugs might provide some relief to such individuals. But could they also interfere with a n individual’s ability to assimilate and come to terms with a difficult experience?5 ____5____ 词汇:tantalizing 诱人的 synaptic (解剖学)突触的steroid 类固醇 onslaught 大量lucrative 有利可图的 hit (演出等)成功注释:1.As scientists learn more about memory, we are closing in on this tantalizing goal.随着科学家们对记忆了解增多,我们正接近这一诱人的目标。

职称英语综合类补全短文第三篇The Value of Tears逐句翻译

The Value of Tears眼泪的价值Tears can ruin make-up, bring conversation to a stop, and give you a runny nose. 泪水可以破坏妆容,使对话停止,让鼻子流涕。
They can leave you embarrassed and without energy. 它可以让你毫不费力陷入尴尬。
However,crying is a fact of life…and tears are veryuseful.但是,哭的确是生活的事实,眼泪也有很多用处。
(1)Even when you're not crying, your eyes produce tears.即使当你不哭的时候,你的眼睛也会产生泪水。
These create a film over the eye's surface.这些泪水在眼睛的表面形成一层层薄膜,This film contains a substance that protects your eyes against infection.这个薄膜包含一种物质,可以保护你的眼睛免受感染。
Tears relieve stress,but we tend to fight them for all sorts of reasons. 泪水可以缓解压力,但是人们为了各种原因抵抗流泪。
"People worry about showing their emotions. They’re afraid that once they lose control, they’ll never get it back,”“人们担心会流露情感,担心一旦失控,就再也收不回来了,”explains psychologist Dorothy Rowe. (2)As children we were sometimes punished for shedding tears or expressing anger. As adults we still fear the consequences of showing emotions.”心理学家DorothyRowe解释道,“我们还是孩子的时候,就常常会因为流泪或表达恐惧而受到惩罚,成年后,我们仍然担心流露情感的后果。

职称英语考试/模拟试题2016职称英语补全短文练习题(1) The Invader of AIDSThe invader is small, even in the microscopic world of bacteria and viruses. It is alive only in the strictest sense of the world. It had no intelligence, no means of mobility, no methods of defense in the outside world. It is fragile, easily killed by common household bleach(漂白剂)and even short periods outside the body. 1 . It is the AIDS virus, and it is a killer.AIDS is a disease, caused by a virus that breaks down part of the body’s immune system, leaving a person defenseless against a variety of unusual life-threatening illnesses.2 . The body’s immune system normally provides us the weapons we need to win constant battles with invading viruses, bacteria and other invading organisms. His defense system is powerful but not perfect. 3 . We do not even know that anything is happening.But the AIDS virus acts differently from otherinvaders. It attacks the very cells that normally protect us. 4 . It turns our own white blood cells into mini-factories or making more viruses. Each time a cell is taken over, it fills up with thousands of new viruses, dies and releases those viruses, with attack more white blood cells. After enough attacks, our defense system is weakened and certain infections and conditions that we normally fight off with no problem take advantage of his weakness.5 . The person dies. There are no cure for AIDS, so learning about the disease and how to avoid it are our only weapons.A Yet it may be the most dangerous enemy in human historyB Whatever condition develops because of AIDS, the outcome is always the sameC It gets inside these cells into mini factors or making more virusD Each of the letters in AIDS stands for a word:Acquired Immune Deficiency SyndromeE The patients who suffer from AIDS havecharacteristic featuresF Most attacks are detected and beaten off with ease参考答案1 A2 D3 F4 C5 B2016职称英语补全短文练习题(1).doc [全文共1003字] 编号:6123147。

比如:because,but,in short等。
(2)特殊问句:①who,选项如果用who来提问时,先不做②why,选项如果用why来提问时,回答语一般包括以下原因词:because+句子,because of+名词/名词短语,reason,due to:由于,owing to(owe to):由于。
比如:because,but,in short等。

My Life at RendaI learned very quickly that being a teaching assistant (TA) at the University of Iowa would be different from being a teacher at Renmin University.(1) Eyes staring, mouths open, students examined my big nose, while I was writing my name on the blackboard.At Iowa, when my first classes began, half of my students still hadn't arrived. When everyone finally found a seat, ringing cellphones and loud yawns (哈欠) interrupted my opening remarks. It is not that American students were disrespectful. (2) They were, however, far more skeptical than the students I had at Renda. The truth is I couldn't fault them for their skepticism. Undergraduates at large US universities - especially freshmen and sophomores - often have several classes asemester handled by TAs. In some cases, the TA sets the course content.(3) Most have good intentions, but very few are as effective as professors.Every teacher has to confront obstacles to learning - no matter what the culture. Students who talk during lectures, students who cheat, students who question the grade they get for a paper or project - dealing with these is all part of the job. (4)The difference, I think, is that in the US I had to swallow more of my pride. (5)I had a responsibility to teach them, of course, but I had to do so indirectly -as a guide who himself had a few things to learn from the students.A Back at Renda, I had walked into my first classes feeling like a celebrityB In my students' minds, I had little to offer them, except perhaps some sample questions for the mid-term exam.C In others, the TA works as a grader and discussion leaderD I encountered these in China, and I faced them in the US.E On the other hand, being taught by a graduate student is not necessarily badF Most were polite, or at least, indifferent. 答案 FEBCA。

The Joy of Living AloneMore and more Americans are living alone.Some live alone because of divorce or the death of a partner.//更多的美国人选择独居。
//___(1)According to a recent U.S.census(人口普查),25 percent of all households in the U.S.are made up of just one person.This is a dramatic change from the extended families of just a couple of generations ago.The typical person living alone is neither old nor lonely.___(2)The majority of these people have chosen to live alone.They are responding to decreasing social pressure to get married and have a family.It’s now socially acceptable,even fashionable,to live alone.As people get better jobs and become financially independent,it becomes possible for them to maintain a one.Person household.___(3)However, people who do get married are marrying at a later age and divorcing more often.The number one reason given by most people for living alone is that they simply enjoy doing what they want when they want to do it.“Living alone is a luxury,”says Nina Hagiwara,“Once you do it,you can’t ever go back to living with others.’’David C’Debaca,agrees.___(4)Children think that being grown up means being able to do exactly as they please.___(5). The chance to discover whether that freedom is as wonderful as it sounds is a chance more and more Americans are taking.A There’s more pressure to get married nowadaysB The growing number of women with good jobs has done much to increase the number of people living alone.C However, even more people are living alone because they have chosen to.D It seems that many grown-ups today are realizing that childhood dreamE In fact,a quarter of the 23 million single people in the U.S.are under the age of35F He says,“I like being by myself.”参考答案:1. C.前句中是在对美国独身人中的具体情况进行介绍,而且提到了一些美国人独身的原因,判断C是答案:C中提到了更大多数美国人独身的原因。

The Caribbean IslandsWhat would you see if you took a cruise to the Caribbean Islands? Palm trees and coconuts(椰子) ? White beaches and clear, blue ocean? Colorful corals (珊瑚) and even more colorful fishes and birds?You bet. There are thousands of islands in the Caribbean Sea. They are famous for their warm,tropical climate and great natural beauty.The Caribbean Islands form a chain that separates the Caribbean Sea from the rest of the Atlantic Ocean __________ (46) Many of the islands were formed by the eruption (爆发) of ancient volcanoes ( 火山) . Others are low-lying coral islands that gradually rose from the ocean.The Caribbean Islands are known by several names. __________ (47) The explorer Christopher Columbus called the islands the Indies in 1492 because he thought he was near the coast of India. Later, Spain and France called the islands the Antilles.There are four large islands in the Caribbean Sea. __________(48) These four islands are often called the Greater Antilles. Together, they account for about 90 percent of the land area of the Caribbean Islands.The rest of the Caribbean Islands are much smaller. __________ (49) You can see why pirates such as the famous Blackbeard sailed these waters. There are countless small islands to bury treasure or hide on.The weather of the Caribbean Sea is almost always warm and sunny. Sandy beaches line the coasts of many islands. __________ (50) Many tourists arrive on cruise ships.第46题__________A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.C.They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.D.They are Cuba,Puerto Ric0,Jamaica,and Hispaniola.E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers(小片)of exposed coral.第47题__________A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.C.They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.D.They are Cuba,Puerto Ric0,Jamaica,and Hispaniola.E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers(小片)of exposed coral.第48题__________A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.C.They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.D.They are Cuba,Puerto Ric0,Jamaica,and Hispaniola.E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers(小片)of exposed coral.第49题__________A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.C.They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.D.They are Cuba,Puerto Ric0,Jamaica,and Hispaniola.E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers(小片)of exposed coral.第50题__________A.But life on the Caribbean Islands is not always paradise.B.The earliest name used by Europeans is the Indies, later changed to the West Indies.C.They're like a long necklace that stretches between North and South America.D.They are Cuba,Puerto Ric0,Jamaica,and Hispaniola.E.This is why millions of tourists visit the islands each year.F.Some of these islands are no more than tiny slivers(小片)of exposed coral.篇二:补全短文(下面的短文有5处空白,短文后有6个句子,其中5个取自短文,请根据短文内容将其分别放回原有位置,以恢复文章原貌。

职称英语考试真题综合类B级补全短文第五部分:补全短文Saving a City’s Public ArtAvoiding traffic jams in Los Angeles may be impossible, but the city’s colorful freeway murals(壁画)can brighten even the worst commute. Paintings that depict(描述)famous people and historical scenes cover office buildings and freeway walls all access the city. With a collection of more than 2,000 murals, Los Angeles is the unofficial mural capital of the world.But the combination of graffiti(涂鸦), pollution, and hot sun has left many L.A. murals in terrible condition. __ ___(46)in the past, experts say, little attention was given to caring for public art. Artists were even expected to maintain their own works, not an easy task with cars racing by along the freeway.__ _(47)The work started in 2003. So far, 16 walls have been selected and more may be added later.Until about 1960, public murals in Los Angeles were rare. But in the 1960s and 1970s, young L.A. artists began to study early 20th-century Mexican mural painting___ _(48)The most famous mural in the city is Judith Baca’s “The Great Wall,” a 13-foot-high(4-meter-high)painting that runs for half a mile (0.8 kilometer) in North Hollywood, ___ __(49)it took eight years to complete—400 underprivileged teenagers painted the designs—and is probably the longest mural in the world.One of the murals that will be restored now is Kent Twitchell’s “Seventh Street Altarpiece.” which he painted for the Los Angeles Olympics in 1984. _ _ (50) Twitchell said, “it was meant as a kind of gate way through which the traveler to L.A.must drive. The open hands represent peace.”Artists often call murals the people’s art. Along a busy freeway or hidden in a quiet neighborhood, murals can teach people who would never pay money to see fine art in a museum, “Murals give a voice to the silent majority,” said one artist.A.The city trying to stop the spread of graffiti, has painted over some of the murals complete.B.This striking work depicts two people facing each other on opposite sides of the freeway near downtown Los Angeles.C.Artists like murals because they like the work of Mexican artists.D.Now the city is beginning a huge project to restore the city’s murals.E.The mural represents the history of ethnic groups in California.F.Soon, their murals became a symbol of the city’s cultural expressions and a showcase for L.A.’s cultural diversity.参考答案:A D C E B。
职称英语补全短文 第2课时2

职称英语补全短文第2课时2A. to play an important role in newspaper operationsB. was the growth of telegraph servicesC. and they usually enjoy great prestigeD. they are usually operated by a single ownerE. in order to survive under the pressure of rising costsF. owned by a single person or organizationKEY:BAFDEPASSAGE 7The Building of the PyramidsThe oldest stone buildings in the world are the pyramids. They have stood for nearly 5,000 years,and it seems like that _____(1)_____. There are over eighty of them scattered along the banks of the Nile,some of which are different in shape from the true pyramids. The most famous of these are the "Step" pyramid and the "Bent" pyramid.Some of the pyramids still look much the same as they must have done when they were built thousands of years ago. Most of the damage suffered by the others has been at the hands of men who were looking for treasure or,more often,____(2)____. The dry climate of Egypt has helped to preserve the pyramids,and their very shape _____(3)_____. These are good reasons why they can still be seen today,but perhaps the most important is that they were planned to last for ever.It is practically certain that plans were made for the building of the pyramids_____(4)____. However,there are no writings or pictures to show us how the Egyptians planned or built the pyramids themselves. Consequently,we are only able to guess at the methods used. Nevertheless,by examining the actual pyramids and various tools which have been found,archaeologists have formed a fairly clear picture of them.One thing is certain:there must have been months of careful planning_____(5)_____. The first thing they had to do was to choose a suitable place. You may think this would have been easy with miles and miles of empty desert around,but a pyramid could not be built just anywhere. Certain rules had to be followed,and certain problems had to b overcome.EXERCISE:A for stone to use in modern buildingsB has made them less likely to fall into ruinC before they could begin to buildD becase the plans of other large works havefortunately been preservedE while building the pyramidsF they will continue to stand for thousands of years yetKey:FABDC【备注说明,非正文,实际使用可删除如下部分。

补全短文2018年职称英语考试《卫生类》补全短文习题(3) The main problem in discussing American popular culture is also one of its main characteristics: it won‘t stay American.No matter what it is,whether it is films,food andfashion,music,casual sports or slang,it’s soon at home elsewhere in the world.There are several theories why American popular culture has had this appeal.One theory is that it has been "advertised" and marketed through American films,popular music,and morerecently,television.________1____ They are ,after all,in petition with those produced by other countries.Another theory,probably a more mon one,is that American popular culture is internationally associated with something called "the spirit of America." ____2____The final theory is less plex: American popular culture is popular because a lot of people in the world like it.Regardless of why it spreads,American popular culture is usually quite rapidly adopted and then adapted in many othercountries._______3______ "Happpy Birthday to You," for instance ,is such an everyday song that its source,its American copyright,so to speak,is not remembered.Black leather jackets worn by many heroes in American movies could be found ,a generation later,on all those young men who wanted to make this manly-look their own.Two areas where this continuing process is most clearly seen are clothing and music.Some people can still remember a time when T-shirts,jogging clothes,tennis shoes,denim jackets,and blue jeans were not mon daily wear everywhere.Only twenty years ago,it was possible to spot an American in Paris by his or her clothes.No longer so: those bright colors,checkered jackets and trousers,hats and socks which were once made fun of in cartoons are back again in Paris as the latestfashion.______4_______The situation with American popular music is more plex because in the beginning,when it was still clearly American ,it was often strongly resisted.Jazz was once thought to be a great danger to youth and their morals,and was actually outlawed in several countries.Today,while still showing its ratherAmerican roots,it has bee so well established.Rock ‘n’ roll and all its variations,country & western music,all have more or less similar histories.They were first resisted,often in American as well,as being "low-class," and then as "a danger to our nation‘s youth." _______5_______ And then the music became aepted and was extended and developed,and exported back to the U.S……练习:A.As a result,its American origins and roots are often quickly forgotten.B.But this theory fails to explain why Americanfilms,music,and television programs are so popular in themselves.C.American in origin,informal clothing has bee the world ‘s first truly universal style.D.The BBC,for example,banned rock and roll until 1962.E.American food has bee popular around the world too.F.This spirit is variously described as being young and free,optimistic and fedent,informal and disrespectful.参考答案: B,F,A,C,D内容仅供参考。

2019职称英语考试复习卫生C级补全短文练习题(3)职称英语考试复习卫生C级补全短文练习题Hints for Reading Practice1. Most of us can find 15 minutes or half an hour eachday for some regular activity. For example, one famoussurgeon always spent 15 minutes reading something before he went to sleep each day. Whether he went to bed at 10 p.m. or 2:30 a.m. made no difference.2. "Speed Reading" courses teach students how to readmore quickly. In such courses, teachers often ask students to find out how many words a minute he is reading. You can dothis too: look at your watch every 5 or 10 minutes and write down the page number you have reached.3. Obviously, you should not increase your reading speedif you do not understand what you are reading. If you find something you don't understand in the book, or you cannot remember clearly the details of what is said, why not readthe chapter again?4. Take four or five pages of an interesting book you happen to be reading now. Read these pages as fast as you can. Don't worry about whether you understand or not. If you keep doing this "lightning speed" reading for a period of time,you will usually find that your normal speed has increased.5. Most paragraphs in an article have a topic sentencethat expresses the central idea. The opening paragraph often suggests the general direction and content of the article, while paragraphs that follow expand or support the first. Theclosing paragraph often gives a summary of the most important points of the article.23 Paragraph 2 .24 Paragraph 3 .25 Paragraph 4 .26 Paragraph 5 .A The Organization of An ArticleB Check Your Reading SpeedC A Way to Increase Your Reading SpeedD Check Your UnderstandingE Read Something Every DayF Read Extensively27 You are advised to read something before you .28 In "Speed Reading" courses, teachers often asks students to .29 You can improve your reading speed if you .30 It will help you to understand the article ifyou .A find the topic sentencesB find out the new wordsC keep reading fastD go to bed every dayE keep a note of their reading speedF look at your watch every few minutes参考答案:23. B 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. D 28. E 29. C 30. A。

补全短文Passage 1 Functions of power transmission CEADBThe function of (1) is to send power from power plants to load center or to exchange power between power networks in order to attain the generation-consumption balance or the supply-demand balance between (2).Power transmission is completed by step-up substations,(3).The transmission line mainly consists of the transmission conductors (cables),poles or towers,insulators,overhead ground wires,and grounding devices. The (4) can reduce the line loss and the voltage drop,ensure the power quality, raise the economy of (5).The increase of transmission line voltage can not only raise the amount of transmitted power, but also reduce the line loss and line voltage drop,and improve the voltage quality.A. step-down substations and connected transmission equipmentB. power network operationC. power transmissionD. transmission at high voltageE. power networksPassage 2 Substation misoperation and its preventing CEABD The misopemtion that can lead to (1) mainly are:①on-load switching of isolating switch;②connecting (2);③closing the circuit breaker (isolating switch) with ground lines (ground switch) earthed.The“five preventings”for (3) includes:①preventing the wrong opening or closing of circuit breaker;②preventing the on load opening and closing of isolating switch;③preventing (4);④preventing the closing of circuit breaker with grounding wireconnected;⑤preventing(5).A. preventing the misoperation in substationB. the closing of grounding switch with power onC. accidents in the electrical operation of the substationD. the persons from illegal entering the lived bayE. the grounding wire (closing the grounding switch) with power on Passage 3A brief introduction on the development of supercritical boilers and their main advantages BDEACIn (1) such as U.S.A,Japan and European countries,the supercritical boiler has been developed since the 60s of last century.It has been proved by data and experience,the supercritical unit has (2).As for its reliability, because the steam-water flow passages in supercritical boiler is same as that in the (3),there isn’t anything special. But as far as hydraulic characteristic,a symbol of reliability, is concerned,in a supercritical boiler, under supercritical condition,medium is of single phase which has a (4). So that the problem caused by uneven distribution of steam phase and water phase can be avoided.It is admitted that, if (5),both supercritical and subcritical units can get anexcellent reliability index.A. good homogenization of distributionB. some advanced countriesC. whole process management is strengthenedD. great advantages oil economy and environmental protectionE. subcritical once-through boilerPassage 4 Steam generation and use BEADCSteam is one of man’s dependable servants More and more in the background,steam is doing more and more work for man. In (1) steam may be seen only at the teakettle, but the electricity used may be generated by burning coal or gas and producing steam to turn the generator rotors in the power plant Even if (2) by nuclear fission,the generation of electricity is still accomplished by (3).In the U.S.A. the demand for electricity doubles every ten years. For the most part water resources suitable for power generation are already in service, except for emergency standby and peak-load units; approximately 90% of (4) utilizes steam. The (5) is expanding in most countries of the world except for the countries where available water power resources are greater than power needs.A. first generating steamB. an electrically heated homeC. use of steam for electric power generationD. the new generating capacity being installedE. the fuel is uranium and the heat is suppliedPassage 5 Circuit breaker BDAECCircuit breakers are automatically operated high voltage (or high current) switches. Circuit breakers are required (1) by switching circuits on,by carrying load and by switching circuits off under manual or automatic supervision. Their duty is as follows:In closed position the circuit breaker must be a good conductor for the normal load current. In open position the gap across the contacts shall have foil insulation level. At opening operating the circuit breaker must be able (2) to many thousands of amperes,and independently of the characteristics from purely inductive to fully capacitive. At closing operation the circuit breaker must close fast and be safe also against full short circuit conditions. They must,therefore,be effective instantaneously when are called upon (3) without movement. As the circuit breaker is the last link in the chain of protective equipment, the circuit breaker reliability is (4) of the total electric power system so the importance (5) cannot be over emphasized.A· to perform any switching operation after long periodsB. to control electrical power networksC. of the circuit breakerD. to switch the current which can be from a few amperesE. of the highest importance for high reliabilityPassage 6 The ratio of distance to height of pumped-storage power plant BDACEFor pumped-storage power plant, generally the ratio of distance to height (l), Distance-height ratio (2) to the drop between upper and low reservoir that is L/H. The head of simple pumped-storage power plant consists of two parts,they are natural topographic elevation difference and elevation difference formed by dam. Of course, the head derived from topographic elevation difference ( 3 ),so in selecting plant site,the condition that not only a height difference is available but also no very high dam of upper reservoir is necessary should be considered. Smaller L/H value indicates a shorter water transportation line,then the engineering construction cost can be saved. But in many circumstances, topographic condition ( 4 ),so we can’t say the smallest L/H value ( 5 ). In newly constructed three large capacity pumped-storage power plants in our country, the L/H value respectively are:7.12 in Guangzhou. 4.12 in Shisanling,2.40 in Tian huangpingA. is most economicB. is used to evaluate topographic condition of power plantC. is not desirableD. is the ratio of horizontal distance between upper and low reservoirE. is the bestPassage 7 Fuel cells BAECDFuel cells are devices that when a fuel such as hydrogen or hydrogen-rich compounds and oxygen are supplied to materials arranged like the anode and cathode of a conventional battery, combine to convert chemical energy directly into electrical energy. Unlike conventional batteries. where the conversion of chemical to electrical energy requires only the closing of a circuit between the cathode and anode to produce and electrical current,(1). These cells require the fuel and oxygen that will produce the chemical reactions that produce an electrical 0utout.Fuel cells have been made that will supply power in the megawatt range,and (2).Such cells are not yet widely used on power systems,but(3)to supply fuel cell power to isolated loads As the voltage output of a cell is in the order of l to 2.5V, (4) and power output in ranges that are normally required. Inverters are used to (5) when and AC output is desired.A . further development is under wayB. there is no storage capacity in a fuel cellC. many cells are operated in series to obtain voltagesD. supply alternating current from fuel cellsE. as they are being developed there have been some applications Passage 8 Substations pace into the Digital Age CAEBDSubstations constitute the main part of power transmission and distribution in a power grid. The substations (1), with the responsibility for the electric power transmission and distribution in the grid. Over more than a decade of development, (2). In the rebuilding and constructing of power grid in rural and urban areas,automation technology is not only used in low-voltage substations to realize unattended operation,but also in the 220kV and above extra-voltage substations,thus greatly enhancing the level of modernization of power grid construction, strengthening the power transmission and distribution and the possibility of power grid dispatching and reducing the total cost of substation construction, (3). However, the development of technology is never-ending,and the increasing maturation of technology like intelligent switches,photoelectric current and voltage transformers,online condition monitoring of primary equipments, (4), as well as the development and application of high-speed network in real-time system,is bound to have a profound impact upon the existing substation automation technology, and (5) is about to emerge.A. substation automation technology has reached a certain levelB. simulation training technology for substation operationC. composed of a large number of primary and secondary equipmentsD. a full-digital automation systemE. all of which has become an indisputable factPassage 9 Overcoming the Problem of Waste CADEBMany large cities are anything but beautiful Streets are littered with trash. In this trash, however, (1) .If people want to solve the problem of waste, (2).They must work out ways of making use of good things which are just thrown away as waste.When a car gets too old,it may not rimany more. But if the metal that the car was made of is still good,(3). When a bottle is empty, it goes out in the trash. But bottle glass can be ground into sand and used to pave streets. Besides, garbage from food can be changed into fertilizer. But first you have to pick out all the glass and metal.Furthermore, garbage can also be a good source for making building blocks, which are then covered with concrete. Now, (4) . Some day, people will watch films in a great cinema which has been built out of garbage Future buildings,roads,and cities may be made from garbage. But so far, (5).A. there is no time to be lostB. building beautiful cities out of garbage is only a dreamC. there is still something that can be usefulD. it can be put to use againE. more and more machines are designed for this purpose Passage 10 Hibernation EBDACThe weather in winter. Call be very cold. Some animals sleep during the winter, for it's difficult for them to find food then. (1) . For example,their sleep can last from autumn to spring. (2).Animals need food in winter to keep them warm and alive If they move about more,they need eat more. (3). Their heart beats slowly. And they breathe slowly. They find a safe place to sleep. (4).In warm winter some animals like bears may wake up. If they see thick snow oil the ground, they will get back to their sleep. (5).A. So they don’t need to worry about bad weather and other dangerous animalsB. We call this kind of sleep in wintertime “hibernation’’C. As it gets warmer and warmer in spring,the sleeping animals begin to wake up and look around for foodD. Hibernating animals don’t need to eat much because they don’t moveE. They can sleep for a long timePassage 11 Satellites BDACEThe body that is neatest to the Earth is the moon. (1). This satellite is called natural satellite. Man—made spacecraft which circle the Earth are called artificial satellites. Natural as well as artificial satellites circle the planets in a definite path or orbit(轨道). (2).All the bodies in space like the moon,the planets and the stars alsoexert an attractive force on objects. (3). The moon’s gravitational force is only one.sixth that of the Earth’s. The Earth’s gravitational force of pull keeps ns and everything else on Earth from floating away to space.(4). There are many artificial satellites orbiting around the Earth. Some artificial satellites have been sent up to orbit the moon and even the planet Mars. (5).A. The bigger and heavier a body is, the greater is its force of gravityB. It circles the Earth and is therefore know as a satellite of the EarthC. To get out into space we have to overcome the Earth’s gravitational pullD. A satellite stays in orbit because the planet gravitational force keeps pulling it into a circleE. Artificial satellite can be used for various purposesPassage 12 Secondary equipment in power system BDEACThe secondary equipments in power system are (1), measuring,regulating,controlling primary equipments, the equipments that supply information,working condition for the operator or maintenance persons, and (2). The electric circuit connected with the secondary winding of CT or PT is called secondary circuit. The secondary equipment and secondary circuit belong to secondary system.The voltage and (3) are:110V , 220V DC operating voltages, 100V rated voltage of the potential transformer secondary winding and (4).The related parameter values of secondary system after weak electrification are:24V 48V 60V DC operating voltages, (5), 0.5A rated current of CT secondary side.A. 5A rated current of the current transformer secondary windingB. the equipments that provide protecting,monitoringC. 50V rated voltage of PT secondary sideD. the equipments that send the command signalsE. current values in secondary systemPassage 13 Switching overvoltage EABCDA sudden change in the configuration of transmission network caused(1) or by the appearance of a fault can cause a rapid surge known as switching overvoltage, which propagates throughout the network. It is these switching overvoltages which in general (2), Limitating these overvoltages is of extremely importance, because they have an important effect on both (3).These switching overvoltages can occur (4). If non-restriking circuit breakers is not used, it is at the instant of closing, and above all,re-closing of a line which has held a residual charge, that the strongest overvoltages will appear. This switching overvoltage is usually limited(5).A. determine the insulation requirements of transmission linesB. the cost of transmission and 1ine failure rateC. at both opening and closing of circuit breakersD. by means of circuit breaker closing resistor in 500kV systemE. by the operation of a circuit breakerPassage 14 Transmission line and distribution line ADBCEThe high voltage power line through which power is (1) is called power transmission line. The voltage classes of 35kV and above are generally used. High voltage distribution line is (2) to distribution transformers. Low voltage distribution line is the line that transmits power from distribution transformer to the users. The normal voltage of power distribution line is 380V.The special sections of (3) refer to the sections with large spanning, serious pollution, (4).The overhead line section whose span is 1000 m and longer or the height of the pole or tower is l00m and higher is called(5).A. transmitted from power plant’s step-up substation to step-down substationB. the overhead transmission lineC. lightning frequently happening and heavy rainingD. the power line that transmits the power from step-down substationE. 1arge spanning line sectionPassage 15 Transformer insulation CEABDThe insulation of a transformer can be categorized into internalinsulation and external insulation. (1). The external insulation is the insulation between the upper part of bushings and the ground and the insulation among the bushings. The internal insulation of transformer can be further subdivided into main insulation and longitudinal insulation (2). The longitudinal insulation refers the insulation between different parts of the same winding,such as insulation between different sections,layers and turns of the same winding.(3), insulating pressboard, cable paper, corrugated paper, etc. The oil in transformer has two functions, one is insulation, and the other is cooling (4) by the factors such as temperature is called insulation aging.(5), for every 6o C temperature rise the insulation life time of the paper used in transformer will decrease by half.A. The main insulation materials inside transformer are transformer oilB. The degradation of insulating properties of insulation materials under long period of influenceC. The internal insulation refers to the insulation of various parts inside the oil tankD.If the winding temperature is within the scope of 80~140 o CE. The main insulation refers to the insulation between windings and grounding parts and the insulation between windingsPassage 16 The electricity market BDAECThe aim of introducing market mechanism is to bring various parties more economic benefit through equitable competition,thereby promote economic development.Like other markets, it needs (1) where the sellers and buyers (suppliers) can trade electricity, and needs (2) where the suppliers can sell electricity to final customers. As in other markets,the participants need (3). Competition is introduced into generation and retail supplied to customers. Customers are free (4). If a customer chooses to buy electricity in the retail market, he should be able to choose electricity supply from one of several competing retailers. If a customer decides to purchase directly from the wholesale market, he will need (5). Power generation is disaggregated into separate companies to ensure adequate competition.A. to agree on the price and quantity to be tradedB. a wholesale marketC. to register as a market customerD. a retail marketE. to choose electricity suppliersPassage 17 Electric power CBDAEElectric power is a most convenient,clean,safe,and useful form of energy which supplies the major portion of energy needs of a modem society At the present time (1) is newsworthy. Electric power is so vitalto the lives of people that (2) causes inconvenience, loss of production, and danger to many individuals who are in operation (such as cardiac operation) in hospital. A prolonged blackout, which is inevitable when a growing load is combined with no generation additions, could lead to (3). With the developing of industry and improving in living standard, the electric power demand is growing continuously and (4) is much greater than that of all other forms of energy. Now (5) has been one of the indications of modernization of a country.A. its growth rateB. its unavailabilityC. the lack of electricity (a blackout)D. social disorder, and even national tragedyE. high electric power consumption per capitaPassage 18 Copyright piracy BDAECThere are numerous examples of what has become known as copyright piracy. The American chemical giant Du Pont, for example, recently introduced into one Asian country its famous Londax herbicide, which kills weeds in rice fields. The company invested millions of dollars in (1) of this product and ploughed another US $25 million into opening a local production plant. Less than one year later, however, very cheap bottles of Londax were openly on sale. The only difference between (2) -0ther than the price-was that the fake was called Rondexand came in a blue rather than a green bottle. However, as it was so much cheaper than the original, it effectively destroyed Du Pont’s investment. It also made the company less willing to invest in R&D of (3). The“recipe”for Londax should have been treated as (4) of Du Pont. Other companies making illegal use of it are stealing just as surely as if they stole Du Pont’s machines or any other (5) of the inventing company.A. new chemicalsB. the research and developmentC. physical propertyD. the fake and real itemsE. the intellectual propertyPassage 19 Electrical energy DEBACElectrical energy is the presence and flow of an electric charge. The energy portion of electricity is found in a variety of phenomena such as (1), electromagnetic fields and lightning. Humans have found the ability to harness these phenomena and store the (2) for later use. The concept of (3) is defined using a variety of different terminologies such as charge,current and potential.Electrical energy is the result of the interaction of subatomic particles with electromagnetic force. Within an atom, electrons and protons create a charge. This charge Can be transferred between bodies using directcontact with a conductive material like a wire.The current refers to the movement of the charge. With direct current, this occurs when the electricity is stored in a battery and travels in one direction out of the battery. (4) occurs when the current changes direction repeatedly within an electrical system. The alternating current form is usually used to power larger objects such as residences and buildings.(5) is essential to the range and power of electric energy. When an electric charge exists within an object, a force is exerted from its electrical field. This accelerates the object in a direction either towards or away from the charge, depending on the electromagnetic polarization. Generally, positively-charged electricity pushes the object away, while negatively-charged electricity pulls the object towards the field.A. Alternating currentB. electrical energyC. Electrical potentialD. static electricityE. electrical chargePassage 20 Solar energy ADBCEMany people think of alternative solar energy as a new technology, but humans have been using this process to heat homes and baths for thousands of years. Alternative solar energy refers to energy from thesun that can be captured and used just like energy created by fossil fuels. The great benefit of solar energy is that its source, the sun,is not diminished by use of the energy, therefore making this type of power system(1).There are several different methods of collecting and using alternative solar energy. One of (2), usually seen as solar panels. Solar panels can be a very good means of collecting solar energy, but do have some drawbacks. While panels have the advantage of quickly turning absorbed solar radiation into usable energy, they are extremely (3). This means that much of the potential power of absorbed light is lost in the transfer processThermal solar energy is primarily used to create heat, such as for homes, baths, and swimming pools, In a thermal system, (4), which then passes through a pipe system where it mixes with water, generating steam. Steam is then passed through a turbine system, which turns it into usable energy. Despite sounding like a more complex process than photovoltaic systems use, thermal alternative solar energy is often far more (5) and is able to retain and use more of the collected energy directly for heating.A. sustainableB. inefficientC. the collected energy is used to heat a fluidD. the best known is photovoltaic cellsE. efficientPassage 21 Electrical energy conservation CDEABElectrical energy conservation refers to the process of reducing energy used through various means. Many of these methods for (1);naming down the thermostat, naming off the lights when leaving the room, or switching off power strips when not in use are all examples of this. Homes, businesses or power companies (2), such as wind or solar energy, are also examples of electrical energy conservation. Many traditional electrical power plants are coal-fired, which contributes greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, (3);this is just one reason that energy conservation is important.For many people, electrical energy conservation begins at home. Not only is this good for the environment, but it can also significantly reduce the amount of a monthly electric bill. Some of the simplest steps to energy conservation include switching traditional light bulbs to compact fluorescent(CFL)bulbs, or (4). Making sure appliances are efficient, and that windows and doors are well sealed against the outdoors, are other examples of energy conservation. People (5) should also look for power strips that can be switched off.A. turning the thermostat up in the summer and down in the winterB. looking for other opportunities for electrical energy conservation inthe homeC. reducing energy consumption can be undertaken at homeD. making use of alternative clean energy sourcesE. contributing to climate changePassage 1 CDBEANowadays, scientists are working hard to make deserts into useful land again. They make efforts to bring water to the desert( C ). Unluckily, more and more land is becoming deserts. This is because people are doing bad things to the earth.Some places don’t become deserts( D )Some green plants are growing there. ( B ). Plants keep the land away from becoming too dry in the sunshine( E ). When a little bit rain falls, the plants can hold the water. Without plants and grass,the land will become drier and drier and is more likely to become a desert. ( A )A. There is still a long way to go for scientists to turn the desert into good land.B. They are very important to dry placesC. so that people can live and grow food thereD. even though these places don’t have much rainE. Besides, they won’t let the wind blow the dirt away.Passage 2 CBEADTemperature, pressure, specific volume, enthalpy and entropy arethe most commonly used ( C ) in the thermodynamics.Heat expansion refers to the phenomenon that most of the substances will increase in size with ( B ) in the absence of ( E ).There are three basic types of( A ), namely, conduction, convection and radiation.The first law of thermodynamics goes like this: the heat input to a thermodynamic system is equal to the sum of the increase in( D )of the system and the work done to the outside.A. heat transferB.the rise in temperatureC.parameters of the mediumD.internal energyE.external forcesPassage 1 EABCD( E ) Here are three important rules( A )Reduce. ( B ) Big cities always consume a lot of water in daily life. To save water, people in some families may first use the same water to wash clothes and then to flush the toilet.Reuse. ( C )For example, you can pass on the clothes you do not use or those too small for you to your younger sisters or brothers.Recycle. Bottles, cans and paper can be recycled. In this way, we can save a lot of money and resources. For example, used coke cans canbe sent to a factory to be smashed flat and melted. ( D )A. Their key words all begin with the 1etter “R”.B. If you want to reduce waste. you must use things wisely.C. You must always think of reusing things before throwing them out.D. The metal stuff can be made into new coke cans.E. It’s important to protect our environment.Passage 2 BCADEAccording to the mode of energy conversion, power plants can be classified into fossil-fired, hydraulic, ( B ), geothermal, tide power plants, and so on.A power plant transforms primary energy source into electric power and ( C ).A co-generation plant is the power plant that not only generates electricity but also ( A ).Normally, in selecting the site of a new power plant, following factors should be fully considered: Power net plan fur medium and long term; ( D ); Transportation condition; Water sources; Local natural condition and environmental protection.According to the common stipulation for a newly scheduled power plant, the total capacity in a ( E ) is in the range of 1200MW to 3 600MW, the number of units should not exceed six and the ranks ofcapacity should not exceed two.A. supplies steam to the userB. nuclear, wind, solarC. supplies power to usersD. Fuel supply and ash disposalE. newly scheduled power plantPassage 1 BDACEThe most important pumps in a power plant are feed-water pumps and condensate pumps, etc.The role of feed-water pump in a power plant is that ( B ) from de-aerator water storage tank to boiler. To meet the demand of parameter design of thermodynamic system and to simplify the system, a part of the feed water is extracted from an intermediate stage of the pump for temperature reduction of superheated steam.Following methods are used popularly for the speed regulation of feed-water pump: ( D );Hydraulic coupling speed regulation and speed regulation by a small turbine.The principle of disposition for boiler feed-water pumps: three sets of feed-water pumps are equipped, ( A ), another one for standby. Generally, two steam-driven pumps and one motor-driven pump are provided, also, ( C ).Role of a condensate pump in a power plant: it pressurizes the。

职称英语补全短文 SANY标准化小组 #QS8QHH-HHGX8Q8-GNHHJ8-HHMHGN#【经典资料,WORD文档,可编辑修改】【经典考试资料,答案附后,看后必过,WORD文档,可修改】第十三篇 Sleeping GiantRight now, an eruption is brewing in Yellowstone National Park. Sometime during the next twohours, the park’s most famous geyser, Old Faithful, will begin gurgling boiling water andsteam. 1Old Faithful is not only a spectacular sight; it’s also a constant reminder that Yellowstonesits on one of the largest volcanoes in the world. If you’ve never heard of Yellowstone’svolcano, you’re not alone. 2 Yet it has erupted three times during the last 2 million years.And one of those eruptions spewed enough volcanic ash and other debris to blanket half theUnited States.Yellowstone’s volcano is sometimes called a “supervolcano,” or extremely large and explosive caldera volcano. 3 This supervolcano formed over a hot spot, an extremely hot area in Earth’s mantle. John Valley, a volcano professor, said that as the crust moves across a hot spot, thehot spot melts a section of the plate moving over it, forming “one volcano after another.”The Yellowstone hot spot melts thick continental crust, which may cause catastrophic eruptions. According to experts the eruptions that created each of the three calderas in and aroundYellowstone National Park were larger than any other volcanic eruption in recorded history. The most recent eruption, which happened 640,000 years ago, produced at least 1,000 cubickilometers of ash and debris, which blanketed most of the western half of the United States. 4Geological evidence shows Yellowstone has blown its stack every 700,000 years or so 1. “Ifnature were truly that regular and reliable, we would be due for another eruption soon,2” said Valley. “However, these processes are subject to variability, so we don’t really know whenthe next eruption will happen.” 5 It is the volcanic energy that powers the geysers and hot springs, creates themountains and canyons, and generates the unique ecosystems that support Yellowtone’s diverse wildlife 3. 词汇: brew /bru:/ n.酝酿 crust /krQst/ n.地壳Yellowstone National Park 黄石国家公园 mantle /5mAntl/ n.地幔 geyser /5^aizE/ n.间歇泉 continental / / adj.大陆的 gurgle /5^E:^l/ v.汩汩地流catastrophic /9kAtE`strCfIk/ adj.灾难的 spew /spju:/ v.喷涌 variability / / n.可变性 caldera /kAl5diErE/ n.火山口洼地 canyon /5kAnjEn/ n.峡谷注释:1. every 700,000 years or so :每 70万年左右。
职称英语补全短文 第1课时

最牛英语口语培训模式:躺在家里练口语,全程外教一对一,三个月畅谈无阻!洛基英语,免费体验全部在线一对一课程:/ielts/xd.html(报名网址)PASSAGE 1Teamwork in TourismGrowing cooperation among branches of tourism has proved valuable to all concerned. Government bureaus,trade and travel associations,carriers and properties are all working together to bring about optimum conditions for travelers.Travel operators,specialists in the field of planning,sponsor extensive research programs. They have knowledge of all areas and all carrier services,and they are experts in organizing different types of tours and ____(1)____. They distribute materials to agencies,such as journals,brochures and advertising projects. They offer familiarization and workshop tours ____(2)____.Tourist counselors give valuable seminars to acquaint agents with new programs and techniques in selling. In this way agents learn ____(3)____ and to suggest different modes and combinations of travel - planes;ships,trains,motorcoaches,car-rentals,and even car purchases.Properties and agencies work closely together to make the most suitable contracts,considering both the comfort of the clients and their own profitable financial arrangement. Agencies rely upon the good services of hotels,and,conversely,____(4)____,to fulfill their contracts and to send them clients.The same confidence exists between agencies and carriers,____(5)____. Carriers are dependent upon agencies to supply passengers,and agencies are dependent upon carriers to present them with marketable tours. All services must work together for greater efficiency,fair pricing and contented customers.A including car-rental and sight-seeing services.B so that in a short time agents can obtain first-hand knowledge of the tours.C in preparing effective advertising campaignsD as a result tourism is flouring in all countriesE hotels rely upon agenciesF to explain destinationsKEYS:CBFEAPASSAGE 2Death controlA very important world problem-in fact,I am inclined to say it is the most important of all the great world problems________(1)_________-is the rapidly increasing pressure of population on land and on land resources.This enormous increase of population will create immense problems. By 2000 A.D.,unless something desperate happens,there will be as many as 7,000,000,000 people on the surface of the earth!So this is a problem which you are going to see in your lifetimeWhy is this enormous increase in population taking place?It is really due to the spread of the knowledge and the practice of _________ (2)_______. You have heard of Birth Control?Death Control is something rather different. Death Control recognizes the work of the doctors and the nurses and the hospitals and the healthservices in keeping alive people who,_____(3)_____,Would have died of some of the incredibly serious killing diseases ,as they used to do. Squalid conditions,which we can remedy by an improved standard of living,caused a lot of disease and dirt. Medical examinations at school catch diseases early and ensure healthier school children. Scientists are at work stamping out malaria and other more deadly diseases. If you are seriously ill there is an ambulance to take you to a modern hospital. Medical care helps _____(4)______. We used to think seventy was a good age;now eighty,ninety,it may be ,are coming to be recognized as a normal age for human beings. People are living longer because of this Death Control,and _____(5)_____,so the population of the world is shooting up.练习:A fewer children are dyingB a few years agoC what is coming to be called Death ControlD which face us at the present timeE making it possible for people to live longerF to keep people alive longerKeys:DCBFAPASSAGE 3Ludwig van BeethovenLudwig van Beethoven,a major composer of the nineteenth century,overcame many personal problems to achieve artistic greatness.Born in Bonn,Germany,in 1770,be first studied music with the court organist,Gilles van der Eeden. His father was excessively strict and given to heavy drinking. When his mother died,Beethoven,____(1)____,was named guardian of his two younger brothers. Appointed deputy court organist to Christian Gottlob Neefe at a surprisingly early age in 1782,Beethoven also played the harpsichord and the viola. In 1792 he was sent to Vienna by his patron,Count Ferdinand Waldstein,to study music under Haydn.Beethoven remained unmarried. Because of irregular payments from his publishers and erratic support from his patrons,____(2)____. Continually plagued by ill health,he developed an ear infection which led to his tragic deafness in 1819.In spited of this handicap,____(3)____. He completed mature masterpieces of great musical depth:three piano sonata,four string quartets,the Missa Solemnis,and the 9th Symphony. He died in 1827. His life was marked ____(4)____.Noting that Beethoven often flew into fits of rage,Goethe once said of him,“I am astonished by his talent,but he is unfortunately an altogether untamed personality.”Although Beethoven's personality ____(5)____,his music shows great discipline and control,and this is how we remember him bestA however,he continued to write musicB he was troubled by financial worries throughout his adult lifeC by a passionate dedication to independenceD then a young manE may have been untamedF his music has been loved over the past centuriesKEYS:DBACE“成千上万人疯狂下载。
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职称英语补全短文第3课时1PASSAGE 8Einstein Named "Person of Century"Albert Einstein,whose theories on space time and matter helped unravel the secrets of the atom and of the universe,was chosen as "Person of the Century" by Time magazine on Sunday.A man whose very name is synonymous with scientific genius,Einstein has come to represent_(1)_the flowering of 20th century scientific thought that set the stage for the age of technology."The world has changed far more in the past 100 years than in any other century in history. The reason is not political or economic,but technological-technologies_(2)_," wrote theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking in a Time essay explaining Einstein's significance. "Clearly,no scientist better represents those advances than Albert Einstein."Time chose as runner-up President Franklin Roosevelt to represent the triumph of freedom and democracy over fascism,and Mahatma Gandhi as an icon for a century whencivil and human rights became crucial factors in global politics."What we saw Franklin Roosevelt embodying the great theme of freedom's fight against totalitarianism,Gandhi personifying the great theme of individuals struggling for their rights,and Einstein being both a great genius and a great symbol of a scientific revolution that brought with it amazing technological advances_(3)_," said Time Magazine Editor Walter Isaacson.Einstein was born in Ulm,Germany in 1879. In his early years,Einstein did not show the promise of what he was to become. He was slow to learn to speak and did not do well in elementary school. He could not stomach organized learning and loathed taking exams.In1905,however,he was to publish a theory which stands as one of the most intricate examples of human imagination in history. In his "Special Theory of Relativity," Einstein described how the only constant in the universe is the speed of light. Everything else-mass,weight,space,even time itself-is a variable. And he offered the world hisnow-famous equation:energy equals mass times the speed of light squared-E=mc2."Indirectly,relativity paved the way for a newrelativism in morality,art and politics," Isaacson wrote in an essay___(4)____. "There was less faith in absolutes,not only of time and space but also of truth and morality."Einstein's famous equation was also the seed that led to the development of atomic energy and weapons. In1939,six years after he fled European fascism and settled at Princeton University,Einstein,an avowed pacifist,signed a letter to President Roosevelt urging the United States to develop an atomic bomb before Nazi Germany did. Roosevelt heeded the advice and formed the "Manhattan Project"_(5)_. Einstein did not work on the project.Einstein died in Princeton,New Jersey in 1955.A.explaining Time's choicesB. how he thought of the relativity theoryC. more than any other personD. that secretly developed the first atomic weaponE. that flowed directly from advances in basic scienceF. that helped expand the growth of freedomKey:CEFADPASSAGE 9The First Four MinutesWhen do people decide whether or not they want tobecome friends?During their first four minutes together,according to a book by Dr. Leonard Zunin. In his book,"Contact:The first four minutes",he offers this advice to anyone __(1)___:"Every time you meet someone in a social situation,give him your undivided attention for four minutes.A lot of people's whole lives would change if they did just that"。
You may have noticed that the average person does not give his undivided attention to someone he has just met. He keeps looking over the other person's shoulder,as if __(2)__. If anyone has ever done this to you,you probably did not like him very much.When we are introduced to new people,the author suggests,we should try to appear friendly and self-confident. In general,he says,"People like people who like themselves"。
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