Chase Method of Aggregate Planning
运营管理基础 4E-戴维斯英文PPTChap015
• Linear Programming • Linear Decision Rule • Various Heuristic Methods
Fundamentals of Operations Management 4e
Fundamentals of Operations Management 4e
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
Aggregate Planning Techniques
• Trial and Error
–Costing out the production alternatives and choosing the one with the lowest cost.
Fundamentals of Operations Management 4e
© The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2003
Managerial Issues
• Translating long-range strategic plans into daily work schedules for the shop floor. • Using aggregate planning to develop intermediaterange plans that link the long-range strategic plan and the short-range operational plan. • Developing aggregate plans that match the demand for products with the firm’s ability to supply the products and to do so at minimum cost. • Coordinating marketing management and operations to develop an aggregate plan that is both effective and efficient.
运营管理基础 4E-戴维斯英文IMChap015
CHAPTER 15AGGREGATE PLANNINGChapter OverviewAggregate planning is the first step in a process that takes the long-range strategic plan and converts it to the operational level. The aggregate plan is maintained primarily for determining the amount of materials and labor requirements for the next 12 months. Specifically, this chapter provides an overview of aggregate planning.Major Points of Chapter1.The aggregate plan is used to set product rates by broad groups for the intermediate term,generally 6 to 18 months.2.The process of aggregate planning can be very formal or it can be informal. Many smallcompanies use informal methods of aggregate production planning.3.There are three basic production-planning strategies—chase, stable workforce, and levelstrategy.4.The relevant costs are basic production costs, labor costs, costs associated with changes in theproduction rate, inventory holding costs, and backlogging costs.5.Many companies use trial-and-error charting and graphical methods for aggregate planning.However, more sophisticated approaches include linear programming, Linear Decision Rule, and various heuristic methods.6.Yield management is used for aggregate planning in services. It attempts to integrate demandand supply management simultaneously. Specifically, it tries to sell all available capacity, but not turn away a full paying customer.Review and Discussion Questions1.What are the basic controllable variables of a production planning problem? What are thefour major costs?Basic controllable variables: production rate, work force levels, labor costs, and inventories. Major costs: production costs (fixed and variable), production rate change costs, inventory holding costs, and backlog costs.2.Distinguish between pure and mixed strategies in production planning.Pure strategies use only one variable to absorb demand fluctuations. Mixed strategies involve two or more pure strategies.180Aggregate Planning pare the best plans in the C&A Company and the Tucson Parks and RecreationDepartment. What do they have in common?The plans have little in common. The C&A plans used a constant low work force and subcontracting. The Tucson Parks plan, on the other hand, used a constant high work force and no subcontracting.4.How does forecast accuracy relate, in general, to the practical application of the aggregateplanning models discussed in the chapter?A highly accurate forecast encourages the use of deterministic techniques such as linear programming which in turn permits the development of near optimal plans. Clearly, though, any reduction in uncertainty enhances the likely accuracy of any production planning method.5.In which way does the time horizon chosen for an aggregate plan determine whether it is thebest plan for the firm?Many factors affect the selection of an appropriate time horizon. Perhaps, the most important is what the firm intends to plan during that time period. An aggregate plan implies a period of up to 18 months wherein the firm takes its forecast and plans production using inventory, work force size, overtime and under time, subcontracting, and backlogging orders to achieve a reasonable schedule at reasonable costs. A very stable firm in a very stable environment with a very stable demand really doesn’t need to go out very far with its aggregate pl an. However, when there is variation, especially when this variation is considerable, then a longer aggregate plan will show the need to find subcontractors, new workforce availability, etc. Planning for these can start early.6.Under what conditions is the concept of yield management most appropriate for serviceoperations?To gain the maximum from yield management, a service should have the ability to segment its markets, high-fixed and low variable costs, product perishability, and the ability to presell capacity.Problems181Chapter 151821.inventory requiredhours requiredhours availablehoursproduction inventory hired laid offFall 10000 500 9500 19000 14400 7200-2300Winter 8000 -2300 10300 20600 14400 6200 10300 0 Spring 7000 0 7000 14000 14400 7200 200 Summer 12000 200 12000 23600 14400 1200020020* 20 Back orderOvertime Hiring Lay off Inventory Straight time TotalFall $23,000$72,000 $95,000Winter $49,600 $72,000 $121,600 Spring $1,000 $72,000 $73,000 Summer $2,000$4,000$1,000 $118,000$125,000 Total 2.Forecast Beginning Inventory Production required Production hours required Production hours availableOvertime hours Actual production Ending inventory Workers hired Workerslaid offFebruary 80000 0 80000 20000 16000 80000 0 25* March 64000 0 64000 16000 20000 64000 0 25 April 100000 0 100000 25000 16000 5000 84000 -16000 May 40000 -16000 56000 14000 16000 64000 8000Back orderOvertime Hiring Lay off Inventory Straight timeTotalFebruary$1250$200000 $201,250 March$1750$160000 $161,750 April $32000$75000$160000 $267,000 May $80000$160000$240,000 Total$870,000*(20,000-16,000)/(8*20) = 25 workersAggregate Planning183 3.g Inventory required hours required hours availablehours production inventory hired laid off Spring20000 100019000 38000 28000 1000019000 0 Summer 10000 0 10000 20000 28000 10000 0 20 Fall 15000 0 15000 30000 20000 15000 0 25 Winter18000 0 18000360003000015000-3000Back orderOvertime HiringLay offInventory StraighttimeTotalSpring $150000$280000 $430000 Summer $4000$200000 $204000 Fall $2500$300000 $302500 Winter $24000 $300000 $324000Total$12605004. Number of workers = (40500-500)/(12)(1)(8)20 = 20.83 or 21 workersJanuary February March AprilMay JuneJuly August Septem-ber October Novem-ber Decem-berAverageForecast 2500 3000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 4000 4000 4000 3000 3000 Beginning inventory 500 1250 1500 2000 1750 1750 1500 1500 2000 2000 2000 1500Production requirements 3250 3250 4500 3250 3500 2750 3000 4500 4000 4000 2500 3000 3458.3 Ending inventory1250150020001750 17501500 150020002000200015001500Total CostForecast 2500 3000 4000 3500 3500 3000 3000 4000 4000 4000 3000 3000 40500Beginning inventory 500 1360 1720 1080940800 1160 1520 880 240 -400 -40Production plan 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 3360 40320 $403,200.00Ending inventory 1360 1720 1080 9408001160 1520 880 240 -400 -40 320 Safety stock 1250 1500 20001750 17501500 150020002000200015001500Excess inventory 110 220 20 350 $1,750.00 Back order400 40 440$8,800.00Total$413,750.00Next, try increasing or decreasing the number of workers by one, and recalculate the total cost. Abetter solution may be found.Chapter 151845.Number of workers = (Year’s production – beginning inventory)(labor hrs/unit)/(working days per year) = (6700-200)10/((22)(11)+7) = 32.6 or 33 workers Monthly production (except July) = 22(8)33/10 = 580 units/monthJanuary February March April May June July August Septem-berOctober November December TotalForecast 600 800 900 600 400 300 200 200 300 700 800 900 6700 Beginning inventory 200 180 0 0 0 180 460 444 824 1104 984 764 Production requirements 580 580 580 580 580 580 184 580 580 580 580 580 6564 Ending inventory180 -40 -320 -20 180 460 444 824 1104 984 764 444CostsTotalLost Sales800 6400 4007600 Inventory 900 900 2300 2220 4120 5520 4920 3820 2220 26920 Total 900 800 6400 400 900 2300 2220 4120 5520 4920 3820 2220 34520Since there appears to be excessive inventory costs, another plan should be attempted with 32 workers for comparison purposes.Aggregate Planning 6. a-c.Total cost is $532,471.185Chapter 151867.Level StrategyMonth Hours Cost ($30/hr.) Cumulative costCarrying Cost (1.5%/mo.November 160 4,800 4,800 72 December 160 4,800 9,600 144 January 160 4,800 14,400 216 February 160 4,800 19,200 288 March 160 4,800 24,000 360 April 160 4,800 28,800 432 Total Incremental Cost= $1,512 Chase StrategyTotal Hours Required 950Hrs/Worker/Month 160Number of Workers 5.9375 Or 6 workersHiring Cost (5 + handyman) 600Firing Cost (5 + handyman from last season) 450 Total Incremental Cost $1,050Chase Strategy With OvertimeTotal Hours Required 950 Hrs/Worker/Month 240Number of Workers 3.958333 Or 4 workersHiring Cost (3 + handyman) 400Firing Cost (3 + handyman from last season) 300 Overtime Costs (80 hours/worker * $10/hr.) 3,200 Total Incremental Cost$3,900The best option appears to be the chase strategy, with an incremental cost of $1,050.Aggregate Planning187 Case: XYZ Brokerage Firm1.Dept. A (cashiering)Dept. B. (order processing) Work Process Physical materials and information Information only Technology Simple (now) Complex Skills Required Relatively low Relatively high Workforce Planning Chase capacityLevel capacity2. The key determinant of the planning strategy in this case is the nature of the work itself.Department A requires low skills from its workforce due to the simple tasks they are called upon to perform. Department B has more complex work, and hence needs a more skilled staff to perform it. Do these differences eliminate certain strategy choices for either manager? Yes, it could be very difficult for manager B to follow a chase strategy and still maintain quality and output requirements. 3. A’s strategy is described because it keeps head count down and, presumably, labor costs low.B ’s strategy is desirable because it assures enough adequately trained (and no doubt better motivated) workers. Additional considerations which tend to favor level capacity strategies are provided by Sasser, Olsen, and Wyckoff in the following table”Comparison of Chase-Demand and Level-Capacity Strategies for the XYZ Brokerage FirmChase DemandLevel CapacityLabor-skill level required Low High Job discretion Low High Compensation rate Low High Working conditionsSweatshop Pleasant Training required per employee Low High Labor turnover High Low Hire-fire costs High Low Error rateHigh Low Amount of supervision required High Low Type of budgeting and forecasting requiredShort-runLong-runSource: W.E. Sasser, R.P. Olsen, and D.D. Wyckoff, Management of Service Operations , Boston: Allyn & Bacon, 1978, p. 304Chapter 154.Mixed and subcontracting possibilities:a.Work towards a core of permanent workers in Department A who would be will to workovertime.b.Bring in temporaries in both departments. This will require some job modification topermit quick “set-ups” for workers from outside.c.Cross-training in Department B.d.Subcontract “grunt work” where possible.5.Standardization here could be viewed as consisting of two types: task standardization andtechnology standardization. On the task side, low standardization lengthens training time forboth departments. There is a need to standardize the work and to standardize the trainingefforts. On the technology side, there is a need for standard computer languages andprotocols to operate those LANs and file servers to effectively coordinate all operationswithin the brokerage.Case: La Buena Compania De Espana, S.A.La Buena Compania de Espana Chase StrategyJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total Forecasted Demand 1,740 1,740 2,460 3,240 2,220 1,860 13,260On-Hand Inventory 300Ave Net Demand 1,440 1,740 2,460 3,240 2,220 1,860 12,960 2,160 Aggregate Plan:Production 1,440 1,740 2,460 3,240 2,220 1,860 12,960 Number of Workers 24 29 41 54 37 31Number Hired 0 5 12 13 0 0Number Fired 1 0 0 0 17 6Incremental Costs:Hiring Costs 0 1,000 2,400 2,600 0 0 6,000Firing Costs 700 0 0 0 11,900 4,200 16,800 Totals: 700 1,000 2,400 2,600 11,900 4,200 22,800Total Incremental Costs of Chase Strategy = 22,800188Aggregate PlanningLa Buena Compania de Espana Level StrategyJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total Forecasted Demand 1,740 1,740 2,460 3,240 2,220 1,860 13,260On-Hand Inventory 300Ave Net Demand 1,440 1,740 2,460 3,240 2,220 1,860 12,960 2,160 Aggregate Plan:Production 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 2,160 12,960 Number of Workers 36 36 36 36 36 36Number Hired 11 0 0 0 0 0Number Fired 0 0 0 0 0 0Ending Inventory 720 420 (300)(1,080)(60)300Cumulative Inventory 720 1,140 840 (240)(300)0Incremental Costs:Hiring Costs 2,200 0 0 0 0 0 2,200Firing Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Inventory Costs 1,440 2,280 1,680 0 0 0 5,400 Stockout Costs 0 0 0 2,400 3,000 0 5,400 Totals: 3,640 2,280 1,680 2,400 3,000 0 13,000Total Incremental Costs of Level Strategy = 13,000Based upon cost, the level strategy should be used.189Chapter 15La Buena Compania de Espana Level Strategy with OvertimeJan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Total Forecasted Demand 1,740 1,740 2,460 3,240 2,220 1,860 13,260On-Hand Inventory 300 360 420 0 0 0Ave Net Demand 1,440 1,380 2,040 3,240 2,220 1,860 12,180 2,030 Aggregate Plan:Production 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 1,800 10,800 Number of Workers 30 30 30 30 30 30Number Hired 5 0 0 0 0 0Number Fired 0 0 0 0 0 0Overtime production 0 0 240 1,440 420 60Ending Inventory 360 420 0 0 0 0Cumulative Inventory 720 1,140 1,140 1,140 1,140 1,140Overtime Hours: 0 0 600 3,600 1,050 150Incremental Costs:Hiring Costs 1,000 0 0 0 0 0 1,000Firing Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Inventory Costs 1,440 2,280 2,280 2,280 2,280 2,280 12,840 Stockout Costs 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Overtime Premium 0 0 2,400 14,400 4,200 600 21,600 Totals: 2,440 2,280 4,680 16,680 6,480 2,880 35,440Total Incremental Costs of Overtime Strategy = 35,440The level strategy is still the best.3. An alternate plan would be to go with a level work force of 36 people and then work overtimeto eliminate any stockouts. One problem with working overtime, especially during the peakmonth is that workers will become very tired. This can cause a decrease in productivity and poor workmanship.190。
1、综合计划在哪些行业尤其重要?这些行业有哪些特征?What are some industries in which aggregate planning would be particularly important?综合计划对于一些制造业和服务业来说很有用。
2、运用综合计划的行业有哪些特点?What are the characteristics of these industries that make them good candidates for aggregate planning?综合计划对于那些交付周期相对长和容量数额有限的行业非常有用。
3、综合计划策略之间的主要不同是什么?What are the main differences between the aggregate planning strategies?三个纯粹的总体规划策略是追赶策略,劳动力或产能的时间柔性策略,以及均衡策略。
4、哪些行业或情况最适合使用追赶策略?哪些最适合使用柔性策略?哪些最适合使用均衡策略?What types of industries or situations are best suited to the chase strategy? The flexibility strategy? The level strategy?追赶策略适用于库存成本较高,而改变设备产能和劳动力数量成本较低的情况。
周 次
综合计划分解的结果被称为主生产计划(MPS),国内企业常 称之为产品出产进度计划。
主生产计划(Master Production Scheduling)
制定主生产计划的目的是要确定企业生产的最终产品的出 产数量和出产时间。最终产品是指对于企业来说最终完成,具 有独立需求特征的整机、部件或零件,它可以是直接用于消费 的产成品,也可以是作为其它企业的部件或配件。 主生产计划是MRP(物料需求计划)的输入部分之一,与我 国通常采用的产品出产进度计划在计划的时间单位上略有不 同,产品出产进度计划一般以月为计划时间单位,而主生产计 划通常以周为单位。 MPS的编制一般采用“试验法”进行,先编制一个初步计划 方案,看是否符合综合计划与资源约束条件的要求。若不满 足,再进行调整,直到合适为止。因此MPS的制定过程是一个 反复测算的过程。
生产计划指标体系 我国企业在制定总体计划(年度生产计划)时,通常用一些指标来表示,称为计划指标体系。国外的总体计划主要反映产品的出产进度和数量,而很少涉及产值。
MPS到底是什么?在S&OP项目咨询过程中,经常发现一个被误解甚至被滥用的词叫做MPS(Master Production Schedule),中文习惯翻译为主生产计划,其实从字面上就混淆了计划与排程的区别。
供应计划的核心和结果是PSI:产量P(Production )最优,发货S(Shipment,这里的S不是销售sales)交付最优,库存I( Inventory)最优。
1,800 450 1,850
1,500 375 1,425
1,100 275 1,000
900 225 850
1,100 275 1,150
1,600 400 1,725
Production & Operations Management
综合生产计划 Aggregate Planning 主生产计划计划 Master Production Schedule, MPS 物料需求计划 Materials Requirement Planning 相关需求 月 具体产品生 产数量
战术计划 营销计划 •目标市场 •竞争重点 •利润 •新产品 运作计划 •生产速率 •产品品种 •产品数量 •产品质量 财务计划 •资金筹集 •资金运用 •现金流 •预算 工程计划 •R&D •产品设计 •工艺设计
中期(1年) 短期(月、周、日、班)
作业计划 采购计划
Production & Operations Management
需求与工作天 月份 需求预测 工作天 一月 1,800 22 二月 1,500 19 三月 1,100 21 四月 900 21 五月 1,100 22 六月 1,600 20 总计 8000件 125天
The Planning Process
Long-range plans (over one year) Research and Development New product plans Capital investments Facility location/expansion
High utilization requires effective aggregate planning of the four basic stages of production
Selection and delivery of raw materials Brewing process from milling to aging
Aggregate Production Planning
Goal: Specify the optimal combination of
rate (units completed per unit of time) workforce level (number of workers) inventory on hand (inventory carried from previous period)
Each stage has its resource limitation. Developing the aggregate plan to make it all work is demanding . Effective aggregate planning is a major ingredient in competitive advantage at Anheuser-Busch. Manufacturers like AB, GE, and Yamaha face tough decisions when trying to schedule products like beer, air conditioners and jet skis, the demand for which is heavily dependent on seasonal variation. Developing plans that minimize costs connected with such forecasts is one of the main functions of an operations manager.
Introduction to Management Science 5th Edition, 课后习题答案 Chapter 4
CHAPTER 4 THE ART OF MODELING WITH SPREADSHEETSSOLUTION TO SOLVED PROBLEMS4.S1Production and Inventory Planning ModelSurfs U p p roduces h igh-‐end s urfboards. A c hallenge f aced b y S urfs U p i s t hat t heir d emand i s highly s easonal. D emand e xceeds p roduction c apacity d uring t he w arm s ummer m onths, b ut is v ery l ow i n t he w inter m onths. T o m eet t he h igh d emand d uring t he s ummer, S urfs U ptypically p roduces m ore s urfboards t han a re n eeded i n t he w inter m onths a nd t hen c arries inventory i nto t he s ummer m onths. T heir p roduction f acility c an p roduce a t m ost 50 b oards per m onth u sing r egular l abor a t a c ost o f $125 e ach. U p t o 10 a dditional b oards c an b e produced b y u tilizing o vertime l abor a t a c ost o f $135 e ach. T he b oards a re s old f or $200. Because o f s torage c ost a nd t he o pportunity c ost o f c apital, e ach b oard h eld i n i nventory f rom one m onth t o t he n ext i ncurs a c ost o f $5 p er b oard. S ince d emand i s u ncertain, S urfs U p would l ike t o m aintain a n e nding i nventory (safety s tock) o f a t l east 10 b oards d uring t he warm m onths (May–September) a nd a t l east 5 b oards d uring t he o ther m onths (October–April). I t i s n ow t he s tart o f J anuary a nd S urfs U p h as 5 b oards i n i nventory. T he f orecast o f demand o ver t he n ext 12 m onths i s s hown i n t he t able b elow. F ormulate a nd s olve a l inear programming m odel i n a s preadsheet t o d etermine h ow m any s urfboards s hould b e p roduced each m onth t o m aximize t otal p rofit.Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec10 14 15 20 45 65 85 85 40 30 15 15This i s a d ynamic p roblem w ith 12 t ime p eriods (months). T he a ctivities a re t he p roduction quantities i n e ach o f t he 12 m onths u sing r egular l abor a nd t he p roduction q uantities i n each o f t he 12 m onths u sing o vertime l abor.To g et s tarted, w e s ketch a s preadsheet m odel. E ach o f t he 12 m onths w ill b e a s eparate column i n t he s preadsheet. F or e ach m onth, t he r egular p roduction q uantity (a c hanging cell) m ust b e n o m ore t han t he m aximum r egular p roduction (50). S imilarly, f or e ach month t he o vertime p roduction q uantity (a c hanging c ell) m ust b e n o m ore t han t he maximum o vertime p roduction (10). E ach m onth w ill g enerate r evenue, i ncur r egular a nd overtime p roduction c osts, i nventory h olding c osts, a nd a chieve a r esulting p rofit. T he g oal will b e t o m aximize t he t otal p rofit o ver a ll 12 m onths. T his l eads t o t he f ollowing s ketch o f a s preadsheet m odel.The e nding i nventory e ach m onth w ill e qual t he s tarting i nventory (the g iven s tartinginventory f or J anuary, o r t he p revious m onth’s e nding i nventory f or f uture m onths) p lus a ll production (regular a nd o vertime) m inus t he f orecasted s ales. T he e nding i nventory a t t he end o f e ach m onth m ust b e a t l east t he m inimum s afety s tock l evel. T he r evenue w ill e qual the s elling p rice t imes f orecasted s ales. T he r egular (or o vertime) p roduction c ost w ill b e the r egular (or o vertime) p roduction q uantity t imes t he u nit r egular (or o vertime)production c ost. T he h olding c ost w ill e qual t he e nding i nventory t imes t he u nit h olding cost. T he m onthly p rofit w ill b e r evenue m inus b oth p roduction c osts m inus h olding c ost. Finally, t he t otal p rofit w ill b e t he s um o f t he m onthly p rofits. T he f inal s olved s preadsheet, formulas, a nd S olver i nformation a re s hown b elow.Unit Cost (Reg)Unit Cost (OT)Selling Price Holding Cost Starting Inventory<=Max Regular <=Max OTForecasted Sales Ending Inventory>=Safety StockThe v alues i n R egularProduction (C10:N10) a nd O TProduction (C14:N14) s how h ow m anysurf b oards S urfs U p s hould p roduce e ach m onth s o a s t o a chieve t he m aximum p rofit o f $31,150.Set Objective Cell: TotalProfit To: MaxBy Changing Variable Cells:RegularProduction, OTProduction Subject to the Constraints:RegularProduction <= MaxRegular OTProduction <= MaxOTEndingInventory >= SafetyStock Solver Options:Make Variables Nonnegative Solving Method: Simplex LP4.S2Aggregate Planning: Manpower Hiring/Firing/TrainingCool P ower p roduces a ir c onditioning u nits f or l arge c ommercial p roperties. D ue t o t he l owcost a nd e fficiency o f i ts p roducts, t he c ompany h as b een g rowing f rom y ear t o y ear. A lso, d ue to s easonality i n c onstruction a nd w eather c onditions, p roduction r equirements v ary f rommonth t o m onth. C ool P ower c urrently h as 10 f ully t rained e mployees w orking i nmanufacturing. E ach t rained e mployee c an w ork 160 h ours p er m onth a nd i s p aid a m onthly wage o f $4000. N ew t rainees c an b e h ired a t t he b eginning o f a ny m onth. D ue t o t heir l ack o f initial s kills a nd r equired t raining, a n ew t rainee o nly p rovides 100 h ours o f u seful l abor i n their f irst m onth, b ut a re s till p aid a f ull m onthly w age o f $4000. F urthermore, b ecause o f required i nterviewing a nd t raining, t here i s a $2500 h iring c ost f or e ach e mployee h ired. A fter one m onth, a t rainee i s c onsidered f ully t rained. A n e mployee c an b e f ired a t t he b eginning o f any m onth, b ut m ust b e p aid t wo w eeks o f s everance p ay ($2000). O ver t he n ext 12 m onths, Cool P ower f orecasts t he l abor r equirements s hown i n t he t able b elow. S ince m anagement anticipates h igher r equirements n ext y ear, C ool P ower w ould l ike t o e nd t he y ear w ith a t l east 12 f ully t rained e mployees. H ow m any t rainees s hould b e h ired a nd/or w orkers f ired i n e ach month t o m eet t he l abor r equirements a t t he m inimum p ossible c ost? F ormulate a nd s olve a linear p rogramming s preadsheet m odel.Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec 1600 2000 2000 2000 2800 3200 3600 3200 1600 1200 800 800This i s a d ynamic p roblem w ith 12 t ime p eriods (months). T he a ctivities a re t he n umber o fworkers t o h ire a nd f ire i n e ach o f t he 12 m onths.To g et s tarted, w e s ketch a s preadsheet m odel. E ach o f t he 12 m onths w ill b e a s eparate column i n t he s preadsheet. F or e ach m onth, t here a re c hanging c ells f or b oth t he n umber o f workers h ired a nd f ired. B ased o n t he v alues o f t hese c hanging c ells, w e c an d etermine t he number o f t rainees a nd t rained e mployees. T he n umber o f l abor h ours g enerated b y t he employees m ust b e a t l east t he r equired l abor h ours e ach m onth. F inally, l abor c osts (for trainees a nd t he t rained w orkforce), h iring c ost, a nd s everance p ay l eads t o a t otal m onthly cost. T he g oal w ill b e t o m inimize t he t otal c ost o ver a ll 12 m onths. T his l eads t o t he following s ketch o f a s preadsheet m odel.Labor Monthly WageHiring Cost Severance PayLabor Hours/Trainee/MonthLabor Hours/Trained Worker/MonthStarting Trained WorkforceMinimum to Start the TraineesNext YearTrained Employees >=Labor Hours Available>=Required Labor HoursWhen a n e mployee i s f irst h ired, h e o r s he i s a t rainee f or o ne m onth b efore b ecoming afully-‐trained e mployee. T herefore, t he n umber o f t rainees (row 14) i s e qual t o t he n umber of w orkers h ired i n t hat m onth, w hile t he n umber o f t rained e mployees (row 15) i s t henumber o f t rained e mployees a nd t rainees f rom t he p revious m onth m inus a ny e mployee that i s f ired. T he l abor h ours a vailable i n e ach m onth e quals t he s umproduct o f t he l abor hours p rovided b y e ach t ype o f w orker (trained o r t rainees) w ith t he n umber o f e ach t ype of e mployee. T he l abor c osts i n e ach m onth a re t he m onthly w age m ultiplied b y t he number o f e mployees. T he h iring c ost i s t he u nit h iring c ost m ultiplied b y t he n umber o f workers h ired. T he s everance p ay i s t he u nit s everance c ost m ultiplied b y t he n umber o f workers f ired. T hen, t he t otal m onthly c ost i s t he s um o f t he l abor c osts, h iring c ost, a nd severance p ay. F inally, t he t otal c ost w ill b e t he s um o f t he m onthly c osts. F or a rbitrary values o f w orkers h ired a nd f ired e ach m onth, t his l eads t o t he f ollowing s preadsheet.The S olver i nformation i s s hown b elow, f ollowed b y t he s olved s preadsheet.Thus, W orkersHired (C11:N11) s hows t he n umber o f w orkers C ool P ower s hould h ire e achmonth a nd W orkersFired (C12:N12) s hows t he n umber o f w orkers C ool P ower s hould f ire each m onth s o a s t o a chieve t he m inimum T otalCost (O26) o f $787,500.Solver ParametersSet Objective Cell: TotalCost To: MinBy Changing Variable Cells: WorkersHired, WorkersFired Subject to the Constraints:N15 >= MinimumToStartNewYearLaborHoursAvailable >= RequiredLaborHours WorkersHired = integer WorkersFired = integer Solver Options:Make Variables Nonnegative Solving Method: Simplex LP。
建筑专业英语词汇(C)cab 操纵室cabine twork 细木椎cabinet 箱cabinet door 撑cabinet maker 细木工cabinet type air conditioner 框形空碟cable 电缆cable conveyor 死输送机cable duct 电缆管道cable layer 电缆敷设机cable protection pipe 电缆保护管cable railway 缆塌路cable sag 绳擞度cable saw 蒜cable stayed bridge 斜拉桥cable suspended bridge 钢桥索cable suspended structure 悬酸构cableway 缆道cableway excavator 牵缆挖掘机cafe 咖啡馆cage construction 骨架结构cage door 升降机门cage of reinforcement 钢筋骨架caisson 藻井caisson ceiling 澡井顶棚caisson chamber 沉箱工滓caisson foundation 沉箱基础caisson gate 浮坞门caisson pile 沉箱桩calcareous cement 含钙水泥calcareous clay 石灰质粘土calcareous earth 石灰质土calcareous sand 石灰质砂calcareous sand stone 灰质砂岩calcinating kiln 焙烧炉calcination 烧成calcined gypsum 煅烧石膏calcining heat 煅烧温度calcium chloride 氯化钙calcium hardness 钙质硬度calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钙calcium oxide 氧化钙calcium oxychloride 漂白粉calcium silicate brick 硅酸钙砖calcium silicate concrete 硅酸钙混凝土calcium silicate insulation 硅酸钙绝热材料calcium silicate products 硅酸钙产品calculated period 沉淀计算值calculated settlement 沉陷计算值calculating table 计算用表calculating technics 计算技巧calculation 计算calculation assumption 计算假定calculation hypothesis 计算假定calendar progress chart 日程表calfdozer 小型推土机calibration 校正california bearing ratio test 加州承重比试验calking 填隙call bell 电铃calorific capacity 热容量calorific value 发热量calorimeter 量热计camber beam 曲线梁canal 运河canal bridge 运河桥canal concrete paver 渠道混凝土浇筑机canal embankment 渠岸堤canal lining 渠道衬砌canal mouth 渠道口canal pumping station 水道泵站canal silting 水道泥淤canal slope 渠道倾斜canal slope concrete paver 渠道边坡混凝土铺机canal tunnel 渠道隧洞cant 倾斜cant column 多角柱canted wall 斜交墙canteen 临时怜餐室cantilever 悬臂梁cantilever beam 悬臂梁cantilever bridge 悬臂桥cantilever construction 悬臂结构cantilever crane 悬臂吊车cantilever deck dam 悬壁平板坝cantilever design 悬臂结构设计cantilever erection 悬臂架设cantilever foundation 悬臂基础cantilever girder 悬臂梁cantilever reinforcement 悬臂钢筋cantilever retaining wall 悬臂式挡土墙cantilever roof 悬臂式屋顶cantilever type drop 悬臂式落差构造物cantilever wall 悬臂墙canvas 防水布canvas cloth 防水布caoutchouc 橡皮cap 柱冠capacitor 电容器capacity 能力capacity curve 容量曲线capacity level 额定水位标高capacity of heat transmission 热传导能力capillary pressure 毛细管压力capillary rise 毛细管上升capillary tube 毛细管capillary type air humidifier 毛细管式空气增湿器capillary water 毛细管水capital 柱顶capital investment 基建投资capitalized cost 核定投资额capping brick 檐砖captation 集水装置car bottom furnace 台车式炉car park 停车场caracol 旋梯carbon 碳carbon arc welding 碳素电弧焊carbon black 碳黑carbon dioxide fire extinguisher 二氧化碳灭火器carbon fibers 碳化纤维carbonate 碳酸盐carbonate hardness 碳酸盐硬度carbonation of fresh concrete 新烧混凝土碳化carburising 碳化carcase 骨架carcass 骨架carcass work 骨架制作carcassing 骨架制作carcassing timber 木构架构件card 图cardboard 纸板cardboard roof 硬纸板屋顶cargo berth 货物码头cargo terminal 货物码头carpenter 木工carpenter's hammer 木工锤carpenter's wooden vise 木工老虎钳carpenter's work 木工椎carpentry 木工椎carpet 地毯carpet rod 地毯固定棒carriageway 车道carriageway surfacing 车道路面carrying capacity 承载能力carrying wall 承重墙cart 手推车cart house 车库carton 纸板cartridge operated fixing gun 装配用手枪caryatid 女象柱cascade 瀑布case 箱case hardening 表面硬化cased frame 箱式窗架cased pile 沉箱桩cased structures 钢壳构造cased well 套管井casein 酪蛋白casein glue 酪蛋白胶casein paint 酪素涂料casemate 避弹堡casement window 竖铰链窗casement window bolt 窗扉插销cast asphalt concrete 浇注式沥青混凝土cast concrete 浇管灌凝土cast in place and precast construction 装配整体式结构cast in place concrete 就地浇捣的混凝土cast in place concrete pile 就地浇捣的cast in place concreting 就地灌筑混凝土cast in place construction 就地灌筑构造cast iron pipe 铸铁管cast iron radiator 铸铁制散热器cast steel 铸钢cast stone 铸石castellated beam 堞形梁caster 小脚轮casting area 构件制住地casting box 模板casting of concrete without forms 无模混凝土浇注casting plant 钢筋混凝土构件厂casting shop 铸工车间casting yard 构件制住地casualty 事故catalog 目录catalytic agent 催化剂catalyzed aggregates 催化骨料catalyzer 催化剂catch 键锁catch basin 集水槽catchment area 集水面积catenary 悬链线catenary suspension construction 悬链构造cauldron 大锅caulked joint 嵌实缝caulking 填隙caulking hammer 堵缝凿causeway 堤道caustic lime 生石灰caution sign 警告标志cave in 塌落cavern 洞穴cavitation 空穴现象cavity 空腔cavity block 空心砌块cavity brick 空心砖cavity dam 框格坝cavity slab 孔穴板cavity wall 空腔壁ccondense water 冷凝水ceiling 天花板ceiling air diffuser 顶棚空气散流ceiling air distribution 顶棚空气分布ceiling beam 平顶梁ceiling boarding 顶棚装木板ceiling coil 顶棚供热盘管ceiling fan 吊扇ceiling heating 天花板供热ceiling joist 平顶搁栅ceiling luminaire 天花板照描备ceiling mortar 顶棚灰浆ceiling panel 顶棚镶板ceiling panel heating 顶棚板面供热ceiling papering 顶棚糊纸cell concrete 微孔混凝土cell wall 格式壁cellar 地下室地窑cellar wall 地下室壁cellophane 玻璃纸赛璐玢cellular air filter 蜂窝状空气过滤器cellular block 空心混凝土块cellular cofferdam 格形围堰cellular concrete 微孔混凝土cellular dam 格体式坝cellular dust collector 蜂窝状除尘器cellular floor 格型楼板cellular girder 空心梁cellular glass 泡沫玻璃cellular plastics 泡沫塑料cellular rubber 海棉橡胶cellular silencer 蜂窝状消声器cellular structure 蜂窝状结构celluloid 赛璐玢celocret 泡沫矿渣cement 水泥cement additive 水泥外加剂cement admixture 水泥外加剂cement batcher 水泥计量器cement block 水泥砌块cement brand 水泥牌号cement brick 水泥砖cement bunker 水泥筒仓cement burning 水泥煅烧cement clinker 水泥烧块cement coating 水泥抹面cement concrete 水泥混凝土cement content 水泥含量cement covering 水泥罩面cement dispersion admixture 水泥分散外加剂cement distributor 水泥分配机cement external rendering 水泥外面抹灰cement facing 水泥盖面cement factor 水泥含量cement fineness 水泥细度cement finisher 水泥整平抹光机cement floor 水泥地面cement grinding mill 水泥磨碎机cement grit 粗水泥cement grout 水泥浆cement grouting 灌水泥浆cement gun 水泥喷枪cement hardener 水泥粉刷硬化剂cement in bulk 散装水泥cement industry 水泥工业cement injection 水泥灌浆cement joint 水泥缝cement kiln 水泥窑cement lime mortar 水泥石灰浆cement lining 水泥衬砌cement minerals 水泥矿物cement mixer 水泥灰浆拌合机cement mortar 水泥灰浆cement paint 水泥涂料cement paste 水泥浆cement plant 水泥厂cement plaster finish 石膏水泥灰泥饰面cement screed 水泥浆找平cement setting 水泥凝结cement silo 水泥筒仓cement slurry 水泥泥浆cement strength 水泥强度cement testing sand 水泥试验用标准砂cement tests 水泥试验法cement tile 水泥花砖cement water grout 稀水泥浆cement water ratio 灰水比cement weigh batching unit 水泥按重量配料组合机组cement weigher 水泥秤cement weighing hopper 水泥重量配科斗cement wood floor 水泥木质地板cementation 水泥灌浆cementation method 水泥灌浆法cementing 水泥胶结cementing agent 粘结剂cementing materials 胶结材料cementing properties 胶结性cementitious materials 胶结材料center arch 中心拱center boiler 集中式锅炉center line 中心线center of curvature 曲率中心center of gravity 重心center of moments 弯矩中心center of pressure 压力中心center of rotation 旋转中心center span 中央跨距center support 中心支座center to center distance 中心距centering of arches 拱的定心central air conditioner 集中空气第机central air conditioning plant 集中式空气第装置central area 中心地区central axis 中心轴central bay 中心桥跨central boiler house 中央锅炉房屋central botanical garden 中央植物园central control room 中央控制室central heating 中央供热central heating boiler 中央供热锅炉central heating station 中央加热站central mixed concrete 中央拌合混凝土central moment of inertia 中心惯性矩central park 中央公园central plan 中心规划central plant air conditioning system 中央空气第系统central point load 中心点负荷central post 中心柱central warm air heating system 中央热风供热系统centralized hot water supply system 中央热水供应系统centrifugal concrete pile 离心混凝土桩centrifugal pump 离心泵centrifugal reinforced concrete 离心钢筋混凝土centrifugally cast concrete 离心浇灌混凝土centrifugally cast pipe 离心浇灌钢筋混凝土管centrifuge 离心机centroid of section 截面重心ceramic drain 陶瓷排水管ceramic materials 陶瓷材料ceramic mosaic 陶瓷马赛克ceramic tile 瓷砖ceramic veneer 陶瓷面砖ceramic wall 陶瓷砖墙ceramics 陶瓷制品ceramsite concrete 陶粒混凝土ceramsite foam concrete 陶粒泡沫混凝土chain 链chain bridge 链缩桥chain bucket dredge 链斗式控泥船chain hoist 链式提升器chain lever hoist 链条杆卷杨机chain of locks 梯级船闸chain saw 链锯chain sling 链式吊索chain survey 链测chain suspension bridge 链缩桥chair 椅chalk 粉笔chalkstone 白恶石chamber 室chambering 扩孔chamfered angle 斜面角chamotte brick 耐火粘土砖chandelier 枝形吊灯change 变化change in length 长度变化change of gradient 梯度变化change of stress state 应力状态的变化channel beam 槽形梁channel capacity 河槽输水能力channel check 渠道控制channel flow 摸怜channel of approach 引水渠channel revetment 河道护岸channel roughness 河槽糙率channel section 槽形截面characteristic concrete cube strength 混凝土规格立方块强度characteristic curve 特性曲线characteristic load 规格荷载characteristic properties 固有特性characteristic strength 特湛度charcoal 发charge 装药charge of surety 容许荷载charpy impact machine 单梁式冲辉验机charpy test 恰贝试验chart 表chase 槽chasing 车槽雕刻chassisless construction 无车身底盘结构check 检查check calculation 验算check gate 第闸门check of staircase 楼梯侧板check test 检查试验check throat 门嘉水槽check valve 止回阀checker plate 花钢板cheek 边墙chemical action 化学酌chemical admixture 化学掺合料chemical agent 化学试剂chemical analysis 化学分析chemical combination 化合chemical compound 化学组成chemical gauging 化学方法测定chemical grouting 化学灌桨chemical mortar 化学灰浆chemical precipitation 化学沉淀chemical reaction 化学反应chemical sealing 化学密封加固chemical water treatment 水的化学处理chemically bonded brick 化学粘着砖chemistry of concrete 混凝土化学chequer plate 网纹钢板chevron drain 人字形排水沟chief draughtsman 治员图员chief engineer 总工程师children's garden 儿童公园children's play area 儿童游戏场chilled water 冷却水chilling 冷却chilling water 冷却水chimney 烟囱chimney block 烟道砌块chimney cap 烟囱帽chimney drain 竖井排水管chimney effect 抽吸效应chimney flue 烟囱chimney hood 烟囱帽chimney shaft 烟囱身chimneys brick 烟图用砖china cabinet 瞅china sanitary ware 卫生彩色瓷器chipboard 碎木胶合板chippings 碎石片chippings spreader 石屑撒布机chisel 錾chlorination 加氯处理chlorination plant 加氯处理装置chlorinator 氯化器chock 垫木choker hitch 夹钳酸chord 桁架弦杆chord line 弦线chord of arch 拱弦chromatic adaptation 色顺应chromatic sensation 色觉chrome brick 铬砖churn drilling 冲唤钻进chute 斜槽chuting concrete 斜槽溜浇混凝土cillery 叶饰cinder 炉渣cinder aggregate 矿渣骨料cinder block 煤渣砌块cinder concrete 煤渣混凝土cinder concrete brick 煤渣混凝土砖cinquefoil 五瓣花饰cipoletti weir 梯形堰circle 圆circle of influence 影响圈circle of stress 应力圆circle of wall plates 承梁板凸缘circuit 回路circuit breaker 断路开关circuit street 环行街道circular arch 圆弧拱circular cofferdam 圆形围堰circular frequency 圆频率circular pan mixer 圆盘式搅拌机circular saw 圆盘锯circular section 圆截面circular settling tank 圆形沉淀池circular stair 环形楼梯circular tunnel 圆形隧洞circulating fund 哩资金circulating space heater 循环空间加热器circulating system 循环系统circulating water 循环水circulation 循环circulation cooling 循环冷却circulation heating 循环供热circulation pump 循环泵circumference 圆周circumferential stress 圆周应力circus 圆形马戏场city area 城市区域city climate 城市气侯city constitution 城市组成city designing office 城市设计院city management 城市管理city noise 城市噪声city owned utilities 市办公用设施city park 城市公园city planning 城市规划city traffic network 城市交通网city water 自来水civic area 民用区域civic beauty 城都美civic building 民用房屋civil architect 民用建筑师civil architecture 民用建筑civil engineer 土木工程师civil engineering 土木工程civilian construction 民用建筑cladding panel 骨架填充板材cladding wall 覆盖板墙clamped beam 固定梁clamping device 夹具clamping screw 夹紧螺钉clamshell grab 抓斗clarification 澄清clarification tank 澄清池clarification time 净化时间clarified sewage 澄清的污水clarifier 澄清池clasp 挂钩class of buildings 建筑物等级class of loading 荷载等级classic architecture 古典建筑classification 分类classification of soils 土壤分类classifier 粒度分级器分级器claw 钳claw hammer 木工锤clay 粘土clay blanket 粘土封层clay brick 粘土砖clay cement 粘土水泥灰浆clay concrete 粘土混凝土clay core 粘土心墙clay engineering brick 缸砖clay floor 粘土地面clay grouting 粘土灌浆clay mortar 粘土灰浆clay pipe 瓦管clay plate mould 制瓦模clay puddle 粘土膏clay sealing 粘土填充clay tile 陶土瓦clean timber 无节疤木料cleaning door 清理门clear distance 净距离clear overflow weir 苗吝clear span 净跨clear water 净水clear water reservoir 净水池clear width 净宽clearance 间隙clearance area 应拆居住区clearance height 净空高度cleat 楔子clerestory window 纵向天墙clerk of works 建设监督climate 气侯climatic condition 气侯条件climatic region 气侯区climatic test chamber 人工气侯试验室climatic zone 气侯带climatological data 气侯资料climbing forms 滑升模板climbing shuttering 提升模板clink 劈楔clinker 烧结块clinker aggregate 烧结集料clinker bearing slag cement 矿渣硅酸盐水泥clinker block 煤渣砌块clinker brick 缸砖clinker cement 熟料水泥clinker concrete 溶块混凝土clinometer 倾斜计clip 夹clip band 夹带cloak room 衣帽间clock house 守卫室clockwise moment 顺时针方向矩closed building method 密集式建筑法closed construction 不透水结构closed container 密闭容器closed cornice 封闭檐板closed force polygon 合力多边形closed heat supply system 封闭式供热系统closed system 闭系统closed type steam heating system 闭式蒸汽供热系统closing up of cracks 裂缝闭合closure embankment 堵口堤cloth construction 织物结构cloth filter 布质滤器cloth roof 布屋顶clout nails 大帽钉clubhouse 俱乐部coagulant 凝结剂coagulating agent 凝结剂coagulation 凝聚coagulation basin 凝结池coagulator 凝固器凝固剂coal tar enamel 煤焦油磁漆coarse aggregate 粗糙骨料coarse air filter 粗净空气滤器coarse asphaltic concrete 粗骨料沥青混凝土coarse chips 粗粒碎石coarse concrete 粗级配混凝土coarse graded asphaltic concrete 粗级配沥青混凝土coarse grading 粗级配coarse grain filter 粗粒过滤器coarse ground cement 粗磨水泥coarse rock 粗粒碎石coarse sand 粗砂coarse screen 粗筛coarse screening 粗筛选coast protection 海岸防护coast protection dam 海岸防护堤coast protection works 海岸防护设施coastal canal 沿海运河coastal park 海滨公园coat 敷盖层cob 草筋泥;夯土建筑cob brick 土砖cob wall 土墙cobble 中砾石cobble stone masonry 中块石圬工cobbles concrete 大卵石混凝土cobblestone 中砾石cobblestone pavement 大卵石路面cobwork 木笼建筑物cock 阀cockloft 阁楼cockscomb 鸡冠形刮刀cocnnection angle 连接角钢coefficient 系数coefficient of cohesion 粘着数coefficient of compressibility 压缩系数coefficient of consolidation 压实系数coefficient of deformation 变形系数coefficient of discharge 量系数coefficient of earth pressure 土压力系数coefficient of elasticity 弹性系数coefficient of filtration 过滤系数coefficient of friction 摩擦系数coefficient of heat transfer 热传递系数coefficient of internal friction 内摩擦系数coefficient of moisture precipitation 水分分泌系数coefficient of passive earth pressure 被动土压力系数coefficient of performance 性能系数coefficient of permeability 渗透系数coefficient of radiation 辐射系数coefficient of resistance 阻力系数coefficient of roughness 粗糙系数coefficient of rugosity 粗糙系数coefficient of soil reaction 地基系数coefficient of subgrade reaction 地基系数coefficient of thermal conductivity 导热系数coefficient of thermal expansion 热膨胀系数coefficient of uniformity 匀质系数coefficient of velocity 速度系数coefficient of viscosity 粘性系数coffer wall 沉箱墙cofferdam 围堰coffered ceiling 方格天花板cohesion 内聚力cohesionless soil 无粘性土cohesive soil 粘性土cohesive strength 内聚力coign 隅石coil 盘管coke 焦炭coke cement concrete 焦炭屑混凝土colcrete 胶体混凝土cold blast 冷风cold drawn wire 冷拔钢丝cold feed 冷水供应cold generation 冷生产cold laid asphalt surface 冷铺沥青混凝土路面cold laid asphaltic concrete 冷铺沥青混凝土cold penetration construction 冷灌沥青路面施工cold source 冷源cold store 冷藏库cold supply 冷供应cold supply system 供冷系统cold twisted bar 冷扭钢筋cold water supply 冷水供应cold weather concrete 冬季混凝土cold weather construction 冬季建造cold working 冷加工colgrout 胶状水泥灰浆collapse 崩塌collapse method of structural design 结构设计的极限强度计算法collapsible form 拌装式模板collapsible partition 可拆卸间壁collar beam roof 系梁屋顶collar for flange connection 环状凸缘连接机构collecting drain 集水暗沟collecting gutter 集水沟collecting manhole 集水井collecting well 集水井collective drawing 装配图collector 收集器集水管collector drain 排水廊道collimation line 视准线colling plant 冷却设备colloidal concrete 胶质混凝土colloidal grout 胶状水泥灰浆colloidal mixer 胶质浆料混合器colonnade 柱廊color admixture 彩色添加剂color agent 色素color chart 色表color matching 配色color mixer 混色器color mixing 色混合color sensation 色感color sensitivity 感色灵敏度color stability 色稳定性color test 比色试验color triangle 原色三角形coloration 着色colored cement 有色水泥colored glass 颜色玻璃colorimeter 比色计colorimetric test 比色试验coloring 着色coloring admixture 着色添附加剂coloring capacity 着色容量colour adaptation 色适应colour concrete 彩色混凝土colouring matter 色素column 柱column base 柱基column cap 柱头column capital 柱头column crane 塔式起重机column drill 柱状岩取心钻column effective length 柱的有效长度column footing 柱基础column foundation block 柱基础砌块column head 柱头column method 柱式法column neck 圆柱颈弯饰column slenderness ratio 柱的细长比comb 屋脊combed fascine raft 柴排combed joint 直钉榫对接combed stucco 蜂窝状漫涂combination beam 组合梁combination construction 混合结构combination plane 全能刨combination railing 混合形栏杆combination tap assembly 活门拌合机combination type pavement structure 复合式铺装构造combination well 组合井combination window 混合窗combined aggregate 混合骨料combined drainage system 综合排水系统combined member 组合构件combined sewerage system 雨污水合恋统combined sewers 雨污水合恋统combined stress 复合应力combined stresses 复合应力combined water 化合水combustibility 可燃性combustible 燃料combustible building materials 可燃性建筑材料combustion 燃烧combustion chamber 火室comfort 舒适comfort air 舒适空气comfort air conditioning 适宜空气第comfort chart 舒适度图comfort conditions 舒适条件comfort index 舒适指数comfort zone 舒适区commemorative architecture 纪念性建筑物commencement of setting 凝结开始commercial building 商业建筑commercial cafeteria 商业自助食堂commercial city 商业城市commercial concrete 商品混凝土comminutor 粉碎机commissioning 试运行committee room 会议室common bond 普通砌合common brick 普通粘土砖common concrete 普通混凝土common lime 气硬石灰common partition 自立木骨架间壁common rafter 普通椽木common sewer 公用污水管common wall 共用隔墙commpression stress 压缩应力community structure 居住区组成compact gypsum 雪花石膏compact material 密实材料compact structure 密实结构compact wood 密实的木材compacted concrete 捣实的混凝土compacted rock fill 压实填石compactibility 可压实性compacting equipment 压实设备compacting factor test 压实系数测定compaction 压实compaction by rolling 滚碾压实compaction curve 压实曲线compaction test 压实试验compactness 密实度compactor 压实机compass 两脚规compass plane 曲面刨compass window 半圆形凸窗compatibility conditions 相容性条件compatibility equations 相容方程式compensated control 补偿第compensating rope 均力绳compensation grade 折减坡度complete air conditioning 完全空气第complete overhaul 大修completely hydrated cement 完全水化水泥completion 完成compliance 适应性compo 水泥灰浆component 成分component of a force 分力composite action 复合酌composite board 多层板composite bridge 组合桥composite column 混成柱composite construction 混成结构composite insulation 合成绝缘composite member 组合件composite type pavement structure 复合式铺装构造composition 组成compound 混合物compound beam 组合梁compound curve 复合曲线compound grider 合成梁compound load 合成荷载compound order 合成柱型compound pile 组合桩compound section 复式断面compound wall 组合墙compregnated wood 胶合压缩木材compressed air 压缩空气compressed air ejector 压气喷射器compressed air gun 喷涂枪compressed air jack 气动千斤顶compressed air pile hammer 压缩空气打桩锤compressed air shield driving 压缩空气盾构掘进compressed air station 压缩机站compressed concrete 压制混凝土compressed flange 受压凸缘compressed member 受压构件compressed straw slab 草制纸板compressed union 承压缝compressibility 压缩性compressibility factor 压缩系数compression 压缩compression area 受压面积compression coefficient 压缩系数compression curve 压缩曲线compression efficiency 压缩效率compression element 压缩构件compression face 受压面compression failure 压缩破坏compression fiber 受压纤维compression flange 受压凸缘compression joint 承压缝compression member 压缩构件compression refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机compression reinforcement 受压钢筋compression strength 抗压强度compression tank 受压容器compression test 压缩试验compression testing machine 压缩试验机compression wave 压力波compressive force 压缩力compressive load 压缩负载compressive reinforcement 受压钢筋compressive strain 压缩变形compressive strength 抗压强度compressive stress 压缩应力compressive zone 受压区compressor 压缩机compressor station 压缩机站compressor unit 压缩机组computation 计算computation of stresses 应力计算computational mistake 计算误差computed strength 计算强度computer aided design 计算机辅助设计concave camber 凹面concave joint 凹缝concealed conduit 暗管concentrated force 集中力concentrated load 集中载荷concentration of construction 集中施工concentration of dust 尘埃浓度concentration of population 人口集中度concert hall 音乐厅conch 半园形屋顶concourse 中央大厅concrete 混凝土concrete accelerator 混凝土速凝剂concrete additive 混凝土掺合料concrete admixture 混凝土掺合料concrete aggregate 混凝土骨料concrete antifreezer 混凝土防冻剂concrete arch 混凝土拱concrete area 混凝土面积concrete base 混凝土底座concrete batching plant 混凝土分批搅拌装置concrete beam 混凝土梁concrete bed 混凝土底座concrete belt placing tower 混凝土带输送灌注塔concrete bent construction 混凝土排架结构concrete bin 混凝土贮料斗concrete blanket 混凝土罩面concrete blinding coat 混凝土填充面层concrete block 混凝土砌块concrete block construction 混凝土块结构concrete block pavement 混凝土块铺砌concrete blockwork 混凝土块砌筑concrete bonding plaster 混凝土粘结灰泥concrete breaker 混凝土破碎机concrete brick 混凝土砖concrete bridge 混凝土桥concrete bucket 混凝土吊罐concrete buggy 混凝土手推车concrete caisson 混凝土沉箱concrete cap 混凝土柱帽concrete carriageway 混凝土车道concrete cart 混凝土独轮手推车concrete casting 混凝土浇灌concrete catch gutter 混凝土溜槽concrete ceiling 混凝土顶棚concrete central mix plant 混凝土搅拌装置concrete chute 混凝土运送溜槽concrete chuting cable crane 滑槽运送混凝土用死起重设备concrete coloring 混凝土着色concrete compacted by jolting 振实混凝土concrete compactor 混凝土压实器concrete composition 混凝土成分concrete compression strength 混凝土抗压强度concrete consistence 混凝土稠度concrete construction 混凝土构造物concrete conveying pipe 混凝土输送管concrete core 混凝土心concrete core slab 混凝土空心板concrete core unit 混凝土空心板concrete cover 混凝土保护层concrete crushing strength 混凝土抗压强度concrete curing 混凝土养护concrete cutting machine 混凝土切断机concrete dam 混凝土坝concrete deposit 浇注混凝土concrete depositing 混凝土浇注concrete design 混凝土设计concrete desintegration 混凝土混合料离析concrete dispenser 混凝土分配器concrete finishing machine 混凝土整面机concrete floor 混凝土底板concrete for radioactive ray shielding 放射线屏蔽用混凝土concrete form 浇混凝土用模板concrete foundation 混凝土基础concrete foundation block 混凝土基础块concrete frame 混凝土构架concrete girder bridge 混凝土梁式桥concrete grade 混凝土标号concrete grillage 混凝土格床concrete grout 混凝土浆concrete grouter 混凝土灌浆机concrete gun 混凝土喷枪concrete hardening 混凝土硬化concrete hollow block 混凝土空心砌块concrete in mass 大体积混凝土concrete in water 水中混凝土concrete industry 混凝土工业concrete injection unit 混凝土灌浆机concrete interlocking tile 混凝土联锁瓦concrete joint sealing compound 混凝土接缝封塞料concrete laboratory 混凝土试验室concrete layer 混凝土层concrete laying machine 混凝土摊铺机concrete levelling course 混凝土整平层concrete lighting columm 混凝土照鸣concrete ligthing mast 混凝土照鸣concrete line 混凝土输送管concrete lining 混凝土衬砌concrete masonry 混凝土块砌筑concrete mix 混凝土拌合料concrete mix vibration 混凝土拌合料的振动concrete mixer 混凝土搅拌机concrete mixer on truck 运货汽车混凝土搅拌机concrete mixer with vibrating blades 混凝土振动搅拌机concrete mixing 混凝土搅拌concrete mixing plant 混凝土搅拌装置concrete mixture 混凝土混合料concrete mortar 混凝土灰浆concrete mould oil 混凝土模板用油concrete nail 混凝土钉concrete of dry consistency 干稠度混凝土concrete of high early strength 早强混凝土concrete of low porosity 密实混凝土concrete of one consistency 等稠度混凝土concrete of stiff consistency 干硬性混凝土concrete paint 混凝土涂料concrete patching 混凝土路面修补concrete pavement 混凝土面层concrete pavement spreader 混凝土路面摊铺机concrete paver 混凝土铺路机concrete paving block 铺筑混凝土路面块concrete pile 混凝土桩concrete pile follower 混凝土桩帽concrete pile foundation 混凝土桩基础concrete piling 混凝土排桩concrete pipe 混凝土管concrete placement 混凝土浇注concrete placer 混凝土浇注机concrete plasticiser 混凝土塑化剂concrete pouring 混凝土浇注concrete preparing equipment 混凝土准备设施concrete products 混凝土制品concrete progress chart 混凝土工程进度表concrete pump 混凝土泵concrete pumping 混凝土泵送concrete radiation shield 混凝土防辐射罩concrete reactor shield 混凝土反应堆护罩concrete reinforcement 混凝土钢筋concrete reinforcing cage 混凝土钢筋笼concrete resistant to weather 耐气侯混凝土concrete road 混凝土道路concrete roof 混凝土屋顶concrete roof deck 混凝土屋顶板concrete saw 混凝土锯concrete segregation 混凝土混合料离析concrete setting 混凝土凝固concrete shrinkage 混凝土收缩concrete skeleton 混凝土骨架concrete slab 混凝土板concrete sleeper 混凝土枕木concrete spraying 混凝土喷洒concrete spreader 混凝土摊铺机concrete steel building 钢筋混凝土建筑物concrete stone 混凝土石concrete strength 混凝土强度concrete stress 混凝土应力concrete structure 混凝土建筑物concrete technology 混凝土工艺学concrete test cube 混凝土立方体试块concrete texture 混凝土纹理concrete tile 混凝土瓦concrete transporter 混凝土运送机concrete truck 混凝土混合料输送车concrete vibrator 混凝土振动器concrete waffle slab 混凝土格子板concrete waterproofer 混凝土防水剂concrete with crushed stone 碎石混凝土concrete with entrained air 加气混凝土concrete with honeycombed spots 蜂窝状混凝土concrete work 混凝土工程concrete worker 混凝土工concreter 混凝土工concreting 浇注混凝土concreting boom 浇注混凝土起重机臂concreting gang 混凝土工奏concreting in freezing weather 冻期灌筑混凝土concreting in lifts 分层灌筑混凝土concreting in site 现场灌筑混凝土concreting outfit 混凝土施工设备concreting paper 混凝土浇筑用纸concreting sequence 混凝土浇注次序concreting skip 混凝土吊斗concreting tower 混凝土浇灌塔concreting train 混凝土列车condensate 冷凝水condensate line 冷凝水管路condensate pump 凝结水泵condensate return pipe 凝结水回收管condensate trap 凝汽筒condensation 凝结condensation heat 凝结热condensation tank 冷凝水槽condenser 冷凝器condensing apparatus 冷凝器condensing pressure 冷凝压力condensing unit 冷凝装置condition of contract 契约条例condition of instability 不稳定性条件condition of labor 劳动条件condition of loading 负载情况conditioned space 空气第空间conditioner 第器conditioning 第conditions of exposure 曝光条件conduction of heat 热传导conductor 导体conduit 水路cone 圆锥cone penetration test 锥体贯入度试验cone penetrometer 圆锥贯入仪cone shell 锥形薄壳cone test 锥体试验confined water 受压水confining bed 不透水层conical broach roof 圆锥形屋盖conical shell 锥形薄壳coniferous forest 针叶林conjugate beam 共轭梁conjugate depths 共轭水深conjugation 结合connecting angle 连接角钢connecting bolt 连接螺栓connecting reinforcement 连接钢筋connection 接头connection dimension 连接尺寸connector 连接端子conoidal shell 劈锥曲面壳conservation 守恒conservation of energy 能量守恒conservation of nature 自然保护consistance 稠度consistency 稠度consistency index 稠度指数consistency test of concrete 混凝土稠度试验consistometer 稠度计console 伸臂consolidation 压实consolidation grouting 固结灌浆consolidation settlement 固结沉降consolidation test 固结试验consolidation test apparatus 固结仪consolidometer 固结仪constant dimension column 等截面柱constant pressure regulator 恒压第器constant pressure valve 恒压阀。
Chapter 1: Understanding the Supply ChainDefinition of SC (consists of All stages involved, directly or indirectly, in fulfilling a customer request); functions in SC;Flows in SC (information, product, funds);The objective of a supply chain;To maximize the overall value generatedHow is SC success measured? (total supply chain profitability, NOT profits at an individual stage) Definition of supply chain management;Involves the management of suply chain assets and product,information and fund flows to maximize total supil chain surplus Decision phases in a supply chain (strategy or design, planning, operations);Learn about decisions (functions) in different phases (Strategic SC decisions: Outsource or insource, Locations and capacities of facilities, Products to be made or stored at various locations, Modes of transportation, Type of information systems; Planning: Forecasting demand, Which market supplied from which location, subcontracting decision, inventory policy; Operations: Allocate inventory or production to individual orders, set a date to fill an order, generate pick lists at warehouse, choose shipping mode and shipment for a specific order);Understand two different process views on SC (cycle view, push/pull view);Four different cycles (Customer order cycle (customer-retailer), Replenishment cycle (retailer-distributor), Manufacturing cycle (distributor-manufacturer), Procurement cycle (manufacturer-supplier));Understand the difference between push view and pull view of SC;Pull processes are initiated by a customer order, whereas push processes are initiated and performed in anticipation of customer ordersDescribe the cycle and push/pull view of a supply chain (Page 29);A cycle view of a supply chain divides processes into cycles,each performed at interface between two succeessive staages of supply chain.each cycle starts with an order placed by one stage of the supply chain and ends when the order is received from the supplier stage.A push/pull view of supply chain characterizes processes based on their timing relative tothat of customer order.Pullprocesses are performed inresponse to acustomer order,whreas push processes are performed in anticipation of customer ordersLearn about three SC macro processes (Customer Relationship Management (CRM):all processes that focus on the interface because the firm and its customers.Internal Supply Chain Management (ISCM):all processes that are internal to the face Supplier Relationship Management (SRM)):all processes that focus on the between the firm and its supliersChapter 2: Supply Chain Performance: Achieving Strategic Fit and ScopeDefinition of Competitive strategy;Relatives to its competitors,the set of competitor needs that it seeks to satisfy through its products and servicesUnderstand SC strategy (include supply strategy”, “operations strategy”, and “logistics strategy”)What is strategic fit? (Consistency between customer priorities of competitive strategy and SC capabilities specified by the SC strategy);three steps to achieve strategic fit;Step 1: different attributes of customer need to be identified (Quantity of product needed in each lot, Response time customers will tolerate, Variety of products needed, Service level required, Price of theproduct, Desired rate of innovation in the product) (Understanding the Customer and Supply Chain Uncertainty);Characteristics of implied demand uncertaintyImplied demand uncertaintyStep 2: understand two dimensions on SC (Responsiveness and efficiency) and trade-off between them; understand "Cost-Responsiveness Efficient Frontier";Step 3: relationship between uncertainty and responsiveness (High (low) implied uncertainty ↔ high (low) responsiveness);Other Issues Affecting Strategic Fit (Multiple products and customer segments, Product life cycle, Competitive changes over time);Different strategic scopes (Intra-operation scope, Intra-functional scope, Inter-functional scope, Inter-company scope, Flexible interfunctional scope)describe the major challenge that must be overcome to manage a SC successfully (作业)Chapter 3: Supply Chain Drivers and MetricsDrivers of supply chain performance and Classification of them (logistical and cross-functional)Trade-off on capacity decision (flexible and dedicate)Functions of cycle inventory, safety inventory, and seasonal inventory; trade-off existing on safety inventory;Definition of Level of product availability; relationship between level of product availability and responsiveness (inventory cost);What is Transportation network?Chapter 4: Designing distribution networks and the applications to online salesWhat is distribution networks?Two aspects (cost and the customer value) impacted by distribution networkWhat are the factors impacting customer value (cos) related to distribution network?relationship between number of facilities and response time, inventory cost; relationship between number of facilities and inbound (outbound) transportation cost;Design options for a distribution network (Manufacturer Storage with Direct Shipping, Manufacturer Storage with Direct Shipping and In-Transit Merge, Distributor Storage with Carrier Delivery, Distributor Storage with Last Mile Delivery, Manufacturer or Distributor Storage with Consumer Pickup, Retail Storage with Customer Pickup);identify different options based on figures (按图识别) and understand their characteristics (mainly on transportation cost and inventory cost);What are the impact of online sale on customer service?Understand relationship between online sale and inventory aggregationimpact of online sale on transportation cost for different types of product (digital or non-digital product)Chapter 5: Network Design in the Supply ChainWhat does network design decision include?Identify factors influencing supply chain network design decision (page 145)What is Positive externalities between firmsHotelling modelDevelop a framework for making network design decision (four stages; page 146)Chapter 7: Demand Forecasting in a Supply ChainLearn about the decisions in a SC that impacted by demand forecast;Compare aggregate forecast and disaggregate forecast;What are the influencing factors on forecast?Four different forecasting methods and their characteristics;Components of demand (Systematic component (level, trend, and seasonality; Random component) (Page 217);Three different ways of calculating systematic component in Time-series forecating method (Multiplicative, Additive, mixed); Understand the forecasting process in the third way (mixed) by considering seasonal factor;What's the difference between static methods and adaptive forecasting?Characteristic of Moving Average time-series forecasting method;Chapter 8: Aggregate Planning in the Supply ChainCharacteristics of aggregate planning;What is the aggregate planning problem?Learn about three different aggregate planning strategies (Chase strategy, Flexibility strategy, Level strategy) and their characteristics;Describe the information needed for an aggregate plan (page 241)Explain the basic trade-offs when creating an aggregate planning (page 241)Aggregate planning using linear programming (识别决策变量,构建线性规划的目标函数和约束条件,列出详细的建模过程;不需要求解)Chapter 11: Managing Economies of Scale in the Supply Chain: Cycle InventoryWhy does cycle inventory exist? Definition of cycle inventory;Calculation equation of Average flow time;Relationship between cycle inventory and order lot sizeBenefits of lowing cycle inventoryWhat's the tradeoff in deciding optimal lot size?Calculation of lot size for single product (EOQ; Example 11.1)Calculation of lot size for single product by considering limited production abilityCalculation on aggregating multiple products in a single order (订货成本固定,库存持有成本相同) Calculation on lot sizing with multiple products or customers (订货成本随成本种类变化而变化,库存持有成本不同; Example 11-3); comparing aggregation and disaggregation;Difference between all-unit quantity discount and marginal unit quantity discount;Calculation of EOQ for all-unit quantity discountChapter 12 Managing Uncertainty in a Supply Chain: Safety InventoryUnderstand the role of safety inventory in a SC (Page 359);Fundamental trade-off on safety inventory;Identify the factors influencing the required level of safety inventory (Page 359);Understand the three measurements on availability (product fill rate, order fill rate, and cycle service level); Difference between continuous review policy and periodic review policy;Example 12-1: Evaluating safety inventoryExample 12-2: Evaluating cycle service levelExample 12-3: Evaluating Fill RateExample 12-4: Evaluating safety inventory given CSLExample 12-5: Evaluating safety inventory given desired frRelationship between safety inventory level and different factors (desired product availability, replenishment lead time, the standard deviation of periodic demand, supply uncertainty)Example 12-7: Impact of correlation on value of aggregationChapter 14: Transportation in the Supply ChainDifferent types of transportation modes in a SC and their characteristicsLearn about different parties in transportationtypical applications of intermodal transportationDesign options for a transportation network (Direct shipping network to a single destination, Direct shipping with milk runs, All shipments via central DC with storage, All shipments via central DC with cross docking, Shipping via DC using milk runs) and their characteristics (application circumstance)。
Cross-Border E-commerce智慧树知到答案章节测试2023年浙江工商大学
第一章测试1.One of E-Commerce’s characteristics is trade chain is flatten.( )A:错B:对答案:B第二章测试1.Which of the following is NOT a valid payment tool in China nowadays? ()。
A:Digital cashB:Mobile walletC:BitcoinD:Check答案:C2.Which of the following is NOT a tool for risk management? ()。
A:swapsB:corporate bondC:optionsD:futures答案:B3.Which of the followings are indicators evaluating individual creditworthiness()。
A:capacityB:collateralC:characterD:confidence答案:ABC4.Which of the followings are elements of risk()。
A:outcomeB:priceC:probabilityD:loss答案:AC5.Letter of credit is based on commercial credit while collection is based onbank credit.()A:错B:对答案:A第三章测试1.Which tool can develop and mine and track keywords?( )A:Google TrendsB:Google analysisC:KeywordSpyD:Alexa答案:C2.If watches are very popular, you can find a matching watch strap forcustomers. This kind of method is ( )A:tree diagramB:Relevant ProductsC:Hit Price RangeD:Social Media答案:B3.Which of the following are B2C import platforms?( )A:VIPSB:Tmall InternationalC:XiaohongshuD:DHgateE:Koala答案:ABCE4.External data generated by markets and industries other than theenterprise( )A:对B:错答案:A5.The first word of the Amazon Listing title is the largest traffic entry( )A:错B:对答案:B第四章测试1.Under the CIF rule, which of the following obligations is not required of theseller?()。
第2章 生产能力与负荷分析
第一节 生产计划 (Production Planning)
生产计划的体系 (System of Production Plan) 生产计划的指标 (Targets of Production Plan) 期量标准 (Time & Quantity Standards)
生产计划(Production Plan)
纯策略 1、改变库 存水平 2、改变人 力数量 3、改变工 作时间
优点 缺点 人 力 需 要 量 不 变 或 渐 库 存 费用 高; 高需 求 时 变;生产起伏没有或小。 可 能 出 现 严 重 缺 货 损 失。 没 有 或较 少的 库存 、 加 雇 、 解费 用较 高; 对 企 班、停工、外包费用。 业形象影响较坏。 没 有 雇、 解费 用; 可 弥 补 短 期的 小幅 度和 部 分 弥 补 较大 幅度 的需 求 波 动。 有 较 高的 伸缩 性; 可 利 用 买 或做 的成 本优 势 , 用于局部装配。 可 避 免加 班或 外包 ; 保 持生产的稳定。
(2)中期的综合生产计划,而不涉及具 体的种类。
总量计划的策略(Strategies )
(1)纯策略(Pure Strategy) 改变人力数量 改变工作时间 改变库存水平 外包 延迟交货 (2)混合策略(Mixed Strategy)
有效生产能力 (Effective Capacity)
在最大生产能力的基础上,考虑到具 体的产品组合、一定的生产进度计划 方法、设备维修和一定的质量要求等 因素,作出相应的扣除而得到的生产 能力。
4. Explain the basic trade-offs to consider when creating an aggregate plan.
5. Formulate and solve basic aggregate planning problems using Microsoft Excel.
Percentage Share of Units Sold
15Βιβλιοθήκη Table 8-1Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall.
the aggregate unit and identifying capacity
and production times
• Account for activities such as setups and
Copyright ©2013 Pearson Education, Inc. publishing as Prentice Hall.
供应链管理第一章理解供应链✧从“纵向一体化”向“横向一体化”转化Vertical Integration Horizontal Integration✧应链管理模式的目标:供应链整体价值最大化Objective:maximize the overall value generated✧供应链盈余= 顾客价值—供应链成本Supply Chain Surplus = Customer Value — Supply Chain Cost✧供应链管理模式的特征1.以顾客满意为核心。
✧供应链的决策阶段Decision Phases in a Supply Chain(1)战略性决策(Supply chain strategy or design),即战略层(2)供应链规划(Supply Chain Planning),即计划层(3)供应链运作(Supply Chain Operation),即运作层✧供应链的流程观点Process View of a Supply Chain环节法分析(cycle view )P11(中文)Cycle view clearly defines processes involved and the owners of each process. Specifies the roles and responsibilities of each member and the desired outcome of each process。
推/拉法分析(Push/pull view )P13(中文)P24(英文)第二章供应链绩效(Supply chain performance)✧成本(盈利水平)—Operation服务水平(响应速度)—Customer experience质量—Quality、创新—Innovation✧竞争战略的设计基础是:顾客的偏好(customer's priorities)✧竞争战略的定位目标是:一个或多个顾客市场(one or more customer segments)✧竞争战略的目的是:提供满足顾客需求的产品和服务,占据竞争优势(provide products and services that will satisfy these customers’ needs)✧如何赢得战略匹配(How is strategic fit achieved?)1.理解顾客和供应链不确定性(Understanding the customer and supply chain uncertainty)明确顾客群的需要,确定潜在需求不确定性(客户的和供应链的)。
供应链管理习题 (8)
Supply Chain Management, 5e (Chopra/Meindl)Chapter 8 Aggregate Planning in a Supply Chain8.1 True/False Questions1) The goal of aggregate planning is to satisfy demand in a way that minimizes profit. Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting2) Aggregate planning is a process by which a company determines levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and even pricing over a specified time horizon. Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting3) Aggregate planning solves problems involving aggregate decisions rather than stock keeping unit (SKU) level decisions.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting4) Traditionally, much of aggregate planning is focused within an enterprise and may not always be seen as a part of supply chain management.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting5) Aggregate planning is an important supply chain issue because, to be effective, it requires inputs from throughout the supply chain, but its results have little impact on the supply chain. Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting6) Short-term production serves as a broad blueprint for operations and establishes the parameters within which aggregate planning decisions are made.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting7) The aggregate planning problem is concerned with determining the production level, inventory level, and capacity level (internal and outsourced) for each period that maximizes the firm's profit over the planning horizon.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting8) To create an aggregate plan, a company must specify the planning horizon for the plan and the duration of each period within the planning horizon.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting9) A planning horizon is usually between three and five years.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting10) A poor aggregate plan can result in improved sales and profits if the available inventory and capacity are unable to meet demand.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting11) A poor aggregate plan may result in a large amount of excess inventory and capacity, thereby raising costs.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting12) The aggregate planner must make a trade-off between capacity, inventory, and backlog costs. Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting13) An aggregate plan that increases one cost typically results in the increase of the other two. Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting14) Most strategies that an aggregate planner actually uses are in combination, and are referred to as hybrid strategies.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting15) A highly effective tool for a company to use when it tries to maximize profits while being subjected to a series of constraints is aggregate programming.Answer: FALSEDiff: 3Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming16) To improve the quality of these aggregate plans, forecast errors must be taken into account when formulating aggregate plans.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming17) Forecasting errors are dealt with in aggregate plans using either safety backlog or safety capacity.Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming18) Safety inventory is defined as inventory held to satisfy demand that is higher than forecasted. Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming19) Safety capacity is defined as capacity used to satisfy demand that is lower than forecasted. Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming20) Companies should work with downstream partners to produce forecasts and with upstream partners to determine constraints when doing aggregate planning.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming21) Given that forecasts are always wrong to some degree, the aggregate plan needs to have some flexibility built into it if it is to be useful.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming22) A manager should perform sensitivity analysis on the inputs into an aggregate plan to choose the best solution for the range of possibilities that could occur.Answer: TRUEDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming23) As inputs into the aggregate plan change, managers do not need to make changes to the aggregate plan.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming24) As capacity utilization increases, it becomes less important to perform aggregate planning. Answer: FALSEDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming25) Aggregate planning is a process by which a company determines planned levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and even pricing over a specified time horizon. Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting26) The goal of aggregate planning is to build a plan that satisfies demand while maximizing profit.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting27) The goal of aggregate planning is to build a plan that satisfies demand while minimizing downtime.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting28) Linear programming finds the solution that creates the highest profit while satisfying most of the constraints that a company faces.Answer: FALSEDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming29) Linear programming finds the solution that creates the highest profit while satisfying the constraints that a company faces.Answer: TRUEDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming8.2 Multiple Choice Questions1) The process by which a company determines levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and even pricing over a specified time horizon isA) aggregate planning.B) detail planning.C) inventory planning.D) sales planning.E) all of the aboveAnswer: ADiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting2) The goal of aggregate planning is toA) dissatisfy customers in a way that maximizes profit.B) dissatisfy customers in a way that minimizes profit.C) satisfy demand in a way that maximizes profit.D) satisfy demand in a way that minimizes profit.E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting3) Aggregate planning solves problems involvingA) aggregate decisions and stock keeping unit (SKU) level decisions.B) aggregate decisions or stock keeping unit (SKU) level decisions.C) aggregate decisions rather than stock keeping unit (SKU) level decisions.D) stock keeping unit (SKU) level decisions rather than aggregate decisions.E) B and C onlyAnswer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting4) Aggregate planning, to be effective, requires inputs fromA) all customers.B) all departments.C) all suppliers.D) throughout the supply chain.E) throughout the company.Answer: DDiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting5) Much of aggregate planning has traditionally been focusedA) on short-term production scheduling.B) on customer relationship management.C) within an enterprise.D) beyond enterprise boundaries.E) all of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting6) The operational parameter concerned with the number of units completed per unit time (such as per week or per month) isA) production rate.B) workforce.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: ADiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting7) The operational parameter concerned with the number of workers/units of capacity needed for production isA) production rate.B) workforce.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: BDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting8) The operational parameter concerned with the amount of overtime production planned isA) production rate.B) workforce.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting9) The operational parameter concerned with demand not satisfied in the period in which it arises, but carried over to future periods isA) production rate.B) workforce.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: DDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting10) The operational parameter concerned with the planned inventory carried over the various periods in the planning horizon isA) production rate.B) workforce.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: EDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting11) The operational parameter concerned with the number of units of machine capacity needed for production isA) machine capacity level.B) subcontracting.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: ADiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting12) The operational parameter concerned with the subcontracted capacity required over the planning horizon isA) machine capacity level.B) subcontracting.C) overtime.D) backlog.E) inventory on hand.Answer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting13) Aggregate planning is concerned with determiningA) the production level, sales level, and capacity for each period.B) the demand level, inventory level, and capacity for each period.C) the production level, inventory level, and capacity for each period.D) the production level, staffing level, and capacity for each period. Answer: CDiff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting14) The planning horizon isA) the time period over which the aggregate plan is to produce a solution.B) the duration of each time period in the aggregate plan.C) the length of time required to produce the aggregate plan.D) the solution to the aggregate plan.Answer: ADiff: 1Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting15) The length of the planning horizon is usually betweenA) one and three months.B) three and eighteen months.C) one and three years.D) three and five years.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting16) Which of the following is not information needed by the aggregate planner?A) Demand forecast for each period in the planning horizonB) Production costsC) Labor costsD) Cost of subcontracting productionE) Cost of changing the demand forecastAnswer: EDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting17) Which of the following is not a cost of changing capacity?A) Cost of adding machine capacityB) Cost of hiring workforceC) Cost of laying off workforceD) Cost of overtimeE) Cost of reducing machine capacityAnswer: DDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting18) Which of the following is not a constraint the aggregate planner needs to consider?A) Limits on stockouts and backlogsB) Limits on overtimeC) Limits on sales commissionsD) Limits on layoffsE) Limits on capital availableAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting19) A poor aggregate plan can result inA) appropriate inventory levels.B) efficient use of capacity.C) better sales and lost profits.D) lost sales and lost profits.E) lost sales and better profits.Answer: DDiff: 3Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting20) The fundamental trade-offs available to an aggregate planner are betweenA) capability, inventory, and backlog costs.B) capability, inventory, and sales costs.C) capacity, inventory, and backlog costs.D) capacity, inventory, and sales costs.Answer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting21) Which of the following is not a distinct aggregate planning strategy for achieving balance between capacity, inventory, and backlog costs?A) Adjustable strategyB) Chase strategyC) Level strategyD) Mixed strategyE) Time flexible strategyAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting22) The strategy where the production rate is synchronized with the demand rate by varying machine capacity or hiring and laying off employees as the demand rate varies is theA) adjustable strategy.B) Chase strategy.C) level strategy.D) mixed strategy.E) time flexible strategy.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting23) The strategy where workforce (capacity) is kept stable but the number of hours worked is varied over time in an effort to synchronize production with demand is theA) adjustable strategy.B) Chase strategy.C) level strategy.D) mixed strategy.E) time flexible strategy.Answer: EDiff: 2Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting24) The strategy where a stable machine capacity and workforce are maintained with a constant output rate, with inventory levels fluctuating over time, is theA) adjustable strategy.B) Chase strategy.C) level strategy.D) mixed strategy.E) time flexible strategy.Answer: CDiff: 3Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting25) Most strategies that an aggregate planner actually uses are in combination and are referred to as theA) adjustable strategy.B) Chase strategy.C) level strategy.D) mixed strategy.E) time flexible strategy.Answer: DDiff: 1Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting26) A highly effective tool for a company to use when it tries to maximize profits while being subjected to a series of constraints isA) aggregate programming.B) distribution programming.C) production programming.D) linear programming.E) manufacturing programming.Answer: DDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming27) When formulating aggregate plans,A) forecast errors have no impact.B) forecast errors must be taken into account.C) forecast accuracy is assumed.D) forecast accuracy is not a factor.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming28) Forecasting errors are dealt with usingA) safety backlog.B) safety capacity.C) safety inventory.D) all of the aboveE) B and C onlyAnswer: EDiff: 2Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming29) Inventory held to satisfy demand that is higher than forecasted isA) safety backlog.B) safety capacity.C) safety inventory.D) safety sales.E) safety workforce.Answer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming30) Capacity used to satisfy demand that is higher than forecasted isA) safety backlog.B) safety capacity.C) safety inventory.D) safety sales.E) safety workforce.Answer: BDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming31) Which of the following is an approach a company can use to create a buffer for forecast error using safety inventory?A) OvertimeB) Carry extra workforce permanentlyC) Build and carry extra inventoriesD) SubcontractingE) Purchase capacity or product from an open or spot marketAnswer: ADiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming32) Which of the following is not an approach a company can use to create a buffer for forecast error using safety capacity?A) OvertimeB) Carry extra workforce permanentlyC) Build and carry extra inventoriesD) SubcontractingE) Purchase capacity or product from an open or spot marketAnswer: CDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming33) Aggregate planning should consider information fromA) only the enterprise as its breadth of scope.B) downstream partners to produce forecasts.C) upstream partners to determine constraints.D) all of the aboveE) B and C onlyAnswer: DDiff: 1Topic: 8.4 Aggregate Planning Using Linear ProgrammingLearning Outcome: Apply the basic concepts of linear programming34) The quality of the aggregate plan can be improved by using information fromA) only the local firm.B) only downstream partners.C) only upstream partners.D) all parts of the supply chain.E) none of the aboveAnswer: BDiff: 2Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting35) The aggregate plan should be communicated toA) only the local firm.B) only downstream partners.C) only upstream partners.D) all supply chain partners who will be affected by it.E) none of the aboveAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting36) The aggregate plan needs toA) be a final product because changes are disruptive to the supply chain.B) be considered fixed because forecasts are usually accurate.C) have some flexibility built into it because forecasts are always wrong.D) have some flexibility built into it because forecasts are usually right. Answer: CDiff: 2Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting37) How frequently should the aggregate plan be rerun?A) WeeklyB) MonthlyC) Every 3 to 8 monthsD) As inputs to the aggregate plan changeAnswer: DDiff: 3Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting38) As capacity utilization increases,A) it becomes less important to perform aggregate planning.B) it becomes more important to perform aggregate planning.C) it does not affect the importance of performing aggregate planning.D) it lessens the importance of aggregate planning.Answer: BDiff: 2Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting39) A ________ is the time period over which the aggregate plan is to produce asolution–usually between 3 and 18 months.A) planning horizonB) time windowC) look aheadD) freeze windowAnswer: ADiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting40) An aggregate planner requires information on constraints. Which of the following is one of the typical constraints for an aggregate planner?A) Inventory holding costB) Labor/machine hours required per unitC) Stockout or backlog costD) Limits on overtimeAnswer: DDiff: 2Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting41) ________ is used to determine customer service levels.A) Inventory heldB) Backlog/stockout quantityC) Workforce hired/laid offD) Machine capacity increase/decreaseAnswer: BDiff: 3Topic: 8.2 The Aggregate Planning ProblemLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting42) Which of the following is not one of the fundamental trade-offs available to a planner?A) Capacity (regular time, overtime, subcontracted)B) InventoryC) Warehouse availabilityD) Backlog/lost sales because of delayAnswer: CDiff: 3Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting43) There are essentially three distinct aggregate planning strategies for achieving balance between costs. Which of the following is not one of these?A) Chase strategy–using capacity as the leverB) Flexibility strategy–using utilization as the leverC) Level strategy–using inventory as the leverD) Response strategy–using utilization as the leverAnswer: DDiff: 3Topic: 8.3 Aggregate Planning StrategiesAACSB: Analytic SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting44) Which of the following is not a dimension along which IT can add value in the aggregate planning realm?A) The ability to handle large problemsB) The ability to handle complex problemsC) The ability to guarantee optimal solutionsD) The ability to interact with other core IT systemsAnswer: CDiff: 2Topic: 8.7 The Role of IT in Aggregate PlanningAACSB: Use of Information TechnologyLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting45) Which is not reasonable when implementing aggregate planning in practice?A) Think beyond the enterprise to the entire supply chain.B) Make plans flexible, because most forecasts are accurate.C) Rerun the aggregate plan as new data emerge.D) Use aggregate planning as capacity utilization increases.Answer: BDiff: 1Topic: 8.8 Implementing Aggregate Planning in PracticeAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting8.3 Essay Questions1) Discuss the primary objective and operational parameters of aggregate planning.Answer: The goal of aggregate planning is to satisfy demand in a way that maximizes profit. Aggregate planning is a process by which a company determines levels of capacity, production, subcontracting, inventory, stockouts, and even pricing over a specified time horizon. The aggregate planner's main objective is to identify the following operational parameters over the specified time horizon:∙Production rate: the number of units completed per unit time (such as per week or per month). ∙Workforce: the number of workers/units of capacity needed for production.∙Overtime: the amount of overtime production planned.∙Machine capacity level: the number of units of machine capacity needed for production.∙Subcontracting: the subcontracted capacity required over the planning horizon.∙Backlog: demand not satisfied in the period in which it arises but carried over to future periods. ∙Inventory on hand: the planned inventory carried over the various periods in the planning horizon.The aggregate plan serves as a broad blueprint for operations and establishes the parameters within which short-term production and distribution decisions are made. The aggregate plan allows the supply chain to alter capacity allocations and change supply contracts.Diff: 2Topic: 8.1 The Role of Aggregate Planning in a Supply ChainAACSB: Reflective Thinking SkillsLearning Outcome: Describe major approaches to forecasting。
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Advantages of Chase Strategy
• Reduced inventory costs. • High levels of worker utilization.
Disadvantages of Chase Method
• Cost of fluctuating workforce levels. • Potential damage to employee morale.
Goal of Aggregate Planning
• To develop a realistic production plan on an aggregate level that will satisfy organizational goals and customer demand needs at the lowest total cost.
Aggregate Planning: htm. Russell, Roberta S. and Bernard W. Taylor III. Operations Management. New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 2000. Stevenson, William J. Production / Operations
Chase vs. Level (cont.)
Quarter Demand Forecast 1 100,000 2 90,000 3 130,000 4 160,000 Hiring cost = $300 Firing cost = $500 Inventory carrying cost = $1.50 per unit per quarter Production per employee = 400 units per quarter Beginning workforce = 300 workers
Advantage of Level Strategy
• Worker levels and production output are stable.
Disadvantages of Level Strategy
• High inventory costs. • Increased labor costs.
Capacity and Demand
• If capacity and demand are nearly equal emphasis should be placed on meeting demand as efficiently as possible. • If capacity is grater than demand the firm might chose promotion and advertising in order to increase demand. • If capacity is less than demand the firm might consider subcontracting a portion of the work load.
Chase Method of Aggregate Planning
Kevin Craner OPERMGT 345 Boise State University
• What is aggregate planning? • What are the inputs to aggregate planning? • Strategies for meeting demand • Principles of chase demand and level production • Advantages/Disadvantages • Practical exercise
Massachusetts: Irwin, 1993.
Principles of the Chase Method
• The chase method helps firms match production and demand by hiring and firing workers as necessary to control output
Principles of a Level Production Method
Level Production Strategy
• Cost of strategy – holding items in inventory. • Tends to be the preferred strategy of many organizations, including labor unions.
Available Strategies for Meeting Demand
• • • • • • Chase demand Level production Subcontracting Overtime/Undertime Employing temporary workers Backordering
Aggregate Planning
• Aggregate planning is an intermediate planning method used to determine the necessary resource capacity a firm will need in order to meet its expected demand.
• Aggregate production planning is a vital tool to aid firms in balancing supply and demand. • All possible strategies should be considered initially and then eliminated based on cost and organizational policy. • While pure strategies such as chase demand and level production may work for some firms, most tend to use a mixed strategy.
Chase Demand Strategy
• Cost of strategy – hiring and firing workers • This strategy would not be feasible for industries which require highly skilled labor or where competition for labor is fierce. • This strategy would be cost effective during periods of high unemployment or when low-skilled labor is acceptable.
Brainstorming Exercise
• Does your firm currently use aggregate production planning? – If so, which strategy for meeting demand is being used and why? – If not, should the firm be using aggregate production planning and which strategy should be used? • What benefits could aggregate production planning provide your firm?
Hershey’s (cont.)
• When demand drops in the spring and summer months the farmers are let go and thus able to return the their fields.
Chase vs. Level
• The level method allows for a constant rate of production and uses inventory levels to absorb fluctuations in demand.
Graph of Level vs. Chase Strategy
Inputs to Aggregate Planning
• • • • Determine demand for each period. Determine capacities for each period. Determine pertinent companased on all relevant sources. • Develop alternative plans and calculate the cost for each. • Chose the best overall plan based on company objectives and cost.